Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS W. 8. VtoMP. **. Tan American Honse,! f M»li Street, flctd of Wharf. SEATTLE, W. T. WIGGIN&FOXf Proprietors Board and by th* *»•«■ k. - . &V> ffc.arJ and ts«t«log by th» Pay, - I '• M»ala. ...... i!i* m- i« fr oi Mt* in l>iU. al<*/ f BMHHNG SEW! Tb« w prepared to do Ntffln Sl €j>ah Fitting | At «b«rt notice, and In a workmanUka manner. BEWIHO MACHINES REPAffiEB * —-un» OENERAI JOB WORK i> onUt. Place of Buain'M. on FRONT STREET, Belw—a Cherry and ColaoVii Street*. COULTER A HENDRICKS. RatlO JilljT. l«7f. . i AUCTIONEER! D. W. LYTB, Auctioneer. OA<-e and Balear»joma <« FRONT STREET Three doon fiom Mill. Uooda b> tight and aold on fair c-tuiulaalon In all rim aallafaction guarautred. Otre lb*- Profeaaof a rail—be allow# a<>u« to do work rhaaprr or better than blma^lf. Heattl«\ Jul/ 4th. IJi tt " BOCA." The Moat Celebrated OB tbla Coaet, will be eenrod from tbla date at THE RETREAT, FEONT STREET, . . . SEATTLE. THOMAS JACKSON. The popular proprietor <>f the old Blakcly Hotel for year*, baa moved to thia rity, and haa opened tike old UNITED STATUS HOTEL Ai a First-Class Saloon and BOARDINIi HOliSli THOS. JACK SOU, Proprietor, eattle, A prill, lftTC. B.A.HILL & CO Maaafftrturtrn of m C. V. B. REEDER'B Wire-Suspension, Vibrating-Spring BED ns Patented July 1, WT». and waa awarded the It ret Premium, with Diploma. at the California State Pair; Aleo. Ptrat Premium, with Diploma, at the Santa Clara Cuuaty Fair, I*7* and Special Diploma at the San Joaquin County Pair, lg?S. county Rlghte for aale, at reaeonable flgaree. Ordera by mall promptly attended to. Pealeilff Bet, Sl*. 44 Seattle. November is. 187&. SEATTLE COAL AMD TRANSPORTATION 00 _PHB«I|MI plaee ef Saalaiaa, lea Praertara, ral. Leeallea ef Verba, Klag Veealp Vaabtagfa TerHtery. Tbla Company ta BOW prepared to feralab Superior Quality of Coal IN QHANTITIET TO MIT I mimjn a- coat., For Sale, at Low Price* 1 Apply at tbe Ofik-e of TUB SEATTLE COAL FT TMANSPORTATIOX COMPANY. Seattle. November *tb. lit*. A LOT FOR \OTHI\Ii! IN D. T. DENNY'S a uima n mn sumi Every man who baa a family and Bays a Lot and Erect* a Dwell ing Thereon Will received a clear Deed foe TWO LOTS. Price of Lots. SSO Each. D. T. DENNY. Inly lltfe, lfTi. tjlMi MISCELLANEOUS. i i M. GLOBE, Inportrr of awl Dral«r la FURNITURE nPßOism" goods,; COMMERCIAL STREET, BEATTLE j «2~!!ZZI Parlor Sets, % J <•-. ' 4 , * AA Bed-Room Sets re v Sofas & Lounges, OP HAUL CLOTH and TAPEdTRY Bureaus, Oontor-Tablos, Cbalrs, Curtains, Picture Frames Mould 1 Tigs, etc. W. H. SHOUDY,'; I DEALER Df PAINTS, OILS, j VARNISH, GLASS, PUTTV, &C. ' Piled ready mlied In color itnl quantities to ■nit Juat received, the largest and best aaeoit. ment of WALL PAPER In the fit jr. and will *ll at reduced rates ready trimmed. RUBBER PAINT. I will inurnitn* the Rubber Pilot, all other clrctuuataucee bring equal, to cover more aurface, per gallon, two-coat work, than tha Atlantic Lead and Lliimhxl OH. and Twenty percent, more than th« Avrrill Chemical Paint, aud that it will laat twice m loag as ettfcer, when properly applied, wtu*oat 4 • Painting, Kalaotniuing and Paper- Hanging done on abort notice. feaitt* July*. SUBURBAN Property for Sale OVER 200 ACRJfiS Of beautifully located land on I,ake fnlon, nearly one-half of which ta good garden aotl. Aluo. farming Laud oa Star Lake, near Duwamiah River. A. MACKINTOSH. E. L. HALL, Undertaker Cherry Street, Seattle, W. T. COFFINS & CASKEIS CofMUotljr on kited and n»d* t» •■•ier, ItoM aa»>rtiu*ut of Undertaking €!>»<■ Of •▼rry JftrrlpUoß. tc lft« Tuiltwj. Ordert fr\<iu any part of tfea Bt und pnxupUy ftltod. K»m arUrl* la my llat wiU be aupplted on tha BM«t llWtl tarn*. JBL UTTAII. jmir Cooperage. The uad*nigu*d |h« on band a Urg* quantity i» mm in ria-TVBS Por aalt at r»«a**naM«» prim, ted is pr*par*l to furnuh alt ktnda of root*r work on demaod All w rt warrant*!. Apply at Um Skop, or to Phi] ltp Kaacb a St-irr on Mill Wmt au7wl2tl JOHN GORING. TAKE NOTICE. 3 Vokes Urge Steers, Vary klai ud partly baob* ; I yaara old APPLY TO roar ltdlow. MISCELLANEOUS ADELPHI SALOON. Jb'XJUJM WISES, LIQUORS, and OZOARS, OPPOSITE YESLEICS IIAI.L. W. T. i 3 J. 8. AXDEBSOX. KUUt LutE PONY SALOON BEN MURPHY orrr:-r GnaniTclpi mi 1 Yun wj»pr«ite l|»r. 8. H Hrl fpHIB ia th# pl»*» to V'-'t to b**e the maer A Tii»c replenished. Cigars, Tobacco, Wiae*, and Liquors klwmy* on Land fte*U!e. W. T.. March *5. I*T5 MERCHANT EXCHANGE; Saloon ON MILL STKLET SEATTLE, W. T.< The Finest WINES, LIQUORS * CIQARS Constant')- on hand. F. RIGBEY Proprietor. 1 Ths Grotto SALOON, Mill Street. Me. I. T. -s-°-« >LG*R * NIXON Proprietor! TTTTFI AIHAMBRA SALOON. YOUNQ 8c MALONY, BocoMSor* to B. Prichard, Mill Street, Opposite Poit-offiee, Seattle. Wine*. Liquors, Beer »nd Cigar* of the brat quality constaut jy4-tf ly on hand. Office §a!oon, Mill Street, Seattle, W. T., .... BY .... WILLIAM LAWRENCE Having pnrohaaed the old Stand ao lcnft kept by Rt'BK LOWS, on Mill Street, opposite Ycaler'a mill, Seattle, W. T.. (now known an the OFFICE SALOON) and fitted It up in first-daft* style, we are BOW preparvd to furniah our friends and the Sublic generally with WISLS, LIyIOUS and CI ABB of the flu eat brand*. We have a flrat-( laaa BILLIABD TABLE and eeverml Private u Club Room*" for the accommodation of onr patmna. Old Golden. J. H. Cutter A Gainee* Old Hermi tage. Bye Wbiakva. Three Star and Martel Brandy, constantly on hand. The Eldorado, BY Tom Witft 111B 9 til niKT mm & tuiis Attached to the Saloon la a Firat-claM BIMITAP RANT BILLIARD TAILS For Solo. The nadenlgned haa for aale » Marble-Top Billiard Table, Cheaf for Caflh. Apply the Port Mad tana Hotel. iy6-tf PHILLIP WIST FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN! A Rancb eitaatad en *lael C*eek. near the Seattle Coal Mine, Lake Waahtngfenn. containing 480 Acres, ;**) ol which is good bottom land. I I Good Buildings. Orchard, and Spring Water in abun dance. Thu> is t!.e !«*t bottom land Ran< b in King County. Eitny. Apply to M'RAVINT * LEAIT. I Seattle, Anguat Xlat, ire. a2l tf I MISCELLANEOUS STAR MILLS, Con«r of FRONT AHD SENECA STREETS, SEATTLE, W. T. I. W. BI ZBV. Prp'r. MttilKtnnt ml EXTRA FAMILY jFLOUR Always 011 hand. 'GRAIIAM, CRACKED WHEAT, and CORN MEAL. GROUND FEED, BRAN. SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, and CHICKEN FEED. SKATTLE NURSERY One mil cast from Yesler's wharf, on the stage road to Lake Washington. Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY ...AND.... Choice Plants ALSO Olioloo Boquotfli. C. W. LAWTON. Proprietor. BAINBRID6E HOTEL. JAMES TAYLOR, Prop'r. The only hotel in Port Blakely, and the most complete in all Its adaptatlona to tbe accom modation and comfort of families snd tbe trav eller public, ofany house on the Sound. The building Is new and hard-finiahed throughout. I Balra of Hoard sad Lodging: I Board per week ftG 00 . O r I uu Board per day 1 00 Board and Lodging per The Bar is supplied with the beet ef LIQUORS AND CIGARS I I STAGE TO PORT MADISON EVERY OTHER day ; also, Saddle Horses day or night to ; and from Port Madison. JAMES TAYLOR. Port Blake if, W. T., January 7,187*. SNOHOMISH EXCHANGE I ISAAC CATHCAET, Proprietor, SNOHOMISH CITY, W. T. ■ i i i. Everv effort will be made to maintain the reputation acquired bj Tills Hotel as the beti in Snohomish Countv, and the cteansst kept House in Washington Territory. THE TABLE is supplied with the best the market affords. \ THE BAR will be fnru. : shed with first-class WINES, and CLGARS. m 8 ISAAC CATHOART. SEATTLE BAKERY AHD PROVISION STORE ■lll Street, Heat tie, W. T. L. RELNIG, Prop'r, HAHUPACTTRM Bread, Cakes and Paltry OF ALL KINDS ! Deals io GRAIN, FLOUR, GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS, of the beet 1 quality. Receive*OßEGON PRODUCE by every steamer. Keeps FRUITS, PASTRIES, CANDIES anil CONFEC TIONERIES, prepared in the neat est style. Also, TOBACCO and CIGARS. Or Prices moderate. Articles deliv • ered at private houses in Seattle. \* Orders filled to all parts of the Sound. *2O Notice. N ttn- la fc<*rby tkal all p«TTr>#T.*® or a rarUla Prr nV ltr«. for sS«*\ in favor <>f Thwmm linffltte u4 asalait I th<- h.'ao-l Pri«-tirf t'nt' n. *!!! b» atoppM. a* there ar# mamai>i.t» aif*in«t aari n--!* An J all per»>ii» arv rauli cM ajraina* yar haaiiirf lite aame. fijr v rJer of the Fran lent A. I» CVapertlU. W. T., Jaly 1*76. aui-*w MBH. REIXHEIMER ; Dress-making, Ladies' k Children's Clothing, BJPJBJOIAZ/FY'* At Mit Wn*u>or*V Fifth Str*«t. bWywa rLion ao4 Me Street#. MISCELLANEOUS FOR 'Hardware I I A3CD Mectaanies' Tools, j 7 Of an kind*. go to WUSTHOFF ft WALD. Country trade solicited. | FBOfT BTRMT. P. O. Box S3. j Seattle. W. T. iirwuT umoT \ GRKAT CLEARING OUT OP DRY GOODS AND Clothing AT FRAUENTHALIBROS MILL STREET\ SEATTLE. llakiog arrangements for the removal to our Brick Htore now being arvcted, we offbr the entire stock of goods at cost. Remnant* and odd lota sold much below cost. The stock la superior to any In the city, cun ' sitting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Blankets, Carpets, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRAUENTHAL BROS 64 YARDS ONE DOLLAR. WALL PAPER AT M SECOND STLRET Paper Hanging a Specialty. La Conner HOTEL J. J. CONNER, Prop'r. This Hotel it situated In the thriving town of La Conner, at the mouth of the Skagit river, and in the center of the great agricultural district of Puget Bound. The house n well eatabllabed, and hu First-Class Accommodations For FamUies and the Traveling Public. Parties on HUNTING EXCURSIONS Will find this hotel moet centrally located La Conner, W. T., Jan. 18.1H7C. Northern Pacific Bailroail, Pa ciflc MOD. ffT. C9MMK3 nMKI KALAMA TO TACOMA, DAILY, (SUXDATS EXCEPTED). lcAvk | mivi Kalama 11 J io a. M. I Taroma #.OO P.M. Tact. ma Ttt) a. m. ) Kalama l'j JUr. ■ Connections: At Kalama with O. 8. N. Co."a boats for all potots on the Columbia river. At Tenino with stagea for Olympia, At TACOMA with Steamers for Seattle, Olym pis and all other polntaon Page* Sound. On Saturday and Wednesday at • a. with steemem for Port Townaend, Victoria, Manalmo. Hew Westminster and Praeer River. Connecting with Pacific Kail Steamahlp Com pany's atea—rs trUmonthly from Victoria to San Francisco, Through fare from Portland to Ban Francisco— CsMs IS3 M | Rlseragf 112 N Through Ttrheta for sale at the office of tbe O S. N. Co.. Portland. Or. J. W. SPRAOCK, Oeneeal Superintend* at H. W. FAISWEATDER, J an 3 Oeneral Ticket Agent. THE STITE IWESTHHT AHD ■INSURANCE CO. jPlr© cto Marine. , Cash Assets, - - $460,000. Principal Office. Ko. 409, California 8t- San Franeisrm. orrirEKit Prru DaiiKi. Putt: A. J. Barm, Viee-Pr. CiAiui H. Ccatw, BfcnUrr. A. P. M«T* * G«*nl A«*t»U fur 3 "•«*'«» «nd Vuta «too. Purtlaikd. ur»fio PIEHT-fl-ASS RISKS SOLICITED C. C. Perkins, Agent.. * J. A. McPHEE, Mkd rwUU iMitr la ;(W, TOBACCO, PIPES, Ud | OUTIafIRT. k&4 eumtM my good* M Fvnbta. ( CUrk'a Mure, ComatercUl Utttti, 9«*ttie, W. T MISCELLANEOUS Notice* The drawing of the first Grand lot tery of Washington Territory i* hereby postponed until the Ist day of January, A. D. IST". H L YE9LER, Manager. Seattle, July 1. NOTICE . jn» DOUBLE ENGINE STEAM A - IgU Driver. "DISK ATKIXH."j2fc the beet appointed ever on Puget Sound. is pre pared to build Whar\e*. drive Foundation* for Stone or Brioh Building*; drive Pile Trv»tling for Railroad*. and to load Veaerla with Spare. Pi lee or Timber, and will go to any part of Puifet , Sound. Addreee. H A. ATKINS. Seattle, W. T. N. B.— Oargoea o< Ptlae furnished at ahort notice. SKAGET COAL COMPANY, I. L VtSI.KR. PrtsMral JOHN H. HALL, Secretary, Principal place of business. Seattle, Washington Territory. Location of Works, Skagit River, Whatcom County, W. T. Blacksmiths desiring to test this coalwill please send their addresses to theoffioe in Seattle, W. T. August 30th, 1873. Hew |ngland t Corner Commercial & Main Sta., Seattle, W, T. THE NEW ENGLAND and lta secommodattons for families are unaur paaaed. Thia Hooee la NEWLY BUILT, la BARD PIN. ISHED throughout, hae large and well furaiahed Rooma, and ft rat class board, on the jENrofrean Plan, can be had at moderate prlcee. IT I a T H E Best Hotel in the City. L. C. HARMON, inl-tf. Proprietor. BENTON COAL COMPINI Prealdeat~* S. A. SANDERSON, fieeretarjr— P. H. HENDERSON, PMHCIPAX Puci or Btwma : •It, EAST STREET. BAN FRANCISCO. LOCATIOB or Woaaa : BLACK RIVER, KINO COUNTY, W. T. TUXIB COMPANY IS SELLINO A BUPE -1 RIOR ARTICLE OF COAL AT $6 PER TON, And furniebiag Stockholders coal, as per atlp u Nation a, at the rate of Four Dollars per TON. Apply at the o«ce of the RENTON COAL CO. on Commercial Street. Seattle, W. T. C- L. MITCHELL, Manufacturer A Dealer in First Class HARNESS ft SADDLERY MILL B*., BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND SEATTLE. W. T. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS Aul P'frjthln« apprrtatnlai to U» Trvl« con aUntly on hud. arriage Triaain* DONE TO OKDER, ftnd prompt itlrailnn |IT*I »o all orders lor NEW WOKE or REPAIBINO. SAMUEL KENNEY, Merchant Tailor HM Jut rec«lv»>] ft n«w and choice STOCK OF GOODS For Spring and Human r wetr. FASHIONABLE SUITS Made to order. CMftfticßlal UrtH, llratll*. W. T. Ij&For Sale!|!| A FAKM OF 159 1-2 ACRES, '• or# - c " u tT >™ "»*ty to MT«nt]r v>na of ha; yearly. T«H,t r flr. tot<d pasturing Und. Alau One good Span of Horses, One good Wagon, 11 Head of Cattle. <5 Head of Hogs. ts-rxftsu £= Terma—,ooo raah down MISCKI.I.ANKOtrs I WADDELL & WLES Wholeaale and KeUil ift STOVES' Klrl bjjlM -jfil RANGES Ths largest Stock and greatest nrietj oI COOKING- J and BOX STOVES In Washington Territory. Over 50 different kinds and stylo to •sleet from, including ths til tefttttai DIAMOND RODE) . SUPERIOR | AND \ ft CHEF COOK ) w For Wood or Coal. Plain or Extension Top. EUREKA 1 I AND g* MMOroS&J <S IRON PIPE, For Gas, Water or Steam. Black or Galvanized, all sizes. Malleable Iron PIPE FITTINGS, all sizes BUCTION and FORCE PUMPS. Plain, Japanned, Planished and Stamps/. I TIN WARE. English, French and Geriuan ; Enameled & Tinned Hollow Wn. , tsa— sad Water Uwiiffi, Ulsbc ssd Angk YslfM, 1 Cheek fslm, Mnrlae fiifisn BRASS GOODS, Of all descriptions, for Steam sml Welti We purrbeae our Braaa Oooda direct from «*• Manufacturer, which enablaa ua to furuuL tbieirf •rat quality MM! at lowest ratea. MAN urACTi'tiKits or :!»,SBESTi&oxuinm BOOFIHO, PLDMBIRO and JOBBOO promptlj attended to. Having the largest Pipe Cutting anil Tfcraatof Machine, and the moat cotupWU Pip* Toolla * Paget Sound, we are prepared to rut ami thread iw» Pipe, all ataea, from % in. to 3 In.. an«l fttroiafc rtp* any length* dealred, with promptneaa and «t Iw* prices. AGENTS FOB VAN'S CELEBRATED Wrought-Iron Ranges AND I Patent Coffee Urn* j r#r Hotels, Steamboats and BeitaurasU' Parties in want of sr.r Goods in onr ho* will find it to their intereet to give us s can before purchasing elaewh«'re, a* «e bate • largest and mont complete stock on the i Bound. WADDELL & MILES, SJELATTLE. I IIA\ E LKJkfcM* TliE Brick Yard Knowu m Hi* IhMMf y»r«1. t< r • t#r» of t . jrrnrw, wUb tlif "• SUPPLY IS a THE I)KMASV At rt-duo«*l rates. Will j.rrparnl t < furnUL ti<"rdeT iu ' ul '* 1 C. McAF.LISTER. • March 27. 1876. CUIFORMi HOISK Mill Street, I I><*>r from Fir* Strwt. Seattle. H. FITZNI.HONS, Proprietor- House Newly Furnished and I' l 11 Houae kept oa the old country style. Table «up|»lie«l wttn a» good as the market »tft , ru». Bed>, 24 cU Meal 24 «*• and lodging, W Per We*