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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER VOL. I. THE DAILY IHTILLIGINCIR OWIJ) lih.'lNS. Yma\rn\. M>l tr> ittarrowi tbrrity. at *» e*oW p«r *nk. payable »*• CarrUr; alalia •• c * rtl p»r tuts. In |< ' nil ' T THE WEEf< Thl» old •»! ><*rnal Of w f rn uet-io. with tt»» wprt«lT- «.»tj t f M-y ra»«T tnth« Tarrttory. « »** r 7 **tar*Uy T-S TM» ...I aims, In ad»aaf* ; o*a»rartar, BY AND BY. lit MRS. PUERTO*. What will it matter by and by, Whether my |»atli twlow waa Wight, Whether it wound tbnmgk dark or light. Under a gray or golden aky. When l look back on it. by and by i Wnat will it matt me by and by. Whether, unhelprd, I toiled along. Dashing my foot againat a atone, Miaaing the charge of the angel nigh. Bidding me think of the by and by? What will it matter by and bv. Whether with darning joy I went Down thr«Hjgh the year# with a gay eon teat, Never believing—nay. not I, Tears would be §weet«r by and by ? What will it ruatt«r by and by. Whether with cheek to cheek I'M lain t'lnaa by the iiallid angel. Pain, Hoothing myself through sob and aigh What will it matter—naught, if I Only am *ure the war 1 va trod. Olootn 1 or gladdened, leada to Oo<l, Questioning not of the how, the why. If I but reach lliro by and by. What will I care for the unshared sigh. If, in HIT fear of lapse or fall. Close I have clung to Christ through •U. Mind I'M how rough the road might lie, Sure He will smoothed it by and by V What will it matter by and by r Nothing but this: -That joy or pain Lifted me sky ward—helped to gain. Whether through raek, or amile, or sigh— Heaven —homo— all in all—by and by ; Wind and Hail in Hsbrsaks. UM of tb« aioit ten ifio bail and raw •forms that it baa •»« beau our misfor tuna to witiMM |«Mrd oter St. lUlwn lut Baturday. It caine from the south- WMt, and mi nearly one-half hour in paaaing over. W« have a»uoe learned that tha storm did uot extend far ia width. It did aot reach Yankton or Bt. Jamee The storm played sad havoc with Ml. Helena, however, breaking nearly a vary pane of glaea in every win dow faring the weet. The hail atonaa were vary large, aorne of them being two incbea in circumference. The icy miaailea came down with auch form that the imprint left in the ground oan atill be aewu. Shiuplea and natut were knocked off of butldtnge, and the boarda had tha appearance of being pouuded with a hammer. The ecene after the atorni waa a deeolute one, indeed. Hail eovered (he ground to the depth of near IT a foot, (lardena t v st but an hour Wfore made one's mou t water for a taata of vegetables, ruined, for tha time. Wheat fields that were green looked like fields of anew. Everything graan was forced into the ground. How ever, the damage to crone is not great. Not beiog far advanced all will atart up again, but are put back. Tree* looked aa if they had never had leaves upon them, and stock that waa not under sbelUr or had not time to reach it waa unmercifully thumped. It is impoeaiblr to estimate the amount of property destroyed, but tha loaa was heavy in proportion to tha am<mnt of property to be dnm&ged. Re ports from the surrounding country go to show that the atorm wa< furi.nia in ita entire course, and in addition to broken windows damaged houses, barna, cropa and tret's, thousands of birds, prairie chickena, and domesti cated chicken* aad ducks were killed. But no atorm is so fearful but that something ludicrous happens. In this instance, the joke waa on Herriek'a balky p«»ny. The pouy, no doubt, oun oluded that aome on* wantrd him to ijo, and he uiada up h»# mind he wouldn't When the hail began to pelt him he be gan to kirk. The thicker the bail came the harder he kicked. After ibe atorm waa over, verv little hair vr hide waa left on him. l)e don't balk now. Wiadow glaaa wis in heavy demand, and in on e hour after the atorm the apply aai exhauatrd. —.Vi6rWa Ad *otaU§, Jfev 24 How I»N» IT GET Turn* Mr. laughrsy, of* Jefferson t<-unship, in di|»iß| a well laet week, at the depth •fifty feet below the an r flare, struck what appeared to be a drift, or depoeii of toil, containing large quant it ice of vegetaide matter and partially decayed wood. Among the piocee of wood taken out waa a board, one inch in thK-knae*. »ii incbee in width, and eighteen incbea in length. The board ie tongued and grooved, and in erery particular reaerabtca a piece of modern flooring The laud uj»oa which the wall ia dag is « high prairie, and no in provetueata had c\ <>r l«-tore bc*-n made upon it, to the erttain knowledge of old aettler* la tha vicinity. Now, bow did that piaca of laoli unmistakable handi work get there Y Ia it a relic of the mound buildera, or erf some prehistoric race i—~LinftdU (/«»**»> TribHM. OT "Open air aaloons," where oys ters a ith crackers arc eold for one cent each, have been established in many pl*oee in York, and they seem to ♦ •to a goo.| business. AGRICULTURAL. DEVKLOPIV'J FIHTIUTY OP IHI SolL.—'irasa, w*«ii end trees will dr ▼•lop fertility. If <Mm cannot pwc* etab*e manure, nor sack, if land cheap. ots« of the uioet ern»r>mta*l way to improve the f-rtilitv n to allow clo w ittd grew to grow ind decay wber it erew. *To cover tbo ground with a firm, track tod, and fill the toil with * maw of graaa and clovar r«JOta, it to maka land that will pay a fair ract to the owdt. Hucb «od, lomnuT £ailowe«l. bring* good oorn. tobacco or c*>ttoo. Our must how to make fertility grow on thio land; drawing ieal tural aalu fn® the deep aubauil u> wa trr that riw« to euter the longest roota of clover or cow p*t«. Tbe water evaporates frcru the l'»avrs of tlie clo ver. grsM. p«w« and corn ; but the fer tilizing *alt« do not. Tbeec way be ua«d to feed and fatten hungry eoil. Poor Und tuay gnm to U-cow fat in sod and manure n easily at a poor pig gsint in Hi-ah. Nm ill a«li, like those of clover a id gram, winy do moat of thi.* aork. Set' how eaay it i* to make clover nn«l great laU»r fur the thinking huataudninn. THE BLACK HILLS. (*orn«lius Manning, of New York City, who went to the Hills from here about the middle of April over the Sioux City route, returned Wednesday evening in company with five others from the digging*. He baa got enough mining to laat hitn for tome time. He doe* not deny that there i* pUnty of gold in the Hill*. On the contrary, be •ay* all the claim* on the Dea4«ood and Wbit«wood, as well a« •treama. are paying, and many of the miners are taking out on an average $lO per day to the man. Manning first prospected 00 the Wbitewood. then went to Bear Creek, tbenee te Hand Creek. The Indians made a raid on the latter at ream and drove him and his party out and then went te Dead wood where be remained until he started for home. When Mauning left, the miners, some of those not owning claims on the Deadwood and having nothing to do, were talking of forming a party to make a prospecting trip into the Big Horn country, believing they would find gold thera in far greater abuodancu than in the Black Hills.— SUnue City Jvurnttl. MISCELLANEOUS. Hurrah t In the field again, and we will not stand back for anybody, and offer for sale to the public 1,000 Fine Cashmere Hat® for GenU, at 50c each. 2,000 Fine Ladies' and Chil dren's Straw Hats, at from 25c to 75c each. 2.000 Fine Gents' Straw Ilats, at from 25c to 75c each. 500 Fine Gents' Panama Hats, at $1.25 each. I 1,000 Gents' Oxford Tie*, at $1.50 per j>air. 1,500 Fine Gents' Alexis Tien, at $2.75 per pair. 750 Fine Gents' Gaiters, at $2.75 per [>air. 1.500 Fine pairs Gents' Boots, at from $2.50 to $5.00 per pair. 500 Fine pairs Boys' Boots, at from $1.25 to $2.75 per pair. 2,000 Fine ladies' Shoes, at $1.25 to $2.50 per pair. 2,000 Fine pairs Gents' Cashmere Pant*, at from $2.50 to $5.00 per j»air. j 600 do*. Fine Cheviot Shirts, at 75e to $1.25 each. 1,800 Fine Cashmere F*hirts. at 50c to $.'1.00 each. And everything else in pro portion. Come one, come all, to the Seattle Auction Store on MILL STREET (Xext door to the I'oatoffiee.) NI'KDT * DAVIS, Proprietor*. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1876. MISCELLANEOUS EUREKA BAkERV, SEATTLE, W. T.. Wm Meydenbiuer, Prop'r. MASTFACTTIES ALL ISXM <* tthipanri Holt Bread AIM *OVA. ricsrr, iiosToy. BCGAH, MILK. FAMY u.4 sHoo rr.T CXLA.OSJE3HS9 OaILOB, CtJO., cfco. Oulm fllt*d V> «U PARTS OP « \t SOI JI) at BHOHT NOTICE. VESSELS FURNISNED with Kiln-Dried BiscuUs On &pi>lit-atios. for LOXCt Hen Voyage*. cr Prion moderate. W. H. PtMPHREV, Successor to PUMPHREY "^YOUNG. paskeclln- and Stationer, HBATIXJD. W. T. ST AIPB ACADEMY Fmr \*ouHg I^mdiea^ Hamboldt Street, Victoria. Tbia eaUblUhment la pleasantly nil tiatM on * bl|[h and healthy location. •urrouiitlfr! by *}•». riona play gronnda, which »ff »rd the youn« ladira the facility of pleaaant walks au<l uaefnl bodily •urctai. Tbo plan of "duration nabnfM every means rtomUlM for training yoosf ladies in *irto», sad in the knowledge ct thuM branciiea of net »o« booming to their an. Bhllm th« uaual literary ooarM ef attidlr* plait: aewiag. all kinda of uaefnl an.! oraamnntni needle-work. and fTfrj variety of fan* y work arc Unght free of ebarv*. Dlflr*r»t.<-« of religion ia no cbetarla to adraia ait-n Into the Institution TERMS: Board and Tuition per qtarftr 943 on Washing P.un Muair Drawing g.OO Painting 6.00 Hair Work—<«>nr»e of letaoas 10.00 *u Work •• kt.On Bed and Bedding per annua 10.(1) Letters ahmtld be addreaaed to the 9npodw«as •f M. Asa's fMT»V ▼ l«t*rlsu T. I. M. H. WEED ARCHITECT 1 BUILDER. Is now prepared tc furr.Uk FLATS and SPlf -IFICATIOI* for building in all lt> brmnakaa; also will tako coa tract* and saperiatoad. OTTICX OVBSt MOUtILLB BBl'AimHkE. ■ iall>i . W. T.. Modi lTth. pftl. BOARD AND TUITION ran he obtained fer Two Young Ladies wlaJUng InaW-uetJea ta Freach, German, & Eqellsli Studies Apply to *R* OUTTEJfBEMi. SAMUEL KENNEY, Merchant Tailor ■as Jo»t iwreund a new aud afcotca STOCK OF GOODS Fcr Spring and •«n.ui*r wear. FASHIONABLE SUITS Mate to m4m. r••waaeretal ••■wet. •rattle W T MISCELLANEOUS holmmTclorb, FURNITURC OPEOlSrai" GOODS, COKMEROIAL STREET, SEATTLE. ' I Their Immense Stock Ooataiss , Parlor Sets 7 | Of Oenu Tapatrj aa4 hair Cloth Bed-Room Sets OF BLACK WALXT'T AXD WHTTB ABB. with black ealnot. Sofas & Louges, OP HAIR CLOTH and TAPES TRY j Bureaus. . . Conter-Tatolo®, Olialrs, CROQUET SETS. ! Cofflna, Burial Cues, Caskets, ftc. %T At) enada pnrrhaMd at thla aatablMiaieat, wti: a«» dHiTcred fiae ia anjr part a( tho city." Seattle. July Mth. 18TS. DRUG M: R. MADDOCKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • % Dealer in Drugs, Patent Medl fines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. PRESCRIPTION!! CAREFULLY COMPOUKDED. ALSO, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, le. CRDKRH FROM A.HROAD SOLICITED. M.R. HADDOCKS. SMtile. Jwuury 1.1*74. MOORE & CO. dealers in Frewh and Salted MEATS and a general assortment of C 4" PO WVJI«« Also, the beat brauda of CIOARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Tbiid 4 Union Streets, SesKiew DR. JOHN BAKES, PHIIICM.r * SFJtGEO.r. RESIDENCE—Career Third and B|'rtog itmlt •rri€'K~-CoinfKkcuL Snui, ommt m B*»c linitoi. 1 DR. FRED. \K. SPARLING. >L*te of tht U. S. Army,) rHrstaa.r * avRGEOjr. I •mci OX COMMERCIAL STRUT. I DOORS MORTH or an HOSPITAL, mm JES ATRTM? A J.S. MAGGS/ OFF IC B, MILL BTREKT, Of» B*d£ • u4 H»ra»M Rtor*. RaST OP OC OPBTAL HUTRL. FM j DENTISTRY. C G RAISE, DR3ITIST. OP MIB3| A«* ta »t &# A BSHMM I N»» BciM l lir All work (UNTM. A3 HENRY EL HATHAWAY, COLLECTOR, DARTICULAR ATTRKTIOX GITRR TO COL -1 MMa( MR. Tua for ta-l» . )4«atitM«f Cliff. C*ka VTTR W. IT TORE. ATTIRO7.4T.LAV. ' «*•!»!• W. T » IUSCELL ANKOrS Seattle Mailing Mills «. W. 9TBTSOX, Manaser. SASH, DOORS BLIXDS, FRAMF.S, SHUTTER?. AND WOOD FINISn of every description. SEASONED LI'MBEE OF ALU KIX - FEEft. 6&OUNP M our GRIST MILL, at Reasonable Rat*s. Seattle, W. T.. Fab. IS. Ittt. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L JAMESON (Next door to Mvabacber Bros. 4 Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET,' SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS e'utlerx Mkd CKtoda. Tax CItOWXBT CIGARS Subscriptions solicited for S. F. tnd Eastern Periodicals. SEATTLE BAKERY ' • An PROVISION STORE IUIMnM, V. T. L. REINIG,; Prop'r, ■AfrvaAcrcaa Bread, Cakes and Pastry QF AH |Q«M I* Deals in GRAIJT, PLOI'R, GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS. of the best quality. Receives PRODUCE bv every at<»<ira«r. K»{m FRUITS. PASTRIES, CAKDISS CONPEC TIONKBUK, piopM in thm neat. mi style. A1l«y TOBAOCO and CIGAHB. tW Prioes aaoderata Articles deli* > srad at private b(n«M h Ba»ttle. V Orders filled toaU|*rtsof the Sonnd. s2O _ , •*T » *2 *. C* KV • v# jt > ANp Commifeftion BMbiew Messrs. MeCallister &• VfCirty . OWNERS OF Barge Champion IJin BUSOITO A WAttkOCUE QXTOSft S X~lk BonMtf aWfearf. ta tfala City, «Mn tbcjr Mil Wbotwil* afelt ReUU All Kinds «f ProdnM ! Floor and Feed, Hay ud Oralß, Vegetable* Fruit, Chicken*, ate. d" Ttrms Strictly Cm*h. For Saftfe. i/ \ . 20 HIB OAT W. Fifty Tkanwuid %> Oak Hoops, 41 Chehalis, Lewi* Co* W T. f Oo tV S. ML IL, ur 4«Uv.T(d at NRW T.ICOXA iMrai n /. noai m, Jut Ist. l*t& THOS. JACKSON Tbm popular p»t>prl«ter of tl>« oUHUkaly loW for 7««ra. baa n<n«d •» Ikto dly, u4 hitoprwd > tfc« OU UNITED STATES 1 HOTEL I A* • First - Class SaiooD BOARiING HOUSE not. u*x*n,tTifUk*. §»•»»!•, tr*\\r w%. Te Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by cfelling at the . HUT 1111 l IffIUUHTIIM WHERE 0 ■ bj the Glao, and supplied to Parties and seat ia quantities to any place where there is steam communication. Fresh Made Caidks, FZNn OAKSIS CnoaUMtty on lu«l. V<4dU| CikMMaittow dan <m «*• iboftft aeCr*. B*U Boppm a 4 PU%m MMtlft!. MMJ 19th, 1»7«. > ■ WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen At Smith's Cove, three inile« below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGOX wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this Offico. m2otf TIB STATB im»T A WD INSURANCE CO. Fire db Marine. Cash Assets, * - $480,000. Principal OfSee. Ho. 409* O&lifornit St. Iss Pranciic*, • rricnii Twtm fviimti, h« t.; A. J. Bairn, Ttc«>h. OjfJM I. Ciaim, hemut. a. P. HrVALIXV. A n«nml Ajrnta f<« Srafoa and Waab»gtofe.ParU«i»d, Orrfr*. I fIMT-CLASt KIIK9 SOLICITED Ol C. Parkica, Agents DE. HALCOX HOFFIAV, Fljoaai, Suibbb aid Accoickeir Oflm mt rmidmm #• Cherry t&rvt, (*• <«» Frtnt »nd 3m*otd &tr*tM, SEATTLE,- W. T. DRS. k. IH. B. BAGLEY, iiamccopmtki*t*i SEATTLE, W. T. i rvm. h. n. bmlit. lats mkwbmor or U MM|I« Ml Prvtt tm of IvflßT mUm , <£»trtl Col!***, vfn ma* : Op«r»tw* tteriwyaatfttirgfc'al DtoMMttf ioi if. toil will itl«4 l» •oil* Is u; part <>f tti« ; »■—J dl '* DR. Q. A. WEED, 1 SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, BHATTLK, W. T. BR. G.V.CALHOUN, SoaUlo, W. V. rvmjjomnti omr». BUY TTOTJR GOODS CMP B R 0 SCHWABACHIB & c 0 TBBY KKEP T ASSORTMENT, AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHKR H O US E IN THE TERRITORY I£ JENNINGS VI«M« and BeUil Dealer la CHOICE Groceries, Provisions Hardware, snt CROCKERY, * GLASSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Imported ami California W IMS 2« 9 Foreign and Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. ALSO Sole Proprietor of th« lowing well-known Brand* of Cigart " Foster," "I«lttlo EM." M Pri<lo of -W. T." SZTMI Goods guaranteed as * refjresented. ■rooxte 'l«UT*ftd to tha at j tr M of rkarf- Cf iwitl Street. Seattle. W. T- NO. 5.