Newspaper Page Text
its ". I it ,sizi.m &n\ •witt*- MAL ••TATK ASD INSIIANCE AIENCT. JOHN k SWiTS k €0# im L. IWITft, K. B. BILL, W. F. KIMEB. 3lelc«l*' BUck, (op ataittj HEtOtllMt, Iapr»re4 4 lilaprird Firni, #roir low* ^/mwFwF W* s -4 SEP^^^F^PJF thrObw ItouM it Ria*i# flought, Sold and Leased. Houwe Lot* for Saffe A. Urrat Rsripila. i No. 4^. HiOM- eligiMc buil'ling l"t» coriH"/ f'f I'viltth «n«l Rock l-laN* -If '-.,.' 1'-" It win .m sooth Iflli mr"t. ant I'/'i feet oil *a»t side Rock l-land str««. abow- i :i .i •. line li-cation: price vry •low Miiij iiiii'ijiii'iiviily eas.v a .small amount «i .tnli .l.iun lal ur-e on loir,' t*nn of years u! !.nr rale ill!' M. No. 4i. i.nt n Itrady atre nt. w stride, fi.1 feet flout by Hi.'i teet ih-cp prion r«rv low. (hi pay tin'lit lot tin- lot !u nwnry to it Jit u id !m fir a l-im at nx »/"ir» i™'. No li". tin ltrifly street. 'o led front by l,"-' 0M deep Price $1 "j JUT front foot. No. a. On Third MrH, l'i ao. Iu Parker's ad* Ation, u-orncr lot,, pro-. f*j Su. Four house lot* vn Davison Jc True'* add itloli $ 1i-:u'h. Ir is a^y. •No». i*i. Thirty mi«- !of* 5tt Sl«' ma ker'* addition •l"" t.i if I ».toll. 1 'rmi easy. IVr Milf, Ntorr Si.. juMt-a»i of tfrade Si. Ho. 47. One on 4t! No. 41:. Four on 4t'.i S'., tn-ur Ituilroad i»ri(tj{'. No. •••.''• A No, urti ishf auituH of ruutui for la«M lit* lor Real, Nu. 4 W'-an* r»:idv ti ••nirBif" ton-nt or "-I'll -klil'« now I'Uil •tux i" for oi u|,d,i v it Mav oi- Jun*' it' it i inn* -t rtlncli iua/ Iff Wtn at iur (il),' Mtore fbr M«*nA. No. 8#. Tin- ttor a-wl lianem»*nt. In Me- toopilil.J lil'X'L, iiox u»"ti u iy Muck A C*., IW d- j«.» VIoNam ffhr Mulr. No, io In Moliiii'. III.. a twoKturv l»rick dwrcl houii*, witli lot '•o ly I."-" Ici't.ror. I.vnili'and jliiii St Tlia Iioii-ck k'""I omlitioii. is unw rautcil, |O,S. --M..II jjivi-n iii to i»»«. 'TIH'Iioihc. Mit i I't iff oi lii'iiw hikI lot, fl,.roi' one ttlird ra.ili, balanw on U nt time iit Ion ilitcrfst No. .".ij. A l»i i«-k i|w-ll in^ lions'- on K *Jd !St. 01. l'."i rn*|i. r-M hi i linn' ill i |wr tfiit. No. i(. Tli«' 'slut'- nu v'owtn'it :ind ofiijiii-d by ivo. S. Ilow, hiu|.. Ix-itiif the ilwelliinT lioiisf and llirt full lot*, fnmt.n^j -oinli upon '.ili St.. coaui'r of fiitntiiii siri'i-V This IHOISI- i* in jm fwt ri |iuii. Inning I«»-m lit'i-H wj l.v tli" immr fuiluin-ojil Tlif i-ntirr »rr«ni i ni'nt of tin- lioiuc ia »t« lul umt roiaplfi •. 'I'm* it-wr from this |Alirv is uuiir|iii^srd. Ti-rni* cany. *ttcet, No. ti". Kntmr rott Iioup« oa Tltird in Grccti's addition. J'rio*', Ji'.'-.t, No "s. llriuk lintiKf- and lots, son'.!ica»t ror ftfr of 4tli iind Muin Sti*.. know li us Tliortii^lon tato, l.V 0. front uin'iH li St. I'riw may fHnain for n ti-fn ofvi'urs at a low rati- of iiitcr«t No. 3'.'. Fra.tie (ImcIIIIIK IIOUX*. »tiil|i tidi* trtfi-it, fast ot Warrt-n *t.. and lot. 1'rioi', f4oo No V honl.l.- holism nivit miIi- of IVriy St., eornn of 1"ii sin'ft. I'ri'v, Two tliirds BBN Iftiiain on iiiort^a^i' at i (M-r cent. No. 'l Kt iinc Iioum* sou tli side Hd «trett, one mile went of Hnitl* stn jtriif, I.Do*.'. Two tbird« may kmiibhi on nioitna^i.- »t sis jier cent. No !. Nfv f^nlts•.• Iioiim- 011 llrudy atrvct ti« getiteel rvii'letife. l'r'.cr, No. !!. Valuable lioii*-«vitli arras nfland Well *to«-ked witlt fruit of all kind*, with viable, Caii iufc house. »«od IIOIIM-, ahed, eistern, two wi lls, pasture, orchard and yotlUK j{ro\e the whole pi.ic w II feuceii auu in INtftet »rd.!V and repoir priee Mlorra far Will*'. So. 30. 2 valuable Mores, !l rented eatT terms rlaiorr'a Addition. la bow lai.l oti into lots iof all pricrsi and thry are read* tor sul on ver\ eay ruif. and at low price*. 'Moii'" l.ota, Store Lota, Warehouse Lots, Factory l,oir.. I'nrMw WuBlrd. M'x want to purchase improved farms from 80 to 100 acrt .1 each. I'arais Tor Knlr. 1i £5. 0 a re*. all improved anil under fence taiilei from the city, with enell -nt liouie, ('.» MO'kiH and cellar.! wwl limw. wa-ii oU»e,barn "0 bv 6" feet.. spring, two wells. rivWn, ore-bard of 'j io tree-, iapple", pears, pfiwhes and cherries. Pri"'e cafch, li ilann- «n a term of 'T* i- v.i acr«'«, fenei d. nnnrt \inprored b'- of Margaret Noel's land. adioiiiing Mr. it'S place, this pla. e is adapted' for a gar den or grapery, price mg a part Oliver" V, i- ai res, all unproved and nndrr fence With house, at Hickory Urovj. I'rice #1.«W «0 tlienl eusll. No. 1\!" acres unimproved lun.l near l»tt #Mt at %J" per a'T cash, lialatiee ill ti\e Mars at t.»u per cent. No 4'' acre*. ." iniles fium the -itv, on the Dubmi'ue road, all iinp.M'wd and under fence. Wit1'lioure and si abb'. lVieo tl.S*"'. two.third* mn- remain for a term of years to »uit the pur "^"•''lirres in l.inn t'ounty. 64" &r 1 improved and «*derfcnee.. I'rl'-e 1.,^enili. *S'o r_*. 12" acres near Hateott, to" linroved Md under fence with bouse price $1.*.' ,:ere« in I'oweshiek to'at fpcr a ON. 4,hi acres in lnwa county ut p.'f acre, acres in Siou» county at per acfe .. -,,,o iii t?Ja\ rimnty at ^1 per acr& b*jo acres in llancoek county ul$l per Mft. acres in Winnebago t.o. at |1 pvr MV. *i»jo a'Ti-s at 11 per acre. §i«i'i acres at T.. cents )er uoi*. SB-jo m-r- in Taunt county. K'O acn s id Story county, v.: u.mi acres in Winneshiek t'o. at §|Mf 40.1 acres in tirundv county ut t- per acre. wcres in Hntler'eounty'at fr.' per acre. 2iioo acres in Mower Co., Minn, at per acre FIRE INSURANCE. Ph«ili Fire lararaace €•*, Atlaatle Fire lasaraaee ft.,, Ibbit Fire pasaraaee €•«, OF SEW YOUK-li Fire lasaraaee Cat, *11* OF HARTFORD, CONS. flariagteM Fire lasaraaee Oft* oFSl'RlNtlFIELD, MASJ?. LIFE INSURANCE. CwaMtkat Lift litanae* C*» tiMUklMMMtki OF RARLFORD, CONN. |^T Rev V#rk Uft lasiraae«Ca* ieearltr Life OP JIBtr YORK. DAILY 1) KM ()('RAT. st M. I'umwret,.RoltT.S. .iu A J»T Park Row, New V'rk tfir* f, ftt -Mr i'. lhrM€CltKH ao ar»» a-itKfiak« adr?rti»' '*ir-nt4 *'.od »ttb*cr p tio'.e for Jf rat^f. II.b*u1at»:v«adv^r4 Ki^rv. lira-f:' ra to Bf or4et r»-r.tral f'r, HiiiU- JOHN MAIHM-JN, Chairmiw. LOCAL ITEMS. Fabram» ha.-. aiJ T)ti. Fak »ihu 1 ut thos'i splen ho did Ktuiimer hats which are inii'h eall'.i for ilii. s**: 'in. Call and examine at the store opposite Mefr»poiit.aji Hal!. Iadie.-:' and children'ij ftrav.- i^ood- in great variety :a: u, tiio Spaiiish IMiy.-i'ian, who has been practicing il*e S-ott lions'-, has renio ed l'i Main street, opposite the I'iano Korte Warenajins, between Front and Si ootid street.- where he may be conuulled upon nil ••hroni'j diava-*'.-®. Hi.s r'joiu.-: art. crowded daily. ltiy 17d 1 w- w 1 JlKtRt iTs.—Capt. W'ilwu has a-ure thing oti :i full company, and proposes to into camp directly, lie and his ii--dstiint« hriv.j been eiurgetic itnd have succeed -d hand somely. This makes two full compunie fro 111 Sent!. About one hundred and fifty ninrc men would fill her quota liand otie lv ami p'-rhaps it few over. There t)I'v dol lar* vaitinjt f»r every man who will '-let, forward and take it. To-morrow is the la^t lay ior eiili^tinj» in the 1 tl-tys' servi--e, (ittcAT I'mon RAr»'tK.—The managers of the Mississippi Valley Siuiititry i'air liave made tij a rrnnd rattte in which property to the. value d" about »ti0, consisting of farms, horse--, piano.-, bujrsfie?. pnlntti.^s, etc., arc- to be drawn. Tickets $1.00 each, .lesisc I- id!:tr, i^.-nt Iur (liis '-ily. The r n drawing the £4l'.00ii farm, eaiuustinz of jtHj acre* of laud will be finely set up in business. One dollar ttken that farm.— Who wauls tin ticket V It ia fuppo.-ied to be in Mr. Fitllar posse-ion. Tin: ArsratmAK i'luct .-.— A larjje -it teiidenee gat lieri under the pavillion of the Australian CireuH jtveninsj to witness the p-rforuionec of this distinguished com patiy. To spe tk «.'f the rt.-•peetivc merits of each performer would require unlimited s[ace, but we cannot omit a special mention of Mr. Jas. Melville and his india* rubber boys, whose astonishing feats were received with siu-h applause. They will show in Hock island next Monday afternoon and evi-ii'ns when, drmtl"ss, arrtingements will bi perfected with the ferry boat so as to af ford our citizens another opportunity of see ing th*: be.-t compatr, truvclins^.- Wat iips and Jlwi i.k..—Hire you seen the splendid stock at Curry's Everybody should call and see these gootls before pur chasing, as he is determined to please you nil. He has the genuine full jewelled Amer ican watches, Swiss watches, iordon's cel ebrated London chronometer watchcs he best watch imported for the use of railroad men, thev having been -sted here for two years, .riihout. cow stable, wa^oti is sole atr nt for this superior watch, and will et thein eased in any style de.-ired. Also a splendid assortment of tine gold jewelry, consisting of rings of every descrip tion. H-l with (piarts, ruby, emerald, garnet, pearl, blood stone, onyx, opal -tone plain gold wedding rings, bracelets, chains, o!d pens. Also, Setli Thomas' clocks, spec tacles, goggles, pistols, etc.—all warranted of be- material and perfect in all respects, are kept by furry. He pays particular at tention to repairing and adjusting fine watches—in short can accommodate the public in every branch of the trade. IVi'-es inoderat'- and good* gttarnntecd 0 give satisfaction. Ili.i:t A« .US.—The cll?U0ti!»of f^avihport will be glad to hear that Butenber-k ha- just returned from the New York market where he has been detained souie weeks in selec ting choice watches and jewelry to the amount of over ten thousand ('."liars, and which are now ready for in.-pcetion and sale. His stock is now the completes! west of Chicago, and comprises every article in the line. His stock of watches embraces all the host styles of Foreign and American manufacture, which have onry to be -cento be appreciated. His jewelry consist- of ev ery variety from the most brilliant diamond setts down through all precious setts to the more common grades. Pure gold rings, bracelets, chains, pins, etc.—finest quality also plated and solid silver table goods, and notions in endless variety. His stock is perfectly magnificent and cannot fail to give the highest satisfaction. Gold pens in great variety. Chronometer and common acres in Houston County at !-.•" per acre, clocks. Purses, ladies' travelling and shop ping leather bags, etc. Jewelry made to order atch cleaning and repairing done in the best order engraving neatly exe cuted. Call at No. 2ti LeClaire Row. Sc Co* |«kn L. Swita XICK0I.LS' BLOCK, KKCO^^W IMMV oetaaa mt Tua Gar at llur mh AIJTMN Ike I. JIH'» lAIIfAA I'ERMS *7.00 PER ANNUM: THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBTR. VOLUME 9. p- DAVENPOliT, IOWA, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 18G4. KiNA.N' 1 %u- /or thit arHsarralic I'uaat) ('•aft-aliaa. 'fin. re uiii l. »)!.'.• onveiitiou ot t!it Ih sri)- racy of i*cj« ronnty, t»rva, at Iturenport, ou Sat urday, June 4th, 1*64, S o'dlot-k I*. M., t® B|» point delegate* to att«-nd the IlemierMie fKste Conrention. to be held at iH-b Mvtaes, June l-tb, Ifc'-l. n.. -TKc attention ««f "tir rea icrf i-, directed t» a r»r»l of ttie First National Ifauik, published in another "!urun. Brit, it will U: seen tliat 011 anl after tomorrow thiH Bank will receive- ori le[K'St and pay out greenbacks" and National Bank notes only. All oth'-r currency, including thai o the Iowa state Banks, will be rcceivetl at ttic feaini- r:i! of liU'-ount us tf-taoli-hcl bv Chicago Hank- and bankers. Inasmuch as \fr.: ,v iiti' batch o- bit's n-decined in gret nba--ks. More mature ensid-ratiou among the man- essarilv operate t^ainsl the intere-,lsd Uieir branch. eoi»se«juently it was determined to anuul tho contract at once, which wa- done. "1 his leaves the National Bank no other alternative but to follow th« euur-v laid down by the Chicago bink*r.-—that ot dii countiiij all un-'umnt fund-. This bank will discount them issues at the current rate?, which is, we Ix-lieve. per cent. This is: a J-feie-i'.e measure. Were the National Ba'ik '.o receive tincurmit funds otjmr, it i. plait: io be "-ten thv.t "grevnl»a--lt««" would ,.t otv— be driven from -general cin-ulation in our midst, and the is-uc-, of the Iowa S'.nte Hank.-', which now amount, we believe, to about aMiijl 0»e million and a half of dol lars, would Hood our couinjercial cl:»nu( ls, thereby a!l' -:bn our buaim -s men uch funds only as nrc uneurr-nt in hicago.— This wotihi. of ouurse, increase the rat-.- of exchange, and bring on other evils incident upon a second class circulating medium hence the policy adopted by the National Batik cannot be rugcrded otherwise than bonelkial to coiuutercial iutercatti. A* We Kxpectlb.—The Otuetf„ refuses to publish the ojiti.-e article called for yes terday, but continues to produoe jr:trbl.-d en tr»"t!». Such gio ,h- unfair i ot «l:r-t i- not exactly wWt»c ire hat! the right to expect, but nevertheless, we are not in the leu*t dis appointed. It wuuld not do for the to the article entire as it would de stroy the force of it.o evtnft*. The refus al, however, to do so stands u.-, in -s good fctt-jul as tliough the request had been com plied with. Jt is a tacit admission that the the extracts do not express the spirit of the whole ariicle. Now go on with your "extracts those who take interest in such matters can readily see that th: intent iii to deai unfairly, consequently the effect is lost. If wc h»d the same thing to say over again we do not know that wo «uld alter the sentiment expressed in the least. e are ..pposed to voluntctring in any onestate, r.fter it. quota is full, while yet there is a disposition injother .t^tes to lag behind and let the willing ones do the work. But not i t!iyhtat the variation lie to waste words, we pre opposed to volun teering anvhow, except In eases of direist emergency, when the machinery of the con scription law cannot b-j suddenly brought into operation. Conscription, properly con ducted. treats all alike—fills all quotas cven Iv, and provides armies just when needed. Yohinteering bears unequally upon the peo ple. One state sends more than its share and another less. Thi-. was the reason urg ed by us eighteen months ago, why there should be no more volunteering in Iowa, her quota then being full. We wanted none un til the other states had come forward and performed their share of the labor, as she had already done. If the quota of Scott county were full to-day and tlu .-col adjoin ing counties were not, our advicc to the able bodied people would be to-tav at home, until the others had performed their duly. —We would suggest to the Iritsefto that the above "lines"' present a rHi field for culling a few more "extract-." If it wants any more chances, undoubtedly wc caa ac* eommodHte it. Esviors and Mai.ioxast IliBWIB." —The (t'tii'tf says that we will not defend our city and county '"from the assaults of envious and malignant tradueers, but on the contrary we endorse their falsehoods."— This is a square lick at Gov. Stone and «en. Baker over Mtr shoulders. Why those gentlemen should be "envious" or become "traducers" of our fair city, we know not, nor has it yet been proven that they are.— Th y have publicly stated that Scott coun ty «ii laggard in filling its quota, in com parison to ither counties in the State, and as yet no proof but the bare assertion of the Gmttb:, hfs Taiuidx at Ms- raoroitTAS Hall L»st Evcaiao.—Thie eild bitio-i, ahich ojienedat Metropolitan If all laat evening, u on^ of the finest tiling* it haft ever I when the means of knowing the truth rest been our iOt to wi'.ucs It is go. up on a ed iu their possession. Until thu contrarv is tsaleof m-t&rtiticmco and vendor are have shevn we shall i\e! more like reposing Jon nevet aeen ceiled. Couuneneiug with I fiden.-e iu the de larations of Gov. Stone picture reprefcu ing (be gathering of the au eu .iroue.d the Alniigh \'a throne, ta hear a u o w e v e e o n a v i s s u s a n i a e w e n-w dOw-ree. it ll u«tr^M Milton immortal i .1. shad be no less severe upon them than is p*m ot Paradise Lout from beginning to etd. .. our cotemporary. The Mjetiea representing heaven, the war of the aac«!a and the casting out of heaven of Superior styles of summer clothing tna £ataa and his home, are perfectly tcrial have just been received at Sain Per Tti lau i^»pc ace-it ry of die garUen of Edeu ry's, opposite the post office. Gents will is beyond de»crlp|ion, e best thing we uare tiuS •Uaemtl lu faetthe .hole eth.bit-on U ttnt been adduced to the contrary. We would say to the Governor and the Uetural, that if they have been traducing our city that they hud better take it ck. If Scott county has done her share of work in raising recruits, we trust they will has teu and make the amende. It is not right to accuse our people wrongfully, and we cannot yet believe that either of them would be so careless of their reputation as to go about the State vending a!l(1 (ion ]akcr than jn GagHU 1 ti,e to p)0(1S( of marked eic.-ik-ucu-, audehu'd be are* by junj all. We dc ibt wbetber Metrapolitan Ha I «iH Id til the peo^l «m wtll eu4e«vor to uhlkk Tiaa received another frmli k»t t*f fain til i evwiiag. Go foi latest style of summer dress gtn«|a,to which whlk f*t sect .... vi itfwlwlirijr iayllgfc ,.:-4 .M «'t .in*:', s Fwijyihing truaka, valises, etc.. constandr on i 1 tAU AT CAUffti-ritU iS. —Th-ri was n pleasant 'i-casion at Camp I-jlan yesterday. The "Union «uurds" '•f Dubuque, were not provided with a riag wh'*n they left home, «.-onst.^tieriUy the lady relative-, arid friends d* its meniKer- c,-t alnui the pleasant tasi. oi providing one. Ihey firwured a xpltudid «rtiel« of repwlnt'on 1 ?iz°, «ilk, ami haiidsomely mounted, and s A we stite.l y^sur .ay thttana nngemc-nt had high ,^t«nding in Pubtjque, and \vhhui-: been mad.- between the National Ban!, and fftr ,the Merel.antb' Branch of Utt S'ate Bw.kof ^vcriport and present the ^ubc in due' I-wa, of this city, whereby the latter agreed 1 to 1' 'k« !n the is'-u«V of the Iowa —.j,c |{%nk» in gr«"-t!l«' k-«,M this I n- action of hinte.l at. at t'aiap Met lellan. A* the rc the Natiwcil Bank may require a word 0i qu^t of t|r ThoniH-*. !]*r hu^b'snd iiiad* erjtlana/ioti, which is simply this. The (jie pre^eiitation speech, which was .short. arraiigeni-. tt was made as stated, and 1 hut to the purpose. Mrp. Thosnap al o read 4 j,jgj,|y jfil»rj.,t|,. 1 homar lady of f,aud is om rjf the t0 comc tn! Sll,i -^^1*," tj,c JOO.Oo JJoi vrtv.—Ail soldiers discharged from the s-rvi- o by reason of Kminl» Ot T.—The /•, Cons—$1.41ijl.47 forold mixed. O.ns—SC'noT. Pons—nes*. $23 v»ld mesa. LA«i--!: WHISKV— i.8*J. Kcw Vetlt Hloi'k .Varkel, t, Qeid f4%. ••""shiiiK ,iino|e». oi —. StaimlM'r Market, lAVEM-ORT, Mav 9. r'-nong $2S.oo Marti lioards... -J-.oo HumingTiiuiiera JHsts under JK» ft «*.i_-o ... and over 2".'X'&50 00 flooring so.—.. •N'dituf 34.0(1 ... 4. -th V.V.* 5. Boards and Ptaaka £5. ll'-niand K')Ot' olocki litflit. "S/4-.1 To-Day'a Advertiaements. Mmropo*4ti*. PROPOSALSOivill le- r- e -ivi on or before tile itli u.iy I'une, lN-/», lor biill'iing two -cu' oi ilouses 111 Cleoua town-nip. jici itica- t.otis l" uc .-ten ut Joiiti 1.. la\ies iiiinbcr yard. UIUlc pVo|H-uln (JireeO'fi to Jessje Recti, I'ra ine Jims, .•luseatiue MuitGAN KTEVEN», inyJi-dAvvlt .-'.'c'y oi r-cltoot Uoard. Flrnt Natlaaal Baalb AND AFTER WEUS'BSDAY. THE-vru inst., tlun bunk Will receive ou deposit, and ].iy out only Leinl Tender ITotCfl and Na tional Bank Not en. The note- of all other banks will be taken at th" -ame rate- of discount aa those established bv the bank- and hai.Kt-ri of Chioat'o. On und utter thai date iht ,-elhii^ lat-.s tcr -icLauye en New York will be per cent. Mieli« Sonthrra A Likr Store RR* AND AFTER MAY 4TH AND I NTIL further notice train* wilt leuie CUi'11^0 as follows: 7:00 a.m. New York Express, daily, except Sundays. 7:•"•'"p. in. Sight Expresn, daily, except Satur davs. on 41 falsehoods" ,f Trams arrive in Chicago at 3:15 p. in., and 8:16 a. m. All the above train* make regular connections at Dunkirk. tiuffabj. Niagara Fails, Albany Nev York. Ro.-'toii, Pliiladelpiiia, Italtinie-re aud all ptiiiiis East. Liiiiirious Sleeping Conch'-*, with all modern ininroreinetits, run ou niglij traius. Through Tickets cau be oUaineil at the Ccm- BIuuk,Otfic-.theDepot, at.y's 36 Clurk Street, under or at corner of Old Yaa ifuien and Sherman street*. HAimORD flR^ fSH. CO., eWrtrred A. fV. .l*4i i il*{* W ./ battle, can receive the Ixmnty under the Act of May od, by presenting their di-'-barge eertMicat'-.-. to A. P. Alexander, No. L».C'!aire Hon*, who has made arrange iiicni- to pro-tire these claims at mi' e. RiVKKirnii!*. The popuh.r mail a:.'i |.a—-n„"-r padtrt JaMCS Nf'-uns. apittin Jern Wood, will de-psrt for l»ti bui|ii'.- mid points M(udu-. tt 7 o'clock. J. St-Jt-bon ugli in tlej olfi-.-c. li. M. l'reMyu !, The favorite !!iai! ftnd passenger packet Jt-utii-. Whipple, Captain Campbell, will depart for Fort Madison ajid way poiuts Monday morning at 7 nYlork. I.' iiiucl J'arkli'.tfit In the u'Bcc. Til.-ijciii, a^.'-r.t The new Northern Liu. l-out Savanna, Uu'.l no -ter, will d'-paal for Pt. Ijouis and v. jy points to-morrow ni»''r»w, K. M«-Iv»M«- in th» otfW. eOMMEROIAL. Davenport Market*. Ot-rrci: or mi? IUvkvp-ittt HnaocKAT, I Aut.iiU« c»cuiujj, Way 1»-M. Tloi a.-- t6.4"fe7.'Xi whplesale lfi.Wg6.40 re tail. W HEAT.—1.,07Oi1.11. I'I.'-'-UJ 1.16. OATS.-- 'W.rJO. t'oHN. -,»(./ •i'i. AVinru l{t v*-. Ft **?i.-Er\- (. Tl.ofili .---^2.!».••« il.Stf. CI.OVKI!.- #7.""1^7.25. Potatoes, -OV^IJ. Hcttkb—-_'5c. Ec.os 12 je, New l'ork .Tlurkctn* Kt v Yokc, May 24. Cottox—Quiet at Fi.ot a—Mui i»ct'inner. |7.1i'g7.3' for extra •7. tor *up i liuc. W itka 1—1 le hett'-i. l.TnjoglGw for Chicago Spring ililwaukce Club »n:ter red. i Si{t.-Smisi irsJsi. .&*? ft -.i 'ia 'Mil?!'.? BOOTS & SHOES. M\ C. WAHRIXHR, UAStTii riKlR I'll ni Wltlfsalf -V n.i.--i'"-t w.ii puii'-tu.tlty fulti!l»*d t-reiii'init-s t-kin? place. above *U«U waa receivtrd with lasers of the Slate Bank developed the coil- heartvapphtui- --s fi-:- tumi: elusion that such an arrangement roust nc-c- rc- eptton spewh waa uiadebv Capt. I.a-tl. ed and the Hit: will be still more dear to the on s-.:euunt of the fact that it is th ctfering of the dear oms left at home. HAVI: street sprinkler wa* out to day and laid the dust effectually on our principal streets. !ay Mkn are cotniug in .steadily, and 1 three regiments will soon bo organized and take th" field. The veteran* are anxious to see fhetn. as they de-irt to take a hand at the -Is it th- o it. Retail Dealer O O S I I S O E S Fai :ir.-n ar aiit-ntion paid U Custom work. Xo. 46 Brady Street, xt tk» jr abort the Post NflUe, Oaveofwit, K Io» Itl'.f UMOVAL— O A E ek-jtient address to'. i^ppOI'lte Irt'C'lalrr HOW, m.en-he *v\ 1. ha,..., to I'J'Pl'l'l rprrTpif I fpr i-f BOOTS I SMBKS." Titf: I.iki.M ami HKSI srorK in **ii. a'. c-'ii-t nil\ i i-i living ncv» t.ood, iliri W'.ol.., JI .• i«»- iu ltim on, whi'-!i .•-:*'!•• tln-tji to li •. low at n hiileMile A Keiall, ilANUFACTvKIFt« n.d itl.rAIKI.M! DONK C. If. CHILI), 11:1 veil port C. foiild. Ito-ton. Janldtl". CARRIAGES, Dai eu port (trriage KfpoHi(erjf A'.-. H" ^-.-/v liAVENI'OKT, IOWA. ?. HOY'l'- proprietor KKni'St'ONsTWTI.Yo, ll !^»Vr -i'fil-U uf tii* iiM^I I 111|'4 ti uti'l iu I ij, in of lAHmiliKS, BllilillS in«MXXF.S, l'i l'a»l-ru ^littiitiirlHie, S' .I imst llui al.n |i! v ,ii, jrooils Hi e tKlllil't ulltf eo-'ti-Hctcd to, hi t.,..- In- great rise in iiin ci-ial !-'b'-r. hit'lt. 0ahicshim to otf.-i- the (IK! vT •-s-T lNf)l'CKMKNT. to pun-loisers. i'Mj hi Ii.l-• f. J!- dAwly !orepurtl.a E. A. IIHOHIHHV 'it Diivrujinrl I arrintr flinmfarlory. /"t"UM U TilllMl a IIAUlvlSON" «T!fRKTS, V, Davtijp' •(. Iowa, ltiat,n!u"tiire uli koyl* of Mi-ri.i^ j, J4u»«iea mid Wugons from »!n* b'-'t uiut'-rinl. and pcrb-et satisfa'-tioii '.vurrant'-d. Ke pairing ilotonn siioi uotice. Itiit-s tnod-nit". Kneourag" home m-cl::oii.--. j., (J. S. JO-iO 150\US. T^snniixsTRccTroxsofFT.OM National Ten-Forty Loan* For the subscriptions to this I.oan, bonds Trill lu issued of the following ib-uomiii: tions, .V/s. I-.'U'b r.tnl 1 '-. rc| i-ti-., ,,, wi:li e-mpous ut tacheii, as inny prel' rr-d bv suliscribei -i. These bonds are redecmaLdv by"the Oorernment ineoi.v after tes, aud pavable rouTr years from date. They bear nvi: per cent, intefrtt, parahlo on bonds not uvi-ron- hundred d--llars nnntuillv, aiei on over one hundred dollars semi-anntiuftv, in cots. f. ,„, Deposit* mn-t he made in Subs'"! ibers will rerteve doy ft ith fienI, boii'ts will be Nbv.-York, Mav 05. t'oupon Iwnds are now ready for delivery, and Registered bonds will be on the 1st of May "next. Ky an act of Congress the issue of these bonds it 1 to Two Hundred Million* of Dollars. an amount that will soon be absorbs if we mav judge ol ol the previous success of similar appeals by the I.Jovt rniii'ul to the loyal people ot this country. Th.- u- bonds Exempt from All Kinds of Taxation. and offer better inducements to cipitalists than «ny security of a public or peii-»N character now ottering at "par. .M- iid'lf DRY GOODS. Y imxe se attra ions. LATE ARRIVALS. M. Herzberg & Co., r. ,s'... itan HAoferrRECEIVEDpress,Uiemi VK AND ARE RECEI VINO ev day by Ei st desirable styles Fashionable Spring floods Ot ivv* ia'jri*' awl /''tU'.ri.t. J',.- Also full stork ol bieaeh'-d and i::ibU-ache«l Mns lius. Flaimels. to which w- invite the attention of buyers. Ha in our estublifhti:eut ill *'lj-!ad»! ubiaund lialtiuiore, and oi"- "four lirm eon-taut ly in the n- i:»-.w ..r- to otter imitw» ments to all who ca|!. m'"bV-dA WALL PAPERS. I WILL PAPER! HALL PAPER! N E W S V E S S For the Season of 1864. \3t" The largest and best stock la the city jU h. W. PETERSEN'S, IT so. Wk'l '_*! ST., AVING MADE L.\ lit.K" I'L Itt'IlASKS OF k tf..n New orlc M.'tnifs .'.urers be fere the lise. Iain prepan 1 to oBer Superior Inducements nh IS L. W. PETERSEIC. Htolen, Awheelsar:dbl.-ck, CHILD'S U. E. SAWYER. Genetai Western Agtnt. W. F. ROSS, Agent. HOME INSURANCE CO., OF KEWYOKK Capita!, $2,.«),000 Assetts over $1,000,000 CAKHiAUJI WITH THREE lined with enainvled 'oub' cioth, poiated ami" vit'i ornaiiiental pan els, was stolen from tbe sidewalk in fr'"t. ot tny s'.ore vest-rrd iv. A -iiituble r- vatd w111 be paid FKfcD. DELTSCIIM AJf for its recovery. mav IT 4" Iliadi stre't. IVrMIMTf. ['-§r,rChi THIS -HOCi t" COME TO THE NOTICE is' »r»her Lowty, or snjr perm who caa ni'v. iuioiwatioe wh— becafcfce Itaai, the »ub- kquitahle lifs w^urawb ncurr, ^^r a tis danifhter—s Union Refugee—wuufd hn.1 NntiL ke glad te ear mi«hi». 1 V*r .• ...4* ll' A.1 1 Da« V: WOT at4 SHOE Mt*t FICT0RT 1:" s'"' PPPPH.P i PI'I'PPI'P PPP ppi* i' re aic .t j.j W iTi-lif villi 11 hni.T.r t-i n •iMo n..r*. Mi- l.i lli"'s f".•: 1 I ST(»H WORK.rr- li'iTie--!." out J'Hl Ba-i n- T.1K liuilbert, in the mo-t happy manner. The crJ*:rs K"mt»tl utid -atisfjet- ril/ «j»Ta:-kui is one that will long lie refnember jumI tills ell UStom ^llldl* (aOOds Ik aud ror Lai uu band. -sr Tilsrars THI HOMI O Soot A Shoe Stare, 93 IK»*n«l Ki„ tk t! j'.act to bu«- «a« THE KEC ai.T iRV of the Treasury the baited States the First tfationnl Bank of Davenport, ha-? Iji-'-n aiith"i ixed to receive subscript inns to wrrrrp I'Pf'f't'l'I'H 1}qlflpi'p JLAA AAA.\ A A A *1*v ti* PPPi'Pl'P PPP PPP PPP A K A V A.VAAAA A A A* AA AA IIKJHEST t'ASll kindf ofCi.untrv nrodit'-t on notes of the I nited "States, or in A«/'"«, .Vc'i- //.•- reur't. float ii-s alwaxs u-tn-.rt ft'in th* commission. and the d'Hctred Oot- at the expense of the hlC FOR ALL Utt "gtfS, etc. I a a 1 se ts on im 144 tf I band, R. II. PARK.', o u e o k e UK Til -WATER ST, ''IIH'AttO, O. Jl'»i ^r-i-li i\ :inc» -i maaa !!•!.•. f. ».•« I,V 1 "xto. 1 111. on prop-r jamkn m. Commission ANDpRoDi't'E mkri hant. A^i-t.t fo Herrtiig's Sat'. and Frit-bank*' Scales,Hydraulic Cm»-nt. I In t«- Pa-is and Hair. NO. FIHiNl STREET, Iowa. 1 Dave-inorf. I .wa. m* :t dtf MERCHANT TAILORS.^ READV-MADE O hi I 1ST a A1L COST pitlri TO l!K 11 1 OP— Fn \X7. Mcvua, Second street -iirst door 'vest of National lt:nk. A good assortu :it of OEVTS' F! UVI.-HIM tiOODS. ROYS' CLOTHIM. f.OTIIS. t'ASrtf. MLUI.-i slflRTS, fti( KIN'iS, Which I Wtl sell al tno-t rea»-otialil# prices. Custom Work Dor.e at all tiro-' a w arrsit the best, most durable und ch-np. -t. All who want th*- br-st and Cb -ap'-st goods tnust come to novlvi: FKANZ MEYER. NEW STORK! Jolin Bartemeier H_to AS REMOVED HlSSTork OF GOODS lUyk. fn S'v«ouJ ^tr'-et. h't. K iiti itn'1 f|j4iri^ .n h«» hns np«-riel :i NI.W fiTOKK, mi*i wiii oip. stantiy quod H^-rtfiiM. eiitft' Furnishing GoodMf Clothes i.iade t" r.-.i,,. ,i and warranted to ,uit 'wlland i?m s.-pldlv Hffd P'l JOH^I JOKDI V I -V"«. IU E.-T SEt 'ONl» STRKET. HRTWEE5 -kJN Bradv .-iiid Mam. 'liak' -to order and in the be-i st* le. MEN AND HOYS' I ITHIN. oi ev rv U' sci ijiti m. The tull' -t s:itii-of! 'Oier sntied. *ali« it trolUn:v ul! :*t--merstheirooa tinuuuiae of patronage. L- :. e !..i». myiS A. naij.Ea, KO. ItltA STREET, RF.I.OW PRC IK oud, k.-c*i»eo istuntlv im SanJ atid tunkes i JRt" Jer. (•jrnts', |l#)s' »nil ('hlldr«*M*H t'LOTHIN'l' ftbe b»-t n: terial an-.l ir aniar.ner i can-»o'. fail t" /.*: I.i!»ral patrouage respect nib. so|n it'd. i-iy-Jl-diy JOS* Boaynr. t. w. rcwun H0»BT 4 Mrt LEl.L.lXD, U I E S MAXUFACTUREKS Of Sail, B—n, Vliads, MoaYtfnga, Jtrafkcts, Jtc. Oontraotora for Buildings OJ £c*rf Dtefriftic... SHOP it FACTORY, ••10 lasa, ,et m. •™ry NOW OPENED. AT PLUMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street* Above the iPoat OfVlo% et W.flOTH STOCK Or PAPER HANGIJfttS, NtHHk HW tr AnhnI BROHX BLANKS, WIIITK BLANKS, SATlHf*, BRONZED N A TINS, STAMPED CiOU) PAPKRS, FIGIRKD SHADES, TM.Y SHADES* iilVT All the Above at vrrj Low Prieetu COMMISSION. ('TlAS.llKIJ) III "Sge^ Real Estate A omuiiH^ion Ageat^ IMlllM'ORT, MI\U. whii. •-.! u-i-ti,.:» Bajlag & Nelllas Ileal KafMli CoIliTlions of all kiuils, PAYM KM' OF T.WES, \f ?. )ti(llill|f LoillPh Muklng Abstract Tlll«*«, RENTING HOUSES AND FARMS, Answering Letti rs of Inuniry, Pceb:t-"S of all hind-, Second doorflbove the l'o-t Ollic». B. IlEINZ, Prepare A Conii*fH Hrrrkut, *0. 4 RVtlROW s' Ul.tM P\YS as 'tea. fAfinrtw .» y r/.f llffHItHKKKRH «HK RR I.KKHKItKHR K'tltHltK KIM 1 Kit HRU RRft RRR UR* KKKKKI'KK KFKKKK Fl.: t: K VFK LkKCCKKF. EKFKKrKK Jfe jJJ -£l*lMMa»%ff 15 CENTS PER WEEK." WALI NUMBER 179.» fS-t SSMSSS SV-! iiitSSS^ «i, 3 FRO STEM) J.VO Stove* mi STOVES and TINWARK. ftfeveaf & WASHBURN Mo. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post office. Ati: IN STORE AND ARE RE' KIVIMO the largest and ly.-st assortment of PARLOR. COOK I HEATING STOVES, that can be pnr 11. A \V ha in the eastern market, tie. i n !u»,ve sal«- fuf SAN FORD'S Celebrated fhalleage Heater! one of the most economical inventions erer pro duced, and for convenience and comfort as equal. it titiriv«!led Triuyh| Forest #al» proa tiate, and ether farnrHf pottelSH eat ON I Y be obtain ed at If ili- and Washburn s. \^OT it" store jfuarhiitiedto gfreaatiaiMUe or tbi money refunded. Tbey alao brep the fehbwwl *rv K E K I I ia wliich water never freezes. •a&afbetarti to erder n short sfH( e i O I N ef all kinds proinptlv attended to. Calf aaiat- goo-!' and li «BVa urkea." 0 KX'kiiy K«epa«ke yj h'JtsgRHte? I i$ri OFFICE, Sl.iRi DIVING-ROOM. BED-ROOM. ,-v?« NCRSFHY. IIALL. AXtisttTIMn -i .. fiOOM .ViUVKS We invite insn raanet be surpassed. We invite inspect! defr cotapevtioii. Also oo band a fall aloek ef tion sad Tinware, Jappaned and PorreMn Waft, Ch^nb.-r getta. I'ianish Were, "Britania t«ood-«. ,ir*% •-1 i CohI Hods, Imujjs, Shovels, l'okerb, in '*i»»rt ev-thiee in the Kne. Tla, Copper, A Sheet-lroa War** u wi ••zed 1- Jf i tf Sil »,*& A aai i|# rvi. I A n A I OOK.Vs *RE1». MEIJWKCB. 6S li «•.' ih', 2 ••b '}8 sjnr &i B. .at* U3 T*|