Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. vol.. I. PROFESSION A I. C4UOS OINNISOi * lIAiCHAIO, and Proctor* ill Admiralty. mrirf&r* •» t'rr% T'J »WI *4. Wiibl||i.-I "*rr\ » 14 eey. D P. JENKINS, % BKATTLK. W. T , I TTOTIXKY~AT-1..\ H, >O/,/' ITo I. /y CfIA XV XH Y. AMi VltW ion IN AIiMtUAI.TY. dentistry. ■ II - - J c oRA.Mf. Dnrrm Of ft. • In Mr*,' k » r»rt« • *•* Be. V ui< *tf< AS. » r * . »» 3 HENRY E. HATHAWAY, C'OLLK( TOIL i SSK aws l<Unte ftM of CU*rg* OflWr wlia W M TUEK. Atiorerj .1 U» He »tll«, W T. ■**" i>R. hai.COM nmuii Physician, Sorpii and Acconcleir (Mr, at midmct on Cherry >trert, >*■ Front ami beforid Htr*tt», BEATTLR, W. T. j a Mt« ® M " 1,1 iJt * HcNAIUHT k HALLKH, Attm & Counsellors at Lai, POET TOWIfSEHD, W T. W It ANDKKWS, attornev-atlaw, Will vrwcUcm tn ail th» Ooorto of tn ih« Twrllurj' •Wtca w ii'iu>i*o, urro«rr* owl* r>KirTAi.. iumi, *• T. D. S. SMITH, If. S. Com m fowl oner, Juntice of the Peace and Notary Public. Coll#rtl»tM r»n *ll win.# under f »<* I>«mv|» tn>l • tliT i.«v».ni dr»wu »n4 -V. adtfii»'i>l« »l ut>t i «tt> »»ti« o»Ki»' Oora«r <-f Tblra •!»'! mil OR!IRED. ;W. SPARLING. (Late of the U- S. Arm/,) jpji rfffr* ** * mv JH4j juo.e*. omcMoii co**fKHct\t< wrnwTT. «t>oo»a MOftTU or CITY HOHPITAL, mm mg 4m - r ■ *" ■ " ■ OA j.S. MAGGS, Dentist. OFFICE, MILL HTKKKT, ffir Kclitl* in.l UtraM* Kl..r», RAHT Of OO e'H»KNT4I. HOTEL. C M.BRADSHAW, Attorney w, PORT TOWNSKNIh W. T. ion* J M.alit.taA. T*» lii ui NrilLVtA RtRkE, ATTOKXKVS-AT-liAW, SEATTLE, W. 7., Will Ittwd lu tiu»ln*M In alt parta «.»f lh» T>t rtlorj, «. M. MotXmaßa.) C. ■ n*aruaie DtStrlet Attem«yJ M blalrn t, W T.) M'CONAHA I HANFORD, giiwncv+ai. i<mWs NoiUUor» in 1 tu*»*fcry nnd t»r+€soru IN Mmtraiiy. Ornci —Cotniucrcial Street, et»rni»r Sent tie, W. T. DRS. I. ( H. B. BAGLEY, Homaroprntkinta, SKATTLK, W. T. Un n. » BAtii KY, latf or Prtiuapla* ai»«t lTacllc» of Hurjfvrji In U»«- Michigan C#titr«l M<«li->al t»V*r»ti»r tiuivnr an.t ty, aiitt wilt sttou-.! tu calls in auy (-art of th« tk>ua<l. »tl» OR. G. A. WEED, HIKUKWN AND PHYSICIAN, SKATTLK. W. T. Jam*i McXu-dir J " • > ' McNAUOIIT & LEAKY, 4 TTORXtt TS -AT- I. AW. SOI.H 7- TOHS IN CHANCSKT. d PHOC TOttSiX ADMIRALTY. Will peseta* In District ao-l OMtrta. Mr. Lawry «1U *!** sp*cla! aii»ca n 00l Wi'tloaa, (\>uv«yaD* am. if . a)»« U< t.'i» pnrv ha»# sikl sals of Rsal BsUts. Jna u«m ltr* ij\* DR. JOHN BAKEK, FaracM.r * ju Kuto.r UDUt)LIil-Oirsrf ThlrJ aaJ #pfla« #FFI€ > lU~c\w«UM.-tai. »»raa«T. orrt»rr* m» Bin Kit«a«a DR.G.V.CILHOI \. T. Oflk* Um Imuiaasi M omea. BOARD AND Tt'ITION •as WoMsUMtlfor Two Yong Ladies wlatiac taatrartioe ta MeroMlitlisb Studies »s im orrrmrmsno THK CURIOUS, ÜBFFUL A2TD SCIENTIFIC. 4 < ra* v > »A- K. Thrrw are p*-r* .♦ living is N ford *itb * * •> £ * -• * tn ! tbtr I Bn£r«f< <.; < b 5 \ \- . th»- rorr*»spor>hng '<*+ third *:.•< r' jrt of < ftcb foot Th i- • « tar *y •rtinkd tbrouh - *at "«. !* i • Mi»i • r*-i *:*• nl' » -itb - > gical op' rVi« t- (» r< : . . ?.= i fingrr*, and th '«* f '* I » » rorjtro! ■ f tb« i* « r - 4 • finger*. •*» tb at b«- co» i n< t < ; --*■ litod* *Rr»«T» AM.iX THE f >Yii rAVIIIY i* an it«-m whi< h wi' iti* -»*-* thoa** «hn tr< ub !*•■* th aromnpiiahrneuts ©f royaltr. <-* hi« I/j u«- ha« f» w i; :i '« as t * ♦ er ©ok»rwt. u>l>*» t» «i« « |;?»ng j i. •• • J H 'Ut - 'it \ ' » y |>U> «ir« a«ir« thit C ■. * <ji . . ; «* . m alptur of m<<r« tbin a.«-ragf % w'y lit* II i/iiii' » ! t- jn' •< i lm«f« <if !!i» Pfi 1 i'rif) --- ! wbu h wili ihurt!) I ! exhibited Tb« ItkeoeM i»» ♦*< b < » i* • \ it-i»t. and th« pt'% I }»••••• «-\j r . .. l*nt nioreUktftbe work of -.i v. t:* j •- «•«] • 'ilj»f«'r thtti < i" * r y.tit. A NEW TAJ ST. A n*<w "c»>pp- r is r.' ii; \ !<• in P»rn from »p'»r< j ] r by cltdroljruit. This i< unx- 1 Hitb a hydro-*nib.m vuii!-'i, u. ! uvt>4 i% ilull c>'pj < r f'tlur t, m ' \ ■ ttr tu !r« u{K>i» wlikb it U!*i i yhx ! with onliitur* oils, n »tx-,'U'i >; ♦ < [itiUM*, t»iviisj» a color, which iin j»4rt-« thf Hppvftr kU< > t . 1 I »li/. i lit lit UU'tallli p*H; t * *r» |!ia<h- if' <I«t» ground out of lt »T»s of ni' til, • tbat «»ch jwiruclc is lv f! st in •bapo, giving a r< cti\ <• turiac . Amorphous ui« talli<- p«w{.is .| *i »t r rtoct ligbt »t ail. and require bmtn-;i ing if they ar«* r««piirtd to b< AN 11'k.M rOR railway mk\ VV« do i»'»t fwl any p«'r*onat »■ !T-•« from the rapid m >tioii of t!i i titb HI its revolution from #r tto i-ast, !>ut there in little dialUt tbaf - i.f mi. ii f f««-ts »-*i«,f Kv«-rytbiiijf on t >• n i i dr»ggts), * » to »p< ill f»tt(i it ar d . euriout reeult ot llu< i« ob*ir»»-d ; > railway liios running r•«• 1111 ii :»• ;'b Oa »m li ntilwiiy « 'b« » i»tim lii •• w out f<mt«r than tb«* w. »t> i. v i wrtttrn • errp or .. v -li- My t th*' s»iutb. t-a-1«-r tb'»ll if* I ow. iI. - can only du» t• > th«- greater w»-ig t of a train upoti tb« e«stt rn iin< t i-t.i . thus wranng t!. iu oti? und p vruting tlu'ir '• creeping 11. • whn li i tinning an tb«« eastern line •'* *f»r <>ur S*»t« r. and this \ hi y from t ! •. .» (MM. A IIATHEMATI* VI. OK.VH - Onu matLi-matii' »l *llit:* nn that by giving Vt ' minut. < t.>» a-b<, n thbutorand using » r. t*. liable nam U r of hour* each day, he could ?urviy the wltoU* exhibit'i-i ui -•{ y< i ■ * A: other found that by giving on-» mil <tt to each aHitributor in e-add g< t t hr >!';• . in five years liut n- < »-xh; >it: n will la.*t only *l* months, whit f' * i Tbw truth i» tbV, witb n 'i tl *'■ i* l*«autifiil and wonderful in !!>■ » \ tioo, it timli • deal «>t «.• »i g out. CON IKM 8 OK (IKLL'! AH «T - F'.L V* TUw following giv. > th < >nte».t» circular cistern* f r ei a : • • in Tb« information u>ay . .t" t.» , t some of our readeis I'tatuotrr. 1> 1 * Five feet 4 ' -> Si* feet 7.71 Seveu fwet U. l.'i Eight feet U.M Nine feet . • 1*». lo Ten feet I s »'» > < Hour. The following from ar-■ -• t*' h- ex change may be w-.rl i * tri ii . " <'r i;< may be cuild in one and tin remedy i« simply alum at. sn«ar. lo effect a euro, tak* a hwft hi 1 ;ra!<: and aha*e off in stnall p»r*i a' a i t« a«{H>ont'ul uf alum, th'n m v ;* *. . aUmt tw;ce it- »pinntit\ of *»a t makt it palatabb Aim. si si.*" u-t 1 outdy relief »»ll ful' .w. wki«<hr o* v> rkk, The weight vs iter ii tn-u-.v •-t - mated by dirt rent matl;ma':is. , i i i*|»<riuiontaliit-*. lon * ar;<« * ?dif ference stated by "S»>- ty Wi-,; m< r." Sir Ueorge Shuck t urg Kv> yu t -iii It to be at thi tenia- -ature i f 1 » Fahrenheit. the In ight « f the < :i { mercuary in the ' ovm»-t rU i: _ ' inehea, 'W.h* a ouuc< * i\ ud»j>ois; *hu U w b!y t > the tab «..! tb»* n«at; -it v t« rat diflfrrent t*ii>|ma' u« st -91)9.54 ounce# :it <»•* dtgr« < * i (Ii : i *. when the column t uierrury « high In th« rarhan»« :;tar\ regu'. iti mailt in l s -\ % cubit* • . ♦ t w stated to w- igh 51 ; 2 Itr\ s gr u iil troy grat a *ro iua • 'j ! to one p»'uml avoirtlup >i« . h-1 « it t - lows that a culac to<>t <»f . number* i- wifHcietitly i. *r i ' * cause its adoption fr a I }>r «• t ii : i: ttorac*. Teaiplvtoo »*ems i,.< s.t*. tak a« the w.- J of a m f• : of wati r, »itkc i H .*T 1•• d >; ' y (qiltU ; wiiiU l'r. (■> liii - : • ; : MobtW'Tth i.av« t * u ' •« A the weight of a cu 1 ; t v>t t w.»* . the maxsmum density ;« ! »*> * .» » V >7 • ' a - ... . si /.k or cori*r»i> j» <lr«v v v i« at' t t ' >i/•> t'» rti. ■.* PlWtiih* i* th .? on -! th ' • •i« of Nfw \ k. Hindoo tan i* th*n * ! »im«'« a» » l v >!.» Th* great 'lt rt • t Afru i Ha - r \ the prr*?at <k f ti« of t! • I i«:?v ; 1 State#. The H«-d Stia w<Hiid r. acH from W .«h 1 inftoo lo Colorado, and i< tbrv-o tr * I »*• wide a> t>nt:irio The Englitb Channel i< tu c y ai iarm u lak* The M%Vterra :«>a !, if p* » I ar» -> N« rth A: ;, n* a » uld n. ,k . a ua> 0 ' . tion froia San lX to lUltamore. The Caspian «N!>a would arret. 1 fr» m SEATTLE. \VASI!IN(;T<)\ TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 26. 1876. >"■ wYrk ♦ -'♦ Aug-: M . - .s s ' • v ?- -s X a- Y rk to K - W r «• - • ' ;* i' >uf *W\ -:« ',\. - ( H'u ' ' !*-.n; or. -twelfth of Cbtn-i. stid "«e twrrity-f-*' of t-.e 7\.» G ui:\r Mn: » i. i 1.,31 t n ?<«■» th* «ix<» rf S"*y r. at.*l tis t! v Kiki « ii! s%, Bay c 15 i.gat, China - v ». Uk ' k rJi' m S-'s.; L?*k- 1 Ontario W i * * *C; r • .''.'ll* ■*. 1.1; ■* ' T f->tlo*.v.' i \ ■!! ■-* ot' water ir<. iV • th, \r.m *]ta U«rmiu i- %% - *, Y 12■..< v s•» ILi Uei Bay it ra'.i-T laf,.* ". I!;*? Bil' v. AdriiitiO, I > ' i i . U .a, .ll.'wiii S . b:»»f as n, I*■ :<■*;.:»t r than l ike Super ior, HOHANCE OF A RELICT. A: rig -h • itU notices recently printed, mt a < >rre*po; leat of the | ' ' lYibctu. wi* that of ft oil I'll#-- .„'<<! Kngllh:uao wh > liad only re*i !• .1 "u thi-» * a try about -iv ui<»uths. ifjs iij-t'.ry linked to that of a charming wi i a a.{! known in - •riety, if*:* ; »t hi-I'i* wt !1 nigh ur»>ur>j» >rta ;»r, r a ■ j! 1 1 • !»ut lor one circutn -'nr.r-\ \\n uf » ghtl* B month- » tu \si<! s. wh'i, hy th'- war, w i the wifenf a d* «1 wholesale i*r K'rrv ta< r lunit, mi I n t"ur to Kurjw it <. tnpativ with the family of tin Intern railroad king. Her own fortune on- I M-ted i<f the ipo-nte from her husband's which she accepted in lieu of dowtr, eoupb i with tii r-iedition that the t*t te,-! >!; .I go direct to an only • ■:i —a i » - >ut twelve y« irs < ! I—in tie -lie married a -<•> ond time. On (hi E-jr ..♦•an tr ; |» «h•? met th gentleman i , .•] i. d. It i- the old, oh! «t y. lie v. h>! d a!i 1 w n hr, !>ut ?he *ti&ulaft-d t'ii* th* y inu«- r**i le aft-r marriage in America. He con •i-.'iited, Hold cut hi* busine in K'igland, at. 1 rouiov ito America, Tlte time fur fnr.rri ig • w inly arrang •!, hat the man was taken si. k with typhoid fever, and contiimoi very ill f»r several week*. He wont t > Florid* and found temporary iv.n-f. Ah out t tr---' w-eks > he r« ?ur!, hu? an itnprti i- it t x p u e'r nj.:.* «-n a reiaps:-, and last W: « k he died. In hi* I tlUr >'< krt <* he was attended hy his pr :U-*d n.'lt nil th tn derue • ;*.»>« 1 (an pcMibto, Sin- bad veil in .•-ii' i hi ui ■•ueoin*,- ?'!\ S!io hi. Im'on i\;t> *v< «y *■ i«• U. asi it only r. - utly th t' hr r. Uttr«"< sn ■ul'* *1 !■. liupt ■»i rr- .tnery. The stive wh < i awnits n r wounded heart !i- ti nit ally r> „v>v< . in a h;iuk ba it). t> at own Urothes alilouDtin<' to - ' as 'j '."{JO in »m >ia t« t.» trh\ t; as>. ! in wiil regularly ii -t!, wi' • d. ; 1 iih 'it whieh »he i«. a* y. t in tot;»l n;noranee. Thi- information i« derived from the * r who dr. w the will, and to whom ti; • ' -i t <■ I eomtnuiii< ited the whole of th * itorj a* herein briefly outlined. A rU'"'NY NEW YOKK CO TJllT snip. A "s\i; .r 1 iii';c. f X .* Y• -rk e ity i< i,on i happy ;* t \ ;. nt';-- igo he was tiif engaged of a •■■■'_[ widow < his :;t wife wh 1 is well kiiovvu ! ; litt-r rv < irci s, as. .ti at teii-' nit < ft!. Sv.r. <is i .i i; 1? ; tii- «;g g, ii ', an <•tnt it t irr» i which matlu it i. < - »jy f>r the 1 I v to ehaligO th- i;t vest in "lit t■ f ol her »ut.vl>. it .r.t .y -ii s iag!it tie- vice of her intei. Ud bu>' ;u-d. ii h.i» ..i w ,y> bad ;i hyrn r of to marry a woman lor m •; >y, ad frarc- v s*id to her on this occasi--a th ;t. as they v. >• -a . yt■ io marrs-'d a.l i.e t<a i xaliici nt property for both, she had better expand her fund* ia any way that might ph-ise her. She di-c! liau >i a .v il- >.i - to do * >, and told hbn that ttit '.noa yh id K*en left to her oy her hu*l>a:.d, and -!ic did not care to expend it foolishly. At last a happy thought occurred to the cavshier, and li« n.euti m« lit t 1 > the wilovv. A< the DioiH y came fio: i h<T first hu» an 1 why not impend it iu eret ting !* band«ou»e na una r.t to hia nuni ry. She eagerly a l.ij t.-fl the «n u 'g<«»r;.c . and teg ther t aty In'gan t«> j. m bow it should <: ia . The next day - marldc w-irkcrs were r<*jtn ted to in d•- -» f«r a lu.-a na at. eaibier ; ■ in'ly wr-'te the epitaph praising the v.r" ■ ;t . .! d. a 1 it . < to-.v f itiin lie iia a mar w,>: ki r * t a-' T ::rtv• s ju i tr -t Tbo intention v. to i the nionumeiit completed b for.- tho marriage, but unfires-en del iys preventc !. The cashier haa r i.t re charge of the work, and d iht!e~s tie: 4 wife love* hi .1 all the n. r- f, r hi-»lisdit< reit lne»>. <iwr. Hkk La:, r it —-An old blind man lately been travelling with hi* aged wife, b gging t!a ir way and f<dl'wing th line • f the ratlr «1 tracks. t>n Satur i;y they r-u h d Ko>r?e, on the Canada southern track, and -«t dowa to r ■-t or, a tmsstl bridge wh»*re the n id ta «kt • a ?-udden curve, and wore Mir, ri ! !va tram, which was upon th n almost l»cf">re they were aware of their <larger. The wife -prari; to her It et and dragged her has! tnd fro:n the tr.a k. She siv 1 !u> life, b«;t bat her own. f r >hc had •earccly p «do.d him fr >n\ the rai •' trc th pa tof the 1 < m tlv -tries, her down, - II w d » y >a like your n-w m;tn*t .. ■ 1 y-.ung tdy of ata *'• r ia a »trc-. t car the othe lav **Oh. i? b jtxst splen »d ' * ' replied, v. ith Vou . V it to - ii Mm 1. H «Is i hand ic.and hp v- ' <a'4tfiit}- v. and r ;- t! hytan ,n -u h a iovi It w t; ■ d * hl-es .M . id. th- r- w * a dn-adful ii als...t hi:a in the place where he preached ' k*fore he came here." A Chic jo m ,n, notetl for h - :i.ddt I jty, wa- jaarrad a U* ni >nth> ag s a:. 1 at i«#t aoXHinta he h-a» 5 . - > f*r ra »li^ed 14 rt gat - n .. a* to *. :. drai Uasef mth e\i«t- tiitofs [x rs- nx! deed. MISCELLANEOUS. SB*co Importers of (t A S T s 1 "') it O * ❖ I FIXTURES STEAM AND «JAS 3'"S f 9 5 ■■ !!!! ISS GOODS, &C. S. P, WIIREHS & CO. KTI I JUSE FMISHING HARDWARE jTOB WORK.. All work jwrtruning to the business done at "i'tort notice, and in a Worknn n-like Manner. I e m i UL * i. r.r, r.rr**»:» WA*UISOT K *jrr> MAIN. SKAT I LK. \\\ T. nil3-3m FEED BOWLS !j The Sheila fr- m W<xxl< a liowla make the l»e*t : 1 fr f<>r h r>f» r«. attle ever PRICE #1.50 PER DOZEN. :it tiic Wi o<ltu Bowl Factory FOR Hardware AND Minnies' Tools, Of *ll ki«<lt, fo »o WUSTHOFF * WALD. « nntrj tr»de -Is .•it 1.1 rTi« NT BTUEET. P. on x 52. I Nettle. W T. EftSTWICK. MORRIS 4 CO. Civil ®na Mining JHIST C.l 3NT T~! GXIS. ,'Bc« s>> . iS'ir®*it'* Uu...ii6jt. ( i.r ( < tin •> . U lili MrttU. , vr^;. ■ rrttrj. C sir- 1 t-tl - r&l 'V '* *»•! talsee.m* vfrc 1.. »a -1* » !t* tfjxsa, Plan# ud < <*', ...• * fur ■ V: -•<» fimiAid. •: . .* - Jt* rt, asd U> U>« I Mf , H:«l ir**r ic,> . . $ ..s• •. Nii*. 13 lfTj. POsY SALOON, Krfttj MSN .MURPHY C *>r « -* .*1 tsi M*.a itrwt, Oftpcwit* tt*r.- Haul fpii:s if the f l»ee to * <*it to h»rt Uw laser Cigars, Tobacco, Wines and Liquors A:w»*» ea head. fealtl*. ▼ T- Her** 53, in. MISCELLANEOUS MOORE & CO. dealers in Fre*h and Salted MEATS i I * I and a general assortment of €m w mm I Alao, the best brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Third k Uuioa Stmts, Seattle,' WORK OXEN; Good and well-broke Oxen At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this Office. m2otf SKAT T L E BROOM FtCTORI ISAAC CHILBKBB- friprielir CIIEIUtY STREET, near Second, SEATTLE. —O — Bryonia constantly on baad to meet the 1 requirements of the trade, and brooms mad* to < order to suit purchasers. Three descriptions of bn>omi« air made, which •re equal to the beat of the kinds imported, and which will b* »old by wholesale at Sau Francisco I'rifM, and by retail at Seattle prices. Alao. WISPS AND CHILI >KES"B BBOOMS. Rrooins delivered to any part of tfca city with i Lit additional charge. W Aak your «roc«r foe tha SsatOe Broom. ; Seattle, April 15,1876. i Ye Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! | That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at j the f DMII ItFMlini WHERE StealLS, Oliops, And all the dsllicariea of the aeaaou irt «sniid la the best New York atyle. i by the Glass, and supplied to Parties and sent in quantities to any place j where there is steam communi<"ation. o Fresh Made Candies, And an Assortment of FINECASUS Constantly on band. Wedding Cakes mads to or j den on the shortest notice. Ball Suppers and . Parties supplied, j May I3tb. 187«. Dolly Varden 1 *§ A. JLC» » MT 9 \ Front Street, near the Pavilion, SEATTLE. W. T. At the DOLLT TA&DES- U ISKS, LIQUORS, BEER, AND CIGARS ! of the BEST QUALITY, will alvej* b« ifpfd to oar rastumer*. (TITER'S OLD BOURBON W HIAIKK V * AND THE BEST CIGARS IN BEATTLE ARE THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS HOC3E Smith & Jewett, E :.i/ PrvpnetoT*. THE* ALHAMBRA SALOON R. PRICHARD, Proprietor. iMMHt to Wo. MrlT.n. Mill St. opposite the Post Office, SEATTLE. Wlnos, l^LUor®,^ 1 of the be<t quality constantly i on hand. ml 3 - ** &. . - .. . • . . ... MISCELLANEOUS Crawford & Harrington IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS S JE3 A. T T 3L» E, *W\ X., Have on hand a large and well assorted stock of goods in their line, consisting of Foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, Iro and Steel, assorted. Blacksmith and Carpenter Tools, Agricultural and Mining Implements, Crockery and Glassware, Paints AOlls Hemp and Manilla Cordage, Groceriesand Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, &C. IT TALBOT COAL, FOR CITY TRADE, FOR BALK FROM WHARP CRAWFORD & HARRIGTON. SEATTLE, W. T., July l»t, 1875. 8. W. HOVBY. W. W. PARKRK. HOVEY & BARKER, DEALERS FN General Merchandise, CORNER OF COMMERCIAL AND MILL STREETS, SEATTLE, "W. T. All Gkxxia At tills EtatatolifllimetMl! arc of first rato quality, j AND WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS AT ANT OTHER HOHH IN THE cm. m Goods delivered to any part of the City fate of charge. apIGIBHE Wu^h<^^ *BU" jyr)Vx C^ii AKTTS Ti?uT* 4 Ship, House Carpenters, Machinists, Blacksmiths, and <4jn MECHANICS' TOOLS A SPECIALTfj Seattle Planing Milld «. W. STETSON, Manager. ||H S ASH,DOORt| BLINDS, FRAMES, SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINJ^H of every description. >M SFA SOS ED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HMK/K FEED GROUND M At our (1R IST MILL, at Reasonable W T.. F. b. 39. 1<«. J J.F. MORR Druggist & Apothecar llhotenaie a nd Retail. Commercial Street, Seattle, W.T. SION—CITY DRUG g^OHE piiE&iir #T SAXS r>e*ler« in m-. €»* Jk. XM9 Gents' Furnishing Croocl 1 NO. 19.