OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, November 05, 1910, Last Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1910-11-05/ed-1/seq-7/

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I t
n oo r r U i
I i IC iftIRUM t91ifijfinV1 >
1 rJ Pnc os iM r j
The r gr l h J
ket fol RpmaIl1tI
I J1 Year 5 f
onllijiif October Miiwctf n Olifihc
Improvement iihl11
tor or Collections11
The past wcokijn financial cIrcles i lsi
been one without special features Tlio j
hlnJ bank dealings those ofrtho continue i correspondingdays ftoshow > Upbe
of list ycir butUhoJpresldcntiof I1 iCil
the laigest banks JnJitfllHcitV oxtjj1111 i
Oils as lareely sduo to the extensive1
padding engaged if l year by a
number of tho localbanks but o whlcfi
Hits vcnr has been luigefy eliminated
lj more sensible Ideas i So while It
may bo rather quiet tat Ipresent 01
money circles thCjdlffcrencoiils by no
means wholly duo loishilnkago ot
business The demand for money Is
filrlv stcadyft the call coming from
Ftockmcn i mostly There la promlso 0 fli
close maikct tfor thojremnant r of sthe
vcnr as taxes are eomliigvlnTand tin f
date of nnlI distributiontothe publlc
Institutions wlllpnot come forseveral r
weeks yet Bufiwhcn thcae moneys uie
put In circulation conditions will bo
easier t =
Henry Clewslnhls clrcularylcttoi ot
IhH week says
So far rns r the gcncial situationla
concerned the leal tendency Is towaids
Improvement Tbo Interior Is already i
beginning to feel the stimulus of a < ial
llnnlng is lilitl uioC1ifs
I fsfictory luirvcst The west icul
looso from polltlcsusepms unconcerned
about tho money oiitlook and > lsj al
together lnfa decldcdly moro hopeful
J frame of mlndj < Thejlrccebslomlntliusl f
ness at thb vvcat > has beeninuch lighter
thin at tha east and thcvBeneril fecl
I Iner In that section Is that the tide has
tinned and that from now on improve
ment will be Inordei At the c I 11
< oiilitlons are J generally satlsfactoiy
chlclly becauseof the > gencml profith
l ii Jlicrojls a
r lII7cI IncottoiyBrowlng
slngularlnbscnco ofcdmplalnts of any
Kind con that quarter In the east i
v here depression > luus been much the
Kccncsl the ndlcatlonsjof revival me
I becoming more pronounced Trade Is
still below tllc1 volumol of several pie
ccdlng jcars nufhoie tiw ire lndl
willons ot a tuin In the tide i Tho steel
bid ittry hiust still bo considered onu
of our best tiado barometeis ILl
staled that only KPpei cent oCUlo
Wist furnace ariacll1CItlie great
Steel Corpoiutlon Is now belng iperat
d In variousdirections however
slcns f1 tit f mc ll are multiplying I
Iho Inquiry for pig Iron dining the
last week Jill 8 shown i decided rovivals
r ludicitlm that Industrial cslabllsh
mcnls sec better times 1aih1IIOIC
over bofoie very long tho railroads aie
likely lo enter the market as linger
purchasers and their transactions aio
I always tho most Important and signifi
cant factors In the steel Industrj
for many nionths tho railroads bavo
curtailed purohaM1 andposlpiined nn
t provpmonts as for us possible buelr
conomy cannot KO on lndefinltelyaiid
rre long vvearolikelv tobcolinaecuinu
Jttlon of orders thai TvllI Impart nld
time activity toolllRlct1 mills Fnr
reasonH of their own Iho rnlhoads luivo
further delayed tho placing ot oidori
uritll having1 homo Idea nM > to whit tho
oiitcomo would bo of theirclaims foi
bftlor rale beforo Ihe l Intorslalecom
inlsslon Theso elclslons l11r yb2 ex
pccted soon after tl o elections iJ lnli
pinbiblllty tho iiJIroads will obtain
tmno concessions while traffic Ivas
be < n so well sustained In splto ot the
i Comforting Wards
i >
i Milii n halt tnkccily Hoiiclioltl Will
Vlnd Them So 7
To have thepains and aches of > a
bad back removed to boontlreljifrco
from annoying < dangerous urllinry
ellsordors enough to make any kid
ney sufferer grateful To tell how this
Krcat change can be brought about
will nrovn comforting wordp to hun
dreds of Salt Lako City readera
Samuel Colcman Third AVard i Heb
er Utah says Tlvo jcarH flIgo0jI
btKan to Hiiffcr from klilnov complaint
I bad pains across tho 1 inIoiJ my
back and tho kldjiey secretions bo
cune Irregular ln piissige As7 tlmo
piujscd my i condition grow iVvorsoVnnd
I VMIS so mlscrablethatmyllfo vvas
n burjlcn About two ycarsi ago
Don 11S Kidney PJHs wore br i lrtid
mv attention ami rlffbeganiithlelr < usc
Thc helped mo Jr fit tliQ firBt i nnlly
It Ian > long beforo IivTaiT curtsd
1 hnd previously l Yrlod niany other
kidney remedleslbut hadjnotVrcceTved
relief and 1i ynl1 thuacoininced of
the merits ot DdansIKldnoyiPllls Tho
euro they crtecfeifiTiaa beoTiVPorman
ent i s t J < i1r
F r l1 l t y i t i i r fir ii
eNI s oslell1IIUUtll Co 13 rr l i
Cr olltsiJ1 1 i ii lili toriih lUi ll cF
Stalest take ItPinember no other Ihotiiamo Dohnsiaml j
2a s ffpalter Cha 4br TJnitei S
IIfJ t i
1 i OrTAtlonlakn ai 80 m nlnllh dlim
F j pr v tCO O llnM pOMlhroush polottof < ual kil if
Horninui otdollMlmii > nuitr < ihi riiUof Qult ni i
1 i l r > tiiroitl r lllbnilr i > noiiVfoicit < > riirailn > WYnncllo t
iBlMBOIilntllcsloMolof we lh1 Q IJi parth
eloudji Q cloudri tllni 09 report ml tDB Local Forecast
iioa at III lb t Kllut ngur minimum IBMpflrBlora
I i 2 hou n hO Ut Iralllit ua Ollb
Itlttolwmll p r botircr mon
tonight and Sunday
tonight roi > Kalt and Lake Sunday Qlt > oiul Utah h ire
Ii Die Atlantic coast to nil ha tnoxtd
7iorthward nlonff tho cojjit and Its cen
ter this morning Is ftIi iliussachu
lictfsi coast clt was attended by lalns
In the noitheasl Thc mnthwcst and I
taitein hlRh pressure arei hae joined
formhiK Immense area ot high pres I
suiococrlng the entire cot nltt west
recent depicsslon In f 1 r litILd idln fl
rates haxe not been tit any tlma seri
ously Impel Hied
JJcforeeiy J lontr funds I1I hcciin to
rduin from tho rgrlcultunil distrlcl iI
i and jivcsttrn farmers It Is siM 1 tj
boiioujnif thl > em less than usual
Wcstcin bankeis stem to anticipate a
plethoui of Idle funds i net mtei
> Iilch me ins that money will ultlmitc
jliio accuinuJate lit thll cpnter and brinu
In loner rales and rising bahlr ie cref
In the bond maiKcl ll ere has been con
ildciablo linpruomnt and thn out
j I ook Is now inoio hopuful than foi somo
ilmo pas I a I althousih III iccent decline
hi stocks 1ms tcmpoimlly checkt 1 ihe
ucbtjncnl jlemand
The haiduaic irade icpoits that Oc
lobelwnsa maikcd Inipioveincnt In thu
5 Itul l i IiI t i of collections altlmiiuli
lies WCIP not as lively os they mfslit
HIM been rh lolsl healthful feeing
ng In the tiailc1 especially with icgaid
t o the nun yeai Tho trade at lireseit
1 s ciilllMff for staples and HIHiifr In
U ideis lint nlicn simppliiK cold weather
omcs thero Is sum to be a bis dciniinil
or slocs and heaterH ornll kinds
Jut at piosmit Uio unusually mild cll
l iilcs holding back that branch ot
1 ho tunic The tiiffle In skates cool
ers sleds niidt holiday goods Is starling
In pncouriglngly Anngieenblo feature
of the maikotls thoguodbuslncs now
being done In heavy mining niichlli
ciy One prominent local 111 nl that of
the Gullgliei Machinery company has
iccclved bv ahlir from a Spanish min
ing company a laigo order for heuy
niiclilnciy which Is being shipped
The liimbei trade icpoits that the
Ill II i d lnie sidetracking suing aftci
Mtrlng of cats loaded wjthnonperishuble
Height to mako way foi gialn crop car
riage which gieatly Interferes with
the lumber Iralllc Then tho Jobbing
marktt Is escn fmther down than was
anticipated This > Iirat sciylilcc
bfol tho consumer hut foi Hie manu 1
facturer nn lIhol > salih11 Is rather
l iipr sshiiTho cement market In
about all In for the Heimon l ildllt4
soon as hard cold weithei comes It
will end entirely until spilng
The wholesale dry goods tiado repoiU
locally that tho advance sales C spring
arifjietter thnn last season w t lin de
mand for zephyis cottons In special
lines iliess goods and ginghams Gen I
eral trade has been affected somewhat I
unfavorably by the unseasonably open I
weather which Is too mild for heay
weight goods so trade In seasonaWo
lines Is later than usual In the gen
eral market jobbeis teport prices as
ilslng stendllv with hlghor quotations
on cotton fabrics Wholesale stocks
nr > > low but the demand Is broadening
Then Is a Hteidv sale of griy goods
Wholesale s In the west report the do
mand for staple print goods Is gtowlng
steadily and fancy prints ot wulous
kinds are firmer being ordered more
freely Gingham specialties me strong
The olume of voiles grenadines mai
qulsets zephyis and other sheet light
weight woven fabrics called spring
wasji goods arc going well The knit
goods outlook Is unsatisfactory ns
tufdo icqulrements mo Inuoaslng
wjillis buy eis are unwilling to meet
pi Ices based on costs Thoio to bo
a further ndvnncoon linens owing to
iilgh jirlced lax w III tho new crop pool
In quality The burlap supply In In
sufficient Thero Is u slackening In silk
ilemand itho bulk of Initial spilng nr
rlors placed by buyers llunlness hi
silks Is spotty not wholly satlsfactoi >
with prices of piece goods stiffening
1 1i nmAII ur1I
The ictall trade repoita Unit up to
nlthln fUio last neck business was
mtlbfactoryS but tho advent ot the
tas I wiiek beforo election has t turned
Jio attention of people to things olhoi
hau things commeiclal t so business Is
c C
= Lf
D I < 1CP IJIJ I W df U
< <
d L
+ I1t0 tJ JlCiltot i
iYh libJ J Jft1 9 t eItqjprt js soJligh
ShoulLweu fhlChkWliClC eLc s iVe tl u st7
JJjJ c JJD lgi l t i it ti L l iliQle Q t
thOl C 1S 8mC stll1 my q lfel I o < nr lt glye
01 fli ltQ 319l l lfj li l Jj Q i q 9jiit 1t1C lpt
las aJ tl 11jtcsioJtf f l J ttQl ih th i J fil s
and y d f t if 1Jcitr9 l 1fVj Jd iF t2t ihr j oji
1 t Cl t 9J lj 2r Wl p Jq J S 1 1 LJ tpJl l gl
g F P51 eml 9 1 1 l O JJ ill cg g1r It I Wl1
PP11i J W J r f11 yQ w g t Jg R1 gj o t
i SJ 1 1i c Son J QqJ13at QC > 1 lQJfinSQ 30Qr1
1WOloLem SJlWi 3Q9qQ J m ltv I1 t
1 qfl mp q lhWit11 J1jI II
II I 1
11 I i t M 1 1
r I j
lSmSIiIgr < Ja1 LQe u i
gf51i lfstrroi ird jSo iwi1fiiretiichf c j1 i 1
2B n < 7 Fj55ii L I TBR k Ej f 1 nah3145 1
fI 2
of the Mississippi ilvcr 1 tis coldei In
tho Hoqky mountain states and tnst
iward thereof to tho Mississippi rivet
An nrfi of low pressure Is appealing In
tho extreme noithwest uccompancd by
rising tempenitnres
Kalr wcathci IB Indicated for this vi
cinity tonight and Sunday t
The highest tcinpoialuro yesteidny
wji1 4i degrees the mean was II or 4
degrees below normal The lowest this
nioniliig was 33 degiecs The tcmpua
nol so nelly o However the nceks
trade Js uhmd of last yeas iecoul
The cill foi snlta Is quite stiong in <
seclal lines In underwear the mild
weUhcr his letarded trade but with
the nthCnloCcollllhl demand w111
stiffen Theie Is a fair call for silks
Mi Otto Iaul 5IlhvuiKce WIs says
KolejK ITonev arid Tar Nstlll mole
lllnlhe best He wrltes us All
those that bought It think It IStiio
best for coughs and coIdB tIey even <
had and I think 1tfs still more than
the best Our baby had m bad cold
and It cured him In onu day 1Ieiso
accept thanks SchiumniJohnson
Drug Co
Tho week has been rather dull in
local > locks almost tho entire activity
havingbeen Iii the sugars All the
factories mo iunnlng Bmoolhly and
the open vscithei ot tho last month
nunnH that ono of the larprest dlsbuiij
nicnls to the farmois In the hls
toty Hof the hulutiy ivlll lake
place Nov j5i vhrn tho October beii
dcllvciks vjll ba iiald iorby the sev
eral sugar roinpiuics 1ieci l led s
will all be close r by tbo end of tho
jiifcnt iiHintli Hid tbo final disburse
mi nl to tho fanners 1111 take I > licu
Dec Ifi The boit dlsbuisiMnpnts aia
ovptctcd lo cxetlsa a favorable Influ
entu on tbo tight money condition
whllh have lasted so long
The following aio tho latest quota
Amalgamated Sugoi Co comJ20500
Amilgnmutid hugti Co pM 103d
1 11 lies 13 inking Co ICayhVllIo Ity 0
Con Wagon llIcllh oCoi12350
Con Life IIIK < L Inv Co MO
Cuiitlnenlal National bank H90
Dpseret National bank 06OO
Deseict Savings bank 80250
Davis Co bank Kirmlngton 16500
rirst National bank Ogdcn 17600
iThst National bank Murray 14001
Fhst National bonk Logan 12501
Home The Insuianco Co 2090
nJGrimt Co c 1230
Lewlston lgulu 2101
Merchants bank 000
National Hank ot Ttepubllc 19000
Nephl National bank 12000
Ogdon Savings bank Ogden JO 00
Plngree National bank Ogdon 2iOOO
Piovo Com Savings bank 20000
Kocky Mtn Hell Telephone Co 19no
Salt Like Security < Tnmt Co 14S 00
State Hank of Utah j200
State Unnk of Diigham Cits 160 Oi
TlmtilKi Hi on n kg Co Logan ISSOI
Utah fikg Co Lehl 11 ulA nil1t 13100
UtaliIclaho bugar Co i S50
Utah National bink 133 OC
Utah Savings TiustCo 11200
Utah Implement Vehicle Co 0000
Walker Ilios bankers 25500
Kions Savings Hank ATiust Co 37i 00
ZcrI i ii V 21200
Z C Home I11 1gH i Co pfd Ui
Z C Homo Uldg t RECff com 100
DONDS add accrued Interest
Con Ilv < L Power Co city 9300
Sumplcr Valley railroad 9700
Utah Light it ILillvvny Co 87 DO
Utah Light Power 4 7850
Utah Light APower 5 9100
Utah County Light Power Co 10000
Utah Sugar Co > 10150
Not football Colors but the color
of UIQ carton containing Koloss
lIontil ldlallho best and safest
cough reijjcdy < for all cougliy and
colds Do not accept a substitute but
s olhnf llgct the genuine foloys
Honey and Tar In ILj allow carton vIth
black letlois SchrnmmJohnson
Drug Co
Of every chnrnrter andficlcserlptlon1
arranged from tho best > ICI altQIII1P
and brought strictly up to date
A full supply > alwavs on hand at the
Doserct News Book Store
k Cant
1 I an
IiI p ay
E Less
ee j Et
Than pur prices for nno table
Inlf < if < jIcJ
lOUI uuit gert n flnoiV rjUallty
at any pi lee < I <
We guarantee 0111 plated
Id veai iI ycius In fainllv use
Oiu sterling SllvQi 1IIIilnHtJ
leuigri than you vvlll
1atteriin lango sfroni pjiiln i
polished 10 elaboralQ lronch
ttruN I j <
v < Y i1
pilcis t tfiJ ij
i k 1 f I = YIlU
1 > 11 c
ft i
tine lecurclshow1 an ucumulated c
rr rthli iinonlh to d Ue of 27 rtu
gict3 and fortlio vtu of GS3 dcgros
The rclnth eMiumlditj > csliiilny it fi
pm was H porcent and lids morning
at Iho same lime 4 pei icnt The pip
clpltatlon foisthe viar to date was J10
Inchri whlChiH 437 inches below nor
mal C
malThe sun rises titj01am1l11l1 hats
tit 519 p nf j
The moon lses ot 10 S3 a in and sets
I at 733 pin
A H Tinnssrx
c 1 tcctlou Dhictoi I
Stories 9f Success
llosrvvoll P rioner
diove ocn taught
school and bccnmo
governor of tho Um
pire State nigantlo
strides hovvever lay
between these for
ward steps it Is a
Jong distance bc
twcen tho farm and
the Capital It took
Goveinor 110111
neatly j luilf Lcen
j Jury lon akoItind
after sutb a tlifetlmo of eperlencu In
politics and nnunce such a man has
a light to speak of Uio bylawn ot I
1 Ho owed nothing to luck nlidcY
erj thing to energy and determina
tion Ills watihvvord < was FaIr play
and self reliance1
Hut rellanci Implies security and I
vUthout tho secuilty ot saved up I
money cvuy farmsprung king of
finance wouia tlll IK watching tho
old mule JHtilierle Us thistles
Havings Insure t success i
The havings bunk pissbook stands
If or security In lts HurestM use
I Tho money jotunov spend on
trifles if saved with Kb inlercst roll
ing dljI u hJsop1j day bring YoU
big return i
25 Main Sfiect
I 1lllo lliislncss Hcjrt
rrLail ge
Ii f
fC IDHl1tS
Cr from small ones
That is why ve aie mon than
willing to receive fniall de
posits and thcnh Ipthcdc
posit make his account
worth while both to himself
and to the hank
If jou have not formed the
ha1 itof pending less than
yon make what chance have
jou of independence in later
life Is it oing to be easier
net jcar lo break 11 habit
which like all habits pood and 1
bad IS becoming more fixed
The onh way to begin sav
ing inonev i H to begin Dont
wait until next week or next
month or next year Start
jih1 if W cant spue
more then hustle to add to
UlisI beginning
CQ JP ltB1 nk
QfJee Qpali
TouII icilalniv not
01f11f It
itiyrrnu 1 IIVc
unrrnit voruofANsnip
Tor JIqo to 200 the pair less
than elsewhere
> < t2 jP
1 JJI sriwrov
JIli nsj i5 2Hn I
lailUs Shoes 82
liillis hhocs I fi 105
Jlinc lf SHit
Co p
110 Main SI >
J if
L At
1 X J > fl tifi ilIililIIi
Istho nrtine Cil Gorman chemical
ono of thomuny hlll il I Jn ir JJ f
yI I Jvldne Hemedy Hex
amothleneldlramlno < ls rocognlsod b
medical loxl hooks and authorities a
in I uric iiicld solvent and antlhepllc
forj jlfo urine IIICII liolejs KIdnes
Hemedy promptly tat ithe first Hlgn o f
kidney trouble and avoid a sellout
nihlmlyi SclirnmniJohnson Drug jpo i
Notice h hereby given tint a spccln
stockholders meeting of the faUPrUIOI
MINING COMPANY a corporallon
Binlztil under the laws of the htato or
UlilC IKvcilIcd and L liriip bold tlho
office 0tdllc compnnj Ko CU loinplGloi
nulldlng fealt LiltoiGllylJtib Monday
November 7111 1010 ntj9 am
The object nnil purposOjCif saM meet
Ing Is to consider anrti vote upon Ihe
proposition to amend the Articles ot In
corporation < > f slid corn plln111 tbo foi
lowing partkulnrs tovvlt lly slilklm
oul Arliclc Inslbnow nppcarn am
inrdn htJlClilher orF
d Jn1 ICljlVJ
Jlio nmotinl of tbo f ipU il stook of tho
coiporatloii shall be 10000 divided InU
MO WO slinros of the par value ot 2 cent
each And for the purpose of Iransacllif
an > other binliiCM > that may proporl
coino before tho meeting
ji led October 15th 1110 C
n v Prcihlent
C iiihMiniiNci
To tin stocldioldeiB of the GKANI
OOIO MIN1NC > YxlUtels
hereby given Hut a special meeting
tln fctocUhohU rs of silil omiPiinj I
lictcby cilld and will hchIJIIIl the of
flcis of Ibo company at 22 South SfitJi
PtitM I7alt lalo Clt > Utah tit 2 oclocl
pin on tli iib diy of Norembci i 1110
The silil meeting Is called Cor tha pin
roe of cmishUrliig and aetlnp upon the
proposition to nmond till articles or In
computation slid Omul Gold Mlnlni
Companj t rciliicc1 tlio cnpltil stoel
from Jl0 > > IUO > 00 by induclnt
the par viihw of Ibo whares from Jl 00 pi >
share to Ic pel fahnre and to eoncfu1 r
und net upon 111 other in itlcrs that mnj
nroncrlv comp bofoio the meeting
October IS 1910
im > s
n t s1I1I1 oo received bII1c stnl <
hoard of exninlnors nl Ihf oftlco of Hi
oclock noon oho
Undarlined until 12
November 1910OI tin
ho iMh iliy 0rNuv
spoaKct G avels
17S Improved Kojblono lllncleis Iso <
511 Or other siiltnbl file for IcglnlntlM
Joiiinals leltercd on covei
1 Ke slone Blmlore 0
ITS ImprovcM >
HH > nr olhei HUllablo file foi legisla
tive bills IclKreil on cover
biaasedKo r lersc15ln
2 doen wire wimlo p ipir baskels 1
In hlgli 12111 nuns top
I gios legal tablets neutral tint nil
CI1 > 1 gross note tablet nUtral lint rul
ed <
20 i cams Linen Uponrilet paper bi
by 13 incdlum weight
I 11 iiims engrnosiiig pipei aultunio
if ui cniollluc bills
1000 sbeels Llltlo Cobweb carbons
y M UtlKigiaplicd llniiit leltci heads
2000 printed liltirhcails i
KOC < cm elopes No ft printed
IOWM envelopes No printed i
2CW envelopes No H prlntcilr
2 OKI envolpe No 11 prlntod
All I in elopes to he X XJIn1810ck
1 KIOSK luhOMPIl8IC Wcls
K gross rabers pen < its iissorlod num
1 groK inertlum hard iiibbei penhol
r ross laige rubber iionholders
1Q ijuiirts Al nolds writing fluid
G pints Hanfonlfl red Ink
27groH Inbti s No 31 rubber hands
J gro s ribct s No 16 riibbet binuH
I sivss PubPi B No W003 mhher bniuls
1 gross raberh NUVOO1 rubber binds
2 grots Iubgrs rubber bands t In
vwlde l < gr 0 ss In Iaieis long Unifnld erasers No
111r pairs 12 in b inkers shears gooi
5J gros 1 nifgcii t Suns knlfn blnd
itcel crii crs rubhci hll I1dlcG In
1 onlj Cliillentc < let presjpa No
IS onlv 2 oz boscs CballeiiBC pjclcls
Jl111 <
S onh Sf haso safely Inkstands
mclliim fclzo
B onlj 20 pnge broid cap records
clothU Ubar backs and corners good
paper Ittisslan corners
lb onlj iw paso brond nuarlo records
clolhlcader backs and corners good
P Pr
3011Iy Iron frame copper wire pen
rack 31 bs 23
C dozen Challenge envelope openers
2 only Vlclor postal scales
2 dozen Inkwells torl leglslallvo desks
1J0 printed nianiiscrlpt covers 12
forms 10000 voting lists
rJlerillolouhc delivered 1 Ibo of
flcfl of tbo Sccielaiy of blato on or
beforo Ibo 31st day of December 1910
Materials rrlnlfng ruling and hind
Ing assessment lolls foi Iho several
cotmllcs of the Stale for Iho scat 1911
and 1912 bids to Jc at lhemlorr
sheet for which Nimo will be furnished
Material printing ruling ono hundred
shoots moro or less assessment net pro
coeds of mines
llnfrl il printing mimerlng and fold
lug lapa > ers Btiilcnients for Iho cal
Itll and 1912 bids to batlllc nilo per
thousand for which siun will bo fur
Jlatcrlal printing Humoring and fold 11
Ing stnleniouls for Ihe r < tmi of tho net
proceeds of mltus foi thp vcai lill irtd
Ill bids lo be at tho rito pflr lliou iiid
for vvblrh same will be furnished
Tilds for assessment tolls and taxiiaj
ers slatiMnents must liiclndo rapping
and delivering to tho express or falght
office ready for shipment lo the DLV
cial county cleiUs and must bo deliver
ed on 01 before tho 2nd dav of lanuiiv
J911 and tho 2nd day of January 19U
Muteilal selling tjpo and tircsswoik
COIl printing thu toiinmls of the Semto
11111110 of roproscnlallves oflhc
Ninth session of tho Lcgislatmn ot Iho
State of Utah In small pica tvpt holkl
51 ojIQ oench IOhollnltIlnll
tlio Corms lobo h ld ulIIlIeorroctCII h
Ihort i oclho hOUSOR whon r1 nd
dttlolinl coplesor 0 cliflle 10 hfl1rlnl
cd ut > oa tbo corrected forms to h
J Nol the close of tho session
iMaterial tjpcsolllng IIJlltp9 work
for printing tho legislative hills of Iho
ninth > session of Iho Legislature small
Pica tjpc open lilies section lines
numbered conscciitlvclv
Material l > penciling and press work
for printing KO copies of tho laws of
tbo ninth session orlho Icglal iltire
llacli blddor musl st lie at wlul piko
hoc will sell lo the public copies tbo
said session laws
Xlatctlaln and IWSB work for printing
onollllshiocot tho apcr 1 000 copies of
inch amendments as an mado 10lhe
Complied I iws of Utah 190i
IIII rialJIe elthig and piess work
for priming certain reports ot depirt
mcntu of tbe slato Rovernment nub
110 InstllulloiiF In small plea solid to
hllhaclron fmlo 10 loplis Also nt
nil it iae iiddltlonnl copies will bu
Cuinlnhca < pei IhmiKand
Malarial and binding 2S copies each of
Iho Journils Ibo Iloiino nnd Senate
hJlnw sbct p
Mateilal and binding WO copies of tbo
Jnws of Ihe Ninth Resiloii In Uw sheep
Mule i 111 and binding In piper thu
cpauilo of d piutments and pub
In Itistllutlons tbe blddei to furnish rind
irliit thn covers
Material and binding In law sheen ro
101 is of departments and Publlp Inatl
utlons 1 volumes
All pi luting and blndlnc nuethcll1
iccordanco vsltb Iho iiiallflratlons on fill
In the office of tbo undersigned
Sample must be submitted with bid on
nllI1IIIcoHOxeelll those that aro
leflnllely dtscribed by name
All niatorliil und work lo be dellvor
oIl at Ibo office olho SocroLnrv of
itnto exeept tho dally mlnulcK of Ibo
icssloii which arc to hi dcllxond to We
re > 11cetll houses nnd tbe asscRstnent
rolls mid laxpapers statements which
mint be dOlvtid dliected
Knli bid tmist ho nceoinpunlcd with a
eillfleil cheek cdliul > 10 poi tout of tbo
mount f the bid to IIP held upon con
illou bat unon tho awaid of the con
ract the hlddci will filtbrullj mitl
nomptlv oxcietito a 0d nnd stiff clout
ond pa > able 0 he slate to bs upjiroved
v sild Hoard conditioned tint he nil
ecforni lllc work or deliver tho supplies
in which bo hns loiitrncled uniUr sui I Ii
ules nnd regulations us thn bo in 1 mas
plIcrlhOnudCor tltu faithful pei form
nl1eoof tbecontract
The Hoard rnservcs the right lo icject
IIn and alt bldti or to award thti con
tact for am class of work 01 iippllcs
Sllito Hoard of Uxnmhiors
i > ny c TiNim
1 1 t Secrotary
t j7
it I
T J t1igij N > NOTIOC
i X i fi I X iiJ bL < df I jt
r rN r > cl CO II JI Y I rl nclJ iphi p uei
11 II I ucp ChllJrldo 11 ZOII 1111 Ha 11 1101
C I I r U liil i Prln l pill 1 ot llcc10j 111 I I
In t III NJ II oi 11111111 kUJU 1111 JI1IHa Ie 111 Ir
CIIii Ula hi iJOelltlun orI1111In flroI 1l Ill
COUI rorrllor Uoc r zoltaNollc
iHc 1 10 de Jlnlilleh lu po n I hf rollow I IIJ
dofcrl cls lucllun nc < u u t 0 f > c 11 en b
No foJf > riocoilt Ie pclsh reUeICcI
1111 lhC III oCrSI > ICl11l cl D 1910
tl ispltiti1I II 1oulltssel pp sllo 1110
Illln f 0Clho rcpc Uoslu rcliolihjI iuj
q r i r I jlh
I It llIIrlincliui 1000 100
1 I It lrrllnall i400 lCO
II IJi H It1rlln tIij I OO 12M
It rarllnc lOO tO
t I lIn 30
4 IIII11 NSIQCle1ltcJJ I 11
f lnllJllc lc jrOOl 131 l
5 L11II tl1I1 ndlfgli JJi 10iJl
8 CJIII UannI1CIon AWJ llo
mJ ehrlUrl Inllcson lI wI
< J 400
l JllII G >
I t r 1 IIlth t1jiHr0
r I 10
ll tt
11 1IJIItlcll m M
f U1CUllllh 1XIIOtlG
n II J lIh1I1 Jln 0
1 J I Hhelll1 IlO
1 rbhn > to
JI 1 Hlolllon OJO IOm
1 GJmSllJn J h oo
10 lorni > 1 1
i6 lnUI NotIlSOI 300
J nil i yO
ml lr toJ
fol 10 ro
G lrIc 1J 100
1 GOlrN aI ri1 01
G2 11orc Daj 1rw 10
l I > 1Co
d I I HansQnIor10fo
ZS9 I lIuls I < 1 I N
l I lIj1n 101
4 J j 1011
SlI Y lInllsoPlIw 1000
1 1 e rH 1SCli 11 1000
01 C lIfJn n rI1 JO
iiO y e IInn 12
61i 1 < m IOm
elLA I jIIIIroo
Josel > h nlllr oll Oi
m T nSI > h nderul1 3J IUJ
3 CU 111lIl1l m rOol
n 1 OhI1BHtOIl ajIM
40 Hortnni W Pinning 2ul 2 UI
S1 Itnwini V IJInttlnir 1 0
31 eeo A Diy 1 0 1001
17 W 1 > Lhdsiii 40
fu JIosou Vriht ttl 10 OJ
HJ MOST Vijglil f 01
57 Cbns K DtyKni 400 10
142 Clus 11 DIN ton ll t K > co
J 0 Chis II Unvtoii low 10 W
At C J Owens 10W 10JI
f > i J OWIIIH IV son
C7 Iluriy IMltuu 3 1 201
111 II irr Illllon r 300
PA Junes Diiclvioith > 100 10 01
PAti Jniiies Dnckwoilli 1 ono 100
471 Limes Duckworth I WO 1001
rt JnmeH l > mumtli T l 250
JiuiiCh DiuUworth lOOO 10000
Jnincs oiiclcworth 1CW low
P II Scdwlek 2W 203
SI Mis AVm rmriilb TOO r ro
r Mrr J L Rhiid r < 500
17 John n Hcedull fAI 601
no John n scMiini 2cno S3 X
OT rtltik llelbert J W 1 O
ICO Kinnlc Herbert 1 Mi 12611
IW rrnik iieibcit MO r o
101 NiuClhi Miiltlmtr 1000 100
10S W r Mirtln Wi f < n
Oi II I Hnvvninn i 2 C 200
73H II i Bowman 10W 10IK1
117 1 I Jensen rfo TO XI
171 1 < U Jeiiwn 7111 7111
SL L II Jenwn 3KH
IC7 L ft TciiMM t Ml
17i A J Mntiii 101X1 1001
4 A J MniiKor 1 f 1000
Vi A J Ktaneoi 1
13J Jlj II ft I A Rusbton IftW 100
7 James Ilcibcrt IJWI 1JB
111 L A Taylor M 2O
a U A lajlor 1 > 5 10 OJ
S3 1 A luylor 100 10
rfl C V llanvn IW 4 O
IDS II L Jordan 1000 100
1C9 Alum Ottens 3H 200
TI9 Aim i Owi us IW 100
101 r C lion man HO lOftf
llil n f Humes 50 coo
C > t Hiincs v 2M
1C4 Ixi lioy Decker 1 100
f14 V Hi Whhu 20W 3 0
174 John Slokci IW 101
170 H J llimdbinl IW lW
10 Ixiicno Maiilii no
Eli in II Clirk lOW 10 O
4V7 Tils II CInik H 1 >
126 IIIH H Clirk ICflO 100
74G Tan II Clirk ICiH 100
84i Jnnies II Chirk low 10 o
120 If I Grim KO 10w
54iS II I How SO w
KM A A S VI1kIn on too r o
t I1 A McDoniild 200 20i
2 A J Uockwood 150 IM
217 J II Denning lr Ti
WO J II IVnnlng Jr IW IM
2d rein I Nelson 2O 200
Cl llniinUi Mrel IW 1 00
9 Jani6s Irwln TW r 01
M Ada Wilbur rA n co
277 lnile Jeiihcn 2ew ino
2sl Annlo Andorson 1OW 10 W
2 > v M OCiUKC i M 20
1 M Oioige IW 1 TO
Jl F n Tluhhla iff fi O
J I Ilubblo 2V 2 ro
J Ii Iliibblo 1260
John Nelson 1 fl
John Nelson 75
99 linrl H Wright I
JV1 Kthel Wright r ii
01 Oileau Wtlgbt r 13
XL leoigo VrlKht 11 1
Al Win I Unlbralth 100 100
jr nay Cariulh M 20
77 1 H llrninwell 10 10 O
r h lirnmwcll lOl 100
40 Ifeneielta Hiinseu iiX 1101
71 lluierctta llnnson 100 I 0
3G7 Kay K A Nlxoi 1 20 12
3CS T H Ilnrlow 4W 1 00
T II Hirlow 2W 200
370 A G Marlir 3W 3tO
ttl A G MnrKi Jl 2X
ttlm A O Marlet i 2M
ttlra b S Liter 30 00
S b 1UtLT It 1 0
ra S S Ialoi KiOO 100
W II Junes 2W J OJ
f1 W II Joiuxs IV IVCo
rj AV 11 IOIIOH 4 61 Co
421 Ol dt Hteolct oW 301
41 JinniS i Iogg C75 BTJ
701 Jnjiufl i r Kg KM r o
A rnmk Ktieliner leV loifl
ir lnrucc HilKKS jco 103
51C Ijiwrtnci llilggn 30 1 01
517 300
dco I Ohiiller 200 i
AVm J bornton 1W
620 Win Thiirnton M ro
C21 Win I lioriiton rw on
A I SoulhwItU 1000 1001
A IKith K iowW
A llinth i M W
Wl A llonth 7W 70
B7t A lleiilh 7WO 78 l >
20 llnnni linbiMisoii JO
21 MiiJ IKwkli 200
lU A J bliiiK r Jr JM
MS I C Mlckclton f f
MSW r C Mlckijlsoti 1 W 10W
r C Mlcltelwm 10 ro
17 TuiiKiirct A Carriith 1 uM 10 ro
21 J M 10W
1000 1000
crelKhion iiiivikhia looo 10W
C VV inisworlll IW ri oo
W It Mullaiil 5000
I U AV inrdhier IW
47 is V aimiincr tt r < <
ii i i wiicox lox
01 J nicer Sfo
71 Gesu o r CJagoa 7ftV 70SB
71 Hnny Cutlls 1 ftt > 11 Ii
37 Jphn luriiot 6W 001
is luint iiiinci coon M OJw
07 Logan l llohlnnnN4 W > w
os Lojnn o lloldinvaj WJ 50J
10 Lonan O Holilawiy > 500 3 01
I lx > fnn C llohlavvw 1W 150
Chan P Tilert l OoO 100
11 CIMO f ltn > l Jr OW 2001
SJ llosK J A C II Com
r M
37 H VMumVer 0l
K Jiii l vv > 1M > 1100
II Jno DittX i 1000 000
31 uorinnlf Jt Lnv0 1000 100
S5 Mlnnlei Davve 100 100
i Bsldcti f Claw on f oco M M
ii n J Hniilhfriv w l M 12 m
13 VV A Itpulhirr 1 Kit 12fO
M M < O mndulph 201
51 TA lloldiii IW 100
lot A Vf llvldcn i 1 M 1003
It d K Wllbor i 100 MfiD
Kit Ilitrll M i W on > t SCW W 0
S7II Win lolmea1 < 50 GO 00
SS I C 103 I100
SSI Allen i IJnUIil 5309 S3 00
jAnd In accord nice with Jaw aiuT nil
ordi t 01 tho Board oPDIrocfots niailu DM
the 2nd day of September XUtDrlMO
bo many shares of pachMMrcelof stock
ns nui > no ncccssiry will Iioii6ldnt5pub
lly auction at Ibii offleo rf lha coin
pini 107 Continental National Bank
Iulldlnrf Silt Inkfi CltV LttnliaonSMon
day the nth day of NovcmberrA jl
1110 it 10 oclock ni to pay tbe dcllti i
fluent nsfe turnout t lion on jtogclher with
the eont 01 advirtlslngMimUexpeiifOb of
Hv lolin W ciclgcr Assistant SceietiQ
Denver Rio Grande RTRr
in nrrcct juno mil mo > v
Provo Mintl and MnrjsMilc 7 0 am
Hliigharn and Mldvalo 800am
Denver Chicago and Kost 8 10 am
Park Clly 8 J3 omr
Ofrdcn and Jntcrmedlnto Points 10 23 am
Ogden and San Trmclsco 143 p m
Ogdcn han PrattclJco iml Port
land 225pm
Ocilcn sin rrnnclsco and Port
land 2 CO p m
Mldvalo md Gingham 2 W p m
Denver Chicago and Rast 103pm
Provo Tlntlc and Inlcrmcdlalo
Points BOGpmj
Oeden and Intormedlals Points 610 p m
Denver Chicago and East 710 P m
Grand Junction and Intermcdlatu
points 720 p nVi
Ogdcn SIP rraticlsco and Port
land 1130pm
Oeden Sun Pranclsco and Port t
land 803am
Ogden and Intermediate Points 10 nm
Provo Tlnllc and Inlcrmedlalc
Polnls 1020001
gingham nnd JHdvale 10 50 a m
Denver Chicago nnd East 1 31 p m
Ogden nd Intdmnllato Points 143 p m
Dunver ChleaRO and nast 223 p m
Grind junction nnd Inlcrmcd
ato points S 31 p m
pgden nnd San rnnclsco t 33 p m
Park Cltj i 5 00 pur
Dingbat and Mldvnlo v t 5 4S n m
Provo Monti Marjsvalc Ilcber 6 03 P m
Oedin ban IranclBCO nnd Port
land lt 700 p m Ill
Denver Chicago nnd Kaot 1115 pm
Oeilen San Princlsco and Port
bind 7ilOpm
Lvman H Martlneau Offers
Farms Frmt Lands
Homes and
JJulncss Locations for Investors and
lloinoi Builders
Farms in Utah and Ml
s ism
ially in Cache Valley
Write or call P 0 Box
704 Office 400 and 401 Her
ald Building
Dell phono 741 Ind S33
The unity of safety and
good service Safety combined
bined with the best ser
vice characterizes all
transactions with Walker
Brothers Bankers m
You vill find a Checking W
Account with this institu 1
jion of particular benefit
Walker Broilcers
CAPITAL > 250000
SURPLUS 125000
Only experience can measure
cpal quality Youve got to burn
HIAWATHA COAL In yourstovoi
grato or furnace to thoroughly
know it i superior goodness Vhon
you buy HTAArVTHA COAL you SB
get tho cxtiemu limit of the best
quality of bituminous coal mined
from Mothei north
Tor solo bj tho following dealers
rcderil Coal Compiny
Oridloy Iljnn Coal Co
Alllnnro Investinpnt Co
Morrln Bros Coal Co i
Western 1uol Company
Hampton Coal Company i
Teioniv Fcod S 1ucl Co
Buibrldgu Coal Co
1 W Uunvon Coal Co
VooiIliilT Sheets Jlorrls Coal Co
Wusatcli Fupply Company
Consolidated Fuel Co V
Jesse ir White Genl Sales Act
Ealt Tnko CIt
Denver Rio Grande ii
Scenic line of the World J
jaalt Lake to Denver
Through Pullmau slecpcrs
to Chicago nucl points east
Steamship tickets to all
parts o the world
Ticket Office 301 Main St
ncith Plipncs 171
Federal Coal Co
has thu only coal > ml In thu
west with a
Coal hanillcd from this lloor
must necessarlb bo
Exclusive Agents for Kem
moicr and OuniiOucaly Rock
Coal wSien you
want it
Olllcfj 100 Main Slroot
Yauls Sib So anil J nil V t
1 1 Jfnntli Gijltial Mnnngnr
T f OBrien Genl Sales AB

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