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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOI.. I PROFESSION" A I. «."AKI>- I. r, hiv<". * *• """ *' xr> DEWtISON & 81ANCHAR0, ATIOHNKV-AT-LAW AND Proctor* in At! mi rait). 8 *"0 itf n T'«rw*»i< *•»" '" *' " T; r ~ l D P. JENKINS, SEATTLE. W. T . A TTOfiSK Y-A 7 /.1 W. >ol.lCll f th /A CJIA S( 'Kit Y, ASH J'JiOi TOk IS AItMIHA I. IY » ,)21 iutmM tUMMfc " * H * lX " MrNM'HHT 4 IIA 1.1.1 11, Attorneys & Counsellors al L?i, PORT TOWNSEHD. W. T W. It. ANDUKWS, attorney-atlaw, W.ll i>rfc.t.w» in »u <" irtM r fl" . i tu* Trrriltrjf or*|. * m iicrf.Kß • 0< li.i'ifcn, >rro ri «v. i KRjrrAi ■!>* m«. » r C M.BRADSHAW, .itto r h ry-at- ir, TORT TO W N'HKNI), W. T. JuH* 1. MoUU.VBa. r«<» MrUIAKV k IHRkK. ATTORN KYS-AT-1* AW, SKATTLK. W / . Will ttt'ud *" In alt * < t tTt nv-ry. <1 «' M II Itidrii I *U<ru«> | i.i lnalrii-t, W.T.I M'CONAHA & HANFORD, §ttor*ey*~ut - solicitor* IN # honrrri/ aw l f hrortor* in .itttniralty. Okki«'k (!oiutu« r< ia! Street, eorin-r Washington, Suttle, W. T'. D. S. SMITH, I'. S. Com in iwiotitr, Jtislir< % of Iko IVrtfemid Notary l*n!»lir. i«U><'ti«ns • «i si! s»u »* un«!' rli'l I'n.U aiii) i>tl»«f tli»»ii »nl \ kit' *1 » iMiutiil* at kKMii »r> nifti t*»»t< i 'f Thlf'l »'»<! H.-!,. a pit -«ta f lah DR. FRED. ;W. SPARLING. Lata tf th« IJ. S. Army ) FfltWlXr * Ot Mt'KoN OUMUCttOIaL arftFTT. HIMKIK# < Huirni or crrv BOKITTAI., J. S. MAGGS, Dontlst, OF KICK, MILL STKKKT, #»<r Ha-I tU aliil llarii»«« Ht.-rf. I \sT OF (>('• CIDDITII. UOTfct. TJH DENTISTRY. l»n J <• IU NTI r. OF v iii t <n t ..iniii. r. itl »trr« t M I » »rk (iiaruilrftj. ttJ HENRY E. HATHAWAY, (•( >1 ,LK< I t >ll, II Ais net i.AH arrkN rioN t»i\ f s TO COL. Irttluu i'f J»l>la Tan a f- rN »u lir« Uaita lit* of t'liai>;«' om.a with w M. YOUK. Atl..rtir) a( IJ»w. h. tu , V i asSMf. I»R. 11.11.C0M IIOKI S IX, Physician. Snraeon and Acconcheur Oiticc at vh ('/<(> ry S,'rt,\ *- ttTftn Pivnt <tnd »S. i.«/ .Vive/*, SK A TTL E, W. T. DRS. A. I H. B. BA6LEY, Homtropnt hints* SEATTLE, W T I vtt II II It At 11 FY, t.\rr I'llol'l N.HOK OK I " t*na<-ipl** »»•! I'r»« ti* f t.f t» ti «* Mwtogan lYutral V..11«al t-!1«>• will mat' Oj* ratur Surii a r; an I lkir|l(al i« ? \y *itd «11l att> »kI to valU tu at.; i'*it I tl.» H>iuh4. Jli DR. G. A. WEED, SIHUF.ON AMI PHYSICIAN, &KATTLK. NN f. 4tnu UtNiit'Sr. Jo'* Uat McNAUOHT sV LEA BY, ATTOnirxn AT LAW S /oasts ( HA yrsin neu - rons IX AIhViKAU 1. Will |rttli • tu UM I'latu t aitvl S.ijttu.r C iirta. Mr. »iil t;i*v njit sal att<titt<>ii t. t»•! I<stl 't<.a (\«trttll> lug %«' »•*. t tl * ; nr« l.*»f fcmt ««> of K. ai l i.Uk. J«ty tltfti. lifS. jyi'» UK. JOHN BAKER, fMIMCW.!' A MIIMO.I - . Rounder CN ru*t Tlilrvt *»d !•; rlut *lr»>« l» stai.rt, i » *o»rt> TUB l'*vk SI- \ I | | | BB 00M FACTOKI' ISAAC CHILBKBG, Proprietor Ckikl.UY STTUKirr •MrNx,'*l M \Tn,e U.-> «ik* k< (i lutoUatiT t<r. UaJ Ur tc ! brwaa* in.'.t t» •rdar k> umii ptfvkMrrt >l«4 RfUolV* v»r l'P«v>}ii# 4T* Ki*»U- « tilt h W 1 lh# t *»l f U<« kltui* i .-..J*. *!«•'. *>:<! «feU-b Wilt b« ki|J l.y «ttv wt»s« »l Sat; I ITtiv*. ifi t t by r*Uli |l x«U,» frsivf Ata», Wisi"* ANT CUtLI KT-N > U> wi* p*rt vl / a* city wttii uot ttUlll.ilMl fW^r Jv*r fnver f.r lb# VattW t> » n- A|fti U. I»T4. OBOEGB ELIOT'S APPKAR AKC'E O'D MANXES. A «ilifht. urrwmi, oC middle height, %• • t, 'i» f * «* t , & {:•» ■om what ! ••h< « •".erv tV«%tnr« • 11* of tnil pow*>r, light* d T th< • rp* ' t J ijr 'A changing fxpr*,*- . : R v . t;, •' BfßMtllrtic COO • i*< *l, r - v i r f 1« f grave awrrto %*, umft/rmlj womanly, which pro< «ta>v ♦ i-?j»th i S »h r.'«re*t • Jif» :n ordinary at 5 r s *r« tiriu;:* .1' 1 ■>; CObTuflV-t -It w * . id* it-!'if a* r»adi;y to topi.- trivial a* t » * |»rt»fouo«l. *•»'! vh'.« !» i* tu'i ol a l.itmiif « . \tnb'f I *r» b«.r — tii*t i« r» - J « Ui' i D»r<a«ui by it t vt-r pf - »»'I imrw rf.-rt »k< th *>t • • Kl. t. w !»{«• ii. *) *>' * *-n wh« :* "5 »• ■! with li* r Saijsl iy r< -ptsons in h» r }.!• .t . ' h " i !i'"» ' f'» r W l'»r fT< m «trnt «f IT| h<-»:ltl. •' ftrrl* tfc ''f- Uir| af fiUlhor>hi|* «> *< lh« m !• r#*t.*vlii. It t»k"t> in thi 'lfrf'loi) »!»<| th d- t inr • ? ? n «»< »tu o-> of h' r fimtn, u*li•» niiL'h' t> tter <!«'- •k ri r I th«* nrr*U/iti'»M<» fr »in h.-r r. u ji kiiawi> a: I « *p«'ri i« « > |'»mfully nn<l ! t p, th tt »h< »■> to the of .iiij» \< ry g ri« r»iijr <»r v. rv much into • » ho th-ir nigtily <i<>»"* »h«* thi*;k o!»* h« r 1> • k>. J" the structure ■ t lit r •« nt« :A < , l* f -re »ho commences to wntr thfin, that, uiilikt liukcts, thoofb hk* Thackeray, tor MOMcript -< .t• «1 y »tt t raturt* rit b\ t. ENGLISH LAND OWNERS. W lintevt r et»e is uncertain abotit the po-iti' :i i f fat t carta!n . Btr< n bontlrad and ten j indtv; 1 :«1 (jw.i iiixrethan i f rth of tie #• >il • f Knglartd tnd Wales, exebi-ive of lak-i, r>>ad , riv r-«, l.ond in, wrote «j vet «t nnd < rown proper' v, and within a fraction of m f <urth of the entire o, o- j graphical aria of the country. And thotp seven hundred ami ten own also, mum d• atel\ or in reversion, one seventh of the entire rental of the kingdom - a projHirtion which if Ijondon could be; wwitld be very gri atly in ere;t>©d. Tkk ext lu*ive, b. it bert d <>f altno-it nil mineral property, j w hit it in t « n htm betl ami . ntv tlir<e u:% tut T*ttd to the por Mr I'.i.- .t h undoubtedly hi ng i i .-ii-'Vini; that Hn^!i»hm* n have !»■ t n divurc<d from the -. iI, for i million lieMtig of :»iniltt s ar<- freM holder ; < oo own UK If I tit an o|,t> rtcre, ft!:d ! J.'HMI j•"-1 - % illor' 111 •* 11 1 1 M > at i. -; I >ut ha . s a* undouhtedlv ri:,'bt in believt r that | a m.'tt limited - j b-s-i than the etingregHtloil of ail ordt- J nat y V% ■ t lie! ch ipel ole i s»' littlt# nit re thsn half, ft r e\ftnij>|e, \!r. llawt is" au*liiMMa i'ii a fuU tlay ;-lewW alius ♦ hundretl than the Members of Parlia luout in Ixitli II use« hi Id -till an cnori ious t- riitural and political intlu •lice. Thev own it for, rth tif tho King dom more, pr-iUtblv, than th«» sann cist* i*>»so-.*. »iu any country in Europe, unb it be Hungary < r Hohcnii * / ml' .» <] trf,tt>>r. THE GOLD FIELD OF AUS TRALA. The of the registrars altd surve) is of Australia foi th#tpi .r --tt»r eliding a Ist of I K*Ceol bt T. I"s7.\ have IK-CII puliiUhed I'r in inf •rma tlon obttiiuoi), by the fgiatiT* Slid stir ve\o ss, tlit* tctal tpuntity tf gold oh tallied during th« tpuitcr was csti in at ounc«»s, 2 p- nny height*. 15 grains, "f which llO,.*»fit> ourii oa, IH pennyweiirhts, 23(rumi were •tl In vial, and 176,5<>1 ounces, 3 penny weights, l«» grsuta quart/ g >ld. fhc amount ex|Kirttd through the customs Has tatnees J jiennywughts, and thu quantity of Victoria netivtil at the IJoyal Mutt, Melbourne, wts 1 |H.C».*i 1. IS ounces The aitiuiuttil number of min«; - work during tho quarter was II TIT, t f whom lo.'.HWi Kutopeans and I 1.1 la Chinese were engriged in al luvial mining. I l.'HiO I'.uropt «n> and 1.5.5 Chinese in quartz mining. Tha minars were distiibutcd in the M\ i ral ilistilcts into which Jjthe cohmy it divided m the followirg pr | t»rti. i-• Haltarat, '\3lS ; lleencii w rth, a. s Sandlturst, T,n-V.»| M.»t )U i < ugh. 7, s IT Costleinattie, «>.- Ila Arai *t. 3,1 ttl ; < iipp I. n.d, 3, Ihe approximate value of all that mining plsnt was C*2. ':; ?,•*_*** The nutulvr of Stuart's null's «*f aunfer as j;i und actually w ik d up n \ »' 1,- and tint uuaibtr of distinct «piart« na>ft actually r«>vid t > nuril". r«. tt« 3. ITU. Kit MINI* kniFs oi M .* mum: S lit h/ - She <*tuo to \\ a*hii>gto*> ■* «tn jji r, »: ; J »f r« ifcjju r ' . 1;: gin -• kwnly bow diftkult i } i i;uv *!;<» m»r»t t;!l ; but <b» w n her ov. n *v »> to 111- i>t«eUl a- i the let>der«.'»t 1- ve IK r cardial t;r.te.- « I luir.tu r w,i4 Tuty iwnftHttbl*, fv r with bet iMkn g *l.l V of . Lvtilt ,*! . -11. :i s» wartu i. of lla- hand, tk.-%t ;t? >»-d her at o:,«v. On coining »*av. the *ir»t tiute I v«n h« r >t*ndii in h.« own j ,»r. >t* to twi'ivi' (■• r_■ »•>. i «•*]»»♦ m\ to* fn« lid "Ah *i; I -he *' vou ought to go there win is tiu Sen ator i» ~th *inc II *.!•> t hi* j mo b • rapture of happuu *> , Mr*. 6Awt h.i» I it; io Cat I ou hi r knee ; lit* daugh ter ui g« to h< r t»!her > a c rnj mi nunt and ;h *<«•»• i« the (riluM.ja of our I»'t fancies it* |h ! fe« t hotiMl life Wlnti Mr Sohnr* <i* hreml wonderful »|nwh on the I* ui«iana vtn.iung uiav« r»ai admiration, Mr» Schurx *a- »upr*u»< It happy It wa» to amazing that a forvigucr r* aid *o couuuai.d tht . <e»t r «ourv» •» of our difti. ult tongue, using the accu rately gra. eful fxprvnuwi U> clothe t..# btifliantey thoughtful Argument that he! iu» all rntr&nct-d One day Mr». Sliars came to -<-e me. to thank me 1 hid e tupluuenUd her hu*band. She told aii) of their early t'ruggl«« ; of her gUdneat w heti L«r t %rl 4 atulit) \» aa xi cvguiii d ; of hi> unwavering attachment* t«> repul Ucan j trscij ,e«. fh« truth .Vid «U)o*ritT. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, TJ ESI)AY. JENE 13. 1^76. » i u--*iiiU ti« u»r» ti.; 1 bcth ;r *- %ht r«l»l tar <rf th" ;%T »h<en t:.-> s- v :♦ i. • g h-r ! . 1 - car- r it: ttol frltin***'!! Ml If ] f i« if I t-. .»• g • n: . if i tfc k t.l Jl] Mfr >!U t Jt-k • >a* *y, h« u «?«i !i s c by hi> * 1 ,!if I kn«*w \ •«' h n bf "it li' . rt h i WIL \m ISE A fIKLEL I'XTiL I ; Ut." —Fb r a frk > f Mr. M xly in A' n 'u»*4. ilrn* t*»i k Wli'-a hr first b< h-ti i u.t» hb oj n-air m etini»s the r.- gro«•, nitnglfJ - > vntU tho tu li* n<f iH'Cume «li-.ssjr«t..i'*>l« to tfit- <i •! i<!ivi f- nc«» wakput up. Mr M » ly dt«i not 11k and «• 1 <if rt. wh'TS frt"- of th* r»*»?r-»4 .t forui d biin it v.** imj>os.|Me fur tha blacks an<) wfcit. 4 t > mingle, . s in i r !i*.'i<" •.« !»«'♦•»ing Mr M «iv th. n • »i-i •* 1 * ><»« Ijav nt fbr>£. t y r !h »n» :: g- yi t* ' \ ill'! th" n ! ii-•!< r • I im pr« 'id of my •• !;• ? litijf* ! w»l! Ik- a r»d» ! until 1 «i»« A c -rrt n i«.i»t f tii« \* t -a' ' l 1, i ' t\ !.-<•! lhf 1 th« in td« nt, and «»j* it In im.-* known " Mr ,Mo >«iy will h.ive very ?tv to h tr hiui »mo;ig tbc wbit«»." lit'DTiltA*s ( OUMASDMKXT- Ity ovtwiim antf«r; by kjool, « \ il; !-y li'»• raiity. jjjrci< 1; by opcn;:».>*s itid truth, disscmblii nmi t"il4<*bfo«!. SjM tkth!!. yi'dd not to ang**r ; wh 'ii nske 1, of tli-i little thou Iritt by tli* *<• thr. »* •?< ]>■< th u -lialt go n»-ar tho 11 u t-vil-do r in iri sin thi» world, a!: t lie -drill mourn in the m xt; in !»oth w rids li ti he -orrow*. He grieve*, he m t>.run ntrd, -.oviiig th* evil of hi* <1 ed Tli" virtuous man r< j >ices in this world, and he »hall rej< i< «in tho nu\t ; in loth world* ha«< he joy Hr rejoices, li-- > xultf«, set the purity of lii^tieed. A in in >loutbful, saying many good things !>iit not doing them, h lik« a h< rdsman (H 'O'tii » tin kino of others, but ownint; none. DF.HPOXDK.V V What has any jM-r« >n endowed with an ordinary share of intellect, and Mi «s. tl with > respecta ble <*hare id health, to dosiioud r What l- tin cause of dt>si»ondct<cy 'i What tin' meaning of it ' The oni-e is a Weak mind, and the meaning is fin. l'r.tyi i* net lu-Vt r intended that one of Hi- cr«' .turtti should Im* the vie tint of a d< sire to feel and look the »»m of a thunder <lt lid. NcVer ■ 1 -H|» »;» !. fl'itT.'l ly ri adur, K>r one of tin rirst entrain*'* of \ tee t » the In-art i made through the instrumentality of despondency. Although wc cannot expect alt our days «*.»! li nirs TO IK- gilded in »un*!tine, wo must not, tor mere momentary griffs, Ut*y aru H in tin* midst of misery, or clouded I »y t!.< opacity of sorrow a» 1 misfortune. { tT " A terrible temptntion" in real lilt lifts lift n !>i -ught t't light in thu recent 1;!»el suit of l>r Camp against the Troy limf'jft According to the testimony of a Mr. Ooddard, of Albany, I>r Camp procured a young infant f r her from the couaty house, some time ago, at a co-t of and she g«>t h> r hit-!-and. who had been a trav < ling nmsi ian with Sheridan a Mat k"> min-tr> ls. to believe it wa* his own offspring. The woman was childless, and took this means o! retaining the regard of her husband. The decep tion worked w< 11 until l>r Camp, in an • ffort to control the woman's actions in reference to the libel suit, informed the husband of. the true -tate of affair-. Ax F.nglishman visiting Sweden ii*-tit tng their eare for neglected chil dren, who aie taken front the streets »M 1 highways ami placed in special sckotds, inquired if it not eostlv. lie ro • ivetl the suggestive answer. " \ <•<«, it is costly. but nit dear. Wo Swedes are not rich t uough to let a f hild w up in ignorance, misery and eiimw, t«» la* oiuc afterwards it # >urg to «.* iety, is well as 4 disgrace to himself. " tt r A couple recently got married at \V» i»tmi«stt r, Ontario, and then dis < vei d they uep st,ji brother and «i-!ir; t!.' ir father ».i> twin married, but the man hlt hotn> l«ctV»re his mother's d nth, m l never saw the daughter of the >etond wife till he courted her At last ao'>unt- they ha in't cm.vault I what to do about it. Thk N V. /?,'.. (• says: Waching* ton Territory contributes t!i« tallest *v In at and oats in the Centennial build ing, at. 1 California shows soiue vege table prodigies of ractiuionstrasitiis of breathing bulbs «t:;J clubs. iitfc. Sail l.ak<- it '. says lite ttai ,» t- und Hast i vir the I'tii •: I'a ctfli are crowded *;th j • ,s- :u<:s fi.m ( liina, Japan. Australia, tin i'lit iiic is for tlf grtat show nt I'hilailslphia. PAINT SHOr & STORE by C . OH II KM AX. Milt i •. Mt<> Ocei<l«bU! >KATT!b:, ir. r. CARRIAGE, SIGN, AND ORISr AM E NTAL PAINTINO. A /jSO HOI HK IMI\TI\^. \t »U rt n IK« *->t fr-A.*'r*tm». nB.G.V.€4LHOI\, Soattlo, w . T. th* Irmxiaa^c*a orrsw MISCELLANEOUS mm IAIM, SEATTLE. W. T., w m. Prop'r. MANL'FACTTEfc* AJ.I KINI>« of Hlii|»:iud Soft Itroad Atßw j SfiPA rivsic, lifts TO\, >l <;A /;, 3/ U.K. FASVY *u4 SII-.K) KT.Y ciiAciiioris, Caltos, ct»c., d?c. <>ra«rs fillctl t > PAKTS UF li,e SOt Nl> at .SIIUIiT NOTICE. VESSELS FURNISHED with /v V 7 n-Dri C( / I Use ft its Ou i j'i»lu»tu-D, fv»r lA>\U Si fc a Voya«ft fc H. ( iT I'rices moderate. IV. 11. PUMPIIREV, Srrrrrsso?' to PUMPHREY —YOUNG. Jiookocllci nnil Stationer, SEATTIiE, W. T, fflrll'S ACADEMY For Young tsttrtics, llujiiholrit Street, Victoria. Thi« r*Ut>liftliUHht i» i<l>a«antly «Huat<-l on » high an.l healthy lih ktii<n, lij *j'*- Ci u* j>lay gro;m,U, who h aff.tfi! the young laities the futility of i l. a.saut walks anl iim ful Ihklilv eaercine. The j/lma of • .In ati n embrace* every mean rv<jUiaiUi f. r training young la<!k* in virtue, Mtil In the kit * of thoft* bmijchen of wi eiico becotnlnK to their #ex. IWld«n the tuual literary course of atudi** (ilatn a!! klinU of useful and orntnienta t nr«illr » >rk. every variety of fjuny w-rk are taught fre<> of chtrg*. DiffePMje* of reltfitoa t« no i b-ta< k t>> felno.-- •t<>D into the Institution. TKK M S : RoarJ ami Tuition jht <iuarl< r *t r > o<> Wwbing. ni«) M ;»!• IR.ON Drawing 6.00 Paintiii/ f.<*< Hair V* rk -c..uph. . f l,«u u» 1" <*) Wat W.-rt •• «• Ji.ftl B«! aii l tieddiag per &iu:u:n 1 •' I.«t!irs »h ul l l*< a-htr-s*. ! to the Hui—n t»-« of Kl. %mi*« < out <iif. liriorlt, V. I. M. H. WEED ARCHITECT t BUILDER. I* r w jr< t PtAX"< * «•'. M'Fi IFICATIoN* t butlib&ii in til it* Le# , »Ukj ttiii Ui« i m»nu.U, *»< i oFFI t l)\n; MORRILL !<•, W. T M*r. L 11th. KV ISOAIU> AND TITHON c*ji b* obt*iu*»! t r Two Vim up; Ijailie* * iiirtrn ti a !n FrencL German, & Eofilish Stadies t - Mils OITTEXEERO. SAMUEL KENNEY, Jlerrliaiif Tailor Hu j » n<* khl oh ;• v STCX K ( >F GOODS F r l&J Suit;ni*-r wr»r. FASHIONABLE SUITS t >r*W. (•aiMtrrlil itmt, fltMll*, W T ML-: EL I ANEOUS HOI. MS i CLOSE. tuportrn of «utl Do*l«r» In FURNITURE .m m BB UPHOLSTERY GOODS, COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE. Their Immense Sto:k Contain? Parlor Sets, Of C»vr:i.*a Tapestry &iul U*;r Cloth Bed-Boom Sets j feo ij j w w OFULAi'K W A I.N I T AND WHITE ASH. triumuxl With M»t k Sofas & Louies, OF HAIR CLOTH and TAPESTRY Bureaus, Contor-Talolos, Oliairs, Curtains, Picture Frame Mouldlnss, ot CROQUET" SETS. Coffins, Burial Cases, Caskets, &c. • Ml >♦<►»!ln pnrcliwnl at this r-staMisliniriit, %U. tx- deliveml free iu aii) i-art of tho city. Seattle. July Ultli. 1573. w a 2An?nr:ii a<: unit, M. R. MADDOCKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Drills, Patent Medi eiues, Chemicals, \e., &e. I» It ESC ItIPTI ox n CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. A IJSO , Dealer ill Wines, Liquors, Arc. ORDERS FROM ABROAD SOLICITED. M. R. MADDOCKS. Seattle, January 3, K4. MOORH & CO. dealers in Fi ( c»li ami Sailtctl MEATS aii-1 ;t gi iu ral assortment t-f Cj* « C* <M* i Also, the be«t brand* of ritJAKS AND TOIUCVOS. C'..r. f T'hijil & Union Streets, Seattle. SKATTI.K NURSKRY One milt' oast from Yeslor s wharf. «>n tho >tatrc road to Lako Washington. Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY VXD... Choice Plants . mm .1 L.iO A f»» kt» f D«.hllk bn!b«, *Ti!C»bb«€«, Cftnltflowet x>UiU, for «&je by C. W. LAWTOJf. Proprirtor. .MISCELLANEOUS Seattle Planing Mills U. W. NTETSON, SASH,DOORS RLIXDS, FRAMES. SHUTTERS. AN'D WOOD FINISH! of every desoript ion. s'KASOXKD LUMBER OF ALL KIXDS COXSTAXTLY OX NAXIh rttn GROUND .// our (iKfS'l MILL, at Reasonable Bates, .W. T , Fe-b 1?. JST<?. BOOK k STATIONERY STORE lOM L. JANIESON (Nt-xt d«.*or to ychwal»acher llroji. »fe Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS • ■ •*»•>• » fittMMla. Till: CHOICEST Clowns AXI) TOBACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. SEATTLE II IK Ell V AND PROVISION STORE Mill Klrcol, Hrnltle. W. T. L. REINIG, Frop'r, MANUFACTURES Bread, Cakes and Pastry OF ALL KINP9 : Deals in GRAIN, FLOUR, GROCE RIES nn<l PROVISIONS, of the best quality. Receives OREGON PRODI'CB by every steamer. Keeps FRUITS, PASTRiES, CANDIES ami CONFEC TIONERIES, prepaml in the neat est style. Also, TOBACCO anil CIGARS, ty Prices moderate. Articles deliv ©red at private houses in Suattle. Orders fllhd to all parts of the Sou ml. b2O ■€ jk ■ fjt, mm nr AND lluttiiiCH* Messrs. McCal lister A: Met'arty OWNERS OF lUrgc Champion I f ATK ERECTED A. WARKHOT'HK ONTONK S I 1 \ Hummtt' a Wharf, in tliia City, ahi r< they will Whol»-Hale and R< t*ll All Kinds of Produce ! Klmir and Feed, Hay and (irnir, Vegetable* Fruit, I'blckeus, etc. BhO* Terms Stririty Cash. For Sale. 20 TOMS OAT HAY. Fifty Thousand Oak Hoops, At Chehalis, Lewis Co., W. T M On the S. P. It. R . or dt-lirer»l at XKW TAiOMA A>lJrcM c j. non iK, June Ist, 1 HTTt. Cbtbaiie. THOMAS JACKSON. Ti*- j- palar pr<>prl<-t .r< f theidd !i!ak«!y Hotel t< r j far-. iihf u. v< 11 tL;» city. sr. 1 ha* oj»«-ned \Um old UNITED STATES HOTEL. Aa a First -Cla-s Saloon ud BOARDING HOI.SC TQoS. JACXBO9, Prt prtettfr. t>-*ttle. Apnll. 117«. Ye Strangers and all who feel weak ami want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That y< >ll can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at the HCETSHIIIEMfIKITIIII WIIERB StoaUJB, Cliop« f An»l all tin-dvlllfirlN «>f the icmmi in- **rv<«l in tIM tx-xt S>-m Turk Htjrir. by thcUlaiis, and Kuppliol to Partie* ami neiit ia (|iuuititieM to any placo where then* i.s strain communication. Fresh Made Caadirs, AuJ an AHurtatiil of FINE OAKUS Constantly on hand. Wr<l,llng r*k<« rua<U to or <l«rn on th« »lir<rt< xt noiii ti, 11*11 Huiii>*n and P»rtt< -■ MJJ ]>li<-.l May 1 Jih. 1H76. WORK OXEN Good MIKI well-broke Oxen M At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange fur well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenained place, or at this Office. m2otf Administrator's belief. • I |hav»> N rii «| ih.iuUhl bj (lits f*r< >tet# (Vmrt '4 Khitf, Territory, Admita*. trmfc.r <.f the but' uf L. T. Woodward. UU of Ctllf'ir&ll. dieting]. All < lalius against aald r»- tat#- Uin«t L. j>r*i»rtit««i to in* pruoariy proven, at n if r. airirti. »• In in said King count/, within on* year ff.vjn litis J»U!, or tbr* will U« bam*! i>y i»w jCMHt w. otoßoE. A loiliOatitWir m aforesaid Datrd June vi, l*re.-4» , golly Varden m M. mj «» o . Front Street, near the Pavilion, HIUTTLM. W. T. At the DOLLY VAiil/LN- VtINKS, Lilians, UK Kit, AXJJ CWARX of tL«- BIWT QFALITy, will always ba a«rv»-d V> oar castoKen. (ITTER S OLD MIIKM - AXD TUK - liKHT CI OAKS IN BKATTLK ARX TBI Si'JtCLALTIM AT THIS IOCS* Smith k Jewett, ■:tf rr«mri«wr*. NO. 8.