tufas* t'fft n't itirui y?*T Itt VV v TERMS ®7,OO PER ANNUM: ni"#( o. 'hi VOLUME 9. HEAL IHAH AJfD i, INSURANCE AQEMCT. JOHN L. 8 WITS & CO* MR l. WITS. I. I. HILL. W. F. IfllDEI. Mirk»i* nix-t^ (q lUn,) •MMotnftT. tapmed A liija#io»ei Fsrsis, «'ITT LOTS, Dwclltaf HaiHM Ac W«i*» Bought, Sold and Leased* S A E E N I Of Tint COXDITIOX or TBI Home Ins# f•• if XFW II.iVcb, Ct» I tli' Sinn- I"' •rinln Tin* 11uiii' i»1 ith' Hills reoeivalllts for prenitiuii lntr"esi ncerued. ....... AII inliir Securities, iuchid)^ Of lire 1 n: niliuv, To«l Aaseta, «Sioi. iih i-j uunutttii Thc mroc.nt nf linHilitii-s due or not due lo Hank-, or olhtfr creditors,.. %0,0iVo 00 Losses i:d|usled und drte tljOOO lh' los"cs unailjusled Losses iu suspense, wait inn further pr vd, Wr,M8 17 All other ehiinis ae»'iist the (.'ontpa-) n\, e jte« pi Kinall oitice ex|ienfe.s, RSS The' jrreutest uiftuiiiit insured in any one risk, Klo.ooo. The itrcn est unin int allowed hy th«« rtrtws of th A tARnr, fur th« i. .*r Hiding ompnnv in. Il..me Insnrance CuiiipiuiV mid liHSUted ill New "'1V Tim flmuiint iT Vupilul «t«ck autlioriceu bt .liihurl.r ..... I*'1 Tin' -t MOCK pwd up to ciusii ia. V UMTH llunry on hand'and in banks a«d (toan p! on tall t|iS* .•• ..•!III M- icIniHt*' t*. S. KSCL .$38,40t*.1? Moik-V in the Iiuii-Ih ol tt: i l»tn Btwl emu• 4i- of iiiiti-ini^Hiiui jWi/hKMHi It. ul tule un iiieuiiitieieit, utflte. DTOCkA iw uh ami i'. ». saci unm* OWVKU 11 i THK coMrwr SdOaliares Kleni t'ity r\n *\iiket liailk Stock, New VAH :E. lit,.. ,, VAUt. Oaf!, tr.^TriU *iwn'x Hcnk Stoi l:, New Haven *,800 7,»t6 f.«T ahatvs X» w lluveii t'oiintv Itsi nk Stock, .New llux.Mt, 4,«9« «.4S7 hank Slock, New Hfvn ?,{T«it 7,»6« 1 **il Quinnipinck Itiuib Hank Stock, New 1 a •. il 18,1?,4W I" illicit St:itca 5-^OM'.' Ihnida I'liittd Stalf.* Tren*it n (*erti. eul lil.SW MisKonri Stale per cent. Hmid gO.OOO 13.2SO—_ -143,il3S First Moiiyiiifci of |{. «1 K'»i.-. alt lo cateii in Xew bvi ii Comity, If.S.Vi........ AMotmr to »«f*o on stocks, dovm^ un aides: 82 sli'* I cm City ft*, mirkct amii-\t llstlk t'JCk, \. VAIX«. ALt'lf. 11 ii v n, tnjlvo J-J.7IS! ai^ou S »lii O i unlpltek II iiik tuck, N. U:\v. n, w mi 1011 nl. lUlik „r i:tii.nMi- it'i!,it fl.. K.N TnrK, 10,000 10,4*0 lOjgM fn' eh'* blioi l.«-j*. llur Ilk ttfck, f.,000 Nctt Vi.rk, 'M Hi are Unutui^ ti'k ^l-n-k.Cliii. ton,Ct 81 si.'. \, w Vrrlt & Sew llarti t.100 8,639 It K.CVSt i, t,100 9,639 M* 2j «li» I'etcr Ooo |ir tIre Ins, r.,nlN Y».k, led Stiles I'.j* c' 6,009 4,187 6,000 «4 Sutes VJrt O «i'. 1,000 1,015 1^000 8 Frana*il'e and KQ e.ooo 1,12? 1,000 1,015 8.«ao 8,000 Illinois K. K. Il'inl.., J'.-cmiiiin '.III-nilii luip^M,... I Is Ciimpuii'i to he insured in nnv uric city, town, or ill.iiie. accordiiijf to its »:zi', Ac. The greatest amount allnwed to he insured in any one lilock, aeeurdinjf to its length and coast ruction. II. R. SATTKRLEE, President. CiiaIU.B! Wii. 8-eretnry. SOK STATE OP OONNF.OTICtTT, Vity tind L'oxmty ot' A-,r lh: Ifnren, IT iir.MK5inv.itKr, T'u..t, on thb, the twi.ntv- nixlli iliu ol Ja!iu:ir\, A. I). l"*it, l.i'tore the un dersigned. u e.it:uiii--i'".i 'i t'oi tinof.-siuie 1 of U.wa, duly uppeilrtell br'tlie iorern..r l!u« State of Iowa. low.i imc I liv the Laws of the St.ueof administer oaths. Ac., .•rsi'iialK np- peared l». It. San.-rle', K»i|., and Charles' V.'il. •on. I'.s'i-. pers.ni.liy known to me oe tin- I're pident ami Si cr. i.irv of the llc:.ii' Im'ii im-e Couipanv of Ni'W Haven, lis Ty tiii-ni sijjni to the tnreiioins report, and rcsjieclively made sol emn on' i that t!.e nnitti-rs set forth in the foregti ing Stttteaujut uic true. IS- WV. nkss Whkrkok,seal, u set I have hereto :"vj!ialltl Artiwm's Omrr, TtrtrA, lies ^loines, Api il :'.'.»th, 180-4. jff J?f JfEh'/. /iy l'li'l H'li-. P, Ifin-.t dav of Vehruary, tsi'.t. a sworn statement wa* tiled in this ollive. showing the condition of tlie Home Insurance Company, located at Xew Haven, in the Slate of Connecticut, on the tiist dav of Januarv, A. U. '•*. in ii. com! ,nee with a prbvisi -n of an Aet of theCSeneral Ass ioMv of the SWte .if Iowa, entitled to 1S5' Lit h' "An A( in ii• itinn /A.StV.' A'.'A fl CI, DAILY DEMOCRAT. H. M. Pmitfliix k ftDfi if Ftai* «t yt, li *t an! are ?h tiofii f-.r u« G. H. h' art ttarM I- \r*ptT. LOCAL ITEMS. you tram a genvine Ameri«titi or Toil.ft ooom of every variety and the best hair preparation arc kepi hy ILillords. 1 Tilanm.—The the I. S. Senate, will please accept our (hanks for valuable and interesting public docurnent". si.u eof JiitV-ltMunnn. of the District 'ourt, the ben. iso ipi-1 in a becoming ,Manner hy John N.Jiogers, tVt. the old Presbyterian Church property and reiijoildeling it into an extensive carriage Tuun i factory. Siiuri'iNt:.—Whislcr's store is crowded every lsy with eager purchasers. His new :uni elegant styles of dress goods lire all the nirc arnon^ the ladies of this city. They are very chw:p. At i Tio.N Saj.e.—Will lie sold At auction, on Thursday next, at corncr of 12t.li and Jiiady btruets, three dwelling hou. all in good repair ami ready for oc cupar.cy. Possession^ given immediately. For further particulars inquire of R. Cur run, Marble Hall .Saloon. dts. (JKNTS wi'l fntd cvury dusirftble style of Bprin^r and summer c!othi»jj material at Saiii I'ewy's. lie turns out the best iits und sell* lower th".n any other dualcr in the city. He *iilies com petition in ready made rloiliinir, furni.shiriggood, trunks, etc. .Store Opposite the post otlice. Thanks.—The Secretory of the t'nitsd States (Tirislinn (''imnsission will please ac cept our thanks for a copy of the second annual report of that organization, setting forth its laltors in the custom nnd western armies, witJi accompanying document-, sktclii's, incidents, L-tc., making an inter esting work of aboul nine hundred page?. Ksrok.—We 19,250 met yesterday in town Capt D. S. l.*e, of o, K, oth Iowa infantry. In the Adjutant Central's Report of IStj-'I, he is is merely a printer's mistake. There is no su-'h record in the Adjutant General's olficc. Capt. Lee has leen in constmt service, still in in the servicc nnd inten Is to remain th( •re until the end. Minstrei.st.—Thc 1 •m Contracts 7,»a 17 (",f7f» 10 8,194 (U celebrated troupe of minstrel* under the management of O'Xcil & Gardner, will open at the German Thea tre, on Thnr-d:iy evening next, and con tinue to perform for three nights. This s said to be a rousing troupe. It is highly spoken of by the press, and undoubtedly will give satisfaction, and more too. Wait for the Mins'reR i 8 Srppt.n\—The contract for furnishing grm ii:.- for thc hundred d:iys' men was awarded hy ol. •'li -r this nf ernoou to Messrs. Alvord & Van I'atter. The contract for meat will probably 1 e awareled to Messrs. Kelly & Washbttrr, they b'. i tg the only 1 i luc.'s. Hi:t.n to ollieial at n»v Of- (K*. S.) jllC t'iiy imd County of Xew Haven, dav and vear aforesaid. LYMAX K. ML NSOX, r»iMWTT*:" ?or Uii aaiiiatc ot tuuu Ticil, i'i the /«#»/?•.(.••«* i«ppr \ed Jatiuan -^tli t'nc devclopniint of pUtns now maturinsr S57 mil an Act ume-idat'irv I Hereto, approved i u-l '••hru.il v '.'Hi. 1 s," s, und nu Act in relation to! Hrr*y.7 ^re able to procure that COMPAX!ES, approved March 17tb. lsic-i that sUitemem paid C-mipanv is posses,saidrequiredhyshowsthat of the requisite umount of capital, and invested law. Atuhoritv is therefore to the above na med Coiapanv to transact their appropriate bu i nesa of Insurance in this State, iu accordance with the Utv-s thereof, until the 31st day of Jonu «rv A. 11. One Thousand Eight Hundred and VF!r, C' rtifhd, Thnt John L. Pwits A Co.. of Davenport, have been dely appointed by i-aid Oompanv Uiei: lawftU Ag-nts and Attorneyi for IJie CcmnlT ot Scott, with attached t*~ To be decic-- to-nnriow mo ning. No proi o.ais for furnishing soft bread Were ru-ortk'J. ... «Bs» fMF. litri'opoT.VMrs.—Bailey & Co.'s gi gantic circus, including th» Jlippopouunrts •—or the BtVuiiioth of Holy \N'l it—in now on its nay up the rver. an I will iio in Pnv enpotf in a fo'.v wieks. It will b- nnuni liered that this elenix.cn of the Nile attracted great attention when here last season, and undoubtedly' trill draw crowds of people again. He is much improved in size and eelucitiion since thai. Esuvr ittNTS.—More than one hundred men have already been enlisted iu this ity and county lor the one Itunelrcd e'tP.ys' ser vice. In case the proposed bounty is olfcr •d by tlie county the probability is that not less than three full companies will he filled up at once. Without snch n botiniy the recruiting business iu Scott county is a diad letter, cnel rhany who have already signed the enlistment papers will not go into tlie tioki. There is no loisittkc about it. Bah,.—Uigg'ms I.MB jiwiwiliiniiiirii-" Liberai. a*d No 97 Park Roir, Nw York kp' n«r i»|r^r»*!i in thm? rftk* *lf itJrfriiM-m*Tit# and rat***, I) ..i-'i' l. Clumro. ia i is. t:-.• A C'ovjiendabie.—Mayor ,0 Iron Safe for nale cheap, at Che warehouse of B. M. Prettkas. ,i A Xew Warkimi put down as resigned" This "resigned" tonklin s Liquor Store. The building is to Fnffc and Wallace, who were arrested yesterday, for robbing Jaincs Canwright, were held to bail in the sum of s.Kio each fir appearance at ccurr. They furnished tho flccuiitiea ®n |h% spot, Mid thus obtained their liberty. The defendants appeared before ^qtlil^ Wheeler this nu rning per adjournment, aiid as no one append against them they wished to have their securities returned.— Th 'Squire was not in the humor to sec it in that hjrht, but bok the liberty to increase their bail to one thousand dollars, to await e ut Tbail is not known at this writ- inK cas(riven on the Great Transition"' of the 1 t*th H»ll» 1 a true and correct copy of thm **etemenin testimony whereof. I Mid and traces ti em itvn bareonto .i /ileteie or mer° RE. Dav­ enport, of Hock Island, one of the heaviest real estate owners of that place, offers any person who w ill i ri a wool'-n fro tnrv tbeir, sufticit'Tit land whereon to hnild. He lias already dmated a ritiaen of thut place •Mr. Frvsimrer—thm» acres of land front ing on tin- river, near the Boat Yard, wliere- still»-ry. on So ays the tTcct a hngli^h wat'-h that you can rely on, cail at Str-h nets are an cnrouragciiient to ni/tniv Curry s —Brady St., above Md. Jactnrors. and our real estate owners on this sidle of the river would do well to follow the example. A pood way to discourage the Aojif*. erection of manufactories is to require the per on who elesite-i to make a handsome audpioliUilile improvement, pay the highest Utah W. A. lllciiar^on of ft* a Mto to build on. This ha i»e« n to° miu"h n,a!l t,,r-v' or a 'lu(-"i"K tliat _____—* aitv, he .-.houM be encouraged rather SrBSTm-TE. During th« temporarj- *b- than Thm.^ hlw.\., jn thi, ci(y m,who)e ttlis, have lx.,n hallUson, ,,, .rt. Jirov Wt Rksidesck.—Our A. Tilr. next prnctie-ing party at White's Academy Hail, takes place Thursday even ing, May 12 th. No gentleman admitted without-a lativ. d4t KIVIVRYI'IRJIS. The popular mail and pnsgenger packet James '-leans. Captain Jerri' Wood, will depurt for Du bu |U» PB:! way points to-icorl oxv ut V o'eJcck. J. Sct rl'oroug!i iu the olhce. It. Priltyman, ag.ut. The favorite mail and passenger packet Jennie Whipple, CaptainCamphi'M, will depart for Fort Madison and way points to-morrow morning at 7 i'e!'ek. Lemuel ParkhurstIn tiieofliue. L. A. Tile»Lin, agent. '1 tie elegant Xui thern Line packet Pembina, apt ..in H:il, will depart for St. Paul and wav landings this evening. C. I. Carroll iu ia the office. R. M. Pr-tty in an, agentl nARUIKD. At th residence of the bride's frih. r, in Fred erick, Maryland, on the loih iast., JAMES MYEIi, Jr., of Llnvenpr.rt, Iowa, In MISS \t*:{A V MAXTZ. Tims, one by one, the bachelor force of Daven port surrenders, at discretion, before acknowledg ed power, and juradu.illy enter upon the metre pleasant paths reserved fr weli matched couples. Th eviife-ratulationsof the m.-.uy friends of the happy trrs,muwait SI H'ry in this city. Whin a w'ishs to erct a fine store, a nianufaf- wdl be a credit to ^,,,^,1 by real estate owners, .,vt|ia ,k.r, it not that thc ho! At .TORATioss.—The V«»ber Brothers tent upon putting up the prices beyond the have romtncnced the lal»or of overhauling are in reach of those bo would build. Ve suggest to our heavy property hold er.! that they take into consideration thtJ course pursued by Mayor Davenport, lie looks at the matter in this way That the erection of a substantial manufactory so en ham v.s the value of his other property that he is iiiuch better otf than he would have been had not the improvement been made. The same rule would apply to the erection of any other class of improvements. Thev create .1 demand fur other properly, increase the welfare of the town, and instil energy and enterprise into the community. sb.—Ten years ago thc present season, .Samuel Hirschl, Ksq., com menced thc erection of it warehouse on his property, on Front, between the property on which Burrows'block now stands and the old liazarr Building, upon the site of which now stand* Hill's warehouse. He got tlx foutid.'itioii laid when it was claimed hy an other part) that he had extended his im provements too far towards the riv:»r, and a lawsuit was commenced. .Several years were spent iu litigating the matter, nnd then thc crisis of "7 came on and ched."d the building mania of tho.se days. The nndations have remained until this time and now Mr, |firnfhl, having established his right to build a originally intended, has lvsuhi .d the work. The building is to be 4U feet in front on the levc«, t!o feet deep, and 20 feet on Front street—the other 20 feet on that street being already occupied by be two stories high, with carriage way through on the first I'oor. Tho atore occu pied by Mr. Conklln is to be extended 25 feet farther towards the river. The im provement is a valuable one. Cost about £7,000. Davenport is growing every day. Covxt Ocsay in Trouble Again.—The Count went over the Chicago again the other ty to lo:k after the Li- ut. Charles E Il-tverly, of K.•/.'•«, Iowa couii y, to be 1-t Lieutenant Co. B, 2jib in lantiy, vice Cassidy, rcsi^ticd. Gold 6S. enterprising fellow-citizen, August Steffcn, is now erect" iiij nn elegant residence on the bluff—»n the iiaH" bio k ea.t of Dr. lies' residence, formerly owned by Corbin, Ivs.j and by hun set out wiln grapes about three vcars ago. The house is located upon the upper end of the lot—in to be of brick, 85x40 e-t, two stoi ie.s high, with basement, and a kitchen in the rear, 14x14 feet. The two upper stories are to contain nine rooms, and tlu basement feur. The building will cost $4,rtKi. The location is [one of the very best in the e-ity, affording a river VlCW of unsurpassed magmli.v ive. hi« return with his fair bride 'o our '..f aniifnl citv. LEcrcM.^-W e understand that tho Hon. Warren Cha?c lias been engaged to del'vcr IMMENSE ATTKACTHTW. a course of four or five lectures in this city, ever.hi?, the ]«h in«»t. i rtfi. th- k!k il.« Ki.irici J..«n 1.1 M» Ftr rat ww. M- CI,.., shows the ratoral ud »At. of MM!County, iticoi»y of Mt* on tthitninnKSiHii .A.J.AllhiODAblC file in this office. It is further ceriiHeel that the LATE ARRIVALS. century, ,n regard to both religion and noli- |af If rvlm». tics, Hi, first lecture will be in UClairc v ,& CO., causes nf this strife of Sprfnf Cleild* ckeper than either par- flU P° ambition. Mr. Chase ?l,u" J. ». CAlSfcL, AaiHor ofDtata, *6asoner, and atl aloqttnkt J*®1!* jjal^"lorc.*ud one of our firm coaataat kuvBif'Bwj "-j, s'ock ?4r«%g THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT. IOWA, TUESDAY, MAY 1864. CkaagH, i la H*t'MaUi K»bi« -»i.—Capt. A'gT. on S, Tatriek, 0*. L, ftib Car Jrv, April 27. Lisa', i llotmer, 38 th in fan try, Varek 84. Lieat. Wiliiam J. Fhell, 224 infinirr, March Lieut. Wiliian B. ir»n :!l, i infantry, April Lieut. Orlando Leah, 321 infaotrr, April 90. 21 Lkut. Acui.U suudiiord, 23 i iutamry, Mitch 27. M.mo.—Capt. John E. Ford, 80th infantry,' TiOil April t. Pf-oaoTioM*.—M «jor Gii9ti.ve A. Fherhart,, of Wati-rioo, Mac. JI.t*k county, to be Lieu Ephraitn J. White, of Agency City to I •e J.uu'.eiiant Colonel 321 infantry, vicj Ora-. hjm, prom. tej. Cipt. Jonathan 0 itchinson, Co. I, of Fott Oj'lge, to be Maj-jr ."2d irif.iatrykvico Hutch intun. Cipf. Jo!m II. Qearkee, Co. B, of fowa City, to be ,jor itl 'loinoted. L-i ut. Pliilip II. Bence, of Sp ingd^l«, Di viscounty, to be C.ipt^iu Co. F, 30th infantry, ffce Ford, deceased. 2d Lieut. Alexander, of Dayton, Webster county, to be Captain Co. I, S2 iufuitry, rice Hutu.iiiisoii, promoted. ,-ut. Charles W. liufT, of Orandrlew, Lou- "I isa county, to be Captain Co. G, ltfth infantry iA .vice e Taylor, deec sed t.'umuii^-aiy S igi. Moore Uriggt, of Seij t. Joint W. Mattox, of Adel, Dallas 'inly, to be 1st Lieutenant Co. A, 23d it.fin tiy, vica Cisidy, resigned. Ceup. Ciiarlta D. Donaldson, (of FairGe d,) to l«t Lieutenant, co. C, 3ota infantry, vice Fiy, resigned. 'id Sc rgt. Samuel J. Kctchem, (of Mascitiue,) to 2 i L:i ute:mut co. B, 28ili infat.try, vice H.iver.'y, proiaj'ed. Ser-t. Jacob A. Lure, (of Sigurtiay,) to 2d Liiu'eu .ut oo. K, tuh cavalry, vice Ljckarood, resigned. S. r^t. John P. Jones, ^of Winierset,) ti 2d L'cuiciiaiit co. A, S'Jih infantry, vice Howies, resigned. Arpoi:.TUC*T3.—J.imci Ira in, (of Marion I.M 'l unty lo be Surgeon 41'.tl infantry, from May 5 Ficderick Humphreys, (of Cedir Ripidi,) to be Cii-ipUin I2th i.fdiitrv, vice Eberhurt, re signed April l'j, 1S02 Alotii J. Van D'i2?e, iof Dubuque,) to be Quartetuiast-r 44tn infantiy, from iy 3. Ui-orgc Crooke, (1 fUrnwberry P^iut, Clay ton county, I to be Adjatant 2l=t iafautiy, vice Poole, pro n iied. COMMERCIAL. Davenport Markets, Office os thc DAVR.xponT Democrat, Friday evening. May lstVt. Ftora.-" wholesale $'j.0og»J.40 fe t^il, Wheat—1/15^1.17. il.'.IU.E V.—^.oii^gi.ao. Oats. I'ott.v.—7•*»:( VJ. Wuiii, ib .*s.—|2.oo^MMt Fi.a\s .nn.- t\, Twonlv.—•j.MK. Pot \Tota.—.V'@7&. Ul rTKii—iiic. Kims li.tc, 1— uj/'i'in avur, where he has of late become so deeply and cruelly entangled. Tlje latest intelligence from that quarter is that be has hem made the'rlesfe ndent in a civil case for damages, the amount of which is set at & 12,000 1'rof. Mueller, the iiijitrcel husband, is the plaint it!'in this proceeding, and seems de termined to tench the Count a most severe lc-.-on. It i hardly likely that the Count will be abb to procure the necessary bail this time, inasmuch »s it cannot be made k'ss than twice thc amount of damage* claimed. YvrU NarkeU, Xew Vokk, May Coitox—Quiet Xew York, ,\f*y 1*. I.nmlior Knrbrtt Davt-NPORT. Mfcr?. Fencing Ham Hoards Framing Timber .t .fotKta tiuder iu ft *iI •J" feet and over 2"."O8E90 00 Flooring ?..'i.oii 'iding. 7 24.(*' Finisi: 3S.i*i(!7."!l\'Vi Sliin»l-« i........ 4.0il(//.").. io Lath 5.oo t'lear Hoards and Planks 35.•*?» 10.00 I•''tuand ^ixid :ttoek« li.'iit JTo-Day's Advertisements. 'V'OTirF. is HEREBY (ilVKX THAT A -X-\ Special Electiou has been ordered by the ity Coune. hidden in tin The Uh'itioTi will be held at thc Heiiool iluuao, in East Davenport, Davenport, Mav loth, 18C4. t'HUIS, KAUFFMAXXt s dlt CitvLWlh_ METROPOLITAN THEATRE. A. MCFatilano Lbssff. AM, MIXAC.bb. McFARLAND'8 MAMMOTH tframatir Company 20 IN NUMBER SO F«r a few Mgkls Loager. 14th night of the (ireat Combination Company. The ir.aunger wishes to inform the citiiens of Davenport and vicinity that the Immense Attrac tion offered tbis week' in the way of ftensttiou ieees. v. hi have created a furore in Xew York, r'hilaeiclphia and Boston, justifies him in expect ing crowded houses nightly. nigbtly fOCSDAY EVi XlXG, JIAT 10,. The Great Di auia, entitled Oiir mtmerfran Cousin Doors aped at ",]4 curtain rises at 8 precisely ADMISHIOX Private Bexee....•».«*.• Ocllery 90c Orchestra Scats 50 Parquet# 25c DAVENPORT 3DEM0CRAT 10, at 'Sc. $11.30^1.90 ftr extra Fn.rii —'c lower. f7.-•".',•'.7.4'' for Jiitperfine xyr:t I.iver. i l.'i'Cii i54 for Chicago .-aukep f'tub*. il lk^t.iS WilSAT- Spriiur *l..Vi(gl.oi Milwaukee Club, $L66@lw3 e-'nti red. Coiiv—il.."9 for oil mixed. Ovts Pons —Higher. ft6.75 Btv, I. :11—M{.', Hv/s, Wntssv—i l.lfi. 9kmr 1'erk Niork .Ifnrkdt* oi Hoard. GENTLEMAN* AND WIFE. OR TWO XJL single ijcntle nii'u. can be accoiumodateel with boaid and pleasant rooms in a private family. \di're-, post office box M9. mvl"*-d4t* DLEfTION NOTICE. R. H. PARKS, a e e o k e NO. Of V.,,- .-,* FaWi.Taad /ZtJZT^ "fbjeaehed and unbkachcdMua- l.H SOOTH WATER ST., CHICAGO. 111. P. O. Box 2009. Cash advance*aia4e on property iatWti MM&IR JAIMBi iff. BALIELL. COMMISSION AXDPMMNTCB MEIKUANT. War Department,^ WA=mxcTox, April 21, 1'14. To fie Prrxidmi of the Lalted Stairs: F"BfT—The Governors of Oh'o, Indiana, Tlti noi-. Iowa, anei Wisconsin, offer to the I'rcMdent, infi -jin 11••opt for the ai»frr:-taJug campaign, as follows: Okie, Iu«llanat llliuoi*, Iomii, Uiai'MniH,.... 1 tenant Colonel S2d infamry, »iee Mix, killed ia bitiic. Tuibk-Tlietroops infantry, .ice White, Capt Charles P. Mooro Co. K, of Barling ton, be Mjjor 2d cavaby, vice Coon, uroino 1 Mplonel. iUiu wi •M,MM The fore-going proposttiuu of the Uovcruors ia aceej ted, and the Secretary of ..i is directed to carrv it into execution. the olhe-er enlisiiu^ ilu-iii and stopped Irotu any pay w huh iuav thereafter be due inui trom the Government.'1 »X. Uu application to this otlicc recruiting of lie 't s can pt o -ii' Lhi 'ks lor muKtiig oat tii.U against the Luiteel states, tor subsistence and lodgings of recru 's. lleeruiting oiticeis will make verbal contracts for the same, wneu placed iu quarter-i. The price of a ration should uot ex ceed -i" ceuts day or 10 cents a meal, and lodg ing 1* cents a ilr.v, for eucii man ted an lodged ceed 1 of the City of Davenport, to be Sixth Ward, on the Twciity-Jlrst day of May, ISi'.t, fr tlie purpose of electing an Alderman in place of M. K. PARKS, whose seat has be declar ed vace.:it by said Council. prices PPPPI'PP PI'I'I'PPPP ll'P PI' ITI'PPPPP lM'l'PPPP PPP I'PP PPP S,ltO« fjaco.xD—The term of acrvic.- to be an hundred days, reckoning IVoin thc data oi muster into the wrriec of the Uuite.1 ftutcii, ualesa *ooa«jr riift (harjjfd. to be mus-tered into thc *»r- vicaol ihu (initud butes by raiments, when th regiments are filled up, according to regulations, to lh* miiiimiiui HU'on^tli. Tbe rei ii ivius in bp organized accordiut U» Ihc rt ^ulationanf i he War Uepaiuuen'. The number to be furniahod .uty ,iay,'.vinlo tvvi ,L-,. of the ac- rrom (lal€ ofna ceptnccc ot thm i»ropo«iiion. Focrtb—The troops to be clothed, armed, equipped, Mih.sisled, transported, and paid, as other t.'nifed States infantry volunteers, and to serve iu fortifications, or wher ver their ser vice* may be required, within cr without their respective Slates. Firm—No bounty to be jiaid the troop*, nor ibe uUr*ed °r M.mti C'.ilo, Junt-s county, to be Adjutant SIst in luntry, vice Catr, resigned. Private Uenj tiiiin E. Agard, Co. C, of Oler mont, Fayette ccunty, to be Adjutant r.th eavalry, vice Miller, r*-«ig*!ed. •J i Sergt. John S. Biilinser, of Bloomficld, to be l=t Lieutenant Co. F, :tjih infititry, vice Bence, prouit ted CFClited °n Sixth—The dr'tt* draft lor three years' sen ice to go on in any State or district where the quota is uoi tilled up but it any uiliccr or soldier in this spe cial service slioald lie drafted, he shall be credited for the sei ice rendered. JOHN ll"Ut,uil, Governor of Ohio. O. P. MOitTOV, tiavjruor of Indiuim. IiM li'll V.Vd'KS, Governor ut Illinois. M. Sl'U.MI, liiivernor of town. A. LI^COLV. Aran. 23,1S04. itata of Iowa. At.jt i i\r (ii^Kum's Onnct, i Davenport, .May 1th, laut. jfiriXEHAL o It DC US NO. 11.] 1. In order that no misunderstanding may extst in relation to tiie organization of the new rc-^i Meats lor O-,e ill n u:i o 1 wsaereice, the follow iag rule* will be observed: isi. At tue orgaui/atiou of companies, the ineu of each company will he allowed to choose their own olticel'A, suojeet to llie appiovul of the Uor criior. id. the selection of field ollicers due regard In will be paid to tin- expressed Wishes of the liue ottieersj but as far us practicable, experienced men will l/i selected for e-'oloiicls. il. The War Depart JK'i.t has refused fo allow enlisted incn to be nete. .litd liom for the parpu-c of i eci ii.tui^ lor t.lt.ccuiniands |u, ,,|rc,| 0110 days service, a.idall recruitingciMuuiiasioiM artuall subsis­ ti/lrr hi* !u'tt tnlulimiii. a contract tor cw.'.v./ Under ralu/nt. tine .- MibstantiHl meals siii.i (.ousiitutu a complete rotiou. iu transit to regimental depot, recruit* will be sup plied with c. //tW rations, obtained before start ing, uneler a verbal contract. Recruiting ollicers Will appeal to toe lo. aiiy oi the paohc to oiitaiu subsisteiiee :eid l- at abjve rate, an will only iu cases of urijft txlvetiu ex­ them, uud in such cases eulv are authorized to make vcioal contracts ut higher rate, mak­ a ing ailidavit on voucher that '.lie .sat.e was a: the lowest price |eisSiole the ucigliborbeod wheie the expense was incurred. Transportation jesses will be furnished by Lt. Col. W. N. Gi ier, superinteiideuit Recruit ing ret vice or by Ibis Department, on implication with explicit statement of route s ami mode r.f travel, X. pass will be tilled up with iuk, de­ 'ihc scribing nu ies tace the number men and lor of one hundred days service. Conductors of Rail Roaelrf, clerk, o steamho::ts, and a^i'iits of sta^e companies wiil r« l. sr -'i" passes which arc altered nauie, nui..! er, staitin^ point in destination. or ^|icc'.ui iitt^n'ion is culled XI. the folloatinn lo from (icncrul Order, extract hy portation War Department, A. G. O., series lsi "111. The cc.uncute u all vouchers for trans­ iatte cvi'i" ancr, the must stiite that charged were tiie current rates of the place where the expense was incurred also that raiiroad or steamboat conlel transportation by be obtained. be approved by nnteer complete Xtll. not Tt-e veuc1 crs (like all others -inust the rupei nf inleudent pense was The tiieir cou-nanv and regiment, (or, men raised !ir AA issu­.:l ed hy this Department, to ei.ii-.te men iu the S. service at tnis elate, are hu.-eby ii vyke l. 111. Keen. "in crs w.ll nave all lee.-uits regularly enlisted and sworn iu, .n enliumeut papeis, tiy a Justice of tie: Pauce, .Notaiy i'ublie o: other oilieer auttlUi ixed to Hdtnmisler oaths.' itccruitin^ u'.Uceis ar* not autliuiijed to muster it'ctuits or adaiuiister said outli. Kuliittueut pa,.era will L* luade out in tripli cate—two copies tor Lieut. Col. W. X. poiiutendeni of Reel itiling Service, and oui for this oliicc. i V. liiilitn.set papers residence ot t. n-crni', by tow.iship, city, -..d waiu, and will, iu this kui'vice, oe gui eled Ov the ruie-s and regulation* oi tue War tht j.aiUiienl—enlisting ouiy able-bodied men be taeen tUy of ia una lo, ii*:tuttl IPP1PPP PPPPPPPP PPP PP PPPPPPPP PPPPPi'P IPP PPP PPP AAA A A A A AAA A A A A AAAJLAAA A A* *AA AA AA AIT/.V Urier, Su- be full and com­ must plete, and alt biaaks lor signature 1.1led up. ut|j. cers will uoie on ..ck Uuietoiiinj,, loot, t,it aet.iat O ai iu uoau beaitii, ami free from ail plij sicnl de!e,U». S.i jeimj.i iiikIci the uge ot iti '-ni j-a.it yi ars i.s lo uv ciihsle-d w itii oul ttie written c.iUaeol Oi his parent, gu.trUi.iii, or in.isvcr, or ceiti.ic.itc of a respu::s.ble person, .iiai said c.juscut w.is^iveu veibaity. Uccruiiiiig odiceis wnl be very pai ticui.u' iu ascertaining liie true age of tin- reel nit. Jle will not allow am nion to be deceived or inveit!el tilo the service by false repres-Jitali-! suca as p,uni!ae of iur oiigo, Ac., o-.it .V'l in peraun explain tue iiali.rc ut ttie set v.ce, the leuglti ot the twl'ln, the pay uud allowance., to wi.ich tt Hi ei'cr is by luw, ei)tllte«l ix/'ort he the cuhstuteut. V. Odiccrs rui.t ineu ate expressly uotiiied tliat the M..te d..^s uo pay theiu. The U. f. pays tile ine.l flo.11 li.i'.e ei! e:ili»tniei'l, and the oiiicer. froiu VI. Ail siiosisieace, lodging, t: ansportalton bills, Ac., .e paid hy li. f. ebsbursiu^ oaieer, Lt. Col. V. N. tirier, t.'.ucnpoit, io'.va, V ii. Every eii.tsleel u.aii eii.e hurled as a mi:i.ii', or fur o:.ic|- cvitse, iuvolvin^ fluid eift his pail in liie enlistment, or elischar^ed by the eivii authority, tcneits all^iay and allowances due at tne time of disc!.arge. Ill eaise uny individual i.s discharged \wtiiD i..ret ~n»utii» aiter eiite'injj the service, for a iis^biiity wtnea existed at taal time, he receives ueituer pjy nor allowances, except subsistence and trausporlatiou to his llO.ll" i 11. cpeeial attention is called to ihc follow ing extract trom tienei al Ord*r Ciei, War Depi i l tuent, A. ti. O., series of lbeWJ "All exiienses inclined on aceount of recruits '.hereafter ei.l.sted hy recruitiug olhcers, eilticr for old or iie-.v legiuieuts, vlu .-nail t.e rejected alter medical iu.spcction tor f//«!iw«slisabiiiiy, ex isting at tne liuiu of l!i -ir eiiii.siment, will be churned utt the lim»ler-iu roll, opposite the name s aml raa(sa to a ijr reperty, nnlee. ii is the Val- Recraitim Service, nnd ex­ showtiiat the iucui ted for mw regiments, prior to or^aniz 'tinn. nmnber of men, a* in this case, one hundred number o! days' ervice) the mile, miles travelled and rate per case le in each will specified, as iu pa*ae» tranapertation." for railroad XII. Muur anil D^iciiptive tb!l* will b. made oat lo (lupicMe ate jiiii K to fsria. turiii«hnl tr.im thil 0«rar meiit, or.t e py lo reUlteil lif reciwir^ efc •an, aa4 one eob* lornrilil wtth tii« ddachiotat te Lt. ..1 ,tr, D.c eut.... eQt pa|«r* u! ll wiu. uommsnilers ol eompaolc n»( rea4/ ier i*c on. tuadred itijrf' w11atla once lurvai 1 it.cir rot', to this arttuei t. and fc« reaAMSS la at on« hew 1dei MticaU thi» poir t. 11V. Bar«c|«rt it the «en«ral lllfciW of al tb. Iritaati, (eloift mr Knt bMrkt), as Ike I'lW Etoiwhi« !«»»*sulSciWt number of tamctol* ssioia BQtoti all tteoy. raiaed, aod as at tMs poiat itM OkM DbtainlBt aad klastertef Oflw of Ik. CnMei luim has Ml b«a4uaiteri. It. Al lecrait'ag oAeen win at esee nftrt le "-SSASAAAAAASR eat el Iwiiinn tht# fit •kfMl leral rcBdstvoes, over iMf Jl* (Mlcrrs will be appoMlad le Md sssWiaaai tu as peawlrslili treos UMSMSSIB mJbMSSm Z.TS'JSJS XISI&SN TO". 1 Osnawiiir la f»ii* s r" mmm WALL KKF.KEKKF. Kt'KfcF.KIK KKK 1KKKKK I i KFtK tFE KTEKEEEE Ltttlttt NOW OPEXED, AT PLUMMER'S Xo. 50 Bradv Slroel -M Above the Poet Office, at air.fair.ivoTjy STOCM BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED GOLD i Davenport, April *7, 1 04. The Governor of the State has authorized and directed '.'..at ten thousand men be raised for the United States service tor one bundled days. Recruiting commissions will iaeued to any responsible parties for tiiis service. Applications must be n.ade theretor iu writing, und where the applicants are unknown to this etcpartmcnt, the application must be indorsed by well-known cit- Uavcnpoi t", upon transportation paawja' Or^auized militia companica which denim to I'^'^tofore elireeted. enter this service, mustninke immediate applies turn i tins o.b ••. '.vliich will rrne]ez\tnis nt Keokuk. "are Enn,•1,, tremonts on the way for these volunteer*. I l,,!p u,° «r ,nw# ,ar muss their iaviocihlecohorts on the columns of '^,^'5' ^llV!l'ry, Chief Mustering OHictt the enemy. of the State. N. B. HAKEK, I By order of thc Commander-in-Chief. Adjutant Oeii'.-ral ot ,ow# M'l'A'i'i-: or iowa. Aiui taxt Gcvlrai/s Oirija, |»(Wenpoit, low-, April Slsth, 18W. A full Regiment of heavy Artilb ry will be ac cepted by the General Government, to till out the 10,'Ho Volunteers of this State. Experienc ed artillerists and the best companies in the Mate will beacccpted for this service. X. It. IIAKER, ap29dtf Adjutant Geoe-al ol' Iowa. STATE Of IOWA. Adjota.vt Gekekal's Omci, I Daveniwrt, April II. Taio 'i'i, 13#4. Gene.si Orders No. 1". I. All Otliceis recruiting for the 10 000 one hundred days' Volunteers, will take triplicate enlistment papers for each recruit. of said enlistment papers will be re­ turned to Lt. Col. Wm. X. Grier, 1st L". 8, Car., Superintendent of Recruiting Service for the Stale of Iowa, and one to this olHc--. lij order of the Cominauder-in-ChM. X. B. HA Kim, .... Adjt. Gen. ot Iowa. •lArcoeuWt, AB'irrsBT QstratL'i tlrr'ea,# UAvs.roar, Ma l.fc, U«4. Ossaast OkDBai Wo. 1). Ail s ddi.rs of regt rats direolet te report to the tlinrsir of thi. Blt'.e for far.oaf ti or a jr e .r piiput, wd! b. bshl a'-ruUy aeonntab. for asy aaina^i or lijtrjr thtt ty be doa, by llna te any private property I this 8.alp. I'. Wh.r.olBjeri ar. Iu o .mmar.d of ceapenle. WiMtntKM, April 80,1804. Attn. Gejt. BA^U if"! r*4 W K err.or of ibtsdUta.or to tb.Rapdrl-i odat of IU- stautlv on hiM a j,.- a^MortmeM of eralliay 8«r»U» In tbis bt»t«, tl ah ihj O .V. nir, tosh oSitrs wnl hell reap mslo!. 1 ^r i 9 S. It. |B) Itf A4J it lie tlsii#r.' o« Insw laroBTAirr.—The following dispatch from tlio Wiir D«'p?ulin tif ia of imii-.rtf.ncf to whom it concern! Thc Department cannot coment to enlisted men being de tached from tMr command* to aaaiat in ra croking th* ana hundred (iuOj daya troopa. T. M. Vjxcbxt, A. A. O. mti or IOWA. A mint Uaiiut'i »aiiauOHMIa 11 MUl tmirn ''"Vv .«« 1 fiMtssn *Mff $sr"»*A M§Y A f. 15 CENTS PER WEEK. NUMBER 167. TiiBRr" •iff l(P.URHfiRRR KUItltURIlKKK KKK RK RUKKKRRKR UKIUiRliK RHR RRR RRR RRR MS IW HSfW ssi^ssss S93S RRR HRR J»» f«9 tmi IIS' ot PAPER HAAltl.YGS, JtmoHf n*hifh Wtii be BROWN BLANKS. WHITE BLANKS, SATIN0F PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, BriTF OF IOWA. Aiuctavt Gknkkai.'sOrrtcr. KIF.TBKS, GMLT\§JYD FROSTED, All the Above at very IJOW Prices Slate of Mown. Adjutant «"^u- Col. ("ulhertson, »',ettd uf 011 (iKNritAL's Orrrc«, Davenport, May G, 1844. General Onlert No. 14. I. All Commanders of Militia Companies in this .State, which have volunteered for the 100 d-iys call, or commandcra of Com panies raised hy Recruiting Commiasionera from this oilico, will at once proceed with their Companies to general Rendezvoua, at If. This does not apply lo Regiment* raisoel iu thf First t.'oiigres.^ional District, A. thii tricr rr* A. 0„isor.hrod from ,, f( Keokuk, wlie,.- |,« Wd uct as A. A. and A. v}. M. Ciencml ol quisitiuis made upoj her for trooj. i, she ii ready St«t.. fe,r thc ptupe.se of organizing troop a t» make further fci.ei-itices in the ioly cause in ''ihcre. which ihe Government is en ,'a^ed. riie volun fV. All tT»."ps raised in tie First Con ifers a-ain iu de'. nse ol tho H.ip which has pro- greasioti.d IHstrict will i'',iort to Col. Cul tected her citizens and her rights. hertson, A. A. G., at Keokuk, by Saturday, Let Iowans promptly meet this call. Let the thc 14ih in.nt. oil mm be activ hi the {?"'I cause, and let the V. F.nlistment pnpers for troop* in tha youn^ men learn their seniors that they cau First Cotigrcfisional l)istriet,re(juircil by Wen cipial them. Let the e.Id and youn^.inen uud wo- oral Orders No. 11, Will he delivered to Col. men, wife anel maiden, vie with each other iu Culhertfcon, A. A. t»., ami to Captain T. w. their exertions to semi troops to the lield lo ena- Walker, 1 S. A., at Keokuk, thelaat named ble the Veterans of Iowa and other States to "IHccr acting in buhalfol Lt.Col.\\ n .S. Geati* FnralsMlaff Clothef. bi wprranti^l to suit. ear jr atioaa that Mid vttMra esert tbelr authority uJ Uila ea'. i" 1 st sli I'.sm**' a U/ cr UrvfOws aailer-tn-Cbf. Own**, I DttMrosf, taw, *»r 4tk, MM. «ie «ai*rtakaa ta leanM la 1MB •tata fcvafey aeaetae wtUwat aaieeaa HasbetMy itOaaaiUhr W OMat. M. A aAaaa» .v, AiMHtanltllM lirier N. II. liAKKR, Bjrt-dtf Aeljntant (Jencral of loar^b •Yfofirr. Papers thai have generally published orders of this Deiartment. will copy nil orders and notieen in relation loth** one hundred dttvs men, as thejr appear in Ihe Davenport Dkmocnat. X. It. Adj. Gen. of faHMk AHlatenf dJI'TAXTlow.i.IIAKER, Un*El!»t's Ol'ril K, Mat U. 1-.VI. MKRCHANT TAILQB«. IlKADV-MADK O O I N AT t'OST PRM'K TO BE HAD Of— FRANZ MRVRR, Second street -first door we«t of .National R4|i A good assortment of GENTS' FI RXISIIIXG fMMtDS, BOTfl'f ,* CLOTHIXG, t'LOTHS, I'ASHI MERES, SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, ^5J. which 1 «il sell at the most reasonable priaaa.iw CaKtom Work Done at all times arid warranted the beet, durable and cheapest. All who waat the and Cheapest goods must come to Clothe* Btade to order on shorteet aetia^ ail ant SO BBADY HTREOT, R*\RNI*W ond, keens constantly on hand .to order.' WMFM* CLOTHING ef the best that eannot tail to give y at re nag e reapeetfnllv aol BILLIARD HA A•* n beet I "d iFRA N* MKT|KA NJSW 8TORBI John Bartemefer HatAS.CLOTIIIVUtrSTORFhVmlhwi*S2222 REMOVED IliS STOCK OOOM O trankhn Mt.sck, o, -eUP Eain aod Harrison streets i a i I a i s i s e e s n e e n or d.taatnwe ., an Ur ord.r. to tepo to ih. O.v t. R/A -x5 4 east '$* 4Ti$ -4f *9*!! ,-w. mm me. ee|il4ly JOU.1 joaain, •X- MtilMkl |Mt* tjanance oi |wiroas({e. ijeare owlera. B|yH A. NLF.IJRI NO. 4 «ac. NfaiM MMT ______ XJUMOtt Vit -ioik e-jM' •j 'I