Newspaper Page Text
w li. IICH- TCEflDAY EVENlVU^ O-I-Wk I* herehr culled, to meet at •a THURSDAY. .11'NE 1 th. 1H-V4. at th«- Court loMr, in the city of Ds Momea, appoint Hlg 4iltgidn j» iIjp Niiii'rtiif Con^enMo-i a Chicago to select candidates for Presidenta Plliir- far iMrn lo n«fn.t»ate I»i*Bli«rati. Httte ticket mid lo adopt su^h other tin tlM public welfare may t.i reuinre. Tlo ratio of representation will °"c Mk kukiired votes. every *1.11111111.1 fr.u tittt. CWM tot Oenersl Tii'tli- »t the last anni.a bat «hcb county v\ill be allowed at Icasi TbVchief corner ,tnnc of our National political •dittc* i* non inUrtrciif-, by ftleral authority. With the domestic atU r" th# State* Without it 00 l'nion cntibl.have been formed and no I'n loa teat would be compatible wMh the public lil»» •nr. Mriiiiui ui du-ii'-d r'leati other bait* But luhUiiMtil principle kk bMB to flagrantly Tiolated, in th ejection ano administration of President Lincoln, hi to Kan produced rssl tlisunt ii, i«in. and disastrous cml war. It behooves the people ot the United Stat»s tu rectify, in l~o4, tlie fatal mis take of 199", whence proceed then'- awful eondi tiona of American society to restore, far ai be possible, tlic rtu'ta quoantr tuHwa and Mphatirallv and forever to repudiate tlx- p-rnic iotn principles and unscrupulous rn«n of tin reigning federal dvnasty, which ahould not be peruiltled, it threaten*, to perpetuate itself #it V*e by fraudulent election* or tv military d«m ination, An tue electoft of the State, therefore, an- re queued to participate in the selection ofdeh gat-« to th 1 a Contention who favor a speedy te, initia tion »f th« i.'iisting war who will maintain tin I'nioo lit a strict observance of the t.onalitiition of tbe I'uited Stat", in l-tt«-r and spirit and who will insist upon their right, at ai ini'.i ainiii' lci elecltou, to expel from power, and bring to eon dign punishment, the guilty leaders 01 the mt tional parties. North and South, who ur- protli- fallv, gay. recklessly, -4|t irnl-rini t!.e live-, ami irtuucs of the Aiik ricnu people, in it most vin dictive partisan warfare. which is manifestly de atructive of the •'.iiiititulioiial L'nion of the Ststes, aod is rapidly tending to l.ankrupt, to •HNalifa, aaito Africanize ||,e nution. Ll tiHAMi ItVINUTUlf, P. tSUiV. A. W. Ctiptsni,! FRA.S'B pLIMMkt, A. I .Il.fcill-H .kH, State t'i'n. ('dm. lie Cleveland 4'«HT«»nllon. ®lie Clfvdiuwl ('uiivvnlicn ilie Hist in»t., promises to In* a large arul a hi*t« ro gen*, mius (ca h'frin^, and whatever may ^oiix of it no good is boded to the interests of the President, who is going to hold a con •ention of his own at Haltimoie and who Will there tender himself a nomination for re-election through delegates whom he ha* bought and |:iid for. Kverything for the Bali iuior (.Vtnvedtion is "cut an dried."— Everything will he "regular And every thing will go off like clock work. But at Cleveland ihings will he mixed very much. There an- now out not less than three am! probithly n many a* half a do/. n call for the convention of the illst. '1 he original Fremont call which appeared in the .Ve Nation, emanated from the Western Kadi cal and (•t-rman eli-nieiit, and the list of sig natures wa» headed by I S. Senator (iratz Brown of Missouri. This call is also un derstood to represent the views of a large Congressional clii|iie who for the present Rtftnd in the ba k ground. 1 he next call is put forth by ihc brothels MMl sifters who consort with Wendell Phil lips, Cieo. Thompson, Fred. Duuglass', Sh am B. Anthony, Mrs. E. I'ady Stanton, &c. The third rail of importance is that tele graphed from Albany a few davs ago. It ia a blast from the Kepublican State officers Md stirs up a terrible commotion among the Weed-Lincoln faction. It is signed by Comptroller Robinson. Attorney «.ciieriil Cochrane, Canal Appraiser Thn*. It. Car roll. i -o. W Demers, of the Secretary of State's office, (the same who introduced and cari'ied through the resolution endorsing the emancipation proclamation at the last N. Republican State Convention,) Fran cis U. Fine of the Comptroller's office, 4«\ Mr. Weed's temper is ruffied by the ap pearance of these signatures attached to the call, and the Evening Jivrntl declares the purpose of it to be to "afford aid and com ford to the Ocinocracv." and »avs: It is of course, eveiy man's right to choose such political associations as he pleases and, it those whose names are at tached to this ill which to change theirs, no one would object if they would do so in a manly way. It would be doubted, however, wheth gentlemen holding office mul i- ,/i, political organization, an honorably pass over to 1 not/nr, without at the same time resigning their commissions. But even (hit is a mat ter of taste. 1 here is as much signification in the wording of the call, in the call itself The Aryu* might, with peifect propriety, adopt it as an editorial paragraph in denun ciation o| "arbitrary arrests," "State rights, "integrity and economy in the a ministration of the government," &c. it is a mere condensed niter.ition of what that and other copperhead journals lur. been prenehing these two years. The fbji'rt )f this iiiu\i-tiu lit—whether seen t.y an who have signed the call or not --is to tnke over a small fragment of the Union parly to the Democracy. It may be Successful but the fniginc-ii w ill be snail that it will do the i.nion partv no harm and the Democratic party as little good. The extent of this defection in the l'nion ranks can he measured by the names at tached to this call. Whi'k* there are dif ferences of opinion as to who should |,t. nominated by the Baltimore Convention there is entire unanimity as to the proprie ty of holding that Convention and Mum cannot fw» trur» to the l'nion organization who repudiate the action of its recognized reprciuativcs. Not aatinfied with this slap at the signers, and with to measure the "extent of the defection" by its slur upon Messrs. Robinson and Cochrane, the two leading candidates od the Republican State ticket elected laat fall, th Jon run of Thursday returned to the attack, singling out iicn. John Cochrane, and quoted Burnside's fa mous Order No. 8, relieving Cochrane from duty. Pleasant state of things this among our politically separated brethren! Lovaltv ifL^ o Keep it before the peoplc that th* Chicago Tribune, a loyal Lincoln organ, •aid '•Give us a rebel victory, let our armies pe destroyed, Maryland conquered, Wash ington captured, the President exiled, and the government destroyed Give us these and any other calamity that can result from ru,n 8K,ntr tb*n McClellan as general." DIARRIIO-.A s HV. M«H a kM0^ victory with A"»i» Dvsrxti: itv. We havi examined a aome Cincinnati aud Covin' of the^iost prominent1S f' """i" 7S 'm ianati autl Coviniton J. S ^K ,°„ the highest terms of |r. Strickland's Ant? Cholera kikture for and dysontery the cure of diarrhwa anddysontery. The letters .re too longio Monad. Mr. Woods, of Covington, savs bott,e of Ihin^ F.ifctiinr po«tt and ©om*ri misidiratlon papir*«H. are «o fhtr ani lid fll t' denouare tile high handed D*1- effeCtCd SlSSif r,"*i lieirfaus proca^rhri^- of Si^retaff KeWai4»n tV invidious course, apparently prompte«l (.artisan malignity, pursu*d towards the Vorld and Jonrnal of ('oamerett \W mote: [From the Tribune.J Two of the morning papers of tW« ire to-day suspended. It is done in cut" pience of the publication yesterday in The Journal of Couimerae and the WorWof the orged pr•clamation. and, we presume, by irder of the iroverninent. The forged proc •muttion watt Dent hi every paper o! the As sociatcd Press, o*cept our own, and in such 1 shape as to lead those who revived it to iclieve it cam* from the office of the Asso ciation. It was .'•••lit, designedly no doubt, aIumi it was presumed that it would be seen bv none of the editors but would be taken by the printers and hurried-into a part of the morning edition of each paper, the prin ters having no time to examine it, even if they were to take the responsibili ty of rejecting what s?e*med to be an impor tant proclamation, and to have come by an authorized channel. That it did not find its way to this oflice was probably an acci dent— the editorial rooms being clo,ed. and the messenger, perhaps, not knowing how to find his way to the printing office- and to this accident it is due that it was not pub lished in two other of the morning papers. In Ijoth of these offices it became known by the merest accident in one of them, by inquiry in the other—that we had riot re ceived it, and suspicion being evcited by .hat fact, the forged docminiit though in ypc, wa, suppressed in both offices. The real facts which led to the publication of this mon-dmutt forgery were not, we pre miiiic, known yesterday in Washington, or the suspension of the two journals would not, we siTpjiosc, have been ordered. The order, no doubt, will b«-revoked to-day.— We hope it will, for certainly no journal should be_ puiii-.hcd for a mistake which inigl.t have very innocently been committed by the most loyal paper in the land. K101.1 iIn- Kveiiinit Post With our views of the importance and inviolability of the liberty of the press, our readers will not expect us to approve of the -oppression of the two newspapers, th •Journal of Commerce and the World, bv the authority of the federal jrovcrnment. If there be any riplit which the founders of our government .sought to guard from violation with a special care, it is the right freely to discuss political juc,lions ami pub lie measures by means of the press. Ac cordingly, the Constitution of the United State- p:o\ ides that C«mgre.-s shall make no law abridging the freedom of spec-li or of the pic~s, and in another aiti. k- declares that "the rij."ht of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and ellVets from unreasonable searches and seizures -ball not be violatul." The freedom of th presh is asserted in the saiuc article of our constitution as the freedom of religious be lief, and guarded from infringement by the .same explicit terms. Moreover, in every constitution of oven state in the Union it is expressly stipulated that certain rights are to be exempted from the ordiniary proceedings of governmi-'it, and among these is the freedom of the press which is placed 011 the Kami* high level with the rights of conscience and Mie right of the people to assemble for the purpose of demanding a reihess of grievances, or bring about a change of administration.- The early -talesmen of our country, lo wborn these constitutions were made, wen so jealous of the infringement of these great rights, that they would not leave it to the discretion of any government, of the state or the nation, to interfere with them. To march n platoon of armed men into the oflice of a journal and stop its publica tion. in a part ot the country which has not been placed, and which there is no tiecessi ty °f placing, under martial law, is a pro ceeding which has a strange aspect whr,n we compare it with the constitutional provf-ions which the rights of the press are* so se- I. dubiously guarded from violation cannot, therefore, hut join in the hope expressed by some of the morning papers, that the order for th? suppression of these journals will be immediately rescinded and this not so much for the reason that the publishers might have been entirely una ware that the pretended proclamation wa?.a forgery, as lor the higher and stronger rea son that the order is an extreme measure, suited only to a Ktate of things which does not exist in this community, and for which the plea of necessity cannot be urged. It is a remarkable indication of the ha?tc with which the order to suppress these journals was given, that it included the ar rest of five of the operators of the Indepen dent Telegraph oflice in this city, who have he-n sent to Fort Lafayette, although it is well known here that they had nothing whatever to do with the false proclamation^ except to send a despatch fo Itoston an nouncing it to be a most shameful impos ture. From the Commercial \d\crtiser.} Tt is to be hoped thai by this time (lie facts in regard tu the publication of this proclamation are known in Washington, and that also wisdom enough will be niani .e.-ted t! to to revoke the order against these two journals. It is fully tiniu that aibitrary and uniti tifiabk* pro,*t dure be br.eight to an end. The scutiiucni that found expression when the attempt was inane to throttle freedom of debate on the floor of Congress, has not lost it s force when presses are suspended for. acts committed entirely without design or thoughtcrimi nality. [From the X. Y. Time-..] So far as inUnt enters into the csSrftcc nf the crime, we do not believe that the edi tor of either of the journals in question is hi tilt* least amenable to so jpravo a charge We are quite sure, that Se.T, tary Seward at least, will not exirnt at the* hands of edi tors a degree or inituitive knowledge as to the authenticity of pretended otfii*ral docu ments ir/ii,•// ((•(,( tl ScTili'ry of iyhifc (lo, not iiffays 'Hutu*. This cut of the Timat upon Mr. Seward has reference to the fact that the Secretary of State made the forged Report of the re bel Secretary of War the basis of diplomatic action. It ought to he stated, however, in justice i! 1 to Mr. Seward—and it is strange that the Txmet, being his special organ, hould omit the explanation—that the pop ular charge and belief is that he was a par ty to the authorship, if not the veritable author, of the bogus rebel document, and was therefore not deceived, as were the World and Journal of Commerce people This is a distinction with a difFerence which the intelligent reader will see at a dance s?ts Mr. Seward right! It is also gratifying to notice that Gover nor Seymour docs not propone to set quietly bjr and let such outrages pass unnoticed— We trust he will succeed IIh fate in tcachihg the* S "d measure that authors of this high-handed measure that tbc Pm*- mrtd by one I hundred* of 1 tbe trrftk. Addre»i )WARD H. TRAVEl I/rf-k Bn«. DIISK\SESAND OFTHE NKKVOLS. HKMINAI,. Ki*u:T, s«*r*t *rsrr.ii* new and re liable treatment—in IU*rort« of the HOWARD (*('I ATI OK—ient by mail in*e«lcd Utter ea' Ti-lope«. free of charge Addre«». f»n. J. KKIL I.IV HOUGHTON, Howard A*«ociation, "o. S South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, P*. apldwljr ssrqi A€KKB% I earne«tly caution all jotwg men MiicrMir friw Nerroo* IMwIitr. Ac., ajtainst endangering levir health by patronizing anv of the advertising quack*. You can fully re cover by the method* used by the adverti«r, and hv hundreds of other*, and in xo otuer *»r.— n letter which I will aend you if you will send me a post paid envelope bearing your ad dre««. Divert to EDWARD H. TRAVEE, ebll-d&wlv] Lock Box, Bmtm, Hmi. THE CONFESSIONS AND KXI'KlilKNCEoF AN 1NVAI.ID.—Published for the henefit, and warning and A t'AL'TION TO YOLNO MEN, who »uftr from Spertnetorrlicea, Nervous Debilitv, Premature Decay, et'-.. suMilying at the lame time THE MEANS OK .SELF CURE. Bv one who has cured l»ini*«*lf after being put to jfreat expi ine and injury through metieal Icim biiL' and •(Uitrkery. lJr enclosing a |tosr-j, )jd ad. dre-std i-melopc, »iiii{ie copies itinvl.e tn.| 0f t|JP author. NATHANIEL M.WI \IK, Esq.. my ^7-dAwly liedioril. Kin^-eoiintv. N. Y. MoyV Hiawatha Hair Ke*t*ra live. IfOYT-S HIAWATHA HAlU RESTORMIVE IIOVT'S HIAWATHA IIAlU RESTORATIVE UOVT'S HIAWATHA IIAIR RESTORATIVE TBB STAVDAHH PliKI-^RATION FOR THE HVIR TUP STWliAltll ri:K.r\RATIIIN FOR THK II UJl tok staxhard ri:teutATioN rot: the uaiK IS WARRANTED TO RESTORE IS WARRANTED TO RESTORE IH WARRANTED TO RESTORE FADED RAY IIAIR AND WHISKERS FADED it.\V IIAIR AND WHISKERS FADED OKAY HAIR AND WHISKERS FADED OKAY HAIR AND WHISKERS FADED GRAY HAIR AND WHISKERS FADED ORAY HAIR AND WillSivEtt3 TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOR TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOR TO THEIR ORIGINAL (JOLOK TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLOR Ft d«p« not claim to make Hair eonie in flfTiCfff it lia» once fallen out. Nothing will do ibat, whatever may be advertised to the contrarv Imt it will arrest its falling out, make harsh hair soft and silkv, cleanse the scalp from all impuri ties and Iniiiiors. and entirely overcomes the liad elleeuof previous use of preparations cfci 'aining sulphur, sugar or lend. Ac. It requires no soaping, wasiiiugand hours for its application, nor will it cruek or -Hint, but is as easily cppliei and wiped from the «kin as any hairdu-'— ing. It restores the imHir.:! «lied:nj of one liuii with another, which gives it a life uppcarauce. in-tead of the uniform dull black ot dyes that the 1110s' critical observercunnot detect its use. A CHALLENGE TO TEST A CHALLENGE TO TEST A CHALLENGE TO TEST The proprietors of the Hiawatha, knowing that utility preparations for the Hair were in thr"niar kt.t and all ad\ ertised to do nearly the same things, and that the public were unable to de termine from the udverti-ements which were inline, and buying one or two bottles, and fail ing to realize t-lie expected hem-tils, concluded that nil were humbugs, in order to assure the iiulilic which could be relied upon, proposed the following te-t which was published two we-ks in the He raid, and the oilier morning papers without eli iiing any respon-». Let a 'number of well kiioon citizens of unquestioned integrity and en tei-cly- di-intercstcd, appoint a person to the pro prietor of each prepntat'on or restorative to le- store the color of the air. Each proprietor t use his own prt paratioii and nothing cU- during tbe trial, and the person also to use nothing else Let a certificate of the result be published in ali the principal papers of the conntrv at the ex pense of the unsuccessful competitor HOYT'S MINNEHAHA rt.Vilt GI.OS.S Imparts a beautiful dark glossv appearance to the Hair, and is unexcelled in keeping it in curl or in anv desired position. HOYT'S IMI'ERIA1. COI.ORINO CREAM An invaluable dressing for whi-k-rs. Cliauges Iig111 ami red hail to a beautiful brown or black 'Id everywhere. ^JOSEPH HOYT A CO., 1" University place, N.'Y tnhls-dl v TO RESTORE THE SICK TO HEALTH. Tin- blood must be puriiied, and all medicines arc useless which do not po«ses« the qualiu of stimulating the blond to discharge its impurities into ihc bowels, Uiumikbtd'* Pills posses* this quality in high degree, and should be in every family. They are e.|iiall\ useful for children, an adults adapted to both sexes, and are as intu cem as bread, yet most kffkctivk as a miiiicine TIip Hon. Jacob Heycr, of Springvilie, Ind. wrote to Dr. Rrandeth, under date of Mnv 11th l^'il 1 have used your invaluable Vegetable I'ni vcrsal I'ills in my family since 1 s.".s t|„.y |lilv •'"ay s cured, even when other medicines were 1 110 avail. I have been the means of mv neigh bors using hundreds of dollars worth and I Satisfied they have received a thousand per cent in bl -ssed health through their use. They are used in this region for and Liv Diseases, Fever and Ague. j„ „n rheumatic cases with the most pcrteet success. In fact, they are the great reliance in sickness, and I tru your wnere.ble life mUy he long spared to prepare so excellent a me.line f..y -he t:sr of nan. Plca*e scad m« voiir l.m. jt.price l,v f|,0 J. LOREXZEX, 51 llarriMou In*I. tjd & 3d streets, DEALER IN I'll Inn Ware, iEttrtliaii Wait) Calais Wart** Cntlery, OuanMeetto sell goods as hap „s anv l-o.-se '"'t "r Chicago I all and examine inv Atock 1m tore purchasing elsewhere. !n 13-domjj wi i irs Photograph ie iloom* ••-. a,ut 7. PHOTOCUAl'llsj AMI l{«)'!'Yl'Kfl Taken iu the highest style ef i!,.* art. Particular attention give,, to'enlargi.ig from llBgurie.•ty pes »nd Atni.rotype.s ot dtcea»cd i.e.- sous and cliiMren. mvlT-dAu- c. TECiELER, Importer and Manufacturer OF CHOICE S O A S And Dfiilrr in all kinrfx of Ttbatras, PI P* S davenport 10. TEC ELER, c. Nftrler, Dealer & ReetlOer la foreign j. MNtmeHie I U O S A!fD WHISKY. KCTIFIEO 2 4 a i n S e e belowth« I One of the female school teachers in New **9 complained of last week for poa ching a pupil by wiping his tongue with a wet towel, on which a little castile soap had bean rubbed. Her pay tan suspended for two weeks. ow„d00r s haTB in Frank- National Bank. Davenport, aprifi A Paper Hanger ta,er «l««ler, aa« ||]dtecr 8» Kaat 8t.. bet Rr^i, 4 ^T^WJETHER WITH EVERY OTHER ARTI -L en included in tbe stock of a first-class Fmrntflg SUmre, Can alwifi be fotind at r. mmm», iMijr A Faarlk Ntreetb His Mock of Tea*, CMVea, Nagan, Mrraa*. UrlW aad Caaaed Frail, oa fVrtlaaeries, Hatter, I'lak, Haaeea, Eggs, Mraabe*. H*llaw Ware, Bte., 4tc., is the pur'st and freshe«t Mid.— Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call and teethe goods. Ooods delivered io all parts of the city fre of charge. Every Article Warranted! deel 1 -dtf JOSH VA BURRT fctreft, Brlwrri Froal aid Profit!. Jn,njinrl, Alira. 1 RKSPKCTFI-LI-V DEO lea\ e to state to the citizens of Daveu port, and the coun try dealer- through oiit this part of the State that I have on hand, and am constantly Fewilrtag, large und well selected stock Of GROCERIES At Wholesale and Retail, Comprising Coffees, Sugars, Tea*, Tobaccos, Xeili. I'owder, Dried Fruit, Wiiit» Iea4, Oun Caps, Cordage, Candles, Spice*, fi«b, Soda, Dead, Cotton Yarn. Shot, Candle Wieking, Tubs, Sob, in ne*t« h«(f DmMf, Half Bushels in ncsin, Wrapping Tv% inc. Ruck eta. Particular attention paid to the Wholesale ttttftiueiut. I buy on tie mo-,t a«lva:itageoiis terms and «ell low. Call and examine. All orders promptly Utl "llcle.l lo. tlivil (Iff FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! JAMKSrOOI.EY Family Urvcrr, KEEI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT his old stand, corner of Fifth mid Hrady stie-eti. a large end most eompleti- stock of the hot (iroeeries, comprising Tli AS OF ALL KIMS '"Hees and Sugars, Hyrnps, Midasses. Candles Soaps, Starch. Woodm Ware, Dried Fruit. Spices, S.ida, Salt, Kerosene, Tobaero and Cigar*, and, in short, everything that can be in a first class retail (iroeery. He invites the attention old customers t-ntl new to his choice stock, and cimgdent that lit* run give complete satisfaction, both in goods and prices. If you want the l«est tirocerii s call at unyij-dtf DOOLEY Walter kelly, Family Grocer & Pr«Tisi«a Dealer ('10RNER f»r .'•! AND IOWA STS..THE IIEST VVand frexhest (irocet-jes of all kouls for faiuilv use. Provisions. Hams, Wooden Ware, Cordage kept in a tirst-chi^s lietail Store Call and exam ine mv stack. I am sure 1 can plea jiiy'l 1 1 \. Groceries, Floor 4 Feed Store. Tin !*MF Ilighe-t priirr paid for farm produce. J"ods delivered tree id charge in citv limits. Oct. 19—dAwly SAM'E C. VOCNO. n. XO. 12 KAst On ST Ol*l*i ISITK MKTltOPOLtTAX HAI.L. Family Grocer, Keeps constanti.v on hand a fine stock of Family Groceries, of atl kinds, which be offers at the lowest price also I' U E I, I u s For tncdicjil piirpo-.: s. I.iln-ral patronage solicit ed. '.ill and see tlie (mods and prices, nn j: J1KS. IJSKBELLA YOUXG, .V". 04, l'»riir Ie!.n.u-'2,l Stt., HAS A LlR'ie STfKK OF Fresh |Grorf ries, Earthen Ware, I*»ii-«* WineN mid IJquOrw, CHOICE CHiARS AND Ti»liAC«'oS. «ir., AC., which she is selling at \ee\ Jtr.v prie-*s. Callatlil ejtanmie the g"(.l.^ mhll-dly IlittKIMni I^AMIl.V»wibest (ikOfER KEEI'S CONSTANTLY on the ijiiali:v ijf I'ruvisiotiH, Iloih-.v are. Kerosene oil, to. Seto id htrcct, between Ibadvund I'errv. Dil Venport. myl+.llv BAWKIWC AND EXCHANGE. Ilavenpart Sariags Instltntlaa. —ornci AT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Oand PEN DAILY FOR RCSINESS. SI NDAT^ holidays excepted, from *.• a. to 3 t». tq. SAT! RDAY EVENINtJS^: Jroill to o cl:»ck. l.VTLL'LSTallowed on dcjiositf ut the rate of Fivr. per cent, per annum. Printed copies of Ry-Lutvsand Regulations ty be had at tin* b:.nk. Money to loan on good improved Real Estate Feh2o,hvtf DAVID S. TRl'E. Pros't.' I S A I 0 A i C'apltnl,. #100,000. EANKfXf: 1 itlitlM, AC., *C.| HMEart Accoa«l)9iree«, HOUSE S. W. CORNER MAIN and Second streets. Office hours from it A. M. to P. M. This Rank, by appointment of the Secretarv of the Trensury of the I nited States, ia tnsdc a per lent DEPOSITORY for the ruhlic monies of the Government. Ia ct lecimllr authorized tu rcceivc ftubncripliotifitn all Government Loans, tad rvdecm the' scmi-anotiftl coupons-of the .Fir# per Cent. bearing Legal Tender Treaiurr Tlns Rank Buys and Nells Exchange, ible ia all the principal cities in the United s s s i a s 8 i n I I K A 8 Si. f.r.i.M PwTT WM WM iKMijin •AM* caiAPAT' IRA (HFFORD^ t^aHer.^^N' GEITS' FURBISHING GOODS! Tfce Lirfrrt, Brvt aU rinpnt toU fo^d^he^ty^V^® 0 000DS E E S K I N E S -Wrtrtr* tttmck. His Mock of READY MADE CLOTHING I* tMy complete, consisting of Orereoatfl, BaninfM & Ditw SnltH, PantM CoatH and Vests Of the best styles and qualities, nis stock of Cloths is the largest and best ever oflervd in this market, eon«isting in par' "f Ca»t*r. i:aKlisk.Ikia*Mmmw •Reaver*, KaaiUh, MeU t«n«. Irvaeli, Eiifllsli aod Ameriraa CnsslMeres, Nalinettiv Milk. Wool At 1 elvel letitlagii, Ac., Ac., 4r,, BENTS' FURMSHINB GOODS! Lintn Shir!" r, th, luirtt tfyut, Trartllng 'of' r- l~Htier*hirt» and JMratrevn Of the be-t quality. Linen and Woolen Scarfs und Xeek lies in a great variety of stvlcs. Linen and l'ii C0II41 s. Kid, Ituckskin and Woolen tdoves, and in fact every article wanted iu the lletit urnisliiiig Line is kept on hand in almost endless variety. Don't miss the place, No. Xickols' lllock, second door west of Bradv street Daveujort. MR, •GMl.HtiTO.'V, formerly of the firm of Smith k Remington, can be found at this establishment, anil hope* to re ceivc calls from ali his old friendu iti I114 n»*%T q^arur-i. BAKERIES. 1 Itroom Twine, tiag Twine, Pint Flasks. Cakes and Bread, Pies AT THE tTMO\ BAKKRT,' Od the north-vide of Sect tid Street, b§ t'veen Rraly and Perry, Made of the rest flour, by the most ciperienced Rakers, and especially most ciperienced Rakers, and prepared For Family Use. jsr Parties si pi,lind on the shortest notiCT. i'our Vrt-m and tbev will be promptlv filled bv decUr, dly JllCOR HAHN. PIONEER BAKERY IA\. MOOKK, IVoprit't'T. T'^HK PKi»rUli:TOR OK THIS RAKI-UY 1. r. frivftl it'itifiirct-tm'Ut*, is now jti«' pared to lurni**h his old and n« w cust^mer-i with BREAD, CAKES, KAtKKR?, in anv ijuantify *»n tin* sliitrtfst Ord**r? Irom t!n» cotmiry ti11***1 with dWputcli aiwl deliv ered at th«* dej»«t, stt imihitjit hmdin^ aud in iJ' purls of the city free of charge. Bakery 25 East-Fraat St reet, ncur Iiurrow's Mill, Davenport. oct.ri-d kwtf HOTELS AMD Hrecommend* BOARDING. MIKKISf IPPI PT. O K EN v Hi PROPRIETOR. IIE venic it|y arranged ho tel to all traveler* and :ds., to city boarder*, as suring them ih&t nothing will be wanting to promote thc^ vi i-lfB, ,* of his gue«ts and to luaAe their stay with him pleasant ami agn-eable. He also recommends well stocked bar whicii upplied with the choice-.! liquors and wine very morning at 1" o clock, jcl tf Lunch I{SH \[.|) kkspkctr KLY r\ lilt' ritiz«ns of Srritl tltlfl U'tj'jnin|r ng that lie will eoii-tantlv keep In his New- Countie' Stoic. corner of Second and Scott Street«,'a good assortment ot Groceries. Flour and Feed, which h«* will always so|| ut the lowest market pric*. FRENCH'S HOTEL, On ih E»r:p.„n /v«r,-,. t/, uj Uoll J\al, !t ,f rfrt A Sjiacious Refecttry, Rath Rooms nnd Rarbcr shop. Ri*d-room« vanned gratis, and only one bed tu a rootn. not believe rumors or hack men who «ny e full. Ser,J1:ts lowed to receivep« Vjiiisites. apl.Vdlv SICJEL HOTEL," front Strrrt, htttron lirmly am/ Main JOHN MEYER, ...Proprietor. Entertainment a n i u o of the tic |iinlit v contant!y mi hand. i.vH MISCELLANEOUS. HAG'EISOECK^S State Lithographic EstaMlKhneat .NATIONAL RANK RUILDINO. Imrrnport, lira. ORDERS FROM ALL PARTS OP IOWA •ind Illinois solicited, and prompth exueuted iu the most artistic stvie and at Net, Yorfc ratej. spl'.i-uly t\. JIAtiElMECKE. .ET VOI PU TIRES FRAMED RY eo. w. Plait. TOE i.ATE.ST STYLES OF ORNAMENTAL frames of every description made to order nt eastern prices. Alsc Gilt, Rosewood & Solid Wal nut 31 o Hiding* On hand a: u.u ittio i- s:r11-- sle-rt yii!tce. VSF Old Frames Rc-» ildcil. RiM-k Inland. 111., on Illinois street,over Plum cr's lirocery Store. All work Warranted. fbS CHRISTOPHER CCLLEX, u hi li h':r UiIriii try Istinic.n, one door west of corner of _'d and Rock Island streets, wi-hes to inform the citizens of of ivciiport and Scott County generalllv. that he has permain titiy located htm-'ir in tlii.s city where he is nn pared to slow horses on the scien tific principles. Alter twenty- years studv and practice on the anatomy of the foot, of which time lie has spent eleven years under the super intendence oi the hest Yct rinarians in Europe, he wishes to sav that In will gi«c satisfaction to till persons having horses laboring under the disease Established in 18o5. C0I€1«0 TYPE FOtilBRT —AXD— n e n W a e o n No. 0 Wasbixqtos Sraaar, Chicago. SCIIOFIELD A CO., FROPEIETORfl.— Typ Ty|ies, Preses, and Printing Material on hand El'd Mvping. and Engrav ing promptly executed. vnd'maaufactued to order. rre, nv?5 Wrltisg P(y«ri ui EareUtsT ji o u A 11 a S i •anrj s •ftvRBLfor ItlT Oftl.EANS, IX, |^A! ARRiVP.D IN CHICAGO, AND PFR 4*RXTLT local) 1 an office at s K A N ll o I. II S E ET, lk twecn State and Dearborn ot*. tTllt'AfiO.ILL. For the speedy enre of idd Clironic. Mercurial," Sy phalitic and all private disease without mer cury or any other pois..,,,,,,, ,,r noxious drug*. SYl'HILfS, I'rimarv. lS.,-„nd*rv. and Tertiar* in tu liitlMNM forms, «prcdtlr eradieateiff^ from the system. tiONORRHtKA rnred in frnmmsitiiilirfpiliri STRHTURES cured without pain bougies. til.KET. ie matter how long stuuditig, -uted ii. from «ovo:i to fourteen dais. SPERMATORRHfEA ftivobint.iry eiois*i(m,, brought on by self alutsc, eices, or entailed hrr iditarilv, causing loss of memory, imi*etilitv. and iiepotcncv. »it It all its deplorable train of «vmp loins, treated and radically Mired by a new and ilitallible method This sv«teni i« the same as it used iu Dr. James' New «lr|, H|1S Jeweler*. c'rotyphijf. Star sectited. ami F'aga'a Agents for Wade's Sujierior law, Excelsior Wood Type. •*«is scaonat-o—«. a. rairnl,. W. F. ROSS, Afent. HOME INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK CapHj, #2,000,000 Asaetts over |3,000,000 HARTFORD PIRS 1X8. CO., Chartattd A. D. liie. LIFE IRWRA1KJR |.m.l Hospital for the last thu let n vears. and nhicb has uiet with such great success. MP10MS -Ringing in the ears, dimness of vision, aver-ioii to .ncii-ty, love of solitude, cos Uventss. w ant of vital power, and othc. symp 100)4, not necessary lu re to mention. Apply im mediately and save yourself from the concequen cer of these horrible svmptoms. I»i« ases peculiar to'feniales treated with the happiest rcsulis. Dr. James is tbe acknowledg ed chief in thi« capacity. liydrorle and artcocrli* efTe'.-tuallv cured. Syphilis, the most horrible and terrible poison effectually cured and eradicated from the system «ithoin mercury.iodidepotassi arsenis, sarsapar illa. Syidiibs primary cured in two minutes. The following is but one of the many testimo nials which Dr. Jami s has had and is still receiv ing. The iter published lr low is i, |»r. Wil s^'u, of Pittsburg, Pa., front Dr. answer to a letter ot impury concerning Dr. James, tor inerly ot New Orleans, and ,,nw of S6 Haioiolph street, liieago, Illinois. Dr. Wilson was aware that Jordan knew Dr. Dr. James, which induced Dr. Wilson to make the impiirv. Dr. J. II. Jor dan win physician to the t'luciiiiitti Cholera Hob duridg the summer of ^t .', ami as Pro fes«or ot The Theeo*-y and Practice of Medicine aud of Materia Meiliea in the American Medical Institute of l.oiiisx ille, Ky.. in 1 .••,-1-*j. Dr rdati is now practicing in Cincinnati, ilere ia the letter referri-l to. Iteml it Cincinnati, O., July ftb, I»r. Wilson. Dear Sir In answer to your impiiries, 1 would say that I have known' Dr James, formcily ot the James Lock Hospital, N O., mid now of Chicago, off* and on, for the last 12 years, and I think I may safe I v say that in his line of practice, I do not know his superior, if bis e.'inal. I know him iwo veats in New Orleans and three summers in this citv, and in both pis had occasion to recommend patients wanting treatment in that line to him, and en every case «o fur as I could learn, be was successful, and gave most perfect satisfaction. He has. from the Start, made the study of what are called seen •lis' uses a .jieeialt\ and has, I IK-Iieve. been em itienilv siicei s-l'iilty I know of no one to whom I would sooner rcccommciid a patient or friend needing treatment of that'kind, or for any of th kindred complaints or chronic diseases whii Ie has made his study, than to him. You can, I think, safely recommend or send such patterns lo him, iu ease vou do not wish to treat tliem vou M.*lf. Yours truly, J. 11. JORDAN, M. 1). THK Clin AM) l-tfEKS SAT "Dr. .lames comes here its highly recommended it is possible to be notonlv from the pies* of New Orl. •alis, but the press ot the almost i ntii South, and also some of the most eminent physi cians of the conntrv Dr. ames' Oflice and Parlors are *•'. Randolph street, between State- and Dearbornatreets. Oilice open from ii. till 7 i*. h., except Sun davs, when open in the afternoon. Private entries and exits, and all profcaaional inter* iews confidential. Persons at a distance can address Dr. Jame by enclosing postage stamp. [augl-dw ly CEMENT. uasAT D.scov«ai: t^fal S Applictti* to the tawfiil arta Ami b4 Valoable IMseorerjr! HILTON'S llisolable Onent of more general practical futility than any invention now Ibefore tbe public. It has bee# thoroughly tested during the tin Inst i wo y eats I% prac tical men. ami pronounced bv all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY adhesive preparation known. Jiiltoti'i Inf-.luhlt Cuiuiit ia a new thing, and the re sult of years study ila com bination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. {and under no eircuinsiancra tor change of temperature,* ill it become corrupt or emit any oflensivv suiell. this*. I to Combination. arc •BOOT & SHOE Manufacturers, using Mi (chines will find italic best nr Iticle known for cementing the Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. provided for the traveling public and city hoarders ut all times in the most satisfactory 'manner. The ta ble will be supplied with the'best the market uf fords, and the beds and rooms kept in the nios1 comfortable style, Warm Meals at all hours W i n e s fChannels, as ,t works with out delav, is not effected by y change of temperature. E W E E S will find it suiliciently adlic sit e for their use, as lias been preyed. It it ,//y t: I., at he, anil we elain: as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Roots und 8ho"s Miflictcntiy strong with out stitching. IMMh IT IS THE ONLY Lntpiid Cement Eatstit tl.'iti n surf thintf for lueuding ft ia a Liqnid, t'wrnilur', Jhuf, l" ry, articles oflloltseh K« aember. Toy*, Id use. RE ME 31 HER hsolible t'eaeat ia insoluble in water and oil. Ih't- u't tnsolnht. frm'ht adheres oily substances. Sup-died jn Family or Manu facturers' packages from 't ounces to 1'"' lbs. HILTON BROS 4 (K, Proprietors, 'rovidence, Ii. I. Ftor sale at V.?holcs.-d» and Retail by I. Wells, 5S Braily St.,at"l retail by ail druggists. ag7-lv I U E A E I E S PORTRAIT KALLi^tY i F, ii. Dowd, m.'.DY STREET, RETWEES id a'"d Cd, east side, ia pre pared I" take every sty Ie of pic e k con n to th- photographic rid. STEEL AND COLOR- ED PHOTOGRAPHS. ARTES DE VL-ITES." ED PIIOTOfiRAI'I and AMHROTYPK! rviug from i*nt of corns or constracrions, commonly cslled id \MllROTYPKS c\ erv kind, at prices va "hough bound, interfering, over-reaching, .jma- rviug fr-m i*nts to Old. faded copies ter cracks, sand crack of the corns, f. which he warrant The greater part of this.- discuses are caused bv shoeing or want of proper treatment. jg(] rracks.sprain-, spavins, sprains I enlarged and rend red us heautisul as .Hinders, ring-bones, for all „f .'w ^id a likeness warrautci. M" I'-rticuiar Its s perfect cur. if curable.-- aiteaticin naid lo taking Cbilii.'ea a Pictures. attention paid to taking PBOTIHiRiraS 4 AlBROTYFESs J. SCIIUELER, Main nnd S*vnd Strrrt*, KuSntn't Tofwto Store, C/ ULLS TIIK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC to the fact that he is prepared to execute all orders in the Photograph and Ambrotype line in a St Vie equal to that of auy artist west of Chicago. Particular attention paid to taking k a a jan"i-d6(B nn aaama apriO dliwSm iTIWG ELIIIt, 7B Or tstFK. Prepared fA.m pare Vcrd»M' Fitracts. couteia ing nothing injuriotA to the most delwat*. the Phafni* rises from the ashes of its fire, animated with new IHe." so does this Elilir reju venate the system and overcome disease. nti»tn »nd overcome di*c««e. The w^ii modern ibsctrel so entir*lt srsttftManrg il« new and ahstrai^ metb«l of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn out systems. j^fT* This medicine 1»a« h»*en levied fct the most enent medical men of the day. and by them pro- Him-d to be one of the greatest medical discov eries of it,,. »i»e. •tie »M«ttle will cure general ilebiUty. V*- A few doses care llvsterics la FemalMt t-^f" One lotth- cures Palpitation of the Heart. From one t'three botllcs restore the man liness and full v Igor of youth. A few doses restore tbe apprttttf. Three bottles cure the worst case of la* pateucv. Er A few doses cure tbe low *pirited. One iHjtUe restores tneatal |ower. tew do«es tiring the rose to thechMk. This mcdiciue restores to ninnly igorand of.u^t Ixaltli the poor debilitated, woru-dowo and duawnritig. X-W "«e l««tless, enerrateif yotitfi, the over tasked man of bu«inr«s. the victim of nervous de ileiircssion. the individual suffering troni general ilits. will all find immcdiah' and permanent relief bv tin- uae of this Eliair or Essence of Life. Price, |-J tier bottfe. or thfee lioltles for %:. Hiol forwarded by Exp.css, on receipt of Wo i"i. lo anv address. All Mich orders must l»e «ent to C. A COOK, 'hieatfn, our tieneral Agi*nt lor th» Wert. Sd.l in Chieatro. by Ft I.LER. FINCH k FUL LER. Wholesale Druggists, and by all Druggists evervwhe V. A. rOOH, CkleM*^ OeaM^tl Ar*t f»r the Statf* nf lilinoia, Iowa, iiconiin, lodi iifan m. nRBwn co.. Hale Pl'Arlrtf^ (o. S9 l.iiiaaTr Strikt, New York. E O K E E I S at«A rcaaft* toATsa, a«f«lM«r. UKALTII^k'^ Preserver. CERTAIN AND SM'E for tbe removal of OB STRl'CTIONS. and the Insurance of REO- ULARITY in the RECURRENCE of i O N I Y E I O S tif~Thcy cure or obviate those numerous dis eases that spring from irregularity, by removiag the irregularity it*iif. Tbev cure Suppressed, Excessive, aid Painful Menstruation. I4J?" They cure tireen Sickn. ss .Cljloiosis). 14S~ Tltey enri- Nervotts and Mpinal, pains in the back and lower parts nf f|at. liodv, Ilcii\ iiiesi,. Fatigue on dighi exertion. Piibiitation of the Heart, l^iwiicss ot Spirits, Ilvsterin, Sieij Headache, tJiddiness, etc., etc. In n word, by renin ing tbe irrcguUrit* tliey rcmovr the cause, •lid with it *1.1. tfie effects that spring front it. f-ST Composed of simp!- vcgeuM,. extracts, they contain^notbitig ib-b-tcious to n„v constitu tioli, however delicate, ttieir lumtioii being t» substitute strength for weakneaa, which, when projM'rlv used, lliev never fail to do. Mf" they niav be safeh used at anv ajje, and at any period, .hi,-,,,., th, ,r,/ Thr„ Month*, during which the unfailing nature of their action would infalliblv//r»/ pregnane?. IHT All letters, scckiug information or advice, will be nrotniitly, freely and discrcetlv answered. IV" Full directions accompany each bo*. 1-sT Price, f! |M-r bifn, or six t.oxcfor fS. l-»#~ Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. All such orders must l»e sent to C. A. COOK Chicago, our IJencral Agent for the West hv U LLER FINt ll k FUL- I«KU, n lio|p!al(' nnd bv *}l l^rtiiriri^ttf evrrvwh«»rf\ V. A. COOK, Chicago. General Agent for the Stale, „f Illinois, Iowa, n HcoDdin, Jlu hi^nii, nnl Iri'liarm DR. AV. MERWfN 4 CO.. Sole Proprietors, v ?."• Liit-'irv Sn:t r.r. New York. For K.le^.y all Druggist mhlo-dlj Awiiui •*PPI«:SS 0R MISERY THAT IT THE QUESTION q^iE proprietors of the new York. Museum and Analomv of Medicine have d- termined, regardless of ,,se, to issue free (for the betii ht of suflering fuiiiiaiiity FOUR ot aijfl til-Mr UH»it iikti*r'*«tiii£ on Mai-rmgc and its dis,llmlitieation«, Neri ous D," in.strucii«e Lectures bility Premature Decline of Manhood. Imliges tion eakness or Dci.rcssion. Loss of En. rur, »nj ital I'owi r, th** fin al Sim inl Kill, ami tli«»M tnuladies which result from Voufhf'ul follivs. e*. cesses or mnturity. or Ignorance of Physiology and Nature's Laws. Ih.-ne inwiluuhle lecture, hare been tin mean, of enlightening and saving thousands, and will bo fof warded free, on receipt ot four stamps bv addressing Secretary, v..rk Museum of Anatomy and Medi. inc. lirnadway, Jftn ork. augp-ly m^HOODs A M» THE VIOOROF ToTTW Hc.otoRRI) tA.1" or Lifk earnest urgent ,. Paris, after veara of .i. ttat.M,1, baa at lei.^tb fct^rfed to the Hi—si of the American public, and ,n. po n-ed aii sgeul 11, New York, for the sale of hi, lulucd and highly prized «senie of |.,f,. This wonderful agent will Manho.d to the most shattered conMitiitiona in four weeks and is used according to printed instruetions, failure is i,n pi.ssil. e. f|ii« life restoring remedv sliould b« taken liv all atioul to many, as its e|}. cts are tier* maneut. Success in every ease in certain. V JfilloTi't 1,).u t\mmt Is in a li.piid form and as ea sily applied as paste. HILTON'S K!,"",pc "I Life is aold in case* with full instruetioiis for use, at(W, or four ouan tttic* III one for {., and will be ,ent to anv part, carelullv nacked, on receipt „f rei,iitianf.^ j,jg accredited agent. Circulars sent tree on raeaio! of 4.Stain's. 1*1111.1i' ROLANIM) N*... t. No. •. Xo. 6. Xo. 40...... i e v e s DBBOLT E A N OTTS W ISM, at the following raU^ M. RIL1T,.. .*. —Projkritlar. CMna* IfiMM, Lifmort ami frfmrif /r 1 Wiirm Mtait mt mtt Unm I1ATRof JMfft fDTCP 4 iRVVt LSHl TflMa w'hM tamtavad aattiWL «M Mlk. V ltroowe Kt., 1 door west Broadwav. !*. Y. «.' dSm SAFES. NUir 4c HECOND HAND S A E S 8dt Ckttf o At The New York Safe Depot, I I W i i a e n o i i t. tt. CHAMBERLAIN, m4 Mesa of Lillk', Fire proof ^""Height. Widtb. t.,: an... ..J» ..w ^lJ—' •^»»n* •'iu HigMR. •1.. 5 SS^Sa «wr "M lit xU ., 9 w Jr T' i k t«i !1 60 w 5i*'w,T,..,Jf.»*»---|4» *i febH-kly .1# ..»0W m"*€ o «I** Clf'M'll msJltJsM 4.