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TILE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. PROFRr*S!ON A I- rARP.- *. g «>a<o»-fW *• 1 "■ IEMUSOR A ILANCNAID, ATTOKNKV^AT-LA W AND Proctors in Admiralty. i)P r( rowaaewl **a*l»tf * T»rri « rj • * D P. JENKINS, HKATTTF.. \V. 7.. !77 'HiSfKY-A 1 /. IIV Shi ft llUh J.\ <t!A yt'KJt V, AM> H:OCT*t/i ,/ v a mm: 1 r.rr nih.M ,«,* » W. V*t <* w MrNAf f.'HT A IIALLEK, AllßFiigys & tailors 21 L-w, PORT TOWNS END. W. T. w 1? \M)iu:\vs, A T TORN EY - AT-LA W, Vf :U j>r». ti> « to |li(hrri«U>jf H't"> t<i 1« t }*• TrrrlV^ry it rut I* nrrc»ti* «■ 1I (/fc-TT\J.y»*AJ4M. * 1. C M. BRADSHAW, •lit it • t** »r, POH T TO W N S V. S I), W. T JNII < J. M' 'hi.rn *. TT"«* I-<'MT & Rl RkF*, AT I'OKX KVH-AT- !.A \Y, WATTtM, H' 7„ H til tii >ll |wa* >( tti« T*f-~, ril' '•'jr. (1. X 1 V H. lllatri. t Att<-rii>-> ' M I, W r ) M'CONAHA * HANFORD, Hloru*y»»a4 ~ isttr, soUriiorx in ( /untrrri/ tnul B'i ih tipjx iM 1 Commercial eormr Washington, Sattle, VV. T. D. S. SMITH, I'. S. Commissioner, Justin* of Ilii' IVttrp ami Notary Public. • Vill i tint « luftaia<»> »ii »i>,>it in, VT *l>*V l'r«U»uU .tli.r (»»(« •« drsKn *u4 A<kt>'*l ill* at it*:t»! UTi' li< K Cw iirr f Titlr.l mI H. . -■ htr •t« 'J' lull DR. FREO. W. SPARLING. ii.«• •/ o- AruyJ j f*fl VkM'hiJV is If'KWKW.r. onttLON OnUVMU'IAI. HTIIKKT. 3 IM)OH* xouru or city HoM-rrvi.. M ao m " i^a^« fQBt i. S. MAGGS, I>outlat f OFFICE, MILL HTitKKT. Vver inrt RtrnnM Stuff. I", tsr (» OC CIPMiIaJL JIOTEt,. fU" DENTISTRY. f U»»il»y l'K J t' uliA»>K. liJMicr ill MQK (katu ei**M Vlt >iw~tt - S-«v U«Ul.*- inn '»ii • "'»m> r i»t »•*«" t. AH wen intmittrrO u'i HENRY E. HATHAWAY, l'< U.LIX'J OK. i ytuTtrt i tn trr» NTIO* OIVEN wcol. I i«*Ui>n f dciaU. T»*.» f« r N >n K*» (•triit* fr*-f "f <•*.# «iUI W il V* •It K Att..r»i«r»»« '* w . «*«<trw. ff V «<»?>•-«. I>K. IIAI.COM lIOKKIAV, Phjmian.Sonpaml Acccnchenr Oj'Vrt ' lurry t¥n< f , '< tirr< it h'lvnt U't-l »S, «'»</ iSfrtW*, Si: ATT (. K. \V. T. DRS. A. 1 H. 6. BIGIEY, If am iro|# n fhi kfM, SKAITLK. W r I \lt H P lV\tll.F.Y. t.\TI rRorEHriOS Or |J Fr< ««•»»,•• »*4 frm.-tlte ..f fat *tn tt>* Mit'hUMi < **« *t >!«•• *'• •*•. wul «*»!•< opwal v» Mir : »aa«l tryustl Ulmmm j ty, and will t . »!l# t« any j »rt t th« Suunil. Jl' 1 •vfr* *** ♦ 1 •' • i DR. G. A. WEED, SI IK.I'.ON AM) I'll \SH I IN, SKAT TLB, W r. ItMt* M> J*'H> tjßklT MeNAUGHT \ LEAST, All v a.vrv « - tr. Aiir, > o/. /»/ ro/.s ix en \yrriir. J fitoc- TOUs ;.V ADVIKALtY. Wi!l I r»rt Ihf IH'i-fCt « l *>■ r ««• C nrt», «' l«ry WUI «lrt ni"*!*! |M»» « l 4 ' I t ; l.i \« * I»' t I •rut . f I.- a! t-■'.»! ■ Jtigr HUi. istt. i»t 5 DR. JOHN H VKFIt. f» isH i.i.r ts si ntiKtt.r. • »» IO —lit >T«tn •» »* *l'* **»■ 1* »»k Kit it ■ 1M1.(>.V.( tLIIOI N. SoatUo, w, T. «k I rl* *>.»>., i,,j, t ROARP ANi> Tl ITIoX <t£ I* ot fur Two Young; LndifN » ukhs • .* n. French, Germai, & Eiflisi Stadia i * VR« firrttAruNi FORTY YEAH ABO H i* w< ftdrou« ar- the rbat.fe«, Jim. f..-ty y<*ars sgo. L« -i gir « w.-rc w0..1m 'rmin, Jim. Aad L»-ys wur* pant* of to* ; \V •*> -iv.*-. *»«rt- made of ealfekin. And v* ks of h <me*pun wool. Ai I «;biidren di-I * half-day's a tk *h»- of *rh<«»L T'" f!- t.»>k Ixl i»ic J;ru. l*| .u tii' -jiinnit.«l, Ati«l pr»< ! Nt« ■ir'l . J»tn. ' »n •»»Irv» 1!«», *n«! rr+\ ; Tli< *• n!«t ri'l« fk to tni!'.. A H< /*-tj tnil*'. »>r *». AIM! liurr* < tf Ijrft Tf •Uy. S > i»» f r?y », rii* j» »r•! r wi" t>« Jitu. In int'ctd "f »t« Ar,<l j» -in mj, Jim. A» buyi(s« » in » ; , AIM' >»\«-II «n*»VROI! W« 11 for IK.W 11»«-\ 't V>»» tl«» %1 •*, P.»r !>«•. plf Ur-i i-ut half «> («•' y>ii* f<>f'y y •*»* iifu Oti, well I «!u rvninitbrr, Jim, That U .l»>iu'« IMtcut »t«»*r Tint IxNiKutand )*•)<] for, Jim; Wlifß w n >t the Ihinf; to 80. Th» v ftiiiJ ( wcmUl tjurataiui kill IM all. rv.inr forty v««r« myr» fvrrytliing Jim. Kr »m W!mt it to IM, F..r rm-n j»r< «!wir« tink»*rinr. With mUurti law*; Hut what on m.rth wi-'re <■'tning to ll i- any \xj* \j knvw '? ! For < vt rs tiling ha# «u iu«t-li f» nr.? t »r?y v»'ar» atru. "COL. BUFFALO SAM." Tf»i« <1 imilfidaal arritud in In-troit >*t an f«r!y bnur yesterday mul K«.t out '»f t«wu jiiat •- tSt*t cnifrw !*!.« »i ri- l»it i• IST*» * H»* :* oil 11i * w'lj' t<» Hie IHafii llilln. <«r rtthi ron lii< ivturn, !»♦» l»a»- n. u >t in that totality viin'ii > letter fioui hi<i tuutber ( «!!»•<) hint to Canada in a hurry Tb« C'ulonfl nto|)|M <l off ta l)«*tmit foi the jHtrjMi—* of excitinK toiue •nthusiaatn in tlie ptihlio h«»art ami hoping to orgaoUc ftn rxiMMlition whu h h<* might to thi» hill* Aft«r devouring an l>i» ikt i-t h» t »ll«d the tiotel juifter one «,.{ i>l (*f>nfidrntly iiu|iitred w!iy he would upend hin lite trunk* ai auul whi-n lie eouhl innki a tortunu in tli<! lU*< k Hiila in tit'tet ii «l.iyn "Ftfrv niil t%lte you ri|(ht trt th« «|K»t w'ler they are khtivdtnK th« jjt'lil into wag.-ns "" he adde<), and T'U , n ittl >OU rt w. «M I - • - - team." '•l* the gold coiuad into money ?" a*ki d the p<»rt«T. ••Of cottrM not; it'» in nuggi t-», many of theui a« big •• orungwt." "It wouldn't pay lue to fool •found with the ore," repltwd tlie ixiftif, ' •and 1 witi ne»tT uo hand to tt»« a shoTtd or dtivo team." The Colonel«>dur«d biitiMlf to It poliff•iiian, afking the oftio««r why ha vrwiit around with a < lub tied to bia wrint, when h« could j'itt it »»H I* riding in a carrirj** with Uue-»*Wat lining and gold-plated tul*. Ha biuln t tb" ha«t doabt tlutl a |iolico««B uiaki a piillioti dollara m on#ytitf by going to the Wat k Hilla. and all tha Colon tl vi.iiiU'tl wai to (ay actual t rti * <-!ing«£pet. mh». Tha officer j »mmt - d Mr. Mam ipm't a building, and t ireateiicd lowr.tin Mr. Ham got out of U>» ncighWh" >1 «itb prouinttte«« and u regal aril# •'\V liat do I w art «»f «old ?" yelled the otfioer, a» ISatu halUMTpn a di«tant cottier to look aronudU "Wbet is inonrv to an officer who walfee u«er Ito rode of bad atdraaiU twel*wUaac» per day, and wboao !•**« are all aoartud uf with d<« bites. ** h'tr« Tbe Ookmel entered a aucood bainl cTothinj atore and repealed kaapelden pUna to the pmprietw thereof. •'Von'll *>* hack liere i» siaty tlaya with g dd enough to lmy ten auch atoref a« thi«," *<tid Mr Satu in a *ery earnest j vaice. . yiai «no t to \my a coat r"' asked tin- clothier after patiently lietening itnd pondtfing. The Colonel didu't. ••\'»ry well," continued the clothier ; i "it rott donn' want to puy lont I doan* a ait to go to drr IMa* k Hilla, and you t c,n go riubt ont ofmr clothing hotter !*' j ~l lat what ha» the sale of a txiat tc» do with }> ui going a«k<tl the Col ony 1. . . ••Vh«t h »* drtn flack HiH* to do rnit toy uw»t» : a*k« «l the diwier. Tb< Colon*-1 workvd like a beaver all d«y 1 »ng, and th«- only D< troiter whoei cnthu«ia«iii w niiUt] titt a email bv»t-Mark. who ngreed to write to hit autlt in l>uluth and a»k h«.i advice aKmt K |C Mr. triiHl to lajrrow more or lr«- utoncy, and to ure morti or 1»"** leer ct< dit. and wh**n be t<>ok \ > train 1 t »t he eijH«\te«l to Iw I * off at th«» junction for the want of a t. ke*. and to uiak* the t«»lance «>f th# ttipen foot - /%' r ei' M"'* /Vre*. WHY AN OLD MAN SUIIVBD. t>u Friday i*«t w«? Ii»tl «juit»* a touvh tng N'cn# in <ur <XHirt hou*. * H*l Jo!.u <»aftirt. an eid. gray<h«a>l» 1 man f»r the crime of graittj S»ti i» v hAr-« »t. aliitg He pleadr*! t?uiit\. aiid | ne< lite) hiiunlf to tin taty in a * rtef and t««L< blitfr adirt »* lie ««i«l • " Urntlrtmn ' M Jury: 1 .1 man oU m»n. a>>d IUV n t early n.u. Thit it the £r»t tin.* in tuy .tfv 1 bate #r#i Ih*»i before a jury I hare »«r ettt ♦teen a witr.ea* in a court I »»> U.nii tu hl'i. aad ha\« been a and tuan all my life until now. 1 aw a atrajagc* t. eeety i:aa iu tine bru«e, e«vr»t bit I 1! r.or who ait aon that 'eocli. fie ka ktM'wa toe lor tune year*, and be will tell rru I bare t«ern an bmeUmnr I; and a good cituea. The jury iaalh J like a a*>rt of atd mteiiigen! . inert at i I \*i«h y.-n deal aUk «h SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY. JUNE ii. ts7C>. y«xi '-an I read ia tba t*»l"*f (kit tb« priaoo at Frankfort an plaaa—tkat it MM eroa«i«l *Uat on* raa atsrocly h*« ibr»*. Frotn tba Krotui'i of that j.lac* 1 1 . ccaM Loi liwa tberu . Yc* ••• I am oki atfi fmihle, at. 11 a»k you to 4m. tba boat you c»n for me. Gwolictm?:;, if I eouUi b*«a go 4 *uk 1 «uul<i bar* aup(Kirta*l my family a» i itat \*>:U b» re. iiut 1 ««..! to tell you—l a-n a v««ry fKtor man arid have to work t§> lirr. Well, iaat )t»ar the Uw** vrry h*rl indeed, and I c a»UI «r«- work rutirb of my time I am a mechanic, and I w.*nt to Clark<ville. • F%jrri*w and many other j»laew«, l>nt I r.»t gat aay >rk. The tiai»a wfrf r*ty bard, a* y#': all know and i nit fear mofi had t » p%y ft* Ltbor I arvund till I «{a*nt all I hat I had hat a b»d a> i a «k*»r. I «u tirad atal out of heart, aud my family «uff*rin£ f-«r fixni and clothing I board tktb Uiat 1 uvuid girt work in North Logan, and I *ml<l bjv kit of t<x»lt to ffr\ my fami!y op tin»r*». I j-aul STS f >r my tool* ui JL*>tu«vi!l« u*»l to aril tb««ti low. Aflu i«yi.| t-»r moving, f ba! s'<s left. 1 got a niece for my family for n httlo wbila. ; and «tartod again for work. -I trie! bard to 6n<] it, but could not. I went ha<-k to my family br >krn down in •I'irit, thinking 1 would hara to ttarre or t*»g. (ietitlemen, uiy littlo toy, < about mm yeacaof m§p. f>l m-fuy Up 4 tnd put bis little arm* aronnd my nock and aiked tnc if the g-*od Ix>rd would s let ii" atarre. 1 ION a a»y fmoiky mi well a* ar>y man and cvmld not think of tbeir starving." TU<- pr«0o»or liecaitac ovt«aw!n-lm» <1 with fmotion, ntiil, jmusing for a ftrw i m ha pleaded f« r n« light a ver dict <«a the ju.y could give him. ' Tlie occasHNi wan excwediugly •)l«mu. TL«* |>ri#»nar t»id bta at<wy twtl|pu* i«crra tion. Age mi I c»ta ba|l wliitf nlwl bis lock* and furrowed hi* brow. He had' aren Iwiter day a, but h» wai now a hioketi ned. Tim jury, the attorney#, I tk* and tho »p-ft<ao(a ,uite toucb«*<l hy tbu bouiely recital of tl|« I ai«|»piiaßi pnaonar. Tba hiifei two y«»ar« in the •»# tll^ 1 t #adg«, jarjr aadi»wyar» titaa a*(tK''t a {xtltioll to KlLton, fx;/ , UUJ , HOW TO MAKE EXTRAV | AGANCB UNPOPULAJ6L Ofc->tirt>e uualerati«*u iu " a»* ely " ia nf*te itifKi-tilt in tbi<t conntry than flae whtev. for the reason that education, t lMM'anlai and rrtim m«it htm tM*up * |H»rt in rank. A duchoait may dreM) ■ Muipiy, live en>>m>inicnily «n<X ciMh rtain JL^ShvUa. threebold i« to b<* admitted to it. a lady who ia not a duebcev wbo luta unit tbe vagu'- tradition of" good fam -IHT { bet ? ikla a vir* ex oeptional pf Anr if Hfrtftiift money she •ma tn Lain a ant kind of a r responding pMaiUvgi in WMluntftpn s>r iiiMfiMf, a kigli officer of atate who wdufn lUo u|kmi , baa aalary and hupo to aare 1 1 fmnt it agatnai the evil day nI bii re*' ' J raoTnl. would find It very tifficulf to 1 1 nekintain in n boardiiigJbonae, ami with ' out n carriage and wWhnj|*-nnWfiniu -1 oienta. tbe uncial at ending t | ambition*, oluvw and dating wUe-oaigbt | require. Yn| ahe would lai moeavtrily espoaed to the nplemlid l [ f ftrnjrjl <4 fjlxury f ery kind ;• And if eb# i/wmf liilaNice, il woubl I•« . that ahe Wight abiuc and conquer by magnificence Sucli a 1 , vtottiau —jac rvad of th> m in novel*, 1 ' nnd Kinile at tbe bold invention of the . author—would enrry her guy audacity to tho very ut Uiageact/nl rx*, (K>aure ami ruin. Iw bur lion«o, ly furuiahcil with fntndlaod richly dcc -1 orated with corruption »be would ataud • a a and qaeandy in n eo«tlv 1 rolye woven of lioa nud emUruidi rev! with brilwa; cnreleaa, graceful, ready, '! Miiiling with free-flown goeaip ; know -1 40£.Mrtn grac«)|i|f U»W#d ntdk<#at * »t«d andgreetcd ins brigbV g*eeta4f a 1 moment, that the aoene waa all a phan ' taeuiagorin of d<r*nt. that the Jinked ' aw-ord hung by a hair juat above her atate!/ head and that at any moment ' the ghaatly wa/. men* would glare up-, 1 on ker walla, in the appalled t*fe» of j het company. What jf tb-; mptil of i thia aarmoo 7 Ike Wat. iudeett.u not • neoeeanry to irnxmnca. Wlfcl kttbit the old ontr thnt If we aro to be a*rod \ from tbe ajrift dry r«t of p corruptio®. the ftatl dcctidcfice of older States, one ' way to begin is individually and united " ly to exttavaginct 'in telligence, rvfinemei t. wit, akrewtMie «. ' cttltivatkuia, are etill amrr atul drairabio than vulgarity and display Thry can't " a fashion** if they will. If they choose, tb»*y cau makv exlrata gatxv vulgiir by i-outinHig it to tbr>*e • who can be nothing but extravagant * —7/artvr'* if ' * Ml. SrtWABT'S WlALTK—ilr M*j»- 1 art hilt long been regarded m ooc of " the rickhMt nMft ia tile tiny fetatet * N«lt to l orM.iai ViaUUlt **ml the •" late Willitui B. Attor bf «m i>roUt>ly th# rkh«*t. *r. Yai«Wrk«!t irrt*)<-d In railroad* from tb* ir tint iatradu<> | i»«vu m this country. »n«l h*» aaiswd * what t* popularly tuppo#*-*! to be th« t >w*t pr !*-•*• fortune iii Aweric*. almost wholly in thr*e productive Mr of i, |>W,cno,o'V' or s*k),nfw,(ion w£3*, i mm wtfl known. wkwly In re ml .I; *~tat* oprrstkn*. ia * city »}*** V in votmeut* proved to be eacaptiouslly > *iu\ duu veloum j pfofttabie Mr. M««trt < loKimu: «ra uafo d wholly ia tr*Je--bi> rt%l c*t%t«:nM»«- • ictiimt being kufcudwry to ka» u«mn r tile obj «t*—tbd bo ti*>k nowtmit in i) :«ilw»y »i.i t< bar *|mulatiti stock* or operations. liti felon* grew Icm r*p • idly than tUst t,f tic other*, bring p subjected to rtftrin "ftf trm<le whick o t that of tli* other* did not fowl , but it u • *eu*r%Uj itmt h« h*j ktt n ~ ;• TUX lnte»t arnsat .on to N*|* i» % d«h ,» cftugk; in the creek there cm f*<nndmy »i •"*** p.*in<l«* *• • ■ "' i / » I k * \ fH 3 • H Til* General C of tlu; Meth«."!i< Upkan'P" Cburch, *i><«etnMed at Maryiir: i h** ehanffed the l»*-»ur>.!n --» of ttu» con/*«enc< ¥*» urn 'i-Oregaw. «a i* to inclode I !ah<», Mou tata. Utah ami a part of Wy.<ning i hurrtmlr" fcnug Eocky M.«iu'n> Alt of Oltg("U and all of VaalUagtoit TniUnj » of Ci— c*le« formcl tke Ea« tlreeon aud Wa«hingt->n Confer*'nee. Now all t»! the vest line of l ull, i» ■ iacurpomt'd wi»>i tho E .«■*. <>rrs»"** an * ConfertTice, and the uame chmgr 1 to , theO loa»bm Hhrr l am. rene.' Is I*7l. a year before the first raif > road reaaht-4 Dallas, Tfc\a», its j ojm lati »n VII al»out l,0"Oao«U. Now the i at the taoa; reawtnatt)!e es timate. is IT.tHIO. There art- in tnf esty.of fire brick k»t«ne<»» limiaea *»{"oru , tw » anil three stoma high, aU>Qt 2 >O. Ye; tb« graat UIIM buildings ba vt- hpeii 4wittt ef Wr>*d The r« sidt n. ' ces are g»nerally of wo>td. hut many tkt iu are of brick atone or concrete. a(d I the ai*ou'id in apleadad private ! n Tut trustees of the city of Benicia have pas*cd an onlinance prohibiting »qj Nf o_"' from •danding ou strtat corners or vi*iti:ijj saloons after 8 o'clock P. M The la\r to go into effect on the 29th of May Jamfkr county. Texas, is producing an excellent quality « f tea. The „Vt lloy Ssiys th > plant rows mssui'.ly and it will require b t a small pint «4 grout, d to a fa or. I > this trxpensiee at,d yet almost mc s-a? \ artich. mmmmmmmmmmammmammmammmmmmm UIsCKf.LANHOrS t H. PIiIPIIREV. tr -*■■ a * U / • +•«>»•»'u.» IN . httl S I J f . , » »„ *} I J < ' i I "$1- . *** • »,<•: *3 Hi., tl*. f PUMPHREY |(* rv ,'UH • »J -i •* < » *>• 1 . """YOUNG. ■ ■ ;■ * - • -m JJoobflUr and I Stationer, j i Meri*limit Tailor Ha* ]iut re««iv?«l a n« w ui<l oin>io«* I GO<)Ds 1 l'»«r Spring tint Bnmmrr war. FASHIONAHI.K SI its ; MaU< tn <>rt«-r. 1, t iU* i t \ j p / t Y «. r. 1 MOORE 8c CO. Ma ■ v; • 1 ft» *** Isu «► «» * V * '*' * qmmM in I ,»* »' ii it l<l .-V *■ -■ * • #»*• . .* ■ m$ * v» «• w * Frwh and NaHnl MEAT S ru\d :i g«u« ral n*#ortiuctit i f I.j ,i -.u t y A /i ' •. * €m «» *• €* a «■>** i*)HH J/MlOl !/T! Also, the be«t l>r»n<l* of IKJ.VKS ASI> THUAWOS. Corner ofThiid 4 Union Street*. Seattle. PHOTOGRAPHY } ' ynt i * fta* 1 * •* fcqs ■ Lr. h. cardwell, UJ} ♦ ' • (HKUK'rR MO< I UK. » tail* <4 rwnn:* on U< &v r t»( th J«UTIT*: VAKKtT BrrLMKrt ( ,n«r Cc> . bmm«: «ju*l WWMMU WKU. | THE BEST OF WORK DOHI Oi TtiS GALLERY I Md r BATISFACTION OT'ARAN BFF.I>. «•««»!. Vf> *h !•*< MISCELLANEOUS loiiHES & filOßfi, lm|H»rlrrs *tt khJ IWnKit in FURNITURE iniisTSK!' sons. commercial si::rr. Seattle, Their Immense fit a k Coatait:? ■Parlor Sets, Of iirrtuAn T»j'< .-trj nu«l La:rCU i!i Bcd-Eoom Sets «,■. . v Or>U(X¥IUIUTI)II TTHTTI \v|[ tfiWilli with £i»*'k WAillUt. Sofas & Lmm. < j J Ol' JiAill CLU'I'H aud TAP lis Pll Y Bureaus, OUairs, Curtains, Picture Mouldings, ct CROQUET SETS. Coflllii, Bnrial Cssc?, Caskets, &c. • ai^ - All pimliwM at this t «taW 'ificitt, wil. oe delivirt'.l frvo 6!;vjvut- i t!, v-tj. battle. Jn'y ?«th, i ' """ " " t „ Ye Strangers ; land all who feel weak ;>m] KNOW YE! i. ' That you ean have your spir its resuscitated. awl tli<> inner man natihlieU. hv calling :it ! the 'ranffllHEfJEllfflTMl u nnrtn StceJi.3, ChopFj, Ami a!l <>• ts< »• • n sr- mtm-J in til** ». s.t Ni w \ rk >■(>'< . 12 r>BS -kinl to J i« h ' #u<? in to am* ji!a<«- w itt. j . tiicn j.s Lt-uin communication. & IY<sh Wnd' 1 ('afltHos. Ali i »:i A* ArtifM 'it f ITTISTJEJ OAK.ES C»«i()jr4 t ha:i»l W, . c - •(!'. '■>• '■•> ■ r il< r» mi tUf •' r». '•» ■> • .( ■-■'■; ' - .ti. l » F*rtl. c:r V!« • Mil? 1 -i .. WOBKOXEN (iooil ft 11• I well-broke Oxen f><Ssß? Ei w"3iO t i » At Smith's C«»ve, tlirev inile> Im-1 »\v Seattle, f A <iOO!> STiUVCf; AVAfiON W;IL!<'«1 ill 1 i»»i" »•<;!!- hroke Kimju re at the ataoveiiam««l ji!ao\ «>r .it thin Office. m2otf * """"" ' """**"** m " ' * Dolly ?arden V v w cs> Front Street, the* BKATTLI. Y. T. AttkeDOTXT TaLDFN- U< t >{ OHS, l i 'i.a. a sit ll*} \ US 1 th« REST Q LITT w. t «* riTTEU S OIJ) ilfll SKt ■ * a &: • - AND THE - KEST CltiAliS IX SKATTLK are thr at this ho- k Kmitli iV JeflHt, »T-I' MISCELLANEOUS Seattle Planing Mills W. MrningtT. SASH, DOORS RT.ixns frame?, siutter?. an*p \rnon misn of every description. I.I'M UK U (>F ALL KIS DS COS ST A STL V OS U 1 V/» FEED GROUND ./. out' CLIS7 MILL, (it hlairs. $**UW. W T , Feb. 19, i<?«. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L. JAMIESON (Next door to Schwabftrbfr Hros. Jt Co.; COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY. MCSICAL INSTRI'MENTS. A I.HI 'MS ■«*!->' »■■(! Vnn«>>' THE CJIOH 'EST CIGARS A Xl> TOItACCOs. Sii!»scnj»ru»ns solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. 1. A JIB Wis 'male and Retail I>«-al«-r iu CHOICE G-ro caries, Provisions Hardware, /inr leas, CROCKERY, » GLASSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. imported and California im : m 9 Foreign and Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. ALSO Proprietor of tit* \\» !-Lii l>rau«U of CiKar " Foster," ' Xjittlo JDd." ... Am!.... " Prido of -XV. T." r-.T*. /// (UHHIS GUAR A NFRRTF TTS RE/TRESCNTCTL. '?»!»• n- 'n l!t« <"ilyfra» >f r bar go. Commercial Street, Seattle, W. T. SEATTLEBIKERI AM) PROVISION STORK 'IiSI Mn <t, S.-.ittlr, V.. T. !.. ItClMti, Prop'r, MATtCJ Af*Tt'RFS BRCTITI, FVFFIR'S AND PASTRY OV ALL KIXI>B ! I ii* in <iiiAlN, FL/>LTi, GUoCK .! 1 I'liU VI.SKjN'S, of the belt quality. il«.' ♦ iv« t OREGON I'JIODI'CK by every st»-aiuer. Ke*-!* FRUITS. p'aSTHIFS, CAKDIKH and CONFKC TIONIIHIKS, prepared in the neat frSt tO. \im>, TOIiACCO an l CIOAJi.S. l'noea moderate. Aruci««deliv < r»<i at jnvnU houses in Heattle. to all part* of tbe THOMAS JACKSON. Th» popular pruprbtorof thaobl lllakrly 11, t, 1 fi>r year*. li»« niovvd to tin* city, an,l ha» >im n, ,l thf old UNITED STATES HOTEL A" I I'irst-Class Saloon Utal UOARIHU HOlSh THOM. JAOKMiN, Pfeprlrtor. PONY SALOON^ Kept by BEN MUttPIIY Corinr Common lal and Main atrrat. n|i|N*ll« thor.«. Hot*? Is tha plara to vlalt to hava tt>r iitm r 1 tutu irplrnkaliad. Cigars, Tobacco, Wines, and Liqnors Alwaya on band. Steatite. W. T., Man h M, IKT6 I).\ NOT NO SCHOOL and AFA RDAJJ EUENI N<F SOI RET W Under management of Prof*. HrotJie thorn! & Stein weir. At ivEiisria-'s «:A. TJXJ Claws fur minors, Tuesdays and Fri days. Adults -Monday!* and Thin days. Soirees {Saturday evening*. Families taken at redu<x;d rate*. Music furnished for any and all i*vu sions, at reasonable rates. WA NTED A UMII BIMTMAk 11. Who rati luaka so wad work. If <>f t>U-ady habit*, can bars *-uiptti)»n«tit f<-r tunc at tb«* T* *na»ii<l «?;••« Ht».r« .• fkifjni rt of JOHN FITZPATRICK, FfiltT TOWXBI N!'. June 9tb, Kft. SKAT I LK BROOM FACTORV ISAAC CHILBERG, Proprietor CHE Hit Y HTKirr. u#>ar S* ood. UKATTLK. — O — Btwiij fcopt nowrtant'y nn bi mtd tha T- u.ri utraUof >b* trad- . Mid bwn.a wi «st-» order IN m»it PNFT has#?* rbr*» doscrlptioM of »>r«oa»a ar« ina«l», *t»e •» ar» *«j'ial to the brat of tha klnda laip'-rVi, and . whirb will b« a«Jd by wfco;<wa|o at Man Vnv I* <» prtrra, aod by retail at Hoattla prl<««. Al*.. WIMP* A NI» CHILDRLVh UIiOOMS. Timoma dellvof*d O- any part of t IT rltr attli* <>ut *UJ.ti< uai - hart;' %r Auk j f fur i(r'vr f- r th* H. altta Hr «>rn. Hsattle. April I*. 1811. ADELPHI SALOON. FINE WINES, LIQUORS, iiiid OZOARS, OPPOSITE YKSLKK* IU/.1.. I I Soattlo WT. i 8. iXMRAOK. ti fcbbb L<»*f NO. 10.