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TRADE AND SHIPPING. California *Bntter Crowding Down Prices. FRESH RANCH EGGS ABUNDANT. | f .<«ra Stoek Cun Not Compete !fow— Oat* Have Stiffened Up a Tittle More Poultry Trade* UP*" * T "ATTI-* JIAKHRIK FOR THS WKKK B«- CI.VNINC, WEPNESPAV. JASTT ARY IS. - HIGH WATER. J LOW WATER] "; {■et. t !".n- :«et. a.m. ! feet J p.m. j feet rT"i H-2 :: r ' 1J " ll.'2Hi H 1 1U.12 0.1 fc 44 il4 4.13 12.7 *12.07 7.6 11.53 0.4 - 14 6 17 12.1 0.35 1.1 12.53 7.4 74:1 U 5 1-27 11. \<Y ... 1.43 6') t jo !14 1 74 ' 11 5 122 j 2.0 2.3 ft I g 4 t j:i ' 9 11, 11.2 2.12 3.4 3.22 5.0 »'ls jl3 9 i' 11 7 3.02 I 4.8 41H 3 9 AT PORT TOWN SEND. jf4S~" r '!OT "2.4 • 9 "I~3BT~ v ' '< l - > 7 0.1 a' ls 11.1 1 -4i 9.2 ?. 11.22 7.6 jn.f'x <• 4 ,544 11.1 j 4 5- >.H * 12.08 7."2 111.50 I.x 714 HO, 5,- 51 5 ij ■ ,12.W 69 747 10.a | 7. 0 KUs 0.57 2.0 1.45 ft. 1 g55 10.5 ! M 7 9 " 1.27 34 1 2.37 5.0 * * , '' 4 ' ' Jf ' 8 - " ~ 11 4 ' X 9 •—p. Oi. SEATTI.E, Wash., Jan. 17. 1593. at Seattle, T&coma and I'ortiaad clearing bouses today were: Cl<nrmr*t. P.n'nn/-rn. $2 3 sto 01 $ 62 Tscoma 1%6 556 '*) 31 976 <*> Portia- .1 414,0 X) 00 65,000 00 But lit'l" clmnsre has be<-Ti noted in tne pro <Jnfe i..;ir«et the past week. Oats are a trifle stiller, but prices of other farm product* re- B«;n unchanged. Ranch eg?" «ro comins !n ia (treat abundance and are crowding the Ea«t --«r:. stock out, the present of the former bsviuK Rone dawn to ato nt that leaves them So*, little higher than those shipped in, and of ec rs<> 'Oiis.imers preler the product, which i* c.lmost inv-iria''!y strictlv fresh. In the Jobbiiiff t'a-le there has been some ad vance in canned meals, and cured meats have reach" 1 a point tha' practically cuts offtra ie in tkem altogether. The iruit end veset.ible mar ktt is very •■ready, but not at all native. The market is st (T on Eastern creamery butter, but California i- coming in freely and at lower price*, so the chances for advancing the price of Eastern strick is not only very slim, but it is more pro tit le that a reduction will have to be rasde n order to keep up any demand for it at »]!. Poultry is ia lipht demand and there is some cold storaite stock offered at 16 cents. KHIPMKNTS AND I'.KCKJITS. During the past twenty-four hours produce and merchandise ha- beet, shipped from ani re ceived st t .e port of Seattio as follows: Tons. Shipments by rsil and water nOfi Receipts by rsil uud water 793 Today's Quotations. The following wholesale quotations are the prices paid by jobbers to the producers for pro duce delivered in Seattle: WH6LKSALE QUOTATIONS. HOPS—Choice, lWtfrlJc per lb; medium, 14®16c per Tb. HAY—fin carload lots)— Puget sound timothy, new stock, s:«Vs't. <0 per ton. GRAIN—(iu car load lots)— Hats, choice, $-4: bsrU-y, S2O per ton: wheat.chicken feed, $23.50 per ton: c>r i. T24. 50; cracked, $'25.50. MII.I>TC FFS—Bran, sl4: shorts, 117. LIVE STOCK —Choice beof cattle, cow-, :' 4 . choif*s sheep, sf>o<l hot*, calves, live, large, 4e; small, 6c per lb. POTATOES—Choice, sirtrt}l6 pir ton. CARROTa—»v<fp> per ton. BITTER ANI) E'KlS—Choice ranch butter, sl9,' -*; ft?sh ranch e<t;-, 27c. Pul'LTßY—Spring chickens, $3.50(§5 per doz; ben-. s.v<s'« 50; ducus, s')(e#7; turkeys, 15c per tb. 11l l>k> AM) - K IN*—Heavy salted steer-, over i>er It., medium, per lb, 4 1 J (<s."**; light, under t<tb-. per lb, S'/yDie; salted kip, tic, snd calt, per lb. 4'<s e; ereen hides, lc le«s than Mlted; dry hides, j, r tb. sc; dry elk, Per lb, 1 'd| Me;drv deer skins, summer, pertb, 3 (s3sc: win ter,'- V <<V2''C; sheep skill", 60fi®75c; full wool, sl® Liv. wool, IK2JI7C per ft; tallow, 3J£<d3}{c. LCM; —superior quality, per \l, t j ip7: choice eedar. $.»50; medium, per M, $:»(®o; couimou, per M. $1.50. JOBBING QUOTATIONS. The following are the prices pa d by dealers lor round lot* delivered at the wharf, or the Jobbing rates quoted by wholesale dealers: fcl'GAK—(Jobbing)—Golden "C" in Uhl, per lb. » 7 „c: "I)." in I>|>l» or sack*, 4*fc; extra "C," In b'bl. per tb, sc: dry granulated, in bbl, JMT tb, f 3 c. In kesr* each of tho above at advance o:i pr'c?" quoted, COFFEE—(Jobbing)—Oreen— Mocha, per tb, 29c; Java, per !b, 2> •; Costa Rica, choice, per lb, 2ie; Rio, per !b, 23c. Roasted—ArbiKkle's, in ICO Ib cases, pet cwt, S24.BT>; 69-A eases, per ctrt, $.■4.9': 3<'-tb CH-B-, jK"r cwt. $.''1.05; Mocha and Javs, ,'y tb tin cans. t>ar tb, 3t' jc; 50 and JfO-tb ••irts, Java, »tb tins, 34e; Aden Mocha, r.Vjo; pt-alierrv Men t, 35<*; (itiatemala. 2Sf&l Kround coffee. 2< C<£.M! jc; Mokaska, liW-tb cases, *J4 BVRniS <Jof)bing)—l>rips. bbls, j>er gallon, 6Kc; drifsi, hsll-bt>ls, p-r gallon. (Wjc; drips, kegs, - .er keg. $2 I<WJ drips, gallon tins. t<er ease,s'•.">: drii*, gallon tins, California, $4.75; <lrip». '« ' Riibui tins, pt case, s>.2*>: New <>r lesns molasses, gallon tins, per case. s'>.so; ma ple, Canada S'ip, eallun tins, per do*. sl3: < ati sd« Mij>, half-galiou tins, jwr doz, $7; Canada Mp. flvt.-ga l >n jackets, $4. mLI ') rpool, r»vn> sacks, per ton. $22 50: American <ia;:v, ,¥' Tb sa"ks, per t->n, ll'J: f'oast, nn.! ground, it<o-Jb -.acis, per Pin, ♦l-> .• i-5b >aeks, per ton, $11: D amond Crystal. 54 -tb cartons, case. $ :i-tb sacks, 77 in bale, $.:; 4-Ib sacks, .V) In ba!e, $4: 10-tb sacks, 2siu bate, t L VIM', iAR—(J obbing)—Barrels, ja>rgaL, He; 40-gr.. t«er gal., lfic; balf-bsrrsls, 3D*gl., pe> B*' . : 4't-i»r.. l-e . Vgal. kegs, 90c. 'Ji t'b.n-) nitie -avon. '. v )s. 75c: s£.» Fc'tric, 2»«, f! •; P»»a. $ ..I ►: K.rk's York. .'OS, M : 10>u, »170; White, 20s, 10-. Babbitt's I'est, 20a, f1.05: loos, ; Pr." tcr .V 1 lamiile's ivory, 1 lis>s, $7 ,\h t - or mottled, iJe per tb I»KIP 1) 5" lil li,- ;.in'tV.iuc)-.\ pr ■ ot-,bleached, 1* r tb. r tig,. i iiucrn'iH, p« r lb, 7c. Smyrn i, pes tt-. .s- ; p-.act: ■*, evaporated. ]<er tb. 17c; Plnin>, pitted, p>r tb, 1 apples. 1, eaehed. r>er lb. lie; firunc., Washington, MAUe: prunes, California, l..(si'»c Ra;%m-. I. 1., $2.4 1 ' ' i I. '; . i '. ,t. :. v. f, i< is. s2'si. CANNED VEiiETABLF-i M. bbingi -Toma jeea, csua. per d 05,91. O; tomatoes, gal - lous, |*r doz, f ~7.>; B:aircor . new. $1.60; >Vins low corn, pci d >7. SLSS; sucar pens. California, perd>t, j . o:string beans,per dox.sL'io; umi !•« m,., i ■ r ,io». Boetoo bakol beans, Mtoa, $ 25: mue'iroonM, per dot. A); I"j*ti' h ts- is J ' *4: •i. CANNED n:rn>- tabi.e (Jobbing)-A»- 9Htail,pet lot 4. par dos, 92.1 [ $2Je; !a, s!' •! re«, i«~r d>>* I »>: Bart let t |«-:irs, per doe, J «! !te etierries j«.r doz, I. si; ul*f. «■ t-rrts *. p-r d> z, $- Jo; |>eael es, I'alilor «".a. per I } i ;• v-• str-<wnet*»os, per <1 z. C'irrants, , ,-r «los, $2..' graj;»es, per d *, *190; |i;iim», ;>er d,>», s2.u': goosebenes, l"' o Ji rass>berriea, per «!• -z. }2.7>; Nabp e (Johasoa'e). per aos, si. Pir in t'adon •ans. t»er <!• z, $■..«.>4. k tins, per d< z. QdiyuS; peaches, a- sbov, $1.60; apri« •<:». $1 i»; b.ack >s>'ru>. n .■ !t> tins, per .!•>«, $i Vt; curra its, gai e • .>. p.uni*. gallon oans, per '' *■ t' - i lb tins, per d"*, s22>; applea, z.f. gallons, I 50; grapes, JJylbUi-.s. IH.T.! t, $J.2\ • t.lV'- l-. nw-) Pails, SO tbs each, all «■ l». i•' tr -ante Clara 2-Ib cans, 2 doz in rsf T ,i *i7 ' ■'M » W1» 'MP K -{Jobbing-Eagle, per <a- .5-. i Ptu j s>. lliahiand, unsweet *"■ ' v a .t:v. j -ta .dard. $ • Vt. M.. n . j j ' t 'iiimpl >u, So.TS, Eeou -liii »t >'! ViE— j i,. -1 & : :ft K - •• »» boa,'.', A " ' J • V*\ » ttns. 14-tt ■S*c. 4 ktVi:. Uui ' "v-u , ' y : 'g) —W •■••estershire, email, r. • J S: » : . » • pe •er sauce, Ki f! 1 V ; " 1 " d, . « ». . • • 1 i - : J"# uor :t •• rlnu.s . baider's, pln«a,«s d ' U , K : F v v.! », gi uis. per ,• * •« -iMs. ir d * . ch. vs, r ' ! '■* ■ P altlli, pints, pei ... z. •Ma ain 'Vi* / 5r * V * ' V* s, j<r g i 30c *plainaud ui *^ I ,' ' r < •' '•" 1 • ' •» * nUed, » er tb:* ",\ ; l&r? » vr c *'- H«f.: :•! «»', aas rted cakea,*c J to CANM . . x ' a^; 1 ; { - • V v :. 5 .' : 1 f -, mo . •' V,.'' : ft •*; t rti •' x - * •»' raa. ii. v, ji r d"• J* ' An:*- P*- I I K » s J. . • c -*- *• i .... .v.; «k, spiced iiartiufc ... tb kegs,'sl. mackerel. i(*vn> % bbls, $10.75: codflsh. 2-ib bricks, pollock, whole cod, l'»tt> bcxe«, 7V»c. CANNED MEAT-—{Jobbing)—Deviled bams, Arajour, per doz., SLSO; cornsd beef, l ib < an, per doz. $1.30; corned t>»;f, 2-tb can. jtr dot 12.10; chipped lieef, 1-tb can. per dor... $2.43; chirped beef, 2-lb c*n, per doz., $1.20; lunch tongue, 1-tb can, p»r doz.. $3.15; lunch tonvue. 2lb can. per doz., s">.so; roa«: beef, t>erdoz.,s2 10; roast chicken per doz, $125; roast mutton, 12.,): roast turkey, per doz., s.".'<o; pigs'ieet, 2-lb tsp«, i»er doz., 12.75; tripe, SLSO. lOLACCo—Moboingj—Plug. Chewing, Cli max, in 12-oz plugs, per ib, 4.5 c; l*-oz, 43e; Star, per lb, 42c: 42c; Spearhead. 44c; Next, per lb, 38c; Sledtre, per lb, 36c: Escort in l*-oz plug*, per lb, 43c: La*t, per lb, 41c: riper Haitisesck, 63c; Kentuckv Smile, per Jb, 68c; Scroll Tag, per in," Sun lajr, per lb, : i-om?thir.g Good, t'. to lb, 41c; fine-cut chewing, per pail of 10 Sinokiue, Twist, 6in 6-oz, per b, 4ic; 12 in 12-oz, per ib, 42c; Cable Coil, 2 and 4 OS piue«, 42c; of North Carolina, Marburg. per lb, She: Seal of North Carolina, Marburg, ' 3 g, per lb, 58c; Lima Kiln, 2-oz, per ib, 55c: 4-oz, p>er lb, 54c. HlCK—(Jobbing)—Japan, $6.00; China, $5.00 per cwt. BEANS—{Jobbing's— Small white, per Th. 3' ',(<% pink, per lb. Bayou. per lb, 4' ; butter, per Tb, s*{c. Lima, per tb. sc. DRIED I'EAs—(Jobbingj—F.eia, per, !b, 4'# Vi n - PROVISIONS—(Jobbing)—Queen hams, large, 17c' ,; Queen ham«, ems! . lT*4e: Queen breakfast bacon, 17 l 4c; dry salt sides, l.\c. AUD—Home rtfiidere !. jier tb, Sinclair's. 6«, !•%'-: ' ■ 'V 1 '■ 20s, IV4c; 50s, 1 "'.^c; Q ieen leni, l r, s, 14 1 jUOISWc. I.ard, compound, tierces, lie; l'is, ll- 4 v;; BAGS— Jobbing)— Grain, per 100, $7.50; old, 10". ?'■. ..'A/. NUTS—(Joobing)—Best almond, per tb, 17c; peanuts, raw,western, per Tb, .V^c; Ea-tern, 7'vC; Per Tb, H'jsl >c; walnuts. C'aU.ornia, tier lb, l'fij 14c; cocoanuts, |>er ICO, s)<; chestnuts, Sicilv, per Tb, l<7(tise; pecans, jt*r lb. 15®18c; piiie ni:ts. per fb. 10c.. I'OfATOEs —(Jobbing)—Choice, sl6 / SIS per ton. VE< rET \ Bl.E3—(Jobbin g)-Cabl ages, 1' {(s\ s^c ; onions, ,c; parsnip-. per saci; tur tiit-s and beets, 75. jier sack: white turnips and carrots, s«X'r£7sc per sack; cauii fl w r. $1.15 :«T Uoz. ••KEEN FRUlTS—ffnbMnf) IITIBIIHH Tali, forma, $5.01 Sicily, 96 i;me». $1 p<*r 1(>! >t $' ' »*-< «»e; baiiarui-. Viper btinch; ar.ples, t er box: New York Baldwins, 17 1 'lb.: :-ranges, per case, 003 25; seedling- . $2.5 (a>-T> per box 151" ri PR -lte-t Eastern creamery, strictlv fresh,6o-lb tub-*, s4c j>er Tb- choice d*f r y, 30® 40c; tre«h Californi» roll, 2t/<tJ7c per tb: pickie ro-l. •: fresh Eastern pickle roll, 30c. E<;w*-(Jobbingi—Fresh ranch, 30c; East ern, 2 Cm c. POULTRY—(Jobbing)—Chickens, S4.W<SVSO; bens, j . er . 1. 1 ;• -'v;7'-- ner tfc; eeew, ducks, 19- jsir tt>; turkeys, p-.r !t) E'tsi"rn cold -t >rs *e *■..(■»•. 16c. CIIEE-E—(Jobbin?)—Eastern. 14c; fre«h Cal : - forrua, 12'<£l3c: :crtt>, 18c: Holland, per doz. $11.5>; Swiss, pei 21c. HONEY—Comb, per th, r>o»l v; extracted, Cai ffornia, pure, &-gallon CHU. per lb; strained, 9c; .vt l .ns, per duz, $11.75; half-gallons, per d' z. s>'. ">). 1' l.< »u Ft—(Jobbing)—Wnahington,straight, per ' b!., patent, Novelty M li-' "Excellent," en Cruwii ?>«<l Sperry brands, *4.13. W HEAT—(Jobbing)—Chicken feci, per ton, OATS—(Jobbing)—Choice, per ton, |2fi; me dlii in. |2» i»_-r ton. BAHLEY—(Jobbing;—Rolled or ground, per ton, 122. CORN-Whole, 126; cracked, per ton, f27; feed meal, s'27 per ton. Bit A N—Moribing)—Per ton. Jl7. MII-LSTUPFS—(jobbinc)—Chopped feed Frauci-no), s2l; native, ?22 per ton; shorts, per ton. fly. middling*, per ton, ?L'3; oilcake mea', per ton. S4O; buckwheat flour, per bbl, 57.(J0: p.r cwt, J'i.73; graham, per bbl,; or 10-lb shcks. J2.00 }«r cwt; rye flour, pt-r bbl. 14.50: or 10-Tt> Rack*, f :.<X» per cwt; rye men. per bbl, 11.25: per cwt, $2.75: ont groats, pt r bbl. 15 7 {ajV'KJ: hominy, per cwt, 53.00; ernclie l wheat, per cwt. whole wheat flour, perewt 12.75; pearl barley.per tt>, 4c; split peas, per lb, sc; tai ie corn meal, yellow, |Z(O j>er cwt in 10-lb sacks; 50s, Ji.'JO; white. I Ob, #2.10; 50s, J2.00. llAY—(Jobbing)—Puget sound timothy, per ton. JlUc&li: straw, ss. FREBH.MEATS — 1 hoicc <lres«ed beef, 6 v jCper tb; mutton, 'JC per lb; pork, Bj- a c per lb; veal, 7 (It lOc per lb. LUMBER—Rough common, per M, sfl; com mon, sized, scommon, 1). 4 8., sl2; clear, D. 4 H., >l6: lxl flooring, No. 1,515; Ixl flooring, vertical. No. l,sis: spruce shelviug, S3O; clear, cedar finish, s3o(<i3">; mouldings, 40 per cent, discount on Cuiwr-al Moulding Bo>k;, per M. I.': lath, j>er M, $2: pickets, D and P. -a each: gutter. 3x4, 7c: gutter, 4x4, 8c; 4x6, 9c. COAL—Screened, $5.00 per ton; average, iu car loud lots, >450; uut, $2..50 per toa; bcroeuinys, II per tou. BRlCK—Common, $3.5J@7 per M, pressed, $55 per M. LlME—(Jobbing)—Roche Harbor and San Juan Diamond. $1.25. CEMENT—(Jobbing)—Portland, K. B. A S., sauo. PLASTER—(Jobbing)—Goldeti Gate, per bbl, PLASTERING IIAIK (.fobbing) - Washed, \\~c per tb; unwashed, 4'' tier lb. IKON PlPE—(JooDing)—Wrought Iron, up to ll£» black, 4 10 and 5 per r>jn'. oil list: larger s.zes. 60, and 5; galvanized, and under, 30 and 10 percent off; larger hizes, 4'>f(sio iter Cent, oft list. TIN PLATE (Jobbing) Charcoal p'ates, bright: IC, 10x14 t> 14x2i, SO oer box: IX, 111; charcoal platen, terue, I (J, lix2o, |7; i;i. 7.>; IC. redippcd, I>i>x2x, s.'o. SHEET I HON-' lobbing)— American, common —No. 27, 4'V per lb; galvanized, .7 per cent, off list. NAlLS—(Jobbing)—Steel naiU, |2.40: wire nails, 12.50. In car load lots, steel, |2..'i5, and wire. 12.45. SHEET ZlNC—(Jobbing)—Per lb, <;',' c. 80LI»F.H—(Jobbinz)—Tinnera', half and half, 17c per fb; extra wiping, l'»c. I'>AK IKON—(Jobbing)—Base sizes, 2*£ c per !b; Norway iron, 5c per lb. SHOT—(Jobbing)—l>rop, lI.SO per bag; buck ■ h<>r. I?: chilled *tjot. 12.2 ). POVV DKK—(.Jobbing)—Black blasting, per keg, 12, 35 per cent.; dynamite powder au'l safety ttitro, |7(57.50 per case; Champion anci Juilson ■ad E. t». !;., It per case: sporting, Gulden Pheasant, K. per ket*; dead shot, |H. TOOLS—(Jobbing)—-aws, cross-cut. Plsston's Tuttle tooth, JTJc per ft: Humboldt, Toledo and Tyee brands, b'C per it; haud —l>i*stou'*, 25 per cent ofl list. Axes—single bit, 17 .50 per doz; double bits, IL-613 per do*, shovels and spades—Steel, If. -'4<«®l _* ."perdo*; iron. »i <t". per doz. Hatchets—frr»on|4».C- per doz. Mattocks Per doz, 17.Pick* -Railroad, $.">.7"»>5»"•.7 "• per doz. Forks -Hay, f«<><<v'oc and 10 percent, off'ist. Ortndrtones —fit Tt>, 2c. We l|Sk —Steal, 150 per Tb Files—so to f*> oer cent. off li t. SCALES—IIowe or Fairbanks piatiorm, 33' per cent. «>ff list; c ounter, 35 P *r cent off list; spot! r 1 scales, .35 per cent off. KOl'E (Jotb-ug) Manilla. l l 4 in'-h a'ld large., 13c p t lb, 12 tbrea I, 12',c |<er Tb: f> and ■'-thread, 14c; si»a!, + and larger, lOo; 12-thread, 11c; i. and 9-thread, 12c. OAKI'M -Per ba'e. $ I ,50fn5 IsX 1- FsK - Per l,o»". I» • *V.V». OlLs— (Jobbing)—Cas'or. Baker's A A, 11.40 pern ; i pn bm !. |oil —tar, ii: car . ■'", '-Me; «*ttr«, 27>;: headlight, ."7c, t'ii in i irre.*. l'earl nud Astra., i«v >:hl t'<' .-c, t.tttV l,ard oil—Per ga., " t«v. i.inrae I o-.l—ltoiled, *>2c; raw, 60c; nea'.s IK ' £C : BMChiMoU, i I KPKN TIN E—(Jobbl nt)—Flf ftl, Wc. > •; ; s l . l»t ins I .—lvr cat. 30". Win ; 11 It \D—i..tot>b. .g)—Pioneer or Collier, Taroiii* <»rnin Xnrket. Tacoha, J at;. 17.—[Special. ]—>ome Oealers <<ar the wheat market ;» nervous. Oiher* say St W firm, but ■••tiil »ery little doing on a ©court of j email • ffer.ti.. - Quotations: «'lub, 71(«®7.1c; ; Hum Stem, 7 ;-v" '1 tie wheat anil flour s!iir»- i meats from this port »:nce Sjpvmber jy, l v | aw;: Wheat, 1 .'47 bushels; flour, -i i,4- > | barrel a Portland Grain Market. Portland, .'an i; -!> ;a'.J—Whea;- M«vl itr itely and t> ' Vnllov, I; .v t..-"J j WaHa Walla, 9 LI-1 ;>erccntaL Ueo .pta, li.twy Ctntais. MAM FKAMCIMCO M VI;KET-). TBK STATE or TRADK. Pan Franci*CO. Jan. 17. —Vtame i» still weak i owins to la :.y heavy arrival* and light. <:e --1 maud. • 1 here is not much poultry in the market, but {•r.''es are <4 ulet. E-g* are weaker at.-l will continue to decline in price from this time on. K.ncy crudes of t utter are goiuK otT \ retty well, but there :* no demand for other description*. <:i -e-e i» quiet Potatoes are stea.lj, tnt t'.-m tindert de mand. Ihe steamer * flumtia trvught d wn from Fortlan 1 ati-1 W n* >oter lay . «.•«• k< of Oregon Burbank», u: ,11haie i the mar* t slightly. Too <juotatt •» on Parbat jl* are ■ given at 91. -o. On:.> :s arc n *: ail demar. 1, ; i.ui aa there «"'■ '«w £>< >J varictte* coming I pric-js hold tin we * j Pro-luce rcoctp'*—Fovir, 1«"*> 4» q ;irt'r»ac»s; w, l«M>i)«-vi:t*i». VV hs . net .»»•. uriey. «»at», 0 < .a bei.n*, I. <v*; . ta iit'f, .l. -" aat »- ons, 1.0 ' sack*; t T-.ii. 1." -in ».». »ur- N«tcaabprioH furitnii 1 ax ras.tSLW r .r • * -». t'.kAe:'.-- i.JL'.ra<, j; Hi m. ili - ) jt. . e. ;'V< li ill at—Tim txiyiof too* of yeatarday wa* not j matataiued tma aorßloi an i tbvra *» .•,* qoitt a . . > >\:r.t> e tra i'.nw »t;i ; . a. *1 t - ■ln favor • f the buyera. Ifoldera • itnua U> * i .' t tx»r CC'.Hai t -*1 !v- • (,t, lUt , 1. at. neither - tu< gra tea arj hold a; a rac|4 * f; . i " ■■ thoiish no hala over i. .-oa rt 1■ ' '• ■ .v— !!e att'tatton < rvHC- « n.» :«•*; .. >of i. •. ro*t ".-ittoua ' 7" i i |«r rental for dark for good q«al a- 1 *. . i- sor choice, brawiu.-, »'- ? -4 ' y»>#- .-V.'j .0 a Salt aiau.iut 0. THE SEATiLE POST-Di doi g ail the time, but the market cannot be reported as being specially active. Offering* ore mure than ample lor all resent want* and value* mow no particular strength. Surprise, $1.4."/'s:. 50; milling. SI.V> Al.4'): fancy feed. $1.10; good :•» Choice iciJ. si. s a ; off grade*. * i»:ack. ?! i:«<frl.iu for common, and sl-I—* 2®' 25 for caoice for seed; grav, f1.25(AL30; red, per cental. CALL BOAP.D. Following ar» the gale* recorded at the call tK>ard todae: Wheat: Morning, informal—Ma*-, 6 0 tona, 100ton»,$L& »j; 400 tons, $1.34 , a; 105 tons, Ji.34Vs; 6jo tons, $1,311* per cental. Regular sees:..a—May, 100 tons, lI.WA; 2,000 tons. $1.34; i,503 tons, SLS4V., 1,000 tous, SL33 per cental. Barley; regular session—May, 100 ton», 85c per rental. Afternoon—Wheat—May, 100 tons, $L33?£; 200 tons, $1.34"4 per cental. Barley—No sale. FINANCIAL. Drafts—On sight New York, per SIOO, 25c. Sterling bills on Ixmdon—6s 'lst bank, sl.»7 5 2. Silver—Ssr*. per ounce, 83?i'®S3;iC. Mrxicau dollars, (*^jfy, 3 c. MINING STOCKS. Belcher 1 lo;C*iedonia 10 Best t; Belcher.... 1 25( hailenge C0n.... 50 Chollar 55! Con. New York... 45 Con. Yirg nia 2 40 : <'rown Point. .... 4"> Confidence 1 20 Exchequer. 10 Goulu & Curry.... S Grand Prize. 5 Hale & Norcross.. SOifu.ia 5 Poto-i. 2 10 |.lu»tice. 10 Ophir. 1 75jKentuck 10 Savage 9 Lady Washington 5 Sierra Nevada.... 1 2 vfono 15 Uu.oaCco l OOjMexican 14^ Yellow Jacket.... 6, Nevada Queen.... 5 Alpha Con I',(Occidental 20 Alia ?i>:Overman 20 A udos SQpeg. Beictaer 1® Bodie 2 scorpion 15 Bullion s.".Ttab 15 Bu.wer. 15ii'eer 10 EASTERN' MARKETS. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NKW YORK, Jan. 17. —1 he upward movement in tse stock market showed signs of having culminated today and the bears an l traders were more active. Sales for Loudon 6erve i to revive talk of gold exerting at the end ol the wifek. Selling to reaiiz.'profits was a factor at all hours of the day. All tho leading shares were brought above the level of the opeiiin.s» firures. though the decided strength of the last few days is lacking. Coal stocks were especially strong. Bituminous coal stocks showed uone of thr-ir late marked ttrength. Manhattan was ngain a featute an l c os d with u gain of 2}'4 p -r cesit. The only maru-d advance was iu sugar. Distillers were feverish within comparatively narrow limits and the final change was unim portant. Realizations iu Grangers stock forced declines of 1 per cent, each in North we* tern, Burlington and Union Pacilic. The generai list w."i irregular but higher at the close with tho who.# iist hrm. Railroad bonds were very active. Government bouds—Dull. Petroleum—Neglected and unchanged. FINANCIAL. Money on call— ». ,#3} closed offered 2!{.. I'rime piiper. 2 exchange —ijuiet out arm; fl.-o ior lixiy-duy bills; for deuiaud. SILVER. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.— silver— B3*»c. BONDS. r. S. 4's (rest) 113' 2 !U. 8. 4's (coupon). 113'j U. b. 2's (reg) 100 jPacific G's 105 RAILROAD STOCKS. . Y. Central irvo 7 . Atchison American Express Canadian Pacific.. Nav CM n in. southerii.. J>7-'' H Miort Line <e: trul P.tcJfic 2S t'U'ific Mail Hurl.UKtou l"l 7 j_ t'uliman lay c ott >n (.ill 4;> :Heading 51j$£ I.ucifi\v«u»a Iso^ a terminal 9 I>. it It. G. pfd M :ft. G. Western..... '23 Di-tuiers 57 Preferred 61 lilinois Central lOUd Fines 7§f Kansas & Texan... 27' „ (look Inland 87'^ Ijike >hore >it. Puu! 7y. 7 „ I*ad Trust 47'... -t. Paui <Jt Omaha. 5 I.ouUville & Nash 74 1 ,*-ujrar.. s Michigan Central. Texas Pacific 10' . Mo. Pacific 58'- 2 j(Jnion Pucific North American., S. Express 61}^ Northern Pacific.. 17 jt-'argo Express.... 14"> Pr<.-:erred.. 40>„j-Vestern Union... Northwestern ll.'iU.'Klectric lu-'* Preferred 146 |Uhwl 39 MINING STOCKS. Crown Point 50jPlymouth 65 Con. Cal. A; Va 2t> sierra Nevada .... 130 Dead wood 1 l"> standard 1 4i> would & Curry so; Cm on Con 110 Halo i Norcroas.. *'. Yellow Jacket.... 70 lioinoattike 11 :'oi:ron Silver 40 Mexican 1 4»'<iuicksilver. 2 50 Ontario 12 tOj Preferred 18 00 Ophir 1 oo,Buiwer *^o •Asked. MERCHANDISE. Hops—Moderate demand; about steady. Coffee—Options closed steady, 5 down to 10 Joints up. Bales were 3'.),500 bags, including: auuary, slti .>iy£sl6.6o; February, $1fi.3~®16.45; May, fiG.lsft&lf>.2s. spot Kio—Firm and quiet; No. 7. 17? 4 0 . sugar—llaw—Firm and unchanged; quiet: Muscovado, '.<S test, 3 1-ltic; reliued, quiet and easier. Wool—Fnir demand; domestic fleece, !srts32c; puiled, WipZir; Texas, 21c. <-opper- luactive and steady; take, $12.05. I*ad—Quiet; domestic, J3.H7}^. Tin—Quiet; straits, $20.15. BOSTON STOCK. EXCHANGE. BOSTON, Jan. 17.—Closing: Atchison Burlington 102 1-«n Diego 16J a ' Bell Telephone 20y?j| CHICAGO BOA HI) OF TKADK. ('HK'Aiio, Jan. 17.—Wheat—Less active and unsettled; opined unchanged; advanced Jjc on >mal!er roceipts in the Northwest, decreased on ocean pa-sage, estimated decrease in English visible supply and larger report in clearings; declined ;i 4 c oil free offerings; rallied ? 8 o on good buying orders; broke i}4<- on heavy sales by long*, and closed easy at the bottom tigtires, 1c lower than yesterday. Receipt* were 141,0u0 bus: eis; shipments, 2,000 bushels. Wheat—Easy; Cash May, 82c. Corn—L>\rer; Cash. 4 <>: May, 4Sc. Oat*— Easy; Cash, '>«■': May, 35lfa i:\e-oVi<\ liar lev i.ta IT ax ilic'J'. Tim' toy—lt."6. Uhirjc -|L;>> I'or.. I'.isy, c«h, 113.07 1 ,; May, 11552 U. Lard—Easy; Cash 110.60; Muy, »S iotllder- t'. 1.10 short C.ear—|lo :wilo.4ii. bhoil Hii.ii— La<y ; |j.4o; May, 19,50. c HiCAi.O LIVK STOCK. Chica'.o, J»i'. 17, — C»t;le Receipts, 6,500; active, firm Uest sieers. |. • V(fljYsO; fnir to goi d, Ji * <t/> i.>; other*, ItWSISt); stoekera, I > «t ■• ■ ei.:<ners, f. ■s! 75; <■ wf. tHOup-' Hi., Hogs— Receipts, 22.oOO; opened strong and c!o»ed ooc lower. Mixed. 17.6 >.s7 75; r >risne limvy. |7.mm4.5.95; primi> l.ght, 17 sheep—K eel't-<, ~,0O: steady. Ewe*. 450; mixed, 14.50(^4. n.»; westerns, I'i.j i,, ;• >earimg wethers, |5 t* V). lambs, |.».2. FOlifcH.N .» %KKEXS. rtNANCI AL. JjOXPOX. Jan. 17. Har ailv»r, W5 fine. 3£>id; ro:.#<-.», --7 -1; Baa* of England discount rate, J j*.-: cent. kke Ai>*rcrFs. UVKRfoou 'an. 17.—W"heat- Demand fair. No. 2 red winter, firm, Sa 11', l; N\>. j rv>i apring, firm. • - i. ' 1 I:ll—Demand tair. Spot, firm, 1» 7 1 Feb ruary, uch, it. a.:y. 1« 4<i KKAI. ESIATK SAI.KS. Deed* Kecorded in trir Auditor's Offirr Vulfiiby. Kcu! estate transactions from Januarv l, \s'Xi, are 7. There were tiled i>r record yeour ilas I s . d* t I*, the considerations 915, Followin| ;s tne aa furnished by (>*:>or;>e, 1 reniper A Co.. a -tractor* of tule», 116 t errs* street, between Front and Second: .1 ilia II ward to F. A Howard, lots in Kiley's a i<i auii oiber-, f. • 1. U I'lll'i.g to W'm. rilling, n ! j na »e, M.l-1 E Wc:* to .T F. Henry, lots 1 to 11, block 71. Btt'k.r's ,'d. |:;. m). K. M. « ra» ior 1 t.> H. r. Ilammon, lot 9, block 10. lietitou'a a : f n Kyie to Jane G. Dow. lot 10, block Kf, 4>: an 1 arh. } H \. Amy at aL to C. Arey, IM no 1.25, ", sl. \\ • 1- ..-i-kner to Jo.*e • n Myiroie, lots El, 35 a:i ' . truitiaii 1 a ill t.> Kent. i-)!. 1» M. .-ban»s to I*. 11. fiansen. »e >e a»< JO, ft. 11,0/ U. i I.iinco u> irah E. Hulin, part sec 1:«. 2*, 5, J 00. M. : Va* •yto F. V Davis, Kit 13auie' a 14, bi''Ck ! . i'n. b wool, f t o. ' 1 .>- ,-ft i iift-nae H ;i, lot 1, block G'., (, . 1 1 i'nrk. liiti. t . .: i'..i tiett to F. Catnplell, lot 23, block 17, l. n:« i 'im, |; '• H. i u ■ to sarah Meredith, lots 10, 17, b >h"» 1, i- rk and I'ark. '.lO N. Anderson to J. C Petaiwm, lot 4, block 1, An ior-'a » to Ori..ia, I v\ •» ;iau;it<>;i t«> \ > i inton. lot 7, block S, I> ■ ir - !>;. an 1 othe:*. $i 1 t •r .% t" J. I in: k, .ota 10, 11, block 3, . M. t. ' f a w : r \ a *.er 10 N«l* M. Rtuj*, su &w no .1, 4 . _ , . i;r.' »ievt i i-\ Ilinck'eT, lot I, block 2, 11. iiey's ruj 1.. 11. Ihe i.t-t Veaier aver.ue car w;Il leare Occl deata. s., ;i'c a! 11 :.t) tonigt t. L/i-i.- ♦ -o to J J. Wutwrr, -ill Front aaa * i.A*t 1 w'j-ju..*saJtjU WALLACE MUST WAIT. George Hazzard's Advia* to the *' Infant in Politio|." GRIGGS' NOMINATION UNWISE. The Three Men to Whom Washington Democrats Owe Most Are f.srks, Gilman and Collins.: WHATCO*. Jan. 17.—[Special.] i The well known George Hazzard. who the past five j*eare has been one of the Antral fig ures in Democratic politics in f-Uis state, arrived here this evening by stealer direct from Langiey, Island county, llle leaves on the Evangel in the morning for Friday Harbor, San Juan county. Mr.' ; Hazzard, when seen by a press representative, said: My trip here has no relation to pontics, past, present or future. Absolutely, I ass not in it, for my p:ace iu all the Deinocratie organizations iti this state has been supplied by more industrious, and, perhaps, more eiliiient men. I was invited to go to Olympia 1$ be present during the senatorial contest, but"- 1 chose to travel in the opposite direction. I did not go dowa there, became, practically, if am not ia accord with the distinguished Djmicratic gen tlemen from Fierce county whSs are now iu the capital city, either or manipulators. I have so fag declined to tuke any part in putting the other flirty-three counties of the state in a po-ition of <ritag<>uism to Fierce county and making things;?© that the support of that county for anv of the many wortuy men who will seek oiliisal iavors at the hands of Mr. C.eveSuid will be an injury rather than a ? ; elp. Or, to be mora specific about it, j was op posed to having the complimentary £ote for the I niicd State-, senator eiven to any c -;izen from Pierce county. I told Chairman iu the presence of Secretary De i'rance I was op posed to him having it, because I <S)uld name three D.raocrats in this state, who, Washing ton territory aud state, had spent years of active w >rk in the cause of the (democratic party than he was years old— Benjamin F. Shaw, John Collins and B. L. ciiarpstein. And what 1 said to Drum personally I said to John Maione, wao wa-. and is Mr? Wallace's political manager— aud a good one, to?;. Malone is a man of sense aud discretion, vchose word and bond are as good as those of any mail in the state. ' But, unfortunately, a large r.uribcrof his fellow-citizens believe he is engages in an im moral business wliich, to that t-xtjip, detracts irom hu usefulness. What does i county want? When Allen was elected scua&ir the tir>t time Col. Grists received the complimeutary vote of the Democrats. Two year*: ago when £quiro was re-elected Thomas Cam**! received it. Now, again, it is given to Col. In addition, Henry Drum is the el airjiau of the Democratic state central committeaSind Hugh C. Wallace is ttie member of the D.-mVcratie na tional committee, with the Demictr.tio head quarters permanently locatea in lacuna. Now, it is said these things are all complimentary, which is true enough, but when itho Dam ccrats in Tacoma begin to wijjit some thing more substantial, all tl|se com plimentary things will be he.-j up as a reason why these substantia"; things should not go to that locality—my hog.iet How ever, I want to say this of Col. Gru?rs: That there is no more worthy man in thi state of Washington than he. And when -the good people of Tacoma are required to-Iget up at the dark hour of night on the "hurry-up plan" and brinfr their foremost citizen to ;the iront right quick, they are goiug to waik v» the cor ner of North Fourth and Tacoma avenue and wako up Chauneey Wright Griggs. ' He is a broad-gaugeii, level-headed, progressive ness man, and 0110 who would honors seat in the United Mates senate were be elected, a man whose wor i is as good as his bond, a*;d whose bond is as good as the goverumeut, a:il a Dem ocrat from the core out. There was some ta k in Tacoma at o?e time of bringing Henry Drum forward for compli mentary vote, and, lucky man that hi- ts, it was not done Then later, Wallace was brought forward. Now, the luckiest thing >hat ever happened to him, aside from the that he cannot be elected to the United Stages senato, was his failure to get this vote. Wallace is a superior youug man, *ad every citizeu of Tacoma not blinded With prejudice or envy is proud of the distinction he ginned as a member of the national committed But ho ought to bo delivered from ail of friends who propose to rush him into a gait cannot keep up. To have given him the complimentary vote for United Mates senator orito liavo elected him a member of that body «t present time—when he is but SI years of ago—would have been to have given him something twenty years ahead of his time, and going through life looking « quarter < f $ century ahead to something he hopes might happen, he ro«3 ainng tor twenty-five years as a lUsmber of "Has Baeu & C 0.," looking backward. j The youngest man who ever held a in tho United States senate was William Spraguo, of Rhode Island, who wis elected la l%o v when he wns but 31 years of ace. Ha served txfd terms. Where is he now ? fctill a young rua i-a mem ber of the firm of "Has Been <& Co.* looking backward! In Washington City durinif the war I looked from the street into tte ro-jfdence of the secretary of the treasury and saw ti>> young man united in marriage to Catheriij; Chase. Twenty-six rears later I stood iu Statrp by the side of their first born—a son, William; Sprague —who had committed suicide. tiod! Was there sn imagination in ls63strotij? enough to cover this period of time and sue result thereof! But to come home agaiu. 1 used £lO argu ment with our people that either >hn%, Sharp stein or Collins should have the complimentary vote. I wanted to get it away tm£i Pierce county, and then I should have urgeij. Collins. The three men ia this state to wyom the Democratic party ars today mont indebted all live in Seattle, and theirt names aro Thomas Burke, Daniel H. and Johu Collin*. 1 know tho people outside of King couuty will take issue with me to the first two named gentlemen, but, nevertheless, what I say is true. Without these met? the So ntt.e Telegraph would never have lietfu estab lished and maintained for two years, rin! with out John Collins it would not have befen iu ex istence today, and without a d/ii.y what would our party be in this state? Tue i],!i today la the strongest factor In Dfmoc«atie pol ities in tlie »tate of Washington, aud I tho gentlemen who now own it will reap ui rich re war i for their investment, and that time Burke and Hitman be duly com;>eti£ated for having established it. > Ii there is a failure to elect Mr. ilii/zarti predicts ttie election of speaker Arraamitb. However, tie bclicftS Allen will t>e elected, btCftQN OOT. wilt be bound to come forwent at t£> most critical moment end espouse t.i.-i ca^iee. Ht>l KKE< TI()N AT W A Sll 1.V43T0N. (orpari I»»>liT«Tf«l lo the Col- Irgr* U»'{jul»rly t»y •■rave Kugbrr*. WASHINGTON Ciry, Jan. 17. —Aj nrws paper reporter by npmenting t.» be an actrit of a QMdieii college inter viewed Geortje \\". Marlowe, thr neirr > who is to have been in \vh>»U>ale (rruve robl»ery. Mar.ovpcj «aid, ; withoat hesitation, that be supplied at regular intervals dissecting fur ■ ilu> medical department of Colombian nniViTs.ty, Georgetown university: medi- I cat college, Howard university ! college and the National university medi } cal college. All these but the j were s i; } lied Monday morning, tv§» dead ; women to Georgetown university, one - - ■ i % hitVIW ASD "AKIfINTS J>Ui\ll?> WAMEI». "■ I'f. » >. ' ... f »:i - . " 1 Ar.rt f McwtUea (omngndnn . soHctied froi ld*n woAnn tf i. > S mt'oui tuulag Mtker. |. W. TltoUri r , boom a HftUtf bttUdtng, Butilfl^ BONDS AND WAURAKTS WANS: USS AND SHORT TUg. soi.n i-:H.tCAji f; ' iS u. J.O Coiuiiin Xllocle- dead man to Columbian university and one dead womst to Howard. At 3:50 o'clock a watcher at the Colum bian medical college saw a canvas-covered sleigh come slowly up the street and turn into the public alley at tbe east of the col lege. hen tbe sleigh was opposite the rear entrance of the college a colored man alighted, unlocked the door and dragged a human body from the box of the sleigh and tossed it inside. He then relockedths doors, mounted and drove away. The National Board of Trade. WAsntxGTO* Citt, Jan. 17.—The Na tional Board of Trade was called to order the banquet hall of the Slioreham at 12:30 today by its venerable president, I-rederick Fraley. of Philadelphia, who has been president since itrf organization. After the committee on credentials had reported the board unanimously elected Mr. Fraley for the twenty-fourth consecu tive term. A list of vice presidents, one from each organization represented, was then announced. The board unanimously passed a resolu tion, declaring that the best interests of the country demanded the defeat of the anti-option bill, and the secretary was in structed to transmit a copy to the senate. Adjourned till tomorrow. The board has been asked to urcre upon congress the following: Passage of a uni form commercial law for the protection of trademarks, and a national bankrupt law ; deteat of the anti-option bill; organization of a department of commerce and manu factures; passage of a law regulating the issue of warehouse receipts; amendments of the interstate commerce law so as to increase its eilicienry; the passage of a tonnage bill to encourage the merchant marine; tbe establishment of a national quarantine; extension of reciprocal ar rangemsnts with neighboring countries; suspension of further restriction of immi gration; extension of national aid and encouraeement to the Nicaragua Canal Company, construction of a ship canal around Niagara falls and a ship canal from the lakes to the sea; that the Erie canal be placed under national administration; the construction of a ship canal connect ing the Onio river and Lake Erie; the im provement of roads; revision of the mone tary system; continuation of a national banking system; repeal of the silver pur chase act; providing for the maintenance of the militia and naval reserve; the estab lishment of a permanent census bureau; consolidation of the third and fourth classes of mail matter; penny postage and telegraph postage of 1 cent for a distance of I,UOO miles or less. Kight-of-Way Through l'uyallup Land. Washington City, Jan. 17.—[Special.]— The senate committee on Indian affairs to day authorized Senator Jones to report fa vorably the bill provi ling that the North ern I'acilic railroad shall have the right ot-way through the Puya lup Indian res ervation in Washington state. It is prob able that this measure will be passed in the senate between now and March 4. HOTEL AKUIVALS. THE ARLINQTO*. A C Tucker, P Blakeley Wm O'Conner, Montana l'ierson Haviland, City Miss 1) O'Conner, do K Broderick, Victorifc I <i D. ivies, l'oitlaud OW Small.e, Taeotna Fls McDonald, do John Kenctick, do E E Russell, Spokane H B Dean, Everett K Black, I'uyailup J J Maney, do 11 L Griffin, I'rt Gamble 1' K Lewi*. do A G Clodd, Edmonds J E Rice,Vancouver,BC Mrs lieigUthonxeAVooly C W Wellsteady, City 11 11 Brown, Hamilton E A Wadhams, Brit Col Mrs Brown, do Miss Wadhams, do ir W Tibbetts, Giliuan F M Moeller, Clenrl.ake W If McEwen&w, City Mrs M C Burth, N York G E Brand, Fairhaven J J Dixon, Waliula J I. Haviland. I'rescott MANHOOD RESTORED. !>*. K. C. WEST'S NEKVK ANO Bit AIN TKKATMENT, a specific or Hysteria, Dizziness, flu. Neuralgia, llea.isiche, Nervous Proslratioi cause.l by alcohol or tobacco, Wak.fjln.-8v Mental I»ej>re->gion, softenn* «f Brain causing Insamu. misery. decay, death. Prematura Old Age. Itnrren lies\ I«>im of l'ower id either se*. I rup.jt>'ncv, corrhma and all Female Weaknesses. tnvoiu'ntarv Losses. Hperruatorrhiaa caused by ove- ezertion of brain. Heifabuse. over-Indulgence A month s treat merit, sl, G for 95 by mall. We '«uar*!:t"e si* boxe*. to cure, bach order f<>r 6 boxes, with will neuJ written guarsntfw tu refund It not cured. Guarantee* Ixsued only by I.sitkhi. A i ashy, Prutgiits K)l« agenVs, SUii Front si. *ieatiie. Wash. ©SEATTLE MEDICAL abJ SURGICAL DISPENSARY ...CONDUCTED BY ... Drs. Merrill Morrill, The most widely and favorably known specialists on the Pa' itio < oast. Tlih doctors are regular graduates from the t uiversity of the City of New York and of l.on« island t olle*B Hospital. Brook lyn. New York, and their lonic experience, remark- Sibie aklll an:l universal success in the treat man t Hiid cure oi ( hronic disease entitle these eminent j-hysteians to the full confidence of the alHii te.' everywhere. No matter what yo'ir itomplalnt. consult :hes-< succesittul «pe> lalists, who are able to effect cures in manv easas that !iav» pronoun-ed b*p»le*«. They *Cl KM 111 IC AM.Y and SI'C (T>MKI 1.1 Y, euro <4l !< IJ.t ami I'KK M VNKSTI.i IIIVAIK. bi.iwli AMislil.N DI»E\«ES N Ell VOL'S UKBII.ITY \N'!> >KX CAL UI>oKi»KH-J, PILES. Klsri'LA AM> UKCTA I. V I.e.* HS, SYI'H I LIS, W< >.N < > ItKH 1K A. (•LEE i*. >permatorrh va. Sem nal Weakness. 1 •*: Manhood. Nitfht I mmiouii, I'ecayed Faculties, Hheumatlsui. Neural?.a. Catarrh, Bronchitis Asthma, Tumors, f.ruptlons. t»ali Kbeuin arvl IIY I'll' " 1 E LK, V AHirOl ELK an I Hi KIt'TEKES radically and safely cured without pain or detention from business and cures guaran teed. All deformities and Impediments to marriage niucw.!y removed. A (KitTAIN AM) POSITIVE CUKK lo* the awful effect# of early ».ce and the nuru*»>u» evm that follow in lis train. 1 oisir e*p«rlen<-e, with unparalleled snjceia U the evidence of n doctor s ski!!. I>ISE.\SE"»OF WOMEN silso revive special attentl' n t'oin'il. 1 mii r ill' OI.DKS I .' anl most EXrKItIKX El> SI'BCI t I.ISTH on the ("oast, or w rite. sending stamp. Consultatiaa tree and confidential. Trvuiont lilock, ttll Front Street. Seattle. A BOOK FOR EVERY MAN Only SI.OG. Strength! Vitality! Or SKI.F-rKFSKUVATION. A new and only Gold Mi PRIZE ESSAY on Mlt vors and I'H YSIC \ I. until.lTY. 1 HISOKS -4 YOI 111 EXIIAt -11.0 \ ITALITY. I'KF JMTI KK on I INK. sr.d a.i IHskasES and WE AK N KSstS of MAN. 80<»pML'es,c ! oth, gilt; 1-5 invaluable t rest-ption«. Otny fi.tiO ;>* mail, double sealed. I>< - Prospe-tus, endorsements of QFND the l'r< -s aid voiuntarv rtIPP I jTJSw IMtim alt "T C I NUW. t utisii lar. nin |vr< >nor nv mail. Ksperl ir> a!- mert. IN \ 0.1 Alii I. SI C KECY at. 1 f fK- T\l> « I EE. Address Dr. W. 1?. Parker,or The Eeabody iledital institute, N j. 4 iiuitucU SL, Boston. Mar?. The St.-iei.--e of T !fe, or St lf-prescvstion, t« a trt'S'tir.-! ni '-e vu'm' le tbsn f i,L Item! -t Ti-w, everv W» » K ai 1 N EHYOl's !• arnto be B»rnoSU.— .IK ixui i,r-c 1 If. (C<<;.>' .• I F XyOURSELF!\ I Wf-m M f . .. all ■■ sivs?f*tiie i- r A. <-■'< i.argvfuud m .ff \.f 1 - * v - u- -S ( ' It.t'ii a!i-J th 3 Ip 11 dtbiliiaf.i.g pe<-.uj»r MAIL WA TB. QOIGX TIME TO BAH FBAHOMOtt At* an polnto la CALIFORNIA ▼l* «*• MV Shasta root* of fee SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Tha only root* THROUGH CALirOENXA To aL' potnla ■AST AND SODTK. m KBT» SOTTS or Til MCtrN 00HI ■xovaloa ttckata to Loa A nga'.aa sad aatara DM Seattle. ««T iS. fWiMAS BUFFET BLBEPERB rrLLMAN SECOND-CLASS SLEEPINO CABS Attach art to axpreaa tralna. affording snpatlor a» •oamodatloaa for seoosd-ciaM p—»aga» For rataa. tickets. « e»p ng car rr uri »ltfa ate, call upon or addrwaa IIOMAS A. ORA H AM. Dlatrtct Paaaeogvr Asn% PaoiSa At* (W aablagtoa WooSJ. Tacooa^ m. P. BOOERB AvaiMaat OatMrai PrttsSt ast fiiaaua Aeaaw Po.-naad. Oa QUEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LlNE— baaule A Montana RaUwa*. Fairbaven •% southern Railroad. New Westminster Jt Southern Kail way. TIME CARD IN EFFECT JULY X 7. 1»32, TO AND FlOtf Ereratt, Marysvll'.e, KtanwooL Ml Vernoa, Fair havea. New Whatcom, Biaina and South Westminster. Trains leara Seattle 9:30 a m. Trains arrive cattle 5:50 p. in. Through cars between Saattle and South West minster connecting wi:h electric line lor \'an couyer. J. a WILSON, Agent. STEAMJEK%. JFLT OH THE "FLYER." SEATTLE TO TACOSIA la one hour and twenty-Are mlnataa THE STEAMER "FLYER" HaTln* been rebuilt, U the finest paasenget steamer ou the Sound. Keguiar daily and Sunday trips, Seattle- lacouia route, an follows: TiKixu irrtcr THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. Leare Seattle 9- 30 a. m.. 1:30 p. in. and 6:00 pm. Uvarp. Dally except Sunday. Lear* Tacoma 7:30 a. m.. 11:30 a m. and 8:90 am. sharp. Datly except Sunday. SUNDAY TRIPS: Leare Tacoma 7 a. m. and 3 pm. sharp. Leave Seattle 9:30 a. in. and t5 p. m. sharp, landing at N. P. wharf, Tacoma. and Coniia tlal dock, foot of Marion street, SeaiUa nw. BAKER A CO.. BAKER'S DOCK, . foot of University street. MERCHANTS STEAMSHIP COMPART. rOBTLAOTk uunu TISOOCTII, Flrst-claa* Steel Staamafclpa HAYTIAR REPUBLIC AND WILMINQTOR, Carrying freight and passenger*. leav# every tan day*. For passenger and freight rates, exact tail ing data*, ale., apply to H. W. BARER * CO, Ageate J>ACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPART— Dispatch steamer* lroiu Seattle aa follows: For San Francisco. via Port Townsend and Via. torts. at 5 p. in. fpawns»r* received en board at 4 p. DX.) January 6, 13, iiO. '27- For Alaska, Jamta'y 7 and 23. From Man Francisco, for Victoria and Paget Sonnd porta, at 9 a m., January 6. 13, '.'o, 'i7- Hckets may be obtained aithe eftloe Jf theoom i auy, at Ocean dock, Seattle. COr.D VU PERKINS * CO., General Agents. San Frauctso* J. H. JOHNSON. P. SiSupt.. Seattle. Fast TiMr. PORT OARDNER ROUTE. STEAMER GREYHOUND Seattle dally 7:30 a m. Arrives fcverett oally 9 ttla ni. l.eav«i Kverettdaily 8 45 a m. Arrives Seattle daiiy 12:00 tn. I.MVM Seattle dally ...IS: 15 p. m. Arrives Everett daily 2:30 p. m. Leaves Everett daily 240 p. ra. Arrive* Seattle dally 4 SO p. m. Leave< Seattle ] n _„_ f5 00 p. in. Arrive* Everett! J7:lsp.iu. Leave* Everett f "i 7: - »# pm. Arrive* Seattle j eunaay ",9 30 p.m. Connect* with boat for Snohomish! Connect* with neaiuer Bailey Waizart tor Tacoma. Trip* dally Including "Sunday. To take effect Monday, September 19, SEATTLE ANU TACOMA NAVIGATION CO. CLAUD TROUP. FRANK W. OOODHUE, I'raa mw Ij'VF.RF.TT-SEATrLE-TACOMA ROUTE !i Ihe new, last anl cotnmodlntis steamer <'l r Y OF ABERKEEN, carrying passengers and freight, wi 1 leave on tiie following schedule, daily, except Sunday, commencing Friday. Nov. 'J.,, 189'-: south bound—Leave Everett, 7:45 a. m. ; -leave Mnkt.t'-o. 8.10 a.m.; Iv !• droond*. 9 a.m.; arriveHeattie.lo 15 a. in.; leave Seattle 10:30 a.m.: arrive Tacoma, 12:30 p.m. North bound—Leave iucoiua. 1:30 p. m: arrive Sean e, 3:30 p. m.; 1 ave Seattle. 4:30 p. m.; leave Edmonds, 6:40 p. in.: leave Mtikliteo, 6:30 p. m.; arrive Everett, »>:4o p. in. Sundays leave Everett 9 a m. Hetnrnlng, leave seattl» 4:30 p.m. Landing*-Everett, Merchants I'ock; Seattle. Falter A Cn's In>ck; Tacoma. N. F. Dock. Agentu Merchants l'ook Co.. Everett. H. W. Haker.t Co.. Seattle: telephone Jli. J. E. Haruioo. Tacoma; lelepuone 45A IMUti, S. lfc.\V, Manager. PORT ANGELES. TORT TOWRSENO. ROW gene** and Seattle route. TIM* CARD Fast l'a**eng»r and Kre'gtat Propetlar MONTICELL >. t'ommanclng Tuesilav. November 1, l»t9'i. Leaves daily except Monday a-> foliow«: Seattle, 7 a tn.: Town send 10:30; arrives Port Angeles J p tn Leaves Port Anaeles 3 p m.; Fort Townsend « 30 p in.: arrives Seattle 10 p. m. ] an iinua t'lty I'ock, Seattle; Tlboal's Dock, Fort Tuwuhaud: Hur»e s Lo<!k, Port Angelea iiA ilii Unut JTEAMEH TIMK TABLE, r? i Itr- M EAMKII MULTNOMAH Hunt on the following tim* card, dally I FARE TO TACUMA, '>o CENTS. | aBKIVIXrt. utvmpla .. S'.'JO am. ! aroma 9:30 a.m. 'l' aroma./'.... 10 JO ft. m 12:00 noon -eatile 1:00 p it. T'aooiua 3:00 p. in. 1 acoma. 3:30 p. ia.|i>ij iapla. ti:3op. ra, ( onnc-tinu with boatsfor Kamtlchle and sael ion. City l>ock. foot <if ■ ain tlrttL r,\Kt AIN i. Wtl.i.K.Y. Maater poKT ORCHARD >avy Yard Route-Bremtrtoa, fid nay a.'j«J Charleston. STKAMI.R kI.LIH l.»are* foot of Washington street dallv except Sunday, at 5> 16 a m. and 3:3t»p. m. The 9:15 a. m. trip Includes hea.l ot Port Orchard. Etcur •ton parties ran t>* accommodated oa Sunday* STEAMER FAIRHATBT loaves City Pock, hea'tle. >laily eicept Satur day. Nt £» p m.. for Edß Hada. 1 ItntOO Tnlallp, I;r wii s Point, i a»k >•}'. « i » Harr.'tr. I'tsa ady and . aeonner Keturum* leav.-* «i a. iu. for Seattle, covering u m ruuta. T. UUfcKX. Master. L*V£RLTT ANl> INOHOMISII ROL'IE. STEAMER M A PEL leaves Yeslor'* wrinrt iuosday*. P aid .rdavs a' 7a. i ,■ r ' d;u .j.Si Muiiliteo, t-v trrtt, Marysv!.le, l.<>.v..i i d (taohomislw Fare TO i VKRKTT, R'JC. T<< MNofloMlMlf. «©>•. JtKI.U.NUMAM HA i ;N-;L'E ROl'lA- Whaicom a:i i • a* • n '■an. sh, An a >rl -J, 1 iilalti' ( i:>, I iaa al »\ ttujuirld*, Lang iay, Ci.atoa, Aver. Eiimondt. SIKAMKR WAK'O Leaves Hatfield* dt I Tuesdays Tt'irs-laya a 1 -a'.u-day* at 7 © •«'» a :r». i < **.j i«r *+.■> at cigr < cwa >ue>t BTKAMtna. gEATTIJ* TACOMt * VASTCOUYEB LtWM Tie arm itMmw, -ISI.AX© BET.L** Will, oa *n4 after December 2ft !e»r* every dft.r and rtursJsy for Fort Toweeend. Anacor: ee, filrktTM, liew w hatoom. Blame sad Vancouver H. At ?:00 p. tu. Tor »ni r»r rates typlj to SCil bacaer's d.»ck. Te.ephone No. 6L a S. LESTKH, Vutcn pACITIO NAVIGATION CO.— KYIIITT **» SKonottiaa Rom STEAMER SKAOIT CHIEH Lmtm Seattle dally at U 30 p. m. fa* Ti eiotl Kaohomish aud a I »*y points. Leaves Seattle for Tacorya JaJ'r at IPM® a. m. BIAK*. "jaK GUARANTEE LOAN ASDTlir»TOa loeorporated H97. «. ap'tal, $700,000. Bailey Comer of Second and CAevrjh Transacts a geueral Nankins biisineea SAVINGS DKI'ARIMENT. Deposits recetv*<l in a»» amount from oa* dollar upward* and InUirni allowed thsreoa More? loaned upon improved iaras and city real estate. TRUSTEES: LEIOH * J. HUNT Presided WILLIAM E. BAILKY Vtce-Preslden* U I! HEILBROX Manager a N. BAXTER Cashier E. B. POWNIKO. Secretary COLUMBUS T. TYLER. J. D. I.OWMAN. S. O WILMANS, WIL R. FISHER* THE PUOET SOUND NATIONAL BANK. OS Seat'.la Paid up capital.™ SSOO.OO* aoio^ Buy and #e!l foreign and domestic exchanges .ransrer money by i«i«gTaph co all clMe* In the L mted state* an.l Europe; receive <i«yoeita oi nioa.y and :».ue pa»« books or certlflcatas there r>r our facilities for making collections a/a cvne p.eie auu wui receive protnpt attention. SIKKCTOM: R OATIERT. Tiailittl J ' » R STU* art vice-Presideal J. FUAIIS ... CAAhltf L. a. j. HUNT, A KR'AU'ENTHAU fo*r.iiro>DtNT«: London, N. M. kotbschlid <ft Sons: PIRLA Do Rotbsahll<« Freres: Frankftwt A H , L Vo« Steiget <fe «'o.: .N*w York, agency of Bask of Cali fornia; Chicago, Commervi«l National Hank" iionton. Suffolk I'&afc; s&a i f&uctscoL The Hank of California; CortltaJ, Th* Kiev* Na' "nil Bank. JJEXTII HORTON A CO. BAmifta NREOBFORATEO UR Cap«A .$900,000 burp'.oa 100 000 President W. & LADE Vica-P.-ealdant ..A. A. DENNY. Manager N H. LATIMEJW Caihur. E. B. YaN TUYI. tight exchange and telegraphic tru*r«n on Row York. Chk'**o, St i'aal. ->an rrancisoik Pm% land. *ad Tarloita point* in Wnk> tngtoo, err ion and British Columbia Slg*» tf3f Ukiub|« on Loilw wIIMI #6er* In Europe < Election • rami* U ail point* on hTariM»llia> Kouds, stock* and other TtiutbMrMlnin# >*! i for safe kMptnt JIHE riKST NATION ALBAREOF UATTU r>ld tip capital »1#0.0©« eurpte* lAri.OM I, H. Mr-Ox AW ....Preeldeat Mai-mic* M'-Mirsr* . ..vloa Preeidaat LlilU fl»«M ,„UMUN OtNral kukloi butinan lnumNl light aod teegrapUlc exchange payable la all At principal cities of the United States and Eurona. PEOPLE'S SAVrxo* BANK. OCCIDSITTAI block, fc-eat: it, Washington. Capital. fIOOOOU Officer Hear tof Trustee* llal<ev Uatanrt Pr»»* dent; Jacob Pnrtb. VSee-President; Artha A. D-uny. hi. ond Vine- Preeident: JaaiM R. Haf» den. Manacer. Caalner aad retarv Praakl K »dgett, A ai< lit ant r«ahter: U schwabachw Jofca I.eary Wit I Bailey. Jahn tolling <>Uo Hank* T ransac?-a savings hank bunlaeaa esclasiv*ly re?etv»d from on# dol'ar to l*n th< aaaaii dollar* hi \ |)*r oent. let*>reai p»r an cum allow*] on term andt oor per oea.. on ordinary depoalta, Msrdead* declared the last day of Mar and If* verab«r. Ix>an* mad* on raal eataie or arnrvTod collateral* on,y. JJO YOVR- RAKKIRO BT7STTRM With Um mtRCItAXT*- NATIOITAC. llVl Tfc# Mlj AMtimat*<l PINANCTAT. l idtad Males la Statu*. " OF UUITISIt COLI MBIA— I'AID-l-p CAPITAL V&OVO.WW utsr.RVE 1/JIO.OM Heat i 'ffrs, «0 L <nit»ard «t> e»t. IvOtidnn. Branches— Panlaud, ><a i K aiu-isco. Haattla. T»* coma. Victoria New West minuter, >analtaow ivaniloor'S, S«il»<>n. Vancouver, it. c. \ <<eneral ItanlctttK and Kx<<>tant« Mnslnasa transacted. !.<«■• rna>l«, Bilia diaconnted. t'onj ii'i rcki i-redlta arai.ted. t)«pw<iits received on rent account aubject to check. Intereat paid oa V rii" deposi s. R. I. -A BARNES Uauagait RATIONAL BANK OP COMMIUO^ Coravr Commtrdal aad Taalar Amaa Paid op Capital Transact* a genera: haaklag baalacaa. R HOtTOKB Pra*M»a> M lx kal.i.a ßl> vice-I*ri>al4en» H. R. Ht'r-Wi'KR. Caaaiar • * ilacarpurawd. > MORTOAUK UAH naaarittea approved here. !*e delatr. Itranrh office—( dinan block. HeattMi Qvaaai loor, uialu eutran-e. UrOKOE roWLKR, Maoagaa Uome office— Wa-.a Walla. Wash p »»«,.«« Wall street. !t«w Tork offloea- lao Wat ,. r # tr**t. H.istoa. a. w. wkkii an. r*aa. v. ataar, oaaa io a a t oaraixraa, ncaj-aaa THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK «V eEATTLfc. MUITOUt IK T. PEtNT, A. K MILT.a*. UP. arONE, JUM* Y UtrlAlinß a. w. viiiKUJk Cemer Be'-00l and Cherrr Ntreet*. Keattla Walk. gEATTLB NATIONAL BASK, Corner Toiler and South l«o«*4 CAPITAL, PAID UP. 92M.000m Tramasu a general budneea wltfc apaaUl aiteutioa to o^lkUma E. W. ANDREW'S, R O. HOOKim. l're*.d*nV taahlaa • CaaM C»P.T*I •too.oooiu to««* on a«*L larara MWASHINGTONN ISAVINGSL -rt ■I. iM | w^uiw »—« !QAMK " ,m " m "• '•••«"> |d Mii r\ t-'o*'* • W DfkiHOKN. P-m B. B. V.-Pra*. H # Hi« al, CuNigP. Ycaitn Boi'-oihc. CO9 Fbont iani'hi Moalt: *• A •▼<>»» » #a •.t'l.laiaflfml WAN f IlELl'f Want a*!-*. wh<n inseri«d in th« POST IN i ELI U>KSi Kit briny quick returns. L&rge«t CircnUiioa jfuafa fcai«o<L 7