Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER. VOL. VII. mi: ivriiiudXKß. Office-Front Street, Foot of Cherry. BATM OP ADVERTISING: One (onn la<-h or les*>.lat Inw rtlon. II V> Kadi nubMxioent Inwrtion 11. i.liiii? uotic** per line *» Uy tin- y<ar or quarter at redactd rat**. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 0. a. uaaaan. c. ■^■awoaw. I.ARBAREE & HANFORD, COUNSELLORS —un>— Attorneys - at - Law lItTTLK, W. T. Oin<*> op utalr- In Ooiruan* Building. * dsj-dir .T. It. LBWW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orrti'S Butler'* BnlldlnK. R'»>m* ♦ aad 5, JMSM iitreet, upponitc Occidental Ifutel. UK AT n.K, WASHI*<»TOM TEBBITOItV. jelidtf S. C. HYDE, Attorney and Counsellor at law SEATTLE, W. T. Otl:« on Cuuinerclal Btrwit. w<-»talde. O. JACOBS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law om»C ID building formerly occupied bf I.arraU* 1 k lUufurd, near Occidental Ho'el. ISuauivwi promptly attended to. IKVINU B4LLARI). RROUVKV VM.YW, siivrrm. WAHII. TKK it Ho U > >rn 2. I) «p»t< b Building, Oppoaiie OK'ldcUUl Uutul. a. A. «RRUVR. JOB* LEAST. STROVE & LEARY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW SEATTLE, W. T. Olllco ou Commercial, unarly oppoHlUi ttiu ullu'a furuiurljr occupied bjr McNeuglit & Leery. *'J&4Awtf Janc* McNaihiut. Joatcru F. MoNaimiit. McNAIJOIIT BROS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, SEATTLE, W. T., Office on Flrat Flior In Culiuan'H Brick Block. j Entrance on Commercial Htmit. DR. G. A. WEED, sI'ItMKOX AND I'IIYSICIAN, HEATTLK, W. T. Otttce lioirx at ollli-o on Mill atroet, in the old Vaulty Fair Building, from !■> to i'i A. M., and at ruaiileuiie, corner of Madlaou an.l w-ooud Ht»., from 1 to i r. M. ORS. A. ft H. B. BAtiLEY. UoM(ropathi*t*i HKATTLK, W. T. I \K. H. B. BAOLEY, IATK PBOFEHMOH OP II Principle* and Practice of Barpn In tho Michigan Central Medical College, will mako Operatl ve Hnrgery and Surgical Dlaeaaee a special t:, and will attend to call* la any part of tho riound. dIS £2a> J.S. MAGGS Doutlat, OFFICE, MILL BTRBRT, over Ha I lo and Han eta Store, KABT OP OO OIUKXTAL HOTEL. fM. DENTISTRY. I>ll. 1. O. OItAHMK. DKNTIHT, OP- floe over L. P. Hmlth a Hon'a Jewel. ry «.*», Sullivan's Block, Seattle. 41 Agent for Cblckerlug Ac Son's Celebrated Piano*. »:• ww. wmi ka 9 (Late of San Francisco.) ARCHITECT AND BUILDER Plana and Specification* ot the lateat style and W|S. 14-lw ARTHUR DOYLE, AH C II;i r r KC T. OFFICE OCCIDENTAL 110 TK L. HARMONY LODGE NO. 5 K. P. HUI'UB MEETINvI TUCaSIUT KVBKIXOS •» * r. m.. it masonic iiall. i l ! in good *Uudlnf »ro conlUlly la. It»d U aiejiJ. aSldtf IKBICIL ELECTRICITY! VUmrueiTY. of tub diffekext com. J 1 trititUoiM mod forces, if rmti'Miaily Applied. €mr * to* iuo»t ttaborn cum of CHRONIC OIBEABES. 11 off " 10 b ' Oommerct*' »in-rt, uppovit* Bcbw»- rtuw, IMU*. W. T; 11. DO AXE. ElrflrirlM. PIANO JTUNINC. BCHOE**, NUCTiCAL WASO W - T«»*r, «ui b* her* (■ bptom- WMMt: hU fonMT MM* lurutw Mtlcfaction. •* MIUV.H. Paiuphray'c Book A 8.%< HKLOB'* I.UOH L. I'm a grumpy old bachelor, Grizzly and gray; I am seven and-forty If I am a day; I am fusty at. 1 crusty, And as dry as a boc«; So ladies --good l»di«*»! - Just l«>t me alone! Go shake ont your rinelet*. And beam out in aaile*; (jo tinkle your triukets. And show of your wiles Bewitch and bewilder Wherever you can- But pray, pray remember; I am oot the man. I am frosen to blush ee, I am proof against eye«, I am hardened tositapers. And stooy to sigh*; I a»Q tongh to each dart That youog Cupid can lance; I am not in the market At any advance. I Few on my buttons; 1 darn my own hose; I keop my own counsel, And fold my own clothes; I mind my own business. And live my own life; And wou't—no! tha dickens! - He plagued with a wife! I walk firth in trembling, I come home in dread; I don't fear my heart. But I do fear my head; My civilekt speech Is a growl and a nod; And that—Heaven save ii el- Is ' charmingly odd!" So ladies—dear ladies! Juat hear toe, I pray; I speak to you all In the pluralent way. My logic is simple As logic can be; If 1 don't marry you, Pray don't marry me. And yet there's nine spinster* Who believe me their fate; There's two do/.*>n widows WhoMchange their estate; Then*'* silly young maidens Who blush at my bow AH—all bent on marrying me, No matter how! IIINTM TO I*AHIAT*. Always sp'jak in a pleasant voice. Tom li your children how to work; how to obtain » living I>y their own effort*. Teach tlieui the nobility and the dignity of labor, that liny way re spect and honor the producer. Explain the reason why. The child is a little walking interrogation point. To all it U now. Explain the reason. Your boy will aouio day rupty thi* trouble by teaching »muc otliir child. Teach your children the evil of se cret vice, and the connequences _of usiug tobacco and spirituous liquors; teach them to lie t emirate and orderly punctual, prompt, truthful, neat, faith ful and honest. Encourage your child to l>o careful of personal appearance; to return every tool to its place; to always pay debts promptly; to uever shirk a duty; to do an equal* share, and to always live up to an agreement. Teach your children to tontide in you by conference together. Tell them your plans, and sometimes ask their advice; tliey will thus open yonr heart to you, and will ask your advice. The girl who tells all her heart to her mother has a shield and a protection about her which can only come with a mother's advioe and counsel. Give your children your confidence in the affairs of your business. Tbey will tbua take interest, and become co worker* with you. If you enlist their respect, then their sympathy and co operation, they will quite likely remain to take up your work whon yon have done, and go ahead perfecting what you hav« commenced. If you are a farmer, do uot overwork your childreo, and thua, by a hard and dreary life drive them off to the citiea. Ariae at a reasonable hour in the morn ing, take an hour'a r*at after meals, and quit at five or aix o'clock in the after noon. Let the young people, in games and other*|amuseraeuts, have a happy time during the remainder of the day. There is no reason why a farmer's fam ily should be deprived of recreation and amueement, any more than othera. Teach your children the value of the Sabbath as a day for the spiritual im- Srovement of the mind; that on the abbath morn the ordinary work ot the week should not be resumed if it ia possible to avoid it; that the day should be passed in attendance apon religious service of some kind, or exercises that will enuoble and spiritualize the nature. While rest and recreation may be a part of the da>'a programme, true philoso phy dictates that the spiritual faculties of the nature should lie cultivated by setting apart a portion of the tituo for their improvement. Teach yaur children those things which they ueed when tUuy become men and women. AH meu and women they should learn to cook, how to make a bed, how to preserve cleanliness, and order throughout tli<» house, how to ornament tU*ir rooms, to renovate and preserve furniture :md clothing, how to siug, bow to play various games, that tbey may enliven the household. They should taught how to swim, how to ride, how to drive, how to do business, and bow to preserve health. The mother should early entrust money to the girl, with which to buy articles for the household, that she may learn its valne. Tbiuk what a man aud wo man need to know to be healthy, hap pv, prosperous and sui"«e»sful an I teach them that-— From Ihtfi Jf«*a«a/ of So aivl liutint** Forms. The joang who, wishing to know the prononci»l»on of t word. " filed to coutalt lathariliw, ioter*>«w«so the Mayor, lure* Supervisor* mu l tLe Sheriff. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1579. A point of great delicacy is involved in a law suit which Las been c >mmenc ti in th« Supremo Ccnrt of tLe District of Columbia in the United S'.a'ts. It seewa that the applicant for the writ was totae time ago seized with a ina lignar.t malaily which rendered the amputation of his bee.-ssary to pave his life. The snrgeoa whoatlt-nded the aflbcted plaintiff took the amputated liinl>. to tho Medical Museum, when th»-y ware placed iu a jar of alcohol. Their owner imagined that they Lai hem buried, bat lately, to his disgust, lsarued that they were on exhibition at the Army Mu-eum, with his came written OD a cat J placed at the top of tho jar. lie at onca put the matter in the hinds of his legd advisers, who recommended him to recover possession of lii* iiinhs. It ia expected that, in tho ovent of his succeeding in obtaining hi* Ug* again, other actions will be btouglit by various ( ergons having am putated limbs in the musouni. MISCELLANEOUS. _ 4 T. THOMPSON, PRACTICAL MYNVkIK, COMMERCIAL STREET, OPPOSITE JESSINQB', (BATTLS. W. T. NKW WORK MADE TO ORDER.—BEPAI - lutf uf all detTiptlou* neatly done. niyvs NOTICE. (QitiiiK purihisrj the mont complete let of House Raising and Moving Apparatus . On Piitfi't Sound belonging to the late laaac Wil ! t<>u, I mu prepared to do any work in that line on the vliurti-st notice and in the mogt complete maimer Will go to any place on the Sound, The bent of referenda tjlvon. All order* left at the Hvdwaro Store of F. W. WrSTIIOVP, on Front street, will be promptly atten ted to. AUio Jack Slfi wn ainl oih<r apparatus can be bad of him on application at rea>tuuab!e rate*. •>"" W. BURRITT. SELLING BELOW COST HAVIN'U lIKMOYEU TO FHONT NTREKT orrosiTi S. P. BKKWKIIT. j THr: I IS SKI.LINO OUT 111.-* KINK STOCK OF CHINAWARE AND ILL KIXDft OF FANCY GLASSWARE BELOW COST. All Kluda of Crockery, Orocerlef, Provlsi JM, etc.. an ebiap aa any other houae tn town. Tobjcco, and all oilier g.<ods at the !owc*'. I iirlce lor C4f U. Agent for Port Madison Smoked 11 err in k*. uih.'i-dtf 11. UIII.KKLDKR. Pacific Mail STEAMSHIP CO. Summer Arrangement—lß79: THE SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP Al<A(iK JtL 4000 Ton*, 11. <J. MOUSE, Commander, Wilt leave on the date* hereafta* n. rationed. Fare fiom Seattle to San Fraiirlaco: CABIN I*i i STEERAGE 110 LEAVES Sao Fraiirlaco Seattle 1 Victoria Jniv 10 Jnlf 1H | July 21 - so Aug. s } Aug 11 • Aug. 30 " » I "SO Sept. 10 Sept. IS J Sept. 30 •• »» THE STEAMSHIP CITY OF CHESTER 1.40« Tana. PETER MACKIE, COMMAXDEB. Will leave on the following dates: Ban Francleeo ) Seattle Victoria 1 July 19 l July 10 I Aug. » I •• 30 : " 30 I On Arrival. Aug 2e f Sept. 30 | J Sept. 10 - 30 J Theee ateamera leave Victoria at nuen on tbe 4ay advert iaed. Ticket* are good only on the ■teener for which tiicy are paivhaaed. and are nut tranaferable. UEDI'CTION IN FREIGHT. Hereafter tbe freight* which. j>er tariff, have been f« per ton. will be e>»rgwl at $5 per ton. From and after this date ALL BTIXUR.i of Paget gouu.l paasengvr* b* P. If 8. 8 Co.'s ateamera via Victoria will t>e under cuetom-bonae aeal. and will not be aubject to examination by ruatooi bouo authorities in San Franci-co. Seattle. July 10. 1*». For freight or paaetge apply on boaM. or to H. L. TIBBALS. Qra-j-al Agent for Paget Sound. Port Towa**nd. W. T. NOTICE. All pMoiu kaowing lliMuarivrt ttn! •'*>!»<! U E. C. Enr>huii, Imtc proj>e.»4o» of tSi^ Amoi'ican llouwo, Wit! i'>tar com • forward asj arttle it once, tad lkrf»bj tin further K. O. EVERSHAM. 8m1U«, Srpt. 17,18">. »IT4IW HOTELS, a OCCIDENTAL HE r JT *: IC SEATTLE, W. 1., II IARD AND LODGING AT MODERATE RATES. This is the Largest Hotel North of San Francisco, ▲ad it In all Resjiects. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE IIOI'SE. JOHN COLLINS & CO., ; jel PROPRIETORS. NEW ENGLAND H » TT K WJ Corner Commercial & Main Sis., Seattle, W. T. THE NEW3ENGUND H?.r3 and it* accoiuraodaUou* for fawllicA are uutul paaaed. This Hou*e 1* XEWLV BUILT. 1* HAHD FIN ISHED throughout, ha* large and well fumithnl Boots*. aud (1.-nt clan* board, ou the 3J Hrop ec« n I* tun, can b«- had at moderate price*. Best Hotel in the City. L. C. HARMON, ml-t.f. Proprietor. Mitltiem HOTEL LaaConnerJW. T. MILTON It. COOK,'.Proprietor. THIS IIOL'SE IS NEW AND NEWLY FURNISHED, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS, With the Comforts of a Private House. The Tablo will be found unexceptionable. The Bar I* furnished with the finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. It has a largo well-fitted BILLIARD KOOM Furnlahed with the bent modern Tables. Nothing will be left undono in cur efforts to make the guests comfortable. TKRIM MODERATE. mi d*wly S.& W.W.R.RJ AfadiA euaxH SEATTLKTO RENTON —AND— NEWCASTLE. P.SSENOER AND FREIOIIT CARS OF THE Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad will leave Seattle every day (Sundaya excepted) at 7JO A. *.. and 3 P. M. Arrive at Ranton at 8:30 A. M. and 3r. u. ARRIVE at Newcastle at 9;3*1 A. SI. and 4 P.M. BET TUNING, leave Newcaatle at 11 A. K and • P.M. Arrive at Reotou at 11:«S A. M. and 5:43 p. M. Arrive at Seattle at 1 r. M. and 7 p. u. Depot, Kinf, street, foot of Commtrcinl. J. M. COLMA.N, Qcn. Supt. •VlMnir PU6ET FOUNDRY ! WHITE & TENNY SUCCESSORS TO i. r. ft T. WILSOH. ALL KINDS or IROK AND BRASS CAST. tag* dove at Baa Franeieco price*. Orr!«r» from all parti of the Sound wil. be filled wttfc protaptoea* and dispatch. iplMlt LOAN AND SAYINGS —AND— ABSTRACT OFFICE Money Received in turns of $5 and upwards and Loaned only on fint-claat Mortgage Security. latoNt p*pat>!e ernil-aminil!y: on Aral jays of Janoaiy and July. Wa have a COMPLETE ABSTRACT OF TITLES to ail lull la Seattle and King County, and make a apocialty of coaveyaacitig mak'.nj abstracts of title. Taxes paid for«*ts. Pra-emj-li ja and Homestead japer* made for arttu r». ■ACKIRTOSH I REEVES. iuhS-Jkwlf SOLDIERS' ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD WARRANTS. APPROVED M. » AND *IAO ACRE PIECES which are cert:s*<l by the Cuuuilwl.nkr of the Oemra! Land Often aa genuine. and wtich ara rabbet «• lorattoa vithuit attt.Mml. far nUbad at abort notice. Apply to JOHN LEART. Altwaii at taw. ! Seattle. W. T.. Am- >. »**• a'OdAwtf MISCELLANEOUS. FMI I:\TIIII I»#s. Seattle, W. T. We »• ii'J jaqouav tne rt-e ipt or ;"jr FALL AND WINTER NtVOCK, Wtileh «e t 9"r at tbe lowest prior*; eo% SlStiug of DRY GOODS DRESS, UOODS, SILKS. Uomestic«. CLOAK#. AND SHAWLS, HOSIERY. VMHROII). ERY, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMKRK3, CARPKfS, OIL CLOT'I, WALL PAPKU, FIRjT QUALITY BOOTS", SHOES, A SLIPPERS. —i!jk>— 1 "crPLETK LINE OK DURABLE AND FINE CLOTHING, lIATS, UNDERWEAR, TRUNKS, ECT. At ii!4 : u, unmistakable low i>ri:es. Fraaentlial Itrus. Seafle. October 10, ls~\ R. W. OSBOURNE Is Agent fur the New luiprov<d j HOWE FAMILY Sewing Machine, And !ns pro the rervicts of Mi*. Ci W. CUiiHTER AS SOLICITING AGENT. FRONT STREET-Op; w »>it' Smith's Jewelry Store, Seattle. jylldtf EXPRESS BUSINESS. 'f HE UNDERSIGNED HAYING PURCHASED 1 the Teaju, Wagon and liusluess of Harry Bigelow, is prepared to do all kinds of Hauling and Delivery Work At tlia lowest rates and on the bhortest notice. Delivering Ccal a Specialty. A fair share of the public patronage is solicited Jyli-dtf V. A. POOLE. SEATTLE NURSERY, One mile east from Yesler'a Wharf or the road to Like Washington; FRUIT!TREES SHRUBBERY, AND HERBACEOUS PLANTS A Fine Collection of Small Fruits of all Kinds, And Two Varieties of PEACHES That are Sure to Ripen In this Climate. Tomato Plants 2i cents per dozen. Cabbage Plants i>routs per hundred. Orders Can be left at the Eureka Bakery C. W. LAWTOIs. Proprietor. 8. BAXTER CO. IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN Wines and Liquors, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco EXPORTERS OF Wool, Hide*, Furs, 4*rain. Po tatoes*. Hop**, Ac.. Ac. Offer for sale to the trade only, at Wholesale price*, to arrive per British Ship Golden Oat*. now due from Liverpool to Han Francisco, and other veasela to follow. In Bond or Duty i?aid: 100 Cases * Hennessy Brandy, 20 Cases *** " 100 Cases * Martell " 20 Cases Holland Red Case Gin, 50 Cases Fine Old Tom Gin* 50 Casks Guinness' Porter, quarts and pints, 50 Cafks Bass' Pale Ale, ouarts and pints, 10 Octaves Fine Old Martell Brandy, 10 octive3 Fine Old Hennessy Brandy, 5 Octaves Holland Gin. 5 Octaves Fine Old Is!ay Scotch Whisky, Fine Old Port and Sherry Wines. We also have constant'y on hand a fnll Uceof lae OLD BOI'RBOS WUISKIE-S and other DO MESTIC LIQI'OBS which wc offtr to the- trade at San Francieco prices. tor Agists for State Investment "d Insurance Company— Fire and Ma rine. COAL TAR COAI. TAB IS AJiY QrAXTITX rOB SALE AT A GREAT REDUCTION OS San Francisco Price. Apply at Work* of UVitf SEATTLE OAS LIGHT 00 MISCELLANEOUS. LIQUIDATION SALE. I At the Store of W. A, Jennings o ON COMMERCIAL STREET, In Seattle, W. T. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DATS THE ENTIRE STOCK | Lately owned by W. A. Jennings will be Sold for Cash or Approved Paper. Everything Sold at Cost Prices. CALL AMD EXAMINE. D. A. Jennings ©t al. WADIDELL & MILES WHOLESALE AND .RETAIL DEALERS IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Box STOVES, DW^ rot Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and Water Gauges. Globe Valves, &c. MALEABLE IRON FITTINGS. Plitutltiiiis*, Coppor-Nnii tiling, HTEAM AND GAM FITTING. Cnll and examine lb« FHANTON'IA RANOK: Mingle ami l)oul»l» Oven | an Improvement over all others. Agents for tli* celebrated Superior Stoves, *be bent sol! oa tl e Pacific Coast. All i>lalif< warranted not to crack by Are. Flro-liacka warranted to last Ave y« *rn. ALL JOB WOBK KIATLT KXICTISD, AMD 01MC8.4 RAUM ADR-IAU PUOMPTI.T FILLKO. Mill Street. Seattle. W. T. wy2M Jawtf G-LORE & WUNDER MANUFACTURERS 01? AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE! The most comple stock of MIIUIORB,' la Wsshtngton Tsnitory. CAKtiIAUKH, Also. Fancy Cabinet!) keiit In a rirwt Clans I'ur- Ware, Parlor Br»' r ultiirc Btor->, which wo Wall Pockets, Bao^i^JjoYnr*' prices that Itcl.i Shelves. Ac., Ac.. "** — awAai Competition Mill Btreet, corner of Second, opposito Occidental Hotel. Samuel KEisrisrETr, AIKn€IIA]VV r f illliO BK HAS ON HAND A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Of GENTS' SUITS AND FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO— Boots, Bhsss, Brofsns, Rabber Good*, Ladlrs' and Miur.' (Jailers, And In eoaneetton therewith a Bne aasortmeat of Por»l*n and Domestic Csasimnres, Bearers, Ac., ke., which be will make to order at Living Bates. COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE, AT ras OLD PrtwD or CALLMAS t CLASS. JUFTUF 1.. B. lIARKXKAS. MONEY EXCHANGE, Mill Stmt, opposite tlx Postfffic. Go!-', SiWei and Qreeabacka bought tad ao'.dat the rery lowest rate* of sxehange. ALSO OB BALK Till Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobuco. Jel-dtf NOTICE TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC DAVID MORRIS HAVINO SECURED A Covered Carriage, 1« prepared to rwuvs orders and to wait on the arrival of boat* f r pas senger*, or to be at any part of the city at aity bout when ordered. Careful Driver and Gcod Horses. Price to or fram any part of tha city to the boats. SO On La per passeDgtr. Price per boar. One Dollar. Also doe »'ner*l i'.ipna, L>ray and Truck bo*- laaaa. Or-Jers !< ft at Ja:k Levy's prou.ptly attended to. * JaiilT-Utf NOTICE. "VTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVE.f TO ALL PER aona indebted to na to come forward and settle tbetr accounts on 'it bsfure the lat of Hep tember, 10T'J, and ao aate costs. All accounts due at that tune will be placed in tbe hand* of an at torney with ies'ructi-jßa to collect tbe tsme. All debts contracted sfur this date u>iut be M-ti]*a on the first of every month. Part;ea wishing to bmrd at (Lis h-u«e will please make arrangen.ei.ts witb one of the pro nrtetcrs. TAVLOK A HKCKHkH. Baiabrldge Hotel, Port Blake! y, W. T. Port Blakaly, Aug. JT, 1979. aawim JACOB LEVY, Tailoring, Gleaning and Repaiiing CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BLANKETS- Watches and Jewelry. Commercial Street, between Wasl.'.i,«!(.« ar.d ilaia, tiirrti w. T. M9d*wtf L R. JOHNSTON & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS A-id Dealers lu Farm Prodnrr, Wheat, Seconds, Bras, Hay, Oats, HAM, BACON, BUTTER, «c„ Sc. GordouN W liurft Naiialmo, 11. VUbtril Advance* made on (.V ' >y< wtf NO. 100.