THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER, VOL. VII. Hit: |\THU(jiK\(KR. Office—Front Street, Foot of Cherry. BATES OK ADVERTISING: One M\n*re, (on" tn'-hor Inaertlin, II er tafh mib-einnnt Reading notices per 1in0........■ •••• 1 By tbe year or quarter al rcaa'**! rat'«. PROFESSIONAL CARPS, c a. umiu. e. a baswobx>. T. ABB >BEE & HANFORD, COUNSELLORS —A*l> Attorneys - at - Law BCATTLB, ». T. ijfflnt op stair la Oultuau'* CulMlnS .J. it. LKWIH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orrci -Butler'a Untitling, n<«ni* 4 and 8, J»b m Klfwt, opponlt: Occidental Ilot'l. SEATTLE, WA9UIXOTOX TEIUtITOBY. jeia ' ~|(c»Nn 9. Dlapa'cb llulldliu. Oppoalw Occidental Hotel. (. a. mm. *obm UiM. STROVE & LEAKY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW BKATTItK, W. T. Ufllce on Oomroerclal Hlrw-t. noarly op|«»lU< tha oillce formerly occopiod by McMauxht ft aiJ-d.»wtf iaMiiu M«»*t iirr. Joaicru F, Molacuiu. McNAIIGIIT llltOS. \HOR\KYS4TLAW, t* UA T T I.K , TV. T., (Hllee on Flint Floor In 0 tliuan'a mteb Block. £atran<*e on Oiiniuerrlal llrwt. DR. Q. A. WEED, SIJItMKON AND PHYSICIAN, SEATTLE, W. T. Office liour* at office on Mill street, to tha eld Vanity Fair UulldlnK. frotu 10 to 12 a. m., and at residence, onrnor of Madtaon and Second i'U., from 1 to .1 r. M. ORS. k. & H. B. BftGLEY, Homoeopath i#f *, SEATTLE, W. T. I in. u. u. naoutv, ijite pbofemsou of I f Prinrlplna and Practice of Surgery in tha Oontral Medical Oallag*, will niaba operative Surgery and Surglcsl Plaeases aapaclal t>, and will attend to call* In any part of th* Sound. dW CB& J.S. MAGGS " ,IJXr Doutlat, OfPfOE, MILL STREET, Over Ha-t. la and Beats Mo«* BIST OV 00-01PKXTAL 01PKXTAL HOTEL. Tin. DENTISTRY. I. O. OItAHHE, DBtTTST, OF MCaa flee over L. P. Smith k Sou 'a Jawal. ry Stom, Sulllras'a Dlork, Battle. Aim Agent for Cblekerlnji k Sou't Celebrated rtaaas. ■is* WW. R Ril, (Late of San Franc lac o) ARCHITECT AND BUILDER liana and Bpeclflcatk>na ol tho !at rat atyla and <«Sl((n. IS-lv ARTHUR DOYLE, Alt C IIJI WKC T. orrioi OOC IDE N XJA L HOTEL. harmony LODGE NO. 5 k. p. 13E0UUH MEKTISO THCBSI>AT EVIMIXUS at MASONIC HALU ij! •J®'*" Is guod atandlng arw - » to attaad aSldtf IUWIL ELECTRICITY! PUTRRANNNR OP TH« PITFBBBST OO*. Li,^farewt, tfjWUyany applied. CHRONIC OIBCABCB. to Uke MMbr •*£«*" 4£»d K--r°* OMUMMUI street, oprortt* gohva- T* F J ,TT< * E . SETTLE. W.T. U. no A HE. ElMlrtdaa. PIANO JTUNINC. SCHOKKB, PRACTICAL m>o Ur s fr w *** Tttnar. wlli ba kw» la B«p>«Bi» hta formn( Ort-TSS BhS?P" lallBtW.IL yaaphry'i^Book ■IK WAS WITH GB.IST. "i was with Grant"—the stranger said; Haid the farjier: "S.ty no more, But roit theo here at my cottage h, For thy fact arc weary and sore." "I was with Ora'it —the stranger ".id; Said tho f .rmcr "Nay, no more - I prithee "it at my frugal board, And e»t of my hurabio store. . "llow fares my boy— my soldier bey, Of the old Ninth Army Corps v , I warrant ho bore him gallantly In the iiniike and tattle'* T* ur ! •'1 know him not," said tho aged m*n, "And, as 1 4 remarked before. I was with Grant"—-Nay, nay, 1 know,' Haid the fanner, "say no more; "Ho fill in battlu -I see, ala«! Thoa'lMs't *uux«th theae tidings o'«r; Nay; speak the truth, whatever it *>e t Though it rend my bosom's core "How full ho with his fao« to the foe, Upholding thu flag ho bore? O, aay not that my boy disgraced The uniform that he wore!" "I cannot tell," said the aged mai., "And ahould havo remarket before. That I Wiij with Orant—in Illinios— Som«? three vu.»r* lx>f>»r«* th«» war. Then thu tarm< r »p.ik.' him iihvit u word IJut beat with his lint full nor<' That aged man, who had worked tor Qrant S.iino three years before the war. —JIRCT ILARU, "JIILITAItY P»»'EM«i." The U nltr«l STMTRM V». Europe. Tbcro has always been A tlisjKjsitios mining tlio popple sntl i.a'ioiiH of the Old WorMto snoerattlie Uititcxl Htutos us m military powor. llut compare their wurs with our littlo lljjitt umonz onr- \ uulvcs —commonly iullo'l the "ltobol lion" —ami we aroiuclinvd to think that tho Unitod Slat as holds u jxwition as a military power above them ull. Tuko, | for cxaiuplo, tho lust two or tlircc K i- j ropcrui wars Two or threo rc versos met i l>y tlm French army ilimouragcarth. The war of IKGG between Austria u;id Prussia— two "First Powers"—lasted six weeks when Austria cam* to her knees arid was rotdy to make any tonus. The war of 1800, willi Fovoral of tlieso j qreat military nations involved, »»«> settled by one battle of any magnitude. Contrast these puorile "wars" with the Civil War in tho United sta>e». Hkir mishinx began almost immediately after thu fall of Fort Sniuter, and con tinued till thu lirst buttle |of Itull Uun was fought, July 21st, IStfl. Here thu Union ariny suffered a most terrible defeat, involving great loss—a defeat which would havo euusod any European nation to capitulate, llut we hud not even got sturtod y settled by a simple battle. ••PO!««r DO SO AIV noRR." A charming ictrau who pl»yi lijht parts In OM of our theater*. who it »1«n an excellent wife and mother, has been annoyed by the overwhelming at tentions of a young down-town jeweler. At last hi* notes andjbouqnets becoming too frequent, ibt mentioned the fact to her hnalutnd, who Immediately fired up and threatcnei to peniah the infatuate ed youth. A powerful athlete, he armed himaelf with a »ne of-tl»e genus bludgeon, and left his hotelj the ne*t morning with the vowed intention of giving hit rival A few blows snd teaoh- SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1579. ing him to mind his own business. Entering the shop wbora be was em ployed, lie strode hastily through and inquired if there was a young man there ns'ncd II . 'There i<-,' rai! the otvaer of the os tabliih'iieut; 'II • is at tho window, tin kering watches. Mr i! , joa tire wanted.' As the little male flirt arise and ooo r.outcd tho large man, h >tremble 1 aid turned pa!t>. •Did you Mild my wife those notes r said he, j.roduoing tome of tho offend ing bil'ul rit, trembling in every limb. He saw Die weapon and ho thought his time had come. •Well, well,'said the broad-shoulder «d, big-hcartcl actor, reaching ovor the counter and patting the poor, frighton cd fellow on the top of the hoad, 'look hero, LuLby, you ninst not do so any more.' And ho left poor II —- to the ten der mercies of his follow-olcrks. MISCELLANEOUS. T. THOMPSON, PRACTICAL tl«ne neatly ilone. NOTICE. UaTt 'm i>nr.-h»s,-l tho ni'i-t complete sc« of House Raising and Moving Apparatus on Paget SouiiJ l*longlnK to tho late liui' WIN ti'B, I mi prepared to tin any \v< to any place ou the Hound. The boat of reference given. All ordaru 1> ft r.t the rtfirdwar Storo of I". W. WllßTHrouiyt!v •tunJtil to. Alcn -Jink Rat.'W# an 1 oth«r af>p&ratui< can be bad of him on application at reasonable rate*. W. 3URRITT, SELLING BELOW COST HAVING KKMOVF.II TO FItOINT HTREET nrroMTu s. r. b»Bwkkt. TIIK rNf»ERr»IOSED 19 SFI.MSO - FIXK STOCK OF CHIN AWARE AMD ALL Mi* OF FANCY GLASSWARE 11 FLOW COST. All Klnda «f Crockery, Groceries,, etc., aa . h *j> an any other houi*- In town. Tobacco, <'lg»t i and nil ether food« a: tin- '.own*, (•rice k>r onal>. Agent for Port Madlxon Smokod Herring*, inh'.v'x-dtf U. IIILFKLUKR. KINO OF THE BLOOD i Tn« MOST Tnoßoron TI'IUKIRB or Till J Bt.oor* YKT PiKoovmtrtn. CHires all HMMOTII from a ('out in on i Kraptloa to tha Wortl Stroftil*. U purlin the Blood, i II lßri|«ra(ci Ike Ll«w ( It regulate* the Bowel*. It strengthens the NtnaMk Tindlr In plaos of lamitade; stoerfolßM In place of gloom, nud roLuat vigot In plsse a d«btltty. I'inM|w», Hiliousntsu, Pleordercd I.lrcr, ia powerful corrector, the chief and sovereign o, til ancisnt or modem medical iiaeoTHiw-tiii a* TUB BLOOD. ITS NAME IS ITS BEST BESCBIP. no*, aa it ta a royal diapenser of tha bleaaiags at health, and vaaqulelw "»® (ON that lurk in U» Mood. (t Uaiahea riMPLES, MLT RHETS | HCALV BBVPTIOMS, tLCEBS . M &LD DKAV, FETES SOBKI' an! all SOBOPVLOVS DISOB* BEBS. U aheeka COitSCMPTIOW la Its early stages It haa frequently cured It whan sdesacsd. ; (t dispones TCTSOBS and CAiICEBS wtthow the Surgeon's kalfo. ' (t sure* DBOPHT. general or partial. It tiwa FEMALE WEAKNESS uU i, BISEASE. ft red aces ta a aafe and cffoetnal manner all sveU. lsfn,Htmal or internal. It eradicate* tho effects of Mineral Toiauc*, *a4 eotabiiahM a sound oooitituUon. Many eirUllmtoa, much farther information and ; full dirvctioaa ft* naing, will ho found in the jam phlat, " Treatise to Diseam of the Blood," in whisk | sack bottle is sndusod. Pries |1 per buttle «>ntaiaia? 11 ounces, at 40 tc ,M) doses. Bold by Dsalcra to medidau. S. BAKSOir. SON Jt CO., Proprietors, Buflklo. S. 9 MOVIN6 BUILDINGS. rpDB rSOKS3I««JiIU» IS SOW FBBri&ED TO 1 W>T« Itifi or null b«lMlt|l fmi OM IM' U>*to uMlfeir. Win Itoo Ralnc or Ixmer Building** Or Ulkrr llt'*rjr Work tmnp!!; done la MtUr or 4117 port on th« Hon ml. Wcrk KllrlM. ud HtlibctlM a. O. BKXJAMIN. ROOMS TO RENT. OB rSVCBXIBIIEP. KEAB TH* I bwi*M« part at town. P* futtu paHt* •lan iaqiun •» U»u vSk*. aSN! I HOTELS, <§«., OCCIDENTAL ■■ W TP *: JL> W. f., I jIiOABD AND LODGING. AT | V'tPERATK RATES. This is the Largest Hotel North of San Francisco, &a h*d at iuod«::W A. M. and 4 I'. M. BETUSinMO, leave Sewcaatle at 11a. M. and »*.*. Arrive at Benton at 11:15 A. M. and 3:t3 ». m . Arrive at Haattlo at 1 *. a. and 7 v. H. Dej-ot, h'i.• (, ttretf, foot of Cifntaere i»fL J. M. COLMAN, Gen. S«U't. aeplV-dawtf PUGET FOUNDRY ! WHITE & TEX NY erOCEHSOBiI TO i. V. A T. WILRTO.I. \LL R.IXDS or iaoa AKD BBABS CAST. luga done at San Fraaelaoo price*. Order* from all parte of the Bonn J wtl. be SUM Wltfc pr»roi>Uw»««%d dlapab-h. apa#-d*» LOAN AND SAVINGS -AID ABSTRACT OFFICE Mousy Heoetved ta nni af ss.aad uywaidi aad Loaned only on fixst-cUa Mortgage Security. laUnvt pepat t>l LasJ OfBM M CRBObM. *nd W'.lcb •ra avbjeat to location wlthoat aettlemcet, for ntehad >t abort notice. Apply to JOHN LKABT, Aiioraar-at-Uv. ttotu*. W. T.. Aaj 9.1379. MISCELLAXEOrs. ill 108, Sonttlo, W. T. *Te jr uM an HMnx Uk l C' JX' FALL AND WINTER W»,W--?; *- IT'- 4 •« e \ wwl slsilng f DRY GOODS DRESS, UOODS, MILKS. Flamed*, llouieNtirs, CLOAKS, AND SUAWL3, HOSIERY, tCMBROIP. ERY, BLANKETS', CLOTH?. CASSIMERK?, CAnrßrs, oil cloth, wall PAPER, QUALITY BOOT?, snOK?, A CLIPPER?. AUX>— > COMPLETE LINK OE DURABLE AND PINK CLOTHING, H AT.-, LNDKRWKtR. TRUNKS, ECT. Ai i U!m, unmistakable low Praucntlial Ilros. i Sas: U l ,Oc'Of>cr 10. IST'. R. W. OSBOURNE I * \grnt for tho Ntw Improved J HOWE FAMILY Sewing Machine, \iu\ Imk yr.i. unxl th<- scrvicts of Mr. (i, \V. CUHII3ER AS SOLICITING AGENT. FRONT BTREET-<>PP«>«fc s mlthV Jewelry Store. Boat tie. Jjlldtf EXPRESS BUSINESS. •I DE rXDKUSWN® IUVJNG FFBCITASED L the Team. Vunn anil Hailnow of Marry Old" low, U pi f pared to do til kinds of Hauling and Oolivory Work A: th* rfttoy aiul ou TV t-hortrst notice Odivoring Coal a Specialty. A fair share of t!a- pub 5 ! - itattcmago id OTllcltrd JfJMtf F, A. POOLK. SEATTLE NURSERY, Ono milt) cast from Yctiler'u Wharf or the road to Lnko Washington} FRUIT"ITREES SHRUBBERY, AND HERBACEOUS PLANTS A l'ln« Collodion of Small Fruits of all Kinds, And Two YartoUee of PBAOHBHI That are Bora to Ripen to thin Cilwata. Tomato Hants ii wots \)t r dozei. Cabbage Plants 2f fonts per hundred. Orders Can be loft at the Eureka BakerJ C. W. LAWTON. Proprietor. S.BAXTER & CO. IMPORTERS OF FOR BIGN Wines and Liquors, AND WHOLESALE WJUJiIW IN Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco EXPOBTEBB OP Wool. Hide*. Fan. Grain. Po tatoes. Hop*, AC h AC. offer to r Mia to tbe trado only, at Wholesale prtroa, to arrive per Brltiidi Ship Golden Gate, now due fmm Liverpool to Ran Francisco, and other Teasel* to follow. In Bond or Duty paid: 100 Cases * Hoiinessy Brandy, 20Cases •** " 100 Oases * Martell " 20 Cases Holland Bed Case Gin, 50 Cases Fino Old Tom Gin. 50Casks Guinness' Porter, quarts and pints, 50 Casks Bass' Pale Ale, ouarts and pints, 10 Octayea Fine Old Martell Brandy, 10 Ootayes Fine Old Hennery Brandy, 5 Ootayes Holland Gin. 5 Octaves Fine Old Is'ay Scotch Whisk)*, Fine Old Port and Sherry Wines. Wealao fcava constant'? rm hand a fall line of flae OLD BOL'BBoM WIII.S3IEH and other Do ll EMTIO LIQCOBd whl'-h we oO*r to th* trade at Han Franrie ■« price*. mrAgntf t.m State investment and InsuranceCompany-Pfreand Ma rino.' COAL TAB CIO At. TAB 15 A3Y QI'ASTITa PuG tULB / AT A 6REAT REDUCTION OK 9an Francisco Price* Apply at Worts of 1 IMM BXATTLZ OAS I4QHT 00 MISCELLANEOUS. LIQUIDATION SAi.r I At the Store of If. A. Jennings : ON COHMERCIAL STREET, In Seattle, W. T. FOR TIE NEXT SIXTY DAYS I TIIR ENTIRE STOCK Lately owned hy W. A. will be **old for Cawh op Approved Paper. Everything Sold at Cost Prices. CAI4. AINU EXAMINE, ' D. A. Jennings ot aL WADDELL & MILES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Box e t i Steam Whistloe, Gongs, Stoam and Wator Gaugos. Globe Valves, Sac. MALEABLE IRON FITTINGS, i Plumhiiitft Co))|)or*Hml(liin{Xt STEAM AND GAM FITTING. j Call ami p.tamlno (bo VHAKCOMA IIAKOEI Mnylo anil Doable Ovn i nn Improvement over all othor*. for tit« ixiiibratoi Superior Stovos, WJM on Ho IVIIV coant. AU VIMPK «*lß«ntr4 not t" CRACK by Fr\ li'lnvtwks warr*NT<»L to !MI Arc , ill h a w»>nr HKifLT Mi«nrn>, i»D ru>* jinnuv raoartt.T nuns. Mill Street* Seattle. W. T. GLOBE & WUNDER, MANTFACnniEIU) OV AND HBALEHS IK FURNITURE! . 1 In WwhlDfton Territory. CABBIAttBtf. Al*o, Fm<*y In ■ Vint Clam VTU- Ware, Parlor .'. j~"~~ Btorf, whir* \rn Wall Poabeta, at prlec* thil H«fi SheWw, fto..*«., Mill Stroet, corner of Beoond, opposlto Occidental HoW. SAMUEL EI BIST IST ETT. mm. *s it €J xc A.IVV rm* J* m: ii ob« HAS 0* BAND A CnOtCK A«*O»TMKJST OF GENTS' SUITS AND FURNISHING GOODS. —ll so— llmU, ShtM, Oro|tni| Rlbbrr Oaode, Ladin' anil Sllmo*' Salton, And la eeaaaetlea therewith a tne aaeortaent of Vtortlfa «M I>!u«ltW fl—tm»w. BaaMnr KwrerH, Ac., Ac, which ba *lll m»ke to order at LI ring Bataa. COUMBBCIAL PTIiRBT. BBATTLt, At RUN OLD N» CMMTU G CIAMU MU 1.. B. nABKKESS. MONEY EXCHANGE, Mul Strict, rrfqtogile the roetoffia. Uo!. 4 , 811 th and tircoabacka bougtt i*A »;d*t the vfrj lo«(«t rates of axebaage. A LAO OS SaLI TUF. Choicxt Brands of Cigar* aad Tolmoo ]«l-dtl NOTICE TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC David moiuub uaviso seciiied a Coron d Carrisc*, t« prepared to order- and to wait on Um arrlvsl of boats fur pae •enjf n, or to be at any port of the city at say hour « bca ord«r»-d. Careful Driver and Good Horses. Price to or frani any part of the alty to the boat#. 80 Cent* par iutoni; r Price per bow. Oac Dollar. A'ao lle«-t the same. Ail debts ormtrarted afu r Uila dit. want he settled oa the first of crury ru nth. rutin wishing to board at ILI« will pleMe make arrangements tallb one of the pro fMcn - TAVLOB A BACDIAI, Baiabrldo* Hotel, Pott Diafcaly. W. T. Part SiaAvly, Ao* it, l*n». a JMim JACOB LEVY, Tailoring, Cleaning art Repairing CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BLANKETS. Watches and Jewel'y. : UMMnlki fttn. \ fetxara Washington mm! *aln. Hnattle. W. T. bl9dftwtf 1. R. JOHNSTON & CO., COMMISSION AQBNTB And DaaltW la Far« Produff, Wkraf, Seconds, Bran, Hay, Oats, NAM, BACON, BUTTER, Sc., Sc. C»r4ou*» Uharf, Nauiwo, n. f. , KT Liberal Advui>.cs made on Ofeljpuntßt*. "Hi i IT* *K NO. 99.