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SEATTLE DAILY POST-INTELLIGENCER SJBBmmT'S 11?! i COHSOLOATH) H 1881. ' giSTERNNBWS. iewc IATED PHBSS DrgPATCH** Kupftlilcd fu< M Yosx, D«o- ® - W - H - VandarhUt *** t the f fth Avenne hotel tonight 7L arrival of Pretiient Keep ***i*n»wer Hafhitt of tna Chioa«o fifortWsyne road - but tte train £?£» be failed to meet them. laetfcer Bim »■< HarOer 6r*k. ■Uansoio*, Dec. B.—Western and . "uTrr, members of Congress are anx a river and harbor bill not the failure of the Secreta- War to farniah estimates of th»> 2? It ia learned that estimates of offloers to carry forward the JSTnronded for under the last bill !!m llt),000,UU0. It ie proposed by aev !!j Snators and Bepresentatives to i (be {secretary of War to famish r?~r.,»a bT calling on bim through a of the respective houses to [T' tt estimates for particular objects SCwOTements, in which the constitu *VTJ( these gentlemen are interested. Jones, for example, has intro- Zd a resolution in the Senate calling Secretary to furnish estimates zifntore work upon the Mississippi uL r Similar resolutions in relation to on the Pacific slope and Satire will be introduoed. Ihi-i" mm* »ed. HtTTOED, Dec. B—A dinner wm iM today at the residence of ez-PiMt tt flmnl Jewell in honor of Post al General Howe. Stave Bebbery Excitement. p,P imiJMi. Dec. B.— An inditfna iua m«f tin p of oolored people wax thin evening over the recant grave ■ebbMT. When a trastee of I»banon Gnsetery, named Burton, appeared on tht platform, there was great excite- BtoCsareral razors and revolvers were fovn, and nearly everybody shouted (ur veaeeanoe. Peacemakers were suo aarfol bat the meeting at ouoe ad iaorned. Thirty graves were opened to day from about half of which the boditf had been stolen. The health de ■UtiMDt will not allow more graven opined until it is known whether the Hdnnf died from eoutagious diseases. —Day. Sr. Louis. Dec. A special from m.iUt-n Missouri, says Albert Kin 4to. aolored, was hung for the murder «(Morris Wing, also colored, today at half-put one. Sanders partook of the Itft (seranent, being joined by Howard Qadsrvood, another negro who will be mooted in three weeks. He walked on Ihaiaaffold firmly: then sang a hymn tilboot a tremor in his voice and was Meumpanied by his adviser, Btr. if. Hess, who offered up prayer, landers then made a few remarks and ■t 12:30 the rope was out. There were • tow oonvulsions and in minutes he aaadaad. Binders killed Wing a year q|o the #th of last November, in a tit of jMloaiy. both] being in love with the ■me girl. Eip*M Ike Poller. WiSHncrroN, Deo. B.—A citizens oom aittee appointed to secure greater pro Isotion against burglars and small thieves has been furnished with v.Uua hiaolews by the noted thieves. O'Leary and Murphy. If verified, the committee will mike pablio the system of dividing spoils between professional thieves and ontain members of the police. Meuitac D*wi i* Work MILWAUKEE, Dec. B.—A number of papers were read and addresses deliver ed at the aession of the National Batter. Cheese and Egg Association today. Anions the speakers, were Thos of Cheshire, Knglan<J. J.J. McDonald, of Philadelphia, was ohoseo president, and avios-presideat from esoh St ite. Cerllflmie* Withheld. COLUMBUS. Deo. B.—The State Can- TUaiaK Board find that Merry in the Third Distriot, Warner in the Fifth, aid MeKinleyin the Eighteenth, are elec kd to Congress by small majorities on the faoe of the certificates. None were fcmd, however, as in each case two sets <f ballots against one giving the full Christian name, and the other two Initials only to a number sufficient to MOtrel the result either way if oounted Mfsrately or together. The Feel and His Meaty. Boston, Dec. B.—The disagreement kNMsn Mrs. Langtry and Mrs. La ttoahsre ia the topio jf conversation. fNdOebhardt.who followed Mrs. L&ng *ry to Boston, and who was the aoquaint ton objected to by Mrs. Labouohere, M among the first of Mrs. Langtry's mm York admirers. is a Indnme young man of 23; lived at the ■Mil Brunswick, keeps a four-in-hand tod other equipages, all of which have toto at Mrs. Langtry'a command dur ■Rher stay in New York. Qebhardt ■to tonally aooompanied her during Mr drives. Gerbhardt's father died a ■to nan ago, leaving his son an inoome •( about fHo.OOO a year. The yonng *■», ■ well known at the opera ana Imiis of the principal theaters, and ■Mtost diuer out. He has the repu ■w of being duereet, quiet, temper »ud eoonomioal. It is said his bill ytewsts alone, duiing Mrs. Langtry's in New York, was Wintry. fcwTow, Dee. B.—The weather is "■'•M cold. 'lhe thermometer was **■■ at sunrise. Wttlhl Train Awldnk nnrtos, Va., Dec. B.—A ootliaion oo y»a at half-past three yesterday af 2®°® between a freight train going wit and the express ptasenger train P* at the weat entranoe of neck, the tunnel 22 mites **■ Three persons were in ■Wkilled, and five others wounded, ™ snginss, two passenger cars, I **■ osr and five freight oars t I?"' 1*: killed were Henry An l eugineer of the freight: [ "°£f n ' of Hinton, fireman of ' tvlTi m - Cooper, of Waitesville, • vs., flrsaun of the passenger train, i are B. R. Thompson, of 25r™Jf' on < W. Va., conductor of the twin, whose back and legs j »°hn Madden, of Huuting- I *ks passenger train,has mi? ■ Df ?* an and other injuries, but _ probably reoover: the oondaotor of ! ».-~ nn 'i | r > rti sleeping car of Boston, has both legs broken, fatal; newsboy, name un- cut; Stephen Cole, oolored courthouse, serious ; The passengers number 75, jTjsWhom are Senator Williams, of SkJ?' Robert Bonner of New •nossoapsd uninjured. The as caused by a misunderstand r by the freight train, fc t ' "toy were attempting to take »ore than had been allowed passenger train's time, it t C«HUI Hews. Dee, B.— Secretary Fol ESVoanoaUed $350,000 in United of the legacy of J,**ydsrstood 'he House Committee reduction of k JP® yhrin of the civil eerrioa. fcU oourt Kinderman finding of DeLong ths sams M Melville told it. ■earr Salt. hki ® eo * The trial began Sa?- * y to reoover nearly 42,- Eg°g» Harrison Johnston, United kkiae f *ha amount «*le of goods ooufia 5&Sh2t o^jr' aadaU^wd di - V mtj Matched. Dee. 8.-Tha fourth CL"*" l between StainiU and **«•» draw. iff P"—- Ooaa, Dsn. B.—Fifty asms. WasHnroro*, Dec. B.—The House Qamraittaa ouForeign A Hairs thi« morn ing autnorized lUchairman tHeoueat the Honse to fix a day for the considera tion of the Nicarauguan Ul j the Venezuela route. Bills from the Hinse Committee mi Commerce were adopted. A resolution asking the Secretary of War to send certain estimates required by law which have not been received, and after discussion of the President's reference to the Hirer and Harbor bill in his annua! message, it was agreed that the resolution the Secretary of War to state what appropriations were made laet session not in the inter est of commerce. The House Judiciary Committee fixed upon next Jneedayaa the day for the consideration of the bill for the relief of the Supreme Court, known as the Davis bill, which provides for addition- ! al Judge*. for the Court. The Election Committee had up the case of Came, who claims admission as the Utah Delegate, lieferred to the subcommittee. The case of Junes tb. Shelly was also referred to the sub committee. The Committee on Foreign Affairs agreed to report favorably on a bill guaranteeing $75,000,000 in 3 per oent. bonds to aid in tb* oonstrootwn of the Ntcaraguan Canal. Barrows, from the Committee on Ap propriations, reported the Consular bill, lieferred to the Committee of the Whole. The bill appropriates $1,£"<8,000, being fHO.OUOIess than last year, and $130,000 below the estimates. Burrows will se cure action on it tomorrow. The I'ostoffice Committee adopted a report in favor of Anderson's bill, re ducing letter postage to two cents per half ounce, beginning January Ist, 18H4. After farther discussion the enacting claase of the bill was, on motion, stricken out. ■nan. B«ck called np the resolution inquir ing into political assessment*. H ile said the Democratic party had paced rich men on the Committee to get contributions, and had assessed the liquor men heavily. At t o'clock the B tnkrnptcy bill was taken np. Jones (of Florida) offered an amend ment, giving the party Bought to be thrown into involuntary bankruptcy a right to demand a jury trial as to the grounds for bankruptcy. Amendment agreed to. Morgan offered an amendment mak ing it an act of bankruptcy to be dealing in futures, in certain articles of prime necessity, suoh as oorn, sugar, cotton, rice Ac. Hoar made an address advocating the Lowell bill. Adjourned. In the Senate Military Committee it was decided to report favorably all army nominations. In the Senate u number of petitions wer» presented to increase the pensions of one-armed and one-legged soldiers. That if the tax on tobaoco be reduced a corresponding rebate should be al lowed. On motion of Morrill the Internal liuvenue bill with amendments was re committed to the Committee on Pi nance. A bill was pissed to rectify and estab lish the title of the United States to the military post at El Paso, Texas. Terrlkly Cold. CmcAuo, Deo. B,—Crews arriving yes terday in the breakwater were badly frost bitten. Two vessels came into the harbor completely covered with ice. The crews nearly perish d, and their hands, feet and ears were frozen. Moat of the trains duo here jasterday and last night were from half an honr to 12 hour i behind time, and many freights were abandoned. The snow is no impediment, but the engines had difficulty in making steam enough, and the water was freezing in the tanks. No aocideats are yet reported, haw ever. Factory laratd. ELGIN, Dei. B.— Ueury Waterman's large oheese factory, east of here, was burned yesterday. Loss $10,000; one quarter insured. Te Baas. TAYLOBSVILLE, 111., Deo. B.— George W. Traughber was sentenced to be hanged January 14th, for the murder of James MoKinaey. The Yellowstone Bill. WASHINGTON, Dec,, B.—Gen.. Roae orans said today in relation to ihe bill recently introdaoed by him for the in corporation of the Yellowstone Park Railway Company, that he had intro duced it by request, because he saw among the names of incorporators well known Californiana. He had not ex amined the bill, but before he would support it before the committee he would want to see all the papers and statements regarding it. ■rtrwpolltas Teatperatare. NEW YOU, Deo. B.— Lowest tempera ture 14, highest 44. Mearagaa Sehease. WASHINGTON, Dee. B.—Friends of the Nicaragua Canal Bill have begun to press their measure before Congress. Capt. Merry, of Ban Francisco, who rep resents the Pacific Coast interests in ths matter, is here and feels confident the bill will pass. He says Blaine's declaration of opposition to it will not hurt the measure any, t>ecause there is an acimas in what hs says, which ia ap parently understood. The Bute Department regards as wise the policy to have suoh a bill aa that now pending pass. Congress is not asked for money or a question of bonds, but the bill provides that the Govern ment shall insure a profit ef 3 percent upon the capital stock, not exoeed STS,- (*>l,ooo, in return for which the canal company binds itself to allow the pas sage of American wai vessels and mails for two hundred years. They concede also a limit of ohargea upon shipping, and which shall pass through the canal. Outside circles are moat directly inter ested in the canal project. There is little confidenoe in the passage of the bill at this oassion. toUr*salsa the Treaty. WASHINOTON, Deo. B.—The Senate committee ot Foreign Relations had under consideration the Corean treaty negotiated by Dr. Shufcldt. Considera ble progress "was mads, but several meet ings will be required to dispose of it. The Wessan Barterer. CRICAOO. Dec. 8. In ths Sturla oaee today the prosecution introduced in re buttal testimonies, including Dr. Jewel, who declared ttat Sturla ia medically iusane, but legally sans, and responsible for the murder. •tecfce. NEW YOU. Dec. B,—Mining stocks are dull. riacer ■lnlng KsgnlaUens. WASHINGTON, Dec. S. —Secretary Teller has answered bis placer mining claims circular of Sept. 23d, so it providea that no application by an aawiation of par sons for a patent to a placer claim will be allowed to embrace more than 160 aorea, and not lesa than SSOO worth of work must be shown to have besn ex pended thereon. If an individual be comes ths pnrohaasr and poassssor of several eeparta claims of twenty acros each or less, ha may bs permitted to in clude in his application for a patent any number of such claims oontiguoors to sach other not exceeding 160 acres. Nxw Yeas, Deo. B.—Ths Columbia Consolidated Gold and Siver Mining Company, which was organised with a capital stock of A!v,000,u00, divided into lOOjWO shatM of SSO sach. through their directors QMph Stick- pany, -''-g'-ig that the aflssts, and other prepeity of the company ia no* snlßdsnt to pay the flnt demands of reasonable security tat those who deal with it. Edward S. Stokes is a heavy creditor. He claims the company 1s In debted to him as assignee of Cassias H. need to the amount of $38,370, for mjney advanced by Beed to the oom pany. He also dslms they are indebted to him to the amount of SIO,OOO balance doe for goods sold and delivered. Ed ward S. Stokes is on tbe stock books of the company as bolder of 623 shares of capital stock, Henry Stokes holds 200 shares and Nancy btokee 2,508 shares. The property ie mostly all situated in Nevada, and oonsists of tbe bonanza. Colombia and Maggie mines, with equal mining appurtenances. Judge Armojr, upon the petition, granted an order to ■how cause why the oom pany should not be dissolved, returnable on the Bth of next march. Blver and Marker Mesejr. Washixotoh, Deo. B.—Some days ago Cox of New York offered a resolution calling on tbe Secretary of War for a statement of tbe amount of appropria tions in the last river and harbor bill re maining unexpended. It was referred to the Committee on Commeroe, which thia morning instructed Page of Cali fornia to report as a substitute, for in formation, first, as to what improve ments were ordered by the last river and harbor bill that are not for the benefit of commeroe and navigation; second, what moneys have been expended by the Secretary of War for improvement for the benefit of oommeree and navigation; third, what portion of the appropriation of last year will remain unexpended at the oloss of the present fiscal year. Fixing Mm Mffereaee*. New You, Deo B.—The railroad con ference of Northwestern managers ia progressing. It is hoped the war will be settled here. President Porter of tbe Omaha road says that if an agreement is reached it will be an agreeable sur prise to him. He oertainly will not re cede. Mitchell of St. Paul save he oan't say an agreement will be reached. The position of Bt. Paul is pretty well un derstood. The meeting, after* a two hours session, adjourned to tomorrow. Senalar itirs Interviewed. Chicago, Deo. B.—To a reporter here yesterday Senator Jones said that be did not advocate the river and harbor bill, because be couldn't find even a two foot stream in Nevada, save the Su tro Tunnel, and there was nothing to apropriate for. How do tbe people of the Pacific slope take the President's reoomrmenda- tion respecting the coinage of the siver dollar? They don't like it at all. It will an tagonize both parties on the slope. The fact is we live more and have our being by business done in handling the pre cious metals. Another thing to be con sidered ia that the President is away off as to the facts attending the distribution of silver. There is no glut of dollars in the country. The ninety million dollars silver in the Treasury vaults is represented by silver certificates in the Jiands of the people. Henoe, silver is not a burden, nor an annoyanoe, nor is there too ranoh of it in circulation. What do yon know abont the Mor mons? Quite a considerable. I have lived among them and been acquainted with their history from the Mountain Meadow massacre down to now. Polygamists do the bidding of polygamists. "The Ed munds bill will prove of no avail in stamping out polygamy. Something will have to be done in the nature of a government oyer Utah suoh as the Dis trict of Columbia haa. The rule of the Territory by Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate is no good. The Mormons are getting a greater foothold every day. They have a big lobby in Washington now endeavoring to make a State of Utah. It wonld be then "hands off, no Federal interference." It wonld be dangerous for either party to regard the lobby and admit Utah into the family of States. What do yon think of Senator Logan'* proposition, seoonded by the President in the message about Chinese ooolies in Cuba not being allowed to pass through the oountry ? The proposition ia oombatted on the Pacitio coast. There are 60,000 ooolies in Cnba, and no way of identifying them. If they were allowed to leave Cuba for China ad libitum, they wonld take np their quarters in this oountry, and it would only be • pretense to ad mit thess Chinamen now excluded un der the treaty. Three Geargta toaaa lac*. WATNESBOBO, Dec. B.—Edward Con gers, oolored, was hanged this morning in the jail yard for the murder of an other oolored man. The oracks in the jail wall were boarded up, and nobody witnessed the execution but the minis ter officiating and correspondents. Pmi, Dee. B.—Will Porter was hanged at noon. The gallows was in the jail yard. The execution was pri vate. less than one hundred persona being present. There waa no crowd in town, no excitement and no effort made for a respite. Porter waa resigned. The drop was four feet. DoNixcwoimixa, Deo. B.—Gustave Paul waa banged here ahortly after noon. A large crowd witnessed the execution. The condemned was a Catholic. He took communion this morning, and waa aooompanied by a priest on the scaffold. He oonfeesed his orime, and said be waa oontent to die. His old mother was with him in his oell last night. He eon versed oareleesly in Frenoh, and met death firmly. 8.8.1S T raw Me. RICHMOND, Va.. Deo. B.—Ths Grand Jury have indicted B. Brown Allan, State Auditor.for fraud in the matter of the bend of D. Snelling, special delin quent tax eolleotor. Snelling waa also indicted, charged with forgery in the execution of his bond. Sticking to Mar Beaters. Wasmxorox, Deo. B.—ln the Star Boot* MM this morning. Davidge Mid the defenae had no motion to make in respect to the array, and were willing to begin the argument as to tfce number of peremptory challenge* to which the de- RMM* la entitled. A discussion then en ■ned M to the time of the argument and of ita decision. Judge Wylie intimated that hie mind Tabula roar on the point; that he deeired enlightenment from a re-argument, but would not announce his decision mntil the question properly arose. Coaneel far the defense idaisted that it would be unfair to require them to proceed in the dark on a matter of socn vital interest One statute givss the defsaM four ohsllengM, and none to the GovernsMni; acother giree three to the Oornoneot, and three to the defense. The qnsstkm aroM as to whether the several defendants should be regardsd aa one party. It was a complicated state of affairs. A paper lately read before the Haalsts do Biologie foreshadows results which may te of great ON to agriculturists. A series of experiments were reported, intended to demooatrate the Tslaa of boiled and dried Mood M an alimsnt for cattle wtea it ia finely powdered and sprinkled into their ordinary vsgstshls diet. The method has Una Car proved very soocessful with sheep. and a few caaee have been reported where deboate children have been restored to health bytUsmenna. Asameana for utilizing the enormooa sraate from slaughter IIIIIISM ikti imnmnin TSIHI is apparent. Tbe Bergh society of ProvidsnM kM A niß who bariad i ott alive. He dug up its bodv and broke ita neck MM to make people believe that he ted killed II bsfors hrtsrsssnt; bat SEATTLE, W. T., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER », 1883. FOBfiION. ■aacry Peepte. Maaan>, Dec. B.—Tbe Ministry rec ommend the present bill in the Cortes authorising the importation of cereals, subject to slight limitations, ha order to relieve distress. The Wreng Man. Data, Dee. B.—Dowling, who killed Cox. was removed from the hospital to Kilisiamham Jail. Four men awaiting execution with Wylirb Joyce, for the Manstrifna murders, have petitioned the L«rd Lieutenant for a reprieve for Joyce, on the ground of mistaken iden tity. Te Whip ike .Kalive*. Pasts. Dec. B.—Another French crui ser goes to Madagascar. t3S fhete*. IxwDost, Deo. B.—The Amerioan ob serving party at Wellington N«w Zea land, took 23b pAotographsof the transit ; of V en as. A Slek Friar*. Bkrux, Dee. B.—Great disappoint ment is expressed in the Bunders ratt today, at tne abeence of Bismarck, who was expected to an important ad dress. Severe neuralgic pains prevent-1 ad ha nttimrtsnsi Cano, Dec. 8. Four rebal leaders were arraigned en Thursday, and sen taoced to exile. A similar sentence will be passed against Mahmoud 'ferny, the military engineer, and KaKoo Sami, bis under secretary of war. These six pris oners will leave Egypt in ten days for Petermaritzburg. Vessel UtL Losdos, Deo. B.—The German bark Argonaut, Captain Brewers, from Bre men for New York, is astore on the Island of Terscbiling. aßd will probably be a total wreok. The Captain and ten of the crew were drowned. Four of the crew were saved. ••real ■■rial. The funeral of tbo late Arohbishep of Canterbury occurred today At Adding ton. Kepres-utations of the Queen and the Prince of Walee were present. The Daks of Seat (• feylea. CAIBO, Dec. B. —Ceylon is the place of exile selected for the rebel prisoners. A 9ie.sao.oeo Fire. IJOSDOS, Deo. B.—Last night's fire was the urea test that has oooarred in Lon don since the celebrated Tooly street fire. Loss estimated at upwards of £2,- 000,000. The whole block between Lon don Wall, Phillip Lane, Addle street and Wood street, except the warehouses on the corner of London Wall, was de stroyed. The fire isnotyet subdued and the remainder of the block is still in danger. It is believed eight persons were injured, some seriously. Foster, Porter & Co. had a stock of silk goods alone estimated to be worth £<>oo,ooo. The salvage corps snocaeded in saving a large amount of goods. The walls of the warehouse were Lnrned on Wood street and Phillip Line, and fell into the roadway with a crash like thunder, filling the streets with burning debris. LATEB— The engines are still pouring an immense volume of water on the ruins, and the fire iB under control. The burnt area is over two acres, (hie fire man was killed by falling walls. Do Tell. PABIS, Dec. B.—The Republique Ftan raise, Gambetta's organ, says the Gov ernment of Great Britain continues to pursue its egotistical course in Egypt to the detriment of France. Franoe will proteot her interests as she may think be»»t. Crowding as, Deo. 8. —The Chambers of Commeroe of ail seaports of Germany protest against the exclusion of Ameri can pork. The Government will, how ever, persevere in its determination of prohibition. Sailed. GHEBNOCK, Dec. B.— Sailed, the ship Penmore, for San Francisco. gleaner Lost. LONDON, Deo. 8. — A steamer, name not yet ascertained, struck on the rooks near Penzanoe today, and foundered. The storm still oontinnes. DtitingsliM Wltiesses. DUBLIN, Deo. 8.-wThe Freeman'* Jour nal says that Davitt intends to subpoena Gladstone and Trevellyan, Chief Seore sary for Ireland, on the passage of the land bill. Cablaet Specalatleas. LONDON, Deo. B.—The Time* has rea son to believe that soon after Christmas Lord Derby will be invited to join the oabinet. Childers, now the War Secre tary, will become Chancellor of the Ex chequer, and Dilke, Under Foreign Sec retary, wili enter the oabinet It says these changes may be preoarsors of even mure important ones. Possibly before the end of the next session of Parlia ment Gladstone may oonsider himself entitled to retire and qoenob the con tingency. There is little doubt that Hartington will beoome Prime Minister. 9■ 5, see, sea lees. The total loss by the Art is now esti mated at £3,000,000. THBOCOB BCBNT CANTON.— There an all sorts of rumors and reports relative to the passage of Burnt Biyer Canyon by the railway. Here i» another, which is directly contradictory of those pub lished lately. It is from the Halt Lake 7 ■ ibunt, the Short Line organ. It says: We learn that officials of the 0.N.A8. Co. have lately been at Boise, Idaho, and have arranged for extending their line from Baker City, Or., to Boise City, The rout* is to pass through the Burnt River pass, whieh is too narrow for oooupaucy, we an told, by mora than one road, and this operates to shut out the Oregon Short Line, which is supposed to pass through that way, and be operated in connection with the Oregoa Navigation and Railway Company. A large foroe of men are at work on the grade between Boise and Baker City. The Oregon Nav igation and Railway Company have 1000 men grading on Burnt river, and have possession of all the narrow passes, intending to dispute the right or poeri bility of the passage of the Oregon Short Liue through the canyon. The contract ors have built a store, boarding bouae and hay bam at Weatherby's Station, and intend to work all winter. Tn CAMADUM Pacmc.—General Man ager Van Home, of the Canadian Pa cific, was in St. Paul Nov. 20th, and with reference to the progress of the gnat northern route said that the iron was still going down at the rate of two or three miles per day and had now reached a point north of Cypress Hills, 660 miles west of Winnipeg. That ths grading was oompieted to within fifty-fire miles of the Saskatchewan, and that the track would bo completed 610 miles west of Wianipsg befom ths close of ths year; that toe summit of the Rooky moun tains would be mnrthed next summer, and that at least 400 miles would be ironed next mason, Mr. Van Horne will hereafter have his headquarters in Mon treal, with an office in Winnipeg of eearoely Ism importance. 11l ill i— Dri^nx—lt ni rumored in Hn York I fw days son thai the ant dividend on tba Ongoa Traneoun tineotal would be at the rata of 10 par eent, and that a privilege would be of fered to ateekbolden. lnetdere think there w nothing in the rumor, hot inti mate the next dhridand may be at the sale of 8 per oeat. A f-rry-r- ob a German line, whoae and etopoed the train. ObmSSi riwynnheweaa^ttej^tndaftwtt « - * j MISCELLANEOUS. CHRISTMASIOODSf The undersigned hive Just opened an immense stock of fine GIIT BOOKS, TOY BOOKS, and BOOKS IN SETS; POEMS in FRINGE COVERS, new and very nice; PHOTOGRAPH and AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, CELLULOID SETS, DRESSING CASES, ETC., ETC. FIXE CHRISTMAS AND XEWIEAR CARDS. All varieties, from sc. to *3.50 each. PIANOS and .ORGANS, For Cash or on Instalments. ® ar stock having been purchased for cash, we can and will sell at lower prices than any house In town. PUMPHRBY & LOWfIIN, j Mill street, Seattle. New Fall & Winter Goods! GO TELL IT EVERYWHERE —AND— I* ASS THE WORD ALONG! —THAT— THE WHITE HOUSE, Front Street, Seattle, W. T., ARE MAKING A Grand. JDisjDlsty! OF THE FINEST STOCK OF Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Cloakings, Notions, Hats, GenW Furnishing Goods, Ever offered to the trade in Seattle. Our extensive and magnifi* cent stock of DBENM ■»(*, Comprising »1! tlie new designs in Brocaded and Plain Silks and Cashmeres, Plain and Cut Velvets and Plushes, Ulster Cloths, Dress Flannels, and every description of Dress Goods, from the lowest to the most extensive fabrics. Our stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Laces, Buttons, And small ware generally, is very full and offers many rare attrac tions. Having a well-lighted room and a force of polite and atten tive clerks, we take pleasure in extending an invitation to the people of town and county to examine our stock aud prices. We assure you that no bouse can bettor serve your interests than ours. SEAMAN A YOUNG. by mail on application, and prompt and careful attention will be shown to all country orders, whether large or small. New goods reoeiued by every steamer. nl7-tf GOLDEN RULE BAZAR, ODD FELLOWS' TTAT.T % Reinig's Block. - Front street, THE LEADING HOUSE OP THE NORTHWEST. Headquarters of Santa Claus! LARGEST STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS EVER EXHIBITED IN SEATTLE! ALBUMS, ACCORDEONS, MUSIC BOXES! T O TS Of every description, too numerous to mention no shop-worn goods, but all new and clean, our own direct importations. Our Toys are displayed in the basement, to which patrons are invited for their inspection. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere at the Headquarters of Santa dans, GOLDEN RULE BAZAR, Front st. Seattle. JACK OF MX TRADES! Odd Job Man urnx DO AJtT KIND or WORK AT JOHN THOMPSON. Cirpnter and Joiner. QTOMAW) OfflC* VUTUUi jSSfeasasapM a* WALD~ & CAMPBFIT j JWtMMKM AMD UTAIUII SM Hardware, Iron, Steel, & 0 . Mr.' ft -rtiKw **T' * ~■ i StudebakerWagons a^s&'a.'sto Leading Shoe House! ILL THE LATEST, «OST STVIISH AND DURABLE BOOTS AND SHOES KKPT BY ADAM ORTH, Direct Importer from first class Manufacturers in the United States The best and most fasliiouahlc goods in Seattle Call and examine my stork. ADAM OUTII, Front sf., Seattle. WHITE LABOR GOODS. United Workmen Boots and Shoes, warranted all White La- ■ bor make, by the case or single pair. ADAM ORTH, Sole Agent, Front at., Seattle. CITY STABLES, Corner of Main and Second Streets. CLANCY & CO. Our line Close Carriage will be on the street for orders every day through the bad weather, and will attend all boats. It will also attend to all orders left at the Stables, Night or Day, at the most reasonable prices. We have a few fine AVork Teams for sale. Straugers wishing to buy into a prof itable teaming business will do well to consult us. W. R. PHILLIPS, DEALER IN Stoves, Ranges, Agate and TIN WARfi. Tinwork, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting done it short notice. rsoMT stust. ol*-tf Wwrt to S. Bitt * 0» Fresh Goods received by Every Steamer AT THK FASHION STORE. JOSEPH THATOHBR PROPRIETOM, WHOLESALE AND BRAIL DZALEB IK FANCY AMD OTAFLB (JKOCEKIEK, Provisions and Poultry. HkTURKEYS AND CHICKENS^ AIWATI OK BAND Freeh Bread kept constantly to eupoly customers. Orders from ibml filled it abort notloa. A ahara of tha pa bile patmaaaa n apoctfally aalldted. Doat forget tha place FASHION STORE, dlXf toColibmii Brickßtocfc. Battl* jt W.TjEOHG'K, | Director*. I 3 - *• rR n . 5. M. FRIKK, I I Hupertotendew WASHINGTON IRON WORKS Build Engine* and Machinery. FOUNDRY AND RUGHIRI WORE IN IRON AND RRASS IngtaM Ml up-—Housework m Speolalty—Pattern shop In VOL. Ill—NO. 58.