OCR Interpretation

Portland gazette. [volume] (Portland, Me.) 1805-1805, July 16, 1805, Image 4

Image and text provided by Maine State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045636/1805-07-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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r V * *« . • f
y. < *\4 f, 4 ^ b. »* wi-.j*
OnNfY 5 IMX,
• TAVI re • ;.vJ. in • '•*. t:o» :.* thJr Vmrf
> ‘ '* *dW'irip*>t, a frefh fuppiy of. fancy and
CT.\ rl wh:c?i thcv will Veil as vheap .*«
♦viT.-'r ~ v.hi - are•
3 Cafc% CsUrocs, ncvvo‘1 tr.ttcr-^,
t J* fir; j.’ vondofl Mule »ary,
1 -Trtuifc TM Shoes,
1 C..fc Dizpcrj » k! T^h** Ljuen,
An el***artt a'.ii rment of R:bw>ns,
±.ia (ii'jvo*, w* c. ^_
Wvik! 11 t "l oolb atiJ XUroccriJ'. kept
Couftantb for fflq » 7 h
Cnck. jrv amt Uts Ware.
* • * , - »
4 .r< /,.■»; Av/ s»/x. / r</. »* A- r «rfj A/u/iw J'tjdramr
£V~ Aii'i'Vrwf,
R()iU !\ 1 CROSS,
1.7AS rerrved by tht'TLlt*». an- fur r*e, a large and
-*4 Haicfiite afiertmcnt of .PARK;
Blue, Prr.fi d. ;*a..:r?d, Chial GUatd, *nd
£n .wiled War*,
Croat col-red Ware,
t- C atn I’lu arid Greer, edg’d
4 do (k T\v! tiers,
t do do. MutBuS,
*5 uo. Oval IN flics,
1J do a<T.*rted tupl an4 ductrt,
2 Jo Jngg%
M do- Mu^r*.
So '•rales Aborted Ware,
l j bbd« do.
SO boxes China, *9 prices iararh.
8 Crarcs € tufa Ware.
Country traders may be fupplieJ by tire Crete
•or Package at the fhortevt notice.
.*> tuft, ?u<\ __(ft;
DaY .& IU**AY,
Have fir SH't
?0 csf.::. phthidclpbkt Powdalr,
Ju Gu‘is and ii.ij onets,
So C*. aldfom of Coal,
12,000 v.t r.acou, put np in (hippiug order.
N<>. ’ - . otk,
Ubls. RoJit- -Calks Rice,
boxes Spermaceti Candles,
Boxes Mould a-J Lipt a allow do.
Chefts of Kyfun, Hylon-lkia, Souchong and Be
hen Tea,
PhiUir -hits Loaf Sugar, by the caikor leis<it?au
J00 Hl»ds Liverpool Sa’t,
10 Pipes rreuth Brandy.
At-’o, a general aflortmeni #f
H,rest- In Jki Gt a . ( cries,
which they wi J fell ou the lov^cfl terms for caflj or
approved credit. _ Jun< _
Ji fchua KioLard&on,
a\T,. 3, Long-Hrhat , Jcr Sc!?,
100 do No. 1 & 2 Beef,
150 do Nos « or :* do.
lOO half bbls reels do.
30 bbls. No. 1 Pork,
40O»> cwt. Bacon Legs,
50 boxes MoUid Caudles,
SO calks / ,, . u- ^ 1
.. £ Jlai« Vv me, J
SO caies>
8 p-pe- t. n, £ EntithJ to Ddtnivrt.
l4o Gin Cafes,
it pipes Coguiac Brandy, J
Souchong and Hyibn-bitin Tea, funericr quality.
Ra veas Deck, j
Tar, Pitch, Rolia, Spirits Turpentine,
Bags India Sugar,
Malaga and Sherry Wines, perqr calk,
Boxe. No. • fie 2 Chocolate,
Hiids. Mpiaffe*—N.L. Rum.
MeJLines and Groceries.
Juft received, and now opening for faia, by
/I.' Store, Fare-Street, head of lerraiart's Wharf,
A FRESH aflbrtxnent of DRUGS'* * MEDICINES, I
wiiub with hi, former llock, forms a complete
cdbrtmeat in that line
SURGEON’S INSTRUMENTS of various kinds—
Medicine ChefU, for lhips and families, prepared at
•u prices. ALSO,
London Pirt;cular Madeira, Lifbon, Sherry, and
Port WINES- Claret Wine pcrgroce or dozen—Hol
land G:n—(Td Jamaica Spirits—ETence of Punch—
Create da Noyall—- Broun Stout and Beer, per barrel —
Burton's Ale.
E Ter.ce of Sprues, of the firft quality, with direc
tions for each jug, put up fuitabla for the Weftiudia
market. 'tune 25. 1
William R. & Calvin Stockbridge,
TJAVE juft received from Bofton, ar.d are now open*
^ * ing an audit R ial aiT<jrtm«*it of SPRING GOODS,
Ia*ely imposed, wiuCd they offer on ruaioa&hie terms
for cailj.
Like wife, a general aJortment of
r We-t-India (*o»>ris.
fj* Thev defire ail thofe whom thrv held Not?* 8
gni--.ll in May latt, would take them before the twen
tieth September next, or they will t>e put :n fuit with
out further notice—a* the firm of JJrn c3* William R.
Uto, k&riJge is dilTolved.
Xorthyarmouth. Jane IS.
p ESPECTFULLY ml onus hn friends and the pub
lie, thdit he ha* taken the ftnre'lately ccupiud
6y Mel: $ Diviti St Jjb\ Fix, nea y >pp"h e Gross
&. Trass’s in Foret b'eet, w sere he has for laic
which he w.ll dupo e of on the moft rcafonale terms
for ready pay or approved credit. _ Jane 18
'Vil.US & vnovs! it Y, ••
T ‘• kVT juft 'cceived, ’n addition to their former if*
V* fartioeu:, a few Trunks of
1 t'hinfiablr Fr**lh Goods,
fu:table far the prefect fuafon—Should they be fuch
G * d-i as .ire wanted, the price* cannot fad to tiuit the
pjrcnafer* ‘'rune 'F.
Fiour (bind!-*.
*rCTT received, *y JOHN P THURSTON 5c Co
J FOR ta.t, At *V . 4, Ctmtrml Rett;,
HO bbt*. fine ROd fupsrfine Fiour, part of which
particularly for fam !y Uie.
6 ) buxes Am<4 and d;pt Caudles.
J.t 13
_ ... ..... .. .,-« —

1'rdh Ft»»ur
TTT.7T receive , »nd now lard trip from S!oAp OUre
2 JO Vm. fu jeruaeand fine UaUitaote Fiour, it;
v*h>ic 3i*d hdf bin ets. Stud 'or Sale by
tf. at -Va. 19, V^vt-Kor-rf.
'I'limi V bhk T -'r.c fVk, Po» Satr,
s*i bit Store in for -Jlreft^
Who has for lair, as ufu-U,
Ft:rhfi\ Jt fji In dm Gcft/ij Grocer Us 9 &£•
Ju’v 2.
1AMT-.S C. MU.I. 'ill), r"fpcc!Uu!lv in- |
| ft rnv ids Friend.-, and *ne public, that he has cost.
„ u , .. keep eotiftsnt- ;
,v far fa!e a large ai.ortn.eaof bLYi S. lie alio will j
ir.UH>rt. tad keep oa hand,a £*<-at variety oliNG
j Ha 1S— litre* i»e, Hatters J RlMMlKtiS, PA
\\ R-H.-vNGilwo, Ac. a- tuuai, whotdaJe and retail,
ol. f>»fdbuahle terms, for Caili or approved Credit.
COCK’D HATS made and trimmed at the thorteft
notice, from 7 to 10dollars.
A? S, C4jl<js At to, lortland) 21. ^ _
goldsmith and iewelltr,
fish-Street, o /era Jctin a cn: Aujinc Bani,
p E^peiftfully iuferms his friends si.Cthc public, that
' he has received from Eolton, su aduritai abort*
tueiit of
Rich Jewelry and Fancy Artu rs.
Among which are—A variety of Coral Bsedl, and au
elegant nflortntent of Finger and Ear Rings.
He makes Table and l ea bpoon*. of any pattern
willed for—Stone Knobs—warranted Gold Necklace »,
Ac. witb other article*, a* cheap as can be purciiwed
in town or ilTewhere.
£ }. (jafli given for Old Gold and Silver, June r25. j
1 .ike Notice.
* HE copart ntrfhip of BARRY A TODD, is by ;
* mutual content this day ditloived • AI! perl’ons
indebted to faid hnn. arc reqceQed to make piyment ;
and thole who have any demands agaiuft Dal krm,
! are defired to exhibit their accounts for ftU’ "uctu, to
JV/.’W, 7x^2,1805. 1
To the honorable the Senate *r:d the honorable
ffa Hovfe of Riprefcntattves cj the Lsmnion
'wcallb of' Mnfuhufettsi in general court af
fern bledt June, 1B05.
1 r lUMUl.Y ihtw, the fubferibrrs that the road
| H. a*»t prefent travelled »rotn Port and to Nor h
vermouth, b v.ry circuit' ’ «-< e1cy, *w,J
u luap.blc of being made a good road wh'"Jt
gitacr erpence, thin the to* t s through which it *
t.iffa will ev,.r he a!i c t<» e coun tr 1 hat :t t t'»c
Puff jo.d fr« m P. r Uod to KencHue river .r ’ Wtf
c fT tt» and is l ectffiriSy much of. i wi h borfir*.
tc in* and c-uri yes that i s preknt dirc&i'in it
cit.fks Prelumfcot • ierr, at a p cc * h rc the hai ki
art io ex« ccding’y fietp tha: a iravt «rs ire oblige I
to leave their C'tT'jg‘i to oefc<.nd ii« 1 aicei d 'he
fair e—That a bri ,e m,y l-e built erof- the fud
r ver nearer the mouth i -rc< kwh ch won d 1 im n- j
ifh ti e liiO.mie from P. rtlinc to Northyaim u'h. at .
ledl two miles ; and wtrch w« u » give a ;month, j
level r.'ad between tkok town*, much t • the advan
t.v e of ‘he "nl»*ic at iargc. and the .nL-ii'itants t;»
ti e Ddlr a of Al ine in partial ar.
Your pt itiontrs he e ore pray that chey and foch j
fuch s mav be a flue idled with ihtm, may be Hirer- i
pcr.oed with ilce power* ard ptivj tgt&as have l ecn.
grautel'-o o her piopHuorj of bridges, to tredb and j
munta-n a luo'g-, from Tl.owpfon’s Point, on the i
eiftern fide of(& d Pielum'pfcot fver.toM rii.i’ |poiit
omhe v e on fide thereof or a* near thofe poit t* as i
m*y be f< nod c live a, lit . and that a rc foil-** le 4 ' l j
m y be eft b iflifd as in other c ks Ol the like n*- ,
tore—And at* in dot b und wi I eve pr v.
I* V\C P iKK R aad thiri) -£ve other*.
Portland, May 14 1805
In Sena’e, June 12, j
ONf the petition of Isaac Parker
and otliers, i raj it g thit they, ard fuch a* m. y- be
fociatcd w.tn them may be incorpoiatvif "for
1 the pur^ofe of trecti<.g and miintainto* a bii sgc
lr<m lhinnpf n’s point on tiv: caiteui fide »f Pre
fnmpfint r.V(.i in F (mouth, in the county of C'u>v»
bci land, to M rind* poin ,cn iht wefttrti h«h of fairi
river, and that a real ual» e 'oil may be efiab.ifiicd
as in other calc* of iken ture—
0*0' k. 5 that the petitioners caufe an attefted
copy ol heir petition with this order then on. 10 be
puh'ifhfd i.i t’'C Port and Gizcttee pr in e I at P <rt*
knu, three week* f':cc<-fljvtdy, the laft publicati n
of w it h to he hit tv da-.-*, at raft before the third
W dn Way of the nri* f f&on of the pre cut Ge'*.r
a< Conrt that all pc Tons intcreU d h rein may rhefc
appear and fhtw »-anie (if any they have) why the
pi ayer of faid petition fh< uld hot be granted.
Sent down for c meurrenee,
H O. OTP President.
In the H nfe of R-prrfe itPtive?, Ju 4: 11, i8o<
Head jn l concurred t
A true copy—it e‘t,
WfcNDKl k DAVIS. Clerk of Senate.
"1 '•HE fub ertbcr hereby give* pub! c n ticc to a'l
8 concern 4, that h* hi* V»ecu duly appo uted
atlvl K * * taken up n himfe'f the trufl guardian t**
of Ncrthyarmoutn. iu »bc county of Cumberland, a
noncompos, by giving SorvJ ;* the law d re A* :—He
therefore requ;'i all per Ions who arc nd-bt*d to
the f«id Bohcft-npo*’ eftite, to make immedi't'
p yfijent j and thofj, who bav«; any demand* the* eon,
to exhibit the faOte to
.V»r#*y*r»»'«eC Af r /
lake Notire,
T^H R Cioparinet Trip under the firm
of t EWIS Sc *U33H. i* by mutual confcn
ihi* day ditfolvcd. — All prifonis indebted to f»f(1
*rt rc-queU d t i c*ll immediately rr.d f tc krbeir
COUut* with W li.uiM Lt hi, at S»roudv-arrr, ir, Fa!
Ft!minil, *fut*e rj _
l^iVR' Copartnerihip of L Ii a i\I
1 PION and TILL'BERY, * this day dciolv j
d by niu’ual cor.f. t ; and a l pt^l< ns haviu^ «c- !
»ta sopca with f i l f4 a in r qucdeJ to call anti
fUi’.e the fame witi, the fubferi trs.
danifl tilsdiry.
Ctnoty, r*vm’ 2 ». » R*'- |.,
I’HR Cop.u iii :;ki‘.vcen 6Hid
^ Ui I ft j . H VsF. i t* •§ day 1 fc!;\
et bv IMKUit COuff.lt .— A'l p?rfoa* iodeb td t t
i*»l f.rm arc teque te j ii’ c t i am! Itirle th.1 Ac
tum* with j>AiMUSL CHAii •
l lui Co3perin^ buhnefs wiH bt!
r.rricd ('a in in.&.e t y *AMOEL CH V*IL,
J**rtUi \ Ju\e ay, i tjy
moke nr.tr rroc&$. _
t ♦ 'TT n VM infix lias juft rrcenred. t»
> N ion to bis f .rner affortn.ent, and now t fTci*
U r fak. -i his fiwe ill /-r#-6Vrfr, a luudiou e auon
] r'j.iHi 5: fJsriluaTe GoccJs.
1 tVewife/a fr.rre arfti general aifartlfteat rf
\\ t*{i I’ t-ii:i (Tf.ot*1, ('rot he.
All winch he will fell m the moB reafonable terms for
cafli or api»rovcd credit. 7** •'•
Olein? to an error in t t foflcrwirg ad
vertisementtf Lands, which r as to be sold on
■ Jt , mji. th* the-e:f ‘is / Jtm
; :r.ed to the Lin d day cf Sej timber next
NO IKE!) hereby ' ivea to the aoureh.lt t r o
__ p i t r-*, ni « w.uns of the Id owinj oi *l,J ^
right of iAi.tl i i li» Uwiii. in tha county oi L i*n c.
thar th^ v an. axtt* for tat year »*h4. •»» dl. torn
m tt.u to ok l> co lc»5h *’ idlow* . — Viz
V. «• t 2 9 - "* “ ?
J " « £?" >.m *
F** a ni ^ is O *• i ^
dT «MI 7 O . <M
/. co r - " “*• ws'«
mJ • •"»
* *U
r t V7 ioi a * »9 17 j
12 x do i o.i 3 17 3? 3 *1 !
X iltl I O 3 17 j 7 3 4 j
j t da xoo 7 3} 74 6
t4 »di jo 3 *7 a8 a/
4 > 3 do lo» 7 33
. N » i">o * X S 19 I
j 1 do 100 3 I- *8 %
2 do 100 3 IT 37 3
j 3 ilii I JO v J 21 7
", j ri® J0i> 3 f i x8 a
t, 3 do loO 3 2* *.
1 j Fi I o.» 7 3 J 7 4
t; 1 do 1 J 3 JI O x
2 < t.w ico 3 j; 37
24 2 r i* Too 5 u i 8
?x I (1.) 1 o j 3 *x * i 1
x'i I do Ito i * 7 »9
y' 1 no ico 3 - 8 37 3.
i\j x do icO t 15 36 J
14 x Cn ioa a xt 47 4
:t t (i« too 3 ^x x* a
26 2 da 100 3 ix 28 2
27" rr 40 t 7 «5 1
1 3 K. 3 a 1 * 9
9 3 do joo 3 17 37 3
I 5 j ua yuv i
7 * 3 clo JO? .2 7 3
it 3 do *co S& J
13 .5 dr, io) 3 37 5* 3'
25 3 do n. 0 3 11 a?5 a ?
16 3 co ico 3 I* *3 X
a; 3 do 7; 2 8 19 *S
4 4 d» 200 3 *7 35 5
j 4 do ICO 3 11 l8 It
8 A do ico 3 ii ail 15
9 4 do ico 7 3.{ 74 $7
tr 4 do ic» 5-5 5^ 5
1? 4 do ico 3 ‘7 al 3?
it 4 do 1*0 7 * J3 74 <7
*6 4 do i;o 3 12 a8 *5
27 4 do ico 149
aS 4 do as x 4 9 8
10 5 uo ICO 74 74
I a 5 do ico 5 *5 56 8& 1
»V 5 oft 1'o t) 1 48 1 3 j
11 5 do joo 5 25
17 5 do 3 14 a 8 51
48 5 do joo 3 it ai 51
4 6 do j co 3^ 5 * j
5 6 do ,cO S -3 i6 ,5’ft I
6 6 do too 4 i A? 4i
16 6 do 100 3 7 3 7 33
17 6 do j00 3 i7 ,*7 33
18 6 do 1 o 5 a5 Sn S°
73 6 do ico 3 17 37 53
8a 0 do 110 3 17 3 7 35
4 7 do i<?® 3 *7 3 7 33
18 7 do 100 5 *5 <6 5.
II 7 do 6j 1 7 15 ij
ti 7 do 50 1 4 y
4 X do 100 5 1* »8 25
5 8 do t o 4 Xi “ 47 41
6 8 do ico 4 a3 4 7 4*
1 1 8 do V>0 3 Ik i3 15
17 8 to 10a .1 17 37. 3 5
8 8 do *. Q) 3 17 37 33
15 £ cm :co 3 17 37 33
6 *K do * ico 3 1/. 37 3.5
*7 8 do . *• J40", 14 98
»I 9 do 50 14 9
>3 9 do led 3 17 37 33
37 9 do loo 3 17 37 f?
i; to do ico 3 17 37 >3
»6 Io ico 3 1? 37 33
it t1 50 1 4 9 • 8
4 JW /of, ICO 3 17 37 35
5 do - i 05 ts 7 5<> J^>
6 * do 100 5 25 56 50
7 wttt fof, 106 *5 1 2j 7® 48
8 bond do 7.0 3 25 ? 56 5°
18 an 100 3 17 r 37 33
. » ,t,» 1. n 1 If 11 1)
3 o W v» « V j ( V ' • *
do ico S *3 3
36 to 70 5 i J *3
3& do 100 5 a 1 47 4*
45 do xco 3 *7 3- 33
48 do no 5 23 56 50
49 tro 100 3 23 56 50
c5 do ico 5 tjr 36 30
58 do 100 3 ia 28 25
59 d° too J *7 5 7 3-1
60 do 100 3 17 37 33
70 do too 3 aj 56 ‘ 3d
77 do I »> 28 13
8j do ico j »A :8 *5
86 do 100 3 i» «8 sj
87 do 50 1 8 19 19
9J do joo 3 *7 37 3
■ <U do ICO J 1/ 37 33
ro3 do ico 3 17 27 3
i©8 do ico 3 17
til do no 3 17 37 33
lit do 1 ro 3 »7 37 3
»’J Srt:t* 3 *-> 7 3 5 74 67
1:4 do 23 X 4 9 9
1 y 00 :5 x 4 98
1 6 do 30 i t 9 8
t a 7 do €0 -i 8 19 17
1:9 do 50 ! 4 9 8
t,5o do 7JO 23 1 -J •
i'o 5 is. 100 7 33 74 67
21 6 £ 7 _ <3 5 25 <6 50
Ami uidcfs i. ‘ j nJr* are paid on or before tut
third Cay of Stt>jtr.d <r at feu o’clock, m the
fore net * to tt.ych «.» ha id i. Ties as o'ilh’ay the f
ai.ft eh iiV.erviti'i: thar £<.*, he * id at pu«:;c
v ;« t art!.. 6 /c *in a ufc o .VJ* ; }'hj.it, toa
holder} i» i Od ISt d*it».
I v j SI * H SAXDBC , N, c Ih^cr.
£ e, fefr 2, I gsj.
Wo'iun wit; 1 a goon br-eAtt o!
»r-iT’.: wid. 3 t»‘ t* < a (*h?M ij v »-!*■.•—! rrj-iire o
l! c V.H'trr, ’hw r
T<the 2*'face.
j HE CM nbrr hereby gives piMicmcric* r9 £
concerned, that he has been duly appun„d VJ
as t»w:n Upon h.mle'f J.e mi ft of an Reo, r ’. , i
aft wiW a»*d uftameai of DOKALO ROSS,” L *‘ *
'*rry* id the County of Hancock, merchant, dtxti* l
by riving bond t, ihclaw diretfts s He ihcref- re !j
jueus a’» pcrfc.ni who nc indebted to faid dec*
eftate, to make immediate payment; and thole w|>
have any dt-manD thereon, to exhibit tlw fame fr . j
tlemeut, to DAVID CO LB
Qtul ljUtvugb, June JO, 1805.
'THE fuhfcriber hereby gives public notice to ail
*■ concerned that he has been duly appointed, 4),d
has taken upon Lirufelf the tu.it c; AdaunuLator on
the eftate of
ate of Brw»fi»kk, iu the county u Cumberland, yeo.
iaiao, defeated, by giviujboud as the law didfts.^
He therefore re^ueft* ail perfons who arc inucbti-dtg
the la d deccaled'e tftare.ro make imatediatt payment;
and thofe who have any demauds therein t-o exfc fcl
it the fame for .et dement to him at his dueling hcuie
on Little river. JOHN U UN.
June t>7, 180$._*J y 9,
'| HE ful feriber hereby gives gublic notice to ail cot*
* ceruvu, tlvnt he has beet: duly appointed, and has
taken upon hinUelf the trull el Admiuiftrator on the
eft.ue of
laic of Portland in the County of Cumberland, Mr.ri
uer, deccaled, bv giving bond hs the law directs —He
therefore reaped® all ptrfons who are indebted to the
f. ul dcccafed’* eftate,to make immediate pa' meat; ana
thole who have anv demand® thereon, to exhibit the
it.itid July l, 1805.
j 'HE fubibriber hereby give® public nct:ce to a!! con
. ccrncd, that they have been duly appointed and
nve taken Upon thendelve* the trull of Executors,
> 1 tlie cft:«te of
te of N tb-r in the couatv of Cumberland,
coman, deceafd, by giving bond as the law di:e<fts__
'hey therefore requeft all perlons who are indebted to
u laid dtce.ileu s vUaie to make immediate pavirents
.d thofc who have any dcaiar.as the:eon, to exhibit
-c ihme to
Stephen Harris, :
Dated Ju27, 18r.5.
| HE fubfcriber her-by g'ves vublic notice ro all con
ccr 11, that, he has been auly appointed and hae
iksa upon himfelf the trufl elan admimftraivr, ca
tht -Rate of
late of F. lm.-v.tl, in the county et Cumberlard. Gentle
man, deceased, by j^viug bond as the law directs
He therefore requeft* al! perfons who are indebted to
the laid deceafed's eftate to make immediate payment j
and thttfe who have any demands thereon, tt> triubit
;;je fame to
Dated June 12, 1805.
rT'H£ fubferibers hereby give public notice to all ccn
* earned, that they have been duly appointed,and.
have taken upon thcmlelves the trud oi acmindtra
tor*,cn the eftate ot
11 moth y ha mplf n, la *e of cv£o»,
in the county of Cumberland, yeoman, deccafed, by
giving*boud as the law dire&s :—They therefore ie
q:;'tit all perfons who arc indebted to the fa.d decea
fed's eda.u. to make immediate payment; and thole who.
Lave any demand* thereon to axl bit the fame to
DuJeJ June £7, 1805.
rl HE fubferiber hereby givea public notice to
* concerned, that the has been duly appointed, and
has taken upon herteif the truft of AcLumiihauix etc
tiic of
i-te of Talmevtb, in the County of Cumberland, yec
i«au, bv giving bond as the law dm Eh — SLu there**
fore requdl\ all perlans v.ho are indebt d to tine fr.id
clecealcti's elute, to n.ake immediate payment ; and
thole who have any demauds thereon, to exhib.t the
Dated Jnme 27, 1805._^
I^HE lu d«;ri -er hereby g>ves public notice to al
roucerncd.tUit he has been duly appoint.!
and ha» taken upou hi infill .ht trud of aumiaiftfatos*
on the- tftatc of
FZ*; KIEL F. FOGG, of ftandifh,
in t* c pittnly «if Cuuit Ci iaint, leant r, drecued ; br
gisin;;! oud as the law dirc&s r—Hr thertf ic rwqinft
: a ! peff >nj who art indebted to the Lid d((tsf«
I ed*s chatc, to make immefftitfe payment; and hole
w ho have any demands thtitou tu olibit ibt Lute
! to * FE I 1 K Ac OWE, AJmmjhaicr
I Daty-jne lu, »>i 4 _
1HK fubfcribcr hereby gives public t.otice o A
concerned and he been duly apfuiuted.
janditxs raken upon biirtfd f the tmft if AJuuuii*
i tratir on ihe eftate of
late of Fi’moutU in the ccin.ty «>t b umhtrland'yeo
man, d.xcafc 1 by giving boudas D e law directs He
jtUcrclort rtqueUs ad pci (oils who Breiddeht-d to
tke laid dcccalcd * efface to ir.aiu immediate p
j mint : and fli fc.whohavc ar.y ctn oiidx ihtuntlL
to txbi. it tu« iar.te to
•Dated ^ur* > ?. i c r . ,
.- ——.
| Hfc. ^uAlcnoer.iidicbv j^tves pujlbc
uctice t all cinuetacd i*ut ft e h a* b'C« du y
appointed an I hi- taken upon hcrlt.lt the unit of
odiUtnilVrairix on tlie eflvtc of
ate of Durham, iu the vcn uy of Cumoc aland. yeo
.ma dtet ltd bv giving bn ,d as the law diW*i
the 'hertforc rt quids alt pc too*, vthbaic ini’eb *d
q the (hid defeated’* e date, 15 make umncUtvU pay
ment ; ?nd tiiote who have *i y ik.iuau-stiu.reuu, tt*
exhibit the Ionic to
f A A ’•ff* i j, to j
I^HE ftrbfcribtr ii reby » o public » tree tr x^
1 concerned tha (lie hvi been duly a,*p*uwted,
* and h • t ekeu upon Kerfs 11! < ;:yd of admiuTtrator
oil .tixe eftate ef l).\V:i>L LR .Lr>J Y.
late of (lorliim in faiJ c*'u t , tr hr dtccakd
hy "fvuijj bo d as me U« c.:e«5l, : the therefore re
T-?_-:i£ a • pesfon* who ate i»dc..;«d to the .arc dcce*I
I cd s cllate to m At m-me taE’e pjfyr.etit ; ax.ct ih; :C
'r.‘.o .:ive ai.y dtinaud* fhcfeuu, to exhibit theui»c
_t '“d T- *>#_T % \Y 5._* -J _ '
A J Jui: ntrse,
t \X ’ AS *•-' en up by the tchtcri’.er. A* *5tb u’t.
^ a hoefe h'eis a fc*:nh s ?t> if j c ^
• jarto tail. 7 he twrar dv » . v'« juram by
I prov avr property and raving; cr cr _j r b
> "Op' • U ltlTt , . . / _ _ • C -* * '{’* " \
‘ v **'"“» fr*.»a.<caps y I j
l 4 * *

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