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THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER VOL. XXXIV_ NO. 144 I Best Values In the City. : f y Sliced Bacon, f L T?l ' faneiett. put np In l-!b • ( UB», each m mm Jt> SSI! cJrftaintng about 4 lbs. A (tch ~ flrvit. pracnriat Rente. Battle Ax Chewing 2 ~ S Tobacco, ~ •£ «*«» »'»«» I No. Wb- * qt-. regular price # 32c Eatfc I | Si* .a: price r. u . _ £ ,i ""Sfrfe " r " lr . p "".::;: : g New Canned Tomatoes, # No. TO— l* QT.. regular price JO Per docen. 15c , f: ' " l " 1 " * 3Cmst»r2sc. * IIX aaft ion first i>. Itatt. InllU. K.ih. * reSNOHERS Poopie don t know WliGr/AX, „ That we netl Cigars. S(*/£r\ CumerU^ Sat we do. K-;Jmr Mfr, .a»g. /y fl Monogram, Afld •6c, 3 for a dollar Vjrff. Sanchez Haya, Opr. >■ : ■n7 y l MhO* And Many Others. CIGARS. STEWART ft HOLMES DRUG CO.. 703 First Avenue. PNortb American Transportation and Trading Co. MERCHANTS AND CARRIERS. Car. Yesler Way and Occidental Avenue. the season of 1899 this company will bo prepared to handle freight ot all kinds in I unlimited quantities destined to Dutch Har bor, St. Michael Island, and any point on the Yukon River. Alaska and Northwest Territory. We have tho best possible facilities tor handling both freight and passenger business. COMTEACTS WAY WOW BE WADE OH APPLICATION TO THIS OFFICE. I ¥m fcr TWO Days • t < • .V— ♦ X to show you that our Fall and Winter ♦ X are all wo will give an extra pair ♦ X of pants with all suits ordered on Saturday ♦ + and Monday. £ I STANDARD IIM6 CD* : ♦ H. I. STANLEY. Motiotfer. ♦ ♦ + ♦' '♦ ♦ ♦. -i ♦-T-O r ♦ 111-II IBBIIIi « " JrSrr-a- S.-Y. T. Co. II CARRIERS AND TRADERS. River IB: Me Hi). I. do. I ». 3. N. i Stations ut St. Michael. Mutiook, Hugle City, Da* son. 6fmxal Offk« - Stmt. S. R. WAGONER. D. D. S.. Painless Dentist. 1 : *«t Teeth I" -W 3.K Uold Crowna .... IS X MBK ti ver Filling* up O.oia n..u.g» I fci up A Ave yea- * sua-tnte« with ali w >rk. ' L * Office 16>.'.4-K Hi .rr HuUd.- * Te'.t-phore Mai"? I- BEI.IEVIXG « JPiL. Si Mmk 4 flftTT* * s has • <. *r--- .4- , s presenpuouj i itit giaa#"* fUe*J to the letter Ai. CLAX luVOUyc'Lkiu, upticiaa. 7X Pirn: ScalUa, SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1 §9B.—TWELVE PAGES. 10 raid inns. Gen. Boynton Explains the Epidemic of Typhoid. CAMP THOMAS HEALTHY. Neglect of Positive Orders Opened the Waj to Disease. ■Head* and Regimental ( omjnand en Failed to Take Proper Preeaa tloas. Sinks 'Here Kot Covered, and File* Distributed Fe«er Germs—4.en. Lee Take* the Staad and 9ar* That His Mea Have at All Times Been Amply Supplied With Food and Clothing, aad Heady to 4io to Cnba at Any Moment. WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-Oen. Boynton concluded his testimony before the war commission today. In repiy to charges formulated by Surgeon Mik> B. Ward, of Kansas City, that Camp Thomas was With out drainage, that the water was unfit to drink, that there was no proper food and that all of the 4i.0u0 men iu the camp wt-re suffering from intestinal diseases, Gen. Boynton said: "Of course, in so larse a camp, some painful things must necessarily happen. For instance, when measies broke out the hospital was quite crowded. But to say that there was any purposely inflicted neglect is utterly false." These complaints led tJen. Boynton to enter upon a genera! statement in regard to the condition of the camp, an<l to give hu opinion as to the obtuse of it. He at tributed the prevalence of disease to the kitchen and hospital sinks. They had, he Baid, in the latter part of the camp's his tory been ieft uncovered by earth, con trary to directions by the surgeon general, and this fact more than ail others, he cun ■idered responsible for the spread of tiie disease. This failure to carry out sani tary orders, he thought, was due to the negligence of the subordinate officers, the brigade and regimental commanders. The frouble only began after Gen. Brooke was ordered to Washington. Prior to that time Gen. Brooke required daily re ports from the regimental officers and prompt attention to any neglect of sani tary precautions. This system and the care which accompanied it had had the effect of keeping the camp in good condi tion. When Gen. Brooke !t ft for Wash ington the camp was necessarily in charge of the subordinate officers. When Gen. Brooke returned his time was devoted al most entirely to preparation for the Porto Uican campa:gn, so that he could not give so much heed to sanitary regulations as he had previously done. Gen. Boynton elaborated upon the strict discipline maintained by Gen. Brooke in police and sanitary matters, but said there was a suspension of this care after the Porto Riran campaign was decided upon. After Gen. Brooke left there was a mate rial increase of disease, and at one time almost a panic. Sink* Left tnrovered. JReturning to the conditions subsequent to the di'.c when Gen. I? rook e was order ed to Washingt >n. Gen. Boynton. «aid the exposed condition of the sinks had en couraged the presence of a multitude of rtiea which bred disease by carrying germs from the sinks to the tents. "They were." said the general, "as thi k Throughout the park as they ever could have been in Egypt, and they w.-nt b.i k ar,d forth from the sinks to the mess ta llies of the men and officers with the great est :mpunity, covering: everything in sight." «». r.. llcynton was qutstioned at some length as to where the responsibility f.-.r th.s condition of attalrs lay, and he said that it lay with the brig J. and regimental commands rs. "I am satisfied." ho said, "'that the med ical oflP.< < rs rejKirted to t:iem the condition and warned them of the serious conse quences of failing to obey the surgior. gen eral's orders for the covering of -h» sinks, but the medical off -ers con Id not give or ders; they could oniy a !vi . . I « u | 1 not n> that the command.::g ofl: ers as a whole paid BO heed to th«-s- rrprmtntt ti as, but IT. .my of them t;-parently fa:'. J ta appreciate their importance and did not r'\" "hem the attention whs h the circum stances demanded. They should have re t!\e ; the attention, for instance, that of ••rs !~ the regular army would ha\« tc'.\ ■. n i u Gr n !-•••> r.;.>n a ;,l ; that he d'd r •: mean t■» make any R ■ - UJ .N TFL ers FR • TTI ivil li r \ I ut there were 9'> me things they had to learn and many of them were not a>r:s in sanitation. Furthermore, rr.' pe -pie le. k--d u; n the camp as part ly temporary, ard the fa?t that all were In 'ally cf re-.v> v:r.g orders to move cajjtd many to be ;ni.flfer- nt to the f :it -are I.i . *cu«<.:;g with Capt. H-w- ! t" e t n of rations supplied to ramp Thomas. Gen !V-ynfon volunteered the suggastions thst there had been no complaints from So; th>--n soldiers 5n the camp. "A "he continued. "I Ao not be'r>ve W-; w.. ,:i have heard half the out ry that hi - -n raised if all the soldiers had be n fn-rn th- S-->v,th." G :: I' -lite said that only two or th- a c: arg.s been received from tho South and they w. re not from »:■ Hers. The tes tim/'-y of Gert. BorstOM being COSdoM comm.fee adjourned until afternoon, when ft**'* I ■_ »« ,• xn* v t -• 1 ■ ■ 1 Ire II»« \# (URiplilnl to Make. Q#B K'.tzhugh l-ee was before t.-.e COM* s.-. r. at i- s afternoon #»*s< on. G-»n h." | r.o MMplaftßt to make In regard to sur?-e* In June, while t • cxpedlt:• na were b«.r.« e vt-r, of. there *some d*. !ay. v -u* t. ,s wa« natural, ar i .« •• >» •-«-n sup; lies of all kind* had MM with R gu !ar''v .r! It abundant f-re have. Of course." :• • beea on Put Tmok THE FEROCIOUS DEMOCRATIC TIGER IN HIS NEW QUARTERS. GEN. BACON M HOLDS OUT AGIST INDIANS. All Day Long the Soldiers Battle With Their Skulking Foes. REINFOKCEMENTS ARE NOW HURRYING TO THE FRONT. Posse of Citizens Recover the Bodies of Four Whites, and Rescue Nine Wounded—Maj. Wilkinson, an Aged Veteran, Among the Slain—Mille Lac Tribe Is Threatening and Settlers Are Terror-Stricken. WALKER. Minn., Oct. 6—Sounds ct con flict have come fro.n Bear island alt day, but people here ar.j still ignor-.nt of the real situation on the battle ground where Gen. Bacon and his m<n had their de«i>cr ate encounter with the Pillager Indians yesterday afternoon. Up to an early hour this morning there were mar.y ground for fear that Gen. Ba con and his command had been ar.nih lat ed. No direct word had be n received from any man who participated :a the first bat tle. Early this morning, how-, ver, the tiring was resumed, and it has le-n continued practically all day. This makes it c< rtatn that Gen. Bacon's command La still on '-art':* an<i In f.ghtlng trim It ;s now believed the sold ers are intrenched, anl in a position to hold out until reinforcements reach th* m. Lieut. Col. Harbach, of the Third infan try reach-d her* late this afternoon, anl immediately started for Bear Island. It thirty miles distant, and progr ss wiil nec essarily be slow Killed nitri AVonnded Ilnmght In. No courier has reached here from Bear Island during the day. so it ts impossible to learn the resuit -of 'oday's tlcht. A posse of citizens succeeded 111 landing on EMt It- .md. secured the bodies of four of the men killed in Wednesday's fight, and brought iw ty nine wounded soldiers. The citizens w- re driven to their boats by In dians ftri- g from the bush, but no fatali ties ar** report-d An effort w is male last night to se. ure int- !:'g. nee from Bear : e !ar 1, t'lt It f *'». The dSp .th V -\t Flora sa led c'wf to the •d. n- and -g: I d for an hour, t <:t no .in rwfrr.g shot was r < clv«-d. To 'and was an lmposslbi.ity. Itnttle « untinard t mil Afternoon. LOTHRI'P. Minn... Oct. G.-Th.s after r>oon at 3:30 o'clock it wis learned that On. Bacon atul Ms small t«.n 1 of s-v r.ty r sevir/v-tvro men wre ♦»-:*J lighting or. Heir lsl ,nd. but .* cannot be learn- d what th»> o-]*c>rre of 'h. ir fighting iwas up to th.s hot:-. 5 o'clock. A speci r. train with 215 men cf the Third infantry from Fort Snelling, under com mand f Col. Harta--h. of t.-.e Department cf I'-akota. arriv»-l in Walker at 2 o'clock f s aftem-.m. Another special train will I. ave Erainerd t >n:*ht with -■«' or 3W more soldiers. Inspector Tink-.r expresses the Of-nion t'.at » th V«"> soldiers the Indians will be sub iu-d. but thinks there will be biood sh'l, and that there may be lots of it Mlllc I no Indiana on the Warpath. It s sa J the Indians fr -rr. the M.i'.e Lac ».<f.rv t. <-<n h*ve «»artfd. , to relieve the Le*"h la t:>- case it w.'.l require s«'»< additional to quell the disturbance. They are r- --•• 1 be well armed and cjir.g north at a rat-;d rat T *y w Ipr bab'y •••aoh }'. ar 1 i and L» - i k>i by :otsH»rro* %t day. ght. Xwtf duster* cas.o ia altsztMZ ixmx the woods and reported a band of fifteen cr twenty Indians going north, and It Is believed they are an advance guard of the Milie Lac Indians, or a party of their scouts. The men t\ere not close enough to say whether they were painted or not, but know they were arm<d. The inhabitants of Walker, Lothrup and Ha. keneack are t-rriftei beyond measure, and are armed as far a* arms and ammu nition are procurable. Little sleep is taken by the majority of the citizens. Sine*- the np'isng of the j!e*r inland In dians the Indians at the Leech Lake agen cy have been qu.< t until today, but w >rd h»s arrived from the- agency that the Indians have broken out, and the au thorities have no control over the-m, ani ftar there will be more bloodshed. (iriiernl t'lirlsinic Imminent. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 6.-The Journal's Walker special says: The tug Chief, with 100 men and a gat ling gun, started for B.>g-Ga-Wash-Gv■- Shish point at 5 o'clo k. The men are in a bad temper, and there wiil 1*: trouble on the mainland t night. The Indians a: Leech Lake are being reir.f reed by Cass and Red Lake Indians In large numbers. A general uprising is certain. Inspector Tinker has wir- <1 the sec retary of the interior that 200 men will not be enough. He repeats his f the Ba con command is annihilated. Lieut. Humphrey rr ale most of the agerry chiefs sign promises of gr> >d be havl r. They did not like to do it, but de rided to accede Gay Gwa '"hi Wyx. a Bear Island chief, swears that th» ma jority of the R- ar Island*-re are not ho*';!-. "I am |Oin| to stay by the whites." h* sail, "and many of my bra v. * will do so." Another expediti n star's In ten tnin u*e;i aboard Flora Capt. LMirhes and fifteen good men. armed to the teeth I am now satisfied that the survivors of the Bacon corr.marl have fallen ba k to •he I'imb'T camp, six mil--*# inlan 1 fr :n where y« »*erday s engag'-nvn* was fcuah-'. The plan is for the 200 reinforcements r. w en route to go from here by train to Lath rop, mar-'h overland to the battle ground, and v y dividing forces as the point is ap- I roa-h f "l. • th< twines b*-*w e* two ffres. There ought, h • wev«r. to he 4-X) men Instead of ?> to rover the gr3ur;<l DEPUTY SHEEHAN DESCRIBES THE FIGHT. Wanmled T*dU Hnw th«- In dlnn« Mman *tl*rk-U iIkIn»«»n Picked Off bv tharpihootrri. WALKER. Mim . Oct. Capt. Shee han. depu'y marshal, who *« wound'-<1 tn Whir.*sl»ff frht. arr:ved hero today and giv-s a rraphie aroount of th» anion up 'o rh»- *1- eh- «• s.rted ba<-k. He rays: "We landed iN- " P> o' . - k » --•-rday on th» «oua*t •' f r--,-.- on ?• * :n.j;nland. dlr • y ■ • • * B. r -.and. N**r tne shore is the lotr of Iv-e Ah Wu if* ezJi. (UM. Jti*txsa i til Iwt.y» soldiers along the shore to protect the landing place, and the remainder of the troops marched across the point to the w.s-t side, and along the «>hore for a couple of miles, looking for some lnd.ans who Minud to want a council. I remained be hind with my :nterprete: a, and arrested an Indian I wanted near the houi» and sent him to thr-> boat. "While 1 was talking with other Indian* I «aw *'x bucks armed with Winchesters come out of the house and go inland, They did not fdvak *o me, although I was the.r agent for five years, and I f> ar«<! trouble, and called to the twelve soldiers who .were scattered a!org the shore. "About that time 'i n. Bacon returned with the troops. Half of -he men s'aeked arms, and the order was given to unload til' .r equipments. As they did so a -hot \m • tiied. m] tiring almost Immediately began. The soldiers formed in a semi ircle. facing the ind ana, and the twelve men who were with me rushed up to pr<>- :• ct the right flank and drove the Indians back, securing a favorable position. One of tljf m« a was sfi<*t in the fac**, one in t;e arm r: r. d a third in the leg. i do not know h'.w many other m- n were wounded. "After ur first rush we h<td the of the position. T e : g- house w-:ws "«r lirivs, and it was um-I ts a hosp.ral, and the m-n sought the cover of and trees .ird settled down for a Jong light. It con tinued during the d»y an I evening, at.d w *.<• ren- w d this m rrdr g, alth ugh t was never - d hot as durii g'h tir»t hour or *o. "This morning a I oat made a landing .-"tru- provisions and O.n, llacon iv mt.-d to s- nd the woun led b-n k, and -mti.t me d«>wn t > arrange matters, ari l I went to t.'ie ?t-.imir In a corn* I thought d<iwn o-;e w .md ! m n, and tha «aptatn of th -1 >at brouitht him off -h'ire. h it h* f. re the • ■•h-r* e -uid b>- mov ! the Indians opened A h-'t fire on t'.e boat and we had to leave. "Aboat - \ mill's out w* l met the Flora g IK in th.riy or m-re irmed men <«n 1 everything the soldiers needed W hen I left 'ii-r. •ad been five kilbd and eight « ut: led, i«-e: i'H the Indian policeman. Three w-re k. f don't know the r tr.:- a of viny of the kbl* 1 or wounded, 'x< ep* M . W'.lk r.-son "Gin. Itaecn handif d hi- m*n nvignlfl • vt ly. .ind was on it.-? ftr.r.g ine our og the wool* Af tho engager-n- en -ourag ng h s m»n a:>d dire.--;rg the o'^ratloris. Me was ably B' cot;ded by Maj. Wilkinson un til he was killed, and Lieut. Ross, tin ier fire for the first time, showed himself % **n "iSrl".'er. He r.tithe men at the o;» ning % \u >. and rtayed rght wltn t», m a!' *he tme. "it ** ,x.;<*«•• 1 'e to tell how trwtay Indian* ar»- In the attacking party, but I should ay not !►•.*» :t r. 1 .'«• or and we do not know how many tw are joining them. They evidently h id the thing all planned out, and wer* ready to begin firing at the signal. They cenr*ntrjit*d fart of ther t-re n the -a»* t . • "I ' m away an 1 s- r- no m- -.r-- ? »• r*at. ev.- : \ "hirking '*;ey eoci.i the »' oie forre. "The newsnaper men. Brill. }i<ra.t.->n and Knappen. were ail in go ,d ana pa when 1 left, doing the.r f are of duty on the line. No cne of them tad ba*a injured." Several of small •••■ »»s and *he t- it,. er Flora w. rt ort dur • r.;gt,* and erly that t»rr;:. : •«, end- • • :-n ■ I r <visior<« for 'i n. Biion's • «-i» igucred Caai~zusd ea I'Ast Two. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 111 HI Mi SIM Eager to Open Trade Rela tions With This City. FIRST BOAT UNEXPECTED Will Do Everything Possible to Make the Line a Success* The Lndlaf City «• tk« Urgnt ui Moat F«rtU* I«Im4 la tk« Hawal> '•a Groop— It 11M B««a Bottled p P *»T Coiutuerolol and Ttaa*> portatlon Moaopoiira, and Thaak> folly Keoetves the Pruapeet ot Re* ltef—Hllo Will Be Prepared to Ship Cargoe* of Froit aad Sa«ar> W tiling to l'orchaae from Seattle Special Correspondence IIILO. H. 1.. Sept. Seattle hits made proffera of trade relations with ths Ha waiian islands, ajwl ;t :» very evident that but one of tiie twv> ports <*n the lslanla Hilo, .a willing to do buasneeo with Pugot Sou ink Honolulu and San Franesaco la tereats are so closely allied that it is go ing to take unusual effort to divert the trade which, has been so ilrmly established between those two cities. Such conditions do not exist at 11110, and lui progressive residents offer on their part. Aloha. good will and a trade, both export and import, to the sister cities of th« Northwest. They realise that Honolulu has for years been do* in*: everything possible to misrepresent Hilo and and its resources, while in reality the Island upon which the latter place 1» located Is more productive than any in ths group. With the advent of the new steamship line the bananc. industry has been given a fresh impetus and It It more that likely that within the next month acres of heretofore Idle land will be planted in ba nanas and pineapple®. The augur cargoes go to tho coast by sail and wIQ coretlnue to do BO until the present contracts Aipirc, so that the promoters of the new line oan hardly expect much in the way of return freight from 11.10 during the tirst few months of tho venture. In oommcntinir upon tha favorable ad vantagea of direct eommturicaUon betwrrn Battle and HUo Editor Btacker In Ut« Hawaiian He-raid says: "A* a wheat produolng etate Washing ton dot's not take second place with any district in America; her frur.ts are anion* tht> finest in the world and her potato*** why, b!your heart, a Washington po tato Is big enough for a meal for an entire family. She product* hay and grain of every description arel Hilo is ready to consume the product, not all, of course, but a share. Our merchants here can have on sale the finest apples that grow and Sound oysters that tickle the palate of anyone who enjoys something deticlously tooth.-«ome. Hilo has never had such an opportunity, not even in tiie trial days of the San Plego-HHo line, for California product* nothing to equal the product* of Washington." J. W, Mason, president of the Chamber of Comm< rce, Is enthusiastically In favor of a steamship line to Seattle. He said; "It is <he realization of one of. our fond est hopes, and we expect that the City of Columbia will be she means of placing Hilo bffore the world In her true position —as the principal commercial port of the Hawaiian Islands. 1 am in hearty accord with and will assist in every way postrible the people of the Sound in maintaining the vessel on this run. I believe this can t?e done with very little loss to the com pany at tiie start, which will decrease with every visit. it is certainly a moat opportune time for the steamer to coma here and I will gladly scour the country districts t.> a m at in securing return freight, and If the sb up< r dors not have a full car*'", it will be through no fault of the merchants of Hilo. Tn order to in sure a continuance of the line, which we all hope and pray will prosper, w» aisd prop'«*a to ord< r «*>'ils from Seattle, to he shipped on the nest voyage." W. H. McCasslll, a prominent business man, appr*' tt>-s the en- rgy with which Seattle j« >p!e arc making a bil for the PUnd traile. H said: "You have jto-ahead people up there, and, a* you were Ktirceasfitt !n nuking S- ,»??!»» th<» p'aoe ?o o i-tfit fur the Kiondlk--, t*> «h'»uld > u :•!«■> be ?»h'e to convict our Tr*rehanta of your advantages over any ,ooa r rety. I f 1 J ißttfl d In saying l v.- ». ; r pond to she exhibition of Jn '-eta dishlM? th» iv w l.n* and hope thwt - r |• 1 j•'e of Feat tie will never "nave caune to regret the initial utep • he ha# takes." E. N Holmes i-a.i ■* tliat the beat Hi* d> r;..-»■ that h« in h«'arti!y In favor of a. new lne U the fact that at the pi««ot tim* h* ha.i A lejfer < n the typewriter cancel ir ? h:«« laet or !• r for fel from San F*ran cfln th< future hi* »h!pmeot» w!JI come dire<~t from th<- Sound. W. it. Smlrh, •stUor o? <tho Tribune, nld: "Th*» of this coun'ry ar« *ti<-h that rot on!y one bdt two steamer* crmtd lx> made to pay between the Sound and HUo. W« have 'he fin**t «u<cat for refin ing purpoe*"* th;<-*. rwe to th. t*nlt-d State*. two-thifi-ii of whi-h Hh.-pm*nt is nt'ed up V.y the -i-'.xr tru*t and *h'p «-omjrjrii> operating b»*ffn Ran Fr inci-o> nrri Ho?»/»)ulu It »>/< art* to me that one of Heattie's l would be the htrlld.n* of a tugar r«e finery. In which enterprise the j !antatlor» owner a w go hard-in-hand, i f'So a!eo ha* «7,!■«»'• of land for the develop rr • *?• <>t ' •<?*••• ar -i fruit, whfetj ihe la an*s-/us to turn ov»-r to the government, lr order toaf K *'!! t<" up. Th** < 1 <r.d has ! creaa*d in value 3 I (-r cert, durlnjt the paat wvk, on ae»- cour.r of an ou'le: t*'r.g provided for th* ffoufM of *.h;« l^'and." I>r. Nicholas HUfW' I *T ■ •« ?«n e*c-:b r.t opportunity for v, r ■ en'rrp' -"•« city of th*- imlsM to #**•• re :-- 'r. > >f .#} snd. »!re t .• •: n ;:.. t»:< n w.a <:-/!> r«-d in tKe dins future, otherwise lllio would now be pre-, parad to da bu«U*3a wita