Newspaper Page Text
KNOXVllXl WJIKi. KSOXV1I.LK, TKNN ATllRUAV. AIM T UO, ' J.ATI0NAI AMERICAN TICKET. koii nir.Ki ii:nt, MILLARD FlLLMOIi, uf MW VonK. PHI VUT. I'UKHIUKST, ANPIIEW J. DONELSON, STATE ELECTORAL TICKET. PJK TIIK STATE AT l.AUHK. HTATK KI.KI'TUHH. BILL 1. MHOVt N, uf IIOllAtaS MAYNAIIII, ml Iti.oa. Foil TIIK iJleTltll'TH. Iii. pi.irKi K. u TAVU'ii, of r.i"r M. llOBll IIITK. of H M. HKKfc B. UHAHS1N, uf lltluliun. lib W. r. llll'KKIIMIN, ..I CIW lib. " IIOBKUT II A ITi'N, uf WilM.. Bib. W. II IMM, of IMfuru. tlb. C. C UloV. ( "f HUM. lib. J. II QrAlll.KS. l M 'll'IP'W.r)'. lb. I. B. HAWK 1S. o Carroll toth. Jll:fll II UosllV. .a l.v.u. ,-. IF TIll'.ItK lii: TIK KI TH lift NORTH "It MHTII WHO DKSIHKan AR.MINISTKATIOX HH! TIIK MIRTH AS A (IAIN ST '1 UK NO MKN W HO SIMM I. D tilYK TIIKIK SIFFKAIIKS FOR MK; 1011 M Y OWN CART, I KNOW O.M. ?i , (01 NTltV, MY ;yiioi,k Cor.VIT.Y, AMI NOTIIlNti I'-l T MV COL'N TRY ! Mii.i.aiik I'li.i.wioif. j I- Ifltlwihhl lliirttraaiulrnji" Amo (Tufic Cloud in iy t'"i I'd M f Jams KccuAiiAS. Joy Ten Cenit a i nj, it tnuwjh Jar a la tmring man. S tut DcciuKin. S-jif The iiiHtunre of Slarrry it deinwali tin ilct our Kali'tul 'jsfiitlittitrc uie lit mitt itatunt and ttmumi aertmnt. In inhibit tht rirtruce of Wotvry ''V the Trrritorirt it $!utt4 whiih mni htrtjftr.r be mated liy ConireM. Jaaas Ulcilvsax. ttj- i euiase to tlit othrr liwe of I'tmpre muny yran ii'ie-e, o fritnd of the HmikiMpt l.,llC. JaHIM lil'CllA.IAK. Hi- llr. A. Al. ailllnrd l-utir ill,.,i l.a Aie-nt I.T rM llVol. M rt.ll- i ..l- ni.u ! tllitH II, In' I ml. ii ( 4H.-I nn,l J'.l, U.sinin usinui. kii.1 llm kvi'ImI r.iiuilKB .if BI'KCIAL KOTICES. The rcin;sciiliitivcK of Killinoro Clubs ami civil l'istrict?" in Kicx, Mill meet at Tciliperuncc Hall tliia al'lernoou at half past two o'clock, on important business. tiT Theio will be a nmctiiisr of the Killmoro Club at Tcinperaucc Hall on Monday iii-bt ncit, and a gvurul turti out ia desired. tuT There will be a meeting "f tbo I'il'njore I'luli, aud other citizens nnd via itora, in front of the C'ouit ll 'use, ueit M'cclnediiy ui(:bt, and tpeukini,' by en tb oicn from a distance. The lindiij! of tlio Court 11 nice r.ell, and the 8'und of the Drum and 1 ifo, will be the ii:nal. ETILL THEY COME. 1. 0. A. JiidssliT, Ksi , uf 1'eiiuaylva niii. mi 0!J Line Iiirinoenit, has declared for l'illuiorc. vA rctudiaieil UucUarian ior i ioiiun., t ' and Fremont. ; . . Z. lion. A. .1. ItctMiUW, in Aiuuaiua, au old atiaight lucid Democrat, addrcaseJ ; a recent Fillaiorf tuectine nt Mobile re-1 Ti'jtT'ratrt"Ttiert'iiiciiiu.ili plalformr' au4"T ro-L.t Ium C.llnw Democrats to support the , American ticket. 8. Jerome R. Daily, Esoj , ol I'latta- i burg, N. Y.. an old line Democrat, ha b' '. . r-,i K.iudiaifd Hue hauau, ana ueiareaior nil-1 "I"" lnnrp. .. , , r ii- , 4. Five of tl.e Uognes, of Virginia uoo of Uuu xte.orig tho uuest i irgiuiu uuc epcukcrs iu tlmt District, all Democrats a have! d liuchauan, and come out for Fillmore nnd lKjiiilsmi. 5. F. II. l'icrpoul,of Fainimunt, Yir pinia, ba conic out in a teliiug speech fur Fillmore, and against Buchanan, and be waa an ardent nij,poit. r of WL-c, in the late conte.-t. 0. Hon. Jacob Merchant, an oil hue Democrat, of New York d several years State Senator, has come out lor Fill- inoro, aud repudiates the Ciociuuati plat form. 7. Hon. Kpbriain Rru.itcr, an old lino Democrat of Mas.achif" Its, has repudi ated the Cincinnati nuuiiiiee.,auddeclartd for Fillmore. H. Hun. Mr. Reiser, an old line Demo crat, and nn ex-nion ber of Congress, iu Alabama, has declared himself in favur of Fillmore P. A distinguished supporter of Ruch auau's in Kenucky, write a letter which appear in the last i.-suc of the Ismitrillt J.unial, dated New York, Aug., 'Jib, raving be hue chsug-'d over to Fillmore, und that haj no strength at the North, while Fillmore ia the only man who cau defeat Fremont ! 10. Lieut. Myers, of Ohio, a Democrat, decline to aupport Ruchaiiau, aud haa de clared for F'illmore. 11. Ilou A.J. I Lilian, a Democratic member of Coiigre- from Indiana, haa debited to aupport Kin linn in, nnd aaya he is hesitating between Fillmore and Fre mont 11. Dr. C- 31. .lohtif .ii, of Iiuoaster couuty, I'cnusvlvauia. who, for liftefu year haa advocate! Ru.hatian ou the ttump, has denounced th, luia Demo cracy, aud deciaio'l fur l i! inoie. 13. Hon. T W. Ihomas, llii'lianan lilector in Georgia, Las f 1.r."-n up bia coimuiaaion, on the ground that be can't aupport Rucharian, and u u-t neceh.arily fill inlo the aupport ol Fillmore J4. Dr. Sha-kh'tord, nn old line Demo crat, of Rlair county, l'ennsylvania, has taken the aluu p in lavnr of Fillmore. I. "i. A- J. ll'i'-on, the only rcuiairiiug lHtiincrat in Ceiupioo, II Island, baa declared for Fillmore. II. lion. .Mm Merrick, formerly a Iieui'Htrstic mcuib.-r of the 1 gi.laturc, te.iding near llockford, Illinois, has come ("it for Fillmore in a public spceeb. 77. Jamea Lawrence, a Fierce mendi.r of tli. b.t l.egi.-hittire of California, baa cniue out for Fillrnorc. 1 bohn Morgan, a I'uatotn llous of- f eer al San Fntieiacni and a leading Deins rat, has duelared for Fillmore I IU. C.eorge llaiker, F. , an old lino Democrat of Fredonia, New Y'ork, ha declared fur Fillmore. 20. Kdward C. D leran, of New York, a distiugu'uhed lHniMat, and a line peaker, haa come cut for Fillincre. 21 R II Tstitni, a prominciit eld line Jackaou Democrat, nf 'J'ronton, Ijeorgia, ia out in favor of Fillmore. '."J. Th Woliiinpku, Alabama .Si7i. .r, alutei lliul MM', nl J line Di nmornta of Tnllti(lf-a county, havn abandoned tin S quiilier Si'veruinty candidal.!, nnd de ( lured fur Pilliuuro. TwKNTV I'lVK. Democrat in J'uj ullo county, Tuniiesaoe, who voted fur (iuv. Juhiisuu limt August, have duclai uJ fur I'lll ui mo "I. In tU St'tu of New York, .''l,. CaIIHUI., of Ronaiilour county, Hun. Mm. WaIisWHIITII, of (il'rcne county, I1. Wn.sii, of Huffulo, and K. Sinathii DaVIHIi.N, olj line I l murl JltH, liuve aban doned Jiucliaimti, mid declared for Fill tin it) , u llie safer limn, und t It o (inly man who ran beat Fremont ! L'j. Mr. Davis, formerly of Sulllvwi county, Tuuiksnii', und a Democratic n, r of our Legislature, at ouo time, oamo out in a stirring speech at Waco Village, in Texas, ou the night of the i'th inst,, for Fillmore and Doticlson 1 Chnrging Blniulor upon Jackson. Tim only nionim of roscuing lluuliauuu from tU tlmrpo of COWA.UU.K and 1 VIVl"! l.fjin.f la niruiiiMt liini .itf (li-n. ! W" of 14, ia to Uht lit vpon Jurkum, and tin y aro doing ' it on nil occasion, dipt. James Williams Imrrd a crowd hero last Saturday night, by rtutliwj, iii tbo open air, and after a dull facliiun, a ppeeeli ho bud written out, in defence of llucbuuan, in the aflntr of Clay and Adama. Tho nubstance of William'a defeiiso was, that ,Ia' kmjn IIAtl l.tKD ON llt:riIANAN ANU Cl.AV, though be i i 1 not any ao in to many words ! They are all now making this ;i'ii(, at tba cipensc of Jackson's reputa tion. YVc, of course, have nothinK to suy in this fijiM, further than thi : tli(icliar:.;n of " Harpiiu and corruption" against Clay, wna falae. only false, and false con tinually. Ducbiinan eliar;;ed it in a letter of hi.-, Ioiiji since published tu tho World, an extract from which is in tln .-e words : " These I'sets arc lul ire tl.e world, that Mr. Clay and bis partiuilar liieuds made Mr. Adams 1 'resident, ami that Mr. Adams immediately tli.-r.;if1.-r mucin Mr Clay Secretary of Stale The people will draw llifir own iulcieiic.-s from su-h rotnlm t, and the cireiiiustaneea cuino'i kd with it. They will judge ol cause-by tlicir etleets." .lucksuii s-iys l' told him that Clay aud Adams were cuilty Kucl.mian deiiica it in a letter to Clay -and Jackson, in his letter of ll.", to Y. li. Lewis, aava that liuchauan ia a liar und ivirnnl. Cant 'illiama i,roca that Juikscn and bis friendi arc lh:s, und that Rucbaiiau I and Clay uic gculleiiicn. The country is about to pet the truth nt last, and Clay is to he vindicated. All right ! Tho Louisville Ci'Uiicr, the great Anti Know Nothing sheet, nnd the brilliant organ of the Ruciunan oud liieekcuri.ige forces in Kentucky, thus hacks up the vicwa of (.'apt. Williams, nnd in nidus the ..i . ... u-..i .,v r winch the loud bosun- . . Iiuehaniui men arc shouting . itx lia ' A urinate letter written by Jnck'on in . I ( L V I V , ,-ore a-atli, MKANLY .1 lMllir le VILL1FYINU IICCHANAN, chargiiig tioTwitb cownidiee niit.;VseTiof.d, shamelessly drug d forth to degrade liuchauan. 'IHKl.M'A.MY Ol- I 11 r, i a w il It HKSTS I'I'ON JACKSON for j,;,,,, i,is letler, aud next upon those i,,, ,avc brought it to light for political .. .. i-..i. !!...;.;. Ml,... !,,, ciieci no., on v.ii- ...r. . .-j i ui i,.;.,.. .,.,,.,, .! I,, ,.li iim.n i I . .. J i . i . ) i the .rravc ol Jackson, are iney who nave i, ,ilB ,d degraded themselves j, t,ubliahiiig the unfortunate pnintr I letter of the 1NSAN F.LY VINDICTIVK OLD TYRANT, who, in this very letter proved that, to the last, NO TOl CH OK 'lI STICK OR MAONAMMITY TO WYKDS AN Ol'l'ONKNTOR R1VA', LYLK KNTlilll'.D HIS liHKAST, ND THAT HIS ONLY T SK Foil FRIKNDS WAS TO MAKK TOOLS OF TI1F.M. If lluclnitiun had in 1:'7, instead nf faithfully giving truihful testi mony, as be did, corrroboruted Jaekwm'a .inst Clay. Jackson nev-r would i have written hi. mfaii.oin secrrt le tu r. ol '. . . ........v 1 . J " llf III! fYt! that JilSTt IKl lO.'UI 1 -Al I . ' '.a Ill,' SI. A VDKUINi; CLAY. AND THKN (ONYICiS DIM OF SLAN- Hi I'.IMi RI't'II ANAN RF.CAI Si: UK WOI LD NOT l'KIWI RK HIMSKI.F by aupporlinp the slander agaiuat lay. If any Demo crats alio 'J h displeased at our opinion of Jaeksoo ; if they think we should admit the truth of a COWARDLY, aeeret and SLAN DKROI'S letter which" assuils the truth and moral courage of liuchauan, only becnuae it purports to have beeu written by Jackson; all we have to ty is, that they have mistaken our clinr- oeter for independence and love of truth and iuatiee. aud their mistake can make not the slightest change in our convictions and conduct. Rut we don't believe there is a candid Democrat in America who due not mterlaiu prcciiely our opinion of Jackson's secret letter slandering Ruehnn au, which only DISIiRACKIl TIIK WRITKR.y-oa. Cuur. Auy. IH. For this abuse of Jackson, the Isaiit- ! tilr Jvurnnl took the Cnnfirr to task, ! and in the Conr'ur of the rid August, ! it editor replie : I " If the bargaiu story waa a calumny ; from the lirst, waa it imt so to the last ? ! Yl" I'll K 1 KSITMON Y (il Y KN RY l JACKSON o HIS DKATII RKD j WAS A FALSF.1D ;" and yon would i any ao, loo, if Ruciunan were not now I the Democratic .andidaic for the I'rcsi i deney Jw kson'a testimony in hia t'ri , ,otr letler of IH.V Jl'.-T IIKFOKK HIS DKATII, WAS A IMM lll.h FALSFIIiMlD. It waa lali-bisl against Clav and Adauta, and a k! against Ruchanan." If Juckaon'a reruUlion auffera aa it . cannot but sutler in the minds of all lion I cat ni.u in coiuciucdc of lb prudiio- lion of bia ahamrlul letter of 1 -, let : the blame fall, not on the heada of thuae who eiamiue and cuostrue it logically, but I on those who, for the purpoa of injuring I Ruchanan, have publih.d the unlortiin I ate ebullition to the World. There ia not one if.dependoiit, honest minded leuio erst in the I'nited States, whiaae opinion of Mr. Rucbaiiau'a character and boiiur can be impaired by Ja. kvm'a mean pri vate letter rat l4'i And ihere ia nut a fiiend of Clay and Adama who doe not regard with otihiirnit' e the hypocritical pretenders of veneration for their ni.-mo-ry, who atti mpt to mis a .juosiion ol raeity ugainat Hu hanan on the authority oi tuts He-an. l.-tlcr iT .l.-iekaon a. llie offence of employing lhal Liter for such a pnrpoae, ia a more gilevoua one, if poa- ible, agaiuat tlus dead patriuta, then even against the living I tu. hanan. The furmer can no long.-r vindieat. or revenpe theil.selvf; tlie latter can. lllil, happily, hi ither the bring nor the dead can be in am d iu 1. 1 uution by auih a coarse display of iiiMine rancor. The only nhari. Utile Kill which cull (Kwiibljr I"' Hit upon Jaiikaun letter, more disgrace lul to liiiuidf than injurious to llie ol- Iwl nf hi malignity, la that Mr, An j MollAKI.YIHItll'O.N,''llil,i;Wlli:N UK WROTH IT-W or , 1- . - j JOHN U. C'ROZIEll'S LAST I Tin lnict, u well tliu ri(iliiwtciiallo , wo hiivu Keen from (hi new Lorn cliamp- j ion of Kou-ofoeoinin, appeaia ill tiro "Hum- daid" of .Monday. It ia in rejrly to twn Id tern from Jimpcr, in Mariun oounty, invilinir liiin there tonpenk, the lirnt nijilrod ! hy '12 ( Md L'luy Wliin, a they atylu them, aclvca, and the next, by aoluo 'SI Jluino eruK. Tim Whin portion of thoiu aHy they were bia aupportur in former duya, and tint hr in " one wo feel proud of an tu Axueayaiid capacity" tiiitwilhuianding they turned him out of ('niiproaa in 181!), fur hikin'j tw muth miliiijt:, und pulthcri Uclhbor, Col. Audi ikon ill bin place ! 'Jhe lleiiioi r.ilic letter urna him to at tend for tbo hake of the pood be n.iglil do bia former Wbij; friends ; and whilo they tell him that (7u " retain their hi"h re- i:iiid and alTcctiou" fur him, they aro iaie- t ul not to coin in it tlieoiclve by any en dorsemciit ul bis " liunnli oii.niyiuefy." In reply, Crmicr wadca through three mortal roluinna, in a luboicd cITort to jus- lily bis turning Locufoco. Ho opens his j epislohiry addrcsa. in these remarkable V"' ' " I canvasaeil that District tiireo tiinea when the country wua in a ntato of liigli political excileniHit. l'irst in 1S44 as a I caiididnui for Klcetor, ngaiu in 1 s-t ." and I W7 as n candiilate for Congress und dur- mg the wliolo tune it miy inijiiiiutint or numim took place between ri y individ ual of rilhrr jiarli und myself J now ham no rriollrt lion oj it." Thia gentleman bus a poor reculh ctiou. The last tiruo ho cuuvassed for Congress, it waa witli a Dcmticruiic "individual" by tho name of Jnlint II'. lllarhirrll. who. on the stund at II arriaon. duriiiu their de- ! hate, inarched tin to him. face to face and aaid " vou lire a ti d d d liar!" Rut ' J I this could not hnve been " unpleasant," as he tuniely nil. milted tu it ! Ir is due tu Col. lilackwcll to any, that in the reci nt Athens letter., endorsing the integrity, patriotism and honor of Cre.icr, signed by Demociats, be says his signuture was forged to it, mid that he did not sign it, or outhoriie his name tu be attached to it ! Bpeech of Capt. William,. i Janice Willinnis, of Chnttniuioogn, held I forth in this city last Saturday nK, and ,d with a long, dry, and n-1 1 hoinl tiic en imercstirig compilation of iiiatteiw reia- live to Jackson, Clay nnd lluchanun. The oif ho seemed to be drivint; at, waa to convict Jackson of slamleriug both Clay and liuchauan, and to exonerate Buchunuu. llo nciiicd to salii-fy the Democracy of the corruption of Jack: and in turn they cheered him. The I'npluiu has no personal popularity here, and could iiolhavegol up a crowd, but, for tho report startled that Uov. Johnsou ; and John K. Howard were tu be here and ! ! ujares the audience. When tbo Cap- 1 lover to Democracy four yenra J . i 1,ie-V1ilw4Wr1--Wln--Yilti! tit-" .. ,i .1 tain went it?, IVni 1 culars, at ( hattaimuoga the big party carried Chattnuuooga, ami Jlamiltou ; ,. i. i., u,; ih.n l,v i 'r Juie ((ire , !., .. . I 1 he man is in a very embarrassing post- , linn in, w. lis a snnrsirter of Ruch.inart 1 r, ua a suppoi ir-! : lie was lormeriy lite eunor oi too Knoxville 1'ost, the borne organ of hia broihi r-iu law, John II. I'mzirr, and i. r l .1 I'.r.l. f. K. H..l.nn will, .,,. llifv. and certainly with great bitlerneaa. The fol - lowing editorials arc from the poo of Mr. U'.li;,.,,,. iho fir.l ,.f wine h will he ti.iind in tbo Fust, for Aug 1,1813: Again, the Wbiga have .elected as a "" . -- --- - candidal for the next I'reaideney, Henry Clay of Ky., an old fashioned Democrat, dyed in tho wool, born in old irginia, j tb. home of JMiiocracy, bonorcd and ; aa, p eu , . .- --- " i MilllHB V -.h..svi an ""' ...I ... I.; M.rti. V. It..... ..f , - - I N- V., on old black e.x-kade, anti-war ''ederulist, bluo as indigo; and JAS. 11 L11ANA. ot i-ennaylvanra, wlio de- tared trial "ii lie naa a amp oi I'emo- ratio blood in bia vcina he would let it ut " Who aro aupporting these old I 'cdcralita ? Licofocoism, with James i i. Folk at it head. For he due not 1 silate to pay tint be prefer either of; nem to Henry Clay. From the Kuoxville I'oat, Feb. 17th, I if44. Re it Rkmemhkkf.u, That the aame party the Democracy, j -have declared their readlncsa to aup-1 ort JAMKS RI't'IIANAN, who de- lared in a public specoh on the 4th f ' eons quite aatiataetory lo ouraeive, wisn uly, 11.', that "if ho thought he had ! to'' froin " obligation, and to dia iy Der-j.Kiratic blood in hia veina, he ! conuect ourselve from, nd not bo consid ould let it out." ered aa member of the Order, commonly Rk IT R.Mi:Ml.i:ro:ii. ' called, "Know Nothing!," from thia date That the tariff bill commonly known a the "Hill of Abomination," waa pas-1 J in lo'JH, by the Tote of Martin Yan I .iiren, JAMI-S RI't'IIANAN, Thoiuna j I. ReubMi, Richard M. Johnson, &c. I The moat unkind cut of all, however, the following, liearing upon Crozirr ' ith more than ordinary force, since the j Old Line Whigs" of ll!), "kicked him ut of the Whig rank" and put Cul. .ndervin in hia place: , rr.. lb. Knn.-lll- IW, X.) , I'll. The Argua is nut in defenco of Mr j yler. We wish them milch joy in their . ninn An amiable pair, truly ! Con- j eniality of aentiment and feeling will : on r-.i.iriiay i. go. nasi ic ...c.,.-.n ..ulilh-is awe-ten the rugged toil, of life, j rally Nmlh Naaltv. le, gave a coover be mu.t be hard run, when the, .n.n wlin h purred at a aubl.e Uble m iek up the trait., that have been kick- 1 out of the Whig rauka. We agree with Capt. Williams, that the oena must Ije hard run, or they Would ..t "pick up the TRAITOR., who have sen kicked out of the Whig rank nd further, they are hard run for aak a, when they make thi-e TRAITORS teir hading oratoia. Y'ciily it prove lent lobe the rag tag and bob tail of ao iety." :HANSF0ED HoWIIERTEB It Co. See the advertisntcnt of thia new Dry iiaxls llimae, in Naahville. Theae gen emen are Wholeaale dealer in Foreign aid Domestic Dry Oo-sl.-, and their Itock impriaea every thing in that line, from me ware to the very finest article. hia new firm ia offering great berpain i the trade, and c luntry dealera will hare y do justice lo their own interest, if thay iii to give their asavirtinent an examina i. Rranaford A McWherterare clever no we knuw them wtll. BARCLAY MAHTIN'BBPIiECH. Our old "friend and pitcher," tba Agent of the I'nul office Dupurtmeiit, came iutit town luat Saturday nif'ht, at about 0 o'clock, aud pitched in among others, in front of tho Court Jlouae, in behalf of Huohanan aud low wagea I In the course, of bis roiuurka, he auid hi bad aa m ue li right, as a llovnrn tit officur, to make political apecobna, m a Minittrr of the tiutnl hml, to ijii ulmitt tfimliiiiil on Me uthrr ti.h ! Thia kit at Know Nothing 1'araona, would have been in bad taate, if the audienco hud known ului the ijwHki-.r Km if tiny had known, aa we happen to know, that ho wua oneo the i-eiiiiiey iiuliillul I'mtiir uf a 7(;ii(i' Chun-h, and left off the Oin fur politica, aa one that paya better ! While upon l'arsoua, we will inform Col. Martin, that the liuchauan purty have a l'araou on their Klectoral ticket iu Kentucky. They hud more than twen ty l'araou power iu the Cincinnati Con vention, aud two of thoae electoral (lov eminent officc-holdera, on their return homo, addressed their Sag Nicbt brethren at the Market House in Nashville. A brawling tobacco.moutbod 1 'arson cdita one uf their lluchanun sheet at Murfrea- borough, and ia auid to be aa good a judge of A'uiiur. as Kx l'arson Martin. Anoth- ., aiw the iS Ni(.llt r , ,t Holly Springs, Missiswnppi. They huvo la Jlethudist l'arson editing a low dowu ywU As,vil North Car- n .. ' , . , , A 1 ruU ,Iul .' tt 'f shining light, edits a leal dirty Sag Nicht organ ut l'iucastlc, Yirgiuui Thi.v have a nrcsa in (ieuruia owned oud conducted by a S ir Nicht l'arson, of I ... m,.,lj;.i l,,rmi,,' Thev IUU ,'innwuioi wimw. v j i have a pious l'arson conducting a liueh- j unan puper in Alabama, and still another in Maryland ! And in lllinoia aud Mia- ; aouri, they have ,o more, one a Me tlio- I In Middle iii e-niiuio d'"' tu olher 1!u!,lil't Tennessee, but tho other day, ""n I Orayturd, ot iieuioorauo noiorieiy, au- i 1 J j I .. .. .... - dresseil a largo crowd at rumrav '' ' 1 Roads. And yet, in the face of all these facts,- thce Locofoco lovcra of Relliun, and , order in the Church, aud dignity in the Ministry, have the impudence to apeak i 1 . ot being sliocKcil at tnc rusn oi i urso,,, , into the ratiba of the American party . . - f, i A ua ursim haiiiuiii. The liogus Democracy of lsjli, are ainking atill lower iu the aealc of puliticul degradution-and truckling to the foreign Catholic vote in this county. At a recent American Miifs meeting iu Harrisuuville, l'a , Mr. Rlandard took tho stund and exhibited the ritual a amull phainphlct of tho "lH'CHANAN ANTI-KNOW .NOTllINti ASSOCIATION," of l'cnn sylvana, which had been bunded to him by an oflieor of the Association ou thu ground, who stated that lie would not tie lured into the aupport of the Jesuitical minions of the 1'ope, or the doughface l'rotcstanU of our own country. Mr. lllandard rolled up bia slecvus called hia witness on the aland and went to work .... .1 . 1 .1. . iu curueat reading frum tho ritual, - . .r , , .. i nmn . iim ISiiiMlialiain WiiirtvHrgWoVo'W nx-ueKiarit eoin7a'ui.vV - . "n-L. i i. iii. ..o.i. iiT 1st Thia Order aba I bo cnlleil, !he "Old Line Aud nuti Know Nothing Aasociation." in. It shall be composed of a Presi dent, two Yie l'reaidcnts, and Seoretarv; to meet aa often as the Society inuy deem it expedient, setting forth the time and place of meeting. 3i. Relieving, as wo do, that Know Nuthiii'Msui haa arrayed one portion of our fellow ciliien in deadly and lasting hoa- i.. ,!, lh L iUht plant- I blood- i ..... ,,i, : cd the seed of future note aud I flicd. It haa taught men lo think ! . ......... . ! i,,..,,. of Irnuson In our linvernuient. IV I m'isring oath, tn violate tho Con.ti- ' .ution: by the introduction of teat ol tution; by reli-i,,.,, and tests of birth place. religion, and tests of birth place. U,h Tl,o.r,lianrineile which we I hold, and will aupport at the ballot box, ...... . r . I re : reedom and er,ua.lty, the .Mivereign- ; .y or ino peopre, m i 'Tn i ,7. i MJI 11T VJ I Ubj. TT 1111 illt.ll Ti aa " I '.:.n ..J : cjipi.-mu. j Ctli. Freedom i m'of Religion, freedom of j i " rraukly gWing my opin ;cueral dilhiaiou of knowl- ! loo, 1 would not desire to have it under ' j stood in the name ot pledge. At tho the I'rosa, and gcueral edge. 7th. Resect and protection to tho richla uf all 8th. The right of the State and Territories Wad minister their own domes tic affaire. Oth. Common brotherhood and good UOOU v. ii n i ,1 I,,.,... Will to all finrrwlu to thott.rit thn hulitr- V .. l.j.i if tA 1 1 it: Hero ist ho. form of the oath which they administer to thoec that wish to with draw from the Know Nothing; Oath. We, the undersigneds for rea- i So help ua tjod 1 . Kignaai: KUNSINQ TIIE PLATFORM. YYbat tbiuk you, peuplo of Tennessee, and of the South, when Andrnt Joii ' -m publicly admit at a table at a Hotel, that Ruchanan can't be vindicated, and that tho Democrat moat run thoir l'lutform and not their candidal' ! So oy John (i. FiHiire'iN, Kk , and C.ov. Johnson will not dare to deny it. The last "Nash ville I'atriot" aays : John (i. Ferguson, Kaj., in hia remark , '"J "" u n"n"; . : ..., lul.un an.. ... . :' -I,;..!. .1,. I...- .l j Ut' Mr httma; muXrfrAfUtt could ; ( defended, and lhat llie aueceaa of ! the democratic party depended on running the platform and not the man ! TIIE STANDARD ON JONES. The KnnrrilU Standard had an edito ria on (iov. June, the 17th nf April last of which the following ia an extract : W never have been an admirer of June, nor do we ever expect to be, Iho' we are willing to do him justice. We bare alwnja looked upon him a a III M- m o. We thought ao when the men who now opp.avi him ao bitterly wcreeulogiiing him to the akiea. We regarded him in that light when in 141, be w first dag from obeeurity out of the cedr glad-a of Wilson eountv, and put forth as the chaui- pi on of the whig party against the lamen ted Folk lhat opinion wu confirmed when we heard in that canvas, hi coarse vulgar and empty harangue with which he everywhere iles-ked and disgusted the intelligent portion of the tu le. Again was that opinion continued when intrigued himself into the I ruled r-lulee Solium. And aiill more recently when be lul him elf down from the IncJi puaitiou he ou eupied lo dabble ill tho dirty, pl of po litical gaiiiblingand stump leaking ill the campuign of IHU'l, aud averv ellort to ele vate himself hua only tended to aiuk him lower aud lower, and to day ho alauda a In, ul on n pur with audi ea-Keuatora aa lion Turuey and Holon Uoihind. Iu bia tirst speech iu tbu Seuuto, thia Mu-audttr aloioat ruarcd the ribbutia off the ladies' UiuncU iu the gulleriua, aud tilled aveu the lutlo messenger bo) a with luughtcr, who bud never belurn liatcncdto I slump speerli ill the Senate. The wholu course of thia "fuaa and leather" stall aman has booti inaiked by the vile oalumiiy and iufamoua slander and traduiiliuu which he hue heaped upon thu uiau und uriiieinlea of the Democratic pur ty. While the lute whig parly eiisted ho wna tho ring-loader of the oluu who did all the dirty work of tho purty. Ho did it faithfully and ho did it well, in n'a uii,y. Fillmoro'i Erio LottorA Fraud. Tho dnjirrution of tho Doiiiocmtio party ia ti be found in tho villauioui fraud they aro duily practicing upon the public, by tin mutilation of Mr. Fill- ii.:.l. more a Lne Letter. Here la the fnumii- "lu . .... , tnl copv. aa it atipruni in the Ricliiuond Kuijuirer, and all other Locofoco papers, and as it ia used up in the stump by their uruluis : ttiMu Oia Kmiuirur. The curliest imblio deiuoustrutiuu a- gainst aluvcry of whiuh Mr. Fillmore ia convicted by indisputable evid-noe, wua i ...,i i I : . .1... ... .r . iu Di:ie; and bore is the proof: Tin Br!. Lallar. lt'HAl.o,Oet. 17, 183S. Sir: Your communication, aa a Chair man of a Cuuimittee rppuinted by the unii.i,,i.,.rv sneietv ot tho couutv of anli-sluvery aociety ol tlio county Krie ha just come to bond. You eolicit , my answer to the following iuterrogato- I ""J.., ynu bell(,vo tlmt putiti0n, tl) (,,,,,( (1C subject of alavcry and tho slave trudc ought lobo received, reud, aud respectfully considered by the repre- fcntativca of the people r i i , , n..ii..n of Teins to this I'uiun. under ! . . , (.imnmancca, ao long an Bluves ure . i ti 1 new uierciu r .... .. . e -...... Jlnril. Are you ill luvoroi I ougresa ; exercising all the cmslitutioiml power it .,. i l,.,li.l, tin. iiiuiriiul slave rn(jc telweep tho Statin f j l'ourtli. Are you iu favor of iiuiiiedi- I ate IcgUlalion fur the abolition of alavcry j :. .i ii:...:.. f i- 1 V j ,, cll(;al,j I (.(ie U) cntw !nt(J M ariruiia-nt, or lo ex- i plain at leio'lh my reasons for liiy opin- II . . r. . J .. . . . ,1)t 1 shall, therelore, lor tlio preacnt, i coll(llnt myaclf by answering all your in i terrogatoriea in the uflirmativc, and leave ' for ,o.e future occasion a ! Jiscusa.ono. tbewtj"'- more c&iciiucij .MILLAKD ITLLMORK. Here follows the original letter, gar bled, mutilated, and cillaiitoutly iniarepro aented, by a act of men who tiro now ad vocating the election of an old gruy headed Anti-alavcry, Anti-war, Anti-Democratic, Low wages, l'ennsylvania Aris tocrat : TIIK OIUllINAL I.KTTEIl. IIlkiaui, October 17, 1M8. Sir : Y our communication, of the Ifith inst., as Chairman of a Committee appointed by the Anti-Slavery Society of Yon solicitous jiii j .VwaectTr-ff -lerf.igatories : First. Do vol the county ot J'-rie has just come to uanu. wcr to the totlowmg in- : ' ...... ,. ... ' ""t- u" ""J "' " "-v - I the slave trade, ought to be received, read and respectfully considered by the renrcaentntives of the Pooote ? Second. Aro you opposed to tno on- j Ri, jts nitntion from the Aroostook Ui '( vtoua tiigtit, iu iroiu oi our uuun nuuso, nexatiou of Texas to thia I'uion, under j tn() (j.jldon Horn . Who proniisea eoon- to addrcsa tho Fillmore Club, and in coin any circumstances, ao long at aluvoa are olnT ; tlc pnvoinihent, and spends scv-1 forwnrd to apologiie for lint apeakiug, '"'i,'!, !,Tin . . , , . : cn,)-fi "lillio"" P" ttnnu'."' on.AM of ' 00 account of bis extreme biatineness, bo J bird. Aro you in favor of Congress i jt in .wlrainf! un$ corrupting Ha para- uu ' 1 "erciMiig t ill the oonsiitutional power it ! Pi l abuliali me iiiieruat nave trnim tieiwen ine (-(Hies r Fourth. Arc you in favor of iiimiedi. r" lg"oi."" y" "" i ,l, l),,ir;,. ,,f Ci.liiinliia ? i : ." . . . . 1 " f-'- "U I 10 fnter into an argument, or to explain ""f " J "V " - I "Wl. therefore, tor the : present, content I " 'f'K " "r l"",on- ' , - . II inrp.ura. j di,. ; I cussion of the aubjoet. I i It! . . 1. . il f . : 1 I WOWO, However, laao una occnMoi. iu i " "w ' n i i- nA .r;.n..;u.. !.., r.., " v . ' ' leresi to tnoeo lor wnose auuragea i am . candidate, 1 am oppoaed to giving any pledge trial snail uepnve me uereaiter oi all discretionary power. My own charec- . c- .v. ...I icr must ue ino guaram-c ior ma geuenu . i - , i . . , corree nes of niv leela atlve deportlte it. r .. . Ou every important aubjeet 1 am bound to deliberate before 1 act, and especially aa a legislator to posses myself of all the information, and listen to every ar gument that can bo adduced by my asso ciates, before I give a final vote. If I aland pledged to a particular course of action, I cease to be a responsible agent, but I become a mcro machine. Should aubat(iient events show beyond all doubt that the course 1 bad become pledged to pursue waa ruinous to my constituents and disgraceful tu myself, I have no altcrna- live, no opportunity for repentance, and I thoro i no power to absolve me from my J. obligation. Hone, the impropriety, not Ui auy absurdity, in my view, of giving a pledge. I am aware that you havo not asked any pledge, and 1 belicvn I know your oound judgment and good sense too well to think you deairo any auch thing. It waa, howver, lo prevent my miarepreaen i . ., ... .i . . i laiionunmo pan oi oiuera, ittaa a ubvb . .i . ? .. felt it my duly to any thua much on this aubje.1. Yery Respect fully, Your obedient servant, MILLARD FlLLMORi:. W. Mll.tJ", Km , Chairman. Since tbia Krie Leller wa written, llr.Nar Cl.AT published till statement to tho world : j "The foundation of my preference ia that Mr. Fillnmie haa the I Kiecutive lioverntnent with signal auc I and ability He ha been tiied and I found true, faithful, honest and onaeien ! tioua." t Inoe more : i "If there should be tloaw either North i or South who desire an administration for , the North ua against the South or the I South aa agoinai the North, they are not the men who should give their ouAragra i to me; for my own part, I know only my J country, my whole connt7, and nothing j but my oouutry." "I ran never oonaent to be one Ihing ' to the North ood another t the South. 1 ' ahould despise myself if 1 could be guilty of ueh evasion I "ia the language ol the lamented, itn- mnru.1 Cl.AT" "I had rather be right than I'reaidenl." "I con fens also that I am a Jevote.1 and unalterable friend to the Union." Mil l AHU FlLLN'iRI.. DOCUMENTS I DOCUMENTS I l''lll,MiiUt'a tsflfci li , iu pamphlet form, Now HKAHirfor sale at tbia offioi . I1U per one thousand eopio. Send iu your urdora, aud circulate the uoblo speech es ! A Olorioui Lotlor. The following letter from a sensible and cousialunt Old Kino Whig, in West Ten iicaaee, to a relutivu of bia iu thia county, ia luuro to our liking than anything we have scon, in the ahupe of a letter, aiuco the present canvas upetied. Rend it, Whiira. Amerieaua, Demoerata! read it with care i YYimaiw Hanks, Aug. 11, 18.ri0. .lfy Y'dir iSVr : V uur Intlur of tho (ith lust., waa received to day, and 1 hasten to allow my appreciation ol your kindness by writing nt once You write aa though a contingency might pi asibly occur which would induce you to vote fur lluchanun. No such eveut can occur to me. I have surveyed the licld ; aud evuu if rillmore sluiuld be beat a thousaud times over, I could not ao hu miliatu uiyaeli'aa to vote for any democrat, much leaa auch a hoary hypocrite und jug gler aa llucbuiau lie haa b el nearly torty yen in puuuc mo wiiuiuas ncoici . j j i ' auid or done that wua iiingiinuiinoua or , it . i. . i.-. i. .. wiaef What la he but a trickster, a weathercock, a trimmer, a moral uownrd, u paraaitc, the Batterer of Jaekaouaudtbe slanderer of Clay, without the courage to deal like a man with cither of them 'I What ia the Cincinnati platform but a rtwindle 1 It ondorsea the Kansas bill to catch the poor ailly Suth, and then its ......I ;.!.. t.niu on il )tm luiiiiillnr anvrpifrn- ty construction to save the North. The platform U done to be swallowed by nit the democracy; but, in the language uf old Ronton, "to lie jmked Vji mjain" by those that duu't like it. They have al- ready puked up the Internal Improvement lugredient, by overriding poorlercea two vetoa. And thu Senate baa just pull ed up the ;no-l'oreigu ingredient by adopt ing Adams' amendment to the Kansas bill. They are death on tlus Tariff, and yet they nominate a hih protectionist who voted )r t"e UnB ot )S:4, 8-8 aurl M-.- T h bvdioiihobia of l'edcraliam, and yet iiuminate the mau that denounced ii' .. i...i: l .1.. ...I...U 11........ dcueisun, .uuu ou uuu ua. ..o. av- a.i.n in tii.irn Kiltnr lairillal tliun itnv fun I) j -- - -y - ....u, 'llini. Inc.. ll.r " nuiB. . - Uic )r people, tlio dear, people; auu nouiiuuto an uHstocrat who wauted to ru- duc wages to tlio Kuropcan alau iurd. Tliu nisculs uiuko great prol'cssioiia of j respect for old lino W higs. I uiidcrsuiud I uur IjtcIirM. uinl tliov .nt tool inc. ua for twenty yeura, and hunted old Clay to bia grave like a wild beast ; arid if wa l i i: i.. . . : j 1 .. U'... 1. : .... had a candidate now ; if (jeu. Washing-1 ton wit alive aud wua uur candidute, tho i ,, family, and would not probably (ill hia wicked wretchca would paint him blacker ; oppoiritments in the last few counties, and than Satan. 'I hey are a pretty act to cull ,ia( nt) drunuueed the invention and pro oil us to help Ihcui out of dunger. Who pngntion of the reiort in the most often brought the country to ita present puss? hjvo language. Sirs, 1 hivo to reply to Who kindled aud fanned, by their eternal j t,iS ti,nt ( J0V. Jones intended then to harangue, tins abolition tluuicr it iio ar-1 rnyed the North and South against each other, und dug the gulf tlmt nowaeparutea us? Who furnished the abolition candi- datea for the I're.siden'-y from X44 down? hat are liiimcy oud uu uuien ana i i til o aud Fremont, bit. demoerata ? Who invited and encouraged tho tide of immi gration which ia about to overwhelm the lund t Who pandered to tho unholy paa oions, tho wild i'.m, the lawless cupidity of the rabble? Who stimulated and cre ated the luat of conquest and annexation, regardless of our prophctio wnrninga gainst the da.igora of expansion and an- jefviaiif Whim"" c"vet " 4 ii-Awy to htkai. the island ol Cnbaf Who ia ever ready lo bully foreign" powera, to get the credit of bravery at home? Who "thunders in the index", aud fails in tho I ppi-forninnc-e? Who pledges to put down t ,,u Llv..rv li.r.nGui,m " hh.1 fnrtliwith he. jte, f Wbo denounces, as midnight con- Biiirutora. tboao who love their own eotin- trymen better than the Iaizunroni and I'd- . . l.;urore? Who prencbes up liber - Hmy d toleration lo on, arm yei oaira- :' .J I..,. J. .. U' I i ana iiui.1,- uu... .."i h, I American or Democrat that dare, lo think fl)r Wmft.m it hat light havo you or 1 got under the Federal (iovcrmnent ? Aro we not more under the ban than ever poor here-1 tio wa under the anathema of Holy Ho- t nt'.n Church ? la not the lowest Irish , laborer on your railroad fitter to till any Federal office iu Kost Tcnncseo than l.'.-mxrr Atrxaiutrr : and in a contest lie- tweun them, would not the Foreigner beat B the Native? Dowu with thia monster, say I. Down with this foul, false moekerv 1 tbia veiled ( Iiril,ilet 0f Khorassan ! Down with tins i .tupendous linposluro ! j C()Uj fju a (pure at thia rale. 1 go j for j.'jilmoro jf Du other man in the 1'iiion goca with me; and such powers aa (iod ha given nic ahull be devoted lo bia cause. Y'our aunt are a ardent aa 1 am ou this subject. We will have a hot contest here. I have to take acme part in it; and will make my firnt speech on tbo Kith at Ma Bou'atJrovo. - -mm - ' J.OTWO did not hear the apeechofCnpt Williams last Saturday night we hail, . . been apeak i ng in Rlount, and returned late at night. Rut thoae who did hear liiui, any bo wa a bitter in bia opposition lo Fillmore, aa be pos.-ihly could have been in ISoO, when Fillmore' I'ualiiiaatcr (ten era!, turned hia fathrr-in-ltiK, lluiill (!HA II AM out of the 1'ost Office at Taiwell ! Thn Ttflmrwatin FailnrA, The Maaa Meeting and llarbceue by j .1,. Vonan Catholio Democracy, came off hm Thursday. It waa the most I ' i nam. . muni rot.iire inai ever oanic oil in . . 'F . . " . . . .L .IT! . t. . -ii .' .i . r Not more than two hundred and fifty pcrwina composed the proceasion. The muaie wagon wa filled with t'orri.jmr,. rvnoaviuc, in ine name oi any pany. And Foreigner, dnu.kand swearing, did the ahouting, mostly in nn ynkmnrn Vmijvr. '. They had, at tho Stand, about whet we usually have at our Club meet ing in the street any tvmi to wine hun dred, mostly Americana, who were thoro through a deairo to Witness their failure ! They failed lo have apeakero there, and had to fall back upon H of Auu, who en trrtained the crowd with a dry, and badly delivered apeeeh, defending hi apoetaey from the American ranks, and telling the crowd that he Wu never initiated in a CoUQil, but in a elure ifl DanJridjr. ! What will the Democracy think of thia omMr, to whom he denied, eolcmnly.,1 time and again, last auuimer, that he ev er wo initiated inlo the party I A I night, the small gen? let off in turn, and thn ended the farce. W( felt sorry for the leaders who bad contributed t.ieir money aod time, to get np a krone. Ii waa no fault of their they wrote letter, and lent out bilk, but the honest trull, is, the people of Ti nn'se, ar ft Fill- mora, aud they oun't ba luduoed tu about for any one else I 1'. H. It. 0. I'alue, Railroad Commia aioncr, made some rouiarka after Walkiua, and made a better apeueh than Wuikiiia did, but offended aome of Iho Rcmuciiili by admitting that Rucbaiiau waa once a 1'cdorulial I Xloleon Annual Coufuronoo. Tbo time for holding the Session of the Ilolston Amiuul Cuufcrnuee, ill Knoxvillc, haa been i banged by RlNilup Anihikw, aud will coniineiicii on the 'J-lid of Oelo- ; her. . . - . . SWKC.T WatKR Cl.l II. The pro-eed-iuga of the Killmore ami Douelson Club, al Sweut Water, came too luto for publi cation in thia weck'a Whig, but ahull ap pnar next week. Alabama Domoorauy A-lurraudl There were ei;i( tlujuiind persons at the American Man Mueliiig at Selinu, Alabama, on Ulst inst. and a correspon dent of tbo M'mtijomrrji Mail who wua p relent, thua uicntiolia a Jlrmm ratio Se cret Cinulur which wu discovered aud reud In the meeting : "We have diaeovered here a aecret cir cular issued from the Montgomery Advcr tiaer office, warning the demoerata that if they do wit bestir theniaelvca vigorously and iiistantcr, that Alubuui will be car. ried fur Fillmore. It eulla lustily b r help and aaya that the State ia in danger of be ing lost In lluchanun. Thus it admit confidentially and aecrotly to ita own par ty what it deuics to the world." Aaron V- Brown on Gov. Jouoa. In the Nashville l.'uion of Oct. 117th, 1848, there ia a roporld aud oorreoted speech of (Jot. llrown, who canvassed with (ioT, Joiici, and who came very near fighting about iiieatioua nf wconVy, on uiore occasion! than one (iov. Rrowu thus cloaca iu upon the "Old Line Whig" liovernor in ibis October speech : (lov. llrown anid be waa turpriacd nt the course t iov. Jones had pursued; that be held it dishonorable; aye, dishonorable, is tho word for one advesury to assail another iu his absence, or when bia hands were ticl, and he knew no reply could be made. Thia course, said be, wna not the rule of high and honorable debute. liut, aire, I understand from reporta ble authority that at I rnuklin, (if lie did it hero, I did not hear it) he complained , ( himu.ward fr0, Mia- : .iKeippi, 1 fabricated and propnguted a re- I purt that he aim probably bailor would i 1 . i a.. ..i wnm home on aecnrint ol the sieknesa of ralsc a question ol personal veracity wild ' ,nc j vum lm 0 remember that in all 1 (,a, rolajca to veracity, he lives in a glasa i house an frail that a boy'a marble can j (mash it all to pieces. DISCUSSION AT LOUISVILLE. On Saturday lust, we accompanied Col. R. . BliAiuiiiN, one uf the Amciicau Klectoral candidate, to Louisville, in Rlount county, where Jo tawia and John ' 11. Cruzicr bod out printed bills lo apcuk on the iaauea of tho day. Croiier, aa , M : ' , , - como up, but Bent Maj. Lyon in bia place. It wua (.'ol. lliubaon' fault that Crozier did not go, ulthough the Colonel did not intend to prevent him, but ou tbo contrary, desired to meet him in debate, llrahsnn was called upon the pre- auuuimccu. llm oe e.,, ... ,.. ,.u,. t roner me next uay, ai iouisviuo. jiiis knocked the fat in thofiro! Croiicr heard the announcement, backed square out, and sent the Mnjor over, giving tho frivolous r : ' ' ther-m-law, Capt. V illiama, had come to . him. W hon the Democracy want apecch out of Orolior, they must give him an assurance that no man will be there to reply, who knows bia record I . Rut, the speaking went nn. Young i Lewis occupied the aland first, and pitched ... k- v,i,;ni.l,n,., ,. , ,-, . . corruption! aud tmconititutioniilitu, at a i , j dying rate, and quoted largely from the , Knoxville Whirr ! Col. Rtabson followed in a Idling, argu- mentative, and eloquent speech employ ing bia hour to better purpose, than we have over koown any apcaker to do. Ho arrayed ail the odioua political aina of Ruchanan, and tho absurd and inconsis tent measures and principle of hi party, and wound up with a dofenae and portrait of Fillmore, couched inbnruing language, and delivered in tone of lofly and ini- ionod ,,K ,U(.h f(.w ... , . ,. , mwuia Id. nf III. mlii.i.a ronnrrf . . ,, , ... . Ul rilUIDI UUI liailUII. 1..M. V.IV V. II. t." II.IH-h aeorching pieces of eloquence, we have listened to aiocc the opening of this cam paign. , Ho waa listened to with marked attention, and hi apecch had a fitto effect. Ilia district, of which Rlount oounty ia a part, ia destined to make a heavy gain. Maj. Lyon, a good Whig, but a politi. . cal nn'. followed, and occupied hi i 1,our' '" n """eeeaafu! effort lo cxcue ' 5lr- Ruehanau'a contradiet..ry, absurd and inconsistent career in politic. The Ma- . , , , .. , , , lor alala-il that the llnni.kpraLa in hiil ns ; a I Aonci Mr l'ill""rc, were not aiocere, and i lh,7 But enUtrlaiii the favorablo opiniona they had expressed, eitherof the man or hia odnihnatratiot I And a to the Catholic, he donied that they ao knowledge the supremacy uf the Dope, or that they owe any allegiance to the I'ope of Rome 1 The Major ia old euough to choose for himself, but uur advice to him ia not to make political speeches, but to atick to the legal profession I We wound up the ball iu a speech of one hour and a half, a we refused to be limited. We commenced our address by atating that our neighbor Lewi had now gone far enough in hia war upon Know Notbingism, and that kit peculiar relation to that Order must now I set forth. We told of his difficulties in gelling into (he Order of onr swearing him in on dark night of the mijrrmu with which lie took the obligations of his demand of A nn strung to run before lbs Councils fur the noiiiinstion as a candidate for the lrg iilatnre of the written obligation ho en tered Into, a well as his aworn lo obliga tion to abids by the nomination, and lo lupp'irt Ihr nominee of hi crawfishing out uf both, and Bucking to bring out another candidute aguiu.t Anuatmug, be oauae be had got the uumiualiou ovorhiui and dually of hia acknowledging, in a privuto ruutu aiueo, to two ruapcotablo yuuug men, that ho uaiue into tht Order only to aeeure a aunt iu the Legial.turo I Tbia last churge Mr. Ixfwia denied in to-lu, prouuunced our iufurinaiita lit.ra, and demanded their liainea. Wo gave him the name of JOHN M KLK.MlNli aud MOSKS WIIITK, whoui wo endoraud, und whom the people woulj emlurse, when limy iimu in cunllict with Mr. Lewis! We now add, that tlnco other gentle men were ptewiit, ami austuiii I'leining aud White, iu thia buuo uf veracity. Wo adiise Lewis, aa it ia now customary, tu chargo the departure from truth, in thia case, on (irn. Jaikmn,M he aecuia to have fabricated oil the alandera ugainat Iluchamiu und Clay I Wo advised Mr. Ix'wia then, and we repeat the aaiuu now, when he chooses to spuuk where we are ti take part, to auy nothing about Know Nutliiiigisin, or wo will cause the affair lo go off al hia eipeuac. Su ended tho discussion, and if the Democrats were aatialiod, we know the Amerieaua were. rruu Uu U..II.III. I4lrl.a. Jamea C. Jones a Prophet. Ho aaid, iu a speech at Lebanon, Sept. 7th, 1841, " If a party thua recllosa of conseiUeuca; thua unmindful uf the high and solemn obligation! of patriotism, ahull be continued in icer, what immu nity will the moataacred iiistitutiuua of gov ernment, the most valued and cherished aafeguaida uf aociety, final from their ruth nssaulra; will o irt'o treat and moat cheri shed of household gods, hud security from tlicfuul dcmnnlikc spirit of ngrarianisiu nnd llioboeraey, that pervades the Bcrriedrauka of Louoloisin. No, air, there ia notions ao pure, ao aucred as to bo able aucceasfully to rebuke the mildness of auch a spirit, or defy it malioe or cupidity. 1 wnru yuu, my, to pause solemnly before you givo your conudence or support in auch a party with auch principles nnd practice. Rc not deceived by the ayrcti aong of Democracy anying all is well, lay not the Battering unctiou to your souls if thia party bo continued in power; ero another fourth of century has made up ita record, you or your children may, when tilled with vain and fruitless regrets, find your only comfort in madly hugging the iron letters that bind you to a hopeless destiny. May the Oud of Washington and Liberty avo thia once happy people trorn a fn to an fearful." "1 warn you, my countrymen, to pause, pause solemnly buturo you give your con fidence or support to auch a party with auch principles aud id practicY'.".. HARD We have before ua a dirtyHaiiofiico pa per of the li 0 1 1 i list. , styled tho "Ranuer of Liberty," published at Middlctown, N. Y'., in which John Rri.L, of Teuuessce, ia represented as having "renounced all allegiance to all former political tiea and entered the Democratic ranks." This is the more amusing, aa Sknathii Hki.i. hud, eight or ten day previous to tne dale oi thia pr, in bia place in the Senate, de- j dared himselt in fuvor of Umaiouk and DiiNKl.iioN, und gavo bis rea8ons lor aup- porting them in prclorenco to uuehauan and jsreckeurnige I The orator of that party arccverywhoro representing J. Sci.TT Harrison, of Ohio, JuihiE SlliiUTKllKiK, of Alabama, W.M. R. Rkk.ston, of Virginia, and a host of other distinguished Fillmore men, as hav ing gone over to Ruchanan. Their object accni to bo, to lie honest men out of countenance. Their game i one of brag, and when Ibcy tell or publish a lie, which is a daily business, they aim to make it equal to truth, by sticking to it! knoxvFlle CUSTOM HOUSE. Wo are ploiucd to know, that through tho untiring energy of our Representative iu CongrcM, Col. Sskkii, the bill baa passed both Houses of Congrcs, appro priating S!)7,000 fur the erection of a Custom House. I'oat Olhco, and a Federal Court Room, beside money to purohase the ground upou which to build. For particular!, we give the brief letter of our Representative: IIiiusk or llrv , Aug. IX, DviO, I 111 o'clock, A. M. J" ywr SVr ; An appropriation of eighty eight thousand dollars with ten per cent, added for contingencies, and an indefinite additional amount to purchase a location has paMed both Houses, for erecting at Knoxville, Tcnncnace, a Custom House, Court House and l'ot Office the build ing lo be of atone fire proof throughout aixly by eighty feet and sixty foot high. Y our friend, WM. II. SXKED. Tho Fillmore Party in Maesachu- etu. . The Mate Convention of the Fnlnaors Tarty in MasaachtiaettB wn held at Uoston on the 20th inat Then were 619 delegates in attendance. Auo A. I.a aiaca, one of moat popular nnd able men in the State, wn selected as their candidate fur Governor and Homer Foot for Lieulrnant tloiernor. A full electoral ticket waa nominated Win. Appleton and Charles E. Siockbridge, Stat Klecto,'. The Iloston Ledger saya with regard tc lha Stale Ticket : W need only to point to our ticket, and ask our reader to vole (he name of Ilia candidate. A belter Itrk't waa neror pre sented lo the people of Massachusetts. It will hear aludr, and the mors It ia atudied the better it will run. Of the Convention, the Ledger slao aaya : The Convention, yeal.rday, waa a most gratifying triumph of the genuine, Nalionsl, Conservative, Massachusetts feeling of the working men nf all classes in MaMaeliuacli. We ntuat acknowledge that w were tarsi agreeably disappointed in the numbcre and enthusiasm of the assembly. Il waa s fore taste nf the feeling- that will actuate the peo- I pie or the stale al Ins ouming election. The Tmntripi, apposrd to Fillmore alvi i y i It a Maual over In. Pnt..rli,.n it aiua'l lie admill-d that tits friends of I'tll annrs elacAd the tinea! men, or else the po litical eheminry to wnicn l lie party haa twn : . I.e. ...1.1 . i , j 1 of Naiiviam." The Boston Daijr Adrrrtitrr make the -following announcement of the preference .' of th most eminent and distinguished ' Whigs uf MasssckuMlts: Wa learn that a paper was In circulation t yesterday for ignature among the H' hire ' ii, ii-iriru. a uuiiima uu, ma rira auiu of thia city, and thai Ilia namra of Messrs. Kdward Kvsrett, K..lrl C. Winlhrop, W m. Applelon, Ueorg ). Ililiard, and Luther V. Itell wars appended, with others. The sign ers slsl lhat, before eipreaaini an opinion on Ih rreidenlil question, II..T hd de Slatted In awail the arlioa nf llw Whia Hlals ('..nvenlion, to ba held nn th Ihini of Sep. lemher l bst finding that their silsnee nv thai reapeet hsa 'been sniainlerprrted, thef take lloa seeaaina aa say lhat thay a iWidrd areleninrs I't Mr. I illiam over either uf lbs other candidates.