Newspaper Page Text
7»fftlJ9( TERMS 87 OO PER ANNVM: I n I a VOLUME 9. REAL 88TATB AND INSURANCE AOENCT. JQUA Iu SW116 Alckol** Bl«ck, •F.(O^U H-r. Improved ft lulmprovcd Farms *1 liOTfli IKi ptlliMc H»*»e» numm Bought, Sold and LMiod. Mouse LoIn for Sal|» A «!••«»I lliii-^iiln. No. 0. Those building lot* *'mcr of Twelfth and Island streets, oeing I#" leet front on Mimu -id- ij:Ii -iti f-i, and f«et on east siiti ol Kork Island s'reet. Tin- above U a *'TV tin.- location pile*! very low li i 111 i ute oiiuiioii't IM-V-H miull iirnnml of ejsh dean halum- "in long term of leant Iff tni'H+y I" Ixiil ",![ /,* for a f-tM .'/.' J"T •!. No On llradv "lici t, 1 Icel front by I.":1 feet il r| fenced. Price *12 per trout foot. No. On Tnirii street, lot No. i'l'ark ir'aad dition. ciirinT 1 •».»pi ice, f:J»io. No. :Jo. bouse lots in Davison A Tfttff'x •dlltiotl 4'''" 'luti. Terms easy. So*. 81. Tliiit Insi^!iis iii Klnvma ker'a addition *l"o i« 1-" ••ach. 'IVrim easy. Store l.otw fbr «nl«'. No. 47. Out-on 41 li St., justea-! ol lirady St. No. 4-j. Four on 4lli St., iipii:- lt:iilroivi liriilj{ •. No. Ci. AIhii, lnrtii)n(l fuiti-M of ruoui.t n»r u"-ntl iii' ti. I'trnt rluitit lor R«*n(. No. 4 Wi1 iif' i'lv I" cii.'ii^" p. i cut in-ft. it?ll ho.i-" S MO'A i( 111 1 MI .in hi- Ii-iil |.II i.rcii|iaiic\ in V*v ir .1 nix- nf\t -jiliiiis wmpli m«j bt win at ur oitii-iv Wtorr A»r Kriit, Ni'. T'h- No A Irtifk ilwfllniit liiiusi-i-ii K-'Jil St. $1,l'"' t'ion unli, r"«t on tiiiif ul per t-nt. No. :i7. Tli.'f lnt-mm own-I ori-upii-tl l»y (Jco. S. How, K*i|..l.'inj{ tin tlwfllilijr Iio'iho aiiil lliri"-t"ll lot-. li uni inr niiii', i, ii ni '.ill St forni'r of'Fin limit «lrt'i t. This i,.i!i-o i. in pi: fnc* rt-p-iir, liui in^ Immmi litti*il up hi the ovtncr fartiimsotf. Tin- i.'titirv itri imp tini-n't of tin-house in ta-t. Inl iind I'oiunli'tf. Tii i vit .y frotii tbis pU' io iitiKUt'|»iihn«iI. IVrn.s ca*v. No. no. Kr.iiiir i-otttur'' lid it on Third siroet, in Mrci'ii'a utMiiiou. l'rice, ^toii. No. i'„s, llrirk Initio nnd lota, yonthctmt cor ner of 4th mid Mniii St., Ui:'nvn a i liurini toD cs talt*, l"'i ft. fron mi cueh Sk. jjiri.tmn, mat reni.lin fur u t.-nn ofv..v at a .iv i ali- of uitcrst Ko. w. Fnimi'divrlliii- li.H R.iuili-ido .'id •tn-ft, rasi of Wurrrn St., anil I n. 1'iire, ^|no. So. D- i!li- limi.v iif«t fidi' nf I'rrrv St., corni'i- nf li'ili trfct. 1'i ifc, Two'thirds may rrm.iiii on nmrtirajri- tit r» |i cent. So. a. Ft u!iif iiou.-f Noutii skIc .| street, one milt' wv«t If Hr !ii pi'ii Xwo teirds m.iv loiiinin i n nun tj a/e :it six VH No. II. Valttid"!'1 house with -/".j acres ofland well stuck *d ivilh truit of nil kir it Ii Mtilile, earring- huiie, wood house, iv .stal.le, iia^on ahed. ei-t"in, two wells, pa-.» nr,., oielmnl inn. JWulIt rw*e the whole plan ,..11 i«w4 in |nrlt.'( oi'tl- I i-' poir |ii ,j-e .s."i,n .i.i. Nlnrei* lor™. No. ."."i. 2 i Iiluah'e Htircs well r. utoT euny terms W*liitvreV A«ltllilou. U row 1 ii I i if into lot* ,,| prV-si and they are rea.t\ 1'orVnic on iei v lt«y j,.rini and at low Bri«*ea. Hons•• l.ots, St u'e i,ot.. Warehouse lot?, railory l.o.s. I'ltrtw UilBted. We want to pnnii' ^se improi e.l farms tm 80 (O l'JO ao t"s eai'li. Farl nn for Knlp. So 25. aire? all improved and under fence tnile* from t!ie eity, Willi exeitle-it house, (U trooiut nn I't'lUr, i wood house, wasri house, Imrti 7».» hv i' leet,* ifihir. two wi lis. cisiern, ore hiird of to trees, (Hp ^les. pi-arA, p' ae:u'-t aaili'heri ies Friee Sf.'i.e i' j.o.n» cauli, btdance oil a lenn of yeurs. No. 17. ?o arre*. feneetl. n n-irt it'iprovcd lie itlg a part i .i' Mi rirjrct Noel's land, n Ijoiniti^ Mr. Oliver's pi tee. Tnis plaee is adapted for u gar den or .a, ry, price .I No. H. f- I 'liei e.-j, ail itn|irored anil under fence witli house, nt Hickory lirov.). 1'riCC #1.2W oae-tln-rd uth. So. 1- 1 nerea unimproved land near l)u- rant, at S.''" perutr-. easli, balance in Mvi years at t.n ,«.r eent. No. i.1'1 I1/aeres. tni !es from the eity, on thf Du!ti-|tie road, all imp' ni and under fenee. With iui nre and stable. I'nee ^l.-!i!", two-tiiirds may ri.'.ii.uu lora term of i ears to .sail the pur chiivr 8' ii ueres in l.inti t'onnty, i."" improved and •B'icr feuee. i IViee jfl.mii'. I^eush. Xio. i J. Ijn a -res near Waicutt. l«0 imroved uiiilif feneei wit' I house pt u ,2'*'. V aeres in I'owi liiek t'o'at x.'tper aCT«. 4'0 aei'e in Iowa eoiintv nt pi acris. acre-, in S.oiix county nt jf: per acre. VMo aere* in t'ln .v eounty at jt acie. aires .I rtrtiic.K'kc'iinty at*: per nore. I %(ifo aeres mi W'lmehn^o Co. ul 1 per acre. St**'** IM'l es nt per Ut'l'tt. i 3 at 1'"»I lit s per acre. a res in Tama eounty. 1-j iteres id Story comity. V.'o acres in Winnt sliiek* Co. ul pof 4cFP. 400 acres in iit undy e unity r.t sj per acre, f.'i aeres in Hutler eounty a! .1 1 per acre., lieo 1 acres in Moiver Co.. Minn, at -.'.ji 1 p^r a re C4-' acres in Hon- ten Count v rt *J..Vt per aci\». F111K INS it A N (J E. Phtrni\ Fire In^uranof Co., Atlauiif Fire Insurance o., laair Fire ilnnuranre ('«•, Or Ni \V VUiiKJ iity Fire Insnrancc io* OK lIAHlFiril), SpriagGeld Fire Insurance Ctti* Ol'^I'lllNtiKlKI.D. MAS.-J. I E I N S U A N E Connfdlfit Life iRsnranee fe», Aetna Lire Insnrance Co., OF HAR'.FORl), CON'S. Hew York Life Insnrance feenriij Life Insvrance Co. OF NKW YOKK. 4ohn Ij. Swlti DAILY DEMOCRAT. 0. V Hrtyiimili A Co 87 Park How, New Vork Mid r-'t, H'xitor. r«s our !h"*e and are *nUiortae«l to tmke n» hQ'1«ub^crip lion* fur & €0,t iOHN L. 5WIT8, K. B. HILL, V. f. tap *ta4r%) »j«« nt «/«r «r r*t«ri». V KID0EB, II. kv, |f®ft»orn Ohicajr». U 4t| Ittonrcd l'» r»*» eiTe s«?«f "nt* f«»r l/»i» kMiH-ralli: CraHty TIht^ will lw a Miw- Conrpntinn "I ili«? I^moc racv ««fSrott ronntv, Iowa, at l)urt*npnrt, on Srt urdnv, June 4tli, i -'4, nt 3 o'clock I*. M., to ap I point Ife-legit** to att«ud the Democratic Suit Cot.vcntixii, to be held at Ilea Moinea, Jtinr B* orttr of th« Central 4:ommit»tt. JOHN MADDUX, thmrman. LOCAL ITEMS. WjiMTr.n. Mr. Kreneli nm! his water cart* were much in •letnarul all day to keep in siilijc-etiini th« -1'ii»Ih of 'lust that .swept ear streets during the entire iur. On ii ami.—Those 11*w Btyl«s rf firing dri^- «riMxls have ariivc«i at Kehoe & Oar hart'*, opposite the Lft'lairc Ilouso. 1-a tlit-H shotild not fail to .see them. Shipment* from Davenport, hy rail, for the week ending May 21st: H-iObMs flour, 7,i,'W lu wheat, C,,htl bu corn, :i») tons bran, /*,ti*)i.* lbs liide^, 5 j(» Hik llax sei-d, 140 live «i EJTTI.ex'E* u: a l»w rati o! int.-it »t. No. »!. Lot «"i It:.civ at »eet, lv?st sidt?, f.'i feet front b. !•bet •I-' verv low. «hi pay lll 'Ul till the lot need go no further than Krjiti-ic's, opposite thn National Brink, for the l«!st riothinv material, best lits, furnish in» good.s, trunk-*. ali^os, ete. nU ntnl mc the new atyles and gel your summer cloth ing. Rktirkd.—Mike I'tii ian retired ftmn mir midst tViis morning per steamer .fenny Whipple, t« iill a two years' appointment at Fort Ma-lison, tendered him bv Judge Riehman. Tiiat l«.e might not pet lost he was earefully ironed- hands and feet. I hi. FAIIKAKH, the Spanish I'hyoieian, who litis been praeticiug at the S'-ott House, has removed to Main .street, i.pposite the I'i.uio Forte W areroottis. between Kiont and See »:n1 streets, where he may be coiutiltbd upon all chronic diseases. His rooms are Howled daily. niv 17dl w-m 1 I'.lNOKtMA stoif uii'l buictrcn^, in Me- iru| lit i ti! n i. now oo-ujii i liy J.uck 4 to., l£»o t»fl |i •louwoft fbr Htilf. No. !'. Iu •inn-. III., u two-nor-v hr'cl t|w«al taj hi)::oi, with lot liy l.i1 ft i t, i or. I.yri'lt* iHitl Aim Si*. Tlif lioimi" in i,'OOI| -k11111i ii, iivw ftMili-il portrM ssimi triven in .In ilins. Tin- hnuw. COM 'O. i IVlCf til ll'illfti' .Hut Int. #IH» mir third fit*h bal.iiirf mi lonit ti.'iif :U, fuw miiTost Of toll IHK Ikr Ih'iiuiLrtit, JUT cent. No. 1. New• IV.inn- limit.- on P.r .tdy street iu gelitrol rcsidi iiet'. i I'licc. §,. Ki.prriOK.—The first regimental election under the one hundred days' ctdl took place iu Keokuk lost Friday. The line olfieers of this regiment selected t'apt. Hereman, of Mt. Pleasatit, lor Colonel S. A. Moore, of I'looinlield. for Lt. Colonel, and Cajit. Hope, of Wasiiington eounty, for Major. The two served in the Mexican ivar, and the third has served in the present conilic!.— So says the 0'iite City. New Stoke.—Particular attention is di rected to the advettisuncnt of .T. A. Dav enport's iu\\ hardware store. He has re ceived and is still receiving a handsome stock, which he will offer at the lowest liv ing priccs. Let hint have a fair trial ninl it will seen that he is worthy of a full of public patronage. Remember the place 011 Hrady street—store formerly occupied by J. Monath's stove store. (itii W Attn F.i.ection.—The Police Cocrt.—Rnsincss MELVILI.C's it Co^ .m# SICKOLliS* BLOCK, flECOKtl HT gee our Colanan of Adyexw llaeiBCIlUt othaff igiaals la their waj. G« and Me them this was unusually brisk at the Police Court this morning.— The police force had been out on a scout on Saturd.ty evening and made a very fair haul of law breakers. Henry Robinson, for be ing found in n house of ill fame was charg ed $10 and costs Frances Thomas, for keeping a house of ill fame, and Hat. Ik-au nt *n Mid Silas Jones for being inmates there of were each li.icd $10 and costs. All paid up i")ut Harriet. John Rock, Jane Strauss, and Anna Bell were fined $5 and costs apeice fir vm^aney, trnd Patrick Sliaunesy for in toxication, came in for .1 fine of like amount. mm rth, ti'fthj. l*AR.lllt.«E f«OST.—Tlie pub- lie should bear in mind tlut this splendid painting, the finest ever exhibited in this country, is he brought out l»r the tir-t time at MetrojKilitan llall this evening. (Jo and s« e it and you will be pleaded. (i tz n t't.KVI I.AMI iiNVI N- tion—At it meeting of the radical (Jerinims of this eity, held at I Hion Hall, on Satur day evening, J. 1*. Stibolt, Ksq., editor of tsrr.ti Four able lio.lied young men from this oflice—John Collins, Robert I»3 iir, David Rohm and Stepfien Sanders- have enlisted in (.'apt. Wilson's company for l«.'« days' service. We wish them the best kind of good fortune, and hope some day to see them "stripped"—not in the pocket, but upon the shoulder. amende. and Dr. Ignatius Langi were chosen delegates to the Cleveland I'on ventiou front this district. M11.iT.iKV ioons. -Soldiers looking for a complete slock of military clothing and mil itary furnishing goods will tind il at M:ms A Mayer's—opposite I.e Clnire How. l!a ns take i to please nil customers and prices nl ways reasonably low. Ready niftrieclothing for everybody, in great varieh j'-{7 n Fian«iai..—The Chicago following is frrn liit Tinui' money article of Fri'lay Par funds now in Chicago mean le^al ten der notes and the notes of the National Batiks only. All other urrency is placed at discount of j(". per cent. Th ba.iker of this city who w ere appointed agents for the redemption of the note- of the Illinois bank-, the State Banks of Iowa and India na, found it very inconvenient to be con stantly called upon to redeem this liioin-y. and ho they wisely concluded to pitch it overboard, and. as noted in onr last report, they have signified their intention to pav all their balances) in par funds. This mil prob ablp compel tht Illinois banker* to withdraw their currency from circulation which is now about one and ft quarter million of dol lars. 1 he |owa State Batiks of course will follow -uit. No one ti»ed be alanmd at any very great degree of stringency in the money market on this count. Thi- make.- little or no difference as far as this locality is concerncd. The State Bunk here has made an arrangement to redeem in greenbacks, each day. all the Stale Hank money taken in at the National Bank.— Consequently the National Bank will con tinue to take State Bank enrrenev at par. but will pay out none 011 checks. Tiir Point Exactly.—A correspondent of the who signs himself A loyal man who voted for (Jov. Stone," says he "understood flov. Stone to say iu his ad dress iu front of the LeClaire House, some evening's since, that Scott county wan be hind in supplying her quota, under all the c.ilu of the President and not only -o, but that Scott cmnty was behind every populous county in the .State, not thi county DuLuqiu," The correspon dent then expresses a wish to knov* ivherc the Governor got his figure-, and if wrong, to have them corrected. a'lege-. S :ott county's quo'.* ».«* uuplcte as that of the other }opulous counties, per cent, more complete than that of the couniy of Tiie aliove is an extract from the Mu^ca tine Journal. zettt Ciitcts.—The Circus steamer Ingomar, with Melville's unrivalled Circus Tr«upc on board, arrived at ocr levee. For an hour or two during the forenoon Prof. Kopp's splendid brass band, mounted on horses, proceeded through our streets playing uilivenitig music. The perform ance this, afternoon was numerously at tended and the universal decision is that it ia a little the most spirited and interesting Circus that has visited our city. The per formers cannot fail to excite wonder and as toniahownt, and the down* are perfect or* That paper gives its autlioii- ty. Is it to be blamed for pitching into Scott county upon such representation-, from such a source? Were the tables turned," and Muscatine county the alleged dulln quent, we are of the opinion that wc should feel authorized to give h.-r lits on the strength of like authority. We hardly be lieve that Gov. Stone would wilfully misrep resent the facts neither would Gen B.-ikur. However they are both in town, and have ihe record here and can speak for them selves. QroTixo voters of the lith ward to whom was refered by the City Council, the contested election case of Parks and Pester, have met at the polls and decid ed. They return Mr. Parks to the council by a handsome majority of sixteen—a ma jority of fifteen more than he had at the April election. We trust that this decision is perfectly satisfactory to Mr. Pester and the council. Mr. Parks will he an honor to the position to which he has been chosen. Histobt.—He Selling Fast.—E. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT, IOWA, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1*G4. RIVKKITRKi. The new ai:d elegant mailJandfrtti'Wnjper packet Keithcbnrit, Captain M«rri*»n, will depart for Fort Mtidi'oii and way points to-morrow iaorn isiir at 7 o'cl ek. r.akitig connect ions lor at. 1. eii« in 36 hours. For freight or patsace ap ply to E. A. Tilebin. agent. The mail and passenetl puck"t Bill H' ttdor »en. Captain H. V. Danlt-i, wili depart for Dubuque and way point* to-morrow morning.— ii. M. Pretty man, agent. Tie- maiffiiticent Northern Lice boat DaTenport Captain Uuford, will depart for St. Louis to ti.urroiv. i. 8. Pim ia the otfict. It. )f. l'r-ttf man. agent. -Northern Line packet Canada, Captain I', «i!l depart for St. Paid and way fioitita 10-morrow lomning. J.'-o. W. Lldred ia tb« offi- e. K.M. I're'tyinan, agent. distressing 1 «ugh, Jr. Strickland's Melitlu- Lju 1 I- Flojr. tiov. .Stone will not deny that he so stated at the place mentioned neither will »en. Maker, and of course they knew just what they were talking about, and sire prepared to make their statements good. If they wcr.- not posted—were talking at random -making positive declarations ••,! out a knowledge of the facts whereof they spoke, v must say thot such condust was inappropriate—nut. 1. more so, if. as the Dubuque. But the governor has not yet had firov* Iii* statements ^rood, as lioth he atid lien. Baker w»li ip rise make the proper Th«^- have 110 de»ire to injure Scott county, and we feel assured tint they will take the necessary measurer* to liave the truth brought to lighl. no matter which county sutlers by the comparison. "We truit onr neighborly ft, Gatette is not unduly excited when it charges us with "scurrilous abuse of Scott county." WI it Vi u i "h in ........... \i liave previously published lias been the free ami uniranniieleil expression ofojiinion made by the Governor. i,i. Adjutant Gener al and other cllieial dignitaries qi ai t«oed Davenport. The charges mrpic by wholesale ftt.CKi®6.4o re tail. W-inr. livin.ur. -fl.i'"f^ ThU tin OiTg.- CoiLV.- s.1(,y -. Wmiti: UK .V*.—*2.Ke?2.W. FLAsatii.• •"2.0"wi25. Ti vi) rev. -J.5». Cii.vhi, i .ooj,|' .jj^, I 'OT —9 •». ill TTKIt K01.S 12' _.V, Sew fvrk Markets. New Yoke, Sb.*!f and rs who incorrectly quotes history, or otherwise garbles by culling such sentences and parts of sen tences as may suit the sinister purposes of the writer, is a thief and a liar, in a literary point of view. The Gazrtte of this morn ing publishes an extract from an article pub lished 11 the Democrat, eighteen months sincc, which does not reflect the spirit of the article, but from which it would attempt to convict us with having attempted to discour age enlistments in S'-ott county. Now as a matter of honor and honesty between the editor of this paper and of the GuzdU, wc ask him to republish the article entire. We are willing to ktand by it to this day, and as a principle, sliail so* stand there to the day of our death. Will the editor of the O'n- do us the justice to reproduce that ar ticle entire If it has not the copy at hand we will furnish it with pleasure and if the crowded state of your columns is likely to furnish any excuse, we will pay for it as an advertisement. Will you do us the justice to publish it. Mr. Russell A. McNair, Esq., tin energetic General Agent of McCormick Bro., manufacturers of the far-famed Mc Cormick Reaper and Mower, informs us that the machines are going off rapidly. He has been out about three wciks, and during that t'linehis sales have averaged over one thou sand dollars per day. Farmers know the tnichinc tiiat renders the best service and buy it too. Capt. Wilson s company held an election on Saturday evening, and elected Captain Wilson as commanding officer and John Ackley as 1st Lieutenant. The balance of the officers will be elected when the compa ny is tilled. This is a rare chance for a few »ow volunteers. Come forward bors and nil up the ranks. Pcee SODA.—BaTlord's fountain a OaMtUi rmH-i p«Ui«Vitk4elieioiuber«n|ej. .1 'd -m ail superior soda //in/w.o,, /'octet and Brndy Street, betwoet Front and Second. I^ARMKK.SOrsloek Kits •ner.iily, are p.11 tieehn ly invited toeall and e\:i:ii! :e i:ty ol ({nods liefore pureii.t? II'- e! 1 vli! e. auleM »n«l Minall J: l*o2alM o !t. A .1 i|' Remember the place and give a call i. i-'J J. A. DAVENPORT. Dr. Strickland^ e i u o u s Cough Balaam. RES Cnr.,ilS, COLDS, SORE THROAT. V,' A st tna a ti -1 (Viiisuoipt ion'. It is only n«cex* to convince l!:em tliat it is the best preparation ever use 1. It not only cures the above a^ections of the Turo-it an.1 LnnjiS.hut it cures Night Sweats and Sjiittiiiif of illot.iF. and i* an excellent gargle for any kind v'' Mieh. Southern A Lake Shore RR. o N AND Ar'TER MAY 4TII AND CVT1L further notiee train* will leave Chicago as follows: 7 "!ta. iti. New York Express, daily, except Sundays. 7:s-o p. m. Night Express, daily, except Satur clais. points E. st Lnxur-ousSl cplng'Toaeheii, with ail modern improvement*, run on 'Fliri i Tickets can be obtained soy\Oilice, Jloust's 1 now charged and read/ to serve and Sherman :acrtr at the ."•» Ctark mwr v** 9 May 3. Conox—Q d( at f''jc. 1'i.ottt-e eeu'.s lnwer. $7.2M for extra jJT. ie .{7.0'1 .-hi per tine. Wtii.vT—Y-.iy dull. 11..V'}.@1G] for Chicago Soring fl.t '.'(41.ii' Hibvaukce Club $!.63$!.o Wli.iei' re'l Coa.v—fi.41(^i.iT for old mixed. Oats—«'• 7. I'oHit— moss. old mesa. LAKH•-!: I4^e, WinsicT—f l.:.'j. Hew York Wfoi'li Ufarkct. Ne-.v Yerk, .Miivl23. Gold 1 .iiiiilM't* Market, inn '»tft«, l.'ith Cle.if l!ti»l D^vK'.-por.T, Mny llltll Hell. U 1 Stone, while at our levee, had been previ ously made at a public meeting, from the slops of the I,e Claire House, and endorsed bv the Adjutant General at the same I'lue and place. It wan then and there Mr. 0(- thai your people were toll tl.ey el'" way behind every county in the Suitnot e\c ptii.g Dubuque that you were fatten ing on government pap, and doiti£ nothing in return. It was then and tb.: that our Governor told your people that he cojM re cruit more women in your county than he could men—the latter were so toi.i and un patriotic. 0, Fencing' Hani Itoerd* '. ifi.MU Fi n.iiingTitiiN-r Joints under 20ft Srf.O" feet and over........ yo i.i Flooring, 3e.W idtnsr..' 2f T° sAd ve rt i so ents. l.o*l A I'RA YEK LOOK bound with purple velvet ./X. •eitli iri!' band about tie- cov r. initial•, 'I. 1'." o.| ehisp,'.vu.s lust near the Railroad lit i.ine on Sumhiv evening. The lindt-r will he Plieruliv rewi 1 ii. i bv leai nig the »aine at this of !i.i- N E W UAKDW ARE STOR$ I jr. *. nm^poRT, lli iiler iu IlinUvair. Iron ninl Noils Farm insr iii!|)l*mi'iits of all KiiMb, BOOTS SHOES. W. C. W A It RIX EH U. 4 i ULU A N I Wkolriclf ill Rttail Dralfr BOOTS SHOES, Parti ul .tr»nentioi. paid to Custom work. lto. 46 Brad)' Street, R' lous Cough Raisam. It gives relief almost instiintaiieinis, and is witnal not dis^greable Opposite I^fC'lllirP llOW^ to the taste. There i i 113 doubt but the Mellifluous Cough Balaam is one oftheliest oumo" wi In l.apjir to n-ect his iienei-ou* .. 1 1, Hi* l.iejlities for tiirninir out THF preparations in use. and is all that its pro- Hi:sT CSTOM WOltK.atv iins.i,p,.ss,..t. lie prietor claims tor it. We have tried it dur- f»ai. the »-r v. odkhi v i\ the ttv. aiei tilla all ing t!ic past week and found relief from a most distressing cough. It is pri pared by Dr. S'rii kuind. No. l» Fa«t 4th airoot, Cin cinna'i, "., m-d for salebv druggists at 50 cents pur hot tie. I J, Ou hand. 1. Iu Allen's Grove tuiiu-!i p, of diptheria, on the Uli inst., JOHN D. JTi N I' I aff-d 1. years and 51' N I' I' air l'n. 1 lei Kit. dm 7 MeXi COMMERCIAL. Btu eiipert Xurkrts. O.-fit i: of 1111. D.ivKvroBT Dwto"P\T, Saturday evening, May 21, 1W*. Jk They bear nvr. per cent, interest, parable or. btmd.s not over one hundred dollars am.iiulh and 011 over one he:i lied dollars si mi-aumiullv, in coix. ftito#. SCOTT COl'NTY am. 1JI1LD Subsi riber.s will reeieve ul. uid I inleini to e.tivy it Wiit•' «iited inst as lepreseiiteii.— 1 11 1 a toward* hei a- to t,n.hinder her life. Ami p«-ti tenier ab'o prays that she have the ^uardi nisiiip ol (•"or^eiunne. A. II. .loiies Laura II. C. N. Jom -. 1 our a-i-l her loinnr children. Now, unless you appear ami answer thereto nn er heiore nom of the seeotiddny of the next term sai 1 Court, to he begun and hidden on the first Monday of November. A. D., 1 s'U. your default will be entered of record, nndjudgment rendered the-eon. graiitinr the pr: ver of petitioner. Miiv 21 1^54. 1 I 1 A V I S O N A I E 1 s-. I-. I'hiintiH* Attornevs. ppppppp pi'pppi'pp »'i*i' pp 5cxt Door above the Post Nffice, Ihtreiiport, I,!1' BIJ ldtf KM*0VAL~ I'I'H tt A E »WW SIMHTMSrrACTWt t(. ..j orders pi. „i -..uisfuctorih. Custom Made (ioodfi For Ladies' btMr' ari Cliildrei,',* w.-nr alivavs ap ieitf Tin-: uoki oi iwt & Shoe More, *3 Hra«l} Ml., U the pJaro to buy v„«r COiiTiS ii Sllftttl.' ruii.n&co., .ST AND Ili.s S'l'OL'K I ::r.- iIt)~t,tIV jtjij uew l"od# dite. 1 roil) their Win !e«!.- ei»e iuBov on, whieti enable :hetri to ml! n viry I -1 v. prices at IVIi'ilesah Itrlnil. XfAN'UFACft HlFti and HKI'AIUINU DON'K C. U. CHILD, Davenport r. Child. Ronton. .luu'.dtf CARRIAGES, fiipofl Carriage UepoHiUrjr, A*. 11" R' t.hj Sfn o r.-r, J'.rfty DAVENPORT. IOWA. j. tioyt. prophirtoh. •'••l,*"! Ctl\T\\TI.V HAM) ^tit el- a:..I ia.-.! i-iod.'iu styles I'ARIM liil.S !!IMili:s A.M» U\8\KSSJ S, Ol lla derii .llnuuiiielare, ar..? durable ipntiiii. Ju^ jroud» m-re I.• jsj111 l,| conti iu-t'-'l for befiii the ^reiti ris- in lictViial i.i:. ..-. winch eiotMes him in offer the OKFAT i.5'4' lNDl-CflMKN'I'.s to purebac:^ Call be ®.rc pur« i.asinc eUrsm-iv.' P.!« l£ivly "I50T«H:K« M.V* *r I»i* Bavcui'nrt irrla?c Mtuiiifatlonr, CORNKIfei^ies TlHliD i lUKKIx.N ViKLKTS. Da.i.-np.trt, Iowa, niiinuti.eoire all kiuds oi Carriage,, and \V»ifus from the la st niateiiul, :siii! |i rfeet s:.tjslV.etion warranted Re n.iilo., il'iiieun * noti'.i*. Rat—j modonite.— Biiciiaraye binae I moi ,. dtf Tj7f.1«4o TCiIjT o,i(jT„i..:0 •J."0(Vj,e.riij 'i irtji^i 1.00 -^JNDF.R INSTRCCTIONS FROM THE SKC the i kit vhv of ill" Treaniiiy of 14a baited .States First \al!o«al Bauk of Davenport, llRs l»e:i nil!' Ill li 11 |,fei\e -.e.b«'- i e sn the National Teu-Fortj Loan* For the" s'loseriiitieii to this Loan, bonds will be issued of the fvlhuvinn denomin:ition« ."e's. I'«'*'s joo s mu| Jin.!. lenis'.eied, or with coupon* at tached, hi m: v be jnel'erie I bj siiUwribni. tlu**e biauls'iire re'leoiiiiibh- by the Oo, crtimeilt in. coin ai'ter ten, and payable toaiv years from date. iuttrrri t'rum thr •t '!l t.iOM'v i*tl'-p(*itci{nith thle. Coupon bonds are now ready for delivery, and Registeredbonds iviit lie on the 1st of Jiy an act oft'ongreJs tlie issue of tl^ ne boutls is I an it .J to Two Hundred Millions of Dollars. STATE OF IOWA, (In tin- District Court fbr Sf i.tT L'o. XTV. j[ said eoillity. Cror^ianna'C. Jones va. John it. Jones. To loli'i R. .lone*, tfirt \roi ARK HKRKI2Y FoTIFlED, that there ?n .'bat will soon be absorbed if we may 1. i. now en lit,-in tie- ..tlie.- of the Clerk of the °l'of tin- prei inu, suee-.-ts of «.:mi!ar appeals Ui-:riet Court !..r Scott eountv. Stiite of loiva by the (. tvei uin-nt to the loial people of ibis petition (leu triiiiiue June., prtivimr for a!0""1111-'' in-se bonis (Ji\iircc ircini tlie hon«U of" m.Jv now sub -Istini bitween you and plaintilf, for reason that Exempt fi'Olll All Killd* Of y ill have bi en guilti ol sueh itihiimau treatment rPn vnttmi and oftr letter induce, icttts to eapitaliat* than any security of a public or jirivate character now ottering at "par. mc-liiildtf DRY COObS. IM ME S E ATTRi T10 \S. LATE ARRIVALS. Bf r/bcrj & A", e nji.d St., If-troj'o/itan Have received and are receiving every day, h..- Express, tie most desirable atyl-s oi Fashionable Spring Goods it /i/Ai'/rx ,ir,t P'tH-ri'f. Also a fill ,-ti.i\ I'flilt-aeht-tl u:id cnbleaeiied Mus lins, tiaiiucls, to which we invilt-the attention of buyers. Hm in^ onr stabli.hment ip '•|,il«.lel- f|li|landm- RaUiinoi e, aud one ofourBrtii Conxtaut v in the rki !. we tiet oable t(,tf, induce ments I' all who c:Jl. mehl"-d.fcwiv WALL PAPER8. Vj|LL ...'./ i....... i... j. tl,n lu.i .... I am .. .—. .—. Sore T.iroat. It is pleasant 4o t:\l.e, r.nd a &_fe medicine for infants. Price 80 per bottle. For v.le In druggists gennrally. mvji.i-m.eiAthursAwiv PAPER! WALL PAPER I ty The laegest and best stock in the citv Superior Inducements. mh 12 L. W. PETERSEN. stolen. CARRIAGE A Trains arrive in Chicago at 9:19 p. tn., and 8:15 a. m. All the cbore trains make regular connections at Dunkirk, Unrtiiio, Niagara Falls, Albanv, New store yesfer.iay. A sintable reward• illI be- paid York. .-ton, Philadeipbui, Haltiin«re and all for its reeovei FRED. Drt Tst liMANN mav 17 WITH THREE il wi»ti enameled CHILD'S wheels ami ubl top, Hned wi»ti enameled I cloth, pointed Muck, and iidh rirnamental oua els, was stolen n -a the sidewalk in front of mi 4". iiuwlv Per*mnal. Com-1 TF TIII3H0tM.D Hweet, snltt tfhernan -L COMF. TO THE NOTICE or any person who can ®f CuH -!op!.-'r Lowrv 8AWYKB, 6«Mr4Vmm*Afwi tn or'at the Depot, corner oflSdVu ImJ informaiJ.a v.hcre lie ean liefound, the ~ib- a ||A FACTORY* herman streeU. acfiber-hi, :a .|rh_ter-:aImo* lUtugee-woul*. ||B| 1 Pe»ffart, liww. 9 /.* WJ»S«SilPWWfW ««i!»W.W DEMOCRAT. AA if SJW.V IJ. Ill i\7 Produce & Commit. Merchaat) Jto. 4 'C Ritmvs' fci.o. L\ KB. I TVYS HICllKST CASH 1.1C FrtR ALL Dej.oj'ts nnist be made in l.f.m! T^mbr notes of 1 R"at i«'.o:e-* ,:lways on hand. I la I rc Is oti thi- Lniteil States, erin Xntit,i„0 Ihti.L Xut,: C.n canunission. lid'f ami tin- bonds vi i|| he /•/•-./W at the expense of the ('k- R. II. PAHjvi i* o n 1) o k e NO. ,.y nejt. I'tveu, I•••.•.u. in', i sltC WiERC*VfcNT TAlLoRsf™ RE A S) i -31A 1E O I I I N O ^T COST KKi TO I'.!. HAD mm riiipip l'i'ppppjp ppp AA AA A A A A AAAAAA A AA* «AA rr.p. AA J»M» O FRAXZ MEIER, Sscond street tj. st 1..ot* w-. of National litink. A eii 1 |l- :.1 t:It. of GENTIS' H'LTNISHIVO 1 0! 11)S. HOYS' €L»TiHMi, C.'.Oi'lM, CA*4.41 1 KLTCS. •silNiTS, STOCKl N'iS, which! wil sell ot t'i n r- -oi.a'.lc prices. Custom Work Done at all tli:ir and w: :, o' ii tl:« best, most durable and cheapest. All who waut tbe best and Cheapest ^o- ds must cor. e to novlsdiy FRANZ MEYEB. V n!eidl•lohnblock,HISwherehe .ts RKMIIVKII -T'irK lir GOOIIS i iMiii.lin on .Sectid street, lw*t. Eain Harii-..n streets, opened a NI.W t.i.OI HIM STORE, .it. 1 nil' kp eon staatlv ti hand a --.oil a-. t.f s.-,ii lor am oiie ti ouh.ed it ill. these complaints every d'eiwription. Tb- fullest satisfaction guar- I ^»«»ot be snrpaaaed. We invite inspection and to trv one ^ott.eot I e 1* IT *1 1 s.di-. it from im nl-l i-ustoiuerstheircon- defy eompetitioa. Also on band a full stock of Strickland's Mflliflaous Uurt Balum1 w 1 1 Ij Gents" Farniiihing floods, Clothes ma.'" to '.rd-r on -!iort-st notice, and in wbich water never freote*. warranted to s .ir. »Y.l! .,» 1 s. m-. aepldtjr 8» tinuanee of pun image. L' are orders. my3S jul..,it For the Season of 1864. mfirf -—at J|. to order. rpnvo MADE la Ron itrciiasCp s'.-tck i'r-'ai New ork Manufacturers be- -j for-- the rise I am i.renaied to ,.|i I f, w. it ctELtAxo'd to order on »bert notiec. street. '^^pppfppMR *li.l.V5.tlOTgt HTOVM or PAPER SlA^g^S, .imoiis VIViirli li'./f ft# PAPERS, FIGMiD SMi.itiE*, tiMhT rilAS. H. IILDKIDCI-:, I Real Esiate A, oiiimi^sioii A^cirtt! liUni'MI. H,\\\. Wi'i'tt' v d- ."r i.i/it/y to I lluyinp *V Celling Katnte, (olicftio-is nf iill kih'k. I'AYMIv.XT 01' TAXES, \rriliili!i" I iiis, ibvlrarl 'I'illt-K. RENTING HOUSES AND FAttMt, Answer.n^ l.--*t. t.f I-i n.rv. Melius In.. i (, oi.i ,, Seeo!:,ld.,oi a p.... ti.i ..... ajj! IS •j jtm* 15 GENTS PER WEEK/ WALL LKkhOiKK RMtURURiat KKr.KKKt.E UlUtUUiiRUliB KEK UKR RR eeeefr Kir^l'EE lCK.tRKUi ri, i-ppppppp ppi'i'ppp ppp ppp H.s S.SS^:S 5.S ss SSss 8,Sh.S3s^ s^s rkk Kiut J:tliCKKME Uliil MOW OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S No. SO Brady »Street, Above the Post Office, ii ii ft SS SS tffil 1IEEEEEE fiftft IkKftB SSSSSS Wlj Fouti* BROWX ULAMIvM. WHITE BLANKS, SATINS*, BRONZED SATIXS, STA^lFKp GOLD »I.VD AI1 the \hftvc at vt»j Prices. COMMJSSIOM. STOVEG and TifW/ARC. HIO TE&, (7. n. v« .. i *tr Sloven Storm i \.,:nirv jiro iut utt rrs He. & VV ASI I i Ko. 50 Brady Street 9 i.-,J St I "i il W ST., CHICAGO, III. P. O. Ilox J'1- i1. isit a 1 v aiie'.-i- made OH proji-l :v ill Ol-e! k- Ji *i a:H_.i7 «Ti^ C/ IOMMISSION AND l'itODtCE MERt.'HANT. Ap-nt ior llerrin 's S i'e j.ud Fan bankit' Scales, H.i a.' e.-.ibe 'enieiit. I'la- i- I'.ti is ahd Hair. sn. i n:oN"i strelt. w IirTri%J Kenrly opposite Post office, HtheUr«'-.stsiouf. ave in and are re«'eivi»o uial I. -st i:«s«.i imeiit -l PARLOR. COCK I HEHT1HG STOVES, thai can be nvrehn ir. tV e'»»t'.-n market, i ii. k XTl^W C:M7 r? 1^ and olbrr favorite pottcriss cat ONLY be obtain* I V 1 V 12* I ,d w have the .-xeluslte sale t'Ot SA.VRyJJD'S Iclcbraletl Ikalicuge Heater! one of tiie most e-onomieal invention* erer pro duced, and fir convenience aud comlort as n# erju*t. |^"The unrivalled Triumph, ll Firm Oakt Iron Gate# |!s aiu W .isiib.irn .K»II JOKOA A, S OFFICE, ^loftE. DININO ROOH X""0.13 WEST-SECOND M'kKET. RET WEEK HIJRSEI'.Y. HALL. AND SETT1K0 el Main, nrd-noid io the ItOO.M l'4)VLs i %s v v* .fc TI 11 uru-. .T uutani it ah.1 i ia.m..1. n W am A. mii.i.i:u, NO. jra STitl'ilT, HE LOW SEC- i ond, k p-c» istantie on hand ac makes In W. PETERSEN'®* i Mcnta'. anrt Children*!*1 .. ,V(.„T ir, ST of i.O'f IIINtt of the Wiit material and in n manwr •lOHS HOKMIV. HORNBY & McCLELLASD, -. -rn-^ i «f all kinds promptly ottended to. Call aftd tt 13 XJ animegoTKlsaijiaeara prices. MANFFAtTl'RERS OF n. Rnrtemeier Vsi' »cr.i Store guarantied to dire aatufactio or tin money retunied. They also keep tb* celeimted E N k i Tinware, .Tappamd and Porcclain Ware, dfeimb Setts, I'lunieb Wnn^ 1 :fii:irv fioods, ('r,«! If* r«r s, Shovebt, i'tkers, in abort everything la the line. Copper, ft Sfttft-froil Brarketn, 4*c. 'EVKRY MOMnwor",'1 Contractors for Building* KecpVu* 1 ,w.« 1.*s*«NMe'»S §'. rfc5*! tt NUMliEli 178. HI V)MT§P rr O I! I (J ... !BILIJARlSATOONIi" Sisky Doors, Blinds, Mouldings^ i Kaui. liEPiitEtk. Bent Wine* mid MAwrm Tebaceas sand Ctaws, GuMUsNited s, w*m W* ?r-» *4 1 #hi