Newspaper Page Text
K lW- TERMS ®7,00 PER ANNUM VOLUME 9. REAL ESTATE V AND mtmMCE AQEMCY. JOHN L. 8WITS & John l. rwitr, t. b. hill, v. p. kiddei, RlMk, fup tUirM leroiDN'A Improved & iinpr«ve4 Farias mf B« rlllM« It M®*l feouight, Sold and Loosed• S A E E N ,,1 mi. ..Mlllo OFT1IK lionie 1hn« Cm* if Stw II a if b, To the Slide of Iowa, for the year eMbv Tli" name th' company is, Home Insurance «,„I|IIUI mill located ut New Haven, Tl.i- 11111 of capital stock authorized »,v it*charter in I00"/**' The iiiiuiuiiI ut Block paid in c«ri» i». ii'"',"0" Money on hand and in batika and (loan i-d ..n cull fcV-"") *43,408.112 JI..IH V in till' hands of agents aud CIIUI«I of tnillRllllH.Hlllll Heal eMail- unincumbered, none. l|i:KS ASI. BONKS AMI I*. S. SKIM UITIM Itank Stock, New Hi.. «,900 fil*7 shares New Haven Of XT LOANED OX .sTtX'KN, BONDS, AMD f. H. SKtlltlTIKH fh't Kl«I» Cit# PAR SMKKKT Attm ai»kMook,N. VAf.t'i. taut*. LOaxkd. «M00 |tt,Iti 9S.400 i4iavtia, B«)| iiinnlplacfc ljllai.k tuck, N. Olaven, a all's iuk of 4tu|ublic Hunk **,,000.01 OWNKK HV TIIK C1IUMSI Sim share* Eletn City rva Hank Stock. New vau'B. vvt.r*. Havci 2'X (K ..hares Trdesmen'ti 7,3ie County Itmii. -toi k, .New Haven 4,(J&8 If. :t sh arcs Meichants' mw Hunk Stock, New lliiirn 7,960 l£o giiitiuipiack Hunk ll.tnk Stock, New iLH.M United St ut fit r-20« 55,009 66,835 {United Stales Treasu rv Certificates 10,0W 10,800 Hi .^.uri Stale six per rent. Itonds 2",00) l#,Sr» Hi it Mortgages of 7,«.W 19.440 It. ill Estate, nil lo .ruled in New Haven County Ift.WW .m,6s^ Hiock. N. York, 10,000 104C« lO^MW ""kiti n Blioe Lea 6/ras thcr B'k Slock, ^••w I'.irk, M'|:iiii'l" Cliiitr.n ).'k M.ii'k,Uli:i- 1MM t*tt &^00 s,ow S*a, «'t »ir» Nc* York S/W0 8,000 tt.U.Co.liaven S'-W 8M St .Ck, S.100 8,520 It »!i* l't-UT I'oo •er II re In». or N. York, B8» 0»ilvltilatc» Trea ty Ctrl, dotes. *fM «,lt» «,0W Uti'.t ii st.iUi b-'jo 1*060 1,915 MW S fcvanstilic anil llllll'iis R. It. lton.H, 8,(100 9,000 1,760—$80,.V0 in• Premium due and uupuid, Bill- rei eivalile for )U\miuuiH, T.-'WS 17 tot i rest rtcerued (j 10 All other Sn-uritiea, incloding Of lice Furniture, 8,104 64 Total Aasets,. lar^sseii iii ,, uAULtnaa: •-MM'. Cimklkh Wilsos, Secretary. i'ILY •H"T 10,000 01 0,000 tx» ®lie amount of 1'ikliilitios due or ad due !o linnk- or other creditor*,.. s i 1 jii-tI mid line unadjusted lii.s-jes iti Mi'sp»li!se, waiting 1'ui tlier V |r»of, All otlier cl.iiins tiLtiiiiirit the rniln nV, excejit siin.ll oilice \jk'H es, *|W ureutest umouut insured in any risk, 1 $17,68K IT 658 64 fi,,. ^re.iie-t uuiount allowed by the rules of the r'iiii).i!iy to be insured i.i niiy one city, t-»wn, ,,r vilhiii'e, aeeordiiiir to itssiio, Ae. •pi,.' IT.-litest amount allowed to he insure.! in any one block, according to its letitftli and eonutruet ion. ... 1). R. S.VTTKKL8B, Preheat sa. Count II "F A", ir Hnren, l!i: it Kkvkuughkk, That, on this, thil twenty gjxtli da\ of .Iiiiiuury, A. I. H'it, lieforc the uii dersitrned, a ^.*oUl!llissi^ln'l:, lor 11.e Slate ol loua, inlv ..|i|i.'inlet! by tile ti.ivernor ol the Slate of ]owa, and empowere h\ the I.aivso! the State.if |o\Mi, to administer oath*. Av.. jiersonallv aji lieiired l. K. Salierlee. Ks.|., and Charles Wil •'fon. i'-s.|.. personally known to me to be the Pre iid.'nt and S.'eiila'ry of the Home Ins'iranoe 1'oiiipanv of New llaM'ii, as ly tliem signed to Hie fin ling report, ami respectively made sol tinti oath that the nintters set forth iii the forego ing statement are true. Ix \V itnks WrtrrtKuF, 1 have hereto ri hi ln.v band ami otlieial seal, at my Of- liee, in the t'ily and t'onnty of New Haven, dav ami vear afor«aid. LVMAN K. MI NSON, Commissioner for the State of Iowa. Auditor's Omen, Imta^ Tic's Moines, April MOth, 1SH4. IT /s j//•:ut:/: init u:i. iLlFt. That, .m the third dav of Kebruarv, l^.t, a sworn statement M-n« filial in this otiiee, sliowin« the condition of the Home Insurance Company, located ut New 4la\e!! Ml the State of Coumvlicut. on the tirst iliiv ofJanuarv, A. I. 1in aecordamwith a |iro\ i-i 'H of '.in Act of the tienerul Assembly of the Slate of Iowa, entitled '•.in Art in /ihifiim i, j,,s'irni,i (,.)my'«f»('i." approved Janaary :.'ith, "ls 7. and an Act amendatory thereto, approved uarv -th l"-^v. a»d relation to ,iow /YSF A tA' I.OUIWMHTJ, •toed company to transact their appropriate busi ness of Insy-nncc in this State, in accordance with the laws (hereof, until the Jilsl day ofJauu- Hrv. A. 1. One Thousand Eight lluudred and ftixtv-Five. I* T/* rrtiflfd. The next practicing party at White'n Academy Ilall, take.s placc Thursday cvtn injr. May 12th. No gentleman admitted without a lady. d4t Cam. at Kthoe «Sr Car liar t's, oppo.siti- the LcC'luirc Houhc, for fashionable spring shawls, gloves, mitts, Ac. Thef IkKre choice stock, and sell very low. Axotiieb AVckk.—MeFarland's popular dramatic troupe continues to perform in this city for another week, during which time the «ho*t scenes will be pre sented in the most perfect style. Shipments, bv rail, from Davenport, for the week ending May 7th: 5,000 bushels corn, 4500 bushels potatoes, 800 bushels w.'a-at, 44" «acks malt, 8,U50 lbs. hide, 4 nno lbs. tallow. Ji-stOi'e.nkd.—Another lot of those splen did French and American cassint" res just opened at Krattsv's, opposite the National Bank. New suits made to order in the neat est style on short notice. Gents' furnishing goods and ready made clothing constantly on hand. 2d Cavauit.—This veteran regiment re ports at head ((tiiifters in this city on Satur day next, and leaves to roVurn to the field early next week. The boys are eager to-rei b:n k to take hand at their present pro fession. (ins. Steei.e's Division.—This division seems to have shared the fate of the balance of tfi'ii. Hanks* command. There is evi dently something wanting in that Depart ment, in tl milUry line, tmhnn Jciur als have it. I yet proved to be to be a good investment. Ai'cno* Sale.—Will be sold at public auction, on Thursday next, at corner of 1'ilh and l'.radv street.-', three dwelling hou.-es, all in good repair ami ready for «»c cupancv. Possession given immediately. For further particulars inquire of R. t'ur ran, Marble Hall Saloon. dts. Fifth Suekt Improvement.—Contractor Baker broke ground on Fifth street this morning, preparatory lo macadamizing, gut tering and curbing eleven blocks on that street, commencing at the east side of Iowa street. By the terms of his contract, Mr. H:\\er macadamizes from the guttering up trtKhe ends of the ties of the M. Sc M. Rail road. The railroad company its road-bed at its own expense. The mac adamizing, under the contract, extends west to Warren street, though the right is re served on the part of the city by giving the contractor two months' notice to have the work carried three blocks further—to Mar qu( ite street. The cost of improving the distance of eleven Mocks is about $li,oo(. This aiso includes grading the sidewalks, but not planking or paving them. The work is to be done by the lirst day of No vember next. As we have heard expressions of wonder why so much money is being expended on 3th street and none on streets nearer the river, we take room to state the reason: The M. & M. Kail road Company, get permission to run its track along oth strci*, entered into a contract with the city to macadamize, gutter and curbetlie street, and also io lay down the sidewalks. This, we believe, w as in 1853 or V4. The track was laid, but the company kept neglecting to fultlii its contract from year to year, so in IsjT the City Council entered into an other agreement with the Company to re lease it from ils original contract and take 5 «t shares of railrood stocks in lieu of the wo. k upon the street. These shares were sold lust winter for $2o,0o0, and the city authorities as in duty bound are now ex pending the money nn that street. Rohhuhy.—Last night about f. man named .lames Cartwright, a resident of Ilright.Mi, Iowa, was knocked down in th-- street by two ruffians and robbed of $175. lie states that he had been over to Rock Island to see a friend, and returning in the evening stopped in at Carter's saloonf corner of Main and Front street, where he drinked some beer and smoked some cigars. "While there two individuals present seemed unusually anxious to make his acquaintance. After a while he got up to go to the I'enn sylvania House where he was stopping.— Tlra two men above alluded to stepped out before him. As he went out he saw them standing near by, and being alarmed lest something might be w rong, started up Main street, taking the middle of the street. While passing along Third street he was accosted bv these two men, who knocked n ^March 17th, 1 i'i:.' thut said statement shows that head over his eyes. They closed in upor maid Compaay i-~ possessed ol the requisite amount That John L. Swits Co., of Davenport, have been duly apiiointed by suid Company th -ir awful Agents ana Attorneys for the Cout'uv of Scott, with full poner to take risks wh«*of, IL. 8.] set PIT ha*d mi allxed my seal of office,' 1^ I by Ctrtwright th. men with the Clerk of the District Court in and for whom he saw in the saloon and who after him. Higfih, attached is a true aad correct copy of the said keeps a saloon at the corncr of Second and statement^ hare hereunto Western Avenue, and both him and Wal- are not *5. ^."caWkuT A^dlt'or'tfmaU. I Police Ciurt. At this wTiting tfce cue is 11 r\ i A*- TWliI/Will rv 1 aki.» Ki. mono.—This rebel strong JJiliJj U li U v JV A 1. hold has been about to be taken so many ..j_rr= times within Uic pa«t three years that we and ^Mat^st'e**!*i?i^i»,^re'our**JeM«Tn tb«*T£i2 |Wbear, iu the pi'C8eilt iltottUCe ©f *CT.tUr and are t) take nj n-rtiM-uK-iU aod sabacrSp- jng fcny c. ii. h'.Ki .m, 9i rn CMmgo. an- present prot-pecta until we have some poai tborocd toi ruive iiiisttt •fu.vntD tr this paitr. LOCAL ITEMS. Pine Api'leh.—For fresh pine apples rail at the fjoMen Star, L'.-CIairu Rirw. CuKTKAt T. -The eoutract for supplying camp utennilK for the I days' men, was awankd lo Ji hn Monath. opiliioll, Of sayiug much about the tive assurance that our brave troops occupy that city. It will be remembered that the nearest Richmond ever came to being taken was at a doiiujnstration in this city ab*ut tine year ago. A friend of ours assisted in carrying out that masterly military feat, which came near winning for himself and posterity imperishable honors, but so badly was he cut up when he found tliat his strat egy was premature, that he has ever since stood quietly in the lock ground, and ha.s seldom been say "Richmond," or to remain in any company where the word was being used. We trust, however, that the army massed under (Jen. tiran', and now moving upon the enemy's works south of the itapidan, will continue to move on and still onward, Waring down in its courso, all opposition, and continue to conquer un til tin- fi-dcial (i ig floats triumphant over all, and till the "wayward sisters" each and all see the error of their ways and consent lo once more recognize the Constitution as it is and again restore the Union as it was. The dispatches, to-day, speak for them selves. Our readers are as capable of judg ing from them, when Richmond will be ours, as we are. It may be a week—a month —or a year—it may be ours even now —-may the God of our country grant it. Iiiriti)VEMKNT.—Among olhtr improve incuts of a public and private character, we notice that of our respected fellow citizen, Edwin Smith, Ksq., who is engaged in put ting a line dressed stone wall in front of his rosidence on Urady street, which he pro poses to surmount with an elegant railing, which w ill greatly modify the appearand of things there. TASTE AXI FASHION.—Ladies of taste will find at Kutenbaek's, No. 2 LeClaire Row, tne best selected and most fashionable Ktoclj of Jewelry ever opened in this citv. Jewel ry repaired, and engraved in neatest style. Rings mad'- to order, and watches repaired by the most competeijt and skillful work men. mmttc* couttr sc dfo^vttv. i. SCOTT til CUM AN, JUC-OK. iltl. Blatily v«. Hr» .^gmp-itby dof.itt afa1n*t \V uiai, lido u» »1. iwn by liU a iKWer. -iu'j!. Korr.-nt Me-oiiarits' Ini Vo.. Hartfurd, Cl Jury iriu lor wf iic. tne |i»'::.!ll' ll.'.k i). 74M li.ias vj. S.riui &. Ci., cijiuisioii ai puln tt tl 'l «iO»t. il dtraui v«. Km, diimiusd .at defendant'* con. 7'^Oti. T)i»r'''ig'.afl vi. Jt,«d, jury trial verdict for pi..oiti!r it» n.». 7.-&V. U .V rmao vs. Aotfcory, tdgratnt by da t..ul. 7&i2. McKiir vs. Wi'ron, jadgmoat by defaalt •i([- projitrij a taclied. 7W56. C!o.lin v.. Co ii.aa, j'i lk-m-n. y default. S-Oltf. Kliieeli V. K:! eea, deiuu'.toil. bu.7 Ti .! .Ti v« Itiui ti1. d,» .. sow. Y.-'OTniMf va.Tn-ifien, wit of eortlorerl to i*i:e ou ul! fi 1 tig Setit. ili rwla Co. v*. Krater, Igniiat by di« fault. &O0H, Pat!ron v* M.\'.!li da do. bUc'J. K ild-T vj ti.n.iflui Si. Kepne-, jiil^meiit unit I i liii'd .! I ii rne:.t Be'. U]i uliaWer. bn":. (i.-Hi.t vj. 1 imw ja li{ui ut Iy d-'favit. fUTj. »!.b vs. arkar, jn igia-nt by -fauiu busl. 1 i-r V* 111) vl.lo:., di do 80.-I. Mii'i. »v» ,i u:.^i.-iui do Co I tl-ij. U .i v. Ar,., Bip«ll«e pjy* fje», Ju j«ni)'it Intiow iitlirmrd. \V ite- v*. i'jr^ -:i., UTiSS.U at pialLliiT* rrfit. 7-01. Gotten v«. C.ty of D-ivanp». t, deer, on re i or! i r»-ler o. i St li«'.^b.iclmar v*. Kraut, dufa lit aad decnc 8 i ru cd 7Jiii. klcN' v*. Mit^lic'.', D!.ui »ed. Hjiij. S IV-ei. tt Ucw, d^fanlt and de crpo us pruyeJ. buy. i ir. goa v.". Un, ward, do do 6u4 j. II u..::: w.'il It .l -. I".jha iij do b' 04. Djwny v». S4i)rb'u, SOliMCd by plaltiliif S 7'. Uj'.li-iQ'th v«. li d'ota eatd by pi-i-itlll nr pi aj ed. 8.71. Trij»v». It-is-, do do bi.73 i.unl adia.. vs. Bwo^k, defsnuaiiti dt fa ill 1 ^0-2. U.c:!i v». Dcvs deleidant dcf^ulUd. bOi). Huetiiiuii v*. elioriniii, tf.-laau au«t Cecte» «*iprmyed. BIIKK ITKlMi V A N N ^onilii v rutting an ugly gash in his for approved „, hj|n anj lof capita!, and invested as required by law. Authority i- therefore -riven to the abore na- struggle they got into his pocket ana upon the stole }ie struggknLtO get away. In the money. He described the assailants minutely, and this morning two persons named Charles Higgins and Levi Wallace, were arvesled by Marshal Pool, at th^house of the former oil Western Avenue. They were brought into the Police Court, and unknown in the annals of the Si -CDAT, May 8. AttElVKI). J.IMM Means, Wood, Dubuque. Jkxmf: Wiu.'-ei.K, t'.impbt-il, t't. Madison. SA i. Hall, (ialena. HAW iLLVi:. Mus.ui, St. I.ouis. Xee-nttittMMt, A1 load, St. Louis. IIEPARTBI). Buttday. Sav \vna. Hall, St. Louis. Hawki.TE, .Vinson St. Paul. Nobthkhner, Alford, St. Lotti-t. Monday. Jexmk Wiiii-im.i:, CauitiLell. Ft. Madison. JAMLS.Mkans, Wood, Oubuque. The new and -Mcirunt mail and pas.-onger pasket Keitlisburg, Cnptnin t\ Morrison, will depart for Fori Madison and way points to-morrow morn ing at 7 o'clock, making connections for St. Louis in -Iii hours. For freight or passage ap ply to E. A. Tilebin, agotit. Tin- mail and passenger packet Ttill Hender son, Captain II. V. Dawley, will depart for Dubuque and way points to-morrow morning.— R. M. l'r•ettyriiun, agent. The niajrnifccpnt Northern Line boat Ilavenport. Captain Uulord. will depart for St. Louis to morrow. J. S. Pim in the office. R. M. Preltyman, agent. The Northern Line packet Canada, Captain Parker, will depart for St. Paul and way point* to morrow morning. I,on. W. Eldred in the office. It. M. l'rettrman. agent. niornniir. M:n -th, 1 of ungs, JOHN 11. HKIyli. aged is »ears. Sunday evening, at lo}^ o'clock, at his resi dence iu Daicnpoit. SA.Ml'EI.P. FIDI.AII, aired lil yeurs. of the lutltrs The funeral will take place on Tuesday after noon at 2 p. m., from the ftlethodist Episcopal Church. ECLIPSE LIVERY STABLE! C'or. Zd t- Perry Sit., a v e n o e w s Il4 Horses & Easy Carriages, Single & Double Tramiu StearJi/ Driverg nmJ Atttntire Ottlers THE .VDETtSIONEl) has. since purchasing the above establishment made numerous valuable additions to the stock fresh horse sand new ''--'i s "'id carr.nges havt been ptircliased, and the capacity of the bitiinesu greatly increased. No Effort will be Spared To make this stable in fact as in aaae The Staulk of the city. Horses kept bjr the day, week or aaeath on reasonable terms. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT. IOWA, MOM)AY, MAY 9, 18C4. COMMERCIAL. Bareaperl Markets. OmCt OF THE DAVHVPORT PMOCRAT, Friday ereninr, May «, 1S44. Floce.—#''.•} ,(/7.1 o wholesale $6.oo$6.40 re tail. Wheat.— Kaklbt.- |l.'"@Lit. o\TS.—i "i(ift»7. C'mv.—7.r(rf •»'». White Heats.—#2f^^2.GC. Ft. XSKEIi.- #2.'« 'f.T"J. -IT). n i i r.- 'J m• &o. 'lo v nn.- 7." Potatoes—90^731 Hctter STc. Ko'is-Jiy, Shew l'ork Market*, 'ir.v Voice, May 9. f*otTox -4}nicf at sr.p. Fi.oL-it —!"(«'t''e lower. .oo for extra $7.3'»(/i7.f,- lor Mipi rline. Wheat lower. $1.*.5 for Chicago Sprintr *V"5@l.r7 Milwaukee am. ii.roei.7s waiter reil. ("i.rx—•l.SS fur old mixei. (Iats —-«7(f®SiJ. Pork—Higher. |M.7$ Lm:I—U( Whiskt—fl.lfl. Lumber Mm-kvl. aH hwiMfin*, Miyft. Fr-ncinif fi'22.00 Boards :»S.0o Fi amiiiLr Timber a Joists uaderStt 22.oo 2o feet and over 30 00 Flo. rinjr .".".i«i Siding iil.mi ini-!iiii^, i.r. iniO^i.fH Shingles,...» 4.oO(«f."(..-o I,alii, M.-iir llnarils and Planks 85.O0@40.0Q I) tnand frood- .lttK'ks light. To-Day's Advertisements. Masonic ftoilcc. ALLMASTI.R Mis St A!iE earnest l.V rri[-:/ i r. i .: U.iven tirt l.o.lire. »•. Iinlf paat ons i/'ci-.-ck tliid allt-riioou. to at.i.nd t' e cr»l of Bro. Jdha II. Btll I •firnagos *. tli be lo attenciuiiC^a W. F. K!DD£K, W. M. __Ma_9 18-4. ALL PERSONS 1 NT EH EST K I) H7I/#/ T.IM* K .YOTH E '"pil.VT TIIK TNIH'USICNF.I) llAVK HKKN I. bv the Mayor and Alderman of the City of ll.ivei.polil, ila eo-iitnittee to equalize and e e e o o k o A s s e s s e n s o s i- i I v for the year Is. :, and they will hold their liieel iii'.js the Council Chamber* For ton day*, coiamenrlng on Saliirilay, Ike tlst Day of Hay, instant, at o'clock to i oMm-k a. in., ittid IVotii i o'clock lu o'clock p. tn. (if oifcii daj. II. KENT. i S. IIIliSt-UVCommittee. tlKO. S. C. I'liW,) mav9-d2w THKEE EIGHTS ft.VLY. a krman tueatrr. TburMlnT, I'rfafin un«l »nlurdnr, litk, lAtli A I llh. OWliMJL VJ JT S MINSTUELI9 A N11 (ombiuatiou of st«r Artiatu, roDipm.ifd ly she wcrlil-fennirr.'d o, Cvimmediennoutid Vucaliat ish KATHLEEN OWEll., and M'DLLB lit/.ETTA GARDNER, The great French Spanish Dan-feme. CHAIlIiEV GARDNER. The great performer, and original HOP LIT! I00." MASTER 0K0R0R, The Yoaog American Wonder. i. R. Jt'DUE, The Lien Buyout, and TEN OTHER PERFORMERS, accompanied ty A FULL BRiPS BAND. AdmUii^i—l*ttriuette, 25 rents Balcony, 60 cents. UTA l'i: OF lOW l. Adjct.ant (Jkxkhai.'s Omcs, I Davenport, May tit'.', laC4. CIRC0LAR TO RECUriTISO OfKICKKS. When transportation paHses ara furnislmd they are only to be ue,l on '(-crulting service by the recruiting nicer, nud for ^dually enlisted men in transit to regi mental reiidecvous, and are to be accounted for every Satnrday to lit. Cot. W. N. Grier. 1st IT. 8. Cavalry Su perintendent Volunteer Rccruititig srrTice,1jy number fir what purpose, by whom and ints between which the same are used. Aa theae passes are entrusted by the United States to those having n commission from the tate, it is confidently eip:s ted that do improper use wit lie made of theui, and all persons are strictly enjoined to report to this Department any abuse of same, when ftie commission will lie revoked. Aa passes are Issueil. they are charged to recruiting officers, and they will be held to a strict accountability by Col. Grier and this De p.irtTOT for the same. When detachment of recruits'are forwarded, a innster anil descriptive ret! must accompany them to l.t. Cot Grier, as the number of men described on passes wil be compared with said roll, wl.en the U. S. Piabursiog Officer vys h-r the transportation. Receipt! of party furnishing the transportation when recraitiug officers advance the fare, (twe cents per mile for railroad and current rate, for stage and fteam boat travel,) should taken to accon pany the bill against the United States for reimbursement as aub- Touchers. Every recruiting officer is urgently requested to re turn forthwiUi, over his own aignatare, bis post offie* address to Lt. Col. W. N. Orier, Davenport, a3 without his genuine signature being on fl!e here, fubaiftenne bills eaonot be pM| N. B. EAKKU, M|iiiiiii a in 11 il if leva. Strayed or Stolen, A SMALL BLA'JK PONY, 4 TEAP8 OLD alar on f-r head. Itf. rnia'l-in leadlrg to 111 reMivsr,- »»«y bw left w.ib J. C. Wnl'aee, und w. 1 iie iiiera'l) rc«ar4 d. .TOPS', ft. WALLACE, DRY COOD8. IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. LATE ARRIVALS. M. Hercberg & CO., So. 5 Stcvud at., UttrojolUan Blotk, Have received and are receiving every day, by Express, the most desirable styles of Fashionable Spring Goods Of l'ari"V* i'ubr'u« and Pattern*. Also a full stock of bleached and unbleached Mas litis. Flannels, to whiph we invite the attention of buyers. Having our establishment in Philadel phia and Baltimore, and one of oar firm constant Ir in the market, we are enabled to offer iatag.1 •MtetoaOwiv B»ehl(HI*wlp War Department,) Wasiiingtox, April 21, l-JM. fo the PrfMtlent of the United State*: Fibst—The Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, offer to the President^, inft itry troops for the app- .t'.ing can:paign, aa follows Olilo, 30,000 Intliniia, 30.000 Illinois, SiO.OOO 1U.OOO WiticonMla, &,OUO Stcoxo—Thu u-tin of service to be an anodic! days, reckoning from the date of muster into thu •ervice of the I'nite.) States, unless sooner dis charged. Tuird—The troops to be mustered into the ser ice of the I'uited Slutos by regiments, when the fegini'-:its are tilled up, according to rejiulauous, to the niinimum strength. The re^inv-.its i be organized according to the regulations of the 'War Department. The whole number to be i'uruishc# within twenty day* from date of notice of the ac ceptance of this proposition. Forum—T!ie troops lo be elolbed, armed, equipped, subsisted, transported, and paid, (if •ther United States infantry volunteers, and to Serve in fortifications, or whet J7er their ser rices may be required, within cr without their respective States. FIFTH—No bounty to be paid the troops, nor the service charged or credited ou any draft. SIXTH—The draft for three years' service to go on iu any State or district where the quota is not filled up but ii"any o!!ief-r or soldier in this spe cial service should be drafted, he bhall be credited for Hit service reuderc 1. JOHN IsUoi'i.ll, Governor of Ohio. 0. P. MOIU'UN. Governor of Indiana Bjt II'l» A'I'llS, (iineriiji of lliiuoii. W. M. SIONK, (lovenior of Iowa. The fore^o :i^ proposition or itie ^'^vernors is accej ted, and tiie Secretary of War is directed carry it iuto exccuiiuu. I. 111 oiil no misuudc-r.sUudiii^ may exist it) relation to the or^ani'/u'ion 4^, the new regi ments lor O.v'k Hi MiuKii Days service, the follow ing rule# will be li 1st. At tiie organization of companies, the men of eaeli compnni will he al'ovcl to ho. e tlioir own oflicers, subject to the approval of the liuv crtior. 2d. Iu the selection of tield otlicers due regard will he paid to the expressed v.ishus of the line oflicers but ns iar :i» pincticible, experienced men will be .-.clui .-d fur Cuiouuis. II. The War lkpart iicnt has refused to allow enli-t'-d men to be dvltt.'lied i'rom comnnoids for tl..? pitrpo.-u ol 11 L-riiiirii^ tor tiiy uno hu-t-JriMl days s,-i-v ice, and ull rcci-uiliu^ VITT. Special attention is called the 'oilow ilig extract from tieneral Order -JOti, War Depart no-lit. A. ti. series of lvW: All expenses incurred on account of rei ruit:i heri-afier enlisted by recrniliu^ oilie.-rs, either 1.1 or new re^iu'i.-nts) wh shall be rejeLicd it'ter liiedicbl in.-pectiou for vuciuustW -ability, ex stinv at tiie lime of tlioir enlistment, will be hur^i-d ou the master hi roll, opposite the name if the oliicer enlisting them and -topped from any ia) which may thereatter be due Uiiu Irom the tuvft'tinifiit." iX. On application lo this otiiee recruiting of ficers can procure blanks for making oit bills against tin' tiiled Stutea, tor ann lod^ines of reeru'i:*. Ilei riii'.ii^ oHn ei ill make erbal contincts for the satuc, wiien plactd in tjuarter t. The price of a ration should nolex i -,• cents i day or 1J cents a meal, I'nig 12 cent- a day, for each man m.osis and lodged ajtr kU nrtual tnlidmfht. Under a contract lor *Qok(l rul three substantial meals siifcil constitute a complete ration, in tiali.-it to regimental depot, recruits wiil be sup plied vrith cuokt^i i alions, obtained In-fore start iiiit, under a verbal contract. Recruitingotiicers iviTl nppeal lo loyaliy of the public to obtain sui».si-!ence and lodging al atijio rate, and will only io cases of uri/cnt nne'^ity ex ceed tliem, and in stieli cases only are authorized to make i ei bid contracts at a* higher rate, mak ing ultidavit on voucher thut *.he aii.e was at the lowest price possible iu the neighborhood where the expense was incurred. X. Traiisjioi tHtian passes will be furnished by Lt. Col. \V. N. Uriel-, Snpei itoeii-lent li-i rnit iug fei ice or by this Department, on application with explicit stateineut ot routes and niode ot travel. Tiie pass wiil be tilled uj wilh •cribing on its face the number of men and for one hundred uays service. Conductors of Kail Koads, clerks of steamboats, and ag.-uts of stage companies wiil i. u',' passes wiiieii are altered in name, number, starting poiut or destination. XI. Special attention is called to tiie following extract from General Order, War Department, A. i. 0., series 151»0: "III. The rtiticate all vouchers for trans portatioti bv pric itt ('•ricmince, must slate that the prices charged were the current ites ol th place where the expense was incurred also thut transportation by railroad or steamboat could not be obtained. Tiie voiir'-ers slike all olhersimust be approved by Iiie hi.pei .nlendent of the V 1 unteer Itecruiting Service, and nhowthat the e.\ peiis,' was iiicui red lift uaw regiment*, prior to complete organizattoti. Tiie uumbcr of meu, their company au i regiment, (or, as in thi* case, men raised for one hundred days' scrvice^the number o! miles travelled and rate per mile, will in each e speciiied, aa in patocstor railroad transp citation." XII. M.uter an 1 Descriptive rolls will be made oot in dup.iLUl-j according to forms furnished Iroai thi* Dejari. e-1, one ce -y to '-e riia ut i-y rcruilicg of ticeri, a-.J one toll'- fonrsi -J Ui ti.'. li-Ucliinent te U. Oul. tirier, with the enlinruint papers ol t!.e n.en. XllL Commander* «f companies now ready tor the on- huudred days' servke, wUl at onee forward tfcew roil* to Uii» denanm.i t, and be is readitMi le»eei at one boar'* notice to Ihia point. X1T. Daren port i. tfr Ifer.eral rendaaroiM of aH IM Regioeot*, (eaeept lor iirst DtatrieO, aa the t7aWtd SUtw ba* bate aaflcient nmober of barrack* to iMewn* madate all troepa raised, aod aa at ^«p«intth. CWef BMardng and Muatcriag Offlcsr of tbe llnlMi Ma baa hi* MaKeart*w. XT. All Recruitiog officers will *t. onee refOft Lt. Col. Wm. N. Grier, l*t U. 8. Cavalry, Superintend ant of Rocraitiag gerrke, tiieir Post Office addreas, and n|*rr ot loeal readeavosj, o»er tbefr own signatBi*. XVI. Oflirer* will b. appoirted lo field i'jaiuoa* far a* prarttcaM* Iran UMCoaatka in wkich Ike troope TTSS- ppppppp I'ppppppp ppp pp ippppppp A. Lncot^. APBH. 28, ISM, rttate of Iowa. An. ..: iwr I i t*!«ii.'.-i Opficb, I Diiveii,..,: i, May i'.li, IsM. |UEXCIl\L Ol-.IIKUS NO. il.] ei)iimis: ii:s i».,ij. ed'bv ihis lirpariiiieut, to t: «.-ti in thu C. 8. svi vieu ut iliis dale, arc htveby revoke I. III. Ili-i riiitiir oii.' trs v.ill have all i .c iuiu re^'darii enlisted uod sworn in, on i-nlisiment pupeta, I a J-.iiiii e of llie 1'tuee. Notary Public, or other oliicer authorise'.! to adiniuisier oaths. Reeritiliu^ oliicers are not authoi i/.cd to imulcr recruits or to adiuiuist. said uaiii. Enlist meiit pap«ri wiv n^de wut in tripli cate—two copies for Lieut. Col. W. N. (Jrier, Su |'i'ii, of IUciuitiiig .Service, and one for this otiiee. IV. |-, papers must be fr.ll und com plcte, and all blanks for sign.t'.uro '.ikd up. Otli ccrs will note on bwl. «:iie at foot, the ai-tuul resideiiCu ol I'm lecrui', by county, township, eity, and ward, and will, in this service, be ^ui deit by tl.v. rni.-s und iemulations of the Vt'ur lie partmesit—culistitifi only nou oo.iu.i i,... tweeu the aires of I 5 lit..', ii, iu health, and free fri.r.i.Mii iiuvsteul delects. No i.eiM':i under the aire of Im-ntj-oue years is to lie eiiusled with out the written consent.of his parent, guardian, or muster, ur c. riiticatof a l#..p-: siljle person, tlist .-uld coil.-eut.was{•!veil eibaliy. Hecruitilig otlicers will be very particular iu ascei tiiiuiug tin true li^'e of the I L-Ct uit. lie will no! uiluvv any man to be deceived or inviiip.!ed into the service by false representation, such as piuml.-e of fur lough, but .viil in person explain tlie nuture Ot the service, the length ot the lertn, the pay and allowances to which a sold er is entitled 1_. luw, bth rt he stalls the eiilis'iueut. V. Otlicers a id men are expressly notilied that the State does not pay tlKiu. 'the I', f. pays the tneu from dale of eulistmeet, and the olhccrs from ucl"'d a iitititihJ, VI. All sub.iistetiee, Io.l^io^, tiausport.ition bills, Ac., aie paid by L°. V. disbursing oliicer, Lt. Col. N. tirier, Daieupoit, Iowa. VII. Lvery cnlisU'd man dischnr^ed as a minor, or for otiicr cause-, invoh in»' li-iud on his part iu the enlistment, or discharged by the civii autlioritv, forfeits all pay und nilon'aiiee-i due at the time of discharge. In case any individual is discharged withu t.iree iionths alter ciite''inj» the service, foi' a ilisi-iiility whie'.i existed at tuut time, lie receives ucitiier pay nor allowances, exei pt subsistence and transportation to his bom-. S. SASH, vf |fc~»U4 AA AAA AAAA AA AAA pprpppp pppppppp ppp pp pppppppp ppppppp ppp PPPPPPP AA AA PPP PPP PPP A AAAAA A AA* *A A S R. BAKER, ap2S-dtf Adjutant General of loir*. irr vi'i: of io«% a. A iui tv.v't km.cai.'s O ffice, I Davenport, Iowa, April asth, 13&1. A full Regiment of heavy Artillery will beac cepted by the General Government, to fill out the 10,'too Volunteers of this Stale. Experienc ed artillerists and the best companies in the SUrte will bo accepted for this service. N. It. RAKER. ap29dtf Adjutant General of Iowa. ITATk or MWt. An/crisT O^iKati.'s orrio*,# M.) G.h,l*M. I Q*TSEltOflt)«*-| .Vj. U. I. All a infers of r.^:m-n?a lire^el to report tt tbo (i 'ernir o' iln» Bla'e for furlongU or a y o il er par[i «, will bo held s'r :tly aaeooiu&b'e for any daai3?( or tniai-/ thst ra.ty ba jns by Ibem to any private property W tiiia S'at.j. If. Whore otlleera are in omrtand of oonpaclea or dotaohiuonta, unier orV ra to report to tbe Qjt eraor of this State, or it th« Hapi)r!-.t nd-nt or Ro erotliotf Uerytee in tiiia Htsts, \hrjuri the O^vir nor, aosli ot&isr* wi,i lel teapjnatoie for atl mages lo any prjparty. criiaa* i* I» e'e-rly *hi«»n that aai.l otileers their authority anl Hill J euce to r.Vrbl *al4 damagi a. By or Jar of Com aaricr-la-Ciiicf. V. Ii. BAKIR, B)4 d'f Aiijitir-.t Oenoral of Iowa. 9TATR OI'IOU A. Ahjittant Gkxkbal's Orrt CM, 15 CENTS PER WEEK. t*-? WALL F.KEKEKEK KEKKEKEE KKK EKEEEE KF.KKKK IKK ELLEEEEE EEEEEEEE NOW OPEXED, AT PLUMMER'S AM*** N1rfr» *iU be round BROWN BLANKS* AVWITK Tiie Oovernor of the Slate has authoriz-d and directed that ten thousand men be raise 1 for the i. micu i-iutcs m... i.inidr'-d dai s. Itecruiting commissions will be issnerf to uuj responsible pai ties for this sr-rviee. Applications made therefor in writing, and where the applicants arc unknown lo this department, thu application must be indorsed by well-known cit i/.- ns. Organized militia companies which desire to cuter this service, must make immediate applica tion to this oflice. Clothing and lo,000 Eniiehl Rides and accou trements are ou the way for these voluiiteers. While the State of Iowa is far ahead of all re quisitions made upon her for troop i, she is ready to make further sacrifices in the holy cause in which the Government is engaged. She volun teers again in defense of the Flag which has pro tected her citizens and her rights. Let lo-.raiis promptly meet this call. Let the old men be active in the good cause, and let the young men learn their seniors that they can eijual them. Let the old and young,men and wo men, wife and maiden, vie with each other iu llieir exertions to send troops to the tield to ena ble the Veterans of Iowa and other States to mass their invincible cohort* on the columna of the eneinv. i Duv«ninort, April 88, ls*4. Oene.ti Orders No. 10. I. All Officers lycrniling for the 10 000 one hundred days' Voluatecij, will take triplicate enlistment papers for eacb recruit. II. T*o of said enlistment papers will be re turned to Lt. CoL Wm. X. Grier, 1st U. H. Car., Superintendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Iowa, and one to this oiiice. liT order of the Cowmander-in-Ghief. H. H. KAKEIt, Adjt. Gen. of Iowa. Important.—The following dispatch frpui the War Department ia of importance to wiMm it concerns Washington, April 30, 1804. |Aut. Gbn. Bakeh :—The Department cannot con&unt to enlisted men being de tached from their commands to assist in re cruiting the one hundred (100) days trosps. T. M. VxxcEjrr, A. A.O. STAtS or IOWA. ArmiBT UiaatiL'a rrrtoa,} DATBaroar,' Iowa, May itb, 1M4. StnittOBHB SO. IX Any person wbs »nd.rlakea to raern't In lilt* for any aersios witttoal n?rt« aetborlt *em aa Oaited sum* iSni or tan tSIa D*|*it afr.u st «ss Ii aiiBBled. •J, V I- NUMBER 16(! nnuniiituiiR it ti::(Kiii:i:uR Rlttt lilt it i ui it intuitu Pit Kit Kit it KKK It It It sss ssssss US ss 8SSS stssssss US kBliA\KS« BRONXKD SATINS, STAMPKI) «OH» I'Al'KRM, rit-l KKD SHAlBS« tfLITl.VSil.liPES, UMMsT ef.Vif FKOSTEB, All the Abovtt at very Low Priec*. Mi vi't: oi' iou i. A i-.iutanv tii viiKAi.'s Orrt Davenport, April 27, lbi'.4, ICR, I 04. mmm 9 It I SSfl* Si? S3 FSSSS3 mil .. No. 50 Brail v Street, 4k Above the Post Office, iff F#.l.Tf.!#0 Tit MTOCK PAPER HAWCrlWCrS, f. V SATW8, •Wl Htuie loM'K. Adjitant (ii-NEHAii's Orrlca,# Ilavinport, May 0, 1804. tienerni Orders N. I t. Iv All t'oriiiiiatnli-rs of Militia t'ompaDMi in tnis State, whii li have- volunteered fof the llJO nays cult, Ul coinmAiidmr* of punits rai's' tl l.y Hecruiliiig ConmiisHimieili front this olllce, will at. once proi eeri witll their f'nmpaiiicK t«i general HemlcxvouN, 41 l.-iven|)'i]-t, upon transjiortalioii pnsseH as her 1'ilorc dincted. II. Thirf.locs uot apply to Regiments raist-d in the First fJongresKional l)istrict| wlii'-h wiil iviuli /.viiU.s at Keokuk. Col. fJnlbcrtsiiii, A. A. (ji,,is«»rh-re«l from this llcpaitinfht to Keokuk, where lie wik act as A. A. t». and A. Q. M. tieneral at State for the purpose of organizing troops there. IV. All troops raised in the First Con grrssional liistiict will report to Col. Cut* bertson, A. A. Ci., at Keokuk, bySnturda/# the J4th inst. V. Kulistinent papers for troops in ths* I'irat Coiigreoioiial li.sU'icl,u-«liiii\tl by Gen t-r.-il Orders No. 11, will be delivered to Col» t'tilberu-on, A. A. »., and lo Captain T. WT. Walker, U.S. A., at Kcoku! the Iu.-1 named oiticcr acting in buhalf ofLt.Col. W.N. Grief 1st U. S. Cavalry, Chief Mustering Office* of the Sutc. liy Older of the Co'i'm-milcr in-Chief. N. B. HA KKK, my6-dtf Adjutant General of Iowa. *Votire. Paperr that i io in-i all v published orders at thi* Department viil opy all orderi and notices in relation to the one handled days men, ar, thef appear in the Davenport Dewocbat. X. B. IIAKKR, Adj. ©en of Iowa. Awi Gi.MirsvL's Otricie, I Btate of lowi, May '2, i-",i. MERCHANT TAILORS. UFiADV.MADK O I N O y^T roST PRU'i: TO HE HAD OF- A N Z E Y K Second i irii u tir door we«t of Na'ional Bank:. A g'-iW n-'orlment of Qtt^TS' FFRNISIIIVi! GOODS, BOW* t'I.OTIII\G, n.OfilS, I'ASSl- MLRES. SIIIUTS, STOCKINGS, Wbietl I wil sell at the niosl r.-asonable (tieM. Ciisloiii Work Done at all limes and warranted the bent, dorahh- ami cheapest. All who want the and ('heap'*-.t k«kkIs mti-t come to^ nni Is FRANK MEYER. isTJslW STOKE John Bartonifler AS ItKMOVED (IN STOf'K OF OOOUB Einnklin Itlock, on Second street, bet. Lain and Harrison strctM. where he haa opened a NEW M.OTIIING STOKE, and wiil keep i stantlv on hand a food aohoriment of Genti*1 FnrniMhinv G«odN|^ Clothes made to order on shortest notiee. ni warranted to suit. Call and see me. sepldly* SBTR0P0LIT19I 2 II K AT K Ka"'^fS-s* Luerkah.LXD— I^**e*al M*a«ff* far a F«w W U«g»r! "-v- Mnw M, ri-.t Wight of?'• K"., iflF HsNsr Frenlii^ Slr*t f'ght of tti. OMie»J aMd »pirltnm cf tbe Wta»*»nth Cwtwi.m OHOSTi Tbe Bveetefe BoUrUirmeat wtU 1 Us Pftree of Jelin Josirs nf ih« ffferi Tha satformanea wUl vt lit tfa