Newspaper Page Text
MM imLLICEMBR. Sunday, Sept. 28, 1878. V4KIMA VALLKY. A correspondent of the Dalles Jfcmn '.'iiji<rr thus writes of Yakima Valley *nd a recent trip through it made by him Tho stage road from Colombia river .iorth is good for a mountain grade. It was built by enbeription. ana ia kept in repair by Yakima county. Descend ing through ravine and foraat for atiout twonty miloe, *c come to rolling plain* where the allali dust and the sage brush are forcible reminder* of a tire* <ome journey to thoie who eroeaod the continent with ex or mule toama before the days of tho I'aeiiic Railroad. At •l.ijlight wo reached Morgan's station, in the Yakima valley. One is surprised to tea such an oxtent of level, rich-1 looking country. Twonty miles square, in the heart of the valley, belongs to the Indian reservation. It is covered with a rank growth of sage-bruah. with j hero and there patchos of luxuriant grass. It is said to bo very productive - and what a ruth there will be for farms whon this tract is opened for set tlement! Twenty miles from Morgan's brings tis to tho pass where the river courses t>ctwocn two high hills, and, turning to tho left, wo soon reach Yakima City, on tho odgo of another largo section of tho valloy—sage-brush land, but thor '•uglily proven to be most excellent for farming purposos. Formerly it was thought nothing could be raised here without irrigation, but repeated experi ments show that from 30 to 40 bushels of wheat per aero can be grown without irrigation. Yakima City is growing, and is des tinod to be quite a place—i e. if future railroad movements do not change the center of population and trade. The people not only believe they have a good country but they know it. the only draw back being the want of a good markot lor thoir produce. Some have feared that fruits would not do well, owing to the late frosts; but as the troos grow older and harder these fears vanish. Dr Dock showed me peaches as flno-lookiug us any on this *ido of the Colombia. In the smaller vnlloys contiguous the soil and climate ure much the same. The Attanum, tho Cowiche, the Xaohcs and the Wen as arc all productive. In the Naches Pass I flu w cornstalks 12 foot high and squash es thrco and four foot long—tho season nothing extra for oornstalksand squash es, cithor! The Yakima rive: and the smaller streams of the valloys above named all run throngh narrow passes in the hills, and tho water lines on tho hillsides as well as tho gravolly beds found every where in the valleys, a fow fcot below the fcurfaco, snroly indicato that form* crly there was a lino of lakes in this region, until some convulsion opened the passes through which the streams now 11 iff. Of course tbo ohoice land is claimod, but thcro arc thouaands of acros jet to bo taken that will make good farms, the moat sorious inconvenience being tho distance to timber. Tho oomnUy is Ixjing settled by a good class of oitisons, tfho uro looking woll to the establish taunt of schools anil ohurohoa—the con serving forces of good socioty aud publio welfare. It* TKLKUKAIMI AMU NAIL LONDON, Sept. 21.—A llcrlin corres pondent reports that after tho return vi Emperor William f-om Alexsndowe, I'rinco Uinuiarek proMntod to him a memorial demonstrating that it was ab solutely noeosßitry for Uormany to sup port Austria sgatnst Russia in the East. The Emperor indorsed the views sot forth in the memorial. A Constantinople dispatch says It ia reported from Janina that the Alba nians nre arriving there daily, with tho object of fighting the Qrceka. They ore under the impression that Janina hua boon coded to Greece. The* num ber already 0000, and aro amply ' pro vided with ammunition. Philadelphia, Sept. 21.—Tho firms has information that Madams Robort Focbter, now living ia Franco and claiming to bo tho widow of tbo aetor ('bos Fcchter, has engagod counsel in this city to take the nccossary steps to wards tho revocation of tho lotters of administration upon the ostate of Chas Fochtor, taken out aftor his doath by a lady whoso stago name is Miss Lizzie Prion, and with whom he had been living as her husband for flvo years previous to bia death. KNOXV ILLS, Sept. 20—Anthony Blair t colored) was banged at Morristown this aftornoon for tbo murder of Mag gie Walker, his stspdaughter, in July I eat. A minlatoroncotold Wendell Phillips that if his business ia life was to save tho negroos, he ought to go to the South, whero they are, and do it 'That it< worth thiokiog of,' replied Phillips; 'ami what is yoor busieoss in lifs t* "To a*vo men from going to hoil,' replied the miniatcr. 'Then go thero and at tend to your bnsinoss,' said Mr. Phil lips. A little boy waa dreaming, Upon his nurse's lap. That tho pins fsll out of all the stars. And tho stars foil into his cap; So when his dream was over, What should that littls boy do ? Why, he went and looked inside his cap And fossd it was't true. Magistrate: 'You are charged with having emptied a basin of water over tbo plaiutio.' Irishwoman: 'Sure, ysr honor, you must forgive ms; in the dark I took the gintleman for ms bus* band.* __ 'I have always noticed,' said a shrewd old finauoier. 'that one dollar ia my own pocket is always of more practical benefit to mo than five dollars in asy other man's pooket. Pleasure is tbe mere accident of our being, and work its most natural and holy necssaity. What sculpture is to a block of soar bio, education ia to the human soul The intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits the light aad reflects it. Be that knows not when to bo silent, knows not when Is spsak. MEAT MARKETS. CHICAGO MARKET FIIONT ST., SEATTLE. FRESH AND SALT MEATS ALWAT3 OS QASD. | %T Fern. Prodor* nought tad io'd. OasflM A Olstadt. I I —PI BUMF! UNION MARKET ALL KINDS Off ■EATS, VEGETABLES, FLOUR, GROCERIES, Aad CauM Pralu, Lard, Etc. All older* promptly lIM, «ad satisfaction gnaranteed. ao«3-Jtr R. KHIPE. M. DENSMORE DEALER IX FREBH AND BALTED MEATS ) Aad a general »®ortweat of GROCERIES Aiao the beat brands of Tobnopo (ihcl Cignrw. COAMBB Of TV ISA Alt OSIOS BTIBBTB. fcbMtf NORTH ZPACEFIC BREWERY AUGUBT MKIII.HWItN, Frop'r. ' urou—ama to a. wimat.) The Best Beer Always on Hand. ORDER.* PROMPTLY EILI.RD. Jafcdavtt Maison Doree KESTAURANT ! I FRONT STREET, SEATTLE. HORACE DOWNS, MHJoauaus >o IUVID n. wubib, HA* THB PLSABURE OP ANHOCXOIHO that be baa Sited no the above pint*, an t ba* ooeoed It as a PMST-CLASt! RBSTACRANT. UOw and Gentlemen boarded >v tiie day «r mtrnk on tbe MOST REASONADLK TERMS. FRESH OYSTERS IS EVERY STYLE. Fmlllea supplied with at V) CENTS PES <4I'ART- Three Meal Tick tie for $1 <lO. Alee, FURNISHED ROOMS • Heilj fitted «p j T. S. RUSSELL, UNDERTAKE II IS PRBLAEKD TO DO ALLJBTTLBS OV Undertaking and Embalming. All ordert prompt "jr atlrn<lod to, io.| •a'lrfactloa guaranteed. Sairme, W. T. lelVdtl BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE. TRY THE ! LOOMS VV UTL A 4-TIME WIJTIEB, AT TBI BAVARIAN BKBR HALL; AM) READING ROOMS. Mill Mtroet. AH Kinds of Lunohee to Order, j (ii-dtr I*. AIIHA MS' LIVERY. HICK AND FEED l 7 BTABLEB (.Vrwr, of Cotntnerdai <jmi W<uAi?tg4<*i .Sts. SR.ITTLB, IP. T. Order* for llecka protujxlr attended So day or ! "«*«• irr-du KNTABLIKIIED !%•#, L. REI NIG, SKATtLK BAK BBT. WMaaaie aad ■btall Dealer ta ; GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRFIT. VEGETABLES, i BREAD, CARE. CRACKERS, ETC I «ro«>*B Sattiaial Is an parts Hlkally FRESH BREAD DELIVERED EVERT MORNING! STEAiTBOATS, Ac. PUGET SOUND LINE. i noiirmn ud beqclabitt. rkdcckd PBICBt Tim BXDCCED riVK TO ■HV«K DAT??. Tha my ltd tut jehooner*—Exporter, <*pt- Kocb. BxceJstor. C»p«. luMi. Oowaer, Owl | BmUh, Hoeoetn*. C»pt. Kiliott, win irake mrn.a* trip! from SIR FRIRCISCO TO SEATTLE. DIRECT. Shippers piease crier by the above Line. Marine linnooe eOsctud at the lo«<et nIM. r-HAS. O. WELLS, AgML 30 CV.ifon>!» street, Ban Fianctaw THE BTEAMBR jst JOSEPHINE. J. W. SMITH, »«Bt4>r. TUI leave (or Skagit City rU U Conner. touch (ng at all w»y ports, every Monday and Friday. nIMU PORT BLAKELY S SEATTLE the r assesses btraxeh m wr « c? je m m ('APT. NUGENT, Will leave SEATTLE FOB POrt Blaltolv Every Afternoon at 3 o'clock. tad Return the next Morning 'at 9 o'clock. For p—n« app'.y on board. fT-dtf For Shoalwater Bay, Cray's Harbor. Port Townsend, Seattle, Victoria and Nanaimo, And will cell at other Port* nhoulJ Freights offir. THE COASTING STEAMER Cai&Bbaz, Alexander Duncan, JAMES CARROLL Commander. Leaving Pacific Deck, Portland, OCfOBKB lftb, AT « P. M. o«ce on dock font of Salmon Ftreet aUtf Z. J. HATCH. Agent. THE BTEAMER MARY TAYLOR la i rfparixl to do all kinds of ■ARWW mrmiMmt AND LOU (UNO CAMP WORK. Towlag Shipa a Specialty. One of tfee moat experienced pilot.- on Pugel Sound la In command of this Steamer. All buslneaa promptly attended to. For freight or passage apply on bnaat or to S. U'atermaa, Agent, Part Townsoud. Jy'Jdtf M. D. CLARK. Ma»W THE BTBAMER. Nellie, OHAS. LOW, Master, Will leavo Bnotiomlab Clly every Monday tor Seattle, and returning, will leavo Seattle for Bno homUh each Wednesday. On ThunJay will leave Soobomleh again for Seattle, returning on the following Saturday. Apl2 If For Tacoma, Sfceilacoom and Olympia. THS P. 3. T. CO.M t-TKAMKK JSSSj MFSSFNIGFR ! CAPT. I. O. FAREEB, WILL LEAVI SEATTLE ETEBV Tuesday, Thurtday and Saturday AT BE VEIT Cra-OOK, A. K. trn-dtf Far Tacoia r Steilacooi & Olynpia. THE STACXCn AMD ■■TCAMEB JSiL ZEPHYR W B. BALLARD, Muter, Carrying U. 8-Xailaari Wells, Fargo A Co'a Exproaa, WILL LKATB BBATTLK KVEKT * EDKHBAT and Friday mornlßSt il T «. v. and Hnaday MuitcUoi with ttk' Hall road it IV MU. OrtldAvtf THE STEAMER FANNIE LAKE WILL LEAVE FOB Mukllteo, Tulallp, Stanwood, Skagit, Utaaiady ft Laoonnar ETEBT i ! Monday and Thursday. rvturnhM Toesday I aad Friday, A®4 tie M ud «th Tbnraday la mrb ma for 800 knack. and [MH at graatl; nJiml rata*, j »I*JU t. a HILL, Xaate*. BARRELS FOR SALE. i -500 SALMON BARRELS, b* TTJ bast dctrnptkn eaa Barraia ky tl« Scare, Hsadred ar Tkaasaad Bubeltod atd work gunuMl George Mcdaey, °US& SKVr* Unn ***> MISCELLANEOUS SEATTLE COAL —AJtD - TR ANSPORTATION CO Prlartpal plaee ef Bihlbom, Ami I rudw*. ( aL t UKaUoa ef Wert*. Ktnc Veanly j Vaahlß|tM Territory. This Oocpecr f* TPTT pi<s>M ftmrtah ; Superior Quality of Coal 111 00ARTITIE8 TO SUIT ! For Sale, at Low Prices! Apply at tbe OfflM of THE BEATTLB 00 AL ft TBAX3FOBTATIOJI COMFASY. Hor»ntber Tth. ISM. HtMAN, MM M San Francisco, The Largest Wholesale Music Hoase on the Coast GENERAL AGENTS FOR. j THE UNEQUALLED tillH^J^K • 5l Theae Snpeab Instruments hero achieved a raeecaa unparalleled la the history ot Flaaa-forte ; Manufacture. Hier an reaoarkahle for Great Volume. Purtty : and Bveateva of Tone, and ImiaUUty. ■ AUG OMUU AOUTI FOB GERMAN UPRIGHT PIANOS AMD STANDARDAND ESTEY ORGANS. Instruments Sold on easy Installments FOR SIIKKT MUSIC, BRASS INSTRUMENTS, Aad ICteryfJujia in the Jfetsu f/tue, AODUSB SHERMAN, HYDE & CO., San Francisco, Cal. CHARLES NEARER, Local Agent, SEATTLE. aueSMawly Mr Bvwy 800 l bu a GUAIIANTEB BTASP Itiflldr, ant the Merchant of whom yoa haj then It authorised to retora jrour momy If yoa are sot satisfied with the Boots. It Is THE BEST RUBBER BOOT Inthe Market. Ask /or it, &nd Uksno other. IIECIIT II It OH. & CTO. BAN FRANCISCO, SOLE OWH BIIH, W* iwj th« Itfgwl Stock of Boots mJ Shoes of sll kinds of toy hou«« la America. Jyl7-4*wtf PARI FOR RENT. A DAIRY FARM OF 160 ACRES ALL UNDER FENOE. With s largo bearing ORCHARD. BIRR, OWELLM6 HOUSE, »C., TEN GOOD MILCH COWS. 1 will k-ase for oaa or In years fa# Two Hna drwl Dalian a war, sash year la advance. For forth'T particulars Inquire of H. A. JUDBON, Ljodea, Whetooa Co., W.T. Or B. B. RBET. Seattle, W. T. «d(w-wtf FOR SALE. SKVCBAL RNONSAHD rocara or TTW Metal. of ccimpodUaa almoat atmUar to Babbitt natal, aad uaod for the bearing* of Joar. Mia. will be told at a bargain la large qnaatltica. Wot further partkvlar* tita TUB IXTELUQESCEB COMPACT. AAwtf Baattta. WT. INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO. EBTBILI, rsomaoß or MUSIC, TOO * marly taacbar of Ptaoo at Mllla Bnulaanr. Oaltforala. vUI aeaeyta llallad MsbaroTad vaacadjxnrfla far a tbarongb an 4 rlaaaical laatrsc. jw" «o **a*. A. ». iikknoi, Praatdaet . ** frthar tmntmmu tall at *B. Meydeo Bauer'*. am lot ABOUTDOORS. rIA mnoKUia TUX I'XDXBSTOOD HrtlwßcstCMar P—m, u wwu, u m flssh, BncktU nod Holdings TMWITIR SASH MO DOOR FACTORY, avkttf s. 0. OOOPZtt, fnvrtatof. 1 HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. H. T. HELMBOLB'S ! ! COMPOUND j Flnid Extract j IBUCHU | j i PHARMACEUTICAL j j I A Specific Remedy FOR ALL DISEASES 1 j OF THE Bladder and Kidneys For debility, Loss ol Memory, Indisposition to Bserll«B or business, Shortness of breath. Troub led wlU> Thoughts of Dlseore, Dimness of Vinton, Fain In the Back, Chest and Head, RunU of Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance, and Pry Bkln. If theae pjmploms are allowed to so on, very frequently Epileptic Fit* and Consumption fol low. When the constitution becomos mffeoted It requires the aid of an Invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone np the system—which HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Bom In Every Caws HELMBOLD'S BUCIIU IS UNEQUALED 0/ any T+HOKTJ known. II prfscrlbcl by the iuu#{ wnlnoet phy»leteßa all ever the wurld in f IIIkdimIUII. SfMTinatorrlura. NVaraltfla, .VcrvoaiirM Dyipeptk. InillgMlloat Constipation, Achr* and I'm In a, Ontnl Debllltjr, KMM/ Dlwun, Llm Complaint, MfrrraiJOeblllljr, Kpllepejr, llrad Trnnblea, Paniljralf, UfWHI llUHeulth, Nplul Ularaee*, Sciatica* Drafaw, Decline. Lumbago, Catarrh, Norroaa C*in|ilblbl(i K«<mal« ( AMplalnli, dir. Beadacbn, Pais In the Bhonl>l<n. Cnah, 1)11- ciMM, Soar Stomach, Brnptlnna, Had Tante In lb* Month, Palpitation of tho Besrt, Pain In the ri>Kloti of the Kidneys. and a thousand other pain fnl eyrnptoui* ere the oOnprlLßa of Pyep^pela. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Invigorates the Stomach And •tlmalatce Um torpid LI nr. Uowtl* and Ktdnoya to a healthy action. In cleaning tho blood of all traporltlfw, and Imparting new life and ▼lgor to the whole aretem. A single trial wilt be quite n Hie lent to convince tho moat hMltitlii of 1U valuable remedial toalltlc*. I*rico iHI per Dottle Or Blx Bottles for tS. Dotivrred to My aMtaa from oboervatlou. •• Paiknta" may roomlt by letter, receiving the mme attention aa by callln«{. by answering the •allowing tineotlunai 1. Give your name and poet office addreaa county and (Mate and your avarrat espreea office 1 Year ar and aes? 3. Occupation Y 4. Hamad or rlsglel 5. Bight, weight no* and in health? «. Bow long have yon been alek? T. Tow complexion. color at hair and eyeal 8. Bare yon a stooping or erect gait f *. Belato wltboa* mmitloa all JOB know about yonr cnao. Encloee one dollar aa cunsnlta. tton lee. Tear letter will then receive oar atten tion, aad we will five yon the aatara of yonr dlaeaee aaJ oar raid Id opinion coccei nlug CUR* HIT Filbert street, PlUadelphia, Pa. n. T. HELIIBOLD, Druggiat and Chomtat, Philadelphia, Fa. SOLDIEVERYWHERE. leMtfflf MISCELLANEOUS. HUGH HcALEER & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEELERS IN Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, COPPBRWIRE CRiNITi LRU PIPE, IRON wilt, STEAM PIPE, 6AS PIPE. STEAM AND ASSORTMENT ot OAS FITTING Brass Qoodt SHEET LEAD, SHEET COPPER AND ZINC. All JOB WORK pertaining to the l»usinons promptly attended to. Orders from abroad solicited, and «ati.sfaetion guaranteed. HUGH McALEEII & CO., COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Seattle, June Ist, IS7S. jeS-dtf A # x<* v <p> * _p* /> / > .# y /./ / (^ v / * ♦* ,/■ ,v / S///S 4 </' *> ' <? WA CHON6 & CO., VUVCTJ*. wttcpme mmm ■" 4 " W M at ao*lco. L TEA DIRECT FROM CHINA, THE PUREST AND BEST, At the Drlck Store corner of Wuhiogton and Third*, Seattle. Doalor In Blco. Opium and all Kinds cf China Gooda. tlorll-dU NEW BOOT STORE A. C. W. UOKSTHIt, Hoot rm«l Mnker. All Kind* of IVn't* arid Bhoee n.a<li> to nrdrr Repairing d->ne ntatiy an J at iva»oßal>le ratua. Only the beat ot Ht'X'k OMI. A;l vmk f>ir< Dti-ed. Shop with David Kaufman, HIT M.ITO Tfll ilkl. U. kl.Vdtf FOUNTAIN BEER HALL Frsnt St. next to North ractfic Brrwrrjr. TIIR CI LKBRATKH Schmieg's Lager Beer on Tap CM* AXD rar IT. Badw.lMr In Qaart* uh.l Plata. Jel.l-dtf PREP. OAPOn. Proprietor. T II 33 SEATTLE WEEKLY INTELLIUESKM IS ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY. ITS srBSCIUITIOJt RAIK Itf **:* PKU ANNITM IN ADVANCE. SK 4TTL i: SOAP FACTORY A. 11. HKI'UHOX, Proprietor. Commercial Street, Seattle. Manufacturer of a aoperlor article or Wathlna •ltd Tolli-t Boa|> below HAD Prasrlat-o yrirea. Mnrebaata and others will find It to thetr ad. •Ullage to yatrunlce heme laduatry. JjrWtf OVtv.Sm GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. i Newpapcr Advertising Bureau. | For Ten Dollars: Four lines inserted one week in Three Hundred end Fifty Newspapers. ! For Ten Cents: One Hundred Pegs I Pamphlet with Lists of Newspapers I and Ad?ertising Bates. 10 Sprnce St. N. Y. i h* (Uw* GO TO ! R. W. OSBOURNE t'OH BOOTS AND SHOES Th<- Cheapen! place io WwUdftoii Territory i 0 ""* •>«! the beat of atoek ux«>d. Working B-<ot* uwit for s»'. kilf-i»N, i l*r<>ttt atrei-t, <>i>po4lte Hullivau'a blink. cp ldti FUEL FOR SOUND STEAMERS | i SEATTLE NUT COAL I At $2 Per Ton* DKLIVfcKKb ON BOABD WITHOUT A MOUBNI* DM. AT rUOM BimKBKS WPBCIALLT OONsffttLCTU* TO ACCOMMO DATE SOUND HTKAUiK. 4 . a*?« tin* ml meney fcy letting jov *.O. * T. t'o. at *•«!•.: «OM*