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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'imissN a iutiim»i, AND Prortor# in Admiraltjr. si Tort Towesal. W«tlnrv ti T*rrt. an. M 4 D P. JENKINS, SEATTLE. W. T.. 4 TTOUSTCT-A T- J. .1 W. SOLl< IT Ok /.V CnAXCHHY, AM) I'HOCTOK IS ADM I HALT Y. mbl'l ;«su UeWtommr. O U MrNAI'OMT A HALLKR, Attorneys & Conosellors at Lav, POET TOWHSEFD, W. T. W. It ANDHKNVS. attohvev-at-law, Wit! ymtlss la all *h« «V«rts «.f lU».*.r4 In tfas T«i rtl«n srvics m aoit-aa's Kiunf*. wrrosrra eo»i u*wtAt. siawis, e. t CM.BRADSHAW, Jit t PORT TOWSBKND, W. T tmmi ■oOn.vaa. t«.- Beaas MrdlliVßA BIRhE. ATTORNEYS-AT-1. AW, SEATTLE, W 7., Will tllMiJ a> bn*\utm to si! psrt« at tb» Trr rtuay. U uuuui iMunw M UMrM, W. T.) MCONAHA I HANFORO, lfl«rHfya.«|.X4Ho, BoHeitmra 4m f 'Mmnrrry mmd Pr»d#r« tn Jldmiraity. Omet Street, corner Waahingtott, S**attU\ W. T. D. S. SMITH, I). S. Com miwtloner, Ju*Ure of the Fwf ami Notary Pabllt. iVillocllotis iu»dt: ..a sll sauu nn4«-r t Me I>—d« l uli>«r dr»wu »»d A< kn« *l - Si UWl'lli UTU. twnie r«n« uf Tatnl ami Me* Hmtto T ■h DR. FREO. W. SPARLING. Late ef the U- !• Amy,) i*h I'iiru.r * armamo.r. WfKl< K OJI COMMRRdAL RTRRRT, I POOR* north or crrr loirmL, mm «*3 /m. m i cmfc J.S. MAGGS, 111X7 Dentist, OFFICE, MILL BTKEKT, Vrar RmIJU *ad liriMi •**•. RANT OV OC tIfKMTAL MoTRL f*. DENTISTRY. J. V OttAHHK. DKSTteT. OF ME9K ft.-, la Hk>u* k Itnru.ti • S«« lluild lu| ou ('uMiaor itl ilrn-l All a.>rk gaaraataa 4. ui HENRY E. HATHAWAY, golle (mm, IMBTICt'IJia ATTEXTIOJt OIVEN TO IX lMlit« t>( <UbU Tun pal<l fur S.« Km- U.ala tr»* at Chare*. Oik-a with W. M. TORE. A Mora#; at-La*. SaaMla, W. T. m»>-tf. DK. HAUOM HOFFMAN, Fhysician, Saneon aid Acconclieor Offis* mt rtudtiict vn cftsrty Sfrrrt. !<+■ titer ft Front nn<l Strftft, SEATTLK, W. T. ORS. A. I H. B. BAGLEY, HmmaropmihißtM, SEATTLE, W. T. OR. ■. R RAOIJIT. I.ATR FRorEMMIR OF PrUMFtalaa aa4 Fra<st«-« «4 Surgery tn Ik* Ml.kl«an C«airal will wak. OparaU*a eargary aaU StargU .l OlMama a »p*«-l»l --«y. an* will alt»a4 ta .all* In any par* ot ilia A.*iuJ. «tl» DR. G. A. WEED, St'KUKOS AM> I'HVSIt'I AX, RKATTL.K, W. T. 4»wk* Mt Nitan Jt«* Ut»i MrNAUUHT & LEAKY, artoßmtrs at / <u- souci- Tons IS CHAXCEHY, «t MOC roits in adm Ira j. rr. Will praatn-e ta tba l>Utrl«t at*4 ONrW Mr. laao •Hi *t*a *p>*lal aitwlK* k> CW. I*i-Ut«a. (\«frtn» iii| A* alaa W tba parrbaM aa t *a)a t*f Niai Ratata. tIuQT lllk. IKTt. JjtS DR. JOHN RAKER, PHi*iH'M.r * *1 Himr. UMIPRROi -C<Mf Tbtnt and Rftng atiwta fttttu, uarvrta las Rasa Riwtiua j SEATTLE BROOM FACTORVi ISAAC CHILBKRG, Proprietor i CMR*RT RTMRT w*f at *TTt.I ™o— Reoawa lift *e»nt>etly <.<% Raa4 u •aiUMMetoaf tW trade a&4 t»ne> —i * T «• eraa* ta aatt part baaraa TVih J«a-H| of t ran ■» ara aal*. aktak ar» aqaai k» tba baa* of tba bia<to ttcp><rta«l aa* wbteb wtn baa 44 by wb«4*a»la a* Mm prtcaa, and by ratail a* e«a<U. prtcaa ASa\ WISF9 ASP tHIUAOt RROOMS lko«n*a Aabaavai la tap part Um *lty «tia set aAtlttoaal aHarfa I ■T Aah fomr peest turn Hm nr.«w* I RaSMte Spall t». Im* OBKAT BRIDGE ENTER PRISES This epf>ear« to be an ag* of stupendous enterprise in the waj of br» dge build ing No mutter is one work ««t thi* kind completed '.ban we have multiplied projerts for others, each more ilimcult ..n-1 <laring than its pred'teaeor Th»' bridge no* in pr <*;■»< of construction «et»».-en New Y rk and Rroolykn it the must toruii'iabie work of the kind yet undertaken. Sine* the inception of this enterprise numerous others have l#een itarUel or suggested in \arjou» [*arts of the country. It u now oou teniplat**! to ,l*itld » bri«lge U> «'>nn<' t New York with ita sut»urli*n ixjpuiati »u on the western -hore of uuoit Island, a few miles above that • huh mill Mjot. i;>an the Kaat Iliver from tL«' Citi Hal! Park There t« also another for a whii h a on.tract h»« just l-e»*n let, which i« to cr"it the Hudson at Poughkespsie by five «pai»s of feet each. This will be wh*t u termed an underground or det k bri tge, having railway tracks aboi« an*l a carriage way (h low Its total length will l>e 4,i00 feet. The erection of the structure ts under»tur«l to f>e a preliminary step to the proposed opening of a ne* line of railriam be tween New York and Chicago, which, it is affirmed, will be but 921 miles iu length, or 59 miles shorter tb.nn the »hort*st existing route A ir.ganttc new bridge is also about to be built across tho St. at Mon true!, to accom»uielate street cart, carriages and f*»«*t p«n*eiig*:rs, as Well a* railroad traffic. A viaduct 4.H00 feet long, in 'Jo spans, will conduct frotn Sher brook« street to the river. five of MM) f«wt each will cross island, which by a viaduct with 20 •pans of 120 feet each, while 12 spans will crues the unnavigable chauuel south of the island—making the total length of the bridge 10,t0o feet, or nearly two miles. The bridge will croas the navigable river channel at au elevation of 130 feet above the water. The longest iron l>ridge in the Uni« U<d States is the St. Charles bridge over thw Missouri river, which, with its sewn spans end opfioette river ap proach**, is 6,3*1 A f«*»t in leu ,th The greatest engineering difficulty which had to be.eucountered in planning this structure, was the strength required for it« oentrul piers, the caissons for con structing which had to l»e carried down front o4 to 70 fuet through water, quicksand, largo boulders and heavy iuib»dd«d driftwood, »ud planted with sufficient firuiuen to resist freshrt rises of 40 feet, with « current of nm* and a half uiilee an hour of flood speed, often carrying floating island* 300 feet is diameter and drawing 20 feet of water. All these difficulties have beeu overcome at nearly double the estimated cost, however, and the bridge now etaud* as one of the proud eet monument* of nuoceeeful American engineering. A FIBS-PROOF SUIT. (Pram th« kelnisth* X«itiung.) A few days iii)N mi exhibition of the nuw Oust her# Are-extingtii* bing appa ratus t«H»k plaeu on thr Linden •tram*, iti IWlin in the pr*»s«>iioe uf th« Kmper or, the Kai|im« t the Crown l'rincu, the ! Urtml Duke uf lted*n, the Kwvdish Minister, tba MumUr uf Wer end tbe Interior, and other distinguished per son*. Tlmi inventor, who is • Swede named IVitberg, and Mwsars. Braudt end Newrocki, who had charge uf the exhibition, were preeented tu the Eiu preaa before tbe experiment* took piece. Captain Ah Ist rum appeared in e Mealier looking cuetntne, inad* of the vVciberg invention, end walked into eti immense fire made of wood saturat ed with petroleum. The heat of the fire was to intense that no one else could approach within eighty f» et wit hunt being burnt or scorched The captain, however, walked ruund in the glowing pile perfectly undisturbed, ' Leaning on the burning wood, and finally quietly seated himself on the eoal*. He remeincd in the fire Cur fif teen utinutee, and oo his naming out every one pressed e round tu sew how | much be had ln'in injured. He was j auhariuud, and tu spite of the Kui|*-r> ur's a*ee\ eration that he had Mtin enough uf to iaugeruu* an experiment, Captain AhUtroiu went again into tbe fi« ry oven On finally lie t>x»k i>tT the suit and apf*>ared clothed in red flan nel. The Kmperur said, " Oue uiu*t e»»e tin* to form eny just conception of it " He then a*k«*l Meter*. Hrandt and Xawrei'ki about the j«a?« nt in Pru ssia, and when informed that the ap plication for a |«atent bed U«rti rcfuwd. eipr« »*M great surprise. WHITTiEK. I A uiticing taruicr'* t*>tr, working in in the field*, and igmtfmnt uf ho early felt the ia»tiuct moving in his soul, but thought hi* surroundings were raeentiallv j roseu\ end con Id u<-*cr » U «ung At la»t oar afternoon, while hi- we* pktturing in the lie*, a peddh r ! dropped e copy of Hume in hi* hands Instantly tus eye# were uii*e.&Jed. There in tbe neigh born fit-Id*, wes " High lend Mary." The Cutter * Saturday Night" occurred in hi*felber'suwn ptou* New hngland hotue, and the birds which cnr«d«d u*er hi* bead, the fli w*r« which giew under hi* fwt, were a* poetic as' tbo*<- tu wbt. h the Nvttuh plowuiau bed given inter* et Burns taught huu to detret tbe beautiful m tbe common, but Burns could nut corrupt the singu lariy pure sou! if tbe L.d by bts tntictng euggeeCKwi* uf idealised pbyeical enjoy- i inent and unregulated pasetou. Th. toy f;rew intu a man. cultivating assiduous y bis gift of eosg. though *oy «>f «boa - lug it A Pxenaaiar Hon R.—To base e hu*ue which e man has himself reared . or purcbaeed—a hosae Indeed, which with h«*w>et pride and net ami inve, he 1 SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, MONDAY. JUNE 12, 1576. m calls his owt-u iu Additional ••canty far any ■»»'• virtu*. Sack a home be laevee with regret ; to it b« gladly rftarni. There be inn cent and satisfying pl<**urea. Tb*m tus wife sod hub ohm ars aife ; and titer* all his b«et affcttou* take root and grow To such a pair, ti tirn« advances. the abide of their *arly and middle Ufa whence they have. perhaps all depart •d, becuntss constantly mors dear ; for it ii now a tet ur of precious memories —the undisturbed declining years * And say—what lapse of time, what varied experience of prospefity or sorrow, can ever afia cm the, good impresaion mad* by such a home on the tender hearts of child hood ' To the tempt**! youth, to the wanderer from virtue, to the and vic tim of Duaiortane, such remembrance has often prove! a strangtbwumg moti a tor or a healing balm. Nor can this kindly influence wholely fail so long aa th»* dear objects of that familiar sceue retain a place in memory, cuu i*cted, aa they inseparably are, with thoughts of a father's counsels, a moth er'* tenderneaa, a sister's purity and a brother's love or A pbolt< -graph of a young lady iu France recently revealed spots which were not visible on the lady's face. A little later the spots did appear, and she died of small-pox. The suggestion is being used by smart doctors to st«>al a march on that disease AVERILL PAINT MIXED PAIYTs l> HSR Colors eft? Sliados Thle feint is praparwl la liquid form, rsedf fur ua*-rwuirtni{ q<> further mIJIIIuu of ull or spir it*. It is of I'ure Whit*, sod «f snjr shad* er 001. nr. It is tome «ad «f UieeMt iMl«rltk known to Ike trikfo—Fere Us»«rt Oil. Nlrlflly Fen WhlU Lriut, Par* lisr.uo tfce per—l col <rtu( matter | roeursbie for tun Inf. watch Of our peculiar pr> m-hm <>f muiefsrtft t«. srs a> thorouf hly united that tLey caunot MpiriM. Hsar*. it will u«v«r chalk. crack or off; <3o«s not run from ■warns or nstl holt* . and for brilllsttcj of color, •ml bssuty ef finish, it la wttkeut s rival. Fut up in V|, H. 1.2, 3, 4 su4 S gallon Psck tgre, an<l in bimli. For sale in Quantities to suit W. A. JENNINGS SKA TTI.E, Agent for Puget Sound. DR.G.I.CILIIOIJN, Soattlo, W. T. M&cm opt**!!* tho I<rrsu.taea<-aa Owk s THE STATE UTHT AND INSURANCE CO. Pir© ct? Marino. Ca*h AsseU, - - $480,000. Principal Office. Ho. 409. California Bt. Smn FrmneiMtm. srnriiii Farta Dtwara. hu L; A. J. Raiemr. Ttt*Pr. caau* H CniuM, »> raSary A. r. IIOTII.IXU, * a, Omni A«aata far 0 mm! R'aafc* ftnn. fsartlaad. Otr|.« mhht-ci ass risks solicited 0. C. Perkins* Agent SEATTLE SALOON TOM SMITH PROPR WAUHQtOTON fT!U:ET. hKATTLE. k la ih« butUlcji f noerly Ovo Fine Has<vis .) Wines, Liqoors, and Cigars, Of the bsat >lll*lll7. la Um rnr aptftaul. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK «»«»• M«a! 10, anart per daf tl OO n>«n] *n k § fIU PAINT SHOP & STORE By C. ORDRNAX. mil SSM, oppnatta •xi.lrttal SEATTLE. It'. T. CARIIME, SlfiN, ANI ORNAM £ NTAL ALHO HOl §R PA»T»6, at atste^Nvsalienshitissa The best in all MISCELLANEOUS bdrekabMrT, SEATTLE, W. T., Wm. Meydenbauer, prop *r. t MAjtvrAcrrajn ALL IIXM * \ Ship and Ho ft Kn-nd ALSO jJOI'.t, PICNIC, JiOSTOX. sir; a it. ! MILK. FANCY and SHOO-FLY, «bo. t dbo. i Order* Sited to all PART* OF KM BOIXD at SHORT NOTICE. ■ VESSELS FURNISHED with AY In - Dri ed Biscu its On cpplL-atioo, for LOXCi Sea Voyage*. or Prices moderate. H. H. PUMPHRRV, | Successor to IPUMPHREY —YOUNG. |sookscller and jStatiotifr, 8T Ml ACADEMY F#r VoNNf E,adie*i Humboldt Street, Victoria. This establishment Is plmwntly iltuiM on a high and healthy location. surrounded bjr spe> otous play (rounds, which afford th* young ladies the facility of plesssnt «a!ka and usrful bodily nntiw. Tba pin of education ruhnm srsry means requisite far tnioiiig young Indies in tlHim, and In the knowledge of Uium branches of sci •oca becoming to their MI. Besides the ususl literary course of studies plain sewing, all klnda of oasful and ornaments* needle-work, and erery variety of fancy work are taught free wf charge. Difference of rellgioa la ao obetscls to adaia •ton into the Institution. TERMS: Board and Tuition per quarter H5 00 Waahtng Sou Music IH.OO Drawing #.OO Fainting *•<*> Hair Work—<t»ur*e of leaeons 10.00 We* Work •• •• *.»> Bed aad Bedding per annum 10.U) tutors should be sddr*w*<-d to the SHi*rlif*ea of Nt. Ann's tesirnl. Vlcteris, ¥. I. M. H. WEED ARCHITECT ft BUILDER. I* a< >w prepared t»> furnish PL*XB and BPRC IFICATIOJW for bnikilnii in sll tta branches, also will take contracts, sad superintend. omn om MORRILL n euro BTOBE. Seattle, W. T.. Msrvb 11Q». l«l BOARD AND TUITION caa W obtained for Two Young Ladle* wtahina' in*tr% On la Freich, Geraai, & IsfM Stidiei apply ts mm «rrrrwßE*o SAMUEL KENNEY, Merchant Tailor Hw just received a new end etku« STOCK OF GOODS For iprtng and fcaaa •■». FASHIONABLE SUITS MISCELLANEOUS HOLMES & GLORB, l«p«rlrr« »f D<«Un la FURNITURE DPHOLSm" GOODS,: COMMEBCIAi STRICT, SEATTLE. Their Immense Stock Contains Parlor Sets,! Of German T» poetry uui hair Cloth Bed-Boom'Sets : A$ V ' OF BLACK WALNUT AND WHITE ASH. trin-n.e.l with bla<-k walnut. Sofas & Loiiges, OF HAIR CLOTH and TAPESTRY Bureaus, Oomor-Tatoloß, Ourtoing. ; CROQUET SETS. Coffins, Burial Cases, Caskets, Ac. SST All goade pure baaed at thia rstablUhmrat,■ will b« delivered free to tor part of tbo city. Seattle, July 34th. 1878. •WArKMilfi DRUG STORE M. R. MADDOCKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Drucs, Patent Medi cines, Chemicals, &c., Ac. pkescrTptionh CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. AJ~SO, Dealer iu Wines, Liquors, Ac. ORDKRB FROM ABROAD SOLICITED. M R. HADDOCKS. (battle, January 3, I*"4. MOORE & CO. dealer* in Frcah and Salted MEATS and a general MVHtinaut of C 4 *• o Jl en Alto, the best brands of CIOARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Third k Union Street*, Seattle. SEA'ITLE N'URSKRY One mile east from Yealer'a wharf, on the stage road to Lake Washington. Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY ...AND.... Choice Plants A.LHO A ftnratoie* Mia# OMDAOVW MM Tomato for ml* C. W. LAWTON. Proprietor. MISCBLL A N KOUS Seattle Planing Mills G. W. KTBTm. Xanacfr. SASH, DOORS BLINDS. FRAMES, SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINISH of every description. SEASONED LVMRERO* ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON IT AND. FEED GHOUND At our GRIST MILL, at Reasonable Rate,s, Rttttl*. W. T.. Feb. 1». IST*. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L JAMDMIK I (Next door to Schwmbacher Broa. A Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS «»■*«! *•*%*» «•»' «*«»«•«■ Ml. THE CHOICEST era Aim AND TOBACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. SEATTLE BAKERY AND PROVISION STORE am ttimi, Amiu«. w. t. L. REINIG, Prop'r, MANUFACTURES Bread, Cakes and Pastry OF ALL KINDS ! Deals in GRAIN, FLOUR, GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS, of the W quality, Receives OREGON PRODUCE by every steamer. Keeps FRUITS, PASTRIES, CANDIES and CONFEC TIONERIES, prepared in the neat est style. Also, TOBACCO and CIGARS. IST Prioes moderate. Articles deli* ered at private houses in Seattle. \* Orders filled to all parts of ths Sound. e2O FK® !*. ffc JUL OF AND Commigaion Eminem Messrs. MoCallixter k Vf€irty OWNERS OF Barge Champion NAVE ERECTED a WARKHOt'ME ONTONE S k Burnett' • Wharf. In thta City, »hr• u tb«y will Wholettale and lU-tail All Kinds of Produre ! Float sod Feed, Day sod Uiaia. V>jje?*b!ea Fruit, Chickens, etc. Term* Strictty Cmnh. For Sale. 20 TONS OAT DAY. Fifty Thousand Oak Hoops, At Chehalis, Lewis Co., W. T. f On tb( N. P. R R , Jcllnffl at NEW TACOJIA aiilr— O J. HOOVE, #«m lat, 1 rn*. Cbfbaiia THOMAS JACKSON. Tba popular proprietor of tba old Blafealy Hotel for yaare. baa Biovtd to tbi» city, aa l baa opened tba old UNITED STATES HOTEL Ai • First-Class Saloon BOARftIXC HOUSE I TOO* lactec* rwu**. *m*». aprtrt; vm Ye Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That you ean have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at the nmamumniiiTiiii Wlf BUS StoakLS, Oliops, And all U* dalllcartea of the ssmoq am served la tIM Wet N«t York styl*. by the 01ms, and supplied to Parties and sent in quantities to anv plaiv where there is steam coin IUUU Teat ion. Firsh Made Candies, And an Assortment of FI2TSX OAKSB Constantly on hand. Wedding Oaken mad* to or demon ths shortest nutlet. Hall Huppm and Parties M|'pl»e.|. May i:ttli, 1*76 WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxei^ Ifo ant mm mn At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this Office. m2otf Administrator's \otirf. t*an aj>p>>lDtrd by tb« Probata Court of Kin* County. Wuhlrißtoti Tmiturv, AJmlnln. trator of tba E«Utf of L. T. Woodward, lata of California, dtmw I All rlaitna aald •« UU» iniat be pr««»nUd t-i ma |<r><j*rlr provan, at my rcildntr* In S«attU, lit aaiil Ktug county, within one jaar from thin date, or tbay will l*> b*rrad by lav. JtHHK W. GVOBOK. Adu.iul»tf«tor v> af«r**ald. Dated J nam 3d, gofly garden M A 'MA €» «» mr, Front Street, near the Pavilion, •Earn.a, w. t. at um dollt taul-kx - WINKS, U QUO ItS, IlKKlt, AND CIU Alt A •f tba BUT (yCALiTT, will always bo aervad t<> "rims ai RH AND THE - BEHT CIGABB IK SKATTLB ami nil spKczaLTxcs at this hocb» Smith * Jewttt. NO. 7.