Newspaper Page Text
DMA INTELLIGENCER. 11l T. DAII.Y IXTrXUUEXrCR la PtiblUlKHl rx+ry mornliif, (Xoodi^M. e'-lttol.i m l JeliTerM to sulMcrtDer* *nr»li"T» IB I tie rtt/. »t - J "i cct«» f»r wwk, l»y»t<le to tb« Carrier ; kindle ropit-m l«» ecou. i'er 810.00 in advuica. dir. WKFKI.Y ISrTRI.LIVESI4'CR. TSiH c'.A «n.l nopnUr JucrnAl of Wr-tUrn Wtsh !n •* n, «rlth th<- iirfi! r(rr-ii»uon of any Pay* ii. ;i; i T*rrlt'.ry, la i>ul'isli*d tiery Hatnniaj i.i iriAttg. Tnrni* Tlir««- linllnr* p»r in hi n. iu felvure; otherwise. £I.(MI. Sunday, Sept. 28, 1879. THE COUNTY FAIR The third annual Pair of the King County Industrial Association has now passed into history. Like ita prede* lessors, it was in every essential respect a success. The exhibition of products of tho soil, of works of art, of manu factures, of bit* of handiwork, curiosi ties, Ac., was worthy an association of greater wealth and a community of more mature age. The prospect of the first two clays was blue and discouraging enotigli, and it was thought by all that j fiiluro stared the Association in the fme Subsequent days changed this, with tho happy result indicated a bote.' <)n ovcry band we hoar oppressions of satisfaction. People generally are pleased witli tho management and the outcome. Unstinted praise is given the officers and committees. Several ntlomon and as many ladies gave i.ight and day to the Fair, arranging, cl tssifying, adorning, answering ques tions and doing whatever lay in their power to help the cause along. The ono drawback was tho insufficiency of tho Ilall. It is only about one-half as large as it should be. The display and promenudc took up so much room that uo place could be left for speaking, ■lancing and soeing. A more spacious a;>»rtm :nt for tho Fair of 18S0 will bo provided, wo hope; an apartment, too, in tl»o Association's building standing U|)o:i its own ground. Tho Meteorological report of 1800. by tlie military at Fort Steilscoom, and tli i shipbuilding comparisons of Bath mid 1 »ti »ot S mud, by Mr. Hopkins. th« Sin l'Yaacisco underwriter, have been u*o 1 and reused and used over agaiu until worn out. Every little while wo h ■<) oho or both these statements in some pamphlet or Territorial nowspaper. That of Mr Hopkins was good enough ifi its day, but it is so no longer. Pi Ices ot everything have changed, and gen erally boon reduced. Our climato has rh.mgod perhaps also, but whether it hor not, wo have later reports, tho people nro tired of tho old ones, and th' constant demand for something now and froth requires their laying aido. People who get up imuiigra ti >n pamphlets and articles should tax their timi and brains for something original, and not from year to year copy verbatim tho writings of Commodore Wilkes, Gov. Stevens, E/ra Meeker and other pioneers in that fiold of literary labor. Tin- little hook of the latter named gentleman, which cost the poo- pie nothing, has been villitiul by tliou sands for tho I ist t«'o yoarg, and yet erory successor to it, issnod '• by au thority" or uot. has amounted to very little moro than its reprint. K istern Oregon journals scoro Willa melto Valley contemporaries for giving forth tho impression that their little tun-ttore I'>ts are " Orogon." *' Oregon" with them is always in and around Portland, Siloui, and other Valley towns. Tho offeuso just now to the people in tho Etstorn section of tho State is in the reports heralded all over the world that Oregon wheat is this your nlUieted with rust, thereby injuring tho oharactor aud sale of all grown in the Stato. Eastern Oregon wheat has not been troubled with rust, and ths farmers there need and want every cent they can get for the good articlo which they produce. 141.COt'NTY IMDtftTHI AL FAIU AWARDS. CATtLE, HORSES, ETC. lt« gt two-year-old colt, exhibited by T O Burr, l»t premium, $3. Best mare and sucking cj'.t, T 0 Ilurr, Ist premium, $5. Best cow and calf, M B Mud locks, premium, ss* Best two year old bull, M B Mad docks, premium, #5. Bust yoko of work cattle, Coclirau & lUy, Ist premium and diploma. The fine display of Perehcroo horses end Shetland pony, by Mr W C Mycr, of Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. uttract«Hl universal attention and opened the oyes of oar horao and stock men to the importance of securing new blood to improve our stock. dairy i noDUtTs, nr. Boot 5 pounds butter, Mrs Jorgeu *on, Ist premium and silver medal- Best display ef meat*. D N Hyde, ! silver modal. ORAIN, FLOUR, SEEDS, ETC. Best bushel eats, Edward R Clark, premium sl. Second best bushel oits, Jorgenson brothers, diploma. Best bushel wheat, Jorgenson bi others, premium ♦I. Best flour ma le of Washington Ter ritory wheat, Jones A McCornb, premi um #l. Best gallon seed peas, Mrs Martha lloskinson, premium f 1. Best gallon seed beans, Mr E R Clark, premium SI. The committee also m i»h to make hon or* Ido nun tion of oats exhibited bj Gibberson & Simpsoti, wheat and oats ix hi bit id by Captain Smith of the tteainer Josephine, and grown in Sao hotuish county. Alonxn Low and A M Low, also fall wheat and spring wheat. Hungarian grass, meaquit grass and cats, exhibited by Mr U II Hoskiuson anl grcwr. in Esgle Ilarb- r. Kitsip county VEGETABLES. Potatoes. Prolific, by M C Fh-tcLcr, premium 31. Potatoes Marly, !>y Elt Clark, diploma. Potatoes,lrish Cop, Aug-ist H-M»«, spe cial premium. Potatoes, a jren*ral variety, nine different kinds, Ii M Il iskinson, f-st premium, sl. Second best general variety of pota toes, L McMillan, diploma. Potatoes exhibited by E It Clark, honorable mention. Potatoei, Beauty of H-.bnn, S W. t more, honorable mention. Hops, S Wetmore. honorable men tion. Best two pumpkins, E R Clark, first praminm, 81. Best two flashes, E It Clark, first premium, fl. Best cabbage, Geo Prob3t, first pre mium, sl. Second best cabbage, W C Fletcher, diploma. Best bushel onions, E It Clark, first preminm, #l. Best rutabaga, E It Clark, first pre mium, sl. Best turnips, It M Iloskinson, first premium, #l. liest encumbers. It M Iloskinson, pre mium, fl. Best carrots, Goo Probit, first premi am, 81. Best parsnips, Geo Probst, first pre mium, fl. Best beets, It M Ho*kinso", fb?t pre mium, #l. Best corn, E It Clark, flrtt premium, ♦ 1. Mixed squash, J E Chillerg. Mixed Aberdoon turnip, weighing 10 pounds, worthy of honorable mention, It M Iloskinson. New varieties of turnips, by R M Iloskinson, honorable mention. Best general collection of Teg. tables, E R Clark, silver modal. Best onions, Geo Prolst, honorable mention. Large poke beans, W C Flute Lor, hon orable mention. The Committee wish to wake honor able mention of com exhibited by Ma jor Alden and raised at the Insane A*y lam, Steilacoom. FRUIT licst display of apples, J Horton, pre mium, $2. Best three kinds of apples, Geo Fry, premium, •1. Apples, George VVetmoro. bonor*M« mention; also Mr Burnett, Dr Kellogg and Mrs W B Hall. Best display of pears, L McMillan, premium, $2. Best display of peaches, John I. ton. premium, $2. Second best peaches, A Mandevill*, premium, sl. Seedling peaches, Lawton's Perfec tion, John Wilson, premium, £l. Best quinco, Frank Plummcr, premi um, sl. Best blaokberri.s, J Mirtin. premi um, sl. The Committee on Fruit add: " It has been said that peaches cannot be raisod on Puget Sound, but the display on exhibition contradicts that theory. There were somo very fiiic specimens of the Hooker apples exhibited by Mr C W Law ton; also some lino specimens of Beauvire Clairgue and Bartlett Poars, and a cluster of tho Beauvire Cl.iirgue Pears, fivo in number, exhibited by Mr S P Andrews. The Commit too are aware that tho season has been a poor one for fruit, and that has made a great difTorenco in the specimens on exhibi tion, but hope to see a bettor display next season." MANLKACIcfiES, }'L ItNITL ltE tfC. [Report of the Committee on the nr ticlos of this class will bo found else where in ibis issue —Ed ] NATURAL RESOURCES, ETC. Best display of native woods, D. Yonng, Ist premium, $3; 2d best dis play of native woods, premium sl, and diploma for workmanship on same. Gucines coppor ore by Uuemes Isl and Copper Ore Co, diploma. Gypsum Ore, by L B Andrews, di ploma. Speciul mention in made of the work manship on native "Woods by Mr J P Allen, as also the rich gypsum oro ex hibited by L B Andrews DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, ETC. Rag carpet by Mrs Chas Preston, honorable mention. Rag carpet by Mrs W B Hall, pre mium, set silver tea spoons. Rag rug, Mrs J Drigts, premium, napkin ring. Hand'knit socks, Mrs W H lieevcs, premium, napkin ring. Soeks made by Asblaud woolen mills —Honorable mention. Gents dressing gown, M : «w Etta Whitworth, diploma. Knit oounterpane, Mrs Sti'l, honora ble mention. Best quilting, Ida L Ander.on, pre mium, butter knife. Best patch work quilt, Miss A R Tra cy, promium, butter knife. Log-cabin quilt, Mrs M A String ham, honorable mention. Log-cabin quilt, Mrs 0 Preston, hon orablo mention. Best patch work. Mrs W B Hall, pre mium. butter knife. Table cloth quilt, by girl 13 jcars old. Miss Tilda Ulin, special premium, 2 silver spoons. Hag. 61 years old, exhibited by Col honorable and special men - tion. Ho*l quilted quilt, Mr* Martha li s kinsun, batter knife. I'utcb work, quilts, oxhibiti.l by Mrs C Audetson. and Mrs Mattersnn, and a raj; picture by Mrs W B 11*11, arc worthy of special mention. n«KAD. CAKES, JELLIES, ETC. Best keme-made bread, Mi*s Etta Whitworih. premium, set silver spoons. B*st bread made by girl under 15 years of age, Mm Tiny Wright, silver fruit knife. Best biscuit, Miss Ktta Whitwortli, premium, silver sagar spoon. Rst general display of cakts, pies, etc, twenty-one specimens -Miss Louis Hiltcrbiddle. silver cake basket. Best exhibit of ruski, hunn*. pies, cakes, £ete. Miss Louise Hilteibidile, choice of premium Beat cake, Miss Vivia Hyde, l»i pre mium, ohoice of silver ware. Beat calse m*de by gir! under fift.-rn, I Mim Sophia Anderson, diploms. Second t-est display ot domestic cakes, bre»t, pics, etc, Mrs It O Clark, > diploma. Beet exhibit preserves. Miss Louise Uilterbiddle, choice of prt-miums Best exhibit jelly. If isa Louise Hiltcr biddle, lit premiam. Scccnl c.\Libit j !ly, Mrs W B Hall, premiun. Host jelly made by girl nnd- r nine years old, Mi« Ha lie Gasche, pre oi;un;, napkin ring. Best whortleberry jelly, Mrs Chris tian Anderson, diploma. liest ytast bread. Miss Etta Wliit wcrtb, special premium. Best salt rising bread, Miss Louise Hilterbiddlc. special premium. Best brown bread, Miss Ijcuise 11 il— tcrbiddle, diploma. Best exhibit salt piekU-s, Martha lloikiuiOD, choice of premium*. FANCY WOBK. Best millinery, ladies' hats, &c, Mrs S L Burroughs, Ist premium, butter knife. Best handworked handkerchiefs, Mre Jas Vergon, Ist premium, sugar spoos. Best silk embroidered slippers, Mrs W II Reeves, special premium, silver ■poon. Best cottou embroidery, Mrs James Vergon, Ist premium, choice cf pre miums. Cotton embroidery, Mrs W H Reevo9, diploma. Oil painting on satin, Mrs L Bo gar t, diploma. Toilet set. Miss Bcsde Terry, special premium, diploma Sofa cushion, tafted, Mrs Ilegan, napkin ring. Sofa cushion, Mrs A C Anl«rson, napkin ring. Chenille work, Mrs R D Pitt, napkin ring. Embroidered handkerchief, Mis Jus Vergon, napkin ring. Crochet work, cotton, Miss Mary Itunnels, salt spoons. Skeleton leaves, Mrs R D Pitt, salt spoons. Crochet work, woolen shawl, Miss Josie Jamieson, salt spoons. Cotton tidy, Mrs Mattersou, salt spoons. Crochet work, Miss Hattie Kalberg, special premium, silver spoons. Tidies, wash stand Bet, Miss Mary Runnels, special premium, napkin ring. Toilet set, Mrs D K Baxter, napkin ring. Applique work, Terry cloth set, Miss Bessie Terry, special premium, diploma. Swiss tidy, Mist Mary Runnels, di ploma. Lace work, Mrs It D Pitt, Ist special premium, sugar spoon. Lice toilet set. Miss Etta Whitwirth, 2d special premium, salt spoons. Knitted lac?, Mrs S L Burroughs, special premium, diploma. Plain sewing, Mrs II L Yeslcr, Ist premium, diploma. I'laiu sewing, Mrs M G Clark, 2d premium, carving knife. Afghan, Mrs Sarah Denuy, buttor knife. Machine sewing, Miss Mary Kuu nels, Ist premium, napkin ring. Machine sewing. Miss Ida L Ander son, diploma. liutton holes, ono half dozen, Mrs Martha Hoskinson, Ist premium, salt spoons. Button holes, one-half dozen, Miss Ida Graf, 21 best, diploma. Best machine sewing by a girl livo years old, Miss I ; nnie Graves, napkin ring. IIA lit WoliK. Hair work, Mrs E A Thomas, diplo ma Hair work, Mrs Fred Peterson, di plotua. Bead work, Mrs K D Pitt, diploma. PLANTS, FLO WE US KTC Largest and best display of cut flow ers, double scarlet thorn, Mrs M Q Clark, Lawtou's special premium. 2d best, same, Mrs J Martin, diploma Best collection of dried grassos, Miss Bertha Piper, premium, napkin ring; 2d best, same, Mrs J Martin, diploma. Worthy of special mention for va riety of choice flowers are Mis* Etta Whitworth; for great variety of astors and Bweet peas, Mrs J Vergon; for line collection of flowers, Mrs Martha llos kinson. Worthy of special mention are Mr C W Law ton's collection of flowers and plants, etc, and also those of Mra II L Yesler, Mrs W H Shoudy, and Mrs Jamieson. And in brief all plants, Mowers etc, merit praise. Autumn loaves exhibited by Mrs W B Hall, special premium, napkin ring. MISCELLANEOUS Whale's rib, by Brooks Randolph. Fossil shell, by A W Denny. Silverware, by L P Smith & son, di ploma. No 38, E II Still, best display of stuffed birds, quadrupeds, &c, special premium, silver medal. Q L Yesler, globe stand. Jesse Young, schooner, diploma. Nelson Lewis, schooner, diploma. PI.NB ART. To (lu Prttident: Your Committee desire to express gratification that so many of our citi zens have placed works of art in tho exhibition as exhibits. By this means the taste of the public is educated to au appreciation of the higher achieve ments in the field of artistic labor. The picture of the Giaut's Causeway, which has been loaned to the Assoda tion by Mrs Tiernan, is a chtj iTvutre which would adorn the gallery of any palace iu tho world. Hence it is not to be wondered that it received the high est medal of the World's Fair at London in 1951, and of tho International Exhi bition in New York in 1853. That it should have found its way to tlio shores of this Western World is an index ef tho cosmopolitan habit of our people, as well as a precursor of certain pro gress in the near future in tln-ir :rstlictic culture. The still-life pointing* iu oil by 8 M Rrookes cf California arc good spcci mens from the essel of one who stands at the head of the list of American ar> tists in that specialty. A copy of tho Sistenc Madonna has it s place on the wall, but it is bang so high that its eicellcnce is inapprecia ble by the passer-by. With its back ground of gold and delicate pencilings it is a picture well worthy of study. This it an old picture exhibited by Mr Wm Meydenbauer. For the oil painting No S7 your committee award a premium. This picture of a group of flowers by Miss Snyder is not only dewYing of the premium, bnt is really in licatire of marked talent. This young lady should pursue her art studies, for she u»y be suro of obtairitig distinction as an artist- Your committee La\c ma 1« the fol lowing awards: Hair wreath, exhibited by Mrs Fred Peterson, diploma. Shell work, Mrs J Driggs. diploma. Iks* specimen graining, Ernil An derson, diploma. Pencil drawing, Carrie E Alvord. di ploma Skeleton ie-ivea, Mrs M Q Clark, di ploma. I'cO O I* Auderaon. diplo ma. Pencil drawing, U P Andetson, pre mium. lluir pictures, Cha§ Strt-ib, diploma. Oil painting, Mias Snyder, Fort IlUki ly. apccial premium. ilospectfully submitted, W. A, JENNINGS, MRS. LACRA BROOKS, CIIAS. 11. LARB.VBEE, Committee. TELEGRAPHIC. - - » KXCLCSIfELT TO TBS INTELLIGENTBS. WAMIII.XUTOJi TERRITORY. I'iißT Townsend, Sept 27— Goliab arrived this evening with the barkentine Joseph Perkins in tow, from Honolulu. Capt. Li'uby leports the barkeutines Modoc and Portland in the Straits, bound in, and bark Era Fish, bound to Departure Bay. Steamer Susie left bore tbia morning for the Swioomish via Deception Pasa. Among the arrivals here to-lay are Rev. H. W, Stratton and Dr. Weed of Seattle, and Capt Jas. S. Lawson, of the Coist Survey Service. EASTERN STATES. DODGE CITY, Sept. 28 —GOT St. John and staff took charge of tlio Presiden tial party at Emporia last night and pat tlieui on lK»ard a special train pro vided for that purpose by the officers of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fo R R Co, for this place. DAKOTA. DEAD WOOD, Sept. 20—At 2 o'clock this morning a tire broke out in a bakery on Sherman street, and con sumed almost the entire business portiou of the city. Thousands of people are rendered homeless and in a destitute condition. The fire is still burning. The loss is roughly estimated at a million and a half to two million dollar*. Thcru is little or no insurunce. SECOND DISPATCH. The tire broke out in the Star bakery ou Sherman Street at 2:20 A M., and fol lowing that thoroughfare swept every thing beforo it on Lee, Main, Gold, Wall, I'atton and William streets and several re»idenro* on Central avonue, fanned by u breeze and nothing to work with o\ <>pt •» \vt i».< tflcicnt firo department. Everything WAS at the mercy of the flames. Less than hall a score of pronounced tircproof ware hone* withstood the severo test. The buildings being mostly of wood and poorly constructed, they barned like so much chai!. The fire spread with sach wonderful rapidity that any attompt at saving anything would have been use loss. All along its courso terrific ex plosions of gun powder, petroleum, iiquor, etc, were of frequent occur rence, and buildings were blown into atoms. The hook and ladder apparatus and hose carriage were the first things to burn, leaving nothing but a few feet of worthless hose with which to battle against the devouring element. The new water works were tried fpr tL«i first time yestordry, and this morn ing they were put to their full capacity, with little success in subduing tho flames on account of the scarcity of water. The hillsides were almost a solid sheet of lliine, and water from tho Boulder ditch could not be had, otherwise considerable property would probably have been saved, as the ditch ran almost directly over the worst spot. Hundreds escaned with only their night clothes. There are probably 2000 persons who are homeless and many destitute. About 125 buildings besides 50or 60 dwelling houses were destroyed. Well posted business men place the loss at from ono aud a half to two million dollars. The fire is still burning. MISCELLANEOUS. SLORAH & Co.'s "BOSS" BEER Still Takes the Lead. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION * Crrtci AT OLTM rii. W. T.. | September IKh. I*7». | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named nattier haa Sled notice of bta iattDUon u» make final pruof to iup|Kirt of hia claim. and xcur» Seal entry thereof at the expir ation of thirty days from the date of thi. colic-. «lt: Nataox Dmxict, Pre-emption D. R. No. iStO for Um ME. V of hetioo », rownahip » North, Range i tut, and a ana* the following aa hta wltaeaare. tit: W. H. Whit#, of Ebohotntah eonn ty. W. T , and Calica Bubciue, of Hoohomiah county, W. T. .. i. T. BROWN, Register. MISCELLANEOUS. L.P.SMITH "vJ & SoN,"#it WATCHMAKERS! —AND— JEW ELER S Sullivan's Block, Front St. Soattlo j Par ticular attentioo glv«n !<* K;pni Ire Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, AND ALL WORE CCAHA.UTEI>. Notarial and other KenW niuilo to oriltr. Seattle, April 7,1570. a9-<ltf OLYMPIA BROOM FACTORY 15 NOW PEPARED TO FCRNItH TIIE. TRADE ONLY WITH Good, Well-made. Durable BROOMS At Low Riitcs. Putronize homo industry ai;.l give us a fair trial. Addrfts all orders to WOODRUFF k VAN* EI P3, aug:t-dJm Oljmpia, W. T. Joseph Borren, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer iu Furniture, Beddine; and House Furnishing Goods, IR now Closing Ont his ontiro Stork for tho nrxt 30 DAYS at COST, and is selling at the following prices: bureaus * 0 <V) Meat Safes s 00 Double BeJsteads 2 CO Tbroc-fonrih Bedsteads 2 00 Single Bedsteads • 1 50 Caneaeat Cliairs 1 00 High Back Rockers :t 00 Jiurso Beckers 2 00 BedLoungea 12 60 Sofas : 10 00 Double Spring Mattress 8 00 Three-fourths Spring Mattress fl 00 Double Ilair Top Mattress 5 r.O Double Wool Top Mattress 1; 00 Double Cat Tail or Puln Mattress S Ik) Throe-fourths Ilair Top Matttess 4 60 Three-fourths Wool Top Mattress r« IH> Single Wool Top Mattress 4 00 Single Cat-Tail or Pulu a <HJ Feather Pillows, 4 pounds eseli 1 •>:, Also a large stock of Lo >kiug glasses, Cliivmion, Frames, Crockery, (ilassware, Window Shade.*, ke., kc. All the above goods must be sold in :!0 diivs. \ call at the store will eoavincc you of the fr.ct that this isno humbug. Commercial Street, Seattle W. T. PATRONIZE Direct Importations BY HOME HOUSES. The undersigned arc tho nolo Agoclit for tlm Pacific (.'oast of the Celebrated Fair Oaks Bourbon Whiskies, linporteJ by them diroet from Eastern UlatUler tes, thug avoiding the doctoring pmcesa of San Francisco cellars; are guarantied jmre, anil or fered to tlio trade in lota to suit, a*. lower prices tlian good* of a Himilar quality can be bought for elsewhere. For lurtlier particulars apply to S. BAXTER & CO., 8o|« A Rent*. Boattlo, W.T., Sept. 18, *97'.). sWd&wtf Sccoiul-iiauil Clothes Undo New By the Btcam Cleaning Pr.coe*, for ladies and gentlemen. ••FASTS MADE TO ORDER OF Oresron City Goods for $6. TAILORING, CLEANING REPAIRING Done at bed-rock priccn. Call and c-xauiine my goods and prices. * fcfJtoifca removed from Fars or iny other g&otla, without damage. W*«p In Trrmont Hon**-, •ppoMUe New ltngland Hotel. IK. NOTICJE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO Tl«i I*4TK ■* *- AicX. Smith will please como forward aiH settle the ►amo. And all iieraona holding claims against aaij Alex. Smith will pl«Srf> pru annt the same for payment on or before the lat of Octob- # WRA, TO TAYLOR K. HAOKMAN, . , . Port Blakely, W. T. Bated Aug. 27,1«79. CiS I DESIRABLE WVESTREIIT FDR BUSINESS. FOR SALE, ■n • ■, • * Tift: MAISON DOREE RESTAURANT, Located on FBOKT fcTBKLT in thi* city. The e*ta'»lUhment wbirh li very neatly ft»nl up end supplied w.:h every convenience f .r car rying on tie bualnesa. has a leading reputation a ftraKlaaa house. an.i W well by our eitiu-ns and the traveling public. Connected with th* lu-aiaitrasit. up stair*. then are seven sleeping apartmetxa and parlor *lnch are taab-fully ao-1 neatly furnished. Alao a n«l Oyaier trad- an.i j lei,ty of boardera other buainess ID which ths proprietor IH lu- Wrested rKjnl res hia immediate attention, and the aole reason fur hi* wUhitig t., dUpos* of the property. 1 Much aa opportunity U rarely to be met wilt »,* those competent to carry on tba buaineaa. For particular* on the iireoiiat*. IIOUACE iHJWKdf Proprietor. Seattle, Sept. 10, ls7 , sijJAwtf NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPHS CARDS PHI! DOZ, - H CABINETS, - - % Htcr.-osoopic ai><! 'arge> Views nia-le of Rcidencw, T«nu, Those Beautiful Gems, That had suchrun in tl.o Eastern SUton. California and arc made at Extern ptiej 3G Oerrss for 50 Cents, 18 Double Ccms for 50 Cents, 12 Card Size for 51.60, 4 Bon Ton, Sl*oo, Oth° r Sizes in Proportion, It you luvo ricturM you wuv.t copio«i and enlarged dou'l f.iil to brinp them in BRING ALONC THE LITTLE ONES. Remember we nhall remain tut a short time. Jast a* o°od work clone in clonaly clear. Front Street, Between Colombia & Jfnrion, Shuttle, « D. R. JUDKINS, Artist DAVID KELLOGrG SilirriNCi and CMMISSION MeßCHjlllT —AND— Manufacturers" Agent. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Produce, Fruit. Grain, Furs, Hides, &f. Warehouse on Yfslrr's Wlinrf. | Office ami Sample Coom ou Mill si. Iti'liron.ntiiij; In Washington Territory .1. !?I. Pllil'l &. CO., San Francisco, Wholesale To It arc A >K< Cigars. CONSIONKV.B IN SAW FEANCX4CO, MKfIHUH. HATCH * BARCLAY. Auvances m&tle on consignment* nml tho same to any agents In San Francisco, aiddJtt p. w7 wusthoppV DEALER IN GENBRAL HARDWARE - ® / W; K< s - - 2 J / g r X Xl ? C 9 S i x {AsSS q! £ Tni'dwnre, Ship Chandlery, l r iinlin «;.«■<, GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION, DEVOLVE f?S, FISHING TACKIF, _ Front SI roof, Souffle, W. T. P.O. Kox 239. M.J%. lif.M.V. A. D. YttliXli. KELLY & YOUNG (.SUCCESSORS TO Jf. .4. KKt.I.Y a CO.) WHOLESALE AND lIETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Fancy Goods, Etc. Orders l»y Mail or Otherwise Promptly Attended to. SICN—PIONEER DURC STORE. "»»»« FOR SALE. TIIK Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, INCLUDING Black faint Marl-Topped Snts AT No. 2 Columbia Street Ar" (io»ri>il by th<» at |>rlvatt' sale, by maeon <if hi* Intention to bivak n|> hoiiH<ikee|>intf. The goods am all ia Qrst-rlaaa condition. ALSO. DISHES, LAMPS, CUTLERY, &C. Fornlnrtjo family complete, and In equally good order. Call and see fur yonrxrlrtx. A SEINE liOAT and a SEVENTY FATHOM B£INE am further onVn i| for Bale. • lfsd,f C. E. DODCE. SEATTLE AUCTION AMI) COMMISSION STORE. AUCTION HU.ES OK HEAL ESTATE GENERAL mkhuuaxhihe, furniture, houses. lIUaUIBS. CATTLE, llCßnlar Salo Days aro Tuesday & Saturday, at 10 A. M. All ro<>d* for auction must 1< lronght In the «l»y before thtlr Intended Hale. R. OIIRADLK, Anci ionoc»r. FBOKT STREET, urar MILL, SEATTLE. W. T. a23di\»lm NORTH PACIFIC Iron Works Co., Seattle, W. T., i MANUFAOTUBERS OF STKA.\i E\GIi\ES, ROILERS! Saw Mill, Crist Mill & Steamboat Machinery. IftON k BHASS CASTINGS made to obdkb. Pl«n«, ■ rificatloua and I'.ttema furnUbe.l at abort nutlet*. JOHN NATION, Superintendent. aldtf How down your lioad, yo haughty eltn, And ujwtern. Hay jour prajtra, '1 ho month hu ttiuu- the "K" U In, You're ou the bill of fare— IK EVEBY STYLE AT TIIB SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT, COMMERCIAL STREET. • SEATTLE, W. T. AT S5 CKXTS PER PIiATR CHAS. KIEL, Proprietor. aJOdtf NOTICE OF REMOVAL HAVING BEMOVED MY BOOT AND iW* SIIOF TO THE COKNER OF Washington and Socond StJ. In my new &&1I romuiodloua id ore, l»o to fiiMt my old ciiNtonim ili ® onefl, I now oflcr my Enliro Slock ol irtl cla**®** - * <*ON*I*TIXO OF BOOTS AND SHOE® OF KVEnV DKSOUIITIOS At Greatly Reduced Rat«* AH I liavn no rent or clf.ikit wagi» t» P*'» affrinl to iall nilßAl-£B THAW ANY HOWS LI TIIK Olvc mr a call lw fore jiurchaslnff elwwfcH* «"• MoAndrevrt. Agency (Tacoma Mill) Seattle- OIIDFRS FOB AU< KIHDB OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. LIT " An<i ncKirra niicd by IIAKMOX, ACKKKSO* * ©®* .£s"■ " mw i JKS» NOTICE* Orvics or Citt J Hkattuc. Alfr *•'JJVffit TAX U.ST FOB TUB CITY OF HKi L * for tlio year IH7'J la aow lu wy due. All Use* not paid on or before let. 1879. wjil be returned delinquent wl,r o-utage added thereto. JOHN K. •lOdtf OHy