THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. vol.. I. PROFESSION A I. C4UOS OINNISOi * lIAiCHAIO, and Proctor* ill Admiralty. mrirf&r* •» t'rr% T'J »WI *4. Wiibl||i.-I "*rr\ » 14 eey. D P. JENKINS, % BKATTLK. W. T , I TTOTIXKY~AT-1..\ H, >O/,/' ITo I. /y CfIA XV XH Y. AMi VltW ion IN AIiMtUAI.TY. dentistry. ■ II - - J c oRA.Mf. Dnrrm Of ft. • In Mr*,' k » r»rt« • *•* Be. V ui< *tf< AS. » r * . »» 3 HENRY E. HATHAWAY, C'OLLK( TOIL i SSK aws lR. hai.COM nmuii Physician, Sorpii and Acconcleir (Mr, at midmct on Cherry >trert, >*■ Front ami beforid Htr*tt», BEATTLR, W. T. j a Mt« ® M " 1,1 iJt * HcNAIUHT k HALLKH, Attm & Counsellors at Lai, POET TOWIfSEHD, W T. W It ANDKKWS, attornev-atlaw, Will vrwcUcm tn ail th» Ooorto of tn ih« Twrllurj' •Wtca w ii'iu>i*o, urro«rr* owl* r>KirTAi.. iumi, *• T. D. S. SMITH, If. S. Com m fowl oner, Juntice of the Peace and Notary Public. Coll#rtl»tM r»n *ll win.# under f »<* I>«mv|» tn>l • tliT i.«v».ni dr»wu »n4 -V. adtfii»'i>l« »l ut>t i «tt> »»ti« o»Ki»' Oora«r <-f Tblra •!»'! mil OR!IRED. ;W. SPARLING. (Late of the U- S. Arm/,) jpji rfffr* ** * mv JH4j juo.e*. omcMoii co**fKHct\t< wrnwTT. «t>oo»a MOftTU or CITY HOHPITAL, mm mg 4m - r ■ *" ■ " ■ OA j.S. MAGGS, Dentist. OFFICE, MILL HTKKKT, ffir Kclitl* in.l UtraM* Kl..r», RAHT Of OO e'H»KNT4I. HOTEL. C M.BRADSHAW, Attorney w, PORT TOWNSKNIh W. T. ion* J M.alit.taA. T*» lii ui NrilLVtA RtRkE, ATTOKXKVS-AT-liAW, SEATTLE, W. 7., Will Ittwd lu tiu»ln*M In alt parta «.»f lh» T>t rtlorj, «. M. MotXmaßa.) C. ■ n*aruaie DtStrlet Attem«yJ M blalrn t, W T.) M'CONAHA I HANFORD, giiwncv+ai. ial t»V*r»ti»r tiuivnr an.t ty, aiitt wilt sttou-.! tu calls in auy (-art of th« tk>ua ' McNAUOIIT & LEAKY, 4 TTORXtt TS -AT- I. AW. SOI.H 7- TOHS IN CHANCSKT. d PHOC TOttSiX ADMIRALTY. Will peseta* In District ao-l OMtrta. Mr. Lawry «1U *!** sp*cla! aii»ca n 00l Wi'tloaa, (\>uv«yaD* am. if . a)»« U< t.'i» pnrv ha»# sikl sals of Rsal BsUts. Jna u«m ltr* ij\* DR. JOHN BAKEK, FaracM.r * ju Kuto.r UDUt)LIil-Oirsrf ThlrJ aaJ #pfla« #FFI€ > lU~c\w«UM.-tai. »»raa«T. orrt»rr* m» Bin Kit«a«a DR.G.V.CILHOI \. T. Oflk* Um Imuiaasi M omea. BOARD AND Tt'ITION •as WoMsUMtlfor Two Yong Ladies wlatiac taatrartioe ta MeroMlitlisb Studies »s im orrrmrmsno THK CURIOUS, ÜBFFUL A2TD SCIENTIFIC. 4 < ra* v > »A- K. Thrrw are p*-r* .♦ living is N ford *itb * * •> £ * -• * tn ! tbtr I Bn£r«f< <.; < b 5 \ \- . th»- rorr*»spor>hng '<*+ third *:.•< r' jrt of < ftcb foot Th i- • « tar *y •rtinkd tbrouh - *at "«. !* i • Mi»i • r*-i *:*• nl' » -itb - > gical op' rVi« t- (» r< : . . ?.= i fingrr*, and th '«* f '* I » » rorjtro! ■ f tb« i* « r - 4 • finger*. •*» tb at b«- co» i n< t < ; --*■ litod* *Rr»«T» AM.iX THE f >Yii rAVIIIY i* an it«-m whi< h wi' iti* -»*-* thoa** «hn tr< ub !*•■* th aromnpiiahrneuts ©f royaltr. <-* hi« I/j u«- ha« f» w i; :i '« as t * ♦ er ©ok»rwt. u>l>*» t» «i« « |;?»ng j i. •• • J H 'Ut - 'it \ ' » y |>U> «ir« a«ir« thit C ■. * pp- r is r.' ii; \ !<• in P»rn from »p'»r< j ] r by cltdroljruit. This i< unx- 1 Hitb a hydro-*nib.m vuii!-'i, u. ! uvt>4 i% ilull c>'pj < r f'tlur t, m ' \ ■ ttr tu !r« u{K>i» wlikb it U!*i i yhx ! with onliitur* oils, n »tx-,'U'i >; ♦ < [itiUM*, t»iviisj» a color, which iin j»4rt-« thf Hppvftr kU< > t . 1 I »li/. i lit lit UU'tallli p*H; t * *r» |!iatioii of t!i i titb HI its revolution from #r tto i-ast, !>ut there in little dialUt tbaf - i.f mi. ii f f««-ts »-*i«,f Kv«-rytbiiijf on t >• n i i dr»ggts), * » to »p< ill f»tt(i it ar d . euriout reeult ot llu< i« ob*ir»»-d ; > railway liios running r•«• 1111 ii :»• ;'b Oa »m li ntilwiiy « 'b« » i»tim lii •• w out f i. v i wrtttrn • errp or .. v -li- My t th*' s»iutb. t-a-1«-r tb'»ll if* I ow. iI. - can only du» t• > th«- greater w»-ig t of a train upoti tb« e«stt rn iin< t i-t.i . thus wranng t!. iu oti? und p vruting tlu'ir '• creeping 11. • whn li i tinning an tb«« eastern line •'* *f»r <>ur S*»t« r. and this \ hi y from t ! •. .» (MM. A IIATHEMATI* VI. OK.VH - Onu matLi-matii' »l *llit:* nn that by giving Vt ' minut. < t.>» a-b<, n thbutorand using » r. t*. liable nam U r of hour* each day, he could ?urviy the wltoU* exhibit'i-i ui -•{ y< i ■ * A: other found that by giving on-» mil !';• . in five years liut n- < »-xh; >it: n will la.*t only *l* months, whit f' * i Tbw truth i» tbV, witb n 'i tl *'■ i* l*«autifiil and wonderful in !!>■ » \ tioo, it timli • deal «>t «.• »i g out. CON IKM 8 OK (IKLL'! AH «T - F'.L V* TUw following giv. > th < >nte».t» circular cistern* f r ei a : • • in Tb« information u>ay . .t" t.» , t some of our readeis I'tatuotrr. 1> 1 * Five feet 4 ' -> Si* feet 7.71 Seveu fwet U. l.'i Eight feet U.M Nine feet . • 1*». lo Ten feet I s »'» > < Hour. The following from ar-■ -• t*' h- ex change may be w-.rl i * tri ii . " <'r i;< may be cuild in one and tin remedy i« simply alum at. sn«ar. lo effect a euro, tak* a hwft hi 1 ;ra!<: and aha*e off in stnall p»r*i a' a i t« a«{H>ont'ul uf alum, th'n m v ;* *. . aUmt tw;ce it- »pinntit\ of *»a t makt it palatabb Aim. si si.*" u-t 1 outdy relief »»ll ful' .w. wki«
rkk, The weight vs iter ii tn-u-.v •-t - mated by dirt rent matl;ma':is. , i i i*|»- ty Wi-,; m< r." Sir Ueorge Shuck t urg Kv> yu t -iii It to be at thi tenia- -ature i f 1 » Fahrenheit. the In ight « f the < :i { mercuary in the ' ovm»-t rU i: _ ' inehea, 'W.h* a ouuc< * i\ ud»j>ois; *hu U w b!y t > the tab «..! tb»* n«at; -it v t« rat diflfrrent t*ii>|ma' u« st -91)9.54 ounce# :it <»•* dtgr« < * i (Ii : i *. when the column t uierrury « high In th« rarhan»« :;tar\ regu'. iti mailt in l s -\ % cubit* • . ♦ t w stated to w- igh 51 ; 2 Itr\ s gr u iil troy grat a *ro iua • 'j ! to one p»'uml avoirtlup >i« . h-1 « it t - lows that a culac to<>t <»f . number* i- wifHcietitly i. *r i ' * cause its adoption fr a I }>r «• t ii : i: ttorac*. Teaiplvtoo »*ems i,.< s.t*. tak a« the w.- J of a m f• : of wati r, »itkc i H .*T 1•• d >; ' y (qiltU ; wiiiU l'r. (■> liii - : • ; : MobtW'Tth i.av« t * u ' •« A the weight of a cu 1 ; t v>t t w.»* . the maxsmum density ;« ! »*> * .» » V >7 • ' a - ... . si /.k or cori*r»i> j» i/•> t'» rti. ■.* PlWtiih* i* th .? on -! th ' • •i« of Nfw \ k. Hindoo tan i* th*n * ! »im«'« a» » l v >!.» Th* great 'lt rt • t Afru i Ha - r \ the prr*?at t>nt:irio The Englitb Channel i< tu c y ai iarm u lak* The M%Vterra :«>a !, if p* » I ar» -> N« rth A: ;, n* a » uld n. ,k . a ua> 0 ' . tion froia San lX to lUltamore. The Caspian «N!>a would arret. 1 fr» m SEATTLE. \VASI!IN(;T<)\ TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 26. 1876. >"■ wYrk ♦ -'♦ Aug-: M . - .s s ' • v ?- -s X a- Y rk to K - W r «• - • ' ;* i' >uf *W\ -:« ',\. - ( H'u ' ' !*-.n; or. -twelfth of Cbtn-i. stid "«e twrrity-f-*' of t-.e 7\.» G ui:\r Mn: » i. i 1.,31 t n ?<«■» th* «ix<» rf S"*y r. at.*l tis t! v Kiki « ii! s%, Bay c 15 i.gat, China - v ». Uk ' k rJi' m S-'s.; L?*k- 1 Ontario W i * * *C; r • .''.'ll* ■*. 1.1; ■* ' T f->tlo*.v.' i \ ■!! ■-* ot' water ir<. iV • th, \r.m *]ta U«rmiu i- %% - *, Y 12■..< v s•» ILi Uei Bay it ra'.i-T laf,.* ". I!;*? Bil' v. AdriiitiO, I > ' i i . U .a, .ll.'wiii S . b:»»f as n, I*■ :<■*;.:»t r than l ike Super ior, HOHANCE OF A RELICT. A: rig -h • itU notices recently printed, mt a < >rre*po; leat of the | ' ' lYibctu. wi* that of ft oil I'll#-- .„'< liad only re*i !• .1 "u thi-» * a try about -iv ui<»uths. ifjs iij-t'.ry linked to that of a charming wi i a a.{! known in - •riety, if*:* ; »t hi-I'i* wt !1 nigh ur»>ur>j» >rta ;»r, r a ■ j! 1 1 • !»ut lor one circutn -'nr.r-\ \\n uf » ghtl* B month- » tu \si!; .I go direct to an only • ■:i —a i » - >ut twelve y« irs < ! I—in tie -lie married a -<•> ond time. On (hi E-jr ..♦•an tr ; |» «h•? met th gentleman i , .•] i. d. It i- the old, oh! «t y. lie v. h>! d a!i 1 w n hr, !>ut ?he *ti&ulaft-d t'ii* th* y inu«- r**i le aft-r marriage in America. He con •i-.'iited, Hold cut hi* busine in K'igland, at. 1 rouiov ito America, Tlte time fur fnr.rri ig • w inly arrang •!, hat the man was taken si. k with typhoid fever, and contiimoi very ill f»r several week*. He wont t > Florid* and found temporary iv.n-f. Ah out t tr---' w-eks > he r« ?ur!, hu? an itnprti i- it t x p u e'r nj.:.* «-n a reiaps:-, and last W: « k he died. In hi* I tlUr >'< krt <* he was attended hy his pr :U-*d n.'lt nil th tn derue • ;*.»>« 1 (an pcMibto, Sin- bad veil in .•-ii' i hi ui ■•ueoin*,- ?'!\ S!io hi. Im'on i\;t> *v< «y *■ i«• U. asi it only r. - utly th t' hr r. Uttr«"< sn ■ul'* *1 !■. liupt ■»i rr- .tnery. The stive wh < i awnits n r wounded heart !i- ti nit ally r> „v>v< . in a h;iuk ba it). t> at own Urothes alilouDtin<' to - ' as 'j '."{JO in »m >ia t« t.» trh\ t; as>. ! in wiil regularly ii -t!, wi' • d. ; 1 iih 'it whieh »he i«. a* y. t in tot;»l n;noranee. Thi- information i« derived from the * r who dr. w the will, and to whom ti; • ' -i t <■ I eomtnuiii< ited the whole of th * itorj a* herein briefly outlined. A rU'"'NY NEW YOKK CO TJllT snip. A "s\i; .r 1 iii';c. f X .* Y• -rk e ity i< i,on i happy ;* t \ ;. nt';-- igo he was tiif engaged of a •■■■'_[ widow < his :;t wife wh 1 is well kiiovvu ! ; litt-r rv < irci s, as. .ti at teii-' nit < ft!. Sv.r. r the 1 I v to ehaligO th- i;t vest in "lit t■ f ol her »ut.vl>. it .r.t .y -ii s iag!it tie- vice of her intei. Ud bu>' ;u-d. ii h.i» ..i w ,y> bad ;i hyrn r of to marry a woman lor m •; >y, ad frarc- v s*id to her on this occasi--a th ;t. as they v. >• -a . yt■ io marrs-'d a.l i.e ti a .v il- >.i - to do * >, and told hbn that ttit '.noa yh id K*en left to her oy her hu*l>a:.d, and -!ic did not care to expend it foolishly. At last a happy thought occurred to the cavshier, and li« n.euti m« lit t 1 > the wilovv. A< the DioiH y came fio: i h j. m bow it should <: ia . The next day - marldc w-irkcrs were r<*jtn ted to in d•- -» f«r a lu.-a na at. eaibier ; ■ in'ly wr-'te the epitaph praising the v.r" ■ ;t . .! d. a 1 it . < to-.v f itiin lie iia a mar w,>: ki r * t a-' T ::rtv• s ju i tr -t Tbo intention v. to i the nionumeiit completed b for.- tho marriage, but unfires-en del iys preventc !. The cashier haa r i.t re charge of the work, and d iht!e~s tie: 4 wife love* hi .1 all the n. r- f, r hi-»lisdit< reit lne»>. n Satur i;y they r-u h d Ko>r?e, on the Canada southern track, and -«t dowa to r ■-t or, a tmsstl bridge wh»*re the n id ta «kt • a ?-udden curve, and wore Mir, ri ! !va tram, which was upon th n almost l»cf">re they were aware of their life, b«;t bat her own. f r >hc had •earccly p «do.d him fr >n\ the rai •' trc th pa tof the 1 < m tlv -tries, her down, - II w d » y >a like your n-w m;tn*t .. ■ 1 y-.ung tdy of ata *'• r ia a »trc-. t car the othe lav **Oh. i? b jtxst splen »d ' * ' replied, v. ith Vou . V it to - ii Mm 1. H «Is i hand ic.and hp v- ' nth> ag s a:. 1 at i«#t aoXHinta he h-a» 5 . - > f*r ra »li^ed 14 rt gat - n .. a* to *. :. drai Uasef mth e\i«t- tiitofs [x rs- nx! deed. MISCELLANEOUS. SB*co Importers of (t A S T s 1 "') it O * ❖ I FIXTURES STEAM AND «JAS 3'"S f 9 5 ■■ !!!! ISS GOODS, &C. S. P, WIIREHS & CO. KTI I JUSE FMISHING HARDWARE jTOB WORK.. All work jwrtruning to the business done at "i'tort notice, and in a Worknn n-like Manner. I e m i UL * i. r.r, r.rr**»:» WA*UISOT K *jrr> MAIN. SKAT I LK. \\\ T. nil3-3m FEED BOWLS !j The Sheila fr- m Wr h r>f» r«. attle ever PRICE #1.50 PER DOZEN. :it tiic Wi o> . iS'ir®*it'* Uu...ii6jt. ( i.r ( < tin •> . U lili MrttU. , vr^;. ■ rrttrj. C sir- 1 t-tl - r&l 'V '* *»•! talsee.m* vfrc 1.. »a -1* » !t* tfjxsa, Plan# ud < <*', ...• * fur ■ V: -•<» fimiAid. •: . .* - Jt* rt, asd U> U>« I Mf , H:«l ir**r ic,> . . $ ..s• •. Nii*. 13 lfTj. POsY SALOON, Krfttj MSN .MURPHY C *>r « -* .*1 tsi M*.a itrwt, Oftpcwit* tt*r.- Haul fpii:s if the f l»ee to * <*it to h»rt Uw laser Cigars, Tobacco, Wines and Liquors A:w»*» ea head. fealtl*. ▼ T- Her** 53, in. MISCELLANEOUS MOORE & CO. dealers in Fre*h and Salted MEATS i I * I and a general assortment of €m w mm I Alao, the best brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Corner of Third k Uuioa Stmts, Seattle,' WORK OXEN; Good and well-broke Oxen At Smith's Cove, three miles below Seattle. A GOOD STRONG WAGON wanted in exchange for well broke Oxen. Enquire at the abovenamed place, or at this Office. m2otf SKAT T L E BROOM FtCTORI ISAAC CHILBKBB- friprielir CIIEIUtY STREET, near Second, SEATTLE. —O — Bryonia constantly on baad to meet the 1 requirements of the trade, and brooms mad* to < order to suit purchasers. Three descriptions of bn>omi« air made, which •re equal to the beat of the kinds imported, and which will b* »old by wholesale at Sau Francisco I'rifM, and by retail at Seattle prices. Alao. WISPS AND CHILI >KES"B BBOOMS. Rrooins delivered to any part of tfca city with i Lit additional charge. W Aak your «roc«r foe tha SsatOe Broom. ; Seattle, April 15,1876. i Ye Strangers and all who feel weak and want to be restored ! KNOW YE! | That you can have your spir its resuscitated, and the inner man satisfied, by calling at j the f DMII ItFMlini WHERE StealLS, Oliops, And all the dsllicariea of the aeaaou irt «sniid la the best New York atyle. i by the Glass, and supplied to Parties and sent in quantities to any place j where there is steam communi<"ation. o Fresh Made Candies, And an Assortment of FINECASUS Constantly on band. Wedding Cakes mads to or j den on the shortest notice. Ball Suppers and . Parties supplied, j May I3tb. 187«. Dolly Varden 1 *§ A. JLC» » MT 9 \ Front Street, near the Pavilion, SEATTLE. W. T. At the DOLLT TA&DES- U ISKS, LIQUORS, BEER, AND CIGARS ! of the BEST QUALITY, will alvej* b« ifpfd to oar rastumer*. (TITER'S OLD BOURBON W HIAIKK V * AND THE BEST CIGARS IN BEATTLE ARE THE SPECIALTIES AT THIS HOC3E Smith & Jewett, E :.i/ PrvpnetoT*. THE* ALHAMBRA SALOON R. PRICHARD, Proprietor. iMMHt to Wo. MrlT.n. Mill St. opposite the Post Office, SEATTLE. Wlnos, l^LUor®,^ 1 of the beM SFA SOS ED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HMK/K FEED GROUND M At our (1R IST MILL, at Reasonable W T.. F. b. 39. 1<«. J J.F. MORR Druggist & Apothecar llhotenaie a nd Retail. Commercial Street, Seattle, W.T. SION—CITY DRUG g^OHE piiE&iir #T SAXS r>e*ler« in m-. €»* Jk. XM9 Gents' Furnishing Croocl 1 NO. 19.