OCR Interpretation

The Seattle post-intelligencer. [volume] (Seattle, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1914, February 05, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045604/1898-02-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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0«« «PK\T TCM» II f H
,T * "tkkkts.
lf rt<lt»f ><"• Been \ee««rr
i:\rn B«-e» IM*uHicietit.
■ |kr I n»>l !• «• F" r Hehlfid
|lf . in. Mill *«< l,r
i nana'fh to the Po« Ms--
a Keb. 4 "=
cf tn r ,a-«ii today
- -* %Q » .
WZrti*r »tr«et repair* an! S»prove
i'. Tfci, resuS-d from a
.ti«n een- • > tn- • <*»->
fijtf Ut ho in an., to >»■ >ppiled
9rk Tne - -At the
*ffi lb- and w.rd, ..artment
it3 e x '«? month,
li. ty-., the Wtimatcd
n *Sls He ,-i-i-tl that
HCI bna> fc-d 4ut.-ady - miuUted
Br. fund, a h hi:;- ■rn- ot
M/fT*** *** f ; r ( fr]: '"'meS '-t
'* •'* on. *-.
*sl^^oner of Pubh • Work Ix.htriy
■•STtT-.- .fee commit '« - and i«>in:e<' out
S be H"'-* I ' * J " " x ' th<>
SLr to t- 4. vo: d 10 Shis V, .rk. , Q e
Kt&* con dl ' " ,; * d .V, H
kUB M bav- »• *
exp -I'd •! I. ».-o wo for
i%» ir ot U.:#-- h »vrc such
a to i. m-nace to
£«fety of al! who r< d o- m. Other
Aw toward - »>r
Smr VII «.-4uallv Ins »-rath ; . com.
ed. ind mo mor« in
IH to b" doot that 1- oi .Ij urg :.t
Hi Bcctnaur
f!t« «w»nutt«-. !v -"
to invest igai- -nd t- p np
i yiidi> iofl a t To in ...
lC*eer departmei; ait i toj.r. ~
Mutea eot i hl t 0 "' ,tf - uH •" K
fCfej,. auruig th- next thr - s.,
IHe tertv ar- that the «it;. ntir» -ii •
ießofb things are in a K-rf-ctly rotten
I naMlt*'" md it is only b> the constant
of ni-ncy for patching that
<tef 4» the «lu:> for win h th« > »-t.- in-
I>«mN I'ntii the p;iist eighteen months
vtiffything ana allow-<i to run down,
«s;-.k rwiain ! my ex «-.»diture to l«- kept
is gwd <«MJit»oc and when repairs were
i«»■ l»«un it w i ' oi.l there a«- no
, Kjan-at esd to what w.i in . d<-d. I3ox
tm*r* uadeigroucd h rotted until tin*
urttt above h.i« caved hi. making some
impassable to t '-arti*, drain gnt
•m an hilWdes »r« Inadequate; in many
plan* She main eondult t>< <.irr> off sur
<ur !* smaller than the branch -s
{Mi'.ns ,t, eaiisina 11. > ! -d district» .it
j »wry fteivy rainfall ana the whole sys
:►« » in suih condition as to make it
s«K*s»srs' to provide .. heavy outlay to
. ma patch it. much P-s to rcio-a and im
-: pf«vt tt.
Brrlkrra at the Wpurll uk Kralerally
Ire Hsertiiitt llim I p.
Sjy-fal h to ti;- Intelligencer.
UjxaiA F I —il> aihe i « of the sjKir!-
j Ssj tr- 'fTf! t> of this «it;, are manifesting
i » deri in! • nt»r• • t in the welfare of Fred
Graham aiiai< Vernon, now being held in
• NKody cwn.Ung the arrival of an officer
H- atfe wjufs <u>n pi|" rs fur hi« return to
H f»u* t'l i3l W i id til! I ? edly one of
hi ttt i a- the tune of his arrest, and
I For Those $
* £1 Who Are Not S
I /$ Going to |
in "Wv/f Alaska—the J
M W Stay=at - |
jVb Til Homes— 2
f vr l if *
i i\ J l Y W
I fcyj I f \\ e are ever ready to tempt with m
j |\; \ 1 MONUMENTAL jj
i J j VALUES 41
| j j Most spicy and natty appearing JJJ
! Mr* Business 1
Suits I
S $ $12.50 and $15.001
tfx : \IA ) I
J IV \ B ft In this climnte an
ft) Overcoatf
P m Of medium Height. semi-light in color 11\
I £ and H\> DOWN in price, cut box style. M
■ \ ill '** an absolute neve«»«*ifv —
i r>4 \\ J
II ; \ $lO, $12.50 w
ll' and s ls - *
T L j | i are showing *o«e excellent thing*
P li k M in thi* department.
1 -X-K-K-X-H. *
I *
» «-i>o.so2 r ir-t Ate., Cor. Columbia, battle, Ha»h. A
n' w t K at he js ■and®' arrest hi« friend*
ar* doing what they can to help h!*n, and
also to assist his family.
H;.* wsf- today be ime the mother of i
*e ond • hild. the first b«-ing but eighteen
tn ,»n'' * <-':•! Aiv *-•« received from th>-
Tezsm «-fii ial now en route announce h»
wii" pr«,<bab! • "»9 n Ta<">ma next Men
«iay. CSraham's heartng on the charge of
, »-;m a f sr • v» from Ju« . has be-n r-1
for Tuesday next.
' Trnnl, 1 onpan y Wast* the Karni
tsre of the Tseoins Hotel.
H i4l Disp hto tn- Poet-Intelligencer.
TA<*OMA. Feb. 4 —A new suit was tod.* v
fi>d by t r,- provident I»an &• Trust Com
! i«any • ' Phiiaiieiphia. against the T acorn a
I-and C anp -.ny to recover alleged to
i due on the furniture and fittings of the
j Hotel Ti r oma. The complaint charges
that th« Imd ■••ompany purchase! the ho
' te! fumi'ure from F D. Huestis for
tMJH, pa;. ...g IMNUfti °a"h and the bal.
a nee in monthly installments of SI.MO each.
It is alleged the lind company made a.J
the payment' except the amount jum! for;
| that it w is in pop session of the property
until December of ia»>i year, when th«t
plaintiff demanded P>sse««;on, Hueatis haf-
J inK *<>} d and asjegned his contract to tne
; Provident company. The iand company
- aving failed to meet ;he payment stai
. due, the provident rnpanv now sues to
take poston l>y r«-ason of the hrea h on
the part of the land company. It is ask-«
I that judgment in de reed in the sum sued
for and th < '■ <ntra' t ma.i<- between
: and the land company b- an
More Itiimbirrii ( uiur I p.
Fi'.er i.i! Disi>iit< :i to tli Post-Intelligencer.
' TA< OJIA. Fti>. 4.—The city is ag.iin
t' mp' • ui~y h'>m< of sevetui gangn of
j gamb •rs and grafutrs en route to the
nor:h«-rn gold lields. A big party >« --
texd'V put in an appearance from Sin
Fran- i*ei» an i ;• on< e m ide thems- iv s
sutJiclriitly prominent to demand a call
tl-fwn l.v th.- j»>l'c<-. They were o r d«-r- -1
' t.» et'li- r at once leave the city or re
i 'tair; from workir.g while here. There are
now no l» s - than persons of tbi< ci
■i town, a!) wailing the iirst opi>ortunlty
to go north.
•Ir«. Ilennett Sent hi the Wilam.
.. i , atrh to the P<«st-In:elllg-n er.
i'A« !A. l".-h 4.--« 'at rie Bennett, mar-
Mtil. ..k»ii .a. wife of a resident of
was t !.,• . "lirnitteii to the Insane asy
lum by JudKe K an of the probate court.
Mrs. Ue!!,-i»t» g» w ins me from religions
!>• lief, and ! <1 en visiting a sister in
this city. She became so plainly insane
during the pa-t f» w days that it w>s
deemed best to have her committed to
the asylum. Her hallucination is upon
religious subjects gi nerallj
Kent SnnjiTK Mrlke.
; Special I >isp itch to the Post-Intelligence
SNOHOMISH. Feb. 4 The knot s.iw
yers at the ten-block mill refused to go
i to work yesterday morning unless they
c-iuld have ;in advance of one cent i»-r
thousand. They had been working ior
cent®. They got the price demand
: ed and the mill resumed operatiosis.
Iteeniiimendnlifiii* Tlmt lliicli ScliooU
Inafltulr Surli ( omprtltlonK.
OLYMPIA, Ftb, 4.— The superintendent
•if publi - Instruction will l>su« from his
office In a day or so the following circular
to the county superintendent* of the state:
"t'ounty Superintendent N". I). McKillip,
of <'h*»halls county. organized an oratori
cal contest between the high schools of his
lountj l ist year, and to the winning con
testant he save i prize of I- 1 " in gold. The
result of his »fforts was such as to ree
ommend the plan to all counties having
two or more hish schools, and in fact the
counts* might i« rfect an organization be-
twe«n the high wssoc»f« of the «tate for a
state contest. This appear* to s->e e«r*-
| elally pra?-ti *' for the town' an ! eitb-s
Plaint,: nit* a fo: ~~ years' peiinw of stndy.
' Tl>'« oPTi-■ b- . - • - ,» h r >t th.it yon
rnt»f« r wtth f f »h - ;»»«*»! .»-:horit •-
an t r* ■•omrriT.! r; • to th-m if ...
your judgment >-«u believ* it a i!l be of
g-jod to \uiiT
Should any (Jifft. alrv xri* reg = -»r
. preliminary onr-m ii'luii. th ; - cf • will
J >•»* pleased to act w temporary 'manasn.'
| through whom corrwpondfw* may I*
| onduc-ted previous th- hrs* cont- at
' which time ih— high school- may :!av- del-
J eg, •-* pr*"M-nt to pe-rfe*-: an organization.'*
IM»> ITIO\* TO M HMOL l)l!>TRI< T«.
Mate *a|»eriatendeiit l>l«<u»»r« the
lailT ut thr jtnhjccl.
OLYMFIA F»b, 4— St S ritverd
, '"it of Public Instru *ion Brow: c ha? d--
d»»d that ».vrf is nothing in the laa au
thorising * county treasurer to exer -,se
any control ever the funds arising fr m
subscription or by private entertainment
given for the beneft of a s-hooi district.
The flianri-: t a« a district has no warrant
of la* - for engaging in any enterprise foi
iman la; profit. In case funds art- do
nated or raised by entertainment for the
district. th® fund* should be invested in
the object for which the money wa# raised
j and tive property turned over to the di
' re* tors. aJ'.er which it is district prop
erty in case of embezzlement, any in
-1 teres* »d party may bring action to pun
ish the embezzler, but there j«« no way by
1 whit h the district may recover the amount
i ios t.
Ida Koliimus jtrUfl* * l.aardiau.
Sp.-i-ial Dlspati h to the Post-Inteliigenc. r.
OLTMPLA. Feb. 4. lda Kobi:i=e n r, is s--
!■ ted Hon Jess*- Ferguson, her ben- fac
tor. as her guardian, under the sanction > f
the <->urt. its extended to her yesterday.
< 'ou.nty i'rotacutor Mitchell has drawn i
petition for the . ppointment of Jlr. Fergu
s-'ii. and it la understood that the formal
appointment will j. made February 14.
when the visiting j uige will aa.iin oc< uj-y
t;i« Thurston county bench.
s ll |ifrmc ( ourl Decision.
OI.YMI'IA. Feb. 4.-The supreme court
nay. reversed Judgment in tne ca«- of the
I'oromer ial State bank, app; Slant, vs. the
treasurer of Whitman county, respondent.
MclUcuoui Inaane %*>!uiu Authori
ties I", nd en t«r to tiuiil II e
»pounfl*illl> Therefor.
St-e -ial Dispatch to the Post-1 ntelligencr.
aotJTH REND. Feb. » Ernest Uster,
commissioner of public Institution.® and I*.
J risen head warden of the Stellacoom in
tane isylum. have b-*en here to«i.iy investi
gating' the injuries Inflicted on Solomon
Oylfe. an aireii. helpless man. who was re
cently.r turned here from the asylum .• s
not in.'ari". but merely in second child
hood. The injuries were found to be seri
i u.«. but no progress was made in fixing
the biam * on any one. The warden made
.m affidavit tonight, in which he >t.ite* that
Gvlf© wa» bathed nearly every day during
hi* .short stay in the hospital, and that
there were no < 'its or bruise# on his bark
when h«- I- ft th< re. Judge Thom.is t.'arroil
and I>r. Tuttle. of Ta' (ma. are mentioned,
and the train officials on the South Bend
line are named as witnesses to his prop* r
treatment on his return trip to Sou;h
liend. On the other hand, the charges
m ule y tlie asylum attendants that t'ae
Injuria wfrf inflicted iy <Sylfe's son are
utterly false, as the old man has constantly
b«en in liie care of a nurse and th< former
could not have done anything had he been
p > disposi d. For th> present Oylfe con
tinues is a county charge until the Swed
ish government can iw < ommunicated
with. He was a soldier in the Swedish
army f r thirty-two years, and U i-* hoped
that ills present irifagi r pension from that
source will l>e increa'- I. His cuts are fast
heating anil hLs health improving. Feeling
on the subject runs very high here, and it
will KO hard with his assailant if h»* can be
DU Kl.thU HOI'SE 111 R\KI).
John McDonnltl. tlie Mlnltm Man.
LO«M III* IIOIIIC X«Mir loltille.
Siv*clal Dispatch to the Post-Intellijjencer.
COLVIM.E. Wash.. IV '. 4-John M -
Li. maid, the w.'il-known mining m.»n. for
iii* : v ;■ if: try of the II ill Mine- Ootn
i any. Limited. at N I! C , who has*
.t tin ■ farm on Mill or- • k. ihr. >e mib * north
of town 1 dwelling house ;>y tire on
Wedncxlay morning, together with the
r Tit> nt- eavlng on'.y such articles as hap
pened to l>e on the first floor. The house
v\ a comfortable loa structure, which Mr.
M lJonald « i« occupying temporarily un
til -;.f eo,lid finish his n f \v farm residence,
costing which was situated HJ than
■j<«' fe< t away ar.d narrowly escaped being
It not known whether or not Mr. M > -
Ponald had any Insurance lie had a fine
library. Including rare book", selected by
Mm while In Scotland and England u
year aso. Some of these w re saved.
i llirrr Men Meet l>enlli on \eeonnt
of tlie Ire.
SPOKANE. F»b. 4 -A Hp . Ma! 0. spe
ial to the Spokesman-Re vl- w reports the
irowring lr» the Pond d't'ie.llc iiv« rof
Carl H nun. <\ Randall and <' il mk' ind.
The three w re In a boat which became
fouled in thin i e. It. J. Sap.-, who lives
down the river, heard the men *hoi.iting
a'oout !♦ o'clock at night. and tried to s-t
to them but found it Impossible.
The empty boat w is afterwards recov
er' d with sumc let! r ' ' 1 i Sw. lis i Itihl •.
j Th» bodi! - have not been r» covered.
< Ul.l.MltlX OX THE II \ It.
Otlllie Itoril t ru«lir* Into lli»- Xc|»-
tiine on i.rs>« llnrtior.
> c.ii r> - r. h to Posr-inte* isen er.
j H< >«JFIAM r. 4 — \Vh .:!• trving to
j cro-*- the lir s i ir in We Ire .lav the
j *chni ner <>t:' - Fiord ro into the j», ftoon
• • Nine T . Net f.r-e w.t* damaged t'>
| the amount of three broken stanchions
! and rail, ore p'ank and main raging
' iimiu'-'l Thf OtitHc Fjord lud her jib
! boom fcr kia and stem .smashed.
I 11.11 l I XIIEH (.Kill XI).
* iln<l«n Miner "»h«ot« ttfo Others
!«!!»• WurLlnc in tbr Mine.
la. . .t r> a* hto the Pas'- •elligen r.
KOSI-VN W.t-h.. Ft >. 4 la a Hit 1 •
wh •••* C arre 1 • i': .» . • .!fsr r.d it:
♦he N • 2 mine of * N >rthem P?
t* ■ ' «* tp «r** ;• •• S ml *
at W'i m L»e.» e-.. ■ rlkir.s I>oo
! v nt.tk>r« a «v .'s w>und. ~nd i stray
she* hi *'-g the t' ;" • man ! * • to
AH I e ptrtSes ' re.!
Mill l hnn»i»-» Maiiilv.
js • it Ptspat hto the Post-Inte'Hjs-n< -r.
SNOHOMiSff Ft O. •' ' t.v A.
j Co., of EiltiwrnJ •. wero in the « ity
i d.n a- ! purcha-.d "■ F '■ - '-m \ T ; r
j sc.", ndll 'r> n Tb r?.- ;i. V«-iai ,v
IW! it f!»'ld. of th.s pLi Thin■ >
| e«i near Hartford Jur • , .>R. MD .* !»• »-n
j |y;n* ld!o fcr si m< tim- It is the - •»« a
j tioa 'f the j' " "s- '■ '•* P ' tb« m:il in
! ©perat; n just r- swe th« n> • - arv r -
| pair* an b* m :-!c, and ran *t*
Dr|intv i olle**t«r ll<»t»«l ln<tall«-il
i.- ■ «": P.-t a hto the p -'-Irr.V
■i< |Ail F> i I la- ; .• y •"
j J (->■« A H• v ! was ir..-' . •••} y 2.
j l wa« doing d.it> 5- d,»>* .»« tipping
! rcrrmi*s; ner in paying off w of th*
<t'S. tier Garfie!d.
finis PUB ID.
llt Tltn \EXV % ORK OP WILI-
\ I otn I of * 1 it;t, I !♦<» Pnid by lover*
of %rl for »ie»e«ty Piet«rea— Harry
Pavne Whitney <ilve« SIXOtW
for rurtani'a onrt of J«»tlee.**
NEW YORK. Feb. 4.— An event of ab
sorbing interest in ar: r les took place
in Ch; hall las: nigh:. w'len the first
half cf the --olle-ticn of famous paint
ings gathered by :h<* ]a*e William Stuart
durinj? his residence in Europe, was sold
undei the hammer. The hall wis erowd
, »-U with lugir art lovers. and more than
. vu- ta-uai quota of dealer*. Seventy j>t •
t tures «>re sold, and the amount realized
The highest pri -s w-re brought by a
couple of Fortuny's. The top flgtire was
sl.l,'>«•. which was paid for ' The Court of
Jus: Alhambra." the purchaser being
Harry Payne Whitney. ' Trie Arab Foun
tain" was gold to H. Harrison for $12,000.
Other sales were:
The Stirrup c'ui> ' A. F. Emzei .... $ 3.370
Venetian Canal. With View of
Veronese Tomb." M. Rico 1 "35
j ' Honun Youth Reading Horace." 1..
Aima-Tadema 3.P00
*»'.ife Cantant " R. Ribera ZM&
! River Avne at Mont Valerian." t".
Bo'.dini U«H>
"Fortuity's Model." K. Samaeois .... 1
"The Arquebusier." Fortuny -.<»»
Fisherman of Seville. ' M. Ri-.0,.... l.uj"
• The Rest . i the Studio." «*. Boldini . 1 t««•»
Woman and Parrot." R. IVmadrazo !.T4)
"Alsace." A. Stevens 1,100
' it.ili.in Peasant <Jtrl." Fortuny . . *">
i "X'illf d'Avray J, R. Corot .Vio
Valley of the Tocques " C. Tryon... 2.<> V
• Auverae, on the Oise," C. F. Dau
| blgmy 6<DO
"Woman and Guitar." R. Pemadrazo 2.">00
Door i>f a M >s que." J. 1,. Geronie...
Arab ill ad." 1.1."A
'The Infanta. ' i . Samacrrs tM
"A Spanish CI srdett." M. Ri,'o l.lftO
'V.ife of tiie Swallows " Fortuny — ::.1««
"Chickens Feeding." C. Tryon «.:?»»
"A Normandv Cow " Evan Mareke 4 ! A)
"i'arisi.tna." P. -J A. Baudey l.ofcj
"One of the King's Moors." Fortuny 3.1jfl
"Parisian Flower Girl," Firman
Oirard 1.600
"Rural I.ife in England." <4. J. Pin
well 2.150
' The 01.1 Peasant." Fortuny 1 >0
"I'lihy Square." G. Boldini 2.V)
Neapolitan Peasants at the. Farnez
P.tiao." I. J T. Bennett
'•« rystal Bowls Fruit." A. V0110n.... 1.700
"The Kitchen in the Castle," F. Viro
bet Mil
•Waterloo" H. L. Dupray WSO
Court Yard Alhambra." Fortuny 2,150
"The Ware and the I'earl " A. Bau-
J».y S.GOO
lI»%HO*M Stl'KEMfc I'OrRT.
District .Indue IMper Sharply C'rlti
rl«ri Some of lt» Uerl*lun».
Judge Piper, in passing upon the motion
to dismiss the claim for fees of Attorney
S. S. Denning vs. Assignee J. H. Gaffney,
of the Bank of Genesee. In Moscow,
Idaho, last T.i. sday, overruled the motion,
anil in passing said:
"The decision of the supreme court in
this cas»». written by Justice CJuarles. is
of such a character th it it is very diffi
cult. after three or four times' rereading.
| to determine Its meaning. It reflects no
light, but rather the reverse upon tho
jurisprudence of this state. I ;ttn not
here to pronounce a disquisition upon an
cient or modern languages if I could. In
Mi years or less from this time th** juris
prudence of this state (much 9f it. at
least> that is given us by the present su
premo court will bo eliminated and
throw*, into ihe waste basket as untit to
adorn the pages of legal lore. The decis
ion of the supreme court in th" Gaffney
case, as well as in other cases, is so mis
leading that it warps the judgment not
only of the district judges, but was warp
ed before ever it entered the shuttle of
the supreme court's loom."
Judge IMper's criticisms naturally ex
cited no little comment. When inter
viewed that evening, he stated that in his
long experience on the bench this was
the first occasion on which he had criti
cised the opinions of the higher court in
any way, but that he felt fully justified in
this Instance, With considerable empha
sis he declared:
"The supreme court judges are superior
to the di-trict court judges in position, not
as men."
II \T« «M S Tl\ 4 \\ I*l.\>T.
There Is a t.ood Market for H<* Ware*
Illicit! 1" the Count?.
Sj e ial Dispatch to the !'.ist-Intelhgrncer.
WHATCOM, Feb. 4. Mr. F. l\ Kendall,
the manager of the Pacific sheet rmtal tin
can manufactory at Astoria, who is h re
arranging for the establishment of another
branch, says that it will l>e ready fc r
business in thirty days. The plant tv II
cn«t |7a.«». The building will t>e 17*>\">0
feet and the work will be begun on it at
c nee. The company, in their several fac
tor:*-; t San Francisco, Astoria and New
Westminster, make fruit, vegetable and
fish cans. and they follow the expanding
trad, with rv w factories.
I.ast season they shipped 11 '»)0,000 cans
t tne Sound ftom their Astoria plant and
4 " «j rune to thi< vicinity. On these the
freight w.i* Jl 2T> per thousand and the
time w.i<t> il it erit. il periods in transfer
rins: the runs ft i® Astotia and the freight
charges are the cause of the establishment
of the new factory here. season
t acre was a million dollar*' worth of fish
put up in this county alone, and several of
■ - Colombia river canner>men have rx
prc--ei the intention of coming to this vi
cinity to establish bran h canneries. The
n« w : i tor.v is in extr i in! ; inert to t •se
men. as it rids them of the cxiwrnse and
Ir, ■■ntn-t nienre of putting in can-makng
machinery of their own.
t uston* Mono** (Inline**.
5 ■ Lai Dispatch to the Post -In f e!l jgencer.
N KUM )N. 11. C, Feb. 4. Thf volume of
i Ulllllll at the KtiMß COatOBI house dur
ing "he month of January am »unted to
j. Th-» imports amounted to KM,
f w . v: w'-re free. The duty col
'• i 4't ■ ■;rT- I to JJt '*"*> Thfre <re
T4 - « of o r «". 7«» tons of matte, :>»> of
aohl wilhon. amounting in all to $1,197 459
Huiltfiiiv it \#-h llrlilse.
s at Dlapatdi tr» the Post-1n t••hig en c- r.
ORAM) FORKS. Ji C Feb I - A ria
stuttll bridge :s b« ing built about half a
rrule ir !.»w the boundary ii >» at rancid*
t'lty ,\ ■ w waaon road s also being
n ide to conn*--t w:th the mi'iin road to
Mir, - Thi> • d w U -hortcn the 0;<-
! t ■-> f * \ --n mil**.
firm + of Ore.
.-Y- .al D spa h to the pis»-Tr.r :i.ge: •r.
'f" ''■ ir z r» ■< iv» ! at vnjeiter ('..in
• *' K o: t re t:a ks ■„ * f;.- Kverett .V
V "<• t'r.M ) r . r >ad to *-e unloaded. The
• «- • r refinery buiii-irta and oth.-r
■ • • are rap.diy appr >a h..- < ccmp'e
t r«|rm> ln«|»e«'l >r IbiiKa*.
S • U f»i>: at ti t> the Pes Ir*.r.
WIUTidM, F. t> 4 •".!• ir.s or
St.-rjr-T is s To Sk«i.Ra».
Nt m hi reidgnation to foil- or K.
D Hftti Mi S-. r„. r 4Mr. WiUoel
<>' th:s pla hitve builr « Wit, and «iil
* ■ r -. :t ' ' V >. •: - • i-i. %.
Oltrralnrt «hlflnl %r»un«l.
S i i» 1' -:>t" sto th*. ■ er
K\ V :;K"iT K- . I T - Kv. r-tt A. M .ntfr
'*rt<to Kailroi 1 4"omp.uiy h'aa t icaw>.l Its
t HfeMM at ttlverton. Wash., and iflaa
i- : :e i-ar r. jger.t ani c-, ratar. haa
| been transferred to ft rant Fa Us stator to
i succeed
' appoint-d operator and a-s-nt for the Kv
eret» .v ilotite i'risto irOdd Company
. t i.ow- v O. \V. Tlat H'kl. The latter
:s t -r ll» :id- r« >rt • ;e-k.
Hurglar* I nter r. Hloiater'a lloave.
j Special Dfapitdi tj the Pos*.-Intelllg*n?er.
*i. OM. F , h. t - Th" r <*ideuce c*
Rev. A. Rogers was burgiariaed n Thurs
t day nighi wild" the reverend gentleman
j w.i« at prayer me--;tii. A ;ld watch and
chain were the principal art scured
by th? thieves.
Vext Pall's <tate I'air.
Stvctal Dispnt, hto t. !,a Post-lnte'.Vger 'e-
X'TRTH YAKIMA. Feb. 4. -The x>ard of
«tate fair -mm:ssioners have t. in ses
*ion her» f r s» verai days this week,.
fc ting pla: s for the ibit. iii in sep:em»
j ber.
Kverett t Inthlntc Klrm
Special Dispatch to the Post-Tnte!ligencer.
EVERETT. Feb. 4—J. J. Clark & Co..
clothing merchants, made an as.--.grtnertt to
V. s. Gardner today, liabiiities. a*-
■ s* ts, $44,000.
A res,>iution paso<l the W'allj Walla
Ck. ancil redu :ng t interest un warrants
to t» per cent.
There wer- T. 2 V»irths and iS d vth« In
Spokane du: ng January. u» tne births 21
were malt*s and 21 females.
J-ff Stewart md Guy Stewart have been
buying not-, s tn Dayton for the Klondike
tiiiue. They expect to t car loads.
The Republican st;ite convention of Ore
gon will be held at Astoria. It is tne tirst
time in tw-tity v»-;»r> that any place otter
ti;an Portland has .»« n sej. 1 1< d for the
ci nvention.
The Dayton foundry, formerly owned by
M*. J. l>owling. wa.:? at Dayton at n
< c iver's sale I tst Tuesday. Tn- plant did
not bring enough to pay the costs of the
.-ait and of the receivership.
Two boys. ig»d 10 an. 5 11 rfspectlvelv are
in . iil in Mo.-, -w. Idaho. . barged with
breaking into the hardware store of M. J.
Shields & i*o. and stealing two '--'-caliber
rifles, four ixixes ot" cartridges and four
POt k» t knives.
Judge Kayliten. an linliati of tiie T'oiatil-
Ii rest rvation. has been missing .since the
-*.uh ult.. and i: is thought that he has
i>ei*n killed or drowned, tlis wfe las of*
fered a reward of |ls for information lead-
Ins to his recovery.
Four ar loads of cayuscs nass.d through
Pendleton on the way to the cannery at
Innnton last Thursday. Five car loads
were s-uit a few days before. The horsca
w re bougiit from the I'matilia Indians,
who are v,aid a head.
A Klickitat county commissioner Wednes
day let a c-'-ntract for the itnm-diate con
s', rue lion of the Goldendale-I.yle county
«ai; n road. The road L- to be completed
-•v June 1. Contractor Mason, of Hood
river, w is the bidder.
John Baglin, a youth of 19. who was
charged with helping burglarize Hol
t creb's store in Spokane, has turmd state's
evidence against Charles I.inden, his
"pal." and it w thought Baglln's testi
mony will sen! Linden to the penitentiary.
Frank Sakulskv. of Portland, shortly
after retiring, was awakened and saw a
woman in his room. When he fairly rous
e> 1 himself she mas gene and an . xarnina
tion showed a rear window nn<l the kitch
en door open, and hL* gold watch and $1.75
in money gone.
All>ert E. Young, whose skull was «> se
verely fractured about ten davs since in
a fall from a moving train In the Olympia
van!:; OB tlie Northern Pacific, lias so far ,
recovered as to be able to sit up a portion
of the time. His wound is pnctietUf IK ti
ed and the #tltrhes have been removed.
•"Maim Aeent Shaw, of the Northern Pa- •'
cifif. is in Pnlouse looking up the evidence I
In t ie case of Ed I -«. «r- . four.*! murdered
on the railroad track between Palouse and
Pullman on December 4. Mr. Shaw i« en- '
deavorlng to asc* r;.iin if was *nur- j
or was killed Uy the train, in rase an j
aetion for damages siould be brought ;
against the railroad company.
About noon Thursday Martin Dillon, an
old Grand Army man. was found naked
on the floor of his room in Astoria, where
lie had i>een for a week. He w.:< almost
famished, having Ikul no nourishment for
several days He was suffering from pa- ;
raiyst", of which he had an attack a year !
ago. it is reported tonight that h<> will
probally recover, although his ace Is
against hlna. ile j.s well known by all old- !
DO not f.iil to attend the great auction
sale of clothing ami Klondike outfiNi to
day at !**> First avenue, corner Marlon.
Proofs of n KI'IMIIIIICUD Wnr
New York Mail and Express.
Fewer American railroad?! went into
the hands of receivers in 1V? than in any
year since 18*7. Republican prosperity
has made It possible Tor these corpora
tions to stop KOtrtr into bankruptcy and
go Into business instead.
After coughs and coJdf
, the germs of consumption
often gain a foothold.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with Hypophos
phites will not cure every
case; but, if taken in time,
it will cure many.
Even when the disease is
farther advanced, some re
markable cures are effected.
In the most advanced stages
it prolongs life, and makes
the days far more comfort
able. Everyone suffering
from consumption needs this
food tonic.
S #n Jst 00. »!1 druggiirv
SCOTT A Nt , Ch**ni»t», Ne* York.
C*OC^C*OOC*»^*O i OO , OOC''OOOC > O
| .Makes Heat I
O -AMD- &
if Saves Money §
•vvOC^^^C^C^C^OOOC*OOOv 000 * "O
ov*®* opimim
Bll * Kfc
And tve.-y form o! S o.i_» h *-a« is
caieU b> ia« Uvw u. Ae.'j, STUAKTi
bVSi'i.!'sU T A hi. c. * i>. to
take, (si) -:*• pfcsa Si cent* a: druggist*
Bcok on » om»ch tro i le- :h
of tts'.nj >r Uii *e-t fiv« ti *r ;r.i
•Tl ANT CO , Marshall, Ikk
For Men.
low doa't have to SO around or step over oar Mtß'i F%ral»kl«f
Dfparlamt, hat It la boapltably ■rrruiblr. Satardaf uutly ftida
■ frw w»»t* la a mb'l wardrobe. If yon are geioc alaag try as.
It may add a frw prat* to roar laroar-per ha pa a few dollars. At
■ay rate yoa will Had Mea'a Wear that la suitable, serviceable
and substantial.
T.ate 4-ply Collars visually
sold at l-4c: our price V.
Anchor Brand Collars, regu'ar
price 29e; our price ISVjc.
Good 4-ply Cuff*. ail linen, regu
lar price ~>c; our price l>c.
Complete line of Te< k, String and
PuiT Ties at -XV and jt>c.
Un laundered White Shirts, linen
bosom, reinforced backs, 43c.
Kine Laundered Shirts, pure liu
en bosom and bands, reinforced
back, only 7"< - .
Half Hose.
Two-thread Heal Maco. hifth
splk-ed heel, black and tan. 12'jc.
Onyx Rlack Socks, the best for
war and purity of dye, 25c.
People who can't get to our temporary store, corner Fifth and Pike, can
•hop by mall and get anything they send for. Kverythlng must be exact-
ly as represented or you set your money back
Stone, Sanford & Fisher
Our rew location will be corner of Second and Seneca.
Largest Stock in Town:
BROWN 8R05.7-
722 First Avenue, Gor. Columbia St.
| Musical
t Supplies.
3 We furnl.«h ail k• ;« r.f - t art* and
''9 trlm:t.':t far m i*i< .1! ln»:i ;imeot*
«{ of r\> ry dmiljUW-brMiW, tall
-3 pi<-< ?*, p» pi- K*, rirs--. patent
» h>-.<'i s raws, muale star.'** and all
<5 tfi»- .-riiail et c*t*-ra.« *hl- h mu u :-
•5 - are constantly requirlm; We
'i |i. ■ i.- it ■"»'••! and >siK -.'.rims* fur
2 The different Instrument*, •>ur pipe*
,'i r .-1 -m fi-m to SI We
.j :,/«.!» r-r« r,tiy ivii a- <n*-r !m
--5 por;ation of the popu'ar Klectric"
'5 % I.din «rtng». and our customer*
\i an d- -nd upon oi>tu« >.: i« frc- i(
;2 n- w ' r!s *«.
1 if you hav« never u#ed the "Elec
•s tr;« »tr." *- Kiv< si a tr;„ .
'3 Ti.»*y ar»- > jh- t" jr.- y 1. ?v
--2 < ).i. | • «on >tr : of ali *».«:*
)ii n ;antities.
9 . —.
'•5 Se- 1 Av- nit-- sr ! Marlon d'rec-t,
•« Seattle, Wa*b.
TkeNtM-Ot MM al let-tit Print
A large variety of styles, with all
the latest Improvement* of tho Har»
r.s wire buckle, only 2ic.
New Handkerchiefs.
Pure Irish Linen, tape bo r Jena,
hemmed, at and 19c.
Pure Linen Hemstitched Hand
kfrchi- fs, in and 1 inch hem, tm
tra (rood value. 2T>c and 33c.
New Cloves.
Men's Dojtskin Cloven, one> clasp,
sixes 7 to 10, $1 the t*air.
Men's Kid Clove*, new shades, S»
clasp. J1.30 the pair.
Gloria Umbrellas, Paraxon frame,
roil. 7Sc. 89c, fl.oo to 14.« i.
Kxcellent values here; we sell only
the best makes.
K quality 2-clasp Mocha. In tsns.
brow ns. Kngllsh reds and blacks,
extra value, 51.00.
K quality, 2-clasp. embroidered
backs, all new shades, regular Jl.lS
Clove; our price JI.OG.
Offer* for «a!e two centrally loca>
ed wh tfv 4; otfu-r water front
property; a large amount of tid«
!*nd»; buCdlnx lot* between Rat*.
r<-ad avenue at. I Western avenu«;
t> ;•)!>• «« pro; rty upon Flr»t are>
tiur, I lr-' avenue *ou tb. Second
ar.d Tril:d a\»nu«-« and Ye*ler way;
four huMnr-n* bio< k*. a number of
beautiful r-siil'fi« «a on Denny hill;
a fine homo In Anne; re«|-
d< rin cth-r part# of the city;
and a laric and choiet Hef of re J
d»*j-ee property. We bandie onijr
perfect 11V.x imlne our ll»t
b«fo:e buying whfr».
Room 23
Dexter Norton 6 Go/s
Bank Building.
He do absolutely
nothing else but fit
and adjust glasses
to the eyes, and out*
work is fauftic**.
MISS WILZITOKf. Scientific Grad
uate, fl2 Cherry. imdnttm Srt,

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