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Tllb DAILY INTELLIGENCER. vol.. I. I'ROFK>> TON A L CARDS a 9. »»**«»•<* *. i luinnkt- DENNISON & BLANCHARD, ATTORNP YVAT-LAW AND I'roHors in Admiralty. • at P at 1< -WMm4 . y *rr<- ~r y . » U D P. JENKINS, seattlk, w. T , ! TTOH.VKY 1 7 / 1 W, SOlJrfTOh l.\ CUAfH'KHY. A Sit P/tOCTOIi IS A !>MiliM.'ii'. mh'il DENTISTRY. ./ «• i«rxTi*T «.r -■* < r; . k H MM** • B*S* Hi •! , f < tm , t f , »2 HENRY E. HATHAWAY, ( • >LLE< l< >H, I j.IHTICI I.AK OIVK* TOO)!, I s.. t. vit f<s 'ho r»i» v*uit <9 n•« Uiitti OiKfj* * , om<. »I'' * M YuRK. AlHrwj »t I*«. JfetftU. W. T. «a*»-W. PR. II \ WO* MOI'K* AN, Piiysician, Sarpa and Accoflcbeur at rtauUnre on Chrrry S'rrrt, ft ftrttn and frond Otretts, hkattlk, w. t. It, H.f .HT. <• M •>«"» XrNAHUIT & HA I.l.Kit, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, PORT TOWNSEND, W. T. W. It ANDREWS, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Will prvtMc In •(! U»* f <>tirU - f Brf>«l In th» .Territory. orri<> »* #rrt»n'« wit4»i*o, opro«ir* ocn- Mc»TAt.. •t.ATTI.K. w. T. D. S. SMITH, J . S. fommiKHioiier, Justin* of tin* IVarenml Notary l'uhlir. <) >Uf. tl.-na Btkir <>n ail Mini »n«lw f Ifl© I><«•.i* «t, | u,<-r | ■»!>»* r» <tra«f u and A< ku <wl IMii it* at 1.. v i' i< »T orrii t Cirun >»t Tulnl mil a uih I DR. FREIi. W. SPARLING. <LaU? c f tii« U. S. Arrr.jr,) *• i#»•*## #.i. r »v w kwwu*. OFKI' K «>N rttMMKHt'IU. hTKKXT. NuilT U VI CITY HoaWTAL, m* mc m J.S. MAGGS, Dentist, OK KICK, MILL MTREKT. a»% jt !* ait«! Ilarti*** Ht or#, KAST OF <X'- iIiJfc.UTAL HUTtL. »*J«. C M. BRADSHAW, .#//<> r $t ry-af~ fj*t ir< I'oli T TO W N S K N I>. W. T. j* JoMW J. M.AULTIUk. Tm.». r»t **» MH.IIUU \ RCRkK. ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAW, SKATTt.R. !•' T., Will atlciid t" bnnlnrwt in all ->f th* TVr- i ru<«ty. CI. NM. Vox ah 4.» 0.1! Ha»r\»«U>. l>tatric t Att *ri»v\ J 3d Dtatrl, t. W T. J M'CONAHA & HANFORD, Itlorneyx'-at - Soiieiioi'» isi € httnetfy «<»!«# t*r+rtorn h$ Jrfmlrriily. Om»"K Commercial Strict, earner Washington. Seattle, \V. T. DRS. A. *H. B. BftGLEY, UomaopaihiMtH. SEATTLE. \V. T. ■\u ii n p. \<ir kv. i.vri: ntornwos or IJ Priocipu* an ! hwttn of «» Uw . Mirhintn (Xtnl Molifil wIU m*!* •:»; • • »' tHitrtfscw) IH«sNmatpa*tel lr. mh! will *tt< iut I.- calls In ngr put t>C th# ; Huiml. «IH DR. G. A. WEED, SIKUKON ANl> rHVSU'I AN, shattLk, w. r. JiniMciuiwß. MfXAUCtIIT k LEAKY, A rroKyrtrs -AT- I.A H\ .«>/./■ /- tons IS ( HA SCKH R. <t J'KOC- ToHS IX ADSiIUAL IT. will ir*t r lit the m»tn I *r»! Mr. l<*ry *lll »» Ui <"-» i lnU><W, ftmtcjUi. iU*i, it .. I;« U< lb» »i-.l ale K«! t*Uti • Juiy lit*. IS?* ijrl» Oil. JOIIX HAKKR, rnrtici.i.i' * 80. R.i IMDUDEXCE O'lwr TMM m»! rtnwk oi rii »- sftirr. >»• r* ■•it* ml iu*« t&eiusoiK. Wt.(i.V.(ALIIO(\ Sonttlo, W. T. }(&'* •ftmlt* i: + !*T« utttn-u Or**. * i BOARD AXD TI'ITIOX CAB to obaißAl ft Two Young Ijatlic* m witfeie.i lMtnrti>a in Premh, m% & litfisk Ma App\f t« MR* ..TTTrNPrSO TH* VAY TO DRY OFF COWS. A* the tiin»* approech.-« f r iry ir.g rdf wbirh to at 1 « t *»k<, and Vtt*r two months. b»-fur ralviog ail fo- '1 celctileted t<; «*.»■ . *> th« product! n of in!k « ught *.<j b»- withheld—such «a "mix. »i*orts an 1 Sarji f r *•*« »n 1 g*y»lol i hay. be made the « of the ra?:u«, with a quantity "f corn m*.al if the CIJWII xerv j **. wbi;b !s '* *U«* <-!{»ht n<>t t»» »f *h< I>m • * proj**rly f«d bef »re Begin ro Iry ot? by miik tng once * lay. and. a« the f*. jw dinun :»h« «. every oth« r day. *A hen the £..w hiorxni-a *o tmall th*' if doe* not pay to uiilk longer for profit em'-s the t me *Leri, in -carcieM hau U. mi«ctiief' it inn* imminent. e-j«eru%!ly erith e bett« r claas of ww», which dry off with diffi culty Tbe milk ought not to be left m* re than two day- undrawn long >« ar.y i- *i*f-retfsl, nnd, contrary to a prevlaent n tion, wo believe it is a!- wevi le tt«-r to entirely etnpty the leig r>»*her that to leeve a jiortion under the idea thlf it woufd hurry up th« pro n-4 lr j« 'a el Ito eaamnie th>- udder* of all cow* ctvrj dny to aue, that no hard lumps are forming, sine*' the'hard lumps are the sjiots m here trouble will begin after calving. Then i« the time they in tv often I*: diapered by fric tion, either dry or witli glycerine, whi< h ii far better forthi* purjsiae t'nan any *at»*ry < r greaay application. A o! half a pound to a jjound of KJSKXU *alta, with \ lirg»» *»f *ugar, miaed inj • t 'Ugh bran to dis guise the taa'e, may tablvfpx iiful t,t finely powdered salt petre may ie trie<l and rep* at»* l «l,iily, if other treatment do nut diajierse the lumps. In all *uch casee an ounoe of preventative is wurth a |»«ind of cure Mori- c«\\s ar*- spoiled in drviug off than in any other way. Not only are they apt to have one or more (piarters of tlie udder ruined in this process when carelessly conducted, but even when thi* is avoided the foundation in »y be laid fur aubee<| e:»t attacks o f .'a?get, and the milk produi i?»g ; ow. rUi permanently diminiahed. We lay dowu *s a principle that at* no time should painful duten*ion of t(ie ud'ler be al- ! lowed." It is a* cruel e< it is unwine, at d II- III.SIV I»- U U cruel. This is true lioth bt fore ainl after tailvini/ A GENTLEMAN. When you have found a man you h.»ve not far to yo to find a gentleman. You cannot make a gold out of bras* You c«*uii«>tehangu a ( iije* May crystal to a diamond. You cannot make a gentleman till you find a man. have liatie greiflfet her. To be a g»n- - tleuian does not depeml tui the tailor or the toilet. Wood will degenerate. (food clothes are not good habits. A g« iitleiuaii is juet a gentleman- no more, no U«*<. a diamond jml is bed that first a diamond in the rough. A gentleman is gentle. A gentleman is ntod«ei. A gentlemen is courteous. A gfiitlwuien is slow to otfen^e, In-ing one who never gives it A tlrmau is slow to surmise evil, a« I u: one who never thinks it. ,A gentleman suhjetta his appetites. A gentleman r. fin* s his taste. A gvi.tleman.aubdue* his feeling* A gentleman controls hi *|Hsch A gentleman deems every othar l»ett< r than hiuis* If. Sir Philip Sidney we* neew so much •if a gentleman mirr«-r though he was of K ngllsh knighthood as when, upon the tL-ld of Kutplnn, as be lay in hi* own bloOd, he wiw'il the draught ol coot epring wat. r. that t#»to quench hi* d»irg thirst, in favor of a dying sohli«r St. I'aul deecrila-d a gentleman when he exhorted the I'hillippian Christian*: ••Whatsoever thing* arc trun, what *ovver tbillet are lovuly; whatsoever thing* are of rejiort, tl there I* any \irtue, and it then* I*i any praise, think of the*e thing-. And l>r. l«a*c lUrlow, in hi* admirable sermon on the callings of a grotlnnan, poiotedly says "He dhould lalior and study to be a b»»der unto virjue, and a notable pro iuo*er thereof, directing aud excising men thereto by his eiempbiry conver sation; encpuruging them by counten ance aud tvwahliiig ttw god n#*>s of meaner jieople by his Wmiy aud favor; ho should be such a gentle inao aa Noah, who prvactud tight «Hni«ne*s by his words aud works bef« re a profaua world." - - HOW FHKKDOM CAME. Mr C«K»k of th- C?»icago Tt it* was among the r*curM.»n! * to this city, lie linking up " f.»ct« " on the uegro queatioo. He i;.tri*incid to old Si '• Well, Si, how did y»Mi f.v! w hen y-'U gained freedom r " asked Cook. •• Hleaa yer isoul. ls>*s, I jf* f« it ail olwr in tp-ts e« ei a In**-blanket ; 'lYarvd to me dat ilc l.*w I ha.l j< > rrtch down bi» hand an' tfieiwd thi# r all uVr wid g»vd ftt Iwcon ti 11 de juice had dot e <k>k«d eb ne fr«x> hi- whole U»dy. sah •• How di l \<Hir oi l master a>* m to like t y "Well, sah. be didn't v»y mtn h aUntt it, 'ceptin ter ni<* »le \ ank*s * low down ter huitf " •• l»id be «*y any thing to y.»u at> ut it "r" " Mighty little, sah He j«« coin, out Hi de yard arter do Yankre« ba'» dooe, come and call all dedarkue up. iVu he say. * i g-:»hs is a*! g, t »ot fn»c, and can d jt yoa d I please, but de I-Awd hab mercy oci p»'r *>!ef "* «» » " Ye«a. well "Well, de truf am »lat de < man kno'd jes what wc uiggahs need, but »-meltow or nittoer be axed that t leaein' long *t\i f> red< was s»>t. and we nigcahe is d.»t freedom f Iwrbecue a«u furdt r i>»au el*r r;g*it BOW * C** k jetted down *' bott< to f*eta " and ordere«l a axir mu>k for one —be was the one* At' • • f<«s» . SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, SATURDAY. JINK 21. IS7G. ISRAEL PUTNAM'S SPY. Bt f . the bill, or creek, not far from the ril'iff of Peekskill. on the HUISMO. ii % rockjr ridge. on the «- uCbiMtrm *k>pe o# *shvb, »«>rth e# •borough, * notable little romance of. .rrvd in ITT* Geserel Putnam. wh>»<' exploit* on tbe upper i!ad*on hav« made regica faiuouein hi*tory and tradition, »»< in raQm*nd there. A young men, a icioo of * good family m county, wee er reeled on •aspicion of e «py, and ere* brought N'fore Putneci. On bu perwo -** re found enhfttnf paper* mgried by Try on. end other evulecoe* of hi* gai,t. Sir H«riry Clinton cent n note to Put nam with e ffeg. claiming the culprit a* e Brituh officer, end making insolent thr.-ats of wmthftil retaliation in case the jroong men ehonbS be bertaed. Putnam replied in writing: "Headquarter*, 7th August, 1777." "hlJi. Ivitsuiid Perker. MI oAioer in th« enemy'* eervioe, wee tekeo ee e epy lurking within oar linee. He bee be«n triad mi spy, at e spy, end ah*!! Iw executed e« a «py: end the fieg i* ord»?r»-dto depert imcuedieteljr. laHAKL PVTITAM. . "P. S.—He liee been aoeordingly bengrd." "• wm ev«*r found in Potnem's temp after that. THE HOP "iCABKET. WelK* Circular, datwl New Yurk, May 27th, my* "Market dull and price* nominal. Tbe shippiug de rn;in«l h.ns entirely ceaaed, aud only a Mi.all bit-"in»'sw i<< doing with the brew e: v The attention of the trade is uow tnrned toward the new crop. The for eign crop especially will f>e watched with unusual interest, the price here next *en*on depending 90 much upon it Without :m e\j»»)rt trade with England wo must tor low prices, particular ly it* our own crop is a large one. A good many acres will be planted this Spring in a quiet way on account of the low price of the nx»ts. We woul'f ad vi>»- growers whA arn starting in the business not to get discouraged by the low prices now ruling; the chancee are that jrtfres will rule liigh again after next year, Uxidf*. something may hap pen to the present cn»p to put the price up. The only way to make hop culture a success is r<> stirk to it, and strive from year to. your to improve on quality." BUA/.1 1. e\ p* »rU pr<aluce to the am*>unt «»f f jier uunum; ita exports of < otf, «• lone amounfs to $HM),000,000 luniiully. and of augur #I3/KH>,OOO. In eoffec. th;.t country »upoliqa |>*o!jahly more than one half of the world's con fiasg tin* largest consumers. Formerly, Bra zilian coffee was low in quality and price, but gradually it has improved io quality at» well as extended in quantity. l-fPrvliminary work oji tlie Chan nel tunnel, to connect England and Frince, has t>een commenced at Marg uerite, France. Sliatt shave lieen depth of 4(>o meters When these reach :I depth of 100 meters IKIOW the wa, a cillery one kilomcter'longTtiH l»e made in the ehatk. If this is surceasful. and nothing indicates the impracticability of the project, the tunnel will be defi nitely (oinuicuci'd. Tiik tnember*hip of tin* Methodist Kpiscopal Church in thin country is 1,- •V*l,4*"', including 10,523 minister*. I hiring the punt four years there was a net increase of 160,400 memtnTs. Tii k w hole nutnlier of doctors in Michi gan of all kind* and pretentions, ac cording to the census of 74. i» 2,285. MISCELLANEOUS IMPOBT4IT HHQ6ICKNSIT! • % • . • S. . • <;kkat clearing out op DRY GOODS ANT) Clothing AT FRAUENTHAL BROS Mill STHKKT,SKATT/K y*fctn<r irr»ti<r*ni«rit» t«r U>« ranso»»J <mr Hrv. k stow t. » !«sid* i isw Usl. we lh» vcUrf k < < ipsui# »: % , R< maanu u>! JIA 1< M »f>tJ tr.ortt h»l«>w r»wl. Thf yk ia »»p*n rto say la tk« <Jty, <•<*• , M»Unc o t Dry Goods, Clothing, Bi>ptß, Shoeft, ilut.s HknkeU, Carpets, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRAUENTHAL BROS » ADELPHI SALOON. FINE WINES, LIQUORS, and oxaAna, nrrf.-nK resLKira UALL. Sratti#. W T )S J. a. ANDKXSOW, 1 IIHB IMWX MJSCELLAXEOCS. ANDREWS 4 CD Importers of GAS FIXTURES * * I STRAW .«» GAS Vitti lli&M, BRASS GOODS, &C. I P. ANDREWS I CO. STOVES, TIN WARE, uniKP ruDMicuiiic HARDWARE JOB WORK. All work pertaining to the business doo« at short notice, and in a Workman-like Manner. coKMiK'tAb vtKK>.r. »rrw*wi ■rJwinnrt ik akd MAIM. SEATTLE, W. T. ml.'U.lm FEED. BOWLS! The Sheila from Wooden Howls make the I**t Feed Tron#hs fur horses or cattle ever used. PRICE $1.50 PER DOZEN. Apply at the Wt»o»l«-n Bowl Factory _ , . . j FOR Hardware ; AN'L> 6 •.i 4 " Wianifs' Tools, Of ill kin I*. r tn WUSTHOFF£ WALD- C«>niilry tr*l* aolteitcd.» FBOST BTHEET, P. O. Bo* 83. J W. T. EASTWICK. MORRIS & CO. Civil fcrftl Mining A » . %»' • UN qiNTßsns. * {Boom So V • Building. r»r i i ill iK W #«hlnj;toii Hrjril*. VS,4lt;«. *«l! T-srrlu rr. . Csml uj«! Mkcr iazvl* w. 1 r »-.r- Wfmi, *x»Jßilu'>*. *r.'l f np"B. 1' • ■>*:.! n>tlsc»4»« foe n%tnH.»{ i;, jr vi[„c.:.. ..J. !»PKJ*J B glTra to U.-.J - i-t. . »: ; t t;.* aof city !«t» *s.<i ti - b M*,« «. 1 art*. lr» *11 J «rj»*at«!«a X<JT- 1J . PONY SALOON, BEN MURPHY (Vnrr CommmUl •&! **ia »tr»*t lb* r. & H*t*2 'PHIS i« lb* plrnr* «•* *c k*Tt til* ino*r A L.tfi rri Cig&rt, Tobacco, Wise-. and Liquors Aivaf* cn h*ad AaMtU, W T.. Marvb 25, l»» MISCELLANEOUS MOORE & CO. dealer* in Salted M EATS and a general assortment of , CJ u i* «»;■• i es l .. Also, the best brands of ' CIGAR;! AX P TOBACCOS. Corner of Thud oc Uuiaa Se»»ts. Seattle. WORK OXEN (iood and wolKHrokc Oxen i • * At Smith'* Oovo, throo miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAG OX wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the aboYenamed place, or at this Office. m2otf s ]•: A T T L RC BROOM FACTOR I ISAAC CHILBERG. Proprietor CUKUKV STREET, near Second, SEATTLE. —O"* 1 - Br-onw kept eonntaatly on hand to luset the requirements of the trade, and brooms made to urtwr tu suit purchasers. Three descriptions of biv-oms are made, which art' wjn»i to the best of the kim!» itnp<>rted, and which will t>e «.>1 «thy wholesale at San l raiH iwo price#, ami by retail at Seattle prices. Also, WISPS AND CniLI>RJEK'B BROOMS. Broom* delivered to any part of the city with out additional charge. »■/" Ask yyur roc«r f>r the Seattle Broom. Stattle, April 15, 1&7'". - > „ Ye Strangers and all who fool weak and want to bo restored ! KNO W Vi:! That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and tlie inner in an satisfied, by calling at the Fiti? sin Bran?* WUKJiK StoaliS, Cliops, And all the dellicacir* of tlie sea»"it are served iu th« l**t New York style. BC»€» t < l a € k 5«IBI l»y the(ilafi«, ami supplied to"l*§ an«l sent iti quantities to anv place where th<Tr h M«*ain eoniinuni«ation. Wesh |Made Candies, And an of FINE CAKI3S Constantly < n hand. WeflJitti,' Cake* mads to or ■lers on the ehrbnt notice, Ball Supper* atid Parties supplied, ilay 1 ;th. IHTC. Dolly ¥ardsJi #S v if « Jfc JE< * Front Street, near the Pavilion, SEATTLE. W. T. At tlif DOIJ-T VAIIDLN u /A AT.S, LIQUORS, lIKRH, Ayj> (IGMiS of the BEST QT'ALITT, will *'»*)'< I " *rvcd to our nuiomer*. mm OLD 801 RBOX w% r w r AXI> THE - BEST CIGARS IN* SEATTLE ARE THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS IIOISE Smith k Jpwett, nT.lf Trov*i*ion. THE ALHAMBRA SALOON R. PRICIIARD, Proprietor. 8oc«. ».r t VFm. M-'ivln. Mill St. op|K>sitP the IV4 OHire, SEATTLE. Wines, lilQUors, Cigars, etc. of tin* W-t-quality constantly on hand. ml•» Crawford k Harrington IMPOIiTRRS AND JOBBERS S JE A T T X, E, W. X., Have on hand a large ant} well assorted stock of goods in their line, consistingof Foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, Iro and Steel* assorted, KUackttmith and Carpenter TOOIH. Agricultural and Implement*, Crockery and Glassware, Paint* A Oil* Hemp and Manilla Cordage, Groceries and Provisions. Wines, . . Liquors, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, AC. [ir TALBOT COAL, FOR CITY TRADE, FOR SAL& FROM WHARK CRAWFORD & HARRIGTON. SEATTLE, W. T.. July l,t. 1875. S. W. HOYEY. w. W. lARKRK. HOVEY & BARKER, DEALERS IN General Merchandise, I CORNER OF COMMEUCUL AND MILL STREETS. SEATTLE, Aa/. T. .All Groods at tills Sstablisliment aro of first rato Quality, AN J) WILL I'.K SOLD AS LOW AS AT ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITI. t. (I 'ods dclivoml to anv of the City free of charge. aj>ld-tf W list holt' & H alii, = UJ X ( 3-:.wc*i iiNNip% p t k l^ r Jl Knvcl* wit BU I LT)ING H ARDWARE, Ship, House Carpenter;*, Machinists, Blacksmiths, and other MECHANICS' TOOLS A SPECIALTY Seattle Planing Mills I «. W. OTETSON, Manager. SASH, DOORS BLINDS, FRAMES, SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINISH of every description. SKA SOX ED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FEED GROUND .It our GRIST MILL, at Reason able Rates• 8 att'.f-.w. T., r. b. 19, ./. F. JfIORRIL,L, 9 Druggist & Apothecary, )C3fe) Wholenaie and Retail• WJ ■■ [oiiercial Street. Seattle, f.T. j fiy* —? 3IGK-OITT DB.Ua STORB phhmm «T i;ealer« in Gents' Furnishing Goods MISCELLANKOVS ISO. 18. r