Newspaper Page Text
DMA IXTELLICEXfER. Wednesday, October 1, 1879. URAIO LODCiEOFODDFRLLOWS, BALTIMORE, Sept. 13.— The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows met here today. The report of the Grand Sire gives the condition of the order at the present time as follows: Number of grand lodges, 50, an increase of 2; of sabor dinate lodges, 6,971, increase of 97, of grand encampments, 39; of subordi nate encampments, 1,863, increase of 2H; of lodsje initiations, 33,869, a de crease of 2,227; of lodge metn!>er«. 442,- 291, a decrease of 5.720; of encamp ment members, 82,408, a decrease of 2,739; total relief, $1,740,405.63, an in crease of $35,138 97; total revenue, $4,- 200,980 52. a decrease of 8156.065.3f5. The report then gives the decision of the Grand Hire on various matters and questions coming before him on the subject of representation in the Grand Lodge. It says: '•U f e ought to reduce representation to one from each grand body. The membership of this body should be re- , ductd to one from each grand lodge and grand encampment, Possibly with this reduction, by strict economy io all respects, especially in printing, by omitt'ng that unjust annual donation of the journal and digest to new mem bers and by biennial sessions, our ex penses may bo brought within our in come. At our present expense it will require a representation tax of over 8200 to meet it. In short, our finan cial system is a failure. IJut for the _ extraordinary revenues derived from the revision of the work in 1954 and 1872-3, we would have been bankrupt ero now. The time has come for this lodge to fix the rates of dues and bene fits Sufficient facts havo been ascer tained to justify it." The report favors a repeal of the pro vision of tbe constitution restricting membership to free white males. The report of the Grand Treasurer for the fiscal year ending August 31, shows the total receipts of the Grand Lodg», including a cash balance of $19,661 on hand at the close of the pre vious fiscal year, to have been $19,466- SO, and the total disbursements $37,- 871.32, leaving a cash balance ofsll,- 495.17. Deducting the cash balance on hand, and the amount received from the sale of United States bonds, the revenue proper for tbo fiscal year was 830,664 IH, and deducting from the disbursements tho amount invested in the purchase of United States bonds the expenses proper were $29,.'182 50, leav ing a bilanco of tbe revenue proper of $1,286.61 at tho close of tlia year. The report of the Gran 1 Secretary shows that during tho year 42,503 brothers and 6,155 widowed families were relieved, 237,437 weeks' benefits wore paid, and 4,368 brothers wore buried. The amounts paid for the re lief of brothers was $1,943,761.28; for widowed families, $145,338.54; for the education of orphans, 814,755.33; for burying tho dead $232,980.19; for special relief $94,201.40. Resolutions were offered and reforro l fixing the per diem of mnmbara at $4 mi 1 tlto ut eight cents per mile, also withdrawing from I'ast Grund Hires the right to participate in thu deliberations of tho Grand Lodjjo. UV TKl.Kuiurn «>u in All*. JANKSVII.I.E, Wis, Sept. 2:1. One of t!iu most brutal murders ever committed in tho State occurred on tho tarm of A White, in tho townshipof I'orter, Itock County, ut 7 o'clock this morning. White left the farm early in the morn ing to make some purchase*, and while gone his little five year old son was mi«sed from tho house, together with George Uarringarter, a German farm hand. Search WAB instituted, and at 1 o'c'.ock this afternoon the body of little '•Sandv" was discovered lying under a manger in tho sheep barn, his throat cut from car to ear, and the head near ly severed. He was entirely disem bowelled. llis arms were tied behind him, feet securely bound, and from tho situation it was evident that the mur derer had first hung him, and, finding doa'h by that means too slow, had cut him down and fiuislied him with a knife. liarringartor had fled on a horse taken from the farm, and bad been several miles away, making for bis home at Fort Atkinson. No cause for tho deod can be imagined He will be captured shortly, us a sharp pursuit has been made. LoifUON, Sept. *.J3.--Tho Mark Lam Hr\>ress says: Much grain has been cart ed and stacked under conditions which render sprouting and lota of condition almost inevitable. In Scotland the ag ricultural situation is gloomy. The fields are still quite backward in the uplands, and as the season is too far advancod for any hope of sunshine, the chances of tho grain maturing proper ly are reduced to a minimum. Bad as cur harvests have l>een since 1870, it must bo admitted that the present sea son's yield will be by far tho worst. WHEELING, w. Va., Sept. ".'3.—The notorious Florence Qoldsborough was arrested hero tonight, sailing under mule attire. in which garb she had hired out a; a farm hand and stolen three hundred dollars from a countryman namod James Robinson. She will now goto the penitentiary for the fourth time. CHICAGO, Sept. 'J3.—A novel suit was begun today. Tho widow of Hugh Mc- Conville, the man murdered by Sherry and Conley, for which the latter were haugrd, begin suit for SIO,OOO dama ges under the State law againt the own er of the saloon where Sherry and Con ley procured the liquor which got them intoxicated, against the owner of the building and against the agent who leased the premises HEAVY FAILVRE. -The firm of Col breath, Grant Jfc Cook, doing an exten sive business in the Cassiar mines, have failed. Liabilities, $85,000. It was hoped tho tirm could get an extension, when it would be able to pull through, but while the Victoria creditors acceded to this proposition, some parties in San r rancisco refuted an«l forced the firm into bankruptcy. The geutlemen com posing the firm are alt regard<*d as straightforward, honest business men, and their failure is due to the collapse of the tuinee. REMIT —lf you owe us anything don't be remiss about remitting, but re mit at once, as otherwise it compels us to bo unremitting in recommitting to your memory your remissness in remit ting. MEAT MARKETS. CHICAGO MARKET FRONT ST., SEATTLE. FRESH AND SALT MEATS ' ALWATS OS HAJTO. V Finn Prod are bought aad Bold. Onftum A Olatodt. m-4tf BKEIF! BUMF! XJIVIOIV MARKET ALL BINDS Of ■EATS, VEGETABLES, FLOUR, GROCERIES, Aad Caucd FralU, Lard, Bu. All order* promptly filled, aad aatlafactloa (uruitoMl. ««"« R. KNIPE. M. DENSMOR£ DEALER IN FRESH AND BALTED MEATS Aad a general assortment of GROCERIES Alao the beat braada of Tobnoco ami Clgara. o»**sa or ruaa in cuof iraaars. f(U4tf NORTH IPACIFIC BREWERY AUGUST HEHLHORN, Prop'r. (RCCOaMOB TO M. aCBMIM.) The Bent Beer Always on Hand. ORDER? PROMPTLY FILLED. Jafcdawtf Maison Ddree RESTAURANT ! FRONT STIIEET, HEATTLE. HORACE DOWNS, si'CcaMoa TO DAVID a. wtMTta, HAS THB PLEASURE OP ANNOUNCING that be has flttrd un the above place. and bai oix-oed Itaia FIRST-CLASS BKSTAURANT. Ladle* and Gentlrmen boarded by tbe day or week ou the HOST ItKASON ABLE TERMS. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. remittee supplied with Onters at 50 CISTS PBB gDABT. Three Meal Tickets for fl 00. Also, FURNISHED ROOMS! Newly fitted ap. JtSMf T. S. RUSSELL, UNDERTAKER 18 PBELAEKD TO DO ALLJ9TTLH OP Undertaking and embalming. All orderi promptly attended to. and satisfaction (varan teed. WAswtsofos;SrmaaT, Sairru, W. T. lelVdtf BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE. LOOMS CP LIKE A 4-TIME WI.INEB, AT THE BAVARIAN BEER HALL IHD READING ROOMS. Mill Htreet. All Kinds of Lunches to Order. ali-dtf 11. AH RAMS' LIVERY, HICK IND FEED BTABLEB Corner, of Commercial atui Was)>i*jbm Sis. SEATTLE, W. T. Bight** f °* b pr,tE l ><lr attended to day oe ESTABLISHED ISSS. L. REINIG, SEATTLE BAKERY, Wheieaale aad EMail Dealer Is GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FEUIT, VEUETABLEB. BREAD, CAKE, CRACKERS, ETC ur Goods dtUnnd to nil pan af the m.v free of charge. FRESH. BREAD DELIVERED EVERY MORNING 1 STEAMBOATS, Ac. PU6ET SOUND LINE. M raoKpmss AIO muulahtt. BXDCCKD nun. root bzdcosd mi to UTD DATS. Tha new utd M arbooeer*—Bepcrter, C»pt. Koch. BxeeMor. Oapt- Euate:. Cool**, Oapt. feitku Hoaoene, Cap*. EUiott, Will make ragular trip* frost SAN FRANCISCO TO SEATTLE, DIRECT. Shippers ptaaae order by tne above Lose. w.Hru. iamraaec affected at the lowest ratea. rHiS. H. WELLS, Aftal. 30 Oallfomla street, Baa Francisco JilMifll THE STEAMER iJSSfr JSBi JOSEPHINE, J. W. SMITH, Master. Will Inn for Bkaglt City TU LI Oonaer, touch, lag at all way porta, rrery Monday aad Friday. alOdtf PORT BUKELYX SEATTLE THE PABBEXOEB STEAMER m -mi c? c? *2 m m CAPT. NUGENT, WUI IMT* SEATTLE FOB POrt BlalLelv Every Afternoon at 3 o'clock. ■■l Return the next Morning 'at 9 o'clock. Fat pa—ge apply mi board. f7-dtf For Shoalwater Bay, Gray's Harbor, Port Townsend, Seattle, VFctoria and Nanaimo, 4ad will call at other Porta abould Freights offer. THE COASTING BTEAMEII Alexander Duncan, ■JAME9 CARROLL Commander. Leaving Pacific Dock, Portland, OCTOBER ltlh, AT # P. M. Offlco on dock foot Of Salmon street. alJtf Z. J. BATCH, Agent. THE STEAMER MARY TAYLOR la prepared to do all kind* of AHD LOGGING CAMP WORK. Tawing Ship* a Specialty. One of Use moat experienced pilots on ruget Sound ia in command of this Steamer. All business promptly attended to. For freight or paaeage apply on board or to S. Waterman, Agent, Port Townsend. Jy«dtf M. B. CLARK. Master THE STEAMER. Nellie, GHAS. LOW, Master, Will leave Snohomish 01 ty every Monday tor Seattle, and returning, will leave Brattle for Sno homUh each Wednesday. On Thursday will leave Snohomish again for Seattle, returning on the following Saturday. aplllf For Tacoma, Steilacoom and Olympia. TUB P. S. T. CO.'FT STEAMER MESSENGER ! OAPT. J. O. PABEEB, WOA Lun BRATTLE I VERY Toss 4*7, Thursday and Saturday _ AT urn O'CLOCK, A. K. IJIX-dlf For Tacoma.. Steilacoom iOlyipia. THE STAUSCH AND bK A WORTHY STFC'AIIKR jfifcZEPHYR W K. lALLAED, Master, OanyißfU.B. Kails and Walls, Fargo * Co-'s Express, WILL LBAVB SEATTLE EVEBT WEDNESDAY and PrUay mornings at T a. M. and Sunday m *• *• MtsMDif wits the Enllroad at TV "■a. octldhwtf fHE BTEAMER FANNIE LAKE WILL LEATE POa Mukilteo, Tulalip, Stanwood, Skagit, Utsalady & Laconner mif Monday and Thursday, retaining Tuesday and Friday, And the 3d and 4th Thanday la each month fer ■oekeaeh. Prrtght aad paseage at greatly redaoed raice. I A HILL, Master. BARRELS FOR SALE. 500 SALMON BARRELS, (Half and whete) of the vary beet deernpUaa eaa ke toaght ayea ay plication to the anilwttgnul OH wafer •snsh By the Scare, Huadrtd er Thevtand Solicited aad werfc gnaraaleed. George Hedaey, Os Mate Bkaet, nppoaito M s Livery Stahte, alßdlw SsaStt*. W. T. MISCELLANEOUS SEATTLE CO^L —ASD - TRANSPORTATION CO t*rlart|MU plare of Bnlaws, S«n I'rnarbee, Cat Location of Works, Kluf Connty Washington Territory. Tkls Company la now prepay to furnish Superior Quality of Coal IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT ! w -w1.7 mz: A ■ - 9 For Sale, at Low Prices ! Apply at the Office of THE SEATTLE COAL ft TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Seattle. Xorwber 7th. 1874. HUM, HI DE & CO San Francisco, The Largest Wholesale Music llonse on the Coast. GENERAL AGENTS FUR. THE UNEQUALLED Tlieee Supttb Instruments achieved a rncceea unparalleled in the history of Piaao-fcrto Manufacture. They are remarkable for Great Volume. Parity and Bwaateaaa ot Tom, aad Lmrabtllty iUO amUL AOKNTS FOB GERMAN UPRIGHT PIANOS AND STANDARD AND ESTEI' OSGAN S. Instruments Sold on easy Installments FOR SHEET MUSIC, BRASS INSTRUMENTS, And Everything in the Music Line, ADDUSS SHERMAN, HYDE & CO., San Francisco, Cal. CHARLES HEAHER, Local Agent, SEATTLE. aug'.Wdswlj LOAN AND SAYINGS —ANI) ABSTRACT OFFICE Money Heceived in sums of $5 and upwards and Loaned only on first-class Mortgage Security. Intercut papablo semi-annually; on first «i»ys of January and July. We have a COMPLETE ABSTRACT OF TITLES to all landa In Seattle and King County, and make a apecialty of conveyancing sad making abstracts of title. Tasea paid for non-resiilentH. Pre-emption and Homestead paper* made for Bettlerw. MACKINTOSH & REEVES. mhS-d&wtf PU6ET FOUNDRY ! WHITE & TENNY .BCOCESSOBS TO I. F. k T. WILSON. ALL KINDS or IRON AND BRABS CAST tngs don* at San Francisco prices. Orders from all parts of the Sound wll be filled With promptness «nd dispatch. apU-dsw FARM FOR RETT A DAIRY FARM OF 160 ACRES ALL UNDER FENCE. With a large bearing ORCHARD, BARN, DWELLING HOUSE, AC., Toormaa WITH TEN GOOD MILCH COWS. I will lease for one or Ave years for Two Hun dred Dollars a year, each year la advance. For further particulars Inquire of H. A. JUDSON, I.ynden. Whatcom Co.. W. T. Or E. B. EBET. Seattle, W. T. sidtw-wtf FOR SALE. SEVERAL THOUSAND POUND:! OF TTPE Metal, of compoaition almost similar to Babbitt metal. aad used for the bearings of Jour nals. will be aold at a bargain la large quantities For further particulars addi«M THE INTELLIGENCES COMPANY, dAwtf beat tie, W T. INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO. IP STKINLE. PBOFE9SOB OF MCSIC, FOli -J' marly teacher of Ptaao ai Mills Seminary. Csltfogita. will accept a limited number ot ad vanced pupils for a thorough and classical Inatrne- Hon. Refer. to Pref. A J. Anderson. President of tb« UotTtnltT. For further imogeiDfDti call ft* Win, MtjdißbiQtr's. tZfcllot ABOUT DOORB. T* IS BECOMINO WELL CNDERHTOOD that no pins door is as good in this climate as doors made of Paget Hound seasoned cedar. F#P the Best Odar DHN, sa wsu. as sea B—h, Blinds, Brackets and Molding* At the low eat prices, aand your orders to the TIMWITU SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. •»Mt< M. •. COOPER, Proprietor. HELMBOLDS BUCHU. H. T. HELMBOLD S COMPOUND Fluid Extract BUCHU PHARMACEUTICAL. A Specific Remedy FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE' Bladder and Kidneys For dtbllity, Loss 01 Memory. Indisivsiiioi t • Exerllon or business. Shortness i,f biv:.ili. i'r ■. led with Thoughts of Dljeato. Dlmno-3 of i-»i ; Pain in the Back, Cliegi and Head. K> iol l»!iu to the Head, Palo Couuienance,: •-- F SUin. If these svmptoms arr allowe 1 to go on, very frequently "Epileptic Fits and CouHunip'ion fol low. When the constitution becomes affected It requires the aid of an invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system —which HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Docs in Every Caw. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALED By any remcvly known. It 1« prescribed by I lie IUOS: eminent physicians all over tin worl.l in Itlieumatlsui. Spermatorrhoea, Xouraljfia, i\errouinv*i l)y«|ie]Miu. liirtijfcat ion, Constipation, Aches uuil I'UIIK, General Debility, Kidney Diaeaacs, Liver Complaint, NVrvoai Debility, Kpllepay, Head '"roubles, Paralyal*, • General 111-llcallli, Mplnal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, N>r«'i)ua Complaint* K. inale CompTalnts, «fcr. Headache. Pain In the Shoulders, Coueli, I>U tlnsss, Hour Ktomach, Eruption*. lisd Ts»to in the Month, Palpitation of the Ueart. in the rfglon of the Kidneys, and a thonssnd other pi,in ful ayniptoniH are the otti-prir.Ks of Pyspe; la. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Invigorates the Sim teSi And sttmulste* the torpi.l Liv. r. 11 .wi 1* m I Kidneya to a healthy action. In i-leaii<iii« tin- 1.1 . t .| of all Impurities, and Imparting Lev life an I vigor to the whole svstem. A single trial will b« quite sufficient to convince tho uoat hesitating of Its valuablo reiiiidi:»! qualities. Priet; S1 per ISottlf Or Six Bottlos for $5. Delivered to any addreas fruui observation. " Patient*" may consult by letter, receiving ths aame attention as by csllint'. l>y tlo> following 1. Give your name ami pust addraa* county and Htate, and your neareat eiprriui office 3. Your age and sea? I. Occupation ? 4. Msrrled nr single? 5. Might, weight no*and In health? 6. How long have you been siek ? 1. Voar completion, color of hair and eyes ? R. Have you a atuoplng or erect Kelt ? ». Heiate without rrixrvation *ll you know about your rate. Enclose one X liar as c»u«ulta- Ilea tee. *our lattor will then receive our atten tion, and we will give yju the Mature of disease and our candid opinion con«s:Mi.,- cure. Competent Phyalciana attend to correap >nd. uee. All letter* ahould be addrrewd to l>isp- naarv HIT Filbert street. Pliladelphia, Pa. 11. T. IIELX1I!0L1>. Druggist an 1 Chemist, Philadelphia, I'». 80LDJEVERY WHERE. io-idawly MISCELLANEOUS. vb- y «.* / i?* J° *• v " /J? / / vSN>* 4p <4> g %* 4> »- // s, ' <k ~** />w , ° /<'// _ A ./ </ # Na T V MVGII McALEEK & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, (OPFMARE GRANITF LilO PIPE, UR *% STEAM PIPE, GAS PIPE, iit; - PlTTHitt Brass Goods SHEET LEAD, SHEET COPPER AND ZINC. All JOH WORK pertaining to tbe business promptly attended to. Orders from abroad solicited, aud satisfaction guaranteed. lIUGH McALEEK & CO., COMMERCIAL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Seattle, June Ist, 1878. jeo-dtf WA CHONG & CO., c; r A. TSFII2 a s* r jr»i*jE TEA DIRECT FROM CHINA, THE PUREST AND BEST, At ilic llrlok Store corner of Wuhiugton and Third atreota, 8e»U)«. Dealer In Rice, Opium and all Kinds of China Goods. feciMtr NEW BOOT STORE A. (!. W. KOKSTKU, lioot iitiii Malicr. All Kiuilh (•{ Uocta *11(1 Shoes niadu to order K( jiairt:;;; cl'ine neatly and at reasonable ratea. Only the Ih>Bl ot Ht»< k u»«l. A ( l woik guar- Dleed. Shop with Dnviil Knufman, NEXT IIM«R TO TUB k*Ckb~.. ftlS-dt' FOUNTAIN BEER HALL Front St. nrxt lo \orth Putific Brewery. TIIK CI LtRKATKD Schraieg's Lager Beer on Tap CJMK i>D TIV IT. Ilu(lii'<*l.««r In <luiart» uu I I*liit«. julJ dtf FKED. OAFCH, Proprietor. •i* XI 33 EATTLE WEEKLY I:\TELLIGGKCGI IS ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY. IT* SUIM HIPTION I'.A !>: n s:i im:i* a\m m lid ADVANCE. si: ,v Tt a, i : SOAP FACTORY A. S3. tIIU'KSO.\, Proprietor. ('oimuiTi ial Street, S. .ittle. U.i uf. t;ir< r of amtperl r artt. le of Wa»hi:.j( ai. I Toilet M.,»p -t»n Krauclaco prltea. Merchants and othrni *ill find It to their ad .&f> to butui) luduMtr) lyfi-dtf ' I a2Ml»oiu GEO. P. ROWELI & CO. Newpaper Advertising Bureau. For Ten Dollars: Four lines inserted one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspapers. For Ten Cents: One Hundred Page Pamphlet with Lists of Newspaper! and Advertising Rates. i 10 Spruce St. N. Y. j«4 d*wtr GO TO R. W. OSBOURNE 'iJft'-utii ffi Mm . VL> 'A sVBBI' . * ' -j • xt* V. •- FOR BOOTS AND SHOES The Ctteapent plac« In Wthhingtou TwHl*' none but Itw bt ht ol alock umhl. «- Working Btiuta made for $0; • » c From Hirn t, opposite Uulllvan'i block. FUEL FOR SOUND STEAMERS SEATTLE NUT COAL At $2 Per Ton, DELIVKUKD ON HOARD WITHOUT A MOVv"** DELAY KUt<M UI'NKEKS «-.P»XIALLi CON.fTKL'CTKD TO ACCOMO DATE SOUND HTk'AIUK:!. #«»e lliae ami ni«nr* b» getting 7 our «. 0. * T. Co. at Pcattlr.: