111 new it.
ggf ■ mtRbKI THE OTHF.a WITH
Fstlsalsti Bawdy Cksr*»»
Treaehery aad Bad I'ailk. aad
prospects *f Agsts CMSIBC To_
gttber la Alllaaee Vro Bessote.
gperis: Dispatch ta the g-»?»-* r
TACOMA. April l-A mtire sore, disgust
gi and generaHy "dorse up" lot of men
were r.e\er seen in Tacoma than are th*
Br— prominent leaders of the la"* ;« >** t
faal*r> mov<m*nt Their def»*' by ff "-
fMlr*nr they refuse to admit, burning
f*Mi*r.t tr, their own rankr for having beefj
■ksde to bite the dust. The tr =}er •• a-*
fgtusay vituperative In the de< '.*r»t;si»s
iB U"««e P«snt. Populls » who took p'H in
tks fasten flgat in earned openiy denaurwe
as I>«-qptocrjita foe having hampered the
igkt front the start, and in V»e end hav-
Hg J|r>if*d the ticket at the pdHs
Democrat* are in the attitude of "Didn't
f tall you soT* Thsy say had their leader.
A. V. Faweett. beer. th* n-.mine* si! would
have been different; fhst the one mar. in
the fusion ranks who could have won the
(Igfct Is Mayor Fawsett. and that the tn.ik
sra af the ticket can blame r.o on* but
themaelve# tor t£s sweeping victory
•galast there. The'luiisr d:#*atisfled feel
ing apparent b*t«r'*en the Pwpuiiola and
Daaioefsts altar Merstaer-s nomination is
**W mere fully developed into a more open
attitude oil txdh sidss. If thsse faction*
have anythin* to <ty ifeotß future at
tempt* a? fusion, it is d >slsrs to doughnuts
a combination wIU prore ttapowf'bis. arid
that the "three-h'sdsd mon*ter,** AS
gtraight Populist* term fusion, ha* been
k.iisd *ll *ncv «r.d for «!1 time
The oaly phase of the fight that has
prevsd * disappointment to th»' Rrpubih -
ans I* the fsot that Chandler, of the gev
snth ward, has been defeated bv one vo'e
b»- Opie. the fusion nomlwe. The aitl?lal
r» lurrit now in the h«atl* of the city < ierk
rhsw s total in this ward of J4i votes fir
Chandler and IdT far Opie. Tl»e report of
Istt night, making it a tie vote. |« said
by election officer* to li«v»* resulted from
an In oruct add'tlor. of the vote In the
Third precinct. This was later corrected,
and the returns now »how Opie the victor.
There ars several minor point* of vita:
inter**' connected with the tally of rjt**
in this wsrd which a!ll probably be
kr«u*ht t* the attention of the coun?t!.
and which wJ'l Justify a thorourh < snvass
snd Itivestlgstien of the vote. Members of
ths council who were seen today declare
thsy wIU ;ovk Into matter If |t is
shown anything I* wrong, but that thsy
will make It tfcisir aspeclal buslnaas to ne..
that the candidate who won secure* his
***t -regitrdteas of politics and at! political
When Mayor-elect Johnaon N'lckeus w .l*
•tell today, lie wta bti»y aifh ti long j»tr :;g
of ralle— and *u rei-ejrlng them as fs-«t
ga possible In his offi e To * Post-Intel
ligencer reporter the mayor-elect said:
"I am neli content with the way the
fight ended I feej indebttd to ev-ry ru.«u
In Tacoiha who worke«l so hard snd faith
fully far me srd in the interest of our
tJek*t. and fee! that but for the splendid
support 1 rere'.ved on sll sides 1 would not
aow ett here «s s winner The n-w*pa
r»rs, too. have treated, me handsomely,
au who have bad th-.s in hand,
have been fair. »nd have «ho*n rru more
nnalderati >t< proi übiV th.«n I have been
entitled to. I appreciate this fullv. and It
Wili be my eartjettj endeavor t » »!m* by
•y/dm*i)istrai)on that you h.iv> rot wast
ed your efforts en one unworthy of your
ttcelient atjpport."
With reference to hi* apt>ointrnenr». the
Bsyftt e'ect had nothing t.» say, H.- ej
>bin' lie had made no pledges and hail
twsa t 0 busy with election aork ta serl-
® HERE j
Un he found here. •
itot ima J
ins mere •
Bcousr \vr carry every •
new requisite for J
the wh~c *
CM*!i RIKf Pa»m J
.last Arrived. •
E\Hft 81HIR •
iiirs mg? 2
H'v.ti:* o<r ' :r e s are *
wiper. •
" z
store J
EW^Rlh?s %
I •.err r, ,t - a re.-.s >n' •
Jinim. I
I ir<st \\c nJ ColttitiM*. »
o-usly rorj&Z+T this part of the wwk. On
this o«e point of prot»i«%g places Mr.
Nick'-'i* ta emphatir. and reiterated the
h* so often made during {he
r.*rr>p»sgn that he had la n© wtim ued hi#
hand# in any partial** whatever.
Go-.*;p j* au*y with the probable *>-
po k e»»s "tinder tb« new ehief eaeeuttve
Kepubi'can* federally c*ne«ie that a .
j-4 igf Kmmet N, Parker, of the superior
**de dty attorney, with
i,!tr Harvey and perhaps half a doeen
oiiwr *» 11 -known young attorr«*y* in line
or i&e pla< e of assistant. As to the chief
of half a dasert men are talked of.
!w fading Detective George A«hby. ea-
Chlaf D O. Smith. Chairman K-ii, of tit*
Ker*>Wiea» roastttTtee. and two or thre*
djrg horse* a* possibilities.
V. no ts to *»t as commissioner of public
work* is not ye t known. This is t r.M
position, and the aspirants for ths place
are net few. The friends of i_ <i jack
son, at pre«ert deputy controller, hope ho
Way be abte to land th» plum, but aer
* -i''y ho :« making no ftgm for it.
Minor place* are not yet much spoken of.
anil until Mr. N'ickeu* announce* his ap
pointee* nothing definite win likely to
known. Thera is no doubt whatever of
there heing a clean sweep am on* the pr*w
ent city ampioyaa and appointive heads of
departments Civil service WAS killed by
a vote of 2,i45 to 1.117. and the sentiment *f
the mayor-elect Is one of **to the victor*
belong the spoil*." There remain twa
weeks in whfch changes ran be arranged
f«r. and at the end of that tim» a general
cleaning out of all departments will surely
There ts probably not a member of th*
l*te dec*a*ei fan*on party wbo i* lain mrs
and le»a surprised at the vic
tory of th* RetajblUan* than is Mayor A.
\. Fawo»tt. He had but little to say to
day waen asked for hi* view of th* situa
tion. hut declared the howl *galn*t the
Democrat*, chargia* them wtth knlflng
Mentaer Is unjust and without reason, lie
urged that he and hi* supporters worked
faithfully for the ticket, but d*es not dany
t "Ht the result *f the tight is no surpr.se to
"T<»e malority doe# not surprise <h*
ei'her." s.«id the mayor. It wa* aknost cer
tain tnat if Nli-keus won at ail. h« w«uld
pile up from 2i» to .*» majority. It would
take too lon* for me to go into detail to
enow why f am not at a!< surprised at the
defest of the fusion ticket, but I have good
reasons for saying this result ahonld not
surprise ar.y one who J* well potsed on
the way t;.e fljrht developed "
Without attempting to ix/ast. and with
out It In an egotistical way. th*
mayor hinted that had he been th« nem?-
nee the entire campaign would have been
different and would probably have resulted
differently Referring to Mr. Nickeus, ths
mayor aaldt
"I want »o see hkn 1 am desirous that
h* I*% m»- know as early as wimble who his
*pp*ititers are to t>e m> I may itjvits them
to come .to me. that 1 can take tMem to
their eft lies snd have everything explained
t » them 'Phis Is necessary in ordsr that
they may tike hold effectively, and I ln
t< -M that it *hai! be done I wsint »o g«
out of off!, e and has* a*' my appctnte**
t» out leaving everything In ttte very best
of atuid Grder I shall insist upon Ibis, and
shall no' permU any one of ray appointee#
t > leave a tangle of any des<*ripl!on behind
Through a mi«'ake in tra.p--*mS*don th«
vote for the candidate for trea*urer was
given as l.ister Bradley I.S4S. L4ster's
vou- stiould fiav# be«n ?,®«.
ASSiK Otl.»W!.\ DEAD.
(the •aeeaasha to the Polsoa Takes
hy Her an Saaday Klgbi.
Spft-ial I>*wpateh to thf Po*t-lnt*lllg«»no*r.
TACOMA, A?>rtl 6 Anr.S*» H«!d»'n,
known here a!«o u Anita Nolan. last
n.Kht from th» effact* of morphine r«"»**w>n
iii*. She a?t«»mpt#d suichif* iatf Sunday
Right at h<»r in a <" s*t>~t lodging
hou?*" By tn*rg*?lc work do< tor* and
h»r tr'f <»« brought h<T out of thf stupor
jr. wh h th*-y found h* r about rtvdn.ifhf.
I wr•• tlk' s{ht «h»> would r><»v>r. but
*!«<*•• Miiway sh# has bfcn very Hi and
i»ti-»di!y growing wealc***.
The w>ihnan <»mf to the Coast from
lx*mer aumc four months ago, and show
ed up in Tacoma about three week* jko,
saying she came from Seattle, She wis
I ;t. d Xl*> by the municipal Jud««* "a-t wc-k
fir havlnK taken part in a row with »n
1' iliac who clatmrd ah* tried to r .d. him.
While in }*!! for thi* -he i> fu*< 1 to dia
• :o»f her Identity, but hint.-d «h« had left
h--r hu*s>and in t»#nver be^iu-« .if a quar
rel w-tth him, She worked about a variety
th-4ter here for a few days, and at last
*ei w r ! to th- theater she wa- 1:.
Th»« r i ti are t; w in charge of t'.e
cor-aser. A goM r!n#r »">rn by !h- d-vid
W :v : !-r,ir« »» - Mill. •! on P'*
hiTier -af * • ' N•;!'«• r..a\ pawn
ti' fe-t f and Jimo-'v h- ? • !T-> Is nude out
' > l.ai:rt Jack-" I' J'• .1 - and • ! 'hing,
tailet attic!*-. . bear .1 ,rk« «h-»w;o.«
them to have com# f: ;n San Francts-o.
«.>!;e (ih l>!», of i haial- au ir jR,
-.l'. .1 V 1 k S- itih .
N » !• ?' rs s-r bif*' -t- ■> »t: g : • r M
tliy . -»• 1? i >.» fernd l're>m |n«j'< ry aH5•»?*»;
h«r here I? i.* believed t!»e
*n's parents . • «;de In S.<* Vi an !>co.
Kottno iitiue win. sii; rati tm.
Wilt Tr.» t« < M sci-i for Time
Out of (iWcr.
Si \: 1! Piapatch to tha Po*t-In*e!' •.- n r.
T \i'< >M V r'.l « <'hi-f of T M.i
m-a H >ve who will retire from off: - - i*i
w>k-i from Tuesday last, today he
*0 at oniv thereafter i-aJin
r> <"'•<»» of liw When a loiik of i e-t U
t\ «pi>-ad i'T .■ fa *of!• s li<C :• r «
"V. ■» »:i.l !»:«• flr.4 »•.(.«.■» I w : • ,k*
hold of '■* *t-v own. and ttsat of otner ern
piayea of the ct»* i Insend to pa.- , a ,-t
to I'Olle*. - : t.:e « >i;. * due • for th - :mie
«.• wer- .II kep: from office wh i» Moor
Orr hell hi" jta e and *tt n
M . v«»r 1 j#' .-U to kt t hia
"Haw long were we ken: ou:? I think
tt wa« five and («• \i* day.«. t
th *t *in • f at'* my r»'.\?! : * ■tt of ; We
are entitled to a<:r w **•»* far th'a um» and
1 Intend ta set , t * morw»\ from the city, it
wi!' take i'«C«id»f i V time no doubt, b rt
1 w }| have jvotn ne e|»e ta do and w ,1
varrv *i» I.lc to the *uprem»» court oa
a,;: k \ \ * i,,»» l»ie I have «everai ««*irn
'not (fflfv' ** f' r "tie '' e V
t;-. rT! tnis tdh ! and w .l! »;et mo r e , -> -
for«» I begin th* aait. In all. I w«tt pcoba
\ • ■• -• i.x a totai of »»».•»«> or t rre
Itoilltt.D IN % t»lt It tit«K.
1 I'eUdlrr I talma to lla** M«-e»
H"«le» Out 11 f
S ' !•*,.•* • > th> P'.'S'-fpt*?! yen >r.
T V ■ v \ \p'.; ♦ The p©u-* have «n
1 . * -e »•• ae.j \\* «* M|!i-r,
t w!'*i h iv'" jt t'eater. a J' wi«h p>d
d.e- t ••• - ! S'\ rtrae oat of a«.»me n
a - The rvjmp'.i* ho developed
q ■ > * ... .*•. \Vh. i .1 the
two mei fpM ■ "h'ir r»o«=*»■#«■♦.• n.
and ' >'. v w t >»v s.o<- herd for t-e:r
jfi- a- . r*tv>'d to return
this rt; '".~v ■ ■ <- m
■ t..*ter i> t - :isi }»♦•-
** ,ite4 « »er* of *«rr:s»h*R«nt f'>r
hm. tw.U rt ' r - - v going in? a
:h« h••r *• •• : " * 1 i:ng a . ig
- •s . *
ar» '.*>-'•• »: t of how
- d* «h"
w :-fc«t#<l, Ta- sw ■ ts" ■ .1 rrested claim
* to«' h * n'-'*:'. v ' ■.r - whiie
*rt of 'f waa "at w i '.,» m Ssiver
.l t theme*»\ew we-- ~ Gtg d*. M
■s \■- *;ar him* 1 r - v . : . *>., name
. :>.* wai ' - » ? r 'ft-1 !n•
~»ry heartr.g in the n. ">a. .aatt.
IcUrn *»» lie !'• nI« eb»i ar ♦ .
S t • !>«, a*ch to t". P.-'* "■ ' g«»i-cr
v >.r v a. < S " - t. -
- v '• r s • Walla W a -ntiarj.
'a-- .»• . ■ r** Jvhn > • s*.. - * r. Ed
ta or- year fcr • »rtkrj Pratsk Uraham.
ta . ct year fat* asaai-.t to mur4rr.
5 >\4 aha. acKten ed ta lirtt years
f¥w fv.
P*SslUt* Elksaiag the Other He se
vers of the A Ufa are Away Frsa
the Trsagk, *a4 a Utter Feel*
la« la Maalfestiaa Itself There.
Bpe-r:a; Dispatch ta the Poat-I??te-';iseaeer.
WALI.A WALLA, April *.—Tb»re is
troubte brewsng in the ranks of the fu*i a
party in Walla Walia county, which has
every Indication of resulting in a dissolu
tion of the bonds that have united the t?M>
—Democrats. Populists and Free ftjver
Republicans—since the test state electins.
It has all bet-n brought about by the al
most starved and desperate app-i snts fjr
an opportunity to get a seat at tfee u { t tatie
in connection with the state penitentiary.
From Lhe very day that tiov. Rwgfrs as
sumed the rema of government of the
state of Washington there has b*en a "di
stant quarrel *ver the Jui y plums afford
ed at the state penitentiary, and ever*
effort ptit forth to make an equal di\
amor g the three wing* of the Dime -Po,> -
Silver-Republican pa;tj has been a d smai
failure. Change after change ha« b>- n
made, but each tltm- bey have proved >
be for the worye. untli now tiie s-mall heal
that is holding the trio together has a!*
most keen broken. A breach bct»eeu the
three parties has been made so *r de that
it will be almost Impossible to bring them
together in harmony again In Wall* W ilia
The action of the state board of audit
and control in reducing Kd McUwndl. «»f
Walla Walla, frwm the position of stew
ard to that of turnkey, and promoting M.
M Hoim'-s. of Seattle, to the atewuidship
has brought about t!t« moat recent dissat
isfaction. Today Mi-Dor.nell tendered bis
resignation to the powers that be and
walked 'town the hill to again become a
private citizen of this glorious common
wealth. He savs that while his reduction
*as not wholly a surprise to htm. yet lie
did rot expect It for some time to cotnt.
He was aware of a plJt nmong the Popu
list employes at the penitentiary ;o get r-.d
of him (because he w».s a Democrat), stlli
he h«d more faith in the members o£ the
board of audit arid control. McDonnell la
one of the leading l>< mocruts of Walia
Walla county, and has no entail amount of
Influence among iti? member* of his party,
who are very indignant at the pres. Nt turn
of affair.". They swear thsy w.SI have tfe
venge and when it comes time to niiike
preparations for the fail campaign they
Will have a hand in the fight, and their
presence will be felt with much weight,
Mr MtDonnell la a relative of State Print
er Hick>. and he owed his appointment as
steward to Hicks' influence, but since
HI ks wis dir-poted of McDonnell's path
ha* not always been covered with roses.
Realising that their star Is *!owiy wan
ing. the Populists are using every
h«> means to build up a political machine
at the penitentiary, and It L-» believed that
the time is not far distant none but
Populists will f< ed at Gov. Rogers' pie
table at the penitentiary.
The matter of levying an asscs-ment
upon the employes at the penitentiary oc
casioned much comment among the poli
ticians in Walla Walla today, and the
leaders of the fusion anangentent are
much excited over the affair. They seri
ously object to sending mon<*y to Tacoma
to assist the fusion ticket there. One of
the leaders said today:
"If the penitentiary employes have
money to contribute for a <ampai«;n fund,
we want it left in Walla Walla, as we
will need every cent, and more, too, to
deft at the gold bug gang next fjAi in
Wal a Walla."
One of tin- employ** who holds a posi
tion nuir,' <k-vated than that of
said today that there was more to ttie
matter of asaiswing the fusionists In Ta
oonu than iran r«-vti'.ed to them by tha
powers a; the ilt wai a t'hfine to
advance Krrscst Lister, jecrcMry of taa
l>oard uf control, who has higher aspira
tion* than simply acting as a supervising
clerk of the scate institutions. Ids'er's
ambition was to gain a strong foothold in
political affairs in Tacoma and Pierre
county, and could conceive no bette- teuy
fo doit 'i in mak« hlrr-aif "a * How"
bv contribute* IMvrally to the campaign
'•.r.v.? Klther not having ircn»y of h-.s
vs.- or nc-t caring to «i«. it *nat way. the
'tnpi ye? of all tH* stale wen
compelled to come forward an I piank
the pieces o? gdd thju were all wed
t."i=ra for the »ervi<*a i*%- have rendered
the state.
myn P-%111 rid t UtRILT.
Ki«|ila*f« r»t tfco Pciitti ntlary Mtgn a
*tntfnn-s<t Iboat **•'•». <ro «-u l«.
Pi- •- h to th- P 'r-ItttAjfi-n*r.
\V.\T. r A Apr • f \; ♦venh* t
p iiur : idkr the foilow ; nsr state
tnent. i arpo*ur t.j have been furnish, d
by employe* t th.» «' tte penir -nliary, t a
tiv. to th* re n! I'ory of the :'ta«.-stnent
of . mii>;ea of that state ir.»;titut;ou f r
po.if. si :r
--'W" undersmr.' d, empon<a of the
•■ate peo.tentlarv at U . a Walla for th»
past y«- ,r. hereiiy certify fiat «in e or
► mpl-avm.'Pt h.re no t»a< 1 r
'• m.ide on t!» for ant wK
• \er. ; t'.l w- d''dart ex. • .••dit.i'lv the fa!a#
-• <*< nt'-n'< that have »>• .r- trtven to ♦ -
jo, ,b V «. rj«.- , r;m i, .ni iwrsat %• v
money that h»a be«>ii paid Iflf U, for any
purpoa*. ha« paid vcPtntariJy and
w 'houi any r»Kr (s "
The stat»: r* nt N Mgned by tw niy-u(ne
t-i-fd* and doe« not Ir.ctude all the ; er
**n-pl -vi dat tv !ns:l;utiop. nor anv
of r'n «e hold.ng pc*f:or- hfgrer than
R*U¥NI or t urnki ya. It ts stated o:t jc-mw!
f.t:t\»fa iv p <• »he m. a w. «» for -d ta
t'-.e s»a en-en: url.r threat of Un
Supreme. 1 imrt llerldna*.
MPi V Xi ' rn 5 Tri K " ;i k 'l n S«v
--' Ity ap. 'i»d ta *he N^illot
> ! P!i''i ( ■:.)"»* *.<• a wr't *a
: * v of" -ere * n' - J wit!*
VM UMMIR t » of i f-rtain hndl !n the Kbey
r ""«!•" th,- a-» ...» \farch !•
•" v "* *■ j• a n«»d a de
•' «*"• ia*. - .?)»* t-* •* »
* ra * AltlMa|ti th-* an-
fWift ifftnm
haul t ■ .-t ' t b# y->l •!.
Hen Harn.il Mrleken With I'nNlvtii
Ot.YMPIA X t -i?» p^rrcit
an old resident ?>; • . . v - , p# | n « v ar , j
♦or many > »r* f-a* tr-r of t'te Orand
tiKl.f# * M 1 • • \\ , »
*fra.'kee : *. ' ,v ( < . *■ f.- a ■" t
was reporifi) a* . 1..' -he e*vA-«ed
4 »•. «rha' ■; T 1 • . » ; ' -na ■ -
he-a. »«h* *. :»■ v.-- - ; •• 4 » h > -*
o.' s piM St. ; • ■•. { is rs * a
of the a '« k
tn>e«tmenf« In '"tatr n arraa(«.
CT VMI'TA At' ' ' • it. -rd
n ;ner *c-;av o? 1. -d t ; .-f the t>»r
sr stent * *'•■■■ t fanrfs inv• -•« a ■ • nr.
ri-;< n the general a'*d t * *r\ f ird«.
« n the -e S:dre\ Mo r H- 'h %- J p
5 I >#ns ' rf- -ti c ■ ' r« *
T I lands i•• - . :'J- I I
arpls.-atiJfts wer-? reiecje»s.
> n wera I »( Jarfice «.atchar«l.
«J - • ! *» *' i- pwt-l;,'. pg-et
WAI-T...A W'T ' A Apr'-: '• Th- "a
of 'he late Jud* Rudolph adslph guichard
rj-re-5 -i P was <r;e cf the ,orgeat
f *a! proc.-*sio s ev r a ,;R»s«ed .*
W a Wa„a T> p.t'i fa>ar»« were J4<a
T !» I".-• n;> e*Slsiea Moore, H
K J :r-on. Wijjaaj c* L>Jaaeli a~j
*• wwMaw.
A Dul), Stupid Feeling, a Had Taste
in the Mouth, a Loss of Appetite,
Sinking at the Fit of the Stomach,
Headache, Fains in toe Muscles and
Joints, Feverishness, can all be avoid
ed by the u«e of tins sjreat whisker.
Sold by all druggists and grocers.
Send tor pamphlet.
Rochester, N. Y.
Gertrade Davis Shot hy Roy Hay*
ward. 9 Years Old—i blldrea Were
Aloae. aad the Uirl Tried «o Keep
•he Bsf From Che th iacheater.
Special Dispatch to the Post-Intellig-ncer.
CASTLK ROCK. Aprii fi.—Roy
Hay ward, a lad of ? summers, today killed
his cousin. Gertrude Davis, a girl of 12
jt-ars Mr. Davis, the father. out
working on lhe Northern Pacific railroad,
and the mothtr had left home to miik a
tow about a mile away, leaving the chil
dren in care of the oldest girl. Gertrude.
The Hayw.ird i>oy Insisted on having the
gun. a <5 Winchester, which was hanging
In a room upstairs, the g.ri refused 10 al
low him to have It. but the boy, ruuning
upstair?, got the guu and turned H on the
girl, wfto followed him. .tnd shot her
through the head. She droppirt. death re
sulting instantly.
The parents of both children are near%
They Thea Hob the Firemen's Cloth*
ins l»eft in the Engla* Hoaae
at Siiokaae.
Special Dispatch to the I , ost-Irne'Jigcn«"a*.
SPOKANE. April 6.—Twenty inmates of
a down-town lodging house narrowly
escaped being burned to death at an early
hour this morning. The building was nr. d
by sneak thieves who. during lhe absence
of the firemen from the central station,
got in and rifled their clothing of near y
The ComiMtssluners Ire Meiag Saed
Oa Account af It.
Special Dispatch to the Post-InN-il-gen <-r.
ANCOU\ ER, Wash., Apri) >' '\-
t'oumy Ct»mroi»sl»ner Charles It.od
commen f-J an action in the superior court
of thf* county to restrain County Trras
tirer Alexander from collecting a *~m 1!
tax levied for the purposes of th« ro»d and
bridge fund. A* the o> tob»-r ses'lou of
the commissioner* the bvy of 5 mill# was
made hy tin? board. api>arently with
out the knowledge tha* the Jaw" wf IV<7
ai>tili«hed the road and btidge fund, and
established two separat. funds, one f.jr
road purpose ( >ne ft bridge purpcs.
Ai d It Is in»on tHs ground th.t Mr kUid
cjtilms th" levy of T» mills for the *'ro\«l
vn i brid*"'* fund i« 1H 1 and without
warrant of lew. It is understood that »t
t?.»» pres. Nt *> *«lon t e <-ommisskner« w it
attempt to Justify their action by p!.» -in?
3 mills to the rr«.ii* of the read fund and
■? mills to the bridge fund. The ca e i* of
considerable importance to the county, and
Is <in)» attention. It wty I +
.I as soon a« Judge Miller returns
f; m spok oie. where he if low holding
court for Judg* prat her.
%a lnfff|t<e «f Per Onl. Over
the ttiiMh lam Vrar.
POKT TOW\3FNT>. April All pre
v;«us r> rr<l« wer»- Ur iken bv the
r .- ,•<{•?» f.r the PiiC"» «« and district 'or
the mon*h of Mar h. The report of «*ol
!>'i(or H*:*»ti«. wh f h « rv forwarded to the
d- ' irttr.ent tmla\ - .w« t-ral < olc
■if t' 5 4*.7 ** a" com?' :rvd with S-0,"44.30 t«*r
M;«rch. 1^"
The increase has been uniform for the
pa*t five montli*. th»- of coUeai
ing has been reduced from ti pe*- crA to
is r ;f r ent during the pe«t twelve raon'hs
in this d's^ifet.
lnternwri<nMi M«a»ajr «l»sfen-lie».
OJ.TMPTA. Apr ? « Gov. ha«
U a?k« d ; > it;!me i d--i- gaion to »n in-
Urrtation.il mining cemfem- ». to m-et
r PaM C.*v Jdy 6 7* and * The
gcrer>'>r express# < his wiWneness to at>-
sa»»nt m»-r>' fltid practical in
minir*- u ®»t. rw, if there are who are
wiling ?« pay the'r own expense*.
tlwa. Jiikn 11. It4»nir
t • f l '-! h to t'-e feji !ffercer.
itAS'C.OR Wa«h Anril C—Hon. J oh'- B
Ho ' z •- ' at the f«mllv re» den- ■ Apr;! 2.
nged '-7 years t 1 months <? > 1 .* • general
d» •' ty Funeral servi. •«» w-re held at the
r. • ). eon Aprii 4 lb •. W. K. Yours: de
: \ ■ng the «ert»,"! >fN* which the re
rtesv. The florai 'ires were prof-i.se.
! • fg a ? itit'r * •.» »tif -.\ wreaths.
Mr Hag w w» tor.ined t j ! s bed for naout
thr-« m "■»« Ten da*., ago his friends
reiMed that the end w s n« ir and at * "»
> » k n th-- morr-.ng -f Aitrii 2 he passed
. eai.e-fidlv » e. Mr H ig was a native
r M •».♦•-. cc.ntv N-W York He mis
♦ ri'.uei in t : e merraa:i>* fir
twenty - sr- 1' S-■ .r* 5:-r g- S aoh.irie
c-xmtv N»w York lb Hchofta
rte >antv two •►rts n 'h- N*w York as»-
*• mMy. I' Mr He • e r<ciK>v*d to E;ia
w >r-rj i'-tv Kj :• .» wh«r<* he was elac**
•i in !«*> to the stare Ug - lTe j n jv ,j
-a removed to Ranger. Kitsap county.
w ■ S - -j ■* t * time sf ha*
•e; tv "a- fhe "»«•».- r « a grew
r. t Mr H*isr !■<»*'■ • • « mi six < .Vii
ar .i ha.ta <A Xiie*. is tu rr,(«jrn his
"!»»r »«i»l«f »«»tl*i K. li ■tt He s.
GROVE Or April «-f ate
::*na'--r Sam-te* R. Hng -.»* d <-i at ft r *
■ nv. .a this <-t?y at 1:15 o"rsork erdfey
a' er own. ■ f *t*>sle*y age«S C year*.
R H..gßne.s. wni> was a pioneer
merchant of Foreat Grove was a native of
Cover < * - v. M»o-JTt. fcavlng been Ocm
J uJv S : *V>. He «ra> reare-.l !n his
- ai.vt r* ■» 1 d then rerr: ve«i to I>*aa,
p- -sere ha *rad»- of t.idumn a.
M V*U aa t&at cI *0
_ SAiiPw a uic. srow. st«ww&l4*t.
j«t MILUMEM 41
P©r SiprDan® ®ff
f: • i»
£ -M H Hl-M tIH I'M I I i 1 :i
% ?
* intend it to be the Millinery Opening of the season.
f: jfV Everv season llls * ts peculiarities and Easter is no $
| exception. What would Easter be without a new
J- Spring Hat ? Elegance of dress cannot be obtained without $
elegant headwear. Our stock is one of the largest on the
Coast Everything is strictly up to date. There's correct
?Tg ness in every hat we're showing. Yes, there's style and
▼ beauty both. You want something that will give you the
wQUp best sort of an appearance. It takes more than hkautiful w| fp
fM goods to please the ladies—they want the right kind of UV
k JL prices, too. Our prices are one of the things that please.
They are here for your inspection and for your appreciation.
Sl® SliW 8 l« 2
1m Corner of s?<oftd ftvenue fcrri Seoecu Street. Uf
■ iUHfla^
of the boats on the Mis-frsippl river. 110
raided at Galveston. "TVv.. for a short
time. workSr.tr in a foundry, and was also
an<cage<d in i>uttirg up sugar mli!s« an 4 run
ning them in that state from IXS- to ISSB.
lie t«tn followed the example of many
others. and went to California. th<- trip be
ing made bv the Isthmus of Panaina.
After reaching »he Went He ailnnl In
several different counties of California,
but. tiring of this. went t,i Han Francisco,
where };« worked in a foundry f<>r some
time, and was later engaged !n the roast
survey under Col. Fairfield. Aft»r tinish
tti* ttil-* work he went to Portland, reach
ing there November 14. He always
rem"ml>er«d that day, an It was the one on
which th.i state constitution was adopted
t'ntil following March h»> worked at
hit taade. and then went to Forest Grove,
otenirtg A Km k-?mitn shop 1« the same
month whirh he continued «ui. ce*.fully
until when he w»-nt to Idaho. an 4
work d two -• *»nr.-s {*> the roin-os
When he retlt«il J"r.>m t e *r,in« «* he pur
e,'-,»ij-t-d 11*5 .<f bind adjoining Forest
where built' a lomc. a>id had
Kini e rt «ided. Hi* fi*:rsi at 'hi time of
his death c-jnidsted of iVJ act**.
Mr. Hlights held the office of Justice of
wi* jxp.u-e in Forest Grove for twenty-thr»»
itui notwiihst >nding the n jm« rou*
< tr>«J. not one of there appealed wai
reve. s-ji. in poHth she w<s a tiupubiit an.
He was elated plate aerator in IS%. Me
*"*-• appaiuted rrgent of the >»f.«te asri
cultural cjl!«Ke at Corvaliis three
vaw 4KO by G>v. l^>rd.
I'rcd M. Honary.
Spee.'al 1 ■:-.h r<> the Post-Int^lMgen '>-r.
\ATA LI. A A I.T>A. Aprti S M
»e>'oi»e of tiie most prominent yoiinc m-n
cf Wa!la Walla died a? h s
city night fr>m perforation < t th® In
teati'jea. l>;s>-ts.d was born its Auburn
Me.. July 10, IV!S. u«. cam* to Washirgton
in 1 vHT. where he ha« since r« *Jded. At
th> time (< his death be was deputy d
trict clerk of the United Stats c.tr< u t
court. I f~. !<•! he was p(>t
ma«ter tmder J O. a :d afterwird
c>rk a: the jrenitentiary for Thomas M' «-
grave, warden. He wj* married in l«?-2
to Miss Bessie Lamaß, snd one child, a
boy. was born to them. I» j < e»sed w a
meml>er of Enterprise No. 2. I. O.
Q. F. under whose- auspices the funeral
will be held tomorrow.
Th" Walla Wtlla Har Association met
; >d »y and aa-«ed rotoluti'ins on the death
•f :h* late Judfe Kudelph Oulehard K"'>-
<iu*"»nt euloaies were delivered by John L-
Sharpstein and H. S. R!aodfi>rd.
«|alt-t KepaiiMeaa I'riniarle*.
PORTI.AND. April * .—The RepnMiran
primaries caused no ej itement,
there b*»:ng only one tii ket in the
About 4.090 -rotes were cast.
S Creatß Cbee«e, •
• 10c Pound. •
• Oregoa Brick Chee»e, J
i 15c Peml |
• Cloxer Leaf Butter, •
: 43c BrJck.:
I Leslie- i
I Henry C 0.,:
J Cor. Western Aw. and Marion St. 0
X TeL Main 4si, •
in on inn
Irrnnnt Written hy JI in tgam,
Kornii-rlr of iratlle. for ■ *ntall
Halter Printed at Fort (irt There-
Alaska Humor Vt* I oanlry Amir.
L>i«p»t-h to the ¥'o»t-Intei;ig#n <>r,
VANfitfVKR, U. April «.~The
< ir<ul.ited by J.i k farr. the rX-t'DltlN)
Htates mail carrier. tha: b»- had advkc*
from Andre*, was a w : l concreted fake
it: the n.inds of a mm who. *!>•-■ It r««n*
down Ui Tiif tme decided nt tc >,i"«
ft. Before the story h.sd been out an hour
Carr had all kind* of offers for an e\.<<iu
?sve story, ;tii of which h>- refund, Whea
h»> r»» -hed Virturia |ld* in ruing b• re*
e*ivH a stratk'ht offer of 12 ! »*f for it. rtf'!**
ei It. and. turning to a rr . n from wrwm
he wanted a fav.ir, handed him t «!lp of
paper r-mtainlnif fie all'ged advt.'rß. say
ing "Here, make w hat you r tn out of It."
Here t.« what «'trr had written:
"'i'pon statement of three men. IJeu?
Kdwtn BeH. '»•-<> Dunn, deputy collect or,
and J. I*. An'if* a earr'er pigw! w.»«
four I yjt St. Michael late lj*t < ~!>• r
which trie;* claim brought a muMf from
Andrew, who w .<•» ?'ii! alive.* Farther i»-
fnrm«il.>n thev refused to divulge.'*
Thi* doc.mient *a« handed to the I'o-t-
TnteillKW* *r <«» respondent tonight and
with H a typewritten newspaper pdW"*he«J
Fort tiet There In which there w.»« an
amusing yarn about l)utn and hnv»
in* been out »«d found a arri-r pigeon.
The story *a« j humorou* *ksf ard u, on
St w.i* «'irr 3 story Agnew the
other m»n m?n!l»n»=l by ''»rr t «'•-
thor of the ,k t. He former <y lived in Se
Jarr OhUlnri! Itta (
to !?»» !*o«t-frr.
MONTKSAN'AI»riI « Tie taki.nß of
v-«»!n.ony in t l >« r«»srial (>' I><«
for th* murder of Mr* * l '"
rotnmer: <•<•<! »•' * morrdn* Th* Jury
«3* «wur*d 2* eiwerew**
tr-nv« jurors b K cammed Tne <<*n
plftiro Of th# ■ iJ " •'** " H h * ■"■•'''■'' r ' rr "
w*» r, *urprU- to e-.. '< • ' 5 * . """
fidTtlv Mi*-».d ' « w.-*k * ;' 1
rtfivitnf.l tnry wo . d bf n>i iy . jr
H % |K A MII ION «»* IM\D.
Total < »*h ,n ,h *" Trennarir
I. •r > M».r,7u.««.T.
OLTMPIA, Apr!! ha Jan. —* !n
•: tuad» of ■ l " «»»t« traaaurer on Mar; h
'H were a* follow*:
rj, ,-=• f-M •» . Tir.
M ;»ry ford *•. ci" 3J
~ . .. fund U :r: >7
iw>*oo! fi:nd ®
'" jrr n fund It"•♦<*'• 7<
Sp«-i.t d*;v.*r- .. ...... A
K#".* '..Kg f
tin >»r-' fund I "°i
VrA\ <-T*V v fund !.►»♦ ."9
K:»h -«t. h«-'> f'i" ! «••
l"r t<- ! st*s*i fund. m;-. .nt«nan<-«
bonte -• H **» •*
D»po«l! for *arT«y of s;d»> SanJ* .1') y®
U'irarv fond . li.ll <♦
<■>*>. „»i ti*3 - Und fund
To'al rash on hand..... VMi.'j79 s3
Th* W«.*,y Fom-1 r>t«3i rrt h* p«h-
EidkMl on Tborwlay. Hr' f, "• c ni# **~r
s&t»r. to aay addra»B <a tV I"aitr>!
8 tat*#
Is the working capital of humanity. H*
».'iu !<-<<« that 1* nwkftl Indeed, la youp*
health failing you. your stfßjfih, your
LiUun. \IK «r. vitality wasting away? t
Doctor Ratcliffe
For th« *pe*-dy, #af* and permanent euH
of all
I»>- !!?=•«. f. en i-i thHr mo*t aggravata#
f -m T> . • I;F» TNN in th» world wht
• i n Men and Women of tr«»ut>>«» wkii'lk
rh;. v lu'.n of ill ktrowieijg*d auntp
h.xi tiveii up a« hopeleM a* thta •mlßMtf
KI er>ai{«it.
nun- =.*f YOINO M!DDLK-AOK»
■ f,«; ' <l.l» MKN Th* awful »ft«<*t* of n*f>
it-' 1 f.r improperly treatwl r*«w»». r*i»
hi* drains w-,tkn*«* of lwdv *n<l brainy
t-» M n irit-mi-ry, Uk of ntr|f
<;; d - i»mj* « »?i toefc. Mm an 4
k in* ye, t m-»njr v •!>»■» d;j»!r*Mf"< »ytni>-
t<>m« imfUtir f or,* for study, bacineaa op
< f t!'. !»-. mn em
you. no H iitei' who fT what ha* fulled.
Vk'CAk" MEN "■ r.-tore* la*t y1#o»
hlah me.PI. , j v ; ,iny to *«at
m+r,. f>r#4tn* of the t>«*ly w c h h*v» be*»
w*.:k»; '! thr i o-rrw'trk, «*•
or arf r»»torart to (o|
t> v.#r, »»i't «ft<i v,*;or through hia o«»
.- u , j... of tr»«!»lW.'
C Hviffjrt'*, »w»lt
f AnIVULLLC, s : -1 of
j ; ,. p'ar, !* tr- »>*d with unfaliir.* *urcr*a.
< ha**«». • * . **! h, if n**!ar!*d or ;tn»
p'i.(.»>tty ifatrd, iirrak down th# ryattßfc
K . 5j • v Bj>.) li!add*r d'.va.**?*. *tc.
5>- : 1 a>t i.:k.n g:% n to ail their man/
ISi I!—R til.
11/DfTC ?' ar- aw«* of tny trotl*
TYttilC. ixi IXSLAT. Call
o»s Ur. P i ff- today. If job • ar.rsot caiL
hito. THi* f>ook fr*«- to aq
confklemis! at ofTf-** or by l«*,«r.
E. M Ratcliffe,
7M ir«* •—Ottle. Wash,