Newspaper Page Text
« bMdtega tfaa aaaia i sMial Mdem naalattoM » aaaounceman ts will ba rterc*d at Ck» a frb»T-rNTEL*.IOE*< 'g» <**■ MIUMI ARM WWWMJkMJL MMQJpriM funeral service «# D*»l fe atek Arnell wBl be bcld OHa aftenwm o'clock at Botterwortk * m • P«- somes «• Turn vnuo. Tba pabUs la fcsrebr war—i P 0 * 1 * ,■ swry^safsssa^ (accept tba Mtowiag. wfcs are tb* only nssssLir&i. Tt ssn stjs r Ifankaeai. nor to aasriuaatww. wfco.syy ta all eaaaa authorised to taka snaacrtpoows ILs&sF yjMI, Swttw AiuHmn alinll g" display advsrtlss- Is • jMate AM* tkt (MMV tOTM BUM tgffSVT SLSTTwrtsy to la- I,' (KIM ■""*•« ■■, I AiMrtlaaaaNi nnflsr tlis band of IML 1 ffcwt? ■s^gi.'g.»w «art a am* aaek taaarttoai Faywmt a»- Mia to alvaatt. Wo aiituwt f Shmi ft laaa tkaa S cmtf. KOnCB-Tka feoatecaa ofßoorf tte la oa«a ontfl IS P- «-i Intor IMVI, I a. m. t. U* P. • , ja > CWalAed advartlaaaMßla will -"■FCASS" m ii i* ii^ " ssgsg^— s T - g avurmrr WARTBD-TKMALB. WANTHD-AJI experienced lady want* a i aHaallon aa housekeeper in a hotel or club, in or out of tha city. Address WlrU, Oi Second avenue 8. E.. Mlneap alls. Minn t WANTED—Housework, by a capable u- woman. W South Sixth street. | unomn waiiiii iamb. WANTED—Situation by estimator and W draughtsman. accountant or salesman; ft-: all clssaaa of milt work or machinery; Wi till bay Interest. E. E Squirm, care | George W. Stetson. Stetson-Poet Mill g| Company. WANTED—Poattkm as bookkeeper, sten ographer and typewriter, by sober. In % ; duatrtous young man. Arthur. US Cher- WML* WAITSP-rSSAUL 11 WANTED—A young girl to assist in light (f-:. kouavwork. Can at W. 7L Williams, g ITU Madison atreet. i WANTED—GirI for general housework at W. m Brook street, near Lake Union. » WANTBD—Scandinavian girt at UOO Sev enth street. Call today. Eggan. g# ; WANTED—OIrI for g-neral housework In email fanny. IMS Yesler way. ■SLT WASTED—MALE. Pl to SU* month salary and expenses to salesman for cigars; experience un necessary: special inducements to cus tomers. W. L Kline Co.. St. Loul*. WANTED—Man not afraid of work to Join me In paylnc proposition; small capital required. Address X. care Post-Intelll gencer. LEO'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Occidental Mock.—The leading school; individual In fraction. Business and English course*. WANT ED—Sheet Iron worker; good par; Steady job; with tools preferred. Martin. MM First avenue. WANTBD—Cash boys. P. O. Box No. 4. WANTBD—SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WITTENBERG, 114 West M*!n pay* highest cash pries for second-hand clothing. Call or send postal; Immedlats sttentlon will be given. IF YOU HAVE any second-hand cloth'ng, call or s«*r»d postal to the Soldier fWond- Ttand Store, tia Washington street, WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—Eve ry business man who ts anxious to cleae out his stock of mer- chaodlse immediately for ca»h to send addrm*. with amount of sto<h on hand »nd prt<N» wanted, to Q'tlck Sa!*s, Post- Intelligencer. |WANTKD~T!» Mopl* to knew that w« ftyp tbe arooipteet and quickest mesa*n far wmw> to Seattle; rla« the O K Mi, or telephone M«ln ttft Seattle M«e- MD|*r Co. CI 4 Seoond *r*rua fOl' WANT MONEY: I household Mod* and furniture ~f nil kinds- l hivp ik« evsh; you have the furniture Ad 4tf*« Furniture. cat# Poet-InteUlg«ncir and wo can make • trad*. JPTANTBD To rent for one month <» Smith Premier typewriter, bv » nrtv'i'* party; will anaiantee go>d Irr drese. eta-lag frnsi, Typtwrtttr, c»'i» Pott-Intelligencer." V\Nrri»-An ktma of n.-invu,! ]Kei«eho;d «e«d» a an>ves; »;■,! 1v ,,- klghaat eaab price. B«>Mter t4ceond-Msii« •tore WA \Vaahln*ton street. WAVtfSV 8ro« ka or mef'**, hold tarwtture -eatau'sn* outflta »»tr • highest cssh pt'cea, Ptckertor. Doyle! ?3*t Ftrat ivetvi* * WANTED—I.OW cords cord wood. Anme Seattle Tug a:wl Zkirg* Company, Joax aierclal dock. WANTED To buy r»>d placer mlpin* claim. A. Fcek. Utx»m O BatSer blvif *«0*» *M» BOIBD. fOR RKNT lSir«>l <»lie<l with hoatd. or aulie of rooms on ftr«t n. ~>r for light h«»u«t ke« ;<lng, 21? a «• >R RENT—Two p'.eaaant ronna. wit a * M ■? t>l «ad use of patno. n Fifth arema fOR BENT—TValrable rooms with hoard -Bne table Mra. Uaker. Third and toe Ft)* BKXT-HtM ar*. TO RBNT— ttousea. Ptorev flat* »rd of- Seen U". all part* of the c.ty. Pto<>ear Beat aad CoiJeOon Co. 9 Boaweil block Te'ephone. Bed ?• FOR KKSPT-HPutfa Ba*» and «tcr«« 1. ait kratfcwia. S«a?t?a R*-u ,m iVkv ttw OowjMkay. r\x»ai t. ««.••«• #vn FOR RENT N'*'T f v »->. h<ma«v In-tMr* at Cu tltjr I.» C M r r cornar I\H.rl!i an 1 Pike. TO RENT—H CUfNP* AOtl fC! |JI •a'tona. *««•■ P liar oar. C Ucua Bask buUdtac. IVR R!-VT—r»«rt.t*W ftv f-fO m h,i |u> IM »! r-»u lcijjira ai 10s •)> ntal »vfn.i*. for i* —» WUila* H. IladfteU. U Naw Tar* M Uurka > -'' v >■ r W ®%l K-I«i>ui\(i Hoi »»•* *wz JuV*» 5;m J s hi • 4 « % - arv v V yMraHy >xaiM <fc a* r , i s .. r ,^ |g^ tv jy fe*kert«* k ia for for«w»M "SSI; «rtetlr r««KitUi: for famines. lfr»t kondMtpiat permitted: t tram rwi»» M SwV«ii bHel Medt: central; ■arlaa mmA TMrt «T«W«. *2* ttS r-EUf»a!)y famirtrf i ßo 2f ' * •»« apwarda: barn*: steam *«•*. *•" jgt front t»4 *2 r"»"Nu wwlttrMi. Fw»W«fl iwmm *» Hgfct bsgsekeeptng. RENT—Kaf. rtaan. romftrtiV,* Nf afM»ad mom; i<n housekeeping looms; fsasMiabie pHees; modern tmpfws "*»«: eseeliem locality. »« ma arty. Tfctrd «i>d Jtaw. LODOTVa ROOM, cloee tn for ft single . private family preferred; Mmnem exchanged. AMrns stating location and term*, p. G. E., Poat-Intel- OKKMAN" IA HOT TO—Newly famished [ !>on >« fc and unwsrd; 4»*rble parlor*, bay window*. hath M* 5 * Colurmbta »tr*et, be» Thirl and Fourth FOR RX9FT—Nicely farri*)»H room* In private Smtly; with use of hath; cloee m: no ear fare rent reasonable. TO* Pike, near Eighth avenue *Q*. *JENT- Housekeeping room#; fur nished ccmpiste. ounvenient. respeetabla. Florence house. TO Madison itrwt FOR RK\T-B!f«tm!T f'lrrrfahel rooms; * , moctth upward*. bath: transients. *»V» Columhia. Third and Fourth. ltt!CT-#umli!Md room#; •'» housekeeping WIM; steam heat; rls v* ?or - Epler Work, room 4*. *2* RENT—Beautifully furnlahad room* £•«•> Vendoase. Front street. batwasa University and ITnloa JHCELY furnished r'xims: strictly first «M»M: low rat** Fifth Avenue Houae, Fifth and Marlon. FOR RENT—Sinrle and housekeeping rooms; unfurnished. IS® Fifth, one block from Pike. *£>* RENT—PnrtHehed rooms for boosa keeping; cheapest la town. MM Froat street. FOR RENT—First-class furnished rooms. Ivheuerman Mock. Front and Cherry. FT p RKNT—Pleasant, sunny hou*i*k»ep- Ing rooms; furnished. fIW Columbia. VE KEN 11. WORTH INN; furnished rooms; steam heat. 1115 Front. FOR WENT—Three furnished bouseksep- Ing rooms WISH Front FOR :ENT-R<v-ms: Ths RoaseU' Sua heatt private baths FOR RENT Furnished suites, with bath. The Arlington. FOR BENT—Furnished or unfurnished. Columbia FOR RKNT--Housekeeping rooms 403'4 Pike street. BI'IIRKM CHAXCBS. FOR BALE-- All the rage, the Bryan-Mc- Klnley ballot box parlor game: In struct <. enthuses Interests and real election In the parlor; now Mc- Klnley, now Bryan; more fun than a barrel of monkeys; mailed for 50c. Bal lot Box < - , a- Co.. rare of John Wedder hurn A Co.. patent attorney#. Washing ton. I». C. FOR SALE—Our candlebolders at 3 got up specially for illuminating pur poses and uw on Chrletma* trees; sell easily at Ift cents each. American Brass Novelty Co., care of John Wed derburn A- Co., patent attorneys. W.u»h- Ingtou, D. C. YOU CAN HELL your furniture or mer chandise for cash to Martin, 2408 First avenue: he has the cash always on hand to buy anything of value, and no ques tions asked. Don't fall to get his price before selling. WANTED—Fvery business man who is anxious to close out his stock of mer chandise immediately for cash to send address, with amount of stock on hand and price wanted, to Quick Sales, Poat- Intelligencer. WANTED -To purchase «n Interest In mill or maehlnerv business, practical all-round man. E. E. Squires, care George W. Stetnon. Stetson-Post Mill or Station A, Los Angeles. Cal. AVERAGE WEEKLY net tncome with $250 Invtsted. safe, conservative; pros pectus. proofs, free. F. Daly. 1233 Broad way. New York. For RENT -Half of store, principal stretst, Spokane; stationery line pre ferred. Inquire room 7 Colonial block, Seattle. FOR SALE— HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—I n Kit tit us valley; well-Improved ranch, ln elailing st«« k toots and creamery outfit, will sell or » xchange for grocery busi ness or Improved property; price of tools, stock, creamery outfit. ranch free Owner at 617 Pike street, this week. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A first class fruit ranch. acres, one mile from Milt.>ii station, arid nine miles «outh of Walla Walla all under cultivation: or chard eUht years old; flrat-elass water ri»-,ti> a ill *eii Any portion or exchange for S> rttie Inside property. Address P. O Box I<«!*7, Seattle, rc>K SALE Homes on fiwy payment*— t-**xt«*» f(ct on Chestnut street. north of Madison. s«<•. 4 \ii' on (lydr street. £2l. »>**!») corner <n Broadway, n»v<r depot, II S TURNER, room C. Bailey block. F<>!t SAI.E Elne ll.'immoml typewriter No 2; !< t ;trKi«!n Apply Bitkcrton & Boj le, First avenue. rORCEP 8AI»E—8:x *n'«r front lota oa 14kf Vnion. three blocks north front the TVrtf »tr««t car barn: also tltvta desirable residence lota. tw,» blocks esat *roro the like, must be sold Joha P. r»orT * Co room A »a;!ev building. LfWiOf-D OFF I.AND 9 tn Mnsoa and Tbursten counties: fruit '.and: ea» Ir clear*.l and nicely s'tuated far farms; farorahle terms. Tacoma MU! Company. Wash. FOR SAt.E- a barren nn improved farm bearing orchard, gn»d bulldfnas; eotsnty rw l; «-•>. vntent to "catt'e. Herbert S* Upper, II Pcheuerman block SALE—Beautiful ? snd 5-acre h-i ea water front or car line, close to the rtty: verr cArap. George Dorflfs*, 1U Ha»ler Mock. FOR 4\l,K Ail or iny p*r» o* b.»t -om '»n 1 rt Sk t*)t river, prl.-e low. C V C'■ >k. c-. « Tsi' -ma Mill Co . Ta ecma. « I VI. > ' ■ ■ ' - »en !*n(> lo*i tn Madtaon -tree *A ! .n A m:r* V. "r ».>n K ' t*;»al I fe builuing. FtVf; ' !'*t 1?> s-»ees ccnven'ert to eltv i>'! •• iwvt-m. r's; easy terms. S> 'he>t*rn>r ■» HKvk e"tv John P D. rr A Co. room A Estlee but' V~ ' FOB V■— >• tn >r' •- *d»t«on .-n Itv V pr e. W*V F. VV. Wes* yi T*« »n b-' v- -k Ron Mi.F-Miv n i 1 ■*« SAV.K Ccvr ~ * «rt #;#«». «*taraa «*•"» 4***9-. VT.r !o"k ir» b rx sr mt+. C-ark. 7« S* onl atr»*f. K» n SAI r \ »'->r |.#". an.' ■ nhM> f«r r • p„ in . 1.».*-■ noefcs : o*nft 1.1. < all Jf' I Th!'(' giv r » : ?A' • < il r, <% »•* h>» a «*v*r I. ■•<«»**' S ••• - v ?! •« '>J* Y'lfat *.** - - *r*'e ci.w.n# «ul7~t» * > t v Otien uir Cyci» C'Ompm .y. mp; ivteaa «v* v K„rr > . 'uf» of ito:^ y,- j»- >» > Hi» * -Ori «!«K *p*j>*nt. A r-;< y {*>;* 'A' K S»' V .T«- »• - rr V\\» »"-«—■ Tttl >K r \t TORT. Ron TttrNKS AND T'tA VKL.TVO ft V>3 rota «J*»n . .ty Traak Fa -jcy. r*tv*ir tr*« a a*»»--«* * T «*"»«►' .«4 v*«*. BtrtOi UU &*oc4. WE NEGOTIATE LOANS fa OBT sawoat. at the lowest ratea offered H tna ey» an improved inside property la awney oa hand for small '«oans; lsr«s las as eloaed without dalay. j«M Parr # Ca.. room A. Baflar knlMlne KETHERI^ANDC-AMERICAN har.k. g. Ellens ft Co . amenta. block, makes loans to any Improved ioaJie city property aad um* >o delay and loweat rates. m.m.m AICTETB—MatuaI BenettlA BMty Cfnll value) oa Its Anrus W. Tooog. 1M aiaca treERAL ADVANCES «« wst^aa y ang Jlsmondaat low ratea. Caclaloa P7 Second. Ocrtdaatal hlocfc- THOMAS INVESTMENT roo™* 4 snd - oix'k; mortgV -o*"® Are .nrartnct, , WARRANTS WAKTTO-**®- Pfrkins ft Co. Bankers and »««« Wew Tork block. HERBERT 8. UPPER farma and timber land. 12 Scbeuertnaa block. JAMES BOTHWELI* loana a«S • Boatoa tloek; talapbooa. ltol« T !2.„kO AN—Money, lone or short Wn.lam P Harper. Dester Horton bana. LEE ft BOWDEN. financial snfl msur- Mc * ageata. Horton Baall baliamc- EUREKA LOAN OFFICE—MW corner Plka I*>ANS— Short **irt Crowley. & Hlnck l»y block. LOA N*B—lJewellya r Ward ft Hsrdfn, MS Third, SPECIAL SOTICES. ELECTION NOT rCE— School election. Notice ta hereby given that a «cnool election will be held in the city of Seattle school district No. L in Kin* county, state of Washington, on Saturday, tha "th day of November, 19K. for the pjr poae of electing two members of *h# board of education, of aald district, for the term of three years each. The polla of said election will be opened aj 12 o'clock, noon, and be closed at 7 o clock p. m.. of the same day, at tba fol lowing places; B. F. Day school budding. Columbia school building. Casoade school building. Denny school building. Pacific school building Rainier achool building. Latona school build. r.g. T T. Minor school building. Mercer school building. Centra] school build ng. Store building. No. 1118 Jackson itreet. Basement of the city hall. Storeroom. No. 799 Pike street. Score building. No. VXH First avenue. F A. CHURCHILL. President of the Board of Education, of the City of Seattle School District. No. 1. in King County, Slate of Washington. Attest: A. A. Guernsey, Secretary. NOTICE OF RECEIVERS SALE —Notice ia hereby given that the undepaizrved, receiver of the Seattle National Bank building, will sell at public auction, on Saturday. October 3lst. l&M. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m . at the door-of the banking room In wild building, on the corner of Yeeler way and Occidental av enue. all the assets remaining in his hands a* such receiver, the tame con sisting of a large number of note® re ceived by the said receiver In the course of his recelvershln from tenants of said building. Said sale Is made under order of the superior court of King county. In the cause entitled "G. W. E. Griffith, trustee, vs. Seattle National Bank Building Company et a!.." numbered 15.260. and caus** consolidated therewith, and will be to the highest and best bid der for cash, and subject to confirmation by said superior court. A list and statement of these notes and accounts will be furnished Intending bid ders upon application at room 215 of said building. Bated Seattle. Washington. October If, 189«. W. S. HARLAN. Receiver. COMPOSITION —la nonpareil, minion, brevier or long primer faces oaths fol lowing slxs bo«"ts: Nonpareil or min ion not exceeding It ema pica; brevier, not exceeding If ems plea; long primer, not exceeding M eci pica. Special terms on large orders. Adrsss rost-InteOl gencer. Seattle. SPECIAL INFORMATION DAILY to manufacturers, business houses snd pub lic men br the Press Clipping Bursas f A lien's). Union Mock. Portland. Or. PERSONAL. SPECIAL, BAIJS ON TRIMMER HATS THIS WEEK. MISS M. GALIJVGHER, 1012 SECOND AVENUEJ. FOR BAL.E—A large assortment of high grade pianos and organs. new and sec ond-hand, at low prices and on easy terms Sherman. CI a# ft Co.. 70S Second avenue. 8E ATTT.E WOOLEN MIIX CO. makea all-wool flannM underwear and over shlrts. mucktnaw coats and ahlrts. 1119 First avenue. MRS. L. HITX3IN, artlfrtlc modiste, Washington block. Is making a specialty of elegant tailor-made suits this (fawn. Prices reasonable. IF YOl' HAVE any freight or merchandise on the steamship Umatilla it will pay you to see Mtrtln, First avenue. I I.AT'NPRY L«'P« Curtain* and markets extra well. Mrs Masher, ?f>lo First ave. WANTED Seeon 1-h<»nd piano, good make. A .Id rose C E.. Poat^tn'ellljj'eneer. STOVE AND RANOB REPAIRS, an kinds <l* Yesler. V»RPIFP T.ADtVS • «*v "Ser-iro " LOST* LOST OB STOLEN Smii: fox tenter do*; brown and ehtte: about 4 months old; answer? name ".lineo." Finder will be rewnr,'"d «f returned to SB Tay lor avenue. North Seattle. IOST—An opportunity to have their mee ensres delivered promptly and cheaply by all people wko fhll to eall at <l4 Be-on* <»r>ue. or rln* lha O K bo* STR \V Et>_r?l«i-V hor*e: neir bind foot wtdte; H hand* hleh; English saddle. Return to TVmy Stables I.<>ST Dagger stick pin set w;*h three emeralds Return to Post-lntrilvgencer otTlo- receive reward. ! i 'ST M isoi-lc ring. TJd CommT- Hal an I Teller Tt« ward If left at mom 4» Olympic block. rorxn. FOUND—*n>at the Seatt!* Measanger *. -oanf can de! ver packages and m— area satisfactorily and cheap Bias O. K bo* or telephone. Main 1M BARGAINS tn unredeemed w*t"haa. dla trenda. sealskins and musfoai snstru menta Uncle Joe Lmd Office. It? Sec ond LONI> V l/HN —M"rwr loaned OR valuabtea watches diamonds and •»«r«'#r-T ">& K TSM FOB EICH.tIGR, r.XrHAN'P- S *«H *srm nnlneum b<-r 1. far dty property. Hernert 8. Upper. 13 p-V)fr»as t>Sa«.'li m«fKLLI^EOr«. 01-T> PAPERS tar aa'e at the bus eess ott\ • ef this turner- Ik* per bundle. (iß.tll tMI ST(H K EICHAUGB. BEATT*/E ORAIN AND STrVK EX- c N i"sg<" ant 39 SjillVAn b5 --k grain, iron- s.s an-'i »to ks martfin. flfl t<<en-twtnate auotattoas by *:re. %l BSE. Mli.'S HARN, trr* ned narse; I«»nce v Stventh room >; telephone Uaff AmYEBI A L J HN« >N Hi Tever. u*av»r a-1 chemist. Mjrttrg tr\>yacuea <xaxxe4 aai reported spoo. THE SEATTLE POST-DiTKLLIGEKCFJ! TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1896. INSURANCE. CHARLES WATSON, insurance. W. Mi and 3M New York bailding. Telephone. Msln ML LARRTS CAIN * CO . general •cite a Hinckley. Telephone. Main ML BURNS A ATKrNSON. ftWWI tosnr ance. M Bosron Mock. HA R WOOD MORGAN. INSURANCE. Room C. Sailer block. GOODWIN. RASER * FISKEN. tnaar ance. Bailer bSadL HANFORD A STEWART, insuimaea MT Pioneer b illding. WILLIAM HAITZ t CO_ iMDranea. Gottsteln block. CAT.HOUN k CO.. general Insurance. Olympic block. W ATKRHOUSE ft BEACH. Insurance, A. Colman block. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. FLEISCHER Deutscher arts: spe cial tv surgery and geni to-urinary dis eases. Office. Gottsteln Mock. DR. CALHOUN, physician and rargeom W-7T Starr-Boyd block. TeL Mala M; residence. Bay ML DR HASELL. M. R C. 8. England. 117 Wsshingron bldg. Telephone. Main 411. DR. * * RAH KENDALL. Holyoke block. Telephone. Green ML M DR AITNIB RUSSELL. M-27 RoxweU Wret DENTISTS. GEO. W. BRAODON. D. D. 8-. 1-1 Starr- Boyd block. Telephones: Office. Mala Ira: residence. Red ML CALDWELL. If Heller. Upper or lower •«ts. o ; both SM: filling. M and up; ex trectisg. We. DR , H F. SMITH. 11. 12. 13 Hinckley Telephone. Main SS: residence. Red *3l. ALBERT J. FORREST. Try block. Pront street. DR. O. WILLIS PRICE. Third and James. GEORGE E. THOMPSON. D. D. 8.. Burke block. P. H. O'CONNOR D. M. D.. Ballsy bend ing C A. HOLMES. D. D. 8.. Colman balld ln». R B. GENTLE. D. D. 8.. New York hlk. PR FRANK S. SMITH. €-7 Haller blk. OCULISTS AND AURISTS. DR A. B. KIBBE. oculist, surist and physician for diseases of the throat: re moved to rooms 33K-327 Bailey building, reaper Second snd fherrv streets. DR. STILIJBOV. eye. ear. nose and throat. Haller building, cor. 3d snd Columbia CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. B. EMMETT. ths South African medium, in her wonderful clairvoyant sight, reveals the past, present and fu ture: consult her: readings. 60c. Rooms S3 snd S McDonald block. 811 Second avenue. MME. LA VEE. clairvoyant, trance me dium; tells past, present and future: satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Southwest corner Sixth and Madison. MRS. CHRTSTTE 614 Second: medium; medicated baths: massage; all lost pow ers and health fully restored: diseases diagnosed; try my wonderful powers. MISS PERRY wonderful card reader; your fortune for 50 cents: If you are In trouble do not fail to visit her. Room 19 Epler block. MRS. WATKINS, clairvoyant and busi ness card reader: 50c. 26 McDonald block. Ml Second. Satisfaction guaran teed. MRS. GBOROIE VAN WINTER, clair voyant and business medium. 1905 Malt land block. First svenue; room 60. MRS. SWAN. 60S Second health and com plexion specialist: medicated and elec tric baths: magnetic treatment. MRS. LESLIE. 1009 Third: medium; vapor, electric baths: rheumatism and ec«ema cured. WME. FRANCISCO, the wonderful clalr \*>vant. 1416 Second street, near Pike. MI'S MOORE, clairvoyant medium. 614 First avenue. CHIROPODISTS. 11 ANNA. SIS Second avenue, room 7 Ep>r block: 20 years' practical experience; all competitors challenged. C. *VIN. Kline & Rosenberg block. Red r»i MANICURE. M* NI CURING. 9f>S Second avenue. Price, V> cents EDUCATIONAL. INVESTIGATION will prove to you that W!!«on's Modem Business College, new Colims building, is the largest and best In the state. ACME BUS IN ESS COLLEGE, a thor«vigh ly first-class school; experienced teach ers. Seattle National Bank building. FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGE —Cons'ant & Rraxm's, Burke building, room *2B. ELOCUTION. PACIFIC TELEGRAPH SCHOOL_The best and only s-hoo' in the West teach ing telearrapby: our students are In offices when competent; ftiii Informa tion upon application. Seattle National Bank building. ELOCUTION SCHOOL—Celeste Lang"ey Slauson. Seattle National Bank build ing. tuition reduc.-d; s*tl for circular. ALICE H AMULET Public Reader Teacher of Elocution. Vo'~» Building* Seattle National bank building. MISS I T7.ZTE JAY RICHARDSON elocu tlon fi* Fetirth vor\ L %>D nmti«K\Tu, Mi src. MRS E. B MILLAR* Gold Medallist etc wishes a few punlls for m islc. French and German at her earn or punli's home For terms and fuil partlcu!;ir« apply IJ** Sevenih avenue. MIS* ROSE c MITCHELL nu»ndo'«n »«<! guitar: former!* ins'ructor Hiiro's Fe male college: new class now organiz'n* For terms address 10® Seventh. MME ADRLA LUCY will a lim ited number f vo<-al pupils at her resi- NIntV avenue south ART. JESSIE M ELLIOTT Studio * block. PIANOS AND ORGANS. SEWINO MACHINES. r'anoo. crnn» bought and at ©red and 'r>ped at 1 - wf-st pri~* Con (>?fert, liiT F.rat rut- *r>h->n«' Bi.-fT MX MI*K» A\l> MlMSfi STOCK. MIXING I'R KKR: H B Johnston 12 Kim# & It re buiid.n*. Firs: «ve n :«. TR Ml# CREEK MINING STOCKS. Dorffel 11* Cotunwh.a. F -r? B»«- T-.mng alocka. Veilna. 11« ?n-or.l avenue. IM.IMKH* AM> otvnucnna IAN* FRANCISCO BRIDGE «ni;r,Mr» and ror.:r»c;ur» bitdf* :c« drodginc. harbor 'acprowernenta -M «•: rai «"on:r\ >.•{;* * CharJe* street and K -*• av»w.:» south. Dl\Flt A\l» WRECKER. A. O BENJAMIN. Ka.'.rmd av»r- r •rant tor fajirauiiO aaog a&4 lixwtsakc ybaja MM. SHERMAN DAWSON. Attorney and icr a. law. Offices 904 and MS Traders' biock, Spokane. Washington. FRKD H. PETERSON, attorney ut conncelor at law. Corner Yeaier av*> nue and Commercial strsot. PRATT * RIDDLE attorneys at tew. rooms afls-pvr: Bailey building. AXDREw P. BURLEIGH, attorney at tew. a Burke boUdinr STRL VE. ALLEN. HUGHES * M'MICK en. oailey building. W D. LAMBUTH. Seattle National bank building. SAPP * LYSONS. salts tit Ballsy build ing. W. LfNO. !W8 New York Mag. PATENTS. PATENTS. CAVEATS. TRADE M \ RKS —Writs for information. G. H. <Cin» 13 Boston block. PATENTS OBTAINED: mac* :-ns« de- SIGNED Adams. PO'TBII HL-YFC. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. P. RANDALL a CO.. carpentera Tsi spoons. Green Mi W. C. CALHOUN, contractor and builder* general Jobbing. 110 Madison, telephone NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TO AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous Supplies—Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the board of public works up to 10 o'clock a. m. Monday. November 2d. 1«6. for the furnishing to the city of Seattle on re quisition to be issued during the months of November and December. ISi*. for ma terla.s, supplies, etc., for the ord;n >ry need of the various departments during said two montl s. A detailed list of auch materials an.l supplies :o be hid on can be had by calling at the office of the nu dersigned in the city hall. Bi3l?rs for care cf city patients must include in price bid. board, nursing, medicines and surgical dressings (patient usually to re ma. n cne day at city's expense, exce-pt In contagious diseases, when they will have to remain at hospital until dis ch«rgei). Should conditions arise requiring the purchase of in very large quanti ties above the ordinary requirements, the board reserves »he right to make special call for tenders to meet such cases. The beard reserves the right to rejeci any and all bids or por'ion of bids. Proposals to be indorsed on envelope "Hil for Supplies." By order of the board of public works. FRANK OLESON. Secretary. Date of first publication. October 22. 1896. PHOTOGBAPHIC SUPPLIES. LATEST FAVI.fc.KNB in amateur outfits and complete stock dry plates and films; free use dark room for changing. Wash ington Dental and Photographic Supply Co.. Ml Columbia, opposite postofflce. C. W. PARKER ft CO.. fresh paper and plates; everything used to photography; no catalogue BOOK BINDING. WE LEAD the printing procession: min ing prospectuses and stock certificates a specialty. Metropolitan Printing and Binding Company, Dexter Horton Bank building. Seattle. F. ANTHONY—General bookbinder, pa per ruler snd blank book manufacturer; |Q( First avenue, foot of Cherry. Kilns A Rosenberg building: take elevator. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND RE PAIRS. BELLS. BATTERIES, burglsr alarms. and combination fixtures; closing out. Johnson. 204 Msln street. Tremont hotel, telephone Mala 246; repairing promptly dona WOOLEN MILLS. WHY NOT buy directly from the manu facturer. and thereby save profit? We manufacture our own goods, and save our customers these profits; we Invite you to examine our goods and get our prices. Eagle Woolen M lis. 903 Front. DYEING AND CLEANING. SAN FRANCISCO DYE WORKS. QoSeo» ond. Telephone. Red 100. WETR'S DYE WORKS. 1111 Jackson. Tel ephone. Black 121. BARREL FACTORY. SEATTLE BARREL FACTORY—Manu facturers all kinds of cooperage. Near Washington Iron works, Grant street bridge. Seattle. Wash. Best of refer ences W. F. Gerow. Manager. FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN. NOW 13 THE Tlitrl to plant bulbs and rose bushes: a large assortment of Hol land ftrown bulbs lust received; prices low. Woodland Seed and Floral Co.. 91U Second avenue. FURRIER. H. MOSES, practical furrier, Kline A Rosenberg block. First avenue, where he will be prepared to do ail kinds of fur work at Eastern prices. UMBRELLA REPAIRING. UMBRELLAS—Manufactured, recovered snd repaired genersl repairing. S3 Co lumtiU street Robeson Bros BAMBOO FURNITURE. SPECIAL SALE, thirty days, bamboo furniture. 1104 Second. MERCHANT TAILORS. CHOT CHUNO CO.. 1415 Second, between pke end Union Prices redneed WIRE, IRON WORK AND PLATING. PACIFIC RAttinQ .\m> runm co . lis Union. STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRS. All kinds 1130 Third street STORAGE. STORAGE and Distributing Warehouse, 410 Occidental avenue. J. C. Read man. telephone. Main 10A SEATTLE STORAGE AND COMMI*. son Cotrparv 1115 Front. UNDERTAKERS. BUTIKRWORTH A SONS undertakers and embalmers, comer Third avenue and Pike Telephone DRESSMAKING. MKS A. KING. Got:s:ein b.ock; first-class work: prices reasonable. CITY SOTICEt. CITY THIvVSrHK!;'3 NOTICE—Tb. ft>j. l»w:rt«r wirranta will Sx- paM upon prewßiiiioa At the city tr*-asur*r*» <>{T <■*. InterrJl on mid warrants •.;! feat* at the expiration of ftf»wn d*va from the fir»: pjt>Ucat!on o? this O # r*rt warrant.* No 2.T4y. No. 2.571. Co .rmb a vre*t warrant ordinanrs No. I*. No. I*l. J , kson strwt warrant, or £nanc« No. 2-i. So. t<s. Fourth srrwt warrant, ordinance Sn>*. £♦.< and *<S No, 9H. Harrison str*«l warrant. ordinance No. 54*. No. *9. part p<*s a t, Ji-J®. S Jth F surrey-nth **»■«* Wirrin?. ordin ary « No. 1 ZT% Soi 4<X» and 461, per* payment* JH». Hy.i* street warrant, erd rsnrt No. 1.«55. No. 1.588, part payment. $1 »> Stewart »trwtt **rr»nt. ardinnr* No. {.XL No. £l©. i-K". payment. . G SOHO K K VM. C.:y Treasurer. Dim first publication, Qc*ot*r r, IsS*. CMTED STATES MASTER'S RALE. rJ/-. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE .V,v?** s** 5 ** for ll ** Ninth Judicial Clr- VvfvM.«i: H3tr i ct *?i ****lo*loo. .Nor;tern *>ivtston. In B^u.ty. lUincis Trust and Savings Bank, trusts* eomplsinant. v. Seattle Electric Railway t,r~. £ « dm »*S 3r « »«atUo Conaol datsd clty ot ?Ctw York. trus tee. 1- rank L. Waterman. Joseph E. Nlch -BsL»k ® ws <•'«» Anna Sears) and „ r * h** husband. J. B. Max on. A j" H - Thompson, Eduard P. Ed sen \ a • , Hu ®Pbries. ss copartners vfiSSLJJZ* •J? 1 * cf Thorn own. Edsen * Humnh rt « Geonr<! R M rra . t and Wl . tt copartners under tho A White. A. P. Fuller. and F - T. Blunck valsas F. F. *'- defendant* No. 47t iConsoU- auaa.) Notice ts hereby given that In pursu ance and by virtue of a final decree in ihs above entitled cause, of the above ent.tled C. H. Hanford. judge. dated Alsy -f. ISM. and of an order of sale dated J una l. lv*. issued therein from and un der .he seal of the said court therein. to me airected. L the undersigned. United master in chancery for the Distrl-t ct vVaahiugtcn. Northern division, as spe master in the said cause duly ap pointed in and by said decree to make, direct and conduct said sale. etc.. will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, upon the terms and conditions - hereinafter stated, at the westerly front door of the court house of King county, Washington, in the city of Seattle, !n said K:rvg county, on Tuesday. Jure 30. l«*. beginning at li o clock in the forenoon of thst day. and in the order hereinafter particularly stat ed and numbered, all and singular that certain property described, mentioned and referred to in said decree, and therein directed to be sold, whether real, personal or mixed in Its Individual char acter. situate, lying and bearjg in ths county of King and state of Washington, and numbered for the purpose of order of sale as follows, that Is to say: First in order, and as an entirety and as ons property and not In sepa rats parcels, all said Seattle Elec tric Railway A Power Company's iranch:ses. charters and f 11 ® all rights-of-way and every right, license, franchise and power owned by It. wherever situated, and all rights, powers and franchises granted by the city of Se attle to ordinance No. 1524 of said city, in sa.d decree and hersinafter more partic ularlymentioned, and also the following described rtjal estats situated n th.» cay or Seattle, King county, Washington. to *: 1: numbered eleven (11) and twelvs V 2) T> ,l L b, 2 ck tWo < 2 >- of Heirs of Sarah A- well s Apt addition to said city of Se attle, together with the engine house, car station, engines, boilers and dynamos, and ail machinery and properties thereon; also all the building*, roadbed, tracks, oachmenr, railway appliances, plants, en ginea boiiers. dynamos, vlectrical machin ery electric motors and other electrical app.lances and machinery, rolling stock. Poles, lines of railway and halls or 27l? t *r® r , description and wherever situ ated. Including all the rights, privileges franchises and all personal property whatsoever (except certain choses In action and personal effects by said decree reserved from sale), of said S-att.e Consolidated Street Railway company; lot 6 In block 60 of Heirs of Sarah A. Bell's second addi tion to the city of Seattle, in King county, **b"*gton. the same being a part of the right-of-way of one of the railway lines ° f ' h ® Seattle Consolidated Street Rail way Company; lota 1. 2, 9 and 10. in block r. ° .?v rs ot s *rah A. Bell's first addi tion to the city of Seattle, in King county. VVash:ngton ( together with the power house of the Seattle Consolidated Street Railway Company, known as "Power nouse So. l." situated on a part of said s * 9, ttml the power plant and ma ch.aery, with the appurtenances, contained therein; a certa.u franchise granted by ths corporate authorities of the city of Seat „lsL sal ? electric railway and power company, In and by ordinance No. 1524 of said city, entitled "An ordinance granting Seattle Electric Railway & Power company a franchise to build and operate ? r,i / s 1,1 lh * olt V Seattle." ap- October 14. lOu. which is partlcu kily mentioned snd referred to In said aecree; also a certain amendatory fran th* corporate authorities ST Ity °f Seattle, In and by ordinance No 3S6S of said city, entitled "An ordl -IC.®. amending ordinance No. 1524. en- Hi 851 . n . or £. ln * nc * Brantlng to the Seat '» ® Power Company a and operate street rall -10 hecityof Seattle,' approved Oc- r *P*aling sections 7 and Hi p -PP r oved July 15. ISK. amend r, >?« *' tering in sundry respects said * r a nte <l 'n and by said ordinance a certain franchise granted by the board of county commisslcners of said King county Washington, by a resolution « «rJP* , " e S by sa, d board on November 18. ISU). and of record In volume 6 of ths Journal of proceedings of the county com missioners of said King county on pag**s 341 and 342. authorizing ?ald Seattle El*;- tric Railway A Power Company to occupy, .or the purpose of maintaining and ope-- ating thereon an electric rallwav. that portion of Lake avenue In said Kin* j county then and now used and occupied i by its railway tracks along the same front the north bourdary of the citv of Seattle, to-wit. from the half-section line running east and west through section No. 19. ) * r \ s hlp 25. "ange 4. In K:r.g county. Washington, north to a connection with the railway tracks of the Seattle. Like Shore A Eastern Railway Company, and to maintain and operate such railway tracks: a certain franchise granted by the corporate authorities of the city of Seaf tlo to sad Seattle Electric Railway & Power Company, in anl by ordinance No. 2W>4 of said city, entitled "An ordinance granting in the Seattle Electric Ral!w4v A Power Company, its successors snd as signs, a franchise to build and operate s street railway in the city of Seattle." ap proved March 21. 1532. as describ ed. mentioned and referred to In said decree; also. th« right to re ceive from the corporate authorities of sr. d city of Seattle franchises to con struct, maintain and operate lines of street railway on the sunlrv routes next below In said decree specified, which fran- upon due application therefor bv said Seattle r«on*oltdated Street t i'mp»ny, through Its .ecelver. in said de cree mentioned, have be»n advertised for sttle. and the bi-1s nwie therefor bv said arpdeant have been scceoted. ail in con formity with the provisions of the charter or the city of Seattle In regard, but which franchises have not yet been granted bv nrdin-»n'-»s of said city; '.he routes covered bv sa d sundry respectively, be ng a« In said decr>» particularly de«cribed men tioned ~ r. i referred to. and which for the of des< ription are hereby now mentioned and referred to: Certa n lines, of street railway In M'l city of Seuttle. consisting: In iwrt of sinjel-s and in i*rt of double track. together with sundry switches. turnout* and sidetracks and operated by means of electrical power, an I comprising all the roadbed. tie S . ralla.' wire*, connw oris and apparatus nec >*- sary or convenient to constitute comn:*H« lines of electrical railway wh!r»j line# of r.ulway have been cons'rurted snd nut ini< operation by author'!-; if r,.ic or more of tho franchises granted by sild city hereinabove mentioned, and UP >n the routes, or some thereof. In said ord nan -e« mentioned, an! which at the date r, f <;a!d nrst mortgage or dee 1 of trttv in sahl d» cree mentioned and referred *o were owned and operated by said defendant Seattle Electric Railway & Po*e- Com pany. or have since then been constructed or acquired by sai l comosnv or hv «i 1 defendant Seattle Con «o!sdated S're»t Railway Company, and the ro>'»« of which sundry lines of street ra'lwar respect'vely are describ if. mentioned and referred to In <»*! d decree a 9 routes 1. ?. t. 4. 5 and 8 and which for tha purposes of description are hereby now mentioned and referred to; a!so all the rights-of-way necessary to entitle sail defendant Sea-tie Btecrrie Railway A Power Cimpanv. its successor* axd a««tgn*. *a'd deVnlarst Seattle Consolidated Street Railway Company, its successors and assjrns. or either of them respectively, to construct. maintain and operate all the afore*i-J of railway over and along all the routes thereof In sail decree d-aeribed. a-jndry of rights-of-way lytr.g twon Und not com prised within *ny street or high say. anl havsnu Vrn! -<y defendants re*poet<ve;y r !h»:r respective predecessors In Interest. Jhrouah proper deeds of conveyance of the »ame; f our electric railway cars, numbered re»r,« t . lvely 11. 52. 21 and 23. osnH oy sard &«t. tie Consul!<*4 ptreat Ra'lway <*>mmny at the time of 'he ln«?Putlon nf r „_ celverahlp in said original cause So and ftfteen electric rn.lw.iy car* num bered reap*- tively from one ♦ flf?«.en in clusive. pur uaaed bv the reaver herein during said recesyersh:p. under authcrpy cf the court herein all which cars «<■«» used for the transpor'-itiin f t>«*--ntr r-s and freirht over 'he af remit iin-a of rsi.way. sad cars eompr - r* the bodies truck# mot r*. trolleyr and all ether apparatus, anpl'ar-e* and connec ts ns nec* or convenient far the com pjeta equipment of «jt cars for operation on said lines of ra'lway. Intending and meaning to embrace hereunder atl the real estate and personal property (#jr-»pt as aforesaid, and e*~ept the re.O rst.ita hera inb»'.ow separately de*rrlb«d>. rights and pnv.>■£■■■* by sa 1 Seattle rTleetr'.c R* i w >y £ Power Company owned on < r March com pa ay or by said Seattle Consolidated S:reet Railway Company * nee acquired, toaether w!'h all and stofular the r »hta. titles, members, privilecrs.j her'ditamenta and appurtenances to t» » lama or !n any * »e a?»t>er;ainin*. Se-cond in or<i»r Aa an and In o:<« parcel. the . r,w#»t quarter of um aocvtcaa; «(anw v»*% o£ ut%/ «r IfITED STATES MASTER'S SALIC— CmtlMcA seventeen <l7l, !n township twenty three (3* north, of nnn four <4> east. to King county, W*sh.ngton. containing forty (S) teres of land. mar* or !u& Third tn order: As an entirety an« !n on* parcel, a part of ths »outhwe«t quarter <»**%) of section .wenty-nlne t:»>. Jn township twenty-five »»> north. ? r ran** four t« «*at, jn Kin# county. Wash ington. bounded by a line beginning at the '.-. Crt east corner of land granted by K. W. Pontius and others to Fred Creede. and running thence east ISO feet, thence south ISI feet, thence west I*o fleet, thence north 131 feet to the place of beg.nning. «c«pt ing a strip £) feet wide off the west side of sal J parcel, and running from the north to the south line thereof, said strip being a part of Albert street in said city of Seattle, subject to a mortgage of *I.OOO to Jacob Oor.en. dated July SI. IS«$. _ Fourth in order: As an entirety ana Jn one parcel, lots 2. S. 4 snd 5. tn block S, of Oeorge K'rnear's addition to the city of Seattle, in iung county. Wasn rfSfth In order: Aa an entirety and !n one parcel, lots S. 4. 5. 20. 21 and 23. in block D. of Phinney's addition to th* city of Seattle, in King county. Washing ton. , , Sixth !n order: As an entirety and In one parcel, ?ota IS, 14 ind 4 n block J. of Phlnney's sddltlon to the city of Seattl* in King county. Washington. Seventh in order: Aa an entirety and In one parcel, lot 9. in block J. and lot 10. in block K. in A. A. Denny's addition vo the city of Seattle, in King county. Wash ington; together with a building situated thereon, formerly uaed as a power houpa by said Seattle Electric Hallway A Power Company, and known as "Power house No. 2." and the other bit" ''m and wharves situated cn or appurtenant to said premies, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances to the tame belonging or in any wise ap pertaining. All and singular the properties of every kind, nature and description, described, stated, mentioned or referred to n said decree, whether sufficiently hereinbefore described and referred to or not. to be •old at said «le. The terms and condition* of said sale are as followa. that Is to say: Complainant, or any holder or holdera of any or said bonds secured by said first mortgage or sleed of trust to said complainant, or of any of said receiver's certificates heretofore is sued under author'ty of the court herein, or any party to this suit, may bid and purchase at said sale either or any of said separate parcels. Said safes w'll be at pub lic auction to the highest bidder or biddera. , for cash, .excepting as follows, via: The master will receive no bid for elth -1 er of parcels in subdivisions second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh In order of sale herein, who shall not first deposit with him >IOO in money or certified check upon the Bank of British Columbia. In Seattle. Washington, as a pledge that such bidder will make good his bid therefor, same to be retained by said master as a payment on account of the purchase price therefor, raid purchaser to pay the remainder of such bid therefor to the master. In money or Mke certified check on said natnod hank, or else in par value and accrued in interest of the receiver's certificates hereto fore issued by him, or else In par va-ue of the bonds and coupons secured by said first mortgage or deed of trust, or partly In money or such certified check and iwtly in such recaiver'a certificates and partly In such bonds and coupons, or part ly in either or any of them, as such pur chaser may choose. Said master will receive no bid from any one far the remainder of said property described in "First in order" herein to ba sold, who shall not bid therefor at least fISIOOO, and first deposit with him as a pledge that he will make good his bid tn case of its acceptance 920,000 In money or by certified check upon said named bank, to ba retained by said master as payment on account of the purchase price for said property; and upon the confirmation of the sale of such parcel, or when pre scribed In the order of confirmation, the purchaser shall pay the entire remainder of his said bid tnerefor to said master In money or like certified check on said named bank, or else In par value and ac crued interest of the receiver's certificates heretofore by said receiver laaued. to gether with money or such certified check in a sufficient amount to provide for the payment of all said outstanding receiver's certificates, with accrued Interest thereon, not so turned In by such purchaser tn part payment, or elaa partly tn such re ceiver's certificates together with money or a certified check sufficient to cover those not turned In as last above pre scribed. and the balance of such bid. in the outstanding bonds and coupons se cured by said first mortgage or deed of trust as in said decree found, at such valuation thereof, not ex ceding par value, as the purchaser shall elect, to gether with money or a certified check In an amount sufficient to pr»vtde for pay ment of the whole remainder of said out standing first mortgage bonds and cou pons at the same valuation as that so piaeed upon those so turned in. or else In money or such certified check in an amount sufficient to cover all outstanding receiver's certificates, and the balance of such hid in said bonds end coupons with money or a certified check to provide for payment of the outstanding remainder of the same at a like valuation, as afore* *ald. In case the successful bidder shall rail to make good his bid upon confirma tion of the sale of tha property sold to him or within such time thereafter aa shall be prescribed In tbe order of confir mation, then the sum in money or a cer tified check or receiver's certificates or bonds, or any one or more thereof, depos ited by such purchaser or purchasers as aforesaid, shall be forfeited as a penalty for such failure and shall be apnlled to ward the expense of a resale and toward irakinc good any deficiency or loss In rnsm tho property shall be sold at a price ]»sj than that bid at the prior sale. SUfl mas ter uj>or order of tho court shall execute nnd deliver to the purchaser or purchas ers, or his or the'r successors or assigns a proper certificate or certificates of pur chase. or a proper deed or deeds absolute •is the case may be. of the property so sold. In form to be approved by the court or a judge thereof. I'por execution and de livery of same, as the c«e may be the purchasers or grantees therein named re spectively. shall he le' into possession of the property therein described, and the re ceiver herein shall deliver over to such purchaser or purchasers, ifravea or grantees, or his or their suc cessors or assigns, respectively a'l such property which may be in his possession or under his control. And upon exniratlon of the atatutn ri period for the redemption of said real estate directed In sad decree to h» sold in separate parcels. If not redeemed said master, as the court shall then direct shall execute and deliver to the then holder or holders of the certificate or oer tlficates of purchase of said real e«rnt» upon the surrerdfr of such certificate £ certificate* respectively, a master's de2l or deeds of the real estate therein scribed, which deed or le*ds *haii eonv<£ to the grantee or grantees therein reane<- f ively named the absolute title j n fee to the real estate therein described with th? appurtenances. Said purchaser of mil property so sold, ar.-i his and Lt! successors and assigns. resp».<-:ivalv ■».«.. su-h delivery to him or them by ««sh fil ter of the certificate of surc-MM deed thereof, as the case may such delivery to him or th»m bv the Jll eeiver herein of the property so pu£ chased, as in said decroe provided .kI.T hold, possess and enjoy the same and ! the rights. privileges, imn ,® * nJ franchisee appertaining thereto! as fun 2 t*; l comp.etely as said defendant Consolidated Street Railway Yv.miL now holds or enjoys the same defendant Settle Electric "•« Power Company, or said defendant tie Consolidated Street Railway held or er.jojed. or were entitled to |W?? enjoy the saine <*t the time of tbe tion of said first mortgage or i!e trust or at any time since, subject h*- ever, to the r.ght of redemptibne#' several parcels of real estate. resrSLft' 1 ly. which a»e in aalcl decree directed.', separate y soil, within one v*a r *f,.i ° t J* ! confirmation of such sale, a* Drovi tIL u I the kiws of the state of Washington defendant Seattle Consolidated a,21? ' Hallway Company at the time of j tion of any such certificate or cert 1 of pj»rc>se. de.v| or Vd«. ofi*rni7£ m V m ? «>wil asso execute its deed or dee<U * 1 veying and releasing to such purchasers, grantee or grantee. j or h;s or their successor* or asslcn. Us right, tit'e and Inter it In tht ut and franch »es so cunveyd hy aa»,i ! a; i deliver same to said masw-r m£r t'h th r. up or. deliver to the 5 te«-s therein named th# <*eed nf.L, , » r *o- ' pany embracing ihe rroperty ! ci ee directed aold an .J>VJI* 1 absolu eiy. but shall retain In him H * n(i th«j others of si! n d*-1 or company until the expiration of^h e °' f sail statutory peri -l of r M,. T l m! ! *Z 1 r ,', at . ;n r *' A V£ sold In separate par< ei*. ..J, £*** :h< same f-s».i not U- redeemed J2 * de:.ver «ach de» I or d- !« t h * cr grantfea therein named run,, ** «vHh h.s delivery hra or th»m «e°h. y own deed or deeds in pursuant «» ,k c # rdft'<.'e or certifi ates of A*> 1 descr'bed and />.r. r » . . S'iwT: in orJer is to t>e sold without va'-i tn l U'T ° r ««**»ston. BaMi sales to be ma under ana ««oog4* | MITSU STATES MASTS**..flgiilll Costiasei. ing to the rules and precti^^Tal2a*S^E| Ject to confirmation b> th.s cotuxfiSHsifl satisfy :he amounts decreed to for principal and interest. naaMfeSHHj IJB. and interest thereon sn-i all proper expenses attendant una* sale. Including compensation of ter, fees and commissions of the^wHEill this court, and each and all of ttefflll decreed to be paid out of said said sale, aa therein itemised. United States iiester trict of Washington. as Special Master in this Dated Seattle. Wash.. JuaaXg^ The sale mentioned and refer the above notice Is here and now -~ to Tuesday. July 7. ISK. to baSaes^K^ o'clock in the forenoon of that3£T westerly front door of the tonSSKJ King county. Washington. In tlasnl S»s*tt!e in said at wh*ch place I. said United State* msSi i chancery for 'he District of Northern divis on. aa Mid special^^S"' : i duly appointed in and by mid make, direct and conduct M g Tr■aN^l sell at public sale to the high^^BaSß^ upon the terms and conditions not ce stated and In the ordar tL2Eia atated the properties in aUd aalS^^^l scribed, mentioned and referred rir*l Wile : 'MM United States Master in Chaae2sikl:ll! trlct of Washington. as Special Master in this Dated Seattle. Washington. Jon# The sale mentioned snd rehnrt •> w' the above notice Is here and "—r f»ri '' l adjourned three weeks, to 2Stn. IS*, to begin at 10 o'cladi h forenoon of that day at the door of the Court TTouse of Washington, in the city of Seatu# county, at which time and place* r SBi'il United States Master In CheewelPfl the District of Washington. BrsJ'3l visisn as said Special Master My 2? pointed in and by said decree direct snd conduct said sale, w3 1 public sale to the highest bidder il terms and conditions In said and In the order therein suited if ertles In said notice described. and referred to. EBEN wwa^ United States Master in trlct of Washington. Northern DrbmE'-I as Special Master in this Dated Seattle. Washington. Jtdy % m " > The sale mentioned and refswei the above notice la here and now adiourned to Saturday. 1596. to begin at 10 o'clock In the of that day at the westerly front dwii the Court Houae of King Coun*y Ington. In the Ctty of Seattle, ta «S< county, at which time and United States Master In Chancenr fitß 'i District of Waahlngten. slon as said Special Master duly In and by said decree to make, dlfaacsll 1 conduct said sale. wIU sell at to the highest bidder, upon the tenaalßNi conditions in said notlcs stated »nl hag jj order therein stated, the propcrtlaninaiSl i notice described, mentioned and to. save and excepting as follows, 'j description In subdivision "Savwro lF*l order' 1 in above notice Is corrected atfi • changed so as to read. ' t #, In MadtK nnd lot 10. In block K. in A. A. X)attan Fourth addition, etc., and aa ae lauM and corrected, will be sold as her*l£fiEX. EBETN SMITH, United Ststes Master In Cbaneenr. Iftb£ trlct of Washington. Northern DlvMak as Spectal Master tn this Caasa. Dated Seattle. Washington. July SL Wk ' The sale mentioned and rsfsnrad te ImM the above notlcs Is hers and now fttt^Mf^l adjourned toMonday, October IS. IM. ini.J begin at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ef S* j| day at the weaterly front door of tba «w# - house of King county. Washing tea, la city of Seatue in said county, at iritis*-! time and place I. said United Btatse maatsir In chancery for tho district of Northern division, as said special duly appointsd In and by said decratlfe ' make, direct and conduct said sals. Srß soil at publlo sale to the highest llMfc < upon the terms and conditions tn setd aw z tlce stated and tn the order therein sMmL i the properties In said notice dsaenM(^: mentioned and referred to. save and >3 cepting as follows, vis: The descriptionlfc subdivision "Beventh tn order" In aba*# » notice Is corrected and changed M M b read: Lot 9. in block H. and lot 10. la Sml- 1 K. In A. A. Denny's Fourth addltkML Jin* ; snd as so changed and correoted Mi : sold as herein stated. Dated Seattle, Wash., Sept. 31. lfll fitisKN SJCJJTwL"_ i United States Master In Chancery, vfiiMli : of Washington, as Special Master la IMb Cause. The sale mentioned and referred tb fk.'i the above notice Is here and Journed to Tuesday, December Ist, ■|w| at 10 o'clock In the forenoon af eWg.-" dty at the weaterly front door courthouse of King county. WuhtpSL in the city of Seattle In said county. It which time and place 1. said Untted wMK / master In chancery for the District •« # Washington. Northern division, as Mi special master duly appointed In aadj* said decree to make, direct and eoniMf, such sale, will sell at public sale^,lSmjS /.. ; highest bidder, upon the terms and MM*- tlons In said notice stated and In tIM4HM"■;£ therein stated the properties In said Mm. i described, mentioned and referred j*. and excep'lng as fodows, via: Tna.dg . a scription in subdivision "Seventh In OlW», in above notice is corrected and enaMgf | so as to read: l>j» 9, tn block H. andljn W. In block K. in A. A. Denny's IWW | addition, etc.. and as so changed and Mb* -jj rected will be sold as herein stated. . j s| KBEN SMITH, < United States Master In Chancery."Mj* trict of Washington, Northern DtVMHa» ,1 as Special Master tn this Cause. Dated Seattle, Washington, October lSi«. MESSBSUEH BBMVICM. : .j KING TllK o. K. BOX for ■MatHMMK f i Western Union and Grant MortbarbMa* A grams, hacks, gurneya and MM wagons; quick service. Tslepbona.Mip UO. 614 Second. Branch Pbetla SMS* j ICK AMD COLD »TO«Afl«. ' DIAMOND ICE AND COLD gTOl|fl|t ;J Company, foot Union atreet. MniSMlb? \ ures crystal lea from dUtlllad J LEGAL NOTICES. j NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAL&-H| sup-.-rlor ourt of the s-ate of ton, for the countv of King. _ Richard S. Cox, plaintiff, vs. B. F. Bw 1 Francles R. l>ay. Joseph E. Sae. Powers. Thomas C. VanNuys. DanM M» -J Bass. First Netionnl Bank of jsylg John B. Agen and R. S. Robinson. SMS*f J ants. No. 22,123. , -:.■*! m T'nder and by virtue of an order a an ! special execution. Issued o* l * •JyH *! above ramed court. In the ahoeajggjy cause, and to me directed and datively j I havt> duly levied upon the follow»NL!JJ J scribed r»vil property, situated In Eiag county, Washington, to-wit: ComWWnWg at the southwest corner of tha BOtJJJMP :] quarter of section IS, towa*Sl>.*t 1 north of range 4 east. W. M.. WMff | thence east TMI SM-100 feet, thence' bM? . w feet, th.-n.-e ,«nt S2« M-tM JHa 3 thence north 150 feet, thence wast Mi.ww ] feet to the west Hn*» of said n«H a® s tion I>t. thence south along sald_ m* lf | i' 2-100 f*?t to the place of beginning. Mbf a tilnlrg twelve acres, more or JeaAW* i geth»r with all and singular tbeMajf . ments, hereditaments and appOnSMff thereunto belonirlng. . _' No'lce Is therefore hereby alvan on Friday, the 13th J.iv of .VfA-embsr. WJJ 1 at the hour of If> o'clock a. m. as i day. at the front door of the court 'j In the city of Seattle, In said King SBSe* ty. I Will sell the above described WWJ * erty at Tnsbil'- auction, to rhe hlgbaat be*r bidder, for cash. .. Dated this 12th dav of Oi-tober. IM% ' A. T. VAN DK V ANT Kit. Mb* f Jt White Munday A Fulton. Attorney, NOTICE Or* SHRRIKFS SALK—IN TJJ suj>erior court of .he s'ate HafSirS* ton, for th" county of Kins;. ScbWJMJy er Bros. A Co., .i-o -p >r,-.t.-d, (ilaJtwi vs J. Hocnstras< -r a«d A. *** partners under ;>»?,li'-m name cf HOCbf', straaaer & Kell.-r, defendants. Xo. Mr ' mt. I'nder and by virtue of an order of MM and special execution.lssuedoutof tbe WJW | named court in th-? shove entitled and to me directed and delirered. 1 bjyt--:?! duly levied upon tbe following deaensee real property, situated in King edjMwf. Washington, to-wit: Ixitf- number bWJ <li> and twelve 02). in block two Cft. Ogf-' iginal ptat of the town of Birch, aceofe; lag to the plat thereof, filed m the MBm of the auditor of said county: teen and s.xteeti. In block DJJf ny A lloyt'a addition, to the city Of war tie; lot nine <9>. block four (4). MaofSew First addition to the city of Seattle; 1M twenty-one, block nine. dltion to the city of Seattle; all aecordPS to tn# several plats thereof now In the office of the auditor of eald county. - Notice is therefore hereby given vg* on Friday, the 3f«h day of OctobMj Wm at the hour of 10 o'clce-k a. m. of anM dwfc at th* front door of the courthouse. I? U» • city of Beattle. In said King county. IMb % sell the above described property at i lie auction, to the highest and heat MdWj % for caah. Dated this 2Sth day of September. hM| { is A T. VAN DK VANTER. SbMMsi:-.* DonwaaSi 4 Bone. Aitorneyk 'lm