Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. VII. THE INTELLHiENCEK. Office—Front Street, Foot of Ohmry. RATK3 Of AJ)Yt*Tl* ll«G: (oo€ itch of Imb) . ftnwrttoa, K*r.h •übteqaant liuwvtloe J# grading notices ptr U®e. •• • y • • • • By tbf yeirorfMlf ll fdaoed fMw. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T Vptb ABCT. 4 HANFORD, C O U N SMEL LORS Attornavs - at - Law IliTfLI, w. r, (MM ap stain la OolaMa's Bwlldlay. .J. li. LEWIH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Omv -Butler'a Building. Booms I sad 8. lIMS street, opposite Occidsatal Hotel. K BATTLE, WaafilNOTOß TBBBITOBY. JetMti 8. C. HYDE, Attorney and Counsellor at law SEATTLE, W. T. OMoe on Oouuserelai Btrsat. wwt sUte. O. JACOBS, Monty aad CeuaeeHer at law OSm la building formerly occupied by Larrabee S Han ford. near Occidental Hotel. Heetasss promptly stteoded te. CKVnre baulard. troUXM-AT-LXW, SHITXLB. WASH. fKB -Kama J. Dispatoh Balldlag. Opposite Uoeldantal Betel. "struts * leaStT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW BRATTLE, W. T. Ottoa aa Oomtuarelal Htraat. nearly opposite Iks oOca formerly occupied by K(IM|M tt Laary. lIMI.K 4 AIT AM MOMAUOST. Jossru F, MCEALU*. XcNAIIOIIT BROS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SEATTLE, W. T.. USM on Flrat Fluor in Ooluaa'a Mrlak black. j Eulranca ou Ooiainarcial llnat. OR. G. A. WEED, M KUKON AND PHYSICIAN, HKATTLK, W. T. Offlca Woura at ofltca un Mill street, la ths •Id Vanity Fair Building. from 10 In iJ A. n.,aad st raal>l«ui<a, corner of lfadlsoo aa J Saeoad Ma., frum I to i v. M. QRS. I. &H. B. BIGLEY. fiom<*opaSkiMt* % SEATTLE, W. T. |\R. M. B. BAULET. tATB FBOFEHBOR OF LJ Frlaotalaa aud ProcUea of Bur (an la tba Hlsktaa Oantral Medical OsUa«a. wtU make OfaMttia twtMi asdlsi|kal Plaiassa aspsatal D.aad will atlaad to oalls ta aay part of the Soaad. dl 9 jam J.S. MAGGS Dontlst, OIfPIO K, MILL STRKBT. ■jrmr (U1 la aad llaraaaa Biota, EAST OF OC CIDENTAL HOTEL. fSS. OEJSTTISTiRY. Haiuj. o. obahss. Diimn. or- MS Saa «n( L. F. SatHJi a Sou "a Jewal ry Store, Sail I ran'a Block. Seattle. Ala.) Agaat for Obiokerlng 4 Son's OeleWataS Itwii. Ke WW. Rfiit, (Lata of Saa Fraaclaco.) ARCHITECT AND BUILDER Plana aud SaaotScalloaa of the I a teal style aa d treiga. is-tw ARTHUR DOYLE* ARCHJITECT. OFFICE OCCI DK N TJA L HOTKL HARMONY LODGE NO. 5 l P. pttVLU KUTUa TUCIIUAf NUIIOI H., «t MANONIC BALL, SiSSS. 1 * *" 4 NfillCAL BLBCTEICITV! pLaoruomr. or THB Dirrnuarr COM. *U * l>T IWW ' CHRONIC DISEASES. thla 1 oObr to tote aaaaaeby v*" •• OoMMtrlal alnrt,oppaalto Bcbwa- teaWa. W. *. PIANO JTUNINC, (iUllil GRANT. Ulysses S. Grant was born April 27, | 1822, at Point Pleasant, Clermont ; eounty, Ohio. His father was of j Scotch deeoeet At the age of 17 Ulysses entered the Military Academy ,at West Point, and graduated four > years later twenty-first in a class of ! thirty-nine, and vaa commissioned as brevet second-lieutenant He was as signed to the 4th lafaatry and remain- in the service eleven years. Daring the Mexican war he fonght in every battle but that of Buena Vista, and was tfcrioe breveted for gallantry. He married in IMS Jelia, daughter of Frederick Dent, a prominent mer chant of St Lea is; and ia 1864. being then a captain, be resigned his commis sion ia the army. In 1860 he joined his father in tbe leather trade at Gale na. Illinois- When the Civil war broke oat in 1801, Grant was entirely un knewn to public men. Linooln' first call for troops was made on the 15th of April, and on the 19th Grant was drilling a oompany of volnnteers at Galena, lie offered bis servioM to the ; Adjutant-General of tbe army, but re oeived no reply. The Governor of Il linois employed him to nrgaqjxe troops, and appointed him Colonel ef the 21st Illinois Infantry. He took command ia Jane, end reported to Gen Pope in Missouri. August 7tb be was commis sioned Brigadier General of volunteers, having been unanimously reooommend ed by the Congressmen from Illinois, none of whom knew him personally. He was employed for a few weeks watch ing Missouri partisans; and, on Sep tember Ist, was given eominand of the Distrie! of Southeast Missouri, with headquarters at Cairo. On th<t Otb he sensed Padncab, which commanded the Tennessee and Ohio rivers. This stroke bronght the Kentucky Legisla ture, affectedly neutral hitherto, to de- j clere in favor of the Government. Early in November, under orders, he destroyed tbe Confederate camp at Bel , mont, about 18 mile* below Cairo, and j commanded by the guns of Columbus i on tbe opposite bank of tbe Mississippi, j On bis return to his trau«ports the. enemy from Columbus attempted to < intercept him, but bo cut his way out and returned to Cairo. In February, 18t>2. ufter repeated applications to Geu Hnllock, lie WAR Allowed to move •gainst Fort Henry ou the Tennessee. Before be arrived there tbe naval force c *n»oretin<» with hiin had compelled the surrender of the piece; end Grant prepared to attack Fort Doneleou on the Cumberland. This Fort was garriaoned by 21,000 nieu. On tlic 15th, after three dajV hard fighting, tbe works were carried by assault; and next day the plaoe wm surrendered; Grant's force. 15 0(H) »•••» first day, was but 21,000 on tbo day of the surrender; and the achievement is memorable as the first auccfss of the I'nion forces during the war, while it& strategic result* were great. It brought Kentucky and Tennessee into the bauds of the Government, and opened the navigatien of the Mississippi, Tenn< s tee and Cumberland rivers for hun dreds of utiles. Oraut was made Major General of voluuteers, and given com mand of Weat Yer.oes.seo. Iu March be «u ordered to Corinth, and lii» army, 38,000 strong, win eu oatnped at Shiloh. waiting G*n Buell, with 40,000 inun. Whilu in tl»u position the enemy attacked him, on the 6th of April, and. after a desperate , fight, be drove them back to tbe riTcr. Basil's forces arrived iu the night, and j on the 7th the Confederates were com pelled to retreat to Corinth. This place was evacuated May :K)tb, no fighting having occurred since tthiloh. In July Grant was mado Commander of the Department of the Tennessee. On the 10th September, lie fought the iudrci eisive batt e of luka. He fortified Corinth, an.l repolaed the Confederate attack on that place on the 3d and 4th of October, and won the battle of the Hatchie on the stli. November Jd be raovid iuto Missis sippi against Vickslxirg, with 30,000 men. Sbenntu was sout up the river with 40,000 to attack iu front, Grsut had reached Oxford, wheu Holly Springs, his base of supplier, was ear* rendered by Colonel Murphy; and this caasod the failure of the campaign. Grant returned to Corinth, and Sber man's assault on Vieksburg failed. In January, 18(13, Grant took command in person of all the Mstsinippi valley, and moved up the river to a point opposite Vieksburg. All his efforts to turn tbe place Called, and in April be marched through the swamps on the western bank to a place below Vieksburg. His Knlioets and transports passed tbe tteries under a terrific fire. April 30tb he croeeed thirty mile* below tbe eity, abandoned tbe river and pushed inland. Between the l*t and 19th of May, he broke up in detail two Coufcd erate armies, and drove Pemberton iuto Vieksburg; and on the 23J. afUr two unsueoeasful assaulta, besieged the plaee in form. Vtckabnrg surrendered on the 4th of Jnly, witn 31,C00 iu«n and 173 cannon. The Mississippi was now epen to tbe sea. and there was no more fighting of importance in the valley. Grant was made Major- Gener al iu the regular army. October 1 lib (is vis given command of the Missis sippi region; and oo the 37th fought tbe battle ef Lookout Mountain to re lieve Cbatanooga. November 23d, 2-itb and 26th he totally defeated Biagg at Cbstanooga; and west of the Allegha nies there era* no atrong boetile force left In February. IM4. Congrea* er**ted for Or»at th* rook of Lientenont Cen tral of tbo Army. and on (bo 17th of Mueh betook command of tb* United Stat** irmit*. noTiac ia per*oo agiunat Lee io Nortborn Virgini*. while h* Mot Sbermao into Georgia. and Sigel into tbo talUy of Virginia. Io a »uc- Pinion q| utmentlooft battles. w fought his way from tho lUpidan to tbo James riTer. agaioat the geoioa «»f Lee end the relor of tbo flneet *ro.y in tbe Ocmfcdersey. The bottle* of the Wil« deraeM, Bpo4tayl*ania, North Anna *od Gold Harbor,wan tho bardaat Ornnt mr fought, tod th*y oost him trtmeo- SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1879. dout sacrifices in men, but each one gained tome ground for him and forced Lee's army some distance back. In Jane lie began the siege of Richmond. Sherman was advancing on Atlanta; bat Sigel first, and then Hunter had been defeated in Virginia, and Lee sent Early to threaten Washington. Grant detached Bheridaa against this force, and that commander effectually de stroyed it. In September, Sherman hsd reached Atlanta, and Thomas, in Tennessee, drew nff and defeated the only Confed erate f» roe fhat could have opposed the march to the sea. Ail these subsi diary operation* enabled Qrant to bold Lee's army in Richmond; and when Sherman had swept the Carolines, and Sheridan tbe valley of the Shenandoah Grant made bis final move on Rich mond. Petersburg fell on the 2d, and Richmond on the Sd of April, 18G5,- end Lee retreated toward Lynehbnrg. On the 9tb he vaa surrounded at Appomat tox Court Honse all that remained of his heroio army—27,ooo men of all arms. Returning to Washington, Qrant reaped every honor that a grateful country eould bestow. Congress created tbe giade of General for him, and privatecitisens constantly took occasioa to show their admiration of tbe man who had saved the nation. Hia gensrous conduct toward his manly enemies was worthy of bis renown, and history will never forget his indignant interposition to save Lee from a threatened prosecution for trea son. Elected President in 1868, be was reelected, in 1872, by a larger vote aucl n larger majority than any candidate has received since the United States became a nation. The whole world has shared in tl.« admiration with which} hia country regards this great soldier and patriot; and his unexampled, triumphant pro gress from land to laud, familiar A 9 it is to all, through the telegrams of the latt two years, remains "on record % series of the most spontaneous tribute* ever paid to merit. MISCELLANEOUS. T. THOMPSON, PRACTICAL tiiUft MAKER, COM AIKRCIAL STIiEET, OPPOSITE JENNINGS*, iltrru, «. *. NEW WORK MADE TO OKDKR.-REPAIB. lag of all daaxlpllana naatljr duns, ufif NOTICE. , llavluu purehiieJ the mot com|.lele tut of House Raising and Moving Apparatus Ob Pii get Sound belonglug to the late laaao Wll toa, 1 km prepared to do say work In that line oa Ibe ihnrtmt nolle* >nd In the moat complete manner. Will go to any plaee on tbe Hound. The beat of referenda given. All ordaralett at tba Hardware Store of F. W. WrSTHOKF. ou Krout Street, will be promptly attended to. Aleo Jack Bsiewn and otbrr apparatus can be bad of blm on application at reaaouable ratea. •i"« W. BURRITT. SELLIN6 BELOW COST HAVIHO REMOVED TO FIIONT NTREET orrosrra a. r. aaawnar. TUK r.NOKKSICNKD IS 3KIXINM OCT 1119 FINK ."Tock or CHIN A WARE A*D ALL KINDS 09 FANCY GLASSWARE BKLOW COST. All Klnda et Crockery. Orocertee, hotiiloal, ale., aa cheap aa any other houae In town. Tobacco. Ilg*r* aud all otbrr gnodt at tbe loweat i.rlce lor raeU. Agent for Fort Madlaon Smoked Herringa. U. IHLFBLDKI. MOVING BUILOIN6S. '|>H« CMOBnatOMKP IS KOW FBBFABBO TO 1. nova large or amall bullJlaga front one loea- Uon to another. Will alao Raise or Lower Bnlldlags, Or Other Rrary Bod tea* Work promptly done ta Seattle or any fort on the Sooad. Work aoltcited, and aaUafacttoo gmarantaed. jylUln A. O. BEX J AMI*. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. 'I'HX T*X BOLL OF WOHOHLSH OOCSTT 1 w. t. Mr the jmt I*l*. la bow la bj haada for eo!>ctloo. All UiMadMldlMfontba Iril day ot Dmnbn ant will Mem* daUa*aaal. n* K)pet oaat. will ba aOda* tiaiio. L. WILSTTB, Trnmr of >ao*o»la* Ooul;. ■oohoaaiab City. V. T., Sept. 8, 1879. a»wCI DAMIANA, Irmou which ths nrmi ai mass. " U t Vesicas Hart, iad la ladlMoaa amlj to a amall aacttoa ot Lava* Calif on la. II *aa aaaa aaa* by the mbahrtaato of Lower California far tka laal tklftyTear* aa a gaaaral IS riaORA TOR OF TUE S Ys TEM, (WftfAAAft flf KUftiVt VnVOTt SBOTB BMMwi a Positive Care for Dyspepsia. Flc«kea«tein A layer, Nu Man*, • • - FMfiant Oaaaoo. Mf^wty HOTELS, &c., OCCIDENTAL M OVF/Ai SEATTLE, W. T., BOARD AND LODGING AT MODERATE RATES. This is the Largest Hotel North of San Francisco, Aad is In all Respects. FtEB COACH TO A*D FKOI THE DO'JSB. JOHN COLLINS & CO., jel PROPRIETORS. NEW ENGLAND H » MRA MA fftrner Commercial & Main Sta., Seattle, W. V. THE NEW:ENGLAND MSS sad Us accommodations for famlliaa srs ursr psssed. This House Is NEWLY BUILT, Is HARD riN. IBHED throughout, has lvge and well femiahad Books, eud Ant cists board, on the European Pinn % esa be had at moderate prices. f 1* I N TP II §) Best Hotel in the City. L. C. HARMON, ml-tf. Proprietor. MARIETTA HOTEL La' Conner, W. T. MILTON 11. COOK.'Proprietor. TIUS IIOU3E IS NEW AND NEWLY FUBNISIIKH, OOOI> AUUOMMODiTIOW, With the Comforts of a Private House. The T«b'e will bo found unexceptionable. Tbt Ilv U furuUhed with the finest Wiuee, Liquor* 4nl Clgara. II bit • large well-fit ted UILLUUO ROOM Furnished with the boot modirn Table*. Nothing will be left undone In car effort! to make the guests comfortable. Tuutt MODCKITK. m3-d«wly S. & W. W. R. R. SEATTLE JO RENTON —AIID— NEWCASTLE. (JASBENOEH AND FREIGHT OABS OF TUX 1 h«ltl« and Walla Walla Railroad will leare Seattle every day (Sunday* excepted* at 7:30 a. M.. and 3*. M. Afrtn at Benton at SS» a. m. aallr.H, Arrive at Heweaatle at 9:30 a. m. and it. M. BETUBNING. leave Kewoaatle at 11 a. ■. and Jr.*. Arrive at Baa ton at 11:«S a. if. and S:4B t. m. Arrive at Seattle at 1 v. m. and 7 v. u. Depot, Kitty ttreet, foot of Commercial. I. M. COLMA.N, Oen. Hupt. aaplt-davtf PUGET FOUNDRY ! WHITE & TENNY BOOO—O TO J. r. ft T. WILSOS. VIA KINDS OF 1808 AMD BBASB CAST. lUitaM at San fmtlM ptteaa. Ordara from all part a of the laud wiL ha Wlai fttt n wnptnea* «<d dlapatch. iplMiw LOAN AND SAVINGS —AKD— ABSTRACT OFFICE MaMylmiT** itnas of iSjand lpw&rda ud In—l only oa fint-clia Martgaga ■acuity. hkml papabla aa»»l-asan*lly; on ftrat u»jt of JaMaryaa4Jaly. W« have • COMPLETE ABSTRACT OF TITLES to all Mi In SNIUt and King County, ul ■ito a apaclalty of ooGirjudLg tad Baking abatracta of title. Taaaa paM for ooamldiati. Pra-anption and HomiaCiail papan naada for aeUltra. aWW'TOSH 1 HIRES. SOLDIERS ' ADDITIONAL HOMBSTE.ID WIRRINTS. APPROVED to. so ASD 120 ACHE PIECE* vhlak an twliM by tka Ooaunteioa* of tka Oaaaral Land OSer aa pailM, and watch an aak>—» to location wttluwl aatUanant. fw> ■lakad at abort notice. Apply to JOB* LKAET. SaatUa, W.T.. Aug. •. UT». MISCELLANEOUS. IMUINTIM m Seattle, W. T. We Wv-ald aoaoun:e the receipt of our FALL AND WINTER MTO:KI , Whith «e offer it tb« l»ws«: prices; eoa rlsUng of 3D PI "V GOODS DRESS, GOODS, SILKS. Flannels. Domettticit, CLOAKS. AND SHAWLS, !10«1ERT. KIIBROID KUV, BLANKETS, CLOTUS, CA&UMERES, CA&PfrS, OIL CLOTH, WALL PAPER, riKST QUALITY BOOTS, SHOES, k SUPPERS. —ALSO— V COMPLETE LINE OF DCBABLK AND FINE CLOTHING, HATS, I'SDEIIWEAK, TRUNKS, EOT. At plaia, unmistakable loir i.ri:c». Francnthal lires. 3satl«, October 10k iNW. R. W. OSBOURNE Is Agent for the New Improved J HOWE FAMILY Sewing Machine, And li«a procured tbe cervlceti of Mr. G W. CUltltlEß AS SOLICITING AGENT FRONT STREET- Opposite Smith'* Jewelry Store, Buattle. jylldtf EXPRESS BUSINESS. rpBB UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCHASED 1 the Tea ID, Wagon UD Bualnea* of Hurj Blgelow, is prepared to do all kind* of Hauling and Delivery Work At the loweat rates and on the shortest notice. Delivering Coal a Specialty. A fair share of the public patronage is solicited JjU-dtf F. A. POOL.K. SEATTLE NURSERY, One mite east from Yesler'a Wliarf oi> the road to Lake Washington: FRUITTREES SHRUBBERY, AND HERBACEOUS PLANTS A Fine Collection of Small Fruits of all Kinds, And Two Varletlee of P£]AOH£3» That are Sure to Ripen In this Climate. Tomato Plants !> cents per dozen. Cabbage Plants 2i coals per hundred. Orders Oaa be left at the Eureka BakerJ C. W. TJAWTOIS. Proprietor. 8. BAXTER AOO. IMPORTERS OF FOU EIQN Wines and Liquors, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS » Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco EXPOBTEBS OF Wool. Hides. Furs. Grain, Po tatoes. Hops, Ac.. Ac. Offer for aala to the trade only, at Wholesale prieea, to arrive par Brltikh* Ship Golden Oak, M* dne from Liverpool to Kan Franclaeo. and other vcaaela to follow. In Bond or Duty paid: 100 Gases * Hennessy Brandy, 20 Cases ** * " 100 Cases * Marteil " 20 Gases Holland Red Case Gm, 50 Cases Fine Old Tom Gin. 50Cask8 Guinness' Porter, quarts and pints, 50 Carks Bass' Pale Ale, a uarts and pints, 10 Octaves Fine Old Marteil Brandy, 10 Octaves Fine Old Hennessy Brandy, 5 Octaves Holland Gin, 5 Octaves Fine Old Islay Scotch Whisky, Fine Old Port and Bherry Wines. Wa alao have eanatantly on hand a fall linaef Sna OLD BOIBBOX WHISKIES and other DO MESTIC LIQIOBS which we offer to the trade at San Franciaco pncea. 9T A«oot« for State Investment and Insurance Company—Fire and Ma rine. COAL TAR COAI. TAB IS AST QCABTITX FOB BAT.K AT A GREAT REOUCTION OS San Francisco Price. Apply it Worka of aSMtf SEATTLE OAS LIQHT 00 MISCELLANEOUS. LIQUIDATION SALE. At the Store of W. A. Jennings ON COMMERCIAL STREET, la Seattle, W. T. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY BAYS THE ENTIRE STOCK lately owned by W. A. Jennings will be Sold for Cash of Approved Pnper. Everything Sold at Cost Prices. CALL aimd examine. De A. Jennings et &L WAD©ELL & MILES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Box STOVES S, 4<«rtiulu Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and Water Ganges. Globe Valves, Ac. MALEABLE IRON FITTINGS. Pluuitoiii|r« Copper-IPlmltlilntf, NTEAM AND GAM FITTING. Call mud mmlu the FRANCO*] 4 RANGE | HlagU ud Drakl* Una ,an taiproTMiMl nrar all other*. Agent* for tht celebrated Superior StOVM, the bMt aol<! ua Ui Pacific Ooaal. All |>lat«a warranted not to crack by Ore. lira-back■ warranted to laal flva yaara. all job Wo at matly asactcan, aid oaoama raon abboad raourri.r mi an. Mill Street. Seattle. W. T. aiju.vdawtf OtLORE & WTJNDER, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERB IN FURNITURE! Tha moat oaiapla atock af MllHOm,' PARLOB, tfeMBW W WIKDOW SHAPES, DININO BOOM I FFHRIFV LL STBINO FIXTUBM DISIMO BOOM. |j&9| PICTDBE MOULDING and OHAMBBB IWBI atnUHU rußxrrußß CBJLDBKN'S la Waahlngtoo Territory. OABBIAOEM. w«, thlaa —all, Alao, Tano7 lliktft la a Flrat Claaa Far- Wan, Parlor ultura Stora. wklah we Wall alprleaatlMl Bel) Sbalvaa. Be., Be.. CaapatlMaa Mill Btr—t. corner of Second, opposite Occidental Hotel. SAMUEL BZJBararsjTsr, .m m<: icc;mk iw VAiiioii HAS OM HAND A CHOICE APSOBTMKNT OF GENTS' SUITS AND FURNISHING GOODS. —Aim— B«oU, Klaara, Bragtai, Babbtr Saada, Ladlaa' aad Mlaaoa' HalUra, And In eo a a actio a therewith a Baa aaaortaaaat of Portico aad DuaMatte Oaaalaaraa, Doaakioa Boavera, he.. Be., which ha will make to ordar at Lhrtaf Batea. COMMERCIAL 9TRKKT. SEATTLE, af faa Ma Sta»i» or Cauhai B Cuu jaßttf I . H. HARKBTtm MONEY EXCHANGE, Mill Street, opposite the office. OolSilver an.l Greenbacks bought and Mid tl On- very lowest rate* of eichange. AI AO OK I4UI TO* Choicest Brands of Cigar* aad Tobacco NOTICE TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC DAVID MORBJS BATIK a 8 ECU REX) A Cmnd Curiae*, la prepared to receive onUn and to wait on the arrival of boat* for paa aengers, or to be at any part of tba city at any hour wben ordered. Careful Driver and Good Hones. Price to or frem any part of tba city to the boats, 10 Oenta per paaeeogtr. frlce par boar. One Dollar. Aiao doe srneral Eapreaa. Dray and Truok Jua iaeae. Orders left at Ja-k Levy's promptly attended to. JaolT-dtf NOTICE. XT OTIC* IS HKBXBT OIV*H TO ALL FEB xN aooa indebted to aa to come forward aad aattla tMr aceooata oa ur before tba Ist of Sep tember. IST». aad so aava coat*. All aeeooatadae at that time will bo placed la tha heads of an at torney with instructions to collect the same. All debts contracted after tbla date feast ha settled oa the trit of every month. Partita wiahing to board at tbls b<»««e will pleeaa make anaagetnetite with one af the pro. •net era. TAYLCB A HAOAMA*. Port Blakaly, W. T. »ort Blakely, A og. VI, 1 W». a2*Mia JAOOB LEVY. TtforiHtCteMiiig and Ripiriig CASH PAID FOB SECOND-HAND CLOTHIN6 BLANKETS. Watchss and J»w#l»y. Commercial Street. between Waablngton and Mala. Seattle, W. T. aiMAwtr 1 R. JOHNSTON & CO., COMMISSION AOK2ITB And imiw ia Far* Predate, Whtal, Seconds, Bran, Hay, Oats, HAM, BACON, BUTTER, ic„ Be. CiorieM'a Wharf, NiMlm, ■. I', Liberal A4tbmm mad* on " Mj pr»'t n JH-wtt NO. 98.