Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. PROFESSION A I. • , wmv <■' "«• * IENNISOH k BLANCiARI, attorney-:- at-law and Prortor* in Admiralty. #✓"ol4 »» >urt T luiluiVfl '"•rrl felt OTJ D P. JENKINS, sKvrri.B, w. T . A TT'ftlSK Y-A T-/ IW, / A CIIA W'kltT. ASb PUOrj'oll /V AJjMIMAUY. nth-1 / x.rnwr. " * .trjf AI'WHT * MAIIKH, Attorneys & Ceusslin at Lft, POET TOWNBEHD, W. T W. I! WIHIKWS, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wilt i» all Ua* C*«na </# i» lb# T- rriV.ty uirn i i> ucriifc* orrO*irfc '*' l t<> *r*t. at 4t«t». * r C M. BRADSHAW, .#// o tr, I' OK T TO W N HK N !>. W. T NiHtiuu. Tw« Bmi MrhllAßA RIRkK. ATTOKNKVS.AT-I.AW, SBATT/.M, W. T„ Wilt tttru4 !■> bl~ilt«« Itt all J»art* <»f tli* T-r ritory. O.N un. i C. II H kW><hu. j t S.I LMatri* t, * T. J M'CONAHA X HANFORD, - Imiw, HottrHor* f#« ( htturrry ami t*rurlor* in •tilmlrmitif. OrriCM— l < 'omiinrei*l Htwt, ewn*»r Washington, Huttttl#', W. T. D. S. SMITH, I . S. Commissioner, JuNtire of tlw IVurt* mnl Notary I'tilillr. I 'oil*•• tl 111 Itlltli 1 I'll all kUIIMt r f l«rf> lnnU ati<l • »!.• r !>*|m i* <1 rawii ami Ai'kt»«'»l r I ,11,1 til* il hiik i ■> mat*-* <»t i i » i nruTul I lUr<! »nil Htiitv « »lrr«U Tt Bth OR. FRED. W. SPARLING. Late of tli# U- S. Arusy,) a « n •* nrrn eox com w uncial. htkekt j imm>kh N 'HTU ()» UlT¥ HohMTAI.. mm m<2 m r ■: r *" ■ £3% J. S. MAGGS, Dentist, OF PICK, MILL STKKKT, ! »»> ~r Sa-l llr a»i«t KifnHi fHure. Ol U<'- » IKfcM Al. MoTk.l. «i» DENTISTRY. J e «»r fti!» :b m. liiirmrliaak'W bali-t JL» liiK «•!! l iuiniit rciil Btrwt %lt nv»fli Hinr»nt«»». tt * HENRY E. HATHAWAY, C( lOlh I )MlTin UR AITKNTIOJI OIVV'N TIM Ul. I Inllud i>f .IvliU Thu p»lil (if Son l!f» | lU'bU (t*« m( ftwrewi • »im ir, ii. tori. «i «•*.! Hctlllo, W T. «»»W|f UK. HA LOOM HOFFMAN, Physician, Soraeoo and AccoQCheDr: o(Hre at ifitltuf* «>n Stmt, V J (iftiu tiinl i*il i>trrr(>, SKATTLK, W. T. DRS. A. I H. B. BA6LEY, SKAIThK, W. T hK. 11. D UAi.I KV, L.\TK o# iTtt*. I>lr* Mil rr».*f >t Ul «ba Ui> Ul«an t mural *itt iaaW j «»i'. ratti •• s iriiPty »i..l *nrj,i. «t TMn»*w« • tT**'t*»- ; lj, mi.! «ill tttrud tc valla l«» nsy t»art -f lb* "*>>lll*l. »• r- - '.-."./ i ♦'— " DR. Q. A. WEED, SI HIiKON ANII PHYSICIAN', BF.ATTLK. W T J tun M. Mai ..«t Jam* Ia*»I McXAUiaiT * LEAKY, A rrokMCYs - M - LA H . SOIJCI tons is cHAyrKur, *f rnm run> is Aiwih.urr. Will j r*» lu u«a bulrwt I»1 >»ustrut* 4* uli*. Mr, I r»n %11l k - t»r lllrutiot I «'• ! lMl>«i, ('»iit<')i>i'ii>)i i- »* ' I•• 4 *trb»** , •u.l *»»'* i f lital J>Hy 1 tth l*r?. ifM 1)R. JOHN BAKER, rn r«i( i.i.r »\ si Hiiio.r. RtHlltHi'J » tt;rr Tl.ln! >trif*t» ••• •'!« I—..s>*i u» n. i.t *.«m*»r. •rn»irt **» b *»* lukt). s nK.(i.V.('4LH(M Seattle, W. T. t! u «». * HOARD AM' Tl inoN can W rMaxrt«d for Two Voting; Ladle* vwiuu# sudwtM ta Freucii, German.&Eo|[lisl) Studies •• 9HEOST VAIT * I i-iy l . the ' ri.> Ai l »- ■ >*, a *iai{«U iiiiiid"! <«inu.ti r !»»} ~!> » gr'jcrr ti» pit » biii, t;ivhut * n'»te Th- x r " f " "* " x •1 ?* fhHj»tT ntid •»! Batio. «rU. T>* di<i J '4 n* t ' " h»t i* i»* r« mid do* *i< <>.*•' rrplird th* b'i«e«t T'uti>n ? »* t \a< ifttod. hein ' •* Oood an-w< r- i th« jf ■r. •' why «•/« r«- a w*k* mtit -tha' ? •' < « % #lO 20 " • I«h «i .t - Why for " Yotl fh*- »ij;i,*!ur' »*.*r h«T'\ don't T"U ' 1>.,.i <ii<K* hk«* » t<»rk»« r» • tuit <lc •orm« y Yah " Wi 11, llnt't *»p»ftli«'f » • Yvll.' •Well. Mr N »-H i- now tr r r »»f tin; I iiitnl iStjt- * " \ o*i fit4l't to|. tii- \ t II Well, t»4t* <ii{ii« 'l hy r ti« .»H» H.d p'-'p!' Jij ' • }"T C< »t. •»!•*« f.«r llitti thai, for i wirt ' Uy . hiuiiiilliv. I*d"t -> Yes, Irinuu' "iw ii/»tf , .»h>, r*«v elm «.f tUui it Hptur.rr M*n a!iv« your fortune i* ai.*de. In |Hjr4ii*noM of th*» Kr-*-' r» Mr r ury, Siturdsy afteriioi.ii. to t the pri'iiiiiim on hi* bill- What <ui ica he it i« iui|>o*'*i!»te t » state, Imt h<- wattten later in the i-vening lurking ar ><md the it reft f»y whieh th«- iuu«t hoiu*, and on '" aeco«?ed \*y ait m |i|»* «'U' vernation tin k pi n* l>. r popli von belli t Ob. yr<, tlii' <i»*iiii»r»« «ro tißtjtMt tioiiahlv a iiulitttry nation of tin- first C!%«H. S.«ii- Lig Y«t I'nd Sad<>« * Yet. I iu| Konijfxial/ : Ortaiuly. I'nd Worth, uinl M*i« l*-t> nr, unit Se lan. Of ootir«e IXmmi wan all t»attl<-. und der Deuteh licked. Ye< Veil you j»K>*t vaita till dot i»ro«vry ■tore nhuts hunselt up, uii I you -iw a IVuteh \ictory vot 111 ikes \ou t deui littli- ones. A PLEA FOR THE YOUNO FOLKS. fk>i»'t iijtrtit too much of them ; it ba« taken fort v jnti 1 it iiiav he, tu make y<m what y.»u Are, with all your ir"rraTty rv. tner a'f*t»»t Almve .»!!, don't i \p« t judgment in i « laid, or patience under trirti# pathi/c in thru uii*t:ik.a and trouble ; don't t idicuh- tliein. K. number not to measure a child * tri iU by your ittmiaril. "Atone whout hiii mothrr comforteth." -Aid tin- in - >pired writer, and beautifully does lie eoiivcy to U' th deep, faithful lovo that nnght to be fount! in every woman'* heart, the unfailing sympithy with ill her children'* grii fa \\ hen I >e«' children going to their flit fair t*«»r com fort I ato <-urt» thrre x* something wroujf with their mother Let the n»< morit'4 ..f tin ir cihldhood Wat bright a* you make them. Or nit them ee*trv uuiooent ph:»*nr«< in your powvr. We bivg often felt our temjrft riM to «ea how criFtiles-ly tin ir plan* were tliwnrte«: by older person*. \nhen a little on their purl woutt hire given the child t)le**urc. the memory of which would \\>' a liMU|i. Lastly, don't think a child h»>j ( l. limtitite he betray* H«inie very bad hebite. We have known children that aeein< d to have lieen fawn thieve and liarv. to early did they dt*p)ay thee«» undettinbU lialt*; yet we he*r llved to 4et> thoa« «u»e children I«• o*»»n«» noble m«-n *nf w<>mon, and •»ruament* t>» eoeicty. W« umat roiifi« th« y h»<l wite. elT«ction*t* par«»»;t-* And wluit eeer clef t«ai may In* compelled to den\ your « lu'd. l>\ y.>ur in life, give it what it n»o«t v:»ln. i plenty of l«>v« TBS OLDEST OITT IN TUB WORLD I iViiuaacu* !h<> old« »t i ity in th world. Tjtv *iid sii4 >ii hi*« »iuu. /l-'i on thr *horr * i' i r«:»n : F\l in>ra li< « Imricd in tb»' «♦». U .-f Ibo d»".« rt N!iu v *!i »?t W. »'>)].»n h*v ill* R|<|*4r«(i from th* 1 ahor»*« «>f tht» Tilvr •mi KuphraU-a. Uiiii.ih'U'i rt-main» i what »l *r*« hrl'.Mpr thr* of .U»t.i ItAtn m cvut«r of tra*l«» and travel, au i«latid . f vcr<lurf in a d»«#rt. a ' prt itlotuifKl capital," with mutial »nl i aa*.>ri«tio<>« f*t« thirty iroturM>. It h .*• nrnr Damaacu* that Saul «>f Tar »tm »ft»» th« light fr<>ni lira*.'!!, ilmu' tb«* rightnar- of tho »un ; th» ttrart wbuh ia called Straight in «rki* U it i» *a»l that h«* •• *till run , ' lh« tnty , ttM caravan and a* it did om thousand > *r» •it ' th*r< i« Hill Ilir Shirk, llu •-* an.! tlw wjti r i ; th«» Birrth*nti ot th. Ku|»brat» • aul th. >l. Ui. it \j. m •till oorapy th<x» nilh **tlw mult It lr •>f th«*ir wtt»»* Th. city »!iifh Ma homet »urvrvf*l fr.»m a nt i^hbiuing and »a* ifrafct t. »nl- r, • l*oa;:*> it i* gmrn to nto« to bivr hut ©m j r lJi.<>, and, t\«» hi* }<art, b* wa* r vt-d not to ha*r it lit th • World. "* tin h«i*d of Syria ict th* timr at I* *b. From !**can:# our tmaors our blur ami t\ • tlfiwi < cot of" I'ortcgal, called l>an»a*c , o I*n» a»k, our bet itif>-- f* tk ( t«*i i. aud •lib. *ith *iit»»« *t»d tl a rr» raise* i uj*. >c it* *m*«otb. l*:ght ground ; th*daai*»k ruae intrvdoced into Kt jilaud ir. th» > tmi«> of Henry \II the dam«<k hi»»%« *•> tb«- World <* »r it» k «. n i<i|» and rnnarkahle elasticity, th< - i tn*t ~f ib« ma in fart rr cf « * ' h*t ** ram i th» • rt»«t» »«♦.» IVrata th** 1« SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, FRIDAY. JUNE 16. 1576. \r*. f ivlf. i'ifiT w««od and with til %'T *v! j' 1 i kind of motaic t»- z «nl % ieulptnr* united. al!*d d »•: \«kfiling with whrh Vote* *f>d 1 •Ufr,«'i> •* if'.* «fi<! ifltD* if* »fi i am*"nVd It 111 i- a•i! v i>f How'-rs nt*d *>riyht *»*• *' c stfivtuii fr> m I>'*>»noo. la •* riT'-r f th»* " ot gold,** *t; 11 niurmur* »nd ipinflw in "i- us! -iniM. f *»Tri»'" G ird^n*. lUrrKK tih* I'BEar.Ktß of Mi*p. -<»«•*; of tb« < itiwin of lV»nbory. who j»»«t r«-turtt**'! fr«Kii ttn> WrU. w«» •»*!ling in MefriU'* ifn>r»*rv stor** «»t * nirrow t-ncmj* Uc trwui » ttrriM*- d»-at!» H w*4 rroiNirjf a k>ng r*»l r<»4.i hrWigi oa wik'il !*• wa-> *»ur t<> v«' » liicixiiotivc c-»>nuii}f arouiifl n citfvn, m! t' tnwj»r>l# him tt t spt«d Tlh ;»t «ith»*r •i-to, f»n«l he did nut dart* f<» j nip info th<* rnwning ahy«» Hclow ! -i .'U»h ln« t<x>k in the >itu»tiou iud : r» .•I hi - p!tn nt hitifii. lit it m t*d oil :» -\nt> run t<»wr \rd the I«kiv m »ti\> «f>d wh< n within A (r\\ Ih* of i» !i»- < i,iicentr*te«l alt Um »nd tuu»li •* iuto out. «(L»rt, and i !• ipt-d *tr»ight u|> in the air. The f»-or ful un»n»ter »h«»t onder hiui, and be (unit dnwn on the l*ridfe, vtveil fro«n ♦!< itli '»ut s«ni<Mi«lT thakoo by the d#- « -lit. TU» r<* \\ a* a mow-nt of «leep >ikno- u Uuii the i,trr*tlau clootd. Then one of the <oinpai»y <*iglKHl i ud «hut up hi* knife, and uiiexjxM-tcdly *aid, "Wbi4 \* thr u«e of pru»« rice of muni wltou • j in in tian lie like that MISI ELLANE4>US. AVER ILL ; i ' ' i ' PAINT »H*aT The MIVFD PAWS W «* in nH Oolorscto sii mrl r roqaftlutf u<> filflhft kliillOß of 41 ftflptr it* II ia of Pur* Whitr, au<l <>f any aba<U or col- I •■>r It la tH^ntaterMlakeewDtutk* trad. -Purr OH. Nlrlrll.v F«re While I.eiMl. r«re« rt# |tm« e»W ■ ruij.' matter j»r <nr»l»lr for tiultn#. wnicti Djr i'Ur \t:Urpr*>x».M<>f iaaii«fa»»ao j unitr.l that th*y . aiiß't *«.|>aral* it will u< vrr chalk, crack or off d■ u<.« run fruiu «■*».« er sail hotra , and f«»r brilliancy of color, ait t t»ea«ty < t ftolrh, it la without » rival Vnt up tu l{, <<, I, !, \ < and » jaH»n Ffcrk- i ac«n and tn ham-:# For in Qiinntifitw to suit W.A.JENMS! bkA TI'LK. Ap k nt tor Vuget f r i \ von Ilanlnare A Fin •- • j Hcflianirs' Tools, v i of all kiuJ a. <>> WUSTHOFF VfALO I >u u? tra<!> ► lir«W>t.{ FRoXT srHfrT. P. O, Bm j JvraUic. \V. T. .... . ... "' IP" —" —. ■ «• FOI RTII OP JULY. B<«la » r* •. ' r t't« SiilJ • i 4TH OF JULY fUTFOBI ' • - « r.ttl t.<<4 tna* >f>rriaretto«e to ' kt JOHN S. ANUKRNOVS, OwfWMte \«* rr a Hall \tlmiiiislßtterV Retire. r iwi »i j« U.t»>i tij l >e»!« 1 vVt et KireC\«at| A4neMa tr*fc r«ttl * f UT lat« t f « I't' fMi IJ «lai.;W aiviiit *msA >■* s »t- n. <i»! iw t. fts« j-r- pr at aif foitVth* sb S«att;«, is tmki lu&4 <• set* *!tue ***r ir> i J .ia i*Ur, * vtll »*» KorrM hT ua tt»*r ye t >Tt+i.r «. ia ;C »*r%t r •» ! S<» r I I' ** 4<* MISCBLLAXKOrS H. H. PIHPRREV. Sft tn PUMPHREY * , |sooks(ltfr and r H ,ilsl <hsL Stationer, BBAT!PIja T W. T. SAMUEL KENNEY, Tailor Km Juat r»-«'»ivetl a i»rw autl cboi«a STOCK OF GOODS . *v» afirinf a«Mt Aiimaier wear. KAfHIONABLK SUITS «>i. to order. J / . J f | / J ' i . \ M»r»«. traiHr, W. T. MOORE & CO. <lt?aler* in Fnt«h mid Malted •ml a gi iit*ral asaortuu-ut of « " « €>l- 1* O «• ■ «»M IW but brimli of CIGARS ANI) TOBACCOS. tj |i nn r \ / y i! Owl df HibJ 4fUfck>n BtrteU,B»attlfc PHOTOGRAPHY •«* am Ii .' *■ t R. H. CARDWELL, iftiii-taAor to) (iEUKCiK MO( iliE. ' »il I J f : i i i/• jI Hull* of ruwau uc tha uimt (kw* u# th< HRATTIJC MARKET *rn.mV7», „ in »fr Com tnarru) aiul WMhibKV.ti MrrrU. THE BEST OP WORK DOBS IK THIS CUM and SATISFACTION GUARANBKED. SmUl* V»t M, lift*. Oppwiifioii Ls the life of Tr»W. ill BWCBIITB SUP Hw tww ratiMTiliM hr th* nn !'rrtjrn- >t oo ?iia t«n h - k, at th« h<-i»l of ((mrKuciAL sr., X«u tV flMttlr ud Vtllt Vdli Railibt.l lt» poi.»Mnlu cmt nmm *I!J (f» tka w*rtk of tfcasr :ii> »!•*> AiliituU f liU«*kaeiiU»ir»* W .rk wi 11 b* «!<>&« to r4»r. JShip, Steamboat, Machine, Mill. Railroad. TiO^'mcr ('amp. Farm and Wagon Work. A r».l Il,<fwr i otit Villi u~*iorm tit.,' 4>a p*:at. A. C. CAMPBELL. EASTWICK. MORRIS & CO. *Civi| fti.i lffiair.g k i 1 * ~ BNaiNßSms. itauiiSo. 1 Bunrt'.i ( mr. CmuMnM A Mrrtli S#«cUa. fid) T»rrtt ry Owl *ad *bm ■»!■— ml )■* mtA mlmm, tm »#7«d. iaJ rrfurVxl tfti. aotiauktM floe f irr.iah^o itucu< o |ivre to Cm. J u.) w tL» ■ UMI •< f 117 M*|a m rtrav tr(« N»* 1' If" ,_ m r* HOXT MISCKM.A NKOI'S HOI.MB i liLIIRK. •( and liralrr* In FURNITURE ramsTm™ GOODS, COMMERCIAL BTREFT, SEATTLE. «. mm j m Tbei* lament Slock Contains Parlor Sets, Of rtrnnan Tkpmtrr an.t hair Cl« lh Bed-Room Sets ■* s o « 5 j V i.'»W4<l* AJ.KrT AM> trt *.KßU. (rtniii*.! with blti k wiiuul. Sofas & Loiiges, OF llAlli CLOTH and TAFESTKY Motudlnss, ot CBOQUrT SETS. | CoAhj, Burial Cum, Caskett, kc. %T All purrhaiwsl at this ratablliihiurtit, wll. b* ileilvt-n il free lu any part of thu rltr. 1 Siealllti. Jul/ UUh, 1870. Ye Slrangers | .U* ' - want Vo be* restored ! KNOW YE! That you can have your spir its resuscitated. and the inner man satisfied, by railing at the mm nni mnumnimi WHERE 1 Stoali.B, Oliops, And ill thrddllriflM of Um aeaaoa art' K*rv<tl in the be«t New York !<lyle. . l'r«M mm.m by Uu>(rUuM, ami supplied to Parties an.l gent iti quantities to anv phut* whuw there i* >teaia communication. .. Q , Fresh Maiir faidirs, Ami *n Amovlmm nt ■ f FINE CABLES OrwUutly on bsnfl r»k«i tu or tlx* »n th« »hortr«t notice, ftall *uj>»>« r>. m l Partifn M»j UtU, I*'* WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen ! um mt m m *2 At Pmith's Cove, throe miles below Seattle. A <*OOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange forwell broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenained place, or at this Office. m2otf Dolly Varden M A. JL. «» €» NR . Front Strttt, near Um Pavilion, B»ATTI.« W. t, At tb« DOLLY tARI>HJ»* - M rXE>, UQIOIIS, HE Eli. AM) CIGARS | »f th« BEHT QCAI.'TT, will «!*».» t« »rr»ej t.. l.lil (ITTEB'S OLD Bf)tßßo\ "WW ■■ ■ fflW K W * - A*D THE - i BKST CIO ASA IN BKATTLK are THE IFrCIALTTES AT Til 18 HOC*! Smith k J*wett, MISCKI.LAXKOUS Seattle Planing Mills «w. W. >iTKTHOX. SASH, DOORS BLINDS. FRAMES. SIIITTERS. AND WOOD FINISH of every description. SFASOXED LIMBER OF ALL KINDS COS ST A STL Y OS IT IM> FEED GROUND AT OUR (VRIST .MILL, AT REASONABLE .Srtttle. W. T,. »Vb 1», ItG* BOOK & STATIONERY STORK lOM L J AMIKSOA (Ne*l duoc to tfckwfttmchcr Hro*. Co." COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE, T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALBUMS •'«*• »n«1 ■<■*«» Tin: CHOICEST CIGARS AMI TOHACCHS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. W. A. JENNINGS Wh>>lt*ala aitJ R»t*i) P«aUr >« CHOICE Groceries, Provisions I j Hardware. 4?iiw leas, j " !CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Imported and California : w wm w:m 9 Foreign ami Domestic I Liquors, et«.,etc. Proprietor of tlio fl owing well-known Brands of Cigar* " Foster," "Uttlo EM." ...And.... 44 Pride of W. T. w i &F. /// (lootis gu a ran tee* I as re//resented. ■ ■■ St^"<i—U lUllrtrfd In th« CAJ fr«a >f < karge. Commercial Street, Seattle, W. T. SEATTLE BtKEItl j AND PROVISION STORE Will Mml, IralUr, W. T. L. REIXIU, Prop'r, MAXVFACTL'KES Bread, Cakes and Pastry or ALL KIN i»a : in GRAIN, FLOUR. OROCK- Rli.S mhl HyjVI.SIONS, of the u*t quality. lieceitcs OREGON PRODUCE by every itramtr. FRUITS, PABTRIKB, CANDIEH and CONFKC TIONERIK* 4 , j»r» p»r.«l m tb« neat est *tyk\ Al»>, TORACCU aud CIGAR*, or Price* auderate. Articles dtsiiv ered at private houses in .'battle. %• (Vdcr* fillrd to all part* of the > Sound. «2o THOMAS JACKSON. Tb* popular proprietor of the old IUal«lv Hntfd for vnw, ha» moved to tin* *>t.l ha»\>i>, n. | the okl 1 UNITED STATES HOTEL An • First -< 'lass Saloon Ukl UOARIHU HOI Si; Hrattl*. Aprtll. ls"C. PONY SALOON, K« I't J'Y BEN MURPIIY Conu r Commercial and Main »tr. < », theC. H. Hotel 'I'HIH ia the place , viOt to hav< tlir lnt>«-r 1 mau re^Uulahed. Cigars, Tobacco, Wines, and Liquors Always on hand. Nealtla. W. T., Man h J5, 1875. DANCING SCHOOL and atarday Evening Soirees Under management of Profs. Ilrotherliooil & Stein wctr. At REINIQ'S HALL Classes for minora, Tuesday.«t and Fri ' day*. Adult* —Mondays and Thurs days. Hoi rues Saturday evenings. Families taken at reduced rates. Mumc furnnli««l for any and all ucca« aions, at reasonable rat<s. WANTED IA<iO«» BOOTH*kKK. j ! wi*, r*n mak* nfwfel w>rk If ■ f J»)it . j r»i» tuvc *uijiloTinriit f--r *oui«-tim* at «>•*- l'««rt T' wruM nd Hho* £uqulrt of 4011 X KIT/PATHIt*K« i-ort vr». J iun 9th, ' s I-: A I T 1. 1-; BROOM FACTORV ISAAC CHILBERG, Proprietor , CIIKKHV (rrBBET. H*c ad, If: \TI L*. —o— bfjmmm kq l r-onatantly on han't U> tnrrl the «>f th« tr*4- a:.'! brv' tii* i«aJ< t-> M<W i" ilit j«kf bum 1hr»« Je#< j.j tin« uf t-i vtu« ftrr nuu)«, %uu '» »r> wjiui v. th« )*-*t *f il»< ktn<U lmj. rt». ~Nt wUk.ft will )<• »oi<l bj wL at ( nr. i».m >rn <-«, Utfl by rruii »t «*••«!»• (trie**. Al»j, WHM A*D CHILI'RFVH IsRfMtV-t br*Jin» d«tlvrr*it to »uv ;.*rt of tUt rity »iU'- •»jt ftiUlitioiikl cbtfgf. A ak yiur gr**t tor tb« Rr -.»» bMttie. A j>rll If. IHI. ADELPJII SALOON. I'UVB WINKS, LiqUOKK, anil O IOARS, OI'J'OHITK YK*L F.IC <? u I 1.1 . ft»*»ti». * T j-i I'.tßt. l.t/Mif. NO. 11.