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FTHE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. VOL. XXIII.. NO. 136. Ifhe Miller Hat I The Christy Hat [| ~ * |& SPRING STILES. IIMOCE I CEEiSTY W Inst St, CtZau inWa| The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company of Springfield, Mass. T. A. WING, Manager, Sl7-221 Bailey Building, (BATTLE, ..... WABB. j HE POET ORCHARD DRY MIX —N AT— BREMERTON. IN William Bremer* 616 Second St ARTISTIC EMBROIDERIES Kerelties in Fine Needlework. L»t—t dwlpi for ■Uunploc- Fall Una Aoyti Society Silk*. fSVUINB MEXICAN DRAWN WORK MRS. WHITKMAN, |M4I Hallw Build'* OwlNHduMlCthuiklh SEEDS LOUIS ZIEGLER, IN UCOKD ST., SEATTLE, WASH. Telephone. 363. MERCHANTS Keep yoar customers at rent (>7 sell ing positively the vary beet, m fhe Woonsoctet RubberComp'y ( RUBBER BOOTS, I SHOES AND—- LAWN TENNIS. Portland. - - - - Oregon 0 _________ Call to as or mail order* direct. Correspondence solicited. HEW CLOAKS! We are now showing a y complete line of ' novelties in Spi Capes and Jackets Prices guaranteed 25 per cent, lower than any house in the city. NO. 4.53 PIKR t»T. 1893-SPRING-1893 Hats! Hats! Hats! RILEY BROS. HATTERS, "3 Second St.. Cor. Colombia pTEEL RAILS SALE—A quantity of J**b and f>(Ub per yard, ex of Maine from New York. *** further information and apply to BALFOUR, . X GUTHRIE * & CO. "Smith-Premier" TYPEWRITER. «*>•*«•, K»B:*4. ttr-i, , " l Ki &*■. MMi. A«»av tOl Ttirt 1 NttU^aC 5W PIOXCKK BriLDIXIA DRESS MSDRESS GOODS ft We are Showing tk« Most Complete Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods la the elty, comprising the latest Paris ani l4>adon Styles la wears and color iags. including Oarreanx Nacre, All-Wool Ongalines, All-Wool Epingalinea. Silk Warp Ohangeant, Silk and. Wool Pointille. Ha Nuinited ud Chugeibles ii a 6mt Yirietj. SPEING CLOAKINGS The best seleetloa of Spring Coatings ever shown ia Seattle. De not fail to see it. W. P. BOYD & CO. Front Street and Pioneer Place. CAPITAL PAID UP, - . C 600.000. w. & Fwnxrra. Jos. w. taumi »>ewUi/. Sackman-Philli-ps Investment Co. Of leatua, Wash. OFFICES, BAILEY BUILDING. laiuuiMt Banker* and Fiaaneial A«ent«. Offkn Speetal Oppertaaltlw for the Sate Investment of Canital. /N f~\ T7 —REDUCED FROM «6.00 j( Fl\ Pj W.505Q5554.50 \_y V/ JL\—A—A Seattle Gas ft Eleetrie Light C*. YES, IT'S PURE BUTTER! Fancy California. fresh every steamer, par r01L..» .S3 | Extra choice, 5-lb tabs $1.60 F ne dairy, 6-lb tube. 1.25 | Hxtra choice, 10-lb tabs. 2.75 Fine dairy, 10-Jb tubs 2.25 I Extra choice, *iO>ln tuos. 6.34 a^iai nb * 4.36 1 COOPER A LEVY, Telephone 668. 11* West Marion street, between front and West THE GERMAN REMEDY CO. - SAFE, POSITIVE AND PAINLESS CUBE Of THE Morphine, Cocaine, Opium, Liquor, Chloral, Tobacco Habits Ihe d'etre for alcohol completely eradicated within a period af three weeks. We are the only institute in existence wha guarantee a roaiTiva, safe and fain i asa cure of the Morphine, Cocaine and Opium Habita For Full Particulars Address THE GERMAN REMEDY CO. Inatltata and Head Ofllce for Washington. Booms 135. 130. 137 and 138 Occidental Block. S. -B. PARRISH, - -- -- -- -- - MANAGER ■ ■ —=- * " IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or I MY Cigars and Tobacco! L£i! 1 DIIUU. »MOKBBSABTICLES.*TC. ■ — 111 Coniamlftl Street Terrv.Penny Batldlng. BARGAINS IN WATCHES! IF yon could ret a good watch for about half ragular price, would you get it T If so, call in, see our bargains and secure one before it is too late. For two weeks we are just going to cat and slash prices in every direction, and it will include all the standard makes, such as Howard, E.gin, Waltham, ate., in gold, gold-tilled, silver and nickel cases. FRISCH BROS., Watchmakers and Jewelers. 720 Front St., Seattle. The WASHINGTON MONUMENT is 555 feet high. ADAM'S PEPSIN TUTTI-FRUTTI is higher in the public estimation as a enre for In digestion. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAY S 1 * T T*R \ YTCJ ALWAY S ALWAYS ALI >V ALO ALWAYS ALWAYS HZ?'::? ALWAYS ALWAY § | Always convenient. ALWAYS I ALWAYS Always the wA in quality. j ALWAYS * ¥ \\T 4vc Always a blessing to babies. if \Y 4 VV2 AL» Alo Always • boon to good cooking. * ? AlO \LW YYS ALM%YA A NC , H N,TNRAI CREAM ALWAYS A Always the favorite. ALWAYS NM RIUPTPQ ALWAYS ALWAYS OL. TNANLIIO ALWAYS ALWAYS I lll™™, CREAM ALWAYS ALWAYS 1 I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS •VLWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS < SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, IS93L m SOON BE SETTLED The Question of Seating Sen ators Now Under Debate. MR. ALLEN PATIENTLY WAITING. Cleveland Kicks Over the Traces Again by Appointing Stamp. S«na*or Vila* Advised n Labor Associations Protested A Practical Maa Ignored Senator Mitchell Fighting Appointed Senators WASHIHOTOK CITT, March 29.— [Special.] —Senator Alien was absent today when the discussion over the admission of the senators from Washington, Wyoming and Montana was begun in the Benate. Mr. Allen left for New York on Monday and returns to this city tonight. It has hardly been the impressiou that the debate over the admission of these senators would pro ceed so rapidly as was the case today. The ontlook is very favorable to an early settle ment of this vexed question. Senator Allen will probably be present in the sen ate when the matter comes up again, but it is not considered necessary by him that he should personally listen to the debate, either for or against him, or solicit any ▼otea in his favor when the mat ter cornea before the senate for final settlement, as has been previously telegraphed to the POST-IKTXLLIGISCW. Senator Allen shows no disposition to se cure his seat by appointment, unless it is definitely settled that the constitution provides that the appointments in such cases can be made by governors of states where the legislatures failed to elect. If the matter is disposed of at an early date, Benator Alien will return at once to Walla Walla, accompanied by Mrs. Allen and their children. In the event of the matter not being settled so that the senator csn leave by the middle of next week, Mrs. Allen will depart for home and take the children with her, and the senator will follow just as soon as possible for him to get away. President Cleveland is being criticised for his appointment today of Congress man Stump as immigration commissioner, an office that will be a very important one during the next few years. It is Btated that the steamship companies brought all their influence to bear in favor of the appointment of Stump, whose knowledge of the subject is con fined to his service as chairman of the house committee on immigration. Mr. Btump is charged with endeavoring to stranglethe immigration bill in the house by putting in a bill that would have been of little or no value. Mr. Lodge, Mr. Lind, of Minnesota, and other members charged in speeches on the floor of the house that Mr. Stump's bill was directly in the interest of the steamship companies and he did not then deny the statement. In making this appointment. Mr. Cleveland has incurred the hostility of the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor. These two organizations had a candidate for the place, and a strong one. They urged the appointment of Herman Schultz, who was one of the commission ers sent to Europe to investigate the immi gration question, and he took the only proper way of finding out the real methods in connection with the sub* ject. He came over in the steerage and put himself to a great deal of trouble and inconvenience to ascertain the truth. He had strong backing for the place, and the labor men protested against Btump's appointment, and urged that of Schultz. For once Mr. Cleveland went contrary to his faithful adviser. Senator Vilas. Vilas told the president that to ap point Stump would hurt the administra tion, and warmly recommended Schults, but the president ignored the advice. Secretary Smith has announced that on next Friday he will hear all persons inter ested in the permits recently granted by Secretary Noble and since suspended to the Big Blackfoot Milling Company and Bitter Root Developing Company to cut 50 per cent, of the timber on about 26,000 acres of land in Montana. Secretary Smith holds strongly to the opinion that the granting of permits to cnt laree bodies of timber in the West is against the public Interest. At the treasury department today the application of Charles V. Eeid, of Fair haven, Wash., was filed for the position as special agent of the treasury department on Puget sound. The board consisting of Capt. Matthews, Chief Engineer Farmer and Naval Con structor Taylor have been appointed to visit the Mare Island. California, navy yard and make a general examination into its condition and workings with a view to ascertaining what, if any, improvements are necessary. The board will not survey the Monterey. The senate has confirmed the following nominations: Max Judd, of Missouri, consul general at Vienna; William H. Simms, of Mississippi, first assistant sec retary of the interior; John S. Seymour, of Connecticut, commissioner of patents; Edward Bowers of Washington city, as sistant commissioner of pensions; Frank F. Wnite, of Nebraska, United States mar shal for tha district of Nebraska; F. P. Cayle, of New Mexico, receiver of public 'moneys, at Kosewetl, N. M.; J. E. Risley, minister to Denmark. The president sent to the senate the nomination of Herman Stump, of Maryland, to be superintendent of immigration. President Cleveland has tendered the office of solicitor general to Lawrence Max* well, of Cincinnati. Secretary Herbert has dec ded to name the torpedo boat No 2, now being built at the Dubuque Iron Works, the Ericcaon. {Herman Stump, who ha* been appointed superintendent of immigration, wsa born on the Oskineton farm, on Chesapeake bay, in Hartford, MarTiani. on Augnst 8. 1837. After receiving a classical education, he studied law and was admitted to the bur in 1866. He commenced the practice of law in Bel Air, the eoonty seat of Hartford, and continued at it until elected to eonere*a. He was also inter* ented in agricultural pursuits and resided on hi» estate near the county seat. He was elected to the state senate in !6T« and was made presi dent of that body in 1-Hl He presided at the Democratic state convention in 1*7% which nominated Hon. William T. Hamilton for gov ernor, and he was elected to the Fifty-first and Fiftj-second congresses as a Democrat.] I* TUE *EN ATE. Pogh Makes a strong Speetb la Favor of Seating Appointed Senator*. WA£H!SGTOS CITT. March 29.— 1n the senate today Senator Hoar cai.ed up as a question of pnviiege tne resolution re ported by him from the committee on privileges and elections, declaring Lee Mia lie entitled to b« admitted to * teat u senator from Montana. Senator Harris suggested that the senate was not ready to •ct on the question, as the reports of the majority and minority had only been de livered today. Senator Hoar said his rea son for calling up the subject today was that some senators were about to leave the city today and desired to address the sen ate. The resolution was then taken up. Senator Pugh, who joined in the report of the majority, proceeded to address the senate in favor of that report. He argued from debates in the constitutional conven tion that the "existence of a vacancy from any cause" was the crucial test of the power of a governor to fill a vacancy. The vacancy "happened." he argued, if it ex isted. In illustration of the possible evils that might result from prohibiting gov ernors to fill vacancies in the senate, Sen ator Pugh said the force bill would now be a law if one senator opposed to it had been kept out of his seat by the operation ot such a rule. Three or more political par ties, he said, existed by regular organiza tion in several states. These parties fa vored specific principles and policies that were fundamental and irreconcilable. Was it right in such a case for the senate to es tablish such tyrranical rules that these parties should surrender their opinions and convictions; disregard their pledges and fidelity to their constituents and come to some agreement for the election of a senator. A lengthy discussion followed, in which numerous contentions were made and argued, many of the senators indicating concurrence with the views of the minor ity, adverse to the admission of appointed senators. The matter then went over till tomorrow, Mitchell having the floor to defend the minority report. Power, rising to a question of personal privilege, referred to an article in this morning's Washington Pott, quoting from remarks made against him in the senate chamber by Senator Tfirpie two or three years asro when the question of his right to a seat was pending. He said his suc cess in party strife had caused his compet itor to try to vent his spleen on him through the press and in every conceiva ble manner possible. He demanded the most careful and thorough investigation by a special committee and asked that the cause of the remarks by Turpie be thor oughly looked into. Vest said that if the senate was to ap point a committee to enter into an investi gation of all the personal charges against senators that appeared in the public press it might as well dismiss all other business and go into that matter exclusively. After further debate Chandler offered a resolu tion referring Power's request to the com mittee on privileges and elections. Gorman suggested that the resolution go over for the present and hoped the sen ate would fix a day hereafter for the con sideration of all such matter*. After fur ther debate the senate, on motion of Gor man, went into executive session and soon adjourned. The senate committee on foreign rela tions held a meeting this morning. It is understood that while favorable to making public the text of the Russian treaty, they were unable to agree upon a favorable re port by reason ot disagreements relative to the correspondence accompanying the con vention. A well known senator, cham pion of general humanitarian legislation, stated that when published the treaty would be found neither more nor less ob jectionable than several other treaties in operation for some years. Criticisms, he says, are due to a conception of the effect of the instrument based upon garbled ex tracts, surreptitiously obtained, o( the treaty as first sent to the senatp. MUBDKRKR LATIMER'S CONFESSION How H« Killed Hal (tat —Only Intended to Drag Him. JACKSON, Mich., March 2). Latimer was this afternoon placed in the solitary cell, where be will undoubtedly remain for some time. As he entered "solitary" his wonderful nerve, which has stood by him ever since the murder, completely de serted him and he broke down and cried like a child. JACKSON, Mich., March 29. —It. Irving Latimer, the triple murderer who was caught last night at Jerome, was brought here again and lodged in the penitentiary at 2:15 o'clock this morning. During the lang ride from Jerome, he told the story of his escape. He said be had been at work on the plan over a year and had made an exhaustive study of the effects of poisons, lie declared he had no intention of killing Haight and gave Gill the same dose he did Haight. He said he would rather have rotted in prison than have killed Haight. The dose he gave them was a mixture of opium and prusaic acid. The intended effect was for the opium to cause sleep and the prussic acid to make it take effect at once. He administered it in a glass of lemonade. There was certainly a mistake somewhere, as he had no intention of doing anything more than make them sleep half an hour. The rattling of the dish when Haight fell dis couraged all his plans as it brought Rice to the scene, and but foe that he would have been able to leave the prison, drive rapidly away in a buggy and before successful pursuit could have been organ ized, he would have been 200 miles away. He declared that Gill was not to blame in any way, except for carelessness. Latimer told the story of his wanderings after his escape and said he might have escaped any way, but he sprained his ankle, which handicapped his movements and settled all chance of his getting away. The Atlanta flank Investigation. ATLAUTA, Ga., March 29.—The following sensational story has been printed here: The investigation of the Gate City Bank defalcation by the United States grand jury has been brought to a sudden stop. The grand jury was ready today to take up the Gate City case. A number of new bills against citizens of Atlanta, charging them with violating the law in connection with the failure of the Gate City Bank, had been elaborately drawn and the witnesses are at Land. All was ready to go on with the investigation, and sensational devel opments were expected, but the investiga tion was summarily stopped by Attorney General Olney wiring from Washington City to suspend action until lurther no tice. WASHINGTON CITT, March 29.— Attorney General Oinev could not be seen tonight in regard to the dispatch from Atlanta, but it is said that he had abundant reason for ■uspending the investigation. Thirteen Men Afloat on a Bridge. FOIKEST CITY, la., March 29.— Lime creek is rapidly rising and is now higher than it has been known to be for year*. Three crews of men are at work saving bridges at this point. The Forrest City bridge was carried a-ray with a crew of thirteen men, and when last heard from tliev wer« six miles below this place and still in the center of the stream. Great anxiety is feit as to their safety. Little Johnson Discharge*. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. March 29. —Miss Lilhe Johnson, indicted as the accessory to the murder of Miss Freda Ward by Alice MitcheLl, was today discharged, there be ing no evidence against hex. DYNJWINTHOIJ). Startling Discovery on the Steam Collier Bawnmore. DEVILISH PLOT FRUSTRATED. The Captain Says It Was a Plan of the Sailors' Union. Mnrderer Hill Safely Landed In Colfax Jail—Or. Kinkier Removed From Oflßee—A Portland Bnrglar Nearly Chokes an Old Woman to Death. KAHAIMO, March 29L—[Special.]—A dia bolical attempt to wreck the Bawnmore, while on her way np, was frustrated by mere chance. Yesterday one of the crew was sent into the after hold to do some necessary work and while doing so came across a large and suspicious bundle. He immediately reported to Chief Officer Ken nedy what he had discovered, bnt at the command of the officer he refused to go be low and bring it up. The sailor said; "Not much. If you want it, you go and get it." Nothing loath, the chief officer went below, and after a careful examination he picked up a bundle containing twelve pounds of dynamite, which had several strings attached. He cut the strings and then took the package on deck and placed it in a bucket of water. He found one of the strings attached to a revolver and thence to the hammer of an alarm clock. Another string was attached to a rat trap which had a cross-bar affixed so that the jolting of the vessel would cause the bar to set the trap off and fire the revolver and then explode the caps around the dynamite and blow the bottom out of the vessel. How the in fernal machine failed to accomplish the dastardly task is a miracle. Intense ex citement prevailed on board when the dia bolical plot was discovered, and every other part of the vessel was carefully searched for fear of some other hiddee enemy. A satchel containing old clothes was found by the clerk which had evidently been carried by the miscreant, who placed it there to allay suspicion in case be was in terrupted. It is openly claimed by the captain that it is part of the programme of the union to avenge the imprisonment of certain ot their number for their pre vious trouble that occurred with the ves sel here, and in consequence publie in dignation is taking the place of sympathy in their cause. THB ROAD ACROSS TBI CASCADES. Whatcom County People Laugh at Prop osition to Use a Skagit Pass. WHATCOM, March 29.— [Special.]—The news published in the POST-INTELLIGENCES Monday of the appointment of a commit tee by the people of the Upper Skagit val ley to visit Whatcom and protest before the Cascade road commission against the route designated by law for the construc tion of a state highway across the moun tains to Okanogan county, occasioned some surprise here, not unmixed with in dignation. If he people of the Upper Bkagit are really taking themselves seri ously in this matter, they must be either wonderfully cheeky or simple-minded to believe for a minute that it is possible to induce the road commissioners to Ignore the express provision of the law, which designates the route and locates the road over the Cascade pass. The late Tiiton Sheets, to whom reference is made in the article in question, was never employed by the people of this county to hunt for a ronte across the range, but he did make some surveys for the Northern Pacific and also made a trip for a local company here. About the time of his death, which oc curred about a year ago at Friday Harbor, an article concerning him was published, in which the statement was made that he regarded the Mount Baker pass as the best between the Columbia and Fraser rivers. Certainly it is not "a well known fact" that the route proposed is in the least de gree impracticable, or that it would be nothing more than a "summer trail." Commissioners Cryderman and Hanne gan are both familiar in a general way with a considerable portion of the two routes under discussion, and both are of the opinion that the northern one is much preferable to the other, taking into consid eration the objects sought to be obtained. As Mr. Cryderman is a civil engineer by profession, and Mr. Hannegan is an expe rienced woodsman and timber cruiser, their opinions are entitled to more than ordinary consideration. It was largely upon the advice and through the influence of Mr. Hannegan that the route was out lined as it was in the bill. MURDERER BILL IS COLFAX JAIL. The Slayer of Lang ford Summers Be hind the Hars at Last. COLFAX, March 28.— [Special. |—Ed Hill, who cruelly murdered Langford Summers at Garfield, in this county, last summer, was returned to Whitman county this aft ernoon and will undoubtedly answer with his life for his crime. Hill was captured near Phienix in the latter part of Febru ary. On Sheriff Lathrum going for him he was detained by habeas corpus pro ceedings. Pending their settlement HilW escaped. Last week word was received that Hill had been caught near Globe, Ariz. Sheriff Lathrum and Deputy Mc- Lean left immediately and returned with the prisoner today. Hill's crime had so angered the people of the county that it was feared that the mob might take the prisoners, and the officers on the train took their man into an express car, and the train coming in on a down steep grade was permitted to run away past the depot to within a block of the courthouse and jail. At the depot were assembled 400 people, who watched the train dash by and did not discover the maneuver until ths train stopped and the officers alighted. Hill was badly fright ened and refused to see a reporter or any one else. The story told of Hill's last ar rest is one of the few good things told of him. It is said that, getting homesick for Whitman county, Hill gave himself up to a friend named Blevins so the latter could secure the reward of SI,OOO. COMMISSIONER LAMOREI'X'S KIN. A Brother and Nephew Am Residents of Clallam Coantjr. PORT Asosira, March 29.—[Special.]— Silas W. Lamoreux, the newly appointed commissioner of the general land office, has a brother residing in this county. Judge M. V. B. Lamoreux, of Hearer, and a nephew, F. O. Lamoreux, attorney at law of this city. Judge Lamo reux, unlike his brother, is a Republican and a member of the executive committee of the county Repub lican committee. He was a member of ths county lUpublicaa conrsntioa and IGIIT-PAGE EDITION on* of the most active workers in the Re publican party in this county. His nephew, F. O. Lamorenx, however, is a Democrat, and was a delegate from thia county to the late Democratic convention. It seems that the politics of the family are somewhat mixed, as F. O. Lamoreux is a son of Judge Lamorenx. It may all beex plained, however, by the fact that Judge Lamoreux was a brave Union soldier dur ing the rebellion, serving with distinc tion. It is hoped here that the local relatives of the commissioner will urge the ap proval of the several townships that have already been surveyed, thus giving the settlers titles to their homes. This is expected,ss the relations and attachments of the entire family are moat pleasant. THB TACOMA PU9TOFFICC. Mr. Home's Turn Has Expired—His Of. He* in Good Shape for Mr. Case. TACOMA. March 20—( Special.]— Four years ago today the present postmaster at Tacoma received his commission. He did not assume office until May 1. Owing to leakages that could not be traced, it has been stated that Mr. Hogue did not during his administration "make wages." He was asked about it today, and said: Including the mooey order shortages, tke leak age has not amounted to over |3OO a year. For the past two years all the men have been under bonds, and therefore they had to pay for all shortages in their various departments, tl the same could be traced to them. There have been instances when it haa been impossible to trace a missing package or a shortage to anybody, and in such cases the postmaster has to settle. At least, I have always settled. At the last reckon ing in the mouey order department there was a shortage of s2*), which was promptly paid by the man in charge. Thia shortage was brought about by carelessness. When Mr. Hogue assnmed charge of the Tacoma postoffice the salary was $2,800 a year. From time to time it was raised in amounts of S2OO, until now it ia<s3,2ooi Mr. Hogue is convinced that the lot of a postmaster is a hard one. It is believed that A. P. Case will be named to succeed Mr. Hogue, as he haa the nominal indorsement of the state com mittee. When it was announced that Fourth Assistant Fostmaster Maxwell proposed to recognize the Democratic or ganizations in making selections, it was hailed with much joy by the friend* of the state committee here. B. F. Jossey, who has the indorsement of Col. C. W. Griggs, and who went to Washington City to press his claims for the postmastershipi has been sick during most of his stay in that city. COCNTKRFEITKR ISCAPII. Leonard Jnmps From n Train In lews on the Way to the Penitentiary. TACOMA, March 29.— [Special.]—Harvey Leonard, the convicted counterfeiter, of Tacoma, who jumped from a train in IOWA this morning while being taken to Detroit, Mich., to serve seven years imprisonment, formerly resided at Old Tacoma. He, with Frank Tracy, Thomas Bowley and Ed Kamsav, left here last Friday in charge of Deputy United States Marshal A. M. Chesney, who was formerly chief of police in this city, and Deputies W. A. Prince, W. W. Archer and I* D. Kings bury. Rowley and Eamsay were to serve eight years and Tracy six. While oa Mo- Neil's island Leonard attempted to • scape several times, once succeeding in reaching Anderson island. CHICAGO, March 29.—The Northwestern passenger train from the West this morn ing brought ne,ws of the escape of Harvey Leonard by Jumping from the train near Colo, la., while tunning thirty miles an hour. The other three prisoners, Frank Tracy, E. Bamsay end Thomas Bowley, are stdl in custody. Two of the deputy marshal* left the train to pursue the fugi tive. Port Towasead's City Warrants. T Post TOWHSZHD, March 29.— {Special.]— A serious muddle has arisen In the city treasurer's office. Recently City Treas urer Bowen obtained permission from Mayor Tucker to go East. He appointed a deputy and departed. Since then mani cipal warrants to the amount of over 91,000 have been issued. The deputy treasurer indorsed the warrants so that they would draw the legal rate of interest. It now transpires that there is no authority either in the charter or ordinances for the appointment of a treasurer's deputy. Consequently the in dorsements on the warrants are illegal, and they will bear no interest until prop erly indorsed by the treasurer himself. Tne question will be passed upon by City Attorney D. C. Smith and some action will be taken next week. Old Portland Lady Choked by Barglar. PoKTT.AJT D, March 29.— [Special.]—At 9 o'clock this morning Policeman Murphy, patrolman in Stephens' addition on the east side, was attracted by loud shrieks for help in a woman's voice from a house which he was passing. Breaking open the front door he found an old woman lying prostrate on tlie tloor who, upon returning to consciousness, said she had awakened to find a burglar in her room and upon grappling with him he had choked her into uncon sciousness. Everything in the room indi cated a desperate struggle. The lady'a name is Mrs. Catherine Lyuch. She is 68 years old and lives alone. The timely arrival of the policeman undoubtedly saved her life. Harder of William Shaafer la Mth«b RATHDKUM. Idaho. March 29.— William Shaefer, of Eight Mile Prairie, was in* stantij killed last evening. It was be lieved that his death was the result of an accident, but the coroner's inquest now in progress has developed facta which lead to the suspicion that a crime has been com mitted. Shaefer was returning home from Rathdrurn and met Jack Ljrle and his brother. Lyle came to the city and ra. ported that in a scuflle for possession of • run the weapon was discharged and Shaefer killed. Dr. Minkier Kemovnd From Ofllre. Oi TMPIA, March 29.—[Special.]—Dr. J. D. Minkier, of Centraiia, having bae® found cuilty of yesterday. GOT. Mc'iraw today removed him from the board of state medical examiners an<t appointed Dr. J. 8. Herndon, of to till the vacancy. Portland Abortionist's Trial. PORTLAND, March 29.—fSpsciaL)— Mrs. Dr. Tom Van. indicted for a criminal op. eration upon Miss Helen Wilson, causing her death, has L>een on trial today. Soma damaging evidence was adduced against the prisoner. Investigating Landing of Chines*. PORTLAND, March 29.—0. A. N'oyes, spa. cial inspector of the treasury department, arrived today irom Washington City and, together with Special Acent Mulker, will investigate the method of landing Chimes at this port. A Typographical Union Delngata, OI.TMPIA, March 29. —[Special.]—Oeorga R Blankenship was today elected by tha Oijrrnpia Typographical Union as delsgata to the International Union. Ladies, go to J. 1. Wtttwer, «s front stgMfc a&dhavs jotu Mau jaupsuj aMsoOstt*