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THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. I. PROFESSIONAL CARPS 'RENIIIIR k buicnarbT ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW AMP FIMIWI h italnttf- W». * U "O P. JENKINS, S&ATTLE, W. T., A TJCATKT'A TLA W, SOLICITOR jOf CJIAXCKRY. AND fMOCTOH IW ADMIRALTY. mhr. DBNTIBTRY. Hit WHY S. HATHAWAY, COLLECTOR, l>asriotrLAß amnmoir orvr* to 001. t VmMl* rf 4*M> TISM petA fa* *« »» w'l TO**, ft—Hl«, W. t "na. HALCOM HOKFIA*, Pljsoai, Sinm ait iccoickeor Offlm al reeidenee en Cherry Street, U t*em Frmt and Setvnd tit net*, SEATTLE, W. T. I a Mas MoX*c«n. "• B 4IJJ| a ■cNAVOHT HALLEB, Attmen & Cnnilsn at Lav, FOIT Towmn. w. T. W. R. ANDREWS, ITTOHKIY.AT.LAW, Will aeartlde la *ll Um Oowti •* 1-cord la tbe TwiWury. trrtrw m enxaa's waaos, wnstia wi bssiu suau, w. v. D. S. SMITH, D, 8. CenniaioiM', Jutlw of tto Pmmibl Notary Pnbllr. Ooltasttaas mede ae ell •>**» «a>tsr I KM Dssts aaf t>«h#r ps»s»i 4rawa sod keSao-wl tig *• aS um rcu utu OIWfS-O*sv 'rf Third ami »m t ti ssk OR. FRED. V. SP&RLIR6. (LUi ef tltt TJ. I. Aiatj.) Fvnitu.r t* cvnoioi OOKMUMUI. ■muurr s poo— morntM ow an ■onriTau m J.S.MAGGS, Dentist. OF VIC K, MILL BTRBKT. •vsr (laddie a 4 Sarnies Mora, IWT OF OO oiunrrtL SOTUL C Ms BRADSHAW, POBT TOWKHKND, W. T |M« i. McO&tu, Tm ICKI M til LYRA BURKE. ATTORN K.YH-AT-LAW, SKATTtS, W. T„ fPW attaad to hudbw in til p*rti of tfc» T»r Kuty. • B. i C I linroau AttorM} J M DMfM, W. T.J i'CORAHA I HINFORD, MmiUitmra tm Chmmttrjummd jPr+cff OvvicßCotuntorcial Street, corner Washington, Seattle, W. T. ORS. A I H. I, BAGLEY, flliflgflMflffcllft. SEATTLE, W. T. Dm. ■. ». BaoLBT. UTI raorßMoa or frtatl*la aad fractlra of aargvry iu tb* UliklMa Caattal Madical Oollag*. will mala V. and will attaad ta aalla la aay part c*r ikt Baaad. dl* OR. Q. A. WEED, MVBOKON AND PHYSICIAN, BKATTLB. W. T. dutaa M.dhMBT. UA»T A LEAHY, ATTOBXXrs AT- I.AW, SOLICI TORS IN CHAJCKRT. 4 FROC TOA&IN ADMJiULTT. yaaMot ta Ba thatrwd aad 9*v*w wtU |tw a»W aWaattoa t > t\»i ladßaa, (\atwil«| a* ataa *0 tba mrfcaw IBd aalaaf Baal BNaa I*o tua. m lyu UK. JOHN BAKER, Mtiri «r * imciw.r. UNbtiCl (\«Mf TUri) iMI rtrwk 9Vrinu~v\«naiiu anan. «n«»m tn "** ta«u»u Wt.C.V.CILIIOI N. •e»tue, w. T. ' nil u Orm BOARD AMD TfITIOX Tw» Yfiig Ladir* F rack, mai ftlu&k Stidia w mmmo KB. COBLEIOH'a MOVMO. Sir. CobMgh m<'Trd on Rrit of May W* W'-r* going thronfh .V <rtb •t/«*t wh*u *« owrt him with tha »• •ignia of tb« act anon hioi— namely, a look in jf -g lam, clock and laaip. If we had *udd«»uly 4iikx>i«t#l our own familv wa could not have b*»*n mor* astonished He bed lived in tha bouse from wb«nc»- be wa* m nog (or at least »>igbt year* Ha *et the lamp on the fence and prop pod the clock and looking glaa* against the tarn*. "You are *urpn*ed to tee me at tbia' be aaul, with en amuwi look. W« admitted a* much •• I little expected it at one time my erlf." And b« ugbed drearily *• Anj tremble with the landlord V m Ho, Mk." •• With the boo**, tWn Y" " Oh, ao; good landlord, and good br>aa». I dsn 7 t know if Til aver again find ax good I've lived tbera eight year* laet Fall, and I might hare lived there all my life if it wasn't i»r tha dangrd fools In the world." ••You eee," he went on, about •»* months ago one of the chap* who l«- lieved in a sudden and unexpected judgment day Second advent they call them—moved in the neat door (wh«-re Parker u*»*d to live). Ha wa* a peeoeful sort of a man to get along with ; but be waa a strong Seoond Ad vent and «o wa* bis wife Well they had'ut lived there two weeks beforethey got acquainted, and Itegan to have rev elation*." He paused an l sighed. " Rut why should their jwcuhar re- Itgiou* Iwli»'t" make* ymi dis*nti*Hod with your b«>m«* "f" we ventured to in quire. " Why," h« ejaculated, hard at ii* " But you don't know anything aliout it. You never lived neat door to a S»«aond Advent, j>erha|»* i" M Nut t bat wr can ixuioiulk r." w You'd rvtiiKinUrKi if you bad," he replied, with signitir.iut rmphMii. "I'llmw forget my experience. That fbutily gut acquainted with us, and then it bad their revelations. First they tftjrrowed a little sugar, and then a little ten, and then a little saleratus, and then this and then that. They Mid the world wan all going to be burned up iu two weeks, and tb*y did'nt f«*d like going to the egp«a*<» of g< tting a !«rr«l of »ugar when eternity »»< ao close, and wouldn't wr let them haw a amnll taarup full i Wc let '» ui bavu it. Then two days afterward they cam-* in and mid that owing to the iiuaiedi at« approach of the end of all things they didn't think it advisable to lay iu a ton of saleratnv and wouldu't we loau them a cupful r My wife didu't be lieve, of course, that the world was coin lag te aaa end, but she said they did, and ebe reasoned thai when they at there wae no Are nor smoke on the day iu question they'd pony up th<* »ugsr and «aleratus and the hundred and one other things. Hut that tiiue oame around and the performance didn't; eo tb*y professetl to have got a sort of postscript with the latest partic ulars, and thea they canto over a« rampant as ever, and more eo. In fact, evsry fresh d**ap|>ointm«ut apj*»ared to give them a new ceal for victual# and ther things, and it got eo that they were over every (lay, and sometimes twice a day, after oue thing or an other" •• llut didn't they return any of the articlwa "Certainly not. If the world wa* go inj{ to cDil what on earth w»> we go ing to «|<> with the article* * I couldn't go through fire, could I, with tt-acupful* of aaleratu*, "»ugi»r, ten. etc., hung to me* That'* the way they reasoned. liut they wa* going to make it all right on the other ahore, MHH what his wife al ways taid. I told tuy wife that if we otntld only get ha« k 10 percent of the tiling* on thi* *h >re I'd cheerfully run tny chance for the l>alanee when we net over there. Ile*idea all tlu»t, the pr«*pect of *0 utu Ii gr eriea waiting me on the other ahorc liegau after awhile to get veiy e!ii'»trra*Miig. and 1 kinder hinted to the * hap <*omething to thia effect, hut it did no good, tle'd got that notion bored right into hi* akull. and all he could *cc wa# cloud* of gl'»ry, and angel*. and tn\rp«, and my •ugar. and aaleratu*, and coffee. and the like. Hy George ' it g»»t to In- j»j«t awful, I <wn tell you' l>ay in *nd day out that fellow, or mane of hi* folk*, waa rejtatring their a*crn«ion dud# or going fur my grttcerie*. and it did #eem a* if I'd go mad and get up a judgment day on my own Irnok Why, that ehap would c«aite oti the greatest errand* y<»u ro lit came m one day to get my *liAving l»ru«h. He *A»d he didn't feel justified in haying a new hruah right «>t» the ere ot' a general rc*unrec tion, hut he would u*e mine, and whrn we all got orer there * (here Mr t'oh leigh wared hi* hand in gloncny in dication of the "he'd give me a *having brush inlaid with preci»*u# •tone* and frisking in golden faun Hah' Th<* jackaiw' But that* the way he'd talk He g»>t BIT ax one day with a l«»t of the wrur f»w.4Uhne**, and while he wa* u*ing it the handle l»n»ke and the hiade went down the well. He came o%vt right away to »ie if I had another ax And when I told him t hadn't, and tliat I didn't know how 1 was to get along witlnvut that <»ne. I ru Matneii if he didn't want m<* to > rn>w one fiocn aotue of the neighNira. ao he could finish the little joh he at H» N&UI there waa no u«-> of my Iniying a new a*, with the era* kof J »«ra far ing u* in the tki-e. There'd he no u*e of a new at in heaven, f. r there I nopain there, an n-» crying, with a l«»t of other «tut? 1" >i* riled mr lik< thun der Hut tlure wa* r »ife talking to him 1 wa* mad though. aUnjt the ax; aa mad a« t cvul t *>e. and ! told him if he tlidn' get me a nr* ax I d hur»t him in piece* with the right arm of the law And what do you iuppoae he «**id V* Atvl Jlr. Cotdeigh U»»ke»l at ua with grm anxiety. Wf ww »»Slige*i to admit tliat we eiaildn'l tell. "He mul hr\! hom** an«i pray for OK, iol our friend, with % aigh of <V«ra ! f "Ar ! iw>* »Kit r<«!>] I A<» SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1876. with tich ft chap M tktt There VM d one in getting mad, and you cvoldn't reason him Hit of the fooiiahnem. Aad he * xftda't more, and the daj ofjudg mn&t showed DO iigts of being e*rue*t S> there I m Tlie oalv thing leuald d<» wa# to get twaj, aoa I re hired ft ho*i*e it the *>ther end of town, and Ito moving there. Aad now," willed onf unfortnoeU fnend. fteadyiog the look ing g!ai and ct.rk under hi* «£Btt while he grasped the l&mp, Tf« got where there U a iail on one aide of me, and a grave jrira oo the other, tod t don't cmre ft darn how man? Second Advent* more in on either siae," And he stalked grimly oa hit way. MISCELLANEOUS. V. H. PUMPIRBf, I Successor to 2 PUMPHREY j —YOUNG. |Sookseller and Statimwr, BBATTIaBX W. TP. 'PHOTOGRAPHY o R. H. CARDWELL, (fnrrsespt to) GEORGE MOdRE. Rolle <>f pmm on tbt upper floor ef the MEATTI.K Mam IT BI'ILDIMO, eocasr (Vu mwrisl sad Wsshlafttoa Mmts THE BEST OF WQJLK DONE IN THIS GALLERY Ml SATISFACTION 0 VARAN 8EKI) Hostile.May Stfc, MM. IIMITir HHIKHQT! ORKAT CLKAKINO OUT OF jI)RY GOODS Am , Closing AT FRAUENTHAL BROS MILL STUKKT, SSATTLK. Mikiic irruitoMßk far Ik* mml to ou Rri.-k Mm* aow Mac arartad, wa ofln tftw «tft« •fork i t f»oda at curt. lUniaaßta and <xld K>U *>l<t math 1»'loW coal. Th# it* ! U auyrrt.* to any la lb* rlly, tec aUUag if Dry Goodt, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Blankets, Carpets, kc. y WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL. FRAUENTHAL BROS EASTWICK. MORRIS I CO. Citil and Mining mxaiNasizis. Nt *O. *. Burc*4t a kuldlnf,] <*•»■ A WaaM»|taa Mmia, I SwaitUe, Wah. Tacriarj. c<«l aad ftkcr artaarat laada Mi a>ts«a wmt *«v*d. n*aiß«l. and rrporUd im. Flaaa and Mttmataa for a.iatat uapt maaaaw fnratatrj *p«-ial uuatiM civa« to Saatd aarrtya. and to tfca i.« a»;.«a it city lota aad Mocka. Maoa and In*- i**a r>*« teat a3ty nrtl#d Wcr n tfa SAMUEL KENNCY, Xtrrkaat Tailor Saa .-704 ft+tr+d a w« ltd cbelm STOCK OF GOODS far aad waar. FASHIONABLE SUITS Mada to aadvr. r«aam>al tlmf, Vrattl* V. T. MI3CILLASEOCB. jjpCD gTs FIXTURES HTEAM AND BRASS GOODS, &C. I P. ANDREWS ft CO. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE All work pertaining to the business dot* at short notion, and in a Workman-like Manner. loiiaacui ITUIT, «rrwmm WAMHS«TI>* A*l> MAI*. SEATTLE, W. T. ml3-3m FEED MLS! Th« Stella tri>m Wooden Bowls maka the beat Wmi Tr\ tt|(h# fur bum or cattle «v«x u*«l. PRICK $1.50 PER DOZEN. • # - m ~ — Afflr at the Woodea F»< torr — ~ ■ -'ii -rferrfi* —. FOR" Hardware ASD Ifflianifs' Tools, Of all (TO t<> WUSTHOFF ft WILD Country trad* aulirited.» FR>*T 9TRECT\ f. O. Boi M. ( MUli, W. T. WANTED ACM* BAVTNAkF.It. CM DQ4i# W«r*lfc. Uof MnJ} >;*} iU. en ktTt mpicTni«)t f r •"'»* tiro* it tL» I'. rt Tomwul 8b« W rr EsMjuit* H JOHN FITZPATKICK, Pv>*T TUWXSCfD. ;«»•»<&. im ADELPHI SALOON. PZNZI WIXES, LIQUORS, and OZOARS, VWteITK YK*LERS HALL •wtf*.«. T. i * A!n>nt»ov. A ftr«« lows MISCELLANEOUS MOORE & CO. iu Fifnh and Halted MEATS sud a general aanortmeut of *• « e erl Abo, Um bat brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Third k Unioa Btr®?W. Be*tt!a. WORK OXEN Good and well-broke Oxen ■«. At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this Office. m2otf SEAT T L E BROOM FACTOR! ISAAC (MBEB& Proprietor CHERRY STREET, near Second, SEATTLE. o "*" Bmoma constantly oo hud to meet tbe rf«inir*»#ou of the trad#, end bromiii made to to suit ptuvhsaers. Tbre* descriptions of broom* are made, which an» (qui to the Unt of the Uwb Imported, and which will h* sold by wboleealn at Han Francisco prices, and by retail at Seattle prices. Also. WISPS AXD CHILDREN'S BROOMS. Brooms dsliTfrxd to any part of the city wilh. out additional charge. «T Aak your (tr >cer for the Seattle Broom. Seattle. April Is. IST*. I Yc Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! That yon can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at the ntiT am mmtiTiiii WII KMC StealLS, Oliops, And all th«' ddllctrlN of (be —mob in mud in tbe W*t New York style. ■ €•«» Cream bv the Glass, and supplied to Parties Met aeut iu quantities to anv place wbffe the* i» rteaiu com niun Nation. ftrwl Cm#m, Constantly on hud. den on the ihorVirt notlrr, fill Partite aappl led. w*r Mi; l.'ith, 1876. Dolly Varden Stj ¥ qp, hjlx<OOlV 9 Front Btreet, near the Pavilion, SEATTLE, W. T. At the DOLLT VAKDEJf— WISES, LIQUORS, UK Ml, AND cm a its ®f the BEST QU \LITT, will »! W*T» be *n*d to <wa r*»t. mrr». OTTER'S OLD BOIRBON W H l «K K W * - AKD THE - wr dsns IN fiiimi ARE THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS HOt'SE Smith k Jewptt, n74f hcprt»tor» THE ALHAMBRA SALOON R. PRICHARD, Proprietor. Stfr-rea*? to »'B. Kelvin. Mill St. opposite the Post Office, SEATTLE. Wine®, Olcars, ©to. of the best quality constantly on hand. ml 3 Seattle Planing Mills «. W. fTKTSOX. Mauger. SASH, DOORS BLINDS, FRAMES. SHATTERS. AND WOOD FINISH of every description. SEASONED LUMBER OF ALL KIN FEED GROUND At our GRIST MILL, at Reasonable Rates* 9mm#.W. T, W », w*. BOOK & STATIONERY STORE JOHN L. JAMIESON (Nntdoor toSohombMlMr Bra. *Co.) COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS nnct JTaiteyr OoodM* TJIK CHOICEST CIQARB AND TOBACCOS. Subscriptions solicited for S. F. and Eastern Periodicals. 'WHINES i Wholsssle sad Brtall Dealer la CHOICE Groceries, Provisions Hardware, . *• smt ®eaw, j CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Imported and California -wmr ime m 9 Foreign and Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. ALSO:.. Sole Proprietor of tho fl lowing well-known Brandt of Cigar* " Foster," "utoe ■ *■* - l&rAll Goods guaranteed as represented. \ I j I I OiP"O..»U delivered to the City free of charge. Commercial Street, Seattle, W. T. .SEATTLE BAKERY AHD PROVISION STORE Mill Ntreet. tosltle. W. T. L. REInIg, Prop'r, MAXCFAOTC*E» Bread, Cakes aiul Pastry j OP ALL KISD* ! I> *ls in GRAIN. FLOUR. GROCB- j KI» and PROVISIONS, of the beet quality. Receive* OREGON PRODUCE by every steamer. Keep* FRUITS, PASTRIES. CANDIES and CONFEC TIONERIES, prepared in the neat est style. Also. TOBACCO and CIGARS. t3T Prices moderate. Articles deli* ered at private houses in Seattle. • • Orders filled to all part* of th* I Bound. *2° MISCELLANEOUS THOMAS JACKSON, WJtor proprietor of the old Blakely Hole J* kM BioTttl to Ihli city, ml hM opntn WM Old UNITED STATES HOTEL A* • First - Class Saloon BOARIIM HO THOU. JACKSON, Proprietor. •mm. Aptuu MM. T~'"irrinpMT-irr-'i"agariMß PONY SALOoI *eptby BEN MURPHY ■ Corner Gtmmmlil tod M»l» street. tketT. *. Hotel. T*W to the plsre to rlalt to haw the fIS * mm replenished. Cigar*, Tobacco, Wine*, and Lujm AJwsjre on hand. HesMts. W. T., Marrh M. 1«». DANCING BCHOOLJ aturday Evening .Sb/rflj Under management of Prof*. Brotherhood SteineM HEINIOF'S HAIJK Clinet for minora, Tuesdays and (■ days. Ad alia—Mondays and Tbfiiß day*. Soireee—Saturday evening**-'* Families taken at reduced rates. |^|| Music furnished for any and all sions, at reasonable rates. „ rmrmmma AVI R ILL PAINT " The best MIXED PAIVTS l> iM #| in all I II Color* «*? Sliadeg _ w Thle Pelnt U prepared la ll'iald f- rm, ready ft* use -rrq-tlrlnie D'< farther kddHiou t <>( l or«;4a» Its. It i« of Purs White, end of any shede or m or •• It Is oonpciaad of the uest materials known to Uasw< Ml, Wrlrtly Pup Wkltr krsd. Par* «tar, end lb* i»«»»»t «fc firing matter prvrarabl# for tinitb*. vmrb by pecnilarproeeMof zu**«fertt«re. ere thrown' united tUt they ruiL'jt separate. Henre. it « oarer chalk, mek "* peal t*, J*»ee no« ma ft++ seams or net i hrdee sad f< r tulllan y of r> !« sad beauty of finteh U is attbupt » neel. Pnt up tb i|. H. 1. i, 3. 4 4n4 l gallon Sfa, sod In barrel*. For sale in Quantities to snif W. A. JENNINGS SKA TTLB. Afffnt for Pni'pt Soun«. NO. 16. IjH