fcatOt. QeL t m
'."'.mlmrn i&Lm
aoam (a haw* quieted
H price* oa maat pro*
Iff. This is particularly
of grocertea Canned
Higher than la todlaatod
i. which follow, aa ara
i. While It |a known that
t geevalto ea to*** linea
kla botasaa has* aot aa
whod price list. Lard
e per pound.
» going ant af al|H
Id* have von* fram Sc to
iporatcd p*aehe* are Ha
ara «p from lff2« p*r
in* a diffaranoa af tl or
'haaii a reaction which
seal prtoa ta Me for lfo.
blue atam. The fall to
s sensational and chop.
Phat there ahould be a
to ha expect *d, for from
toy la an off dap for tho
x*al recolpta have baaa
rice at wheat began ta
or*, aa I* invariably tho
rfcaat while tho market
»t their prop* on a fall.
>y causing It to go dowa
producer aeldom aiake*
am a high market as ha
*s start ap the farmer
Rd apparently acting oa j
lat th* Bmlt will never :
hir wheat. When the i
rush** to s*M anff la |
sh low*r figures than ha '
tded. Such tactics aa <
uraued by the growers
aound and with app*. !
, A little over a week
ling on th* flats for Sl«
Mlueers are asking from
» getting it. Just hot»
I hold la a question. Tb*
rancisco Is good, but
ems from Utah,
easier. Dealers were
sea today to producers
eggs out at 36c.
* The MM ta Wheat
Copyrighted, UM. Associated Press.
-liadon, Oct. 26.—The wheat mark*t and
i* prospect* of famine in IndU aUU at
toct much attention, although some of
MM most Influential newspapers do not
(tore the feeling which prevaiia In *om*
(Barters. The Bombay Gaaette of Sep-
Itaber 10 says the proepects are aa bad as
paaslWe tor grain aad cotton. Leading
ffpet* have informed clienu la England
|tot the crop of cotton win not exceed M
ff • per cent, on avsrage. In Southern
Mia the outlook la mora hopeful. The
pf»iy of fodder to ample, aad If the worst
Itaes there to no fsar of a recurrence of
la horrors of 18M, owing to improved
hffway communication. Native astro!-
«osrs. basing their theories on the tradl
•■•ai observations of the heaven*, cute
ttat If it rains within five days a famine
«M 1 be evert Ml, but that later nine will
hot era 11.
V The Englishman, of Calcutta. September
•„ " pointing out that scarcity le the eame
;. .y famine. ears: "While a number of
ma the occurred at Bondelek. it can
** ** stated that a famine to actually
1 »»**Ulag. as stocks are not jret exhaust*
I- im, the difficulty bain* to compel the deal*
•* to sell. But a pathetic oonvoy of starv
"o «f children, which the bishop of Nacput
I|®P brought from Jubbulpur, proves that
: resources of that district are perilous
-y. n ** r exhausted. For a month past
«u»d Hour hare been sailing In the
r pwars and Rourah Calcutta at I 'writ
ser. and rice at rates not dreamed of
~fltnce the last famine."
The Lurk new Hlndoslani says: "The
juestlon now Is whether the famine will
5* ® n ' jr ' OUT tnonths or a year. The su
train crop Is sure of almost an entire fail*
■ **■ No amount of rain can save It, and
™ f*t® of the spring harvest depends
■DM* the rainfall by October 7."
The Calcutta Englishman has published
a letter retarding wheat shipped from
California. The writer says: "Importing
should not bo left to private pnrtles who,
moved by purely selfish motives, cannot
, so expected to exercise philanthropy and
J** not likely to provide the needy with
JM*P wheat Even If Importers are ratls»
■•d with a moderate profit. It is probable
7 r* ( *he wheat will be purchased by a
Jjw wealthy natives, who will not scruple
wjkeep the price at famine rates."
The writer proposes that the govern*
Went should undertake to provide wheat
- ay buying In the cheapest market. ater
f *W*uh!ng London. Odessa. America and
Amtralla, and then distribute it through
•Mrents to the needv provinces.
| The Murk Lane K*pre?* today say* the
In the price of wheat is warranted
wp* •Ituatlon. adding: "It Is not specu
f <">n the contrary, a speculative
' <>*> foot. The English crop,
•hlch certainly does not exceed 7,®o.<**
| garters, la stated to he t.OMKO». and there
signs that outside Influences are di«
to accomplish a reaction."
'"vpreiss urrres English farmers not
wrush their wheat to market, but to send
is. v*lween m>w ond Christmas the same
fasntltle* as were sent dtiring November
•nd December. I*!* stating that American
•*d Russian farmers are strona holder*
•*lng to both crops being smaller than
n> 1*95.
\rirk Lane Express slso says: "Ar*
f*n?lne Is prevented by a heavy fall in
premium from selling at
even If she wished to do so, and
wJ!a end Australia do not possess the
*»n to se.'l, only two farmers having more
wheit thsn In IW. the Englishmen and
®e Frenchmen. The latter can place all
sis wheat at a Talr price, and the English
ten cannot feed his countrymen for six
fconths. hut If he presses the wheat mar
ket when foreign wheat is scarce. It will
■*ep prices down California wheat w'll
•• arriving freely In February. snd Ar
t«n?lna *h<»at la March and April."
The Xfa k lane Express further ev*
•res*** the b#!!rf that the advance Is the
»rlc» »f wheat Is due entirely to the short*
'n America and Russia. and adds:
"The advance from ths lowest point in
August to the highest point during the
Jsst *e-«k *» English wheat is ta, Argen
tina as to «s M, while Callforn'e to per
asp* the s'rergest In point of holding, far
a n-.'H-Mt quarters on passage II
fctrh >s Of 10»."
In cr-•' <-o<i th* Mx'k T ;n* Express
mm; "The situation generally Is hea'thy.
Xt« 3 a rfse ans bound to come, only we
obtained in October what we could
•mrcely have anticipated before May.
"Flour Is from 5a to ?s American
»ery erm'y hel 1 an I is not shipped !n
■ p R» Quantity, despite the iirpartant ad
A: the Fa!tic ♦-vlay wheat opened Quiet
*»d a.,# offered at M to «d decltaa Later
* *ss a shade steadier, but inactiva. Ns
•lies acre reported
The h::*!ness In ()>«at In Mark Lane was
T Qi:iet. and it Was quoted generally
•t £k iower on the we<k
itrradataSa and Craiat.
Oct. 2S.—s?loee: Wheat—
q; demiand. poor; No. S red
%etr.g, k;. «rt : No, | CaUfornia. ts 3d. Fa*
•severs Vt'l h:Bh*r: oioaed steady with
r snd November Sd l.»wer,
•*feer months unchanged from Saturday,
•tteber t -,d Novesoher. is id; DeoemOer,
tui..<»ry. Feb"uary snd M«rca. «s lad-
Corn -Spot, mixed, new,
Mar*. u!? 7 ' Mi «■ M;
Eradac Foot* •
«tr«: Tho
■Toca awtota wore steady today. la tho
227 YL2VS?* »«*ot Mr tha Ao
yl ***— •* **• SeneraJ mttlemest to
, atosfactad to he sttKtr beeaaee
SL w.L J ' ■* hooaaae of the
«»• «Jth* account, eitbough American
55, *"•£ *» tocraeeed hot position. Is-
r f a * ">* othor market. closed good,
woto staady. responding to
*"* ~* ,r •" -»•*■
, degjtao fB Trench e«*«n M
if™* 11 4 " «• the action sf Parte tn
f... " <m * y to seeoedance wtth the
securities far the
-°* °>* Iffdaa amrket the affect was
*l*^2^,s*eloae by tho Bank
«f JBnglaad'* borrow'ng from the open
7™** aeutraMasd today by the
forthar N«ai» of half a million Japanese
■«er Thto caaeed aa easing off la Lea
den ttoie aioaoy rat**.
Ma and Berlin market* were
-"nniim nrwrn ■ !■■«
■Jyyf. <*•. Oct. M-Wheat—Walla
Walla, iiJMKc; valley. «7&«*c par busheL
fit OattltaH.
fc« frwdsw, Oct. M.—Wheat specula
tion became »ery tame today. There waa
• CTMtt telltog off in tho transaction* aad
gwtonoUoa* of option prices war* the
■■all oat of any day sine* the revival be
though tamer today, waa tn
a steadier poettioa. All tho panicky feel
tod »o prevalent last Saturday had been
toaal call hoflid there waa a
wptljr taproved feeling at f:li. when
December opened at ».»% and ro*e to
»J5%, aad May opened at and
cioeed at «.«%. At 16 U the market was
easi*r. December sold down to f1.31. and
May opened at >I.3S and closed at U. 34%.
At I1;1S there Waa a email recovery. De
cember sold at Sl.tKiffl.xm. and May
opened at tl.M>4. dropped to H. 38, and
cioeed firmer at
Sample wheat was quiet and nominal,
the range for No. 1 shipping being SLJC9
1-324 per cental.
At the afternoon session wheat cioeed
quiet, December at fi.11%. and May at
Breadsfwffa, Gralaa, Etc.
Flour—Family extras. *4.e0#4.7!S bakers
extras, K.«a#4,5»; superfine. f3.75C4.40t
Wheat—Spring wheat. tI.M for No. 1
and 11.31% for choice, milling wheat. tL3B
Barley—reed, fair to good, 774C90c;
choioe. «I%©«%c; brewing. te#9oc.
Oator-Whlte oats. |LO6«L2O; black for
feed. 95c€l-05; black for seed. fl.
red for seed. Kc«*l.QS.
Receipts Flour, quarter aaoks. 15.970;
Wheat, centals, 4.*75; do Oregon, 570: bar
ley. centals. t2.a75; oats, centals. 7,370; do
Oregon. MO, potatoes, sacks. 8.6*7; onions,
sacks. M; corn, centals, 7.306; beans,
sacks. 11,330; bran, sacks. 3UO; middlings,
sacks, M 0; hay. tons, £8; wool, bales, 71;
hides, number. 314; retains, boxes, 2.2*0;
quicksilver, flasks, 30. flaxseed, sacks,
6HS; wine, gallons, 11,400; mustard seed,
sacksw L»t
Prod wee. Fruit*. Kte.
Middlings, H7OIS.S) per ton; Wheat hay,
V(U; wheat snd oat. 97010 ear ton; oat,
9**: barley, best. !*0«: alfalfa. iS.iOO«.iO;
alfalfa, first cutting. f*®S; clover. 9>o<i;
stock. ft.COG'S.SO: compressed wnaat. ts#
*SO; straw, per bale; outside
brands of bran. $11.50012 50.
Potatoes—Early Rose. lO0)lle; common
Salinas Burbanks. 50975 c; fancy do. 85(9
Kc; river Burbanks. 25030 c; swest pota
toes. 50975 c per cental; yellow onions.
T-*3»c; pickled .o. 2&D36." hay tomatoes.
15930 c; cucumbers. VHHOo; summer
squash. 10075 c; cream. Kc; eggplant. 25
040 c; Alameda green corn.7Scotl per crate;
Berkeley do, £D(HOe; -rw« pepper, 25$5£fc
per box; green okra. 00075 a per box; dried
do, L2V*o per pound: Umt beans. 10075;
strlnr beans, UfTI.SO; garlic. per
pound: apples. s<-</7V; common. Vx&iu*;
strawberries. $405 per chest: black ber
-57.100S per barrel; graphs, black. >s#soc;
Muscat, 30040 c; Tokay. 3f»9ttc; Isabella.
75c0H per crate; cantaloupes. 6Oc0f1; nut
megs. 9O0GOc; peaches, choice. Ufrl.2s;
pears, common, pomegranate*. 40
0Mo; quinces, TscoSl per box; Mexican
limes. fS per box Caliromla lemons. SIO
l.JB; good to choice do. Sl.SO&t: fancy do,
5t. 5003: bananas. t192 per bunch; pineap
ples. |2.SOy4; Porsian dates, per
Butter—Fancy creamery. 550360 per
pound; seconds. 2fancy dairy. 2i
022 c. seconds, 17019 c; pickled. 14018 c: fir
kin. fancy mild new cheesei, kjftfe;
Ear tern. 12015 c.
Poultry— Live turkey gobblers. lHiT4c;
do hens. 13012 c; young turkeys, 14015 c;
roosters, old. St per doscn: do young. $3 50
94.50: broilers, small. $2.2502.75; do large.
$2.75?f5,a8; fryers. $17»0S.»; hens. $4;
ducks, old. 5305 5O; do young. $3 S'f?4;
geese. $1.26; goslings. $1 5001.75: pigeons.
oIJ. slfiri-3: <K» young. $1.5*??1.7V hares.
$1 per dosen; gray geese. S2.W; rabbits.
H.2S: white geese. 7V«:sl pair.
Eggs—ot*>Pa, per dosan; ranco. 21
036 c; Eastern. 10025 c; duck egys. »c.
Clwstwgr Qsolstlss*.
Wheat—«julet; I>ec«.mber, $' tl\: May,
Bsrley—Quiet. n'«c.
Corn— Large yellow.
California bran. $13.54*^14.
Wool-Choice mountain peer
mountain, 40* c: Sun Joaquin plains. 3J
$c- Ban Joaquin foothill. *O<V; North
ern fall. «o*c.
Hopo—so*c per pound for new.
gIU-er bars V*' IWl»-*'«ht .. Par
Msx. dol Telegraph .. ..Par
Ilißlsc Stocks.
atfa .. ...•••••••• I—i Julia .. ..
Aloha Con 12 Justice $
a«tJs 24 Kentu* k ron 4
Belcher 54 lady Wash. Con„
n.iu Isle •- Mexican .. ........ 42
IWft Jk Belcher .. M M«>no &
Ml/cns » Diablo
tiii!li/»n .. 1* Nsva>o .. ••
I tulwar Con - Con •
CaJe«lonia it
Challenge Con ...4. Ovsmin 11
Potoil »a "
Confidenao J* c* v *V
Con. cal A Va ..1» «
Con. Imperial .... ' }*]*** ' u
Con New Y->rk .. Silver Hill ..
Crown Point .... *- «
E*chequer 4 I nten <>n 53
Ofltild A Currle I'tah Con il
STrt.T...:, ■ ■ Yellow Jacket .... 51
Hale A Nor cross. IV
The !>tsek Kiefcssfe.
N'ew Tort. Oct. *-Al! re-err tw-d» of
actlrtty were <"*ht!y exceeded todar. *nd
f h o v'.vl w*rke? 1 «r'aved a de- Med
tfcevtccktn irke; i 4; p*Vd a de ■■**» h>-©id
en'ng tendency. alts* gh?>.*kr h* f*r
pi «»ed an v other ini-v:Jual atock in ex
tent of tr* • ig W«tn the cxc«pt on
Of the s*«t rcentior.fvi atocfc. - h * iadtie
trial* were materia;* outc:**s*d a Not
of mtereet b* the railway H*t. The mar
ket work-d up to an a**-e»rir* lirenfta.
partiuariy la th* l*"* de* .-f*. ait bough
I ion price* were disarpoentirg Aftd tM
for* gner* *it«" ***** fairiy liberal par
chawt*. took to aeUlag. . ,
The fac:ora cons.s'ed
of further arri*ala r»ere*»in#
*?ren#th of the r**oarc« of the feank* a
t»i* fraerai expacsarian of impro**m««ot
tn the financial -»nd #!tus.!>on
rlU'- *' l»r» hy «o—>ww* were on
aa tn.*re%«isng ac*i«. rak.n* in tha low
pr atoeka, and ja the e»»ciaJtie». haary
covariac a&*«tt atiasuiated t-« advaaca.
Th* ela*iag tru etroag at tk M|!tnt
price* of :h»
Th* bond naHtft alee aMMM a tend
ency to terttn and 'Jm rtium of business
■M tMfw. Tfc* mora prestMßt Issue*
recorded slight gains. The safe* aggre
Owtrmweu wind Irregularly on tal>
<■» or m.wl
Mw certificate* were week aal lower
ea sale* of M.<M.
•tat* teeuee were aorr aetlfi at bb!b-
Portani ebtafn.
Today's nammt of the condition of
the treasury shews: A ratable cash bal
aaoa, 12*7,747.1*4, ( old reserve, tl3S.Utt.9aX
Moie i aad Biekaafe.
Money, stringent at S®S per rent.; last
• leea. So*. priaae mercant.le paper noml
aally ~>Q9 par cent, ffterilng eaehange,
staady, with actual business in bankers*
hUis at for demand snd
for sftrty days; posted rate*,
aad coeunerclai triiis.
Bar sliver, CRac, sliver certificates,
Tlafbl* Grata lapyiy.
The rtsibla supply of graui Saturday,
October K aa complied by th* New Tork
produce exchange, is as totiows:
Wheat, KJR.W busaeis; ineraaea. 1.477,-
•*- Corn, 17JM.SM bushel*; incaearn, *U«
oats. h>.**L9* bushels, increase. m«SA
Ry*. Um.m bushels. Increase. l3ft,oSo. Bar
ley. AtIC.MO ousbeis. iocraase, 1.106.000.
Th* speeulaUv* market for wheat waa
a tame affair when contrasted with the
stirring event* of last week. The usual
tranaactiOoa in futures for the day were
7.1W.005 buabeis and the range of Decem
ber only fee aaainst a range of 3V*4HV«c on
i Saturday. Dealings war* mostly among
*calp*rs. At times there arouid be a sud
den flurry of *xcit*m*at aad a quick move
ment of price*, but oa th* wboi* th* aea
alon was quit* commoapkace. A higher
set of Liverpool cable* than expected gave
th* bulla an opening advantage, which
they amin rained, with few exceptions, all
toy December sold for from 7f\o to
na-Mc, and cioe*d at 77% c.
U.8.t0. new reg.lll |C. P. lsts of '96.. M
t!; n®w coup .117 'D.AR. G. 7s ..llafe
*l«-ee. Reg —Fours S6^
Five*, coup . .lilfei Brie Ids «1«J
Fours, reg ....1«7 G. H. AB. A- 6a. 10*^4
Fours, coup ..KM Serons ISO
Twos. r*g .... S3 H A T. On. fi*.l>afe
Fac. «a of K ..loi SUm
Ala.--Claaa A ..l<te M. K. T. l*t to.. W?
i-'esa = 100 i Second to SSTs
Claaa C ....... M Mut. Union «a...1«7
Currency .. .. K N. J. Cen. O. 5.114
I*. New Con. to »> Nor. Pac. lets .114
hliaeouri Is 100 Seconds lt*%
N. Car. to U« Thirds
Fours » N. W. Consols..
S. C. Non-Fund ife, 8. F. deb. 5s ~lft7<4
Tenn. new set to 73 iO. R. A N. lsU.lud
Thret* (St. Paui Con 7».156
. Old to 60 1 C. A P. W. 5«.112
\a. Centuries .. Sat St.L. A I.JI G. 5a 71
Deferred CU.St.L. A>i>4
Atchi*jn to .... 7i> j Tex. Pac lata.. Si
Second A 38 | Seconds
fan. So. Ms ...100 C. P. Is?a of 'Sb.l«»>
to ... « i West Si-or* to ..1u3%
L. ff N. to 74V*j
Ciaslag qaoUliaaa
Atchison 13\ Northwestern ...102
Adams Ex 14$ i Preferred 144
Alton AT. H... 55 IN. T. Central .. 93^1
Preferred jN. T. A N. E. .. 45
Am«rlcan Bz ..110 jOnt. A West .... 14>4
Bait. A Ohio ... Oregon Imp .... %
: Canada Pac .... Oregon Nav i«
Canada South ..4* O. 8. L. A U. N. 15
Central Pac ....14 Pacific Mail .... 21*
Ches. A Ohio .. Peoria. D. A E.. 2
Chi. A Alton ...15* Pittsburg I*2
: Chi., B. A Q. .. 75S Pullman Pal ....153
| Chicago Gas ... 70V Reading 26*4
i Con. Gas 14*H Richmond Ter .. ..
C C. C. A St. L. 27"Hi Preferred
Col. Coal A 1... 1 R. G. W 15
Cot. Oil Cer .... 14fe St.L A S.F.lst p..
Del. A Hud ....lis. 2 St. Paul 73^
Del.. U A W. ..ISS Preferred 40
D. A R. G. pre.. 43* Roek Island 6f>*4
DK A C. F. Co. .. Preferred L.4*
Erie 14\ St Paul A Om.. 4«S
Preferred .. .. Preferred 120^4
Preferred 3d .. 19 !South. Pao 13
Foit Wayne ...l«0 Sugar Refinery .114*4
Gt. Nor. pre —lls |Tenn. Coal AI.. t4*
C. AE. I. pre .. 91 Tex. Pac S»4
Hocking Val ... ISWToI. A O. C. pro. 50
Illinois Cen .... »l%!Union Pac
St. Paul ADu. 21 U. 8. Ex 16
Kan. A Tex. pre 2b\ Wab. St. I<. A P. 6%
LEA West .. 17 Preferred 15«4
Preferred .. .. <8 Wells-Fargo Ex. 90
tAk* Shore West. Union ... K ! i
Trust .... 24 Wheel. AL. E.. 6>2
I-ouis. A Nash.. 46W Preferred J7»4
D. A N A 1 |Minn. A St. L... lfi*4
Man. Con 92HID. A R. G IPA
Mem. A Chaatn. 15 Gen. Electric ... 29
Mich. Cen M INat. Unseed ... 16
Missouri Pac ... 21%; Col. Fuel A I .. I*H
Mobile A Ohio.. IS I Preferred 85
Nash. A Chat .. W |H. A T. Cen
Nat. Cordage .. 4% To!.A.A. A NM. ..
Preferred . .. 9 ITol St.L. A K.C. 4'4
N. J. Central ..1044 Preferred 10
Nor A W. pre..
North Am. Co . 4*, I'ref» rre<l z.\
Nor Pac ....... 14\IAm. Tobacco ... 74%
Preferred .. ..22 | Preferred
K' I- ° - 1 '£ m - TA C. Co. 91
V. S. Cord. gtd. IRHfCom. Cabi* C 0..140
U 8 prefi?%!Am. Bugar pre..160
U 8. Ruhl>er .. S., L. S. A E ...
Preferred .... 72 |
Total SaJes.
The total »a!e» of atocks today wer* JC..
708 shares. Including: American Sugar. «S,-
<W); Burlington. 2S.»W: Chicago Gas. 14,400;
General Electric, 3 *»: Louisvlje A Nash
ville. l.g»: Manhattan. I,W0: Reading,
7 7W; 8?. Paul. 54.900; Tennessee Coal and
Iron. 6.*»: Union Pacific. S.SOO; Waba-h
preferred. 1.2W: Western Union. 7.406; «1-
vsr certificates, 33,000.
Wheat—^Receipts. 2? W; exports, 9 000.
Dull and unsettled, wirh spring patent*
lower to sell. Winter patents.
Wheat—Receipts, rt.ifii: exports. 13.W0
busheis. Spot, firmer; No. J red Febru
ary, StV: No. 1 hard. SPc. f.o.b. afloat.
Options wer* quieter than usial to«.lav.
openetl firmer on rabies, eased off
under bearish statlatlc*. bjit reeovered In
the *r*»moon on tb- exjmrt buvirg and
Ami l*te cab'es, rio*»-d »t net
a»'v.mfe. Sales included No. 5 red M*y,
close.l «*«•-: October eio*ed 75V i
I">*ceroJjer. l-lle, closed 77^
Petroleum—Quiet; United cloaed 51.14U
P* Iron—Steady.
Copper—o *let: I-ake brokers, H0.71; ex
cbanr*. 1L
Tin—Firm: plates, quiet.
€h?eitsr—Q'Jlet. domestic, S3.TOffl 71k
Coffee—Opt'on« ina*-'!** 5
a«var»re to 10 p«!nts net de. 1 ne. March,
9 ?fc: De«~ember. t VJ9 79c, Spot cof
fee-Rio, dull; nri'd. qclet.
Sugar— F'rm, fiJr TV": cen
trtfugai. 96 test. Jr. Refined, steady.
The RmH •(
<"*Mca*o Oct * -WVat wtt dcdMly
nervrtis* thr«ughooi the »e««!on. and itpec-
M;at<*ra were evidently at »ea as to
tt w.i* h**ter to bnr or
wh««t. Weak fVT-igrs markets #n!
k«tvy N«th*«tern r--"»!nf« favored
!nw«r pri«~ea The dec::-.*
»a*t week of lie tm«hei »«*-
treated a mifflctent m»a to expect * re
covery of part of that at !ea«t„ of
th*e# f*ct>r* alternated tn their trCJu
actea over a rar«re of iy>nt Je per tu«hel
dwrtnur the <!n* two hour* of the session.
Tfca (Rr»t tra '»-* In December were om
a stmttltanec .- rsnjre tn different p*rta
of the pit of tram <»% c to t< com
pared wtth 5 itwr Ur» eVc=*Jn« pr -e of
ahorta imraedi*t*Jy maclfeaitM a
de».r* to cover and UHr e?T rt* ran »ha
prlr* up rapid ty to "!V 8 caries
from Liverpool quoted \1 d-» Hne, in ad
d 1:10 a to Hd loww pr*—w q-jv'ed at th*
•tart, ted created a flve-nrtrsut* staro
pe#ia. rtsftltir,* m a d»> ..?•# to In a
minute ti»a Utter Quotation *** current,
and tho price was hack agam to «T,e,
from ais »f w? icli it c*a un h< w ua-
MtM were the id*** o.' tire »p-'cut* tor*.
SUturday wheat is Chicago declined S*»a
per and it waa expected that IJV.
arpool would ahcw a correaponding de
chae. bet « did ratk rng cf th* *rt It
opened a fei.f pcaay high«r for future*.
Later la th« far. kovmr, the «M>C
quotations from there ramM a aOghtly
easier feeling. Continental atfktU
rather weaker than ths Jftaaea
po Us and Dohitfe reported receipt* of LM
carloads against 1.M2 a week ago and tJH
ear* on th« corresponding day of las*
year. The domestic tWM supply In
creased bushels compared with an
increase of ir w bushels tho *»o®r
week of last year.
A fire in ths Pacific elevator* which
was said to have destroyed ovsr 1.808.M0
bushels of wheat, lent its aid to the bulls
In the last hour of the session, and had
turned the sentiment so strongly to their
favor as to have advanced the prioe to
around Tic about 10 minutes from the
close. The latest trading price foe De
cember was 7G%£7W!-
It was the duJest day to the corn pit
that has boen seen there far a month, al
though the market was toy ao means
weak. .
Oats were guise. tout a firm undertsas
was maaifeacad. prices bsing almsat en
tirely controlled by corn.
provisions were as dull as ths oon»
market and about on a par with the totter
to the matter of thetr flrmsesa.
Closlag «aeUUeaa
Wheat—October and NovwniW. Mkt
December, .
Com—October, 2£«OSS%c; Deosmher,
Oats—October. 17% c; December, ls*o.
Pork—October and December. 87.1*.
Lard—November, kit December.
LUbe—October and December, (Lit
Timothy SS.SSL
Kye Ue.
Uve ■♦ash
Cattle-Trade was on a basis of W*o
8.50 for poor to common, up to S4.SOO6JS for
cbotos to fancy with sales largely atSS.BO
fid; Blockers and feeders
Cows and heifers SL7S#S.«6; bulls selling
51.75#8.36; calves, t*t&. Western rangers.
U.W&1.75 for stssrs and 52.5005.30 for oowa
and hsifets.
Hogs—Sales were at a range of S3-l&®*-»
for common to prime droves, with ths bulk
going at 53.25#3.», and prime heavy, me
dium and lightwslghts selling closs to
gether. . _
Sheep—lnferior to choice flocks of shesp
wers wanted at f1.5065.36: Western range
sheep. 82.50#5.10: lambs, S2-5"#2.75 for In
fer.or up to fi.26<M.50 for ctaokse flocks,
with sales largely at 3S-2i#4.40.
Receipts—Cattle. 1.500; hogs, 38,000.
Health OSeer's Aaaaal Report.
At the request of the «ta»te board of
health, the local health officer. Dr. F. S.
Palmer, has prepared an annual report,
closing September 30. 1596. The report
d«ais in detail with ami gives
In an abbrev'ated form regulations gov
erning location of hog pens and slaughter
houses. It slso deals with dairies and the
Inspection of cows. The most Interesting
item is that which deals with diseases, of
which the following is a summary:
Infective diseases— Casto. Deaths.
Smallpox 5 1
Scarlatina I'l J
Measles 227 1
D:phtheria and croup IS *
Typhoid fever US 16
Dropsy 1 _®
Totals 28
8. Hannon. Trvcoma.
C. L. Smith. Tacoma.
W. J. MtllUan. Tacoma.
H. Vandercook. Falrhaven.
Jam«B West, Fort Steiiacoom.
Frank A. Law. Washington City.
H. Osgood. Ban Franctsco.
8. M. Jones. San Francisco.
CJ. M. Smith. San Franclaco.
Mrs. Ntiea. Everett.
Victor H. Beckman. City.
George H. Wilson City.
J. F. Primrose. Port Townaaod.
C. V. Crosthwaite, City.
Herbert Bash ford. Tacoma.
Mrs. Bash ford. Tacoma.
F. R. Baker. Tacoma.
Mrs. Baker, Tacoma. ,
J S. Levy. San Franclaco.
Robert Shields. Vancouver.
W. D. Lambert. Belvldera, HL
I. B. Moe. Poulsbo.
H. Hamblet. Astoria.
Thomas J. Ifcwman, Port Townaend.
Ernest Lister. Tacoma.
Frances Rotch. City.
Ralph W. "Frary, Tacoma.
B. W. Arear, Slater. Mo.
Mrs. B. W. Arear. Slat«r. Mo.
F. W. Johnson. Vancouver. B. C.
Mrs. Johnson. Vancouver, B. C.
Henry Rothschild. Port Townaaod.
O. A. Carlson, Elgin 111.
JosejVh Stockholm.
"Robert Evans. Silverdala.
Daniel O'Leayv. Tolt
E. B. Herrett, Coupevtlla.
John Spencer, Everett.
S. H. Hamiin. Tacoma.
I. N. Sill. Coupeville.
A. L. Rutherford. Fall Cltr.
W. A. I/arrdon. Moscow. Idaha
W. J. Brisbin. Whatoom.
Mrs. N. J Keiley North Bend.
Wm. H. Daylor, North Band.
P. J. Smith, Issaiuah.
C. D. Matheney. Mosher.
Mrs. Mosher.
John Hitxner. MeMurray.
T. B. Cooper, Lvan&n.
F. M. Dtijrsran. Mount Vernoft*
D O. Stanwood.
Mrs. F. F. S 'hoonover. Mount Varnoa
C. L Whitlnsr Oiympia,
S MeHy, Faifhaven.
E. B Herrett. Coupevflla.
C. Thomson, Richmond.
O. H Lang. Fir. Wash.
B Hansen. Fir. Wash.
0. J. Borseth Fir Wash.
N Johnson. Fir. Wash.
John Hanson, Fir. Wash.
N. P. Hanson. Fir, Wash.
J F. Richardson Fir. Wash.
John Swanson. Fir, Wash.
W. Boian. Cherry Valley.
1. E Rose, Cherry Valley.
T NiMock. Cherry Valley.
R, Oilman Quilccne.
P. I. Gil!« i spie. Chelan Falls.
A. Bryant and wife, Helena. Mont.
I. Nickerson. Gloucester. Masa.
William Petcb#»H and wife. Tacoma.
Miss Vera McNully. Little Rock.
Miss Ffta Littia Rock.
A Ralkinan. Denver.
F. M. Grav, San Jose. Cal.
G B. Clinton. Granite Falla
C. C Smith, wtfe and daughter. Qraya-
Tiiie. Vt.
S J Rnr, tall, Portland. Or.
J B Origin. Vancouver. B. QL
M. Crowley. Rochester.
Harry H-nis S»r F-andaea
John L Wilson. Spokane.
S A. Smith California-
V. He*?er Oakesdale.
F„ H Adams and wife. New
J B MoCun* Roston.
Chfl-b f s J Tork New York.
M Thora*«n. Spokane.
H. Crvhh. Snokane.
F fhloperit. City.
G<*or*e A Brooke Is-a^Tiah. and w'.'e. City.
11. M. Drew. P'»«tf»n.
C J Sm.'h Omaha
G Morris O'vmrii.
H R<»*<l*r Wh» uwm.
\« w Ash ford Rortlur*.
W P. MM-iietown. Ok
* Mam P. Bird. Tacoma.
George VST Ader. Francisco.
R P Fa* j. Portland
Ph Jncrbovlca S«r. F-nnctaeo.
f K r i*n«^un?
£ £ £ Nainara. Knw.ada, Mexlr*
I. M. Pf>> " rttidurd
R <">*•» rt Porter, * r>j|
R R H">">r-»r flan Fr an<~isca
Albert W r.aftt. HAM Berttm.
W. F. Cusr: ng;eai.oaT
S J Freed ma a. Poruand.
Ct'-orc* A Hard. CU?
A Jim? '• as. <. Franclaea.
J > Dai *s R «v*r v t
W Hanna. City.
Jstt";'* * H ze. *4r> • fit*
Mr* J
I R. F:..- • Sir, Fr .nciaco.
V 3. Reevea. C -asro.
J :-.n Danivla, Honol tlu.
J«hß !x>*f;i. Honolulu
3 -hn Andrtsa" V** York.
* r *' hl ■*« Varal Statioa.
C. A. T acoatsa.
J in Ran ttrs R. O.
J i» 3;.
LJ**£d K- Ha-vaica and w:»e. OlympSa.
MPWm -N :n bra or lotj primer far** ©a tba fa.iow
ttg atsa Hodse# Xerttrti; *r miaion. r .»{
•acaadiac :3 err.s : brevier, not ax
c«e<i:ni: is «r.» plea; ionr pr.mar. not tx
f -< «m* Pica. Special terma aa
jar#* oritra. Ai iwaa Pua.-iiUai^ffaacar.
Freifkts G* Up, Witk Movement in Wheat—No Unesnal 81angh
t€r of Female Seals—-Low Bale to Japan.
WJL ursduema of the state of Waahlngtoo
. 5 When ths price of grain advanced. Tbe amount
I "Pjted at 7.«9.»4 bushels, and the slight sd
*«Uars has strengthened the freight market
O-s 9f tm
«na £■TffTiT^n cou.d harily wait for vesseis to discharge their bal
*''r* they to get their grain en the blue water
anil mto point to the fact that buyers
fj°* « in the price of grain. Agents in
—s, *. e thaa «ver in their eagerness to secure
In .chartering veasete_m«ny firms are reserving the privilege of
*heat crop of India is a failure and the
demand for American grain is not unanticipated. The only cloud to mar the horfxon
1? ,r* * cat **°f - * °f grain from the recently developed grata
How * T ; r - apt wit ha tending the minority demand of the Western
peopie for the lyiancs of an inferior quality of money, which of itself has a de.
n? r »v OWI I th *- pr^ °f <*reala the prospects for a healthy, sharp
f" d "topJe advance in the Price of grain is certain to follow the election of McKtn
\H-tm *? .i t*.? rates with foreign markets will he on a Arm
-!l. ttoj* eqndltlow of affairs that ts stimulating the vessel owner* to hold
£r* rht * * *hs ssme canse Is actuating exporters to purchase and
ship ad available grain at the very earliest moment.
to csptains of seaifnr vessels filed st the Victoria
owtorn house, ver.fled by affidavits, the proportionate catch of male and female
fvs rv ia^ f oolftdtof with ih* rif?w» and of «*p*rts <»mp'oyed by
in# cviltM Our ror#mfrwit hnm emtended that th# number of ct\w* slain
: L sL
tor's with skins. sthl the estch of Tnd'an canoes off the »»oast of Vancouver
Is and numbered skins, of which S TSS were mslee snd S.4SI were females On
i*f. , ~r Island the take wi 4M males and ** f«ma'es. and on >he Japan
stdo the catch was meles snd s g? femalea The total catch in Werjna seaamo-.tnteg
males and s.** females. The tots: catches foot un ro 17.4S males snd !».S»
femsles. not tskinr into consideration t m sea'* killed o#T 'he Sv indisns. of
wh.r-h no sccount of the sexes was kent. It would seem from the«e fisures that an
undue number of femsles have not been killed, as claimed bv the rntted Ststes.
... c'atest adv'ce* from Tendon according to C. M. Tnmpeon A Co.'s circular, ths
following prices prevail: Hair seals. 25 per cent, higher then lsst March: brown
bear. 15 per cent, hlrher: griasly bear. 10 per cent- lower: otter. 15 per cent. k»wer|
lynx, to per cent lower- re/* '«▼. p« "»»snre: wolf, no change: marten. 5 per cent,
•ower: mink. 17 per oent. lower: beaver, 15 per cent, lower t*an last January.
The reported enragement of the new five-masted schooner Inca. which is at Port
wlakeiey and will be flnfahed in **»«» thirty days, to load a cargo of lumber at
Seattle for Osaka. Janan. for 98 shillings per thousand feet, was a surprise to mart
time people. It Is without doubt the lowest rste ever effected to Japan, and that,
too. at a ttme when lumber frelrhts sre stiffening snd sl'ghtly on the Incline.
The ch*rte»*rs are the same Japanese firm which recently dispatched the Japanese
steamship Konoura Maru to ths same port with a csrgo of lumber. The steamer
•*--P_r* tnrn once for another canro to follow the Inca. which will carry a**-">ut
I.Wvm) feet There are one or two other firms from J a nan who have dispatched
agents to l®uget sound. British Colombia and the Columbia river to figure on tha
purchase of Inmber for the development and Improvement of the resources of ths
mikado's klnrdom.
* of veaeeia—jf. B. Drlsko. of Seattle, has sodd the schooner Pilrrlm. U* torn,
to R. Cooper Willis, for 8300 George H. Johnscm and Thomas Thompson, of San
*>ancisco. have each purchased one-thlrtv-eeeond Interest in the bark S. C. Allen,
or Port Townsend. from William Foster, for 81.400. The Alaska Packers* Association,
of San Francisco, hse purchased the fine Atlantic clipper ship Centennial, and It
will be osed In the Ssn Francisco and Alaska trade, carrying salmon. Sha will he
commanded hv Oapt Pederson. formerly In the Helen W. Almv.
Changes of masters—Thomas Nie'son Is master of ths tug Pioneer, vice J. Jacob*
son. A. R. Thor«ton Is master of the steamer Volga, vice F. 1!. Wyman. H.
Ram well is master of the steamer Wild wood, vice HT. F. Reecher. who is master
of the tug Astoria. Thomas Redding is master of ths steamer Meta. vice H. J.
OiTlespie. H. E. Jones is msster of the hark Carrollton. vice George W. Swsaton.
John Jacobson Is master of the steamer Fiver, vice Henry Carter. J. S. Bollong is
master of the tug Tacoma. vice F. W Cllnger. Capt Hogan. lata of the Amer
ican ship Bohemia, has rone to Tstapa. Mexico, to take command of. the ship Wa
chrretts, vice Cant. Hnvden. deceased. Capt. Lewis, lata of the bark Carrollton. is
master of the baric Hivhland TJcht. vice Capt. Hughes.
New vesrols—The five-masted schooner Inca. of San Francisco, built at Port
Blakelev hv Ha'l Bros., for W. O. Hall, of Satt Francisco: dimensions, lenjrth. 211L5
feet: breadth, <I.S feet: denth of hold is.s feet.and net tonnase, tons: canacity.
1 «»noo feet of lumber, and eost 8TA500: she will load her first carao of lumber at
Seattle for Osaka. Janan. and will be commanded by C. C Birkholm. now in ths
schooner F S Sloop Alva, of Earls Harhor, bull* hv Alvln Oliver, the
owner: dimensions, 'enrth. 44 2 feet: breadth. 17.3 feet, and dep'h of hold. 4.4 feet.
American schooner S.-ray of San Francisco, built at Port Blakeley, by Hall 8r05.,,
for W. O. Hall, of San Francisco: dimensions, length. 180.2 feet: breadth. 28 feet;
depth of hold. 10.2 feet, and net tonnage, 229.48 tons. The Scray will be sailed to
San Franclseo bv Capt. J. W. McAllep. where she will be fitted out with the latest
Imnroved machinery and converted into a passenger steamer: then She will steam
ta Honolulu and go into the pa?senrer anl freight trade among the islands. She
was launched at Port Blakeley last Saturday. Schooner Lgrtran. of Orcas Island,
built at the sflnw nlace bv E. J. Kolkow. who owns one-hair, and the remainder 1*
owned by L. I>. Harris: dimensions, length, 30.2 feat; breadth, 8.8 fset; depth of
hold 4 feet, and net tonnare. 8.18 tons.
Foreirn carroes— American berkenMne Willie R. Hume. 5» tons. Capt. J. H.
Brown, from Taeoma for Shanrhal. China, loaded with 757.980 feet of rough lum
ber. valued at 8«.0«SS8: 4 spars. 19,200 feet, valued at floo, and 38,00n feet of lumber
purchased on shin's account. 8398. American barkentine Robert Sudden. 517 tons,
Capt. S. O. Birkholm, from Port Blakeley for Halphonr. China, leaded with 7W.257
feet of rouvh Inmber. valued at C.<m4.30 American schooner Nokomls. 4<»2 tons.
Capt. Charles Roos, from Aberdeen for Ouaymas, Mexico, loaded with feet
of rourh lumber, valued at 86 108, and 31,7*0 feet of dressed lumber, valued at SS«O.
American schooner Allan A., 328 tons, Capt. L. J. J. Schare, from Tacoma for
Papeeta. Tahiti, laden with 1<W,14« feet or rough lumber, valued at 51.358: 54.W0 feet
of select lumber, vamed at 8600: 220.511 feet of tongued snd grooved lumber, valued
at 83 700: 2.0n2 feet of select spruce, valued at 840: 500 bundles of pickets, valued at
S3f>: 100 bundles of lath, valued at 835. and 360 bundles of fir boxes, valued at 8500.
American sh'p Clarence 8. Bement. tons. Capt. I*. H. Franck, from Tscoma
for Hull. Fcsrland. loaded with 110.J86 bushels of wheat, valued at 88P.'iOO. American
schooner Banror, 3» tona Capt. John W. Aspe. from Olvmnta for Ouavma*. Mex
ico. laden with 64* X?! feet of rough Inmber, valued at 84,386 *5. and 25.414 feet of
dre««ed lumber, valued at 5351.21. American brig Courtney Ford. SS2 tons. Capt. N.
J. from Tacoma for Papeeta, Tahiti, laden with 36fi ISO feet of rouch
lumber, valued at 82.000: M.644 feet of eetect lumber, valued at ©OO. 1»,708 feet of
dressed select lumber valued at 8325: 1*7.019 feet of clear tonaued and rrooved
lumber, valned at 52.500: 800 bundles of pickets, valued at 818: tW bundles of laths,
valued at 828. and two spars, valued at 1300. British bark Olenogle. tons.
Capt. Stevenson from Victoria, B. C.. for Liverpool, laden with f7,080 cases of
salmon, valued at SSOA.OOO. British bark Jfaturna, 1,061 tons. Capt. Fretwurst. from
Westminster. B. C.. for IJvefpool, laden with 20,382 cases of salmon, valued at 51®.918;
the remainder of the cargo Is being loaded at Victoria. German bark Marie Berg,
536 tons, Capt. Hfndricha. from Vancouver for Granton, Scotland, laden with 863.000
feet of lumber, valued at 58.494.
following comprises the ocean fleet In Pogot sound and British Columbia
waters today:
I*l I Si ? ?
Mf I i I
nil RIO AND KilO, : : « *
ill i ! :
ChlL bk Latona i'lOS Gllmora BlaklyiLumber.lWeet coaaiT
Br. ship Chlltonford ;219S Chapmaa ....iTarnsd La,<i uo.ll nctrU.n
Am. bk Shirley ftW !Qr hrb Laid up.ll'noertain
Br. ship Kilbrannan '1673 IVctoraSßepair-girncertalo
Br. ship Eiroll >1387 imtth Vetorai Lfmber.tAde.aide
Am. schr Queen cflty 1« SJ*"re iVetora 1 Seeing. l Uncertain
Br ship Drumoraig IS»7 Johnson ITacom! Wheat...l Cork. f. o.
Am. brig Biakeley l« w - S-a tie'Repair'g iMakeley
Br. ship Liverpool 3330 Whitney ....| Seattle! -• ' k f. o.
Ger. bk Artemis 14#? „ ' -.•••!, Clearing, Cork, T. o.
Br. bk Naturna 11061 Fretwurat ...JVcto'a i""l
Ohll chip Temaco 9* Svensoa [Twnsd Clearing !\ alpnralso
Br bk Lot* hfijj Clayton iSeaule Mdse....lD so.harg'g
Br! ship Drnmcllffe 5*S Davies ITacom Wheat... Cork. f. o.
Ital. bk Lasaaro 1121<5 lenvonto ....Tacom Lmrfber. Ohetulton
Br. ship Drumroek £*IS Bailey ITacom! Wheat...gork, f. o.
Am. bk Harvester 1428 Heck lOamW!Luml>«r..'Africa
Br. sh Holjrood h»2 ;£*conii Whwst... Cork t. o.
Am. bk. Colorado 1«* S l **®";.-.-.-"' l S. hmu s n i.^ r
Br. sh Balmoral i 2449 Bo)dc!hlld.... ITwnsd Secklna. I noertaln
Br bk Glenogl» ! 814 Bond iFras r salmon. ,Llverpool
Br.' bk Earl of Dunravao WUlt*nrMS Fimir... f. o.
Am. shin Louis Walsh 11434 'Tamtnona ...ißlak.v. Lusher. Mflbo^rna
Am. ship Kennebec 202 T. LewU y PivmoutA
Br. ship Drum.anrig 114Z5 £>"« 'Vcte'a ncertalo
p r Kk Viral la I S*> ; Harland ITacom' Lumber \iejiide
Br' shin Falkland 1273 ft' Gracte ITwnad! Seeking.'Uncertain
Ger. ship Barmbek ! 22»tTarte«l
Am. schr Asella i 3281 FartUwi Bal/d s Lumber San D.ega
Am bk Columbia ! ;mo( Gove LumberSan Fran
Haw ship JohliEna . Madsen 'Gambll Lumber Tort;Piria
Dan. ship Jupiter 11*51 funda Lumber. Harrfburg
Ger. ship Kepler 11:« B.akiy Un^r.iHambunr
Br. ship Pyrenees '£*>! Bryce Pi*i2s ! 1 T , n ~ rt "*
Am. senr Spokana 671! Jamison Krambll Umwr.lJmn
Br. ahio G.wveova ~ f. p.
Br *hio Orelja tITI*' St«u«.rt = Fraa r* Salmon.. L v»rpool
Br. ship Ctv of Hankow i 'Taoomi Wheat.. 'Cork. f. o.
Br. ship Senator 11474' Harrtsoo ....lWnor.> Lumber. ' ork f. a
Am. bk Forem Queen I «R| Beasler Lumber San Fran
Am hk PruxoU rnfliHatwoa rßlaklr Lumber. Ban Fran
Am. bk Bt Katberlna ill*! Frailer fflakiVlAnn^r.Toko^Mna
Am. eohr Fanny Dwtard | aFS'Peteraon .... Blaklvii.umber San Pedra
Chil bk Lake Leman U«*!Boa»a Twnacrß»ekmg l ncertala
Am bk:n C C. Funk 5!3 "halleatron . Tacom' Lumber 3an Fran
Xor a a Boc»-ad h**ThorbJarnaen.'Btalci> Lunrber. S. Afrio*
Br *hk Clsirmont f 7fi« v'Uktna Twnal Lumber.(Vancouver
Br hk Altoa? fit'At Alleston Hdlck Lumber Cailao
Br' bk Heknslea ;i32s!r>avl«« jVaner.'Lumber. Cork f. o.
Am s-hr Corona I 375 MeAllep |Blakiy Rep rlnir Uncertain
Am! sohr C-hallenror | J* Houerund .... Bali'dJ Lumber man Fran
Am schr C. H. Merchant •» Brannan Evertt; Lumiwr. San Fran
Xic. bk Bundaleer I WRlce '4«rla.'neartala
Am. schr Peerless I 228 Johnson Ta-xrm Lumber.tSan Fraa
Ger bk <>*erbek Anderson ....!Gsmb! Lumber Delairoa
Bru bk Kewyon .117*: Predeau* Seeking. > fn^ertein
Br 'ship Brtriah General !17M Thomai (Seattle Wheat... 1. a.
Br' bk Iredaie h475 L*wreswa ....iVancr ry>k«...,. Dlachg*ng
Am. ship Columbia [IXS Nelsoa f 0 * 1 ' a 4"
A-m *hr Huenema i 547 Peterson .... Lumber San !)!•<*♦
Am' bktn Catherine Suddea I ** Mathieaon Lumber. S*n DM*a
Am bk*n M onitor J 224 TurlofT Tarom'laimber. San Fran
Am srhr Alice Oook j 723 PenhaUone ...'GaiwW Im mb«-r Hooduiu
Am bk B P Cheney Haskell Coal .... tfw Fraa
bk Dai-ra ia» Berqulat Biakly Lcater. Sydnay
Am ship Invincible 'l* Ohipperflekl . BUklr Lumber San Fraa
ti. s<*hr Cotnat "Pomabom ... Gam-bi Lnmbee. San Pedro
Am ZXrVmZ LundraH .... Taoom lumber San Pran
w Tvt «}ram t Vancr.,Sugar.... IHschTr'g
Br bk Wvchop 't24* Edward ■Veto', lldse Disch'c'f
Br' ship Crcedtnore Kennedy .... Lumber.'Plymouth
Am «hid J B Brown IVT Mair'lra ...,.iNa». m Coal 'San Fraa
Br shit> Grenada i2l< * Korff .Sanlra Coal —. San Proa
Am »Mr Pashinjr Wav« ! Moo rehouse .'Taccm Lumber San Fraa
Am bk Ka" Davenport 11M
Am bk rarroi'ton I"S3 J one. Twnsd Seeking
Am tk PMrvr Sodarrreaa ~U -»> Lumber. Mel bourn*
Am sohr Ethel Zane ? 4*3 Peterson .... OaraW Lumbar Sun Pedro
iMpOtT of Olasrow Prtca .IVcto'a Un«rtato
S: bk Gien'efton lijo VTatta jTacom Wheat., Cork f. o.
Am bk T'ndas nted . WfTOlaen »*arom Lumber San Fran
Am bk Gen Falrchlld IW Brannan .... Seattle Coal San Pr*a
Am srhr Ima Birkholm ... Blaklv Rigging. Seattle
Br.'ship Glerochy -'2I4S» Barra »; cto ls T t ' nr «"aia
Am. bktn Klickitat 4® '"hitler GamM Lumber. Honolulu
Rr «« \maphoora lfl| i'*B«roß .... Imid p Mr'ntme Seattle-Taa
Br! ship Dumfwilr.e 2773 Forbes Tacom Clearing U. k.
Tha foßowla* vr»wi* are bound to Paprt Sound and BriTiah Co!umW« porta,
wtth nam* of master. natlonaUty. rt*. tonna«% wfaera from, destination and num
ber of day* out:
Artadn* Olthan*. Gar sbtp. I.?DC ton* San'a Rosalia. Pujret sound.
Al»t V('a>! bk ]<* ««!!»» I 'X3 to-v* ftinw Ro*a!:-%. Pttfet *otmd.
Annt**Mawi. Lo~*fc. Br atlp, I.J» torn. Cafevtta. Vancouver.
tj. BoßAaaa. ais. » 737 ws» fanan*ha», Putx »D'i-.d 25 dajrl
cJiumbua. Euaa. b*. I»5 tona. < >d«a»a. Pog»t aouad 115 day*.
C-* of Oa.-fcß***. Canaiap, Brl!. ah:p i.< 36 ton*. Orvon. Brl?.»H fVjfcnatda.
r-Z at D«sa;. inn. Bri- » r. U» ton*. Montavnieo. bn'Ur, Colombia. M day*
&b:ey. Br ah. li«T tons. Frt*ban«. Pu*<-t aourd, 5! days
Ct-.T of Florenc*. L*a*k. »r i>k. lOi* ron*. tquKjue Pufrt eourd 31 daya.
Lo*. Br ah. 1 W tons. Tohohaaui Puret aound. » daya.
Danboyne. Naiii. Br anip. tor.*. Liver *»i. \ ictona. M day*.
Eauvw Bf-n. . Ani*r*«a. Am. achr. Mi tons Ctaai*taa.a. P-#*i acQod.
Garnet HiJL Fr«w. Br.: »hip, 2,1* ton*. R J d* Jan-tro, Pu«*t ao<xndL « daya.
oltfeerer N'rvuk. Am tk, IJSTt ton*. £Un Pranciac*. Dapartur* bay. 7 day*.
H lioatui Wel~b O - «V.p. l.sil tan*. I«ot<sa«. Vancouver.
Jtata. Davie*. Br bk. W too*. Melbooma. P»*at aound.
QraUk Am bam, KK tor.*, Snanrnai. Port Townaand. r dajr*.
Joaa C. Potter Mayar. Am ahlp, I l* tor*. Ban Franctoro. Dtpartura bay, % day*.
Jam Hu» Am acbr. 23S tona. San Pedro. Pr»rt*.
Ki&ihel lfaro. Trwxnpaoo, Jap str. 2,212 tona. Yokohama. Beattia.
Kktapavenpnrt. Rowland. Ant ship. I.l* torn. Ban Ffiulim tt dgp* ! !
L* Eaoocsa. Evan*. Br. it*. SM# ten*. Cardiff. Paget sonad, ill 7
J-y«**a *>. r»:cr. K'.Urrian. Aai. achr. TH tons. Shanghai Pugs*
W«;tf>r Brit ship, 2,73 ton*. Santa Rosalia. Po«* MBi . i,
Sanders Bm. *hlp i.wi taa». Rio de >*■
Manx Kin*. ICarran Br «Mp, t.Mi u->ns. Liverpool. Victoria. » te|% 2
Marlborough Hrt!.
Hwttf. Bjom. Am schr. m tons, s*n P* iro. Fort Gamble, If dam
Maueem*. tfmKa. Am scbr. Ssu ;ons. S*n Francisco. Taeoma, II dtyi
Matilda. McPherson, Am bk. TSI ton a. Honolulu. Puget sound. It «|ft
Melrow». Peterson. Am hit. ton*, Santa Reealia. Puget «o«h.
Nerthbrook. Lawton Br . hit. 1,59 i*o*. Honjrkong. Puget sound, R
North Star. Hniwl w. Brit. ship. *.<S? so»t% Shanghai. Brittsk CaMHlk
Okanogan. Moor*. Am ,«r-rtr. m toe*. K->b?. Port Gamble. IT daya. v
Oakiaiio. Whitney aim :>a. :*a tons. San Franeisca. Olyrapla. 5 dam
Pan Adelaide. M-TVna.i. Brit. ship, i.xdtens. Antofogaata. Pugat A feHfcl
Pass of Balhma. Tova-. Br s.h. 1.14> ton*. Liverpool. \Totoria '
Record. Olseru Nor. tk. n> toiai, A, Puget sound. 100 daygw
5' Mildred, grtrt. Br s&ip, 1 3*3 toe*. WiJaarateo. Victoria.
Seottiah ls,es Nlcoi. Br-:, ship, 1 tons. Hongkong, Port Plild» ■ dam ,
Speke. <3yr,eooreuTX, Br i. ship :.ri3 ton* Singapore, British iFiafl
Stlidat, Jager, Nor. i>k. 1.06s ton*. Honolulu, Whateoat
Snowdrop. Poster. Br >. bk. Mo tons, Africa. Victoria. »,:
Sierra B.»nca. Soencer. B ± ship. !.t73 Cardiff. nillHl Ml^lk
Senator. L»w ■», Br <*fc. VaiwiraJsow Pont sound.
Seestern. lUu'h. o#r hfc, i>{3 tons, Talachua Da, Paget seaa*
Samaria, Mcßa*. Am shir. tona. Swn Fraaekra, Taeoma. It 4unK
Tllal Wave. I r An- bk. 4?7 tons San frandiea TaecMMfc 1
Trowbridge. Nk-hcUj. Br bk, U» tons. Lota. Vancouver. .
Verbana. Jitd .. itr is.-w 1 ,)<» ;«m. Vaiaafatea. I'uM.wna . „
Vj«4, Raanrtttiwap A.-r a?hr. 335 :on». Saa FTancfsco. Pugai • d*m
Woofefchm. Bar>:i-«o. Br bk Mt tons. Srlnar. Port BWatl^
Wa:erteo. Niooli. Br snip. l,T;c: tona. LiverPM. TkMM. >
w. P. J«« tt. Jo :r.*oa. Am. schr. 430tona, Sand Point MMfIMMk
wii-'itffo", s r}o. 1 t»T tone, lata pa. Ptwat sound. i
WfHlam Krn-on. Har.son. Am aobr. 455 tona Radooda lanu4
Zantpa. Paterwm. Am sciir, 3»« tona, liuaymas. 1 oget aound.
Ths beavleat atorm ;hat has yet appear*
ed this seasOa Is now moving: eastward
over Oregon and California, having made
It* appearance on the coast hia morn
ing. Ht-evj- rain has falleu over Califor
nia and iight rain over Oregon. At & p.
m. it aaa raining at San Francisco. Red
Bluff. Eureka. Ruselmrg and Portland.
The wind reached 3« miles per hour at Ta
toosh, S3 at Fort Can by, and 32 at San
Portland, Oct. «, 1M
Wain: stationary temperature.
B. S. PAiil'K, Observer.
Seattle, Oct. * IM._
i I 5 *4 is i< i ?
* H • 1 ft I B **
? S! I S S " :
j J :
::S• : : :
• ; 5 ; ; •: ;
I: ■?!:!• : :
Tatoosh S K IS flOCloudy
Pt. Angeles.«; itt » Lt M PtCldy
Ft. Canby . 3.54; 6ft! 53 ISE; 14 .<%> Cioudy
Seattle .. . u a.Kr IS iS.NW! U
Spokane ... a.SO 44j 43! SE! Ltj T Cloudy
Walla W .'29.70s 52 . 585 .VE. !«
Portland ... » 54! 50| MINW Lt| T Kiin's
Roteburg ,i 25.50( S4i Si Lt .Ofßaife'g
Baker CSty !».•>») 44) 50j Si Ls| if'Cioudy
Eureka i. '29.KH &2i 64! SE! 14 .32 Kain'g
Red Blgff . 3.(56 50! S4i SE 1«! .?n Raln'g
Ban Fran .. ».«! f*: aEi 32 SS Hain'g
Wlnnem'a .j2».7R1 «! 4S| N1 Lti .W.Cloutly
Tides at Seattle Harbor Today.
High Tide. B Low Tide/
a. m. ) feet, p.mjfeet. a.m. \ feet.'p.m, feet
».lt j 14.S j ».(»; ' 1.3 1.31 ill
" f.48 ! 10.0 i 4.40, 9.7jf o.l# | 0.9 ilj.flK «.»
Terr IMo Storm Drives Everybody
From the Helper's Deck*.
Fort Townwnd, Oct. 2fi—■SpeclaL—Tha
hark Heaper arrived m port kutt week
from Tientsin, and Oapt. Sodergrten sent
ths following report of the voyaga to the
"flailed August 31 and had fine weather
till September 4, when panning through
Vlncennes straits from the Extern to
the Pacific. About thirty mile* further cm
a h**ry typhoon was encountered. At
sundown the day following tin* center pas
«l over the ship, when she lost her top
sails and part of the running gear wu
blown Into fragments. At 11 o'clock that
night the aiorm moderated for twelva
hour* and then came on again with in
creased violence from west-south west.
The vessel headed «*as?-northeast under
bare poles, ami an hour later the wind
hauled suddenly to the southward and the
ship again became un ji«nag»»ttb»f*. The
ship went over on the starboard tack until
2:s) p. in. on the NKh, when the center of
rhe second storm pa,«sod over the vessel.
The Hesper work»*J heavily in the storm
and no ono cou'.d remain on deck.
"Aside from losing a part of the steer
ing gear, the bark sustained no damage.
The lowest reading of the barometer was
28,35: mean, 28.45. When the center of the
storm was passing over the ship the in
strument would Jump from 28.55 to 25.55.
Wlwn entering the storm's disk the posi
tion of the vessel was latitude 3*> 00 north
and 131:30 west long.tude."
The Boasts it's Uag Voyages.
Ths large steal-screw Xorw«g!an steam
er now loading lumber for South Africa
compare* favorably with the muoh-talked
of Japan steamers going to Seattle The
steamer Bogstad is a n« w vessel. It Wits
bulk In Christiania and finished early !n
the year 1*95 Her tonnage is l.S#2 and she
carries i.artO tori*. «she is 34"* feet Ion? and
48 feet < Inches in width. The If-ngth be
tween perpendiculars Is 222 f*«et 10 inches;
beam, extreme, 41 feet <S inches; d*pth,
rooMed. 24 feet; depth of hold, -1 fe*t 4
inches. The engines are tripie-expanslcm;
the cylinders, 23x 37'.x«!« 4 inches. Ths
stroke, 42 inches. There are two boiler*.
14 fest 9 Inches in length am 1 10 fc*-t in
diameter. The pressure is 1W), and ths
speed * knots, with 1.25* horse-pow»r.
She is classed 1 A 1 Norwegian, and 1«W)
A 1 IJoyd*. Her eapactiy is 4,.Vift tons
D. W., including bunkers, standards, un
derdeck and standards on deck. s?he w l 'l
carry 21.434 quarters of wheat, £Sti tons in
ordinary bunkers and 23) tons between
deck a
Ths first voyage by the *!MmT wis
from Chrlstlanfa to PardliT. where ••he to ic
a cargo of coal to flinxspflre: from there
going light to *?!gon. whers she loaded
rice for Horgkong, then bark 10 B.gon,
where «hs loaded rice again for Hong* >n*.
At Hongkong she took renerai meri?h*n
dtse to Yokohama and Kobe. Sue th*n
loaded coal at Mojie for Hongkong, and
from there light to Java. w»-ere she load
ed sugar in four ports for Boston, xo'.ng
from Boston light ?o R«vannah. Wh»r* she
loaded cotton for Barcelona, arvl then <-.n
to Odessa, on fhe P'a< k s*a- Vrtm thers
slss went to Marse'l -s and on to Algiers,
and then to Rotterdam. F"r«>m Rotterdam
she cams to New Orleans, gett'nx a f ir
go of mates for Copenhazen. Prom Co
penhagen shs went to Petersburg *1 h
a genersl earao. sod then to Cb r.v arl
from China t« HlakslfV w' ere s;.**loa«l»
lumber from Pelaxaa bay.
She has been on the wsfer rin»-teen
months, and has tr*v»>.f thaasands of
miles going *?1 over the w>r*d,
Ths Mellrs'* P#«»rs«rr».
San Fr»'>"t« , n. 0<" Ths steamship
Mex'<*o as I»d today a '.h the fo'testnf
ftesttle—C. f» Reel. J M ?e- M:»» T.»*r
4s. R. BadtnUn and wfe. r> *r
snd M'ss Kaufc. Urs. M -an. M'ss
Bray. Mia* Do»'ar<>. V. Hughes, Mr. Thrwnp
•cn. Mm. B*sch.
Wtori*—D Btr'er, Mr. Mi*s
McfJona'd. C. Ttrg. F I'M, H. Lane and
wife. R. Oordon. R r>r»ke.
Port Towrsewi-W }?am Monroe, if.
Pr,ft T«wn«f nd Ort. j*._ Bp*.~Jat —Ar
rival- Tsr «tr Arr>ftr*poor* from Hlotra.
Japan for ffcattl* arid to
r«trular!y on th« P«*<»f «oun<i and Cent
ral Am»rtri»n root#; bktti Kftekttat, 17
frstn Honotota. at Port r>tmb!c to
load * return rarg >of lotnhor. T>«
Kttckt'af mad» tho v»va*" to Honolulu
and ret an* to Port Townwred Sn a
San Fran~tfO, <V-t. M--Arr>v« i f *-r©-
ber S~Str A He* Flan'hard from Port-
land; achr Eva KiUraarn fr m Twoaa
Sailed October &—Htr Columbia, for A»-
toria. str Homar, for Coos toy. Arrived
bor. Sailed October M 9m Miirtil. >S
Victoria: str Maektaav. fat ffcaMifeplp
Domestic ports: Tatsssk Pa—gj OOfeM
ber a. bktn Robert Suddea. «ross WmM
Btakeley; sb Columbia, frost X>soMtpf&
bay: tug Feariesa, Cresa Nanaksaa VMH
Gamble—Arrived October Br Ml iH
oar. from Port Blakeiey. *
Fereian oorta:
October H. Br sh AaetraUa, from OvpfiSS
Honolulu, Oat. I*.—Arrive*—*p UHj
Warrimoo. from Vaaoouver.
Tatooab. Oct. SC. t a.
».«7; cloudy; wind east. M aUlsa; tawatjE
| tug Pioneer. 5:30 p. a.; sailed out, feai%9
;p. m. Outward-Ship la tew t«%Llliiia|
ia.nL. tug Tyee at t:<6 a. ta. amflM
Ptoaiter at 7 a. m.. Sea Liea at T4|jlS
N'eah Bay. Oct * » a. ■
Cloudy: light east wind; tug* PtMMMHfI
Holyoke and Sea I-lon In bay. j
Port Angeles. Oct. St, 9 a. m.—
C)«ar, caim; barometer, 28.70. I
Tatooeh. Oct. at, 13 noon.—
om«ter 3#«5; cloudy; wind eaat* 11 MW||
Tyee In straits.
Neab Bay. Oct M, IS r ~ 7111 IT»|gfdii
Cloudy; brisk east wind; Ploapsr, HjiM|
oke and Sea Lion la bay. J
Clallam Bay. Oct IS noea.—SpaMfeSfl
—Cloudy; freak eaat wind; Cherry fM
Port Angeles. Oct 3S. IS noon.—Spa||itt|
—Barometer, IS.tH; clear; wind J
Tatooeh, Oct. Tt, 4 p. m.—SpeolaL~jMM
om«ier, wind, east SO milea. TSJ
Neab Bay, Oct 2«.—SpectsJ.—
light east wind. Tugs Aatoria, JPleeflH
and Sea Lion In bay.
Port Angeles, Oct SC.—
ometer, 2».«; calm: partly oloudy, ~
I'ort Townsend, Oct. W S|isi lti i4|Bl
rived—Br sh KUbraiuaaa. from VIomH
for Port Blakeley. Steamship Aanj
poora will be released from tuaraaiHM
at noon tomorrow. 1*
British ship Cabul. 1J97 tona, newaffijl
torla. haa been chartered to load wkiflliMi
Portland for Europe. rf|
vkrman bark Osterbek, UK tont SMP
on Puget sound, is chartersd to I«nu Umß
ber for South Africa.
Chilean ship Uike Leman. I.«M tona |M
been charttred by W, R. Grace * CaTV
lojtd lumber on Paget sound for OttapH
Three-roasted schooner Yoga arrtval
yesterday from San Francisco and blfljH
discharging general msrohaadlta at IH
ling ion dock. pi collier Wtilajnette arrived at WjH
Oregon Improvement Company btMHni
yesterday from San ttt gH
load a return cargo of coal.
Merekamts aad Waasfastitwa Oaaai
lagt ta tka Faro fss« Skaw.
Th# demand from the beat flnaa of Hi
country for space in tka Seattle toed «S
position continues, and Manager Buekfc
wUI If nooessary make extra bootks at |ll
ends of tke big Armory building milm
tb« walL To do Übia ho will move 111
mueto platform from tka main floor to tk
balcony. Saturday ha roosivsd a eg!
from Portland, Or., from several Aral
combined, and he left at night for tkl
city. He hope* to return tomorrow Wkj
aeveral contracts for space. Ike '"rltf 4
cereal products) and demooatmttoag Of tk
name will be one of the best yet aa4k 1
any expoeUJon or fir in Wis past «( tk
country. ■'
Flour win be abowa la quantity, mflH
bakmg biscuits, rakes, ate., will attmdfl
much attention. Tlten there will bs bogmß
where wttole wheat flour, gluten brsadflU
far;ri«>s»», fiarbias. tapiooas, buckWkMw
flour, pancake-prepared flour, ato« wQt a|
In concluding amsngamenta wltk 4Mi
St>encer-Clark company, I nailing
diee agents of Portland, Seattle and flßsl
kane. for a big exhibit the SXpOeltiaa aai@
cures exhibits of goode from fully a dgmP
en big Eastern and Pacifte ooaat
fecturers. This booth will be one eftSE!
moat attractive in the expoattloa, and
its counters oocaa, chocolate, coffee. Map
cuha, enure, etc., will be served In daft*
Th# provision men will also bava
snm« displaj-s. There are now ftvg
In* powder rompanie* in tne expoalUoa*
wkh one or two others to bear fimal
the bakhig of biscuits, cnillere, eakeg, atg3
promt*ee to be lively competition, ana
•ample* of rhis order will be plefttlf(||||
One future of prominence and cure t»|
win for the exposition large sniTlsmell
dally U the iriv.'ng o*rt of pretty and M«b|
ly twtvenlrs hy exhibitors. In tklg tMF
lonal firm* will try and astonish the «53v|
ers. One firm Is getting up baflgm flog
d es. a <-o#t:y »«ook. picture cards
some novel effect# for tbe children. A*#'*
other w:ll gfw> away stick ping for laiflsa
and a puxxie for the children. Tka espew-'
sitlcn opens at the Armory Novwakgg|P
and oemin ues a week.
Short Seselaa mt tka Oaaaafl*
The city council held a meeting (asC|
night to approve the assessment roS fggfe
the grading of Terry avenue, from Pladi
'tteel to Virginia street, Tbe total gegSF
is 14."5i.40. of which tha property
portion is 13.954.«.
An ordinance was passed, autfloiikhgil
tbe superintendent of lighting and wat«W
work to lay an elgbt-tnch water main ajjp
cnerry street from First avenue ta ttMfH
ond avenue, and appropriating money fallt
that purpose. ,
An ordinance was also pamed autkarftmi
ing the payment of city bllla 1
■ls Leg Irekea fa P*fva PTmssa.
Henry Otttson, who drtvsg g milk WgflaK
on, had a narrow escape from being ktOtSI
in a runaway accident yestsrdgw
afternoon at the comer of B«SI
ond avenue south and Main street Tka 1
collided with a post, and wbaa Omp
tlson was picked up one of his leg* w||l
use leas. He was removed to Frovldea2l
bospitaL where in. F. a Palmer gad Pit
Kiine attenied h!m. There was one fiSs
ture below tbe knee and foar aaova. Tkk
femur stuck out through the flesh. It Jflj
not certain tbat amputation oaa Mi
avoidfed. ™
■ .... . n
•IS—To Sas *-—rlara ff»
From Seattle. Including berth in tonrlsft
s.Wper from Portia ml; Ci Arat-claglK
Inchidltig berth In Pullman steeper trmSL
Fort and. Unr train leaving tMp. at OrtaT
b*r IS. ar." 1 4:40 a. m October V. Take tktf
farnoua route to all polntg *#■
—the great tranacontlnantal winter rnal'jT
Southern Pacific ticket aflJea, <ll FlrsC
A resrard of 114 wtjl be paid far ktfgpJ|
matlon leadiiur to tbe arrest and aoaaMlß
tioa of any one stealing copies of |kf
Poet-Inte lllsescer delivered ta sabaertbmm
throughout the city.
Tbe Daily Po*t-1 r. Tel 1 igencer Is aew mtl
saie in artlaad. Or., at Rieb Brag,*, S
Morrison street, Portland Hotel aaort
stand and Nertbweat News CaMOKW
¥u»l street '