Newspaper Page Text
Jg f- iti- .... ,$[1/1.13 rrrr, V* i TfcltMH &7<0 PER ANNUM! OLUME 9. V RIAL E8TATE AMI NSURAHCE AGENCY. JOHN L. SWITS CO.# JUS SWITS, ft. I» BbL, V. F. 1I19K K, TVirkolN* mode* (up ttiira,) MKOIDHT. Improved & I'nimproied Farms CITY L()TH» IhrelllBf |1«si«mm #t©re» •oucht, told and Leased, ftletlsr Lof« for Sale. A 4risil Kitrjfisili. K'» 4U 'those eh)'il»l«- liUild'B^ k»t» corner of Twelith »nl l!'«l Wand street«, Mnt I*' fro lit "!i -•h.iIi -i.!- 'tli street, »tnl 1?« let of. ea*t -.i.le ..J Itoek I-! md ttie above i* ui. line lo- atKWi: pnee l* i.r »/.ir* 'it- *i-t P"' No a*. in Iti.tdlv street, I'i'1 I' front by 1" let deep -fenced. "Frio- #12 per front No. On Third street, lot No. I o l'arker'a ad dition, eotiii lot, price, *ioo. Mo. no. K.inr tmu^p 1 it•» in Davison A Trne s addition fci-oeaet:. T«-t «-a-v. Sos. HI, 4. Tilt! I Im.IIW lot# in HlnTtlJ# kw'.x mliliti'iu tl"" to each. Terms easy, fltor** l.ol«» I'or ••ale. No. 47. On.' ..II 11:1 St., jil.-t east of lirailv 8t. No. 4i. F.nir nil Ith St.. nciir Iti.iiroiid bridge. .Ni" Al-o, ti.i ii! .in suit's .1 looms lor •inirl.- neiitleui" II. I'irwt claKN Hobw* I or Hent. No. 4. W nr.- n a.U to 1 r. lit or lo frll hows mow (mil.linn' lie i ».iv for ni-. iij.:in'y in May or .1 next jilans of which may Iji K.i-n«toiir oiti-. Klorc R»r IK*nt» So. SS# -i Mtori- «!!'l l.aM-inent, in Mt trojioHt.m It."* i. now o. u|i• 'I l.y Mack A .Co., ,'l IVt't o S n i s« 1" h. two -:orv fort«*k dwpl- ill In,u~.•. Willi lot hv i.v fr. t, tor. l,vii.l-ium! Aun .Sis. Tin' lioux-1» gtMiil i-oinlition, t- now I ••UtO'l llOf-H'M4'"!! ^ivt-ii in-•** lill\ s. i 1 tl'* holl-.l*. c.Mrt i I'i i.'f «l liiniM* ami lot. 1 ,.•* out' tliir.l »sii liul tiirr oil loiifj tini.' lit low int.'r.--t Xo. iW. A hri.rk ilwrllin« lioiix- on K-.''1 St. St loo f.-.o.. funli, r.'st on 11mi* at s iwr n-nt. K'o. I'lif «-«iat«' no.v owiu'.l unit iHTiijiit'd liv ti o. S. l»o», K-i|..l»--in^ tlio .Uvllii!:,'li Misf •lid tli iff full lot.-., fionlrin s.utli ti|on Mil St., coni i ot° Kui'tniiii -tri'. t. I ins lioii-i' is in jtt-r fri'l repair, having b.'.-n tilti'.l up by the owiirr tor liiin».»Ii. Tin' .•miri iii riiiiit' iii' nt ot the IHIIKV is ti'vt.-ful ami I'onipli'ti Tin- \iew from this iilucc .» uuiMiipa-'M.-it. Ti-rm.i easy. No. i«i. Ki nil'' i-ltiig« lioiiMf on Third atrott, in tii.'fu's ttitiiiiiofi. l*tico, •Wy. x„ r.t. r.i i. k hon.-o unit lot*, southoast cor ner of ttli an«l Mam SH.. known ar»Thoi iii^im i s lute, 1-"' ft. Ii out on I'ai li St. 1 *i ii*t- *i', may remain for n t'-rtn ol \ ut a Unv rale ol int.'rst No. «»'.*. I'ratiii' tl\vr!li!i'4 holts.', Miutlt .side iicl •trett, east of Warren St.. :iu:l lot. I'l-iee, t|oo. Xo. Double house weal side of I'erry St.. corncr of 1-nil street, rrien, #•'•.."oo. Two-thirds may remain oil mortgage at per rent. So. I"'* Ante Ionise m.ii! 11 side !d stret't, OtlP mile west ol lil ady street price. Two thirds mav :e:ii .i:i on mort^a^c at si* per rent. No. 1. New iraiue hou-e oa Hrady utreet mjuteel resi.'. nee, i 1'rire, -. No. 11. Valuable house with 4 acres ofland vtcll stocked wi fruit of sill kind*, with stable, eurriuge limine, 1 boil e, emv .-.lable, wa_'on kImmI. ei.s'.eni. two wells, pasture, orchard ami voilll" jirove tiie whole place well fenced and in jwri& order an.I .-j».»ir price •.(«.». lor S«le« No. S6. 2 valuable stores, well rented Pasjr terms Welmore'K i%i«lilion. iA lle.v laid oil i:tlo lotj- 'ot ul jtric si mi.l they arc t'cadv for -ah- on erv e.t-\ 1 rm- uiid at low prices. 'House l.ot*. Store l.ois, Warehouse Lots, Factory l.ots. I'nriiM Wanlod. wnnt to onrcliiisc iniproved faruti from fcv 10 160 ncre« each. FarinH for Mule« tX 2S. W uore*, all improved and under fence S miles from the city, with excellent houe, ,*.» r.»m« and eelliir,* v.ood hou-e, wash IIOUM-. barn "o l»v .V» feet.' spring, two wells, cistern, orchard of -1 tree*, .apples, pears, penche.-i siiul cherriesi I'rie.' *..»•• i fi.ooocas-h, balance on n term of veaf4. No 17. R.'neres. fenced, apart improved be ing a part ol Marsr-.iret Noel's land, ii-ljoiuin^Mr. Oliver's place. Tnis place is adapted lor a gar den or grapery, price fl.'""'- No. Is. o ai res, all improved and under fence frith house, at Hickory tirov.i. 1'iice fl.lioo oue-therd cash. No.'.'t l-1' aere^ untmprovea law I near l»u rant. at ^1.' per aerv 4 1 cash, balancc in fiie years at ten per e' nt. Xo. «'. 4" Meres, 5 miles from the city, on Hi£ Hiibii.iue load, all itnpyo\ed and under f.-nce, with lioure and stable. Trice $l.M.m. two-thirds nmy reiuuiQ lor a t- iui of years to suit the pur chaser. 2..o acres in I.tnn 'Utii v, improved and under fence, I'rice !^cash. Xo li. 1-jo acres near ii!cott, i"ft tmroved fend lind'-r fence with Iioiim* price $1,^"'. acres in I'owe^ iick ..'at i- »p.'r aci"C# *4 4io acres in Iowa county a jfe per acrc. acres in Sioux county at per acre. Vt'l1' ',1'ie. in Cl.'.v ceanty at £1 per acre. #»io acivs in llaticuck county nt$l per aer®. 1„. O ,K-res Winnei.a-O o. at 1 per acte. f«i.'o acres at I"'1'iU n'- acres at 7.* cents per acre.. Sjo acres in ama county. |j».1 ucres id Story count .'. g('o acres in Winneshiek Co. nt 5|J*#s#cW. 44M acres in tJrundy county at #•_' per acre. 81 n« acres 111 Itutler county at |cr acrc. *jt^.o acres in Mower co., Mum, ui -.•»1 per acre 64 1 arres in Houston County at per acre. i I K I N S I I A N Phtriiix Fire Insurance €•., Atlantic Fire Insurance Co., Lamar Fire Insurance OK NKW V• iiK. City Fire Insurance o., OK HAUVKOKP. COVM.1 gnringfleld Fire Insurance f0., OK srlllNliI.I'P, MA». I E 1 N S U 1 1 fonnecttcvt Life Insaraaee Ca^ iEetna Life Insnrance Ct., OF IIAKI HKI». CONN. lew T«rk Life Insurance Co* Security Life Insurance €•., OK NKW VOKK. John L. Swits & Co., MCKOLl.S' HI.OCK. SKCONP ST See our Column of Ad ver- 10[«ementsf Embraclns other froj»ertr.ia ti&e Gaxeil^ tump .1 at |{iitcnl)e -k. ±±=. A I Y E O i A H. M. Pkttisgiu. k *nf Co.. No. 87 Park Row, New York r«ion. r*t our in llio^e »itiet and ar« Mnthorit^d to tik* a^T#T-i*em«-nt^ and »ubacrij» ii«»n« for at •. jr rnt'i». i C. II iirwrborn Cliictpr^. If tu tJ.'»rnc(l r*-«n.x*: a'Jv»*rt'*»*fn^rit'* for ihl* LOCAL ITEMS. Ct.fAks, cii• uiara at»«l ltnc gi*Js rh-ap at Whislcr's. In nilk, in clotli. in moiatnlii.^ic, lace points, etc. stawtf »8!(ri^E Pkhrie". Th« only stuck of gutuine pthhlc epvcta^'-S in theritr »rrk' •lt Sn. 2') Tpr.v low, t-i in- till! eua) -U small uiini nt of' f'mli loun b.dunce on long trim of years »t ft |»w rut. ol Iiiler--t. ... e X.. 41 Lot on lirad* itrci'l, west hide. lc-t front liv 1. I deep Vlce yi '.v low. On puj lunat for the l«t J.( Claire Rmv. Titty are tin* only fifwetade worth wearing. KvLAttcED A'lIOT./i.UAt'lls. TllOSC who have ordinary sized ainbrotype^ or dagut-r TPOtypta tliat they wish to liavt cti'^tycd in a faithful nail artier manner, sl..)Ul,| call nprtTi Mr. Dfiwl, on Brady street, ncxl dow below tho Stat.- Bank. We lmvc a sample of his *vork which convinces us of hi* ability to enlarge pictures in the ttost perfect style. Ptcri lit r.visnvc.-- J. I*. Mi CJrc-vv, late of ISaltiinori'. ha*, established a gallery on l!r .dy street, twodwrs helow 4th, west side, and is prepared to pnint phf#tig!apiis ia the l»est style in oil, water, Indian ink, winro and ivory type. Also, copiert taken front old ainhr..types, ingttfiTcotvpes, &e. Call and exninine his spe- imens. CaiHcn Fair at Dchast osTarRSDAT.— Arrangetruftts have been made with the .Superintendent ol' the M. ite M. It. R. to earrv all per- oris to and from the Fair at half price. Abundance of refreshments for all w ho attend—such as Strawberries and cream and other ih'li'-icie of the season- will be .sertetl up on litis occasion, and everybody is invit ed to conn: and bring his wife and children. Bachelors ami maidens specially invited. The train will leave the Ikpot at ."0 A. M. The F.vk ami K\u.—We are pleased to announce tlrnt Dr. tltinlnvr, a gentleman well known in many parts of the country for his high professional ability, has arrived in our city and proposes to stay a few weeks and treat case of imperfect sight and hear ing. lie conies with the most unciuc.stiou able credentials, and is undoubtedly worthy of confidence. Al all cvail.s, go lo his rooms at the Mttrtis House, yott who are allli ted, and iinsult with him. You v. ill find him a gentleman, and well versed in the profession lie represent?. Fatai. Accident.—Another fatal areiden presents itself for rccord, which originated from the carelessness- of parents, who had, through ignorance, administered morphine in the .same proportion to an infant as they would to an adult. The family live in Wuppennan's Block, just above Fifth street, on Brady, the principal of which has been ill disposed and under charge of Mr. Y.u mans for several weeks. During his illness the Doctor found it necessary to administer morphine, in order to give him re-?t. Last Saturday morning their little chil l, two years old, apparently unwell and restless, was given two powders, one containing half a grain of morphine—the satii" |ti:nitil v the father had been taking. Antidotes were given, but without avail, and the child e\ ired, after suffering intense agony, at eleven o'clock the tuune evening. (Jekmax Thsatke.—The beautiful drama U'titled The Mother's Blessing" was pre sented in a magnificent style at this estab lishment. Mrs. Kenkel played the charac aetcr of "Maria"' to pirfei lion, especially in the last two acts, and fairly earned the tre nieinltous applause bestowed upon herdur tin- exciting. Miss Clara Kenkel, in the v n* dillicult part of ('hanehon," done aomirubly for one so young. The young lady poscfsos great talent and has a charm ing voicc which created great t'urvrt, espe cially in her last solo, which sin wis com pelled to repeat by the loud oil's lr«un the audience. We doubt not that Miss Clara will ere long become one of the most popu lar "stars" in the country. Messrs. niann, Spitznas, and Sehreiber played their parts bravely, and altogether the perform ance was a rich treat lor the many .specta tors present. Jcst Right.—The Secretary of War re commends, arid the President endorses his recommendation, that the s.'tnn clause be abolished and money no longer be allowed to exempt drafted persons. This is just right. In the present risis w. n are needed lu.'ie than ail else. Let the draft me and whoever is called upon shoulder his musket and march to the field.—(Jmefte. Hero is a year conversion, sure. When and an outrage upon the poor men of the coun try. our neighbor could find no language severe enough to denounce such disloyalty ami copperlu adistn as clause was our strictures eon .dot ed us of—in its opinion. But after all, why should the editor of the Gazitte an glaring ly great responsibility, live if he eouldn't learn anything? and why, after having become convinced that the unmitigated humbug—a bold, outrage—why should he not candid say so The conscript law should be untranHled. It should neither be commuted with moi.ey nor with substitutes, although the latter is not nearly so objectionable or impracticable as the former, which is a law that permits men who command to get clear of and drags from their homes a certain class, who can't raise that amount. The result has invariably been inimical to the military nrcrests—a disgrace to the country, and we hope to repealed. The strangest see i I I Tin. I«.w |si am«-.v. —«»ue l.tit. i: ami fifty men of this no'-lo regiment, return ed to this city on Saturday, and about one hundred more are to arrive to night, f.t. Col. Tullis is in command, and he. with several offi'«rs are now (stopping in tfce ritr. This regiment wa« one of the fir«t to enter the field. It was orgnnize.l at Keokuk early iu and went into Missouri and fought two battles before being furnished with accoutrement#. They carried their ammunition in their brccclws pockets «hd victory in their hearts. The nn n have won for themselves im perishable honor at Blue MillK, fihiloh and cn. irant« mmpaign about Yi. ksburg. I hey liave sImutih] all the haiilships of war and have never fl*ri hed in tlit- hour of trial. Of late thev have boea up in the Red Kh e-r country. ior. intone was fnnnerlr Major of this nown, not only al home but all ovtr the ,iat,Pf exo- litioti. piittud through this citv «t-roitte 1tac for Davenport. Iowa, in charge of JJeut. Col. Tullis, and left on the noon train yes terday. This regiment deserves the thanks and praise of their countrymen they have done their wotk nobly and manfully, i'iiey left home tl.-rce years r.go a full rcriment. ti.i return to day but 27-" .-trong. I'lieir deciiiiatci ranks .speak vohs'nt s of their bravery, nnd how they h.tve tiff'.-: 1 f"! country. Vet wean- informed that wht it a number of.tln'in exjircsse'd their iptention not to re enlist they were insulted and called ropp'-rhi ad.. -,taj -:t'-l:ome brnvo atul Sunttay figluing men who wchiIiI thus insult au "id worn out soldier dt.-u rve the reproach and .-••o:n of c\cry h-iiu -t man and jiatriot. Let thciu go am! sert e their cotiti try as w. !i as thi noble Thiid Iowa, and wo will soon put down the rebellion.* We can but indorse the .si ntimenls of (he above named paper. When those who ma lign these brave men for not re-eulisttng, have taken the field, endured what they have endured, and bared their breasts to the enemy as th-y have done, they may talk but not until then. The Third has done nobly, ami their deeds will long be remem bered. Scitofif. Mastku Wantfii.—The following speaks very plainly for itself: "National Portrait bill cry,'1 a work that has giv.-n such universal satisfaction and nov. lie comes with Shaki-peare Illustrated, to be furnished in numbers elegantly em h.-lished with line steel engravings of the great stage celebrities of this country, in their principal characters. It i^ decidedly the best Shakspeare ever issued, and we earnestly recommend our friends to sub scribe. Mr. Jirice will canvass the city. Don't fail to secure this work. TtiE I.vk and Evk. —We rc-f^r our rereleis to tho notice of Dr Giitdurr, the eminent and siki'.ful ov.iii-t a id EUti«t, who has been iicing in Milwaukee f.»r he list year with erCit ." tcccsa. Tao Doctor eamcs to us his» ly re e'liniuttided, therefore we have no hesitation iti reeonnieuding him to the rotifi let ce tT tho afflmted. Oiliee at the Bu, ti Hiajj. Sh.veuwabe.—The people of this city who wish to see something nice and rich, should go to Uutenbeck's and see the grand display of silver-plated ware he has just received also solid silver goods. Nothing so neat and rich, ami cheap, was ever exhibited in this city. Full services or pieces to suit. a more ago, we took occasion to de nounce the $30o clause, both as a most ruinous and impolitic war measure and as Choice ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing goodi of all kinds kept and sold very low at Mais ,t Mayer's, Xo. 11 West Second street. They manufacture their own goods, and can afford to sell cheaper than those who do not. They have the largest wholesale stock in the citv. it part of it is, that men possessed of ordinary one-horse sense should make such a law lican none but Congress a Repub would haw been guilty of paoa egregioua folljr* *. *t 'I Gextlemes should call at Krause's, oppo site the National Rnnk, and see his splendid stock of summer eassimeres and vesting*, i In this line, as well as turning out perfectly fitting suits, Robert cannot be excelled. RECOVI:rixu.—Engineer Smith, who was severely injured at the late locomotive ex plosion. is recovering, an in a few weeks will be able to be out again. De*i.—The little child of 0. dti$inr, which we spoke of in our Saturdaj-'s issue as being badly burned by setting her clothes on lire by matches, has since died. Wizard ON. is an excellent thing to in the house. Ballord keeps ift a n.iruird. In Camhridsrt'. .1'i:n 1. i,v ii.-,-. (Jej. W. Gard ner. Mr. CflARLKS W. IlII.Diinni. ..f Wash in'on 1). C., u Misn II AT I'i K (!1M!KKT, of C.itn'jrid''e. .Yoiire. VI.tne, I. PERSONS A VINii fliATMS? AGAINST and «ll these indebted to me. are r«' |U.'st"d to call at my office, at the Miitsissippi Mouse, and settle iwaodiHtelv. BBfli-dft ubnrt DAILY DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT 'fl? THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GRKATEST NtTMBHR. DAVENPOKT, IOWA, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 18(14. e Kilt «»l I lla vrrHie y «»f V rcDl cx May the 1« IStU fir Mr grier i shal have to lleport unfav erael as i was a re rcttting in A Quaker set tleiiunt Orders 2\o 11 Doani Agree with Quakers i had 27 recreuits When i received i "l4n mv papers for recreuiting Wliioh Was on thev 14 of this mouth And culdent "it -V riten Consent from thair parents so i Intd to I •lust Drop thev Huts \es i rote too I Am your Obedic nl servent My po.-toflic adress Kichland keoktik Co Iowa A tiooo In-vksi mk.s i. u Cottov- Qai«t at Ki.ocii—M.ii ket .' #s.. .V»£ I lei- soipel to -. iD.vr— 'lnket bitter. 1.7l.s Lamb—1 Te.'iC, Wntsxt— lo llie »'i e-»tl«'i«t-- "i»!*iiifiiie HtlO iau*ercrtini .ut i.(l('di i Ifaii* In.j'fq »ie ij pi tit Ifji»--i flaili« if iniitJef a ?erm»la!.."!fjii!l if ihf W a "strew*. Jane 8. Thf w« in 1 bt ie tp»aker be fate th" il-JUse te.d-'jr w :efcri'd !0 I Mil- o uUii-ite on tf,ii s nr.Mi.t'uryfAKe^r»h' S't ii u e C'a :r I ll tl.e Ii :r S«tu i tor th» tfjfj e»» lo ot Oo« Kt"i»* n l»f er a i•,closure ftcai i ibe efetiry at ar, •viiti ttjr CMuarre .ct ia the r?c&iau»»0"laitoa Ucr it. M-d*. ABSAtlAM Licot*. Wathf-ttm, l» C., 3 i i- 8. Was W.iHIOT S CI:T JlBt I, I 64 To the tfivi-idrtii: 'Ffa:—t I-"3 b'uvc 5 tr« tepott t&4(]e to i. 1'ioVusti »Irir-»ln-1 Oereraf, uLtowiig the of the d"»ft now 2'ieg cu lo fit! il»«« otfi'.'les ty i:. tar quotas 11 eerlatn i regiment, aud we understand that his Kxcel- i State*, arvt iecouuie(. H«g rrp^al Icncy will arrive here this evening to receive cUu»ei-« thefn'. ISiMecj act, tntr-otily kr own hH old comrades in arms. The Third has "V^ Geo' served its time- faithfully ami discharged its i»i«: at»p 1 l.j U j,»r.ujei»j ai4 I duty as became officers'and men. On every j1"""' w5,! field where they have met the foe they Vel'ent ih ,t have attet-d^d o«r ive displayed that ittfmuttabk ra!or that! atti !e..d to tlw hop tlwt, tn ntiinta.uiii^ our has won for Iowa troops such glorv and rc- i miHtary strir.gth, *:4 giving it tue'd ii creasc v. i i ii as t( t:.- rej-.-mxe. d:- tftj!v i i. 'he cxte idcj fir.J of oper^'iund maw re ,liinj!ion i- country. jtittaued. Jji.l to aec -:ipiisu litis it ia a*«o The Cairo Aw/tm! of the 10th, tbu^ "evcti^ry tuateta.icat bie.u-ii it- taken, ,. i with vigor a:.u ptcn.pUjtSf-:, to I.cep tlm artuv speaks of this noble regiment: up to it*sare-.-gti}, and rtt .p'y d. fi.-ienciea u'.'- Thikk Iowa.--The remnant of this gal- ca*iatitl by the !'js.jw in tne field. Iftnt regiment, which ha« been through all To Ui end re.-ort tcu^t b„* i.l to a draft, the hard fou-.'ht battles of the war. fmm ampin esper eute h.ta i:o«r shown that ti:e Fori Dona I v ut to the ill fttcd lied Uiver u fu ia i-erri«c fmtra-cs 01 the ct.t .eitueiit li» by lunus :n, in. iicv li s'-ea m. :i. An Hii-Jitutiiiil rt Hiii for repelling ,e cx cmptton '.lot e i«, th*t it is e ,u:em la:.J to nuk-' the urafi for eoveparativeh a shott tcttu. Tne tu'd n o.'y s-. r. .* o m-ll tla-i -.-lore be U it it vtUa.iuy of tariiLUu.'g tn-ops is an,ut' i ,.tiai to tueceM. 1 bave lh«* lios.or u be v-utr o'o ie SCi" t.i t, Jtuwi. M. £r.\arati, S crctiry cf War, I': 1. YOJ f-Mi! .-tt4i. N I.Ai.'.s 0 r'UCK W* Ilt lilo.N, I). C., lt ll, 181.1. A'o It-iii Li«in M. c^Uiitu:-, rfiei- taiy ol \i .r: All.: i i aecnr wi'h tun u :u idt-d ui r»j iiuvnt ao!, mi K :'l, si^J, au»i v itr or .era en the tut.jeut, 1 n«i i.t.w Cv.:.'J.iC «j a diait. in various .-u-i ii *u let-i lor tittirri -p c?. ivc ii. ii nei.iiis oa ipiut a of ttoops licietolirc asirluiil. Tile. K fcjits of th-j dr.ilt, -o lat i-liuwi: by tile tepuiU to hia 'ia e, wt r.i'.v of altefiiou. TioM arc bii. f!v as l.,i N..i: i «r lira i .-*niie .1 It 71 .luiiiief «.* I .r p.-i t» c.» di-nb ii.y... 4 aTt Ziaui i-r So a t«.i fu I. ft c» .......... lotii !i ..j .r ix nivud vt Number aH e inn :y. .. fj.e.i-y to,,, *1.- 1 .U, 14! U.e'j *r fi o v a iimte.-r fc-.J i mtu .i #. rw ry 'llo- a i i ju.u wai wti u») i i ij com ot iy i in, e, I i i e-cm. tali....... I rnese rep'ir'.s caaie frytu ci»ht UiSViciit gttuv. i 1 i ivi e jour u u-atieu to lite sin:!l pr.por oil oi sol ii 3 belli.: o'K ti-iLll u d.,-r li« e* 1 i»v. I Bee lio reason lo b^.levu t!i,it the ut ut. co lie untie rial, y fiiiceg net,el uv to lot.g us ice hue i.un ltd (iulim et:iiisc ia in fuicc, i or -lu I .i k it e to us (auui.} tint the eotuuiuu'.iuii ttu t.y a diafted SU^-Ul»t:icta 1-1 a,,i« t!"' Vt--u"u'il' ,io U",tu'1 ilKUil1 e -Our traveling friend Mr. Bri.-c, is in town again. He canva-scd the city upwards of a year atro. f-r the 111 •iov-n.mwit w procure a oi in ii:s pUee. '"°l U,,"k l"al ,ar^ u"uwtM8 b-T ***lu 1 tccoiiiiuc tlnil th i rote too N Bui,er Asking leave to take Quakers With out i riten Consent fr.'tu thair pairents but bavent receaved No nneer rt's0lle to ,0' liirrc hundred dollar ."i it is ktio yi .- r. ,iii d. I ::m, s:r, very epeci.u:!/, jour obcdici.t a:, li Fi.r, lVovo:', .r.s!.al ekt-r J. CO.^MilRCIAL. I%e%y fork ^Jarketi. SletT York Slot-It Market. GoM To-DayJs Advertisements. fi Dtt. rrw 9 A. 'I. to 1 P. -tl. and from st to 1. On Deafness, Ji ise in i', «d isigilt, ulc.l all the d.- E V E A N E A At tificial K* e» inserted without pain, and per fectly le.scMiiling the eye. Operations f.»r (' act, Stre.blciiuue, or Crosa Eye, Artificial Fitful, etc., skillfully performed. Deafness, Xu.s..-s in the Ear. Running from tue Ear, Scales iu the Ear, Accuinula'.ion of Wa» in the ILa', in tact, every disease oi the BYE AI EAB treated, srt"! opTali. :h hi Aural or Oplhalmic Surgery performed by Dr. Gardner. Dr. Gardner refers by permission to tile follow nf n»e li il gs:i.!i tn?n Dr. J. Mott and Dr. I^evett, New York City Prof. S.inb .m and Dr. J. itlake, Boston Dr. Moor, R-K-beateT: Dr. Woodward, Providence Hon. Nthetiiiah Pi-rcc, N. Y. In Milwaukee to F. H. Smith and C. lIuU-luusoii. Dr. Gardner's icciencc is at aunt. 1 W 2)1 West i/th strrctj sear Broadvi^ Mwis-dA w9v BOOTS A SHOES. W. CV WAKRIXKH, A K Ha* removed hi.« extensive jBOOT and SHOE MKM'FACTORf Opposite LeClaire Row, Where !." r.,!! t.e fuo.i, rs. 11,, h,, fl,i HLs'l CI STOM WtilSK.are uii'iirpuss.-d. For l- r'n hand. lhe wa ,,v be to,:'.] in th. ir V.'le ., |f Il| B"s on, whH« "tii!.Ie thciu to I! a vety i.-w J.i i. e. at MAM"FAi il lilKt imi Ubl'AlliNC DON! C. 11. UlbU, Havcapo:: r. Clo'i.l, JJosloa. .bc'.U, I E N S E A A I O N S A K A U V A S 3 1 I I e z s o AV. *.•. K.'r. .V'.M. Havk Wn 1 *PA .Tiia.*.T, K! c].i\ :i» aki uixkivino v iy by tli's' ilvsirab!^ Fashiona()e Sprlnqr C!«odis i-e. i stoe), I i:i, a. li•-(1 1151 i1.T« i V .- 1,C li. IS,!' ill-, -«IM Mil Vo'.K, .!'.'lie H. »,ur w i u v, iit i'"' lor extra: s ChicwfO Spt ,',il vo^ .u ,.vc".iieut:iut} fl.-- i-l.'..'.' w I li ot red. «.-M.5iv (111. i'tjiiK—»-j! "e ss. t'id mess. Tn un! Jtew York, June 13. I S E A S E S OF THE U i ^1.'^ EYE&EAR 'iAlMlNi'. :. r.lUMi.lM.V ii' bnghuid, bat who has been practicing foi the last year with sUcccm in Wisconsin, re.spei i!ulh iuiorius tat- cituea^ of Davenport and Vicinity, tl.rti 'c'i-.s ik'-n room- at th Ml runs HO 9 SE, I *lnr« 1. v...a:il Th. .-day. .Itily 7th. I nn liifiei iiiat tit.ur will visit tai- e.iy one w«!fk in eat i mouth, and in be consulted daily from 5 Tf- Catarrh, Impair- -^r-7-w^-^K x-^yr! -..j, IHuImeIc an4 Kruil Utiltr O O S 1 S S O E S I'lU-liCttlaract'-ntixn paid to *'ti.m .rk. Wo. 46 Brady Street^ Next Door ahovt- the l'o*t Office. I. I myldti" jpnioVXi ppppppp pppppppp 1'i'f i'p I'ii'ppiip i pi pppp i i*i* rpp ppp is :ir:r roii« 'iillg cut i 11K has the be»t W(.ttis:a»: v iv tub citv, 'and litis i ll orders promptly :inl j- f'n. ',,i jj- C'listom MatU1 (ood» t'lelilre,,- ni'.t,. •••tf Tin: iios'i o.i B*ot & Shoe Store, 'in 11,-ailj Si., I.ny voor BiMIT.S i SHOES." CIIII J) & CO., STOCK \T. Tin I.AI.CKST AND li: a the I' v, iij ,ir.. i.n-l,.l.l! i is ''ioiiideJ c.'i»stnntj induee \K v, lv WDIEXSEKXCITKMEXT rojui'i titioniii iiavtniiurl. ISsire liaiice for Ibiif-tdu*.nt 1 1 1 S S & S I K N S \ew Wholosaic Uelail O 1 I I O o u s e MHropoIiliiii lilot k J"." ^riir: viua-niv/iim* 1. I 1- it.'itLN I be a\ e lu\ ciipo:', aie! si.i oil:)'. lur. e ju-t :.p. ie il l.c _• Stock of 11,1 OK Till. i ill•• O I I'lO'Hls/llrtl/ imOOtlH Ever Ii ii:n 'iiiC ii* ii\ i n .UTll.1 ,,1 elil". i 1 e n o i S o ff i .*,•! -I'r. eti..', t-. I ol', v hi (loci-l w. t.':dl and j.«e y»iut.-i i cs pi To s.-vt V, .11 K.-i-ps tS'C Rest Wines and isiquors Al AAA A AAA A A A V AA AA AAA.VAV V AA* »A\ AV AA 11 1: r..-e ar.d e Vr tjji VOill Country .Hfi'fAffn/s. V*»ti wii! iMnl it to our uh vaini i 1.-I»»i \iw :ii iii v o\ti' v. il! w-^ :ul ui i!!'ac*tur. 1. Our if, Firsi in fashion. iu pricfi HESM 6. bTEitN, .«tll iut'.ini. Hall. trepoh ,!, I.' Meet"tiji.e i. In-, a. X". s.-e 1 oi niei o-dtf I LA* I A I) SAT DON I »K:I». iicinxt^cu, 1!" LUNCH KVKfiV MOJiXIXQ. Toh iccf :rri«'. 'fi -,!rs. Ac. Ol'.' s* s waited '.1 o t» HfVV :o-d :.':-nt .n (ii/-.- me .-. ":i• i N E W U O E i V O I S E Julius Srhrtlbft*, Corner Front &. Brady &ts., AVi ole^»le uiid Uetai! dealer in CHOin: FA.1HLY (aiOMlRIES, ProvWons, Salt, Yohfieco* Victim* A!.-0 Choice Wines and Liquors, r.-ih r,.r. ,jn ,t- I Uanr.-iiitee lo sritc ilio 4(u:ilily ol' tiootN xo ox thk i.owk-t liv A JVC terms. Call und cxumine th. -t »ek and I "an! the priccs f-cfor n.ircliHkinK el»-wl er«. Wh.'d.'sulf dealers will find it (o their advai'tawe toj ivetnca call, (iood-t delivered within toe citv li'nit free of charge. iav-''"dAwlvi JLLIL'S SCFlfUKHEB. \vr:r.r)*s Photographic iiooms $ a i i i u i t- i i PHOTO'i It A I'HS & AMUROTYPES Taken in the hij .. .• *tr!o ol th" Hit. Particular attention ({'ven to enlarging from our Da^nrreoty pes and Arabrotypoa ol de.-cased p«r toiis an 1 children. uiy 17 diw AOilb't. ill FclrMti are §9 Irtiff THE BD\Ui OK HL'ALTB OF ANY CASES UF SMALLPOX, Wilbin til i.laitu of The ity of Davrnport TH,14ttV.»" 5, rppppj.,, pppppppp PPP ivpppppp I-pppppp ii-p ppp pi'p S.IT1.V fllcilKsT cy.s p»::t i r.Ht A 1,1, 'I 111 r-1" 'i !i ::t. r. i 'i '., i te. ..a ihi -and s. iis tii Udlf K7| I. I 'AIIKS. o u e o k e AT". l.--t SOCTH-WATLH .-T.. HICACHt, jlN 111. 1* O. li'.'JL -C 1' W O E U S U K I I 1. OKO W. MflCvuN, U K k A I n i a a S 4^fl* «VJl£UMaui»l JimI iMr jobs Hoasar. a,^lh* |si»iidv!:|e -made on proji. rte ins,'."-. '..ehT-diy CJ u. »AI./i:I.Im lOMMi.- .-iOXANDI'UOUl'Cb MKKCHANT. Af for llei rin^'s .^ufe** and F.ortmuk..' Seal..'", Hydraulic Cement, P!.«.».-r t'arisand Hair.-1 v» '••noM f:.i i r. lluvf-nt'ort. I Ol. lay!! dtf ME HA MTTAILO RS. E A V A O i O I N /^Tcosr n jn TO n M» OI A N Z 3 I E Y E Seon street—lirs' door west, of oional ttik. A "1 a-s,«rtirj. at .-f GEXTS' n'UXl.sfilSt t.o,lS. HOYS' CLOT'lfX: ci.OTItS. CAS.S1 MK!{K. sfllCTS, STOCKINGS, I which I w.l »el! st the moO reasonable priecs. 'usloin Work Done at all tim.« «n-l wrr vri- 1 t'. bc.»t, mt-f! durable und cie e St. All vrho want the b'.-St and Cheap.--! goads iuu.~*. cun.e tn n )v 1 v HIAXZ MKYKIt. rtoreI •ioiui liai'tfiiifier 1 1 ASRI- VOVr.l) FIIS STOCK OF tiOODH I ?l i Kt .nk'.n Hfoek, nil S.*e.»n:l (street, bet. K...H. -id Harri.—n *tre-s«. ..tlu-r.- he ha. uJK-im-'I l.?HI(iNi SToKK. and wilt kc.-p con vainly on band •e a of GentM^ Furnish insr C«ootls, Clothen tnad-to erd'r ea si ortest notice, and warranted to suit. Cull end me. »epid?r Join JOK»A.\, •V^O. 1 r. WEST-SKt'OXU STRKKT. IIKTWKES .i.\ Itradv and Main, i.'--:ki -1.- order sr.d in tbe best sivlf, .MhX ANI» |J»\ S" l.OTlll.Nii «t every ue-ari|ti'n. The t11!* -1 »iiii'fuetion guar antied. 1 Iro-ii iiiv .. .i i .t..iiiers tf'.eirec.a tinui.nce ofpa!io i:x.-. 'j.»-a.'e oriiem. mttt A. M1I.I.EI, 0. BRA Y STREET, HELOW SEC na, I i-i p*,mtlv on hand and inakc* ol der. Gent**, Boys' and Ckl!«lren*« ('!, iUNli of best material and in a inaener i Unit cannot fail to give s t-laetion. I.:' ml I patronage respectfiiltv iwdicited. jinyil-dljr T. W. CLKILASK IIORXBY'ft HclLELLAND, U I E S MANL'FACTUF.KRS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldinp, a k e OnntmntOra for BuildinffS I -F, Ot nj 1 15 CENTS PF.R WEEK. WALL EKEK.KEKK KKKKKEtS K "K Abovo the Post Office* •f aTJ.!. cor/iMkSsson. I I i i i i i Real Estate & Comniivsiou Ageut, I KM'bki. li U 11*TfOTit HTOVK OT A E A N I S *fMO)tg Wftirh I»VI# ••••••••••«i* A -mj-tty ta Bmj Ibs' »V St-IIIttg Uwlatr. roll •iions of all kimk PAY.H! .vr or TAXES, \ri iii!il•.ii- !,o,ii REMTiNS HOtiSliS AND FACMS, h"J y-U»C all F:o,!-. r.i !. .- ii-.- I'.t-i ttii. nprls !?. HEINZ, Produre & Mt rchaut, I 5 K U i RRHRKftKim lt'trtUKKKItKR K'C Kit u.lit tHHKrtil u i K K K HrJiiiiSSSR lit: RKU' ]STO"W OPEXED. AT PLUMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street, br ni:t Iff! S4 SS lit 8444 n i i K't.t It I U.t't I RltR ss 4 84 SH i fWiSH liii Fotrtttf BROWN BLANKS. WHITE XSLANKS, SATINS, BRONZED SATINS, STAUl'ED UOI.0 PAPERS, FIOl'HEl) SHADES, SH.iDfiS. iilM,T ,f.Vl» All llir Above nl very Low I'rire*. FHOSTED, STOVES and TiNWARE. "ti.. :zi' Woven I Stori i i W A S I I U No. 50 Brady Street Ne#r!y opposite IV."• oflicc, IN sroiu: AMI «"el 'rt-t i". .RKCEIVIXO riinea! of t. STOVl'S, that c.-.n be pttrc'ia-e in the eastern market. II. A W. have the «-jehtHi*e sale for SANFOKirS 1 elevated iialleoge Heater I r.f the rn i.-l eeonninit-af invention* ever pro :d, and fvr coavetiieac and coui!ort U I dm The nnri alh'd Triumph, Forest Oak, Iron date, and eib'-r Ci.veri'e paUerns cat ONLY he obtain ed at Hi!!'* and Wa*hbnri, n. very stove nunrHn'ied to give »*li"fnetio or thi money tifiunded. They also keep $»e eelebreled K K S i K I I in which wat-r never froeica. 0FF1' !:, SluKH. IMXiXG.ROOM, BED ROOM, XCl.SEItY, If ALL. AMi SITTING K»OM STOVES caitn«t be sorpwd. H"- in: ite ins"ect1on und defy competition. Alio ou hand stock of Tinware, Jappai el anl Porcelain J. A. Wtn, Clwniltcr Hctf a, Planished Waro, BriIonia fJoo^s, Coal Hods, Tonj^H. hovels, Poker?, in sliof* v er- thin- in tin line. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron War*, manufactured to order on short notice. O I N of all kimli prcmptf v attended to. Call aad amine goods nn.l team ahc prices. oci.'dwtf. I e a w a e s o e I Ifalrr iD IliirdHiirr, iron nml \?ti 1 ERS vOntrBCtOro %t and exaiiiir.e inv Mock of good* heforp purcbaa. S O & A O V i i i n i y M.S. ar out. All Hoods FAM ii'5 IjiipiiuuuU oi all kiutls, ht'lf ami Jr* Iltninvrc, fiflrt and TM* '/Ut /, 12 Brady Rtreot, 'totwect Front and flrmnd. TpARMEl?"5 OFSt t»TT COTNTY HCILD-r it ^'••"•r.dfy. are pmtieularly invited to call! linsf et...kvhcre. "J MOCK oi ((ooo 3 ueiorr purcnmijjr t|stick sMtlei* assd mmsaIIL ,. motto, ond I intend to csflt HP X. All (roods warranted ,ju«t a* tepreaenUo. .W***