Newspaper Page Text
tinr.jj u* i .-.i IU IB CI I. TERMS 07,OO PER ANNUM: VOLUME 9. RKAL ESTATE AND i N A N E AIENOY. JOHN L..8WIIS k CO.. swm, i.». ma, *.». mm, ttck«l» Block, Cap stain.) 0feCOXD»T« lifrtfciA liiapmei hrwi CITY LOT** Bfrm •ought, Sold and House Lots for Sale* A Urrat B»r*ai«. «to 49 Those eligible building lot* corner of Twelfth aud Rock Island streets, being l-l'.' feet Croat wit south side Ijth street, uuJ lo» leet on •fett side of Rock l-laild street. The above is a very line location: price very lorn terms uiicom nly easy n small amount of VB-.II down balance on Ion# t.-rin o! years ut a low rite ot interest. 'o 41 Lot on Brady street, west side feet front bv 100 Oct deep price v.-rv low On pay ment for tin* lot """"U to for a of yarn at fir So Oil llrnilv Hin-et. 1'i'i l«-i-t front bjr ISO ffet d*ep t. need. "1'rice la i» trout fool. Ko. a. On Tliinl street, lot No. lo I'arker s«l dition. fcorn.r lot,) price, No. 3^. F«»nr IIOUJM? lots in Duvison & True addition $15" each. TerJUS eii-v. So* 81, K2, Tliiriv lions.- bits in Hlavnia k*r'» addition |1' #1-Vi each. Terms easy. Htorc l.otM lor sulc. Ko. 47. One on 4th St., just cast of Brudjr St. Ik'o. 4«. Four on 4tli St., near Railroad bridge. •Ko! r,.V Also, furnished suites of rooms fur Stable gentlemen. a*'lrwt I'lttHs llomsrw Tor Rfit. Jio. 4. We nri- rendv t«» en^a-^i-In rent or lo sell f^lises now building to lie ready lor occupancy la May «r June n i.t- phtns ot' which may be IMD St our HI ore for Rent. fio. 8ft Tin- wist store and basement, te Me tropolitan liim It, now occupied bv Mack k Co., ^ItU feet dei i IIOMN«*I* for Walr. So l'i. In III., a two story brick «lwel fag lions.-, with lot bv Ifeet. Ann Sts. Tin- house is in -inud cniuliti rented possession txiv cost#'-', i third citsli: bahmi BR So. 3s. Itrii k house ami lots, sonMienst cor ner of till mid Main Sts., known as TlioriiiKton es tate, l-V It- front on eacli St. l'ricc niuy remain tor a term ot \i'iirs at a low rate ot iuterst No. 8'.'. Krtitne dwelling house, .south side Street east of Warren St., mid lot. I'rice, i'". No. Double house west side of I'eiry St., corner of l'ith street. I'rice, i.'ion. Two thirds mav remain on mortal*.- at 'i per cent. So 'I. Kriune house smith side iid street, one •mile west of street price, *1 Two thirds mav rt'inain on niortjjai .'at six per cent. So. 1 Sew triune house on lirady street la ffeuteel rcsidenc. i l'ricc, No 11. Valualde bouse with Vi-4 acres of land wall st.Hiked with fruit of .'I kinds, with stubh-, carriage house, wood house, cow Htahle, wa#oii ahed cistern, two w. lU, pasture, orchard and IMIUK (jrove- the whole piuce well fenced mid in perfect order and rep.iir price $.".,000. Ht*res f»r Hale. Mo. S.'. 2 valuable stores, well rented easy terms Wrtmore's Addilioa. HHo'.t laid off into lots (of all prices* and they readv for sale on very easy terms and at low prices. "House l-ots. Store Lots, arehouse I factory Lots. Farna Wanted. UTe want to purchase improved farms from 80 4Ml l«i0 acres e Farms for Sole. v 05 SO aores, all improved and under fence 8 linios .from the city, with excellent house, rooms and cellar., wood hous* wash house, barn 7" bv 50 feet, 1 spring, two wells cistern, orchard nf Son trees 1 apples, pears, peaches and cherries) Price cash, balance on a term of 7Cn 1" 811 acres, fenced, anurt improved be- in part of Margaret Nod's land, adjoinin^Mr. Oliver place. 1 his place is adapted lora gar den or inaperv, price #1.S,H'. No I A acres, all improved and under fence with bouse, at Hickory Orov.,. I'rice #1.20J one tber.i cash. .. Ni _'t l'jo acres unimproved land near Int rant, at per acr-. cash, balance in five Tears at per cent. No. *j«». 4" ucrcsj, 6 miles from the city, on the Dubuune road, all impvoved and under fence, With boure and stable. 1'ricc two-thirds mav remain for a term of years to suit the pur- ^goo'acres in Unn County, Cimproved and Kinder feuce. l'ricc #1 Mulish. N.i Vi. l-Ji'acres near Wnlctt, d.'i imroved ^.1 under f.-nce i with house price acres in I'ow.-sUii'k o*at ^.per acra. 4»'ii acres in Iowa county at per acre. SVi'i" acres iu Sioux county ut $1 per acrt, 104ii acres in t.'lav county at #1 per acre, •l-o acres in Hancock county at $1 per acre. Jio., acres iu Winnebago Co. at jfl per acre, tt"'-' acres at *1.-"' per acre. acres at 75 cents per acre.] JJ O acres in Tama county. ItiO acres id Story c.iunty. S(io acres in Winneshiek Co. at 5 fiat aeffc 4,0 acres in tlrundy county at +2 per acre. Si..' acres in Hutler'county at 5" ]er acre. SI.HI acres in Mower co.. .Minn, at 2.a" per acre Mo acrcs in Houston County at |2.5'.' per acre. FLRE INSURANCE. p^ciii Fire Iasartice Ct., Alla.ntlc Fire lasaraace €•., I, .r Fire Insaraaee Co* OF NEW YORK. City Fire Imrtue €•., OF HARTFORD, CONS.I SarlacAeli Fire Insaraaee Co* OF SI'HINliFlKLD, MASS. LIFE INSURANCE. Ceaaeetieat Life lasaraaee Ct., jBetaa Life Insartaee Co* OF HARLFORD, CONN. Hew Ttrk Life laaaraaee Ct., flfiearlty Life lasaraaee Ct* OF NEW YORK. John L. Swili it Co^ NICKOLLS' BLOCK, SECOND (Jf Seeovr Colaaui of Ik NOTUKR TnE GAS Qi Adver-, Bnbrteinr other ^Tk gXmmmMrn. .3* Oji H. DAILY DEMOCRAT. fl. M. Prrnwoiu. 6 Co., $». 87 Pirk Row, Stw T^rk tad 0 Male at ^1, Hot too, art oar ag^nto Jo tbooe citte* auUtoriieit to itkf ftflrertimieQtiian'] subicrip tioni for ut at »»ir Ww»-*t rate*. C. H. Dearborn n*reet, ChicAgo. It au thorised to receive advert »Mf.eijt* for tbi« jnper. LOCAL ITKMS. HAHNKSS MAKTK WANTKD.—A journey man harnc-s maker, or two good Ix.yg who understand stiching, will find employment at C. Jf. Keed'x, opposite Metropolitan Hall. Kn«Kffr has on hand some very fine ready-made clothiiifir, which he will otter at great harjrains. If you want good rlotliing call on him and you will i»c satisfied. ANOTHER lot of those rool, durable linen coat* have arrived at Perry's opposite the Po^t Office. They arc very nice also a fine assortment of Hummer clothing gener ally. SABBATH Srnnoi. CONVEVTTOX.—The con vention waH rather *liiuly attended this fore noon, and the proceedings were unimpor tant. The afternoon attendance was more encouraging. A AS A' writ, No. 11, West Second .street, have the largest and most desirable wholesale and retail sto-.-k of ready-made clothing to he found in the State. Thev make their own goods and sell them lower than otber dealers can afford to. Call on them. llo.nti) or St I'F.itvi .OILS.—As yet l»ut little business of importance has been matured by the Board that would be of public interest, The members are hard at work, however, preparing reports which, when made, will be worthy of attention. The Hoard intends to close up its business this week. CorxTEiu Lvnde .'ind is now i-n in sodays. (The house. i-t house and lot, I,"j«h» one on lout? time ut low interest So. !i0. A brick dwlliuif hms" on K ad St. •l ion- ^OOii i ftsh, rest on time ut per cent. fio 7* Tin- estate now owned I occupied tJeo. S. V Dow, Hsi|. he dwellinj IIUHM- atl.l thrru full lots, flouting south njioii 'jtli St.. corner of H.irnum str.-i-t. This house is in per feet repair, linvin^ been lilted up by the owner for himself. The entire arrangement of the hou-e is tast.-iul and comiilete. Tin- view from this place unsui pusse.l. Terms easy. No. 0'». Kramc cottagir bouse oo TUra Street, in «i een'a addition, l'ricc, i-i"o. Hits, KIT.—Kvcryday briiif Rome-thing new and with it counterfeit note A fresh one has just made its appearance in Chicago 011 flu* Northampton Hank, Mass., which is so nesir like the _'-nuine that b:ink ers 1 an't tell the difference except with microscope. It is of the denomination of r- A law passed it the last session of the State Legislature provides that "if any per son throw, or cause to be thrown, any dead animal into any river, well, spring, cistern, reservoir, stream or pond, he shall be pun ished by imprisonment in the County Jail not less than ten. nor more than thirty days, or by line not less than five or more than one hundred dollars.'' Tin: housekeeping public should bear in mind, that at no other placc in this region an they purchase tableware, tabic cutlery, kerosene lamps and fixtures, silver-plated brittnuia, alhata and planished ware, so •heap as at Webb'. No. 10 Le Claire llow. They import their goods and purchase do mestic articles from lirst hands, which ena bles them to undersell all small purchasers. Call on them always when you want goods in their line. CROP PROSPECTS.—A ride through differ ent portions of the county furnishes us con clusive evidence that the promise of an abundant harvest was never better. The wheat fields present a most vigorous aspect. No farmer could ask for a hettcr "stand." The same may be said of corn, oats, etc., all of which are healthy and thriving.— The farmers seem to be all of one mind as to the progress of affairs so far, and look forward with confidence to the dav when the growing crops will yield them well filled graneries—and cause their pocket-books to grow plethoric with "greenbacks." ESTION.—We have taken con- sid'-rable pains to become posted as to the sentiment of the public upon the method of settling the gas question, presented at the last meeting of the City Council, and are glad to be able to say that the proposition as agreed upon by the select committee 011 the part of the Council and the officers of the (ias Company, meets with almost uni versal approval. The people are earnest in their desire to have the streets lighted, and they feel that the arbitrament of case is safe in the hands of Messrs. Hcnnett, Bills and Armstrong, and arc willing to abide by their decision. The Council holds an adjourned meeting this evening to take the subject into con sideration, and it is to be hoped that that honorable body in the plentitude of its wis dom, will agree unanimously upon such re ference. It is not wise to defend expensive law suits, when there is a chance for an equitable adjustment, and that opportunity, we truly believe, is now presented. THE LAHCEMT CARE.—The cart* tf the State vs. the Westphal boys for larceny of dry goods, hardware, etc., has been settled. The boys through their attorneys—Messrs. Hubbel and Claussen, plead guilty to petit larceny in several instances,—Fred to four and Henry to one. Fred goes to jail four months and Henry one month. Costs set tled by the boys' parents. This is a most remarkable case. Through thick and thin, although in the hands of skillful prosecuting attorneys, they crossed themselves several times, so as to leave no doubt as to their guilt, had any existed at first, they stoutly denied stealing the goods. They were talked with in private by the gentlemen whose goods they stole, whose confidence they most grossly outraged, and who had no desire to visit upon boys so young the extreme penalty of the law— they were plead with, coaxed, and com manded, but tdl the way through they main tained most stubbornly that they were inno cent. After the attorneys on either side had agreed upon a settlement they then re fused to plead guilty to any charge, but finally consented to let their attorney use his discretion in the matter. They are hardened little sinners. s Lane & Day for State Hnbbeli THE SMI/.EK FARM."—When it was an nounced that Jesse Fidlar was selling tick ets in the great St. Louis Sanitary tair lottery, and that a farm valued at was among the prizes to be drawn, our citi zens went in extensively for the lucky num ber. Buying such a piece of property for one dollar would be a bargain almost un precedented. Everyl»ody who purchased boasted of their "great expectations," but either one would have as soon calculated on being struck by lightning as drawing the right ticket. One chance out of OU/MMI is about as poor a prospect as a man could imagine, but somebody had to draw the property, and we are glad to be able to «tnte that it was drawn in this city. It is ui annonnced that 34,472 is the lucky number, ami that ticket was purchased by Capt. C. If. Martin, of the l^uartermaster's Depart ment, of this city, and Mr. tieo. F. Carpen ter, (formerly of the firm of Richardson, West & Co., of this paper, clerk in the ame office. We congratulate them upon their excellent fortune. The Smizer farm was the property of Mr. Smizer, fonuerly County Collector of St. Louis county. He became a defaulter and thi* farm was taken by the county. The following paragraph from the St. Louis JiepxUirnn of the 4th inst., (before the drawing.» give some idea of the extent of the property This (Saturday) evening, without fail, the drawing of the tickets will take place in the Smizer farm scheme. T° «'lav wme doubts that have been expressed about the honesty of the drawing, we will say that the members of the committee who have the management of this affair are gentlemen above reproach, and the details of the whole enterprise have been so carefully managed that there can In no possible cheating in any p:!rt of it. No #/c ninixjuti will l»e at tempted, or if attempted, it could not be carried through without detection. Neither docs the Fair itself intend to buy up the last hundred shares, as some have said. Mr. Sol. Smith, the obliging and agreeable agent for the sale of the ticket*, told us at 4 o' clock yestei-ky, that nearly all of the fifty thousand hud been dispo.iud c!'. Jfc takes til"-, that remain on hand. F.irty-nine thousand and odd have been sold at random, and without any order, to all buvers. and the whole quantity of corresponding rutin hers will he placed in a win I, in the pre sence of the crowd, and after being mixed up promiscuously the lucky numbers will tie drawn out by the naked hand a:id arm of a little child. There wiil be a lively time, we think. For the p.-i.-t two weeks people have had the Smizer Farm mania. '1 |iey have it 'on the brain" to some extent. In the rich month of June, they can already imagine themselves ensconced as the proprietor of this line estate, roving through the meadows, smelling of their fragrance, and of the fresh earth, admiring the beautiful trees and flowers, and listening to the Mrd. »m gentleman is so strongly impressed with the idea tint he "has it," that he has already formed a scheme of lots into which it is to be divided and sold. Many have dreams about it and certain lucky numbers. One person dreamed of a number which was to be the clincher, and early the next morning offered Mr. Sol. Smith a premium of £.Vi fur that ticket. Mr. Smith told him he had sold the charmed figure, ami advised him to advertise in the papers. A very poor wo man invested the careful savings of her little daughter in a ticket, and knows she will get the farm. Passing along Olive street, blocks away from the Fair Oround, a rusty looking man was heard to remark to a companion. Some rich old fellow will get it who don't need it." Of course he refeired to "the farm." Although every share-holder says that he is the lucky man, yet everyone knows in his heart that he won't get it, and inst ead of being disappointed, there will consequently only one be disappointed, o u e i i e e a n a i i i i i The Smizer farm contains five hundred acres, situated 011 the Merrimac river, eight een miles west of the city Mci 1 imae Sta tion. on the Pacific railroad, is on the oppos ite side of the river. A fine bridge, recent ly constructed by the county at a cost of many thousands of dollars, spans the river at this point. The land is alluvial and verv productive. A portion is covered with "a fine growth of timber, comprising the elm, walnut, shelibark, hickory, pawpaw and burr oak, all indicative of rich soil. The farm is under a high state of improvement. A splendid mansion crowns one of the risin" eminences, from the piazza of which a pros pect of twelve or fifteen miles can be ob tained. Numerous barns, sheds and stables are at convenient distances, and several fine quings of water are near the house. A complete distillery ahd grist mill are part of the improvements. There is a splendid range stock of all kinds, extending for many miles in the rear of this princely estate. The Merrimac river is navigable up to this point by steamers of a low draught. We congratulate beforehand the lucky fel low who will get all this for one dollar! The two fortunate gentlemen leave for St. Louis this evening, to receive their title to the estate. SIRE THING.—The following dispatch was received by Capt. Martin^this morning, in answer to one sent to the proprietors of the St. Louis Republican inquiring for the facts concerning tiw drawing of the "Smizer Farm:'' Smith*9 Bros. And Mt GbuwwfeF^eAnee, *n erji d. GEO. KNAPP& Co. This farm is pronounced by inen in this city who are well acquainted with the prop erty, to be worth at least $30,000, and probably more. C.f FVIJkJKI* HOUMJEM I 'JtS't .... .. i i,ooo CAVALRY HORSES WillHI) Irtreif Stable 1 For which, the highest mor* ket price will be puld. JACOB WASHBURN. JtarjEcrou, pplMla tew THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1864. TIIE NEW LOAS.—The First National Bank, of this citv. has received the blanks and is prepared to receive subscriptions to the new war loan of Thm* 1 Kinds, be it remembered, bear per cent, interest, payable semi-annually in coin, re deemable January HUth. iss]. As many persons are anxious to subscribe to this I loan, we take this opportunity to fctatc the method of doing it It is required that each offer must be $50 or 100, or some multiple of one hundred, and must state the sum offered for each $l"o in bonds, or for ^-V', when the offer is for no more than $."»•». Two per cent of the piincipal, excluding the premium of the whole amount offered, must be deposited with the Treasurer of the I nited States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treas urer at New York, Bo.stoii, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated deposito ries at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, or Davenport, or with any national banking association authorized to receive deposits, which may consent to transact the business without charge. Certificates in duplicate of deposits will be issued to de]m«itors by the officer or association receiving them, the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to the department. All deposits should be made in time fr the advice of offers with certificates, to reach Washing ton not later than the morning of the loth of June. No oiler not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will be lon.sid ered. The coupon and registered bonds is sued wili be of the denominations of $-, $lon and xUh o, registered bond* of $0011 and *10.01111 will also be i-sued if required. All offers received will be opened by the Secretary or 011c of the assistant Secretaries on the Kith of June, and notice of accept ance or declination will be imnu'diately given to the respective offerer.--, and in case of acceptance on the final payment of in stiuhr.eiits of bonds of the descriptions and denomination- preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the cost of the department. The i-riuitiiil deposit will be reckoned in the last installment paid by the successful oii' ercrs, and will be immediately returned to those whos" offers may not be accepted.— The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with tiie treasurer, or other officer, or association authorized to act under this notic -, on advice k KiYERrrnm The new and ••levant mail and passenger pi Keithsbtirg, Cnptain t.'. Morrison, will de] for hurt Madison and way points to-ui.irr.iw tnoi inj at 7 o'clock, making connections for .St. Louis iu 3G hours. For freight or passage ap ply to E. A. Tilebein, agent. The mail and passenger packet Bill Hender son, Captain D. V. Dawlcy, will depart for Dubtnpie and way point* to-iuorrow morning.— It. M. I'rettyinun, agent. COMMERCIAL. Davenport JIarketw. ORFTCK or THK D-.VENI'ORT DEMOCRAT, I Wednesday evening, June S, 1S64. Fi.oca.—$i .40((j7.o0 wholesale $6.00^0.4,1 H*IU.EY.--£1.1'». t'iM'.v.—Shelled, Xo. 1, sound, plump anil dry, se .to. No. 1, shrunken, *2 in ear, .No. 1, sound, plump and dry, do. No. shrunken, so. OATS. No. 1, clean and sound, 04 (lo. No. 2, lamp and not clean. ItVK -1.12. Wilms UtAvs.—$2.00@2.50. KI.A.VSEKI).- F-' HI T1JI(TH V.—| i(n •. ISO. Clovk R. —'(n 7. POTATOKS.—.I' I(H 7 JJUTTER ISc. Kcos-l'i^e, Sew l'ork Jlorketui Gold M. St. Louis, June 8. 1804. L. B. MARTIN:—Xo. Thirty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-two 34,472) drew tne Smizer Farm,'' as officially announced in the papers. Bully for you DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT NEW YOKE, June 8. COTTO*—Quiet at L/'T^L.OT^C. FI.OCR—5 eer.te better. $7.'ioy{7.73 for extra ^s |or Mujierline. WIIKAT—lc better. %1.7^1.7# for Chicago Spring $1.i"{^1.7U Milwaukee Club |.1.79^1.M winter red. CORX—fl.5S@1.62. OATS—n?7. 1'uiiK—mesa. (23 eld ibm*. LAKD-13}^®14^C. V U1SKV— l.o2. Stow ¥«rfc Atock Htftftret. New Tork, Jane 3. Ohlci(« Barktt, by Til*(r«pb. CaicAao, June 7 Ftorn-AOMT* at »?.05®#.00 fjr hit'i Wn.ter |6 0 U7 23 for RprlDK Kitr "ttT X* l.w r»t II 2S-2VS9X for to. 1 and |1 IS\'^1 21X for N 2 ir #1 29^11«. t'oaa o lower at II 11*1 ISX r.»o, 1 a |1.(0 @t 10 No 2 clo quiet. 0*r«- 1 'WER at 7UJ e. »lo«tr.j alTOXe. W n.««BT—at $1 24'jil 26 Pnovmoas Kl i m. In •-.• prime mpMpork at 130 00 Ltgtil at |29 i0, a.M to aiten'*. LAW—Firm at ttX'&lSV)* naber Market. DAVEXPORT, MAYT. tVkebt^. f-i.OO Barn Hoards itiJX) Framing Timber A Joists under SO ft 22.00 •J" feet and over S3.0"g30 00 Flooring, Siding S4.'Xi Finishing, •6.09(350.00 Shingles Lull r». '.« Clear Boards ami Planks Se.ooftjio.'.M) Demand good—stocks light. i TEl^y To-Day'o Advertisements. MCHST'rill.Y ABSTOACT Of Ikt /.ifMilin *md Wilitii Ik* 8r»n Bam or lo«, MUKCHJUTB' iliuioi, At Utruroiir, far Mttdag, Jure 8,1884. A S S E S Safety Faad ...... ApeeiV NotM at otber Bank* and Trcaaoij Nstea tur from K»NK» AA'L UIBKMI |r,«* tn-l L". 3. B*n't« (jovernment ouchers Kottf* aud RIII11 biscunateA Etntiu Stamp* Banking UOUM and Fiitoiaa ... 1 9,000 00 *£07,992 33 11 A iiiiTilii Capital Stock paid in N'ntn in Circulation P-u te Banks iMpOUta 8araaa 4t..» WO.OCO 00 8,411 0 488 49 440,17c 60 8,922 44 |M7,S91 SS «tt». kMTKRrOKT, rtWt B. B. Woo»VA]ffilCHLl«'. Bab*eriVd aad awora to bafcra me this 7'h dij oCJaaa, MM. BUI/ MKT LKK. JfolMf VSMM| ,.'i ' BOOTS Sl SHOES. W. C. WAIIUIXKR^ HAM TA. TCREB AXD Wholesale and Retail Dealer O O S A N S O E S Particular mention paid to t'liiiom wwk. No. 46 lirady Street* Next Door above Ute lVst Siliev, Daveuport, Io. mvldtf pKMOVAlu— A K E Has rtMred his ext. nsive BOOT and SHOE MAXl FACTORY to his iii-w anil commodious store Opposite LeC'Iaire Row, Where lie w ill be happy to :ue. his tiuracrouq customers. His facilities for turning out TlfL HhST t'l STOM WditK.are iin-iupassed. II** has till* UKST UollKHfc.V IN THK CITV, and lills ill! ordeis promptly ami -satil'actorily. Custom Made Coods e 1 s w .- a a w a y s tip -Ti'wtf I or Ladies' on hand. HAVE Tin) Hos ro.V" Boot & Shoe Store, 33 lirady Kl.. Is the place to buy your BOOTS & SHOES. CHILD &CO., TIN: LAKCKST AND REST STOCK in tin- -ity, :m.! are constantly r.-c.-i\iug new direct li o u licir Wholesale llousc in lios ou, which ciiht.U tiiem to ,,-Ji a very low priced at MANUFACRT I:M and IU:I*\IIUNU DONE C. H. CHILD, Davenport f!. n. CMId. l'.oston. .Innldtf. DRY GOODS. ME N S E ATTIt AI T10 MS. LATK ARRIVALS. 3 1 i e u e s & o A". S'njnd St., Jiite»]o!)lun li'wt:, AVE RECEIVED AND AltE RECEIVING .•cry day, by I'.-iit-css, the desira'jle II stvies of .f acceptance of otf. or as follow s One-third on or before the :!»th, one-third on or before the '2-"ith, and the bal ance, which wiil include the premium and the original two cent deposit on or before the M.'tii of June. Interest to the 1st of July on the several deposits will be paid in coin on the l"th of July, and interest on the bonds will begin 011 July 1st. 1*04. Ofi\r under this notice should be endorsed "offer for loan," and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. The n^ht to decline all om?rs not considered advantageous k re^ery«4 tu the government, Fashionable Spring Goods of IVv'" s fairl i'iill I'ul'tn Alwo a ltili .stock of bleached and uni,Ieuc'iud Mus lins, Klainn Is, to which we invite ttie attention of buyer*. Hating oar -.•staliiisi-.ii.eiit in .''liiiadcl jilna anil l!.i!tiinore, aud one of our firm constant I.v in the market, wo arc enabled to oiler induce ments to all who call. mclilo-dAwlv 1M MEXSE EXCITEMENT Competition in Davenport. Hare clmnee for Knrg iiiu»at IIESS & STERN'S Mew Wholesale & Retail CLOTHING HOUSE! 9 Metropolitan Block, /'aii rt, re tail. WNRAT.—No.1, well cleaned, round and plump, lull. Tea and Galena, $1.06 No. 8, all sound, not eli-itd eiiniijjli for No. I, rejected, mus ty and damp, cents. rilE I'itOPUIKTOUS OF THIS KSTAU l.isutitsr beg leave to inform tiie citizens of Davenport, and sarroumling country, that 111. y have just opened the largest aud most Complete stock of O I N A N Gentf? Fur nicking Good* Ever brought to this ciiy. Having our o-,\ n manufactory we can defy com petition. both in assortment and price. We will he pleased to see everybody call and examine our st. ek, and they uill lind that We show our lioods with will a:i-l pleasure. A e n i o n S o i s We call attention to our larije an.l complete stock of Military Clothing, which we otf.-r :it very re duced rates. Call and post ourselves in prices. To Country ^Merchants. You will tind it to your ailvaiita^ to examine our stock before hiving in your supply, :n will sell them tioo .Is at .N'ew Vo'rk prices. We shall con stnntlv n-ceivi- all tin- ma grades of Goods man ufactured. Our motto shall be. First in fashion, Cheapest in price* JUKSS & STERN, Mammoth Clothing Hall. No. 9 Second street. Metropolitan iiuiluing, Formerly occupied by Mack Bros., my- -otf Davenport, Iowa. NE W RO CEKY IIO USE. Julius Schreibw, Corner Front &. Brtuly Sts., Wholesale and Ket nil dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Provisions, Salt, WtabttccoH 4* Cigar*. ALSO Choice Wines and Liquors, Rjth F'/reitjn Djmctlc. Ouraatee to give (be Beat 4|nallty of tiooii XD SELL THEM OX TIIE LOWEST LIV ING terms. Call aud examine the stock and learn the priccs before purchasing elsewhere. Wholesale dealer# wili lind it to their advantage togiveuiea call. Goods delivered within tna citv limit free of charge. t'livj '.-ilJswlv 1 JULIUS SCHUIEBER. A N E W A W A E S O E JI. A. DIVI^POBT, DraUr in Hardwarr. Iron aid Nails Farm ing Implements of all Kinds, fyhaf and -Builder* I for hcart, Pbckrl mnd 7'ablt I'ttUrry, 12 Brady Street, betweet Front and Second. I. 71ARMKUF? OF SCOTT COt'XTY axd Bl'ILD- K::S I2J.000 09 2l ,^43 40 St.UOO CO 139,lte9 41 oeo ci nerallr, are particilnriy inviti t-icall and evumiuc my stock of gooiW l.t .'ore purchas iiv.r ••!«. ".vlii re." ((tileh itales uud small profit* is my 1111C..1., on'! I intend to carry it out. All goods warranted Mist a rollrrlions of oil kinds. PAYMLNT COMMISalOX r('presented. Itemeiuber the place a:id gn .• a call. mvM T. A. DAVEXI'ORT. stolen.'S GO CAKBLVGE WITH THREE wheels and doubl top, lin-d with enameled cloth, pjinted black, and with ornamental pan el., was stolen from the sidewalk in front of my store vesti-rdar. A suitable reward will lie paid for its recovery. FRED. DE' TSCHMA.vV in .v 17 4-"$ liiady street .Vollff. T"HEREAS, wife, Maria, having leitmy "W bed and boat withou iust caise or pro vocation therefore, n itice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that I w 11 rot pay any debts contracted bv on and atfer ihta date. lieClaire, lovra, i'». 36 1964. y l4- .At A iMi t' WALL fttt. ppppp,.,. ITI'ITI'I'I* A.J ITPH'PP PPPPPHT 'A A.1 A.A.lA iTiiTPw FI'I'PPPP PI'P PPP ttt 1 E .EKEF.F. F.r^EESF.K I'1:.: EEKEEL k •futon* If 111 b* Fotiit* BROWM BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, SATINS, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED GOLD PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, S4TM.V Sii.lOES, CULT COMMISSION. CH AS If E ii I) I? I DOE, Real Estate & Comiuission Ageat, DAlilM'OliT. IOWA, WUiatUnd l\reu ,nlly it l'r •mptly to Buying A Krllintc leral 01- ANU 1'ItODL'CL MLUCHAXT. Agi-nt for Herring's S.ifes and Fairbanks' Scales,lly !r:i:i'ic V-.-vi-.-nt. I'lisfr I'aris and Hair. NO. 5 VHONl STREET, Davenport, Iowa. 1 »I.VD All the Above at very Low Price#. TAXES, XfTOliiitin: loans. UnLlng Abstract Titles, RENTING HOUSES AND FARMS, Answering Letters of Ino'iirr, Making I* 1111 hns'-s of a!l Kir!s, Second door above the I'ost Ilice. aprl# II. HEINZ, Produced Commission Merchaat, 4 BCRHOV.V B:.'»CK tfcviir. PkindsNO. AYS HIOHE.-'T CASH I'R'i'F. FOR ALL of Ci.untt v prodnce, butter, eggs, etc. Boat stores always on band. Bnvs mid sella on commission. mv.i dtf Rrif. PARKS o u e o k e NO. \-,l SOUTH-WATKii ST.. I'll I'.'AGO, III. 1'. O. Box- "t"-i»liadvances inuiUi on pinp.-rU ins:o e i?li7-dlv jAmis dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE O I I S ^^T COST HUCL TO BK HAD OF— FRANZ MEYEftf Second street—tirst door west of National Rank. A good assortment of CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS1 CLOTHING. CLOTHS, CASSI MKK!' SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, which I w.l sell ut tti*.* inn$1 11*HMOIIjitilo pricctta C'nstoni Work Done at all times ami n-an.ini.'d the best, moat durable and cheapest. All who want the best and Cheapest goods must come to novi 31II y FRANZ MEYER._ NEW STORE] John Bartemeier Hto AS REMOVED HIS STOCK OF GOODS Franklin Block, on Seeon 1 street, bet. Lain and Harrison streets, where he has opened a NEW CLOTHING STORK, and will keep con stautly on haad a good assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods* Clothes made to order 011 shortest notice, «fii warrant'-d to suit. Call :in I see me. sepldly .IOII* JOKUA*. VTO 13 WEST-SECOND STREET, BETWEEN _x.\i Biadv and Main, nink -sto 01 1 mid io the best style, MEN AND BOVS' CLOTHING ol every desvriotion. The fullest s^.tisfaiM-m tar antied. 1 solicit from my old cu.tomeTstlielr con tinuance of patronage. ave or'lers. mjrSUt A. nilJ.KR, t011-1, NO. Bk.V V STREET, BELOW 8EC k^epsc-nistantly on hanil and makes u 01 acr. Urat*', Boy*' and Children'* CI.OTH1NG of the best material and in amanuer that cmnot fail to eive satisfaction. Lil»-ral patronage awltctird. ,u."14i-dijr JOHN NOKSBT. T- n'cLBLLAXO H0&.\BT A MelLEUA\D, U I E K 8 1 MAXUFACTUREK3 OF Stab, Doors, Blinds, MonMlagi, Brarke t«, Ste. Contractors for Buildings Of Retry D*t*ripl*''- S O A O Y C«r. •tmH, gui- nwwyrt» iwwy,. PlM .f'.HP 15 CENTS PER WEEK.) NUMBER 192. RRitRltllURR RitftllUKItKRR 1: a rj. A A A A A A A A AAAAAAA A A* r.ti LA Ai PPPPPi'PP PPl'PPW PPP PPP vtr HS-H u tit re. K it It til R:tK RKK Jr:E^EtE fiSSSEGHTC iml mi SS-I-H--* S -l S i 11 NO"W OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S No* 50 Brady Street, Above the Post Office, .f .Tf.f.Tf.TfOTff STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, Si BR!* !1«t! FROSTED, STOVES and TINWARK. Stove* Store* MILLS & WASIIBURV Ho. &6 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post of&ee, Hthe E AXD ARE RE_ 1 beat aMortmeat of AVE IS STORE AXD ARE RECEIVIXO largest luid PARLOR. COOK I HEATING STOVES, that can e ijiircl.n-e in the ..tern mcrMt* II. 4 W. iia-.-• '. sine li»r SAN FORD'S Celebrated Challenge Heater one of the most economical invention* ever'pro duced, and for convenience and comfort bai equal. gfThe uurivalled Trlunpk* Forest Oak* Iron Gate, nn4 otW HwiHI* |HWnwH 1 OtXLY be obtain ed at iiill.s and Washburn s. vtrrv »iov» K irantied to give wMwtle or tbi money ref'iii'led. They afaw ke«p Am eel«lfrt«d E N i E U Ifl which water never freeiea. OFFICE. S1'»RE. DINING-ROOM, BED-ROOIf, JiUKSLRY, HAL!., AND SETTISO ROOM STOVES cannot be surpassed. We invito ina^ectioa and defy competition. Also on hand atock of Tinware, Jappancd and Porcelain War«, 4%ainlK.r .S tts. Planished War a, fhitnnia G-HMLS, W. Hods, Twig:., Snuvei, Pohera, i., short ^ve'y'-bing in 'he line. Tin, Copper, A Sheet-Iron W«r%, V -. ma&ufactared to order on abort notto* I O I of ail kinds prc.mntly nttend. to. Call and 9M aaune goods and learn ahe pnevi. A oclTJwif. BILLIARD SALOoTlS tnUD. HE1MBKCK, U G» TINT U TSFRTFT, -3"1 i :m LUNCH 1CVKKY MORKINCKi Keeps the Be*t Wine* m*dl TokaMM aai dRan»*e. I Giiesta waiu-d a vit rtwqrw4 ottaatiMlC #Wr"*