OCR Interpretation

The Seattle post-intelligencer. [volume] (Seattle, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1914, February 03, 1889, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045604/1889-02-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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' O THE <
| Investors and Home Seek
crs are Invited to Ex
amine the Follow
ing Facts Re
lating to
Port fownsend.
First— lt la the Fort of Entry lor Puget
gpand, and the natural Commercial ces-
Pm tor the growing traffic of the North
juft oaiti
Second.—The U. 8. PnbH»* building, to
«eU36a,800, Is being erected at Port Town
Third.—lt baa the safest, meet acceenlble
mi commodious harbor on the Pacific
essst north of itan FranrUco.
Foarth.- It la toos to be connected with
g, ftartland, Or., by a railroad, now under
•aaatruction, as part of a transcontinental
**FWth.-It is to be the terminal point on
Fcget Sound for tbe traffic of the Caaadiau
Fad tic Railway, and la the principal •tup
ping point for the Alaska trade.
Sixth.—lt bu the mo*t equable tempera
nee. the leant rainfall, and the lowest
death rate of any point In Western Waih-
It* building and street Im
prcnrementM for the past six month* were
nearly l&OMOO. A motor rtreet car line
is to be built at a cost of *120.000
Eighth.—lts general trade during 1»»,
exceeded $3,500,000.
S Math.—lt la the county seat of Jefferson
County and has a popttia'iou of over 4,000.
Tenth.—lt Is so situa'ed as to command
the product* of seven counties, all rich in
agricultural. Umber and mineral reaoarces.
Eleventh.— It haa tu am saw wills with a
dally capacity of feet; iron smelter
with dally output of 90 tons; machine
shops and marine ways: sash, door and
blind factories; brick yards, with such in
dustries as steel works, rolling mills, boiler
works, ice factory, etc., In prospect.
Twelfth.— lt om-rs home seeker*, manu
facturers and Investors special Induce
ments in cheap lands and eligible -sites for
industrial establishment*.
The above statements are
Reliable in every particular,
and are hereby authorized
for publication.
Mayor of the City.
Pres. Port Townsead B'd Trade.
Sec Board Trade.
For further information address
Fort Townseod Board of Trade
L. A. SISL.EY, Manager,
Occident*! Hotel.
—AND •
Have Opened
aid Bureau
Occupyinjar the
- Olf THK
®«iff .lames ami Smtnd Si v..
For the Purpose ot Doing
heal estate
Auction Business.
tacoma house
a few or the
Choicest Lots
ttftaeo minute* walk from the Ferry
High, Level, Cleared
In buying tea! estate it U of first import
une* to get a
The title to tot# is
Tide Insurance & Trnst Ca
I ' r >
I :/ * Jx ' f
W. P. BOYD & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail
Gimpen Flouncing*, Chantilly Ftouhcings,
Hand-Run Flouncings.
Fine Dnehesae, Irish, Point Gage Medfei, Flore a One, Madras, elf. la fact, anything
TOU want in a good Fancy Good* Department
Dress Goods, Black Silks. Colored Silks.
W« an showing some of tbe but vtlwi io D&XSB FilSICt to be ioasd ta the city.
Onr lint* ia WOOL SJLESB 6CODB being the be*t mmried. and offers good m
dnceanenu to al! jur-hssers.
Our bobby I* our Domestic Department, where we can furnish nay thing wanted in
the way of linens, Sbeetlags, Blankets, Telnet Quilts, Co®forts ia all grades, mit
able for fnrnishiug the finest bote! or rest aarauf. Call and examine this stook.
621 and 623 Front Street,
SEATTLE. Jan. SI, 1889.
J AMIS BCTITWEIX, Secretary Home Fir* Insurance Co. of Seattle.
Scar Sir : For the nine Incited SSCO dollar* cash. jut paid us. we desire to
tk stk you. Tear aojusmcnt and payment of tke locs sustained ky burning of
our groceiy store en Jackson street, almost a week age. is prompt, fair and to our
entire satisfaction, as yon pay tke full face of your policies
Tory Sacpeetfnlly.
C«s« tadSeeTbenj. JITeT »*sk
Immense Reduction!
Prices Cut in Two!
Hliu-li. r t.
Au<] tor one vock o»> wr will m*ke y<« not In taut line that *«>« cttKMt tffont
I to mis*.
; tit sww but we tare*! the rsxwu for *>tb<T ro»3*.
arJ *i.H giv« } ow * htrnkin tw* thti *> ' <>an!
353". Olailloerg <Sc Son,
ri:i s*n*i ria front «rr.
Cascade Fire A .Marine Insurance Co..
si: \'i ti.k, « . t.
CAPITAL $200,000:
A v - s. .Jeai JL A. tkm' 4. tfeenftuy.
W II H* * '? !*»#»,sdefci. W. L> Tr*m*uT*t.
ts. JE«> «* <co., - • city Ag« nt«,
H8 Mii< Street. Occidental Stock.
Staad&i Conner ted With the
Dead Prince.
Aflktlsa of the Feeble Old Baa
■air Freeaasptire's Policy.
K*a Yoaa, Fefv. i-The Ev<*i»g a**
prints a Berlia tpedal which It say* came*
from amm aV>v» suspicion The spec
ial says: "Ciwra Prtaee Rudolph was
killed ia a dael Tuesday by Coast Fran*
Clamgallaa. The crown peine*"s witnesses
were Count Efoyea aad Prince Cotwrg. his
brother in-law. The count's witnesses
were Prince Ferdinand Kiaoaker and
another oobiemaa. The dael was fought
at 4 p. m. ia a little wood near Baden. The
crown prince was wounded aad traasport
ed to the nearest castle at MeyerUag aad
diediatein the evening, jastat The hour
when his coming was anxiously awaited at
a state dinner ta ifce Hofburg.
Tbe erowa priaoe had been paying at
tentions to the Countess Clamgaflaa for tbe
past six months, aad it is claimed that rt
eeatly, while on a shooting excursion on
tbe estate of the lady 's mother in-law.
Coaat Claneal?a« surprised hi* wife la a'
compromising situation. The Count at oaec
challenged the crown prince. Tbe latter,
after consideration, accepted aad the duei
occarred. Tbe whole affair has been I
largely suppressed by the Austrian coart,
bat leakes oat through ion« aristocrat*
who were compromised ia the affair, and
had to leaTe the country. The emperor,
who knew of tbe whole affair, ha* it j*
said, faily approved of hi# *oa s beba.ior.
eat* is Blinsaarx'H friehd.
New Yoas. Feb. 2 —The Tr pab
lisbesa *igai Scant interview with a prom
inent diplomat at Washington, wbieb is m
line with the Paris dispatch to ',Lc Asao- I
.ciated Pfwa last nigft, in which the sair i
points out the singular coincidence of the
mysterious deaths of Prince Rudolph. I
tiambetta, Gen. fekobeleff, King Ladwtg. j
of Bavaria and others, all of whom were '
Ersoes that Bismarck had occasion to
ir. The interview points out that fin '
doij.h was opposed to the ascendencv of :
Germany u> the triple alliance;
that apoa the accession to the tbrooe he
would doubtles* be ma4e king of Bo he
mie, and that the fact of his frietiship for
Clemenceau and Boulaager are well kuwu.
It j*>iDta out that fate has worked to Bis
aarrt'i advantage through the most ex-1
trsordinary series of coincidences, and de
clares that Bismarck knew eight taoors In
advance of the attempt on the life oi
Cherebu when with Louis Napoleon in
lst»7. but allowed it to be o.ine, knowing it j
would promote the allianr* of and
Ru>aia, which would have rendered the
Franco German war impossible.
Viexka, Feb I—The (tfxml Haz' tir eon
firms the statement that ihe funeral of the
crown prince will be simple and that the
service will occupy only an hour. The
only member* of auy friendly royal family
who will be present are the king and queen
of Belgium. Emperor Francis Josepn ap
pear* to have a«ed 20 year* since the tragic
death. The body of the prinfe is dressed
in the uniform of a general. Priests pray
alternately before the body.
When Prince Philip of Coburg and
Laschek, the valet, returned to the room In
which the body lay after Count Hauss bad
left for Vienna to announce the death of
the prince to the emperor, they found that
a buruiuc caudle had set fire to tbe cuff oa
KHdo!ph> right wrist.
The emperor has seat the following reply
to President ("araot s ra>-Mmgc of coadol
"1 am great! v touched by your associat
ing yourself with me .a my irrief, and I
be# yoa to accept m* *rateful thanks for
sharing so sincerely in tbe sorrow caused
by the cruel lest* with which providence
has afflicted inc." -
Formal announcement that the Arch-
Duke Francis i» the heir apparent will
probably be delayed for legal reasons and
on account of the possibility of the post
h imous issue of an heir of Rudolph.
The post mortem medical report in the
tbe case of Crown P incc Ku loiph sets at
rest the rumors of murder. The public is
lesa agitated, the theorv of disease being
generally accepted.
The emperor gave audience this morning
to the Archduke Francis. The interview
is uuderatood to have been iu relation to
tbe suceesxiou. The body will ii« in state
in the private chapel of the Hofburg from
Moudav morning until Tuesday noon,
when it will be taken to the canuohiu
church la Neuenafket.
The court suriteou*, in their ohi trial re
port on the death of Crown Prince Ru
dolph, say they found a peculiar fatticess
of the internal depression of the cerebral
folds and an enlargement of tbe ventricle
of the brain. These abnormal couditiouc.
the surgeons say, justify the belief that
the crown prince was iusane.
Few persona were permitted to view the
remains to-day. The co®n ts covered with
black, white, aud gold cloth. Palms are
grouped arouud the bead of the coffin.
The king and queen of Belgium and
Prince Baldwin arrived to-aight. Tbe pub
lic were excluded from the station.
The »m Aaitrlm ll«ir a Friend of
R wila-I>ituarrk I.osing <Jround.
{Copyright, IW, by the Associated Press. 1
Bugus. Feb. 2. — Although the death of
till? Afc*?riau crown prince wiil have no
immediate c fleet upon the relations be
tween (i.-rmauy ana America, the iasues
that have already engaged the anxtoua at
tention of Emperor V ill lain and Bismarck,
since yesterday morning the empttw haa
had two loug lutervtew* with the chancel
lor, who is .a coustaut coramuak'at.oa
with the German ambassador at Vienna,
and Couat kalnoky. the of the cor
reapoudenee being, i*. is reported. the suc
cession to toe Austrian throne. T&e re
moval ot Crown Priaee Rwdolph ta
regarded br ofticiai cireiea here a
m»iortunt for the triple alliance. His
.egitimate successor. Carl Lodwig. < annul
be relied upon a- a friend of the aiiianee.
Throoghotu his » years of Hie be has not
take a au a> tive part in {mlttlca. leading a
qaiet existence, bat both be and his aun,
Krauc, iu whow favor he raa>- abdicate, are
know it to in-line to an ami 10-rman poiiey,
favoring rather an entente with Russia.
Tac moral fortitude of Emperor Kraucts
J* M-ph la aliowiug publication of the tact
of the Crown Pnncv's aai. Ide t-ilcita gen
eral ad miration. Emperor tAildam ha»
ordered the officer# of the grenadier guard*,
of which Emperor Francis Joseph is boo
orary eokmct, and the Eleventh Hsiaoa,
the crown peace's regiment, to wear
mourutn; for week.
The reu hssag treated the third reading
of the East Africa hill with 1 udiifereaee.
Prince Bistaarek's faad with the ultra con
servative-threaten# to alienate a number
of hta hitherto ardent supporters.
Sean h has been ordereo of the offices of
A- •>: / .and the bona,, uf iu editor
" for the mair.-crlpt of an article attacking
the chanes-Ika's coodact in the <»vfickea
i inqtnnf. This order t* condemned evea la
I the Cologne ii*xftfe as au cftcuse against
the liberty of Ute pffss. The Empress
' Aogus;a also bemoans his action, as
»■xpsjsiuf to the world family caudal*,
i The tnspcessfm in diplomatic cirrie* 1*
| that thouirh Bt<u>nn-k s po*«er over the
«««■ ror is ■ hi* position wUI re
mau« »k ure uu'ii he rctim*, hat ibat the
*a of Count Herbert :s «k>-.}t>UaL
The annoumvmeut that Biasaarck baa
'ordered txempuoa of foreigner* ff*na
tt artiai law ia sacioa and haa lusinu't. d
the rooaolto withdraw from ib
coi;tt->* for admlaiatntioa, has euctu-d
partial approval from the preaa. The
♦ •ssea . ' sg remark-:tat pniet-vd ag*
| of thi»**»rt are atH caicttiatcd t*>
1 Uvrniar aathoittj la rh« pren ut
i attain id state of affairs at >*«•»*. The
govs ramcrit Joaruaia recogaiie thi> propri
] ety of resis ting the rights aod interests
of foretguera. !«t iaaista sfavi the necr-a
. sity of rvprujuJa J>r a;s*. k oa
| tierman>-
\ A c*bii' dr«patch ftwta Zasxlbar »a
Oowtrfle* the death of Ach-ned, scitan of
Vita. H.s
J pff« .aimed xni-mw
Cikreulic); Kit Thrrot t Kill Wil
liam o'Brlsa.
Dvaiu>. Peb. i-7h«K»a» ywwr
day Wkimikl Ba.fosr, ' hfa-f *»j«wetary
for Ire aEKt. aayiog the tr« *?mf-at to wEKh
KB. O Bffca had be-.*a «ni>jeeted »ioc« a
careeratufß m Ckwgwi Jail tmi cr«au-d ia
U .+< £j «:a« m irettnt «ein»a fir
*i boors bos
; w OOW at«e- h!e»a. Toe pr;*"!i Ofllcrola,
cos*!tier;Bg O'teieji to a • rtti* *1
hate telegraphed Batfusr for orders Sex
t*m there fore arged tin 'our !*» .»ao- order
that iiolae* maiißeat wt y'Hrita J* *t
OL.ce at*if»t > cd a-4 warnt 1 him that s» jf«ie
«om *m» raptd;? a-»r;rg m {-.dot «a tc
pr#iraf"t wowkl be i : .ap£ >s,t>«e.
Soltiwrdid »»«>t frply. iMfl >exu>tt *
message to the v M«o-fes». -*Jge a? i o\ U»-a
ns»rzm<4. with a re-.;-;**! f-«r aa so
goer. fesii..'Sr ai>pt ared. < a Jed :he »•-;<
c ar, ac J deelaresi Re woj! i as.t ausw -"
s.-noo'- meiwage- If' '■*:)»**} »he p<diK>
aaas .«t -iat<- at t:,e ■•.■d.'e ?or«::o»i*< r*v»
; jw» to disturb hirau
Arrati»-> nan;ts a.- "Sadsf f--»r
' leg ttPMloga everyw&e-s* in t»Ha4 v
. exprewa laajgaotii.« at the treooarar &{
Baiiuwr ao>a b did sot aae the ioßgaaxe
ici hisi Mr *U-Z2ir~mmr-tzT-*-f
in fact did net are the awwmi at a*L
AadttoeeoarefaaCtoa relative t* O'Brien
took place between Baliwar» «« «jtarv and
mes oesy that O Brten is speec-hleat. On
he was quite well law night
Father Jlamaaa. of ConetmeUy. was sen
tasred to See weeks' impnaoßineut *i>dav
tor cesses under the crt m«e ML
Constats Ciiftoo. of tUdrwr., has re
!?s!!l?l£2!fha«h treat-
Brien by the prime* official at
CfciUaat Wallrwad CeatrarU Let.
MowrajtaL, Feht 1.-James B.ws. who
baj't some of the meet diflealt
the Canadian Pacifi<* railway, includ
ing the Bocky mountain division
and t&rongh the Selkirk and also
Portioßs of the Short Line,
haa taken revdhl contract* with the Chil
ian government tor eooMrncum of about
7W miles of ra»iway, involrlag as outlay
of about The contemplated
lines are to be baik for the purpose of
opening a? the saontry.
Rcfssdisg the Porlagweea Debt.
Btxus, Feb. X —A Bjndicafc* of Berlin
aad Frankfort hankers, in toajnortlon
with a gn-mp of Portuguese and Paris
hanks, has concluded an aereement for
converting the whole outstanding Portu
guese 5 per cent, bonds of MSS, i<M aad
1W luto t' .*4 mountin* to «,00e,0® rtcr
titet- -
Frtocli OarvniMMt ta X« Ilarry.
Paris, F«b. I—ln the chamber to-day
Caaeau (BocapartiMj :n*de a motion de
manding unceucy for the oenitiue d'arron
! dtaaeaaeat bill uff-»r*d by the ministry,
Fioquet feeid lha.t urgency wast oniW.
| Tto motion was d<>fe«*<d~£iP tv T74.
Wrecked oa the Scotch Caait.
LoffDoK.Peb. 2,-Tbe British bark Kc*
meath, from while heing towed to
the Clyde, broke adrift dnr.ait a violent
gale and was wrecked at Port Patrick. The
mate, b» w'ft aad Sve aearaen vrv re
Challenged by a Boulaiigltt.
P\K;<S Feb. 2.— Laguerte, a prominent
Ronlaagist deputy. has Det>aty
LaCroix to B<h: a due'. for oSHiaiveiy in
trrrupunut Laguemf's »pwefc ia the
Smw l'anam t shares • Fit tin re.
PARIS. Feb. 2.— lt is n-PMIE3 that the
new issue of Panama canal *i»aie* is a
complete failure. The old sbarv& aw
•joou-d at S« francs.
Wreeked Off the Ea(ti»h Coast*
Ix»NWS, Feb. 2.—The steamer l.vnriag
sion was wrecked aS Ufracombe. Ten per
sona *tw drowned.
French Crop Prospects Good.
Pa at*. Feb. Z—it is officially announced
that the crop showing in Frauee ia favor
able and the prv*ent a*j*>ct very good.
The Cotttraiaaieoer Will Examine
Erery Place Ba|«cat»d.
fis Fin score, Feb. i, Senior-Com- j
mander C. SI. Cheater, iJeat-Cemmauder ;
Stockton and Capt. A. T. Maban. tn« latter !
of the Newi>ort, It, navy yard, arrived
!>i this citv yesterday and are now a? the
Palace. They comprise a commifaion dele
gated by congrvsa to examine aad rej*>rt :
on a suitable uavy yard site for <»-e*ron and ,
Washington Territory. Capt. Maban said j
be and his colleagae» would remain here •
until next week and then go north.
•'We shall carefnlly examine both Ore
con and Washington Territory," said Capt.
Mahan. "We will (to from here to Portland
ovtriaad. and either on our arrival there i
or after onr visit to Puuet Sound, will thor- •
onghly examine the Columbia and the fa- !
cilities Kent-rally in Oregon for a navy
yard. We wili look over Paget Sound from j
Olympia down toTacoma and Seattle and
ah around there. Of coarae we have noth- I
ing to d» but to recommend what we deem
the best location."
Exaggerated Reports from Antelope
Valley- Whisky Did It.
Cjuuok, N'ev., Feb i—-Word came to-lay
from Antelope valley, near Tom Bicker s
ranch, that t ere had been an Indian out
break in that vicinity. Two intoxicated
Indians killed two Italians, and the In
dians were nut in jail. This brought in a
crowd of Indians trom California and Ne
vada. who were at last accounts threaten
ing to clean out the white«. A* the aceuc
of the tronhtes is in Mouo county. Cat,
Gov. Waterman has been telegraphed to
for troopa. >
iHcRJuttNTO. Feb, i~liv compliance
wit*> the governor's instructions, orders
were issued this afternoon for a xtmpany
of state militia to be in readiness logo
from this city to the scene of tbe reported
Indian outbreak in Mono county A tele
gram was received from the sheriff of
Mono county this afternoon, statins that
troops were not needed, as there was no
immediate dansrer.
In Invention that Will tiroatly !l*ae-
St California.
Nr.w Yoke. Feb. X—Prof. F. P Hofmeis
tcrof Wurt»-mburg. inventor of a new sys
tem of making champagne from v are still
wiucs, arrived on the steamship Trave to
day. He and his assistant. Dr. Oat's, have
come in response to au invitation from
Sew York wine merchants, with a view to
aj>viying hia process to California white
wines. He say* tbe Amet*cans can bo
come extensive exporters of champagne
ana still wines.
The "Naturalisation Kill Revised.
WaimMTOK, Feb. Z—The house; com
mittee on judiciary this afteraoiyi had the
naturalization bill again under considera
tion. To meet tbe objection made to the
original biU, that it would operate to pre
vent the intending citizen lor acquiring a
home for his family during the iSve-year
protationary period, it was suggested that
a section be added limiting the property
rights of alien* who may file a preiimsuarv
declaration of intention to become citixens
to the entry of one homestead. To fit the
case of Indiana another section was sug
gested extending the privtkgeof natural
ization to Indians ia «aaes where they re
nounce tribal relations and asaame civi
liied life. The members wbo snegisted
these amendments were requested to re
duce them to form, aad the biU as
amended will be further coosadeTed next
Maxwell Kettler« Arrested
TaimoatJ. CoL, Peb.2.—o. P. VfcMa.ns,
Orsoa Dueling aud S. I>. Bell were OrrcatM
here to~day charged with maussuish'er,
and farriahed Urods of l*x> each. Me-
Ma'.ns was oa 'he way to Texas aud ofher
staiea to appeal to the whole people of the
lepwbiw for jttstice to the settler» on UK-
Maxwell grant. McMaias was sec» to-night
by an A*- tciated I'ress reprvaeu'ative, and
said tb« charge wa* absard oa Ha face; that
tbey eoti.d not hare slaughtered tbolr OWB
fru uda. Heaaystbe defeeae of himodf
and will be that the hired tools
of Omul provoked a collision at Suibcw all
las? summer, which resulted la the death
of two mea.
t.rabesxler Moor® In Hoatraal.
isaiAKartU.!*. feb i—J«*»eph A. Mo«»re.
the maaraace embexxler, undoubtesllr has
been located ia Montreal br the
Canadian poilce. A telegram to
tha« effirct has i«cto roo-ieid
to-dsy from M ntreal. It state* that a
woman aceoto&aaie* Voort*. The ia»»raai"e
cc-rapane, so tar as csa be iearutd, has
done cot Mag toward rsaaiug dowa
M Hire. The* have not opeaed
catioa With the Montreal police or •»«»««-
ti.es. The lofty who ia referred to U
doabtksa Moon s daaghiw.
California Highw aj»«n Eo4M.
(iK*s- Valucv, Cat, Feb. i—Tbiaafter
lioeu Sujri, skewea, of the Sorta Banner
nil -, whtie ewaiag Uwa oa isoraauaoa,
e*« «»opiH-d on the r.jad uvar hrrv hy t*<>
tia-i«d men, *ho rsade him disawunt
aad ►earcnao bias. Three thousand
worth « f t'uiiloa was oa aa aoMW* com
sag to town, and wheo D>tk Viacect. the
b.»s drieer arrieed where sflwtwe* w*». V.a
es;..t iatoped from the *
shutxaa ia hand, went to ftkeo**' fonas.
ViOi-eat fired two sbtoa Tbe rebtwts raa
■ nto the brash and eaeape*!.
Arrest afa Military tswladier.
}*o*tls f t>, Feb. 2 —Cfcar'e* wart
Trit pet, said io a retiiod arisy offiotr frota
Calt&rtM*. waa arretted ;hia morning at
tier.aia. orsfwii, fl-»-ta< frata jasuce Pn-
Car iiofhi ae forw: a check <«a ibr tmt
NaPs-oai beak *#t W&LM, ia the oame of
paysaaiTer P. I'aaby, I ~ A . '
taiuiag the fall vai'le theref-»n- X -« cai
- ;« » iarge "-J.-; • kit#, tre- Cfvssev.
:3*fi ab»j*it 5# years of age- He ?*■ ta»d
ye tr»non^*t»ad ia •
w: !.t arraigned in coart here Mait^ay
bebriraey in the l'«aal»a Paad.
WssKi*'iT s.FeBL i— The coeaothwaaorr
af ..«;ous baa tfce se« nta* • t
lh« tasmrtoc thai there will be a d A «ei* ?
ia ta« a aoont oeoaaoory fw |a«wi«»i«
£*;*: }.ar.ov e. a.., 5 at-.- e
aoj- ■ of aaoai i-- -AS
aad 4-ka *.as. tae aeeewopF aiepa hi t*k<- - ;
2o s»-rure tmßi' d ate cowhideralKtli «f li-e
racier h> <oiMfrrss so p#evea
va>Eieut ef j*www.
t rivste Srertitary Haiford's sislary.
Va»a)3Wtos. Peh. X—The *ts-_--'ry ap
s L as csjmpiefsd tb»*
#. r .jitH'tfee. ist-reoaw the salary
»• -»-.ea-. • >.ri*a~i- otcntar> ttvm
Et lh<|aiki) sltwk U Missawri
C sun.UU. Mo.. Pais, x— k «crr d:*-
••ret v--t,t<aa*o atoo>k was, ,V...t aeae at
7 -. it c .« k tsjg aaarata«. It raUud taiaga
~ »e*a i J. OBJ »o wow* *• rei""*-*"-
afcx** a as a-Ao feS at Pay oerrii*.
Australia Alarmed at <»er-
man Aggrtmon. o»«-*«a«a m tit orn.
i Aft* the laitaa.l Agm the Presi
deat Will leewe XoUee.
ALL THE (ißOrrs IN DAXtiER. *' a«hi*.tos Fth. 1-An important pre
1 risoef ue Oktahama btU pamsd by the
1 1 !?®* ofwpreeeatative* is eoe wcitiag
that nothing in the act orgasiaiag the tor-
Ktamareh Keesdad Before Etetirisg «*** «h*U be construed to nnthortae say
_ ! pern* to enter upon or orrery any lands
Bayard's Proteat-Coasul-Gea- >n the Cbseokee strip aM Oklahoma
eral SewaM tm Disfavor. ?»roper. b* retueteeat or otherwise, ustil
after the Indian tribea and the naah
iiooers provided far in the Mil have
| concluded an agreement to thatefleet After
Wawn*.™. Feb i-The secretary of," S "SL2!i? 11
•taw today received a eaMe from the w* M
Uaiied States commissioner to the j Sh-^,*JES
boaree eapMaittoo. saying that the federal !
wuciiOi Atoutitt baa adopted an ad- r"* r ,rt ~' >eal -• x tne tisae
drew to the crown, vlewii* with dee® } f?**? laaOs way h*
aaxtety ttoe recent cents to aaaaoa. and J** It la provided that My pewmi who
favoring treaties rauiairaiu ; aacix n 1 J*** * B '*' part oi tilt land coo
dear* in Samoa, and ato* ex{Mr*« : ng the ' I*^7t?,? r P T U ?? rt ? f to *•>*
opinion that toreicn dominion in ® i*
endaneers the safety of Australia. ***", permitted to make entry npua
S-cretary Bayard said c* rtitarled the i ** y ciaim thereto .a the
acttju of tike Australian anthonbes cyj thr
Saasoaa qaeaiioa as eery traportaau iaa* raws** «itxtA« ix a wtUT.
moth u u indk*te* that tbe j.eopk- oi Cataaru. Kaa.. reix i —Oklahoma
that sar*v and e>ok»y looked at Harry HUI and Frank Albright hese
the SUttatHtn pretty tnaeh In tin- hub« f thro eveain* frvua the catap oflhe boomers
light a» she ABt'ii*a people ud were j tkar Huancwcll The oVjevt at the rUuto
U"t disputed la look favorably upon far ! the cwtap vm to Iraki au taa«rri*w wfth
c!sn cu- ruaehraetits in their v.eiaity Ptwuoc BiU and M(wu>)<> hies w> so
3ov« sum biu bad TxMetl the sen*te,
to U wa* u«rt The object of the oo«my
to *nt*pea?»s tbe rorerntauut if ta«*
eowfJ avoid iv IV«>aee Bill did
not like the sdta of poatponnu the mid,
bat agreed to consider tike matter, and in
the Bh*6«)ae the raider* will ifeance their
poet of operations frasa ArkaauaaCitT aad
RuminD U» this saty. St is euparted that
t'*«roee B:ii wit! arrive here Monday with
a large crowd of settlers, aad the citizen*
are wild with enthusiasm
Km«l of lar« Sl»lp«—Tbe Vm«tlo*«
■ o«a<xrtllc Rott.
WuaiMiOii, Feb. 2. —On motion of
gpr.nup:r tilt honse instated on the amead
ments to the senate b£U tor admission of
j. Uth IMkOCA.
Muuk of Tennessee. faoing to get uaant
motss consent fop a pnvale b»il, au'jounced
I that «e woald giro no unanimous consent
on ot-jaesf* from tbe other
The U«m*e Uvea went into committee of
the ir hole ou the navy appropriation hiii.
! Herbert, during as explanation of the pro
| % isiou# of the bill, wa* <t*i«e»?iailj eulogistic
!of tlws dyt-am.ce cruiser Vesuvius. aod
stated that it bad been *bowa by demon
; stra;»a thai dynamite gae* *v,-« a»on. rf
j tcietit wcapKus, especially ou land,
i W&eSher they would be » efficient
oa »a wa» cot yet ascertained.
ii vdooof New Jersey *asd *he recent
; troubles ia had made the couutrv
I painfully 8f«« of the needs of the naval
•ervlo* Slave f-toXM.TO.OoP had been watted
linvrooden ships, and smooth-bore guns it
f had betT. made unmiiiaiiagly aware of in
inferiority as a naval power to the ieui of
the naval powers of Europe. The rig hts u(
America® ettirens had been disregarded
by ton i*u aatiou*. So Jar as the B*roown
1 fomioo was concerned, the drat thiug
which congress snoakt do was to ascertain
i«1 the tocU. If Aaaefieaa cititrm had
bo-a outraged. if any American rigut bad
been iafrtujfed, if American .rcq-ejty had
been injured, it vrw the daty of tain gov
ircmrnt, ia tae bum at oar people, to
imuttl) and calmly but stubbornly asaert
that right aad resurrect the
taken from us, even if we do it at the can
nous month. Ke regretted that Prince
I Bismarck had seen fit to follow the nefari
i ous colonisation policy of other European
luaUoas. that *as, to encourage »tr*fe
among the people of the country they de
aired to acquire, and thea, under
I cover of protecting their owa interest, step
t»> and M*-al the land waich thea given to
: the people of their own couutry. Hls
rnarrk aeeaxed to have made ap bis mind
; that it would be to the advantage of Ger
| many to take these islands, but the United
i state* had treaty rights and interests ia j
i Samoa. and when t.erman war ships opened
; fire it was the daty of the Amcr i can gov
' err.ment to have protected tbe honor aad
i rights of the Halted States with all the
power of our people. He believed Bis
marck had very wisely retreated from hi*
McAdoo said there would be. bo war MB
; iess we lay down and let Bismarck walk
; over us. The remedy for these iasuita
would be found in a strong navy. We
could not permit the growth of monarch
, ical iMthktiou in South America; vre
could not permit the wholesale nnjostifi
■ able and unjustified acquisitions of foreigu
I power in that country.
iW ufelle referred to the reetnt trial of
the Vesuvius, and while hoping the might
! be •* as *he *ra« cluiraed to be.
1 v drew whs! he urra«i a strk'ns con
S trast tetweeu the treatment a«t>rd*!d twi>
i veiseli of different political parentage, j
the Dolphin and the Vesuvius, The Doi
{ phiu h*d beea tried, fally equipped for
's»a aad battle: the Vesuvius had been
; tried, not only short 100 toss, bt»t without j
■ any weiehts on board io represeat what ]
i she would be retiiiired to carry when fit for 5
actual service, it had been stated to him
that Ute machinery for the vessel waa too
light He had been told that iu the first
preliminary trial the Vesuvius broken
a valve; taat on her second preiimlnary
trial site had broken her main valve eear;
that ua her offirtai trial she had completely
broken one of her fire room blowers, and
on bet seeond orticiai trial she had broken
her air-pump gear. It was strange no com
ment had i**n made on defects
: such as these. The cxptaaa- j
. tion aas clear. It was foand
! io the fad that Kepabtirau papers and Ke- j
■ pulniesus rrereraliy ha<i not been deurvms
I of u*mg the h> v*rcnticai methods which
| had been employed by the Democrats U>
! break down the reputation of and dad
| fault with vessel* buflt arecr lUfpablb an
admin sirat on in the shipyard of John
Koach. He had been Informed that on her
j arst trial the Vesuvius had been tested
lover a fyiir-msie course and failed. He
: had never heard au official report of this
I case. He had been to!d that on heT second
!' trial the towrse had been cot down to two
mile* tad she azain failed. By request of
the contractors the last trtal was made iu
deep water, and a trial of speed made in
deep water geue'aily meautatnai far a*>a?
from shore, and a trial of speed made
I far awny from s'vore might wmiblj fur
i ntsh saor* latitude for an estimste of the
> progressi of the veajwl than would b»> fur
j mabed if she were running alone a cana!.
He bad been ibf««rm*d that the s;>ecd test
| applied to the Vtsuviu* did not exe*«4 1J ,
! mluntes Tb« test for KoacM s ship ha-S 1
j been 6 Itonr*. While ia the trial of the
j the Roiphlne it was made a spee'a! sut }ect
of critii ism tbat water had to be put oa
; some of her J«»urcafa Imiw the* were
heated, he had been in f.«rmed by sa eye
wttiieM* that when the Vesuvius finished
n«r trial triai trijj. as his i»forisaat ei
presaed it, "She was ia aTnrhi»h bath "
An atneiidratut *as a>)*ipted apprvpriat
} l»K sltoaou for the e*?a<!i»htr.eti! of a:
MssUuff station at i*a«o Pago. The bill was
• then reporte-i to the hou>o an l pawed.
The poaudßco app>wpriaurta !»til was re
! ported and p!a«-«-d oa t«>- • a- odat
j The senate b!'l sm fj.r the rviief
j of oecupauta of the town of Fiagstatf, Ar
■ iiooa. i'
f Adjourned.
Tbey H»«» rail Plana of AU Oar
Sew Toss. FVb to
the ant •incement that a»«'rwjao'leuien
sat fcad be amit to th.s r outtry to « un.
me oar defena**. Use TVne* rays it ia a amali
matter routrvared with theactuai «»»dU»on
of affairs It ssaerrs that rir.sa* e*.a
atanUe bas sgenta who keep posted oa all
the detail* of our «J«feo»e», aa-1 haee com
plete p aiii of all oor ah.j*. etc.; thai i«
aend* mea to this coaatry to ta
toe mttoy and navv aa »o«jm »J atddtcre
aud sasUica, who. whea tbey ob'aiu a i the
k uow avsilsbSo at»d n.-j«»rt to
the goiomiaeßt. The Time* warm that
Baron voo Rtoiaberg. aa oCS< er i
h.gb rauk, so ocz-n.-i.t tncxuiio at;" —
n.- •• t p ai of ZialoatiS 'JJHsrnU'.- gn*.» •
BEWAI.L Vlßtl ilkV KHIOVBI). |
The Coaitti't Saaly Aetloa in Sa- ■
moan Affslra I>ia»j>|#rw%ed.
P»*b i— It >* k*ra«<l from
soonva <teeiaed reiiahle ihst » o.sul <*e«-
era'arwa llsd riad- «V preparaiimw to
ir «ve kKreamoa Fnday af'.er»orx»u. bat iu
the forriHKrti of that oa* he receJ*» i a wt
fr.«at Qr'atsot *ies-retary kiv, ... ask-fg htro
-ofa.i at !he atato d. fsartJOrol. Whit'h -r
Ord. and was then k»5«l he W«* that ie
waa !o oiTar riilhpaiHif. la the optbe»a
„(... ~<hi» : a»! :a- with tte ;■ ai
was a* a»a»'h as a renvrt'a*. as the aext <>at
«. . ... »«»c«iok"R !*«a:> caa >.»..» rescb
d».'» wit aoii uabi au»< Uaas 'a the
I sort of Mafr-. H»«etei.',oa her. * .u
--taali-y *«rtJce !h»t he wil t»~* be *'. Jawed
. ta return m fti* oflWsi c»pa< de.
BIH HA Bt'K «» &A » K?>«. THE HA It
The i>»l}a*siaa firadaaily
tlsdte* Otnaan Bel*-
#_»» Ptt**t:iacf>. Pvb 2.—'Tbo ••b'aioer
I»xaiiisig Ware arrived to tisy from Jsia*f.
! J*ar»h*:a safewda. obew Ma.iet.sa. tb# 4r-
Maes: kfag of was pJaro* r.y i.«r
Oerat»t>H Uatd. i-hipa,a.» rej» ft» tfcal
»aav islsada ta tie i*«i Pv »3* 00*00
: a"-- croAaottt irt«* fcwotW nuavto* noon
isSaewo'. |ia> *«o*es tbot P>eaMMaar
* few »Ue* aOO*a ®f th« eon*U-r. t»en
*ife-d M Oef*f*l»y. 11* ****&»
that the »aHI irf'T of tiertsaay ia tae H*'
»».a f! ceaop m »a»wn»e aod thai c».«».«srreo
:s tin). t»d «tw»h« (target,
sM#e« m<rirsio.<»-
K'tHStrk <*aa Hi# Err»r itef-re the
i rstest Ktart«4 Wiaa.
W*J3H*S!T«J», Feb. X-XA-V* ;
;oat oad w* t*t iwec'seO
sr?.arck s pn }*«*i*k>a b-r s aQWOao*
»u aouMis, i-a' expect* it la
lu-ard oodwd to at t»« »a*lrd the lac:
Bl ,{> piiia taoi Btasaarck's io»Brac&oaJ
to tfte leasees masal to withdraw the de
mand for control of the steaamn island*
sraanet the nwutt «4 * tetaerapfcki
pretert. hat tm his osra taocMra . a< the ia
srnaettaw to the eemaa! were tented before
the protest was see-
Th« Striker* Heat#* l« *r»ry s*bm
of the Word.
?»r* Yoax. Feb. I—About n»a a mob
at Tenth street and A venae C tried to fo?w
a gnea driver !rosa bis ear. A at
puhcemen after a bard struggle drove tfc«
crowd isft. One striker sat severe!j"
clabW aad bsti to tw taken lo a drig
sture for treatment.
Starly t&e enure force of police of
Brook yn is gaardiag the «»r
line in ruaaiag cara. Tbe *tnk<trs jtire uo
trim h*e.
Toe BeH line started a car this aflerneoa,
protected br a large txxly of j*»lbw.
Tbe Belt Hue cars, after i«*.*uEx orer the
entire route, returned to the detwrf al
Fourteenth street. A few ob*trac
tions acre found t)a dte track
betaeen Firy-second aad Fifty-thifd
»trects. The care. guarded by
police ware assailed a ith bottles aed stoats
by a crowd of woaea and boys. Ttvs po
lice dashed into the crowd and they scat
tered ia all directions.
Over -"00 conductors a»d driven have
come frum Boston and Pbfla*f<lrhia and
found employment on tbe various lines.
They All Learned TTicbeilnesa in
Their Tender Tears.
Indianapolis, Feb. 2.—Gen. Harrison
had comparatively few promintnat oat of
town victors today. Alexander Hoge
land, president of the Bojs tuid UlrV
National Home and Employment Associa
tion. presented a petition in r< latino to
congressional action in behalf of the
boy tramps «>f tbe lulled States. The
aseocfation asks tbrougb tbe i»re»tder.t
elect that congress be appealed tt to
make wholesome laws to abute wbat
has grown to be a national evil It
recites tbe work id tbe awmxriidloo. and
cites reports showing the extent of crime
and depravity araoagst youngsleta
Hogelaud says there are SO,oeQ confirmed
tramps in the country, all of wfeom come
from this class of neglected boys wbo are
perm'tied to acquire their ertrainal pro
clivities at a tender age. An interesting
srgumeut in behalf of government eon
tnd ol tbe*e dependent youths is made.
So far as can be at this
time, cabinet a&kirs are in statu <iao, «ud
there is Us* speculation to-uight taau for
several day s.|
Florida's Vata Itait by a
ttistrict Telegraph Uesseuser.
WaatMbts, Feb. i~Tb«f«"lectoral vots
Of Florida was the oaly oae not received
by President pro tem Ingalls within tbe
time fixed br law lor mc*«euger» to pre
sent the packets to him in aomrdaaee
with the new law on the *ubfcct of count
ing tbe electoral vole. S.jt re»ary Bayard,
upon being notified of the dt-iuqnroc),
appointed law Clerk Brvan of tbe state
department a sj<eeia! messenger b> sccnre
tht> vote. Ke starjed TUt-nday nlicbt and
returned this morning, having made the
trip in a very short tim*. and tbt« after
noon banded the vote to ingall*. He
htard nothing of tbe mtaslng mr«aenger 1
appointed by tfce electors on bis trip.
All Sight la a Haah Vault.
Ngw Haves. Feb. Z— Ben jam ta C. Lum,
book keeper at the New llaren ravines
bank, was accidentally locked us in the
big bank vault yesterday attrrnooo, and
h:a whcrealMJUts as a mystery unit! the
vanlt aas o(»ened lor bu»im this morn
Sng at» o'clock, when h«j came ont wbere
Bo coafd get fresh air, rteeid>-dlj hungry
bat itttle the worse lor bis Ij ho« rs' cloae
Fell Eight Shirts* aed Will Live.
Daxvaa, Feb. 2.—Walter Ivers, the 10-
yt-ar-ul«l son of the fire warden of this
ctty, fell from tbe top of a new eight story
b«1 liltug today. He first struck iUte t* le
pbou-? wtrea, then trbouudrd to a
n.MSr'i back in the mtddte of tbs street,
lie was pl« krd np with both legs tnd one
shoulder broken. Physician* aay he will
recover. ___________
\Vat#r-(ias Fraaehlse in Mrxtes.
trr. U>t'is. Feb. i.~ M. A. Haven and John
J. llaOdy have received frum tbe Ilex-can
government taptrscuueeding thetntwenty
>iars* exclusive privt eg«? to mautifactare
aud furui«b water gas to all the cities of
Mexict* Tbe company is known as tbe
luion Ugbt and Fuvl <ia* Co. of America,
with a capital atuck of 1.g0.U00
A Vaaderbiit Varbttag Party.
ttxuiaoac. Fe'* %- WiUiam K Vaader
biit auU |>aJt«,ou tiarU tte steaiß >acbt
Aiva, left tht» morning for en eiitanded
cruise to hrnitia, Xeirira. aud ibeoce to
toe UtOitcrratieao Hbe will rtutne there
for winv time aud then go to Norstay and
Rngiand. Tbe trip will last afoul seven
The West V irginia Sssatorthlp.
Cn.ax-xsro*. W Va, Feb. 2.—li» Joint
«e**4on today of the general atienbij.
tbere »as txi l oatv bai ot takea for I'uited
r»ut,W« senator, a.d It rv»aiu-d Keftua
• A*. A P. If >w* r (Uutoi l-* »r J i,
Jadgtt rtra iaon 1; e » >ie u »m->-r o( rotes
hi; ncoca-sry tosrh-Hw, 11.
Toeboat Ei|>|m|»s at Ptttsbarg.
hmtvtu, Fetk, i—Tbe lowb>stt Two
Brut hers, lyiug mf a wt.arf. t>urst bet Indices
this aiternoon. <lemoii»hlng veas«U and
wrt-cktug the tusbai Re*aft», lying near
b<. Ltebrm and tbta were thivwa ti» every
tUseetiwa. Three p »"U« were killtd and
two dangerously wowadbd.
The (liunliiiK ttill f..«tpoosd-
WssHiftCToM, Keb. 1 —The Dotal com
•atttee oa ur « was to ba-< taken
rtnai a»' i"U ou the admission of Utas au l
U-k w.t; u,Ufc* biti U r adwi*aioa uf id«ao.
*)tKciug and Ar tuiis, tut no tnt«ut,s
was hehl ao4 tbe natter wilt he ">us:d
er-.-d Wedoesdsy.
Readiac Cslisris* d»a#dl.
MMsKig, Pa., Feb t—the Bnrbe
Rida". iiurusld-r. Bear Valies aed North
FraakUa. No I <«d .Vu i txiii(«rie», oe u«-d
by in» Keailiaic C «s»s «nd«d isptf-auuns
lodrbniteif i.»tia-. owiag t*> detascaiiaa
i.vt of MP» coal trade. C.ar tbousead mea
are i;, i- __________ t
Ualoa I'KiSc statawrat.
Ek»tO!i, Fex t.—The gr jw tarnittga of
•the Vi- mfwrte U-t the ioelve aioatha
b» m sftu as m»-
' • -t The e.tpensra wete ii 7,-
i il.t an ns reaaewt il--. tfitrpios,
; adaftsMntef
Aa K*wn»rt cut lUJtroad Tr»i'«J,
tfPU*. 9< 3 —PrUti»U% IUV" \*-
; is* «:• l»f tkc 'iwrctssw »+-"H «f ih«
tSaiWi m«t«« ta «*rr» wut>*4 f» f Iks
«;«v= Ht»ra{i«tkt
i .•• SB. J
kui vi Umnw e» i xti »| mwiiXfrji.
<»£**» T»«»H»ni H *H**f
Cirr, K-a « firtl X- A t-■-)»*.*
tf* j.-u« Ailnvi, Iv 4. 1*« "»1* :
CtlMi-r* Mtir «!»• U« !»•«• «'
st ritftx.i «** ?«* ."»i» i»si *ai §44. mw
«... =i r«4C :uO. jS*i oi*ss wl»a» I*-
#r- »•
; , <»•=» M'i < r«MM»
BtlMT'iS. y. b ' #94
Cf4-»« •>-. »• to
< tW Umm. ur«* t:» ftfc» eStf tfe« Ho«*
•»u • f f*>t :<•!.■» «vwa* «*4 Umi kwMH*
I w«* e;a:*«t*4. !vr,u ,5 *t taua ;*»4e 1»1
iu< ajw« ■,-*.<■*.
»•» * -<■*■«» «■■«»
« UsctW.*, K-i* i-AI-rf • IHMM* 1 **
: fk» MHf WWWtI! 3Mt Vtgfcfc atfPwra *•» ,s *
♦-* -9*mk#.*u '•* **♦
U,..;« .< ■ (mnU'tWi •- *> j*»
.au.* uJtur tat Ls*H a* U*»t (*«►
'!•" t
NO. 75
AiitoudiiK Thievery of mi |
Indiana Politician.
| ,
' •
T%» AlktN C« ■ ■ >B»li ■■ B«l<mn
B«r4er«4 ta PUMMykto.
i>&iAS.irou«, r<Hx 2.—The fiiga: of
i"oaaJy 05-rk >J»a K. SttUiraa coattaoM
ta* uppemu* ttwa As tar««*i**&>a «f
fc»* vtapMmm «stoai«hi*tg r»veJn-
Qona of m> bwi|U laflmw
'*» ten ahvarff twted
»umj> Skim n Um »a*t ctinwrtt rtaul
at t)M ih». He raOM twryWy, lscte«-
ia* his wife, ha bemvm feteafe tad Mr ;
frt«xt», hi* poUtu-sl MwrittM, onpfeaat,
widow*. ttte eoattf; tad Um
peoikie, ri|ki ucd itft. The ftaada that
haw h**n brought to light itmdj iBfK-
K»to to UHKtat onr Th* tnwS.
rtt»r*w! ta kit tuutAa MB at*
I know tolled to haw mmwM at
the bagttiniic o< this week to f Jl»h
SUM* the» ol ONIOi; MWf itaN M
[bwstwriJ into >itabaa* o«arty MM ;
siout ti\o*> oj Umw ■ko«WT« M
appltal to **><*» aadit Umtp*
puofd the haUat* «u Moica.
K*»ry him sad* MM a*v enrftttar,
*a4 u is evuteat that the town
ane sot y*t newly ail n»{iartaA.
Smt» without nam!** *<v beat* tiaMUaiad
•*ai»*t Satit?aa"» boa4ua«». Th# boauti
of county cwmoasaloimr* w< this tfttr
tsooo *tki *pi*>iat«*i J ( »j»a It WUaoo, •
wvUknowo attorney. ta CU oat *aUivaa*a
uavXpinNl !wm.
At sudacht the tax e*tljraiioa Into Joha
K. SalUiraa's crooked traasasckaM ifton a
total 4efei<-attoa and theft of otrar Jl&OM.
with hjut* retarsa ;o bear ftooa.
Tbrea l!t«bhtb<(*r* Will be Wbhwl
ta Portland.
PoaTL* xo. Or.. Feh. t-Tbe ease of Oheo
iiapiiceied IB the murder of >M
Yick itt Portland is November. I*» 7. which
began Tuesday Uurt, «U OMWSIuM to-dar.
Tke jffeuw «u by Ward Utei)
Hsler of saa Fnaucisoo. Tile »*ry were oat
five hour* and returned • verdict of murdhr
tit the gprt degree. It «« th« prisoner's
second trial. * new trial ktvfai been g
ordered by to* supreme court on trntoat
of the uutrmt wurtiiy character of IM
Chinese !f«U«M»T.
Chung Mug end Fong Long WcR, «m
--•ones, are now awaiting trial It t»
thought iwrtfciat can save the trio from the
gallows. They will bo the second Caincae
executed iu tbe state. The verdict girea
general satisfaction.
Morris Jobnaoa'a He** WitMNN «M
Joe Tayte*.
Pmtuxd, Feb. i—Tbe prtßaitun ex*
actuation of Moma Johnson aad A|M(
Woodward, charged with the merder at
Fran* Cunningham. was rraumad iu tit
police coon Una afternoon. Tbe fine wtt
ueaa called for the defense war jotsvh
Taylor, wbo testified to seeing Caiataf
ham In Frank Riven saloon, am ftaft
street, between Yaiabil) and Taylor, be*
tweea the boon of 3 and 4 l n. oa the
raon:in« of laic. Ha ncaf>
niaed the body aeen in the mom*. Hwaa
Ute remains of Frank Cunningham. |
In delivering hts opiukm, Judge Turner
•mid "I wcsM like a little Mte time to
tbtnß over this matter and aire it mere
attention, but, sa I suppose tbe deleadanbi
won Id like to know whetbar taay
are to be held or discharged Immediately.
1 might as well Rive me decision of 0m
case at ouee as wall a* at any otber time.
1 have no doubt Frank Cunningham was
murdered. Or. 0. ft. Wbeeier testified
that the character of the wound wenkl
hare been different bad the iheia—l re
ceived th«i iatarie* from which be died by
a fait H > think* tbe wound was produced
by a blow, and, ander tbe testimony ad
duced, 1 believe 1 am called upon to hold
the prisoners to sneanr before tbe graad
jonr There may Ist other testimony ami
will prove the prisoners' tnnoe#aen. I bona
there t*. The order of this eonit is that (an
defendants be held ta appear before the
grau ) Jury without bail,"
Considerable doubt exists in tbe minds of
tbe police, as to whether tbev can convict
tbe defendants of this chargß '•
The Body of a KaHkuni Ww—l
r«nnd In Philadelphia.
PHtLiDKLTHIa, Feb. l-Aboat midnight
the Mr <if a woman meed itMt tt, wall
draaaed aud of rv»j«ef*bl e WM ■ ■ >
found in a raraet lot in the ootbsaatera
wiiun n{ the city. On tnapeetioa It waa
(win) >be tad bwa iltot thrtKWk (Ih k«4
tn-l tbat tln« weapon i;ad been heid H>«ioae
•« to alnge ihe iurm with powder.
Keeidmta in Um tiesgutorboad heard *
«li»ta*b»u time hefore, but paid 00 at
tention to It A man nam** George
Frederick* «ai armM on mpiekn, bat
a. 1 puaitivc erideno* was found againut
!(•« I.lglit on Tho Camden Wblto
< Mj alary.
PHittDiyHu, Feb. 1— Pt omental '
J«olira, ol Camden, N. J., »taicd oflk'laliy
to day that afurrou fore nee with phyateiaaa
who (lamlbr i into the caaa, be waa •aria *%
•ed tUai tbe iujariea to Mini itt«#nfc«rt, Am
Coopi tt hoepitai 11 iir*e, were ralfdMletad,
Hurt ibat hv. a« a taw oftfoer of tbe waaty,
wooml not <.i>;itinue tb« investigation any
An Aaeleai leladle Warhod am a
Califsrsls Nlatof Ripart.
toe a.xqbum. Feb. 1- <i*©rg* Hooper,
a well known mining man, is the lateat
victim of the gnM brisk swindle He
was approached fa San Pedro last will
by a voang man «f rouab sppeanaxw, wbo
asked if Hopper was not a companies a#
tbe airangcr a father In a Nevada mine.
Hopper recfembered the name, wtowpm
the young uaan told a pitiful rale «S
hardship, endlag with an admiaafon
that he bad brought from Mexico
a gold brick which na srooW dispose of for
a sam snOdent to lake himself and an
Indian omt anion back to Mexico. Af-
r«(i*ra>e«»U wvtv mode whereby Romw.
bm wife and tike «ra»ger ran* to Loa An*
-elr» and the ialter led them ont to Cab
rbnta na;oe.
A futr a Ufeeome climb op Use mount*!*
a emmp of !>n»«h waa reached. from •_ bM,
OB a wStatic from the jenoi man, an In
dian appeared, bearing a »i»ail Mtvsei,
whirh. wh«n expoas*t to view, appaared to
* e a dtak <>f gold about tbe thui of a dinner
Alter tbe party returned to
thseUyaod ll*pper paid orer tHXtt,
MTintin retnra tbe dtet Tbe Reedy
>oai»K inaa and bis tatHK f«»
;*tifou and nothing
further ras« of tbe matter
till Hopper tort a r rere-tred * not* from tit*
cimtde wfeitib laconically informed him
fiiatbe bed been aniadbsd. Th* brteb ta m
uow in tbe lta»d» of tbe ei.br! af pottre, te
whom Hopper today told tbe atory. ;.sSgssj
A l:*a(lio( ftoteide'a Attanft to %
Plslih at MeMtnaallie, lb.
MvMmsvuxa, Feb. a-»Tbi» aftewoo*
al*>ut 4 u'eHtrk a itranger waided into
11 <tte»y** aefooa, waahed bta faoa am 'h
MMb a*»d eombed b» baif. The bar* ,
k#ep>s* frfomi u> ytee him anything So
i rtrtnk an ».•> unwell. He waa altef
> ward* nuked m> to tbe bar and grren a
; dnnfc. H« tbe* proceeded to a* <«&■
Xothiag mote waa aean ol bl» naif! ii
ta .nau* had* apard, when be reafeed Into
f • *ak» a. "i • I oo the fawe«t of n
nbtabr bam!, H»ced Ma taowtb under i:
aurt <ir«Mk as faat aa the posiral
T»« bim away, aad dl*
coeervd be wa» < < wSD* bwnl. 8*
•a* tak»i» fei a .iocJor*a e««t<. . . '
Ki*bt «*r aiae itata we* tiiaeorereo
ai»»u hi. bsart and a jpalb acieea Ml
if -imt Tbrw ol ?i»e *«aba am
pi n«f?atina; Ci« t»w«|«, aad ana ainjam
tin! front of tie b«yt. Tbo
*w«nrt» drtsawd. Tbeaberlnao* MI
dtsfi- t.f Stf. AO t**»Hiat«® MJgP
diatrrTrwd a peafcet->«*»,.*?!?
wiikb )!»*• eo««i r.« salrtd? bad InSicwa
Ui« w<mndH» _ . .. _. «.,
#*ie for-iltrf*"*" i!.ce»aantly. *»•»•; '??•
•Jib ta* «*• i- tfra, Mewfweajwe*.
b!a nam*. H« no paa«»
~«.I , ii.» He i- »«or.lb «»at#a. °*f
feat «*bi >web«» .-alt, aSwiU< ' l :
mw • * r ''
ai4c«'.->w e»ai> a*-.•!»."■* ** W"
•.<-r tela »*aare «»*>#•••
A V KlTCll®*- • .
Horn 'ir «4writer and *ai«dd#-l»»*
Cbtanpn *a«a»an. . _
f?nu 11 'Ut ~a
in fbe «i»- ana »«*»"«' LL^lt
jails. »» .-ociau*. taeagSofyde
st T2'*i- • o, gi , -?w'r!asgg
Awe «s ■ '
tbee dra* « • S<l *, 1.. * -
rtrairsie ' • m>«rod be?
bady. ard Itan mt b»oem taraar. i»n
aw<i«*d. Tftr kitrban amlta aod deoraa*
a« t>.o«iy - » * ay^btrr-boaae.

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