Newspaper Page Text
-r^T 8* III aiiu? RIAL 1ST ATI AM) INSURANCE AIENOT. JOHN L. SWiTS & C0* ftH L. SWITH. K. B. HILL, W. P. UDDER. »ck*l»* Block* (up oUfi,) •feCO.IDST* iifrlVeil fitiajirtvti flfiff) CITY LOTS» •wclllllff IIOHMO W»li Sought, 8old and Leased. H»iue LotM for Hale* A IKar|4»iM. Xo. 49. Those eligible building lots corner of TWelftli ulid Mock Island streets, Oring 16" ft-"-"4 "II -1.11I11 Milt: i-tli sired, ulid 1.V) feet ou east side il It ck Island street. The above is u very tine location: price very low tei ins uai'iiuiiiioiilv easy -a small amount (if cash down balancc oil long term ol years ut a low inti in)« i cf-i. 41. I,ut t»u Brady si left, went side, i»"» feet by l'i't feet deep price very low. On paj lijr the lot fkt trunnj/ tj buud mil In, loaned ft UK tit UT ]nr tint. u-i. On itrudy .street, i«»» feet flout by 10O deep- teuced. Price I- A fro itn-i fvr ®K*t Hit, So. 4T. -I'li *•-. just ca of Itrady Ht. So. 43. Four on lihSt in-ni-• K. i I rout I bridge. |Ti. O.'j. A No, Itn iiisii' '1 suites of roiling lor oenth -num. I'irkl 4'Iumh lloitMt'M Ibr ({«*•(. No. 4. .We «re ready to engage to rent or lo sell houses now building) to bt- ready for occupancy In .Mat or Jiiii nest -plans ut which may be Keen lit our oilic •. Slor« (or itt nl. No. 2«. Tin- wont »toiv ami basement, in Me tropolitan block, now ocuujed by Muck it Co., ^l&o feet di ji. •fiouMt't* for Hair* Ko. 10. In ilme, III., two-story brick dwel ls* Iioiisp, »i!ii lot iso by l.Vt t'f, ', cor. Lvntleaml Aim Sti. 'I'iie liouM'i* in jjooil -4iii(!iti .n, is now rented posse^tiou given in :i'itliiy«. iTIie Iu.ium. cost jf'i.otKi.) I'riec of lioimc and lot, Jfl.i'MM one third casli liiilant e o.i loiift titne lit low interest Ko. A brick dwelling limine on K--d St. l.ltt", titX'o fiwli, rest on tune ut n per cent. Xo. ^7. T:.e cwtiitc now owned mid occupied by «eo. S. V. |)o\v, Ks«j.,l»t itii 'lie dwelling bouse Itiid tlii-'-e lull lots, tioatiiiii Koiitli upon t-lli St., oorner of Kai until sir«-et. I'liis iion^e is in per feet repair, bavin been lltt-'d iiji by tlie ov\ner for liilnsvlf. 'l ite I ntite Iii i aiifjeiiietlt ol tlie licune i* tnsti lul utid complete. The view from this place is iiiisurpusted. 'IVrun cum'. No. iK. I' i .on.' cottage IIOIIM' ou Third street, in (ireeti's nddiUuu. fricc, So. 89. I'.ri.k house and lot*, fonthcast cor ner of -itb i:nd Main Sis., known iisTboi in^ft.ii es tate, l'to tt front oueaeli.S'. I'ricf ^i'i.oiki, may remain for a term of yours at it low rate of inters! No. ay. I'Vainr dwelling lim.s.-, smith side .'Id Street, east of Warren St.. mid lot. i'vice, ^4oo. No. .". limbic IMIUSC went side of 1'errv Si., corner ot'l'itii .-tfi i t. I'l ice, .f ji.'i 'fwo-thirdH mav reiiiiiiii on l.ioH^ajfe r.t per cent. So. 'I. Frame house south side ad street, one mile w«'.-t if itr .-ly ftree", price, 1,.'ioTwo thirds may leinaiu on lino Jl^e at six per cent. No. 1. New frame house on Hrady street :!DAILY HI-fruiit tool. Un I Wild street, lot No. lul'stikcr'a ad dition, (corner lot,) price. So. -it'. Four house lut-. in Davisou & True's addition met. Terms easy. Ko*. 1, M, 'i'liirty lioutc lots in Slayma Iter's addition $l|Bi to i*l.'. each. Term* easy. Hlorc Lull t«r mu1«'. MI genteel resilience, i 1'rice, No. 11. Valuable hotise with 2^' aeres ol'luml Well stocked with fruit of nil kind*, with stable, carriage ho.ide, wood bouse, cow stable, wai oti nhed. i ist. i n, two wells, pasture, orchard am! yoiliii uiove -Ilie whole plitce well fenced tinil in jierfeut order ami r« poir price ,i Sloro* lor Saie. So. S5. 2 aluable store*, well rented easy terms Wei iuore°* Ad«lltk»a. i* now laid otT into 1nt« (of all prices) and they ut ready for sab- on very easy terms and at low torites. Htm-o hots, Store Lots, Wurehyuje Lots, Factory Lot •. Fai-utM HuateiL We want to purchase improved toll &om 80 to 1«W acres I-'ui-nm lor Sitle. Xo 2.". Mi acres, till improved anA imftr frm* 3 mil- tfrom the city, with excellent house, t'.t rooms and liar, woo 1 house, *II-!I house, barn (Jo bv .Vi feet.) spring, two wills, cistern, orchard of i'M trees, (tipples, pears, peaches and cherriesi Price cawli, balance on a term of vear.s. Xo. 17. hrr«ji. fcueetl, a purt itu|»roved be lli u a ]art of Marmuvt Noel's land, udjotniii^Mr. Diner's ph'ce. This place is adapted for u gar den or m'ap»-ry, price No. I s. so acrca, all improved and under fence with house, at Hickory Urora. 1'rice Jl.UHO one-therd cash. No. %21 l-.'o acre* nnimprored land near l)u- ranl, a: #1- per acr •. cash, balance in live years at t.m per cent. No. H". 4" acres. 5 miles from the city, on the llnliutpie road, all iinpyoved and nndcr fence, with b.Hire au.l stable. "1'rice $1.8'«». two-thirds may remain for a tcnu ot yeara to suit the pur chaser. •_' acres in I/inn County, i-rl improved ami under I 1'rice #1 V. cash. No. 1-. 1-" acres near Wc'.rott, (ilo lmrored and under fencei with house priceSl.SO't. •jtiwo acres in Poweshiek t'o ai -r-'t per acre. 400 acres in Iowa county at per acre. li'.'iio acres in Sioux countv at per ncrtw H»M» acres in Clay cnu.ily at fl per acrajy* 7 DEMOCRAT. H. M. r»:rrM» iu. Co., N ^7 Park Rov, New York •ni! I# Html* «r« our a^euta in rHlM and are author****) to tak- adrcrlitcuteuU mod «ul»crip* tlou« for us at -ur ratrs. If.*» a, Uf Uiarlrtrn CMiirafo. tfioriied to re» «-.Tc LOCAL ITEMS. A i.akob Iron .Satk for .-ale cheap, at the warehouse of 11. M. I'kkttymav. Tiib next practicing party at White's Ac:k1i tn v Ilall, talccK place Thurwlay cven ifi!r. May 12th. No gc-ntlcinuti admitted without a lifly. i4t Tuk Ciuo.-iT.—I/ovcrs of the drama and the miraculous, will find a choice evening'8 entertainment at Metropolitan Theatre thin evening, on which occasion the Oho.«t" will lie preaentcd in the most artistic style. Watches and Jewei.hv.—Kutcnbcck i« receiving aiiother larjje slock of the most dcsinililc arti'-lcs in this line, just selected in ihu Kusterti markets wlicrc be now is.— r.a lit-i, call and sec the goods. Ko. 26 Lc l.-iiic Uow. Acctioh Sau:.— Will be sold at public auction, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock at corner of 12th and Brady btreets, three dwel ling houses, all in jrood repair and ready for occupancy. I'o-scssion v?iven immediately. For further particulars ini|iure of K. Cttr ru t, Marble Hull .Saloon. dts. Acais wo say: l'lant nhade and fruit trees also grapes ami evergreens. Now is the time to do it. The investment will pay. Man}- of our citizens are doinf so and many inoic are nut. The i xjiemliturc will pay— pay a higher rate of interest than any other we know of. Don't let this opportunity ptts.- unimproved. I. uiiks, voit all want snrirtg machines. Uctiicinbcr he I'lorence machine is the best in use. It is pimple and perfect. Come one, come all, and examine them for your selves. Kemember the place, corner of 'M and I'erry streets, Mrs. B. B. Clingman, A'/ent. Agonts wanted in every town. Apply to Mis.s K. H. Ciinguian, Davenport, Iowa. Go\k to Kt:oKrK.—Col. Culbortron, As sistant Adjutant General of Iowa, and Capt. Walker, jVssistnnt Mustering & Disbursing Officer for Iowa, k it for Keokuk this morn ing, to open an office there and superintend the raising and mustering of the hundred day men in the 1st Congressional District, which are to rendezvous in that city. Two more energetic men couid not be found to have charge of this important work. Tub Li mhf.k Tkadk.—The yank of our lumber mills look very lank, owing to the fact that the low stage of water has prevent ed bringing down rafts this spring. The water is rising gradually and in the course of a week or two our lumber merchants ex pect to have a full supply, and we trust they will not be disappointed. The demand for ail kinds of lumber is very brisk, even at the very high prices at which dealer# are obliged to sell it. Plated Wake.—The richest stock of goods in this line, anil one which comprises the greatest variety which for style and ele gance surpasses anything ever offered for sale in this market, is kept by Webb, at the great China store, LeClaire Row. His stock was bought before the late rise in the gold market, and will be sold at very reasonable figures. Also, mirrors and minor plates of every size, can bo found at no other place in the city, together with glass-ware jof ev ery style. Call and examine the stock. Anotiii.H Yalvabi.e Jv:.KOVI:mhst—A New Steam Fi.oi ii Mill.—linprovcinetiis of a substantial character are b^lng made all through our city. Last winter we noticed the fact that our friend Kichard Stribling had purchased of Mr. M. Donahue, the lllue I trass Flour miil, with a view of re moving it to this city. This has been done and now, at the corner of Front street and Western Avenue, a substantial structure 42 by 70 feet is in process of erection. The foundations ate of masonry, two feet thick, and the superstructure of timber. The mill will contain three run of stone—two for wheat ea5h 4 feet in diameter,—one for corn oi feel in diameter. The power is to be a power engine, two boilers 20 feet long, 41 inches in diameter. Directly over the boilers, and sufficiently elevated to al low a man to walk erect under it, will be stationed the water tank, which consists of a 20 feet boiler, .')fi inches in diameter, with the Hues taken out This is to contain the water to supply the boilers, and into the front end the steam is escaped, which, after passing the entire length of the tank, pass es out through a pipe set in the farther end. This is a valuable improvement. There is no leakage as in wooden tanks, Escaping the steam through it keeps the entire vol ume of water hot, and prevents anything like freezing in the winter. Even the cold est night will leave the water yet warm, and thus greatly facilitate starting up in the morning. The steam, also, has a tendency to settle the water in the tank. The feed i 1 acres in Hancock cinrnty at *1 per ac#K looii acres in Winnebago Co. at $1 per aMMt 3imio acres at I per acre. Jooo ^cia s at cents jer acre. Si!'1 acres in Tama county. I2t acres id Story county. aoo acres in \S':ini- shiek Co. at & per acflk 400 acres in ti!uu ly county at per acre. 500 acres in Bulier couniy at f2.-Vi per acre. S.Kiii ucrea i" Mower co., Minn, at 2..V' per acre 64" acres in Houston Count v at |er acre. FIRE INSURANCE. Pkesix Fire losaraiire illiHtic Fire Insuraace €•., Liur Fire Insurance Co*, OF NKW VOUK. City Fire Insnranee Co4» OF HARTKOR1), CONN. toriigiieM Fire InMrnee C«»| OK Si'llINOKIKLD, MASS. LIFE INSURANCE. CMinectirat Life Insurance €*, Betna Life InMranee Ce^ OF IIARLFORD, CONX. ft$w York Lift Insnranee Ci|': fNiritj Life Insurance nnn n OF XRW YORK. *w jiln Swlts A Co., S1CKOLLH' B!JOCK, JHCOTO W. Icetw CoIomn„tf AArer its* "h** TERMS 8V.OO PER ANNtJMf THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. la aa- a^J?ert'«« tfxrni# for tM^ pmper. VOLUME 9. DAVENPORT. IOWA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1864. BOARD or PKBi isonn. J'hesrxt—Messrs. Carpenter, Davies, Far her. Henley, Little, McConnell, Mead, Mur r/, Koss, Thompson, Mr. l.-u'-ir moved to adjourn until one o'clock p. 111. Lost. Mr. Davies called Mr. Iletily to the chair, and in an informal way stated the reasons why this meeting of the I Joan 1 was called, the reasons why a l0unty should be offered, and why the niy essary amount of money should bo raised by taxation, instead of by private sob.-cription. lie also alluded to the sitllerings of soldiers' families in this city and county, and urged that something be done in their behalf. Messrs. Clark and Wing came in and took their -eats. r. .Mead offered the followhtg which was adopted hntt!rnl, That a committee of five be ap pointed by the chair for th-- purpose of tak ing into consideration the subject of :iri*-ap propriatioii by this Hoard In aid in the en listment of tiio one hundred days' men, and to report at the afternoon session. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Mca I, Hons, Clark, Wing and I'ar ber. On motion, adjourned until two o'clock, p. in. AKTKKNOON M-«STON. Board all present, excepting Mr. Gates. Mr. Mead, chairman of the select commit tee, appointed at the morning session, pre sented th" following report: ViV.i.i/*•('/, That an ajiptopriation of $25, OOn, or so much thereof as may be needed, be made by t!lis Board for the put pose of paying the ijuota of Scott county, under the late call of one hundred days' men, the stmt of fifty dollars to be paid to each re cruit, or their families, in equal monthly in stallments, the first payment to be made at the da'.c of their mustering info the service of the United States, [At the time of going to press no vote had been taken on the resolution.] Tiiitr.sinNi Machines.—Our enterprising fellow townsman M. Donahue, is turning out a large spring, tation in tlio country round about. His machines Rre built upon honor." Kvery part from the trucks up, are made of the best material that could be procured, and in it si vie of workmanship that defies alt com petition. Mr Donahue found a ready mar ket for all he made la^l ison, and could have sold many more if he had had them tu sell. Every late improvement is attached, ami no pains is spared to atlorj the farmer the best machine now offered. Threshers anil farmers generally should take pains to acquaint themselves with this machine. Xr:vi- Opkkatok.—Mr. Smith, the nnfvrtffH' telegraph operator at this place br the past year or two, left yesterday for Davenport, carrying with him the best wishes of all who know hint.—J/ntmtine Jovnu'l. Mr. Smith is welcome to and enterprising city, where we trust his stay will be agree able. If Mr. Smith wishes to gain imperi shable fame he tail do so by putting tliia line in such order that a heavy dew will not cut off the electric current. The Frost.—There was a heavy frost last night throughout this section of coun try w hich, it is feared, lias resulted in doing some, considerable damage to the fruit.— We have c-nvcrscd with several farmers to day from different parts of the country, and the general impression is ,that considerable damage has been done. RIVKR ITKU*. The new and elegant mail and passenger packet Keithsbnrg, Captain C. Morrison, will depart for Fort Mutlisoii mid way points to-morrow morn ing nt 7 o'clock, making connections for St. Louis in o hours. For freight or passage ap ply to K. A. Tiiebin, agent. The mail and passenger packet Hill Hender son, Captain D. V. Daivl.'v, will depart for D-.ibiniue and way points to-morrow morning.— 15. M. l'rcttvmttn. flsjent. Davenport Carriage Repository, .Vt». i flfl •'./ V- /, I DAYKNTORT, IOWA. J. HOYT. PROPRIETOR. r.lRRUIiLS, BfTifilD AM) 1IAR\MS, Of l*«BMtprtt .Tlmiunirfure, and most dm able quality. His jroods were bought and contracted for before the urent rise iu material and labor, wiiicli enables him to oiler the (fUKAT EST INDUCKMKNfS to purchasers. Call be fore purchasing elsewhere. fbll-d&wl v WffiBUK MMOTIIKRM, MAKA'iKns UK TnK Davenport Curriasf Maiiiifnrlorj', CORNER Low-Priced Collections OF BEAUTIFUL MUSIC I OR THE PIANO FORTK. The Home Circle A collection*of Marches Pol- pipe running to the boilers below, enter the I kas. Waltzes, Schottishes, Redowas, Quadrilles, tank so far above the bottom as to prevent ^^hd^.'Sh sediment passing into the'. The Silver Chord anything like sediment passing into the' The Silver Chord A coilectioii Id'Songs,* Bal boilcrs. The tank can be easily cleaned ^nt^lWs^reUh by opening the "manhole," which is on the The Shower ..i I'earls A collection of choice back end of the tank, which projects thro }£$ Ms. the walls of the building into the alley, into Operatic i'earls collection of Som^ Duets and Tnos, comprising the Y'ocal lieauiTes of the which the sediment can be thrown when too operis. witi, ViSno Aceonipauii'aVrt" much has collected. The mill 'is owned by $2, Parlor Co Stribling & Co., will be completed in time Baet«! waltzc s!,Mu?chesf Dances,'a™ °Ap^Si for the new crop, and will cost about $16,- for 4 4it i i.m« i'/uNL «he Piam. 1.50. !. A 1 .. ,Il'wc 000. It wilHteft valuable improvement to the popular ami fa«i Our city. s N SPECIAL .HUSSION. Wbdsesday, May 11. Pursuant to call the member* of the Board of Supervisors of Scott county met at the 'ourt Hou«.e this morning, at 10 o'clock, l.»r the purpose of considering the matter of making an appropriation of ltmds for the purpose of giving a Inanity of $."0 each to volunteer- enlisting under the call of the (ioyi :r:or of Iowa, for men for one hundred days' service. Dateaporl .Harket% OrncE or the Davbsport Dewocrat, Fridaycveriiint, May 1MV1. Fiotr.— wholesale $').oo((m .4o re tail. Wit BAT.—1.05(?-1.17. «, itAKLiT.—ft.oo@i.3a Oats.— Cons. WHITK Uk\xs ?2.00(® Flaxseeh.- *2.''i('i2.^."i. TiaoTHr.-- 1-'.250249. CLOVISK.— »7."4,(«7.J5, Potatoes.—o*j(t/70. lil TTblt --S.V. ®G«s-l"c, rVew York Market** CcTTOX—Qnie^ at Mc. Flour—r.^Mc betUT. $C.'.'0C^7."O for extra "o for superfine. SViieat—Uiichaii^ed. »l,.ri-'^il.4 for Chicago Spring ^1.5Jgl.54 Milwaukee Club tl.os(ftl-i3 winter red. Coax—ft.29 for old mixed. OAIS PokK—Higher. $20.75 mettk ki—1 l((j H^c. WmakT—tl.^'j. l\c« York Nlock Market. New York, May 11. Gold 75. Iwumber Kurkcl. Dav i.m'okt, May 9. ^rnctTiff fiS.oO l!ai ii Hoards HS.nO Framiui Timber a Joista under !in ft 22.'*) 2" feet and over 24.hi(^.3J 00 Flooring, ....»*».#«..... 8.».0o Siding St.oo Finishing, 83.oii(a fn.00 Sliiuples .. *."•50 i,.r. ISoai!s .oul l'lank- I'arl oth 1'. M. U'giiinint six :5l) linln one of said .piarter Hione. number of his Mip nior grain threshers, separators, and tl.e A. 1. ls.'.J, to the order of A. KKKl'S CONSTANTLY ox AND a iafire ,sftck of the most thorough ly I:..sue and ino modern styles of Janu Anow THIRD HARHISON STREETS, Davenport, Iowa, niatuifac .ire all kinds o't Carriages, Buggies aud Wagons from the best material, and perfect satisfaction warranted. Re pairing done on short notice. Rutis niodenite. Ki Encourage home mechanics. deel-dtf IMA, A collect ioi! of Sonss.' 'i Bda Dances r»ntaillillJt 1111 taMiionaolc Quadrilles, t^otillons I, 4c., with figures and calls fur tl« for the !viiuioPirp ti -o Faney Dances, A 4 I changes. Arran The carpentar work is being done in ex- i Uaioa Collection of Popular Ducts for' Vioii orient style by James Stephenson, as also the masonry by Detliff JohaMn. Ew«rj- im'« Farewell Album, Julli^'iffiiic'ftL k W 4 7 I EW» ®7 Wathiagton BOTTOM^ •f it .iveQ a s McI'au:..iM \V:o of said notes for the u- COMMERCIAL. DRY COODT. ••fit I' I' i.oi.elu -Us li-iit. To-Day's Advertisements. 'i'Ul'cTLL'.S h'Al.E. HKItLAS, on the lst da of 'December. A. Y\ !. lso7, Janies ti. t'r:eie. Crane and Maty his wife, Ann cxeeuti tl ullto son, as ing to Joliu W. tniste a fc.iid Thomp certain deed of mist, convey trustee the lundj and premises in Sco'l county, Iowa, descrtbi 1 follow?., the South east nl:.' of Hi-vvil ijutirt-ras section,from half thence four ninety three and stone, thenee b. iriiininu. "pavuient ren. One snni of e liuatb^d tlullai i, (•tin" jiaia'.le mi the i'tii day October, A. I. 1 to the oi-thr of Alensoii Sh'-.dy one of said 11:11- for 'lie sum fd' one liuitiircl and fen dollnrx $1 bo payable on the 1st day of January, isijii, to the order of Martin (iiger and the last of said notes for the sum of one hundred and live duller* pitiable on the first day of January, A. I). i*w/i, to ilie order uf Nail, iluiikh y 4 Co., with intert st on all of said notes at the rale of ten per cent per iintinm. And now the said James U. t-rnne having failed to j.tiy the iji-te for £.V'!to James Warren, alutve named, I, John W. Thonipsun, trustee as afore, sai 1, do hereby yive tins public notice, that In i iritie of the power wbiub is in me vested .y mtid deed of trust, I will on Saturday, the 4th dnv of June, A. ||., at ten o'cloclc it the forenoon oi -aid day, at tit• Court House door in the city of Da', eiiimrt, expose and oifu for sale ut public auction, the tract of land above described, or touch men of as shall be ueccssurv lo aatisfv and pay tie amount of said jfs•' note, with the interest tiiereon to the day of sale, together with the costs and expenses attending this sale, costs of this notice and trustee's lees. llaleif Ma# 10, t#a John w. Thompson, dts Trustee,. Board* 4 GEXTLI'MAN AND WIFE, OR TWO A ^tn^e gentlemen, can be aceonintoditted with board ami pleasant rooms in a private family. Adtiie.-s, post otflce box loS. tiiylo-dit* METROPOLITAN THEATRE. I,i:v-i:K wn Max'.i.i.r. McFARLAND'S MAMMOTH Dramstlir font it any 20 IX NUMBER 20 For a few Nights Longer* 15th niiihl of the Cl eat Combination Company. The tn.iujgcr wishes to inform the citizens of Davenport ami icinity that the Immense Attrac tion ottereil this week in the way of Sensation pieces, which have created a furore in New York, r!itiadc!p!ii» and Hostoii, justifies him in expect ing crowded houses nightly. WEDNESDAY EVKNIXG, MAY 11, The 2d night of the optical and spiritual Enigma of t\e nineteenth cctiturv, the GHOST. The whole to conclude with tlie celebrated Pro tean Farce, in which JKSSIK MACl'AHLAND will personate six cheracters and Wiuiee three laaac«% Kntitled ilie Siage-Striick Housemaid. Doors oped at 7- curtain rises at S precisely ADMISSION: Private Hoxcs Oidlery fOc Orchestra Scats Parqoette 25c Dry Kindling Wood. LOT OF DKYP1NE KINDLING WOOD on hand at. our null on a«l street, and for sale very «IEXCH DAVIES. v'tirt d' Tt* Central A ttnri Trnnk R« R«, BOSTON, Fare ft96, BUFF A I/O A NEW YORK. Fare ...*1.00, Less than via any other route. Passengers get the full benefit of the aboxe by purchasing tickets at the Grand Trunf T'uket of fice only, Deal bon street, Chicago, Clark street, Chicago, '.'41 Main street. Milwaukee.. S. WEBSTER, West'n Asi't (». T. S. F. HIHitARD, West'n Ag't Vt. Cent. C. J. BRYDGES. Managing Director. Mich. Sonthern A Lake Shore RR« OXfurther AND AFTER MAY 4T1I AXI) UXT'lL notice trains will leave'Chicago as follows: 7:'m a. m. New Y'ork Express, daily, cxeept Sundays. 7:30 p. m. Xight Express, duly, except Satar- Trains arrive in Chicago at 8:16 p. in., and 8:15 All the above trains make regular connections All the above trains make rffal* connections at Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, ew York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and all ^iluxu^ious Sleedinff Ci*Oi*. wttt aH taodeni improvements, rnM on nigtntrains. VL K&FE IISB comer of iM Jm Ip. 'mIB. Ha IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS* LATE ARRIVALS. M. Herzbers A Co., ,Y". .SV.',„J ,S7., JU-jtk, Heveryreceived ave and are receiving day, by Express, the most desirable styles of Fashionable Spring Goods (t' Wiiiu'i* FahrU* and Jhifltrris. Also a full stock ofbleached anil unbleached Mus lins, Flannels, to which we invite the attention of buyers." Having our stablisbment iu Philadel- fy New Yobe, May 11. ihia and Baltimore, and one ofourlirm constant iu the market, we arceu:ibled to oBer induce ments to ull who call. inclilii-dAwly WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! K W STYLES! For the Scnsoii of 1S64. 1ST The lurg'-st and best stock in the city jt: Mm W. PETERSEN'S, M». -i VI lisT "Jll ST., aving made large purchases of stock from N'-w York Manufacturers be fore the rise, lain prepared to ofl'cr Superior Inducement*. mli l-j, 1.. W. 1'KTKUSEX. ELEt'TION NOTICE. "VTOTK'E 13 IIKi:i:i!V (IIVKS THAT A _i^\ Special Elect ion has leen ordered by the t'i'\ t'ouiieil of the Citv of Davenport, to be Inddeii in tie- SiAlh Wmd, on Ihe Twcut)»flrst day dint of i|iiartof .?ro ilie south -west Vection one cJl, i in tow No. seventy-eightNo.ttventy 7^1, north iis'uip riuute three east of fourteen (,14 chains lifty- west tlie .sonlh-eastcorner '11chains tlin e fourth'-west Which vev.inee was made *aid con- l»v the isaiil Jatnvf C. Crime and Mary Ann, his wife, for the purpose of securing the of live certain promissory notes with the interest thereon, signed by the ilii'nesC Crane, horse-powers this (,I said (l-i'ed th: 1-• due i Oeceinbvr A. I. ts«7. tine said tn which have gained so high a repu e ItHndred iid notvsfor tb« mn dollat l( j- s, $."ooi u l,Je ol'Deceniber, lMi2. on the lilst dav to the ontcr ol 0 :e-.'f s sitl I it s i J"o'i| Williatit 11. Heell li'j!e-i tor '.hr aiiiuof live him !rc! p"3abl" lol on the i '.lst day of lleo'iuber, ALL PfcKSONS INTERESTLD »VJJjMs T.IKE .VOTIVE That (y"?11 links to a nonh ten R' chains !«eb- 11 j'.j i liuks, c..r i and a lour:1 haiin ninety three and t'tiri-c-fourtlisC.iI links, thenee north ten '1 chains twelve and a half''"Jji links to a the tnu^rsigxed have beex by the Mayor and Alderman of the Ci'? instant, at 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock a. m., and from a o'clock to 5 o'clock r. m. of each dav. C.H.KENT, 1 S. HlltSt'HL, -Committee* GEO. S. C. DOW, mpyi-d^w Mississippi li Missouri Railroad COMPANY. rpilE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK .1. holders of this company, for the election of Directors for the msuimr year, and for the trans action of sii' li at her business as may come he tyre the said meetinir will be held at the office of the company, at Da\enport,' oii Jlumlu) (He Ml af Jaae, 1MI, at 1 ti o'clock uoou.. Davenp'*t, May -!, 1 dtd Person^ ajir^-J dim ppppppp pppppppp ppp i'p pppppppp ppppppp ppp ppp ppp of May, ISCt, for the purpose of electing an Alderman in place of M. K. I'A ItKS, whose seat has be declar ed vacant by -said Council. The Kle. "ion will be lieht at the School House, ill Ka-t Dili eiiport, Davmport, May loth, lSt'4. ,p. CHRIS, KAt Fl'M A VS", Citv Cleric. (l laveiipottt, appointed a committee to eo .ializc and correct Ihe "Book of Assessments," of said Citv, for the year 1- •'•, and they will hold their meet ings At the Council Chamber, For ten days, commencing on Saturday, the iilst lajr of May, E. COOK, Secretary. •folic#. Stkket C,'OMMISSION*Kit'sllmat,) OMMI City of Davenp :rt, April i'i, lsi'4.. I WKo are rkmoying, or about tti remove, anv tilth or dirt from their Cellars, alleys, etc., are hereby imtilird that the city ordinance prohibits them from depositing any dirt or tilth therefrom, on any of the streets, alleys, or public grounds of the city, except in such places as may be designated by the Marshal or myself. All persons desirous of removing such dirt or tilth, may, for the next u'i davs, de posit it in the following placts, viz: On tlie east and west side of tiaines street, between loth and lilh streets on the north side of -th street, be tween Harrison and Ripley Streets on the south side of Front stt '-et, Het«eei Ih own nnd Warren streets oi- ut U' awiek's Mill, East Davenport, (by cousent of the owner. 1 All persons not com plying with the above notice, will be dealt with according to chapter 12, of Cit e Oi doiances. GEORGE H. PARKER, Main Strc t, between Second and Third, DAVENPORT, IOWA, Collrcts Bark Puy. Boinitirx. ant! Pmsions. Hyear aving hee.v engaged for over a in prosecuting Claims for Pensions. Arrears, and Bounties, parties can rely ii|Mn hav ing their matters atteuded to as proniptlv as the business of tin- various Departments at Washing ton will permit. jj.y-dtf U. S. 10-10 B0ADS. XDEll IKSTftUCTI0\3 TROlt TlTt SEC wtTAitr of the Treasury of the United States tn the First National Bank ofDarenport, has been authorized to receive subscriptions to the National Ten-Forty Loaa*^ For the subscriptions to this Loan, bonds will be issued of the following denominations, .'si's, 10O'» /»•, and l"'Xfs, registered, or with coupons at tached, as may be preferred by subscriber*. These bonds are redeemable by the Government in cow after t*s, and payable romr years from date. They bear five per cent, interest, payable cj. bonds not over one hundred dollars auuuaUy, and on over one hundred dollaM semi-annually, in col*. Deposits must lie made in I.xjal TtnAt notes of the United States, or iu National B-tnk Aott Cur rent-y. Subscribers will reeieve intrr'st frrm tht day tht tnoueg drpoxdai it ilk thu JianL, and the bonds will be delicered at the expense of the tfor trii rn ut. Coupon bonds are now ready for delivery, and Registered bonds will be on the 1st of Nay neit. By an act of Congress the issue of these bonds is iUnitfd to Two Hnndred Millions** Dollar*. an amount that will soon be absorbed if we Mr judge of of the previous success of similar appeals ny the Governmen^ tj^ the lojal people »f this ooaatry. These I S*m All Tax* PPPPPPP PPPPPPPP PPP PP PPPPPPPP PPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP AAAA AA AAA AA AA AAAAAA A Ak* *AA AA AA BRONZED Buys, Sells and Stores Grain at the most reasonable rates. Highest Market Price Paid for spldwtf] Produce of all kinds. COST PRICE TO BE HAD OF- EF.EEEEKE EEKEEEKE PLUMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street, Above the Post Office, at »mi.mnoTii Wkirh be All the Above at very Low Prices* COMMISSION. CHAS. H. ELDR1DGE, Real Estate Commission Agent, DAVENPORT, 10V1. Will at m! till it- I'fumjitly t» ••flag Sl NelilnK Kcal Kstate, Ciillfftioiis of all KmhK PAVMK.M' OF TAXES, .\rsotintinjr Lullns. ItfaklMe AbHlrnft '1'ltlris, RENTING HOUSES AND FARMS, Atiswrynr Letters id Iniiuiry, Myking I'm chases of all Kintls, Second door above the Post OHiee. apr'.S .f7A. DAVENPORT, General Pro4nce A Commission MERCHANT. awl Warehouse on Front Street, Four doors east of Perry. Davenport, tawa. B. HEINZ, Produce Commission Mercian!, NO. 4 BfltROWs' BUM'S, I.KVRK. PkindsHIGHEST E." W. HA K Ell, Stn et ('oiuioi^sioner CLAIM, WaiT lot NTT A PENSION A«-i:vr. AYS I ASH PRIt'E FOR ALL of Country produce, butter, e.^gs, etc. Boat stores always on hand. Bin s and hells on comtniafion. niyUdtf RTlir PARKS, o n o k e "VTO. lot SOUTH WATER ST.. CHICAGO, _i_N III. P. O. Bo* 'J'.itfJ. Caih advances made on property in store. «uch7-dlr JA1IKS H. UAI.ZEI.I,, ^COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Vy Airent for Herring's S.ifes nnd Fail bank#' Scales, llydraulie Cement, Plaster Paris and Hair. no. Front street, Davenport, Iowa. mvH-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. KKAUV-MADK O LOTHINQ AT FRANZ MEYER, Second street— tirst door west of Nation*! twk A 5""«l assortment e( OEXT8 FURNISHING GOODS. BOYS* CLOTH INO. CLUTDS. CAiMt MERES, SHIRTS, StOCKIXGS, which I wil sp'J at the most reasonable priee*. Custom Work Done at all times and warranted the best, nibs! durab e and cheapest. All who want the best and Cheapest goods must corns t» norlKdly FRANZ MEYER. NEW STOREl J«hn Bartemeler ,.J,IS STo K OP GOODS to Franklin Block, on Second street, bet '•"t® "d Harrison streets, where b» hat onracd a NEW CLOTHING 8TURR, and will stantly on hand a good assortment of Genta' Fiurniahtns Goods, Ckrthen made to order on shortest notice, and warranted to suit. Call and aee me. seplrflr iJMw Jonnix, ih1??ri?^Er0?fP3TBEgr BSTtfEEX jj~rf jjjf- JSSL^^,S•JnJ5fe?,0 ortwand in the best stvle. Mgy ULOnURU AXD BOYS' CbOTHIKO of 'j .vT The fullest satisfaction guar- A. HHJJtt, I NO. y BBADY 8TRERT, BELOW 8EC Ifffti5?^*Q**tMlt|y08 han'1 •nd of the best malarial aMl ia 1 that mmMU to glm salisfaeta. I Itrd a«r Hmt f' .i|-i in u*. mA h„ 4T «. m«j* i. ti'». 15 CENTS PER WEEK. ——J» WALL NUMBER 168^ RRRRRRRRR KRURRRRRRR RHR RR KRRRRRRRK KlUtKKRR RHR KRR RRR RRR RKR RRR EEE EEEEgE EEEEKE EEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE NOW OPENED, AT STOCK mil tm ssss sssssss ssss *8 SS aessss •1 1 ran jail of PAPER HANGINGS, Hnm4 BROWN BLANKS, WHITE ^BLANKS* SATINS, SATINS, STAMPED GOL§ PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, SJTI.V SII.IDKS, UILT J.T0 ¥HOHTRW^ STOVES and TINWARI. Sloven Htort* HILLS & WASHBTTRN Mo. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post office, AVE IX STORE AXI) ARE RECEIVIN0 th- largest and best assortment of PARLOR COOK I HEATING 3TOYE8, that can be purcs tseil in the eastern H. A W. have t.' e exclusive sale Ut SANFORD'S Celebrated Challenge Heater! one of the moat economical duced, and for erpial. The unrivalled Trlamfhj inventions f'er pro* 1 convenience and comfort hw W Forest M» InaCatSt orKe patterns eat ONLY be id WaMibnma. pi4 ed at Hills and fcar very stove guarantied or thi money refunded. They also keep the celebrated 0FP,%SIS!f-.ffiW!W¥iS0 ROOM HTOVKH Tiawara, Jappaoed ami PorceUn Warn, Tmga, TIs, (w*, a g|ii Iwa Waw, aafcctnrad to ardsf on Aart iT 'f 'i 'A to give 1 KIHT0CKV PHI* te which water never freeiea. K ... u. '#'»W Bhovek, Pokors, in short everything ia the Mm. it ,rtwv" I H-x *i"K 4 •s.-sm mHm, I aheprlM^' oe!7d«rt£ 1BILLI'ABDHA1/1 hw8i (W|t .•jk©: JTiOBlIKOj J* v W i,jt i J*..* jmaf .J '.«fe .'to butua ib »-4 yl 1.1338 tt&I