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ir •Ork Ki'With 4 (.1 ••—*l j1 I. MMI. rnrrti ., .„ .ty ..1 :.ti-!t it. i ri in- -1-late, (i.tfaiwe« 1J». -*. V sil und l»flitf».t Tricli-iMiMM ,• I ,in \il.D Mtil.'t, yil.\ Ll!. i'ii,-i •. II. r. •»». •&» MMXL,Jl. -. uuicAl. AM» MK IIANIOE 1 "tf.t, Hi*!' :r-"t, i. tv n it.i ^UUHfx^ Ail w»rk cm i.t.'ha 0t*Ong aim «T. ir»-iilde III I" ». 0.4-1 «itit»0| i guana!ii.*«t: oili. I'OBli hours, day #n! Sight. JJ. .1. wtinAKK. DESTI.-T I !!, irv i I Am t 4' rr«im-4.«U j, oY£ft 1 l«wa. 1 u *ir..rtedat ai PHYSICIANS. j. A. ki:II, tf. «»., rnv.-u IU,kux. i.v.-i OFFT«K rr«i'l'tnc* Xo. 24, corner Main and Tbirtl gtrrft*, lowii. jyI-(J2-d I»K. .f vol .il.l^, Kt.l.uV, O'TLIST AVI otW«t «!.•' to.fii aee'i- lua\? $».. 'il!v l»:i*. njn.vt. fj« 1 "f i»«. ». w. Hc« iin, llViriAN AXIJ H.iHilvUN OI'I-'ICB IN (iHiiiv 1! »,i'» nr t'artl nidi •'I tllMH 11 r»iii t'th "t .1 I'll* Idwtf rIAV.-'K .9. ii ai. AMi ,-i IK.KfiN. (l!F«'K IN I»I |III-III1AN (if .•«!: l!I,id Hmltlitf.'. i!I -ii!(-!iri 4 li litti'flv n»«i I'mr i rr«'tn. tnl'»dw •Hi. Dm"K IX I J.i:\NJ. CORXEI: nf M.'.uM Ul i'ii-' I. 'i*, I!|| siiiir*, I lit #i iijmrl. l'in i" u I nHi in lit 'is nil si af (h'-nt of lii niiic ili.-i'ii .« iiijil Kt'Miil. i)ii,|,l.'iril- I". :.l I I. II ll .11 »HH.I .J| ,|i*. #:i i |»Tlnh»i»iir thirrts wif'uml tminir thr i.nll'i'. |k\ ii in--.* |n i.cet ami I'tl rli .il in nil i-uiubli «««••. OlHc# liitw ::n»i a. in. :4 p. in. Atl'ii'M li.. ii.MilAulv ATTORNEYS. Jl4til EC IVti'OKB), T'inKNKY I I'l.mitv Ap« AT l\\V, I'K.N.-KiN ANI Ml, I- ul r.i!it!"pi lilu- k, wiijKii t, llii)4i T.'t.iVU. otJM. is-: *. lit) ilKA I»%1, A.lTOi NK\ l..w lil-'r M'K IX SAM. IVri in*'. I.iiit k. 4'Jir». I'.isi UiIi.-«. ajra? IOI» l*«l Mo. r. f'«,K. a in. DRt ev A r»IC5 It*. •Vf..-- »..»/, ,Tty. TT«M:M VS uii rorvsi '.mis AT f.AW" J. V.OII.i' i on.i 'it .Misl'i liini IHIITTIkUt. A 'i'lOii.Si .SSlt IM N.-KI.UK AT LAW. U Om»-i mi M: :n »!ri. I. in (.'i Mill's liiix'k B|j l«ir Hl.v.'.i .|»r n Mi.i.v I IUMV\ A A i"i''Ji.Ni.\'sAMM!iH .\sF:j.oii»4 .Tt.A\v\ U.X. uOi i. 'r 11 itrnl Hi 'h Sn. Jl.ifetiuorl irrt itu its uE ir. A TTUUM1 AMI r«ll XSKI.CHt AT I,AW u "ii'l N-I.ii yl'ulilic, Olitiv in l.i'('l.iii'i' 11!..ik. iii|mrt, limn. j,„.j.,!}(• Dav II. W. TTc»i:*K\ AM roi"i'l.oi \T LAW. «»lli. \. W. ciir. l!i i." v p. lit .- IIHU (If! k l!nl ant i'ii ii. iiiv Jljf .U Wi Y. IVItH SMI'l'll, TLUU\KQ.S AMI CM x»SM.UUS AT IIOI r.l. mr, «1 M.KIT, 1U»i KiI Toil. l'i n'TIX«j I.. vot ami l'...-«eii|5. .Staii .ii, MiKcMliu,-. li:.\\sii.VA\iA imm KI:, COKNKI: UK ill! AMI K\V A S i'i :,i tV, I». i.i .. l,Kii i.u.i'j::.s. i i- luiiiinis fu ana iii'in Ungear# uu i liont.*. Fmpi u (.n lln' !.i liiiri-. i'l.n Ift'i11 an 1 MatjlH ih' ll" i l.'i* tiu' 1 LATE _NEWS. b*AC-l«|JU r! S- Mr xtyI of vi-rk, at tii lw«rt liruig [nw, will I wil cull «.'. Dr X. Tec! i vimtl wi it uli Ikou oi the da f" •wi't- -J m«-i 1* P- itain-*X?-fc-« v,« v i" 1* wlv LAW !1I||| .Ni l.trie- fuhtfc. Otiu'i*, i.u K(., WC| Bin.', Ili'tWl'l'H lnil! ami jil .sis. l-i! ,nl!' *"VH ,M II. II.XJKK •»i rvt.n & R«H.i:i:s A ^'V-,:V| \S ANIM OL NSI-'-0 ^TLAW. •Q- "li. .' l)iiM'!i1..iM- IsltMk. a«l liuof. j.-v II. ii. A TTO,RJHV AXMBH-«KTJ.ON 40*f, V ".,,a z. 1 jertiw. Or«•:- n i'iiT".i i iilni'K, Li-t'lSir •, l,i.\.i. I' ir:i ui:r!i! i.ii ii.ii.l lu roll.'cliiti:-. i!» Sci'lf ^'.i:i ilv. uivs-illy HOTELS. tti'irs ix ai*e si OltNKi: OK im.'.v AM) Ml'TIISTRKET?, Dm s «.i MIS, I'! 1'il'i l.\ u:nl ilic U isitfTi'liiuis". Siages Ii'sn and ri li.'lmiml- I .ii'. dull' mi TMi»iii rr.i V ^OliN i Iv.V N i I' iEori:i *il 4 \VK Ctei ag «. til* ui'ir-.l^.-j1 If. SKIXX'KK. BUTCHERS. 1'iiinII.v ttnrtrfti5 »'t A i *£, t* S !.l'f. Ills \liKKT ON- *4^6^ v .ii|ij.ii.'ii wiJi ihi'li.vf,1 J'. Jra ."f li. .-1 |',.fk, \fill, vtatUH. wliiul, tiiM'iis i i!tan i.11v n'ljrr kot ,i i in ,:v. t'.trun! I1'i. kio/l l'..rk, liuii'it llHiix i Jl.ii .! lii'ti' iMuii.mlv on luaiil. Ca.! Ii y I.I. iin Tti&ciiji:, t" iM I it It »v STUKI-T.H: ITII Ai*v :. A .TII. tuniiln-m with the v. 111 Mmvi" i4' U Uliul ut .u._ -Vterv iittciiliou ^aidlu i,., u •.IM,.II.CI n •. Iy MI8CELLAKEOUS. "iw. *i. i. »a:aiuu. VVSUU)NAit!.li Jsill.l.lNKii. mi 1 lo.i'-i, M.kiul'' eii.t lirfsJ-Miikof, V- rsW'llTO ST., HKTWKHX lii a r.inl IV: i 1)..\i-iijHiri, iitwu, '•j!i*l:ini! 'ill ii.l a liU'itv end v .11 srlool "I. ot ili«» Miilukerv tti.n-u silt I'i,!!s eh uUr:' :„n «.t IIil-puhli.-. ri'c.'iv'iitl p.»tnlilv. nvl«Mi]y »i si i JI I.US K4M1I. MAM'KAfirUKi Pii.\ri((.\ AMI DKAI.KR IN ltuls. i :i s~. S.^ ..vcs. Ku:'»4 &i", Sturf o:i M•*". li"Tn'«'en .Mail, uii.t n.iiiiv.m. njilS-Hi HlJfKV «r,l.ttY 1 *PVl-AUE» iX I'lill.Vi i UHK. CARI'ETS i•^, Oil t4t*i .Uailiii^, \\'ia»Unv Shail*".', ®c., Ki.t S'cm i Si., in-xt «U«ip is IVriy. jvjl P. VCTiCAi, 1'AUTlrri.AR AT ,M,1 !,I I .ri. t, fn.rhs. Silt'., Vl'lvels •r wi ui\c *11 olol- »Jt Bireil. I fjinl .slrni. Wro dour nr-f |(,iv i •srii1 nn l.- .ll v K. S. (U-^K, Si(..\,,OiC..iMK.VTAI, A FUES I'iinittT, Ni.. Tri ii' li i ai.,,-, 0 ]\,s. 2®,' Alt ttMiers |»u5t.tiuir of all •tj iiialitv u:i«jjM»*l|». |iruai|*tly, and c«m a jrH4ra:'lit:d ,il •SL41 faes. o'tivro". «*»«*. ttivu Tlios. MORGAN'^ O'i Silt A IIKOIM I.At'KliMITKS AXii iml-r,. Shop UU I'tjl'iuu-iei All* n. i- »:-»KUS.— n«a! Kuor to BflUtb'a Livery fdr.ble. Work laitUy loayi'i'dtf JTA*. .WTLTO^V, ARUEK AXU HAIR IUKS8ER AT THE i* House, ic(jkm Unlit i.iforioa the bub U.prcparod.lbr rtliuring, hair anttin#. 4fmia§ ia UM n»«rt ^proved at/|« TJABBi Jjlhrti HHMt be JP3nmI To r*-- .fe W "Hhiw ¥w»fi Mb* W "f* dates of the 6lb oont.iin, Skf (Mn brfe «t 4 «*hi M.relatve t" Urania ircoji" uu l'«: If lJ*jL 1 MCKOli, Dear .^ t0n .-(• Hi.-VItmiimi l-.untj. Tdi' r^«g«inci.| Uaied i'IOOI. t. i 1.:^ •, t] U^pcapltti dl.jiOCifour »UU* th« «o»o« tfaopi wtfr in r*«rT fc^wek, *td D2« reel Hoxl.y fo'cd it »8 «, s*i ai.dr.! ii- b' bSon'.i-'e.-. ijrt. iuinu» wouiidrd- Tr«* Utloo roojn ^Bifeed b*ak io Ctu&cel !r. Kfcrj ti ins Iook» wi-tl. Toe i. ithtno&d Whig of the lib mf* that to I'l'i bom o.i i!i* k tu fl^biiai{ bad i «k*n |»ln» IV- l?.»«i'«. Tie n»(*emi-tl Uil'i'« 'ranfpoils rj. il.o Jimr» Riter aai-. kuo*u in PfiiTjbo-a 11 r.Vi k n J§J\ wt fu -v. I'r ke.t oHrr -tl col tb* mllilla, Jiiid K'^at c*cit*oiftil e^ «oed. A I the fore: at Pet*:iburjj was motfd on-, but co'.hiuii is aaid tf menhg Ibf pritfoiy. to.'ty-of trat*pori» arid otb. rj cominp, tbnf ir.-o-nUo#, md I-^r «aub aU oiit.ifii, fioiu lea to Onccn tb^uait.o ra niar did u*. a iudiii£. T:.e Whig at tbt T.b *tat-s h»l Ritbm-lr.^, i» 'n CO wcis^ ji»ril than «bi n tbr- b. '.IcCi' I'-iu, aij-J aii-ae .Lii tbere is of a panic, and bclda ut lb? er.cuor?p»»iiftt 1'iat arn rei.-ifoii e iin. s ai* ai bai.d. it »i)» then- *l.i tiiyBU'i' anl suif.Tiiig frou. t!»ai. Hi J' of food. A di-si ol iUr G.h from DaaiopoUr ^i»»a lii»t U'ix e«»ali v, (iOO s'.rni «, »'ii£#gn. (.-"Ai V ii.iff* t«f ir t.l vc iirauuu Ui* K, Uli 'rr (J.'-I A j*ire«», rrpu ni:•.% ibe Uiur Willi ue.»»y In.'*. Ti.e Var.kera are ret.ea lrg towa d. Bitor. Rous*. A Dillon dispa'clt of th- ata'.ea at tL ••i uiy's jjii k«".s wfir II mil's fiom Tui.w lj f,u'. vc »oa .o.-»i» iba ooit.l'ja tojid mini iif uunn -t'j e s. Ao Iniiaua}i:lu di«{avh of the s a'.p? .bat Qen. E iioiv, Wi.ii 10,300 ki.«LirT. let ill it' », aij'i i'j*) cat I *is advan.-, I» l'.iiw i y. A .*ii*sio rii«| .tc^i W!'! tbat mo* at were lb o*ii u» I'-nt ti'u.Ui bf Ffi lay uioruli and ta unit* lilli!. tnllf Hi- i* tiitoMn iaiu Ouailealoi »u tjiiBT'ia -, and ten on Sotid .j". bciefjl ii*»a'. ily lad.II »«*.Be!ii Jb-»il" in i: tn tf i a»d«t, efrti" iltitt'^waid Th« it-bi I^ ». ot .bai.k"! by Ftr e»i if intli'r jii-l'lel.V.iori'. U .unlrtMifrs P.-jiaoi, iol ai.d Sjjau'dink vie asi-iitiied tJ li-c n-' el itco clad* io tj JaoitB River ..ui IJ .u *s.b \V*tiUNCtos, iy 10. A Wahliin^l i) Fj.-4 4--i.iS lo ti.e uwmttctii' i is s. id tin ii l.i i'uvt? ii '-'c 0 trcMiiitd dvpot of mpjiiws on tbe NartU A na !iii«! of di lei Ci's, toaruid »liii:b point e wab J: imiiiK bis rotri-ul. Ucii. (ii.iui is olio«in^ itim. lie will b« k iviii} liis base of bUjji ite at noun- dmtaiicJ, Ini- l."!!" invii bare raiiooa lui avvctai da 3 «uth ll.cui. Wa-IIISOTOS Maj 10. On y altou1 90 iiifn ui 'i li• Lliitro art- lull of ,he4.b Vi Mi'ont It. uiikpi '.. 0 'I-, K jmuu'-, jil In in F.i.rlda, is a prisi iu r. liis i)ii!! ile kii oa.ll i k'd t.o li.-r Nj inmii nub1, iuui«* gull intiy oi iriv 'y, but it *cc.ii9 be wan uuior ui.ate tviii. aisirou.ii* W a »ui eto*. Miiy 10. Th*- 6-ar fiys i.c«»oii!irr a rti last uirh iium tbe tirfi.v, vvh i. li 8|'i'uy'vai.ij yt-.stn Uy, p. il .mi- i n hom b'iik Lu Aijuia Cieik t»d t.eii rntuc b* ri u it ^uiib'jiti. At 12 o'c.ock ,thi? li^iji wa« to'ii" CD a' •i|:otts Iv.ii.ia (.'••nit u«». We b«-id tb at tbitt b« ur at.ri I.e.- cute o*j It-i.c!* lel'tf weakei tM, und tall:t.i* back. Tii. iin Mi iijttT bad itu i ul 169 Cira' i y, nij'l as ..iin i i! .iij wr it- 11 u iul pi Y ASIIi. tfru*, May id. (Bp. ola: to Jliprti '.J Thar# fa uni a word: fron: ,:rit op to tbi.* I*. M. IIi? bp: ps bid c. inii a ul at weil fr. n, the Prp.tJ'!)• cud War Dppit uii'.'iit as fn ni .ill ij.liP'f-. W'IIMJ l.i- iust li-(. Wat:iu)itiiu 1 ^ail to the G.»d-|.rpd of the H-cident *il do my utmost to fulfil i.ut:ic esiecia Uo" N' it n fcting^Irr or drser'.cr hps en fcil ii in «b a my liues sine» ibo bailie of Tbur* 3iy tut. WAstii -aTiv,Hav Id. Advices li'iiin l!ie front ta 8 oViock'yt^ttr d:iy,nif r«'ii i\vd. Cii Sii.nliy it army em*. irili-r' -J I,o- th «trdii With 1,700 caralrr, »e ba«e advanced np the Pi nta-tala, etittmi tb« Cbkfcaf COUL- ridi.ii t)u way, it is act improbable sbi nut y of tfii Pic.'it- *rre cap-'uicd wheu rp .lift i 10 ll.f (l RIY. Oiir wou.ided uie ioile-! to be 1G.OCO, i.OJ. of wbom i.rc ai Fifde i^kbbari i. lifck tti.". t!.i-y a ljn:^ iu the ttr.-elb «o« iijk.U li.i* jiav :«.».* I-. A i-iv iv j'i trol was crilpfd oat, bir •:ouid tut ili 5u y, as i nit to pas •e w.'-pii t!ip ro.ia t.f .voanJi'd vmiioul liainp a on :fiPK'. It is a (ill tlui '.li. le are bc'.Wf-en 2,000 ati* -J' bO ii0' i wuuiitd ibi'ie al«o, wbo teiu kit up jii ike Be d. Niw Yoac, May 10. The tiHtr M.iry, fro:n Hio Oi jr do, Hp.rt? :lul A|::1 ^1 ai iniuiii^lit was bunideJ by lliu |dr«t« Kl'Hil.i, *hoUii-ci* u it hivin^ 1 L»* Avpr, iruiu Ciiiuu lot- liostou thru weeks i viou-. rtnr guu! -.! at S| oils Iv.uiia Court ilvju,-.'. A Fiii:rp light i i liicdiatply enrttal. (»ur !i noj-s were »i lust driven bae.«, l.ut i illying avlvatn t'd «it": hii'«t ititfi-p..jtty uri.ili the tmmy ilrivfu^ bim br'.uli i :iiv I'uiiit 11. u-sl'. O Holiday nil a ilcr'y i»n:l »ui opciicii mid fctpi. up siMU'i ol J®pO'. tjylvatiia, Foit I'.Mliiijj is PiiiJ to liavu bicn capttnd by ciiir Ioik-j. Uu i. Hutlcru Hiorinc: on «o ftichii'ond ot. til soutli sitlc ot tin1 J,inu-s niVI'!. Urant H'i'l ltul i i art! tunning a race for the CJp'uie of the u-livl U.ipiti', nnd Uni' ir a little ahead, with lie ck.nii-ea that he ai i bo fir.-t t» put. ii. (fa lias Uui oue d#y'. ilioit ill u filing tu acc'iuipSUii ib a -re att» uu tvui t^-a in liurQsiit'd 3'.aC ta rHI.ort4,(,. U n. .v'e !:.'wirk w.fsbot a .h rm5sh r.eai dpuiS} I, ,|| e.uird bij ,j inn him itwiatt ly. Tt»« If tier .[»*akt of ibe chmho ut Goat I wi ll', flirt sixn li. l. lmvnl gi'luoiiy, bill bt'irs 'p CO fl lifted li-t r*enif!|f id broke. It was the a i mi' ibtt iBft ||it,e fitii. last fall. BK' Wl'ija IIL'MH.I.11 Al-iy VIA Fi.-kT .MuHBOK10 ehtlr? rrrameu. rd yi-M-iday noor, in COO iiitii tHl uitibi, tetie- u Gen. Utckura .' BiLa.!e, aud .ctirai other-briwader. a' do« v. Siui'h, 0 -p. U-Aoropard citnmai! led in p.rjor, Du ina lb.'Buhl nor jtces o»o tie ei rui\ brick three toiip^ ,,,.4, ,. lU l\i» b"M th" r-tilroid be.weea K:ciiinoai' aid I'etTsbure, 0 n. IC ti 11 z\ huecceded In d«4troyins term poilioijf o' He Petcrfbor^ atid Wpl^oaRii- IOAII at UicUt IfitJ, ai.d isiptofed maoy rel et prhoaer.t.. "V- 10. Gen. Sedirwiek was fciiled ytnterdiiy in a battle at Spousylvai.ij. Tiiis j], cilliciuJ. WASTING llr omnt- ly«oue. Ciiari -s '.r 1 To Major (Jtat ial ix: 1 to ward a dispatch this moment received from G"u. liutlcr. it tells th- Moiy. w opttratioM a t/ U tumwmi op ia i few •rft. -K .Ji •Mb/, and .re now holding the po«iUWi ont aifWuoe mare* to vrard Kiehmo&il. (ieu. ii' unt* with z.fy^O cavalry, from B«i T^i Its'i Vi°t1.,iC n i'STour d»»'»i«h oar i.i.*»Bi« ».t «t tlif J.iWf* Hirer, croa»tJ tli-j 1J jukwattr «i:d tuintJ Kie rcJioad bridge at Btrt»«j t'roek, bcl''.«r Te ersb«rp, ciltuig in l*n lJc*'.*r^»rdV for' i'K at lh it p( int. We hive limn.*'.' hero, r:,'.ret:i:.vl o^taclvs. dci-ttojcl mir:y ini!ea uf rilroid, iiul |iit po#i'.iwi, »itii yioprt nif'pUc*. We can ln»ld it u^U:..-t 'Ue »1ioic of L.-'a aimy. I Luc iw den u ti.e tuppliw. Dt'nur.g .rd, with* hr ?e portion of lis com- a.n]t ui i of the cuUiti^ of the railru-u in (Iji*. K'jiiiiiz. Tl»« portion whicti reachcd lMe!-k»ur» und^r hi'n, I ue whip i* iodi*. iiUii-s "«d wou-.din! wt«y mt! t*kiug Binnr |riKi!:rrf, nfler a ut Tere a iU wt-U CO!/t«!t»' i li^M. Liiul. (it'll. Gralit iil Iiot b? tfouoirii witli aar furtiiur rcinfotcements to Lei: oiu !!f»iuregiir'r3 (•jr-. C''. [Signed b. I'', llrnsa, M«j tfn Conim ui'iu.?. PATENTS. THE !HMT10.Y\L PATKVTOFFHE. Ml W ll/I DttS. 22fJ iinnulwH). New Vork. Hii-'f Hum. and i'n.UM Omt »*9u Hon*' Uiuvl. SOLICITiNii.!•' Tfii* *"nmpai:y v.ill act ai At- t.i: n' H'l- lii ii'X I'ati ills fur nev: Int el! ti.Mi 4 ia tut* t.'uiinti-y and Kniupp, en 11 if mo^t n a-'Hi4il'i«r I rur. e-iuilii' Inh i:i|t«unt ci.»e*, and |,II :p rcii-wals fr-r 1'aH'l !... O-'i r. -"it /."rxiii.y'i,,/ l),j.,trliutnt. V n if,:j«iii .MII IIIII tt the public tbat our* i. tbr »iiU ipsji iiisililr S-'iliCiiiii^ flou."? in tbe arid i Ik.t ha- .si biiiini ilnum, and an etli .•ifti! i. 1 M:''i'.' ful Si-Ilinjf lii'pttrtiucnt attachpd. tin I'cl-' ills tfcJ.'eu nut bv n.s we n-.juii'n iin ad vait' U let! tnl' -riling. W i* are ia regulareoriHiiiinitaiior, with ur-ward^ of Iw|,"i,a'—rt S dii i lbri)u^l:..ut tIk• loiuiu v i:.. depend vviiollv lui' their Mipply upon n-." Our Kxb:'.!ii.n K .nil.-. c.n.i«-r ii.uadsYav uud llaiolay Mrcctt, in ibe very heart uqd cejiu'r the eii.. '_!• dntly %1-Ued bv ttiimbcrs of ,]iitali^u u'nd i.i« a Knrcipi i •, M-i-kinif iiivesiiui'nls in valuu bl- J'iil"li1j, for e plt|'p4iM. .if re Uiliii in ub livihi4»Ms, while ni!"-i .ii,d iM-ariorcsipitali^ts are i»lwa-i i ready pin h.i-i usi ti,J i'.iu :,t ,,nd en ^rt/t* lu it* niaiiur.ienirit, and iluis sei'Ufe a lucra live n«'H!y. 'ii.i of Kmaud tbat are tlail aii/iiietr.,1^ aie fully suilieiviit to no. aofb th'.' entire swj.j.h i.t I'utelit* noiv btdojf is s.i.'d. a:it ut tui:' 'i.ut.s. t'oiisitrmiieiils "t 1'atcnts fur sale are j..s:mcI full-.* :»*'!ll ill d. A I.V lilfiini.i'.tini flee. i(ep4ill sible •iii.« iiiiiiir i in 1'ii-rv emuity and tov.n n li i bat e Iim.i1 plates bu inps'i to HHib ive l, ill pii^ $•»'• i|i:it|--u tuii'l p*.r een(. on -all to in a-our ajjeiiU', tor the explanation i ./ii" ii'/iii- or iii re davi id tbe mode's of such jii.i .ni- in may be pb ii in I heir builds tor sale. tu -ill 'Mill li, \.'lin ill cive their tvltole time to buMifss. will p.'v K-i" II Iiioiitii. Also tri»\*el llllt A .reins lire »v:inUd u! a tan- salary. A i I I i i i i a i 8 a e t-.i s- ei rtly «.r iiepiwil the re.t price of Models. '..liU'h ri wnen reiuincd. Addn-^s end*«»!!'• «I."<p></p>IMIIJ»»muled NU»U .v \v \I.TI:I:S, iLH nr .,, dtvnv. lN:pi:l(r.\#i-s ... in., i ,. lersiiii,.d. d.nn/ li'i .- ill. *. Ill .ii K it th. 111! lit i| i/e ii a.'fill S. Withers :.'.d •!. II. :n.!v|-. l-u':ipri-ll|jj thy fU'lli 111 be w|i.'i:a! I'rtTei.! lliliee. In I'bi'er jo itK, an! vt.'I'i! li ».• iin'i mil i.'oiuuii their bttsiacw upon strnrl:V hoiioru-blp pMneiples. i M'/)i"d Ae\ Vorl:. Feb. 2'.'tb. ^1 K' a ,1 mi Tinpoit r, Mbiden Lane, X. V. L. i av lor. I.sij., i nk-r, Willi .^i., X. !i,.*. |1. Aooihr."., Ks.j,, Hank r, i I'i ia X. it. i»':i'f.'iu ril, t-.t iird 1 o.. Iiiipurters, '.'It f'e.i Mn-et, V. itv J. lliniit. l-.stj., t'eininisvion, i llt.v.liiiif (!re. i:[ X. I .i.v .li.i!i v\ Kiln, Ls- j., Mel i onolituii ttaiil. l'-io .t.'v. City il. Arthur. lii ill-til mill .\ i:i rieau K*eft|i!ij e iJiiiikintJ i nl|Hiri:Mui|, I,ii M., X. V' Cil v* II. li. i-natli. J-..s nu uiv.i! iJ.uik, eor.u of lb'«rfui way and Cimmlier* t., \. V City. i.i'i !-.I-I'II !AIY v Tbere are .Ketcur Invention* riial Hiil-ii iiji till' Iiiiiiiil 111 in the lievr*|i:.pi.r. :tii I n:!: s to li'.ilt lull. '1 bete al.-o 1,'i' tf Jh" «•/. v.hich lake f. p- li .bi of'pubiii-1 stouai on tmd l.a.-t ti.r al! I'iine. I'elliiaiieut iiMoiijr th la'.H'r cia*. -i.iii-:*-. Ulii-iKliidoroV Halt* Dye* A veyetiihle prt-jiiUiiiioii, hai uili-ss as .vnii-r.w'iii in ii ni.iii^os, Tranf/ ff.ttr, or bi . oS uiiy uliph'-ii-aiit ime, t.i a trlorioiis bbiek ore:: eluiiilui.c li. no II. t"lilijue ia its coniiHisiri in i,. ililiillibie ill it.s ivsiilis, it ha* iui.ii v cU popuiai iiv tviili hot sfxes, with evirv ih.fts ot society, miii in ait part* of the world. Miiiiii!it-:uiu i" l,v ,/ 'n ii Ant or iiiuse, Xiw Voik. Kep! by nil drilL'-ri-t-.. n.ay,: T(l IlE.-si'tiUK TIIK HICKTO HKAl»iS 'flu- hhwd nn,Si be purified, and nil inidieim s are ii-.•!•„»*. tt hi. ii do u .J pr...,lSs t!io ijuality of stiliilib'tiutr I'ii1 I' t-i di-.--liur^e ii:i niipuritii-s into ib" bowels, iiluxntiKTii's hiw po-se^s thi ipiulity in n iiiyb derive, laid sbuuld be in every talnih. 'J'l..". eijimlly u-it'fnl for eiiild-i ll. nnd adulU r.da.H Iwth sexc% a:nl #i* us imift i flit a.- Ijiva.i, '.'t MOST i-KMu riVE as )iKiitr:\r. Tbe it .it, .live'ib K. er, e!' Spria^vilie, fiid,, vvriHe to Dr. Uruiiilvth, under lii.te of *dav 11th. I MIL I I have ti.sed your invaluable V«irctiibie I'ni 1'ilUin let iiiii.iiy SUU.C l-s-'JS they har idtYuy.-1 ir.'d, etpii ulien otlirr ine.iicinrH were i I no nva'l. 1 have been the nieans of hit lui^h Ihi: 'a..i i^ liHii.-1-ed^ of dollai.s tvorth end 1 ai.i saiialied tliey b.ive re :ei\ i-d a th utsttnd per ecnt. ni lilt (i in .iii'.i through their use. The are i^ed in this rt'/it.n for Hili.uit and Liver Uis.'ae, Faver will Airno, uud in nil rheiuiinti east'.-, '...ili 11.*- uii,.: perfeit suieesx. In fact, I!n are (he .ivgt r.-llwi. v i.: -.i.-k!:. .-4, I'enus|ti 1 res, May 10-1:30 p. tt. '4 i 4* ..I ttfii1' Mfirn tfv •A f». .f' 1-* /1 u eniist Vj k i. Wisiiwtirr a, Mny Tbe fi'lloairia is eziracet from a |rit«:i letter 11 a m. in jer ct O^-u. amfl, d-ited the 7 Ii ... O i. K. d.«|. k"- 8 -Ifiifn aft rijbt ao fnr Wo ba«t been tijti'i tbr.'C day?, with laihei i.ivi'i'.b'i' reta ir. S' Vi'i,.! \f Oral t*s alsff are killed oi woQtided. U-T. Getty, mnnr,d:i e the 2! di*iji .u, it wounded, ai.d al-oL^n'. Fox. ut b'a s'«U. ,iJ 1 tnisi Vtir venerald.- i fft.i.,y i.e '. erf ,i rcd to prcpaie **iiv'iii I* l.i'ViJiu »r thi iijif *i" jiijxii. |l1 '•"'.i.-!o-.t... ps:.!•! .-s." aasa TIIITFA! Railway. It,,,,','. Ti-k Th# !ynvf(r»* Lrvl, to ,\f j- y, mst tm* A i lil "'I'M: Ti i I'ejuit, I' FURTHER'AID UNDECISIVE if FIELDS.' Tit K i'a.ssi-n fefrt jiln.i, \v i..-..,,iilKit»n1 \. v, \^ik, iti.ston, uil tiie .\en i..uii«, i ll Iralisiel ved to the Car,, ot tm- 1 1. wb-: T,I-J aumCe'itnil Kiiilttnv-. ni^h r-i,in --1 ..,.,n uOilt, ..tiiei- .lulus iluih", uii'lay.s. onijdete tv,uipiiient« of new and ele furnish.-d •XCipl rrantlv Si ate Room Sleeping Cars, mi ui'i'.' I ."'.in*, sad on the Fu-t Line t.. Xew Vork 1 il bent Cbanye, and huidilifr in •«HiE AfiA AXCE OF ALL OTHER TRAINS. To ]{•.-(• .'i nnd Xt'v." Kut'lrnid Paii«e:mnt, thi Koutc i '-speiiailf desirable as «iv,. the o ..- .• _e, as jflv tlteiU ••lest ivsv. am. :i* ides isiii-jf i'i: is'iunr, li. vvitil.lii, o molt. 4»i Ai."_'!::i!iv .do,.r.i., i.e.. l'uHaUvlj»4ii!t't:id Xett id A boiUiii^ liirou^rl: A:! Xttv y.f,.'l:md I'» ti-ket--. uiB trirtts-it tre ruii luf! lioat Ui:jiiit'C'i,tiibii, in Ni n* ork, vv 111:.tu:. tbi-r-^e. Wii'i their liac^.i Thri» tsilv Trams from Pitt*lurfc IJ f'lii'.aikljdiia. ^Rttf Daily Triiti^ f.eiife \urfc !»..r .i! v i suii fi Bajritaije Cm :.i-! ri«r=. j. I'hihide'phitt for Xew X-.-tt Vurk to Hor, (ir^ foHot.ron Tiuas|joi*tatiiii« .Merfll,ati-i:sv. i'r d:.ei' and Live ."stock carried Wi'i. iii«p.^^*U, it.^*^otvt'sl rates. V*. 11. HO!Ai ts. t.i-ii i 1'a-j.^Aireiit riiicairn KXWfl hRWISH.en: Seo't-Att.. Hannibal & St« te the eil'iJ ^1-!- sof liannor-li Citv. Vir- {'(ly, KTH J. IL WVF ittiivc, TERRIFIC NAVAL ENGAGE MENT. NO REPORTED WASHI NOTOI*, Uur army oculd oot be ill more cuceifui Condition, and all are sanguine :f ctiiHs Bf.d (Viimt the day# when •-l ev phall enter iiic rtbtl capital in tri Hinph. Lee lately issued an order ia relation to ctipplii*, itt whirh he satS th the comnmnicat 1 n with Uicliuiutid is cat til' and it is impagsib.e to inriiish the incu wilii trre»» IIill had no ratio&a isatteJ for ihrei: da\ii. Lee enjoinii npaii his nun the npoef *ity of captntiog supplies from the Yan kc a. I 'p to tii ia time they have failed to captures? ungle waoon. T!.o to ids lire in txcellent travelling order, but vetydustv. AI hatticM tii us far h«vc been a scries at ack* and i pti]sea* Muskets ate aiinosl exclu«ivt !y u?ed. 'I he Bwampy natnte of the grotitid renders the n»e of artillery vtry ituprac ticaVdo. L'.c, v« ty absurdly, c!ai:rs a victory, while he withdraw.* from our front and relit, s low. is Kichmnnd. (». n. Tarbetl's divis!on of cavalry whipped'•fhe rebel cavaliy near tins [•lac.: and drove the-u from Spottsylva nia C. II.. lui being rtiiifrrcvd by In 1 Uitiy tii.y drove our cavalry a bliort di-latice. 'l'he .nland bngado, 4th division, G.h corj.s, coining to thoir tup port the fighting was ».'xecediug!y iicrce. tin?. Tat belt aud Robinson were both wounded. Gtii. Sedgwiek was Bhot through the iiead on l^!o^Hlay morniujr, while mncr it.e ni vii.g tf totn-j t.eivy gn«iK on an at o the men had ju:t pru p*ied. 'i'lteu! was no pkirmiHtiing At ih« tint", btit occitionai!y the fharp shootets setit the bullets in that diicc lion. The Herald's correspondent, New* hern, Olb.sajs the tebel ram AUiermatle, accompanied by the (Cotton l'iaiit, arid' the gun hoat li .inli Shell, whicft was captured by thein at l'lyinonth, appeared at tko mouth oi the IL^atio'kC. ho gun boats Miami, Whilo lletd, Ceres and CommoTore Hull were hing cl-. se to the 'ii\vr, in tin.* 8 ti rd, an 1 on sejiui the tains enter the hound they made off, as though fiarfui of an iiuountie, bu*. on iy unxious to draw the rams it.-t tUe Sound. Tf-e ratna pui-tud the boats •ibon: 12 tni'i'S, wi eu the gunb ats Sus Wyaluiing and Al ntabesett ap aid. Our gunb i, t, 7 in nrnil cr, imrnedl -itely opene-.l lire a a tvrrifii engage ment tt.sue !, la ting from 5 t-h 8 1*. M. 1) ,ti»_ tl-.c early past of the battle TSto J'IHIII v Joseph 4 N'U A Mi. Kaiiroatl KAM 1'ACKh I' I.IXL^ (1 TIIK 'i Hi.CI1. The Ki.isi ]j:-iulie::iile iiuilc* «4nila ir., IksilM. Was ..,-. IWI -in 1 C':dit.inuL Dsfcv O-.erl.111d Stilus from At. hi s-'iti t'! a 1 W ,-:..'Id.All rail WW. .fo.- .„|, \-t. 111 i 7 ch: -on, Lata a nl \res»i»::. The D.dlv Fatkel \Xv*i, AJiiiL-rs u lib tc..ii»:, and tug^uee. tai-ried on the arrive fresh* :"or the Fiji: l"o!'ti:ns ma ie I.i I .ill .n-i bypa MU-'i-sj^pi Itivi-r with thj ilainnbal k St. joe K L. i'.t l»uiney and IJtiiinil.aL For through Tk-keiii or Frci^it, anidv 10 E. M. Prcitrmaii, a^enl, aiMtawpun or oti'Mtbe Packets. t-'if ^s. J. T. K. I' Vv ARD. tien'l {sup't. K B. ORO.VT. Con. Ticket AKent The I rrcwAt' OUIi ARMY IN AN EXCELLENT CONDITION. I.EE'S ARK1 t'lT OFF FU07I SI PPLIES. OurTroopmiol yet in§uo( xylvnnia. May 10. ft feelit'Ted from reports which rcat Led hero ly night that lucre was no centra! cr.ijaocnicnt yesterday, but as ii-.-ivy filing WHS heard this tuurtiirg til Aoquia Creek, in tic diieetion of Spott svlvaRia 11., the con'.cst .-i.ust hav^' 1 een renewed. OtJr farcra do not occupy Spottsvlva tiia Li ate wiihiti peverai tntle# of it. A larga turn1 cr of woLD'icd arc reach ing Frcdo ick«hurg and many wounded ofKcers are e*p cted to art ive in Wash ington to-morrow. The Army oi Uie Potuiuac had a por tion of "o-day to recuperate. IJurn^ide, r.n Moiiuny, hogan the at tack on the left wit^J great fury and with an encouraging degree of fitifcefH. lie had fought ti e day before, and, to use Ir.s own words, "whipped oid Long arte!. succeedTI in -kii Cotton her esc ipe, ati 1 lii- tain, fiiint tapxily, totrcaied tduwiv at.d b.indily up ilic aoui.i J. The gnnb at Botnbtbe!! was soon re liiktn wit'i all on Ixaid, 34 in number. Toe Si.r-sac .s, bavi'ig an iron prow, steamed lull tpeed and tan into the rani jil-t abaft the ji ltp, bat appuartlyin liicli• 1.0 injury. The Sasjacu* howev er, was romindicd to rc-ti-c, having her •brward tn dti n»t oiratitl a 10J-pound 1'airolt shot ltiod by the iv.m throj^h her t»« i'tr. ow seisin, and the movetrutt3 i.o iid a te accnr-tc!y dtscertied. The ram was closeiy ^ucd by our gun bo it?, Utt Under cover of d-oLnes-s soc cce.l#d io enter ng the Itoanoke rii^r, when cnrgunoo.ts could not trcnturc to fo lo^v. lb rain cariicd at least four 100 po 1 n due. Itoporls from Kin«st.a rerott the ram l:« 1 :n red fie-'. ^enee niyii agromi fcbe diaws 7 1-ti feet o( Water aud the river is on!y 4 1-2 feet deep. The rebels bate for the pres ent abandoned her, taking out the en title*. NKW YOKK, a WIND W. ti KUBiNSOX, tieo. Fr't Agent, they left. stOm** &'u» *4 ••''•ta i »«1f5V. MTY it* ffltial'i'- St eciaiJ It die hat Butler had ar.oltir sevete bittlc jpote'day. It is bkuiy also that n great battle was o 'ltiijieuc id i elwecu the Union ,iri C:il ,s a!'^f' Kini'.!/, :roin esti-ii tc L-in-.-nvTi-irth, 1 sm eti I There are live I uipn ai.d three tfcbei m!!e?., ii:id Kansas Citv, (forty mil. s. 1 Stajji connectii.': from Liaveunort!. i n I Kuusa-. I'itv to Lawrt-ace, Topeku, i t. iUlar, Ft. .Santa engagement at I) ltOD. ei -'v m. u IRT-WVEI^ IUK^TS.—TIIO OHSFIIR!PA*KI»FM OK PNTRI«T«Rcorrespondent w 'e.-f'I ironoulads VesiCldlV. There are live I iroij«c!ids exported to take part in the ,, Tbe of the Atlanta -r»ra .1 M& A. CItat UciSxs*tT ^*Vl)1 I Ti-t-\V*eckli Lini- l'foi.i St. J*wrj»h i OiK Ci'trat o' Ut'lon foictS lu the 0l0,IMC xhtte has loen greit- i Chattanooga than no the i 9n train and paei- 1 ai.-oveatm-iiit^'{iviats filtCS the -StaJctneut. i Ka'eigb Progress Can- i'At.iijioRer, May 10. tfu o b.iat New York ar— rived u. Annapo! s to-cay witii JJOO pris on-rs fltijard, er h.uiged on tie Janiea "v®r,»l,k "'ken 1 Landing. They isport great excitcmeat at iiichmoBd wW LATWTT. Continues IVews Favorable Longstreet Dead. Conflicting- rumor* as to Lee's move ments. WASMKGTOX, May 11,1 v. *. Nothi' ba* been rtceivcd hereof any Mversc to Grant army. The impression prevailed in the armv vcs'erdr.v that Lee was about crossing North Anna river. NEW YOKE, 11. May Ike febeT ptis-ners captured ou Mon day report Longtreet as 'Jead. The steamer city uf-Manchester, from Liverpool tho 2Tth and Ij iecnitowa the 2Stb, arrived at nooo. WASIIINOTOK, Jlay 11. To ien. Dix: Dispatches received from the Army of the Potomac at 5 p. m. yesterday fay I3oth armies held their position at Spottsvlvnrna without material change. Th u enemy have beeu driven to thc breast vroi ks. The ti th corps, under Wright, carricJ ti e lir^t liue ol' the enemy's rile pits. Nothing has been beard from Sher man or Hutler since )cfterday noon. [Signed] E. M. htAi.Tot., SJCV. I Warren's ftcnt and II»nco:k's left had a lively engagement with the reb els, who threw shot ard shell trim 11 batterj iu the woods. Tho enemy were iiiisiy driven back tim c-fourth* cf a uid At drttk the filing ceased. It is believed that LongstreetV corps was the only tine in our front, and that he was left to impede our progress, wi.iiii Loe was attending to General Smiih. A tebel cavalry brigade ia reported to havo beeu seen 011 the north tide oi the river Kapidan, on Monday, near Fredeiicks.b.iig. (Sp ciul to ihaTTorld.) Lce'a Chtiie army on Monday was be tweeu the Fiadv and l'o rivers. liis right s'retched iieaily to tl.e Frederickt buig iV: Uiehmond Itii which be fi-emed desirous to reach, to obtaia euppiies or insure his saftty. We have taken more prisoners dur ing L'-'e's tetreat, than during Thuisday's and Frldiy's b.jttUs. All information is of the most favor abti ehatacttr, rtiowing clcar'y Lee's re treat beyond Spotthvlvnnia. OWMMj A' a\iitMKYER 'S MINSTRELS AM) Conibinalioii or Star Artists, Aoemapatiieilbjr tbe irirM-oenmraed CauiuiU-iiranv aud Vuealitl lotah KAT11I.CSM 0'XElb, aad Sl'DLLE I.1ZKTTA 0.\h0SB«, Tbe gfeal Freacb Spanish Daot«ue. CHAIthf-V GAUDNE3, Tii*great perMrmer, anil original UOP LITK LOO." IJASIEIL OKOItUK, Ite Twa| Aaftrlean Wonder. J. It. JCDOK, TbeUaa Baujuist, an TK.V OTIIRB PERFOBMEIIB, •c. oifl|aui«U b/ A FULL EJJ.So BAND. Admluipa—Piiriiuelie, 20 ceuti b,ilcony, 60 cenU. r.-in HI( A(,0 TYPE FOI VDRY NO. WAFTHFXRTOX StRCCT,T'lIICAOO. S('H0F1LL1 911 w' NOT ALCOHOLIC, A UII.ULT C0!ICBXrAT«li VFJ.RTABLE EXTRACT. A Purt To»ir. Doelor lloofland^i (•KHMAN BITTERS, PMP.tRED DR. C. M. JACKSON, 11iiI«k^U% Pa wn.L 10.-i-r.-rn i.iijreoaa Liver Complaint^ %Mprp»ia, Chronic or Kervont Debility, Ilisea--. of the Kidnev*. and all Diseases »r i-iu«f li -111 a Awfflrrrd Liter or ^toaMMk mcb as instigation. Tn- Ward Files. Fulness or Blood 1.11in-It. Hit, arnlilt to the Stomach. Xiii.-e.t. HcurtbttrB. for Food, I 1.Iiiess or AVeijtlif in ihi Sli.iiiaib, Soiirbriictatioiis.Siuli in^ 11 Fluttfi in-^ 1.1 iin- I'it of Siomuch. Kwiiniiii'.i of tin- ll- ad. Hi.rued and i it Fever and dull pain 111 the lL'ad, dellii ieuri of Prespirntiosi. Vellowiii'ss ofthe kin and EteSj Pain in Side, l! u-k. Chest, I.iiubM. Ac., Suddi 11 Plushes of lleitt, Burniiiir in the Flesh, l'. ii-:ant rin.i^iniiiic*, of evil and threat Depi ssiou of Spirit* and will positive!*- prevent JilLl.lOl Tliev will 1 nr. ove ilise: of a bundled. WATT Do tor War, ASM NO TON, 11. W 1 May All was quiet along the lines nntii Monday evening, when it was thought the rebels were failing back, or that o had already gone to Hiehinond to meet Smith, who is r» porle-i cioie to there.— A movement w^s eloteimined on and at 5 p. m. our line mov.d forward. '1 he right ciosned a bratich of the To river and drove oil a light battery, post ed thcie for the defence of a small bridge. Wi'.s A CO., IMtOPkiKTORS.- l'y es. I'resi*. and Prinling Materisl fin hand out inannfactui 1 to order, fcleotnrtypinp'. Ster jt pin ?, r.iiij Kii^rnviu: proinp:ly exeenti'd. .i^ent:. i.e-'s .^ iji rior Inki«, and I'li^eV IJAII NIOI W.ii.d Type. HMtlOfSCIiOFIEUl.. .1!. A. roitTKR. .JOHN' V.'.RDER liprjo liA.O'in WOK KAtI.E TOBACCO Si*. "T" OWLXTIfAf.. I!IT!IS! 111 !.I) ..CO., MAX .1-4 liU.!iu,-rs of and vt!'.lesiile de.iars in, Tim- Ciit, r-in--kiuy[ Tobacco and t' "t S .ut!. U'uter .Street, Oiu m!:Ji' Erie Railway. etepapli eJrnia, Oi*»at Bri .:•! (il/.it Itoute to X'ew oi k, Hoston, I'iiiladeSruia, llaltiiiioi-i'. H:.i-i isb'ii e raid oil Ka-sti-rn Cities, 4 arr inj (he Great Through I'uS'-d Stales Mails. IJ ^XPIIKSS TI AIXS» LLAVK IU:XKIKK »IR I'litfido oa the arrival of all lijin., trmn the Wi'-t v-a the Lake -there Kmlroa.l, also from Nal tuiiitnea o i Un- a.rivnl of train-- via the Xew itroad Atlantic and (!rcat Western Railw.iv IVotri ]Ki*-!eii7-rs aov milage t"ev.daad, Iroia Dunkirk or Itutiaio. or Cleveland 0. of a Six Fiot iJaufre, cowbining eaeiindcf:nf"rt without 1 haiiL' •. in wide, roomy, palace cars, di rect to Xeiv York. A jM.-rfectioii ittaia-d bv uo other route. FOR PRKfuHT between all points Fas and W st. enr facilities are nnriraled. Forming 4-i»i-r_aiid n-ltabl* coaiwctkHl N -H Xi:u tv niue SOMKTHIXG STUEXGTIIEXIXG? DO VOL* WAXT A GOOD Al'I'KTITK? Do tor w iNT TO ui ii.ii re 1 11 ciutatiTt'Tio* DO VOL \V.\XT To FKEL WLLL? Do I i.l U i il.T DO inn or HiKRVOrSXESS vol' WAXT KXLUi.V 1X1 YOU W I XT TO SLIiKP WELL Dtl tOt WAST A BRISK A I VIMRKOttS If you do. use Hooflaud^ tiermat's Bittern, From Rev. J. Newton Ilrown, D. D.. Editor of the l!uc\ olopi-diii of Kelij^ioill Kllowledife. Although not liisposed to favor or reeoininend 1'ali nl .Vedi ines ill ^t-neral, through distru.-l of tie ii ingredients i.nd efl'orls I yet know of no sutlii-it-iit reasons why a ii'iui may not listifv to what .he believes hiniM If to have received from any -iii'p!e in panitinu, iu lie- hope that be may thus contribute to the lienefit id' others. I do (his mote na lily ill regard to lloolland'ii (SeriiiRii Litters, prepared iiy Dr. C. M. Jaeksoii, of Ibis city, because I was prejudiced iiKainst them for many years, under the impression thai lln-v were cliiedv un alcoholic mixture. I uiiiin d« liled to my fi lend liidiert Sho: liiaker, Esp, for ibe reniov aliif this |.rejudii e bv jiroper tests, uud for i licour.exeiiienl 10 try tin ui,t tt hi 11 nulli rint: iri ni i ut and h.njj i-oiilinm 1 debilil v. Tbe use of Ibree ittles of tli'-se hilii i s at the lie-iuuiiii ofthe present year Was folio.1ved bv evident relief and resioratii.n to a decree of Imdilr and mental vi^or whieh I bud not felt for sir months before still had almost despaired of rejjaii.iii!.'. I there for.- thank and inv friend for directing iue to ihe use of I'lein. J. XKW'ToX HROWX. I'MLXULLI-UU, ^YD, L-^'IL. June PART I CD LA It NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of l'. lt. i s. ]II i up in quart bottli compound ofthe eheapi-sl wliisky or cuiuuioii ruin, ciisl ine from l'i- t- t-'1 cent- per gallon, the taijte din guisCil bv Aliic or Coriander Seed. This efass of Hitlers have caused 11111 will cou I'iiui" to cause as lonj a* they 1 an be sold, liuii.l 1 eifs to die tbe death of a drunkard. Itv tin ir use the system is kept culitiniially under the in liui-nee ot'alcobolii-stimulants ofthe wor.«-l kind, the desire for Liquor is treated and kept np, and tin- result is all the horrors upon drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and will have a Liquor I ti! its we publish the followiiur receipt: ovi-. BOTTLK OMV. iiiRLii \n nii UKTKOi'OIjl HILL. Tlinmlay, Criday :n:«l Ssilnrtiay. May ISili, liltl. A Ifilli. CKI'UIN or Hoon.-.Mi's liirTKus, and mix with ihree i .-AIM's IK :(OII IfitvNKV or Wins kv, and 1 lit- result will lie a prepui aiioii lhat will l.\CKi. iu inedieal viitue and true execilencv um of the Liquor Litters in Ibe world, mi will 1 Mi 11 I.KS4. Yon receive all the virtues of Hoof land's bitter* in connection with ajj'md artivl Liquor, at i luueh ss price liiaa these iuforior pri p!i'-:it!o!H e»»st r"ii. Attenlioii SoldierM, and Fridnds of Soldiers. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the armv to tbe fact that "liootbnid Merman llitl-is" will cure nine-tenths of tin-di* eases incident to camp life. Ill the list published alneisl daily 111 the le-tvspapers, on the arrival of the siek, ii t.ill be iiot iced lhat a very large JMH lion are siiB'.-riug fr..ui ib-bil'ty. Eteiv case of that kind can be n adiiv cur-d by Iloollatid's Hit I r«. Diseases resulting disorder# ofthe diges tivc organs are speedily removed. We Lave lie«itiltinii ill stating, if tilT'se lUlli rs V freely used anion'. our soldi rs, hundred* of lives might be ell tii it ..ihertvise v. ill tjc lost. We call particular uttentioii to the following remarkable and well auihentiealcd cure of one of the nation's lieri»-.*, bis lifv, io nse hi.-i own Ian giiage, "baa beeu saved by the Hitters." Puti.vnri.eiii.v, Aug. •J'ld, IS'tJS. •/•int ll' /. n .'- Well, gailli.'li'ull v lur llooltan i's Merman iliiteri have saved 11 life. There is 110 misteki iu ihi-i. Il is voiicht I'ii- by iiumlicrit of my coturrdea, aome of w hn«f li...i i,'S are iipjiended, ::n I who v.ere fully cogui r:mt of uli eirellliislanc.'s of rny case. I am 1:1.d .v." iM-eii for the last four years, a 111 -nil of Sherman's celebrated batteiy, and under tm lie mediate cuiiiinaud of Cap R. It. Ayrt.s. Through the xposure attendant upon my urdu mis iluii-.-ii, I was attache 1 in November lu*t with in.tnniation o! the lungs, and was for seventv-two (lavs in ibe hospital. This w as followed by "grea debility, l.eigiiteiiid iiy un at lack of dysent.irv I then rein .veil fr.iii- ibe While Ifi iise, and seiit to this city on board the steam -r "State of Maine," from which I lauded 011 the :tMh of J11111 Sane that time I bine imn ajj'.ut as low as uuv one could be r.ri'i still relaina sjuirk of vilulitt For a .v.i'l. irnioie 1 was scarcely able to nival low anything, and if 1 (Ii.l for:::- a morsel down,it W ANI»— Printers'Warehouse, ii i immediately tin own up axai:i. I could nut evtii keep 11 jflus* of water on niv stamaeb. Life could not under these circiini stanee* and acc-ildingly the pbysii ians who had been working f^ithiiilly, though unnecci-iticirilv to re«cue m" from the L,ra*p ut the dread A rebel frankly told uu- tbev could do no more for me and advised me to see clergyman, nnd to maki silt dispnvilioii of Inv limiled fund* HS best suit ed me. An :i who visited nie at tho hospital, Mr. Fich ric!i Sieinborn. o: Si:,!h be I Arch Street, a lvisci me, as a forlorn hope, totrv tour Hitters, and kindly |irociired a liolt'e. Froiii tin tim-.' 1 comiiK !ici taking them the gloomv si.adov. of di aib t"ce e-l, and lam ir w, tlumk »od for il, getting better. Tliougti 1 liavc tak but two bottii-H, I liate gained t:u pound*, and I feel siiiigiiine of beiiiii permilied to join my wife and da:ijjiiters, from wiionil have heard nothing for eighiet u tiioiitlis for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virgiiiian, Iron the vicinity tf Fr'.nt R.ival. To von v uluable liitter* 1 owe the cer tainty life which has uik-n the place of vague—to Bitters will I owe iin- gbirioun privilege of again clasping to my bosni.i these who urj dci'.ri st to my lde. ISAAC vi.OXK. We ful'v concur in the nbove tatern-iit as ire had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Ma lone restored to health. John Cuddh baek, Int N. Hattery tie-). Aekiev, Co. 111ii M-i'ne I^-vt ili Ciiev ulier, i»2d Fi-w Vork L. E. .--peiicer Vt Artillery ISatt -ry .1. 15. I a-ewdl, r,». If, 3d Me. Henri M. Jerome, Co. C, 5d t. 11. T. Mc Holiald, Co. E. nth M:*. J. F. Ward, Co. K, .r.lh •Till II. Knell, Co If, 72d X. Y. N. IJ. Thomas, Co. F, ",5th penu. Andrew J. K iinbail, ad V». J. Jenkins, Co. B, l'."ith I'eun. BEWARE OF C0LXTKKFETTO. Hee that the aignatnrc^f C. the wrapper. I'rict? ix-r bottle 7^ cenU, or half a Hnxrn for $4. .Shoiild voiir nearest druggiai not have the ar ticle do mit be put off by any of ibe in'oxi'uling at Dunkirk end Lot&ilo with Western i-iads. and preparalium that ius\ lie offered in it* place, but ut S diiMianca tvitis tin bitiad Mange Atlau»:'-' Imil Mn. it We«t Rr.ilway, I"- v.hMi route there ia uu iminder IJrnW- New Y«rk and Cleveland E*pres._ir.-igla trains leave New York dailv'for all point* the We- linking iW quitk as rsu*.»s a» bv sr»y rout«. or frciaul or passage apply a y,„ i|)d ii?es in tbe est. and at. 64 Chirk street, Ch^a S^Hl Boston, ofli .. CO •il.' R'^Iu-ay. N«rY..rk, ^,1 E. R-, Xew 1 ork, Stale street, l'os,„n ('HA.-*. Ml NOT, tie'i'l Snn'L Sfei1 PhiKht Agent/ W. B. Oca I Ticket Afcnt. ,-rirt s«? 1'Ul scnil to u» a:id we will forward, securely packed, bv t'Aj»rt -a. I'riuciftul Office1 and Manuffictorr, NO. 631 Arch St* N E S 6L EVA !f S, JO (Sacccsstors to C. V Jackson A Co.) Proprtetors. HT For sale br druggiaUaad dealer, ia erory Unm ia tkc United State*. »pl-oo4*wljr -if* !f$ i 1it f«i 4 f*}1 IviaLl, W*" 4^ .-is lH A*m* W. C. WARKlMISMt tt' I* Vuttknui in WMtMle a U RctaH Next Door above the Po»t Kflco, Davcnjiort, fo, Biyldtf KMOVAI^— O A K Hn* removed hi* e*ten*ife MOT aW SHOE to JftimtHre. BKST W'ORKMI'V 111— ull FlnlieriliLr ofthe Hia:t, Choakin-ior Mif foi.i'ini Siiisallolis when iu It injl post lire. Dim I'.ess of Vision, Dots or Websbetore the Siithi. HAVE YF.LLOW FEV FKVKR, Ac. Ifo Alrohofor BadHhfskr. MISSISSIPPI HOUSE. "T I EXRY HA FT, PROPRIETOR. IIS i iis i'- iiveiiieiitly arran-i-d ho tel to all ti iv i lera. and also to eity boanlen, aH NiiriiiK thein that nothing will be WW' S A 8 1 E S K Particular attention p«id to Ctwtoni work. No. 46 Street, Brmdf MAStMCTfltt liis new and commodious store Opposite LeC'laire ROW, Whi-r- be will IM- happy to meet hit numerou* cu-toiners. His fnt'iliiiea for tnraini out THF1 BFST rt'SToM WOHK.nre unnirpnsftrd. II*1 ba«tiie I ITT, iv int and flllt alt orders p'oinplly and ili«factorily. ustoni Made Goods For Ladiea' tieiits' and Children's «ear alwari on band. np JTdtttf THI: HONi'in" toot k Shoe Store, »3Mrad KM., I.-iv Is tie p!aie |o vonf B«0TH i SIIHKS. curi.DiVco., THE LAROEST AXD I:I:ST STOCK in the eity, and me eoii'-iaiillv rereitin^ nuw Moods direet from their Wholesale lfmi. in Uo*. lull, whieh enable I hem to sell a very low price-, a| IVholt'Mil*' A lt«'lnll. MAlfCFACTL IllFtl Iin.l ItEl'AIRIXM DONE C. II. CHILD, Davenport Child. Iloitmi. .lanlillf. HCTELS AND BOARDINC WIIUIJIII to promote the uelfare ot his ^ui-*ts aud tu inakO their stay with hi:n ph .isant mid ivr-nhle. II.1 also reeoiniiienos his well storked bar wbick' isVupiilied with the I'tioieeit l|ijiio s and wiueS. Luueh evert iinlriiiiii ut 1" o clock, ji tf FRENCH'S HOTEL, (hi tht J-.' opjHutif.' tlu City /faff /'art, (Jk\ "f FranL i'irl itrtti, Sao y, rk:. Httaciotni Refoctoi v. Hath Rmtins and MM Siii'ip, Tt.-l room* vanned gratia, apd only oni bed in a room. II no! believe riinicru or back. men who say we a. e full. Servants an- not al lowed to receive perquisites. apl.'i dl v SIC EL HOTEL, froij S/r /, bihrmi A'/'././(/ .f,'e/ (fain. JOT!" 51 EVER '. Pn.piielnr. "KVVTEKTAIXMEXT 1'ROVItiED FOR Tllj I ii.i.el.uLr piddii- and city boaidi 1 s at iM times iu the un is 1 satisfactory manner. The ta ble will be supplied with the best ibe market :if fords, and tbe beos and 11.111111 kept iu tbe molt comfortable style. J^g 'Warm Meulj at all lniura« A N i u o W i n e s of tbe best quality coiiitantly on hand. jvl4 1861* SPRING TRADE, mi Now Open to the Public r/OR 1XSPECTI0X, TIIE LARGEST .1 most coiii'ilcle Stoel ek of AX® 1'UUMTIJRE & CARPETS ever cider..d in this ma'k't, and which Will IW .wld atprie, s of I i :i. at the -lore of HEN It Y SELBY, No. .35 East Second Street* to be convinced tbat there is no mistake abotft Ibis, give lis a call and see thi- cvid nee. lleMt lamirlment of 4'blldreaa turrliigc* tsa TOM SI. OUH OAHl'Er ROOM! is we!! stocked with Hrusr|s, -j and .'t I'lr luirr aiii ol ul! I nnd prii-i 4. Rn«b liHtiM|r, oeoii !«»., Rallett 1I0., OiM'loih, nil «l«lihaaa4 piillerin., IkmuiiHkw, PeUin I'lolli. IMIII'AKeuw,|cr4-«*ss IIoIIKI«IM lure Curila tf'«»r«l USMIA 'I'lissela, nnd tVlnilon it. lurcM, Ac. Furniture Deparlneuli A Sj. i, lid .Si. .etc of Tete-a-Tctes, Ka y 'hairs, Safni, Rookcrfi, Centre SiTatili.., Whatr.ot.-4, T. a I'ovs, Ac. LLEIT FT HNITIM CtVAM lilegnnf llnf-4'(iiiM. Wii»||.Ninnd*l, Cbanilier KCIIN. Ae, 4'oiiimon I4if«*li«*n A liiiiii((«I( l-'iii-uilurt Military tiooil.^ of litrrjr Call aud Xaiiiiu.-' our slock before elaewhere. We won't be under-old. Drxrriptioib piirchaaing .*'• tulesiaaa. 3. TE ELER, importer and Manufeoturol t)F CHOICE 8 E & A S I And Driller in nil kind* of Tobaccos, Pipes, Fancy Article^ AC., AC., DAVENPORT, IO. C. TECWELER, laporter, Dealer A Rectifier ii Foreign Ur Domeutte I U O 8 mso IECTIFIED WHISKY. No. 2 4 Main S e*ef, 2d door below tbe National Hank. DavennoH ... Relief of Soldiers' Families. Oi:R K XI: 11AI, A S.-s E ML 'y, 1 11.'18-1 FRANCIS OCHS, '"'i* Aaneaoof, ViirnliuI'H Offfcc. West side of Iirwl/ between Mb DATWTPOBT, n him afji V LE VI t'D T«T i tav r.n t,l taxable fo» 4 and Ifor iief »f S«d.iiers Faouties. aodKfi A !ia make* it the duty of th. Aa*e*«nr* fo report Jh* lict of ulltml diers and muriiie., privates/nun coiiiiiii«si,i:i.d ojlict-rs and music-iuii* now'in tliwV'V,'. ... aervice, Hi.ab,, in dead, having families. Tbet^ .. word family tinder tins act meaus the wife, Ue- Z Y pendent childi'-ii, brothers «r sister* under U V" years, ag-d and inHmi dependent parent* TI101. eoiojmny, rc-'iiiieiit battery, battalion or or»ranl-f xation must 1h- marked, ulso the ages ofthe wife childre. and parent*. PUiwe come immediatelr* and make your atatetnent* bv i a Titms and Mh. MayTth, d2w s, m. rnjmri. -.iv '-nrn/. «f I la