Newspaper Page Text
ft S?s ir' &L' MAL MTATI AND I N S 9 A N E A N O Y J0HNkSWITS4U)^ |lin L. 8WITS, K. B. HILL, W. P. KIMffiR. ftlclcefcT BUfk, (up iWr^ i 4 /*. ,t .. VA S v I lapmed A lilipnvH Far««, 1 Ui «rnr wiii K Hcmta'* ioucht, Sold and LeiWd Home Lots for SalS A (Jrrat Hargahi No 49 Those eligible building lots corner of Twclltb and It.ick l«Und streets, iwiug 160 feet it Wont on south aide liiili street, and Ift ft on side of I lock Island sheet. 111.- ul».i\c is a very Inn locution: price very tow terms iiiicomiii»iil easy —u small amount a-I. —balanco uu loug term of \eura at alow rati' ol interest. Nil. 41. Lot on Brady street, west side, «.* feet fh'iit lv •ir, t'ect iloep price very low. On puy jBcnt lui ilic lot the HttMuif to liuiul wilt l* lotlntd u v y n a u s i Nn. -I '. (iu lirady atreet, 1 Sect front l»y 1'sJ lbet deep fenced. Price $LA IKT front foot. Nil. a. On Ttiiril.Htr. et, lot No, lopurkcr'aad tUtioil, (corner lot,) price, No. Four house l«tb in Davison k True'* ^addition $K"eucl. Twins easy. Nos. a», :S2, Thirty Iioii.t lots in Sluvina iRr's addition l1"1 to V'"" each. Terms cany. Mlorn I'Olw for w«l«. No. 47. One on 4th St., just eiiat of IJi adv St. No. 4-i. Four on 4th St., near It nil road bridge. No. i:». Also, l'urni»liud suites of rooms lor .^^iglr (jeiitlcint u. lirfi rlnHM HuHweM for Rent. No 4. We «re ready to enjfajfe to rent or lo !»ell hlMisi"t (now l»iiI1 iiiyr to Ij4- ready for ocenpnncy It May or June next plans ot which luay Lie Steu at our ollice. Nlore fbr Kent. No. 8#. The we*t store and basement, in Me iltipolitan block, now occupied by Mack & Co., feet deep.) HoiBsrM For Male. i No. lo. Iii Molinc, III., two-dory brick 3wrcf *«K house, with lot b" liv liV» feet, col Lyudt'and Aim Sin. The house is hi jfood condition, is now rCuteil posse sion (jiven in todays. (The liuUM. m*t I'l ice of IIOIISU und lot, J(il,uOO one third cash balance on lon^ timu at low interest No. :•'•. A brick dwelling house on E-'^d .St. •1 loo fOoo earth, rc.«t on lime at per cent. No. 87. The rotate now owned and occupied a(lei. S. Dow, K-« |.,h: inj tlie dtvellinir house three full lots, trontini south upon litli St., corner of Kurnum street. Tins house is iu per fact repair, liaviiitf heeu lilted up by the owner tor himself. The entire urriiiiKcniciit of the house is tiiktetul and eoniplele. The view lioui this fltee is uusur|)assea. Terms easy. No. to. Frame cottage house iu Third street, ta (Jreen's addition, l'riee, $4oo. No. S8. Itrick house and lots, southeast cor •ei of itli und Main Sts., known w t'hi in^t«ti es tate, 16i ft. front on each St. l'riee niuy XWiiain for a term ofvears at u low rate of interst ifeet,8V. K. Frame dwelling house, sonth side :id cast of Warren St., and lot. l'riee, $4oo. No. fi. I». HI I ile house vveM side of 1'erry !*t., corner of litli street, l'riee, t: oo. Twi^thirds mav remain on mort^:ii e ut per cent. So. 'i. Frame house south side 3d street, one mile west of Urady street price, $1,.•'. Two thirds muy remain on morti a e ut six per cent. No. 1. "New frame house on lirady street ta geiiteel residence, i l'riee, £'l,roo. No. 11. Valuable house with acres ofland well stocked with fruit of all kinds, with stable. Carriage house, wood house, cow stable, wagon •bed, cistern, two wells, pasture, orchard and jrouug grove —the whole phiee well fenced und iu perfect order and rcpotr price $o,0on. Ntoifs for Mile. Uu 3j, 2 vuluuble stores, well rented easy terms WetMore's A«l«lition. litiow laid off into lots (of ull prices and thejr readv for sale on very oasy terms and at low S'•etorj- rices. House Lots, Store Lois, Warehouse Lata, Lots. Farm* Waild. *. IWe want to purchase improved farms froo 80 Is 10'-' acres each. for Rule. No 25. 80 acres, all improved nnd tinder fence Stuilestfrom the city, with excellent house, ('.• IMutiis and cellar,) wood house, wash bouse, barn (TV bv f»» feet, i spring, two wells, cistern, orchard of ao'o trees, i apples, pears, peaches und cherries) Price cash, buiuuee on a term of 'To*' 17. 80 acres, fenced, anart improved be ing a p.-u of Margaret NIH I'S land, adjoiningfMr. Oliver a place. This place is udupted for a gur tei or grapery, price No Is acres, all improved and under fence With 'house, at Uickory Urova. Price one therd cash. fi». -24 l-jo acres unimproved land near Du Mtit, at #1" per acr*. cash, balance iu live Mars at t.m per cent. ,N„. 20. 4o acres, iniles from tlie city, on the Dubuque road, all impyoved and under fence, lfith hottre and stable. I't ice fil.soo, two-thirds may remain for u tcrui of yoars to suit the pur chaser. Soo acres In Linn County, improved and Midi *r fence, i l'riee cash. No. 1-. 1J" acres near Wclcott, imroved Md tinder feueet with lioiise price *jim hi ueres in I'oweshiek Co 'at pi uCTV, .4,j. i aeres in Iowa county at $6 |kt acrtu *^59»0 acres in Sioux county ut *1 per hi*®. 'loin aeres in Clay county ut *1 per acre. «jie' acres in Hancock cotintv at $1 per acre. "Irshi acres in Wiunebago Co. at #1 per acre. !80"0 acres nt |l 2'» p'r acre. acres at 70 cents per acre. Sa« acres in Tama county. l«ii acres id Story county. .s. 'KW acres in Winneshiek Co. at S pw IR 4io acres iu (Srtindy county at pi-r acre. jjki acres in Hutler county at $' jer acre. jt*'o acres in Mower co., .Minn, at 2..»0 per acre 04^ acres in lloiuton Couutv at $-."0 per acre. FIRE INSURANCE. hnii Fire KasaraaM Ct., JLmuut Ch Atlaatlc Fire Iasaraaee Fire lasaraace Ce^ vj OF NEW YORK. Cewwl»t life latarasM Ce^ j^tetaa Uii Ipimaet Ca*» \F afa^tw«a,cwnr. r. |few YerkUftlasaraaeeC*, #tha i L. asVt .. r/ V'm»u !DAILY DEMOCRAT. 8. M. PimtntLL I Co., !fo. 87 Pirk Ro«, Hew Tort and State *t net, Boafn. are *wr af*M» In tlioet cities and are authorised to lake wlverttMiaeuti subscrip tions 1»r an our lowest rale*. C. If. an as, 9? l«NrUtra a*re?f, CMcajo. I* au thorial to reo-ire vrriftt.rtU for thi« {riper. LOCAL ITEMS. GtxTi.K*r.\ should not fail to nee the stork of watches at Curry's, It is the beet ever opeiiel in Iowa. TIIE next practicing party at White's Academy Hall, takes place Thursday even ing. May 12th. No gentleman admitted without a lady. d4t TIIK average pricc paid for pood cavalry horses in this part of the State is ahout $|:«». tjuartermaster Hunt 13 picking up all that he can, to be used in the old oavalry repijitsnUf. A NEW lot of Kumtiier styles of hats, caps and straw goods have just been opened at Farnind's. Kverylwdy can le suited there otul get Letter Largain.s than at any other place in Davenport. NEW styles of fine dress goods, prints, muslins, cloaks, shawls, mantles, etc., just opened at Whisler's—the place wlure everybody goes for good bargains and choice goods. LOST.—On Tuesday last, May 11th, ON Urady street, between 2d and ud, a ladies' mink fur collar. The finder will 1MS liber ally rewarded by leaving it at the Orover & Itakcr's office, over Wadsworth'B store, corner of 2d and Brady street. WAITIW .—Higgins AND WUIIACP, who wer» arrested on i liarge of having waylaid and robbed James Cartwright, in the streets of our city on Sunday night, are in jail, awaiting the nioveinentof the police. Their trial will probably come to-morrow morning, TUE T)KAFT.—Major Duncan, Provost Marshal General of Iowa, has received in structions from Washington to comiuencc the work of correcting the enrollment lists of this Slate, which he will proceed to do as soon as the proper preliminaries are ar ranged. Mircii NEEDED.—It is with much satisfac tion that we notice the fact that the old di ladidated side walks 011 Front street between Mailt and lirady streets, is being brought to grade and the rickety planks are to lie cluuig cd for new and substantial ones. There are many places in the city that need replac ing in the same way. I'BUSONAI,.—J. S. McL'une, President of the St. Louis and Keokuk Packet Co., Ben. Stickney, proprietor of the Planters' House, and Messrs. A. Wilgus and J. Mctionnigal all of St. IAHMS, are on a visit, or fishing excursion to our city, and are stopping at the Hurt is House. A pleasant time to you, gentlemen. IT don't make any difference who is the next inan or where he does business, the fact of the matter is, the best place to get your clothing for summer is at Sam Perry's. He has the largest stock—the best stock— nclls cheaper, manufactures better than any other merchant tailor in Iowa% Store op|tosite the Post office. LOOK on FOK FI X.—IF Neil & Gardiner's Minstrels open at Metrojwlitan Hall to-night with uu array ofKthiopcantalent that is un surpassed in the country. They have the best banjo, best "liones," the best singers, und '•mifossedly the liest dancers that aro now travelling. Everybody that wants a hearty laugh should attend. It will do you good. CttownFD.—The stock shipping business on the M. &. M. road is taxing the facilities of the company to the utmost. Every day a long train of cars come in from the west, and at this time over thirty car loads are awaiting shipment at Grinuell. The passenger business, also, continues to increase—all the coaches being kept in motion. TITE AUTSAt..—The work of carrying up the walls of the Government Arsenal on the Island, progresses slowly. The late prevailing high winds, preventing the con tractor front floating stone down from the quarries at LeClaire, taken in connection with the scarcity of help keeps the work back. Two or three courses only of mason ry have been laid. It is thought, however, that the walls will be carried up and the building enclosed liefore next winter. .SCOTT Couvrr.—The action of the Board of Supervisors of Scott county, in coming promptly up to the mark and voting a sum sufficient to pay a bounty of $50 to each man who enlists in the service of his coun try for the term of one hundred days, is just what is required in this emergency.— Men will not enlist without bounties. Why they will not is not pertinent. In order to raise the quote of the county is this liand somc appropriation made, and now, withia ten days, we expect to see our county's quota filled to the briin, whatever that num ber may be. We understand that recruit ing has received great impetus skw* the action of the Board. ME0HANH 4 fltjr Fire lasaraaee Ca, OF HARTFORD, CONN. JariagteM Fire lasaraaee OF SI'IUNOFIELD, MASS. llFE INSURANCE. Ch Saewllf lift Iwaraiw OF MW YORK. Swtts l. v* ,#,4 A. Co. Hrwrnt v ntiwr si *3) s d«»K 3 AXO LABORERS GotXU SotrTIt. —We are credibly informed that about fif ty men, including engineers, machinist, blacksmiths, firemen, hrakemen and track men, have left the Mississippi k Missouri Railroad, to go to Tennessee to enter the Government shops and assist in operating railroad lines there which are run by Uncle Sam. Among this nuaiber is the veteran engineer, Johnny Bussell, who has been on the road nine or ten years, lad Jehnny Mously, the bridge engiaeer. This drain of help leaves the Company quite short of help -—in fact it was short biforS ti^ We understand that all the •wHiri In Doothue's Foondfy, and sonie tfjtft Tlfihtnlsh hare goas In HMMHMdi- «N|* •ft |mm amioi WtnsEsoAV, May 11. Pursuant to rail the members of the Board of Supervisors of Scott county met at the Court House this morning, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the matter of making an appropriation of funds for the purpose of giving a bounty of each to voluuU-ers enlisting under the call of the Governor of Iowa, for tuen for one hundred days' service. PKKSENT—Messrs. Carpenter, Davie*. Far ber, llctilev. Little, McConnell, Mead, Mur ry, Koss, Thompson. Mr. Father moved to adjourn until one o'clock p. HI. Lost. s Mr. Davics called Mr. Henly to tlie chair, and in an intorniid way stated the reasons why this meeting of the Board was called, the roa.-oiis why a bounty should be offered, and why the necessary amount of money should be raised by taxation, instead of by private subscription. lie al.-o alluded to the sufferings of soldiers' families in this city and county, and urged that something be done in their behalf. Messrs. Clark and Wing came to and took their seats. Mr. Mead offered the following which was adopted: That a committee of five be ap pointed by the chair for the purjiose of tak ing into consideration the subject of an ap propriation by this Hoard to aid iu the en listment of the one hundred days' men, and to report at the afternoon session. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Mead, ltoss, Clark, Wing and Far ber. On inotif,n, adjourned until two o'clock, p.m AfTCBSOOX SKSSIOX. Board all present, excepting Mr. Gates. Mr. Mead, chairman of the select commit tee, appointed at the morning session, pre sented tlie following report: J{(»i/ired, That an appropriation of $2"), OUU, or so much thereof as may be needed, be made by this Board for the purpose of paying the qu:tu of Scott county, under the late call of ontj hundred days' men, the sum ol fifty dollars to be paid to each re cruit, or their families, in equal monthly in stallments, the lirst payment to be made at tlie date of their mustering into the service of the United States. A to'.e listing been taken npoo thli isola tion, it was adopted, t&4 after lomc debate the f*l o«in( adll'.ioDtil resolution! were tdoplcd tttioletd, That the Predlent and Cletk diis Bond, .ojetbrr with tie Trratu-erof Scot county, aie l.trely appointed a commit trc to attend to tln diaburifIU t.t of iLc funds' prlated under the resolution api Dprla litii twenty-fl*c tbousatd dollars (J^6.000 Ruolvti, further. That the Cork of this Bond shall issue to a*id committer, on thiir written order, a m»j uity itreof, cconty «srta-ita in inch ham* as they mr.y diiecl,D0t •xceediog the amonnt uppciflrd, and ths said committee, or a majority of the n, are her* by empjwerrd to nrgiiia'e said variant?, where* \y the money can be r.ilsad on then:, profi led ao interest shall be agrrrd to be paid, ex ooodin, eight per cent, per anr.nni, hn1 the *ana its to be disposed t( at par.—Daily of SSif 12.h. On motion a committee was appointed by the Chair, consisting of Messrs. Clark, Mead and Boss, to wait 011 Adjutant General Ba ker, and ascertain, if possible, Scott Coun ty's quota of the ten regiments of one htm-. Ired days' men to be furnished under the late call of Gov. Stone. On motion adjourned. The committee last above mentioned waited upon lien. Baker last evening, and ascertained that the quota of this county would not be more than three hundred and fift}- men. I'nd.T the resolution appropriating the money to pity the bonnties, a bounty can only be paid to a sufficient number to fill the quota, and no more. The expression of the ISoard on this point was positive, and the committee appointed to carry the reso lution into effect will seo that only three hundred and fifty men receive the bounty offered. Recruiting officers who get their men mustered in into service first will make a sure thing of getting the bounty. This should be a strong incentive to strong exer tions in recruiting. MIMTART DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MOKTU or APRIL.—The following figures show the cxteut of the expenses of Recruiting in this State during the month of April, as shown by the books in Col. GrierVoffico D'aft and Substitute Fund •in ,165 Collecting, Drilling and Ort iiiiiziiikr Vol unteers 17,807.1# Bounty to Recruits 5.,y!»6 Month's'advaiice pav, $1'( encli recruit.. 11,271 I'rovost Marshal's Department—lodging transpoi tatiou, Ac 2,1'.'C,40 Accounts of Examining Surgeons for Drattlsr,.' £61.88 1st Iowa African Infantry 807.81 Month Our neighbors across the river a few days ago made a great ado over the promise of a bounty of $2o to single men and $50 to men with familes who should enlist for the one hundred day service in Iowa. Runners were sent into all parts of Rock Island county (0 drum up recruits to All Davenport's quota and the false inducement of a bounty was held out. Several simple-minded people who always think more of money than pat notisa, caught at the bounty paid and en listed in Iowa. The sequel is that no boon* otttrcd, W»ht.— Mr. Fyffe, the Government Agent* is {tick ing up a good many excellent mechanics about hare. and those who have been mduosd to volunteer in the Stole under that promise, have been duped.—£ock JtUmd C'HIM. 1SBM9 fy,00 PER ANNUM: THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. 15 GENTS PER WfiSK. VOLUME 9. JJAVENPORT. IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1864. NUMBER 169. CHANIJE KAILSOAD TIME.—On OF Monday tmrning next, the new tiiue-taMc on the C. 4 R. 1. and the M. k M. Railroads goes into operation. Superintendent Kimball lias just returned from the Chicago Railroad Convention, and from him we gain tlie fol lowing particulars of tlie cliange: The morning train arrives from Chicago at 5.20 a. 111, minutes later than last summer) *dop.* at this pla -e twenty-five min utes for breakfast, aad arrives at Grinntll at II.00 a. m. The evening train from Chicago avrives at fi.'M p. m. The day train leaves Grinnell at 3.00 p. m. and arrives at Davcnjiort at 8.15 p. m., (same as now) stops here thirty-five min utes for supper, and leaves for Chicago at 8.50 p. m. The morning train from Muscatine and Iowa City arrives at Davenport at 8.00 a. in., and connects with the morning train for Chicago, which leaves Davenport at 8.20 a. m. The accommodation train leaves Daven port for Iowa City and Muscatine at 2.15 III. The accommodation train from Grin nell and Washington arrives at Davenport at 4.45 p. m. Freiglit leaves for the West at 8.30 a. NEW ARRANGEMENT.—New arrangements have been made with regared to opening and closing the draw of the railroad bridge which will hardly give satisfaction to pre destrians. The rule reads thus: "Thedraw bridge will, in all cases, dur ing navigation, be kept ojirn. Conductors and Engineers w"«t tindestand this rule ful ly. The draw will be cl««el for the pas sage of trains, and opened immediately after their passage." Thia is reversing the order of things.— Hitherto the draw has been opened for the the passage of boats, and closed immediate ly after, which gave the public ttti opportu nity to pass over freely. Vnder the pres ent rule there can be no passage on foot un less you are at the draw when closed for the passage of a train. It will also be closed on Sunday all day, as no trains are running on that day. This rule, we presume, is made at the instance of the authorities on the Is Jnnd to keep people from strolling about the island as much as possible. There arv plenty of other places to take a quiet Walk besides going to the Island. The popular mail nnd passenger packet James Mcuiis, Cuptuin .Icrrv W-ood, will depart for Du buque and way points to-morrow at 7 o'clock. J. Scarborough in the otticc. It. H. 1'rctu man, agent. Tlie favorite mail and passenger packet Jennie Whipple, CaptaiiiCitinpbcIl, will depart for tort Madison ana tvnv points to-morrotv morning at 7 o'clock. Lemuel l'arkhui tl In the ottice. t. A. Tilebiu, #n» ut. The splendid Northern Line packet Sticker State.Captain Ward, will depart for St. Louis and tvuv points to-morrow morning. Thos. Owens in the ollice, ]l. I'rettymuc, *gent, COMMERCIAL. Daveaport Markets. OFFICE or TIIK DAVKVPORT DEMOCRAT, I Tburaduy evening. .May In, lw#4. FLOI-R.—|G.40GJM.« wholesale $S.n0®6.40 re tail. WHRAT.—1.1V?1.17.—$1.00$:1.2(1. OATS.—TITJGJFI'*. Coit*.—7«(ts-. WHITE HBAXS.—*2.N0@2.SFC FLAXSKEK.- $2.,H,(a,2.25. TwoTiir.—ti.-J.Vrfif.Sil. Ct.oviiH.—t7.""(i7.28. POTATOES.— BITTER—2."ic. EIMJS IOC, New York Slarketft* NEW TOEX, May 12. COTTOX—Quiet at 84c. FI.OI R—Unchanged. $6.90^7.00 for extra *7.33g7.5u for superline. WHEAT—Unchanged. $1.63^154 for Chicago Spring ^1.62^1.51 Milwaukee Club $1.58gl.«S winter red. Coax— •I .39 for old mixed. OATS—^7(T$88. Poac—Higher. 1*6.7* aMNi LAUD—14FCT 14%C. WHISKY—JL.26. Ifew Ifork Stock IWnrlxof. o U U i n i s i n Niw York, May 11 i .. |i«aber Market. DAVOIPOET, May#. "Fencing Barn Boards 2S.W) Framing Timber Joists under 20 ft 2" feet and over... Flooring, Siding ...... Shingles, Lath Clear Hoards and I'lanks 1105,275.78 mownt of RareoseTax retained It will be remembered that the expenses of the month of March were about $187, 000. Deduct from these figures the expen ses for the month of April, and it will be seen that there has been a falling off of about $72,000. Recruiting for three years' service is pretty much suspended for the present. We arc indebted to Mr. Frank Brainard, the book-keeper of the Mustering and Disbursing office for the above statis tics. bourd Addi during #103.83 Atnouut of expenses of rejected recruits deducted from accounts of oflleers who enlisted them 2*9.30 00 ... j.vt*» ...ikt.tNt ... ... 4.o(s5.S0 ... 0.00 ... 3.".S(fl!4O.00 Demand ^ood stocks light. Board. AnKNTLEilAN AND WIFE, OR TWO single gentlemen, can lie accommodated with board and pleasant rooms in a private family. Address, post office box l'»3. inylt/-d4t* si CMeage 4 Reek blaai Railrea4. ONand AND AFTElt MONDAY, NOV. 1S63, until further notice, trains will leave Davenport daily, Sundays excepted as follows 1st Mad train at 25, A. m. 2d Niijht expres S 4o, p. *. Arrive at Davenport daily, ^Sundays excepted) as follows 1st NiOht express at 7 *5, a m. 2d Daily express and mail train 05, r. M. All trains over this route are in direct Oonnect tion ut Chicago with trains over both the Michi gan Southern, Michigan Central, 1'ittsbnrg, For Wayne and Chicago Railroads to and from De troit, Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Fulls, Alba, nv. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. Passenger* are reminded of the necessity of giving distinct directions as to teli destination of tneir baggage, also to procure tickets before taking their seats in the cars, as the conductors collect fares aply t* sUtions on the line at the Cfiicagn and Rock' fstand Railroad. Nov. 'a. J. DRY COOD8. I E N S E A K I O I V S s LATE ARRIVALS. e i e & a Ao. 5 .St., IfitiujX'tihm lllotk, nAVBSfi^ntd BECEIVKD AND ARE KECKIVINQ every day, by Express, the most desirable styles of Fashionable Sprint Good* Of fiiriout Fabri** and 1'atUrH*. Also a full stock of un«! uuMt'ac lied Mus lins, Flannels, to which we invite the attention of borers. Having our establishment ill Phlladel- fy hla and llaltiniorc, and or.e of our firm e.instnut in the market, we are enabled to oOVr indticc inents to all who call. mclil'' dAwly .WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER! WALLPAPER! N E W S Y E S For the Season of 1864. t£T The largest an I best .stock in tlie city JH L. W. PETERSEN'S, so. 22 WKST 2n sr., HAVING The Election will he held at the School House, in East Daveuport, IM\enport, Mav loth, lst!4. 'CllHlft, KAUFFMAN'Jf, dlot Citr Clerk. ALL PEUSONS INTERESTED U ACT, Swp't F. TR.' UUK Mllkari 4 Lake BkmJiR. rvv AND AFTER MAY 4TH AND UNTIL farther setiw trains will have Chicago as follows 7:00 a. m. Hew York Express, daily, cxcept Bandars. 7:30 p. i. Night Express, daily, except Batnr- Iriun arrive in Chicago at 8:16 p. «., and 6:16 a. ta. All the above trains make regular coaaectinns at DrnMrk, Baflalo, Niagara Alb—r, New York, Bortoa, niladelphis,Falls, That is about as near as the Union sener- Steeftag Co^,*i ,#lth art modem tSbssi«u3sc«, .1Q ,A aA- Baltimore sad all i '1. PPPPPPP PPPPPPPP PI'P PP PPPPPPPP PPPPPPP PI'P PI'P PPP i MADK LAKOK PURCHASES of stock from New York Manufacturers be fore the rise, I am prepared to offer Superior Inducement*. tali 12 L. W. PETERSEN. ELECTION BiOTllE. -VimtJi?' is lTKtintr rjtrKx TnxT A .\i S|tecial Election has been ordered by the City Council of the Cit\ of Jlavcnpoit, to be holtleii in the Sixth Ward, on the Twenty-flrst day of May# lst4, for the purpose of electing sui Alderman ia place of M. K. I'AltKS, whose seat has be declar ed vacant by said Council. T.iKV .YOTICm rflHAT TIIK TNDEItSf(»VED HAVE BEEN I by the Mayor und Aldenoan of the City of Davenpoflt, appointed acotntniltee to eipi di/.e and correct the "Hook of Assessments," of said Cltv, for tin* year 1 oid tliev will hold their meet iugs At the Council Chamber^ For ten days, commencing on Maliirduy, the 91 at 0*y ef Hay, instant, :it 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock a. m., and 2 o'clock E.*W. RARER, apr2S-dlm Street Commissioner WAR CLAIM, B01NTT A PENSION AUE.1T. GEORGE H. PARKER, Main Street, between Second and Third, DAVENPORT, IOWA, Cflllrets Bark Pay, Bountirn, and Pensions. HAVING KEEN ENGAGED FOR OVER A year iu prosecuting Claims for Pensions, Arrears, and Bounties, parties can rely upon hav ing their matters attended to as promptly as the business of the various Departments at W ashing ton will permit. BONDS. "TTKTiWO NDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE SEC RETAar of the Treasury of the Uaitcd States the Pint Natieaal Baak ofDareapert, has been authorized to receive MitocriptiOM to the Natieaal Tea-Fertj Leaa* For the subscriptions to this Loan, bonds will he issued of the following denominations, r"'s, loo's Jsto's, and l"oo'ni registercil, or with coupons at taclietl, as ma}- IK* preferred by su'oscri ers. These bonds arc redci-irable by the G»veri!inent in cow after TE.V, und pa.\ able KOKTT years from date. They bear FIVE per cent, interest, payable on beads'not ov«r use haadred dollars annoallv, and on over one hundred dollars aemi-annuafiy, in cow. Deposits mast be made in Legal TntJfr notes of the United States, or in Adtone/ AiaAiMc £to rtitiy. Subscribers «rtlf Vecievc iittrrnt from the diiy th* nwnrg u drpijtiUd with tki* /tout, and the bonds will be d*in*r*d at the expense of the tfpf ernmtnt. Coopon bonds are now ready for delivery, and Registered bonds will be on the 1st of Majr sell. By an act of Congress the issue of tiwaa baaw is Innitrd to Two HUM MUiionaaf pollaxa* anaaoaatthatwiHsoeabeikwtkrtifm IA AAA AAAA A A A A A AA AA A AAAAA A A A* \\K from to 5 o'clock p. in. of each d.'.v. C. II. KENT, i S. IIIRSCIIL, Committee. GEO. S. C. DOW, mav9-d2w Mlsslflsipiii 4 Missouri Rattrai COMPANY. rpHK ANNiTAL MEETING OF THE STOCK J. holders of this compujy, for the clectiou of Directors for the ensuing year, and for the trans action of such ather business as may come be tyre the said meeting will IM- held at th" otBc» of the company, at Davenport,'on Moaday, the 8th or Jam, 1WA, at 12 o'clock tiooa. Davenport, MnV 2d, 1804. dtd R. COOK, JfrHtt. STUEET COMMISSIOXER'S OrncE, City of Duveiip :rt, April HJ, Isi^. 1 PERSONS WHO ARE REMOVING, Oil about to remove, anv tilth or dirt from their cellars, alleys, etc., are hereby notified that the city ordinance prohibits them from di po-.iting anv dirt or tilth therefrom, on any of the streets^ alleys, or public grounds of the city, except in snclt places as may be designated by the Marshal" or mvself. All persons desirous of removing such dirt or filth, uiay, for the next .'lo duvs, de posit it in the following place.-, viz: On the east and west side of (iaiucs street, between l"th and 11th streets on the north side of Mb street, lie tweeii Harrison and Kiplcy Streets on the south side of Front street, Uetwecn Brown and Wurreu streets or at Itcmvick's Mill, Lest Davenport, (by consent of the owner.) All p« rs nis not com plying with the above notice, will be dealt with according to chaptfcl' 42, of Citv Ordinances. uttg ^tS^^vmrncnt^o Se^al peepl» iK coaatry.. These bonda All Tuatftea. •M4 elbfbrflM hlii niisf to ea^Ml OMt WALL PPPPPPP EKEEEKEK PPPPPPPP KEFEEEEE B. HEINZ, Preface A CeaMisaiea Merekaat, 4 irmtnws' RI.OCK, I.KVEE. PkindsKo. AYS IIIUIIEST CASH PRICE FOR ALL of Country produce, butter, eggs, etc. Boat stores tslwavs on hand. Buys and sells on commission. nivlldtf R. II. PARKS, o u e o k e NO. l.'4 SOUTH-WATER ST., CHICAGO, III. P. O. Box HA9. Cash advances made on property in store. nic-li7-dly JAMIW n. UAIJEEIJ^ COMMISSION EEEEF.EEE EKBK NOW OPENED, AT PLPMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street, Above the Poet OMo% efl elf.felfeVfOTif STOCti »f PAPER HAN«INtiS, PAYMENT OF TAXES, Xr'olintin? Whit* H1f## I# ftoniNt BROWN BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, SATINS, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED flOI0 PAPERS, Kali RED SHADES, MT/.V HH.iUfiH, GttsT .f.VO FROfiTEB, All tlie Above at very Low Price*. COMMISSION. CHAS. II. ELDRIDGK, Real E§tate 4 CeHBiigsieB Ageat, DUK\P«KT. IIIW\. Witt (ltt mt rttnnallJ «f- Prompt!y (0 Baylag 4c Nelllag Meal Kstate, lollrrtion* of nil kin tlx. Loans Naklag AlMtrn«t '1'ltlra, RiNTim HOWES AND FARMS, Answering Letters of Inouirv, Making I'urehases of alt kiliils, •ond door above tin* Post Office. aprl9 J. A. DAVENPORT, tieaeral Preface A Ceudaslaa MERCHANT. Office and Warehouse on Front Four doors «a»t of IVrrv. "Tlavenport Iowa Buys, Sells and Stores Grain at the most reasonable rates. Highest Market Price Paid for spldwtf] Produce of ull kinds. AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Agent for Herring's Safes and Fairbanks' Scales, Hydraulic Cement, Plas'er Pari.i and llair. NO. a FRONT STREET, Davenport, Iowa. mv 14 -dtf ^MERCHANT TAILORS.^ _• RKADI'-SIAOK CLOTHING A1C08T PRICE TO BE HAD OF- FRANZ MEYER, Second street—first do»r west of Natioaal Bank. A good assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. BOYS' CLOTHING, CLOTHS. ASSI MERKK, SHIRTS HTOO'EINGS, Which I wll sell at tbe most reasonable prieefc Custom Work Doae at all times and warranted the best, most durable and cheapot. All who want the beat and Cheapest goods must come to tiovlsdly FRANZ MEYER. NEW STORE! John Bartemeler Hto AS REMOVED HIS STOCK OP GOODS Franklin Block, on Sec-oud street, bet. Kain and Harrison streets, where he has nnrard a NEW CLOTIIINO STORK, aad win staatly on hand a good assortaieat of Oenta' Furnishftnf Good*, Clothes made to order on shortest notice, aad warranted to suit. Cull and see me. seplaly JOKDA.1, No* •13 WWW-SBCOJrD STREET, BETWBKB tfXSL™*** oHpruid in ths beat stvie, MEN AND BOTH' CLOTHING of every description, Tlie fullest satisfaction guar snwd. I aolitit from ?m old customers tbsfr con of patronage. Leave ordt ra. my» A. XIU.BI, toad,20 lfO. PRC BRADY STRE8T, BELOW keeps constantly on head aad aakea I harder. QMH', Ber«* MMI CblMntfn CLOTHllfO of tbe beet aaatertatandia aaaauier uSSTeaawrt bil to give aatUfacttoa. Liberal p^roa^e rsspertfatlT aMated. [agrttdlf com n w al ANMl aai 1% itt mi .iiw 1.5' 't •til i 1 RRRRRRRRR RRKRHRRRRR RRR RR RRKRRRRRK RRURRRR RRR RRR RRR RRR PPPPPPP1 EEEEEE PPPPPPP EKEEEE HSH m!t HRSSSS mi 88 8M in 8SSS n SSSSSPS SftKB 8S SS t!!M *83888 ntt' -ii» STOVES and TIMWARR. StortB Store* HILL8 & WASHBURN No. 56 Brady Street Nearly oppoeite Post oflke, Htbe AVE IN STORE AND ARE RECjnTH0 largest aad beet assortment or PARLOR. COOK I HEATING STOVES, Tlie unrivalled Trlaafk, ":sf that can be purchased in the eastern market. H. A W. hare the exclusive sale for SANFORD'8 Celebrated kalleage Heater 1 one of the most economical inventions ever or#, duced, aad for convenieaoe aad somfert as e«jtinl. PereM fak, ®ri* itiifi'ihpf fai oftte ptfteFRs eif ONLY be ed st Hills snd Washburn a. (j?- very store guarantied to give or tni mont-v refunded. ko keep .MM eriekratad 1 1 r-di a O K V ,! ia which water never freetea. canaot be surpassed. We iavite defy competition. Also ea hand a Tinware, Jappaned and Poreelaia ocKda^f, ttsatalStee w OFFieKRTORE, DINING-BOOM. BtD-ROOl^ NURSERY, HALli, AND MCTTINtJ^ ROOM STOVES Wan. «l»M«il*er Setta, Plaoialaad Britania Gooda, Coal Had*,, •i Tangs, Shovela, Pokara, ami Aert ererythiag ia tbe Uae. Hi) ftffffi A Skeet-frea Watgfc* •aikdail ta order aa abort aotiee. jar JOBBING tft I I A i A IjO0,S# ,^111 li ... -hi* ***, •jtu ftm Mt