Newspaper Page Text
iNOXVILLE WHIG, WM, O. BUOWNLOW, Editor. 'VHP NONK ON (UJAUJ) HUT AMKKICANS." KINSLOJB it BICE, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED, APJUL, 1838. KNOXVILLK, TENNESSEE, SATUMUY MORNING, AlKJUST 30, 18,r)(i. VOLUMK XVJIJV NUMDEU (I. BROWNLOW TU K KK0XV1U.K WJUfi u rviuiai viuli IY KINHI.OE & HICK. Tarawa of lialBaerlulloia. Two hotuaaa ywar.111 ..Isaac: Tan IS'IljlBI i ae Flaw ravs. it aai4 wilaia MB MtHUSai Tsbis UvsUBa, al lit Biol '( Ilia rr. No paoar Will tw Slaooatlawse Snlll all !rru-aa.M Br. pal'l. ea.'.-ril Bl lha aisof-llen ol I1" I'lil'liali.i ltnilll.i4iof. MR la Maria lhroili tl.a I'-.l-tillte at Ilia rl-s ul lb I'utillaltar, Wtt-H Ilia ratiil ill Itii- t',.1 -maalal la laX.s lur las aaBownl l.irwaraa.1. Hales ml aWrllaluj. tvaxvi uasl .1 susraasll. Hi KB oaa BuOiBl. Ha rt BaaaaM Hall S.iuara, Oil. IkjUara, 1.. aa, r.iuc ib TwBlVB I Tawj !Maa l Wxah ia. aHi.ili I law $1 no ft sj Mi ; :l ul An w 1 uu . 1st aai 1 4 on aj In ml V Uu 4UU t a T iai II oo lb UU 4 uu t mi iuu ijiu soon seuo Rial 1 1 IKi 1.1 lai u uu t. total 1? Ill l 00 K UU All UU aU UU SO UU at- Aih.rllaiirs Can iitiabrs tt at lMstir. lull til ...r. rlirtiiRa tK roil-a si. IU CawU MI Stasia ul IWal. llMaNB, will Is dousa s.Wllli'iial. 1 alia uu pstaoiialo ass wins raioll.talrB will la laaarteit aa iharMlvatuaiinaiiU. Hi U uaul lor llil IR aal.siir.- 1I.I...IIU i... ....Ji.Ulaa l.a Sials I uut a anil l iiiiii'OiiiI olh fa. A U.UB-i'ai.Mil aauuidsiaa, fill. I i ul r.iral.mial nelln BO tanl ad'htlelial w III la aliarfist. All ull Whull Ilia milnli-1 tl IllarMMlia la Rot Matknl will few ajiiuliaJlatl nu avssir, Bud 'baiS'Sl Advai IIMMwaaU will I a eunaldaraa iliMI wbaa blaarlH, irail llnwr Willi lioa Wa B- Hfilai aotuniila hia4.ailiBamaBla hia a .llaiam . will ha laairta an lasa Mwiaialil ba a rabiliuuaa u il Hi i--iaa wlin Ilia wl'artl'i r i. kli iwii I- lr uurtual A II Jul. H ri la oaual-aarail ilua on ilrllvar. L.lrra ooliLuaiull ramillanri.a. uf i.M l.ii.m-a''ifinral a.1 with lha ilftna. .h.mlri I- aat.waa-1 t.i Kia.i'B 4 I:kb KNOXVIIXE WJIKn KNOXVILLK, TKNN. IATI HDAT, Jll Ol T SO, IKI... Hi Knntftilo ltt MATNAED AND POLK. Mr. Editor ; Tlie diitcus.icD bittwen these gentlemen ul U.i iti"0 h..s just cloned, D(1 1 haute., to congntulMto tlio American party through your paper, upon the result. Mr. Polk led off fur un hour and a half, lnhiH-inir to Drove Mr Fillmore an utli- o - - I , , . iu7u, a..u rpvu.-....h P- r the probable result of the tn-anirolar roco for the Presidency. These ware the ma terial upon which he tpun out his time, aided bv numerous vot y well told aud well - j V acted anecdote., which u w j oniiuem their l.ea.liUrt-i. fur our- rather difficult to apply. ' Ho 'I'ou , riK on tl,0 (lii)(tic nlmo trade ; upon Mr. Mnjnord to roply to hia areu- 'J'he public prisons havo been citeii monU and to diacuaa the priiicipN that ; ively uod (perverted fnmi the purpom-a , , , , . , i lor wliieh they were urrcted i fur eniiyini: be bad advoeaU d. on the de.iieat.o aluvc trade ; Wajuard briefly replied tu ln cliarpo ()&lxn (lf t, f(.,)l!rnl puvornriii'nt have of bolitiiiiim, aenttered il to the winds , Dcrn emi.lnyed and derived euiulunient "pon iWoeratic tcaliuiony and prjeeed ed to diaaeet lliulianan and expuc bla Federalism, his ami i-lavery pnielivitieK, liia luw waceji doctrine, and shewed that w it liia a period uf ciht yearn mat he his aolemnly declared a-ainit "w.uattrr .iver- eipnty"-and fur it. l'ulk inakca a poor arjrumi nt, due. not j aeem to apprehend the difference between ' eonicctiirc and a pnneiplo, a he pre- acnted and diheueaed the proposition "that j , , r i . " . ' I'illiuorc had no chance of election, as a ; iiriiu-ivlf. involved in the contest. Ilia ''T forW ie-iu telling an anecdote, and even .ii uu ()vv..ibi.uciit ,'iajli;u cidedly aupcrior to bim, and turned the Innb oo him in every inftancn, aa he ia incomparably iu every other particular aa an Orator and debater. The Americana were highly gUitificd. The ditcussioD cannot fail to result favor ably tothe American causii. American. Jouaaburo' Tana., 71, KA Anothnr of Pierce'e Conaulsj A Mon urcluat ia Representing America. It will be seen by the following peti tion to tho Mayor of New Vork eity, that Mr. Binds, the Consul of the l'ieroe Ad ministration at leghorn, oo-opernti with the tyrant l'ope and hia officiala in tend ing prisoners for political offences repub lican crimes out of the I'opel States into the I'nitcd States, to make Locfoooo vo ter in this country : Tu hii Honor the Mayor of the eiVy of Aeir J eri-. AVe, the undersigned, respectfully in form your honor, that we are natives of the l'npal States, that wo were forcibly expelled for political reasons; that we were escorted by the Oensdarmery through tbe papal nd Tuscan territory to Leghorn end that by the joint action of those two governments we wereshipped for thia city, on board the Victoria. We further complain that the Ameri can Consul at Leghorn (Mr. Iiinda) co operated with the authorities at our em barkation, and that he deceived us by in forming us we could procure employment here it two Of three dollars each day. rinding ourselves entirely deceived ou this subject, we apply to your honor o oblige the 1' and Tuscan Ileprcaciita tives in the Cuitcd States to provide us with means of subsistence till we cuu loam the language and procure work. Giuseppe Agouti, Luigi Kennetti, (jorteno I'elli, Angclo Fmboni, I'ietro liolflcri, Vineemo Scola, laorentol'antanolu, Clcto Karrcta, Vineeoso Uallasai, Valentino Socca. Nw Vork, July 30, lPoli. , A It OTHER FILLMORE LETTER. The following letter of accepunco, is the reply of Mr. Fillmore to the old line Whigs of Virginia, who had Dominated him in their Stale Convention. Like .very thing from his lips or pen, it isjW 1 fit (As point How wnllkO HUChsnsn I Uuck says in his letterof acceptance, that be baa oo right to answer any questions now, that will rreurt wear iwiies. Not he, hit lips are sealed he is the Cincinnati nominee and he it mum .' And so is tt'sf Fillmore : Brmto, N. T, August 6th, IWfi. WTJIiiHA Kowr.RTiioK, K(; Bim have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of tbe 2-M ult., transmitting a eopy of the Preamble and Resolutions adopted by the Whig Con vention of Virginia, lstely osnembled at llichmond, hy which that intelligent and patriotic body recommended to their Whig brethren throughout the Slate to yield lo my nomination to the Presidency their olive and tealoos support Standing, as I do, aa the known candi date of another party, I yet receive this reonmmendstion with grstitnde and pride. 1 feel that it it made, not because the principles of the two parties art identical nor with view of merging tbeu. in each other for such an ohjen is expressly dis elsimed by the Convention but becaos the principles which tnj nomination t presents, spproach mors nearly to those ..nt.inrd hv ih Whics of Virginia, than those uf anv other candidate : and Kbsxtiue, it tbe convenliow was pleated to wi v, lit tlirir uuiituluucr in my Intu ailiiiinis I IH! inn of ilia hiititiiuii'IU Wlmli'Vi-r uuv be uur tlHTon-nccs on iniiior subjects, am suie there ib una un wliiili no t-'ruo, mill Uml uui' tliii iiinnii'iil ii jwi aiiiituut lo all ul lur . I t'' lo tllll iri'KlTVlillll of lIlO I'llillll III' lIlI'Ml HtviU'K, ami I lie rcKi-uinj; tliu cnuiiirv Imiu accliuiiul tatrifo. Tim iiii'lnii is nut aa much, liuw aliall llio uviiniiiivut La ad uiiuilnrud u liuw aliall it bo prvwvi'il ; ii nd thia (;rrot viml ucntiuiia nutiunal llciniH'iiU, and I'liiuii liivinn Aiuerioiiia limy wrll act iu cuihitI. On tliia baaia, 1 ahull wild pn-at jlrniiilv rui.rivo dm viili'a ut all liu liave ci.nlulriicc in inv iult'iiviiy and ubilily, and wliu link nu titliiT plcilgu than mr paxt mTvire, fur my fuluro mu din t. 'J uia iMuiitiuu ircma to me aliki' liuiiorabli' In nil. So irincilv ia aurtilin d. No tii'ccjiliou ia irai'lmi'd ; Slid 1 truat lint uo one, ra-liiiL- liia vole fur me uu , (ji, glUUIld, Will t'VtT llSVC CBUSC to r.'fet ! It. j With iiiuiiv llianki dr tSe t1atutiii)r ; inunuer iu nhioh you hnve boon plHl ( to oouiiiiuiiieito tin rt'iult uf tliu Cuuven : tion, I bve tlio honor to be ! Your friend and ftllow ciiiwn, I Mii.i.AUD Kai.M'.nt.. BuoUunan'a Dark lleuord. liy retering to Nile' KepUtor of De- hales, for tlio your 18-S and '0, it will be eeu that on lhe Gib of Janunry. 181, M... M.N..R the fol.ow.U( iiuiivircuus AUOLITION JUtDIWI- TION, in thesluipe of an lNl'KHNAL PKKAMIUjK AM) liKSOLCTIONS. embodying tiie ilANKKST AHOM TIONLS.M ever presented to Congress : Whereim, the count itution lies fiiven to CoiiresM within the J)i.-tiiut of Columbia, the power uf executive, lemlation in all C4uea wbutsoever: und whereas, the laws in it:Dfi.-b iu riitniiy hi 1111 j'iriiii i, in uumuUia tave bcen wholly neplaeUil; ynm vllvx mlect, iur nearly thirty years, have giowu mtmerouti and fro ourruptiouti ; i btave dealers, paining confidence fmni i iniimnity, huvo mudc the scat of the (eder from eairvini; on the domestic aluvc triuie: liLstaneuf of deuth, fiuin tinuiah ond decpair, cihibited in the llii-ti ii t, mark the cruelty of thia trallic. liibtaiiocaot liiiiiiniiij; ami ruienli' eenled or attempted, have been cahilnted (rroivin out of thia tratic within the Die- '"Advertiaementa b.-inni.,,:, 'Ve will pire filsh flir w, lulrod likely ..un)t mymea, of both aeica from iii:lit to Iweii- ty-tive years old, cnntatned in the puli- P""' of 'e city, u ( oncreaa, ludieutc the .' .... under the notice of openness and ex tent ol the trade ; f-eorea of huiniin leint'S expiweil at public vendue i re exhibited here, permit feJ h Urn J.iws if bd itcnera! eovcrn ment, a woman having bocn advertised to be eold at liloyd'l tavern, near the Cen tral Market house, during the mouth of December. Tbo llouseof Ueprcsentativca of renn aylrania, at their lust session, by an al most unanimous vote, expressed the opin ion that alavery withiu the District of Culumbim ought to be abolithed ; And. nhpreaa. the ion miles snuarc. ' confided to the exclusive legislation of Uongreas, ought for the honor of this re publican government, and the interest of the District, to exhibit a specimen of pure and just luwa ; lie it resolved, That the Conitnillee for i I the District of Columbia be instructed to ! take into consideration the hiws within the District, in respect to slavery; that they iuiiiiro into the slave trade as it ex ists in, and is carried on through the District, and that they report to the House aitch amendments to the existing laws us shall seem to them to be just. iiesolrcd, That the Committee be fur ther instructed to impiire into the expe diency of providing, by law, for the grad ual A1I0LIT10L OFfLAVK.KY within the District in such manner that the in terest of no individual shall bo injured thereby. Against this INFAMOI'S AHOLI TION POCTMKNT, the South voted in t body, only on man North of Mason 4c Dixon's Liuo voting with thorn. Those msrked in ifoics, arc the Tennessee mem bers: Nays. Alexander, Alston, Archer, J. S. Harbour, 1'. 1'. Harbour, J.nrringer, Hrll, Hryan, lluukner, Carson, Cartrr, Chaiuocrs, Chase, Claiborno, Conner, Vmtkttt, Daniel, Devenport of Vs. Davie of S. C, Vs7m, Drayton, Floyd of Va., Floyd of G , Fort, tjilmcr, (iurley, Hall, Hamilton, Harvey, Havocs, Hinds, Holmes, Juitit, Krcmer, Leconipte, lira, i Lutchcr, Luiupkins, Lyon, .IAirue, I Martin, McCoy, McDulfie, Mellatton, MeKeo, Miller, Mitrltetl ( Tenn., Milch- ell of S. :., Moore of Ala., Newton, i Nuckolls, Owen, '., Itiply, Kosne, Sawyer, Smyth of Va., Sprigg,' Slrauber- ry, Talliiderro, Thompson, Treivsnt, Tucker of S. C., Turner, Washington, Weenie, Wiekliflc, Wilde, Vaney,-7l). Hut this HANK AI1OLITI0N' PIIOP. ! ISITION, was carried by the 104 AI30L- ITIOXISTS, from the North and North- hcsw i raia toe uiwn iii.iiu.ey vi m'CHAN.VN with MINOll.and the 'act that the entire Pennsylvania, with one ex ception, followed Ill'CII AN'AN. whose name was first on the roll, it is fair to presume tbst he bed much lo do in pre paring the document 1 See the vote : Yea. Messrs. Allen of Mass., An derwon of Maine, Anderson of I'enn., Armstrong, Piilcy, Baldwin, Darker, Har low, Harney, llartlett, Hartley, Hates, of Mass , Hsiea of Mo., llceoher, HUir, Hlake, Hrown, Hl'CHANAN, Huck, Csmhreling, Chilton, Clark of N. Y., (Vndict, t'oultcrs Cmwninshield, Culpep rter, Desvenport, of Ohio, Davis of Mass lletlrsfl, Dickinson, Esrll, Kverelt, Find lay. Fry, Gurnacy, Gsrrrn, (iorbam, (i'reen, ll.lleck, Ilanly, llobbie. Hodgrl, HorTman, Hunt, lngeraoll, Jennings, Johns, Keesc, King, liwrence, lerfler, Little, lxke, Ung, Msgee, Mallory Mnr kell, Martcndale, Marvin, Maynard, Mi ner, Mclntire, McKean, Mclean, Mer cer, .Hulilenberg, orr, rieree, rerwun, Plant, Ramsev, ltsnd?lphof N. J., Keed, ilichardson, Kussell, Sargent, Sinnickson, Sloan, Smith of lad., Spregue, Stevenson of Psnn., Stewart, Slnrrs, Strong, Swann, Swift, Sutherland, Taber, Taylor, Tracy, In.kerof N. J., Vance, Verplsnk, Vin- I ton, Wales, Whittlesey, Wilson of Penn , J. .1. W'uml, rnlua Wimd, Wimd uf (llilu, WiKuli nol, Woll, Wright of N , Wright of tiliiu 104. To rap llin cliinai of lliii'lianan'i Abiililiun i 1 1 Tu 1 1 1 v , il will bo aei'ii lay re fi rrncr tu llie (' (ilnbv, llial uul uf tin furtjr Abuliliuo 1'utiliiiiia prr-at-uicd tu tho -7lh L'uiiftmii, TlllltTV 1'tll Hlll'-TUKM WKICK Ol'TKUliD BY JAMKS Jtl I'll AN AN ! What a liian lo gunrd tlio Slavery inturrata ol tlm LSuutli 1 Vliia and Auieriiuina am oall d Um tu fo fur tliia man, ua a immua uf di ffntinjr KrPiunDt, wlion Fremont il tlio btiUer Southern mail uf tin- twn ! 9 Fftnioiit's Kuuie Pi vor jrniiea would te suoiimu-uwiiu n are Jik. iy . ...'.!. i c i t. 'ruM . It (Urns OUl Upon lUVCHtljatl-HI, Hut ' lo n wuru mirun i'uiiuip. jiihio JuiiN ClUHiajj Phkmont is a uutivo of 1 many who yet liie that we fchnil come Canada, aud that hia mime should bo acr.w a wild erupt- a hich if properly cul-Vyz-r, as that was the name nf hia moth- I tivated may sarpaw even the CatuwU in or. The content among lucatt'tui, for the ' flavor delicacy and freedom liotn rot. 1 honor of hiit nativity, is growing fierce LTouinif fierce. Tlio Wathii'ifton Orju hui the tollowin on this subject : 44 Wit MY, WA 1'RKMnNT ItoHN ? A Vonnont cornpondt'iit of tlio New York I'.vi.tWji hIji.i'I tliHt .Itilin (V l'raiiii)t,l win horn in Lower Canada. If ao, ho is of counte. Iueliiilli to the Prenideney. 44 r romont f b.opmplipm dj imt agree " to l" '"?'"' )' It is stated to be SHvaunnh, by anutherCharlexton. by another Vinriniii. tine of time writers informs u that Fremont's fitthor led a WHiideiinfT hte oimm; the aborigines of the .v.uth. Hut the Vermont correspon dent of the Kiprena Ntntea that his wan derings were iu the French settlements of L'icr ('unada Thin is probable, ua the elder Fremont wn a Frenchman and a tiddler, mid more likely to lind support numtitr Frenchmeu than anion'' the Crocks t ltr l linr.ilriiiii "This douht na to tlio birthplace p'reinunt must seriously imtiiiir nf i si re n ','ih. If he eiinnut prove thst Iiowuh born Iu the I'uited State", thouaanda and huiidieds nf tlioiisands will refuse to Vote for him, who niiht otherwise have been iiielined to dn so. ' It is worthy of remnrk that .John C. I'reinoiit is the lirst eaudidiite for the rresi.lency coneeinini; whose origin and relijrinis fn ith the least doubt existed. He was noiiiiuuted apparently in pursunucc of the old linman iiiaaim : otiun' iiiiofrm, to mirijirtt "till that is obecure is regarded as wonderful." M ire recently, the Orr;ait pives ua the followiii)! ndditiomil items : Mr. liip lnw.of the New York Kveninu l'ot, has wiilleu a life of Fremont, which is full of fiihuluiis stati menu. Mr. Jtit'iv l.iw, aimiiii: other fabrieutinns, slates that Mrs. 1'iyor, the mother uf Ficmeiit, be iii; ill ticatnl by her husband, Mr. I'ry or, obtained a divorce Iruiu tlio Hginia l.eeialulnie. The Kii hmoud I'cj.ipalcli, on the other bund, status that " the I.cislatiireof Yir piuia uovur saui tiuiied the sciaratiun of Mr. and Mrs. 1'iyor, by passinp an act of divorce We have examined the acts of Assembly, from 1SIU to 1M7, (Frcoiont was born, according to his biographer, 2 1st January, 1813,) and iu all that time there were but two divorcee granted, neither of which was Mr. and Mrs. J'ryor. It appcura therefore, that Mrs. 1'rvor was never divorced liuiu Mr. l'rynr. This beiug the case, we may well inquire if she wn ever married to Mr. Irviiiont I It ehe wan, where ia the proof uf it? When Was she married to him ? Hy whom was alio married 1 And if married without having obtained a divorce from l'ryor, was the second marriage legal 1 Will Mr. liigeluw of the Evening l'ost furor the public with a reply to these (jiiiialions f And with a view tn cast further light npon the mysterious oriiin of Fremont, au uld resident of the city of Richmond, publishes in tbe Whig of that city, tho following : ltll'ltMOM), lHtb Aug., 1S&0. Sir:- The political position of Colonel Fremont, and the "Meiuuir of the Life and Adventures of John Charles Fremont, by John Higclow," make it my painful, but bounden duty, to publish tho follow ing statement.: John l'ryor, a Captain of artillery in tho continental army, owned and kept I livery stable and a publie garden in this city, called liny Market. Mnj. l'ryor, in his old age, married Miss Ann Whiting, of Gloucester county. About the year 1807. W. S. aud W. F. P., punils, and Francis Fremont, teacher in Mailer's Academy, boarded with Msj. l'ryor. Pry or discovered that hia wife was "encientc," snd charged her with infidelity. She eloped with Fremont, snd was not heard of for ninny years. J'ryor died in the year 1S23. His will, recorded in the office of the Hustings Court, commences thus: "I John l'ryor, of the city of Richmond, do make anil ordain this writing as, sod for my last will snd tcstsment, hereby expressly revoking all other wills and testaments heretofore msde by me. Whereas, under a well founded impression and conGdcnt belief that my late wife, Ann Pryor, had departed this life, I have, intermarried with Klitaheth Graves, who alone is re cognised by me as my wife, none other having any just claim upon me, or my es tate, in that cbsraetcr, I do will and di rect as follows." 1 present this statement without comment. K. 11. Tu lhe Editor of lhe Whig. If this Black Republican Candidate fur the Presidency is the boy with which this Pryor wst rmientr when she took French leave of Richmond, and of old John l'ry or, the said candidate is going under a sni'somer. According to the lews of so ciety, and the usages of every Christian country, his name it not Frmnnl, but l'nvoa! For lh. Kitoiaill. Whit. THE GRAPE. )or Sir. As yon sre fond of record ing the progress of grape culture in our Stste t beg have to state lo you, tbst 1 have just returned from a short visit to Mr. John H. Aiken's near Wsrtraoe and that T found his vineyards in excellent condition. As in my own case Jhe vines looked as green as if they had had t good rain at least every week. Thit is tbe re sult of having the ground well spaded at least two feet deep Some of hit grapes have been touched by the rot, a disease to which the Catawba ia almost every where subject, hut still Mr. E is likely to hsve n very fair vintage. Mil vine yards cover nearly five seres. On my way home I fell in with Mi)' CoV'per of Kl.iwuli ulirt atiiti d to mo tliat pMioral iiivitntiuil lind been pi veil tu the Wine-1 i rnw om of Ti liiu rc to attend a meeting nf tlm vino (iriiwera nf (ivnria vrliii'l, I did luke I'laee ml 1'uffldav laal at I tullci ' !.. fl a.. a in II itiroipm. It netna that in t'-orjtm limny of tlio liiI prominent cilinm luve leniEed 4u KH'lw culture and h h 1 1 I numg it 00 asmiii wliiit eKlenitlve aenlr, ! Tlie M. i-ir alo (ells tue thut apoinohw - ' i i loul aooivty Iiait hern farmed In (ietria to , which he wiihcJ t-i draw the attention of . . ... ,., , - . ht neihUra hi J enneiwee. I forgot to I meution that at t'ic unHtini; in Palbm it I . i .i . i 1 1 was expected that voral specie ot wild ! II lh'Kl M Detnoorata Enrluraing Mr, Fillmoro. Tin- fxllowinir rit'li-r-iMuetili of Mr. Fithuorc's ftunlm'i on tlio Klivriy qttfstion, Iii patriot ic Uv.otioiito tin1 ("o'l'titutitin and I'liion, and the constitutiomil rigltH of the Houih, will tie read with hit err ft nt 1'ii; pRrticular tiiin, snd silenre thoao Icn.lirs itinl ortrum of llurltanan who liHve to v.My tr.olufrd liim : "Hut it hat IWn t-iii'l y the aupportrrH of (Irit. Cat that Mr Vitimore wns an ah.ilitinu it. He (Mr. Is ) ''i' hiuwelli's.iniinr.l in to the noitter, both fnun liii ToicnwliiU ini'un- frreni, and from those personally aetpuiinh it I Willi low ; and he wonU aaaurt, without the fear ef auecemfiil roiitrnJictioii, that MtMariJ Fillmore was a hue a hi viol to the Sooth a tut i i to ft'Uthoru inntitutins, a any man, Whip or ' I lieniorrnt, north ot M;n-n ami Muon aline The j charge aiust Fillnoii- nan only brought up i Ut pivreiil a lull iiivcfiijinliou of l lit upitiioita j : n nd position ol ti'M ran'- lion. A. II. . Slei heu'n Kneet'li at linflni, -Sept. 1, IStK. I "He Mr. hlepli'Mia, minted nlno llip cliariie of nlxiliiioiiistn sirniiial Mr. Killmore he knew ; Mr. Fillmore to U- n ..iinol lie was no ulio- lihoiii-t, trial ileolmeo li.iiisell oiriiaeil 10 nn .11 tiotiiMn in t'miftu-hH. well aa in written le rlaralinna upon tloil 'tit jeet. lie U upon lhe people'! lirliel, and will serve llie wlmle people- lio is a Norlliern tiuin arllli uiilininil prin ciplea, and hlB j;tfiiiu nn.l ability liave mil tieen callel inlo iiieitioti." Ii"li. A. II. titeplien'a k .i, ui i 'u. .villi. mm. i .. ..' 1 .... ..... IIkah li km. l , as. "l lie A'lmiuisirniion lias pl:ieed itself lii)ili in tlie preiit work ot pac I 1 t,v mat the countrv. in il tliey lVB raoeived tlio ! . ineeil nl iippinlialtoii Iroiu pollticitl trirmta and I political toea. 1 purl i!ie ol tlie sniui' aentiiiienl. I i do linon jiiatii e. toil I mil a I n-ihi'itiii, nml, i I lii.d willini-, 1 menu to i!.e one. This in a Mng ; Atuiiiiiatrnlioii, loll tliere ia no reason why I ; shoiild not do thui .lntice; nod I do it Willi ' plivisiire, ill thia foriit noiiler of lhe salvation i ot thm eoiintry, it 1 may soy so. 1 Imru dona j ' so ; slinll eoiuitnif t. ilo so, whatever Burton , lluor inpto'l may coiil.,in, lot 1 doit not tor lluor ssse. loit for the ..ike of the country." FMch of Mr I'asa in lhe Heinle, .Mareh It), 1 lh"1' A few weeka In-fore llie delivery of thia eo- lopiuin liy (ien. t'lii-s. innr-ly, oa the LMst and 2-id of Fedrnary. n deluile arime in the Senate, in which Mr. Fillmore a course, was re ferred to. He had previi tisly aeut s niessn;e te Congress asking fill Mo T provisions of Inw, for putting down niuti, vi.'k-iica and forcilile, m- j sietAlicc to the fugitive stave luw. In tlie eotirae ; of tlie deliate tbe fvii'.wing testimony to th. ' tirin Sun lmtblul niauliwi m aiuui aaa , cliargad hia Presidential duties, was home lir Democratic Senators. 'So fur as 1 umleratsnl the measure! of Oie rrclnlent, 1 apiimvu them, and I believe he ia ilrterniined lo do Ins duly tirmly in reapact to this law; and sauna member of tlie rienate, I . will sy that irihe law ia defective, I nm willing to cloth liim wilb any lleresnry power within tlit limits nf the lAiualituttou." lieu. Lewis Cass. Feb, 12, IKol. , "1 for one am disposed to give tlie President all proper power. He bus given us no reason to dou'it hia sincerity and fidelity in carmen out this law. 1 think it is tbe duly of Congrusav to give sucb power, ami for one 1 shall do it moat cheerfully. Senutor lluwns, of iai., Feb. 21, IWil "1 honor bim for his course, snd if the appio biition ut ft political opponent, wbo basin times past done bim some wrong, be at nil grateful to him, let bim be Attained that not 1 ouly, but thousand of others of my politieai friends hear tily thank God that we have in this crisis a pa triot snd a stutesmnn nt tho bead of affairs who knows bia dull ami ilires to perform il.' Senator Clemens, of Alabama, February, 21, 1841. "I am one of those who believe that tbe President nf the t'nited Slates, iu bii effort to enforce the law, baa done and is now doing bis duty to the country." "I take tins occasion to declare that, bumble ai my support and iiiHueuee are, snd hostile though I nm now, snd ever eipect to be, lo tbo political principles of which be ia the represen tative, he will have, in his efforts to enforce tbe Inw. my vote anrf influence na long as I bare a vote aud a voice here, if be continue in tlie fearless and patriotic course wbicb ha is pursu ing." Senator liodge, of Iowa. "If at any time the preaeut F.secutive enter tained tbe sentiment! which the Senator from Tennessee has aacribed lo bim, when he reach ed the high place of I'resiilent of tbe Lniled States, and came to act for lhe whole oountry. of miwulo .h wli(.h t,I(!t,uUv. had to he haa laid aaide the prejudicea and predt lee- , ow w(, h( hw .lllir,r i lions of a mere district representative, and has ,h M, emwt f ,,r ,o..n., f n re acted for the whole nation, sud I respect him j we ,tTt th, ,li8toriNn , nMr . bul for having done so.' Senator Dodge; of Iowa. ( 'm frtn,petl moahl Ih) incomplete and disin Tl.ii. .tot llsmoeralia Senators, one after rrnuiius. did we not accord Ibe meed of praise . .. 1 another, rise Iu their places in ths Senste of the United States, and cheerfully testify to lhe firmness and patriotism with which, as the Chief Magistrate of ths Nntion, he had borne himself in a great and trying national crisis. And vet thia sume Millard Fillmore, whom these Democratic Bcwiloia, casting aside all party prejudices, and acting npon their high reipon libilitiee as Senators of the United States, rose up in their places in the Senate to honor and spplsud this same Millard Fillmore is now villifled and traduced as an abolition, at by tlie central organ of the Democratic party the Washington I'nieu ami oilier leaser organa of Ihat party ! Can any good -can anything bnt etil eorae to tho country from lhe continued 1 ssoendency of s party, whose organs, si far as i , . . ' . ,. i. .... , their influence goea- ,nd il Is very great- whose organs debauch the public mind, snd poison the very fountsins of publie virtue, by sueh seta as the holding np of Millard Fillmore : to their hundreds of thouwinda of eon Ming . a . at I - rendera a an abtHtloni't ! No! depend up- on U no food ean cme to tha conn try from ( Ui eontinned aaeendenry of surh a party. It is j the .eadera of that party which bavt hrouirht . the oountry to lu present alarnrfng coodiiion, and only evil, and etil continually can come of their bein(t eontinnrd in power." I Tropnbly there is no pnper in the I nion which ia at this time mora vindictive in its de- ! nunc is lion of Mr. Fillmore aa an abolitionist than the Itichmond Krupirer. yet, in 1H2. it punmed a more bonnrshl potiey. Ke rrpub li-h below an extract from it I prti the fllt"h.rH Hinlrer. Per. 14th, 11 Hlen. Taylor died t the very etieit of af fairs. The ewntrr felt relieved from an awful ae-nny, mhtn Ur. Killmore tooli the reinaof rn. erntnent, threw aaidr t)eo. Taylor a aiviaera formed a better cahiurt, and fni hia eon arienee to other keener than Hewsrd. The whole policy of government was immediately ebancd ! "The Cmpromia meaiire quickly ped. and the whle eountry waa relieved from Its paiDftil aniity.M 'F.ver sine that chnnw the ffonthern hi(r have become more and more deviled to Mr. Fillmore- H beeeme their ehnaen leader their Fpecta! od particu.aU- candidate for tbe ri-wt'Wy. V hiist tbe North averting bim. tiiok up Willi anuihrr. liu amta tlirir ) iiim- ixiii.-i, wiiii uai'i nun in iui uu aril Mr. rill mora, liananar tita TBitiu fit tu tn-ava liiir in dittualioii 'I liia ii all hialc.rv It la tiur." "lien. iia tiuin iii Viriiiia, liu wiia In Un- Knuih, aa a lnr-n slnirliulilar. winUl Mr. Killiomt linl Iim u ailunalail in Kr ...i. -.. i ....... . I Wi wiiu an j'riiaay m iiiiiii u.n'trilli'B aii'i'l'il- ,,, h.w,l, ,,. .,, ,,. t mh .IttfienrniiiUaf B.lmuitiinwiili Uim uipii ! j J"' t ih otriP t n .m. ...... lttm unit, hi frnitl loitl Ln-nilu-.l I lit' nnii ul Unlu.i.v hI.Iic, jiuii.uit a puluy wiuWi ! rni" Ui'nl "'"K umim. uj...n U. 1 "uiiuiii ; lute lli oihrr, i'lianiiiift the c)n..l of iu tmit.reui Ji iiirciti, tli-nnr- l (,t '"' t'ijudu,,h. ivi)hu , V Hi ruttiii' of Kkfi'iiii luHiii'iu c, J t(( MUi(.t Ul8 .,, Vi , t n Voruua i 1 "0"r.v nJ diiiuii..r." ' Wt ilo roe of .Mr Filluiot M.lniiii- ittnUnn in ll(h(.v l)llt Xkm irt frpe to i mj. umin mh uiunv un mnminv iHintrrru dent fr Itm K.iitti ibuu tt;n. Tuvlr tin! or i wonlil Iikvv inie. nnl we Mifre I In re i int ' a Uiik iioulli of Mniuii an (I iiiuii loie wlm ( dit'Miil iii Ian lit.. it hclipit llm ruinr tliiiif " A O. I. Niciiolm, tlir . run m r-lt(..r of j lU-r .mhIiiiiI.iii t iiioti, ii. ulr h t'iK'li at (lit)- l.'tili. Ii'lliirarife, tin llieL'lb of Jul.v, lh.'c', nu t"Hi"l In lite Nniville I'ciinn r.f l.tiuu-t v. I, , IN.'J. from which we iimke Hie folluwui-i t i- Uael: A.O P. Miholm , ab UiIIhuI rillin.n hi l-f.2 'W nvl hninircd into tl.r itiHiieiifti wlili led lo lieu. Hiolt nuiiiiniiiiiiii, ami hlu.ww, tlit'ni to hn freeanil tui l Knti-ctiiiiprmuiHe in tlifir rharurier. He s)m -w .-l tlint Fillturrc and Ui-hdtrr were unci ifned for (hir e nipn ttiie anrti in iii, nihI tlint tirnrral Soti wiiKiiutiona tfti tiromiRf Iiik ti nilittiil p.i-ili,H mrela liim ni'irft rcepiallt lo tli riH-iinen uf trie in) To il ine. lr ooinuiiitt'i.i ul lontli upniiiiuii hvotl'a liltt r of accrpunce. hhnw'uff tlmt it C'-iittiimt, iki ciprmts einj.iroi'infnt of the comproinisu. l-ut on Uu rnntriir a itnliiuli'e Iml Ui ii fiu-iiin".. m-.-!!'hI portion of the letter in whMi C j 8r.olt slateil that be will not, in the appoint- inent ol otliciTH, rcjinre, ai a tet, ej,.ict con- funnily to hia own opiuiont. Mr. N. rrjrnrh't thin in a puipaole hid hehl oul to the rtn iniet. of the fnyil've sUve law iu the Win, riuaa tne men whom FiMnn re hml pvobt ithetl ami ttirneil out tiColh.-e hermirie their opinions were not iu eonf"rniify with bis own upon ll 'it law . He It. "Jit iliii wim plainly vny ttir to lhe rue'B ot the com prom ir-p that thev woulil uoi he j iruscriliail anil nut nt nlliee tiaiauba (it lltcir opinions. It wns this proscription Ihat hud ruined Fillmore nt the North." Mr. Nicholson, at tbe time be made the speech frniu which the foregoing cutriiet is taken, was one of tlie llcutoorntio candidates for elector for the Mate at lariro, and ho iniidc the same speech in substance all over the Stote. es, be traversed I be State in 1S.2, nverywhere i ..n... 11...1 i .. 1 "-s"'s Fillmore was 'sacrificed' at the llaltiiuore Convention ou account of bis 'compromise sentiments' that Mr. Fillmore bad 'pro.cribril aud turned out of office' at the North tbe eneuiiea of tbe Fuptivo slave bis' and that 'it wns this proscription which ru ined Mr. Fillmoro at tlie North." UK.Ml Till: I'llKstncST I IP V II K !'!:MocmTIC SA TloKAl. CoSVI.VTIOS. lion. J'-lui H. War'!, who presided over the Cincinnati t'oiireution, a i'licsncd Mr. Fill- ' more on bis arrival in Mobile in IS.i.t, iu the. following wolds : "Mr. Fi.i.iMocr -Willi unfeirncd plessure I perform lhe itul v na-icoeil loo ot wolci.ioiiic you ' io lie' city of Siivtiniinli. Minis! the evenlt winch liinrk your ailiiiioislr.itioo of tlio government are of two ri'i'piit il lie to tic diseussid without ' at oil si n g passions, w hie b ou I his oecssion should ; be bulieil to rest, we Itm-t all reno'iiilicr that I those hi;.'!! sod solemn trusts wereimt nsaumcd ! by you in Ilia sunshine nt our prosponly. It Was at a dark and eventful period in die hislo- j ry of our government, ''when the hi live began i lo fear the power of man, and the pioua to Bo" '. "el " Dark aiol f-arlu; I were the clouds that hung on our boriton' vio- the union ol these SlAlea at heart. 1ml, sir, lent the factious that agitated our land, and 1 n""" true, for il there be one object dearer men seemed to reck not bow wildly rnued lln I to me than any other, il ia lhe unity, prosper! alorm, so thai in its fury it upturned the iusli- ' t.v. snd glory of this great Itepnhlic: and I eon tutioiis of the South. I feaa frankly, sir, that I tear il la in Hanger. I "It was your lot to breast thsl atorm, and say nothing of any particular aeetion, much bid ill n utlerili!s cease, aud to do that you less of the several candidates before the peo niust turn away from the crowd of flulUrern to I pie. I presume they are all honorable men. tread tlie lonely path ol duty. With your robes i Hot. lir, what do wo see? An eisspi rnted of oflice us with a pnnoply of ice. you wrapped jnurfelf from all the prejudices of earlier juurs, and from all the temptations which then sur rounded you, f,unleirified by threats, unawed by clamors, you held on your steatly course," irtsurvud the constitution of your country, gnva peace to the Unit we hive, and rt'pome to tho in ftiitutionti whirh we rhprith, illuftlrtitine to tho world tliat "jwnoo hua iln nrloripa no leia renownett than wnr." It ia fit and proprrnow, when you Imve laid anid, place and power, aud patmimge, tliat the Htfeciioiia of a frruteful people almuld follow jdii to .your home, and liitlicr around tou in your retirrment. An lhe constituted aullinrilieH of the eity of Hnvannali, we welcome you within her limit Mihv rep roaontatire ol the people, we welcome you to our LWpilnlltieK aa memhcri of ber iitir.ena. we welcome you to our homei and our heart." n it a jh tiif ur.MoeHATie aavirw. The Pemocratio Kctlew of Deecmhor, Ik.Vi, haring the Compromise mcafurci of IHoO, and contain porineous event, uinlor ronsidcrotion, ' thus pcnka of Mr. Villniore : j "Mnment'ius event were tnaipiriti)r. The agitation of tlie qurition of alafery wii. para mount in the puhlic mind. In thia ori-i, it , wax well that ao reliahlc a man m Mr. Fillm-ire ' wm found the presidential chnir. The anfcly ) i :. .t. , a a. i. i riii i rituMj ... ., r ' SLcbampa unit isiii IPHtned frnm a thnilMll'I m- buHRadea. The enemies of the I ninn ttnrted forth on erery aide Aliolitionitjm here, arces aionium Uiere ; acquisition "id filihusterutn IT,... ill. l',vrmiHnlila (slum on I r ., , .i i . i .u.. .,l i.i, I '""J "' Y;;" " V ' " .. ,l..le .tlwiinistralion of Mr. Fill- I n,ore. iii;as rwrRiiivsT rtsaua : In his first annual message lo Congress, President l'ieree expressed his npiuion of those measures, their effect upon the country, and the gratitude due to those who were instrumen tal in their passage and enforcement, in the following lenni : 'Vi hen the grave shall have closed over all who are now endeavoring to meet tbe obliga tions of duty, the year 1K'0 will be referred to as a year tilled with anxious apprehensions. A successful war had just terminated. I'csce ag-iii with it a vast augmentations of Terri- tory: Distuibing questions arose hearing. : njorn lhe domestic institutions of one portion of the confederacy, snd involving the eonaliln- rf ,.,,,. , n,wi(,,. I jn( ,j,.ri.nceB of opinion anil sentiment which existed in relation lo data Is and seei- ' rrovi.ion.. tbe aequieseenee of di.nngiii.h- Pl Clllt"n, W liurwr nrjiuiiiiii sv uiv a. ism never lie dmibUd, has in renewed tigr to our institutions, and reitored a n or re poie aud eecurity te the pullic mind through out the Confederacy." nr. a a iiktirt a. wia : ' administration wia Wahin(tton like.M "Well done, i;ood and faithful ivrvant " HEwRJAMaa itrrnttRAM. In a epeeth dffivtrefl In Greenshnrf, Ta., October 1K2, he aaid : "To seeare tbe vnte of .VnnrylTania waa one of the main 'inducements for the nomina tion of Ueneral Krntt over the hri I nf Mil Inrd Fillmore. ! there na unprejudiced cititea of any party in the United Hute. who ean lay hia hand upon bis heart and declare that he he lir ves Oeneral Kcolt would make as F"od and aa safe a Preident na Mr. Fillmore ! No, fellow cititen. all of u mtit concur iu opinion with Mr. 'l7 tn Fillmore had superior claims and qualification! to thoae nf Krott for the hifhe-t civil aUtion. AvailaHIity. and avail ability alone, pro! need the nomination of Rcott.- A (ruin : "He waa anti'ms lo setrure the eotea of Iba Freeooil Whift M tbe Heward school, in the na tional conventioBi - "Mr. Fillmirrliii eompetttor, had apoken ontlike a man in favor of the Compromise, and had tbna done his duty to his eotintry He waa, for thia very reason. rv.jetl by the Whig Nrttloiial (infei.loin, ami Gn: fft'tt tim l im tin I by Hie viiii Hinl iiilluviiwi of III Noi ill eru rtc oil lug' I'illrnoro's bjM-ooh ut Albuny, N. Y. If any remfrr has a HntirrlnK doult ( Mr Pillumre anivrtaiha Uiohi at'nliiiiftii. whirh evpry patriot would like to nea animating tin t'bu'l .MHintiule nf tlia l.fpul'lii1, Iti bun l-Httd tlir lollwiti( uptifcli 1-y Millard Fillmore, at AMniiiv, rn In Kiiy llironub tliat city. The limit of liu whole country will throb r"n aivr to sui h rinliinen(s Lot every patriot t'lki lit ataml betide air. Fillmore on the tiiT.uinl here taken by that jtMiHenirin. and peace an I prosperity will Suou Its realored to tl I niou : Mlt. M AVOB A NO FKI.I.OW-CirilKNR I This rv rwhelmihfr tlrnion,trnlion of I'otivrNtuNtioii ami tflftiin. a'moi-l dcprivi-n me nt tti power uf Kn'celi. Hire lo-nrly thirty e;tm Hfo I CV'tuwrin'Ml my politiriil carci-r In tins lunlil init I lirt haw a Irpiiliittve li ily in fi"iu, (I'litjrrs.) tint at tlott time it itevir entcri-il inlo thi nnpiiHtii'i.ji of my 1 1 fart that 1 sh.iuld i v-r i t'cciD.- u h a wplrontf aa Una, In lha epiiul it my nut i r Htitte. on loiw Wen phitniil, tir, to (i 1 1 lull- to my former aervU-i-s and my probahle cour-e, il I ahmilit aiiin lie cullt .l to the poMii,ii of Chief MitninliHirt of lhe iialiuii. Il in tint plcntnit t. Mpenk of one's elf. yet I tnui the oecaibn will jutlify me in liru-ily alliitimjr t .i one m two Pi ntii ri-miiecied with my p it a-lnnniMrntioit . oil an know Hint hen'l was that culled lo I tbe Kleeutiie I'buir by a beeenvf inent which I overwhi lint d the nation with grief, the eoiin try win iiiilorluuatrly agitated from one end t'. lhe other upon the exciting Bilbjeet of s'ave ) ry. It was then, lir, that I felt il my doty to ( rise above eveiy sectional prejudice and look tlie wi.oirc ot tlie whole nation. I was mpcllrd lo a eertnin evloul, to ovricome long .o.ii.bvd pujoo.v.a, and diatoaid parly elniliia. Hot in tins, sir, 1 did no noire thnu was d'Oie hy losny abler and heller men than myself. I was by no means ihc sole instrii- I 'I. Ulolet Prov.deuec, ill harmonizing those dilticiillies. There were al thai tilini, in.lcpeu ib nt, high souU'.l men iu l.otli Ii.oiaiH of Con gers., pelon.-'iiig to b oh the great politieai par ti' a of llio eoontiy W hips lind llenn. )ta - who spurned the charnrler of seltih parly lenders, ami rallied around my lolniiiiistrtitinii, iu support of lhe great it ensures which restor ed peace to our agitated and distracted coun try. Ily the hle.-ilig of liiim Providence, our efforts were crowned with signal snecess, and when I left the I'resuleulial Chair, ihc whole natii'ii wns prosperous ami rniiteuti'd, and our re ationa with all f.. reign nntiens wees ot the most niiiiciible kind. The cloud that hong upon the horiaon was diisipsted ; but where are we now! Alas! Threatened at home with eiiil war, and from nbromi with a ruoiure of our poiieeful relation!. 1 shsll not seek to trace lhe cuises of this ehaige. Those are the biota, nod il is for you to ponder upon them, flf the plescut n'tmirilstislioii hare nothing lo say. I can appreciate the dithcul-In-s of administering this tiovei iinient, sud if the pieaenl Fveciilive noil his supporters have with good intention mol honest hearts, made a loiatiike. 1 hope Hod niny torgive them as 1 do. Pot if there tie those wl o kivc brought these ealamnilnv. upon ihr eouiitty. tor sefr-b or auibitious objuis, 11 is your ilolv. fellow cili rena. lo lloiil them to a strict respi.lililtilite. The agilalioii which disluibeil the peace of the eounlry in le..O was unavoidable. It wi,s biooitht upon ua by the nciiiisiiion of nrw ter ritoiy. for the goiernmonl of which it was n ci'souy lo provide 1 'i-ritin ml adniiuistralnoia. It is lor yoi lo sny ivlii'ther the proaent agita tion, which distracts the country and threat ens us with civil war, boa not been reel-las, Iy and wantonly produced by the adoption of a measure lo aid in pei-aonal advancement rather than in any public good. Sir, yoo have been plenae.l lo tay that Hiava leeiing iiimwpi'ii ine .-vortti ami i lie rooun, on tbe most exciting of all topics, resuilinx in bloii.Mied aiol organized military nrray. lint this is not all, air. W e a-ee a political party, presenting eamtidalea for tbe Preaiden ey and Vloo Preaoloilcy, selected tor the lirst time from the free States alone, with the avow ed purpose of aloetiug these eindidates by the suff rage! of one part of the t'uion only to rule over the whole Cuitcd Statea. Can it be possi ble that those who are engaged in such a mena ure can have seriously reflected on the conse quences, which must iurvilobly follow iii case of success ! Can they have the mnilnesa or follv tn believe that our Southern brethren would iiibmit lo be governed by such a Chief Magistrate ? Would lie be re.inred to follow the inle prsecribed by those who elected bitn ill making his 'nppoiiilioents ? If a nisn living south of Motel) and I'ixon's line he not worthy to be Preaidont or Vies President, would it be proper to snleot one from the sums quarter si one of bis Cabinet Council, or to represent the nntion in s foreign country ! Or, Mnlrcd, to collect the Itsvenue or administer the laws of the Foiled SlntesT If not. wbflt new rule ia the I'residcnt to adopt in Bclecting mea for of fice? These are aerioua, but practical questions, and in order to appreciate them fuilv, it is onlv nccessarv to turn lhe tables upon Ihein- oniy n e'lves. Kuppone Ihat the Houth hat-inff a ma- . .... Jorily of the electoral vbtes should declare that they wuuld have only alaveholitera for Presi dent anl Vice President; and ahuiild elect such by their exclusive suffrages to A'Oe over us at the North, lio you think we would submit to it? No, not for a moment. And do you be lieve that your Southern brethren are leu sen sitive on this subject than you sre. or less jealous of their right! If you do, let uie tell yon that you are mistaken. And, therefore, you mnai see inai n una aateiiunai psriy you mnat see that If this sectional party sac- eeetla, il leads inevitably to the destruction of """'"l Wne. reeml by our forotathri a. 1 eempiitpd by thpir bl'md, and bequeathed us aa ; a prireleaa iiihpritance. I te I ynu, my tnemls, that I speak warmly on tin subjret, fori feel that we arc -in dan fpr. I nm d-terimiied to make a clean hreant of it. I will watli my hands of thectiiitrqiieu. cea, ahutfivr they mny h ; and I trll ymi that ' we are tieadinft; upon the brink uf a volcano, that is I nt hip at any wow cot tu burst forth and overwhelm the nation. I might bv ft worts bold out delusive hopes aud thereby win votes, I but I never ran conaent to be one tliinjr to tlie i North and another to tbe JHonth. 1 should dc I BpiM niv'flf if 1 could be puilty of such evn ' wn. For my eonncience would still aik with the dramaUo hjI "Iu lhr not sMoiit awrvH rr- hirklvn tliiBrtr rt wih Immoital wratb , T" MsV-t lUt wrr'rh "hi nwe hit f rtl.trN ' T" In- mn"lty'( ruin " (fh-n-rt.) In the lanure of tbe Umenird. immortal Clny "I bad rather be ripht tbnn be rrei dent.'' (LnltiUKiaaiic end prolonprd cheers. i seenis to me impossihle thai those enga gptl in this sec ti unal apitation can have con templated the awful conaequetiee of lucce). If it breaks amnder the bonds of onr t'ni"n and spread anarrby and civil wnr thmuph tbe land, what is it less than moral treatuu I And let me also add, that, when this t'nion is disNolved, it will not be dividrd Into two re publics or two monarchic, but broken Into fragments each at war with the other. Hut, Mlnw cittiens, 1 have perhapi aaid all thit wit nrceaaary on tint aubject, and I turn with pleasure to a leas important but more aptreeable topic. It hastteen my fortune, dur ina my travels in Knrope to witneta once or twice the reception of royalty, tn all the pomp and splendor of military array, whpre the muxicwae given to order and the cheers at the word of command. Hut, for myself, I prifc the hnneot pirntaneoBi throb of affection with which you have welcemed me hack tn my na tive .tate above all the pap rant which royalty can duplay. Therefore, with a heart over fl iwinf with era i ef ul emotion. I rrtum you a thousand thanks and bid you adieu. Prolong ed applaua. a a Tni EaaisB OaatoB, Maj. Oot Henry haa entered the canvaas, having made a bril liant and stirring speech near the Cumber land Iron Work a few days since. Its an j Governor J ihnann, debate at a Darbecue io Montgmeie county, oa ths Kih, inM. ' On' Nl.U.tlr I'.m t f Tun hfcoud anows dakki.h. tll II 4 K A f --TI TO 10 H H I'Hmiir- hK h Ah'MiMMMi Si iuni i rur Dim an t to I'm i i.u. We In n fh'in lime In tinir. airii'f (lie noiniiniiiiiii Mr. lliii'loinmi l v Hit t'in- eimiati t' iitt-nit Mi, pr - eentrd a iiMiiin:iin'a w fijctit tit v nit in'a Iii prove him hlile li lhe -uili, nn.l ilir ihii'ivhlM of fMri. Sn in it ii w i cvvr i'Hi red in lie count iy whore reciit un thin oi Ht inn in no blin k, ami il iniiiil v c iti el ii i vti un i ii unbound tifhs. Tin . rlii jt wns enrly nmnitrt-ted by him. aiol In tici n urirrniiitjMi v nmitiUm ed Up o lln- -lav, lllnl th how I'lieiialiril I y In iii hi all if riihkiit'n. If lhe political history nt llu couiiit y eonti anytim e lint he hatniinl ur tlfiie, iu fi-citim 0"ii H. et with (hi- I .'inn;, m mi pinery per"iirtl uioiivu pru.ti!t U ii If ho votMl m ii.ttuii Trkan, he tint ii with a In art fell, iinti l.iv ry '(iijiliii ion. ax I with the avowed h p and belief Hmt il mili etretiinaerihe, il U did not cpiM' tir il, i- Mite ion,:iion ul alavery in linlT 1 lit t.ui. w hero it mintn , II" hn eiidorail ibe pL.t'erni wl i h w a made tur bun nt t on iiiti.iii, it una hh tor cart hurau acut -pin lie p n . . i -1 . j i no itUtiiue and upprenMVii Lui'l m.k-Ii he only ena 'n lo onrry or ll.r r.p.r.;.' mul wlmw rh,i 10 he relieves w ith ih - pu I nf Niiiitt--r S.ivereinniv. Wlo-re.-r n ,w ..rrt bifUht to recognise ur mniniiuii the nlim u iiie Siulh III rt'ltn'd tOi:tvt' f.l periv. It w.i Ity lhe force el loM-efntv. F o twnitv v.uh bas been Acandidale for his t.ntlvs ii. o.i- nalioli Iii the IV looev. and l,;is I.e. I, e, polled lo stnlt and sliullle, tack and linn to HCeolnilisb ibis end. 'I hear gv rot i.-l.a b.i i a occasionally forced liim to Mi.TinYe bis ol, Inirrence to lluvery. mid sui'Oher bis ci -'r-isbed purpose! lo contine nod tiunlly d.-.. trot it. lint a lair and candid ejni,iiiii.:i u of his whole course on tho auhj.'.'t -nu leave nu doubt with nn iiiipri iioio ed in oi that he ia al heart s hitter opponent ot s;;i j very, snd that his ambition once irati(ii.l, t,c would not hesitate to sanction or itii- j pate measures in l rd.incs with Ins ti.l . nig. We. think the proof jnst:li.s !! I tbe Solilli in regiiidiiig linn as no cji-'iim-v ! ,latijcimta ni.oi. Wopmoiil tliM int. 11,10 ! nil adililionnl llelll ol teat Inv. II y, nliicll. II it were possible, retell ra Sllil sir .ror lio' ' overwhelming lutisa alnooly .,!i.d up .o . bim. j i a have ahown thai in 1810 he look tiie position that t'ongri .i bad Ibe power lo ei j lode slavery from loc ten ii trie-, an I ad , vo.'nted its cii'ivim in tbo case of Min-nii- n. I That in iSlii. iu a npterh drlivrrtd in-lli" I inline ot ItcpneiitrttitffK, 1m ticvitrct l.i'' ' ry li he a ut I't.i.iiii'Ai.eviI," "h ciudr," 1 nnd dovoiitiV .tive than It to Inn Miikcr tlmt j kin hit I uul heeu oiimi in a alato wheiu it tiid ; lint e.tit, Tlmt in lHort, he apuko in fumr 'f rerpiv intT nnd reierrinji; pctiiiini priiyinif the nh'il ' ittiin uf nUrtiry, to a scieut oumnmfro, nr the enniniitt'-e nn the )i.iiii-t ul (iiiiiiliin : nnd tlmt nu tlm 1 llh nf Jiinunry nt that year, lie "tlionlit ('fti-rea oupht n"t nt tht iiit tu ahiilili flitery" in llm I'isin.-t, th'-ri-hy imply in (U ind eont-'iiding fur th" ptiwrr. -S'-f Cottf. (Un?, piyf . Tlmt during tiie eecontl t'Sften of lhe UTth lsii(creiiht ilirre were tufty alnililit.n pelitiona pri'm-nti-d, nnd tlmt ha nil'.' red (Itirfi fintr of them, .Ve Cuuy. (il,.n- oj 'that .... Oil. Tlmt on I lit 4ih of Apiil, .H. he ciimim id hiuii-fir and lhe emiuniitee Inn injt utidr-r CMiinidei utinii the ndiiiiNtinii ul' Arktmns inlo the I'meii, lor rcconuiicinliitg iu nduiia sin as a nUre tftato, in the lullu w intf preg mutt wo) da : "lie. con."idered the Compromise which had been made when MiMou-i admitteit into the I niunai huviur stfttird the o;ui'atitin PlvM?r$ni tbs-iii'iy- Simh u .-teiu Ktatea; and the Committee, TU KKKFOKK, 1 did not think proper tu interfere with the in- j alitutinn of atnvery in Arkunsna.---aSt4t Cony, (Unix, pay li0. In thi he ujruin implic. in itntnistnkahle lanjiunire, hia ludiot in the power of Con grerta "to inlcrlt-re w nli the iii"iiiiition nf Mlnverv," nnd that he wtmld Imtc doiii au in the euse f Arkrinumi, hud ii"t uu exittn stittuti! piei-Uiili d liim. Tlint in 1 S 14, while tho Tuna tmity nf ftniiPXtitiiin wns under C'ttiHideraiinn, he ei preeu'd hia "irt-nt repuiiiinnee hv anv ant of his to extend tho limits of tlie tinion over new tlivp-linliiiiig t rnlory," nu I only supp iried the trenly on tl-o niund that it would "limit," nnd ut 'Vntur-a the doiiiiu oiiH of Uveiy" nnd further ihut it wdiiIJ .peeitre the abolition of slnvcry in the Ntntea Hd iiinin, Mtiryland, Keniin-ky, and Mis amni. 'J'liut -nllbe 21st nf August, lKH. ho wrote to Tbitdridi .Sitnfnrd, ef Muhile, spo- emilv t't rliitc tlmt ho itdiiered tu bis o in imiu expreepud in IHJ'.I, Aa to the power of i'ofinri'M ovit the fjinniion of shivery; nnd reiterate his opinion, thnt ('onruM 'pns aes"es the puwer tn It'jfiflitte upon the eiibjeet of slavery in the tprritoi les," nnd deelarea that Iiik "power, from ilnfnature, niunt he exeluive." That in October, 1 S IK, be tnnk a pisition 1 on the ijuentiiin of nlHvery directly oppnnite i to that held by Clny, Calhoun, and the whole I Sttith, to-wit : tlmt the territory acquired ; : by the tJuadaloupe Ilidiiljro treaty was free j ' territory, and could not be openpd to the I ' admission uf slave, unless by the pueitire j ' enactment of a competent h-gislative author- j I ity. His word wero aa follows, tlmt when f "when we nequired it .from Meiieu, it wna ' rpita Inrrilorv tmlh in I n sr nnd in fapl. and . ;" , . ' i i frte .1 f ust romnn, un its pteaent condi- tion snail oe cnanKea iy nie p...,(.-e inetit of a ni,tent authority. . n,at mlh4H l.e advocated the eatensmn nf the Misauur. reelr.ciiun line to the I aei f fie Ocean. It will be borne in mind that this line ia now the epecial object of the d1- I : n-"iin of Southern men,. aa uW, tWi- ; on .anH HnwMtohwd. : lhatiulvr,,m h.a letter on aceep ting the i incmnati nomination I.e. aa-ert. in Un- ; fcmiKe ur :-''"-. y . ' ot tbe tieople uf tbe d-rritory to forbid, advnnee of the fnrniatinn of a Suit cetisli tution, tbe mrrytng of slave property into ! tba t'Triturie!. anl contend that it ia a principle nnd the meaning nf the Nebraska Kiirmns hill, which Gov. Wriahtsof Imliana. ! a rti-iiinguinlM'd democrat and anpnorter of j Hiiehanun. Ittcly declared to be the " nr.T i between the I1 alia and UJ-pcualun linde. WiTitoT I'rovisii rra tsu-ttu." and in Thi we believe, is the first time the fnat which be uiwed truth for it te an equally , Wa(l evor atteuipU.a. It waa auccowfully sure mode of dp-)troinc lb riebts of the r . . r .. , , J Smith in th, territories, snd w.. pronounce.) rr"""J ' F- Urge number bv John t:. Calhoun lo be "a oa.t vius of peciatnrs. Wit ot I'siivisinsv." alai'ltsnn is emplnjed hj the New o tk Thia is the sohaiance of the evidence Crn'ral Hailroad Compsnr, anil has es- which has hitherto liwn rendeerd against tntiliahetl Lit reputation ts sn sdventurer . him. nne tewh of which is sufficienl Meoii-; e j, ti,, ,, m)0 wal,eJ the ladder ' vict him. We, however, produce thia morn- , briHce from ,l ice, last winter, lo Bird , l,,fe:,,o;hi,:r;';U,;d zt ", - ' - Houihern man' frnm his support, whow soul i d l"i'C i .but, to onr notion, ' is n t aiecpcd and soaked in parly litter- thin last exceeds it in danger and bold ness. Jlv referring to Nilea Register, tan ncsa. AVuAetfrr ( aioa. ttniiiirteachiiblsaiithoritv.) for the years IM'JS t . . . and li'.l. it will be found that on the Oth Jan- i , ine 0f Ulinwis have ; n.rv, H29, Mr. Miner moved the fdlowiiig, I UU1. ou, fir jIr riUnsoro. ...d will be ttrewmble nnd rrolotina, embolving tbe . i .l . , moat outrageous abolition pnipo.itiunver r i nnvent.nn, ,n i fotrd on in Congress: It tltitm-re. o look fur a grand rally of Wherpaa, the Otistittition baa given to i CtiiigreM within the li-itrict Iistriet of Co lumbia, the power nf exelusive legislation in all case whatsoever, and whereaa, the law ' in resrect to slavery in the Ihstrict of Co lumbia, have been wholly neglected From which neglect, for tienrly thirty year, have grown numerous and groas cr ; ruptiona: punitv. have mad. lb. seat of lhe federal ' government their heado,d.rters for carrying, . . - - . . on lhe dome.lie slave trade The public priaons have Issen eitensively used perverted from the purposes for which they were erected for carrying on tbe do mestic slave trade. Oroeers of Ibe fedvn! government Lave been employed and derived emolument from earryint; en the domestie elave trade ; . Private and secret priaons evi.t In tbe i three, Ibe captain, second male and one thatriet lot carrying, on thit traffic in human ; man. H .ports of other wrecks and straad Iteinga ; ! ing have been rveitad wiihat f artienlare. Hie trade is not cos lined to Ihooe who an elates lor hie, but persons having a limllud lima sre bought ly lhe slate dealers sud soul where redrosi is hopcleas ; iltlieryars kidnapped and csrriod away beiote tb' unit be readied, liiainiicoN of death front anguish snd de spair, exhibited in lbs Innriol, mark ths cruelly nt thia trallie. luvi.iiii'ea of maiming snd suicide, ete o.ilid or attempted, have lieen exhibited gn wing out of thia trallic wilhin ths Dia I id ; Flee persona of color cniniiig into the Dis trict are liable to arrest, impi iioiuuelit, snd sold into shivery for life, for jail fees, if un able, from ignorance, misfortune ur fraud, lo prove thou- freedom ; . Advciiisriiii'iii. beginning, " We will give for one hundred likely young negiues, of bulb seine Iruiu eight to Iweniv-tive years I old," coiitniio'd 111 lhe pubbe pnnis uf tho j i-rty, iindei the notice of Coi.giesa, indicate lhe opeiinesa and extent uf the traffic ; K'ciica of human lsaingi expose, al public Vendue nie exbil iled hers, permitted by tlie laws id the general government, a woman I having been adi?rtleett lo be mid at Llnvd'a j l.ivern, near Ibe tvnirnl M u ket house, dur- i ing the niolllb of llecembcr. i A grand jiny of Ibe District has pieieuted I the sl ue Hade aa a grievance ; J A writer in s public prim in the l'iitricl I has set forth that to those who have never seen a spectacle ol tbe kind (wxtnbiled by I lie slate tlnde.) no description call give aa ndctpuilc idea of its horrors ; 'lo such extent bad thia been rnrried in I s I'i, Ibal a member of Congress from Vir- ' ginin. introduced a rcaolnlion into lbs lluiiao, " that a committee appointed lo examine into tho existence id' nu inhuman nnd illegal iriiffie in sinvea. curried 011, in and through ; tlio Ihitiictot Columbia, mid report whether any, anil what lueaBUiea ale necessary for lhe putting a stop lo the sumo ;" T ho House ol liepren nutives of Penn- ' syU.uitl, ut their last session, by an almost I unaiiiuioii Vote, expressed ths opinion that .slavery within the llistlict of Columbia, onlit to bo wliolisbed ; Nomenoia pi-tiiion. from various parts of ; the I luon, have been presented to Congress, prnyitio l..r the reii-ion of tbo laws In re ape, t to slavery, nod tlie grndiial uljtftitmttnf ,,.'trry inl'tlH the l)mtni t of 1 'n mtnn. .. 1 1 r ii i ii wns pteacntcd nt tbe last ses- so II ot' t'ollgress. signed by Uloril llllltl one il..oi-;!'i l iiihiiloiiinis of Ibe Pistrici, pray lot: t i- the griitlual abolition of slavery i tl ;ii ; Aiol. v. hernia, the ten miles square enhfl ib il ti tho exclusive h isl.ilion of Congress, on-'1!! I r tjo- honor ol this rcpobloan gov erooo'M, in, J tin.- interest of tlie Ibatrict, to evl.ilol a -p.'. inn n ot pure nod just laws lb' II re..ille,l, That the Coiniuiiloo for I tbe llialriel ot I'olot'llnA be ill'itrtlcted to !" inlo I'otisnb'i'iitinii ibe laws within lhe !, in r-speot to slavery : that they in- quite into t!,,. sinvi' tinde us it exista in, nnd ' is e, orie l on thioult t' o listriet, nnd that . they rep. .it 1. 1 the House sio.h amendments , to I ho existing laws as slinll serin to them lo lie iu-t llFi).VFI. THAT TIIK Ctl.MMITTFR in-; fi iv-ii'iu I'li'.D 'in in i,ii nu: i ui Tin; i:xi'i;iiFcY up 1 l'llti ililNU, HV LAW, Fi'lt 'ITU' lilt All- ! i ai, Aitui.ninN ul si,.vr.i; fi ii- IX THi; MSI li H T IN St I'll M.lNNKIl THAT TIIK 1MT.KIST nK M IMH- ti't Al. SIIAI.I. Hi; IN.II JU.D ITIKIiK- 11V. , Wa hrcpnik nn atienlive perunl "f thia piviinihle, nnd of lhe l.irt nolve. The tirt 1. ,.".:v. s.nmfrl from the ali'ilitnm nieiiiornti ot lu iker and Frit-nd S'cieiies, and is rmhr-llifdicd villi llio aelectfi-L ln frnnpe in the vooihuliiiy f fnnntieinin. It ...H.ts in horrible pbnifc, a grnsaly rx-tg perilled pinturo nf K''!ry nnd the ive trode, nn.l rcfer-i t- th 'ie ahoii:ion pitiliima winch Mr. Hueiuinnn ao liked to pieoiit, as the outcry uf the popular bnrt aga.nst it, and as a junlilinatitm uf the measure pro poised in the lutit reatiltitinn, which is the ab olition ov tu.AVKRr in tuk Dotsict or Co t.i M m a, the limt luve nnd darling uf Gid d.M-iH and his infurnul trew. hen tbe nhovo preumble and rfulutinns worn rend, Mr. Worms uf Ntryhtud, n eouth ern mnn, and a rcprc'Mitive from unc of the Suite which ccdi d this district to the cmTtil cover n men t moved th quest nm t tiomulmxituH, by which ho desired t teit the HL-mte of tlie House on the pnipueition, nnd which motion in hy parliamentary law, regarded Him If at question. Mr. Miner de m inded the yea and miye en the question wht tlier the Uune would consider, and the ' the Mouse ordered the etill of tba roll. 'J'ha qtipntion was decided in the atfirmalive, aud J unit Buchanan atnitde revurded an. W a will not enlarge upon the mh rmotis wiekedneNH of I Jtid propunititin. livery Suuib ern mind inuwt nt umo rnup it, its iia eniire eoinpr'diensioii, nnd revolt (rem it. Suffioa it to anv, thnt it enactment woulil have vir tually destroyed the fxitencd of ilnvery in the iMutt s as well as virluully dt'stmyod it in the J'ietrict. The former would have been the next agressirn efcp aouthward of tho "bhrud-boltered" Aliiln of anti-slnvery fannticinni, nnd with the first bluwol his in vasion would have perished the integrity of the I nion. To aUtlish slavery in the lUis diet and dnrk-yards nnd arcnals uf the L'nited Stntes, was (he first step in the war nf tbt anM-slavery crusaders a en in id the in ai itution, to be follow"! hy an attunpt upon the institution in the States, and the recorda pruve that James Ittiohanan, aympatkiied and suitained by his votes in Cungrena, thia unhnlluwed Work. Let Southern men read thia again, and convince thctnaclven of the tine again, and convince triemaclvus ol t U u . uU firm h f (r if if- (i()n -nd (0 )f Vrhu ht R, quetmn were U. .aeun.e a e.ill m..ra ufM t A f(ttkM nilU,ime would mt tltund Ul6 wckn of w scnie?p Wij, not Southern men, in this dire truer. f( t t and ,lltir fMce- (lin;Mhf; nJn ahrtwl .j, cmirM b ((M.n B wnr lnA mtmt Mcui and aucred tmhul lAKINt l'KAT WIMMNU TIIK RAr- its of Niagara. A tunet daring and oriloua leat waa prfortned at .Niagara alls yeeterday. A man named 1 .lack- a-n actually ewam aiTi Niagara Itiver, rtiiiMrraiiTeti 01 me union on in at oo- r&ionKif the men who, ear hewing the , aeetionalistn which threaten?" to subvert the l.cpublic. will appeal to their brethren ev- erywhere to come to the rescue, and whose appeal will not he unheard. Erritemrnt in .Vooie. Mokitt, Aug. l0. Much eicitement haa been enswed hare "p-inrt Strickland Upaori. Ill eivnsM.enee "fthe salt br them of awmion raxiks A wnmmitlasa nf etlia.ns araa liirman .fad isst... ed them to leave the eity in four day,; but . the feeling against them increased to web an extent that they left immediately. ! SHpvrtrii m4 Leas of Life. A'eve Or- enat. Aitf. 2. Tbe Sieamehip ,N'aatiloe ie rwrsorted wrecked. The ship Manilla, from Bordeaux is treat with all on board Meant