Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY LmELLIGENCER. VOL. I. I'ROFK-StrJN A it < AKI>S a r ■ 1 DENNISON b. BLANCHARD, ATTOHNFiyS-AT-IjAW AND Frw'tor* in Admiralty. •» f" rt T«»»•' t>4 w**; it. • " rr ' ftll cry. D P. JENKINS, SKATTLK, W T. i TTOUS'tCY M l \ ». x»tf iron /V CilASf'KftY, .t W' I'U'H 7'//.' IS AliUlllAl.l Y. us. o M If: »a Sr>Al«;in A. HAI.LKK, Attorneys & at L-w. PORT TOWNSITI7D. W. T W. It. AM»KE\VS, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Will »Jl llw ()«rta 'rf K- f Mf. Oi« Trrrl t>fty orrie« is nrn«Ji » srium*«», tnwrn f " ' r>crr«i.. e«m*. w. *• C M. BRADSHAW, •iff o ruey-at-i'M «r, PO RT T WNSK ND, W. T. Jom J M' Om.*»4, Ttt-m licaaa MrWIMU & BtRkC. ATTORN KV S- AT-1- AW, SEATTLE, IU Will ittosd t«» btMtum In all psft* f th® Ti*r. riUtrj. - i « IS C H HAsroan. (iUliirt Atl< rtiry Btt nirtrlt I. W T ) MCONAH& tHANFORD, Stiomry*'-at»ltair, solicitor* Im i hastcery ami t* rod or a In .ithniro/lt/. OfvioK ('ounneri ial Strns-t. corner, WflAlßftflßt Scuttle, W. T. D. S. SMITH, U. S. rominlHHlon«*r, Jtisliue <»f th« I'oiiro and Vofiu y I'nbllr. liollertloia midr nn ill «'«»•»- '• t. *»» *t> t»«MNtn •» I otlirr «lr»«l »» 1 A< k»"*l «tl>iT><-i)ta at ■«!»•'' rt« •»***•» Or» i> * (Virurr it Thlra »!<•! •* !•»•» - Itih DR. FRED. W SPARLING. (Late of th# 11. S. Array,) f*H r«icixr w HI tu. t:o.r. OJ'KIt'K ON COWMMU'JAI. MTRKKT. 3 l»Oi>U» NOUTII "I 111 \ Iti' O l 1 \i.. Gjj» J. S. MAGGS, Dcntiwt, OFFICK, MILL HTIiKKT, tirir ■'!<» lUri .n* Nl.irt- I: WV Of OC CIDKNTAL lIoTH. CJ* DENTISTKY. I' OF vMCSsk mTTTt ju< on « .us urr 111 AH *^l Kuanuit<*e<l. n ' HENRY E. HATHAWAY, COLI/KCTOR. I >\HTUI I.A It ATTKVTION OIVI N TOO)!. I lm-l!on f detail T»u*« f<-r V-s» Hr» U'iil» fr»»» ,-f i Oftit with W M. YORK. XtUm.ry at l4«r. W T. at.*Mf. lilt. IIA MOM II OK KM IN, Physician, Snrpon and Accoßchenr O/tirr lit t c» C ry Stn-t, ' tiffin h'lVHt <**«/ «N • »■! StiYft*. SKATTLK. W. T. DRS. A. & H. B. BAGLEY, Houiaopath ists % SKATTLK, VY. T. nn n k BArtt rr. t \rr fßorr*K«r »>r ar.«l I'riitl. * of > »« "># \l > C»>utrat NC-li *1 mi'.l «»|wrm»vo >uryry »1 t l *"* »n ■ al I* Mul 10 .».(• iU • V»t t'f lit# VllHd. «ll# DR. G. A. WEED, NI'IHiKON AND PHYSICIAN, SKATTLK, W. T J»mm \l>Nti«ar Jon* I.*.*** McNAUGHT £ LEAKY, a ironsar>. ,i 7 - / a n*. ><>/,/< /- ions is cha ,Yc hit r .f ru<n - TO lib IS ADMIIiAITY. will pnartic* l» th* Pt*l!i< l v-i>' •» t- : re C -urt». Mr Lwj <«n;l ®»*» t ' » !<■ U n*. (>«tvrup lit* *»' a.» • tv. ti i* , »ua ►*> ~f k-US Jaty nth. t«?2. )>t> l»K. JOIIX HAkKit, rimw /.i.r m /, RJLSIPKXi f «, r- « t t ; . x j • tr.-< t» Ol MO— v , < oi»k Kuntihii DR.G. IMMLIIOI N\ Seattle, W. T. o;>j. ! js; I |ItOAHI> ANI> Tl I PiON c«u l*c v .tu ; ftl { r Tho Young LndifM HI -1» iiiMr!. t» French, ersan. & English Slaves Arpij»«. isi.s f.t tt' \rrß«! HOME. fcV JAMZA M-j* riiOHEKY. I « a » !. of ?*. 'j iand the prida, )U ; .«1 by t-asen o'» r at' the world V) irr>- satt s*reu»-r light. An 1 <t» r t-., iOO» «mpsr» !ii« Uwiiijflit, A land < f -a'y, virtu*, valor, truth, Ttma-tor(or«"l ag<» wl I'> *«-«•* a ltesl y^»uth Th«; wandering uariri*r, whta< • v- ex pi ores Th'! w.alti.k-l is'.the u» *t etie'emt ing s!i je* «, \"h a> ij <t a rnaltn so beautiful ai.d fur, brf *th«t th» spirit of a purer att In every eluu« the magnet of hi» •ou!, If urh»-l t>y r«*r»»en»bfa hv. tr<m ! «l» -to ttie e; pf>r iii tins lind oi i. s | < ciiliu grac>. I heritage of nat ure's nobh-st rat e, i hr« is n spot of '-arth -uprt me y bh*st. A >!ear< r, jhH thiin all the re^t, Where mm, creation * tyrant, casts ruside Hi* sword nixl seepter. j ageantry and pride, While in his snfteneil benignly bland T(i<. .ir#« th« noli, the btt>battd, brother, fr i«nd. ll* n woman reigns; the moth**, daugh ter, wif*. >!r« w with fresh flower* th«* narrow way of life' In the • lear heaven of h< r dtdight ful eye. An 1 guard of lose and graces lie , Around her knee* domestic duties inert. Ami tir- «id«j pleasures i/ tml>ol at her fe«'t ' Whnrt -.hall that lanl, tb it spot of earth be found ' , Art thou a mail ' h patriot r—look around ; oh, th iu -bait tind, howw'er thy foot steps roam. That land thy country, and that sp->t thy home t STORIES OF CALIFORNIA LIFE. Jay Ch irlton. the New York eorres |«>iideut of the Iktnbury Sef*. -p< iking of "Gabriel Conroy" and it* author, ««v liret 11 »rt«■ i)Hrr4 iitlln tv Calit'ur mi. fl<- nvvcr made hi* pile tlitre, niter it had rvfus I t" uiakc hiui wealthy ho panned out fr >m h*m< >!f 40111'' *kctche<» and | > uH that did more for ♦ln glory «»t' fortu 1 than it . ver did f'>r htm. Iha vc ht»rd him express the muuo aver*ion t • California that lie ex prm-f-in hi*'> k 11 i* |kti •n.iliy not a popuUr man; - it I have Always liked luiu. Hi* e«»nvt tfoitiou 1* a* good a* bit writing. He ouoe told me that at a certain time h« was in an inland valley, w lure IIIIKI t had taken to a tawrn a number of *ti :igsrling' r »veler>. of whom he \\ *n <>t;e in a crner »it a little man with hi* h«a«l 110 wed upon bis j hand'* in melant holy meditation Men i were sitting around and play tug cards and drinking when suddenly there ro* ( a tall strong stranger. who, folding hi* artus roared: "1 urn the man from the mountain*.' There wvsv no response* 11»i-» was a challenge to tight There wan fight tin the air Again he *aid %% ith words | of emphatic int« nt. •*I am the man from the m mntainv" | He g«t no tak« r- The atf.iir hecauie I \er\ imprt'ftnive, and the man's manner Iwiaiui' ni »re obtrusive Suddenly the j the tittle fellow, who had be*n sitting i iptii tlx with bowwd h'*f% I in the eoruer, s ftly rose, and m tuUluhl i»ut earnest tan. *, uttt t' I "And I atn the man Iroiu the valley'" The big hully looked at bim a tno men! a: d tbtu took out. i bis rrmitid* me ot a *tory told 1»y j Oeiu-tal Oashwilder. One d»v in the eat ly tune* he was standing in a pio j neer »h*ntv saloon, in co»i{>*ny with a grfat b g tighter, w ho was the terror »<i* ' the earnp and town There w n«»th . u that this giant could not whip, and very little he had not whipped. 1 his lagMlow wa* setting near the bar wh»*i » «tiang»i etil* red. lie was a new comer ir town He ws* not more than tweu'y-five, slenderly built, pah-, with eye*. d«dicat< f»»fttures. and a hand ilk. • girl, lis qsiiUjr up to I thebsr and *.*k *1 for a °f Drairdy Ihe .i»s u ft* j daced 1* tore bim, where upon the bully *ro»e fr«-tu Lie chair, put his big, brawny baud in front of the voungsUr, took the brandy and drank tt The voting nun said nothing, but quietly .i down four bit* and sai l ** 0i ve iue another glavs of brandy The brandy was put on', the gias> filled and tlie bully agfttn reached for ward tiv-k the brandy *nd drank it. The y.iuigstir pit fust lit* on the count* i an I >aid. t snly : " Oitr me gla**«» of brandy." The t«- k'l»s-*4 » *er- put w«t. tilled an t the bully the third time reached foi w k rd, to» k » n'a*- and drank it The \ ( <ui cu an j'ftt i nt* ittention « ven to th< giant s j i«t» U and kmve*. but tak 11 _• the other |t vlrank it *n 1 put do*ti a dollar, rheu. with ew*y man ner. tie left the Utr t >r the door, wa!Hrd t"vi »-r *.x s? p*. turneii like a T'*»hot J ami shot the Hilly through the befti *. A* he t»»Sk \1 »>u! of the dk. th. svid ! <oi>r of ?h<' by*!anvler* • lba: f. 'low m:gbt have hut' s.;m. U>iy. yet." I *a* <Uv «m the plat form of the ** **t of Ul n«?* ants f i! • «■:!.' /K »* *, Wyon .ig T»T r»tot\ A la 4* »«r httle jj rl u»r« -itti- at ,*U 4 f tht ' hi* . Ot» the |*lat(<<riu a hunter with a hr. %■ ri(?' *nd * N*' full • f cai'ii i„»» li ( *>lb tin y.t*v it lud ientf wi pt «tf ; the Snllt't ilrow thmagh tbv thin rlaj»bi*r(l through the coat t-f a man insiwf »■: ! between the head of the l.t-ty ami little *tmlod »; it jut in another » • r?r*«l I «*•» thoroughly netl at hi» cvx^l >.»ff. r» n.-e, *»»•! •'* lor t' «• itnjwtl« >-t SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRCHKY, TUESDAY. JUNE 20, IS7G. th*» ro r 'fß«c* tald : "Id like to be en <:gh t> lick yott, yoa bi«r ch ickle h**i It« t«TM i around rent ier, slaj d me on tha should* r till I thought tins earth *a» shaking f r anil#s rune 4, an J *iH wfth a mile " Pari, ytr ain't 1/i% •nuff, an' yar can't lot!. Yer d b*tt*r jnt jrer bar C*H and n Pard at boy, what . ytr drink. ' Nottain' ! Not rwa with m® * Thfn v<er'd hett«r tie * tin pan terret tail wJ k* 1 w««a F» r 5 » t sa*u be, pattmtr tirt* clapbnar i "A;n't tiiat a party «uiutbe bule'' Them Henry brich-louder* is—" Wli»-n iluran Grwly w i» on In- way to California be met a Forty-niner < uton g Kaat. Tba Cahfornian wa« in a <!r< <ffn! staw about hi* a iram >•; >- tk'ii- Wk k«(4 -aymii. " 1 wish Iha 1 «An»«* of th*-m Cahf»mi» jw rtaters. Tbeu/t «a'in, them is. I> in thi- yer country eunyways. I d givt * t titju *aitJ dollar* £>r a taunt I'ul of oi Cili f rny air. Thai'.- th* placi 1 to ;ivt ii> mi'y kfUtrv wuth hviu' iu. Muuut ingn and ir«l!»-y—stm* hrie* in winter, s|>*r»TL r r>»«-. alirrs, I>*?' bran* w%tur enny wheras, tiuo* climate on th#- face ther yurth iJeru a kentry 1 ik»* this •lown y<*r Californy'a the only pi tit t*-r lit II or a/* «milcd that chiW lik »* stnile of his, an 1 thought he bad tho Cali t'ornian bud when he «aid "My friend, if California is such a splendid country, why did you ever lea re it 'f" " Ikoors#," aaid tho alop' r, " I wore a fula !" Nio*oßaixts.—At Home the names of negro#**, malo* and femalea, who liate been distinguish*d for piety .inl g«x*l work*, are found in th»* calendar under the designation of ' saint-." Protestantism has no negro saints Mr. Ticknor tells us of a negro at Grenada, in thu sixteenth century, who, brought us an infant from Africa, rcmo l»y bis learn ing to tie Professor of L»tiu and (Jroek in the s< hool attached to the Cathedral of (ir<natla He is the same person noticed by Cervautcs a* "el Negro Juan Latino," in a poem prefixed to Don He wrote a Latin poem in two bitoks. He was married to a lady in Urenada, who fell in love with him, as Kloi*e did with Ahelard, while he wn.l teaching her , after his death his wife and children erected a monument to his memory in the Church of Sta. Ana, in that city, inscribed with an epitaph, in whi« h he wii* styled, " Kil iii4 Kthlopiuni, protest pie nigurrima pat rum.— Fntz* r'» }fijitziue. Cm K« ! i STATISTS S. —The following are said to be the figire.s representing the amount of church property hel<l by th»» different denominations in this country according to the moat recently gathered statisti<«. Mithodist, *"> l, l'Jl; Homtu Catholic, f'i(),985,r)5(5; Pres byterian. f'»3.20,V-o<'». Baptist $11,008,- •Vs, Kpi* -opal im. ♦3«i.r»lt.r»4 < .»; Congre irotionalist, s*2-'> t Nts9.fWS; Kefr rin church, # 1«», 1 ."J|,170; Lutheran, aji 14.1*17.7 IT. Thk announcement of Commodore Vaudvrbilt'n denth, may lie «xprcted almost *»»▼ hour Hi* condition in con siderably worse than thu report of Wed nesday morning noted it and his sjreat forbid* u« to hope t'<>r his r< < overy. MOORE & CO. dealers in FreNft and ttnltctl NE.4TS and a general assortment of CpJ €» m m i AWo, the ls*st brands of CUtARS AXO TOBACCOS. Ct>mer of Third ft Uuien Streets. Seattle. SAMUEL KENNEY. >ler<*liant Tailor Hm }a«t rts .'. \ rv! a urw at. ! rfc l-.-e ST( XK (>!•' ( K >< )I )S F<-r iik) S ircn.i r *«*r r.VSHIOXARI.K SI ITS t . nirr (ouiniftilxl Slrrrf, Itiiilr W T Opposition MIIO Llfo or Trade. .1 lit ILMSM! SPP H»# lwt< f»t*- ..»!■-«-«! iiy tb* uftimliiU'J . t hit own t» • k si t !»«-».t f (OMMI.IaIAL SI., N«-mr tit* •>-> att]» M»t3 Waii» H*>l># t> 1. vkMt (wtanm «. nn ■« rth »f * i«r »»>«!<■*" IS", ktltdt . ik k»!: ttufjjt W. ft ;!i t* .! • !■ ni<-* Ship. Stentnhoai, Machine. Mill. Railroad. I-osrjrinir. <'amp. Farm an<i \V agon oTK, \.m\ Hiit* -h (i s* »;th fc**t«..~«» »,-«! <!.•- pal h \. r. ( AMPIiELI 11. ii. i' I&I I! i: i. WF to PUMPHREY an°young. i'loohsrllrr and Stationer. SEATTLE. W. T. PHOTOGRAPHY R. H. CARDWELL, iSncofrKHor to) rJEOIvfJE MOO'KE. Muit* of r«>oiim <>n the rt<v>r of th» SKATTI.K MARKET bl ILIUNO. <t>ru«r Coiu inan-lal sn»! Washington *tr»ft». THE BEST OF WORK DONE IN THIS GALLERY and SATISFACTION G VARANSEEI). S«aiJt-.May «th. l-Tfi. PGR Hardware AN'T> Mailirs' Tools, Of all kinds, no to WUSTHOFF & WALO < trad.' - Si. ttv.l. | IR< 'NT KTIIEET. P.O B' * >2. J Seattle, W. T. imniT smui i GUKAT CLEAKING OUT OK DRY Go<fc>S AND CloMils AT FK\l ENTII\L BROS M/f.l >IHE Er. .** E. ! 7 77, K. Making Hri«-k St-.f* aow b«lb* *tv wr ffer th» entire *t k -it g< <*!« at root. l>r..n*j.ia a: J ill ta - 51 mo. !■ * o »t. TJ;* rtivk u irnpTT >r t an* In* ItT, mb. •. f I >ry « iood-5. <Mothing. Idiots. Shoe**. Hats. Rlankets. < 'arpets. \c.. WHOLESALE AND IiETAIL. FRAUKSTHAL BRO EAStWICK. MORRIS & CO. CiTil »i. 1 Miiiitjg EK" OIKT £2 EXIS. JS«< (i. HsW'tl i ttviMlisii.; t »i ( uuimrirlal U'a»blM|lon Strtfli, battle, *a»h T-rrtl-ry Coat' kis t ft*tw* a.:**ra! tar>«i» u. t «nr *»•...;.«t at.'i -tp« a. PIa DM at-1 t r BuaU!g liiipr rrt&fLt* fonUafcad attest..« firm t IMBUI »cri»y* fcfcd tu U>« : - at.. & of ntr ko aitd hkx-k» MISCELLANEOUS HOLMES i GLOII, ■ut porter* mt aad Dealer* la FURNITURE DFHOLSm" GOODS, COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE. HI 9 Their Immense Stock ICoutains Parlor Sets, Of Urrman Tapwitry and hair Cleth Bed-Room Sets Wi 1% v OF BLACK W ALKFT AND WHIITK ASH. trimmed with itla. k waiuut. Sofas &Longes, OF HAIR CLOTH and TAPESTRY Bureaus, Contor-Tatoles, Cliairs, Curtains. Picture Frame Mouldings, ot crdqueT sets. Coffini, Burial Cases, Caskets, ftc. %r All goe<ls pnrrbss«<l st this r«tablli>hmriit, sll. tx» drllv«rtul frr*< lti any part of tho city, ttaattle. Juljr J4th. ISTS Ye Strangers and. all who feci weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That you can have your spir it* resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at t lie FIT 1101UME1T1001 H /IEUE Stoalc.B, Oliops, Aihl *ll th«- <l#llii*Art*a of th< nif >n an* »erv>l in tl»«- beht >»«•» York "tyl«>. O Ly tht«(*las.s, and supplied to Parties an<l *«* nt iu quantities to any place win ivth«T» is steam communication. o Fresh Made Camlie*. And an Aw>< rtnitnt of FINE CAKES C"n*t»iitly •<n han<t Welding Cakm mvlt tf> "r <>n the noti. »•. tall hupp*>r» and Parti»-a aappliofl. May 1 »th, IST6. WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen #• v « mit mm m u At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A <;oor> STKOXI; WArsox antl in exchange forwell brok«» Oxen. Knquire at the abovenamcd place. <»r at this Office. m2otf Dolly Varden Front Street, near the Pavilion, SEATTLE. W. T. At tt>«- DOU.T YARDEX- H l.\E>. ons, HE Ell, A M> rin mis • 'iL hKKT Q! \LITT, »iii a. *»ya l«* a*r*» ! to at e jMt «:'n. CITTER'S OLD BOIRBOX - kSi> THE - liF>T CIGAItS IN SEATTLE APJ: THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS HOUSE Smith A' iamrmi* Seattle Planing Mills CJ. W. STETSOX, Mmiaeer. SASH, DOORS BLINDS. FRAMKS, SHrTTKRS. ANl> WOOD FINISH <> 1* over v d esc ri j> t i on. SKASoSED LVMIIER OF ALL KIXPS COXSTAXTLY OX IFAXD. FEED GBOUNO 'it our (i KIS T . Mill., (tf lUiisoHablc t/< '.v. Sr»«U»». W T . Feb. 1?, Kti. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN Id.JAMIfiSOAr (Next door to Solnwilctcht r l»ro*. A Co.) COMMERCIAL STREKT, SEATTLE, \V. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS STATIONERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALBUMS Cll« l«'P»' II rtllicy run CHOICEST CHI Alls a XI) roiIACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. f. A.JEIINGS Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in CHOICE Groceries, Provisions Hardware, ske ®e»& CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Imported and California JL ]W JE m 9 Foreign nnd Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. ALSO Proprietor of the fl'nwing w<»ll-ku<»wn IJramls of Cigar " Foster," "liittlo Eld." ....And.... " Pride of W. T." t&TAII floods gwtroitfccl fts re/nest'hfc'f. • JT-I, -I -In mr. 1 tli tii<- C ' j fr. f • . Commercial Street, Seattle, W. T. SEATTLE litkEll) AND PROVISION STOKE Will fttre*!. *#>nttlr. K. T. L. REIMO, Prop'r, tfANUFACTf KKjj Uvea*l, Cuke ,y aml Vnslrtj Oy ALL KIM/A ' I> -t»U to GRAIN', FLOI'R, (jIj)CE- Kli.S til l PROVISIONS, of th- - **t qu.vaty Receive* ORKGON I'ROL>! r K bv cvt-rv »team<r. FRI'ITS, PASrnfus. CAN L)l i:s an.i << >N 1- EC TIONKRIES, j.reparM in the n--it ♦ <»t *tyle. a\*j, TOBACCO AMI CIGARS. vri 'rie*-* moderate*. Article* del iv ered at private house* in Seattle. « « /ft a in i ■ i MISCKLIANKOrS TIIOMAS JACKSON. Th« }x>|>n!ar proprietor nf theold Hlakely Hotel f. »• yt-iim, har- iu>\. ! t-. thta «tly, and luu* opened the oUI * i UNITED STATES HOTEL J A* * I' irst - ( 'hiss mi •11. t BOARttI.H 1101 Sfc l Ho®. JACKSON Pn.j . teP.r Seattle, April 1, liifl. PONY SALOON, Kept bjr HEN MIIR I'll Y Corner Commercial ami Main »tr.-.t, i th. I*. s ffotH 'l*lllß i« thr pi art- t., vimi i,, , n|)f . r • man rrpUinahtxj. Cigars, Tobacco, Wine , and Liquor* AI way* r>*i hand. Seattle. W. T.. March 1*74. DA KCINO SCHOOL ami ft'urthfjj Evening Soirees I'lider management of Profs. Ilrotherliood k Stein we*. At REHSTIG-'S HALL '! i f r minora, l and Kri- Adults—Mondays and Thorn nayH. Soiree* Saturday ov« ningg. I imilifs taken at reduoed rate*. j Music furnished for any and all ores •ioni, rvt reasonable rat«t. J_ " ' WASTED t tiMI BlwmkKß, W)io rail Ti.ake »•*•*»• 1 w rk. If of »t<-ady baMU. I »!i ha\e . VI- ffit for Hoi'ar tilnr at the Fort I >*!;» end Hj, . St'irr.* j hn«|iilre of JOHN MTZI'ATKICK, POltT TOWXMKXI», June 9th, J37G. SEATTLE IHIO 0)1 FACTOR! ISAAC CHILBERG. Proprietor 4 HKURi STREET. near ftecoad. HKATTI.J O Br - « he ; • onutantly • n ban.l r '' llre;:ie|jt» >f the trade, and t»r ri;» ma !<• t«< «Mer to ault \i. r Uaaerw 1 .r>* ■!'*• j *. f ! r a/» luadfi, « bi< b ar* «* |aa! t. ti.« > •-t .f the kin.)* import*!. an<i wbich will be m,ld by % h »!<*aj« at Han rrat-- ou ■< prteea. and try retail at Seattlr pri • ai«o. wi*s*« a*i» cim.nnrv* imo«\m J:n -0u,9 delivered f any part r f the r Ity »r I th ou t additf* stal charjf« •ar Ask jMTjr pr erf.rtbe Hrttt'.r Hf u - atlie, April 1".. 1 tfTC. ADELPHI SALOON. J?HSTE WINKS, LNJIOKS, ami CIGARS, JIM. NO. 14.