DULY I\TELLI£CNfER. BY THADDEU3 HANFORP. Tlir. Dtll.T imiXHitJff* l« p!i>>li<*h«'eeu" sensation to one who walk* the granite pared streets of San Francisco, and reflects that within his own memory those blocks which it now requires thousands of dollars per front foot to buy, wore a forbidding waste and going a begging as it were, Henry Clay said, "Experience is to most men only like the stern lights of a ship, ! serving but to illuminate the track they have pawed over." Certainly it is a valuable faculty to be able to see ahead u little, as well as behiud. We do not to-day sec the dense trunks of the forest darkening, AS A few years ago, the busy streets through which rolls tho heavy currents of our commerce; nor yet in the damp and gloomy shade* that now cover our sub urbs, the trim and sightly avenues and homes of refinement that will adorn theiu a few years hence. This harbor being a natural point to command trade and centralize busi ness of every description, there is a natural and constant convergence of people and wealth to this point and a steady aggregation of population and capital in consequence This teudency is bound to increase more rabidly iu the future because Washiugton Ter ritory, its climate, soil and resources, have been underestimated iu the past and San Francisco and Portland over estimated in comparison. These, there fore, who succeed in securing inside 10. cations in this city, or what, as the city spreads will l»ecome inside linmtions, will make a prudent choice. Walla Walla, accordiug to the \\at,iimm, contains nearly 3,()00 people and 539 building*, of which 22 are of brick, aud 113, all business housed, are on Main street. There are two fire companies, one having a strainer and one a hand engiue; one convent, eight churches, sit schools, twelve doctors, two private hospitals, twelve lawyers, one »nrgeou, three dentists, two batiks, seven general merchandise houses, in cluding four wholesale houses; thrct hardware, two grocery, two drug, three jewelry, two furniture, three station try. five anil two tin stcres; three N&ddler shops, two tailors, $u shoema kers, one cooperage, one tannery, three millinery stores, five hotels, three res taurants, three meat markets, two ba keries, tour breweries, tweuty-seven sabmus, five paint, s>even carpenter, five wugon-nutker, eight blacksmith, and two gunsmith shops; two picture gal leries; one candy, one broom, two&oap, and one bag factorj; five grist-mills; two planing, and sash and door facto ries; one marble works, oue foundry, four lumber yards, two brick kilos, three weekly uewspapeis, four lodges, one seminary, two halls, one public library, on* court-house, one city hall and jail, four barber shops, and ooe water works. The city assessment last fear was $1 ,*OO,OOO 1 TELEGRAPHIC. . Ejcclit&irely to the I.rTELLIGE.%X'KR. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER Receiving Dispatches IX WASHINGTON TERRITORY CAM FORM A. SAX FRANCISCO, April 18.—Flour active and steady; txtra jobbing, ♦ f » l 2 Wheat—Choice milling in demand, and prices firm, milling #2 shipping s2Crf2 05; superfine #1 80(fl£ 1 90. Barley, dull, and heavy; feed f 1 10 (d\ 15; brewing fl 25@1 375. Corn—dull; large yellow, $1 80<& 1 85; small $1 90(flt$l 95; small white 12 10. Oats, choice lots firm; feed, $1 35@ 1 45. Potatoes, active and firm; Oregon, <&2 78; Ked Humboldt *2 78@3; new Hay dull and unchanged, fair to choice wheat, $15@17; barley, tlC@ 11; oat $11(^13. Wool—Active and firm ; sales dur ing the past week, 500,000 pounds; burry $13(a518; good free *18(a21; best, $22@24. Hye—firm, $2 40. Butter—firin; choice 23<&24 cts. Hunk, the condemned murderer, who was to have been hanged to morrow, was respited by Governor Irwin until the 26th inet., to give the Governor time to examine the documents pre sented to his attention in connection with the case. SAN FRANCISCO. April 18—The wires were interrupted last night at Salt Lake. There is no probability of an overland train getting through to-day. XEVADA. VIRGINIA CITY, April 18— The trial of Chief Breeu and L. T. Coxie, charged with substituting Ah Dock for Ah Choney, a Chinese murderer, was on trial all day in the district court. Some of the testimony was very dam aging. KAMI CRN STATES. LEAVENWORTH, KS., April 18—A thunder storm passed over this city tins evening, inflicting severe damage- Houses were unroofed, trees blown down, and sidewalks liftod up bodily and hurled through the air. The storm *lu>o9t reached the fury of a tornado. HUSTON, April LTF. —Tbo WO OL MURWET continues dull. Manufacturers are not disposed to purchase beyond their im mediate wants. Prices rule low, with no prospect of improvement. NEW YORK, April 17— The Ilerald has several dispatch*** from the south and we-t announcing banks and other establishments paying out gold at par WASHINUTON, April 18— Subscrip tions to the four per cent, loan amount ed to $216,000 to-day. cmopK. LONDON, April 18. The leading Tjne shipping firms who Are now wait ing for cargoes in ports, were yesterday invited to make tender! for the imme diate conveyance of troops to the Medi terranean. ST. PETERSBURG, April 18.—A cor respondent telegraphs that the situa tion is unaltered. The coneiliatory action of Germany continues. The dif ference in regard to submitting the whole treaty is declared to offer insu perable obstacles to further negotiation in the direction hitherto followed. LONDON, April 18.—A special from Yala states that an amnesty was proclaimed on Monday for all insur gents who would lay down their arms The insurgents disregard the offer, and ! consider it a mere sop to the opinion of Europe. Intelligence has been received from Paris thst Priucc Ha-an Pasha and all the Egyptians hare uow returned to Egypt. LONDON, April 18—The total num- IKT of looms in the striking district is ; 21,200, or a total of 470,000 in the Kingdom. The determination of operatives and unanimity of employers will not be fully tested uutil Tuesday or Wednesday next, when all notices j will have expired. Finance and Railroads. Seattle, April 17th, 1878. KD. Intlllioexcek I find in the 1m ELLiokkckk of the 15th inst , a communication from Stan wood, headed "What Constitutes Money," and signed "Tend." The author does not seem to atta< k any ot the principles laid down by " M. S I> '' as to " What constitutes money," further than to assert that h»< "does not agree with hiui. The communication, though fall of good sound historical facts, seems to ¥e more of a personal char acter in so far as Col. Fitch and M. 8 B are concerned, and as such I shall treat it, I recognize in Terad, an old friend of Col. Fitch, of whom the Col. speaks in the iuo*t oomplimeutary terms, when referring to him 1 can assure Terad in advance that it was indeed "cheering to the Colonel when he learned that the'fuited States Monetary Commis sion. had •• adopted his idea* in full upon the monetary question." I hap pened to be in the otfke ot the Colonel when he received the report of the Commission, accompanied with a pri vate letter from Senator Jones, Chair man of siid Commission. The Colonel ran through the report rather hastily, and remarked with a cheering smile, "Well, I declare, they bave adopted my most extreme ideas upon the money question." Perhaps, after the Colonel had taken time to give the re port a more careful investigation, he might have found that bis first impres sions were not entirely correct, but I doubt it, for he is a ijuick observer «,f language. Col. Fitch is not an extrem ist upon any subject, llis motto is "the golden mean." He is not a "Kearney" man. I quote from a letter of his of the 6th inst : "Had a big meeting at Piatt's Hall a week ago yesterday; some disturbance from the 'Kearney' men, but nothing serious." No, the Colonel is not an extremist, but he builds from the ground up in his finan cial structure without regard to the sayings of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and other eminent writers on finance, unless their sayings correspond with known or demonstratable fact?. He tackles with a merciless hand, their theories "that the value of gold and silver is the difficulty of obtaining them, or the cost of production,"— "that money changes in value accord ing to its purchasing power," and that the money supply of a country is the just measure of the property valuation of a country." To this last assertion, Mr. Fitch says, "it needs only a com putation of the sum of taxes that it would be practicable to collect upon such au assessment to discover itself." In reference to the framing a State Constitution for Washington Territory, Col. Fitch is trying to adjust his busi ness so as to be at Walla Waila, when our delegates meet for that purpose, and they will do well to consult his views, however wise they may be in themselves. Speaking of the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad Company, Col. Fitch informed me that he could project a plan by which the people of this Terri tory could build that road, pay for it, own it, and oe the richer for so doing: or he could get the Government to build it, own it, and run it. I may not give his statements with accuracy, as 1 take them from memory; but lam not far out of the way. These may seeiu to our people like assumptions on the part of Mr. Fitch, but when they learn (as they will) that he has probably as much influence at Washington as any other man ou the Pacific coast, and that he is thoroughly posted in all the "ways that are dark and tricks that are vain," as well as the honest and straightforward ways wLich he advocates in reference to railroad matters, they will give heed to hisjargumects. For twenty years Mr. Fitch has made the subject of railroads and tinanco his study. lie offered, through the public prints in Sau Fran cisco, at a time when everybody ridi culed the idea, ten thousand dollars for the best essay upon the feasibility of building a railroad across the continent to San Francisco. So impracticable was the idea among the great minds of the age at that time, that he did not re ocivo o cinylp contribution. and, rely ing upon his own inherent convictions of right, and trusting in the future to demonstrate the wisdom of his thoughts, he projected the feasibility of a rail road over the Kocky Mountains, and has lived to see his couvictious verified in the building ol the great Central Pacific, as foreshadowed by him. Mr. Editor, I have written thus per sonally of Mr. Fitch because he is liable to come among us iu the near future, and because 1 believe there is much good in him for our people and Terri tory. His coming will not be a "flour ish of trumpets." He is not an enthu siast, but quiet, gentlemanly and earn est. He stands upon his own ground, and nothing but facts will move him off. His motto is, "the noblest motive is the public good." Terad asks, "Is there not something that gives 'power of money' to gold, silver and paper besides statutory en actments ?" Will he not tell the public what that "something" is? M. S. B. Tivoli Hall. HO! SMOKERS. —We have received per steamer Panama a large supply of clear HAVANA CIGARS, which are the delight of everyone who knows some thing of the weed, and we sell them to our frieuds at bottom price. Also Schuieig's Liger Iker on draught ; and the celebrated liudweiser, Milwaukie and Bt. Loui9 Lager Heer in pint and quart bottle?. Also all kinds of lunches to order. IIESS & Co., PROPRIETORS. Occidental Square. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, AT VICTORIA —Persons visiting Victoria should not fail to stop at the Occidental Hotel. It is the first hotel from the steamboat landing ; is tire-proof; has good accom modation for families, and :ts good meals a« any home in the city, at only $1 00 per day. WM. JENSEN, Wharf street, Victoria, B. C. ONE of Kelly & Cole's Fruit Dryers can be seen at Ole ScbillLstadt's furni ture shop at the head of Yesler's wharf. A family dryer costs from $35 to #IOO, according to size. Can dry vegetables, fish, clams and meats as well as fruits. MAISON DOREE RESTAURANT, Front street, opposite the P«>st Office. Every thing first-class. Open Jay and night. New furnished rooms up stairs for trav eling guests JACOB KNUDSON, Propietor. EUROPEAN DRAFTS. —Drafts issued at lowest rates on Gre*t Britian, Ire laud, Germany, Russia, France, Norway and Sweden. Tickets to and from Europe sold at lowest rates 1»y Andrew Cbillterg, Seattle, W. T. HOT BOSTON BROWN BREAD on Sun day morning at the Eureka Bakery. Leave your orders for delivery during the week. Prepare for the Odd Fellov's Ball, and call at Schwahactier's for the latest style of six button kid glove*. Bl'Y your groceries At T. Lvle's, the cheapest house in the city. Quick sales and MU .ill profits is my motto. EASTXRX OATMEAL FUR *ale at Chilberg Brothers GREAT ATTRACTION.— At the Frau enthal Brc*. emporium may be seen ladies' dress and fancy g>ods, gentle men's clothing and furnishing goods, and a great variety of Brussels and othtr carpeting, and the greatest at traction H the low prices they are offer ing these fashionable, new and stylish patterns of dre9s g. and gent's wear for. i f -ame may be *aid of the car pet iug>. These have been care fully selected by Mr. Jacob Frauenthal, who will return soon from San Fran cisco, with the remainder of their im mense spring and siioimi r stock of dry goods and clothing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES & JEWELRY REPAIRED AND WARRANTED ! Engraving Neatly Executed ! NOTARY and SOCIETY SEALS CUT TO ORDER. w . G-. Jamioson, J. XJ. Jamioson. tOT Our Specialities Fine Watch Repairing Monogram Engraving, Seal Cutting, Pipe Mount ing (gold or silver) ; Jewelry Repairing. W The TBI'E TIME received daily by Tele graph from the t\ S. Signal Station, kept in a first-c!ass Chronometer, enabling those having line watches to have them accurately rated. Office and Work Room (temporarily) at RESIDENCE, immediately in Rear of MASONIC HALL, Front street. Hours from 7 A. M. to 10 p. M. We guarantee Firvi-claws Work at Reasonable Prices. apl'.'.dtf WANTED. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Jz\. Apply at my residence on Second street, be tween Columbia an J Marion. aplS dtl CHAS. Mc DONALD. WANTED. Y COBBLER -A GOOD HAND. aplS-dtf L. A TREEN, Commercial street. Patching Cement TT'OR SHOEMAKER S USE, *2 00 PER PINT -T Bottle. L. A. TREEN, aplS-ditAwtf Commercial street, RECEIVER'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE THIRD Judicial District of Washington Territory, holding terms at Seattle iu and for the Counties of King and Kitsap. J. T. BONESTELL, Trustee. 1 vs. WILLIAM G. JAMIESON. ) By virtue of an order of Pale duly issued out of said District Court on the ICth day of April, A. D. 1878, in the above entitled case, I will 6ell at Public Auction, commencing on Monday, the Gth day of May, 1878, mid continuing from dav to day until dis posed of, tne whole oi tne nioCK ot jewelry, Watches. Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, Iro'n Safe, Fancy Goods, Show Cases atd Fixtures, now in the Btore on Front street, formerly occu pied by W. G. Jamieson. Terms of Sale as follows : All sums under SIOO, cash ; all suras, SIOO and upwards, approved security, payable August Ist. 1878. H. W. "ROWLAND, Receiver. McXsught & Leary, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Seattle, W. T., April 17th, 1878. anlS-diwtd WANTED. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Wages f'JO to |2C per moutli. If suited, apll-dtf Apply at this office. LEVY BROS. General Agents for the REMINGTON SEWING MACHINES Sub-Agents and Canvassers wanted, to whom will be paid a liberal commission. mh'2sdtf L P. SMITH I Sll\, WATCH MA k Kits. JEWELLERS ENGRAVERS DEALERS IN American and Swiss Watches FIXE JEWELRY. SILVERWARE IRQ CLOCKS, OOODS >M TO AN T PABT OB THE SOCJID C. O. D. •7* Watch and Clock Repairing done m usual, at moderate prices, and in a satisfactory manner, at the old stand, Front Street. Seattle, W. T. apO-dtf Blacksmith Shop The undersigned 1* prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work. >7«iy. and Steamboat H"/ri a SjwcUtlty. LOGGIXU CAMP WORK. HORSE SHOEING and r, EX ERA L DLA CKSMI THING I ( Done in a skillful manner and with dispatch. | Shop near the 9. t W W. K. R. depot, Com mercial street, Seattle, W. T. JAMES J. BUSH. mkSO-dawtf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. \ RESPECTABLE GIRL TO NURSE A BABY xV 11 months old. Applv at this office, or at the Milton Hotel. apl6-dlw ALBERT M. mm, ATTORNEY FOR U. S, CLAIMS Washington St, Seattle, W. T. AND SAILORS' CLAIMS. —Arrears of Pay, Pensions, Bounty Money, Land Warrants. Prize Money, Pay for use and risk of Horses, and Horses lost in the Service, collected from the Government. WAR OF 1812 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, who served 14 days, and their widows, are now en titled to a pension of $8 per month. PERSONS IN THE LATE REBELLION, whose names were stricken from the Pension Rclls for participation therein, can now have them restored. ACTS WILL PASS CONGRESS this session granting Pensions to Soldiers of the Mexican War. The new bill proposes to pension all sol diers who served for t>o days in the Mexican war and all wTTo served 30 days in the Blackhawk. Creek, Seminole and Florida wars. A bill allowing further bounty to the soldiers in the late war will also become a law. Call and Rive me authority to obtain them t as the first claims filed will be the first allowed HOMESTEAD and Pre-emption papers pre pared. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE for Seattle Pre cinct, W. T. Business of NOTARY PUBLIC promptly at tended to. fl4-d*wtf Pacific Mail STEAMSHIP CO. Summer Arrangement: THE SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP h& JL. ;K rs? 2,100 Ton**, H. G. MOUSE, Commander, Will leave ou the dates hereafter mentioned. Fare from Srntlle to SMII Frnuc-i. " 30 j May 18 j May 20 | June 20 I June 8 J June 10 j STEAMSHIP CITY of PANAMA l,r»oo TOIIN, W. li. SEABURV, Commander, Will leave on the following dates: San Francisco ) Seattle ) Victoria ) April 10 | | April 20 •• 30 1 On Arrival. j- May 10 >• May 20 ( " Jane 10 J j June 20 J 14 29 J Passengers from Fort Isn I uud up-Sonad ports will take Paget Sound mail steamer and make connection with the City of Panama at Victoria. Steamer Dakota goes through to Olympia. These steamers Isave Victoria at noon on tho day advertised. Tickets are good only on the steamer for which they are purchased, find are not transferable. For freight or passage apply on board, or to 11. L. TIBBALS, Geaeral Agent for Puget Sound, Port Townseud. Tlio Steamer PHANTOM Wffl Leave SEATTLE FOR Port Townscnd AND WAY PORTS Hereafter ou # Tuesdays, Fridays, & Sundays At 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Port Towust-nd for Seat tle on MONDAYS, THI'RSDAYS, and SAT IK DAYS, at 7 A. m. For freight or parage apply on board. HENRY LOUIS, Master. apl2'd3iu Oliver McCallister DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Clsite Butter, Cte ail Ens, Fresh From the Country, always on hand. LIME, If A/ll AND OILS, Aho School-book*, Etc. Front Street, above Cherry. Goods delivered free of charge, and prices as low a* can be had in the city. apll-dtf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE j J_>l undersigned, by an order of the Probate Court of King County, Washington Territory made and entered on the 2ad day of March, lsTe) vt* appointed Administrator of th»* estate of William P. Dtnnnoie, deceased, including the partnership estate of Dinsmore Jk McElroy. A!! having claim* against the individual estate j of said William P Dinsmore or auain<*t the part nership estate of Dinsmore anl McEiroy, are re quired to present the sarue, with the necessary vouchers, within one year from this date, to t la unders* £ned, at the office of HeXaught & Leary, n Seattle, King Counly aforesaid. If such claims be n>t so preseuted within ons vear they will be barred by »«. Seattle, W. T .April 16th. I*7B. ALBERT DINSMORE. Administrator, as aforesaid. Mr NAUGHT A. LEAKT, Attorneys for Estates. ap2ow>t 1 NOTICE. I 'I "HE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX- I istmg between the undersigned in the busi ness of publishing the DAILY AND WEEKLY IS TKUJUEMCEB in King County. W. T. isthisdaydis solved by mutual consent. All book accounts due to tho office will be paid to, and all debts owing by the Arm will be paid by. T. Hanford, who will hereafter continue the business on his own account. DAVID UIOGINR, T. HANFORD. J Seattle. W. T. April 6. I*7*. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIME, PLASTER . CEMENT AND HICK FOR SALE —B V— JOHN KEEN AN, On Crawford & Harrington's Wharf; OUR SPRING STOCK OF WHYS BOl'.V AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING Has Arrived, We feel perfectly safe in saving that we have the BEST SELECTED STOCK In the Above Line Ever Offered for Sale on Puget Sound. IIOYD, mm & MIG, I FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Dry Goods Stock will arrive 011 or about April 13th, 1878. W. A. J ENNINOB WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS / II A II1) WAR E, Crockery and Glassware, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS ft Rftz * €' a Cff* COMMERCIAL STREET, - - SEATTLE W.T WASHINGTON TERRITORY BRANCH -OF THE PACIFIC MUTU Hi LIFE INSURANCE lOM OF CALIFORNIA. OFFICERS: . G. A. WEED resilient i O. D. HILL Vlt '* G. W. WARD Hecretary | C. H. UANFORD DIRECTORS—J. W. George, Ed. Polhemun, Robert Knipe. CB. Shuttucll, C. H. Ifalaon, G. D. Hill, 8. P. Andrew*. G. W. Ward, G, A. Weed. Thin Department ia organ IzM iu the inturedt t-f the policy balder*, »nd to brilgi*d I in Washington Territory. Application for lutmrauce luay be iuh.lc to any number of this Branch. j A. It. COVALT, General Majp. apldlwtf i»r>R riAlfP. V J. H. MARSHALL,, j COMMISSION MERCIAN Foot of Hinds* Wharf- Hay Flour and Farm prod u ° A '.WAYS CS HAND. ! (i<*xl« rt*vivM on fturago at reat«>4* HUME PIKE >*| ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE NEW ORLEANS ASSOCIATION 1856 ST. JOSEPH FIRE AND MARINE Jy'i AMERICAN CENTRAL Wl COMMERCIAL UNION NEW ZEALAND F'RE AND MARINE. I*™ 1 L\ CAISSE OKNRRALF. l#& ; O t s *s£3 vr Policies issued on desirable property at t«*if r . n „-£g | JtIF" Losses eouit&ldy adjusted and promptly pa* • -^g| H. W. M|>li-4tf SEA"*-