Newspaper Page Text
I I- iHfl lii i*. ft TERMS 87 OO PER ANNUM: VOLUME 9. RIAL I8TATB AND msaiANCE aiencv. JOILN L.SWIXS & CO., 5Mekola' Block* (op stairs,) aECOXDHT. Ia^ri?(4 A liiiprirH Farm, CITY LOTS, •wtWig Mw— •ought, Sold and Letted. House Lots for Sale* A Ureal Bargnla. So 4'J. Those cliaiMc buildin* lot* corner of Twelttli and li»('k Maud streets, being 16" fe-t front 'in tilt It sj.le ljth street, and l-''f feet on east side of Kock Island reel. The above i* in it) line location: price very low terms iineomtnnnlv easy a r-mall amount of cash down balance on long term of years at a low rate of interest. No 41 Lot on Bradv street, west aide. feet front bv K.-. feet de.p "price very low On pay ment for the lot nuild iviil be loamd fur a ferra tit' timr* at "J" *nt. No. L's. On Hial\ street, liio feet front by l."io feet deep -fenced. "Price #12 per front foot. No. On Third street, lot No. Parker'sad dition, eorner lot,) pine, $2Ml. No. .i". Four bouse lots in Davison A Truc'a addition |l:.o eiu-h. Terms easv. No» Kl, !V2, :t. Thirty hoii-e hits in Slavina ker'a addition jfcl"" t« Terms easy. Hlor«* Io(m IV»r «»!«•. Ko. 47. One .11 4th St., jiit ea-t of Hrady St. No. 4?i. Four on 4th St., near Railroad biidi{-. No. 05. Also, furnished miite* of roouu tor •ingle gentlemen. Vlml rlawN D»r Rent. No. 4 We in e re -ly to i njia^f to lent ur to sell Loose- mow hnildinir to I"' reinlv tor oceiipanry iu Ma\ or June n \t ji'.uii ol uludi way be •ecB at our otlire. Ihr Kent. So. 2#. T' vvi -t store and haserMMt, fan Mc trojMibta.i l.,**k, now occupied by Made A Co., W feel deep. IIoiihcm for Mnlo. Xo. lit. Ill Moline, III., a two-story brick dwel in^f house, with lot by l.V feet, cor. I,ynil'' and Ann Sts. The house i iu ^ood condition, is now rented possession jfiveii in .'to days. iTIie house, cost j.-vio. I'riee of house and lot. $l,.*ioo (,ne third cash bahinee on lonif time at low inteicsi No. •!'!. A brick dMellini house K-L'd St. $l,l"' 4«oo cash, rest on time ul s percent. No. ."V. The estate now owned and occupied bv tieo. S. C. Dow, Ks].,beinit the di\el:ini( house and three full lots. lVontinif I I I I II lyion I'.tli St., corner of Farnuni street. This house is in per feet repair, ha* inn been titled lip liv the owner for himself. The entire an uinjeiiienl of the house is tasteful and coiunlete. The view froin this place is unsurpassed. Terms easy. No. Frame cottage house on Third itreet, in Ureen's addition. I'riee, t4"o. So. llriik house nnd lots, southeast cor ner of ftli mid Main Sts., known i .sThoiiui ton es tate, i:.o ft. front on each St. I'riee $i'i,".i", sH tuny rem'uii) for a t-rm of years ai a 1 'w rate of interst So. 3tf. Frame dwelling house, .south side 1 Street, eaHt of Warren St., and lot. I'riee. #4'hi. No. it. Double house nest side of Perry St.. corner of l'Jth street. I'riee, ^3,.Vh. Two-thirds niav remain on umrtRitp' at pi cent. So. 'i. Fi ante house south side :id street, one mile west of Itrady Mreel price. $l,fMN». Two thirds mav retniiin on luortjfaxe at six per cent. So. 1. New frame house on Hrad\ .street iu sent eel residence, i I'riee, No. 11. Val'.i.ible house with •J,4'acres ofland well stocked with fruit of all kinds, with stable, curriuge house, wood house, cow stable, wagon shed, cistern, two wells, pasture, orchard ami Tuuu'k grove- the whole place well fenced uud iu perfect order and r» poir price mioron i'or Xale. Xo.jr.. 2 valuable stores, well rented ess?terms Wetmore's Addition. |j now laid oft" into lots lof all prices) and they are ready for sale on very easy terms and at low prices. House Lots, Store Lots, Warehouse Lots, Factory Lots. Fnrmn Wanted. We want to purchase improved farjas from 8J to 180 acres each. Farm* far Dale. cS 'J!i. SO aores, nil improved and tinder fence Smiles from the citv. with excellent house, if rooms mi 1 cellar. I house, wash house, barn 70 bv .o feet, i spi ing. two wells, cistern, orchard of trees, iapples, pears, |ieachcs and cherries) pri^.,. |.-, ,.Mi ^ cash, balance on a term of y x!r ir 30 acres, fenced, niiart imnrored be- ing a'part of Margaret Noel's land. adjoininir Mr. Oliver s place. This place is adapted tor a gar den or grapery, price *l.i'». No Is so acres, all improved and tinder fence with house, at Hickory tirov*. Price $1.20u one-therd cash. No. '^t lio acres twimproved land near I'n rant, at *lo per acr •. cash, balance in live vt*ar« ut t,»n |»cr rrtit. No. 4° Horos, 5 miVn fro»n t!io citr, on the Duhiioiie road, all iinpvoved nnd under fence, with hoiire and stable. I'riee |l.Hoo, two-thirds mav remain for a lerm of ears to suit the pur chaser. 2o.i acres in Linn County. (5o improved and under fence.) I'riee cash. No l'jo acres near Wwleott, 6o irnroved sn'd under fence, with house price*1.200. ooitii acres in I'ovveshiek o at sf.iper acre, 400 acres iu Iowa county at per acre. iyO" acres in Sioux county at #1 per acre. 1040 acres in Clay county at #1 per acre. $t*iO i\cres in Hancock county at $1 per acre, lw.' acres in Winnebago Co. at 1 per scrt. Ji_m.hi acres at $l.v-T per acre. (i'mIO acres at 7if cent- per aCMi 82o acres in Tama county. 120 acres id Story county. _• S'.s) acres in Winneshiek IMltS per 411O acres in tirundv countv ul per acre. 6oo acres in llutler'county at per acre. 20i' a.res in Mower co., Minn, at ...o per acre 64 acres iu Houston County at per acre. 1 Pheaix INSURANCE. fci Fire Insurance ISSiFFire €#., Atlantic Fire Insurance OF NEW YOKK.| City Fire Insurance Co., OF HARTFORD, CON A Springfield Fire lusurantttl* (j}.- SPRINOFIkLD, MASS. LIFE INSURANCE. Connecticut Life Insurance jBetaa C*, Life Inrarance Co* OF 1IARLF0RD, C0N2T. Hew York Life Insurance Co., gteirity Life lasurance OF SF.W Y03K. jduiL. Swlts Ml Co., N1CKOLLS' BLOCK, 8KCOITO HT ,1a tka flawttfi VAMTi.'- .*& -rviW I T*f Dk tt ~y A JJ A. A Rixawav.—A farmer's team—the fore wheels of a double wagon and a span of horses—made a spirited dash down 4th street this morning. The Hying steeds were followed at a considerable distance by the hind wheels, attached to a dray. Whether the dvav has succeeded in overtaking the runaways is not known. As the race is not to the swift, we shall bet on the dray. Di I'hez & Green's Minstrels.—The pub lic will be glad to hear that this splendid Minstrel troupe has made arrangements to furnish our citizens with another of their select, ever-pleasing entertainments. It Will be remembered that this troupe was here last season and the excellence of their performances has not been forgotten. The inimitable humorist, Charley Reynolds, is with this troupe, also Mons. Bidcaux, the eharmnig solo vocalist. Mr. Samuel Pond, the energetic and favorite agent of this troupe, arrived here last evening, and is perfecting arrangements for the occasion. They intend to open here one week from next Monday, and give two entertainments. Of coarse, everybody who appreciates choice ,o minstrelsy will make arrangements to'gto theIU a hearty welcome. Tab Co., (Insurance first Regiment of 100 days' men has been organized and taken up quarters at t'amp Roberts. It consists of the following (foinpanies: apt. Markall's Company,.... Dubuque Co. Egbert's ....Scott Familton'a McKean's Benton's Beitzersi Borland's Shaw's liopkin'ii Wilson's Give I TV -p \f [1 By order of the Central Committee. JOHN MADDKN, Chairman. LOCAL ITKM8. OHAM t«, J.tMo.vs aki Flos, lor sale cheap, at wholesale and retail, at Starr's, I. Claire Row. Chop J'nos^ECTs.—The weather continues favorable for the growing crops and fanners are in excellent spirits. Porsoxai..—Gov. Stone was expected to arrive in town this morning, but did not mine, lie will probably be np on the next boat. Bay your hats and caps at Farrand's.- Ilis stock is superior. Straw goods of ev ery kind selling low for cash. Stealers fur nished at eastern prices. Fahmkhr will find a larger and better se lection of dry goods, for real solid ware, at Whit-lea's than at any other place in town. Prices alwavs low. Sou ut'M.—Mr. Bard, Sup't of the Daven port Sorghm Co.'s Farm, informs us that lie has planted J}ij acre- of .sorghum, and sown about acress of oats. The "farm" looks finely and the crop flourishing. llot sEKEEiT.Rs will find it much to the interest to examine the choice stock oC fain !y groceries kept lv Parks A. Ilosmer, south east corner of Brady ami 1th streets. They keep no pojr goods and never umL tlwin high. Give them a trial: Five Residence.---An elegnnt brick resi dence, to be occuped by Bishop Lee, and to cost some six or .-even thousand dollars, is going up oil the south-west corner of the east half of the College grounds. Mr. John Chaniion has the contract for doing the carpenter work. Tiie ki su continues at Perry'«. His goods attract gentleman in both civil and military life. The reason is that he keeps a superior stock, makes splendid lits and is in no hurry to get rich. His prices are al ways the very lowest. Call and see oppo site the Post Office. Another Circis.—Dan Castcllo's far famed Circus is on its way to this city and proposes to open out here on Saturday, June 1th. The great Northwestern show man, Levi J. North, is connected with this establishment, and he never traveled with anything that_was not worth seeing Lower Ykt.—The liver continues to fell at this point, and the prospect is that unless there is some change for the better the through boats will be obliged to lay up.— The time is not known, we believe, when the river was so low and navigation so un promising at this time of year as at the pre sent. Scarcely any rafts are coming down. New Grocery Store.—Special attention is directed to the advertisement of Julius Schreiber's new and well stocked grocery store, corner Brady antl Front streets. He has an excellent stock, comprising groceries of the best quality, tobaccos and cigars, wines and liquors, all of which he offers low and warrants I o please. Give hint a call, and satisfy yourselves. N°ar® JI. vJ V AV P. M. P*ttisqiu. a Co.. wr A. C. II Hcbivkr. Vs Dearborn s'reet, Chicago. I* an ll,orl**'l t» n xfirt ijrtrt -iimoli for tliin piper. Drnoirallc ('••TrallM. Th. .•re will b- aMa«. Convention of the Dernoc racy of Scott county, Iowa, at Davenport, on Sat nrday, June 4th, IsM, at 2 o'clock 1'. M., to ap point Delegates to attend the Democratic Stat' Convention, to be held at lies Moines, June 15th, 18t». «... Clinton «... Delaware «... Butler ... .Muscatine ...Johnson *v.. Marshall Boone, Ac. .... Scott Co. the Fioires.—rf the Democrat attempt to prove our figures in relation to the per centage of enlistments from Scott Tbade Movement.—Owing to the increase in rents, the high price of labor, and the disorganized and unsettled manner p.«..rtTii'.uiu»i,' .v.. SJFirk Row, New York .. toil 6 Stite it e*t, Boston, *-re our agent. In lliotc cflin in wni'Tl tlK' f^Tllitl and ''OtlllllISS ion hUS.riCS •nl arc authorised to take a'lT»rli*rtiifntfi and subscrip tion* for u at our 1' wrst rate*. has l»een conducted in this city, the gentle men engaged in this business lutve formed a determination to organize themselves into a Board of Trade. This movement is not, as some might infer, for the purpose of forming a combination to k'-ep down the prices of grain to a figure disproportionate with those of Chicago and eastern markets, but rather to fix the price so tliat dealers, instead of doing business for the sake of having something to do— regardless of profit or loss, and consequently running up prices on each other and virtually picking each others pockets, can see a small margin in all the grain they handle, and be the better prepared, in case of emergency, to weather any unforeseen downward turn in the mar ket. Pursuant to call, the grain buyers and commission merchant of our city met last evening at the office of E. C. Duncan, and organized by calling J.R.Graham to the chair and appointing E. C. Duncan Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated nnd a liberal discussion of the question of form ing a Hoard ol'Tradc revealed a feeling unan imously favoring the plan. On motion a committee of three, consist ing of Teichmann & Co., Darlington k Co., and E. C. Duncan, was appointed to draft a Constitution and By Laws for the govern ment of the organization, to be reported at the next meeting. A committee of three, consisting of Au gust StcWeii, E. Hickman, (of Hickman A Morrison,) and Mr. Clareiibach, (of Teich mann & Co.,) wa» also appointed, whose duty it was made to meet every morning at the office of the Secretary and arrange a schedule of prices to govern buyers during that day. It is also made the duty cf the committee on by-laws to wait upon each of the grain buyers and commission merchants of this city to secure, if possible, their co-operation in the proposed organization. V resolution was adopted restricting gram buying limits to Western Avenue on the west, Sixth street, on the North, and the Rail Road Bridge on the east. The meeting adjourned to m«t upon the :!1 of the Secretary. The necessity of such an organization has long been felt in our city. In all other grain markets of this size, and even in those of less pretentions, Hoards of Triujc hitvc been found indispcns.ble. It is not the de gn or intention of this Board to so com bine and reduce the price of gnua us to drive the trade from Davenport. Thai would be worse tliRii folly. Our dry goods merchants, grocers, etc., need entertain no fears on that score. The grain merchants of our city are among our first citizens and deeply interested in the prosperity of all blanches of trade, and wuult! do nothing knowingly to injure any legitimate business. They simply ask to live, and to live must have a margin on what they handle. To gain this they must govern this market by the Chicago markct&nd not buy at Imp-haz ard anv longer. In carrying out their plans we wish them every success. Fuo.m Idaho.—We are peri ait ted to copy the following items regarding the gold pros pects in Idaho, from a letter written by our former fellow-citizen James K. Rhodes, to his family here, dated Bannock Citv, April '.'th, Ni-i I went out into the mountain last win ter, prospecting, got storm tied, staid there till spring, and have just returned to Ban nock. We came near perishing. The wea ther was intensely cold and stormy. We got out of flour, and lived on deer meat two months, without salt or pepper. It was a hard case. I have labored hard lure. I took some claims, dug four miles of ditches, alter whit u the claim proved worthless. If can make enough this summer to take me back to California I shall go there next fall. I think can do better there for it costs all a man can make to keep him here. Flour is 40 cents per pound, potatoes and onions the same, and everything else proportionate ly high." From this it would seem that Mr. Rhodes is not particularly pleased with the pros pects there. A letter received in this city from J. A. Let laire, states that he and his party ar rived at Bannock safely, and that the min ing prospect is excellent. Report ok the Noutii-Westkb* Commis sion for March and April, 18»4.—The above Rejiort has been received, by which we learn that the receipts of the Commission during the months of March and April,were 4,1:25 lioxcs and packages of Sanitary sup and $4,444.57 money. The shipments for the same time were 1,1."57 packages, which were sent.mainly to Knoxville, Chat tanooga, Cairo, and other points down the Mississippi, while the expenditures were $14,048.t'4. Over 10,000 of this amount were expended for hospital supplies, about $ j"0 for clerk hire, fuel, stationery and oth er office expenses, while the balance went for purchases for the Cairo Soldier's Home, drayage, fare of nurses, sick soldiers and other like expenses. The report is unusually full will the stores Siiat thtru 4c., tcstimoniftls 1 to-day. g|i# fpp Columai of Adrer- ofa promise (made nearly one waek ago,) iafcetorily disposes of several knotty nointa mto, l^himclBS^ller of *«.P"pnet0.r of on* of ,Jliomd conccrning the faithful distribution of county, instead of chrtthin* ftiSilly at I «P« the coat tails of State officials, it would ap- Hp. i s" .^«««..«» ioi /i tiii* V ommissiotl of thc e rcs,dl"nt «*ar much ,u«re wcH'befag who haa has nutde a tour of observation iruthtal.—OaZ(ttr, Wo arc patiently awaiting tlie fulfillment The Report i« well worth a readiuc and "coat taila" to furoiah th* ifwaa. i oaaionad no littla apomiljUnn. 'v 3*^*1 JfrlI «.* ixm-Jtowt* A W J** nil -r THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. Cm jit Martial.—Geti. C. T. Campbell, Capt. Fanisworth and Capt. M. Norton, ar rived in Davenport this morning to open court-martial and try the case of Knapp, who shot the negro George Frame on last Christmas day. The trial commenced at Camp Roberts this morning. UITERITEMR. The popular mail and passenger packet James M"iui«. Captain Jerry Wood, will depart for Do hivjueand way poiutsto-morrow at7 o'clock. J. Scarborough is the office. R. M. Prettyman, age nr. Tic favorite mail and paMenger packet Jennie Whipple, Captain *ampbell, will depart for Fort Madison ar.d way points to-morrow morning at 7 o'clock. Lemuel l'arkliurst In Iht office. L. A. Tilebein, agent. The new Northern Line packet Muscatine, Captain Rhodes, will depart fur St. Paul to morrow. Geo. W. Jeiiks in the office. R. M. Prettyman, agen. The splendid Northern Line packet Sucker State, Captain Ward, w ill depart for St. Louis and way points to-morrow morning. Thos. Owen* in theoSce. R. I'rcti.vinun, agent. eg ua i»ii:i». At air". V May l'tth. JOSEPH PERKINS, only child of Savi kl K. and IIvtiik L. Mivttt, aifed 1" months und 7 duv. COMMERCIAL. Iftuvenpoi't ."Market*. Office of THE l)AVl.NPOttT Democbat, Saturday evening. May '.-1, 1S(J4. Flovt..—ti.4otf7.oo wholesale fMOQMO re tail. WlIKAT.—1.07 (( Habi.KV.—gl.nOfgl.lQ, OATS.—•-!» 7i'. Corn.—sj(,f,sH. Whitk HE.VVS.—$2.(«X$2.50. Fla.\skei.- $2.ooti2.23. Timothv.— Cl o v k k Potatoes. .Vim7"'. BriTTK L'.K'. Lous i -1,c, CbtratfO Uarh.l, Oy Provisions, Salt, Tobaerott Sr Ci#ar§» ALSO Choiee Wines and Liquors, fin it And Jlum-itir flaaramec to Kite the ((utility ot* UoodM The Great an ,i interest ing for the last two months. It contains a variety of matter—acknowledgements of sanitary stores from soldiers in the field a statement of the preseut needs of the com mission—satisfactory answers to the ques tions, What becomes of the money raised by the Commission Do soldieas receive Commission conccrning the Commisaion, which ha^oc DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT Caiuao May £5. KM—Kirn «t |S SiSl.tO fri »HT •. What Ac'ive ati I trr*ul nt $i 20SJI £S^ fnr Vo 1 «!.d|l53,Y»ii4 IorN J», CMj.i:,k'ai |1 24* (t£l 21 & (ur i. i'oK«-ur«S31: K»er. at 11.09Jfal lO No l.atd tor No. 2, i k Urin *1 (9X1 l»I. u.Ti l^a Llgaer, ai f,r iio. 1, c.uni Arm u 07 Whi ar-Do I «ri3 15 lower at It 10. U E4. 1'okk .. I jber sua talt-a goud etiV meat a'. HiW ¥»rk .\iarketi. Nkw Yoke, May "otiox—Quiet at Floi'k—Market easier. $7.20@7.S0 for extra #7.4 •»(®7.v.' tor supurtine. 'hicago c8L7i Wheat—le higher. tl.'i 'SlOS for Chic Spring *1.' 5 Milwaukee Club fl.?'.' winter red. Con*—1.41(31.47 for old mixed. O a s 7 l'oitic—mesa, iffitold Bteaa. LA KD— 1 (ji 1 l?4'o.—{1.5'J. Hew York Mlock ilfarket. Gold «i. New York, Mav- 21. Lambrr Market. Davexpout, Dennni'l ir',.,|- [,,, jjS Mav 9. remnm no Barn hoards •jsifyj Framing Timber a Joists under go ft 22.00 ac» feet und over U3.00(g8t) Flooring 35.Qo Siding. 24.W Finishing. 85.on^ .-.n.iVt Shinirli s, 4."n« ,-| ,-,ij Lath 5.ihi" Boards and Planks 35.'«•(»'fo.i.ift To-Day's Advertisements. NEW GROCERY HOUSE. Jttllus Schi'flHer, Comer Front & Brady Sts., Wholesale and Retail dealer iu CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Best sell them on the lowest liv IN terms. Call and ex imine the stock and learn the prices before pureha*ingelsewheH Wholesale dealers will linct ii to their advantage to give tne a call. Ooods delivered within the citv limit free of charge. inyJO-diwlyi JL'LIl'S SCIIRIEUER. tUtAKtsi 1l*W .. UVNKBALOB KKs NO. IT. ONE UDVi hKD MK!T. I. No e a.o Idatisa ol ermpaota. or qnaJ. will be mad? without the pera.Mtoa anl»al cl 'ht» Depsrtment II. Klaction. of a Captain, l.t andtd Lleoteoact. bj .mail cqoaJ^of men.wii] nn be refardad aa oi any foreo, anlena lubicqn^nt!) approved b/ th. •oicpaHj whsi. !cd to the nlmam. III. ra of m»n from on* eon^ujr to ao* h.r, wnh.--e authority of hi», ai. eZfireMly forbiddon. By order ol Cwiamaodtr. N B. RAKKR, Adtl'l»» 0.r»r«l I..VD STRAYED From my premises last evening about y o'clock, a bright bav horse, 4 veara eld, right hind and fore feet white to fetlock.ldaek I I'1'!11 inane and ta 1. A liberal reward will be paid for his reeovdrv, or information thereto. DR. J. A. REID. Mav srth. Miltoaian PARADISE LOST, Or the Great Ue?e Lou in lleaven tiie war or the angels The Fall of HvtHn A f.iU of ifan As described by John Milton iu hij Immortal Hoemar tl* tied "Pdrjiluc Uhi," it being a e n|Jete illu»trut:or of thi* Oreat Puem from frmn K-friiiiiig to end, comprising 63 Splendid Tableau Paintings, Carrying out Milton's idea of HEAVEN, HELL, CiiAIIS A.\D PARADISE. 1 Will uow b-exhibited io for the flr«t tiim I exhibited in '-onion «r is" consecntivt! niglit*, te more San* i than a »lf o million of p-otde and txliibued jeinro ller Maj'atty UCKKN VICrOiCI and t'i« euti e .urt of Buckingh I I I'rttace. a. en winch oet asion Her j- nI »aapiea*ed to best tlvoilght the Army of tlie Cutiibtrland I Admission. Sft cents. Ntf half Price. w uioo JDAVENPOBT, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1864. NUMBER 181. BOOTS SHOII. W. C. WAKRINKIt, XMTAcrrBcr. and Wholesale and Retail Denier I 00 AND SR0E8, Particular attention paid to Custom work. No. 46 II hol*Mtilr At R«*tuil, MANUFACTUKIFU and itEKVIKLNU D0.VL C. U. CHILD, Davenport C. 0. Child. Boston. Janldtf. CARRIACES. Davenport Carriage Repository No. 140 Jlrtt'lu \ol,ok Fifth,} DAVENPOHT. IOWA. J. HOYT PROPRIRTOR. ki:eps constantly »s hand in-.. mailt mt Coupon bonds are now ready for delivery, and Registered bonds will lie on the 1st of May next. By an act of Congress the issue of these bonds is limit(•/ to wo Hundred Millions of Dollars* an amount thai will soon be absorbed if we n ny judge of of the previous success of similar appeals by the tiovernuc n! to the loyal people of this country. These bonds Exempt AC'cuir OafRBAt'a Orrtoa, Llava iar, Ma 96lh, lMt. PPPPppp I'Pl'PPPPP Pf'P I'p I'I'I'PPPIT pppprrr ppp rrp Brady Street* Sett Door above the Post Slice, Davenport. It, mvldtf J^KMOVAL.- A E Has removed his extensive BOOT aad Wliere lie n ill be happy to meet lii.s numerous customers. His faeilitlcs fur turning out TIJK BEST 1 STOM WORK .are unsurpassed. He hasihe tiKsr wirbmi.v in thi: i jtv, und filU all orders promptly and satisfuitoi ily. Custom Made faood* For Ladies' Gents' and Children's we»r «1w«t* on hand. Have I. "I tie iim-t thuruugh most liiijdern le* of (ARBIAIilS, A\(l ll\R\ESSB, Of V-!t«l«ril ami most duriib'ie i|iiality. His jyiods were boughi iiml contracted for hefnre the great rise iu nn'terial and labor, which eneijles him to offer the tiUEAT EST l.NDl'CEMENTS to pm• ha.eis. Cull be fore purchasing i-lsevvb. fi, l\\\iy llftlBKK v.\v vckiis oi tut Davrnport fnrriaee l.innf:irtory, CORNER THIRD k HAKItlSON STREETS, _Davenport. Iowa, iu:inufnelure ull kinds ot Carriages, lliiiiuies and Wagons from the best inateriiil, and perfect sKtisf:irtiiin warranted. Re pairing dune on short in tiee. Rati s nunleiute.— Eucourage home ini-chaiiics. d'el-dtf U. S. 10-40 B0AD8. TTXDER IXSTRUCTI0NS FROM THE SF.C U kbtauv of the Treasury of the United States i ue First National Bank of Davenport, ha« been authorized to receive subscriptions to the National Ten-Forty Loan. For the snbscrin'ions to this Loan, bonds will be issued of the following denominations fio's, loo's foo's, nnd loon's, registered, or with coupons at tached. a* t:iay be prel i red by subscribers. These bonds are redeemable by the Government in coin after ten, and payable roitrv _\ ears from date. Tlicy bear rtvK per cent, interest, payable on bonds not over one hundred dollars annually, and on over one hundred dollars semi annually, in coif. Deposits must be made in I.xjni inhr notes of the nitcd States, or in Hunt c»r rmfi/. Subscribers will recievc from fh ihiii tin mt-wij i* tlrjthitilnl with (his and the bonds will be dtlicrul at the expense of the Uuv tnnii'ht. front All Kinds of Taxation. and oflfcr better inducements to capitalist# than any security of a public or private character now offering at par. mch3Idtf DRY GOODS. IMMENSE ATTRACTIONS. LATE ARRIVADS. Herzber a[l ll HALL, KIGTROPQLITA^ DAVENPORT, FOR BIX NIGHT3 ONLY, Commenciag on MONDAY NIGHT, Mar 88d, ISM* The most extraordinary exhibit ion in the World. For & j\o. r. :V.••oii'i the Tableaa of tlie proprietor a dis- GRASD .i. mwt** •&* It MATTlNBrj' Ob Wednesday aail Mtarday afternoons atS o'cloek. ra o|ieti, «T.uiug*,al7a'aioek. Kzfalbitiati cmm« at 1-4 to Afiwijo. 0|Mii at 8 o'elacfe. i(variHttd for Ml aatticaian m. Mi A. B. MOBUMM, .... MiiniirtiiaMi J0 Co., St., MitropoHt'tn li!"t, Have received and are receiving every day, by Express, the most desirable styles of Fashionable Spring Goods Of i a Fa'tt i* and J'attirnt. Also a full stock ofbleaehcd and unbleached Mus lins, Flannels, to which we invite the attention of buyers-. Having our establishment in '"hihulel hia and Baltimore, and one ofourtirm constant e market, w-are enabled to o!Vi induce ments to all who call. mchj'l-dAw'lv WALL PAPERS. U ALL PAPER I WALL PAPER! N E W S Y E S Season of 1864. ry The largest and bent stock io the city L. W. PETERSEN'S, KO. S8 WEST 2D ST., Haying made large purchases or! stock froui New York Manufacturers be fore the rise. I am prepared to oji'er Superior Inducements. mh L. W. PETERSEN. litolen. Awheels CHILD'S CARRIAGE WITH THREE an donbh top, lined witti enameled cloth, pointed black, and with ormrnetr.:'! pan els, was stolen from the sidewalk iu front of my store yesterday. A suitable reward will be paid for its recovery. FRED. DELTSCIlMAftS may 17 4-". Iha iv street. M'(TWiMl. IF THIS SHOULD COME TO THE NOTICE of Christopher Lowry, or any perrni who can gire information where lie enn be found, the sub oghtor—a Unioa Bcftigae awM aerfbor—his daughter kaglad to he* aviMiir m*Y A. «OVST. .r,-, aa* AAA AAAA AA AAA AA AA A AAAAAA AA* »AA PP4» i SHOE MAMFAtT.RT to his new and cotninodious «tore Opposite Le Claire RoV, a jr.iwtf Boot&ShoeStore,iiowto*Till: !l» Rrady fit., la the place to buy your BOOTS .V SHOES. (CHILD & CO., tiii: i.\usest and hkst stock in the i ii». and are constantly receiving new Uoo^s dire-t from their Wholesale lb nine in Bos on, which enable th' in to sell a very low price, bt CHAS. Tr*w* v ""Hf $ S^-y. mm WALL ppppppp PPPPPPPP PPP PP PPPPPPPP ppppppp PPP PPP PPP R. H. PARKS. rodnee Broker, "VJO. 1M SOCTfl WATER ST., CHICAf^, _i_s| HI. P. O. Box Joey, i,h mh Hiiees made on property in store. 'ucli7-d1 JAMKN 1l.llAMI!i:i.l,, COMMISSION EEEEEKEE EEEEEEEF. EEE EEEEEK EKKEEF. EEE EEEFEEEE KHBfc£G£B NOW OPENED, ATj PLUMMER'S IVo. ai .V.f.V.VOTil AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Ag'-nt for Herring's Safes and Fairbanks' Scales, ll_» di aulie Cement. I'ldst.-r Paris and Hair. NO r, t'RONl STREET. Davenport. |o\ia. mvM-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE O O I N COriT PRICE TO BE HAD OF- FRANZ MEYER, Second street—first or west of National Bank. A tfood assortment of OBKTS* FCRNISHING COOI.S, ROYS' CLOTHING, CLOTHS. CAMSI MERES. SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, Which I tvil sell at the m-jst reasonable pricea. Custom Work Don? at all times anil warranted the best, moat durable and cheapest. All who want the best and Cheapest goods must come to noM-div FRANZ MEYER. N1SW STORE"! John Barteineler Hto AS REMOVED His STOCK OF GOODS franklin Block, on Second street, bet Eain and Harrison streets, where has openwl a .NEW CLOTHING STORE, and will keS stanth on hand a good assortment of Gents' Furnishing (ood«, Clothes marie to order on shortest notice, and warranted to suit. Call and s.... JOii-* NO.» WEST-SECOND STREET. BETWEEN I#Tuctv an*l Mitiii, ordTanri in the best fUvl»', MK\ AM) ISOVS' M.OTHIXO of tvrrv dorription, Tli«r fulU'-t s iti«fuotioii |(uar antivd. I from my olilcuwiom-Ti theircin tinuance of piitronage. 'Loa^p order**. mv22 A. MII.I.KK, tto so. bra Y STREET, BELOW HEC ond, keeps constantly on hand and makea order. Ctemta*. ltoys* aai CUIirea^ CLOTHING of the best material and in a manner that cannot fail to gire satisfaction. Liberal patronage respectfully solicited. fmy21-dly JOB* HORNBV. T. W. V CLKLLA.VD HORNBY 4 MfCLELLAND, BUILDERS^ MANUFACTURERS OF Sash^ ioon, Blinds, Monkings, e k e Contractors for BuiMfVtgS Of A'rtry Daeriytioa. S O A O Y Cm atlf ..-« ,«•* 10 GENTS PER WEEK. RRRRRRRRR RRHItRKRRRR II It It ItR ItltltRRRRRR RHItRltKR RRR RKR RRR tRRR am ^brr STOCK BROW?? BLANKS, WIIIT£ BLANKS, ftATIM, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPKD GOLD All Agent,R, E i I Real Estate & ConmisNion DAVENPORT, IOWA. TIV'7 'it/ :,•{ rto-i'tlh/ if• I'n.toptlfi to BayiaK Ac Nclllng Kt-nl Kwtale, I'ulUrtioiu (if nil kind*. f.VYMtX OF TAXES, Nfsn!iHiiii21.Oiins, taking %bNtrn«'( Tllle*. RENTING HOUSES AND FARMS, Answering Letters of Inouirv, Mi.king Piirchasi-s n! all Kinds, Second door iJi'a, ihe pn,i nihei aprlf) 11. HEINZ, Produce A Conmission Merehanlf VO. 4 nt.RROWs' BLOCK LFVEr. PkindsHIGHEST AYS CASH PRICE FOR ALL of Country produce, butter, eggs, etc. Boat stores always on hand. Buys Hud sells on commission. tiiv!4dif or PAPER HANCJI]\4jtS, •pttoug mi irh mn be i^WN# PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, tlie COMMISSION: «i.VH] SiMDEH, UMMjT Kearl* oppo»it« P««t ,f_ ,i s-r* «•*'•/,! ,/"«.TITfT jl ,-_ sx W,i ?rt. 13 A Y »t rii r» 39W 8H3 8SSSSS SS 8ASS sssssss ass* ss Brady Street, SO Abov« the '.Root Office, Ufll mi itt I IWIS8S nit' tUld i FROSTED, Above at very Low Prieen. •S5 STOVES and TINWARR. Si Mori* Storm MILT.a I 8s WASHBtTHK No. Brady Street 56 AVE IN STORE AND ARE RECEIYIJTCI .the largest and best assortment of PARLOR. COOK k HEATING. STOVES, ttiat can lie purchased in the eastern market. H. 4 \\. have the exclusive sale for SANFORD'S Celebrated Cballenge. Heater! one of the most economical invention* ce*r pro* duced, and for conveuieuce atul comlofthaa ao cpial. |The unrivalled Trlwaphf ForafJOatt, in whieh flron «ata9 and other favorite patterns cat ONLY be obtaia ed at Hills and Washburn s. %4fm rerv store guarantied to gire aatirfartiflj or tbi money refunded. They al*o keep the eelebr»4ed E N I I I 1 I water aerer freatOk OFFICE, SToRE, DINING ROOM, BED-BOOM. NURSERY, HALL. AND SETTING ROOM STOVES cannot be surpassed. We invite uu"«etioa «UI defy competition. Also on hand atoek at Tinware, Jappancd and Porcelain Chamber Setts, Planished Wan, Britania Goods, Coal Hods, Tongs, Shorcla, Pokafl| ta abort ererything in the line.^ Tl% Ctppar9 A 8keet-lroa Ware9 mabufacturrd to order on short notice. tw O I N of all knids promptly attended to. Call Mi amine goods ami learn ahe prices. Or-17dwtf. .» I {i» -S^ i **^,*1 *v 'I K'at I I A I S A O O N i FHKD. 1IRIHBKCB, vmwftm'-M* •9 W'*t id StTMt, I -rt 1WOH HVICHY MOBUQlflK ,n«i. S3- 'wvt! vt an •&-# -Irnn A e .^il