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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. TEE DAILY DfTELLIGENCER FT DAVID HIGGINS. TfVR DAII.T unrCLLKiKBCKB tm NMhM »*W7 (MralMf. S ifUjt « Teytarl.) a»d 4*ll**r»d V s«b*rrtf»*ni aoreb«f» la tbo fitj. att *•*»■ pw ( *m*r ; «m«le «tjnn n la nlm'« THE WREHLT IWTRI.LIMRXrRB. Thl» old md popn'.K j-wrual of W«rt»rti W»b tafton with lh« f«r«(c«t rir*«Utl ti </f any f'«P« lo th* TatriVorj. >■ p-ibllah*.! *-yry -'•tardaj' morning T«m»«: Tkrw B*llar« p*r mm* MBJ, la ULTUI'T ; 'ITB«RWLW, II.IK). KRUPP*B FAMOUS OUIf. At an early hour !•> tnirrow it i«» pr.» to rai«»* fftiii the hill of the *te»rm!iip K**ea. now iyinff at AlliwfT* wharf. west of K<-liuylkill rivr. thf tnf»n*ter Krupp jfun. which is «aid to l>e one of the larjf»*t in tht* worM It it thirty-three feet in length, lias a bore of thirty five and a half centime ters in diameter, weighs si*ty four Knjf lishton* K(I 1 «urri«'« a projeetib' w»*ij{fi in# sixteen h*»f»«Jr«*«l pounds. The refill I »le* in nhafH- a huge wine buttle Mr. Alfred Monne, one of Mr. Krupp's engineer*, who hai Itad charge of the transportation of the gun, h i* come here for the purpose of *uperii)tendinff its delivery on the Centennial ground* in good order, etc The powerful *tmrn derrick of the Junction e»r work* will l>e employed in raining the iroa mori iter. It will be remembered that dur ing the war »everal of our largest gun*, aome weighing fortv one ton*, were transferred by Mr. tlliaon at thin wharf. But, powerful a* this derrick is, it would t)C almost impossible,owing to it* position in the hold, to raise this gun ax a dead weight. The ahip'« tackle will Im* call I into requisition also, and it in the intention of the engineer* now in charge to raise the gun by blocking up fir-it one end and then the other, and hoisting by means of a tacklu made fast to the trunnions. Once al«>ve tin deck it will !>e transferred to the great 10 wheel gun traek belonging to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company which is to ba brought here for thi* purpose. The truck is built especcinll j for the carriage of heavy gun*, and itself weighs about forty tons, or a« much as a locomotive. The gun carriage it is said, weight 47 ton*. It will 1>« seen, therefore, that the whole weight—truck, gun snd enrriagt —-amounts to tin- enor mous total of, aa\, ISO ton*. Fortunately no long Irtridtfe* have to be croused. The longest is Thirty firth Mmt. which can readily be shortened up if uit-esaarjr Hia for»i«ight of tho*e ending the gun )s shotfYt in the rolled iron beam. of an f sfispe, 10 Inches and two feet in thick nass, and 50 feet and .'l3 inches long. Toie beam.* can 1* used in crossing road bridge* of a less span than the length of the brains, and. as there ara several of these small bridges to be crossed, Will greatly facilitate the transportation of the gun to the grouud'. -f'hilarlel phia Preit. M. Tiiifit* i* Powik, 11 VT NOT IJT OFFICII—M. Thiers ha* not boon in power for throe year*, but bis idea* •till rule ; h<* told me ycgtcrady that he like* that better. A great mind a* he it, prefers to see it* policy in power rather thnn itself. The proof it that in these three year* he hat not grown older; if he ha* nny chagrin it came from seeing the reaction tail to recog nise hi* aim. It ha* tinctured my view* of bumanjty with eome bitter no** to remark thai the saloons of M. Thiers are muoa more crowded finer the election* have proved him to be right. There are people who worship the rising sun ; 1 prefer thiwe who turn to the setting, or even the sun already , set. That is, in regard to friendship. M. Thiers has no rancor ; ho knows men too well to assume an iron port. He is the talker ;«ir riftlUnct always. It is a keen pleasure to hear him «tart off | from politic*, trover*' philosophy, pause before the walls of nrt, and enliven his gossip with the figure* of celebrated wouien. Always new and unexpected, sometime* you would say tbnt you heard history herself talking ; some time* you are in the preeenee of a phi loMopher like Mantaign. panting (wan this to thst topic, l»orne by hi> fire and fancy. 1 tell you, verily, it is the mint cle of eiMiveraation. And that |H.riH>tu el malice, even in hi* gravity llow, in his disdain, he smiles with a senti ment of Christian charity on all this fu ry of parties and part* nssumed' Nothing is strong enough to anger him lake a blood Oil be will not let himself be tiMiehed ; he thanes his hewrt •loft and speed* whether he please*. Like Voltair, he but one master—the love of Humanity, and one opinion—the public opinion of to mor row. But a small number of women vieit M. Thiers, for the reaaon that women do not know how to listen—ex cept when vou speak to them of them selves. tftveriheless. the feminine auditory is charming. Madame Theirs, who keep# all the characteristic* of her provcrhinl beauty ; Mile D wnc, all wit and facinatiou ; the Dutches* Cohmna, that aeulptrcss who chisela marble and words; the Princes* Troubetaky, hun- KJ for politic*, and finnllv, Madame enrv Houssave do Tennevill de Arag \ with now and then a distinguished for eign lady, pnasing through Pari*. the Prinet-sa Trouhntaky's may l»e fuuud the name ladies together with many others of all parties. 1 mean, otVtwrse, the parties The Republic ha«* rot yet itifnnmt Ju **«*■''- Arum* Gmhat Salt Lake Htf.amly Kt •IVU.—A correabotulent writing to the Salt Lake IhraU from Black rock, on the lake. UTi: Of late there has been •ome agitation about the using of the Uka: hen as I thought to giee you the rtconi since September 15, 1873, a tuouuineut having b»vu put up by Dr. •• f*wk, aud weekly observations warta with the following reaulta: Dur- iog the month ending October 14th the water fell 2 inches : to November I6th 2$ laches: to December 14th, rose 4 iiiche* : to January 11, 1476, rusa 3 inches: to Pebruary 11th, rose 1 mnch ; to March 15th. roaa 1| iochee to April 17th. roaa 3 tnche* ; to May 1S roa* 3 inches ; showing a total for the eight moths over the fall of 14 inches. I have also sounded the lake from the shore to Black rock. After leaving the shot> a few feet the depth vanes from eight to eleven feet. This is where the pioneers walked over dry sh'id twenty-six years ago, on a reef of rocks. My too ad itigs poved to me that the reef of rocks had worn away, so all of this depth cannot be attributed to the risking of the water alone That the water baa great force eras shown by yeeterday's storm, whan boul ders weighing as moch as a ton were wasbrd awsy from Black rock. It also mover) m three boors a batik of gravel four feet thick into the lake, which had washed up ab«>g the shore during the last thrre yeara. A CovarißSTfora VOTEU.— •• 'Boot dis hyar 'lection buiiesa, l ie d<jne laid dewn a n* m ft at for to said Pete to some other darkiea. •• VYhat s»>rt of a new (latforin is dat •" ww asked by another darkey. *• Well, dey ain't gwin«» to fool roe no more 'bout who 1/e voting for, dat'f how sai<l Pete. " What you gwine to kno' *bmit Iff You ain't bin to «k<>ol since the la»' 'lection, an' can't r«*ad nf»how!' re turned a third darker " Nehhcr jr«»u mind 'lxiut my read in, n 't!K'' r * dat don't oplniu de pint. But I'm tellin' of yer dat when I gm-s to a Publican snd tt» niT ticket, I'EC peine to ouike him read it *traight d'»wn fr«>ni de t«»p to de l>ott<mi—" " Well r" tin T said. " Den I'*e m*in<« to a Diinicrat and nx him to rind it tiaek'ards from de l»4tufn uf». an" ef dat ticket don't dore tail at Imf ends like a hure draw, she «l<»n't inter de bo*, tlat's ull I**— Stranmth !it J. ) Snrt MISCELLANEOUS. Hurrah ! In the field again, and we will not Ftand back for anybody, and offer for Halo to the Vllv 1,000 Fine Cashmere Ilats for Gents, at 50c each. 2,000 Fine Ladies' and Chil dren's Straw Hats, at from 25c to Toe each. 2,000 Fine Gents' Straw Hats, at from 25c to 75c each. 500 Fine Gents' Panama Hats, at $1.25 each. 1,000 Gents' Oxford Ties, at $1.50 per pair. 1,500 Fine Gents' Alexis Ties, at $2.75 per pair. 750 Fine Gents' Gaiters, at $2.75 per pair. 1,500 Fine pairs Gent>' Boots, at from $2.50 to $5.00 per pair. 500 Fine pairs Boys' Boots, at from $1.25 to $2,75 per pair. 2,000 Fine Indies' Shoes, at $1.25 to $2.50 per pair, 2,000 Fine pairs Gents' Cashmere Pants, at from $2.50 to $5.00 per pair. 500 doz. Fine Cheviot Shirts, at 75c to $1.25 each. 1,800 Fine Cashmere Shirts, at 50c to $3.00 each. And everything else in pro portion. Come one, come all, to the Seattle I Auction Store Oil I MILL STREET I (Next door t<»the Poitofficc.) MOTDT * »AVIB f Proprietors jr. o. #UTB iMIfl widiiidaT i amino M la Ik* H&ll. M—t 14 Dm orto we feivfwA te attoai. •9 «*iw or (he *• •• SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JUNE S, 1576. MISCELLANEOUS nmr baTeW, HKATTLE, W. T., Wm Meydenbauer, Prof'r. MAXtrFACTTBEM ALL KIXD* of Hhipand Mo ft Bread IT TA SODA. rrcirrr, j SUGAR, MILK, FASiJY •o4 SBOO-rr.T OAk.oa v ctoc., ctJO. Oriars filled to ail PARTS OF •»> 60t1fD at SHORT NOTICE. VESSELS FURNISHED with Kiln-Dried Biscuits On opplicatloa. far LO\(« He a Voyage*. QT Prices moderate. !w. H. PIHPBREY, Successor to PUMPHREY I ""YOUNG. JRonfesfllcr and Stationer, I •BATTZiH W. T. I ST ANN'S ACADEMY For VotfMjr Lmdiet, Humboldt Street, Victoria. Tbli establishment 1* pl*nssnt!y dtntM *»n i ht«<h and haalthy location. surrounded by clous playground*, which afford the young ladle* the facility of plaaannt walks and uarful bodily i «tenia*. Th* plaa »f education embrace* *very mean* I IMQUIM for training young ladt** ID virtu*. ■ and In th* knowledge <>f th<«* branch** of acl enc* booming to tbelr Ml. I l)**lde* th* imal literary our** *f atudle* plain **wlng, all kinds of uaefal and crnarur-nta ■ needle-wort. and erary variety of fancy work ar* taught fre* of rharg* I Different* of r»llgluw la so obstacle to adtnla : duct Into th* Institution. TERMS: Board and Tuition p«r *aart*r $43 » Washing *.OO Musi.- IS.(*I ! Drawing g.OO i Painting *.OO Hair Wurk—coom of lewons lo.OD Wax Work UJP IWd od Bedding per annum 10 UP Utton akmild b* aJ I»—i 1 to th* 81 pert "ma ( *r M. Ann's C«BT*nt, Victoria, f. I. M. H. WEED ARCHITECT * BUILDER. Is now prepared to furnish PUSS and HFWO IFICATIONH for building m all its branehea. also will takn contract*, and superintend. UPPICK OTES MokJtILLH MT*« 9TVm*> ftnnrtfr. vr. m Itepvh lrtK r*r* BOARD AX I) TUITION i •an k* obtained >r Tw« Voung Ladies winking Instruct!** in French, Geraan, & Imtllsh Stndles Applyl* aciv orrrExrrao SAMUEL KENNEY, Merchant Tnllor mm Just rnestrnd n n*w ttd Aui« STOCK OF GOODS For SpKag and Sua-wer w*nr. FASHIONABLE SUITS '1 UmU ID m*m. ' CsMNsenial «tmt, «esltle W. T. MISCELLANEOUS HOLMES & GLOBE, lssi> arsssa sf mmm Calais Us FURNITURE DPIOLSmi SOODS, COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE Their Immenie Stock Contauu Parlor Sets, Of German Tmpaatry and hair Cloth Bed-Boom'Sets <BS V 5 OP BLACK WALNrr AKD WHIT* ASH. trt waned vtth black walnut. Sofas & Longes, OF HAIR CLOTH and TAPESTRY Bureaus, Cliairs, Curtains. PioturePramo Mouldings, et CROQUET SETS. Coffins, Burial Cams, Caskets, 6c. ay All foeda pnrchaaed at thta saUblialuaeßt, wti; N dalleerad fraa ta any part ef ttao eity. B«attle, Jnly '.'4 th. 1871. m RAVTtiK mm M. R. MADDOCKS, W HULKS ALE AND RETAIL I Dealer in Drnra, Patent Medi cines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. PBE9CKIPTIOXS | CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ALSO, Dealer In Wines, Liquors, Ac. ORDERS FROM ABROAD SOLICITED. M.T HADDOCKS. SMttle, January a, 1974. | MOORE & CO. dealer« in Freah and Malted MEATS and a grneral assortment of I*«C* €*« ( Alao, th« bwt brands of i CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Third k TJnioc Street*, Seattle. DR. JOHN BAKERT" PIIIWI.M' * «ri RESIDEXCE—G ra»r Third and Sjrlng atr**t». • FFIC'E— COWBKBCUL smit, orrwm TBB Bm Ixmioi. DR. FRED. W. SPARLING. (Late of the U- I. Army,) * AVRGEOJR. •FFICB os COMMERCIAL STREET. a DOORS BOBTB or aTT HOSPITAL, je^j.s.maggsT Dentist, OFPICB, MILL STREET, Otw M*dd!« and Hirerw St r», EAST OF OC RIDRSTAL BOTRL. FM. j DENTIS ~ j. c or VMI, DKMNR. op- MtiEjjX &*• IB .-v n« A B irnot* • Build H/ ~' | II W E>B C-.iuMr.itl atrwt. All wort ftUtttNl Bi I HENRY E. HATHAWAY, COLLEXTTOR, OARTICUL-Ut ATTBTnOB GITE* TO COL. { I Mm et Ma Tun paid lot , MWB (>«• OF CHART* OFLK* VHK W. If TOBB. 1 »«t«r W. T MtSCELLAVKOrS Seattle Planing Mills (i. W. STETSON. Manager. SASH, DOORS BLIND?, FRAMES. SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINISH of every description. SEASONED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FEED GROUND At our GRIST MILL, at Reasonable Rates. Saattla, W. T., Frb If, 1«C«. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L JAMESON (Next door to Schwabacher Bros, it Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS Cmtle*y nmt Vnnry TUK CHOICEST CIOAIiS AXD TOBACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. THE ARCADE. JUST OPENED the Fashiuiialiltt SIUCK OF DRV GOODS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS Wits' and Gents' Fnrnishii* Goods. Men and Boys' Clothing, Hats, fa|is, Trnnks. Valises, Ever brought to thin city. Our stock has been selected by ourselves personally, aud knowing the requirements of the trade, we feel safe in saying that we hare the best selected stock in this market, and at low prices! BOYD, PONCIN & YOUNG. For Sale. 20 TOM OAT HAY. Fifty Thousand Oak Hoops, At Chehalls, Lewis Co., W. T., \ OB tb« N. P. B. B , m dalirwrrd at XKW TACOMA iddna O J. NONUA, hMla*. IfTTttk ChaWlß. THO§. JAC KSON, Tb« peyalßr proprietor of tb« old Blakaly Hotel for jr«n, bn oioTtd to tbta city. Mid bM cpwrf U»t old UNITED STATES HOTEL. A* • First - Class Saloon BOARDING HOISE THOS. JAOUWX. Proprietor. «KUR* RR* WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this j Office. m2otf TBI! MITE INVESTMENT A3ID INSURANCE CO. Fir© cto Marine. ; Cash Assets, - - $480,000. Principal Office. No. 409, California Bt. Mam Francitco. I orricEiii frm Dwmi, Pm't., A. i. Barm, CutLU H. Crsanra, j A. P. HOT A 1.1 SU, A Oen*rml A«*nts for 0 hob sod Vuh'jftog, Port!mm], OKgoa. j nasT-CLAB» llsK* SOLICITBD O. C. Perkins, Agent* FARM FOR SALE also. Lots in the settled portions of Seattle. i 320 Acres of choice Farm ing Land on White River, Kaown u thu Xidd farm, will be sold «besp, sad ' r n trrm* of yfront, or will be divided la null tract* of 80 or » acres, to salt pair baser* Tbis is tb* b*d chaae* ever offend ia this ■rooaty Oo 'iref anaa on r—j Owms.and ccatrsJ lots overlooking tb« * »t«r truttt. Apply sooa to } McNArGBT ft Leery. «>w if mw *» {f tfrv BUY YOXJB GOODS Of B R 0 SCHWABACHER & c 0 TEST KEJSP TUB LARGEST ASSORTMENT, AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHHB II O V t9 D IN THE TERRITORY I A; MINES Wteitanta u< BetaM Deelat tfc CHOICE Groceries, Provisions Hardware, dine ®«w, CROCKERY, GUSSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Imported and California wiari :m 9 Foreign and Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. ALSO Sole Proprietor of the taring well-known Brand* of Cigarvi " Foster," " lilttle BdU" . ..Aad../. 44 Pride of W. fSTJII Goods guaranteed as represented. iTOiAio Sette«sad la the CMj fwo of Commercial Street Seattle, T. NO. A.