Newspaper Page Text
JII11M ill «sft Ojf'1 Volume RIAL BSTATB AND I N S U A N E A E N Y JOHN L. SW1T3 Si COj jwii. tvm, 1.1 mi, w.i. smm. MkkoU' Block, (up (tain,) Wi'OlDRT. I«pii(4 A CalBproveJ Firm, CITY LOT* »w*tiiBa ftought, Sold and House Lois for Sale* A Urrnt nnrgaia. No 49 11,ONE ELIGIBLE Twelfth aud lU K Island above a wry line location: price very low terms asy a small do«uncommonly of cash rti balance LOW I ale FT interest. No 1 |,o» on front by for a trrm e/ addition, *I: Son. 81, :•••-*. .«:?• ktr'S addition Ko. Daviaoo ft True's act. T'-rm-. easy. Tliiriv LO-nse lots ii Hlarnia- #l- TO ar 47. Oue UU 4III M., HFTKLE justcassl IKO C.' gentlemen. "I U-ady JIY. 4S. EMIR on 4lh ST near I'irwt rlitMM llotiftew Jto 4 lead* to HON„ UL tropouiau (L&O ENQUIRE! :-'-nl buildim May or left dei-|I I ikild CUMII balunee on LON^ lime No. A and corio-I at No. {«. 'I'll*- f. R. LOW, tastelul and complete. riee MAX remain on WELL willi stocked PERFECT ord- 1111.1 want lwo-thirds INORTJ{IIJTE R.L per cent. So. J. l-'t.ime bouse soiiti, Mile ."id street, one mile wesl of lit ad .strc-t price, fl,"". Two thirds may remain on niorii.»«i' at SIK £«-nt'-el residence I I'riee, T-''..*o". No. U. Valuable per cent. No. 1. "New Maine bouse on i i v alriet fruit RT A I Y E O A 8. M. A boiisi- w i J:14 acres OF land ol carriage all kinds, with house, stable, WOOD bouse, cow stable, WU^'-U abed. Cistern, two wells, pasture, orchard and YOUNG KROV'' the whole pla- e well fenced and IU poll' lee Mlwrra lor MILL**. Jto 85. S valuable U BOW stores, w-ll rented:»WY Hlmorc'« luiil'.t' IO'O ARE readv for SIDE on terms Ad«lillo«. lots iof all pric-s) and tbey v.-ry easy terms prices. House ots. Store factory Lots. and at LOW Lots.Warehouse Lota, Farm* Wuntrd. o put chase improved LTI" acrcs •V 85. 6" aorr.' UU ROOM AND cellar, farms from 80 each. Farm* for MNLE. iir( roved io-.d Stnile* FROM 'be .itv, under fvneo bouse, with eveePeut I'.' Iio-ise. wash lions.-, barn 7I LO' 0" feet, SPRING, two wells, cistern,orchard of i'o" tree*.I apples, pears, peaches and cherries fVicc $0.each,ludauce on a term of •TO" 17 R,II acres, fenced, a ini tmrf improved a part of Noel's land, adj.diiiii:^be-. plat-O.Margaret Oliver's 'L'nis DAB or KIAPCRY, price JF!. IT». NO Iv S" Mr place is udupted tvr A fjaj A,.res. all improved and under fence With bou«e. at Hickory Grovj. Pricu one tiierd cash. V No. LI" ACRES unimproved land near I»u aot. at $1" PER a Tuai R\ 'J caali, balance at t.'L, per cent. Willi houre and stable." in livc No. 4" acres, 5 miles frem the city, on ,» Dubuque road, all imp? oved and under fence. I'ricc two thirds tciui mav I'cmaiu ler a ol MID \ears Chaser. 2oo under fence to suit the pur- acres in Linn County, improved and n e e n e 1 I i e 4 1 W a s Jio. 1-.'. 1 J" acres near Widcoiii,i «N I w in imroved lioii-e ith FEO.M' ai,IO, price #1."J"". IVwcsliiek Cvat per LOO acres ir.*. Iowa couiay AI per I'N'.O acrv's acre. in fion* eoiintv at per acrt. Join wres in !. oui-tv at #1 per ucrc. tie- acres iu Hancockcouuty at #1 per acr«. acres in Winnebago Co. at acres at §ooo acre iu per acre. #1 .'.:O per acre. at e n s per acre.4 1-2" acres iu Tama county. acre- i-L Story county. *.,o acres in Winneshiek CO. 4,,, at ,teres 5 per acre. llrnndv %4O comity F-_' per acre. aires III LLI-tler coont. I-t PER acre, IINO ACREJ iu Mower t-o., Vlilm. at per acre acreslu Houston Count at J—R acre. I K I N S U A N E Pkriii Fire Insurtorf !•., Atlaatlc Hre lnsuriHce U •ar fire IBSJranee €•., OF N.-.W VUKK. Hijr Fire lisiraiec Co^ JIK MTRF«»:JI». CTIJFK.^ IprtagfieM Fire lasuranrc Cfe^ OF sruiNiit II:I.t, MAFS. I I E U S U U A N E Ceaiectlcat Life lisirtnee Life Insvraaee f#^ OF HARLFOliU. CONN. lew ferk Life lisartBce te^ ieeariij Life lararaiee OK NKW VOKK. John L. Swits Si. Co., i NN'KOLLS' BLX0K, HI.COWD ST Se" oar Column of Adver tise nenti, Embracing other Fro^e/4r»i* Ub QamIU* PrrrnaiLL A Co No. 87 Mark Row, New York •r»^^ t, B*M»ton. »t+ our afent* fn it:?i and are author:e**| t-» take advertisements ani frr u «t o«ir iow***t ra(«*t. II. K KIVRII V UF»rb« tlioriS*rJ ('(.OAKS, Coi iiuilrliu^ MieetB, front oil BOUT n'n+t, rhimfo. fa ao ••ut* for tliifl |)%i»er. to rr-':ve advert** LOCAL ITKM8. Lamps shotilcl (ir »p in at Str''--ji-r*.-., ari'J cxnmine his choice stock of white goods, trimmings, pirasol.s, toilet goods, etc. circular# and lare goods "h(ip%t WhislerV. In *~ilk. in cloth, in mozarnhiijur-, laro If)inth, etc. .'itawtf KI UOE CAEHAKT hare thelnest stock of ladit s'dress g'«ds. doaks, circulars, shawls, etc (treat pains taken to please all cus tointr ,—rn trouM' to show goods. ^ton opposite the Le C'laire Ffotisp. Kcpp COOL!—Purchase ftome of those cool siid comfortable linen coats at Kratise'». He has a fine stock of summer clothing of all kinds, ready made, or will make it to ord' r. in beEt style. Store opposite Nation al Itank. KT MARTI A.'.. lots corner OF B'-ing !«," It sob- ie-I I'th sti et, EAST mdc ot aud ]FEET on Kock Island street. IN.- ainouiit on ION# t'-rm ot years AL Hradv street, westslde, I T«ET L"- T' -I ffienl lor til lot th tmmtff t' O'tUil U'tl, t'C ll'itiitl. itt n-f So /»r •/•?. 2 V ON Itradv ML reel, L«i" feet f'I'iit BV 15" fret deep hue."I per front loot. No. J". On Tlii'.L street, lot No. 1" I'arkei'*ad dition. (corni-r L»t,) pri'-e. F-.'oo. No. Four IMUW LOT* in This court, which for several days past has hr-en in session at thi plaee, has adjourned to go to Keokuk to try a cn«» or two there, after which it trill re turn to this city and take up the Kn&pp murder case which is not yet finished. ROBBERY.—About one week a^), iinan *y the name of Savory arrived in town from Dos Moines. He went alio,it during the evening following his arrival, and on Satur day morning, al«)ut 4 o'clock, while going hack to the Pennsylvania House, where tit had put up, lie was met hy two or three ruffians on HII iiiilreijuented street, knocked down and rohhed of a watch and valuable chain, and about fifty dollars iu money. A man nati" WIN. 1,. Terms easy, fttor** l.ol« for MUI«*. Ht. Railroad bridge. Also, furnished auites of rooms lor FOR We Heat. lit• or o sell T., I- I-LIDV lor O( RII|,a:N-v JIM- I. of WHIVL UIA U •ECU KT our OIL!-'. Niorv ibr llrut. Ho. ». KI",T MORE UINL uasement, ia L,.~* », NOW Me- occnpi'-'! by Hack ft Co., •loMwrta fbr Mule. No 1" I" M.ITIUE, III., a IW.I -.ion L\ve! TNIR bouse, with lot so by Ami ft". T"' tee'.eor.brick IAIKI'-UIHI I'ONT'-I-I in I:«"d reute.L eonilition. |io««.--CI.NI n IIIIIOILUV^. 'Ttieii"now coat I I'nce«,v-liou».- I»- o| MI'I lot. on" LOW interest briek $1,1"", dwelling house on K-2D ft. eusli, on I,in.' I»t per rest eeut. estate bv Oco. owned and occupied Ksinow (..t»-IIIIT liiiea the dwelling t'nli|lots. I,OII-TV I'loiitinic S.. upou 'Ml, of Kai IN,in T'cet K-pair HAVING I liii.melt.. for St., street. 1'lnsutti nmisi- is in p-R titled up Hie 'I'oe NINE is arramteini-by iit ol tin-owner lioiifce 'I :IE place No. ?•». ltriek RVILIAM for a I• I ll"'N view ol til IK U UU?urpus*ed. Terms easy. TO. T-RANIE COTTAGE BOUSE OTT Third street, Ul tilt-ell's addition, L'l icc, $4'".'. limise and lots, SNU'HEN'T B«r ol'4tli and Main Sts., T^«, 15" It. Iront known as l'm rm{»oiiOER- on I-n each ft. I'rice (F'L,"" ', may vent s No. 3'.*. KI al a low rate ol ML.-rst auie dweilni! house, Houth side ."id Street, CAST of W.irren FT., an.I I"'. I'riee, F4"". No. «". I'-oili'e house wesl side of I'errv ., corti'-r ol'II:TB reel. I' S.:rry was arrested as one of the assaulting party, and connected with the same allair arc tv,o more, who have not yet been arrested. The case is up h"fore 'Squire Wheeler to-day, for the second time. What the result v.ill be remains to be seen The upstart ol the whole matter is—bad c"m]ian^ airl »or whisky. FRHillTTl'I- RAU.KOAD ACCIOKXT—Bt'BST- INU OK A BOII.ER AND FATAI. COKSMJVENCLS. —A most serious accident occurred last owning on the Mississippi and Missouri Kail Koad, concerning which we give the following particulars At as the eastern bound passenger train was ah-nit inidivay between West Liberty and Attalis sa, from soiae unaccountable reison, the boiler of the f.ivorite old locomotive. An ionic LeOlaire, burst in the left hand tipper ••orner of the lire box, lifting the entire ma chine from ilie track, th- dUt.a.uv of twen ty feel, killing the instantly ami severely, if not fatally,Jnjuring the engineer, besides bruising several p-. sons who were in the baggage ear. At ti e moment of the explosion the train, which was running at the rate of twenty miles pir hour, was sud denly forced backward abo it twenty feet, throwing many from the seals, and causing numerous bruises and contusi ns. Then it took a rebound, went suddeity for ward, giving the frightened passengers, who first thought a huge cannon had beei fired into the train, another bumping about the seats, was anything but pleasant. The train stopped imiiH'diiilely in front of tiic dam aged locomotive, which was di covered square on its wheels- -half turned round, facing the track -about seven yarts dis tant. The rails where the locomotive stood at the moment of explosion, were bnken into short pieces and scattered about. The following are the casualitics Juiius Reaught, fireman, and a resident of Koik Island, was blown into the ditch and killel instantly. He was a man about 2o yvur. old, and haJ been in the employ of the road about two months. A. Smith, of this city, engineer, was blown against a fence, fifty feet distant. 11c was ba lly sca'd d, bruised, anil was quite insensible when picked up by Mr. Hrayton, the Civil Engi neer of the road, who was aboard of the train at the time of the accident. K. W. ancc, bridge builder, w ho resides at Wilton, and who was in the baggage car when the explosion occurred, was severely bruised, and at last accounts was suffering severely from internal injuries, which may yet terminate fatally. Win. Ade, Mail Agent, John Magill, Ex press Messenger, and Joe Force, news boy. who were also in the baggage car, ^rero se verely bruised by tiling puckage^, commo tion among trunks, boxes, &c., but not dan gerously so. As may be imagined there was great fright and confusion. Among the number who kept cool and offered valuable assist ance to the suffering engineer was Joshua Bui r, of this city, Mr. lira,) ton above mentioned. The irum going west was at Attalissa, alio tit three les distant at the time, and was soon brought up and the locomotive was attached to the passenger train, and ar rived here last night at 11:30. The wound ed engineer was brought as far as Durant, and left there, .suffering most intensely.— Immediately after the arrival of the train here, Supt. Kimball with Dr. Adler started back to Durant oti a special train. The Doctor dressed the wounds of the suffering man, but the injuries wore o severe to be curable, an-1 we learn this morning that he is no »re. SI". Smi'h has been in the em ploy of the I{".K! TERMS 87 00 PER ANNUM THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE ORFATEST NUMBlR. SIIOKT MKASI RES. KEEP TUF* quence of the abbince of the i'aat-jr. Di vine service will be held there in the even ing, conducted by Rev. H. N. Powers.— Services to begin at quarter before eight o' clock. Su.siriCAXT. —ft is a significant fact that upon the announcement of the re-nomina tion of A. Lincoln f(,r Pn -ident of the I'nited States, gold advanced .'i| per cent. We know of some individuals who were foolish enough to bet that such a nomina tion would bring gold down, and, of course, they lo»t. THE THE some five or six years— was a most carefuljand intelligent mechanic, about 40 years of age. and it is not thought that the accident was the result of any care lessness or. his part, lie leave* a wife and several children. It was one of the most severe accidents that ever occurred on the roid. The Le Claire was considered on° of the staunchjst and most serviceable locomo tives on the road. She was the first loco motive ever brought into Io#a. The true cause of this deplorable afijur will prolubl/ Mrabekaoira. .. *1 »"f 'lmH Xt u t.,. three years enlistment of the 3d Iowa Infantry expired on the bth icst.. We un derstand from the Dubuque Hrahl, that the officers of this regiment have refused to re enlist. TAKE Vol CorvTY A\ -We are requested to Ml% l-.IC 11 K3IM. il! the attention of James H. Dutnont. City The n?vr and elegant mail and passen^^r pneki Sealer of Weights and Measures, to the K»ithsburjr. Captain C. Morrison, will depart measures used bv dealers in strawberries in Mayor of Davenport recommends that all labor on street improvements in that city be suspended during the summer, in order that the laborers thus employed can go to the country and help the farmers with their crops. A good idea that, uu-l worthy of imitation.—h'ojkuk Gate. A GENKIUH S RKSPONSE.—Froma THE BASKS AWAKENED CELEBRATION.- PAFEB.—WC SH rae»R« from GOI.D.—The r"r F""t Me,1i""n will be taken to correct the evil, unless pro- R- l'rettyman, agent. du -ers and dealers correct it themselves without delav. STRAIOUT.—4JU metres awst be kept plumb if vou wish them to measure 1 correctly, Leaning forward they measure too little, and leaning backward too much. So says the ri, i.titi-- Anu rir-m. Now let every one be very careful and not ban his meter backward, it costless to lean it forward. QI. ,l"r? TM'TJUW .Qiirn A resnlnliiin was r.fferMi in I •'. •Ka-1- »tft11-«.! 18 ASHED, A resolution was ort»rea in Dubuque paper we clip the following notice of the noble response of the Davenport branch of the State Hank in K-half of the Dubuque Sanitary Fair. It is a noble one, and a true characteristic of the managers of that insti tution —The Cashier of the Dnrenp itt Branch of the State Bank has forwarded fcliM' for the Fair. A similar contribution will probably come from each of the oilier branches. It is about time that some thing was being done by our citizens in the way of getting up a celebration on the com ing. Fourth of July. It will not do to let that day pass unobserved Let steps be taken to have a general demonstration. ask ev ery man to take the paper published in his town or county, ft is a dmy you owe to the publisher. '1 his ought alwavs to be •lone before subscribing lor any paper or periodical out ot your own State.—L*'idy 0»r^T port BY Mil for t! e week eliding Jane 4th, 18o4: 600 birr*'act Amu lo 8'H) bushels of wheat C,4l(0 burhcls ot corn S16 ba** of a heat 3D loin of meal :t,3ot) pounJa of biter 10) hides 2,680 pounds of ivi.'ol ,70 ltro lio^a. premium on gold will prob ibly n-aeh 2W to-morrow, Rt which point a '"liar "greenback" will be worth just liftv cuits. To-day gold stands at and a ddlar "greenback" is wot th 50J cents. "LIE 44TH.—This regiment of KKMlays nu 11 that recently went to the lield, has been assigned to garrison Fort Ilalieek, at Cohutbus. Kv. CJULffl* HORSES 1.000 C4VUIIT HORSES VUTEt Uj|£DIAXU.S I' I AT SmUWm lii erg suable For which ^lie highest mar* ket price wki be puid. JACOB VASIIBURN. DATB»POHT, May _s»I L-,1)4. mv3o-dlin Day Bihrders. HOME INSURANCE CO., of NEW YORK ^Capital, t2.o-i..,ooo a use* „rer liARTI'OKD FlIiE 1\S. CO., Chartered A. I). 1 EQUITABLE LIFE INSUKAJi SOCIETT, PT «M.R MCTCAL. -ady Street, ne^l ,.ir MarkiM, J. LORENZEl% SI llnrrUou bel. 3d & 34 DEALER IN China Ware, Earthen* W are, Glass Ware, Cmierjr,*e., Guarantee* to aell goods as eh. Mp as at went n$ Chicago. Call and ezaaune mv w_. «^FCRAPARCBAAINGELAEWUARE. MVLJY, I o. DAVENPORT, IOWA, FRIDAY, JI XE 10, 1SG4. NUMlJElt 15)4. and P"ict* to-morrow mora- .. ,, ',., inir at 7 o'clock, making connecti'jna for rt. this city. Manv of these measures are much c- j.. Loui.s in SC hours. For fr' .^ht or patsage ip under the standard -being wine measure, piv to E. A. Til-beir., ag. nt. ihosc who sell or offer to sell from such xhe mail and paasenger packet Bill Header- BOOTS AXD SHOPS measures are a? much subject to be fined *on, Captain I). V. Dawley, will depart for a« though they used false balances. Steps Dabnnuo and way points to-morro^r moruing.— rariic.slar mt' ntion j-aid to Cust :i. v. The i Tu.zx-bStlQi tlgu-.-r, a' fur fi.nrg KUR ^miT- ^t |l 3!^ai.S«for Blc. 1 asc' It 20'ul i/m tar S r' j»i at a»-. I. ., ^^,^X IJLT barrc Uiinaukn u. tl r»-K ori quel Li*d W i»t »n 1 tli aa 1 ... WutAT—!• iter. |1.7101.SO Chicago Urndy and Kleventh streets, will be closed 1 Spring #1 7o«1.7a Miiwauke«CTub•, $l.S4gl.i".' to-moorrow Sabl,ath) morning, in conse- THE Rcforme«l Dut-h Church, corner of NKW YOIE, Wl""'.n—#l..V"'4l.12. re,J- COK OATS— Juae Conn: —Quiet at'^(,'.o4c. Fi-orp.—Io cents better. $7.''e®3.00 lor extra .'Ji .4 "ifor foip-rutK'. 7 1'OKK—-ueaa. fttold ZBCttk Lut— j(£t4?i'c. Wuui i— Hew York Niot-k .tlarkef. New V'. rk, June l-. Gold 9**§. Luuiber ^lurket. DAVKXPORT, Fencing a.oo Ham boards Framing Timber A Joists under 20 fl 22."0 feet ami o%er t-e Flooring, S.%.00 fi-li»K Sl.'.S' tiiii.stoiig, yo.""(I/.."o.o S!nti!{les, 4."'h Ci'-ar Hoard* Hud l'li»nk* S* oo/S/lo/nt i' t'i....i 1 _i|j. _To-Day's Advertissmonts. MANHOOD: How Lo»f flow Itesioretl 4 I.K( TUKi: ON Till: NATl-RE. TREAT 1 Ml.AI and i'.ad,c.ilCure cf."sj^rmrloirhu-a, o .lemiual W eakness, 1 iivolum ,, Kim Sexual I'eijiluy and impedimoiiu to iiarriuee jfeiicruliv .\'ervi,i ,nt\ss, CoiiSiiluption, l.i.e|M\ ii'idFit Mental aud f'hisieai Incapacity, ic sultin^lrom Sell Abuse, ic., bv UoiiKitr vtBWEi-1.. M. I author of the «il—. ".4 to Tkviitiri'h of Suff't rfr*," Sent uudersenl, in a plain envelope, to anv ad Ire.-s, wii,!. 011 n-ceipt of .i* eenls or two postage "t« "amps, by UK. J. C. Kl.iVK, l^r How ery, New Vors- I' iii« -e I. r- ji'io-dwSoi e, TEI/KLKK. Importer and Manufacturer OF CHOICE S E A S Ami Prater in all fcifitls of Tobaccos, Pipe*, Fancy irticles, AC., AC., fro. 9 Kast Kerond Ntre«t» DWENFORT. 10. C. TEGELER, laiporter, Dealer & Rectifier ia rorrign & Ifomcstir I U O S AND RECTIFIED WHISKY. No. 24 Main Str e'e t, floor below the National Hank, I)av«?mort, Penn^vlvania Central Railway." \f !T rl PITTSKfRf •is.settt:stfor ONE HOUR ADVANCE OF ALL OTHER TRAINS. To flosion and New England Passenger*, this Route espnei illy desirable, asi jjitcs tlietn an opportunity of se.-iiijr th. line.-.! vi •wsanion^ tho Aiejjliany Slomitaius. besides visiting I'iltsburjf, I'biladelphia aud New Y ••'k without e\'ra c--t. All New Enubuid I'u- sen^er-j holding through, will lie 1 uns!eri\'d. witli tli.- ir baui.'.i){e,to rail and boat coiinvc-tious, in N\-w York, without charge. Three Daily f*»t ,«ttM DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT. BOOTS io 'he office. It. M. I'retlj .in, egont. I Tie magnificent Xnr'liein bi'ie pa-ket Ilavcn- AL. i FI'F St. I .'.'.11.1 ___ COMMERCIAL. |jhie«K* flttkn, ititdtaiM. Dtii'tw Jnpe #. May 9. stock of Tit A INS 1 KOM TIIK We run direct to the L'uiou ers llepol, win-re llarrisbiirr, ltnltiinore. 1'biladel- pliia. Wi'sliiiij^ion, New Yoik, ISostoii. all the .Sew ET'ijhisel iuwns. are ti i-e.^i, ,1 to the Cars of tin- l'i nnsylvania Central Railway. T.u- ni^ht Express runs daily, otiier tiiini.s daily, except Suiidu\«. C.implete equipments of new and elegaatlv furuished Trains from Pittsburg to Philadelphia. Nine Daily Trains I.cave I'liihtdelpliin for Now Tot k four daily trains trom New York to Boston Baggage Cheeked inreu^ii mid Transportation. Merclinndis.-, I'.-'-luee and l.ive iock carried W't .dispatch, c.t the lowest rates. W. II. IIOi.MES, 1 o-n'l Pa-.-. Au-enl. fliicay ENOCH LEWIS Oen'l Sup't, Altoona. Pu. A SI. Joseph Railroad' in« upmi appivin^ to this o\\ jneS W. F. ROSS. Agent* 4NI» STEAM P.Vf'KET l.IM'S ON T'lE A Missouri River. Tin- most practicable route to the Hold Mines of Idano. l!.-tnn-)_-k "ity, Vir ginia I'itv, (•aliatin. Ilcnvtr, Washoe, lioisce uad C.difortii !. liai'v Overland St ^r s from A?t!ri-1 son lo a -ove po-.'its. Ail rail 1 "t. .lo-. jih, At chison, Lata 11 i-ji-.i W. M011. 'flic Daily Pack.-t Eniilie. runs from Weston to Leavenworth, «uveu miles, .mid Kansas City, 1 forty nuM.i Siaae connection* from Leavoinvt«'t!i and KKUSIUS City lo Lawrence, Topeka. Ft. Sihy. Ft. WCott, Pa ita Fee Majors tonn a Tri-Weekly l.ine Ii ota r:. Joseph For through Tte-ets or l-rei^hl, apply jo mm R. |. Prettymao, agent, at Uavenpoit, or on board toe J* a SHOES. WTc. WARRINKIl, AV r."-' !!KR ,-vti helfs&le aa4 Retail Dealer t.rk. Mo. 46 Brady Street* (Want Northern Line packet Pembina, aptain lliil. will depart lor t. Louis and way Next Door above the I'ost \ibce, Davenport, Io, I'l'I'I'PPFF landing* to-morrow moniiuK. I. Carro'l in myidtf A E Has removed bi» ",r B, jt-t:s:ec BOOT and SHOE !»t\lFUT0Rl .i Li? ow ^ud ..a.ou* re Op]»o«ite LcC'lairc Row9 Win re bf- «ill pv t" meet bis nm: rciH eusrime-s. lis- )..eili! s for tur:-iiisr out THK HESl LSTOM VOKk.arc unsurpassed. 11 ••iuitlie BBST ,, F.,R 3 ,„ .j0. QNO Jot So 3. cl rtn rt 7i)« duce the amount appropriated at the infor- .^tir at »i a «£124 lLeluila 39. mal meeting in May, to pay $50 bounty to ]Ou-days men, from to $l7,o'M'. The resolution was laid on the table, and a motion to take it from the tabic this after noon was disagreed to by a large majority 01) £rmil 0.1,: V-(.RKIIKN-satiUe(oi is THK on hand. York Markclit I E N S E A I A I O A S LATK ARRIVALS* ill. Iltrzbt'i's &i C«., Xj. .r- S-/.,ri4 St., Mttrepo/'/'rn IV HAVE KECEIVEP AMI AKE HECEIVlNO very day, |,y L'vprc»s, the nu.»t deairc.llv Fashionable Spring Good» ('•. ,1,'CIH.- A!s i a full stock of Uirarhcd ami unbleached Mu» bus. Flamy!-, to which »ve invite tne attention uf bi'wrs. Having our (..dahlishuivnt in "hilad'-l piua and lialtituore. and one m'our iinn (•.iiislun' ly in the we arc enabled to oil. induce ments I-1market, all •I10 t-uli. nidi!'•-'!&»• 1 v IMMENSE EXCITEMENT Cooipeliliou in Davtnport. II:IIM chance for ILirgainiittt IIKSS & STKl.WS New Wholesale A. Retail CLOTII1NG HOUSE! 9 metropolitan Blork, Dira.p'it, /jtia. rpiIE rUOPKIETOKS OF THIS KSTAH l.lsiiMtN,- I-.-B leave |o li.ivenpoi 1, u'..l -.ero.iii-fln^ hav.- Mis' Cpeu: 1 l:i-« largest ppppppp ppppppj,,. i FIT I cur, aud Hi la all order- pr.-oti.My il Custom 31n«le Ca'oods For Ladies' lie-.ts" and'r. n's noir always »P if Tin: itott ro* Im( & Shoe Store, 9.1 Hrndj Ml., IS th to bay vaur BIMITS S||(IKS, CMJL.13&CO., I.AKC1.ST A\l» HE-sT SlOCK 1 e!ist. iltlv l-ef. n l.e-.v tit«..ds n t, -ill tle-ii Whop ill Bos on, which 1 i„bie them to 1! a -•••n !ou prices ut lVlioleaal^ MAN'UFAC'J Lilli'U ai.d UEI'AIIUNO DONE C. H. CHIIJ), Davenport C. Child. It "ton. Jan'.ltf. DRY COODS, •nntry, i!i :d 111.:. t-, A PPH'PPP PFF tliev ipl-t'e O I -T I 2 S A N'l» Fttrninking Crooitft Ercr hrnnjrht to this city. Huvi'ifr our manufactorv wo ri-.u defy com petition, 1 oth iu as: ortnieiu and price. We «ill b- pl.-asc-it ,. sec everybody call and i .•(-k. JI sliu.voiiv ti,i„ V.ith V. ill and p'ei:sui'C. S e u i o S o i e n We call attention to o ir lar({C ami complete stock of Military Clotbin/, which we o!Ver at very re duecd rates. Call and post youtx-lves in pries. To (outtirff •llrrchanln. Vou will find il to your ail'. ai: "/e 0 "vnir.inr our stock l-efi,li.yin^ in \uiir IIESS & STERN, Mi'lDtnoili CiothittK Hail, No. i Second street, .Meiropniit u- Uoi.ding, Formerly occupied by Ma.-I: liros.. my80-dtf Oavenpoit, Iowa. NEW GROCERY JIOI SE. Jttlitf* Siehrrthrr, Corner Front & Brady Sts., Wholest !'. .| I Iletad dcab il: State Room Sleeping Cars, UIOICE FAMILY (.U0CER1ES, on nii ht trains, and on the Fast Line to New York via Allentowii, without change, and landing in New York Provisions, Salt, Sbburton A* Cigar*, ALSO Cliolec Wines and Liquors, I: U rrion rf I Vnaranlee Kite ike Ileal (nulily ol' Uoods AlearnSEi.b M) Till!M on Tl 11: LOWEST I.IV iNt an tin-pricc. t.etoie purclia.-inxclwwherr. Wholesale dealers will iind it to their advantage to give hi--a call. ioo lJ deliver- -1 v. :thin t'.e i y i i e e o i a i in*.v 1 .ii'i.Ii'S SCHRini'ER. i A K I S A O O N I'RF.I). HKINIIKi'K, r.» nv*f 'j-/ i tXJNCH EVERY .MOENIKO. Ket i! the Beat lViuen uttd JLiqttorn I Tobareo^ ati«* Cigarti, Ar. Oiteofs waited u witt- «*wy and attention !i,-e in- a ipi'' dtf CXII:HOI4i:K CI «I.. "I ean't work." "I hate to ri«*in the moininif." l'iiy It i-"FV I'.r.-!- I- O WALL VI PPF»PPPP Pi'PPPPPP PPP FP Pi'P.'PP.'P P.'P rAAiJ AAAA A A A V A V A V A AAAAA V »PPP P:*P A A' MA l'i'F IMP NOW OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S No* 50 Brady Street, Above the Post Officii •f .mt.mnoTtf S.-cond doer af P. -tiilli- -. aprl* ,||.:|X7m Produce & onimission Merrhant, vo 'oiov. s' K f-ki:. 1 v. ill lo-d Miat we ^)\YSint.!! I'ASii |'U. rou ALL V i.Ii's I.f 'l nr'trv produce. bt:tt r, e^jj^, pf". i ..a' «tores always '»li hand. IJitys iind *clU on cotutiiission. m-. lidtf RTHTPARKS. o u e 1 1 o k e N o. 1.-1 Mlpj-I .. as wiil sell fiiem Hoods tit Ne-.v Vork price*. \V- shall con stant!'.- receive :o! tb.-new grades of Moods tuan iib'cti'r. d. Our tie tto shall be, First in fashion, Cheapest In prices SMI.'TII WAT •ai»e, eye right is failing." "I can't (is in luiml a a*i l!itn »." Have oil be. a opium?— I "lySi "No." Thcti tak -regular do«e«of V A' t'lC CilEKOSBB t'l HC, aid tolloW die directions at arc .' pa'.i il- I ... ll.esc ills have been the xe*ul pi*- ^{i '1 vi-ur own i "lion of niti'ie's laws, and ma le 1 ,-i-\N e kly Packets.— *he .dr-^an*jiark.-ts (-ol- niairuipie, or if they are ora-.lo. Denver. .1. H. Lacy. West in and A. 1 4 ,\, jr,„a ov.r to Nelu i s.-: City, Co.tactl KiuHs and Omaii...— vou. lt will rc.s.ori.- v got, Al.-o Daily Stages from St. .lo eph to aoove paints. gtf.plifV.*, Minet.- wi-d! leaii's »nd luga/c carried on liic and'oin.e mux- make a ma 1 of ton, same train a'ul paeket l.» the aljove Btartia^ points i-.idu'.^encc in nature'.. a (purepath,tiieI'maoKEK .un Craa will th'jae tii -htlv ci'ni.s^ioas, relit you ior pr cti- saVe an arr.e Ir^ii fa IMuirt*. i.lioev. Head the a.lveni: e uen:. a'.i foi ber Connecticus maile tiy rail ati.l by packets on the cfe,.,.'Cur Take 110 .ithi tin die tie until you Mis'tosipf" River with the Hannibal A St. Joe K. have trie this. Sold bv all drti-."^ist«. It. at «Juin-y and| Hanml '. uorl uawim E. S. llAl.LO.tll. Agent v.'.it from idindncss, aud p-.'rha uhe a e a inter* W. ntal. ackeii. j,,\Y WARD, C»en'l Sup't. fT« WO «00l HOUSE PAINTERS. Ao, If t« P. H. UROAT. Oen. Ticket Avent. I Wni. Oakes, Ste. Harguerite'a Cll il«l. W. r. aOliLNSOW, Gea. Fr'l A^ea^ jneV-diw STOVU PAPER HAN&I Among nitich VI*.7I be round BROWN BLANKS, HIIITE ISLAftK#, 8ATINIJ, BROXZEI) SATIXS, STAMI'EU GOLD PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, su.tnr.H, utt,T j.vw mostuip, All (lie Above ut very Low Prices. COMMISSION* TITS. 11 j'J .DH IMl iC Real Estate & Coiuiulssiou A front, i»\\i:\PtiKf. hiw \. ir.V.'c" (0 Bnjlug A Iteal limlate, (ollrriiiiih of ll kiihls. I'.WMI-.M (1- T.WEF, ^laliitlK tliMli'itel 'I'ltlow, RENTING HOUSES AND FARMS, An-wei- !-i ii 1.. rim ,V(JO. III. 1'. ». ii'-:. isii a l\'.'llers made olipiop'ity in-t"ie. o- liT-dlr JA MIS M7IAI.xli.I4 COMMISSION AND PRODI CE MERCHANT. Vy A^' iit for Hen ilia's S.i.« s mid J-'au l.arik*' Scales, II ii .-.ulic i.e nt. Plaster Paris and ii air. NO. z UON 1 ST,: T, Dar.-npor*, --.vr. rrvM-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE o i ''OST I'liici: isre TO I:E HAH OF- FKANZ MEYER, Second -itreet-•-•? e w. -t --i N oional Haul:. A t-. od •-.ot: 1. n GENTS' Ft" Ii V IS I i 1 i ooDS. HOYS' CLOTHIV:. l.oliis. i'AS.SI ERU" -II! UTS, SVOC'Ki.VtiS, uovlvllv FR\N7. MEYEH. JSTJ-: \Vr STO U l-J John Bartcinclcr VS KEMOVED His STOCK OF OOOIW 1 1 to Franklin If! k, «aw'n-relie Emu ami ilari i«on *ire-t4 has op-ned NEW CLO'i'iliNO STOP.!', an I will k.-p on it of •lv en 11 Gents' Fnrnishin? Goods, Clothe* made to or I- on shortest nuiice, and warranted to «ii». Call an 1 s«o tn A. nn.i7i^ .•a IIKA v sTit'-:i-:r. HHLOW SEC 11 '-a t, Ne$is v .nsn,a:ty .,11 h»*i 1 an.I mnkes JuLtb order. JOB* JWM'IH/K^.«», io viola- .r 15 CENTS PER WEEK. F.'.ZW.Z RTiii't.ttn -Ss-531 ti.i vifi'S'S K t.l.l t.t.t It E ittt it 1 s s 4 K :~S utttirru su-i K a: luitiit K 1 u 1 s .-i 4 4 Ki-vS!':5?':5: Kit Kit- s si or STOVES and TINWARE. Stove* I Sieve* HIL!^ & WASHBURN No. 50 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post office, ntile AVB IN STOKE AND AltE UECEIVINO la.g-st and best asseiluicrit of PARLOR. COOK S HATING STO VJiiS, that can be jm: «t 1 in t!,c eastern mnrket. U «t VV. hate tne exclusive *s»l« 101 HANFOR1VM Celebrated Challenge Heater! on.- it'. 11 1,! tboid, and for con' ep.ul. ei a.ether !t x-otnl Ktre. t, bet. 1. 4aeit1«% Hoyw* nndl Ckil«lr«*n*» mafitiffltturcl to ordnr 'My meuiory in^iinK." I CLOf IAIN«* r.rtin* bevt material and in a maiinet liiat caoliot f:jl to give satisfaction. Li'e-r jiatroii.tiie r-spectfulli wiluitcd. juiv'Jl-dly V. W. U CLILUX0 HOKMtT & Htl LELL'.VO, U I 8 1 SFANUFACTL KIINS OF 't v It'll mi lit v.'.: 11::? Kitjl u.t:t 344*3# .Ecal i' -n cv.-r ro nce and !i u* The unrivalled Triuntpfcf Which 1 w.l sella: in .-.i •a-otiai!« Jfficeg. Custoai Work Hone at a'l times and warraii!.--! tin* be«t, ttio«l •it: able and c.ieapest. All who want t'o ,nd faronfe pattr-rn* cat 0NLV be obtaio an.1 Cheapest KOods mutt come to Forest Oak, I i on Cate, IK and,,.,. sepldly join joK».tV, "V"o. n WET -1 (»M»M I{.-:I:T. KETWEEH ISradv erl 'f i n, ma' old. and in lite best stvie. MEN AM) t.'f.OTHlNi^ ol every aescription, Tue fulie.i sali^i.ict! ui»r antied. 1 soltcit from my old en*t.»mer« fb»-ir con tiiiu:.: ge of .tror-age. L-uve orders. myiW 1 If" very ctove 'uai an' :ed to give aati-faC'.io or tin -uotiey refunil"d. They a! 10 keep the celebrated K E N I K io wiilc'i w .'er nerer free*e§. OFFICE. ST.ill!' DI-,!V ROOM. UED ROOM, NL'KSEItV. HALL. ANII MKTTISO UoujI SloVES cannot be *urp:.^-1. We in vita infection aa4 defy com etit nm. Al*o on a nl atoek of Tinware, Jsppnmd and Pwi-tein Ware, thaiiib S.-tts. Pbinin'i' Ware, JJri .nia liood-. on' hodx, To.ig-. Shovt Is, i'», in ahort e*. i t' :i-:j iu the line. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-i.oa Ware9 lt Sash, Doors, Clint*, KaaMiag* i. i ti Brady Str et,b-twea t'rfc-t ami.S wi..|. a k e a e Contractors for Building, almrt nodee. O I i V U of all ktn.!* promptly af?e«jde»l to. Ca!! 31 tS amine JJIJ'm!).aud learn Rue pi 'e«-i. nelTdwtf". i E\V I1AKIJW AHIJ STOS E M. t. i v •««t, Doilrr in l!a i!H ir\ !rn inul iiUFsni I In? Implrmrnt' of nil kin-in, V A I 1 S i A i -S i i Of her if U i„,, ,K..wh. r«. 4^ut-k Mitlrii Mnrt mkiimII S O A A O Y Car. Haia ft atreata, 1 myU iiaTeaport, Iowa. 4wU -•tjl I .A' n u U v u 1 ml. All goo's v.' ii i "'l' .i just TL'wnrua. mm. ,#r^