Newspaper Page Text
ffimE m <V POST-HTELLIGENCER. H IMH- . B A BTB BN . | aSSOCIATKD PRESS DISPATCHM JH irikir'i Pint Veto. 3 Washihotow. April 4.—The PresWnfl to-day sent a message U). the vetoing the Chinese bUI. t• Hp 1 ■ Mere ef ll' II Co to* Bra, (O.) April B vole was nearly as large a «» ■ elections. The Republic* 4 ♦»<§ ■ eared 1G Coane'lraen to U ' ■ The Democratic oity ticket. JHB I Majorities ranging from 400 *#*L 1 Democratic Mayor has bee t&gm] The Republicans would the city but for the effect of tMMRQp liquor bill. "i 'A * ! The jKmsoirviLM, 'Mo.j April Crittenden has received telegnufl|H|4 Sheriff Timberlath and others mß*i| hint of the death of Jesse expresses himself as satisfied M identity of the man killed. He lutHHB dered the body taken to tinder guard. He leaves for the plaoe tonight. He says the only ber of the original band that has so been the terror of railroad companH and banks not accounted for is Jm Camming*. M KLLUAI et Jcsm Jaatre. Kamsas Cm, April 4.—At nine o'elocflj this morning the netorioos villain JemJ James was shot and killed at St. Joseph. Mobile, by Robert Ford, of Richmond county. Jesse, it appears, has been living in that oity since last November under the name of Thomas Howard. Robert Ford, the slayer of James, and bis brother Charles, had been shadow ing Jesse James for many montbe past, following him from plaoe to plaoe, their purpose being te kill him the first time and opportunity, but they never succeed ed in finding him unarmed until this morning. The boys went to St. Joe about one week ago, Previous to this they had ingratiated themselves into the confidence of James, claiming they were robbers and horse thieves. For onoe Jesse was caught napping, and he believed all the Fords told him. The Fords, at onoe upon their arrival in St. Joe, went to the house on the oorner of lttth and Lafayette streets, where Jesse was living, and remained there until after the tragedy occurred this morn ing. Jeese and Ford were talking to gether, and Jesse had just laid his pis tols on the table for a moment when Ford palled oat his revolver and shot Jeass. The ball entered his head be hind the left ear, and psased oat over the forehead, death being instantaneous. The identity of the robber is beyond question. He perfectly answers the de scriptions heretofore given of Jesse, and the assassin described him perfectly even to the marks on his person and the slothes on his body. Jssee James's wife was living here with him at the time. She says it is Jesse, and tells the story of their recent movements in detail. In May, a year ago, they located in Kansas Oity, where they leeided until November lest, whsn they removed to St. Joe. Sinoe they arrived in St. Joe they have lived in three different plaoee. Mrs. Jsmee is a handsome brunette about 36 years of sge. She was hand somely dreeaed and seems to feel death keenly. On Jesse's per* •on was found a heavy plain gold ring, narked "Jesse," two gold watches, on* a stem winder, engraved "AJ3. 8.," which he is supposed to have taken from a former Governor at the Sweet Springs robbery. The other watoh is a key winder, and was taken, together with a solitaire ring, at the robbery of Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, a few year* ago. There was also found a set of studs and a lady's oval breastpin* Jssss's arms consisted of a 45 caliber Smith A Wesson revolver; a 45 asHbtr Colt revolver and a Winchester rills and a doable-barrel shotgun. The Ford boys claim they had no object in view bat to obtain the reward offered by the State government for Jesse James, dsad or alive. They recently had two interviews with him at St. James' hotel in Kansas City. The Governor was informed of their plan of action «d approved it. The boys have been in constant communication with Sheriff Kinbarly and H. H. Craig, and acted twder their instructions. The aasassiu ia 22 ysars old, and his brothsris 25- They are fine-looking, intelligent yonng BWO " After the shooting they promptly Rave themeelvee up to await judicial action. Mrs. James says shs will pros •eote the Ford boys to the bitter end. Her maiden name was MUler. f»e •hie Tele. Creels N ATI, April 4. —There waa much ■Matching, and the vote waa Mgbt. At 1030 two precincts wees heard Horn, vms shows a Democratic gain, the other ■Republican gain. The vote in the Mate is about as usual. Wiu Hang ike Villain. KOKOMA, (Ind.) April 4. —A midnight »ob has organized in a gross to lynch Chaa. Jamison, ths tramp who oatraged *hrse-year-old child. A great crowd hsa sotlected. There will be practically ho reaistanee to the lynchers. A TMrtf •cmaaUr TM*n. DATTOM, 0., April 4.— Betarns for 18 precincts la the city show a Democratic JU« of 488, and a Republican gain of 52. Tte protebUity it UM city is carried by UM» Democrats by a majority of about <OO for Mayor. The entire city ticket to elected by the Oemocrata. A Bad Report. OHICAOO, April 4.—lt is reported is a riot in hanssa City over ths lynching of a negro supposed to have been guilty of shooting a white man in »he street. It was subsequently dis covered to be the wrong man. The ue- Rroes are said to have risen in arms. A Later Brpert. KAMM Cm, April 4.—Officer Pat Joaeeatteiuiitod tonight to driest two nagroee ou suspicion of baring n some batter. As he was walking with them, one of them shot him three times •ad both broke and ran. One was »ei/ed and held by people who had gathered around until the police cookl take him to the police station. AM the officers were removing tu the cen tral station a mob oollocted, seized the negro sad hnng him from the Mp* of a street bridge, The excitement waa great for a time, bat soon cooled down. Of ficer Jonee leaves a wife and fto chil dren. SKXATK. n«aro», April 4.—Voorhees sub- BFf ISreHolution declaring the con- Hy&flfta&ate Department in rela and imprisonment of American citizens U\ is in violation inconsistent with the citizenship and de honor of the United tabled at Voor- to his call. AipMRHM count bill was laid 11 allowing the St. Railroad to pass MHpWRHp nation considered. v^Pm»|e^|9>usx. **• *'• | jVBpMjlttMH a resolution so to exclude from the 1(1 V'klma. large number of WHS elections were held in Michi- Lansing went Democratic issno. At Flint, the or temperance issue was canidate being opposed MhHv men. Lapeer went R»- MlnßtOi Rapids, Temperance; Democratic; also Nilea. HfeßraHn,a»tonished everybody by M|> feat. Grand Itiipidu jKtfiraMMrf combination ticket of HmMV fid Democrats. Local predominated. fHHMftHw' the Democrats elected of the Peace; the Recorder, and a ma j Unci I men. In Saginaw elect the city ticket and Usrlanill. 4.—With 55 pre °incts Democratic ma jority WHByB be increased by pre<iJPw NjSfrd from. D,; 4Wj»j*#'' The Dem today with the the first time «n 20 yBB|BI stands 7 Dern °crata lasiwr#asl«ta»i. Kansas Crrr, piil 4. —Pat Jones, a policeman, was lied by a negro this evening. A mobjoon after caught the negro and bung l*i. *«<nhl Ci 4 ProaperU. Littuc Rocx, Ajpl 4.—Crops are un usually forward a! over the State. Another E Hlon Be pert. CINCINNATI, (OI$» April 4.—Eleveu of fifty-six procuuk in the city show Republican lossesjhich, if continued, will give the Demujats a majority of 3000. It ia likely, rawer, the loes will be even greater, as |ie German wards are vet to hear fr« Yanktowk, April* i-At the city elec tion today the entirepublican ticket was elected by 100 «jority. Ren Benae«rr*- Ihdianapo&b, Aprii4.— The election in thia ettgf fqg Tovuiip Trustees and Justice of the Peaw nulted in a com plete victory forth* kmoorats by 500 or 000 majority. At Lo'clock the re turns from 01 out *f (precincts show a Democratic majority o)i80, and nearly the entire German ioUtvas cast for the Democratic ticket it, thsaloon iutwest and against problbiiu. The total vote polled ia greatly bAw the average. In Richmond the LemJrata elect trus tees ovsr the Repabkea i In Shelby ville the Democrats elwAtity trustees. The new cover of Thcttntury Maga tint is an iraprovemsnt <s the old one. The old one, aa nearas * could under stand, WM a nap rsUe+fiing the inter nal economy of the system in a state of seige, induced H a sudden at taok of obolera mor Ins. rhe new de sign is very unique. In foreground A lady, who is ruiningn patty cash book leaning on it, has an da Whioned lard lamp with a rag wick, wU which she is evidently looking br te bridge of her nose, which is tone She is out doors, the aurora ly in the northern akyJand her throat and ohest are exposed to lie night air in auoh a reckless manter tot. if croup has not already marked heior its own, it is beoauae diphtheriatbafUed a prior claim. Intheourner nthißiolad young man, whose shirt has etiddtly gone to the pawn shoo to look afteifis trousers, has been fishing and catfcba whole five gallon jar fall of trout, but k is empty ing the Jar of its finny titaißM that be may milk the unsuspeotngWoat nib bling the bark of a dog Vtrftree near by. It isn't the kind or SkgoJi to milk, too; but the young man rilAnot find that out until he has beg ,n derations and made the first assssa ien{ The name of Cheney wst Mn to an important station on tlnlii of the Northern Pacific Mad in Wfchington Territory east of th« Colunbi-jriver, in recognition of a long ana lvalkble ser vice in the railroad oompaiy'sfbard of Direction, and the tare wqthkaman known to expressmen thi>u4out the world. "Ben Cheney" stuui by his name always—and the newW-kkrn town of Cheney has a large, admnily-pUn ned and beautiful AcadUm wilding, equipped throughout, eves tl deak». window-shades and hangingsaAs: and a principal, a graduate hired at a salsry ofAjU£fl|Bift lady assistant Normal School, year,-fcave been take charge of the fixed invest nasnt in was tuMioo.— AW .IHILVa Tbs and indeetry of received much part, to the the Hambutg held eome since. the Wsstphalian beating power to vestigationa carried en most eminent though the statement prising, that Germany of coat fields sire than any that The WMtphalian ooalbS^H^H eaid. is capable of prodao^^B^Hl centuries to come, the bait eotl annunlly thatw^BH| yields; and not only this, is not yet fully explored, to be capable of material Clark. Johnson 6 Wisconsin, are erecting burner, north of their be 3T> feet in diameter bight, and an elevator the mill for the oarriage will cost S7OOO. 'When theSnltan of pray, it is on a (3500 rag. cooks want thxir wages a day, he sends them to jaih X The eeoond centennial owrery mi the is to be heM In New^^^^^H PACIFIC CO.. ST Pert ef £■ try l».i- . I'obt Towwskcd. April i JU* I'ort Tuwnsend Mill Company „,ii annual meeting today, and th« follow ing trustees were elected: T. T. Minor. C. C. Bartl«tt. J. A. Kuhn, Fred Terry. N. D. Hill, H. E. Morgan and A.J. Smith. Six sailors were brought here under arrest from the ship Julia, which is now i loading at Port Gamble, by the depnty sheriff of Kitsap conn'y, Wm. Hatt. With the assistance of friends here they managed to make their escape. Two were caoght; one A. Bogota ia fnow un der arrest for resisting an officer, he be ing the principal one in assisting the tailors to escape. He will be bound over to the district court. Ship Coqnimbo pissed up this after noon. The ship Jeremi&h Thompson is reported in the Straits, bound to Hoyal Roads for orders. Sailed, ship Pactolus, bound for Mel bourne. Ship ra Fire. Bas Fbahcisco, April 4.—The Britiab bark Kelvin brings a report from vlie ship Susan Gilmore that the latter saw on or about the sth of Maroh a burning iron ship, in latitude 30 north, longi tude 120 west. faaipla* Arraaameat. Bah Francisco. April 4.— The man agers of the south end mine, from Over men to Jacket, meet today to see if arrangements cannot be made to pump water. Each company investing will have a representative present. Te go Barb Kant. Sa* Francisco, April 4.—Hon. R. T. O'Connor delivered his farewell address last night U Union Hall to a very large audience. He will soon depart for the East. 1.1.CM Workmen. The Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W. for the State is in session. The Order now has a membership of 15,000 in Califor nia. HAM FKA.MIMt e VEWX ITEMS The oity press is non-committal oil the subject of enforcing the Sunday law. A few of the religions papers are de manding its strict enforcement. Paul Schulze, President of the North western Trading Company, whose head quarters are at Portland, advertises in the oity papers for ail those seeking in formation concerning Oregon to address him personally, when he will supply them with a copy of the Wttt Shore. The ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. T. K. Noble, president, are about to open a house w here that class of homeless women and girls who are dependant upon their own exertions for support, oan be provided with a comfortable and respectable home at moderate charges. The proeeouting attorney of the Po lice Court agreed to formally petition Chief j Crowley to defer making anv more arrests for the violation of the Sunday law, as the calendar was full and would be so for a year to come. It has been stated that the Police Commis sioners will be asked to revoke the lioense of all Sunday law violators. The picnic season has already opened. As many as ten pionio excursions are announoed for Sunday, May the Btb. It now tarns out that there has existed a ring of offioials and capitalists who for many years have been engaged in the opium smuggling trade. It is thought that their profits during the past live years have not been less than $500,000. Mayor Blake and a party of other gentlemen had a narrow escape from drowning, a few weeks ago, while driv ing in the vicinity of San Lorenzo creek, Alameda county. The road was flooded and by a mistake they drove into the creek which was full to the banks. The trustees of the Merchant's Ex change have at last decided to accept the offer made them by the Produce Ex change, of $250,000 net, for their proper ty on California street, provided the stockholders will sustain their action, The Ualston House, on Pine street, above Leavenworth, was damaged by fin on Maroh £id, to the extent of $2,000. This building was erected by W. C. ltalston as his city residence in 1870, and was always regarded by him as his home. H. A. Kennedy, steerege steward, and H. Hennessey, purser on the steamship Tokio, were arrested on the vessel out side tbe heads, she having been inter cepted by the revenue cutter Corwin. The prisoners are charged with com plicity in tbe opium frauds. They gave a cash bail of $10,009 and were released. There arrived by the City of Tokio, on her last trip from China, 1500 Chinese. This will make the arrivals for tbe first quarter of the year about 15,(M0, and unless some restrictions are placed on the importing agencies, there will l>e at least 50.000 Chinese arrive during 1882. The liev. George O. Barnes has fairly outstripped the boy Evangelist Harrison as a sensational revival preacher in the West. His meetings attract crowds in Louisville. His bottle of oil is etill in request, and with it heannointsths fore heads of all converts. But he is some thing more than grotesque. His power of oratory ts remarkable. He can make his audience roar with his comical mim icry or weep by his pathos. Again, he carries their feelings by storm. "This is a poor body for an immortal soul," he exolaimed, indicating his by no means robust physique, "but I have in this breast the element of eternal life. It is a poor, backed, and worthless body, but the soul is there. 1 can feel it throbbing and throbbing like a big engine in some battered old ship With every turn of the great wheels," and his hands, trem i bling with energy, describe the revolu tions from his elbow, his body shaking I with suppressed strain, aud his eyee lighted up with intense fire —" wiUi every torn of the great wheels the old hulk treiubiee and groans and quivers: it may go to piecae, but the engine throb* on stronger and better than the hulk, full of power and life." He telle hie converts that they need never be ill if they will lead perfectly holy lives, in which case thev would be caught np to heaven without dying. I The Denver newspapers recently had Lnooontsof an exploit by Comanche pit, a border character who swaggers about the Colorado mining camps in a Eroad-riuimed bat. long hair, and back- Hkin clothes. Seeing « clerk in a store Knit a girl, he made her sit on the Hunter, while the insulter. coerced by He proximity of a cocked ptetol. did Hnaee bv licking the soles of her KM. A few days afterward a aequo! story was printed. The clerk saross Comanche Bill in a saloon. Hie both were unarmed and the speo- Ht wm impartial, and ooolly gave The desperado tried in vain to ■M, and received a sound thrashing, he oOsmd only a feeble resiat war footing of the German army established by the budget of oonkt be donbfcd at twsnty-fonr STi \TTLF, \Y. T„ \vT 'NESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1882. FOP. £i 1 & N. I4f B«*t U» i A, —B yd ia* a' r - oiUi . UUU umLl flu ill t<H & ivto strokes. Hanlan, however, sculling in grand style, caught him and on the half mils was elsar ot him. Haitian's time to Red Heagh bridge was 3:23. By thia time Hanlan was four lengths in the front, and the race was over. Will Met Interfere. Panama, April 4.—Tresoott, in corres pondence published in Chili, formally withdraws any offer of the good offices of the United States in the conclusion of peaos between Pern and Chili. Not Posted.—lt is very evident that the editor of the Portland Standout has not visited San Francisco latsly, or if hs has he must havs been restrained of his liberty while there, or elss hs has been greatlv imposed upon by some misoreant who desired to perpetrate a joke on him. For in his issue of the 17th of Maroh he enlightens his readers with a piece of refreshing news in rsfsr ence to the San Francisco Examiner having moved into the new building expressly built for it, on Market and O Farrefl streets, by James Phelan. And that the paper's nsw home, etc., is decidedly the best on the Paoifio coast, and perhaps in the United States. To set our Democratic contemporary right on the subject, we will admit that the Examiner is enterprising and ably sdit ed, but when yon come to talk about tine newspapsr homes and all that sort of thing, ws havs a little something to say oursslf. As a matter of fact the Examiner offioe occupies a triangler sptoe in the Phelan Blook on the oorner of O'Farrell and Market, that won't measure more than 15 by 20 feet, but it is central and very prominent, and that is all. Of courss, it is in the Phelan Block, and by right of occupying a space not larger than a good-sized dry goods box the Examiner feels jnstifisd in not only claiming, but if nsoessary of swearing and attempting to prove, that it does occupy the whole building from cellar to garet. The truth is that aside from the San Francisco Chronicle build ing the Post-Imtklxioenckb has the best appointed newspaper home on the Pa cific coast, both as to building, compo sition room, press room and business offics, ws havn't blowsd about it either, and in lees than twenty years we expect to walk all around the A'. F. Chronicle and X. Y. Herald offices either as to size or appointments. There is a scandal in the Philadelphia bar. "Some of the lawyers have lapsed into the carelessness and disrespectful habit of addressing the Court while wearing their overcoats." A funny man at Jackson, Mioh., put a cast-iron bullfrog on a log in the river, and the boys threw stones at it all day without discovering the reason why it didn't plunge. Judge Tourgee's "A Fool's Errand" proved a failure in the form of a drama, and the company which went on a tour with it has disbanded. Nearly $10,000,000 were taken from theminosef Utah last year, and a bul lion product of $13,000,000 is predicted for tne present year. The Mormons expect 1500 converts from London next month, comprising a number of families and about 300 un married women. In most of the larger towns of Ger many art classes have been established for mechanics, and are largely attended. Wm. Philpott, house and sign paint ing. paper banging, kalsomining and glazing. Front street, opposite Sulli van's blook. Seattle. mh3-tf Gentlemen, buy your hosiery from Clayton Bros., and save money, ai-tf H. B. Litt, the reliabie manufacturer of ladies' dresses and dolmans, will be here abont the middle of April, with the handsomest stock of dresses and wraps ever shown on the coast. a2-2w E. Myer, of the Puget Hound Hat Store, has the beet assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods in the city, and sells oherper than any other house on the Sound. Give him a trial. m24-tf. Gentlemen buy the nioe fitting opera shirt from Clayton Bros., Front street. a4-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUY YOUR GOODS FROM CLAYTON BROS., Drew's Bsildisg, Front at. v Hosiery, NOrH.' NOTIONS! EmbrdMtfg, Edgings, I|Hkrs and Cuffs, Ladies'l|«wear, MlffgF Underwear, B ELDING BIHfeRS- SPOOL SILK and Twist, Barber's Linen IHI Embroidery OUk, Silk * losses. ■ X..'. Over One |M|red Shades Fairy Zephyrs, aiMMkWools, Pompa dour. Mohair, Crewels. Chenilles, Mummy Cloth. Congress Canvas of ail kinds. Ribbons, Yarns of all color*. German Call and ezamine^HHUu. Buy for CflKsid save your money.W , CLAYTON BHERB. SeveralwEe For SWL "ForSa® 4 LODGING HOUSE OF |WN A rooms, ten all of goods. Will sell the the stock. I will sell for days all kinds of I wiah to remove to CaUforaia^^^Hnt Corner Secead and Ck^^H SM.UK. NEW ADVEMSEMEXTS. PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. of California. A. McKINNIE, Manager FOR OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO TERRITORIES. Offlce—l«3 First at, Portland. Oregon. PORTLAND BOARD. References: j Relereaeee t CHAS. HODGE, of Hodce. Davis A Co. jG. E. NOTTAGE. M.D., Examiner an J JAMES STEEL, Cashier First National Phvmeinn. Bank. j J. K. GILL, of J. K. Gill 4 Co., Station- J. A. STROWBRIDGE. Wholesale! era. Leather and Findings. : M. S. BURRELL, of Knapp, Burrell A C. A. DOLPH, of Dolph, Bronangh, Co. Dolph A Simon. W. W. SPAULDING, Packer and Cattle Col. J. McCRAKEN, of J. MoCraken Deiler. A Co. ANDREW ROBERTS, of Fishel A L. C. HENRICHSEN, of Henriohsen & Roberta. Green berg. C. M. WI BERG, Boots and Shoes. SEATTLB BOARD. GEORGE D. HILL. Conntv Treasurer. GEORGE W. STETSON, of Stetson A JESSE W. GEORGE. Capitalist. Post. GEORGE Banker. W. A. JENNINGS, Wholesale A Retail C. P. STONE, Grocer. Grocer. Each of the above aamed persons has •10.000 insursnee la this Company. C. H. HANFORD, Sec y and Attorney. ROBERT KNIPK. Local Agent. apl-tf Grand Cot Down! Grand Cut Down! MO GOODS BY RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES, BUT STILL LOWER THAN THE LOWEST! o Tomato, 2J lb tins, full weight, per dozen, - • $1 25 Assorted Table Fruit, 2£ lb tins, - • • • 300 tt cans assorted Pie Fruit - - - - 1 00 6 lbs. Costa Rica Coffee, unmixed clear, • • - 100 7 lbs. Costa Rica Coffee, clear plain, • - • 100 9 lbs. G. C.Extra Sugar, v > * - -1 00 lbs. Crushed Sugar, I 00 7i lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar, - - - • 100 I lb Japan Tea from 25 to 35c. 1 lb Japan Tea, Extra, from - 50 to 60c. 1 lb E. B. Tea, from 40 to 50c. And all other goods at a like reduction. Call aad take price and examine goods. A pleasure te show, at my aew brisk stere. L.RKINIG, „ )hls .tf ' Corner Marion and Front sts. The California GIGAR AND TOBAGGO STORE KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND The Finest and Best Selected Stock of Imported ani Domestic CIGARS, CIGARETTES, MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TOBACCOS and AMBER GOODS. 4 PlVb' «2TrW'L r np CUTLERY, NOTIONS, PLAYING CARDS, ETC., At Lowest Market Rates. DAN. WERTHEIMEB, mhSO-tf Kllil at., aaezt door <• Peat Building, Heattle. SEEDS! 100 lbs. Tellow Dan vers Onion Seed. 100 lbs. Carrott, Long, half-long and short 100 lbs. Ruta Baga Turnip. 150 lbs. Mangel Wurt zel. Bliss's American Pea, Early Rose Potatoes, And all other varieties of Seeds required for Field or Garden, at wholesale and re tail. GirroßD's Pearl of Orcas Potato. This Potato was originated in 1878 b$ Mr. Gilford, of Orcas Island, from need halls, and lias been pronounced by compe tent judges the moit promising of any ever planted in Washington Territory. The akin is white, with One russet netting, flesh white, quality the finest, baked or toiled, good keepers and an extraordinary producer, the yield being much greater than any other variety known here. We believe this Potato will become very popular, and those who secure seed this spring will be able to sell all they raise at high Ague. Price 10 reata per pound; tsper bushel. C.P.STONE&CO. Cash Grocers. Cigars and Tobacco retailed at San Fran daoo wholeaale prices. tU-tt PLASTER INC. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS Kill. 1 self to the pubUc as a competent PIaASTSIJUBR, Prepared to do any and all work offering. Plaster Grnaments Kept constantly on hand, in variety to! suit, for sale at O. C. dhorey'a. on Front! street. mh3o-lm _ _ C. H. HALL. FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN! 4f\ ACRES OF LAND WITHIN TWO 4vf miles of Belltowa. and only half a mile from the bay. Title perfect. Apply to HENRY UHLFELDER, kWH Merchant. Froq|»fr We always use the Prize Baking Powder. Why? It is full weight. It is the best article in market. It was never known to give poor satisfaction. It pleaseth the family be cause it never faileth. Ask for the Prize Baking Powder. TAKE uo other, and MAKE your Grocer always keep it on hand. LOST! A PLAIN GOLD RING INSCRIBED on the inside with a name. Five Dol lar* reward will be paid for its return to this office and no question* asked. mhlS-tf I. OJU. T. CBATTLE LODGE NO. 1L0.6. T.. C meets every Monday night at 74 o'clock in Odd Fellows" Hall. Front st. C. A. JOHNSON, W. C. T. Wm. L. Lnrwur. W. 8. fls-tf Cream Cakes frbss Bvory Day AT PIPER'S. all kinds of REAL. ESTATE Bonikt, Soli and Manuel ESHELRIR, STIILWELL ft CO ! tuhl.Vtf Room No. 1 Poet r MEAVYOPAYING I«B prr ' ■ .» Ik. y alsu a pi?- WALD & CAMPBELL JOBBERS AMD KRAOIM Of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Ate. StudebakerWagons The beat Wagon on wheels. We have just received another «r load, m tracing every size. Call and inspect. We also carry the largest stock «f Hard ware on the Hwrnd. "The Havana," THE NEW WHOLESALE CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE OP SSLd TTJLE, All the best brands of imported and domes tic Cigars and Tobaccos kept in stock. ALSO Olsarcttos, Meersoliaum Gtoods, Playing Cards, cftjo Orders from neighboring towns and the country are solicited and will receive prompt attention. Our factory in San Francisco is at 408 and 410 Sacramento street. J. GOLDBERG & CO, iii-u Commercial street, Seattle, W. T. MOORE, HUNT * CO., ICLE A«BXTI rtl Jesse Moore & Co.'s Kentucky WhisM^ BKCHVSD VIA CAPS HOIM AMD BY kAZLIOAD. I San Francisco, BLANCHARD & CO., H DEALERS IN ALL OF* THE ABOVE BRAlifi P»at BnlHlnt. Hill nwct, icrtHc, SEATTLE LUMBER AND COMMERCUTIOMMII Saw and Planing Mills, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY Manufacture* all kinda of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Shutters, &c., Ac. Orders from abroad will be promptly attended to and satisfaction warranted. Order* for Span, Piles aad Li«| Tiabtr will bo flllad on abort notleo. Mill aad office on Front Street. Addreao P. J. LAIR, Manager UH. TENNY. ) I , M r „,v V J. W. GKORGK. [ Directors J " M J. M. FIUNK, ) I Biiperlatenaaat. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS Build EngincH and Machinery. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORK IN IRON ANO BRASS UOXK PROMPTLY TO ORDKK. Engines net up—Housework a Specialty—Pattern shep In connection with the werke. Persona intending t" purchase machinery or lunre iron work don* are inrflH visit our shops, on Hccona and Jackson ito., near the Rail road Depot WALSH AULI Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGAH o OUB STOCK EMBRACES EVERYTHING IN THE LIME OP THE Wo purpoao selling at prioea that cannot b* beat, and reapeetfnlly patronage of tb* Sound ana enrroending country. Prompt and enrefnl attention will be given to all order* with whiebßMH or public may favor oa. gmamm nIS-tf CoHMerelal at., Q|tp*«ll> Opra How, NOTICE. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or Kitsan County. W. T, b««by «ollcit bids for tarnishing the lodiffeslsJck at ■aid county with board, lodging. clothing, washing, medicines, medical and WMM attendance, nursing and all necess^^^H fiom "Si# Boaitf ntoo solicit bids for burial at soch KitMp County pat mar die durng said term. i i&sisttiS.'surd|P ""■^-N&SRFCCALLTM., Auditor of Kitsap County. FORT MADISON, W. T., March 17. tnklß-JwdiW mftifr-awqAw NERVOUS DEDIU^H A Sure Cur Cuarant^^H -•» VKRVK • » itlc for H> wtortaTT^^ Nervous HmmWTH i nut of Memory. 0J? 1. Involuutar *«, cauaed -_ jr over-i'"'^ ~r •*i '>rm ; fc'Ui n*9S<j!4«r uttgt* - . w- <•>• «> ; ire ■I **Ur 7+l-'-. v*t \r Mr -- VOL. 11---NO. 1. SEA'ri' I . HI TOWN LOTS. Hppppppvawv ■ iivm : i S4O to $l6O per Lot. i Jrrra&ssxttiM: — J_jtitcelows Addition is in tha northsrn