Newspaper Page Text
BEGGING FOR WORK. Bunjrry Laborers of Belgium on the Verge of Rebellion. fCRRIBLE COLD IN EUROPE. ghtitn Gypsies Frozen to Death—Fart «u Storm at Trieste—ltaly. Franca and Spain Suffer. Bet*"* EL- 5 . Jan. 17.—Two hundred and fifty (tsrvinz unemployed workmen tramped through heavy snowdrifts a distance of thirty-one m.les, from Ghent to Brussels, today to demand work from the various departments and also lrom the chamoer of deputies. A big crowd of city workmen met the delegation and marched with them to the m.nistry of public works. On the way there the men sang revolutionary songs and the temper of the paraders showed that it would require but a little to fan tne embers of insurrection into open flame. The committee demanded and received »n audience with the minister. They told the minister that the.r wives and children were'starving through no fauit of theirs, and demanded work. The minister prom ised to expedite extensions of public works and thus furnish employment to a large number of men. Immense thrones then proceeded to the chamber of depu ties, where they presented a petitfon. The Progressist members promised to support the men in securing their demands. Many of the Ghent delegation started to walk back tonight, but it is feared that some WJli perish. VIENNA, Jan. 17.— Phenomcnallv cold weather continues throughout Austro- Hungary. Much suffering is reported. The gypeies are the worst suff.-rers. A band of these wanderers are encamped near Koenigssratz, .Bohemia. This morn ing sixteen of the band were found frozen to death. At Prague the mercury is 25 degrees below zero, centigrade. A soidier who was on guard duty was found frozen to death at his post this morning. A dispatch from Trieste s3ys that the ter rific fltorm that set in yesterday morning still prevails, with no sign of abatement. The streets are littered with tiles, bricks and trees, and no one, unles absolutely compelled to do so, ventures out. Last night the theaters were closed lor tne reason that there were no audiences. A high sea is running in the harbor. Vessels at anchor are riding with extra long cables, and extra anchors have been put out. The watch house on the break water has been swept away by the sea. Communication with Fiume and Zars has been cut oil altogether. The storm is the worst in many years. LONDON, Jan. 17. —Reports oi extreme cold weather come from all parts of the conti nent. The harbor of Kiel is completely icebound. All over Germany railway traffic is delayed and in some parts sus pended. Between Rome and Genoa rail way communication is maintained only with the greatest of difficulty. In Vienna this has been the coldest day of the w inter. Few persons venture out, as the dazzling whiteness ol the is almost unendur able. A person's nose or ears would freeze during five minutes. In the suburbs it is 7 degrees below zero. In the south of France several small railway accidents have been caused by snow drifts. No trains run on the railways between Casteaiaudary and Narlionne, Cnartres and Magny. The train which left Chartres on Saturday night is still embedded in the snow. High winds prevail along the coast of Bpain, and many fishing boats have been wrecked. Railway traffic is suspended in Galicia and the Biscay provinces. Ail mails arrive at Madrid many hours late. Immense snow drifts are piled up along the .Swiss frontier so that communication over tne border is "interrupted. In the south of Italy the weather is severer than before in the last ten years, ice forms in the streets and snowdrifts along the highways. A dis patch from Naples says that Vesuvius and other mountains thereabouts are covered with snow. PARIS, Jan. 17. —There is little abatement in the severity of cold weather here. A heavy snowstorm prevails. The snow is ■odeep in the streets that tratiic is at a itandstill. A number of persons have died from exposure. The rivers Seine, Loire and Loirette are frozen over. MOSTK CAHLO , J an. 17.—Abnormal cold weather is prevailing here. Snow lias been falling for throe days. The mercury has reached the lowest point known for jears. TKIKSTF. Jan. 17. A terrific storm swept over the city yesterday, the wind blowing A hurricane. Tiles and chimneys were blown into the streets and trees in the •treets snapped off. Four tram cars were tumbled from the tra» ks. It was impossi ble for vessels to enter the harbor. An Italian bark with 100 people on board, which tried to come in at noon, was bat tered by the ice to a wreck in sight of the dock. Iwo attempts were made to send heip, but it was impossible for a small craft to live m such a bea, and the bark was left to battle by itself. An English bnrk went ashore an hotir later just out »*le the harbor, and four of the crew were .In >wned. A <>r«eK steamship signaled distress outside the harbor, but no assist ance was sent to her. Two small vessels were *\ reeked <>t! l'ort St. Andrew. A hmre wave broke over a part of the water front nnl foundered a steamer near by. Two f-ir* «ith horses an'l drivers were '•aught in the current o( water receding ainl car ried into the harbor and drowned. Fi!ty persons were injured by tailing houses and cii.nnieys. LOTTr.KY «OINO TO HONDURAS. ! l»»ni>r« to I'arry Tirl«et*, I able l.lne t<> IVII lucky >nm»<ers. Trot - ' i.\;j Honduras, Jan. 17.—The I«ou;* 1 a mue Lottery has been granted • rhs- «t tr.<"<. : rep'.inlio of Hon iuras s*ri »i 1 n"tovi» t.,iMr business to this r ; " v » spirati. it of iiH present A ' ' v ' on January 1, IS'.>L The concr«Mi.; sa monopoly of the lot tery business : • A term of idtv years. An important feature of the concession is fmt'-'ini the ri" ut to > ac c 'e lin* and a COocess: >u ! r a stea;n*u p .ue from ports cn the Honduras coa*i t,. a .y of the *orid. T. e Hondu: i* government, as a consid er; .<> granting the charter, is to have tree u«e ~j tin- oa 'and steamship lines, to receive 000 ;n American gold coin *nd a graduate i percentage of from l to 3 Percent, on tue tace value of ail tickets • ■i-d by the com]. any. Santoaa A (fair* In lta<| Shape. tfrtiis. Jan. 17. —1 he government lias * white book containing thedipb> jftiatic corrt -pondeme in n-gs' i ? > Samoa • r n» the spring of Is!*) to December *>, d K On >epte:nber l>, I s the t utiiuii r»ice consul at A; .a ex| ressed to hi* gov ernment -.Mr <.! a revo.t 01 the natives. J 1 '* t-: sri, .al *ou:ces of tue £overiin;\-;it muri: .1: ty. he said, were at tf.e Bweet abb, mdt .e ; oa ton of the av. . • "■s was t emu; - ..atenahle. Ira ie had Ja .'hated 0 i ; »•;„ v an 1 source* of r» ve •■e :.■*! -etn eihu isted. On Decern be. t t-.e tit - uan Vice cons i. w rote th »: i'.-e: i .v. to i:*anu a.l tUenative*. " ' ; 'ai ' s'.-ir; ue» w.'re mi.ut *«»i. l>.spaicLcs cuuctxni; g Cttiel Jutiic* Cedercrantz show that official in a very unfavorable light. From the very first, wrote the German vice consul, the chief justice refused to conline his activity to the functions of his office, and has in terfered with the whole administration. He was always quarreling with foreign consuls at Apia and with the British and American consuls. Even more recently, since he has been forced gradually to con fine his attentions to his proper dnties, he provoked incessant complaint by his tardi ness in the administration of law. Baron von Pilsach, president of the municipal council, is treated as severely bv the vice consul as is the chief justice. By arrang ing to assign custom receipts to the Saraoan government instead to hazing them drawn as originally by the munici pality, the president of the council had involved the whole administration in such financial embarrassment that it wa9 im possible to pay salaries to officials. Re peated conflicts between the consuls and municipality were among other deplorable results of the president's activity in real izing this and similar pans. The book closes with a list of amendments to the Samoan law approved at a meeting of Apians. THE POLICY OF CANADA. To Make Herself Independent orf Amtr- icaa ( anals and Tariff*. TOROSTO, Ont., Jan. 17.— The Empire, the chief government organ, in an editorial on "Government's Programme," says: "A swift line of ocean steamers is to be estab lished, running between Canada and Great Britain. The country is to be made finally indef>endent of United States aggresiion upon Canadian canals by the completion oi a Sault Ste. Marie canal upon our own soil in the course of the present year. The deepening of navigation in the St. Law rence and elsewhere is to be completed in three years'time. The vessels will be of 1,090 tons burden and will be able to steam lrom Great Britain into Lake Superior. The Conservative party will continue this policy without looking to Washington City or sacrificing Canadian intetests up <n the altar of American worship and un patriotic continentaiism. The tariff will be changed, amended and improved as the aite ations in fiscal laws in other coun tries or the changing conditions of our own country demand, but always and everywhere Canadian interests will be safely guarded, and so far as human skill and knowledge is available the national policy will he perfected in detail and pre served in principle. WASHINGTON CITT. Jan. 17.— Secretary of Btate Foster says that he is not surprised at the action of the Canadian government in announcing that the discriminating canal toils against American vessels will not be maintained during the coming sea son. The secretary has not received an official notilication from the British min ister on the subject for some time, but re ceived notice informally on Saturday of what had taken place. The secretary added: Of course the new order, if officially promul gated, would result in revocation of President Harrison's proclamation of lni>t summer, impos ing retaliatory tolls uj.on Canadian vohmUh pars ing through the ship caual Ht saulte ste. Marie. The proclamation spec.fically.states that it shall not remain in effect »iter the Canadian discrim inating tolls are removed. Itehelilon in Haiti. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Jan. 17. —News re ceived here indicates that the long threat ened revolution against the government and President Hippolyte of Haiti has broken out. Messages have been received stating that a battle was fought yesterday morning in the village of Lanz de Neaue, a settlement back of Port ail Prince. In a short time 300 soldiers and twenty officers were on the way to the village. While the fighting was in progress at this point news was received at Port au Prince of another uprising near St. Michael. The residents are in terror as a result of the uprising. All places of business were closed. Kven private residences were bar ricaded and the occupants sought shelter. Troops are under orders to leave to suppress tfie rebellion, and they wilj be hastened with all the sfteed the limited facilities of the republic nflords. President llippolvte at once issued a manifesto, an nouncing that the uprisings are nothing more than emeutes, and not organized re bellion or armed opposition to the govern ment. In the election held Saturday Hip polyte's friends and relatives were chosen deputies, but the success was due to a dis play of force at the polls which terrorized the voters. Notwithstanding the encour aging terms used in the manifesto the president is undoubtedly fearful of 'a gen eral ut rising and is in terror of his life. The guards about his house have been doubled and precautions taken to insure his Bafety. It is reported that discontent against the president is spreading all over the republic. Many former adherents in the north and south have abandoned his support. Knatlaii Holdlers Perish lit It urn I rig Cars. ST. PETFRSBUKO, Jan. 17.—A remarkable accident occurred this morning on the railway line between Slatousk and Sa mara. A train loaded with recruits was going at full speed when the forward car took lire. For some reason the engineer did not stop, and the entire train was soon in tlaines. As many of the recruits as could jumped from the car windows. Some landed in deep snowbanks and es caped injury, others struck the ground and were killed. Many were tearfully burned bet ore they • jumped. A number were burned to death in the cars, which were entirely consumed. When the roll was called forty-nine were dead and twenty terribly tu-rued or otherwise injured. An investigation will be held to determine the cause of the tire, but it is supposed sol diers were sky! .-king in ttie front car and upset the stove. Anollifr National I'.auk KIM City, .Inn. 17.— 1n the house today Representative Hrosius of Pennsyl vania introduced a bill to authorize the refunding o: 4 per cent. bonds, to increase the Circulation of nati >nal banks and <Ji continue the purchase of silver bullion. It authorizes the secretary ot the treasury to issue in sum? not exoeeling in the aggre gate $ *>'Vof r< listen*.! bonds, in de nominations of#.">') or multiple* thereof, re deemable in coin ot >• t:in<i.4r«.l value at tP.e pleasure of the I uited State* atter forty years from the date of issue. a id bearing interest at the rate of '2 per , ent. Such bonds shall be exempt fr >m taxation. The secretary shall disp..>*eof t!ie-<e bonds by exchanging them for 4 per cent, bonds now outstanding. Every National bank ing association that shall transfer to the treasury bonds authorized under this act shall be enticed to receive circulating notes equal in face value to the par of the bonds so deposited, and si ad in lieu of the tax assessed upon circulating National Paftk uotes under the exist :ug law, pav to the treasurer ot the I'm cd Mate* on .1 anu ary lof each year a duty <>: 1 4 ..f l per i ent. 11 on the average am unt «>i ;: s notes in ctrc.ilation during t ie previous year. The law providing for the purchase ot sil ver bullion is repealed. Murderer Grave* to Free. Denver, Jan. 17. lhe supreme c urt has i* ran led a new trial to Dr. I hatcoer tiraves, convicted of the murder ot M r s. J seph.-.e Rarnaby, of Providence, 1: 1. ! he stau 5 attorney w no secured ti.e con vi.ton >.»ys the case wilt never be tried again and that tira\es wiil be re eased. i' ii»*r ti> ii»at w.ui e iILIM. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEB, ttEDXESDAY. JANUARY 13, 18<H. COLDEST IN 20 YEARS. The Blizzard Reaches From Maine to Gnlf of Mexico. NO SIGN OF A THAW YET. Alabama Burled Deep In Bnow-»w England Harbors Frosen—Steamer Navigation Impeded by Ice. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.— According to the oldest inhabitants of Manhattan island the winter has not had an equal in point of seventy for the past twenty years. The worst of it is, the weather officials here say there is no thaw in sight. The cold spell today extended from Maine to Florida. In Maryland and North and South Carolina the present gen eration has not before experienced such cold weather or so much snow, and Ala bama tonight reports a heavy fall and still snowing. , At Newport, R. 1., the inner harbor ts closed and the ice is fast encroaching on the waters of the outer harbor. Commu nication with the torpedo station is prac tically shut off. Vineyard sound is fnli of heavy ice aud navigation is not safe for sailing vessels through Stone House shoals. The ice for five miles north of Nantucket is heavily packed. A fleet of Sound steamers from Provi dence, Fall River and New Haven, bound to New York, are blocked in the ice off Whitestone and unable to proceed this morning. The Providence, of the Fall River line, a sidewheeler, came along and broke a new track through the ice and led the other steamers in a procession to New York. Heavy ice piied into Delaware breakwater today and caused much trouble to shipping. The German bark Pacific, from Demarara, with sugar, was driven by the ice on Cape Henlopen, where she lies in leaking condition. Several other ves sels were forced ashore by the ice, which is very heavy, and tugs find it difficult work to rescue shipping. Much damage is apnrehenrled if the eorge continues. BALTIMORE, Jan. 17.—Baltimore is under blockade by ice. On'y the largest tug boats work way through, and then only under a fu:l head of steam. Tugboat men positively refuse to move steamers from their piers. Work on the oyster beds is at a standstill. Oyster commission merchants yesterday received $1.20 per bushel for the kind known as "good straight-up," the highest price ever paid. SHINGLE Till'ST SOLIDIFYING. Three-Fonrths of the .Mills in North- wrest Have Joined— Tacoma Meeting. TACOMA, Jan. 17.—[Special.]—Today's meeting of the Washington and Oregon Shingle Association was the largest ever held in the history cf that organization. There were present about 125 members, representing nearly 90 per cent, of the sningle mills of the Pacific Northwest. There are estimated to be 3uo blocks in the mills of the Pacihc Northwest, and of these 225 were represented at today's meet ing. A hand shingle machine is termed a one-block machine, while a ten-block power machine is counted as a three blocker,representing the work of three hand machines, the latter being the basis of representation. The Commercial Club assembly room, where the meeting was held, was crowded. Sinne the Inst meeting, held at Seattle, the membership has jumped up sixty blocks or more, the representation at Seattle be ing I<)7 and at today's meeting 225. It was decided to continue the increased price list adopted at the Seattle meeting, providing, per thousand, $1.75 for Extra Hiar A Star; $2 for clear, and $2.75 for Per fection 5, and 18's. The meeting throughout was very en thusiastic and at times quite lively. Louis Ashman represented the Columbia river miils, Mr. Moulton the Whatcom district, Mr. Wool ley the Skagit valley, Mr. Sny der the Chehalis valley and Mr. Perkins the Aberdeen district. Ex-Collector Brad shaw, of tly<e Puget sound district, was one of the new members. He represented sev eral mills near Port Angeles and took an active part in the business of the meeting. In addition to the usual routine and dis cussion of rates, privileges and prices, there were some motions of general interest. For instance. Young it Son's mill, of Ta coma, moved to allow a 10 per cent, reduc tion on association prices to wholesalers in ten car load lots. To the jobbers this is of vital importance, as it would result in Eastern jobbers working from them their legitimate business. On such a basis a St. Paul or Minneapolis jobber could otter his stock of shingles at the same price that an association joiiber could, anil being on the ground in the East he could deliver his goods a week earlier than the association man, thereny securing his trade. That is how the jobber looks at it, ami the shingle trust desires to protect the association job bers. Y mg»fc Son's motion was promptly voted down. Arrangements were made to pay the balance of $125 due the association on its contributions of shingles to the Washing ton World's rair building. W. R. Ihinniway presented his resigna tion as secretary ot the association but tinaliv withdrew it when the association a/reed to allow him ?!<<» per month to em ploy a c erk to assist in transacting the uuties devolving npon him as secretary. It is estimated that not much more than in per cent, of the nulls in the association are operating at being the dull est ol the dull season just now. Hv Feb ruary 1 most oi the mills will start up. Soring orders wiil lie coming in by that time. A Typewriting Machine Octopus. BRttxiF.roKT, Conn., Jan. 17.—1t is stated here on good authority that a typewriting Wichine trust is nearly complete, and that leading manufacturers are in it. It is understood that C. » . Fowler, a New York city r roiter, has secured two-thirds ot tiie stock of the Remington Company and a controlling interest in the caligraph, Hammond.Frank! :i and Y '-t. It is under stood that tiie Smitii-lVemier iias not come into the deal, but that negotiations were to t»e closed on S iturday. It is sai l that Seamen?, ot WyckoflF, Sea mens Uenedict, tiie liemington people, will be president of the new combination. C. <\ Fo*ler, who is man puiating the deal,will be treasurer. I'ue concern »s to have |JO,- ( Nkw Yoek, Jan.l7.—Wdliam o.WyckofT, of Wyckolt, Seamens A: Benedict, when seen declined and so did his partner, Seamens, to give particulars of the pro- "HITS." OLD, CHRONIC PAINS SUCCUMB TO ST. JACOBS OIL IT HITS THE SPOT AND CURES. Easily Taken Up Cod Liver Oil as it Q appears in Scott's | I&I. Emulsion is easily Te)\ taken up by the Iff T , • I system. In no J other form can so jOJf J much fat-food be VvJA assimilated with out injury to the organs of digestion. r Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Rypophos phites has come to be £n article of every day use, a prompt and infallible cure for Colds; Coughs, Throat troubles, and & positive builder of flesh. by Scott & Bowne. N. V. droggists. posed consolidation of typewriting ma chine manufacturers. Mr. Wyckoff f-aid: I am not in a position to spy anything. Things are not settled and Ido n know how they will turn out. I am simpjV a passenger and do not snow yet whether I anfin a forward car or a rear couch. The Bridgeport dispatch comes from the Yost people. i Chinese Intruders Sentenced; to Prison. Plattsbibg, N. Y., Jan. 3.7.— Twelve Chinamen, who three months ago were arrested on a canal boat at Rouse's Point as being smuggled into this country from Canada, were tried before District Judge Wheeler yesterday. United States Dis trict Attorney Alexander appeared for the government and J. C. Thomse, a Chinese lawyer of Brooklyn, for the prisoners. Nine Chinamen wen? sentenced to the Albany penitentiary lor thirty days and upon their release to be reported to their native country. The otjiers claim ing they were students were discharged. An effort will be made, it is sail, to inter est the Chinese embassador aj Washing ton City in the cases of the nine sentenced. Washington i'ensions and patents. WASHINGTON CITY, Jan. 17.—rSneciai.]— Pensions have been granted to Residents of Washington as follows: Original James Maloney, William Lounsberry. Original widows; etc.—Mi nor of Ronald McDonald. A patent was granted to Erne? t Berrine, of Tacoma, for an egg-cutter. Race Worses at Auctioin. NEW YORK,- Jan. 17. [Special.]— A'f, an auction sale of race horses today the foliotring prices were received: Allaua, to J. 11. Sc&llts, (3,500; Jay Wikevto J. H. Schu;tz, $5,100; bay colt by Guy Wilkes—Ruby, to Jo»eph Garvfu, of Ches ter, N. Y, $4. >00: bltck fitiy by Gtjy Wilkes— Margaret, to 11. L. Wardell, of New Adella, to W. P. Kirk, of New York; "?>rown colt by Guy Wilkes—Blanche, to George Jacobs, of Brooklyn, $1,3 0; chestnut colt by Ggy Wilkes— Blanche, to J. 11. $1,5)0; ba>. filly, 1892, by Rup«e— Madeline, to' A. leasees, of New York city, $:;,700; blacls 1801, by Guy Wilkes—Allan i, to G. ITasley, of Great Neck, N. Y., sl.'W>; ■' bay ro'.t, I*9l, by Guy Wi'.kes-Allatia, to fo--n A. Gold smith, of Washingtonville, N. Y., 256,0.0. Al though there were still fourteen burses on the list booked to be sold the first dav, Pie sale was adjourned until tomorrow. Iu alii' forty-two horses, out of a total of 222 included':n the sale, wtre soi l today for the total sum of $61,845, an average of $1,472.5''. ? Trying to Match Slavln and <<oddard. New Yop.k, Jan. 17.—Charles Dickon, presi dent of the O.ympia Club, of New Orleans, has telegraphed to the proprietor oi $ sporting paper as follows: Will you try to arrange a matron between Frank P. 81»vui and Uoddard to 'igt~t in April. The Olympic Club will give SIO,OOO. will also s gn Alexander Greggains and D in Creedon, of Australia, to fight iu the Olympia CiuV'for $o,(i00. Godditrd to Fight Ed sm-th. Chicago, Jan. 17.—1t was announced tonight by friends of Joe Ooddard, the prizetichter, that he had accepted the offer of the Olyijipic Club, of New Orleans, to fight Ed Smith fyr n SIO,OOO purse and a side bet of $2,500, the lig-it to come oil' March & Oakland Usees. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 17.—Sumiiiarietof today's races: Four and one-half furU>n;;s— won, Ja< k the Kipper aecond, Charger thud. Time, :51V£. J Six furlongs—Estrelia won, Vanity aecond, El wood third, lime, 1:17. : -even and one-half furlotißß won, Alms second, Fannie F. third. Tliue,n:4oU. Mile and sevesjty yards—Garcia Witt, f.ittle Esperuntu second, I'escadero third, Tune, 1:50. »w Orleana Uarci. NEW OKLEASS, Jan. 17.— The" tfack WU muddy, Summaries: Five furlongs—Fay H. won, Construitlne soe oud. Miss I'erEins third. Time, 1:0 Five and a half fur otißs —Cusiout won, San Salvador second. Virgin tlnrd. Tl«te41:l-}^. Six furlongs—l.«i;rande wou, second, Little Add.o third, 'lime, I:ive six and a half furlong*—Rossi ter wo?s. Hoodoo second, C. Is. VMllingbatn third, 1:27. Handicap seven turlongs—Peltiu icon, iiees wniß second, Ualiy third. Tine, 1 iJ r '.. Pimples Blotches jIRP EVIDENCE That the dfrod is -wrong, and that nature is eiideav orin» t) throw* off the i» Pif ities. Nothing is so b nijiaal in assjstin? nature as Swift's specific (S. -S. A.) It is a simple vegetable compoui-1. Js harmless to the most delicate chi-d, yet it forces the poison io the surface and eliminates it front the blood. - I contracted a sevens c eof bl od poison that untitled n:e for busin furfot;! A f*w bottles of Swift' Si i&c(S. S. Sj cured cie. J.C. JONts.Citi M:irsSaJ, iuiton, At Kansas Treatise on Blood nnd Skin Di^:v «, ,mi!ed Liue. tiWUI IZTHCU LI. Lo. AIL.-ULI.UM. WANTED: ! Who ha< a copy of the jSI'N DAY POST-IN i fcLLIGKN'CER, June *lM>. Fit't.v rents will he |»aill to the first prison hrinirins; a copy to the business office ot thi« t taper. PBSI-IXIELLICESCER jM. Manhood Restored! /Tr \ * • I . : :Ui r«*It»e«: v. B>, . f4' * !»«;■!«,: i. ► ■ N vj * B» v\ ra* M< v 1., *s jt < dp"-. • Bnua H i.i 11 »•'* - J _ ■one, W i tjL A - Mmt) , S tLUl *sSf ■>• Kl.f. •: «. V-rv./:>; tit. U I.VD i.JTFJi l"r >*. *? "*• ' '•' " :t *- ,:l <1 am* ana , prof th>- Cr neratitr* • .n i.Utr >. > <>.,-< j t.jr orcrenrtloa,foukf(lerron,«rt:*e <1 tobacco, l uium «>r » teuUi.ta *li cti i leu]to Iwinaity.Ciwinwytl l :i!» J I «a< ty. pal . -.••■ vetj.fni ti fiirr* tn pt i tft- HI I'fr pa -itttfi* < itintl: f r.>r to Wuhcv-i i.j(ir<!»r »f .ncn -i.'V-.a jwjf jr '•! I -urr or rt.'„ ■..» !/!t 'i /nry ( l"i-» e. AUiirt"? -\trtr Sreti <'o., (kititgti, 1 >I. For »a.# m Jxaiua, W jii, by fele*a:i & Ho.jlm Dru* Ua 1 PUDDING FOR TIB PUBLIC The above is the result of our Efforts and contains a plum for every person who may be in need of anything in our line. Call and see what our Effort Sale means. The Largest Clothing Dealers in the World, 800, 802 and 804 FRONT ST. Fillv Years Settles It t) CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. If Dr. ScUenck's treatment ami oureof Consump tion were S'-mt-thins; new an 1 un: rte l, people doubt; hut what has proved Itst-lf through a record as old as our Krandl'athers, means lust what it is A Specific for Consumption and for all diseases of tho T.ungs. ">o treatment In the world can p'ace as many permanent cures of Consumption to na ere!ll as ur. "cliunek s. Noth ing in Nature acts so directly and effectively < n the lung membrane* atnl tissues, ami «o quickly di«p">es of tubercles, congestion, Inflammation, eolils, all'i all tlie seeda of t onsumption as I)r. Se he nek's Pulmonic Syrup When ail else falls It comes to the rescue. N't until it t'ail>, and only after faithful trial, sti >nld any one despond. It lias brought the hopeless to tlfe ami It has turned the despair o; ten thousand homes into joy. It is doing it now. it will continue to do It throughout the itties T>r. Srhritrk's Practical Trrntlxe on Countinption, T.ivir and Stomach Dixraxe* mailnt (rtf to nil applicant*. Dr. J. 11. Hehenrk <fc Son, Phitudelphla, Pa. THE HOPE KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL. Held In the Log Cabin, corner of Tem perance and Republican Streets, North Seattle, FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Is cond.icte<l by the Missies WixTiitaora.ia who are cartitlcaied aud experienced teacher*. Hours of Attendance, 9to 11 a. m. Feet (psyahia la ud«ai.ce>. fS l»rr month. A sro* I tee o" ti cents per month will be char«ad fir Kiuaergartsu«riai*, u*« of gifts an J sta tionary. Ihe mfthods of teai bin* are hasetl on FRiJK BKI '% SI'K M which it uow oem* universally suoptoil t>v the b*at teachers of Infants Tfce Ulluwitf »ii. gi'.aau ulit of Its sr<<p« TH* KIN UkftWAR KM "IK.s t«ack th» rudiments of Color, Korm, A rltHiaeUc and Ue ,sn+- irv. cuinvst m u.« children's construativa faculty, uiagiiialioD. powers of observation. auJ c.eartiMl ot pe-capi' n iHK KINPrROA RTKN O aMES comi,rl<ta (■ymnast c ►.zeroises Ciais H,og:u* and Haolt* jf Auiiuaisand llirdi, devaiopinc p:iy»tqua. .•Uitdianca and CbuiiwnaJ acuoa ; h ti KiMtKi'.o i«rt.v oorrPA rio.vrt no »rac* Hand u<, Writl«c £>ra»:ni{, N»adi>rw r*. Wool work. Paper I'lttmi, H> *'i Work. Folding M«d«. life. eic.. wfai. U train the liarut to dexterity sa l D-alur-o an 4 tie as « to ai/Curacy of • on lUK K DKMiSIKTBN OBJECT I.KXSONS ton ray a• ar Ida* of tfca I'hya.ea Wor.d in rala tou to Au.m*ii. \'*4< tan »i end Uintriii aud cul tra'.a in trie pupil# the pow»r of desert )>tloo. and teacn ibam l*cl*aii>fy anil tna acvtUiratl V »Uur% are !nv i» l on u.a fourth WedacadAy of n «ry oi.ioih. '¥> u. 10 )3m Li a oh TB» •< odd: 1* ar e*» for pupils from city by orib -••attitia * waitfc pa»» In- door >;*i ia d at.«i V\ rst air«9«*l cam pasa at a dlstai. c of <>«• )<OC» I»uif • Kafarei><e«. Re ». Pavld t\ <<arratt ML Ms'i'i recion-; kir* I- *. J. Huat, \ arr w, l*k«? Wut it (tun; t*ev • a t nj, .-sacjud «tr»»t au ; pa:entaof pup.!*. For f r rj?r tnformu ion app.y to W.ntv- 4lt> f.*puo:i :i;i *tr»at. > orth -e itt.e. .. 3%* Fl'I.L, SET Of TEE rlf •». *•! s»»»a *l«. Beautiful and ,|; ; "■ t,r " v "*■ IVVt! ' r - m* -»i *nd -? W»t»i!n<tim Ivr Inv. Kldr , <• >r. »rofi l and ( tierrr. 1 5(Jr Hold, nnni team. «ut;» pt-r :ia nmc ting.<, .$1 up ->p>-. .ai attfution tiv.-n to .idn».m«t«* fn< ait >. m .ji i ■ ais) lo • tua oatarai taotU. kiflaen year* tifwrieut-e. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. a«v 4 n* -ifl'." ror>n!hly m«duiiPrt for ia.lit» 'i io r «*.- ;a and tia Bid ■' , prixsaet |T frt*. h«altcy an - p*.t -* Ui« S > a«-ke» or [kiu •r: 4 * C.-V-.'a pr .SCfi. N. w a». 1 t.y »«s- > «K U y (m«a tMd will u«» «*nn lar» r tfilldC t-r/ana buy of y >ur drag* L Ju Ir > ' -» • • r«a I »a «of iatoiL a »oid aubatitataa. JL V tiarli- . a'* V ••aliip. 1} I*l Ir, v L *-fckf '• Ou*la> 1. *u«- For Mklc f- **— N M«AW ttu<au Itt4 >Ull* lUMd, MSIU* IjegWHEBW El HflCine R.B. Pullman fleepln? CAM, F.leeant I>av Coaches and finest Pa'.are Dining Can between Seattle, St. I'au! and cinca* > without chaise. Connection! •or all point* m the United State* and Canada OFFICIAL TIME CARD TAKING EFFECT NOV. Int. 1892. TRAINS I.RAVB BSATTLK For SL Fau! and East—lo.2s p. m. For Spokane—3:2o jx in. and 10:25 p. m. For I'ortlaud and South—B:ls a in., and 8:45 p. in. v For Olvinpia -6:15 a. m. anil 8:15 a m. Fur Monteaano and oeotta— S: 15 .i. to. For Tacoma—rf: 15. 8:15 ."w m, 12:01 3:20, fls9j 8:45 and 10:25 p. m. tor Sr.oqualmie Fall* and North Bead— 9:13 a ni. for suraai and Anacortes—9:l"> a in. For Snohomish aud Getcheil—tf :li a m. mail 4:35 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVS AT IEATTL& From "t, I'a'i! and East —11:35 p. in. From spukaue— 10:35 a ui. and II 25 p. in. From I'oitlaud and sou.h—s:so p. in. and 13:95 b. in. f rom Olympia—s:so p ox. and 8:40 p in. From Montesano and Ocoatn—s:.So p. in. From Tacoma—l2:ss, 8:45 and 10..15 % m., 2 00. 5:50, 8: lf> an 1 ! 1 :25 p. m. From Hnoqualmie I'tils and North Rend—s.33 p. TO. From Huma-t and Anacortes—s2o p. m. From Hnonomiah and (ielchell—lo:3a a en. and 6:20 p. in. RAII.ROA I> ASn STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO A 1.1. I'ulNi.S IN lUt, W'OKI.U. PUGETSOUND & ALASKA DIVISION VICTORIA KOI TIC. BTEAMKUIP "CITY OF KI NORTON." ~8:<»0 ainT.vl Mi 1 1 i.00nm... lilt vr; 6:15 am It): 15 pill ..v 2F ...Seattle . i H2 I v .Clt •am 1 30 pin 11, v 72 I't I'owimtiii.l HB.iv 11 4 ;t0 pin Ar 11" ... . Vi. 'i.ria . Mi I v H .10 tin 1 steamers "City of Kingston" and "City of seat- j tie' iiinfc - <-onnectton» at Fort Townsend for pa»- ; netixera £'>inß from fiellingtiaia bay poicls to Vic toria and rftu n. H ATI OM It«»« I K. «TF.A>IHH!P '•< ITY OK BEATTI.K," '« •»»i in i.v Mi ai*»tna ~T:<2 Ar 5. TSUm •t.tMtpin i.v % s«.t .e 100 i v il pm 115 am I.v 72 .I'i. T wnwnii ft-* !.\ I 1 . .ilam 2 l.'ia'ii I.v 11! ... Anecortes... 540. I.v i»:l>Ain 7:if. am AriiaU ...f airhaven .. B:n.i»ui t>:loain %r 131j... >i-home .. 1 I.v 7::tOain 3:.i» am'Ar, 1.12 .. \t hat' mi*.. Ml Iv •:00*m | loseconnt i'tV"i! w:th N. I". train Irom I'ort land and san t rainisfo t.« " i'h>f>»- roniiTt.ona at tbe 'la- .ma wharf with train* to aid rrcm I'oit.and. anil with th« eiw and wi-at bouud o\er!and trams. I'OKTTOWNMXU *IA 11. ROUT*. ■ j j- Mli i M,r~ | 11:00 am I.v I 2S ...*>eattle ...! 58 Ar, 3:oopm 12 'oaiu L\ Port Madieoa. 47 . 2:loptn i.v! 4Ni..- Klcits'ou....; 41 1.v,. 3:(M)ain v 4'J Port >i*mt.|e.; 2 i v M-OOmu 4:00 am I.v 7X Port l.ndi -a 13 I.v, Id :0 iam K:il!l aw Ar *4 ;P:. Towxiend __ '.v * Oi) t:i •li»!:y eicpt Mun iar. tl»ai!y « ii'aiiy except Monday. For rstea. routes and other Informatlo* saf! on >• addraaa A- D. CHARLTON, V*st. flea. P»<a A<t., 121 Kirst irtiati i >r 1. A. NATiE tD nefiera; Ai{ent.'lty ficiut OTV-e, c ru»r Vealer a*ejue aud Coaimertl*i a.reel, Seattle. N 1 FAT7NK.IT PR«SO!*« SATE M«MI r OOIS SEATTLE SAVINGS BAKK '»• I Vv 1U atituti >u lor savin*. In er« %t i»a:<l - n4epaoita Coapaacaitii atca .s --v!nar» H W'lh interest payi ie ev-ry »3 In 1111 «* Month* Nickel eaving boxes w -»VIA\A (fivea Mt-.ia l.jr the ac< i-.r.u'a- V: »j; : S.: . •..' »sv t.<a A •>..:« M A n QTJ security. Call an.l investigate UlUiiOj Yttuilvt. <(Dliuctil Tui»P FJ ftlrhiitfj'# FnxlUh I'taaaund V,~un9. PENNYROYAL PILLS .uta" v OHfU»I »r4 Oely 4irft«tae. A J* / y HAFt l.»U< f-■■■-» »-*• II Ml /A y t*' ia I'ru<a »i ft-r \'*tc »t -4t I'n A»\\ . • »' • i . V / '-■»«. »»»■•« » » •; ■- Tat.' \sr I*l *»i* >vl "• o:a*-. A-.AiHiif i'»w»iK .i>- v Ifm Jw 1 ' l L * «.l \v D "Uellef l.r 1.m1m," a ! i" ri '.ra —X 1/ M»ii. 1 •».<»«« f ( klrtralrri i^nl;^ SbJ to Ml Ffclledai Fa. THE SORTUERN PACIFIC SUMP COMPANY IN cosNzcrioa WITS THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY The Shortest Rout* to JAPAN AND CHINA PROPOSED SAILING OF STEAHRSi (Subject to Alteration.) WILL LEAVE TACOMA FLINTSHIRE - Fob. 3, 1893 VICT<»|; IA - - Fob. SI, 1893 TACOMA - - - Mar. 21, 1893 FI.INTNIIIItK . Ayr. 18. 1893 VICTORIA - - - Mar 9, 1H93 TACOMA ... June t», 1893 The Steamship FLINTSHIRE Will Leave iacoma on the 3d of February, mil w ill carry passenger* mi l freight at current rait-a. For freight or passage app'y to DOI>WELL, CARLILL A CO., (ieo«rtl Agents, Tacoma, or I. A. NAPEAIJ, Qt oral i-'nt n p. r. Co., spat tie. <fin| TICKETS £ I °" IAU TO Kansas City, St. Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS EAST, NORTH 2 SOUTH Ft'I.I.MAN Sl.BKf KK<i, IOLONIHT Nl Klf'CHI, KKCMMINd CM 4 111 OAS! AND UINKKN. iUutrt Pirt!ui to la F:M«IM» l urj fn Virt TICKETS t ; K O£° EUROPE. For raiea on J general Information call on or addreae A. C. MARTIN, Ticket Agott, tOI SKCOMD riKKII. V. ■- m'Ri.BCK r, AMt Uoai. Paa* Ageat MA Wj.t,!ri|;jn Htfrti, Or. CURE YOURSELF 1 *tjw-! an notn'-e lr»l. I w!!! jr" nl'y i Cprg I.• rt«-'- r»a; 1 p -,<ir ,ir' il rUMT lIICC «ITU.irr, Ittl'idUK, MMOls to: .'.11.1 If, » ai(Ml<>> «, li'. A '»-» »>'li etama^ 4i. k. I'tl'lMli, :>i<ur uvn"ellarafcuit. hONNKV Ac .~i '1" K W V iIT, eoecese or* to u. C. bhor y A <'•»., Cn<l'.*rtaker* comer of Third ai.d t_oioait.» atreetA Tele phone No. I fflll F- CRi >-S Lf.V IiKHTAK INO * < O. i «a. r» vb i and life* ata S[»-< :ai au«at>' n to e:i>b.lrjiiri*. K!r« ti»« *ervi?» al reasonable fntea. Telephone 2d7. 3