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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. I'IIOFKSHON AI. ' A Ilf> - - -■ _ * t * IEMIISON 4. BIANCHARD, ATTOHNBV vAT-I'AW A «d I'roctor* in Admiralty. ggr.,l, « •« fert Tv»ewei,W«« * j ;**rj, D P. JENKINS, SKATTLK, W. T, I I I'OIi\KY-Al I tH\ .>()!, I* I! OJ. is riiA\r%HY, \si> i'H*"km /V AUMIUALTI. y«ma MeV« **s MrN'AMillT JL II.ILLKR, Attorneys & fc!!m at L-w. PORT TOWJfSENi). W. T W. R. VM)Hi;ws. attornky-AT-law. ft ill In ail »!<• f K lit * TcrttM| rf rri' * is • »etu»l»-.. wro-rrt •» » [•mtt «. r. C M. BRADSHAW, poit r townsi:ni>, w. T 40M1J.11 iliuit. T«'« I "" Mr(.ll>RV \ BIRkE, attorneys-at-law, ShATTLE. »' '/•. V\ ill l>".« ,!«-•«. It. all |»Art* "t l!»» Trr nwj. Imlti I J to l»ntri< t, W 1 ) MCONAHA IHAHFORD, - fwiir Noltcilora •m C /MMfrrif mud frvctor* im .ItiMtruiiy. UrMcK <'< >innn r'till St net, corner Wuhll Shuttle, W 1. D. S. SMITH, I'. S. CoiiiniiHNioiior, Justice of tlie IVuit mill Noliirj Public*. I'lilUi'llmti i. *ll aunts u»-4<-r 1 I >.<•<)• kill otli r «lra#U an i A' ki> *1 nta al urn' • i f> ii*T» « ilfiti t ('• run if Tbtr.l th'' H-n« a «tf r '' itth DR. FRED. :W. SPARLING. Ut« of tb« U. S. Army,) #*ii i *st4 a srnurjKr. offirios cowmf.kciai sniorr. juooiih NoHTtt or CITY IIOtfITAU 9m BO -m ' ■" r ■" ■- ■ *-• ASHfe J. S. MAGGS, Dentist, OFPICR, MILL STUKKT. • and IhranM Ui>f. i:\sT Ot «»» (!iMcxrti. uiu i u *«*». DENTISTRY. I C Oliver, t't NT! 4 * I'. «'K- Hgmfy lu» »>»I l'< « Uf-Mll t vn VI ti «1 HENRY E. HATHAWAY, (•( >l.l 1 ( l < >1:. I jAimri 1 ut *rri»M ioN <itv» \ lorui. I tMU»a «f 4'UW T«1. * |MU'I f r *•«»" * , IJ'RU fw« .«f llwrr*. with TT M VoUK. AII.TIH-J-II U», { W T. I lIU. 11.11.1 UN HOFKM.IN, Physician, Surpon and Acceaclienr - {hN<v at ♦ on Chfiry Strr«.', - t>rr<n b't**nt t\nA Niv»<i Strt*f*, SKATTLK. W. T. DRS. K. I H. B. BAGLEY. SKATTU:, W T I Vtt !|. H. DAatJn J \TF I*U»VS»oP. or 1/ j 'la p»« « •*< i i'i*rl!er f xur,.rv tn V ' Vwbl t :«n tViiinl"»l «• llrw«. will ni*V' s i>l«rtU«<' Hur« ty ••• .->i r i»i •' I'!»» «>« «» »,*• t». »«».! will alt'ii.! t .ki!» In m<) jMI f»n#f HUIIIKI. DR. G. A. WEED, sr lIIiKON AXII I*UVSUiA>. SKVTTI.r. W. T JiVut(.Xiii«r Jeir* Ijai MfXAt'tillT & LEAKY, ATTOH\KY* ~ M * / IH . >"//< /. To Us l\ ( HAM KUY. .t riiOC loltHllt Alt Ml HALT)' WIU in lM»lrl>"« ».«• f iti. i* C- ntU. Ilr I»»r* wilt M»i • « n I « lr,|ii«l. (>4ttrf*<. A* ; »!*«• t Itf lilt Ml* (if lifil K^Lftti Juu IHh. t#7T DK. .1011 N It A kilt. i"Bt I'iK /.j.i' « iin<.io.r. M»ll'r*cr. <tt*et Tl.lrvt • ISj rl! >' • H'lt K~<t. MNikut. Srun i.(M»rr» t*i tu** l um*. I im.G.v.i'iutoi \. Seattle, w. T. .»i' r« i:.t UTIUJ b.% ttori i nOARt» AXH TI ITIoN OK W »t uitt«it fit Two Young Ltidie* wi»tm» is,»tna U <a lit French, Geniiaii. & Enfilish Stodies • li-nto Mk<» niTT**»pru.. A STUOK r. G> FOHTU NE. "So v i *•» 11i n. t > b" *f it *w I. poor aiUor uocrd t m*rr) | rati* *. (- r, *» ; i ' .u'.d«, * i vt .i* ' x ;«. m:**r- •• >f *«' rin Sr.* ' •• W«il. oat em tIM piirt*. We |»}tr« n v.- a * ft# : th / . it. . I lore t'> listen i thr rcwr of th*' !t X' mirs 1 m* f I tinr. « vu k % Li.;;.* i f » .*»f \ • . »th •»: lik tbeirt hi ttw I run »» trt j<»ti of t'lgt, -iiKi H )<* ! >r t .y ) * rn T.%. r.ty . »r -.j I at i h»« f r i;'- <>n l>K»r<i u! n >i ifii *>'t ' ' I tr» tL.- S ith AuiTi'TSii ?rt ie Thf »j>- t*lti wi gi>jJ » g!« »t ti %rt. »>.!? h»- ,|j,J | ,v»» i k «l»rflir «» luu -li. t!ii' th«- fi» -i •• ' f »v»fi ♦ it *»«!-■» .ri» - ! th- I- It. r |>r . * i 'ii ♦: '» if Li- h«- »r* " I wi • vKH f, ■ »r All I fre®, wj'h «!t i -•»:! I t »•« 1 I « »fn kin, nf i »■* btij»}>y la my ! » »*4t» y<«t|rt i f* ! i .ntjitif Il» i i b«' lit' rrt}H«a«i'»i! y «>a u>y tU ' nVitir rr.tin «•'utr .! • •■••n t. •t« I lilo " Wn »i »• to tii- » utii<v ir.l i-f tii* luif, <rit«rnrl Uniiul »n»i »ij»m th* r\ct:tf'il ni'jf'i' in ioin, which w«- truly %u lit uv l t« , I Ut t to tir»! Ni'cli 'I wtn-l vvk iiffbt * .'i t!i <«•«•»•! K* ( I'lil tl» l ' \V. h t.l All our kit' - «. t to «. . tl»»» t.l1■ brt-< /•■, itm ii thri>nj»h th« tk r not er tLr« ■ k:*»j! <* mi li n:r A'i*orH' ! in nr. »*n t!i IT: i r ■ t!»«11-mI w i- l< t .i'tg i Hy ov» r tin t»llr«i! w I'Ching tUf b i!»'•■««* *ifci |»h jdior. -eci t ii-!.t iibout th-- r. ,»!•• •» tu ltl'r, whun » t«.u It on n»y t»r:o trotn tho .nan it iht* \\ hu»l, brtwight n»»* t'» iiiy«« IL •• ' Win* do yo't « *ll th*t. *♦!r r h« lu jtnretl, j intw i l.w " J in tli * «!ir> r-tiun point- ■ I out by tii iu.k!t, »» i. t > my * »r- J't IJ.-. • ivv n t»r» iTtit not u I %li ,-f 'ire, Lt ii tlit. * a iuu-l treni ti!:•ti<* ] lit ft r> ■** th"' <l.*i k « it. r " It Ciiii t be tb«j union, sir *" 1 tile \ui\t. witii ;»n inquiring 1 . '■ lit** uttxtii in n (jtiiiter If * Hlth Writ ' N ' t'l lt i ■••luocriift on fire, »» *un; a-» my i..into ia John W«tkin«, »i,<l I'll iotn«' out the* C.ij.tam at our*' "In »noth* r in-t'int 1 vv n rapping in no n fit!.! m*nn« r it th«> shipper » room, turm I ■ ut in a hurry. •••What vvliat i* tiie in »tt**i r ho <«tautuieri*<l, '.ut» ) ' i - ?'»<' •' * * jti ill CoUlll g •• • No, nit it'* ai pr.-tty a niglit I crll lint. (!Apt.»m Thompson, tU' 11' I* a v.'«« I i n til'c to !• vv i:i! uf IM, AU I 1 v\ ill. It V. ■>«», I'll!! tlo*ll to lit*l A"o>t H •' ••' I'll Ims on U in ti uiomtt nt i»on t i»t> iii •» Ituir> -it >n t like to rt'n tho vvwl 4-flf In i c.Hir «• -probing* In r voyAgf,' and 1 iving the »lorpy oruiuMing t » hiniu'lf. I rrgAinol the deck. '• In a few nionnnt* tint oM I llow w:v» by my vide. *• 'lt v*ili Ci»!*t luomy to t.ike all liAiti)4 uIT yon i raft ;itnl fe« ! them till we in ike i port. l*t ue. air , but huuii'.i life to b" or ;,robal»iltly th. n- tire pot.r >w . tr. iu ilangt r i»t their livt ~ who, it vv i' l, av<- tbeui to tin ir f %to. would pi iou ii"» on v fooling *vitli pirAt.-H," it il tuniing Abiuptly. 1 a .liked ttft. ltav ittg »•*. prefttK-d mv in«bgn:iti.»n in :i voie»« trviiuiii n* vv it ii ann« i " * iileas my •«'ul, Mi Watkins, 1 would not k«vc nny on« to |>er i*!» I wta only ealculatii g the 1 •«'* l »i» a i otmertial point of view V»n »wt h -ist the kwg boat if you like, and take four of tbe boy* foi a « :v« t>. j ill you to In r. She will burn down t«» tho water's fdp' if you wait f>r us to get their. It i<i growing caltu ft!l the time, and to tell the truth, Mr. Wit kins, 1 won hi adviso you to Warn Lm I .nd get l>aek as soon M poa-ilde, for I don't liko the look* of the weftth r. The air i- hot and opprewive like.' "In If it mltiut * 1 Itnd the long bout over the -ide, aid n stout w ntherly t r*ft -he was, too A l»rtir f hi-cuits, with .» bc*k<r of water. was stowed aaa\ in the-terii HIUM t#, »n I bidding thi lilt give W; *-> * v it li i will, we »W>ved <tf from thi 1 »ides ol the >!t tiiL. I *aw 'he tall, bent form of I tptain TluUtiJ - 'it p'erii -_ r down up n mc for i moment but the nei* it «tant the 'k it r* » «ni tin ! >■ in of .. • \%«ll. a: d ?I: t W:,* the !:»«t 1 e\ r « « t t my oi l -kipjier. "The ipiukiv fi 1> i from -ight, lud h\ a thin iui>t, . r ha«e, wht. h ha I •suddenly n risen, nnd. in ft. I was i n !e;*« I » f » »tl;lHg' i' ,11 til'' !lp |M .ranee of the w»:itlur. The star* hvl entirely li-apj ■<»rvd ft in the f'.rtu i u.t n!, hi I It-bind ih. guzv veil wh: U had -o tn\-teriou-ty ari<en, and I *- down «ui the hvn*u»i I m.ted a ilark ha Ik "f cloud'. rhe is ii lilt . the-tout s .tiu.ii) wipi:g the p,e pna •• nft to th» ir -tr* atning Ir »-on tlt y .! died t t tin ours No! ah; *th of ur dl-turlnd the gU-»y wwe all future ap}* arol t.» hu-hed into a t« m •! ' calm •T mud coufe-s 1 felt rjther >|*;>i« houwvi- , t « I I tN at tho hr ri/on and lik kid Ki k s:i tli huefion I kttew the oi l l !'.*t he. \ 111, jf. and j itching nil« >r. the li : 4 ali-ch t-n ry in 1- *.t *a« tiuien-ini: Hut |j>\ f .»r« Mfid »| j I . )u » V.Ol H U t •on dfiinmih*d hy in s of n»i>i »\>ii it int< n«! «v" r. *r» 1 t!i. ! s.n.i craft I reail the tiiweo! 1.1 II 01 «nii* in ht ter< of i»ohl, on th huge »t- r Th light ea»t hy the hurnir £ :*i. i «.o t . 1 . i an.j j .10: t 1 nie U> ti»rui tuy txj;, lu«ion« • The -hip w .«**-, Imr 1 t:. etnj-'f davit* and .! i: ;lii la'.t> told tin ir o» n 't* ry | Unt * ».<.»>:«!» t1 a -«an»rr - eye. "The hurt;' }J x%r< k had !>itud< HttcJ. • ShiOtii under the b; ul, ba>y OHiiittr I*l caught -t th< Uoti wv»k- vt th«> uiux< n ehanr.i l*, so l direct r.g t«o u:-n to rxinain in th. hat, 1 elun l*r«*l J w:i .Uvk. f .l. wtd hy tbe oth« r t W O *•« itlji ti I "111* •.hij* Lvl t viJiiitiy U>eu »MI tiir for * tu. ♦ tu»* 'h 'hinf luring full SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. WEDNESDAY. JINE 11. tsTG. <r;t »t »f ti i i'v! 4fC p ft:'. " * * »!>,p. T3. f*>ft -,a t fc. g-fte • " * .* ; ' * ifxllut f re* a-' li wis a if • r; % • wss sir y * '*• S V I . >6* t•' T VI AS "10 *:i. ' to ' >*" The* «TC* uf .* W%s <l* . n-*' *: 1 j | .• ,« v. * ■! '1 " t * t:.f* *-Ttr- ts« tf?«rr | ft. n < * th»* v-.-i* r . • Se k vu itmra itnuisti of f . c, *- » *. ! art. -» '■'V.hi' g. ut r tr*f>; «>f t h':tmn '«•" k I? c Ual b»* fk**i * I>iru.g ! i» . sr.- ► t!.' u>tin c*bin. h wm h*if t'. ;«••! »itb b*< k, tviitiitj moke, I took is ha«ty gUtict> i . ri- i hinging*, •pjjoj:*.- m r.'.i hi ! • i.t*t» & <uriMi"«* l i» . «iho*ir.» tf. »t t'i ui.f 'turii* »L»i-> h»l '■/ --ti ! «!*? 1 ? -irry u%*+ fh .• iMtr t *h»y in# i»l» -.UK lit wrjfMni; 1 »u» fr-'in j ' iir Iraki tii|mf ettry object •vi h » r i : : y g! »: . 1 . n v" *-! t i it r* n I i.urii !, .t f «.n !'h a ,li f?u;>ty uii -111 I < to tU« iift*r rhtr,. I \.*'v ! • .!,$? ilty in oj tii >r. tit -tM • t-v.ry it) >ni?ht 'i>- eouing m ire<ktii> t&d resplratj -ti ?.i ire difV: ult mv strength th>* VOld work J;\YV w r>. v. a r,- f.i 1 li: tss of whit • drApery King on the st ate t ><>ui ti.xir. The v. ry »ii;lit •11 1- my h»*art b*at quick with tp; r#- >en ai, and itooning, I aaoertained it •a»i i worn in. " I'i.K ing my hand over heart, I f It it throb, a! d without finther delay I rushed en ! k with iier in my arms. Tbr< u -a the oompanioQ-way I «<l, wit'i a string* ii/zino*s l tiny ui id, .spii g !' r br.-ath. but s'itl retaining my g' isp on 1. r lii 11 saved, iae ftesh i;r re', ivi 1m • the pain left my b. ad. > i I ■' v ioI. { • i pay proper att n li a t >th woman vv ho lay lndt It in my arms. "Then for tiie first tiuie I Imjk i at th fa< of my bard -n, and by tile bright Itg!ir of l ! i- vvroek I discovered slie wis i. >tii y ting and ban Isanic. At that n.oueiil tbe ii iinnii-t uetit crishing nvt'i fhe !e, sinking with a hiss in tho blaok iv i'.-r. A sii iWitr of cinders a!i ! •pi' a . a Coliuu of rouriug fiainet, shot «.ii follow 1 by the excited shout* <if tiie men, wh> hid luaped, panic •.tri \en, into tho boat, urging me to follow. " t'lasping tii - lady under my left Arm, I US'• 1 uiy right m gli ling d >wn tii j ship's side. 1 in- men's oars were p i-> d, I give tii" word, iiJ.-l tiie next instAtit w u :cbaruf the vessel, wbieh w a r. wiAppi liu fl lines from stem to stern. " Pas'iing Soiim water into tb«i lA.IV s faee. I began to thai' hr hinds. l'he tri itm . t tiiough rough bad the <b -.irud ethnt Silo oja lied if r » yes, clos< d them .ig iiii A" if the awak. ning was painfil, 1..0 ... - 4" »- - »- I» iu a I w words I t >ld her bow had In eti .»ivi d, and assured her that in a khart time she would In.' in Safety on li i ird tiie Im ig. '• Iu return she told mo that ln-r f.ithwr vv is the Sauor Jose tionzales of Smt it, the wealthiest planter in the country. Slits had been on a visit to Spain, vvh.'r> her father h id large num bers of relation*, and had taken pn »• homo iu ;i Spanish ship. " I !ie ill fated vessel, hy SOIUM means t • hi 1 unknown, had caught Hre during tin A j iiiic e:i«in 1. ind, over e nni hy t. rji f, nhe had fainted :n»ii) lY'i ihiv in tin'evcitein.U)t and al.irm w 111. h t >i iivitl, ber allSiyu wa> o*«-i - link .l,ii il iv h M t ll- l_> »i f-i sllOVrd uif 11 * -In;, tit' S. IK>I it a Mmation /..ile-i v\ c* let. une ui-ci.nn 111 hor itate room " lilai eiug around the horizon. I e.iul 1 *ee !• > «i<n« cif tlii* ht ijf Not the llanh of H light hot rayed till* position ot tin- VHit'l. Hut I hud a eotnpa-s with me, an 1 n »ted the courte I had steered while pulling for tbe humiug wreck It w a.- jiot the fuct of t lie hrig U ing in visible tii it c iufc»d my viit> asiness, but the >f »i t ling kuowledg that a great convulsion of the «1< meat* wa« to hurst in upon us." '■ The dII k bank I had at tir-t notn ad low down 011 the h ri/on hid rn< 11 rap idly until the entire h«>avena were >d» '■. ill d. the atmosphere had grown d- «. an 1 tbe dsrkm s was simply in t. use, relieved t.nly by the now dis mantled hulk wdiieh »nva«donally threw out a gleam of li^ht " A strange, indefinable, rushing •u:> 1 p« vv id 1 the air, a slight npp> ruffi< I th« -tagn mt waters, a cold breath ol'air fanned my rh«s»k, wiuh under the bla; k, frovvnmg cloud- I -i ". s gleam . f light. *• L n !er arid louder grt w the sound- ; th Uivii gazed lit one another aghait \\ it ti a wave of my hand 1 moth ne 1 th •i.nucii t < [ nil the Wat around-) *« to bar lx furv it. and the next instant th- hurricane burst upon us in .til its tury. " rhe -hriek ot the tem|KHit my voieo. The otis were da«lud from the -ail i» hinds, while th v 111 ti ri. r threw theuiSsdvis down in the bottom of t tie b- at. •'ln an agoi y of t rror Maria cla: l<> m». wliile !. « tli all 1 : \ ai l skill. n» I'iag 1 t ■,.» keep .d If. re the ijale. U.i r..i»L » i ti.e fiail -tru tur through the murky d rkues-, *nvvio}.- I in a whirl of itMUBk, whnh half biinhd me %s the salt »..t<r hihd inv ev< <. I*. ti' 1 v. 4- tten up by th * l ir r. U-fnil, «n i hurhd with Citti: f. r.e m 1 viol i t-.' tbtvugh the air. *'l'ret . 1 >• 1 to th" >kiu, w jtl; the !. !- teal# gul touching tuy -i .e. »r»j ; .<l in a'd t-pare t. I c» u.d muster, I kej t *v vtch luiu g .t; 1 hi' h ir- cf th%t eventful night. *• 11 1 we tier in. Id' -timti n * UM'fc 1 fti 1 i'rov. Unco alone 1411 tell, h«t aith hyl ght the ti ree gale showed signs of - itmg. »!i I .tt no> . w weri *ailing u - t. t » imui' T- a •• A temjM rary sail had U u and the l->at s h« ad direct I toward the shore : f r of e. ur«e, we lu 1 .■ up *ll hojx - 1. f o.f -ecing the b* for i while at least If we woo Id 1> nvei w- hsd get to r- !v up uu.; »«cn rso.n e« Carefully 1 dint out a tlou a»i w.o ce t 1 aiol water from the toatity snppln s that were ir. the « tf* »> , ♦ «-%"♦». 1 *ng th m* »• * > iz \# '.lie : - ■:s *! u!go x* f*r a» TO*«lbi«t. ■?' * J" :*• ' *♦.- a iared, t*'.\ you the cai A liv i wh:ch « hf»w th" i g ran of th. ran Vv,.! dc-wn up >n c r Lc*»'.». .ti'i t vv tin m n witu noli, g < r my •arret. Iff* their fy*- Jroj - : w»'-r to tb.: p%'.e, suffering w. uia* , « l t u i r murmured o.:w, thouch her tr ilr.« n r-j a'.i but on fire, and b» r ♦,: fc r j irclu 1 at. ' ** ilea in her mouth. " Vt. . can imagiiie my .vboi fi 1 Ait crumb of Vrxa 1 wa« .x --haa«t «1 .ad th.- r hai been drained dry. iKAtii inil*mott terrible forui, .th '!:•! att> t ding b.'rror* cf bug. r a I t».ir»t, ui in the f*ee, and ! jjr vi-v ,1 fri t»£*»*i«l» a« I gaze-1 ttiion tin* now i t iruato ti ly of th. p i. >r girl. Sue «.»» .tv i 4 -|yr rtj * ile»d ait.iidv ind 1 t»tr> * ud niy I?v lnr si let«» m«. t the l ito I was powcri««ai to .kv« rt •• \\» il wc wi ri pick' I up shortly «f --ter by i iira/iiian ti*hing lioat. pl*c I a'.- U'l v iuan-of v\ ir t r ying on tho < and th> * i g»» hi ot I. vd .> un der hi* . are StrAiigf tu <av MMM i'f HI ■uocuuitk 1 to ti:e privation* v\e iiad un 1.-rgont. but r*-cover*-<l to congratu late one an 'ther upon our t-»cape. The >«-uor Jov (.ion/ale- fairly huggt-.i mo in btsileligbt it the escap* wf bin daugh ter, and in%iated up n itn miking hi? i. vidi i(Cmy b auo. fin men were re warded l»y him l«ey.;nd tln-ir m '*t san guine hopes, and 1 well 1 rewarded niv-elf by marryingtbefair btiress. and wi. -n b'r father died a few years ng?, I «>-':ti).d full i uitrol of the estate As f..r tb old l>r.g, and Capt. l'bonip s n, she vv i - never seen or heard of after t'.u teriible storm uhi h swept the eoa-t of South America, strewi g its shores w.tli the vi r.-ck of many a noble traft." MISCELLANEOUS BIRSA BAKERY, SEATTLE, W. T., Wm Meydtnbauer, PropV. M VM'FACTTIiBS AT.L KINIM .f Kliigtaxitl Sot'l Hivad J ALSO S't/K I, l'HXf', /.»/** 7 V»V set! Mi, Mll.K , F.I.VT aikl s!Ioo-K'.V CRACKI3IIS, Caltos, ci?c., ci?c. OrJ. r* filial to all PAUTB OF thr POI ND at SHOUT NOTICE. VESSELS FURNISHED with A/7//-/>//<v/ Hiscuits On for &iO\<« Sea Voyage*. I f,*" I'rir-rs moderate. W. 11. PVIPIIIY, Surecssoi' hi PUMPHREY -YOUNG. ilootacllcv and Stationer, HBATTXjIi:. W. T. M. H. WEED ARCHITECT BUILDER. 1* irw', r- j llj f*nii PI.VNB utJ sp) '< IVTCATI* >VS f. r VuMtn*' iu »n It* br*n, b«-« . will t*k« ulrvU.n. l ►4|'nutnhl. uFTUt OVER MOkhllX * DKi ti STORE. «MtUr.W T Mar h JUL. SAMUEL KENNEY, Merrhant Tailor UM jivM r*«ne.i • i»*« »;• -1 oh-U* ST( X K ()F (iO( >DS * > *r. FASHION SLITS ,'Vuh t rdrr- I •■llMtli In I W T M ISC EL I j A N i a> 1* S IIOI.IIKS i liLIIRi;, lt!i|K>rtrr» of ars»l l»*-Alr«r» in FURNITURE UPHOLSJHT" GOODS, COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE. LmJ ww Ti. ir Immense S:j. k Containa Parlor Sets, Of lit-nuaa T*j»« i.try an.l luir Cloth Bed-Soom Sets r 5 W<? < O OF BLACK WAI.NT T AM* WHITE AS!I. with l>U.k walnut. Sofas & Loiiges, OF IIAIH CLOTII and TAPESTRY Bureaus, Coiitor-Ta"fc>los, Clialrs, Curtains, Picture Pramo Mouldings, ot CROQUET" SETS. Coifins, Burial Cases, Caskets, &c. #7~ All ]iur tniwl nt wil. £>«• dfliv.rvU inr m any jiart ot tliocity. Si attic. July Jltli. l->Ti. itniifi ' B ,ronii M. R. MADDOCKS, 1 WHOLESALE AND KETAIL Dealer iii Druss, Patent Modi* CHIPS, Chemicals, Arc., Ac. PKFSCRII'TIOXM CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. AI.SO, Dealer ill Wines, l.iqiitii's, Ac. OItIMKS FROM MsROAI) SOMriTFH. M. R. MADDOCKS. S» attic, January 1*74. MOORE & CO. dealers in rresli 3ii ml Sailed ill EATS li dii i»' rai ai*ort mi-lit of €*4 a* c» i A 1 -• >, the lic«t brand-* of ('HiAKS AXM.Tort.U'COS. Corner of Thi:d & Union Streets Seattle. SI.AITI.K NURSERY One mile cast from Ye-hr's wharf. oil the .stage r<»a*l to Lake Washington. Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY VXD.... Choice Plants J 1.60 K f*w fh i •• I •« { Mill*. *:.. i C*LL* •«, tV mtv *J. i T-u.At. t- r Ml I* by f\ W T.AWTmX. IV..j,ivt„r. M ISITI.LA NI'OVS Seattle Planing Mills U. W\ Manager. SASH,DOORS BLIND?. FRAMES. SHUTTER?. AXT> WOOP FINISH of every description. SFA>OXFD LVMHFR OF ALL KIXDS CONSTANTLY OX HAW. FEED GROUND .It our GftfST MILL. at Reasonable Kates. W T . r. b I*. Kfl. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L. JAMIiMN Next door to Schwal»*chor Bros. A Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS STATIONERY. MI SICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALBUMS *'»■ • null t'tmpy «mml ». Tin: CHOICEST CM!AHS AXD TOIIACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. 1\ and Eastern Periodicals. SEATTLE BAKERV AND PROVISION STORE Mill Mrrnl, Kmlll<>, Mi. T. L. RKINKi, Prop'r, MANV FACTT RES llread, Cakes ami Fas-try OF ALL KINDS ! Deals in GRAIN, FLOI'R, GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS, of the best quality. Receives OREGON PRODUCE by every steamer. K<«eps FRUITS, WIf&ERIEsV prepared in the neat est style. Also, TORACCO an.l CIGARS. Prices moderate. Articles deliv ered at private houses in Seattle. %* Orders filled to all parts of the Sound. s'2o JF ac K ■ ut ■■ AND fount) insioii lfn*iii«'s* Messrs. MH'allister A: MoCarly OWNERS OK H argc Champion I r ATE EHK<"TED A WABEfIOT'HE ONToSE S I 1 A Itumt-U* aWharf, in tliia City, whirr j will \Vh<i|r>.a!e ami K. tall All Kinds of Procure ! Flour ami FeftJ, Itay ami (Itain, V>jjft*hlfs ] Fruit, Chit krux, et«\ Ifro* Terms Strirtly 4'nnh. For Sale. 20 T« OAT HAY. Fifty Thousand Oak Hoops, At Cliehalis, Lewis Co., W. T., On tlx N. I*. U. 15.. or Jfliwtl at WAV TACOMA A<Ulr< <; HOC I K, iiiij'- Ut. I>T6. CtM-bali*. THOMAS" JACKSON. T?<«- jXipnlar j-r jifirt. r ■■■f iil lilakrly 11-jUI I i >** m. ha* n»).*»-*i t>> ll«J» t it/, and ha# < lh* old UNITED STATES HOTEL. An a Fii>t - Class Saloon and UOAKDIU IIOISI: THO*. lAnWoS.Pr l«ri#U r. VattW \jTi!l Ye Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at the PDCST SIfHD lEfUtIHUTINM Wit KRIS Stoalc.S, Oliop®, And all tlx of tin M-aaou arr m>tn J ill the Ik ft New fork atyl*. • ■ €•€" €'■*«»«• *tl by the Glass, and supplied to Parties ami sent in quantities to an? phut* where there is strain com niun lent ion. And an Anaortairnt of FINE OAKSIS o>n»Uutljr <m baud. Wedding Cak<>» wad* to or dt-ra on th« *tn>rt'»t notire, Hall Sii|>f*ira an J I'artl** »uit|ili<s!. May 1 itfi. IHTC. ! WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen j mm mm «w. -m m«c |At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. | A 0001) STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place. r>r at this Oflice. m2otf Administrator's \«tirr. I btTt eu aptM'inUd bjr Uw PiuMi t 'wnrtof I Kin# <">tmty, WaahliitfWii Trrrliorv, AJiiunn. trat. rof the K.UI- of L. T. Woodward, late of Calif >rnta. <lt>« «••*»-1. All rlaima Mid ** tat* rrMit br t to tn* i-rojwrlf proran, at luy r>-«u!«ut* in H.«ttU-, in aaui king county, within ow year from thla flate, w th#y will i* bamd by Uw JEM«E W. OfcoRUK, A Ui.lriUtrab r m af--r»-*aW Hated Jnat Sd. ISM..|% Dolly Varden w I m €* mr 9 Front Street, near the Paviliou, SEATTLE, W. T. At th* DOLLT TAttDEN- H IS KM, IJQVOIIS, BKKIi, AM) C 10.411* ! of tbo BEST QCALITT. will alwaya b# aert»d to , oar caotumani. (ITTER'S OUI MHIMN j w ■■ imk ma w t AND THE - j BEST CIGARS IN SEATTLE i ARE THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS BOCSS Smith A: Jewett, ' n? If fivi'flrtora. NO.