THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. JJJIJ ISTCLLIOKSCIK in l*7« COSSOUMTE# n 1881. H utsrt. MKIAH BCnWK, JR. H A.VN A Ac BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW orric*. ROOM « DC* Butler Vwildlß*. J«m« nr. , t ftttllc- W. T. Praetloa in all the eoarta of WMbintt 00 Territory and ID tbe United gtatra I*"*! o®ce- GEOKGK li HI.AKK, ATTORNEY AT I-AW-BOOMH 25 iXD M Unian Block, Heattle, «nb. Special attention: Corporation. iand am] tritiwn- law. J. *. GLAWOW. c. r rATTtano*. Pntt»*rßon Si Gla»*ow. ATTORNEY* AND COCSSELLORS-AT law. Office, I<#> Jimw atreet, oppo llte the Occidental. IHA AC M. HAI.U ATTORN KY AND OOOVHKUO* AT Law. Solicitor in Chancery. Proctor la Almlrait), and Notary Public. Room X, tm BntiOiiig, ap*tair>. Mill atreet, Seattle, W.T. OonwiKauon free. " I.J. LIOH'I'KNHKKG (Late of tbe Pennaylvaaia Bar.) AT LAW-ROOMtI 1 A*li C 2, rnion Block. Seattle. HKNBY B. liOOMIH, ATTORNEY AT LAW-KBHHKT HUM, comer of Front and Coluiabia ttrecta, Seattle. K. K. NICHOIJJ, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, NORTH YAKI ma. W.T. KBKN SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, r. g. COMMlK ■loner and Notary Public. Pine lauda boa/ht and Hold. Poatofßce box 678, Seat- Ue. W. T. WOOD Ac UHBOHNK, ATTORSEYS AND COUXFLKLLOHJ AT law. Attention (riven to land litlga tion, lani titles and j>rui»At*- matter* only. Boom' fi and 7, Union Block, Seattle. lICHARI> oft BOX*. TECSYBN P. OYBK. OBHOKN AT DYER, LAWYERS, SEATTLE, W. T. Rooms 17 and Is. Yeslt r Building, Mill Street, end of ComnnTCitl. Take elevator. BABOLD PESSTON, HENRY MCBMD*, ' E. M. CARR. Mfßride, CHIT AC PROTON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR* AT j law. Offices at Laconner, Mount Ver non and Seattle. Seattle office, Yesler* Leary bloek. jyl7dw E)K. GKO. A. KKICH, OCULIST. AURIHT. LARYNGOSCOPIST, havlujf retnrued from his trip to the Bait stid Europe, will be pl aned to meet hi* former patrons and other* desiring hit* tender*. »» his former office, in the Yesler- Leary Block. Seattle. W. T. Residence, cor- 1 net Fourth and Morion. Jyl7dw UK. JTAHKI B3 H.AHHO'IT, HOM«KOFATHIST, FORMERLY OF 1263 Washington street, Boston, Massa chusetts, fives special attention to diseases of women and children. Those expecting confinement or stifTeriuft from menstrual Irregularities should especially consult her. Call* answered day or night Con saltation free. Treatment free for those anable to pay from 8 to 10 a m. Wedu**- days. Rooms. Kenny Block, Seattle. UK. F. H. OOK, PHYSICIAN Si BURGEON. ROOM 17 (Colonial block, ceruer Second and Columbia MtreetM. Office hours 10 to 11, X to 4 and nights. Telephone 13*. C. K. CASK, M. D. ABDOMINAL SURGEON AND GYNE oologist TACOMA, W T. T>K. K. O. JOHNSON, 1)11 YHICI AN AND SURGEON ROOMS 5V and fiO, Yesler block. Mill street. Residence, 917 Mill street, between Eighth snd Ninth streets. Telephone 256. I>H.. cr. HPrrzY, (Academy of Parts, 1870.) SPECIALIST FOR CHEST, LUNG.STOM C ach, liver and kidney diseases, epilepsy, paralysis, gout, rheuuiatism. syphilis, se cret diseases. Lost manhood restored wltbotit medicine* Consultation In Fng llsh, German. Fr> rich and Italian. Office, Post building. Mill street., room f», second floor. Daily from 10 to 12 a. m.,2 to 4p. m. UK. H. D. IJONGAKRK, GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Penusylvauia, makes a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear and throat Treats private, chronic and skin diseases. Re moves cancer, tumors and nit ers without pain or use of the knife. Office, corner Third and Cherry streets. Honrs. 9 a. ro to 4 p. m. T. T. MINOR, M P. A L. a. DAWSON, M ft. DKB. MINOUTV I>A WHON pHYSICIANH AND 80 RGEON& orncss IN orsiiA HOUSS NLOCE. Telephones: Office, No. K2; Dr. Mluor't rssMence. No. M H.J. HOLMKB, M. I). pHYBICIAN AND SURGEON-OFFICE A Colonial block. Second and Columbia streets. Office Hours. 10 .10 to 12 a. raj 2 to 4, and 7t09 p. ts. Telephone No. 122. w. A. SHANNON, M. I>. J. SHANNON, M. D. Dr». Shannon At Shannon, I PHYSICIANS AND SURGFONS—OFFICE Union block, Front street, first floor, upstairs, room 10. Office open at all hours. DR. K. K. HII A \V\ 1 PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON. OFFICE, Colouial block, corner Second and Columbia streets. Resilience, hi" Third street Office hours. 9to 10 to a. m., 4to 6 and 7to9p. m. Telephone ITL S. L. SMITH, M. ft. D arris WIIXAKP, U. D. DKS. HM I'l'H aV WILhAKI> I PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS—OFFICE Pottdn's Block. Front street Offict hoars—H to 4p. m and 7to* pm. Mr. ami Mrs. H.«. J. Castle, HEALERS AND TEACHERS -cams Uan Science, Mental lli-aling. No. 101. Bscond street, U-tween Madison audspriur wattle, Washhigt4»n Territory. J. e. set'saY. I U *. OWINS. BCURKY aV OW KNS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND Coutractors. Kailaavn and other pub He works desimied and built Once RoornKSOantl Yesler block, James St., eppowiteOc Mental WKI.CH .V OI.HI-.N'. rivil. BKTILNEKRS AMI PKAUIHTS iaen ALI KINDS of MEIBANICAL DRAUGHT LAIPROTNPTLT ATTENDED TO JJ*OM H, COLONIAL BLOCK. -TCON.L street. S. C. ltl'KXrt, A WHITEST »« ■ >MS H ASI> «>.KKNN\ .* t'-.K-k, TORR.TR « | < OINRNMA Street* VIHHKK AC Of .a WW. ARCHITECTS BITTER'S iim.PlMt. Jatrn'w «y. t identa 1 Hotel B. BTRI N M AH. ARCHITECT ROOM f-. HKISIO BLO'.'K snd Man on streets. OARDNKK .V HOGG, CIVU- AMI MINING KKGINKKRS Rooms 36 and 57. (Tuiou Block. Tsk •levator 'OHN .1 \ Mi KK 4 nv.KNKY. V r\KY \M> > RYKY g* ** *•' praeti< before the Tnittd initiated, con •tried and defend* d Timber Ur.d « «vh. iJm i'* l i XMa ,t *overumel»t land se J?i , '* n d Settler* located. To«n»hipp *t* ; <"**unr> corrected up drv m! o 1,: f«'Und st iv,v office. Ad ys* ra) is City. Ku •«, u:itv W . r ®aOLKKA DAWUBT, ('"KNKk Fo! KILT A\L> ' > I STRVKT. >■ "S'.liSt. of I!v , ■ \ .. and <-hiVr*' * r * disrates .1 uoineu •aaehlldni. Jlidwtferj • »p«. a" >. Ttie first Regiment Armory CAN BE RENTED F <» Fair*. B»U« uud } mertuiu ■Oßtl. CHARLES II KITTINiiER Sc-rri tary. # A. HASBROUCK 4. CO., •**au, and rtmunioi DSUOOI3XS AHB DKAI.BU » Photographic Supplies. »t-. Haaltlr. «. T. W Seattle PROPERTY. 60 60 ALL WE HAVE LEFT IS SIXTY LOTS ONLY. THIS White & Manning .ADDITION IN West Seattle . Has Gone With a Rush. . November 7th we placed this choice addition of 480 lots on the market, and already 420 of them have been sold. Come at once if you wish to secure a lot in this addi tion. SIOO, $125, $l5O, $175, and $200; one-half cash, balance in six months, with out interest. Remember the fact that we are owners and not agents, therefore we can sell you cheap. Buyers save the commission in purchasing direct through us. WHITE4CQ, CORNER Co&itrcial aid Jactoi Sis., SEATTLE, W. T. 11AM w. p. BOYD & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS op GENERAL DRY GOODS! OTT 33. STOCK OF TABLE LINENS, LUNCH CLOTHS, NAPKINS, TOWELS AND TOWELING Ia» the bent and mwt complete we have evtr offered our trade, and contain® tsome en tirely new and unique denigns. Blankets Blankets Blankets In white, gray and all the Taney colons from the moNt reliable laotorien, bought at the lowest caiih prices, and will be Hold in like manner. Also FULL LINE OF CRIB BLANKETS.^ Now is the time to purchase advantageously. PORTIERE DRAPERIES, LACE AND DRAPERY CURTAINS, TABLE COVERS and FURNI TURE DECORATIONS. 621 and 623 Front Street, SEATTLE. W„ T. <«» CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO TRCBTEE3: \ 4aV|« J. FUETM, Caahler Pmret Sound Nat'nl Bank . B. O. Warv*. Strove. Hainea A. McMicken. ▼ Attorney*. A. B. HTI» ART, Stewart & Holme, Droit Co. . DR. T. T. MINOR, Minor* Dawron, I'bj-,1- • J. P. HoT-r,Man*'r D. Hortou * Co..Banker, UitV * B. OATzaaTjiehwabaoher Broa. ACo.,Mfhta • 11. D. Seattle Hardware Company. _ Xf H. H. Lswi*, Turner. Engle A Lewia EX-Gov. E. P. KERRY, Vice-President Page ® Hound National Bank. * J. P. HOYT, PRESIDENT. JAMES BOTHWELL, SECRETARY AND MANAGER. Removed to 029 Front Street, toot of Cherry. p«?p» Itloi'k. Front street. FREE OF COST. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co., THE REAL ESTATE AND MONEY BROKERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. Extend a cordial INVITATION to all VISITORS to SEATTLE, well as to all resi dents, to call at their office. POST BUILDING, MILL ST., SEATTLE, And spend a few minutes' lime in DIHEC TINO rKIMTKI* DF.9CRIPTI\* M \ rTi:H OK DttTTLK AM» W A«HIMiTON to Ti.ur friendsand ae qnainiamr* East. FREE or COST TO YOC. And if yoa should wish to plant some money In the Future Great City i Pacific Coast • Z THE ONLY SEATTLE IN AMERICA. Wt can tell you lots iu iROSS' SECOND ADDITION FOR $175 OR S2OO. This is the maunfacturing center of Seattle.) Or lots in other well located additions; or business and residence lots on the best streets in Seattle: or suburban Mot ks aad a res. It will pay you to call. This is vour one chance iu s lifetime to secure fortune, contentment and happines*. 1 is.ii ibe too late to secure a seat that artil provide for your future, and thst of your wife and chi dren cattle %ill double in population in 12 months. Railroads, capitauM* snd population arv coming to cattle. Become one of her prosperous nuiri.» b] %ecuring a fooihod while you hare s chance health is now within your grasts have faith, invest and become a fixture in the New York of the Pacific. COLLECT INSTEAD OF PAY RENTS. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. LOOK IIST AT THE GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR WINDOW A>" 1 1 sac TMI BEAUTIFUL COMBINATION MUSICAL DRESSING CASE. Any one purchasing f 1 worth, or over. is entitled to s ticket in the ca**. worth |JOO. The drawicf oil I take piare January l.a: the UOl-I»KN kf LK BAZ AAR. and will be managed by s • ommittt* of ticket-holder* P.t- KMBW «"» PILE COVERING GULLINE A CAMERON." SEATTLE * VN •" AGENTS FOR W.T. & B.C. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON' TERRITORY. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1888. A TEMPESTS FURY. New England's Toast Strewn With Wrecks. TERRIBLE LOSS or LIFE. I Snow All Oser New Tork and New England A Gsle on the Great Lakes Heroic Work of • Brave Ban*! of Volanteer Life carers on the Massachusetts Coast. | | NEW Toil, ROT. 36.—' The first snow | storm of the winter, which raged ia this ! city and along the seaboard of the N»-w [ England and Middle Slates, was of blix- I rard vigor. It is now abont over in this vicinity. but ia still raging unabated along the New Eog and coasL Telegraphic com | muoicanon with that section is almost | suspended The Western Ci ion has no wires between this city aud Philadelphia, thus shutting off all southern points. The Associated Press Washington circuit, which usuallv runs from this ci*y to Pbiia i '.elpbia. Baltimore nud Wt«ai Tgtosj ! was this morning made up by wav •f Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburg. The ( storm along tbs coast, all the way from i Hatteras, haa been very violent. Jt is : feared many marine disasters have oc f curred. although it will require some davs before reports begin to come ia. as the storm would drive -esse Is off shore. The Western Union succeeded at noon in opening < ommunication with Boston, and a few wires were a: that time working - with Philadelphia. An As»ociated Press man at Quarantine telegraphs as follows "Noarrivale; wires all dowu. No veasel j anchored off here except the cruiser Bos ; ton, which still lies in the same position, j I have not been able to get off to her yet, as it still blows a fresh gale from the northeast, with a high sea. The beach along the Staten Island shores are full of drift wood and wreckage." SNOW I* SOUTHERN WIW YORK. CaVaJoffjUtlß. X. Y.. Nov. 36 —At 7 1 o'clock last night the Mohawk valley was four inches under snow, and the storm was still prevailing. The Erie canai is filled with boats stalled or ftariugto move. A BARK WRE< KED. Lawts. Del.. Nov. *2r> —The Americaa hark Morro(,'astle.bound from Philadelphia for .-an Francisco with 610 toas of coa , ar rived at I»e)awere breakwater Saturday night shortly before miduisht. At 9 o'clock Sunday morning the bark's cables parted and she wan driven on to the breakwater, where she went to pieces. The crew were safely lauded. L®WES, Del., Nov. 26.—Five barks and three scho'tiers are reported to this point as haviug been wrecked on the coast. TREMENDOUS BREAKERS. ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. J6— The storm yesterday brought an extraordinary high tide, with tremendous seas. A crest deal of damage has been done along the ocean boulevard. TWENTY-EIGHT LIVES SAVED. The Noble Work of a Crew of >la**aehu»etts Volunteers. BOSTON, Nov 2t>.—The terrible effects of last night's storm have beeu everywhere manifest along the coa>t to-day. Al though the lose of life already reported is large, it would have been still greater but for the brave efforts of Capt. Joshua James and his volunteer life saving crew of Hull, who are credited with having saved UH persons from disabled vessels. On Sunday afternoon a large three master went broadside on the beach at Hull. Cant James and his men rushed for:tne Hunt guns, breeches buoy and the life-boat of the Massachusetts Humaue Society at atouy Beach, aud aftei strenu ous efforts they succeeded iu briugiug ashore the crew of nine ineu from the schooner, which proved to be the Cox light sighted a third vessel ashore almost half a mile northeast. She could not be reached by the breeches buoy.and as their surf boat had been demolished the tireless men sta.ted for Strawberry Hill station, four miles away, aud returned with the Humaue Society's new t>oet, wh'th stood the huge breskers and lauded the crew of seven men. SAVED FROM THE RIGGINO. Not satisfied with the work already ac complished. Captaiu James and his baud of U stsrted for Atlantic Hill, seven miles down the beach, where two more rebels were reported ashore. Here they were joined by ( apt James Anderson. of the Humane Society station at Crescent Beach, aud rapt. Oeorge H. Brown, of the govern ment station at North Seitnate. Their efforts were directed to the rescue of five men, who could be ?wn clinging to the rigging of one of \h>- Teasels. The sea was running higher than ever known before at this point, aud it »a* thought impossible to reach the wreck with the surf boat. The Hunt gi»ns were brought into use. aud two lines were al most simultaneously fired across tier fore top bv t'apts. Anderson and Brown. The men iu the rigging eagerly seized the lines and a hawser was pulled atntard, but just as the buoy was arw»ut to be sent out the line bet ante fouled and the buoy rendered useless. At this critical moment three young men of Coha»set named Ain ie, An toine and Salvador, manued a small dory snd «* gr»at peril attempted to clear the liue. In this they were unsuccessful. Tie surf b« at was then put «>ut on its third perilous j >urney. The wares w*-r«- enormous, at tim - lifting the boat as high a* the ma-ts of the dis abled schooner, bvt tte brave Crew never faltered, an* at last reached the vessel's stern As quick a* they were within hail ing distance a nearly exhausted sea in a a crawled out from under a furled sail on the mizren-top and « ame cautiously down the shrouds. ( apt. James threw him a line which he fastened aroaud his body. and lumped into the seaand was rapidly drawn into the boat by strong and willing hand*. A desperate attempt wa« then made to force the surf boat forward to the foremast, but the waves would beat it back, aud for neariy an hour they ttnajrvted be fore they succeeded in reaching and holding their desired position. Jhe men iu the r.Eriug were terriblv exhausted. *nd it wss s difficult undertaking for them to descend, but. one after snother, four of them descended in safety. Jumped over board, aud, like the flrrt were drawn iuto th«- t*>at It »as then discovered that the fifth sailor iu the rigging was a corpse. aud his bod % wa» left ;n its icy resting place. The surfboat wss needed for the shore, and a safe lauding wa» effected, amid the cheers of the spec tators. A roar»B I AhHf l> TO THE MA«T. When the rtorm itru-k the veiwi : i'apt. Kaie# and one refuned t<. *o ! aloft, and they wen- swept overboard. Th other* took to the rigging, where Meward j 1 Hrouu. of £a>t lUwtcn. btina nta>.ie to w *fc«?and the cold, died rarly Sundar morning and wa§ lathed to the maat by hi« I c«tmf*anioni If the vessel rtdea out the itorm. *1 now «« en:» likely, the i>ody will ! A boat 1000 feet n >rthwe*t of thii N>af. high and dry upon the landy bea< h. with in reaching distance of Damon > (kavillon. lie* the three master Mattie E l-lafou, from Boston for a port ia with a ceneral rargo. The raptam and crew were in the ringing eight hoftrt be fore she *!ru« k. but they succ«-edewu iato dr.ft* In New Hampshire five inches of | ha« fallen, and the same is true of Yer j raoct. At Mass the slorm was the worst for ara The arhooaer Avelona dragged ashore oo ?ipe«acie i»)aad daring the »*«»rm yea ter da» hbe will probably doat when the weather moderate*. The AN kiua expert ecced a lerrige ga'-e In the hay, during which three of h*r crew was washed over board and ioaL n*e names are ( hariea Blackford. »hn DooceUe aad James Todd ail hekmrinx to Lirertoe, H s. Tbe acbooner lallff of Fall River la ashore a: Hall Cat>t WsTrara and tbe firm mate are reported low The schooner Gen ran- i« asUwr here H»KTia«. Slaaa.. NOT J6.-Th. pretest •tomo is tbe worst eTer erperieto-ed a* tbia tire of tbe year. Tbe wind blew a hnmeaae and tbe wa drifted to tbe beifbt of three or foar feet. Horse~rar» were suspended an«J religions serrioe* abandoned last night Th« wWphont. aod eiwtnc li|tit wir»« are wn. the drain* f«L ! , aud the vtrerts Mti Firr*** rm* taxe* u*»r. Hk tTTATiL Mml. NOT We IOM of We i» reported by the wrerk ihi* ia«>min« of the }arre fioe Haggcrty was uuloadiag glycerine at Plea>autvilie. Ve nango county, at n«*>n to-day. He had 1040 pounds of it In a wagon. It exploded by some means and Hacg»rty was literally an nihilated Parts of his twe horses were fonud half a mile a*ay. Mrs. Gutscbaw. in a house in the vicinitv, was seriously injured by the side of it being blown In. The explosion was heard at Oil City, twelve miles distant. 81. If KBt'KN CHALLENGED. Judge Rocker Should Eight the President, Too. LEXINGTON. Ky , No* KT.— J C. Moore, of Ifc-nver, is here. He is supposed to bear a «hallengc to senator Bla< kbarn from Judge Racker. I>KNV IK, Nov. 26.—The report from !>ex ington, Ky.. that Col. John C Moore was there beariag a challenge from Jadge Rnckcr b» Senator Black barn is untrue. HE a\ I HEK-s rifEH IN •lay Gould to lla*e ISought the %trhlson telrgraph I.lne. OiriCO, S»>v. ">'• —l* » reported that Jav Gem Id i a- botxght the lei- trraph lines of "the Atchlsou, Topeka A Santa Fe for 1300.000. Apaches to Iw Tied f r Murder. Tvrso*. NOV The four Apa*he msii jlV9ieMM . l '» Jnn«\ I*7. mutinied t sod .-»« aprd witfei < ihcr Indiiop from the «v»erv«t !<•»». aud who were a fer wards rap tored and »- ei.c«-d by court martial to imprlsoanieul al A atrsz. but wrfr par | dosed bv ti..- |*r« * a: d a man named IMe 1 « untied after leaviag the ! res* nitiui %-I w IV \% alkie* Hatrh SE* Y« K NOV AS F**rty on# men %'atrd .. ** tramp in Madison Square 4tar »-• ni*::t. At midnirht to | night l * leaden wa*: M*»re ; !^, t i* *• c#'ol I-J. « ~mer j fcj.'.. H t\ m 125, Day 117, Noreasne ' ia». Hu- - ». fl (c)miu 111. Hart 114, ; Caxnpa >a 1 Fatal i»»iler Ksplwsloa. PtTT»»rE; NoV. jt. -A ' . "r i: Pa »j"' * The , holier tif K* st sawtnlo exploded *te da*. kis.iug a i and Leslie « r<«a». a arraer I Lewi* Ka »n ws* badly s*aMtd, but may re< « v»r , t>*l kD"r Will "Ho 1 |»" .4 ustralia WASMIXOTOV SI>R. 3FT. — the • »ar-na*'» Hfealfcar. | j* A 9 r*A*ci9CXi. 3fov. > —lndication* fen -24 h.-ar» fi>r ure«on aai WaibiDftoo T*rrt torv Haiu In :ha wntem portion, trym i northward, fair weather eke w£*e re REP FIRE. Typical Chicago Anarchist Entertainment. A N.% KCII Sr M>AY SCHOOLS. Powderlj on thr Floor of the (>tseral \*«rmhl» by Chic-***'* thief Sm iatiat. rmcA«o. Not. sax— Anarchists and syta- I pateirers held a meeting _ast night in The suburb of Lake View, which Vsad been advertised as a free entertainment. After gymnastic exercises and carta! a over tbe stage went up. disclosing a tab .eanx. the feature of was a whit* tarn of August Spies. In the rear wa* a fma'.e. personating the iioddes of liberty I To her right wa» another, representing Jua ; with sword and trait* ia hand, bat • her arm was held by a little gir!. who ? seemingly nointrd at the Goddess of Liber ty. NtXt waa a man la black. represent ing the law His hands were throwu B)> and a tpyical anarchist held a sword u> his t>rea»L in front was anot'ter anarchHt. armt-d with an axe, Beneath bis feet were the stars aad strspe*. and over his | head waved the crimson Uae. . Several eitums of l*ke View manifested disapproval of the tableaux and left the J hall, but a majority of those frsetnt ap j planded wildly The police say they will wot allow a repe , tition of such an "entertainment." ANARCHIST HI'NDAY BCUOOU. Teaching the Vounj Idea flow to Shunt. I'mcASo, Nov JR.—The exctuiiv* com mittee of the newly organized local aaar chist society known a» the Arbeiter Kuud has issued a circular calling a large taass meeting next Sunday for the purpose of devising means by which To fouud anar chist schools for children throughout the city. The circular was freely alistribated yesterday, it iuvitesall anarchists toiu vestimate the society's schools, of which there are six jn Chicago, each lo cated in the rear or in bascnit-ut* of sa loons. One of the schools, in the back room of Ractiau Brothers' saloon. on I.incoiu ave nue and Ha! stead street, was found to con . tain >esterday afternoon liOchildren rang in? from five to 14 years of age. seated on Jong benches, listening intently to what the tc«cher* were explaining to them aU>ut Julian Most. The teachers told • the children that Spies and i'ar*oi>s had been murdered by capitalist*. and referred to the dead anarchists a* martyrs. I'OWDEULV'D FIRST OEFEAT. ' Shilling, the ( hit R|w Socialist thief, ttrtually Simtalned. Inmaxapglis, Nov. 2d.— ln the Knights ' of I.abor convention this morniug the relevance committee occupied the time. In the case of the contesting delegations j from district assembly «, New York, that . headed by James K. Qainn was recognised Powderly says he is sorrv he w«« re elected. a» ht* has been ottered a better t Job, one paying ft4M* for three months' . work. The busiuessof the afternoon was uearly all of a routine character. <>ne of the first thiugs done on reassembling was the passage of a resolution to adjourn the as sembly sine die to-morrow at noon. The committee oil appeals au«i griev ances resumed work. The only case of imports nee considered was that of George Schilling, who as master workman of dis trict av>embiy of Chicago suspended local assembly 400. The local appealed to the general master workmsn, and was by him reinstated. Schilling tnereupon ap pealed the case to this body, on the ground that the master workman of a district a* semblv, sud uot tne general master work man. had authority to suspend local as semblies. During the hearingof the case hchiliing vigorously denounced l'owderly on the : door of the assembly. When Schilling i concluded his statement General Master ' Workman Powderly took the tloor auw the legislative committee will ' suits t a report It is understood that R. j1» Layton aad Balffe luanmout will con j stitute the new committee ou national leg | Ulation, with l,a)tou as chairman The following named cities are appli cants for the place of holding the next general assembly: Toronto, t auada: At lanta. Ga.; New Orleau*, Toledo, Albany aud Providence, It is thought to-night that either Toronto or Atlauta will be choeen. M AON 1 KICK NT SIGHT* Great Waves I»a*hing Madly an the Cape May Beach. ! C am: M \Y, N. J., Nov. 2*.—Sea- are beat ing heavily agaiust the uew bulkhead of j the new Mt. Vernon tract. The spray i» : Hying higher over the board walk at the ! lower end of the city than has ever beeu known. The iron ocean pier remaius yet. I Above the city the sea has cat away the beab from 10 to 15 feet. The signt Is I a magnificent one and is witaeseed by ; almost the entire populace of the citv The Half-w ay bouse, just within the city limits, is a complete wreck, aud now lies flat upon the ground. The board walk ou the OoulevsM owned i»y the city, extending from Michixsu avenue to Chelate, is almost entirely carried away. The beach Is strewn for miles with de bris. The strong wind had a clean • ween at the water in the thoroughfare as it rolled towards Baltic avenue this mornim; ; it; most alarming volume Resident* along the greater part of the avenue were com pel led to use boats to get away from I their flooded homes. THE SWITCHMEN DEFEATED. ' Collapse of the Railroad Strike at ladlanapolla. IJUHANAPOLIS. Nov. 2k—The switch | men s »trike did not exteud to-day to the j engineers or Art men. a* was anticipated, i The >ttuN?lou remaius unchanged. except ; that all the r .wis were moving trains to > day. aud to-uight the bl«* kade is nearly ■' o*en "me New mm are spplylug \->> work «t every office, and tne superin '.ettdents say the} wi>l have no difficulty la I supplying every striker's place within the next few da vs. The day. taken ** a whole. ' Vk» rather disastrous to the strikers, and j there i» a visible weakening manifested by ; some of their uwm-'-er. Th«* general ofttffi of th* Locomotive Bmtberh.**l and Kir»neu i AMoriaUeo did not put iu t&eir kjifCtnuMC today, as itwa- fiuo out the* Wi»uld It cannot be re la ly as* rtaine* tnat either of theae onran.iat'on* ;.av«- tak'-n any **rp toward assisting (if sustain >uk the strikers. lit IN AT MANHATTAN BKAC M I'art c t the Marine Kailruad and KrlKbl' n Kailrond Tarried Away. MAIUATTAK RIICI. I* I. S.»v jf. the tempe»t reached it* h»*be*t •trensta here at | ;> m fceday. Thv-n the tide being very hiich and tne bn ak- rn tr<-mendott«, with a Mrotuc northeaat wind driving them <»a the ♦upla'iai> wruch raat al.-rg the wno'.e of the Manhattan Ikf h < omuni i property. *u»a? feel an ihr«/wn hs*h in the atr an 1 fr >n» one end t<» th? ■rther. Immed * ely afti r the depot at the W. *t end of tne kU-i.i* r*i.r-»ad wa» »wept int«> the a«* bodiH. * d in a few miualepot, wid go *t :V- uekt high tide If the ftorm t'lOtiHQri. TII »: R;niri u■ »li*ia \e»ti«*«»g f*r • santle "Strike »r S • 'p -A p«p**r «ay* Althou>t.». &* +* <*■* h ral tra V w • ' - %*e wot received an.s 'toe ..rraniJa U*m of an . a tit to tie car rled thmuxb a t runsentl«b of th« Aotcn**w fr-'.-?*'.( 'l wtis- h i> t»i meet iu t is - do*bt « at t is well wndei way A*■ n« a a niiwf and urxing ii has hre3 *n* t»t t.. all or a * rations sup l>' Aft, Nov JL-A asett* « C tiraa. I»d . spMlal »afS Tha boikr in the * hair faeto y at tha* vibage expl<»• Befit, John »ta?k and mm |iwt M>rereh u»)an*»g Fr-d Ursts. engineer, .r»ci;a« I>C imeun- I* rAKLUHE/T. **• riaheela* Treaty and the Saek *"l* lafldfat- Owtrag. •- lx>*tS'>. NOT. * —ln the ho«se ef roa sou to utgfit Omtriey, liberal, a>ked if tbe corrtapoodeace on tbe A men,-an ftaherte* I a< to be whether it was tbe inM!»n ri tbe *or»nimeot to oe««ia!e for a are WMMOO. . and , ».**">" " "eaatirae. o« „ « to the ai«rr*eeoe of .real „p:nioa relaiee to lh« tneaaia* ef tbe trrai* of l»;- \ w « - n sanded U> ra*pead the cnfcwrt iaee;, f ;ts previstoas. aa '"a I*,'iv .Json, parliamentary aee~ f°r tbe forrifa office curtl* rf i.l'etJ tbal tbe nneraaeit wiS: uo« publish an* J-apeta nof make an? Hate on the »« j »aet at & reseat a a*lu rimli uin op i cratioa. Smith. gwerasatat leader. *epl vine lot ' queatiou. intimated that the undertbe pretest r.reutr#ta*icv» «u on to r:,ike IUT ftatemem :e*rard;n« the appointment nf * alalmr f washmgtoin The bonae then went into committer of me whole. and the debate the land ; pure ita»-» biil waa resume J rarueo pt» P***d *» amendment to tbe effort that uo atone} l-e advanced foe the purvha«« of more than one Mdiof if »octi haldin* weir rated at no ta* a» > early. balfonr contended that the a TO -udmert 1 interfere with the »tm*Hh working of the van of »ale. |~'*Xvs £beehy, nationalist member for ! ******** app**a; j iuk toas nnder the coerrion art He moved to report progress m order to five the bouse an opportunity to discuss thin audacioua brent h of privilege. deplored the incident and did not know under what authority it had hap ; veiled. On motion of John Morlev. a committee ! was appointed to inquire into the t ireum tfancea of tne incident, consisting of Wil liain Version Marcourt. Mr Mor'ey. sir rbarlea Kusaell, Mr I'ame;!. Mr Timothy HeaJy, Hame Matthew*. Mr ♦ Goachen. Mr. Madden. Sir Edward i'«a*s and Matthew HidU-v. i'arnelis amendment wa* afterward* lost by a vote of i,> 4 to ill. THE KAST AI'BHMN BUM KADE. The Company I»rte r rained »lave« Frf«l lUllff of Kmln. BERLIN. Nov. yv—The directora of tbe I East Africanrompauy have met and unan imoualy retired to Inform the tjoYeru meat that the company will relinquish none of iu right* in KaM Africa, that Ibe i intention is to strengthen Hagomavo and ; JMraalm with MDM forts, aud to attempt ! to reconquer other «ta!jon« under the pro j lection of the blockading squadron. It j waa derided t<> upk the re?eh»tag for aii> iwrl. !t la exitv'ed the ronipan* will ut a loan of 10.000.000 murks. The puTrrnnu-n! ha* veiecitd Fr«at\' * proposal for a blockade of Kaweni be hail,led oeer t.> Kranre for pun ' Uhment. /. VMIRAK, Xov. 26.—The (jucatjon RFCARV! HIR the fuel Urea barla>red I > the raixiou station A: M,ML.a«a ha. U-eu ». ttled to the satisfaction of the native*. The ARRANGE metit secured freedom U> L.OI ulavea. ; liEfcLl*. Nov 26. —L.ieut. \Veta»inan will . wait on the emperor, realfrn hi« rnmmit i I sion in tbe army «n.t »t«te ht« plant for A relief expedition. The Kmin relief eommittee ba*e pa»wl a reaolntlon terervltiK all i-onneetlan IM * ween Ike committee and the Ka.t \frtea i ■ umpanjr. TT» AKKEST IIAKKI>'QT«IK. A rim to lUmiiT* llim form Lon don Irnion Olrhrttlnii. DCBU*. Nov. 2ft.-Kdward Harrington. m«i»r of parliament, failed to appear to day in answer to a «umrnou« charging him with inciting tenants to adopt the plan of campaign through his paper, the Kerr* ScMtnrl. His counsel apt>fi««J for a peeu urging the putting on of at leaat two such survey thiis. but at present there is but one out. I do not know where it is. but it is working sway somewhere out in the ocean and will get through by and by. It is pushing on from Auckland toward Honolulu." Tlie Arizona Legislature ttepubllraii. Tcfso*. Aria.. Nov. 31-Tha official count of the territory gives the legislative council to the Republicans by four major Ity. and the as.*emhlv to the I>eraoerets hv two majority. A majority of both branch es favor the removal of the capitol to Phoenix at once, and the holding of the term of levialature there. The present leg islatare does not adjourn uutil March 21 A < wrjof In a ■ rnnk. HiVULKo. Nov.»» \ trunk containing the (orjut- of Harr Uueia«-benr. forwarding agent of the Hamburg Ameri< an l k a< ket Ctx, wan dimwpwd ja the Ha*k> u chfk on Saturday. Tb«* aknli vt« fractured and a nat« b and |7jo in money were ml««ing * ate ward named i>aw wa* arrvated at Co Immr t«>-d«y, ( barged with heiug the mur dent. ( lan Itell* HrlMMl4 Freau Han Pn?«ct*"> Nor y> —Judge Murphy to dar dtamiaacd five < hargea of forgery v* hi« h have been la nding againat Mr* Clara Uelle Ml»-nald for the naat year. The principal r- a-««u of (Manklaaaf. m* atated by covnael, waa the lahtrr tba* a trial f«»r forgery would do Mr*. M< Ifcuiald'a child | Itol'er Kt|ilVw# *mj* ■ It jvgret* I>»rd *ait*burv'» deelflon to de ! !i]r the ap»t*"!rmn«-ut of a tuntMor to Lord , r>mrk villi*. Thi§ foone, ft m». may j»ro \.»ke I'mkkpt He vela ad lo withdraw ViliitWr PbeJf-a. A Krtm li I ri»U A |»t#roar lilog. HtftLiff. Nor. +6 —The \orik O-rrmam torn : ifttt *t»'J a;»<>«t ail other prominent Gcr man papr* cuui-ut In the op.n.on thai the i»!?a:m of France are u udinK toward a eii ' *i*. of whu h th* Myjuearea are ir.rakuta ble. John Bright tiroaa tloarljr Wnm. Lotf&o*. Sot. 28.—John Bright had a n-fht. Hi« l«i»»ir» arr in a worn ; «'>>cdt*l'rn. aud hi* temperature higher. He grow® hourly worae. Official r»te of Florida. j J*« *•••««vjli.e. Fia . Nov. 3*.—A *j«er?al |to the Tim** in torn from Taiiaha*aee *ay# > The official vote of fliMB U a* foUotrt: Cievclaod Harriw»n Fi k #BB*. » le*ela£d'« ma; -rity o\rr liarnaon. 12, Htrilaa Kltfthm ft lota. Ln»Pt». Hot. A dtapatrh from Bel grade »«r« Heriou* iketton rio*« owontd t< dhj iu tterr'a. He**-rai Jirea were ft»*t and SUJ public holdings were demo* iihrd (;un« f«»r British ( nluaM». OTTAWA. HOT 2k—Tt»e Ikomiaioti •**%- : ernmrnt ha* ovtftfl4 lao w* W pound ni!ed gnoa from the '*ovrru»ent , for ote on tb«» FaHfir «-oa»t Belgian War fft^arall«« Bit »RMi, S«r. I The K»nU %« i that the gwrf»Mi«-at will a»k the chamber of day at 1" for a of VOtw.MW franr* to complete armament*. Afna* ex iHnrdrrnd. GAIV**TO», Tex.. S**% & T. *». I MrtMule. I»*rmerly *rs*riff erf W«lu>a waa aiMre'-* :.afrd rt» bla honae bere tMrtpL An Imperial l»w« , |»U« , a^l rtui), Nov JS r.w wtmy to-d»« W Itw »!«»>*«■ m 4 ,tc * ptMtWul of l»« g K»pufcl.< .« M Slma. ! j 1 ai|oill; d >lm to Bw »at h«««» VOL XV.-NO. n INTERNAL TAXES. Annual K«>port of Commis »ionfr Miller. H«l\ T riOMKTTI TKOOI CT l»e, rea«ed Maoafartare at Whiaky— Sriw t'rwtt l'.raaf the tr* anurj of the operation* of that -erTtoe ilnrirg the fiaoal .tear ended Jaaa u !a*L The repkirt ahow» total r*refp« -or the Bieal \ear of »i:t.X*,«», aa in j ereaae of t-. wi.tTt orvr the reeeipta for tbe pn i kw Tear, au l more than tbe reeeipto of ar.) year atnt-e Ivsj, whea Ute reevipta j a#ir*-*aU'd JUt.a Receipt. f„ r the , >ear were a'-w. tt mora than the aa , timated reeeipla for tbe pfeacni iiaeat vear Tbe re<-eipt. nei« jear will be Hi.. ■ aw.ixo. pro.fte.l no et-angee are mad- in !beexiatin« rati* ottavauoo The withdrawala fori^Q%; !>tiirtu, (i!k>ni; f« ruif ulnt iK|ti«r&, .4j#9£i9 ham-la , l*anL ana amoking, 30I.V«\M8 putttKisr, i lfnmnpi 7,7 4« iHiunJ* tbil ahtvnt % «ar|pß ]*h. . ■*{ ..f ,r*.>n* hate i«u -ested f >r rercuuf violatiooi; property of ' the value of 3A ha» been reported : for »elture and s7.U>l9 14 for asse>*meutt ! ft>r unpaid taxes intl penalties. !>«nn| The year .»1* illicit sUIls were set red. result !:i| tu the 'U'lUi of oue ottWr aud the Wi-UUdll.ti rf it ; "Hie uumher of dHtillfrhi during the >ear was .£*94, and the number operated wa* 3N6. The uumU rof cram ri»a register* .1 WM MOB, of which 1029 werv opernH i. an in< rvase over the previous vcar of 110 iu ihe nuruher rvgtn (ervd. and of f«u In the number operated. Then were Mil ftoHdimUtrtt* registered, and >O7 op rate*!, a decreate of i.W iu the j nuutlter registered and 1519 tu Uie number The conmiantooer devotes a chapter to the sublet of fruit brand?, and rvnrwi hit reeommendatiou of tart rear that su thorny be «n« n for the distillation of all kinds t.f fruits under the regulations which govern the t>roduction of b r andy from apple*. j»eachea or grapes exeln* sirety. Iu rinrd to the prnpttMliou to re ' loose the tat from the trand> distilled frwm fruit, he say# it appesr* to be pcob able that relief of thia article from tua tiou would trad to the utilisation of a large liitnibrr of different (raits for the dutilijp ts and to i>e production of na additional volume of »ueh sntnts. which might be reasonably expected to have an appreciable effect up n the tax paid ou ♦rra n ami molasses spirits, with which II would come in rompetitiou. Reduction of Ihe revenue fe* abolition of the tax upon fruit braudv is not, in his opinion, to »*• i!na«nn«l by the subtraction of ; the present collections (m that tonren. A considerably la'jp r amount would, be •as*. in all probability b - lost, while the mischief to the revenue service and in rrtanol difficult rt in the enforcement of the law a* to train and mo!a*se» spMn, out of all proportion to the amount of tax surrendered, must be seriously appre hended. file quantity of spirt's{7l,279 40« gallons) produced and deposited in distillery ware house* during tne year is less than the production (T7.*3l,"*U> gallons) of the year l*e>7 by ?..'»vj,ih3 gallons. There was an increase amounting to 4,W7 .«*«>» gallons in the production of alco lluJ' * ni ' D< Q, '*i cologne spirits and aa»' jultv r< ase amount lug r» | Mfc d UCI # WtolkjF, tgt »i• i r warctiMpHhteiMscbtjwvJ* wwnji.^wji the - j.4—•. an Inereaae in tb* n umbel of Hgaretb a exporter] of 40.3 M MO. Hl«* num ber of rtgara imported daring the tend year ended June 30. iiM, aaa Tha *aiue <»f the manafnHured tobacco import ed wa» S*M9sf. oLKonaaaaaing. The commiaaionev devote* r >n»i4erahla apace In hla report to the anbjvrt of oleo margarine. The quantity of oseo»urgarHMl produced from Noreaahef I. l**a. '-he daf on which the took effrci. l» Jane «i« t&4 pounda, tax paid »«• 56*2Kt.734 ponada e*»*»rted, 2.414.7* pound*. I'Htt or dtatroyed, *A.TM pound*; remaluing In the factoff Jaiie Wb |»<»ttnd». There ware I poun l* of ol« onsargarlae in tha ! ostm - aha June :»tb ia»i. of which potjud* were in tha nanda m maonfne iarrra. ponndf In the band* aa wbolr»aie dealera, and 1.P0.W yonnda ! Tha commi-.ooet «nya "The fsiMg off la th* a amber of apeual iMp'f**,®? been a anljeet of great *«HeU«»de in thtt office, and tJ may i-artly ba dne !• «r,oa of mapedad witter in . al' par*« of the eonn'ry ** I To* Ktimifwl rtK""' rv.runp fc.r tit r" ro4l»* J*°« ' ». !■«'. •**"*»> Kl ' * roßTUin> *«w«- Mew f naea btr h.U« to *«rsiw, "iirs utsao-*-* lucik* «nJ J. t>'»«DW«J4. utl*. era »■ M>* «•**?- tm f-p. : Kr.««. Sot. *-Tk-l»r ' " '•STmS am kM u. IM jj