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INGJ QF" fij^E | HEWS FOR THE C YCLER [ jßTeutions to Increase Ease, I Comfort and Speed. IfICW WAY OF APPLYING POWER. Attwhaent for Magto **hnli F -Wntlng tbe f'sda.s by Ver tical Motion. A »** i»l«* in bicycle*. which win jgUbUefc? be )*ij*»d witli joy by in user* «f its* * he*', is »n aita-hment which. • bli« cycUat* to *»-t th* uaw MMUBI of recreation from their rid>ng. (tee* greater speed with the outlay of than the u*u*4 amount of muscular faroe, and consequently w.ih kess fatigue. Is i•*.« fer J.aarjr b» y > the P<--lal moves through a clrcie, requiring thereby what la known as tbe "aakle motiar" and th* "task kick" tor effeotivoty spp.ied power. It is the acquirement of the** motion* *u*e« 'lifilu.ty in learning to rido ■' raffflT a# they can oruy ue properly ob- Bifttoi? l>>* th« most constant practice iwvl Wm*tuo n. t t| 9bs new invention overcome# these mo |- AIM of tisHf, thus taking tbe strain from K' fb« rider. for (he pedals are worked by a motion of tb«? foot, which is a K:;'fpl«iy natural and customary direction r ftjr tbe foot to move. It is the proper at-. k~ gatman <I of this vertical motion which £ «rfc« tbe wonders, and which to t»und to K MMiuUor.lae cycling. | By an ingenious arrr«gem*nt of (earing § tke 4ow«ward movement of tbe new pedal \ Ascribes an aro of a circle, the center of | which is a r«ar connection of the pedal ' ttm. As the pedaJ is moved down it force* tlte conn* tin* bar down with it on (be •vak shaft By this ieverage a terrific | fence Is applied to the crank shaft, which # th us turned by mechanical means ir>- gtaad of direct ir by the foot, in the new i fcvice the cranks are arranged so as to H fee dianiP' ricaily opposed to each other, I m that both cannot be placed on a dead I canter at the same time. It is claimed that this attachment can |s I* applied to any bicycle. The rider, ex is Vting a more uniformly effective pt. ee ve. it helps htm to ascend steeper grades «ttn the earne gear or the earn# grade Irtth a higher g*-*r than . an be done by Means of the ordinary > rank. By tbe new teveoUon the pressure of tlte foot be* fames effective during more than half the 1 revolution of the crank shaft The foot \ isacendi rather slowly performing it* <Mrk. then return* qukkly to the top ©f Us range to begin anew. More than half tile time !* spent in the downward work lfi( Pari of the movement, and as a result • Jew pressure and leas muscular strain to produce a given mean taagen - m force upon the crank. It is expected that with the advent of (he new idea weak women and nervous J awn. who have so far been deterred from Wcjrcle Titling by rnapori of the physt al •terticm necessary wi!l now ride on easy fradr* with less effort than It would b« ffPTW WRH«KLEB FOR THK HICTCLB. !■ «ra!k. and stll! enjny all th# pleasures ef th#fi!nf, A bicycle whh-h can be converted at jfcwsura from * sing:* machtßf Into a t»M. n. or "hloyole built for two." I* the •e#t recent invention In the »hf*l line. It consists of * novel of parts. which form mi attachment adapted application to any hleycle of ordinary JMttem. »>n* great objection to the ordi nary tandem Is that tt is »imo»! Import. W*a that two person* rid* !t With only •?>* rH»>r th* n«'h M b»-<-.-»roea un wt»>kly, j •sd If th® distan •# traveled be far the •"ark is tiresome. With this new Invention, however, all I tk# par?* of a underr can b* j «airl»d In a single machine until s»»h ■ tl*r *i th# rld«T mar have or tston to i yy»rt his machine Into a :ar»d>?m. fully j ••alps - I for tha riders This «>)■ <iU#r, cuji *;»o be attached to any ordl- i •»ry machln# without th* p*dal atrach when one scat s» used for carrying «Mr The m tvaM* framework whk-h wh«n •W In place m*W«*# th# ?and«-m consists of * fark. a I >ngit udtnal brae*, a handle bar ; •»£ a saddt* To an ordinary blcycl# Is •ttaehed an au*!!;ar\ wprOek#t wheel ttow.;rb thf hub of th* rear whwl la an ***tilarv drtvin* to if oon lj#l»d another epro-ke? mailing :n 2® f6'i r sprocket *■-»+■ • when th# ma* l« tssred for t.*t»dem servi-e Sepa rha:n« connect tha two sets of Ariarrtp at tha front of tha a'injury a! bar la fas?#r.*d to tha waddle o? an ordinary machine. while tha j «*» *n-is of th* fork raat on tha driving ! through th<« hub of y *»* r * he#: Tha second saddle pro vPiiß W"m#nh*t beyond tha rswr whf!. _ *at suffi-tartly far to overbalance er,w •aehln.- we n t*#r* are two rMers on it. taa- hsndl* bar !«• set Just beh;nd !ha i 1 1>, tn th* auxiliary hortw>nr*l y >p 1 b* attached to th* frtwn gf""-' tt 4 *? by a chain or amail rtvf. 2* «?an n* ftt**»l ?.-» a ladv a wh**J as to • r*ntl*m*n a whaaU and wanta ta tak* hta lady rMir* ■••tad r«t k» to !h* *apan«* of prw t ** - *•* for pfwHlad hia ' y A! rha? ta nacaaaary !a that ha aux'iarv parta of an adjaatabfe* •* -»» a•• he oan carry ta h?a har d a f*-w attach to h a la^ty'a 2; ■•"■* thus oonyarunf ft a ovwn- i ** r U»u >-n of *ha la?*at blcycSa tnvantiona ra» j m*to t* »t. -ring r*ar. Moat t'iryciaa «o front astioai. bui on thtm ] *' **l a.-ta »a a ruddar Ano?hwr '» ■Bp* ftatjra la the way in a'taa tha ' pedal power I* applied. ImKead of oper ating a crank the rider push** the pedal up and down, and -the rotary motion is a* ?ornp'W- : «-d by m«UM o? a connect :ng bar and crank. The front wheel Is used as the driving wheel instead of the rear one. It is much larger than the front wheel of the ordinary safety. The reason for this is to increase the speed by reduc ing th* friction, and the wheel being of a larger circumference covers the ground with fewer revolutions. Another freak bicycle which soon may be »een if manufacturer* think enough of the Idea te invest their money do*s away with the fsmilutr chain and aprockst. A c aim is made that th® absence of th»se parts means a distinct saving of power. The rider la seated directly over the rear wheel and operate* a crank shaft on whk*h is afflxnd a iargf» K*ared wheel. This turns a small cog on the axis of the driving wheel, which revolve* several tina* 1 * to one revolution of the crank shaft carrying the peidals. 49tjme people think that bicycle rider* rannot be thrifty. A device is just out that wilt give them all tho chance they want to save. It a dirtK- savings bank skillfully concealed in the grip of the han dle bar. Th*»r» Is a slit at the end of the grip Into which the dime is slipped. The tubing of the handle bar is fitted with a dial wnd aprtn*. The d!ma dropa between th* and of tha tub* and th* dial. Each dlma pu«<h*a tha dia!-ix>im to [ ward :ha fork. tadfeftUn* th* amount in th* Hank. Th»ra ta room for fifty dkrs*a. Whfia It is wn *aay matter to tnoFtay. it la hard*r to jr»>t It out. Thia difficulty ta placed in th* way of th* rj«l»r In order that ha will not draw ot» hia handle bank Rather than take tha trou ble to unKwwn a*v*ral and n sia, h* wtii wWow ihe d'.m*a to remain m th« hank until th* bank la full. In this way IT* la quickly acctimula?*d. Anr ttm» th« rsder haa any chanr* h* la tempted to aiip It In tha bank ina?*ad of buylnj *>t« water or t\mr\g*t t* **rair*#. TflE I Al>Y OX TilE < TCLJt. Mo Hoid Rhupii Pnaad Why Sh* should N.X Rid*. That ladliea ara cyclln#. and that th»y moan to ta at thia moment a very obvtoas fa -t. So many ar* "on the wh**!." an 1 hava t>e*n. for a «iffl*!ent l*nrth of tlm*. that we are alr»ad* In a poattton to fairly r**!cw the efTrota, to dactda whether they bar a d.wta well In or»rrom n* daep rootei pretudf *s an 1 reroiu Hon tain* a tr»<le. It la not our parpoaa to m»n*i ier what Mra Qniady may have aa»l or thought abo*st tha queation. but whether wom*n a# women ahowld or should not cyrl*. IW-a it injur* or tmprora the health of thoa* who attempt It? This ta thaqii**- tloa which W. II FVnton ask* in Th# Nineteenth Century for Mar. and which M> anewera tn th# remainJer ot th# artk-l#. At tha oatear th# medical profe«rion a.x>d little, hut it looked aakaxua and th#r# wa.« a w»*«.n« of *ray bearda and a k»w-t inhe»l murmur of ; "trare conwquertcea"" to t>a aailfijaiH. An*ll wonder, when on* remembers that medical men. to whoa# opinion th# great eat I welirht would be most likely to be at tached. had them*#!*##, from aire and .-on- Bi.t#rationa of <H#n!ty, no pracucaJ #*pert #nca of th# art. Th# "ordi nary " with Its hu*# front drtvtnc wheel arwl tn# ».'MmNe to reach the ea.Ulie. to aay nothtn* ©f what m *ht happen 11 ita oc. >jp*nt when oece thera, had doubtie*# much t# anawer for. Then cama the "whippet,** hut alas! with It th# '*#»*>orch#r."* wtth hia bowed back w#!l be •prinkSed with mud, his awful swoop on th# harmless hut neceaaary pedestrian, na-ta more unpleasant by tha ridiculous »ot# of warrvin* from hia trfar,tile fo« horn Enouwb * rely to rate* aiarma of atraina of backa.** and of «pp*U- , tn« accidents aa.l v-on*e»;©l trafhe. Bit • th# *;* wheel haa c»ne, th# scorcher is on his death ted. aud tk« "bkejeia b«ca ' never been developed. "Women should cjrcle How they began, when or where, history tellcth nor. The "whippet" male mounting and dismounting easy; the "drop frame" made both still easier; the pneu matic tire banished other Jars. Ladies never scorched. The tailor has done the rest, and here we are in the year of grace lfe» with women cycling on every decent day on every bit of level road. The medi cal profession, alas! cannot claim that he ha* the credit of having urged or even ad vised women to cycle, just as ever, women have tasted the fruit for themselves, with lews harm to the sex and the world at largo than followed Eve's historical experiment. Let It once be said an organically sound woman can cycle with as much impunity a* a man. Thank heaven, we know now that this Is not one more of the sexual problems of the day. Bex has nothing to do with It beyond the adaptation of ma chine to drees, and dress to machine. With cycles as now perfected there is nothing in the anatomy or th* physiology of a woman to prevent their being fully and freely enjoyed within the limits defined by common /Unse. For many generations women have been debftrri-d from the benefits and pleasures of physical recreation, but the tide of pub lic opinion has turned. Itiding, hunting, tennis, rowing, golf, are already on their list. Tha ratloral enjoyment of the** pas times has been productive of nothln<r but rood to mind and body alike The limit of physio*! *nduranne in women is mufh imonrr reached, of cr>un»e. than iu rn*-n. doubtless due more to hereditary dlsuae of their motor center* and their orr*ns of locomotion, tirculatlon and respiration, than to sex. Time wtll level thla up. Women ar* capable of (treat physical Im provement where the opp<->rtunity exisia. Press even now heavily hnndlcaps th»ra. How f;*ti*uln(r and danferou* were h*avy ! petticoat* and flowing skins in cyclln* < even a few yt«ra a«o, tha piiicky pioneers alone can t*ll u«. There may be something yet to be dono In maklnj the machines nior* j*rf»ct. In Increasing rtrtdlty. In r*- duction »f weiaht, and in banishing tire trouble a, but alr<«4y th# ladles" cycle I*. j *hi»n turned out by a f!r*t-c!a*a firm, a splendid mount, Drvss, on th* other hand. Is in th* stages cf evolution Th# j strife between th# aesthetic and th# useful j wtll probably end in compromise. It seems almost unn#c#-»*ary to #nt#r into a «l!*<-u«*lon m to tbn chote# betw##n j ttirjr'* *"d bicycle, but a* th* question is sometimes raised by those who have no ' experience of either. It may be aa well to j say why the rear-drivinr safety bicycle I should b# th# on* selected. To learn to i rid# a trlcyd# certainty Is somewhat eas ier. and It is po#«lb!# to com* to a stand- Mill upon it *hen arronr traffi". Harln* said this, no rrv>-e can b# «4lvan> e«1 in Its favor. On th# otb -r hand. It Is m ich h« ay ler. reiuirimr far more p. wrr to pr«n>*l It- It la v*ry liabi# to overturn on takinjr a sharp curv# A Jolt to either si«l* wh««l is felt much mor# th«n any Jar r*c» lvcd in the cen'ral !tn* of th* machln* A ar?H from a tricycle is a s*riow« matter, aa th# rld#r cannot r»#*r herself of th# raachln#. Motmtlnar and dtsmounttn* ar* difficult and duffisy at th* best. Plckinir one's way amonn ruta and stones is almost Imposaibl# with its three wheels, Tha acquisition of a safe balanr# on th# r#ar-drlvsng safety is much mor# #as\ly attained than would appear at flrat sl#ht ; When the difficulties of b*l»n<# ar# ov*r com# propulsion la very easrr. and rejutrea j th# vary mlnist na of effort on a f?ood l#v#i road Mouatia* and dismounting soon be ; c<>m> too. a simple matter. Th*r» is l-«*a d:ffi< uity .n slowing down a bicycle and stepping off than In bringin* a trlcyrje to a standstill. Increasing practh-# gives the rid#r far mor* control over a bicycle than ever can b# obtained over a tricycle. It com*# then to iht*. that the rider of sjb up-to-date bicycle U less liable to accident and is exposed to far I*#* fattru# than tboa* who. from want of knowledge and t rrUd.ty. adopt th# tricycle. This ques tion of fatigue Is 6f th# utmost importance to women. From time out of m.nd t ha# become an ax;om that a man Is th* better for ali th# P' • steal exerrts* h# can tak* short of **- hatMUon or damsr* to hia organs Pr u dK-* a ton# h«s prevented this rt.w bring held with regard to wom*n. Bit by bit a» they have overco«# this d#«p-rooted prt i.i.-e with regard to one ph>*icai r*-o reation or anoth#r. women ar# proving that exervi** wtthin th# s«m* limits is Just aa bene ntu; to them aa the men. It THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGEXCEB, SUNDAY. JULY 16, 1896. Is true they arc handicapped by dress, by tbe disuse of their muscular system for generations, and by the lack of the early training which every schoolboy has the benefit of. Cycling is the ideal exercise to bring about a revolution In this respect. The •icuount of muscular and organic effort to be put forth for its accomplishment can be regulated exactly to be always within the powers of the individual. Herein lie* the crux of the whole question. A sound woman can cycle, and with benefit to her self. Mus ular development and poweT of endurance vary enormously In different women, just as in different men. <Bo?h must vary with age and with previous training. Many women, unaccustomed as they are to physical exertion in its mani fold forms, are more Itkeiy than men to forget the necessity of condition, and of coming to their work gradually. The ex perience of one will regulate the proceed l'tgs ef another, so that with here and there an unfortunate mistake by an en thusiast but Httle harm can be done in the long run. The 1< arner, by her very keen ness, who is anxious to outstrip some ac quaintance who may havo exaugt rat'd her performances, is very apt to overdo it. Patience and practice will bring it all right. The muscles upon whioh the most de mand is made are those of the lower ex tremity. In the majority of women these muscles are speedily developed by cy cling. The lower extremity of the human f-male has great latent possibilities, but time must be allowed and opportunity for practice given. Among other muscles, too, which have to bo called into requisi tion are the erectors of the spine On the proper use of thes* eapecially depend the appearance of the cyclist—the "*~orcbur" did not bring them into play, but relaxed the lot. He has not lived In vain if he has mad* every woman cy«ii*t determine she wouid never make! such an object of herself. The larg abdominal musciea do but little In riding down hill or on level ground: but in hill climbing great strain is thrown upon them. There are many rtasona why women should not overtax thin group. Probably the Idea that these muselee might be greatly in cycling has had much to do with check ing the enthusiasm of the medical pro fession In advocating this egerclae for women. This objection I* at once silenced by refraining from pounding up steep in clines. The muscles of the arms, chest audi shoulders play minor "hut important par's. They *lll be used to their benefit or abused to their detriment, according to the posi tion adopted. Intelligent Instruction at tho debutante an i proper adjustment of han<ll« bars and saldie will clear up every diffi culty in this respect. The "scorcher's" position Is again the wholesome warning. His function in the cycling world is that of the helot in Sparta, who was made drunk to show society what an objectionable thing was the abuse of alcohol. To rida well within the capacity of muscular power and endurance, and in good form, will never hurt any sound woman. Fortu nately. the good form that pleases the cy* is the very best for th# ri ier. We may safely trust women t<*adopt it. As to the organs affected by cycling, to bejrin with the hear? has to tak» its full share. Traveling on the flat and down hill. It will have to do a little extra work, which if reasonably graduate* will do good to Its muscular substance; its frequency and pow»r of contraction will be slightly Increased 9o much the better for th« heart and for the body generally. An un sound heart may be much embarrassed. This will be much exaggerated on strrsg »tlin#r with a heavy wind or In mounting up a hill. Bad valvular mi»c|ii«f should be regarded as an absolute bar to cycling. Mere weakness of the muscular fibre, on the other hand, will tv> distinctly benef by common sense ridlnr. Improved action of the he:irt meanx better circulation of the blood through the limbs, lungs, brain, liver, etc., and gives that general sensa tion of Improved health summed up in th# word "St." Muscular action in every limb helps Iha return flow of blood through tha veins to the heart. * 'men *rr very subject to varicose veins in tha !»** Cycling often rids them of this trouble. A irirl who ha.s had to stnnd for ho;rs and hour* c#rrins hehln 1 a coun ter *ets relief untold from an evening spin on her "bike." Hw circulation ha* bf » n laprwrwt, and the aches and pains whirh wo I I have shortly made an old woman of her h*ve rone. and a wn«e of exhilaration and relief ha* takrn their placet. l.ur«< perform their function of oxygen ation of the blood we>i or badly, as they sre used wisely or not. The Mood must he pumped efficiently through them hy a strong heart with sufficient frequency; in spiration and expiration must also take pl„«oa with appropriate rhythm to keep the body in perfect health. Mot ton with but sHrht eiertion through fresh air promotes this enoraousiy. There are no greater enemies to tubercle aad its hateful bacilli than fresh air, MKri»s and light. Anae rata w: 11 <i;aapp«ar under the ume con ditions Tha diseases of women take a front placs tn our social life: but. if looked into. 9t per cent, of them are functional ail begotten of ennui and lack of op portunity of some means of working off their «uperfluous muscular. n»»rrot:«i and organic energy The effect of cycling with in the physical capacity of a woman acta like a charm for rout, rheumatism and ?;*ep!ei««nea», so-called "nerv** • ar.l all tho«e petty miseries for wh!--h the ltver ta so often made the acape iroat. disappear In the most extraordinary way wfth the frwh atr Inhaled, and with the tissue destruction and reconstruction effected by exercise and exhilaration. When the chain siratchea tiirtt aver tha spr«-»cke: wheels the extra power apr*.i wh- n fo nx over rcuiru roads or ap a heavy incline makes tae of lT'jii.r.| gremi. mud ucpiaasant : id.&tf * the reau t. A chain with plenty af sis k will be fa'-ind a *r*at advantage for m *- c«aaneous avtn U will tha aoc% occe la a wki.a. REFORM BY BICYCLE Wheel a Splendid Factor in DeTeleping Citizenship. SOLVING GOOD ROADS PROBLEM What Once Atemtd a Plaything Is Revolutionising Matters in Several State* and All of the Clt lea. It seem* a trifle strange that some of the fellow* who are always writing >u* r* iorm have thus fsr paid so liule attention to the moat powerful agency which ts Improving American cluien ship. 1 am speaking, of course, of the bicycle. In most of the cities ofl the Union and in ail the great citiea, the bicycle vote has become a thing to be reckoned with. In New York it has bowled out the gran ite ring completely. Time was when a residence block couldn't be paved with asphalt, even if the property owners were agreed on footing the bill. The ring thst sold granite blocks ia the city was too powerful. In those days—and we *iw the last of them less than three years ago—Fifth avenue was entirely repaved aith granite, which seems ludicrous enough, and the only new smooth pavements laid were upon a few cross streets leading to the principal hospitals, so that the ambul ances might have easier going, arid upon some of the worst slum streets down town. Upon both of these steps the board of health insisted. Everybody knows what the bicycle 5s doring for the good roads proMwn. Of course the farmers have all along been the persons most interested in improving the country roads, and it seems a little strange that they left the work to the wheelmen so iong. But a similar thing happened in photography. The profes sional photographers. working for their livelihoods, haven't developed their own business half so rapidly tn some direc tions as the amateurs, working for fun. Here's Where the good citizenship comes in. The bicyclists and the good roads prophets are- hand In glove. la many of the state* the L. A. W. consuls even frown upon the construction of separate cycle paths, partly hesitating to divert so much money from the common roada, partly fearing least the construction of special paths may result in abriiiging the privilege of the wheel on the thorough fares. This fear is probably 111-founded. T*ocaJ authorities have always exercised the right to regulate and classify vehicles for the good of all classes, without im pugning their rights where the classifi cation ceases. Special speedways are in many cities constructed for trotting horses, but the man In the sulky uses the common roads In going and returning from his speedway; and so does the equestrian, for whom special paths have been laid out In most large parks. However fhis may l>e, motive* of the attitude of the more conservative con suls In this matter are most emphatical ly those of good cltfxenship. Until re «ntty New Jersey and Massa chusetts were the two states which had done most for the highways. The most radical of recent legislation, however. ! s the new Connecticut law (statutes of IJWD which pledges the state to pay one-third the cost of one mile of road In each town each year If the county and the town will ea 'h pay one-thjid. The cost of one mile of road 1s estimated at 0,00(1. A poor town Is by this means enabled to get a mile of good road at a direct cost to Itself of but J1.0T 5 , and the most of the general state and country cost falls on the richer towns and cities. A better de vice could hardly be Imagined for en couraglnr road improv.-ment In the poor er regions, towns availed themselves of the l.\w last year, and sev entv-flve more have already swung Into line In ISM Th«*e are about two-thinls of all the town* in the little Nutmeg state. Before this year is over a New York cy clist may ride on good roads nearly ail the way to Boston, by way erf New Haven Hartford and Springfield. In New Jersey, road building has be#n carried on upon *cienilfl.- principles, -not so much throughout the state, a* In Con ne. t!~ut, but rather concentrated In the more populous counties Still, one may ride to Philadelphia, ninety miles, on good THK WHEEL, AND OOOD ROADS. road all *-.» way. and the trip has been made in leas that eltfht hour* more than one*. The bi -ycle movement «:;W»d dan ger at ona time of be n« captared by hoodlums and road acorcftcrs, b3t It is far from ha«tig In their ***.<:» now. Tha gr*at of Am<Atn Wheefcnen »tan<«s trua for good «ra»n*riip in for- Wddirvr road rartar. Road ra -*■ are he*<l. but tha han of rtva I -etc robe them of their r**ularity. Thla Is a point e*;Sl in •ontr«vec*y and mar be left for future settlement. It Ut posaible that the I<*acue has been too careful of the in terests of r*neral trafQof but, *f so, it ia a good fault. As for »~©r~hinjr ait of the purs de light of COiim fast, nine arheelntven out of ten eTerywhers emphaticalty wphoM ev ery attempt to pat it down New York was tha first city to establish a waali squad of bkryrta pailc-mes. About tweaty other citlea have already follow ed the e*am r '> aad— shit Is more tre f»rtant-in many places special pois.e evn are appointed from unow the wheel «n«n ;hta»*ejve« to aarva wit ho it pay ia preventing r»w&! rtsm *whf*l Tfcg bast cyrle tilts have t*o prompt *e see* that • B * rowty on * in*;m the rrp i tatior w*?h !v»-nrtf-». of whwtars -who are not r.vwdi-a P—10-'al Meyctfsts lasts* trpoa to® mtK*. M wts««B thev c'aim the privil ege of ridiuff upon »>lewaiks or golr.g without beil by 'faj io4 !*«sp by r.ight; bit AMertcwts hare #9 long **kM )m than th*r IHJNI- right* that 1? is retfreah ing to meat once in * while a body of men who s*and up far a tHtle more than tnxy properly belong to them. A;;d in re gard to such local otMlnars -es ft is #*sv •o that mow strictness is required where both cysilsta and pede« rl*r.s are many rhan where either cl,i«s is few. Upon the Boulevard In New York for In stance. It ts a rare thtrg nowaday* to see a bicyclist riding at night without a lighted lamp. As for si,lews!* riding. it is only allowod la ipiknei; settled pia«*s, and the tendency sjjalnyt it Is mot? and more marked among wheelmen them selves. P: • .hi'.* the maft magnificent show hleyele rids in th# world Is that from u;.>per N w Y rk ;hro ij£h the park, down the Boulevard—or on Sun.kty th» cable oar "slot" on Braadway—across the bridge, through lovely Prospect park stvi down the new cjde path to Coney island On Sundays ®jvi holidays many thou sand* make am of this route, and the proportion of accidents Is smalL The first bicycle path from the park to the Isl and proved its inadequacy in a single aeaaon and a second has just been open ed. £a-h of these p«i"is Is a.'<out fifteen feet wKla. built of very line granite chips, perfect .n surface and about Ave and a half miles long. A drunken cyclist is comparatively rare and many of the good raatauraats sell only temperance drinks. QtHger 4i« with a lrtnoo squeeaed Into it ia perhaps the commonest drink of male bicyclist*. The prettiest thin* about the cycle path apectade is to see how young and old join in It. Here at last is the ideal out-door «w rI we in which whole families can join. In the good roads section of Jersey It is almost the ruls that th* basement of a duelling contains a wheel for every member of the family except the baby. Women learn from the bicycle the oon trol of their nerves. It is a fine sight to see in a woman weaving her wheel In and out among the loadad teams who in MM would hardly have dared to cross the game street without a potlcvnan's arm. W hen the mother of a family can strap a lunch bo* to her handle bar and convoy a brood of young cyclists for a day at the seashore or in the woods, there is a decided gain In the average health of women. The girls, not a few girl* bat nearly all of them, are getting out of doors; which is precisely what has been wanted for the last two generations. to give the Am erican race a fighting chance to survive. The young men profit quit* as much. They are learning, long before they be come voter*, the power of organisation in enforcing public measure. They are learning to reason that if by combination a granite ring may be broken, so may other rings. They are learning to <aik. not leas about national politics necessar ily, but more about street j*avir.g and •treat cleaning, the board of alderman and municipal affairs generally. They are learning to take an interest In -public business and larger towns, and 'hose af fairs, a* all critics agree, are these most needing attention. With the extecaioa of good roads, the bicycle will silence the "deserted farm" cry. No one Is much to mind liv ing twelve miles from a lemon if he can get on.a fair turnpike and wheel to hU lemon in an hour, instead of sitting sul lenly staring at a mud canal called by courtesy a road. The horseless carriage with pneumatic tires will supplement the bicyoi* in ; improvement. There may come a day, an I soon, when a good road once built will need no repair of tho wear of wheels. The country boy will surely b<* more willing to stay on the farm wh»h» he too can have his ceniury runs almost from his own door, and can feel along the Interlinking arteries of perfect roads the oneness of himse-lf with the big world. In a sens® that the railroad station half a down miles away car* never give. The United States has reason to thank heaven for th» bicycle. It was just what we nested, and it came when our need of it was the greatest. DAVID WMCartfLBR. The Cyole Tax In Paris. New York Time*. "It seems that the amount likely to be raised by the cycle tnx this year will far exceed what had been estimated In the budget." writea "R. F. C." from Purls. "When the ts* waa first applied In April, IWQ, the number of wheels declared WOS 12ft.OOrt. and In 1*5»5 this had Increased to 240,000. At this ratio oT Increase it ra surned that the number of wheels itkely to be declared for taxation would h« i' >, 000, but the declarations received during the ftrst five months of the year show f it this is far below the r<-al figure It Is now estimated that taxe* will be paid en no less thar 322."00 cycles, anl thst the amount raised -will be JROO.OOO. while thr«o years ago It was only (30D.M. If thtt ru.e be maintained how many cycles »ill th>re be In use In Frano® In enoiher three years?" Lord Rose be ry on the Bicycle. The CycKst. Lord Rosebery ha a been giving hla views on cycling. In opening the Pa«s more F>twards puldlc library at Wlvi>- herd's Bush last week, he aaid In the course of his remarks: "I suppose no body. not even the humbleat pedestrian, with his arm broken or otherwise. Is indif ferent to the toyCttsL. I don't know what particular effect the bicycle nay hava upon the conformation of posterity. It ie«n» to me It rrmr prod'ice a r*<"e of beings of a Z-lik* shape. But at any r »te It has prodTrrei a ra<*e of hardy advent urer* such as those by whom our empire was f»uf>4t-! -s iv en t-.rrers, per hap*, a tri fle too ha-dv. but who would have had no opportunity of visiting the corners of our native land If they had not been f :r --nfshei with these useful w. k >eeis. All mat Is a most tntere«?in* and etiflttof feat ure of our Eartonal Hfa. We have to ma r.tain a (Treat empire. We hai to de velop a gr-a* empire, ar 1 -for Imperial P'irps*«s yri t«d a ra**e o* imj«"le, of strenrtn, ana of nerve. All these ara de veloped by apart a. mnrri.R S»TR«. W/v»d rims ar* general this year. Ro.-1c elu tn moat used, and it is e«->mat«d that durtns there wtii h" utiitaed at least IJIMi ;eet of wood, As aniy the «n*st wood can he nserfi sn tl»a r.n os. amoucrlnc <0 bat about one-fifth of the. bu*k of a tree, this would call for the cumn* and baixllinff of a»ar!y #?<«,«• feet of eim. Rubtic Commissioner of Naw Tork, U prepartn* plans for putvric a strip of axphai: pavement, three or four feet wide, alone tha curb* of all atresia pav~l w th *raaite block*, ex"ptin* tha old pavemems. which he will re- I>aa- e with asp hail a* far ut bis a om hoi is (o»i This a«pha?t etrrp sill a.*o 60 piar ed on ai! new a» nait ro ites which are braken by rranite p«vcmer.-a where the «ra> is too liMp for ax< «at ro {Mivine w:tc asphait. In this way 41 *i intef rapted btcycte track s ill t«t fvrniabed in tMtnms aJon® th* en re i">s in of tha Oaitar/tU.Coilis thinks t at a'aefimen should be dt*Whni'd over tha whole ialar<4. mat so; b« kept iu paa ptace. A smooth pawnee; along th# 06»wal1c w-18 faalHtate the ci*anintr ,»f tlx r-tters. kkesrtss. Tall rM*r». <jo n*t pewnw up-te date vm often r'de wish ran die-bar s;<*m and neat i«Har e*!#r ; d*d *o f.eir furthr*- !»w*t This •« a tfreA ? r«k. as :he*e is it peMltilt]' of the a*r cowing out. should ?v» a» lee*? three inches of -.A*, stem of the bar ta4 seat ivwß ÜBvifr corcr to ins ;r? s»Xfty. A good wajr » ele*a W\trto*» m N h are not removable. ss to 'urn A* aMtrin* x» Its *4de. poor fcensMtlne into -the besrinKs sisi rapidly spin Jie when every part*ri« of grit and og that 1 j> el«»K¥d wiTf be removed. Hen* »nne e >?v-r»»s very quiokly. and trill bearings dry art br*ght, in tea iiness far fre#b lu bricating. Wb«a coming uo behind a rider If you ru<ice that his or her r**r tir* In flat do not fall to call Attention to the fact; t i* a point of ooort*sy tfcs? is • sv>e al y ap preciated It may happen when >»« f > to th» *«« «tan -e of A woman iwr ■who ha* hAd an *»xm sent you wtll have to uk* her wheel mum itis'.Sßc* to t* r-- paired. It is then weU to leara your wheel with her. Suit for #V"*> »*> ha* be«n against * Chicago ho?e» (or refusing to aery* mil fen*i a p<t; y at cjrciisia. socne of whom wrn women attired n Wootnera Two men an-J their w'.vea. out on a Mcyejg ride, stopped at ;fte h.>f< 4 for a meal. They waited *oa»>> time and were finally In formed by the wAlter that they conld not be served ah !e ir. bicj lew utbe The price of ihe fool <Se*ir <xl Wvia offered and rtfMtd, tfence the suit Besides a thoronah brosh'.ng after er«ry r'de. « , h«.n shoni 1 he taken att the n*o efcine At least every two months and *tven a good overhaul -tig. A cod erutiMn* wlTh henslne or kerjsene should be ciren untß evcr>* foreyrn partake Is froen the jinma After ttuwou drjinj. the chain may be dipped in boding t.tiiw f r severni utinutoH with advantage. A Nr'.sk rubbia* shwiid shon l>e a .en. and hlcycle oil or chain lubricant rufebtd well into every link. Inventors are worfcin* to make lite happier tor the cvliM. A Wfy ele stand and lock. weiatunA or.!v si* ounces, has been invented. It con«;.» s .>f two tulbes, the ."mullcr one being «tcel tip ped. *o adj(»!«l th»t It -an be atreiiffth ent-d to supoprt a 'licvcle at any an*le. The from wneW ts made of sprins-tempered HteeC attached to which ts a small alklin* spring lock. When closed the Is f inches in length, and is heM ?o the un»ior rtde of the brace frame with a small steel clip. A simple method in ahich to repair a puncture a a sin#le tube tire, if It is not a difficult one. is to aisert a nosale to which a tube of cement can be attached in the puncture. Taen turn the wheel un til the puncture is at the lowest point, when a drop or two of cement must tie Injected. Immediately withdraw the nos mle. while the «.t»tnent Is still running, so that ai! sides of the i»unctura may be coat ed with cement. Wind on a half doaen turns of tire tape, and inflate, <*tlU hav ing the puueturo down, in order to keep the comont over the puncture. rIH singular discovery of the Hudsoaiaa doctors is the, Tvflttfflr I marvel of the Nineteenth Ccm-' k tory ' won( * ef £ul vetntd^* ' ess remedy (hat has beoa in use . * OT * N^CDt t * lue to place (te Hudsoaian discoverers in tife front rank °* Specialists. H«4* m yan * 5 a ' wa y s USC<J *■ those esses % where Huchran would be isw eated. Hudyan is not for sale hgr Tom, Dick and Harry. Yon get Hudyan direct frem the fiadsss Medical Institute, or you don't get It Stops the waste of the body as soon as it is thoroughly !n the body Hudyan cures prematureness of the discharge in twenty days. Hudyan is the remedy you need when you when your powers are failing. % Hudyan CURES Lost Manhood, Nervous Debility, Rlues, Melancholia, Consfipetioa« Falling Sensations, Dizziness, Lack of Energy, Lack of Power, Lack of Capacity, Nervous Twitching of the Eyes and other parts. Had yan cures Nervousness. Hndyan develops aud restores weak orgass. If you are suffering: from bad dreams, if you always feel bhie, tired and disconsolate, if you arc looking iato the depths of despair* you should use the great Hudyan. Hudyan can only be had af (he eld Hudson Medical Institute. Write fer j —v* Circulars and j i Testimonials, j HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Stockton, Market and Ellis Streets. BLOOD TAINTS SHOV\T " • Plmpl«» - Cr»pp«r Oitofdd "■ Svro Mtnth. —— F«lUnz Hf»ir. 11 Fm!'vrv«*l Lamp* ■ 11 OUndulnr Lump*. ■<. Skin Kniption«. ——— "■ P»rti*l T,'t*n of Ertbrow. ■ m ■ Sot-** Lypd ——■ When in this condition don't go to Hot Springs, go to the oh! doctors of Hudson. You can sometimes arrest the poison in thirty days. j BLOOD CURES. j Free. Call or write HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Stockton. Aiarket and i£iiis Streets. Vmo-Kolafra Steadies the Nerves of worn-otit women and ottsr* worked men. It is a wonderful tonic and a non-intoxicating stimulant, from which there is no depression or reaction. Builds up Invalids The strengthening and n«rro> sustaining properties of Vino- Kolafra have been shewn by such tests as those of the French Army, the LoomU and Flower hospitals, New York, the athletes of Yale, Cornell, Pennsylvania and other uni versities, the Superintendent of the New York PostoflSce, v various government depart-, ments in Washington, 4B& thousands of physicians* Sold by druggist* generally. Brunswick Pharmacol Co. JOHSSOJI A JOMM»ON, Setuag AgW^ «■ VVuiiaia 8U Maw VartH IS