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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. PROFESSIONAL CAKDJS. iSSmn 4 .uieii«r ATTORNEVri-AT-LAW AND I'flßttr In *RJZ. s* fort Ttrwaasa^. •ry. y . / t ■ 0 P. JENKINS, BEATTJX, W. T.. A rroHXK r-A rt.\ *' HOIJCI Z?i IS CHASCKHT. A v/> pnwro/t / HUIJMJUAJ.TR . /.vu M' HVMR ° " St?** IfMWMT * HA LI. KB, Attorneys & Comsllm at Law, POtT TUWJ9UD. W. T. WUt pnrtU* la si! »h« r*mrt s of In »h* T»rrMnr> •irwa m twuii »rnas»«. e»saaira acwi iiMfii., mrriJ, c M.BRADSHAW, FORT TOWNHKND. W. T. «. *..« - -- * V -♦«»— -y- " * ~~ "* isM> ) Mi.llii.»sa. Ta-e bt *ss MrMLVRA HIRkK. ATTOHSKYM-AT-LAW, SEATTLE, W. T., wui «4at Vnsiasas la all parts of tt» T*. nw*y. M H. Me* i «' H. B*s»«jaJ' MCONAHA I HANFORD, * 4 *vrzaoaszr t ~' Oirici-Comntn'ikl Btrw>t, cuniar Waabingion, W. T. D. ». SKMTH, I'. S. Cowwl—laser, Jinllm of Oft fftm ssfnvsirTswr. < uiudl<«s suml* un *ll sums uuJ»r • KIS. Imp «a 4 sSOss psossa Osvs ss4 OcSuuwl •.igu.'-aSssS aocncsA asres*. uro< s-iWnw ul TUfd ni4 fcsw** fuk OR. FRED. N. SPARLING. (Lots of ths U. I. Army,) «*ff nir'M.r I* Mtrmumo**. onriciox (HiUMKOCI AI. STBWrr, suuoiui NORTH HOOPITAL, AJ.S. MAGGS, • tar Battle m 4 Rim Mur*. *a*T OW OC- cuNWTt#* B<#Tiu m DBN^ipTRY. i»« J C. OIAM*. hentiht. or smkriw KMTMltfd. Ul HBITAT *• MOTAW«. WfvljliWß, I ATTKVTtOX OIVKU TO iXH^ I , 4ft*s- Tfp— >#W>r Won K— t T. MIL HAU OS H4MVHAK. Plpjtian, Smpisii Actflicta Ofin at » raiJ acs (*hrt ry Strtrt, I*- t*nu Pr**t Knd *rewi Wrwrta, BKATTI.K, W.T. QlSsldl H.B, Mm BRATTUC. W. T. I\B ■ •. mmm. tatt of II VttarlaMeSw a* tar***? »» ,k# Mirloaaa Omlrai MaUuwl Obllags. ulll ii 1 Vv,r,rsr DR. G. A. WEED, HI'RHKWK AN» VHVHKIAN, . JU-'.AnXK. W. T. I • 4 * * . ■ J» ____ _ . . Taraa VtHn wr J»** Ijs*s"» MeKAIGHT A LEAKY, uttohxkts. at- lav, so/jcj row utt MANCKur. s /•*<* - tvUtlW ADJtIMAJST JTw!. Sw»m!a».Tr < »lw SB Ska sat «f Rmi bate, iau uaa. urn. a^u D& JABS BAKER, rajTMUW * sm«Baur. MW'OOi- Oaass TFCU\T M 4 V**L «SW»SI f fHy- <>aaaaiii Htsut. urnswi raa un laea^Kia lIB.G.I.CMLIIOI V eaame, W. v. •#ea aopMail* UatmuMa u > »*r»c« (BQAJID AND Tt ITION Twe Ysaag Ladies * wuaiac mai Itsa ta Fmfih, enai. &Ei|lish Stsdies *Ri cmrncta BXJICK 1 or YOUR BKIRT was Qtnunr. j i ih. is rutfa}, mtrnj J»'ar« ig >; Üb. *0 many ky« h^tswii S is and bright -fsys, and Jay* of pain, l>ayt of gru { stnldav* of j*>, r.-i.- Sweeth«-art. «inc«* I of rtur h< vr «u «ja»-en <»h, a* mar.r, mary dr»ary Injur*, Ob. to many «uf* w*» tc tb harr ««*f» Hise and au-t, ami f!n»h wi'h r«-«t tire ski«>". Shidews falling ui»hi * *>! and s»' tu sir f *«H»r hirl wn «pj«^n Ob, %<• many tnoes I «it nrxl «ri«h We Si re wutig \gM-u %i*l a-ftU dream Of oi4d<T« *-•*» Bai Utk Xoiie to love an I fr-a« dm a»rrww •ereeat. ha»*«-theart, sine* J tf v<>or h»-art wss ijQttll. Ethtl A//#»,. THS FIRST TSOUSAWD DOL LARS. Tha first ilolltrt iLtt • young man, »fter going out luto the world for himself ««rns fttid um, will , generally settle the • pu-«tiou of business life with him. There may l«» excep tions to this statement . yet fur a rule, h « think it will hold true. Th« tirst condition ii that the y<Hiiigruaa natural ly oiru*- tit* thousand doil»r*. itiqn«-t»on. He *f.»••• not Inherit thi* suiu. It doe. init < uiu« to hiui by • streak of g'»«i j luck—as the result of a fortunate ven | turn iu tbe purchase and -.alu of a hun ; dred tbur« * of It is the fruit of personal Industry. He give* hit time and tabor f<>r it. While he i<» thus n»ru ing and auvtDg it, lu- ma«t tm two or three, or pefliop* four t fuse- at- billyh to pay bis cur root c\p» n«ms. It* is, con ' S^uuutly, helil dternly to the tusk of , industry lor ft consiierobli petiod. The ' direct consequence to b!m is steady, continuous, and solid discipline in tbe • habits of industry—iu patient, jx rais teut foreaetings snd self-denying effort j —breaking up all the tendencies to in doleuce ftud frivolity, a:.d making him on tamest oud wotthfuk renuoutists of tin 0f not only learns how to work, but he also acquires the love of work ; •ltd, uiori-over. he learn* the value of the sum which h<> has thus «t« r>| out tt* his earnings Jiu ha* toiled lor it ;he has 010 rfel its alow isi rnsai frotu tims to tiuia, ami. in tin estimate*, it represents So manv years of practical lab.r. His id«as of life act- »hap d by hi«. c.v u ex poriencc. Tha natural «<rte< t« of earning the first tttousand dollars we bold to be eery largS benefili, 't hey aru just the quslitios of mind and body which are likaly to secura business iuomu in after years. They constitute the best practi cal education which man can have as a motkmr in this working worl«t The\ US gamed in season to i life'*. purposo- Ot the opaning |H>riod, just when they ; ore wanted when foolish notions ate moftt likely to mislead an inexperiemod broiu ; »»d when, too, there is o full opportunity Cur H|isii«mii kmi develop- Qi< nt in latter years. Men have but | one hie to lira, and hence they Mart from opening manhood btit onc*< ; and t tha maner in which they start. the pur | po*e whieh they liave in view and tha habits which they form will ordinarily ' determine U*a sequsl o| their farcer on earth To snoteed, nun nm«t have the elements of success with theui.-«cltrt* One gVOftt feasoo why there are so moor useless, fmfiicient and poverty stricken men on earth or rather boys I teaming to l<e men— consists in tbe fact that tbay did not stall right. A promi i nent reason Why the children of the j rich to frequently amount to nothing j may l>e found in tbe luxury, case and i indolenos which oiotks the comas am o ment of their lives It 19 the law of I tiotl that we should be workers on ; earth ; and no ooe so well consults the 1 devalopuieut of his bciug *- when he iX>oCsr«o* his tn tt.ts law The . wiwkars iu <«otno suitable sphere ar« the I only really strong umi 111 thi» woiUi DEAN SWIFT llr. Foster «ay« 'The rule fur nit aauring what n kaowabie at a fain* ous man iy the invirsw ritio of what tin* bren s;tid aV ut him i< applicable to Swift in a marked degree. Few iu»n hare Uwn taiW.d a***it «o »i ,ah that ara known an little '* This i« in a areat measure due to :Saift By hi* own ooufaasim ha iired « "lib by gtealth." Thar the fa uiou* dears ha> tveu har ilr dealt with, ?Vw aiil deny. John ion did him a«» kiud >•/ justice tie c»u*e at too little liking lur turn. Sc>tr arcrpled theatatanient of other* Utau«t ha hid too much work to do. J. ffrey. caring more for tine anting than truth, said of hiiu that be was 'an iii fMfcik*. >ulkl«4 or itedttfrrei.! ut lelig lob, a 4efatu«r of buraanitT, the (Imj 4mr af etat« Sinen who had set vol hiui, aMtls <i st rot» rof the woman ed him " Thackeray did u t understand the dean He could not appreciate the pamioct and tenderness which agitated that rough Irish heart* >wiftdad not win lore to outrage and waste it. but i terrthb »u*ledv prevet te*l hint from «.n ;oyiuf it i' wiaku*** and >tieasksa ail » | kr'oosu ot» r that character. l«*it at time* it was lighted up by a gesit r>«i>» and aiitcrre « motion In his writings ire «\ht'4t«d a contempt Ukl WUnl of bud very dtfiurrtrt to tW playfelaes* and f t<jorh which charms us in t*«# / vir* L* ft**!* In MMaia of his >wift resembled a dem-wi. and }« t *h v who ku« huti b*b ami wbu u* d repeat to to th U sou' lotrsd and duap to him with tf«T\Jtto* to the last. t>f saift's (<owcr aa a eriUf tk«nii( |o l itjnf •atire and sarcasm do man surj****'! h*m. Ha gae«> to Kuriiah proer a naw force hen he tir*t s« t ab>>Qt writing h# formed the re>uluuoa 'to pr\<on J in a mar ner that stf*o'.| !•» SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 19. 1H76. w th'- world * ~ :ZSG already too macb nsneeatf-d with »odles« r*p#-titio«i« upon «*s*ry eabj«*ei. To thtt b# adhered. nnd to it hi* writiof* own their chief ratu* TILE MOOJT AJTD TUX IAITH I b*- in t**» tb*t th* iw<o« eterU an ii.f :en e on tha weather u *o deeply rooVed toe*. nut witint unitiiff all the ■*ttaek« that b*v* made against it eioc* meUoroiogy kas been j»rk>aeir stadia*!. it 'oottnu •* t<> retain it* hoi 1 upoa at. An i yfct there never f«a popular superstition mora utterly with* <mt k ba«i« than tbi« on#- If the moon did really paeaeaa ivoy pxerr oe,-r the woiidwr, th.»t j>ower O'uM only tw fi erted in one of threu wayt —by reflwe ti« »ii of ttie luui ran, by attract fa*, or by fttiution. No e*bef fbrtn of ae tidfi U Conceivable N'ow, as the bright est iight «»# a full iim>» mi never equal ia intensity or quantify to that which i* reflected towaru* us i«y a white eloud <m« n «"»Tnm«r d»y, it emu ■m arc»dy b»* pre t'-ndvd that wtufbrr it effected by -.uch a (4iuc. That the m<»»n dues tl«it »t» tr«etm«i> on u* it manifest—we se* it working in the tides; !mt though it Can move w it» rit if most anhkely that it <wn <t«> the *am«* with air, for the »|mhm tic gravity of the atmosphere is to -<nnill th*t there it nothing to be attracted Ijaplaoe ealciiLated, indeed, thai the joint attraction of the aiid mooo b>- K«« her cooid uot stir the atueoaphera at a quieker mte tlian five mile* * day as tor Inner •aiaimtiona, not a of them ha* over been diaouvered The idea vf an influence produced by the phases of the moon is therefore ttifetfl on iif i rtnnjm/a!h« (asw wbatttur. Furthermore, it it n «w di«t:nctly shown that no variations at nil really occur in tin* weather at th» moment of the changes of quarter any more than at ordinary turn-*. Hince tbe establish ment uf iucteoruU*gig*l statuaia ailover the earth, it hit been proven by mill ion* of observations that there i* no Mmilfctnt onene«» whatever bqffcwfan the wipiMwed cause and the Mppneed effect Tr,e whole story is a fancy and a sujierstitionwhieh ha> lwiui handed down to us iuier<Uitrollud, and which we have a<( vpte l as true U*caueu our forefathers Ix'liMved it. Tlio moon trxi'ercises no mora inHuenue on the weather than herrings do on the Government otSwit itrr l.Hfal MOHAMMEDAN FANATI CISM. In ovory Mohsmm.'d.'in anuimiuutjr— ! Kuropeau, Asiatieor African —there ex- ' ista a few men who believe thair creed ; with an intensity which sr.irely any other faith inspires, who entirety trust its promise* of future reward, ami who nrc so tilled with ths pride ot beiug in trusted witli the "one true fnitli," that they hold life and wealth and ease as absolutely nothing in comparison with ttie sxteusion anil defense of I*lam. They will dare anything to revenge an ; insult to it, < udtire any tiling to win a convert to it, and f*co anybody who of feis them through death an op|>ortuu sty ot r<-alising its promises, with a ■art iff delight in suffering which Christians consider a prerogative of their own martyrs. Over and over have a few Mo haintnt'dati soldier* charged whole ni.tssks oi Kurop«itns. said cot .1 way , through them, or boon cut to piece*, without a man of tlietn making an ef fort to escape. Over and over again hare minute parties ot Mopish*, in ; Southern India, seldom exceeding twen ty iu number, -lain somo Hindoo op pressor, defied the British gorerntuent, and when attacked, rushed on the Highlanders' bayonet*, content if Only the fatal thrust were deep enough to let tiieni reach the infidels with tlieir knives Over and over ag;tiu hatro small bod ies of lui ks, <l. fending village* or fort* refuted all term", endured starvation till the last fuod w»i eaten, and then died righting, with a *>rtof triumphant ioyooaueaa iu death. Nothing in the j history Of liruece, ur Uuliitwor .Kugiand ■urpmnr*. the herm-m which Mflseul tuana, e\eit«d by their creed, have from time to time evhibited, under the tuont unfavorable circtiDistance*, and there is j no rvaaon to doubt that theapirit which animated atich men animate* tome of their corcligionuta now. The idea that the ••fanatn-a" have all diotl out ie at faix* a« the idea that tbare are no pioua Mussulman- i« ft. nwm klmi live up to their light aft strict l> and earnestly an any C&lviuiata or lftgh Churt huteii iu Kngland Tuk Two Webster. -When Mr. J Wr hater vi-utiti, afttr he hail attained fan*- enoigh to p?<c*d« him, an Kngli>h gentleman t-*>k him to •t* Brougham That *imd< tit Bnt.»n rac»»tv**i our I)anM *itfc *<aeb «-ooin»<a that hi- waa glad to git away and baric t<> bis ro mi. Tim fruwd who b.;<l taken him returned t'» »;j ha«te ar.l r Uy Lord, bow «> li I<i VOU !««*haVr * Ith SUt ll UtJsr«Uiing iy .tud dtwiturtMjr to *■ great • liw jr» r a.xi < U »n*uU u>g trtbhn and Ha# air with iaar- ' :iiuaiiut>." " Why, «rbat ou aartb bare I <hme, atui whom have I Iweu iu-!o U.V* ; •• r« Dunh'i Wvlwtee, of the lS<*tia?e ..f tb«- I'nitcd Stataa." tlTeai Juiutt r, what a Muu<Ur! 1 Uh*igbt U»at u «m tbvt frliow W*Wor who mad? a diet*mat] and nearly ruined the Knglbh lan guage " iht ii the grmt cbanvt qui. k!y hunted up th<- American Sfoa t<*r, an i hating othvr ta»te> in common » <-*i<ie* Uw and pcli'iC*, they tuade a r*» y j% 1 ni„'Vt <>f it --// }*r *j\*r J»mr. TUk. >U.a»tLS ut (ivUMJMUr X„w Yv n j-ay» t«> it« 'i »t ni(*i an an mul ialary ot w!ueb it the bigh«at )-ani in tti« I', U«i»iai« l+y California N«v wia Ki<ht Stat*-» Kentucky. Maa- Mtas* un, North Carolina, l\nn»yleaiita. To*a«, Yirgimaand Wi*. cdo«ia"—|<*y t&.CG6: Mary Wad $4,500 Threw fctatr* Alabama, «Georgia and • M»i.» t< \ikxMii Oanv boa anl Flocvia pay «aob iUaeas Indiaaa, Mmneealt. Hiwfcwtppi New Jensj and Teaaaeeee |ftj WbR- Oi <O. DUoois. Lwa and Haifti pay t-ach #2,50/- We« («r< 700. Coai..vUtut "iOO. aad Mwfcif n. Xebraaka, New !laaap»h*r<-. Mi ode la land ar.d Termowt pay iheir Ooiecaors respect;rely a salary o4 itt«l Al ISCKLLA XBOU &. ! I » H. PIMPIftEV, ; " ':TV '* » • '! k . - 1 * v 4 • Successor tn :, ■»..{■ > ■ ' 4 PUMPHREY t I ' | ""YOUNG. ,r- i • I ISoabeUer and" <*c:.» t f i:.* *9 % ' i ; jftaturatr, ; ; ; j. . amATTua. w. T.I SAMUEL KENNEY, Xrrrliaat T»|+or i ) « T*' **' 1 | ■M Jtwt rtcnifj * n*w and c b<4t* STOCK OF (JOODS' For ftpnat utd Mnmmm »•» FASHION;VBLK SI JI TO j llMk to er*er. i CMMmrrttal Mr»r», MM*!, a MOORE & CO. dealer* In Fretfth and Halted N EATS * * ' „i. * * > ' J I. *. v■ * »*» ftiMlftgnwral Murtmcttt of CS «• «» «»«* Alio, Hw l«t tfM<U of CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Oor««rof Tknd fc Dcioa Stnata. Suult. I . f PHOTOGRAPHY —-I>—. . - » R. H. CARD WELL, (*occw».r to) GEORGE MOdTSE. hull* l\f IW*« u« tfe> ||M low €ft l|> UtATTTJC MAKSIT BniFlXTi. c.*un Coio. iK«rci»l u4 Withiaxtoß itm>u TKE BEST OP WORK SOKE 01 THE CILUBT ui SATISFACTION O I'AltAlf BRBI>. a—tii «u. iMk * -» *» Op|Wjrfil«m IK TH# Ufc>«TTrafe. i m mmm m Hu U« by IK* ot*!»r»lf««*.l < o !>• <>*ti h « k. il tb* ' oommi>k<ial sr., Mttr ft# T»ttl« m 1 V«n* r»H, tk#r. his r> will <*< ft' **ft u4 th*tr tn »-y AU liotf* «t lfcrl will b» J- >• Ship. MiJl. Railroad, IjOpQfinff. Farm a**l Wagon Work , A*4 luhmM*! "fc** ~ \. 4 <\MPRKU.. MISCELLANEOUS HOLMES & (ILIIRE. *f awl IV*lrr« FURNITURE OPHOLsTm'tOOJS,, , OOMMEKOIAL STREET. SEATTLE. ♦ f »''l|S Their Immense Sux k . OooUia* Parlor Sets, Of flin— Tap«*tr? and btirCktt Bed-HoomSets *j V ' t _ I OP BLACK WALJiI T A.VJ» WHITK ASH. trlmui«sl ( with black vtfont. Sofas & Loiiges, ,OF HAIK CLOTH aihl TAPESTRY 1 Onairs, l Curtains. iSSuSdIXX^B^Ot croquet" sets. ; Coffins, Burial Cases, Caskets, ftc. j «7* Ml gtadi puwlMrd at (hi* rutafctUhawat, ' vil. CM delivered frea in any |>*rt of tli«> city. t i ft#atti«. Jutj Hth. 1375. : Ye Strangers ; and all who feci weak Ami! , want to bo restored ! ! KNOW YE! That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner 1 man *atiMlied. bv <>allinsr at the I%KT SlUft UFHSHMCITIfIQI ' < «V' 1 WIIKHK 1 stealsjS, Oliopju, | !. And ftl) U»r of th« aruu« ar* mtN In th« W«l,New lurk Mfta. ! ; by the an J to Partis ' , aid scut iu quantities! to any plaiv blkiv tLert- in i»teara communication. Frc.vh Made (audits. A »<l mi A«*Artm#nt «t I PINE CAKBS ' CV»n«toTifly , <<»i W. .Win* mml# to 4m*i' tb« »b'>rv*t mttrv. Ball »wrl ftrtu* tmu;>U«xl. , TUflfih. 1 p«. b : '<• * : d i f .*T i A 9 1 ' WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen ! .. ' * j ; fIH At Smith'? Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well | broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed or at this Office. m2off Dolly Varden m Ml JL«» OM 9 Front Street, sear Um Pavilion, STaTTTA w. T. At »b« TAirrr* WRYR$ T J.fQf'OlUi, HKLIL, AM* CIHAKS <rf th» BIST QT »T.ITY, wfH » , -4»y» b* xt n' to nfrars OLD mm\ Trrt lilOT CIGAB6 IN SEATTLE TWK A»ECtAI»TUA AT THIS HOl**E Smith * JTWEU, MISCEJXASKOVB Seattle Planing Mills €*. W. Ma»a|fr. S A S H,D O O R S BUNDS. FRAMES, SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINISH of every description. VFASnxrn LUMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HANI>. FEED GROUND our (JILLST MILL % at Rtasaiiabf* Kates. W T.. Vth. 19. IIC*. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L JAMIESON (Next door to Mohwebeebee Bros. A Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS STATIONERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALBUMS MIAMIASU TOBAOC Subscriptions solicited for S. K. and F* stern Periodic*)*. 1. A.JBHNCS i WbotaMir «d iiMi oMt#r to CTTOICE Groceries, Provisions I Hardware, /inc Seas, | CROCKERY, f' ' L ' 1 •* * "'l 4>v '*» . ! GLASSWARE, ; FLOUR, FEED, ETC. • .» : . ■ Imported and California "ww mmm: m 9 Foreign and Dom^slic Liquors, etc,, etc. ALSO i • »; * '»< tvau »■* **l' tWS Soi« Proprietor of Uw fllowing ***U«kj*>wn Braivlt of (Irov "Farter, - " IJltUo Ed." Aad.... "Pride of W. T." (iaads guaranteed as represented. —™> * KTO<»4i d*ltT«rid lu tke City fiM nf Otf|« Coaußircial Btraet, fteattte, W. T. SEATTLE BAKERY AUD PROVISION STORE Mill Mrrot, fkallto, V. T. L. REIMG, Prop'r, MAsrrAcrr KF* Bread, Cakes and Pastry OF ALL KINDS ! l>-*la in GRAIN, FLOUtt, OUOCK BILS tL l PROVISIONS, „f the be* qmlitjr. * < HMOON PRODUCE by ♦*▼*: v K(*p* Flll'Mf*. PAHTkiKH. CANDIKM and CONJ'KC TIONKLU&S, jjcepami in the o«*t< «t fttyle. Also, TOBACCO and CIGARS ttT* PrioM moderate. Article* deli? ••rid at private hoot*** in Saattl*- *,* Ord*r« filled tost! part* of tb« •■J* THOMAS JACKSON. U>« old UNITED STATES HOTEL la i First - Clang Saloon BOAKJHIfti HUM T»u«. V.Me, AyriU. U7i PONY £ALOON, BEN MURPHY Co«m* o.ll—n >1 e»a lUH> «*»*, «i»fM «ar* t* U. B. Hwtet t OifUK Tob»c«o, Wim«, m 4 Utiano Alw*y« o# head. »■>%«** », in*. DANCING SCHOOL ■ml aittrda# Eveni Hot ret* t'ndf mi mn» «f Pnfik toUM-hood * NMawftf. At RBINIG'B HALL CUmm for minora, Ta*»Uy • *rwf PH- A4«lU—Moodftfi tod Thoc»- d®y*» Wrm—Htturday •vwings. KtmiliM ttkoc mt reduced m(m. Mnuq fcrataMipv ou9 tad oil aom. .. . j .ft f •.r WANTED A HW BMTNUU. "**** -w* wo**-. If of +IUI hmkku, jm h*y fvr MM ttm# it tbt frrt Tnwoam* fib <* HUirv • Kafitr* of JOHN FITZPATBICK, POUTTOWIHIO. Jnn* Mh. IKT6. 8 E A TT LE BROOM FACTORV EUC mum; pngotur cmtMMYmmn.wmu«ma Mtm.i —o— k»v* MiMtMtly «a Iw4 lo «>ml ||« of Htm Aula, m« Ihmm mm «• •H«r tc nit pir h—n Tfcra* AmHb|| «■ W hww ir* m*4*, vl Ub •rtfn. udl>rr«toUii«HtUt)nm. A too. WIOB A*D CHIUDB**-* BftMOMI, IkroonM a»H*»r*l I* toy sort of tk« «llf wltl»< « «l xhlihuml itorc •*" A ak yw |w« for It* ktlU* k««. WuHT. Afrtiw. MW. ADELPHI SALOON. iy'l IV m WINBN, LIQUORS, and OX OAB.B, OrtOMTM YK*LICKS HA!J.. V T «. laOKMuil NO. la.